Woman Finds Mysterious Note And Money Inside Brand New Box Of Diapers
By Dave Basner
May 15, 2020
Most new parents go through dozens if not hundreds of boxes of diapers in the first few years of their children's lives. During that time, the only things they find in those boxes are diapers and an occasional coupon, but what one woman came across in a brand new package of diapers has some people smiling and others a little freaked out.
Michelle Pannett of Queensland, Australia shared her discovery on Facebook. It's an Australian five dollar bill and a note that is titled, "My Wealth Wednesday." It reads, "To the person who finds this. If you are having a tough day, I thought maybe I could brighten it up with this little surprise. Go buy a coffee or a scratch ticket. Practice some self-care today. Always remember you are much loved and you are amazing."
Having a day at home today just trying to catch up on the mountains of housework. I had opened up a new carton of...
Posted by Michelle Patricia Pannett on Monday, July 22, 2019
In her caption, Michelle said, "To the kind person that has done this thank you!! It is such a wonderful gesture and certainly brought a smile to my face. I will def get a coffee or a scratchy soon. Hopefully someone sees this who knows you and passes on my thanks."
Plenty of people commented on the post with some calling the note a "sweet gesture" and a "little bit of kindness." However others were a little more concerned since typically the package is sealed. One even wrote, "The package has obviously been tampered with which is creepy."
It should be noted that some boxes of diapers do have hand holes punched into the cardboard to allow customers to get a better grip on the carton as they carry it. It would be easy to put money and a letter through those holes.
No word on if someone at the packaging factory slipped the note and cash in the box or if it happened while the diapers were on the shelf.
Photo: Getty Images