George Santos Announces He's Running For Congress After Getting Expelled

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Disgraced former Congressman George Santos announced his running for Congress again. Santos, who was elected to New York's 3rd Congressional District in 2020, was expelled from Congress before completing his first term following numerous scandals.

Santos was forced to admit that he fabricated most of his biography and employment history while campaigning. Then, he was hit with multiple federal charges relating to campaign finance violations and fraud.

Now, Santos is seeking to run for office again, this time challenging Republican Rep. Nick LaLota for New York's 1st Congressional District.

LaLota was one of the Republicans who spearheaded the effort to expel Santos from Congress before the end of his first term.

"Tonight, I want to announce that I will be returning to the arena of politics and challenging Nick for the battle over #NY1," Santos wrote on X. "I look forward to debating him on the issues and on his weak record as a Republican. The fight for our majority is imperative for the survival of the country."

LaLota responded to the announcement in a post on X.

"To raise the standard in Congress, and to hold a pathological liar who stole an election accountable, I led the charge to expel George Santos," he wrote. "If finishing the job requires beating him in a primary, count me in."

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