Senator Katie Britt Delivers Republican Response To State Of The Union

Alabama Senator Katie Britt delivered the Republican response to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address on Thursday (March 7) while sitting at her kitchen table.

Britt called Biden "out of touch" and said his speech was the "performance of a permanent politician." She pushed back against the optimistic view of the country that Biden touted during his speech.

"Under his administration, families are worse off, our communities are less safe, and our country is less secure. I just wish he understood what real families are facing around real kitchen tables like this one," she said.

"The true, unvarnished State of our Union begins and ends with this: Our families are hurting. Our country can do better," Britt added.

Britt then attacked Biden for causing the current crisis at the southern border.

"President Biden inherited the most secure border of all time. But minutes after taking office, he suspended all deportations, halted construction of the border wall, and he announced a plan to give amnesty to millions. We know that President Biden didn't just create this border crisis. He invited it with 94 executive actions in his first 100 days," Britt said.

"President Biden's border policies are a disgrace. This crisis is despicable. And the truth is it is almost entirely preventable."

She also pushed back against the positive view of the economy that Biden painted during his speech. She pointed to the highest levels of inflation the country has seen in 40 years and record levels of credit card debt.

"Hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet today. And with soaring mortgage rates and sky-high childcare costs, they're also struggling to have a plan for tomorrow. The American people are scraping by while the President proudly proclaims Bidenomics is working. Goodness, ya'll. Bless his heart. We know better."

Britt said that the country is at a crossroads and urged Americans to choose the Republican Party.

"There is no doubt we're at a crossroads. We all feel it. But here's the good news: We, the People, are still in the driver's seat. We get to decide whether our future will grow brighter, or whether we settle for an America in decline. Well, I know which choice our children deserve – and the choice the Republican Party is fighting for."

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