Mountain Lion Thinks Twice About Entering Arizona Hotel In Wild Video

By Dani Medina

April 28, 2022

Photo: Arizona Game and Fish Department Tucson/Facebook

Mountain lions are common in the Sabino Canyon area of Arizona. But common enough to be wandering around a hotel? I think not!

A mountain lion was caught on camera thinking twice about entering the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson on Monday (April 25). Surveillance video shared on Facebook by the Arizona Game and Fish Department in Tucson shows the wild animal creeping through a corridor, only to be frightened by the opening automatic sliding doors. The mountain lion then sprints away as if it never happened.

"Its age and startle response suggest that it was just learning its way around and not dangerous," the government organization said. "(Mountain) lions are common in the Sabino Canyon area, but incidents are few."

According to The Charlotte Observer, mountain lions are "capable of seriously injuring or killing humans," but prefer to avoid human contact.

Some Facebook users who saw the video joked about the hotel's high prices that sent the wild cat running, according to The Charlotte Observer. Others said hotel guests were lucky the mountain lion was afraid of automatic doors.

If you come across a mountain lion, call 623-236-7201.

You can watch the video below.

Unwanted Guest: A young mountain lion thinks twice about entering Loews Ventana Canyon resort early Mon. Its age and startle response suggest that it was just learning its way around and not dangerous. Mtn. lions are common in the Sabino Canyon area, but incidents are few. If seen call 623-236-7201.

Posted by Arizona Game and Fish Department Tucson on Wednesday, April 27, 2022
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