Family Uncovers Hidden Camera Disguised As Rock Pointed At Their House

Photo: Upyanose / iStock / Getty Images

A California family was left unsettled after their neighbor found a hidden camera pointed at their house. James Dimapasok told KTLA that the camera was disguised as a rock and placed across the street from his home. 

"It was a camera covered in clay that looked like a rock, so it was very precise," Dimapasok said. It was on a power bank, so it was a cordless camera."

Dimapasok took the camera to the police, who told him it was transmitting video footage using nearby cell towers. He also downloaded the footage himself, hoping to learn more about why it was placed there.

While reviewing the video, Dimapasok saw the suspect setting up the camera. He was wearing a white motorcycle helmet, so Dimapasok could not identify him. 

It is unknown why the suspect placed the camera outside of Dimapasok's house, though Dimapasok and his wife are worried the suspect was casing their home to rob it. 

"I have no money," he said. "So whatever you're doing, if it's money or whatnot, I got nothing, and I don't know why you're doing it. Just stop."

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