GOP Demands Hunter Biden Documents From White House In Impeachment Probe

Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Republicans are demanding the White House turn over documents about Hunter Biden as part of their impeachment probe into his father, President Joe Biden.

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter to the White House asking for "documents and communications sent or received by employees of the Executive Office of the President regarding the deposition of Hunter Biden" and any records "sent or received by employees of the Executive Office of the President regarding President Biden's statement about his family's business associates on December 6, 2023."

The Republicans want to know if Joe Biden had any input on his son's decision to ignore a subpoena that required him to testify behind closed doors as part of the impeachment probe.

While Hunter refused to testify privately, he offered to provide public testimony to Congress.

"The Committees have accumulated substantial evidence that Hunter Biden's business endeavors have improperly included his father, and the President has made false claims about his knowledge and involvement in these schemes. In fact, just days before Mr. Biden was scheduled to appear for his deposition, the President claimed he had not interacted with any of his son's business partners. This is false. The President has met with, spoken to, and received money sourced from his son's foreign business partners," Comer and Jordan said in a joint statement.

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