This Is The Best Place To Go Apple Picking In Minnesota
By Taylor Linzinmeir
September 23, 2022
One of the best fall activities, in our opinion, is apple picking. You can go to an orchard, pick your own apples, then come home and use them to bake a number of delicious fall treats. Plus, apple picking is an activity anyone at any age can enjoy.
If this has gotten you excited, might we suggest visiting the best place to apple picking in your state? Reader's Digest recently compiled a list of all the best apple picking spots across the United States for this exact reason.
So, where's the best place to go apple picking in Minnesota? Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake. The orchard's hours vary, so make sure to check out their website for more details. Here's what Reader's Digest had to say about it:
You weren’t expecting to run for your apples, were you? OK, you don’t have to, but every year for the past 34 years, Pine Tree Apple Orchard has hosted the 5-mile Run for the Apples race through the trees, strawberry fields, and pumpkin patch. At the finish line, dive into some apple-themed sweet treats before picking your own fruit—they have over 20 types including the unique Dolgo Crab.
Check out Reader's Digest's list of the best place to go apple picking in every state.