The Most Unique Christmas Tradition In New Mexico You've Never Heard Of

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Each of the 50 states contributes its own unique flair to the tapestry of Christmas traditions. From the snowy landscapes of Alaska to the sunny shores of Florida, the nation's diverse cultural influences shine through in a myriad of distinctive celebrations.

In Louisiana, families come together for elaborate feasts that blend Creole and French influences, creating a culinary celebration that adds a dash of spice to the holiday season.

Head west to Colorado, and you'll find the charming mining town of Georgetown transformed into a winter wonderland during the annual Christmas Market. Set in the Rockies, this market boasts a picturesque setting where visitors can relish the festive atmosphere while perusing artisanal crafts and sipping on hot cocoa.

Business Insider uncovered the captivating stories and vibrant customs that make each state's celebration a uniquely American experience, including the interesting festivities that can be solely celebrated within the state of New Mexico:

"In New Mexico, "ristras," a type of red pepper, are hung up as decoration.
They don't have white Christmases in New Mexico, so it makes sense they'd decorate with something a little spicier, which is why dried peppers are often strung across homes or turned into wreaths.
The peppers are said to bring health and good luck, according to Albuquerque's tourism site."

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