All Episodes

January 2, 2018 133 mins

It's a very special Christmas-edition of Outkick the Coverage with Clay Travis. Clay and producer Jason Martin take you on a merry ride as they share their thoughts on all the happenings around the NFL in week 16, including the Playoff Picture and the MVP race. And, the guys look ahead to the Eagles-Raiders game on Monday Night.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. Hey, hey, Merry Christmas. Wow,
my very own smartphone. Now I can download I Heard
Radio and listen to my favorite shows like this out
Kick the Coverage with Clay Travis. Where do you think

you're gonna put a tree that big? We're I'll show
you live from the Fox Sports Radio Studios. Here's Clay Travis.
Welcome into the Geico out Kick Studios. Christmas addition, as

you can hear by my voice. First of all, Merry
Christmas to all of you. Thank you for spending your
Christmas holiday with us. If you are working, more power
to you. As many people are obviously still working even
though it is Christmas Day. If you are spending it
with your family and your loved ones, uh, more power

to you as well. Many of you probably in your
cars driving all over the place to get ready or
to continue your Christmas holiday. So we thank you for
spending time with us. More importantly, thank you for spending
so much time with us all year long. It's been
a tremendous year for OutKick the Coverage. We thank you
very much for all that you have done to spread
the word about this show. When we started a couple

of years ago, Uh, there was uncertainty about how Fox
Sports Radio is going to do in the morning. And
as we finish off, we've got nearly three a MFM
affiliates in all fifty states. We've got Serious Channel to eighteen.
We've got x M channel two oh two. We've got
millions of you downloading the podcast every single day. And uh,
I thank you seriously for all that you guys have

managed to do for us. And uh also just from
the bottom of our hearts here at Fox Sports Radio,
Mary Christmas, and thank you for spending your morning with
us here. What is a very special holiday? More all right,
as you can tell from my voice, I went to
a frigid, cold game yesterday, the Titans against the Rams,

and I gotta tell you, Todd Gurley against the Titans
was as good of an offensive weapon as I have
seen in person in a very long time, taking away
the quarterback position. Now, the Titans didn't do a good
job defending him, but I've watched Todd Gurley play every
significant game of his college career at Georgia, I've watched

him play in the NFL, and I know what a
revelation he was when he came in as a rookie
and and what he was able to do. But to
see what Sean McVeigh has done with him in this offense,
the degree to which he was wide open. It seems
like every single time they needed a big play. Uh.
Congratulations to the Rams, one of three teams that managed
to win their division today, alongside of the Jacksonville Jaguars

and the Kansas City Chiefs, all officially winning their divisions
on next to last Sunday of the year. We've got
so many different stories to get to, but what I
did was jot down what I thought were the biggest
takeaways of the day's action in the NFL. And like
I said, I was at the Titans and the Rams game,

and the Rams are just a revelation. I mean, I
I know that there are several good coaching jobs that
have been done this year, but to me, Sean McVeigh
is not even just a good coaching job this year.
He's a good coaching job all time in the history
of the NFL. And so for the Rams to go
from an afterthought kick to the curb team that looked

like Jared Goff was, it was not even going to
be an NFL caliber quarterback at a very high level
to winning their division this year is flat out incredible. Um,
I thought that this year so far. We still have
one week left and we'll get into some of the
playoffs scenarios and everything else for everybody out there to
get you ready for Week sixteen action. We'll talk about
the games to UM in the in the NBA today

later as well as the NFL game still to come.
We're gonna talk to Todd Furman an hour two for
some of you out there may be listening on podcasts
driving around lots of trips. I am going to to
make a drive to Michigan with my entire family later today.
UM and uh, fingers crossed on how that's gonna go.
If you're anything like a lot of dads and moms

out there, a lot of kids loaded up in the car.
I'll have three nine and under all in the back
seat of the car and uh, and hopefully the weather
is not gonna be too awful as we make the
drive from Nashville to to the Detroit, Michigan area, where
my wife is from, to spend several days with her
for the holiday season. But I gotta tell you, UM,
Jimmy Garoppolo story one for me is Jimmy Garoppolo. He

looks like a better looking Joe Montana. This guy, ever
since they gave him the reins with the forty Niners,
has looked like a complete steal. He maybe the best
trade in the modern history of the NFL to get
him for a second round pick and to have what
he has looked like with the forty Niners. You want

to talk about a trendy offseason pick that is gonna
look like they are potentially just absolutely outstanding the forty Niners. Remember,
if you go back and look at the early part
of this season, they were competitive and just about every
game they just didn't have a difference maker at quarterback.
And then Jimmy Garoppolo took the reins and he has

been utterly phenomenal. To me, he is the biggest story
of the end of the year in terms of how
to project going forward into If you are San Francisco
forty Niners fan, you should be thankful no matter what
you open up as a president underneath the Christmas tree today,
because I gotta tell you you have managed to get
the best gift of all, which is a quarterback that

looks like an absolute stud. Like I said, hate to
hate to be jumping the gun here, but Garoppolo looks
like a better looking Joe Montana right now. Um. Dallas
Cowboys eliminated from playoff contention with a really bad home
loss to UH the Seattle Seahawks who were left for
dead by me and many others last weekend with their
performance against the Rams. I gotta ask this question, will

Jason Garrett survived this offseason? That's been a question about
him for years with the Dallas Cowboys, And what's up
with Dak Prescott. Dak was awful. He got Ezekiel Elliott back.
He was really bad. Dez Bryant was really bad. Dez
Bryant got into a screaming match on the sideline demanding
the football. They finally threw it to him. He made
a catch and he fumbled it um and then he

got a tip ball interception that basically killed another drive
for the Dallas Cowboys. I think again, I said before
this season started, Year two to me is typically when
you find out whether a quarterback is going to be
good or not. Now we've had some regressions in year three.
Marcus Mariota's regressed Jamis Winston. I think it's fair to
say has probably regressed certainly in year four. Derek Carr

has been a shell of what he was in year three.
But usually in year two is when you get kind
of the sign of whether your guy is gonna be
good enough, good or good or not at the quarterback
position in the NFL. Look how much better Jared Goff
is in year two? Look how much better Carson Wentz
was prior to his injury in year two. Can't say
that about Dak Prescott. As excited as everybody was for

Dak last year, he's looked very average this year. It
looked like NFL defenses have started to figure him out.
He hasn't been able to make a lot of plays.
His his wide receiving corps has looked Pedestrian Ezekiel Elliott
has not been able to rescue him from mediocrity. Dallas
Cowboys have a lot of decisions to make in the
off season, and I'm not sure how many of them

are very easy. So I think there's a lot to
get to. Their will continue to unpack. How nervous should
Cowboy fans be about the future. Is Jason Garrett gonna
be back? Um, to me, one of the other major
stories of the week that just ended yesterday or not ended,
because we still have the games today on on Christmas
Day Monday Night games. But to me, the biggest takeaway

here was we've got to figure out and on a
large like a larger perspective era, we've got to figure
out what to do with replay because the New England
Patriots were yet again a beneficiary of a highly questionable
call that was made in their game against the Buffalo Bills. Now,
I don't know that this one actually and you had

a substantial sort of impact on the overall outcome of
the game, because the Patriots pulled away regardless in the
second half and certainly late in this game. But in
watching that catch, I don't understand how you change the
rule and how you change the call and make that
not a touchdown. Now, again, this is important, but you

hear the announcers say it all the time, but very
few people actually unpack it. When a call on the
field is made, the only way you change it is
if you can entry and controvertibly tell that the call
was wrong. And I'm sorry, there is no way on
earth that you could tell that that call was wrong.

It's not we think it was wrong. It's not we
think it might not be right. It's this is the
wrong call. And I think what's happened with the HD
cameras and the all the different cameras that exist for
these NFL games and all the different angles that they
can splice together, is that they started to play god
and instant replay review and they started to try to

be flawless in their analysis as opposed to just avoid
tremendous errors. That's what we initially got instant replay, to
avoid tremendous errors, to ensure that something that everybody saw
on television was not totally and completely wrong. And I
think with the HD era and that agree to which

now we can zoom in with cameras and everything else,
that we've almost eliminated the idea of their ever being uncertainty.
And that's scary to me. In the game, with the
catches that we saw at the end of the Patriots
and the Steelers game, and also with the way that
we saw this game end, what we need to do
is go back to the standard of we only change

the call when it's clear, incontrovertible. That means there's zeroed out.
That means if you showed it to a hundred people,
a hundred people would all have the same opinion, and
they got that one wrong and the Patriots benefited. Again.
We're gonna break all that down. I'm gonna tell you
all the playoffs scenarios, all of that still to come.
Merry Christmas outkicked the coverage Christmas Day Edition. Up next

the playoff picture in the NFL and more. I'm Clay
Travis this, I'll kicked the coverage. It's the holidays around
here and we're wishing you and your family the best
is the season, enjoying the holidays with you. Hi, This
is HI. This is Days on Fox warts Radio. Happy Holiday,

I'll be Holiday. Welcome in Christmas Day Edition again. Want
to reinforce appreciate all of you spending your Christmas Day
with us wherever you may be across this country or beyond.
We appreciate all of the support that you guys have
given us. We are breaking down UH Christmas Day edition.
We're breaking down all the games that took place on

Christmas Eve and UH. In the opening of the segment,
I went through what I thought were kind of the
big stories of the of the day in terms of
trying to to set the overall agenda. First of all,
congratulations if you're a Kansas City Chiefs fan, if you're
a Jacksonville Jaguars fan, or if you are a l
A Rams fan, because all three of your team's clinched

the divisions yesterday, which started to firm up some of
the overall playoff picture in both the a f C
and the NFC, which we will get to here momentarily.
If you are a Cowboys fan, I think there are
a lot of questions about out the entirety of your franchise.
It seemed like Dak Prescott was the quarterback of the
future I said before. I think a lot of times
in year two you find out whether or not you've

got the right guy, and Dak Prescott has certainly been
less than imposing in his second year with the Dallas Cowboys.
The Cowboys officially eliminated from the playoffs. The Seahawks still live,
either they or the Atlanta Falcons will be the sixth
representative of the NFC. Will break down that a little
bit further. Jimmy Garoppolo, maybe the steel of the decade,
maybe the steel of the century so far, second round

pick for a guy who looks like a better looking
Joe Montana. If you are a forty Niners fan, you
should be ecstatic. Um, the the overall decision making on
instant replay? What in the world is going on? What
happened to the poor Buffalo Bills getting screwed out of
what should have been a touchdown against the New England Patriots.
The the instant replay the rule seems to be do

you play against the Patriots? If the answer is yes,
then you're touchdown? Did not catch? This is now the
York Jets, This is now obviously the Pittsburgh Steelers, and
also now the Buffalo Bills, three rulings that I think
are fairly indefensible from a perspective of just a casual
football fan. Um, what exactly is going to happen now?
NFC and the a f C and Jason Martin you

with me that we almost have gotten to the point
now on the instant replay review where with h D,
where you can see every single blade of grass, where
every little detail associated with that has become counterproductive. You know,
initially when we started instant replay, it was in a
pre HD era and the goal with instant replay was
to ensure that we did not get something that was

demonstrably wrong, something that everybody knew was wrong, that we
didn't miss that and cause the outcome of the game
to shift. It seems to me now that we have
moved into a different level of review, a different level
of scrutiny, where now we're changing calls and not even
sure at the call initially on the field was wrong.

And that was the number one rule was in order
to change the call, you had to be sure that
the call on the field was wrong. And I don't
understand how anybody even slowing down that catch of Buffalo.
I don't understand how anybody could say, you know what,
that's not a catch. I just don't understand where that

standard of review has gone to. Where now we go
with I don't think it was a catch, I'm gonna
overrule the call on the field even though we're not
sure if it's actually wrong that is the original call. Yeah,
it is very frustrating when you consider that human beings
walk at some speeds, they run at some speeds, they

jump at some speeds, and then you're gonna go through
I saw somebody tweet this out yesterday after that play
and said, we have turned replay and football into a
three act play. People are not out there like Tyreek Hill,
and that he was. He was involved in one as
well yesterday. But the page it's have been the benefactors
three times this season of kind of questionable calls on

plays in the end zone. But we have come to
a spot where who are the players out there that
are performing for instant replays of micro seconds Like that's
not the way human beings moved, That's not how we think.
Instant replay is for egregious errors to make sure that
terrible things aren't overturned. It's this, it's the problem with

this bobbling And obviously the play last week with James
was just a common sense thing. Yesterday, you see Dean Blandino,
you see Mike Pereira, you see everybody that has a
voice that you should be listening to about something like this,
all saying that that Kelvin Benjamin play should not have
been overturned. Yet it was overturned. And I think it
was Pereira that said, nothing irritates officials more than when

they make a call on the field and somebody in
New York goes into the slowest replay imaginable just to
find some reason to change that. By the way, here's
the problem. You can't even tell me, even at the
micro fiber review, right, that that call on the field
was wrong. I mean, you might think it was, but
you can't prove that it was. And if you can't

prove that a call is wrong, then the call on
the field is supposed to stand. Even slowed down, even
zoomed in. I still think that's a catch. And if
you can't disprove that, then the call in the field
should stand. And by the way, that also speaks to
what an incredible job the officials do oftentimes on the field,

Right that even when we go back and look with
all the technology that we have and all the ability
to slow down guys who are running four five and
the rapidity with which the game takes place, even when
we micro second that and break it down and like
frame by frame, we can't even tell that the call

was wrong, right, I mean, And in fact, I think
the officials on the field got it right because they
have a better sense for whether or not the feet
get down. I think they can hear it, they can
feel it. Like they're right there. Um to me again,
this is this is evidence of almost like frank and replay.
We have created instant replay and that's great, and I
think it certainly needs to exist to avoid egregious errors

of judgment causing a game to go away. That it
shouldn't have one team to lose the other team not
to But frank and replay exists. When you do this,
when you micro scope everything and you can't even tell
under a microscope whether it was wrong, I just think
it's unfortunate. It also drags the games. It makes it.

This is the best example of the no fun league.
You can talk about the celebrations and not being able
to wear the colors that you want or the cleats
you want, or whatever it is. This is the worst.
This takes all the fun out of football. It takes
all of the emotion out of it. It takes all
the momentum out of it. Whatever you want to say
about whether the Bills we're gonna have a chance to
win that game or not, they were in that game

and they did not answer the bell after that play
went against him, and that's not necessarily Again, that's no excuse.
They could have still come back and win the game.
They had an entire half in which to do it.
But this certainly didn't help things, and it, like you
just said, it dragged this game to a halt. And
far too often we're watching seven hundred replays to make
a judgment call. If it takes you seven hundred replays,

then give it to the zebras on the field and
just say they got it right. Because what you're doing
at that point, I don't think that you're any more
equipped to make that call than they are. I I
agree with you, um, and I think that's a that's
a major takeaway. I think another major takeaway for you
is Jason Garrett Dunne, like, are you as nervous about
Dak Prescott now? If you're a Cowboys fan coming back

for year three? Coming into this season, it was all optimism,
notwithstanding the Ezekiel Elliott mess. But we heard so much
about you know, the Cowboys can get Zeke back, They'll
be able to win this game. It's likely that the
Eagles will end up resting UH their their guys in
UH in the final game him of the season, assuming
they can take care of business in week fifteen and instead, right,

what ends up happening. The Cowboys give away a home
game to the Seahawks and look really bad. And did
they look bad enough that if you're Jerry Jones, you're
sitting back and saying, you know what, I think I've
seen enough with Jason Garrett. Maybe the one saving grace
for Jason Garrett. And I think the Cowboys made a
big time mistake. I said this when you were out Clay,
when when Jeff and I were hosting and we debated

it a little bit. I feel like that the biggest
mistake in the world was them not just having Ezekiel
Elliott sit out those games off the start, especially like
they really thought they were gonna win that appeal when
they lost that appeal. If you look at the games
that they won and lost without Zeke and then the
ones that they would have played without him off the start,
I think they would have had the same record, and
then they would have had Zeke and would have been

able to play down the stretch. You bring him out
yesterday against Seattle. He has a decent game. I think
he had ninety four yards. He played all right. It
was not a good football game for either team. Russell
Wilson Dame throw for a hundred yards, but he had
two scores and Dak Prescott obviously he all of a
sudden gets his weapon back, who he has not had.
He's had issues with Sean Lee's had issues with the
offensive line. There's been all these things. But the saving

grace for Jason Garrett is that Jason Garrett is a
subservient presence. And that's what Jerry Jones wants. He wants
somebody he can control, because at the end of the day,
who is the Dallas Cowboys. It's not Jason Garrett, It's
Jerry Jones. So he's not gonna bring some headstrong coach
in there to control it. That's not who Jerry Jones wants.
He wants to be the face of the Cowboys franchise.

I don't think Garrett should have had that job two
or three years ago. He's been there longer than I
ever would have expected to begin with. Now, if I'm
Jason Garrett in my fearing for my job, maybe, but
I don't think Jerry Jones really thought that the Cowboys
were gonna do that much damage this year. So I
don't know how much more trouble Jason Garrett is in
now because of all the things that he's had to
deal with this year. I don't think Jason Garrett is

more than an average head coach. And I've always thought that,
here's a crazy stat for you. So, yes, the Cowboys
are gonna have a lot of decisions to make. We'll
have to figure out. I think a lot of Jason
Garrett's future is obviously pegg to Dak Prescott. Was he
the guy we saw in year one or in year
two when he's regressed. Is he a guy that's just
basically an okay quarterback. We'll find out a little bit more,

I think for sure in season three, where the pressure
is really gonna get ratcheted up with Dak Prescott because
year one, he's playing with house money, nobody expects much
of him. Out of Mississippi State, he comes in to
fill in for Tony Romo and he's a phenomenon. Year two,
they try to say, okay, can you win for us
without Ezekiel Elliott and the Cowboys couldn't do it. And

now in year three, he's gonna start to feel I
think the bright lights and the pressure of being a
Dallas Cowboy quarterback when everything is not going flawlessly. But
speaking of going flawlessly, right now, Jimmy Garoppolo, Jimmy Garoppolo,
if you are a forty Niners fan, we're doing this
show on Christmas. You have just gotten the greatest Christmas

present of all time, because right now, let me give
you a hit. You at this stat This is from
the forty Niners. I saw this just get tweeted out. Uh.
The last two years, forty Niners have not won a
lot of games. Jimmy Garoppolo four, No, pretty good. Listen
to the rest of this. C J. Bethord one in four,
Blame Gabbert one in four, one in four, Colin Kaepernick,

one in ten, Brian Hoyer owen six. So in just
four starts, think about how crazy this is. Jimmy Garoppolo
has more wins than c. J. Bethard, Blaine Gabbert, Colin Kaepernick,
and Brian Hoyer do combined in twenty four games. Think

about how crazy that is. Forty Niners prior twenty four
games seven if you want to count the ones they
actually won. C J. Bethard one in four, Blame Gabbert,
one in four, Colin Kaepernick one in ten, Brian Hoyer
Owen six. All right, Um, it's always dangerous, you know this,
j Mart when I do Live live math. But I

believe they were combined three and twenty four as forty quarterbacks.
Jimmy Garoppolo now won more games than all of them.
He's four and oh in his four starts versus three
and twenty four and those guys. I don't think it's
fool's gold. I think that the forty Niners for a
second round pick, got one of the greatest steals maybe

in the modern history of the NFL. He looks great.
I mean he's undefeated as a starter in this league,
both with what he did here and what he did
him in the relief of Tom Brady when he was
in New England. If you want to try and point
to anything, they've beaten the Bears, they've beaten the Texans,
they've beaten the Titans, and now, of course they win
today over Jacksonville. Those last two are certainly more impressive

than those first two. I want to go back to
the start of the season for the San Francisco forty Niners.
They start out and lose by twenty to Carolina. That
may have happened, They may have still lost to Carolina.
Then they lose twelve nine to the Seahawks in Week two.
I think if Garoppolo is playing at that point, they
probably win that football game. They lose forty one to
thirty nine to the Rams in a major shootout. In

Week three, and then it gets interesting. San Francisco loses
by three to the Cardinals. That certainly wouldn't have happened.
They lose by three to the Cults. That wouldn't have happened.
They lose by two to the Redskins. I don't think
that would have happened. They lose by thirty to the Cowboys.
I don't know that that would have happened. Like if
you go back and look at the entire season. I
was thinking about it today or yesterday watching the Jaguars game.

They looked like a playoff team right now, and they
don't have all that much when it comes to receiving weapons.
That's what's so impressive by Garoppolo. It's not like he's
out there throwing to Antonio Brown. He's not throwing to Gronkowski.
He's making things happen because of his own skill. I mean,
Carlos Hide can run the ball, but Garoppolo was making
sidearm throws. He's got multiple ways in which he can

attack you with his arm. He can make plays in
the red zone. He seems to be incredibly poised. And
what's the comparison here? He sat behind an all time great?
Who else sat behind an all time great for a
few years? Aaron Rodgers sat behind Brett Farve got in there.
Aaron Rodgers could be the most talented player ever at
that position in NFL history. Could Garoppolo get there? I

don't know, but I'll tell you this. When Jeff Schwartz
tweeted out yesterday he's the top ten quarterback in this league,
or is at least in that discussion. I think he's
definitely in that discussion. And that is absolutely incredible. And
then you have to wonder, boy, you better hope Brady's
gonna play for five or six years, because you could
have just given up another decade of Patriots dominance with
Jimmy Garoppolo. No kidding, I mean that has to be

the way you're thinking. I think if you're a Patriots fan,
is Wow, did we really just give up this guy
for a second round pick? If Tom Brady doesn't have
another four or five years left. That could have been
a really questionable decision. Alright, I tease this already, so
let's get to it. Playoff picture. All right, let's start
in the a f C. New England wins. I know
they got the questionable call, but they won pulling away

from Buffalo. That knocks the Bills out of the playoffs.
Right now. Right now, you've got New England in the
one seed. You've got Pittsburgh who plays the Texans later today,
right um, in uh, in a Monday Christmas Day game
that you guys will probably pay some attention to as
you try to hide from your family. Jacksonville is now
in the three spot, and presuming that Pittsburgh doesn't lose

both of their final two right um, it's gonna be
really hard for Jacksonville to do anything other than lock
in the three spots. So you start to look at
the a f C playoff picture. If New England wins
the final game of the season, they will be the
number one overall seed in New England's final game is
against the Jets in New England, so it's hard to

believe that that's very likely that they're going to lose
that game. All right, So the Patriots are probably gonna
be the one seed. Pittsburgh has got to win just
one of two, right, They only have to be either
the Texans or god forbid, the Browns. So I think
I'm pretty comfortable with sliding uh Pittsburgh in as the
two seed. It would be a real upset for them

not be anything else other than that they just have
to win one of these two games. Jacksonville has the
tie break over Kansas City, right, So even if the
Chiefs win and Jacksonville loses, Jacksonville is gonna be the three.
Baltimore looks like they're in pretty good shape. I think
they're gonna beat the Bengals to finish the season in
your five spot. That would be my guest, because they're

now in the five spot right now. And I think
the big question for the a f C playoff picture
is does Jacksonville even start their starters now, presuming that
by the time they get to to the Nashville for
the game against the Titans, they have nothing to gain
and theoretically they'll be playing the Titans again. Now, maybe
you sit back and you think, Okay, if you're Jacksonville,

would you rather try and eliminate the Titans and be
able to play either the Chargers or the Bills. But
to me, when I look at this, I definitely don't
want the Chargers. I think Philip Rivers coming in like
I would much rather play against Mariota and the Titans
based on the way the Titans are playing. Maybe in
an ideal world, I'd like to get Buffalo. But do
you feel comfortable about that kind of situation? Um? So,

to me, I almost just say screw it. I'm gonna
start all my reserves and I'll get ready and start
game planning for playing the Titans in uh in Jacksonville,
assuming they can beat us against the reserves? Does that
make sense to you? And by the way, for everybody
out there who's listening, there are I believe three teams
still alive right the Titans, the Chargers, and the Bills,

all to potentially make the playoffs there and if the type,
if all three of them won, the Titans would get
in at nine and seven. What's the tie break scenarios
for those final spots? Titans win and they're in, if
the Chargers win and Tennessee loses therein if the Bills
win over the Dolphins, and the Ravens lose to the Bengals,

they're in, which I'm not sure exactly how that works,
but those are the that's the way it goes. The
Titans have the easiest road. If they beat Jacksonville at home,
then they're into the playoffs. If San Diego is able
to beat the Raiders, which is probably likely at this stage,
plus the Titans lose, then San Diegos and the Bills
definitely need different kind of case. So there you go.

So let's sit there. If you're Jacksonville and you are
sitting around and you are Doug Marone, is there any
doubt that you would rather play the Titans than the Chargers.
I would much rather at this stage not have to
deal with Philip Rivers and how many times he's been
in the postseason. I'd rather not have to deal with
Melvin Gordon, especially with the anemic way that Tennessee runs
the football at this stage. Plus, you're Jacksonville, you already

know Tennessee. You've seen him once this season, You're gonna
see him next week. You don't show them anything. The
only thing that would change it is if Pittsburgh lost
today to Houston, because then you'd have an outside shot
at potentially still getting the two because of course you
beat Pittsburgh thirty to nine and the five interception, Big
Ben I may not have it any more game earlier
this season. If the Steelers win today, there is no

excuse at all for Jacksonville to show anything because they're
gonna end up probably seeing the team the next week.
And that's to me, when you look at the weapons
on those teams, I definitely would want Tennessee right now
over San Diego for sure. Not to mention, you're playing
in Jacksonville, so you know the weather is gonna be good.
So if you know Philip River is gonna be able
to I mean, it's a lot like playing in l
A or San Diego where he's made a career. All right.

So that's the a f C picture, all right. In
the NFC, you've got it looks like we think, assuming
that they don't choke, the Eagles just have to win
one of their final two games. They now play the
Cowboys the final week of the season, and the Cowboys
have nothing to play for. They also later today tonight,
in fact play against the Raiders, So assuming they can
beat the Raiders, they would lock up the overall number

one seed. That's the Eagles for the entirety of the
playoffs the UH the number two seed would obviously be
the Minnesota Vikings, who looked really pretty dominant on the
defensive side of the ball against Green Bay on what
was it now Saturday? UH they looked pretty outstanding. So
the Vikings get the Bears in Minneapolis. They're a pretty
big favorite. There a couple of touchdowns, you would think,

you would think one and two is kind of set
almost in the NFC. Then you get the Rams, You
get the Saints who have to close out against the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers. You would think the Saints are gonna
beat the Bucks to win the NFC UH South, And
you would also think that the Rams have a we'll
see a decent that should be a hell of a game, honestly,

Jared Goff against Jimmy Garoppolo with the forty Niners going
to l a UH, they've already clinched at least probably probably,
let's be honest, like they probably have already thinking of themselves,
does it really matter whether we're the three or the four.
I'm not sure that it really does for the Rams
at this point, but uh, maybe they'd rather play. In fact,
would you rather That's kind of an interesting dynamic there.

If you've got Sean McVeigh on truth serum, would he
rather play against the Eagles um and obviously Nick Foles,
or would he rather go on the road it against Minnesota.
Either one of those will be kind of intriguing. Then
you've got Carolina, who is in the playoffs. They're going
to make the playoffs. The question is can they beat
Atlanta and hope for New Orleans to lose or they're

gonna be sliding at five and then you've got Atlanta
or Seattle in the six spot. I think that is
relatively simple in terms of what the NFC has turned into.
All Right, we're gonna have a little bit of fun.
It is Christmas. We're gonna break down for you right
now in the next segment, the best holiday movies from

our perspective, What are the best holiday movies? Gotta do
a show. It's Christmas Day special, we're live hanging out
with you guys. Why not do a little bit of
holiday magic, a little bit of holiday fun. We're gonna
do it for the final segments of every hour. Here
the best Christmas movies according to me, Clay Travis and
Jason Martin. I'm Clay Travis. Of course, this is outkicked

the coverage Christmas Day edition. Up next the best holiday
movies here outkicked the coverage on Fox Radio. It's holiday time.
So when you're out shopping, letting Minora or standing in
Live to get a selfie, we'd say keep us lock

as you do that holiday cheer at your void White Travis,
Happy Holidays from this family to yours. This is Fox
Sports Radio. I tell them all I want for Christmas
is two goals. Frochee and seeing Carrie diamonds on a
speck go read that I can wear around my neck.
Great news. There's a great way you could save money.
Switched to Geico. Go to Geico dot com and in

fifteen minutes you could say fiftent or more on our insurance.
It's Christmas Day, early in the morning on Christmas Day.
I appreciate all of you spending your Christmas Day morning
with us wherever you're headed, either to family events or
if you're working, uh like us, we appreciate you spending
your time with us. And we thought we're talking about

this off the air. We thought it'd be fun because
we've had a kind of an internal debate running for
a little while. What are the best holiday movies? Best
Christmas movies? A lot of you today in addition to
watching sports, you're gonna be watching the NBA, couple of
NFL games, college football, going on a lot of eggnog,
a lot of frivolity, lots of happiness. Hopefully wherever you

may be across all fifty states, satellite radio and the
podcast listening to us, hopefully you'll have an opportunity to
kind of sit back and enjoy at least one holiday movie.
And I just jotted down during our one of our
breaks here the three movies that I think are the
best for Christmas. All right, and then I've got one

wild card that turns into a huge debate every year
about whether or not you know what it is, whether
or not it is a holiday movie or not, whether
it's a Christmas movie or not. So here's my top three.
You watch everything Jason Martin with me, my producer at
j mart out Kick. You can follow him there working
with me on Christmas. Here you watch every holiday movie

and every movie and general so you maybe have a
more thorough knowledge of all of the available films out there.
But here's my top three. Number one, A Christmas Story.
I think A Christmas Story is the best holiday movie
that exists. It runs on constant repeat, I think on
TBS right now, it's the middle of the morning, it's

early in the morning. You can turn it on right
now and watch Christmas Story while you're listening to us talk.
I love everything about this movie. Whether you watch it
for three minutes or two hours, it's always good. It's
a movie that the more times you watch it, the
more you like it, which is the ultimate test of
whether or not a movie is good. I love everything

about Christmas Story. I've got it at number one, number
two on my list. I think Christmas Vacation is absolutely fantastic.
I think it was the third of the vacation movies,
if I'm not mistaken. The first one where they brought
in new Kids. Original Vacation was good, European Vacations, pretty
Inner Training. Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase absolutely phenomenal movie,

always entertaining. I love everything about Christmas Vacation. And then
in the three spot and you did an entire podcast
about this movie. It's even better. I think once you
have kids yourself to be able to sit down and
watch it with them and enjoy it with them. Home Alone,
Home Alone is absolutely fantastic and it kind of stands
the test of time. I think on this show before,

I've talked about how my kids got into the Back
to the Future movies and how really I think maybe
Back to the Future one is as good of a
movie as has ever been made, by which I mean,
it doesn't matter how old you are when you watch it,
doesn't matter how many years have existed since it was made.
Back to the Future is almost a perfectly constructed movie.
I feel the same way about holiday movies for the

original Home Alone, uh and everything that surrounds it. Now,
my wild card would be Die Hard because Die Heart
is set at Christmas, the ostensible reason why John McClain
is coming back home and get stuck in what is it?
The Naka Tomi Towers. Uh. The Naka Tomi Tower is
one of the coolest things about me doing television with
Fox when they gave me the tour of the neighborhood.

The hotel that I stayed in, the Intercontinental on the
Avenue of the Stars there like right by Uh, the
intersection of Pico and Motor. There is that hotel right there,
right by Westfield Mall. If you're familiar with l A
at all that Uh that plaza, that building that they
used as the die Hard Building was the location. I

remember we had we were taking a tour. It was
after I was already at Fox. We had one. I
don't remember who the girl was, but it was somebody
who was thinking about coming to work at Fox. And
she was like twenty six or twenty seven years old.
And I was pointing it out like we had a
lunch meeting, and I was like, oh, by the way,
because that's when you work at Fox. That's one of
the things that you do, is like you point out
the die Hard Tower because it's right by the Fox lot.

I was like, that's the die Hard Tower and she
was like what. I was like, you know the movie
die Hard, Bruce Willis you know that it's the Naka
Tomy Towers. That's an tell me plaza. That's the building
they used and they filmed everything surrounding die Hard. And
she was like, oh, I've never seen die Hard. And
I was like, I don't know if I can vote
for this girl to be employed here at at Fox.
So those are my three again, Uh Mary, Christmas to

everybody out there. If you disagree with this three, you're
completely wrong. Christmas Story one, Christmas Vacation to Home Alone.
Three honorable mention to die hard. If you want to
count it as a Christmas movie, what would your three
look like? Home Alone is number one for me? Like
I said you you mentioned I did the podcast. I
know you don't have the time to listen to it,
but it's interesting the way that you phrase that, because
in the podcast I said, Back to the Future is

the perfect movie and Home Alone is the perfect Christmas movie.
We had the exact same opinion. Yes I didnt Yes, yes,
exactly the same. Home Alone did four hundred and seventy
six million dollars in a box office and earilier like
last week, I remember this conversation we had. You said
it was on air for how long? Like when did
that movie come out? And how long did it stay
a movie? There? It was in It was in theaters

from November nineteen ninety until June of over two hundred days,
for twelve consecutive weekends, it was the number one film
in the UH in the country and then ninety two
was Home Alone too, and it did three hundred and
fifty some million. I would say Home Alone's one. I've
got Christmas Vacation at two as well. I agree with
you there. It came out of the year before Home

Alone in nine nine, and if you want to talk
about the money, Home Alone made a four seventy six.
Christmas Vacation only made seventy one million dollars at the
box office, almost hit over four hundred more the next year.
I think Christmas Vacation is one. And this happens frequently
now with cable, where the movie becomes like I'm sure
Christmas Story did like no money at all in the

theater and hardly anybody saw it there outside of you
know movies. There's like Schindler's List. Nobody watched Schindler's not
Schidler's List. Shaw Shank Redemption nobody watched Shaw s ancor
Redemption in movie theaters at the time I did. I
was one of the few because I didn't miss hardly
any movies. And I was like, man, this is a
really awesome movie. Back in the day, whenever it came out,
I watched it in the theater. But then it kind

of took life on cable, and I think certainly Christmas
Story and Christmas Vacation are two examples of movies that
were not anywhere nearest popular, whereas Home Alone has just
kind of consistently been popular. Yes, absolutely right. Uh, you know,
you can really argue on the third one, like I can.
I can make an argument for some of the classics
if you want to go with It's a Wonderful Life

or a Christmas Story or Miracle on thirty fourth Street
or whatever like that. But some other things that I
jotted down. Elf in two thousand three was awfully good,
really really good film Scrooged with Bill Murray in Some
People Look Bad. Santa in two thousand and three was
awfully good. The first Santa Claus with Tim Allen in
did a lot of money, and that was very good.

More recently, the Polar Express in two thousand and four,
a lot of folks really enjoyed. The kids are obsessed,
Like if you just did a top kids movies, that
one is gonna exist for a really long time. I
don't know how well it did in the movie theater,
but my kids will watch the Polar Express this time
of year, over and over and over again. I think
it's their favorite holiday movie. I love Die Hard to death,

so I'll put an honorable mention as well, even though
I could easily put it at number two honestly because
I absolutely love that film. One thing I want to
mention here before we get to our break for the
top of the hour is two thousand and eleven. A
whole lot of people have not seen this film, but
it was great, and it's called Arthur Christmas. It's by
the people that did the Wallace and Groment series, so
it's kind of claymation, but it's got enough of an

adult message to it as well. It is a fabulous movie.
It's good for the entire family. No one, I'll bet you,
Clay you can probably haven't even heard of it. I
have it. You need to watch it, honestly, Everybody out there,
if you're looking for something new this Christmas, it came
out in two thousand eleven, you can find it very easily.
Arthur Christmas is worth your time. We'll definitely check that out.
Appreciate you hanging out with us here on Christmas. I'm

Clay Travis. He is Jason Martin. This is the OutKick
Christmas Spectacular. Continue to roll on for the rest of
the show, But Marry Christmas to you and yours wherever
you may be. From OutKick to cover, it's the most
wonderful time of the with the kids jingle belling and

everyone telling you be of good cheer. It's the most
wonderful time. Only it's the hip poppy seas and of
all game with those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings.

When friends come to call, it's the poppy is season.
There will be parties for hosting marshpellers, for toasting and
carrying out in the snow. There'll be scary ghost stories
and tales of the glories of Christmas Is long long ago.

It's the most wonderful time. There will be much missle
to the hearts will be glowing when loved ones on, Hey, Hey,
Merry Christmas. Wow my very own smartphone now I can

download I Heart Radio and listen to my favorite shows
like this. I'll kick the coverage with Clay Travis. Where
do you think you're gonna put a tree that big?
And we're not show you now fly from the Fox
Sports Radio studios. Here's Clay Travis. Welcome back. In an

hour two out kick the Coverage Christmas Day edition. Thank
you for hanging with us as always as many of
you do to start off your day. We are here
with you, and we thank you for all the support
throughout what has been a fantastic seventeen So I am
Clay Travis talking with Jason Martin, my producer, and yesterday

Christmas Eve, Um, it was incredibly I would say mediocre weather.
I mean about forty degrees, kind of almost spitting snow,
a little bit overcast. Wendy and I had a decision
to make. I've got tickets. I've got season tickets to
the Tennessee Titans game. They've got a game against the Rams.
It's Christmas Eve, obviously, which is a day where there's

a lot of family obligations, a lot of responsibilities. And
I'm gonna be honest with you, if I had been
making the decision, I would have just eaten my tickets.
I would have just said, you know what, I'm it's
not worth driving down to the stadium, it's not worth
getting into the crowd, parking, worrying about all those aspects.
But I asked my boys. You know, I've got three boys,

nine seven and a three year old and so I
asked the two oldest kids. I had two tickets because
we have season tickets. And then uh, I asked my
two oldest kids. I said, do you guys want to go?
Because I would just be like, I'll just buy another
ticket on the street and then we'll find somewhere, you know,
either my youngest kid can sit in my lap or
we'll find somewhere else. Uh in the stadium where we
can find three seats. And I said to him, I said, Okay,

do you guys want to go or not. I'm gonna
let you guys make the decision because it's Christmas Eve.
You know how young kids are. They are gung ho
about Christmas, the Christmas Eve. If you remember being a kid,
it's like Christmas Eve is the longest day of the year.
There's no doubt. It's like D Day. For It's like
d Day for elementary age kids. If you but if
you are a Santa Claus true believer and you were

waiting for Santa's and his sleigh to get to your house,
as many of you actually who are listening to us
right now probably are, especially in the western part of
the United States. Um you ever try to get those
kids to sleep at night. You know exactly what I'm
talking about. That day seems like it drags on forever.
So you try to keep them busy, you try to
get them tired out. But I was like, man, you

can probably hear my voice. I'm a little bit sick.
I was like, I don't know if I want to
go stand outside in this weather for three and a
half hours. I didn't have a lot of faith in
the Titans. It was justified. Turns out that they would
find a way to lose against the Rams, who were
playing so well with Jared Goff and Todd Gurley, and
so I asked my boys, I said, do you guys
want to go or not? You guys make the call.

Was that solid move by me? Not solid move? Because
I'll tell you what, if it had just been me,
I wouldn't have gone at all. So we go. I
buy a twenty dollar ticket from a scalper outside the stadium.
We have a good time. You know, the Titans ruined
Christmas Eve by losing. As I told my boys, hey,
Titans are probably gonna lose this game. Don't expect that
they're gonna win all of those things. Um, was that

a pussy willow move of me to have tickets and
be not willing to go to the game because of
the weather and also the date. Play first, you want
to make a culp on your late Lee Greenwood tweet
from halftime yesterday, I thought, when Lee Greenwood did, God
Bless the USA, I thought there was no way the
Titans could possibly lose. It is tied up thirteen thirteen

and a half. And by the way, let me just
take a minute here to talk about why the Titans
drive me crazy. I think there was one play in
particular that is the one that like just drives me insane.
The Titans had a first goal early in that game
inside the one yard line. Literally, the ball is almost
already touching the goal line. Right, you have Derrick Henry

in your backfield. You should be able to run the
ball four times and score there, right, And the tight
end false starts and gives up five yards. I think
the tight end I think it was Luke Stocker. I
think he should be cut on Monday. I mean, even
though it's Christmas today, even though it's Christmas, I think
you cut him because here's the deal. That is such

an incredibly stupid play that it drives me crazy. Right.
The one thing you cannot do when you were in
that situation is false start as an offensive lineman. If
you have to start late, if your guy gets an
extra step on you because you were so nervous about
watching the ball and when you're gonna start, that play

may well have ended up costing the Titans the game
because that's the seven point. That's a four point move, right.
That false start is worth four four points because the
Titans lose five yards there, they then get sacked. I
would I if I were a coach. The problem that
I might have as a coach is that I'm gonna
be reactive to real stupidity, and that play is indefensible
to me. It's tough to do that on Christmas. Maybe

you wait until Tuesday on Christmas. You gotta send a message.
But yeah, so yeah, I was wrong, Lee Greenwood. I
thought the Titans would find a way to win when
they were tied at the half um they couldn't cover
Todd Gurley. As good of a player as I have
seen in an NFL game outside the quarterback position in
a very long time, I've seen a lot. I've been
fortunate to see a lot of guys play in person.

But man, I watched Todd Gurley play a lot in
person when he was at Georgia. But he is just, uh,
he's just a different caliber out. And I mean he
won that game for the Rams, But what kind of
what where does that rank on the pussy Willow scale. Well,
it's interesting because I don't think it was a terrible
play on your part. First off, you you've been sick.
I've been sick for about a week. Luckily I had

some vacation time to take them. There's a lot of
a lot of people stick all over the country right now.
This is the time of year where you're inside, it's
starting to get cold. At least parties to go to
your shaking hands. You're probably drinking and eating more than
you ordinarily would, not getting as much sleep. Holiday season,
a lot of a lot of illness going around. Yes,
So your decision's interesting because the night before the game,

I was on a date and the female I was
with was having the same argument whether or not she
was going to take her kid to the game or
whether or not she was gonna stay home because of
the weather. So I guess I'm comparing you right now
to my lady friend, you're dating a woman with a kid,
yes to actually two kids? How old are the kids?
Thirteen and eleven? Are you are prepared for this responsibility?

I mean, look, have you met the kids? I have not? Wow,
I have not. So she had to make the decision
to do I want to go to the game? Yeah,
she had to make the same decision. And I bet
you there's a lot of people that had to make
that decision. I think I was looking at as you
were as you were saying, I was trying to write
things down. One do I want to see the Rams
offense right now? In person? The answer that question would

be yes, how do I feel? Well? You didn't feel great,
But you were also going to do this for your kids,
so you let your kids make the decision. That's kind
of selfless. That's a selfless play. Occasionally, Yeah, I guess. Uh.
The weather was the weather. It wasn't snowing yet, it
started to kind of it was like an icy mix
on Sunday night, but not during the afternoon, so it

could have been worse. But then there's this. You didn't
believe that the Titans were gonna win this game going
into it because the way that they have looked, and
the way the Rams have looked. So did you really
want to depress yourself on Christmas Eve while you already
felt bad? While you were also probably gonna be shivering
in your seat as opposed to sitting at home in

your nice plush you know confines there where you live,
watching Red Zone and watching all of these games. Because
the other thing is this the early window yesterday, nine
games including Atlanta and New Orleans, which turned out not
to be as good as we hoped, and a few
other pretty interesting matchups. So you sacrificed and allowed your

children to make the call for you. If it's me,
I don't think I go to that game. As much
as I'd like to see the Rams offense in person,
I'd get another chance, especially if I'm you and I
can take flights wherever I want, whenever I want. I'm
probably staying at home honestly, So I can't really fault
you on this one. I'd love to. That would make
my day. It would make my Christmas to be able
to fault you. But I can't fault you. Yeah. Look,

I mean I let the kids pick, and I was
really hoping they were gonna say no. I was hoping
they were gonna say, like, no, Dad, we don't want
to go because I mean it's cold. Um, you know,
you get all layered up, it's a you know, like
it's and people say, well, you already had the tickets. Well, yeah,
I had the tickets. But when you buy season ticket,
it's to me. The benefit you get from buying season
tickets is I've been to the other games. So if

if it's you know, like gonna be awful weather, or
if you've got obligations elsewhere, like, the tickets are already
paid for. So it's not like I I'm not one
of those people who's like, oh, I've already paid for
the tickets, I better go. I mean, I would rather
make the decision as to whether or not to use
the tickets or not. That's more valuable. Plus you factor
in what you're gonna spend to travel to the game

and what you're gonna spend on food and drink once
you get there with kids, and you're gonna end up
spending a lot more money than you're gonna you know,
like say, even quotation marks by actually using the tickets.
So I mean I was, yeah, I was hoping that
you know, the positive would have been. I when I
went went, I was like, there's probably a thirty percent
chance the Titans win this game. And if they win

the game, then I'll be there with the boys and
I can be like, hey, congratulations. Now we can celebrate
the Titans making the playoffs because it'll be the first
time in either of their lives that the types have
been in the playoffs, which is sad to say. Um,
And I'm not sure, frankly, how frequently it's gonna happen again,
because sooner, sooner or later, Andrew luck is gonna get
back healthy and Deshaun Watson's gonna come back healthy. And

I'm not that confident in what the Titans coaching staff
has managed to pull off this year, just going up
against Blake Bortles. So anyway, I made the decision to go.
I think it was a borderline questionable decision. And if
I lose my voice before this show is over on
Christmas Day, it definitely was. And then you know you're
gonna get woken up in the middle of the night
basically like I was by your kids to open up
their presence. My kids wake up at like three am, UM,

to open all their presents. So I mean, it's totally brutal,
and that's already happened, and it's like you can probably
hear him screaming like crazy everywhere. So anyway, I survived.
Did Todd Ferman survive? We're gonna go out to the
desert with him next and find out how he did
gambling and also have him get us ready for the
NBA and the NFL game still to come today later
on Christmas. This is I'll kick the coverage. It's the

holidays around here. This has been there and this is
Jason Smith and we're wishing you and your family the best.
Whenever you celebrate, please celebrate safely. He joined the holidays
with you. We're Fox Sports Radio. Oh holy night, the
stars are brightly sha. This isn't niceave great news. Quick

way you could save money. Switched to Geico. Go to
Geico dot com and in fifteen minutes you could say
fift or more on car insurance. I'm Clay Travis. This
is outkicked the coverage Christmas Day edition. And what do
we do on Christmas Day? While we bring in a
guy who doesn't have to celebrate Christmas Day because he's Jewish?
Todd be honest, have you ever been jealous of not

having a Christmas tree? Not for one set, not even
when you were a kid. No, not even as a kid.
You know, I was fortunate. I grew up in an
area that didn't have a whole lot of Jewish kids.
And my two best friends though growing up, were indeed Jewish.
So none of us have Christmas trees. The issue being Jewish.
Years ago was the only thing you could really do
a Christmas or Christmas Eve, which you could get Chinese
food because those the only restaurants that were open in Chicago,

and you could go to a movie. So if there
weren't good movies out, that puts you a little bit
behind the eight ball. You didn't have five NBA games
like we're blessed with today. You didn't have two NFL
games on the holiday, even if it fell on a
Sunday or Monday. So it's become a much different tradition.
At the same time, it feels like so much work,
cla everyone. You gotta go out there, you get your
Christmas tree, you assemble it. If it's into that Christmas tree,

you put ornaments on there, you break it down, you
pull the lights off the house. No. All I had
to do with hannak Ending a couple of weeks ago
was take out my manure and I don't even have
one with the candles now, I undo the bulbs, I
put it back in the box and I'll bust it
out three sixty days from a now or thereabouts. All Right, So,
even though you don't celebrate Christmas, do you like any
holiday movies which are Christmas infused? Like? Is there anything

that you enjoy watching even though you're not, like you said, hey,
putting up a Sutmas tree, hanging stockings, all those things.
You know what, there's a number of them. Obviously, There's
been a bevy of good comedies, whether you're talking about
Elf with Will Farrell, Home Alone and I mean National Lampoons,
Bad Santa. So little to say. There are better Christmas
movies and there Hanaka movies because I don't even think

I can name a Hanaka movie if you paid me
right now. Um. But the real question for you, Clay,
that it seems to get an annual discussion. Do you
consider die Hard a Christmas movie? Yeah? We we already
talked about this. So my top three Christmas movies were
Christmas Story. Do you watch Christmas Story, You've seen it, right.
I do not watch the twenty four hours that they
typically show on TBS, but I have seen it. It's

entirety yes, and it's you agree it's a good movie,
like you enjoyed it. It It definitely, definitely entertained. The Red
Rider BB gun is tough to beat. Okay, Christmas Vacation,
which again I think is phenomenal. And then in my
three spot, I've Got Home Alone now I also have
and you'll appreciate this. I was talking at the end
of our one about how die Hard right is such

a powerful movie, and you know, because you've spent time
on the Fox Lot. I think I've even pointed it
out to you that the Naka Toney Plaza building is
right by the Fox Lot, like literally there on Avenue
with the Stars, right where near where Pico and Motor
intersect in l A and the Fox Lot is. And
I drove past with a girl who was interviewing at Fox,

and I pointed it out and she had never seen
the movie die Hard. So I can't tell you how
crushed I was to be like, hey, that's not a
toy Plaza building and have the girl be like Okay,
what movie. I've never seen it? Like, that's crushing to me. Yeah,
that's extremely disappointing. And it's all contextualized. I mean, I
look at that as being one thing, and I actually
wanted a date earlier this fall during football season with

a girl is about ten years younger had never seen
an episode of Save by the Bell. So to Seinfeld,
that's when I knew, Clay that I was starting to
become that creepy old man that you played so well.
So how did you like play it off like that?
I've wondered about that because there are a bunch of
kids now that will end up listening to us like
their version of Saved by the Bell. What was that
Miley Cyrus show that she was on. I don't even

know that much. I don't even know. I mean, I
know what you're talking about, the show on Disney Channel. Yeah,
but I don't. Panna Montana might be the Save by
the Bell of that generation that you were dating. I
don't know how you could date a girl who hasn't
seen Save by the Bell. Honestly. All right, so we
bring you on because one you're Jewish and you don't
have to celebrate Christmas. Two. It is also a big

day in the desert for gambling, because the gambling universe
never stops spinning. Two big NFL games. You already broke
down all the Christmas Eve NFL games. Uh, Pittsburgh going
up against Houston and Oakland against the Eagles. How would
you assess these games? Well? I think the Pittsburgh Houston
game is fascinating for a number of reasons. Obviously, one
of the big storylines Antonio Brown sideline with that torn

caff that he suffered in the loss last weekend against
New England. We've talked to great links in the past
about the Steelers and their lack of mental toughness. How
does this team respond after such a crushing defeat a
game that they had arguably one by the letter of
the law. They didn't make the catch they and win
the football game. And you have to rebound a little bit, uh,
to try and get yourself right as it moves forward.

And in the a f C playoff picture, this is
a big number. We saw it open actually at eleven.
You've seen some professional money come in on the Houston
Texans and this is the Steelers team has played a
number of games in a row in prime time. And
the one thing that we've grown accustomed to with Mike
tom Olint teams, especially when they go on the road,
they play down at their level of the competition. I mean,
on a Sunday night against Green Bay is nearly two

touchdown favorites, they need the last second field goal. Against
the Bengals on Monday Night football, they spot them a
lead against the Ravens this four and a half five
point favorites. They win the game by a point. So
the Steelers are no strangers to dramatics. The problem being
in this kind of scenario, when you're laying over a touchdown,
not a role you want to be in. I think
Houston becomes a very live underdog. What about Oakland and
the Eagles, And we talked a little bit about this

because you come on with us every Thursday, typically during
the course of the out kick the coverage show. If
you point out the difference between Carson Wentz's injury Nick Foles,
Nick Foles looked pretty good on the offensive side of
the ball, they did against the Giants. But now you've
got this situation where if the Eagles win, they lock
up home field advantage throughout. You would think based on

the way the Raiders lost with Derek Carr fumbling into
the end zone against the Cowboys, that Oakland doesn't have
much to play for since they've effectively been eliminated. What
happens in this game against the Eagles? In your mind,
is this an easy Eagles win? I think when you
look at Philadelphia defensively, that's where this game will be one.
I mean, Oakland has been rather one dimensional. The passing

game has struggled. That or Derek Carr's leadership Marshawn Lynch
has provided a little bit of boost, but more bluster
and bravado than on field productivity. And you mentioned the
game on Sunday Night Football. How did the Raiders respond
from that? Derek Carr of course, trying to extend the
football over the goal line, fumbling through the end zone,
effectively cementing their season knowing they'll be home for the holidays.

You look at Philadelphia on the other side, of course,
Nick Voles but workman like four touchdown passes in the
win against the Giants, but not exactly high flying in
regards to a total offense produced in the passing game.
And as we look towards the end of last Week lay.
Philadelphia actually projected to be a short home underdog for
Week seventeen when they play hosted Dallas Cowboys. Now, of

course that number always subject to change, but I think
the Eagles, in my opinion, are going to be an
underdog against the likes of the Vikings. I don't think
there are better football teams in the Saints, and there
are a myriad of other teams that could go into
Philadelphia hypothetically and win a game that the Eagles don't
have Carson Wentz under center. Now, in addition to the
NFL games, we've obviously got five NBA games going on

because for many people, the NBA season really kind of
starts on Christmas Day. Now, the Cleveland Golden State game
lost a decent amount of it's kind of pop I
would say, with Steph Curry being out, still a really
big game. How would you assess these games from a
gambling perspective? Is there any kind of storyline that kind
of has carried into these Christmas Day games? The teams

to typically play better worse. Obviously a lot of these
guys have kids and families as well. It's tough to
be on the road potentially for Christmas how would you
assess an entire days slight of NBA games. You know what,
there haven't been any overwhelming trends. I believe it was
a couple of years ago, maybe last season. It all
seems to blend together that all these games came in

under the total. As books know, these five games will
probably generate a significant more significantly more handled, so to speak,
and what a typical NBA days worth of games would
would get now with in conjunction with the two NFL
games that they'll be going head to head with more
or less, you could see a slight decline in that regard.
But for me, the most fascinating game is actually right

out of the gates with Philadelphia and the Nicks. I mean,
we look at the seventies sixers teams, so much was
expected them as they went through a rebuild process. You know,
how are they going to handle what becomes the big spotlight.
This is a team not used to playing in a
prime time type setting. Yes, we've seen them on TV
uh in you know weeknights. Playing on Christmas Day is
always a different novelty. So I'm curious to see how

these two teams respond. Of course, as you mentioned, the Crown, Jewel,
Cleveland and Golden State in the middle of the day. Uh.
And for me, you know, you get an Oklahoma City
team where so much was expected at them coming into
the season and they've really struggled. Can they get a
season defining win and kind of jump start the close
of two thousand seventeen right that momentum in the two
thousand eighteen against the Houston Rockets, team that a lot

of people are making the claim might be the best
team going in the West, and of course that would
include the Golden State Warriors. So one of the things
that's fascinating to me about these Christmas Day games is
the tips are a lot earlier than usually NBA guys
would be up playing, right, I mean, the seventies Sixers
and the Knicks are going to tip off at noon
to Eastern, and then the Calves and the Warriors on
the West Coast are gonna also tip at noon Pacific.

Is there any kind of value at all in playing
unders in early games when NBA guys, let's be honest,
are typically not up and playing this early at this
high of a level. You never want to say things blindly,
but you want to look at these matchups and dig
in a little bit. I could definitely see a scenario
we were going under in the first half, thinking these

teams could come out a little bit more sluggish. And
I'm also of the mindset that it actually favors the
road teams because you can work as a team. You're
not worried about some of the distractions at home, whether
it's opening gifts, trying to take care trying to take
care of some of those honey doo lists. When you're
playing the early tip off, these teams might be more intrenched,
especially on the road, where it could take a home
team a little bit longer to try and get things going. Uh.

And oftentimes with a noon local tip off, you don't
get that same fervent home court atmosphere that you would
for some of the later games, like the Lakers may
see when they play hosts the Timberwolves. The close things
out today. Uh, you were just earlier talking about how
you went out with a girl your single who had
obviously also I never heard of sayd by the Bell,

never really kind of experience the same cultural touchstones as you.
We had a fun conversation last week, and I don't
think we've been able to talk with you about this,
about whether or not you would date a girl. It's
a crazy story that we found in the New York
host This hedge fund guy was dating a girl, uh
that was a mistress. He was married. He said, I'll

give you four kids and we're going to move to
an ostrich farm in Uganda. Is there a woman who
is attractive enough to you that you would move to
an ostrich farm in Uganda to live with her? Absolutely not.
Now this is a little bit different because I've been
single for most of my life, so I'm able to
date who I want, to spend time with what I want. Um.

But if I was married for twenty years, my tune
may change if I needed something to kind of spice
things up. But at this point in my life, I
don't think there's a woman anywhere on the planet that
is attractive enough for me to give up everything I've
built here in the States, moved to Uganda and have
to take care of an ostrich farm. So I'm gonna
go with categorically no. What are the casinos like on Christmas?
Like you just broke down, all the NBA games that

are going on with us, casinos are open three sixty
five days a year, there's always people. There is Christmas
a time when people travel to Las Vegas and come
stay or is it a dead zone? I honestly don't
know the answer. I would think that it's kind of
a time when it's difficult to fill up the rooms.
But then the flip side to me thinks, you know what, like,
for instance, here in Nashville, they put all the decorations

up and people want to come stay at for instance,
the operay Land Hotel, which is a Vegas like hotel.
I imagine it's pretty pretty lit up and pretty spectacular,
even more so in many of these hotels with Christmas decorations.
What's the season like in Vegas? Anytime you think about
a family holiday, Uh, it is the antithesis of what
Las Vegas stands for. So your Thanksgiving and Christmas is

when you walk through the casinos. It can become a
rather depressing place. Occupancy during that window typically is some
of the lowest of the year. You do have the
National Finals, rodeo and some other events that will get
some of the entertainment excitement ratchet up, but it's typically
not a time that you're gonna walk through the casino
on Christmas Day or Christmas even feel really good about yourself,
um one year through there. Uh. The one thing it

is big for is typically you have a large Asian
clientele that comes in, so a lot of the casinos
will put on me your Asian concerts off because for
whatever reason, Christmas not a holiday that resonates is largely
in their culture as it does here in the States.
But you won't see the influx of folks starting to
come in and the return of normalcy so to speak,
until you get ever so close to New Year's Eve.

And that's really one of the crown jewels on the
Vegas calendar where everything gets marked up at a premium,
from nightclubs now tell rooms to restaurant reservations. As we know,
a lot of folks love to ring in the new
year in typical Vegas fashions. All right, last question for
you college football. There's no college football games today on Christmas,
but there are a lot of games the day after Christmas.
Two days after Christmas, there's a ton. Uh what do

you like, not necessarily in the conference title games because
I'm I mean the playoff games, because I'm sure we'll
talk to you again before those, But are there are
games got day or two after Christmas that you look
at you think, man, I love this game. Yeah on
the pinstrip bull between Boston College and Iowa. Iowa short
favorites in this particular game, but I think Boston College
is a better team. I mean, we look at the

CEC in the Big Ten top to bottom um and
I think the a c C has a significant edge
as far as the middle of the pack is concerned.
The proximity to New York City and knowing how important
recruiting along the Eastern Seaboard is to coach Steven Dazio,
and I think b C will be able to run
the football extremely well against this Iowa defense. It's a
little bit overrated. So many people who became enamored with

the Hawkeyes with a fifty five point outburst against Ohio State.
The last time we saw him was fifty six point
burst against Nebraska. But this a little bit of a
different foe. Uh. I actually think the wrong team is
favored in this particular game. So I think Boston College
a very live money line underdog. And if you look
at the nightcap there at Energy Stadium in the Texas
Bowl between Missouri and Texas Clay. This is a game

where Missouri came into the postseason, is one of the
hottest teams in the country. I know you rode them
to a ton of point spread success against the likes
of Vanderbilt in Tennessee. But oftentimes when you take your
foot off the gas and you have this much time
between games, you come crashing back to earth. And I
think Texas a little bit undervalued here. I look for
them to be able to run the football, think they're
a little bit better defensively, and this is kind of

a game that Tom Herman needs to build some momentum,
continue the recruiting push throughout the state of Texas, so
I can make a case for the Longhorns being live
underdogs as well against the Tigers in their home state.
Outstanding stuff. As always, Todd Ferman. Go follow him on
Twitter at Todd Furman. We appreciate you waking up early
for us out in the desert. Thank you for being
Jewish and able to come on radio with us on
Christmas morning. Happy to contribute, knowing that I don't have

to celebrate this holiday, but I do have to wish
my mom a happy birthday. That's the only reason Christmas
was an important holiday in my household. We always celebrated
my mom's birthday. It happens to fall outstanding is always
happy Birthday indeed to Mrs Furman, and thank you for
providing such a spectacular gambling sun for the rest of
us out here in the sports universe. We'll talk to
you next week, but man, always a pleasure enjoy the

rest of the holiday. Thanks Todd, appreciate you joining us there.
And he brings up an interesting point talking about Christmas
Day and how you choose to spend your day. To me,
if you want sports integrated with Christmas, it's always the
m b A. And this is kind to the unofficial
start for many people to the NBA season. I've even
argued for a while now that if I were in

charge of the n b A, I would start the
season on Christmas Day, not play games in October, not
play games in November, and extend the season all the
way until whatever August, basically so that you don't have
to worry about competing with the the NFL as much
in college football, and also so that you're filling up

the summer months when there's just nothing that happens. And
I say that as a radio show guy who as
soon as the NBA Finals is over, like we look
along on the horizon for the rest of June, the
rest of July, much of August, it's September until basically
games really start to kick off again. That's because people
still take a lot of time off for the summer,

even though I think the world's kind of changed and
people are able to keep track of games going on
just as easily in the summer now as they would
have been, uh in the old days when they would
go on vacation. But the ray is an interesting question
because usually we don't have that many Christmas Day games
in the NFL. But we've got the Steelers going up
against the Texans, We've got the Raiders going up against

the Eagles, and then we've got all five of those
NBA games. Jason Martin, if you had to pick just one,
I'll watch the NBA or I'll watch the NFL. Which
is the better draw? Today? On Christmas? See if stuff
were playing, you'd want to watch the Warriors and the Calves.
I think that would be the best all day, like
the best sporting event all day on Christmas. Yeah, I

do when you look at the rest, I mean, look
at Houston right now. When this was scheduled. Obviously, Steelers
Texans might have been really great if you had Deshaun
Watson and J. J. Watt and Whitney Merciless and all that.
And you're not gonna have Antonio Brown today neither for
the Steelers, So I mean that game is not going
to be particularly interesting. Houston is not gonna put up
a fight. We'll see the Steelers win that game easily.

And then the Raiders after what happened to them last
week on Sunday Night Football. No offense to Danny g
and the Homer's out in l A, but they don't.
Only thing interesting there is to see whether or not
Nick Foles keeps it up that this wasn't just a
one week deal with the Rams against such a depleted
Seattle team. It's basically just quit and almost mutinied. It
seems like on the structure up there. It's still interesting

because of the NFL, but neither one of those two
matchups is particularly interesting to me. You look at the
rest of the NBA schedule, the quiet thing that's no
one has noticed, even though NBA ratings are up pretty well.
Actually the season is that there have been some real
good storylines early in the year, but nobody cares because
everybody assumes that we're gonna see Warriors casts, and they're
probably right. Houston might have something to say about that

they're playing the Thunder. I'm a Thunder fan. That's been
incredibly disappointing this year. You've got Boston and Jayson Tatum
against John Wall and Kyrie Irving and everything that's going
on there. That'll be fun. I saw, you know, Todd
talked about the Knicks and the Sixers. The Knicks are
better without Carmelo Anthony the seventies Sixers. There was that report,
that little speculation that came out last week that Lebron
might consider joining the Sixers as opposed to go in

to l A or any or else at the end
of the year and joining that that young team that
teams a lot of fun to watch, Minnesota and Lakers.
You've got a Lonzo, which means you've got LaVar and
Courtside doing nonsense. And Minnesota is a fun team, another
young team. So I mean, there's some good games there,
but there's nothing here that just like screams I've got
to see it except Warriors and Calves. But the fact
that Steph is not playing really takes a little bit

out of the sales there, Honestly, Like, I'll be talking
about this tomorrow on the radio, so I'll be watching
all this stuff. If I wasn't talking about this stuff
on the radio tomorrow, I'm not sure how much of
this I would watch, quite frankly, meeting the NBA or
the NFL. Yeah, really no, I mean there's nothing here
that just screams must see except maybe Warriors Calves. Yeah,
it is kind of intriguing because you don't get this

head to head very often between the NFL and the
NBA on a major holiday like this, when there's so
many people sitting around at home looking for an excuse
to sit around and watch sports. Let's be honest, and
I just feel like the question with the Steelers against
the Texans is are the Steelers gonna show up? And
by the way, I would go in NFL. I would
go in NFL. I think you're right that if if

Steph Curry were playing, I think Cleveland Golden State would
be the best single game to watch today. But I
would go in NFL because I just think the significance
of the NFL games is so much. I agree, I mean,
I agree with that. I mean, whoever wins Warriors calves,
it's not gonna matter when they get to a Best
the seven series in the NBA Finals. So I mean,
I agree with you there. It's just the idea of
the injuries in that first game. But I do think

that you're right. Pittsburgh loves to play down to their competition,
and Houston is definitely down right now, especially such a
tough loss where you know, the catch non catch from
Jesse James, and Pittsburgh, like you said, plays down to
their level of competition. So if the Steelers lost to
the Texans, I think this is kind of shocking to

a lot of people. And you know, you think about
the way the Jaguars the rest of their season could go.
Potentially that bye week becomes in play, right because the
Jags beat the Steelers head to head partend, Actually, there's
obviously still still a lot of uncertainty there. And the
same way with the Eagles if they lost to Oakland.
Let's say that Oakland Derek Carr came out and played

a phenomenal game, Well, then maybe the Eagles. You know,
path to the Super Bowl with Nick Foles is not
as easy as we would have anticipated because they're not
the overall number one seat. Now, if they win, it
won't matter, right if they go out and they take
care of the Eagles, those are significant games. But they're
significant games frankly if the substantial favorites lose. Otherwise they

don't matter that much. But it's just the NFL. There's
so much fewer games. It's hard for me to say, oh,
I've got to pay attention to the n b A,
I can't miss this at all. I do think that's
a little bit of a a little bit of a
difficult situation in general. All Right, you just heard from
Todd Ferman. You just heard from us breaking down everything.
At the end of our one. We talked about our

favorite holiday movies at the end of our too. How
about it's Christmas. We have a little bit of fun.
You can find us on Twitter at Clay Travis and
j Mart OutKick. What are your evorite songs? What are
your favorite songs that you love that put you in
the holiday spirit, that puts you in the Christmas mood.
It is Christmas Day. We thank all of you for listening.
We'll talk holiday songs next here on our kick the coverage.

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Go to Geico dot com and in fifteen minutes you
could say fifteen percent or more on car insurance. I'm
Clay Travis. We are hanging here on Christmas morning. I
appreciate all of you for coming and hanging out with us,
and uh, I hope you're having a great Christmas wherever
you may be. As we come up on the conclusion

of our two here lots to discuss. Obviously, we've been
breaking down the NFL. We've been diving into the uh
the games to come on on Christmas Day. I mean,
got a couple of different Christmas Day games that could
be integral to the overall NFL playoff race. And as always,
for a lot of you out there, I feel like
today is when the NBA debuts because a lot of

people start to pay attention to the NBA on Christmas Day.
College football going on as well. Hopefully kicked back, have
some egg nog, watch the kids, open up presence, and
hope you have a great time wherever you are across
the country, whether you're having to work like us, or
whether you're just spending the entire day with your family.
Uh many, thanks for spending your time with us. So

in the hour one, we were kind of contextualizing and
going through what we thought in honor of Christmas. The
top holiday movies were part of our power rankings for
holiday movies, and then we thought, you know what we
should do, like this kind of a conversation we've had
off the air, what about the top Christmas songs, top
saw things that like to you personified Christmas. And I
feel like for me, mine is probably gonna be a

little bit different than yours, Jason Martin, because I think
about it not only as a um as a kid,
but also as a dad with kids and now as
an adult like you kind of roll all these different
perspectives into the equation. And so for me, this may
be a little bit off the board. This may be
the equivalent of of taking a real flyer early in

the first round of the NFL Draft. I think the
best holiday song Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. Santa
Claus Is Coming to Town never fails. Like, if you
have young kids, they are so ecstatic about Santa Claus
and the magic of Christmas and everything that surrounds that
early morning that many of you are probably gonna be

able to experience. And if you don't have young kids
in your house, maybe you're fortunate enough to be grandparents
and uncles. Whatever it is, Christmas with young kids in
the house is totally different than Christmas any other time
of the year. Like right now in my house, we've
got uh in laws staying in the house. Uh my
parents live close by. They're gonna be over all day like,

and I don't blame them at all, because one day
when I am a grandparent, hopefully got got a willing
that I get that old. The opportunity to watch young
kids open Christmas presents and just kind of be en
meshed in the magic of the holiday season is tough
to top. So I think Santa Claus Coming to Town
my number one, and then my two and three may
be controversial too, because there again songs that are really

popular with kids that once you have kids. As an adult,
you also still like at my two spot, I've got
Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. You tell me a time
that you hear Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and it
doesn't make you smile. I just don't think there's a
single person out in America today that hates Rudolf the
Red Nose Reindeer. And in my three spot, Frosty the

snow Snowman. Same reason. Rudolf the Red Nose reind Year
and Frosty the Snowman. Those songs every time they happen,
total complete winners there. So I got Santa Claus Coming
to Town one, Rudolph to Frosty the Snowman. Three what
about you, Yeah, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. The
two thousand three Bruce Springsteen version I had marked down
on my list as well. It was originally recorded in

nineteen thirty four by Eddie Canter. That was the first
time the Santa Claus Is Coming to Town actually happened.
But the Bruce version has become like a staple during
his holiday concerts, and it's it's really really good. I
think my number one has changed through the years. I
think it's Chuck Berry's Run Rudolph Run from nineteen fifty eight,
and it's a home alone tie in honestly because I

think of the mcalister's running through the airport to try
and make the flight in the first Home Alone and
for some reason, I just love that song and it's
grown on me through the years. So I have that
mark down and then you know there's there's different stuff.
But honestly, I'm a big fan of Christmas in Hollis.
I really enjoy the seven run DMC song. Uh, that's
just kind of you know, it's not really every The

most I read this, the most like requested and known
Christmas song of the last several years is Mariah Carey's
All I Want for Christmas. As you and I've heard
that everywhere. It's not ever gonna make my list. The
rest of the list of stuff that I wrote down
that you didn't mention that probably bears mentioning would be
rocking around the Christmas Tree Brenda Lee in nineteen fifty eight.
Also in Home Alone, Adam Sandler the Hanukah song, which

we've discussed on this program many times. That is the
funniest like I would be fine, Like, we have to
play Christmas music for several weeks on this show, and
that's the one that I can hear and it makes
me laugh every single time. It's not one that could be, like,
you know, personifies the holiday season, but it is absolutely fantastic.
Maybe the funniest song that's ever been recorded. I mean,

I mean that legitimately. I don't know of how many
other songs have become iconic and associated with the season
that are entirely from a comedic perspective, other than you know,
the song Mama Got run over by a right here
like is. I don't know if that's on your list,
but that's the one that I think is also pretty fun.
Kids will love that one as well. Yeah, jingle Bell
Rock Bobby Helms in nineteen fifty seven. Uh, it's the

most wonderful time of the year. Andy Williams in nineteen
sixty three. Obviously, White Christmas Bing Crosby in the forties,
which is also in Home Alone. I was thinking about
this as well. I think this is another aside, and
and you have to mention some hymns Oh come all
you faithful would probably make my tree honestly silent. Lights
Fantasistic Night is like tough to top. Yeah, oh coom
all you Faithful has always been my favorite, But I

like Silent Night. I like go Holy Night as well.
I think that there's a discussion to be had for
the worst Christmas song as well, the one that when
you hear it, you just kind of want to murder
an infant. And for me, it's nineteen seventy nine Paul
McCartney's Wonderful Christmas Time. I cannot take it like I
want to take a dog, just a nice puppy and
drop kick it into the sun. Every time I hear

Wonderful Christmas Time. I don't like Mariah Carey like I
don't like Soriath Carries. I mean, I think there's a
lot of people out there right now that are like
I would you know. The Mariah Carey song drives me
insane because it's just play so many places, like so
many different stores that you go into. I have no
idea how much money she's making off this thing, but
it must be millions of dollars a year because it's

played all the time in everywhere. Yeah it is, And
like I said, it's the number one most requested song.
I was. I was doing some research and looking into it,
and I don't see why. Like, I mean, I know
you're starting to see it in some movies and things,
but there's nothing about that that just if you're gonna
go classic, you should go classic. If you want to
go modern, I don't think Mariah Carey is going modern.
I looked on some of the other charts, like Justin

Bieber has a Christmas album and stuff like that, and
that stuff has all become popular. But really and truly
it's I was thinking about it. You went real classic,
like you went Chalk, you went Alabama, Ohio State USC
Notre Dame on your on your list there? What else
do your kids like? Uh? They like I mean, first
of all, any and we talked about some of the movies,

like they like a lot of the soundtracks that come
out of let's say, like the Polar Express. Like my kids,
if if it's Christmas season and they want to watch
a movie movie, Polar Expressed at the very top of
the list. So there are several songs that they sing
during the Polar Express movie that I'm not even that
privy to that they would never get tired of. They
love the Grandma got run over by a reindeer coming

home from my house Christmas Eve, like ridiculous songs like that.
And then again not the Chipmunks, right, please tell me
now the squeak will and everything else. No, thankfully we
haven't had to get into that, although they did love
those Chipmunk movies. But then I think the classics Rudolf,
the Red Nose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, also with the uh,
you know, like the modifications like you'll go down in
history like George Washington, you know, like there's a bunch

of little asides that have been added to those that
kids have added and they pick up on as they
get older, like they never get tired of those. And
my kids are nine and seven and three, So I
think going with like kind of the old school classics.
To me, they're not sitting around saying, like I want
to hear White Christmas. They're like, let's sing Daddy, let's
sing Rudolph or Frosty. You can tweet us what you

love at Clay Travis at j Mart. Out Kick our
two now in books up. Next hour three. We continue
to roll Christmas edition out Kick the coverage here on
Fox Sports Radio sleigh Belsine are listening in the land
slowest listening a beautiful side, will happy tonight, walking in

the winter wonderland gone away is the blue bird? Here
the state is a new bird. He sings a loud
song as we go along walking in Hey, Hey, Merry Christmas. Wow,

my very own smartphone. Now I can download I Heard
Radio and listen to my favorite shows like this. I'll
kick the coverage with Clay Travis. Where do you think
you're gonna put a tree that fig and over and
I'll show you now f from the Fox Sport It's
radio studios. Here's Clay Travis. Welcome in our three outkicked

the coverage. Many of you waking up across the country.
Thank you for spending your Christmas Day with us on
Clay Travis, Jason Martin in studio with me here in Nashville.
It's a quiet day to be sure on the roadways,
especially when you're up early in the morning, as many
of you are listening to us right now. We appreciate
all the time that you spend with us, whether it's
on a great holiday like Christmas today, or whether it's

a ordinary day. Two thousand seventeen has been a pretty
outstanding year for Outkicked the coverage and a big reason
why as you guys, we're on nearly three a MFM
stations now and serious to eighteen XM channel two oh
two millions of you downloading the podcast every month. Frankly,
it has been an outstanding year, and for many of you,

it was an outstanding Sunday as at least three teams
went ahead and clinched their divisions. The Kansas City Chiefs,
the Jacksonville Jaguars, and the l A Rams all clinched
their respective divisions, and we started to get a good
sense for what the final playoff picture was gonna look
like in both the a f C and the NFC.
We'll get into that next segment, um, but I wanted

to give you my biggest takeaways from what was a
pretty sinilating Sunday. Uh, even if it was Christmas Eve
and probably a lot of you were busy running around
weren't necessarily able to see all of the games taking place.
First of all, Jimmy Garoppolo flat out incredible. This guy
looks like the Steel of the twenty one century when

it comes to trades. I don't know what Bill Belichick
was thinking, but I hope that Tom Brady has got
several years left because Jimmy Garoppolo has been different level
and different caliber extraordinary. That that I hit you with
earlier in the show that I'm still kind of blown
away with, um is how good Jimmy Garoppolo has been.

Kind of putting it into this perspective, Jimmy Garoppolo. In
the last two years, all right, there's been a lot
of games played by the San Francisco forty Niners. In fact,
thirty one games played overall right, and you poor Browns fans,
you're about to lose your thirtieth of those thirty one
or you just did lose your thirty of those thirty one.
I apologize, you've gone one in thirty. Uh. The forty Niners, though,

have started five quarterbacks during the course of the last
thirty one games. Okay, here are the records. C. J.
Bethard one in four, Blaine Gabber one in four, Colin
Kaepernick one in ten, Brian Hoyer, oh and six. All right,
that is a combined three and twenty four in the

twenty seven games prior to Jimmy Garoppolo starting. Jimmy Garoppolo
in the last four weeks. Four note, so Jimmy Garoppolo
in the last four weeks with the same talent that
the previous four quarterbacks had gone three and twenty four
with again, c J. Bethard one in four, Blaine Gabbert

one in four, Colin Kaepernick one in ten, Brian Hoyer
Owen six all pretty much the same players. Those guys
went three and twenty four with those four quarterbacks. They've
now gone four no with Jimmy Garoppolo. That's an incredible statistic.
I mean, that is a holy cow moment. Jimmy Garoppolo,

as I tweeted yesterday, looks like a better looking Joe Montana.
If you are a San Francisco forty Niner fan and
it is Christmas morning and you are listening to me
right now, you don't even need to get any Christmas presents.
You have just gotten the greatest Christmas present of your
life with Jimmy Garoppolo for a second round pick for

the San Francisco forty Niners. John Lynch ought to be
grinning like a crazed man all day today as he
goes back and watches the tape of that win over Jacksonville,
the Cowboys eliminated, and Dak Prescott looked downright average. And
if you are a Dallas Cowboy fan, I think you
have to be a little bit nervous. I'm not saying

it's time to have the panic button, but you can
be unhappy with Jason Garrett. You can be unhappy with
the NFL and their decision to suspend Zekiel Elliott for
six games, which I think fairly through the entire Dallas
Cowboys season into a bit of a cataclysmics, you know,
kind of unbelievable, uncomfortable situation. But Dak Prescott has just

been okay. And I would say, in big picture storyline
for what we've seen this year, it's been a lot
of these young quarterbacks not be able to take the
next step. Marcus Mariota. I was at the game between
the Rams and the Titans. Mariota was just mediocre. The
interception that he threw on his first past of the

game was indefensively bad. He looked like a freshman quarterback
who had never played in high school before throwing the
pass that he did to get picked off. I mean,
I don't even know what he possibly could have seen
on that play, and there have been a lot of
those passes this year. Jamis Winston, you saw him fall
apart at the end of the Panthers game. What's going
on with Jamis Winston? Derek Carr looked like he was

good enough to win a Super Bowl last year. This
year the Raiders have been awful and Dak Prescott as
good as Jared Goff has been this year. It's like
they've been on a seesaw. Jared Goff has gone soaring
into the season into the sky, and Dak Prescott has
come plumbering back down to earth. How much of that

is the expectation level of the quarterback in the year
two catching up to him. How much of that is
suddenly everybody having tape and being able to go watch
Dak in the off season now that they know he's
going to be the guy, as opposed to suddenly stepping
in for Tony Romo and nobody has the opportunity to
break him down. What's going on there? It's troubling. Is

Jason Garrett going to survive to another season? How about
the Patriots and instant replay? If you are a Buffalo
Bills fan, if you are a New York Jets fan,
if you are Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I think it's fair
for you to sit back and say, you know what
a touchdown is. It's whenever somebody's trying to score against
somebody other than the New England Patriots, because I think

we have legislated a great deal of absurdity into the
NFL game. We talked a lot last week about the
Steelers Patriots catch no catch for Jesse James. But the
instant replay system here is designed to catch clear errors,
that is, when somebody makes a mistake as an official.

Instant replay was put in to catch clear, indisputable errors
in ruling so that the team that actually won the
game didn't end up losing the game. When I look
at what happened in the instant replay of the Bills
touchdown catch, there's no way on Earth, even when you

slow that catch down too as slow as you possibly can,
and even when you zoom in two infinitely better camera
angles than ever existed prior in the years when instant
replay first started, HD microscopically defined, there's no way that
you can tell me that that was not a touchdown catch.

And if you can't tell me that is not a
touchdown catch, then under the rules, I don't think you
should be able to make that change. So that to
me is a glaring flaw that needs to be reconciled,
that needs to be fixed in the off season. In
addition to figuring out what it catches. They need to
go back in and say, Okay, we're only going to

change the calls when we can acent tell that they
have been made incorrectly. And I don't know when this
idea became kind of paramount that we're going to change
the call if we think they're wrong. But the goal
initially with instant replay was to only change the call
when you can tell that it was wrong. And anybody

who watched that Bill's Patriots game, there's no way on
earth that you can tell me that that call was
made correctly and that the call on the field had
been made incorrectly. That's the purpose. I think we're starting
to blow it there. That is my big kind of
takeaways in general. Again, the uh the NFC South has

almost been decided. The Saints got a massive win, massive
win over the Falcons, and now we find out whether
all three of the teams from the NFC South are
going to get in, and if in fact they are,
then we're gonna have to get a win by the
Falcons over the Panthers, which would elimit eight. The final
two teams in the NFC, we're down to either the

Falcons or the Seahawks, who managed to come back from
an awful loss uh and get a big win. All right,
Up next kind of give you a roadmap for where
we're headed. First of all, again, thank you for spending
your Christmas morning with us. Up next, we will break
down the NFC and the a f C playoff picture.
I'll bring in my buddy Jason Martin at j mart
OutKick and we will dissect all of the possible outcomes

of the playoff picture. As we move on, we will
also talk maybe a little bit more about what we
talked about some an hour one and an hour too.
Since it's a Christmas edition, we're talking about the top
holiday movies as well as the top Christmas songs, and
maybe we're gonna get into the best Christmas gifts. This
is something other than the San Francisco forty nine ers
getting Jimmy Garoppolo unwrapped under the tree there. And we'll

also talk about all the games that are taking place.
Interesting question that I asked an hour to may circle
back around. If you had only to pick, would you
rather watch the NBA or the NFL today? Two NFL games,
five NBA games. It's a lot to get to from
a sports fans perspective, but our three now in the
books as we get rolling, Merry Christmas to all of you.

Thank you for spending it with us here on out
kick the Coverage on Fox Sports Radio. It's the holidays
around here and we're wishing you and your family the
best is the season. Enjoy the holidays with you here. Hi.
This is Ben Mally. Hi, this is Jake the Happy

Holidays on Fox Sports Radio yourself. I'm merry little Christmas.
Let your heart welcome back in. I'll kick the coverage.
I'm Clay Travis, Jason Martin here with me Christmas Day edition.

I think all of you, all fifty States, everywhere wherever
you may be, both in the United States and outside
of the country. Thank you for listening to us and
spending your Christmas Day with us. Many of you maybe
actually listening to us overseas, especially if you are soldiers.
I look at the download numbers and see how many
of you are listening on military bases all over the country, uh,

and all over the world, frankly, and I know you
guys are working at a high level, probably missing home.
We appreciate you spending Christmas with us. Hopefully we're giving
you a little bit better sense of of life in
the States. And thank you for all the service that
you've given us um outside of the country, and for
the fact that you're having to miss Christmas with your families. Uh.
And that's why we're bringing you a lot of breakdown

of a fantastic weekend in the NFL. Still two games
to be decided later today, but the playoff picture is
beginning to round into shape. Jason Martin makes sense of
the a f C for everybody out there, it's not
that complicated, at least at the top. If the Steelers
were to lose today, then the Jaguars would still need

them to lose next week, would have to beat the
Titans to jump in front of them, and the Steelers
play the Browns an important part of that. So the
odds of the Steelers losing to both the Texans and
the Browns are almost zero. So we feel pretty good
about the Steelers locking up the number two spot, right. Yes,
we feel very good about that, and obviously the Patriots
are number one. Didn't even mention that, but there when

pretty much made that a given number four looks like
it's gonna be the chief. So you've got pat Steelers
and Jags, and then you've got Kansas City. They now
have absolutely nothing to play for except preparing for a
wild card game. Uh, that game looks like it will
be played against the Baltimore Ravens. The Ravens only have
to beat Cincinnati in the final week, so it looks
like we're staring down the barrel of Kansas City in

Baltimore in one of the wild card matchups. That would
be the four or five Kansas City in Baltimore. Yes,
the third and then the three six game would be
the Jaguars that we just spoke of against either the Titans,
Chargers or Bills, and you put them in that order
because it's that likely. If the Titans beat the Jaguars,
who really should not show anything, then the Titans are in.

If the Titans were to lose and the Chargers were
to beat the Raiders, then San Diego would get in.
The Bills need to beat the Dolphins, they need the
Ravens to lose to Cincinnati, and they need a little
bit more help in order to get in. So you
really it looks like the Titans are gonna get in
because I can't imagine Doug Moron is gonna go in
and try to beat Tennessee on the road thinking if

they don't get that job done, they're gonna have to
see that team again the following week. So it looks
like Pat's Steelers, Jaguars, Chiefs, Ravens, Titans, And if somehow
Tennessee fell apart and did not win that game against
what I think will be the reserves of Jacksonville, then
San Diego would get in if they beat the Raiders.
That's the big question, right if you are let's assume

that the and it's always a little bit dangerous to
talk about, but I mean, it seems crazy to me,
having watched the Steelers play all year, that they would
lose to the Texans and then lose at home to
the o N fifteen Browns. I mean, that would be
one of the most unbelievable back to back losses that
we've ever seen from a top contender. I mean, this
is a team we think could be contending to make

the Super Bowl. So that would be pretty unbelievable to
see happen. So let's presume that that's not gonna happen.
The big question I think that a lot of people
are gonna have as we come into the week the
final week of the NFL season is what do the
Jags do? Because I think as soon as tomorrow, what
time is that game later today between the Steelers and
the Texans. That's the early game, right or is that

the late game? Um? When you obviously, um, we've got
the the the five NBA games going on, We've also
got just a couple more of those games still to
come on the on the NFL schedule, and the Steelers
are on at four thirty eastern tomorrow, Steelers at Texans.
So as early as seven thirty eastern, let's say you

can know if you're the Jags, that you are, that
you are slotted in at three, and that you know
that it's probably likely that you were gonna play the Titans,
because I think if you're the Jags, you want to
play the Titans instead of the Chargers, right. If you
have to choose between playing against h Philip Rivers, who's
played a ton of times in the postseason and had

a decent amount of success over the years in the postseason.
Or Marcus Mariotta and the Titans. Don't you just go
ahead and say, Okay, we'll take the Titans at home
in Jacksonville. Yeah, well, I can't agree more. I mean,
you even had Antonio Gates score a touchdown. I don't
even know he was still in the league. He scored
a touchdown yesterday for San Diego Rivers. Obviously with some

playoff experience, he's a tough player. He's just that kind
of irritating player that you don't want to see in
the playoffs. Melvin Gordon running the ball, whereas DeMarco Murray
and whatever they're doing with Derrick Henry is not working
in Tennessee. And if you're the San Diego Chargers, or
if you're if you're the Jacksonville Jaguars defense, rather you
look at the offensive weapons that we just mentioned and
then just think about the fact that all you really

have to do is make sure that Delaney Walker is
covered and Richard Matthews is covered and you kind of
haven't taken care of with Tennessee that's how bad their
offense is. They're out there with three tight ends and
two back sets like it's nineteen Robiski has got to go.
You want to talk about. I mean, Mario has not
looked good this year, but he has certainly not been
put into a system where he was gonna thrive at all.

I think if you're the Titans at this point, you
let Mario to call every play for the rest of
the season, because whenever he's in shotgun and they just
do the two minute offense, it's the only time they
moved the ball. And it's even more glaring every time
the Titans had a time out and they had time
to get ready for plays like third down, fourth down, whatever.
When they took time outs, they came out and there
was nobody there, Like they were completely covered. The receivers

had no plays to make. I mean, it was a
it was just a mess. And so when I look
at this situation, I think, if I'm the Jags, I
just go ahead and and basically mail this game in. Now,
I guess if you're the Jags, the thing you could
say on the negative side of that is, do you
want to get are you concerned about the uh kind
of the mental acuity of Blake Bortles. He didn't look

that good against the forty nine ers yesterday. He threw
three interceptions. The injury situation at the wide receiving corps
has certainly been an issue. Your defense gave up some
big plays. Are you concerned that you could basically be
stumbling into the playoffs if you lose the final two
and then you're owing two against the Titans. The Titans

have already beat you once at Jacksonville, they then beat
you again even though you're not playing. It's like a
preseason game effectively. Are you concerned that that could play
in on the mental side of the game. Uh? And
by the way, I don't know that it matters, like
do do you feel like either of these teams, like
the Jacksonville or that the Titans, whoever wins, Neither one

of these guys is going to go on the road
and give I don't think the Steelers or the Patriots
much of a much of a run, but I do
think it's important for either of these franchises to win
a playoff game. Right Titans haven't won a playoff game,
and what feels like over a decade certainly the I
don't think the Jaguars have done it in a long
time either. Winning a playoff game when you have a

young quarterback is a nice feather to put in your cap.
So I think either one of these teams, if you
had told them before the season started you're gonna make
the playoffs and you'll win a playoff game, every one
of them, like the coaching staff, would have fallen all
over themselves to to endorse that. So I think that's
gonna be the big draw up. What did the Jacks do?
Assuming that is that the Steelers take care of business

later this afternoon, because I think if the Steelers were
to lose, then Jacksonville comes in and they sell themselves on, hey,
we're gonna go out and try to win this game,
and then maybe you've got a guy in your ear
telling you, hey, the Steelers just went up twenty four
nothing on the Browns, and maybe at halftime you pull
your guys and you go all out for the first

half with the idea that you might have a buy
at steak and then as soon as you realize you
can't get that by you go ahead and dial it back.
But if the Steelers could eliminate all of that uncertainty
by winning, uh this afternoon against the Texans. Frankly, they
should do all right. That's the a f C playoff picture.
What about the NFC playoff picture. The Eagles win tonight
against the Raiders, There're the number one seed. It's that simple.

The Vikings need to win this coming week against Chicago,
which should be simple plus hope for Philadelphia losses in
order to get the number one seed. The Rams look
to be right there in that three seed spot there
the NFC West champs, of course, clinching that, and then
the Saints are in fourth right now, if they win
over Tampa Bay, they win the division. But if they

were to lose, and the Vikings were to lose and Carolina,
who was in the five seed, were to win, then
the Panthers would be the two seed. So that is
interesting because the Panthers beat the Vikings earlier this season.
Now the Saints again would have to lose to the Bucks,
which I don't necessarily think is gonna happen, but if

they were, that could shift things to where the Panthers
could actually take over the two spot from Minnesota. But
it looked like Eagles, Vikings, Rams, Saints Panthers, and then Atlanta.
If they win, they're in. If they lose and Seattle wins,
then Seattle is in. Now Seattle is playing Arizona, which

is not necessarily gonna shouldn't be difficult, but Seattle's offense
is not very good. And then Atlanta is playing Carolina.
Now Carolina has something to play for, as we just
talked about a chance that the two seed depending on
other outcomes, so they're gonna be all out, it would appear,
and the Falcons don't look very good right now. They
looked awful yesterday against the Saints. They haven't looked like

themselves at least in a month. I would say their
offense compared to what it was last year under Shanahan,
who's now doing wonders with Jimmy g and what's happening
in San Francisco, they do not look like the same team.
Julio is not getting the ball where he needs it,
Matt Ryan doesn't look like the same player. They're not
running the ball as well. The defense is not playing
as well, so that's intriguing. Carolina could beat them and

Seattle could sneak in. That is absolutely possible as they're
both at nine and six. So basically in the NFC
we're down to either the Atlanta Falcons or the Seattle
Seahawks in as the final NFC team. Yes, So basically,
if I'm not mistaken here, there are five teams with
still a playoff heartbeat and either the a f C
or the NFC. In the a f C you've got

the Titans, You've got the Chargers, and you've got the Bills,
and then in the NFC you've got essentially the Seahawks
and the Falcons as the teams that are still alive. Yes, well,
and got the five teams correct, which is always uh,
which is always a challenge, especially this early on Christmas morning. Um,

all right, so what else to you are the storylines
for the NFL as we come into the final week.
I think the biggest storyline is gonna end up being
what does Jacksonville do? Because I think as soon as
the Steelers take care of business at four thirty East
or whatever it is later this afternoon, UH and beat
the Texans, which they should do, and by the way,

the Texans want to lose to and just go ahead
and get the best possible draft position that they can
be in and try to get started already on with
Deshaun Watson coming back based on what they saw out
of him for several weeks, there may not be as
much drama as maybe we had anticipated when we were
looking at this picture in general, because it seems like

the very top of the of the playoff picture there's
not gonna probably be a lot at steak. Again, assuming
that the Steelers take care of business against the Texans
today and also that the Eagles stake care of business
against the Raiders. In theory, both of those teams would
walk up buys and were effectively done with three of

the four buys before we even get to the final week. Yes,
that is absolutely true. One thing I was just looking
at this is strange. There is a possible scenario in
which there could be a four way tie for both
spots in the a f C Wild Card race. If
the Chargers beat the Ravens, the Bengals beat part of Me,
the Chargers beat the Raiders, the Bengals beat the Ravens,

the Bills beat the Dolphins, and the Titans beat the Jaguars.
That would make all four of those teams nine and seven.
Then the tiebreakers would go into an effect, the Bills
would get the sixth seed and the Titans would actually
get the fifth seed. So those are four games, and
if you look at it, Chargers beating the Raiders, I
think we think that probably happens, Cincinnati defeating the Ravens.

I mean, I don't know, they beat Detroit yesterday and
Detroit needed to win. The Ravens look good. But if
the Bengals want it, that's interesting. Could the Bills beat
the Dolphins, of course they could. They should beat the
Dolphins as a matter of fact. And we already think
the Titans probably could beat this Jaguars team because they're
not really gonna be trying. So if those four things happen,
Titans could actually get the five seed and Buffalo would

get the six and Baltimore would be out completely. And
I think that's one of those things where the Titans
would prefer to be the six. Like I think the
Titans would infinitely prefer to go on the road against
the Jags, even though the Jags are the three, then
to go on the road against the Chiefs, because I
think I think, I don't know if you agree. I
think Alex Smith and the Chiefs are a tougher team

to play than Blake Bortles and the Jags. Uh yeah, well,
I mean, obviously, the Jags have either number one or
two defense, depending on on where you want to put them,
but really they have two of the top five corners
in the league. They're absolutely stellar on that side of
the ball. Alex Smith has the number one passer rating
in football at one oh five point four this season,
twenty five touchdowns to five interceptions. He's also been the

best at plays of twenty plus yards down field. He's
been the best at deep throws this season as well.
Alex Smith certainly I would rather see Blake Bortles, even
though he's had a really good month and a pretty
good season, that I would Alex Smith, especially with all
the weapons Kansas City brings, with Kareem Hunt and with
Tyree Hill, and with what they're able to do with
Travis Kelsey as well. I certainly would not want to

at all go to Kansas City when I could go
to Jacksonville either and deal with the atmospheres, not only that,
the weather and you've played, and you've played, you know,
who knows what the weather is gonna be in Kansas
City that weekend. Whereas you've played against Jacksonville. Uh, there'll
be the third time if the Titans playing against them
a third time, and you've already won once in Jacksonville,
So you have to have at least some confidence knowing

that you literally have been down there and already won.
And I think there's a difference between playing against a
guy like Blake Bortles in his first ever starting the
postseason as opposed to Alex Smith, who's been in the
postseason a lot. So Uh, that is an intriguing thought
to think about. Um, if if the Bengals really were
able to pull off an upset and kind of throw
a monkey wrench into the into the overall equation there, Um,

let's talk about this for just a sec. I I
talked about it opening up the show. I also talked
about the beginning. Are you with me? That instant replay
right now needs to be seriously recalibrated in the NFL
based on what we've seen the last two weeks. Absolutely,
I cannot enjoy a football game that comes down to
micro seconds of micro seconds of micro seconds and every frame.

That's not the way it should be done. I understand
that there are some calls that you can look at
and you can see, all right, we we look at
two replays, we can see there's two feet down that's
to catch. That makes total sense to me. That's why
replay was invented. Replay was not invented. Two Look, micro
managing is something that is awful pretty much in all
of sports. It doesn't work. It doesn't work most places

in life, as a matter of fact, and if you
look at it past just its execution, it's also generally annoying.
And that's what this is. This is micro management. Of
micro management. You are over you're trying to overrule officials
on the field who are closer to the action based
on angles that especially yesterday and that Kelvin Benjamin play
did not reveal anything conclusive whatsoever, and you're still finding

a way to overturn it. And you're doing it after
spending five or six minutes. It's grinding the game to
a halt. It's killing the momentum of whichever team it
was that may have just score, the crowds getting lethargic.
It's just bad for football. It's not the way replay
is supposed to be done. When you have to look
at five replays to make a determination than the determination

that was originally made needs to stick. And it's that simple. Yeah. Look,
I mean I think you're preaching to the choir here,
and I think there's a lot of people out there
that are, you know, already kind of making this similar determination,
you know in general that it's not working as it
exists right now. And uh man, you know, like you

just kind of run down that list, and I agree
with you, you know, I mean, it's just a flawed
situation in general. Here's the other big question I have
all right, coming out of this weekend. Did the New
England Patriots trade away their future? Did we have a
Brett Farve and Aaron Rodgers situation in New England where

you have an aging, incredible, successful, Hall of Fame quarterback,
but you also have a younger guy that you feel
like is the future of your franchise for the next
decade and instead of and maybe they didn't feel like
they could do it. Maybe the Patriots are just like
Tom Brady is such a legend that we have to
allow him to shuffle off the field beaten, a broken man,

Like we can't ever trade him or replace him until
his career is over. Maybe that's the way they felt.
But if Jimmy Garoppolo is as good as he looks
so far with the forty Niners, don't you have to
in some way figure out how to pass the baton
from Tom Brady to Jimmy Garoppolo. And I know, look,

I know the difficulty of replacing not even a legend,
but maybe the greatest quarterback in the history of the game.
I think this is going to turn into a pretty
intriguing question. Should the Patriots have figured out a way
to let Tom Brady? No, Jimmy Garoppolo is the future
because if Garoppolo is as good as he looks, I

think it is. And I think it is really a
difficult situation there, because it's hard to find a great quarterback.
It's almost impossible to find two great ones. And look,
maybe the Colts managed to do it by letting Peyton
Manning leave and getting Andrew Luck before he got injured.
And certainly the Packers managed to do it when they

allowed Brett Farve to leave kind of forced them out
and gave the job to Aaron Rodgers. Is that gonna
be a question we're asking now about the Patriots or
is it way too early. It's probably too early, but
I know that we you know, we talked about it
off air, and it it's something that it's going to
come up. I think there's a difference between Farv and
Brady just in terms of how many Super Bowls Tom

Brady has won, how healthy he has generally been. He
hasn't had that many injuries that he's had to deal with.
We've heard all about his avocadosis and his trainer that's
now not allowed with him, and all of those kinds
of things. We know what kind of physical condition Tom
Brady's in and how long he says he wants to
play Aaron Rodgers. That situation could not have possibly worked

out better for Green Bay. But I don't know that
even they could have predicted that it was going to
go that well. I don't know. The question I would
have is this, how good did they think Jimmy Garoppolo
was before they let him go to San Francisco. We
saw him play, But we haven't been in practice. We
haven't been in Foxborough. We're not in Bill Belichick's head.
We're not you know, we we're not Robert Kraft. We

don't know everything that's going on there. So that would
be my only question. I don't know, but you would
assume if you let Brett Farve leave Green Bay the
way that they did, that they knew how good Aaron
Rodgers was about to be. Is that a different situation
in New England? Did they think Jimmy Garoppolo was good
but not great? And if Tom Brady is gonna be
there five more years, then you probably have five more

shots at Super Bowls because of how good he is,
and you're willing to leverage that against an unknown. I
think that's the other side of the question. It feels
like Green Bay knew what they had. I don't know
how great they thought Jimmy Garoppolo was well, I don't know.
And I also don't know how many years they think
that Brady's got left. I think that's the challenge here.

I think basically farv was done at elite level. Brady's
gonna be the m v P this year, Could Brady
be the MVP next year? Could he be the m
v P the year after? How many years does Brady
have left? Is a question that's gonna be much debated
in this offseason and every offseason to come. Another question
is going to be debated the best Christmas Present you

ever got. We're having some fun here. Christmas Day edition
out Kicked the Coverage. Thanks for spending it with us.
We already talked best Christmas movie to finish our one.
We talked to best Christmas song to finish our two.
How about the best present either of us ever got?
We'll talk that to finish off our three final segment.
Thank you guys so much for spending your Christmas with us.

We'll be back all week long. Jason Martin and Jeff
Schwartz will be in. I'm gonna leave as soon as
we finished the show and we get all the presents
of wrapped and everything else done in my household. We're
getting on the road for Michigan to go up there
where my wife is from with her family. But I
appreciate you guys being with us here in the OutKick family.
Up next, best picture, best presents we have all ever gotten?

You can tweet us what the best present you ever got?
Best Christmas movie, and best Christmas Song. I'm at Clay Travis,
He's at j mart OutKick and we are as always
outkicked the coverage. Thanks for spending your Christmas Day with
us here on Fox Sports Radio. HiT's holiday time. So
when you're out shopping light or standing in Live to

get a selfie with Satan, to keep us locked as
you do that holiday cheer, it's your boy, quite Travis.
Happy Holidays from this family to yours. This is Fox
Sports Radio. Christmas Baby. She did gnut great news quick

way you could say money switched to Geico dot Com
and in fifteen minutes you could say more more on
car insurance. Final segment of the show here Christmas Day edition.
We should probably take a minute here to just thank
you guys for what has been a tremendous twenty seventeen.
Now I'm gonna be out the rest of this week.

Jason Martin will be in with Jeff Schwartz. Will be
back on New Year's Day to to break down everything
that's gonna be happening on Monday meeting. I will and
and the rest of the crew. But Jason Martin will
take care of this. He's done great work producing the show.
Jeff Schwartz will be outstanding UM as well next for
the rest of this week. But to me, this has

been a really good year. UH four outkicked the coverage
of the radio show in general. We're on almost three
hundred stations now nationwide, uh A MFM stations, thanks to
all our affiliates out there, as well as Serious Channel
to eighteen, where I'm sure any of you are listening
to this show right now, as well as x M
Channel two oh two and the podcast. Frankly, I never

believe that the podcast was gonna become as popular as
it has, not just our show, but the podcast in general.
And when I'm out the number of you who come
up and say, yeah, you know, I'm not necessarily able
to listen to the whole show, but I download the
podcast and love what you guys are doing. I mean,
in the millions every month now of podcast downloads and listens,
and it's just a tremendous credit to you guys, because

the way this show has grown is frankly, very much
by word of mouth. And so thanks for all that
you guys have done for everybody who's worked on this show.
And I hope you guys are having a fantastic Christmas
or holiday season whatever the fifty states you're in, whatever
time zone you're in right now. Thank you for hanging
with us. And we talked earlier in the show kind

of an honor of Christmas. In addition to breaking down
look the NFL playoff picture. In addition to breaking down
the Christmas Day games, my guy Todd Firm and uh
coming up getting up early with us out in Vegas
to talk and obviously getting ready for the games that
are gonna take place in the NBA and college football
bowl season as well as the NFL. Today, talk a
lot about Christmas in general, and we ran through our

top holiday movies. UH my top three if you're just
getting in your car and you missed it, Christmas Story
number one, Christmas Vacation to Home Alone three with a
honorable mention for die Hard, my favorite Christmas song, Santa
Claus Coming to Town, Rudolph Frosty the Snowman. I also
thought what's the best Christmas gift you remember getting? Would

be a fun way to finish this Christmas Day special
out kick off for so many people out there, but
Jason Martin, you can run through your favorites there too,
for people who may be getting in their cars starting
off their day, either headed out hopefully to spend the
holiday with family, or potentially like us, working on Christmas
Day because look, work doesn't stop, even though sometimes holidays

are over overlapping with work. Yeah, I went with Home
Alone one and Christmas Vacation two, and then maybe ELF three. Honestly,
I've only seen it once. I need to watch it
more often. I didn't watch it at the theater. I
watched it many years later after I heard it was
so good and I checked it out. Die Hard certainly
is top two. Like I mean, I absolutely love die Hard.
I'll put it in the honorable mention category just to

avoid the argument. Another like smaller argument that gets made
every year is whether or not Gremlins is a Christmas
movie because Gizmo was actually Christmas christ Yeah, yeah, and
that came out. And then the other thing we didn't
mention probably would be any version of the Christmas Carol,
whether it's the Muppets or however many that there have been.
But I would say Home Alone in Christmas Vacation being
one and two, those are the two films that stand

out that I have to see every year. I've gotten
so tired of a Christmas Story because I used to
watch it year round when I was growing up, because
I enjoyed it on right now, while we're doing the
show because it's on a twenty four hour constant replay,
and uh, it's just hard not to sit down and
watch that, no matter how old you are, no matter
you know. It's one of those great movies that was
aid where basically everybody from six to eighty can sit

and watch it and enjoy some aspect of that that movie,
And the more times you watch it, the more time,
the more you end up liking it, which is also
a testament to how well that movie was made. Yeah.
One of one other thing I would mention n Charlie
Brown Christmas. That's a classic. And it's another one would
be sixty six How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Oh yeah,
as old as we get, they're both fantastic. Yeah, those

are both really good and they're on every year. It's
a good question, like do you like Charlie Brown Christmas
or Charlie Brown Halloween better? I think the Halloween is better. Yeah.
The Great Pumpkin I think is is my favorite as well.
I grew up a huge Peanuts fan. I used to read.
It was like the first thing I started to read,
like pass like your C Dick and see John and

C Spot and all that kind of stuff. I was
really nervous where that was a Christmas edition there to
to be writing about that. But yeah, no, I agree,
great pumpkin I think would be my favorite also. So
we're also going to maybe finish off the show here
and again we thank you for all the support you
give an out Kick Oh for the course of this year,
and Jason Martin is going to have the show alongside
Jeff Shortz for the rest of this week. I'm headed
up to Michigan, which is the downside of marrying a

girl from Michigan is sometimes you have to go places
where it's cold, uh during the winter season. So the
family and I will be up there. But what's the
best present you remember getting? You know, you come down
underneath the Christmas tree and there's something you get there
and you're like, man, that's this is incredible. And I
think for most people it's probably the best present that

you've gotten, probably being a kid, right, it's because the
Christmas holiday season is just built four kids. In a way,
maybe you're an adult and you're like, the best president
I've ever gotten is you know a present that I
opened up as an adult. Maybe you know, some people
can be can have kids around the holiday season things
like that, which is a different caliber of gift obviously,

But for me coming down opening up presents underneath the tree,
I remember getting the Ewalk Village and Star Wars is
in the movie theaters right now. The new the eighth
episode of Star Wars, I remember were being a huge
return of the Jedi fan and I wanted the Ewalk
Village and I had the Ewok Village right there ready

to be unwrapped, and that was pretty awesome, you know.
To to get the eu Walk Village already kind of
put together, uh, and just have it sitting there was
a pretty cool present to be able to get for
a young kid like me who was a huge like
Star Wars fanatic. So nowadays as a dad, it's more
fun to watch your kids open, But when I think

back to being a kid myself, Ewalk Village was top
of the line. All right, that's similar to mine, not
not the same property, but similar. First off, I got
to give profits to my dad because he's the best
at making gifts surprises. He would go buy a rubber ball,
like a large rubber ball for two dollars, cut it
open and put the gift inside that. So I would
think it was the ball. Oh that's pretty cool. Yeah,

to confuse you with the wrapping everything else. So so
they were clever. So I woke up one year, I
don't remember what year was. I was still living in Virginia,
and I came downstairs and there were no gifts, and
I didn't understand what was going on, and my parents
just like, he's late, Santa is late, and so I
of course was despondent. Would have been really young though, yeah,
I was very young. Uh, this was kind of when
I figured it out. But we went from there. Dad

was just like, all right, let's go try to find
some film for the camera. So we went to stores
and of course everything was closed, but it killed time.
So I come back from this trip and I walked
in the door and lining the steps all the way
down the steps is about fifteen he man figures and
they're all out of box and post and my castle

grades goal. So they've set it. You know, this was
set up. Santa set this up for me while I
was gone, and I came back and walked in and
the entire thing was already there, unwrapped and ready for
me to just go to town on. It was very
cool action why did your parents choose to pretend that
Santa hadn't come yet? I don't know, have you ever

asked them? I think it was that year that I realized,
I realized what was actually going on, so and I
think that might have been the purpose. It was like
their way of letting me know everything that was happening.
But it was it was very very cool. Like looking
back on, it's a memory I'll never forget. And that's
from way back in my childhood and I remember it
like it was yesterday. Well, we appreciate all of you

spending your Christmas Day with us. Obviously Fox Sports Radio
will roll on. I know that there's many good shows
still to come, but we appreciate you spending your morning
with us, and also you're spending your year with us.
I'm Clay Travis, He's Jason Marty. This has been out
kicked the coverage on Fox Sports Radio. Merry Christmas, this
is Christmas Eve. I'm out with the gangest of these

celebrated posted on with eggs and the most slow bang
banging and coast had a black but be careful fun
of because it's put some saying to this day that
Christmas same nothing but enough to day. But Adams spect
got it again. The Morment's day demon. We're doing a
homeless aboves got sleep. We're doing ah me and the
needy greedy's got a e like it. So you shouldn't

gold with us. For the children in this world they're home.
Some dreams can't of fold that, y'all, your old church's
spirit to dream seasonal things her through about the getta
we just gangters and don't fling because those who were
gable to get in. And I can finally get it
because the getto stand the club sprinkle to her. Now
you want to living to a new year, a better
thanks celebrant with some champagne h chan, it's straight never one.

The first day your Christmas, my homeboy gave to me
a sack of day Crazy Gloto told me smoking up
SMO South. Now on the second day in Christmas, my
homeboy gave to me a fift the hand off. He
told me to take my mind off that week. Now,
by the third day of Christmas, my big homeboy gave
me a whole lot of everything. And it wasn't number
game and me back then you woke up to the sound.
Now I saw mama kissing Sandi major reminisce on the

old fashioned Christmas stage. It's smiths, a fat man, Charlie
with joy down your chimney, with boys for little girls
and boys and pumped up. I jumped up to bow
the sun pete dinn and hope to capture sand. The
cars creeping down. My horse on to the window, put
my eyes to the sky because to see if mine
can see the slate at bar length and pushed the
fat guy. I sigh, ain't no sign, But that thing

under this tree in my house is mind my bite
that and this last ignoring to do vine till next
year come. I try to see the same thing they
got this brainwashed him. And when you find it, ain't
no saying to Christmas still mean a lot, because it's
the time to get together and give all you got back. Fool,
good move and what's better than together with your people's
war wishes hit but toast by the Joey is married,

Chris to his ship, makes ship get up, saying the
close on the sil jack brush, the chilling pitch the
gridge for beginning of holiday, ain't villain seasons. Greetings, All

the proceeds are brought to you. By the church house
school will be eating chestnuts, wolsting on the open fire,
singing my jingle where it's Chris Screener. I didn't cop nine,
even shout, I even stayed in the house. Want the
homies tried to seek me out. Now all I want
for Christmas is my sixth folks Chevrolet and the granddaughter

for her grandmother bella lie. Ain't that something? No, ain't
that nothing? How it's Christmas time and my rooms said,
everybody happened that care Still Nappy's gonna still a gift
from my old grandfather. Catch me giving no turkeys at
the church. That's gonna try to work and just stand
in line and everything gonna be fine. How let your

folks boys go with man. Ain't no helps from no else.
Just the dog playing and we're passing up, get blazing up.
Christmas on the road and you're digging and nicking sands
coming stream Christmas Sea about the meet. Seventy six was
the year girls and boys for the joy with the season, cheer,

smell of sky, hellapos and cakes getting baked to be
eight after everything going off your plate, But wait not
the night. It's great things and rice on the table.
Are we able to receive the night? I wonder what
the morn bringing. So it's hard to dose off three
o'clock in my socks. I practiced the dose so hoping.
When I opened the dope, I see Santa. Now, who

the hell is this in this blue Bandamna messing with
the boxes that's up under the tree. Looked like saying
the cloth and crossed into a woman to meet. Now
I'm coming to see the whole picture get clearer, how
we have less of sex? Mess get nearer? Been remember please,
it seems I've been to see and thank you sank
Trick for the gifts I received. So I break back

and act like I ain't even repeat it. This to
beat me and MIM's privacy. See Santa claud, It's coming
straight in the ghetto, Santa Claus. It's coming straight in

the ghetto. Wish you a happy, We wish you a happy,
We wish you a happy, We wish you a happy.

Santa Claus, It's coming straight in the ghetto, Santa Claus.
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