Kylie Kelce Says She Had 'No Business' In Recent Viral Video

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Kylie Kelce, the wife of recently retired former Philadelphia Eagles All-Pro center Jason Kelce, said she had "no business being" involved in a recent viral video in which she performed alongside a local Irish Step Dancing team during St. Patrick's Day.

Kelce, whose maiden name is McDevitt, acknowledged the video of herself with the members of the McHugh School of Irish Step Dancing outside a massive crowd at Media's Towne House in Philadelphia during the third edition of her TikTok series 'Places Kylie has no business being.'

“I haven’t Irish danced since probably seventh grade, and that is with the exception of occasionally when impaired in college,” Kylie said. “I had no business. None.”

Kylie said a 4-year-old girl named Maggie, who she said she was there to watch perform, approached her while she was standing on the balcony at Media's Towne House.

“This little peanut right here is the whole reason that we even ended up at this bar,” Kylie said while narrating the footage. “We wanted to see Maggie perform with her Irish dancing school, the [Pennsylvania-based] McHugh School of Irish Dance.

“Please notice the raised eyebrows. This is the moment where [my] head-shake says, ‘I’m not supposed to be up here.'”

Kylie said she danced for McDade School of Irish Step Dancing from age four until seventh grade and claimed, "my sister did it longer and was much better." The former field hockey player turned coach then said her husband and their friend, Chuck, volunteered her to perform with the group.

“Take note of this look right here. That’s the ‘oh you think you’re funny’ look and I’m darting that over to the two men that volunteered me for this activity, Jason enjoying a Guinness and our dear friend Chuck. Sleep with one eye open," Kylie added. “Thank you to everyone for being so supportive while I embarrassed myself and I’m out.”

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