Olivia Newton-John's Daughter Sends Reporter Moving Voicemail About Her Mom
By Rebekah Gonzalez
August 10, 2022
Olivia Newton-John's daughter Chloe Lattanzi sent a tearful voicemail to an Australian TV reporter after she was moved by his tribute to her late mother. According to TMZ, the voicemail was played Wednesday, August 10th, on Australia's Today show after they got permission from Chloe herself.
The message explained that Chloe had seen Entertainment Editor Richard Wilkin's tribute to Newton-John and it compelled her to call him and express gratitude. In the voicemail, Chloe's voice sounds pained as she tells him, "She's free now and out of pain."
Daily Mail transcribed Chloe's voicemail in full:
"Hi Richard, this is Chloe, I just saw your beautiful tribute to my mummy. I just wanted to hold you. I saw how much you loved her and I just want you to know she's free now and out of pain and all the family is here together. She's making the sunshine and the dogs are running around and smiling and the horses are galloping 'I just want you to know that she's free from pain now and she fought so hard and I was with her every step of the way. I just felt your love, mummy and I both care about you, care about you so much. I love you my friend, thank you for doing that."
On Monday, August 8th, Newton-John's husband John Easterling posted to her Facebook page to share that the beloved performer had passed away at the age of 73.