See Where Illinois Ranks On A List Of The 'Most Beautiful States in the US'

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Would you consider your state to be the most beautiful place to live in all of America?

Each state offers a unique essence unlike any other, whether it be portrayed amid stunning nature scapes, or within unmatched man-made architecture. The state you live in might be beautiful, but how beautiful is it in comparison to the other 49?

According to Thrillist, Illinois ranks as the 48th most beautiful state in America. Per the list, the top five most beautiful states in the country include California, Hawaii, Alaska, Utah, and Colorado.

Here's what Thrillist had to say about why they ranked Illinois as the 48th most beautiful place in the U.S.:

"This largely featureless Midwestern state compensates in the most effective way possible: plugging dozens of beautiful skyscrapers along Lake Michigan. Yet outside Chicago, you can still find dramatic vistas in Illinois—the knobby sandstone formations of the Garden of the Gods in the state's southern tail, for one. And do scope those beautiful Mississippi River views along that long meandering western border."

For the full ranked list of the most beautiful states in America visit

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