WATCH: Firefighters Playing Pickleball Save Driver Who Nearly Ran Them Over

Photo: Tempe Fire Department

A group of Arizona firefighters were playing pickleball in the parking lot of their fire station on Tuesday (March 12) when a car ran over a fire hydrant and started speeding toward them. As the firefighters quickly scrambled out of the way, the vehicle slammed into two pickup trucks in the parking lot before coming to a stop.

One of the firefighters rushed over to the car and pulled the driver out through the passenger-side door. The other firefighters ran back inside the station to get equipment and began to provide medical care to the driver.

Officials said the driver was taken to the hospital. No information was provided about their injuries or condition. An investigation has been launched to determine what caused the driver to lose control and speed across the road toward the firefighters.

The Tempe Fire Department shared a video of the tense moment on YouTube.

"The firefighters went from running for their lives to running to help the driver. This shows the professionalism of these firefighters," said Interim Chief Darrell Duty of Tempe Fire Medical Rescue.

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