Haitian Police Recover Hijacked Cargo Ship After 5-Hour Shootout With Gangs

Photo: Anadolu

Haiti's National Police led a mission to free a cargo ship that was hijacked by gang members. Officials said that two gangs hijacked the ship, named Magalie, and kidnapped its crew on Thursday (April 4) as it left the port of Varreux.

The cargo ship was carrying 60,000 sacks of rice to the northern coastal city of Cap-Haitien.

Authorities said the operation lasted five hours and that two police officers were injured. An unknown number of gang members were killed. No information was released about the crew on the ship.

Officials said that the gangs managed to steal bout 10,000 sacks of rice before the raid.

The rescue was a rare victory for the Haitian police as they struggled to fight back against rampant gang violence that has ravaged the country over the past month. Gangs have targeted government infrastructure, burning down and demolishing numerous police stations. They also stormed two of the country's biggest prisons, releasing more than 4,000 inmates.

The gangs also opened fire on the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, which remains closed.

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