Poll Shows Which Presidential Candidate Voters Trust On Economy, Inflation

Photo: AFP

When it comes to dealing with inflation and the economy, more voters say they trust former President Donald Trump than President Joe Biden.

When asked what issues mattered to them ahead of November's presidential election, 88% said the economy, and 85% said inflation. The respondents to the ABC News/Ipsos poll favored Trump to handle the economy over Biden 46% to 32%, while 21% said that they didn't trust either candidate on the issue.

The results were similar when voters were asked about inflation, with 46% saying Trump was better equipped to deal with it compared to 30% who said Biden. One-quarter of voters said they didn't trust either candidate to tackle rising inflation. 

Despite the wide gap on two of the most important issues heading into the election, Trump and Biden are still neck and neck in the poll, with Trump edging out Biden 46% to 44%. The remaining ten percent of voters said they would vote for another candidate.

Among registered voters, Biden leads Trump 46% to 45%, and among likely voters, Biden's support increased to 49% while Trump stayed at 45%.

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