Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is the best of two pros and a coupled
Joe with lamar As Rating Winn and Jonas Knox on radio.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
By the way, I got to give you some credit.
Speaker 3 (00:15):
There, Bar, What type of credit are you going to
give me?
Speaker 4 (00:19):
It's a pretty sweet fireplace you were sitting in front of.
I saw social media over in hersha yeap.
Speaker 3 (00:27):
What are you giving me credit for?
Speaker 2 (00:28):
Well, I just think it's a nice little setup there.
Speaker 5 (00:31):
You know, I sat in front of that fireplace from
one thirty until six forty five, and I believe I
took at least two naps.
Speaker 2 (00:48):
No is that is that in the room or just
in the hotel.
Speaker 5 (00:52):
That's in like the main This is a lodge, right,
so it's like I'm almost in Like I told you,
I'm like in a motel type setup where my door
is a back door. It's a back door entry, meaning
it's not inside of the hotel. So I'm walking outside
and I'm freezing getting to my room because it's really
really far away from the main lodge. So when I
walked in there to go, I had a meeting yesterday.
I won forty five, so I got in there. I
won thirty, did my meeting in front of the fireplace,
and I was like, man, like, this is a really cozy,
like one of the more cozy fireplaces I've I've really
been in front of I been around, so you know,
and the seats are comfortable, really comfortable seats. Shouts out
to Hershey, Hershey, lodge shots.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
I'm sitting there. Log Yeah.
Speaker 5 (01:53):
So I'm sitting there and I'm like, good to hear you.
Uh So I'm sitting there and I'm like, you know
this this is like it's it's quiet, it's it's peaceful.
Speaker 3 (02:04):
So I just I took a nap.
Speaker 5 (02:07):
I woke up, went got me some uh some some lunch,
a late lunch, came back. My seat happened and still
be open, and I sat back down and took another nap.
Then you know, whatever happened after that happened. I had
some conversations with the people I'm going to talk to tonight.
Speaker 3 (02:26):
But it was good.
Speaker 5 (02:27):
Yeah, it was really good. It was a comfortable, comfortable
spot to sit.
Speaker 2 (02:30):
Do you have a couple of lid liquors while you're there?
Speaker 3 (02:32):
Speaker 6 (02:33):
Yeah, you have something to drink?
Speaker 5 (02:34):
I mean I definitely grabbed a long islan a LeVar Island. Yeah,
I only had one though. That one I didn't want
to break my diet, so only you know, that's right,
that one. It was more water. Yeah, speaking of that,
I talked to my people yesterday. We had a good conversation.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
You know.
Speaker 5 (02:56):
They were encouraging me and making sure I was okay.
So shuts out to my people at PhD Weight Loss.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
Hey, we encourage you too, Yeah you do. Y'all give
me a lot of as too, but you do encourage me.
Speaker 7 (03:10):
You'res a You keep saying you're obese and stuff like that.
We don't agree with that because I am totally not
where I like to be. I am still overweight, and
it is what it is. I'm still working to get
to where I want to be.
Speaker 4 (03:27):
It's just like the most overblown narrative about a human
being that I've ever heard of my life.
Speaker 2 (03:34):
You call yourself obese.
Speaker 3 (03:39):
I don't call myself obese.
Speaker 5 (03:42):
The weight on the scale says that I have been obese.
I'm not obese anymore, though I'm not. I was morbidly obese.
That's what the scale said. I'm not supposed to weigh
what I wighed. Now I'm down. My weight is down,
so it's good. I feel better about myself. But let's
talk about something else.
Speaker 3 (04:07):
Man. You know, I don't want to talk about my weight.
Speaker 2 (04:10):
You'd get shot at, that's for sure. I know that
you know seen it, not me. I hate him.
Speaker 4 (04:18):
Two pros and a cup of Joe here on Fox
Sports Radio and congratulations. The head coaching search for several
teams around the NFL is heating up, and it's familiar
names all over the place. First and foremost the Jacksonville Jaguars,
who got this little bit of an issue. It's called
Trent Balky, Pete Prisco's favorite executive in the NFL. I
guess the rumor has it in the story that's out there,
a name to watch in Jacksonville is none other than
Robert Salah. He spent a couple of years in Jacksonville
on Gus Bradley's staff eight ten years ago, something like that,
and so they think that that's a tie in to
some potential interest there. So he is interviewing for the
Jags head coaching opening. And I'm just wondering, if you're
Trent Balkey and you're there and you realize the secrets
out everybody knows.
Speaker 2 (05:13):
That you're kind of the problem.
Speaker 4 (05:15):
Yet you're still there, and your fate kind of relies
on whether or not a coach that's brought in wants
to work with you or not. How do you think
he's feeling right about now? Is he looking around going
all right? I got to figure out a way to
find somebody that can work with me and really sell
shod con on this, otherwise I'm going to be shown
the door.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
And I can't imagine.
Speaker 6 (05:34):
There's probably that. But what's interesting about that is Trent
Balke's last year.
Speaker 8 (05:40):
Was twenty sixteen in San Francisco, and then Robert Sala
came in with that staff with Shanahan in twenty seventeen.
I would imagine there's enough people in the organization who
probably told Robert Salo's stories or to be aware of
Trent Balkey or what however it used to be under
Trent balk compared to John Lynch who came in as general
manager in twenty seventeen.
Speaker 6 (06:04):
So I look at it and that's kind of how
I view it, as he probably should be aware by now.
Speaker 8 (06:10):
He probably has hurt enough by now to know if
he's taking that job, he's got to reassigned trend Bulky,
which I don't think that's still good for the organization.
The guy's going to find a way of making sure
he stays bulletproof and point the finger at the head
coach if given the chance. I mean you almost think
if you're Baalky, you'd rather try to move on if
you could from all of it and just start fresh
somewhere else.
Speaker 6 (06:34):
That would be my kebse, how do you do it?
Speaker 3 (06:36):
But how do you do that? You know?
Speaker 5 (06:38):
It seems like if his reputation is circulating through through
media circles, then they certainly are circulating through franchise you
know circles. So how does he which you would have said,
how would he have gotten to Jacksonville from San Francisco?
Speaker 3 (06:54):
Speaker 5 (06:55):
I mean, you know, there's there's all kinds of you know,
to meet Crown that takes place at the league level.
That's why Robert Salah is even being considered to begin with.
Like to me, I don't understand at this point, why
are I are unless you were really a like a
dope ass coach and the circumstances were something like tremendously
maybe you know, like what happened with with Rabel, Like
I don't feel like Rabel lost his job because he
was not a dope coach. I feel like Rabel lost
his job because people were making really, really insanely unintelligent
decisions that led to the demise of how their team performing.
I don't put that on Mike Rabel. Nonetheless, with with with.
Speaker 3 (07:51):
Robert Salah in New York.
Speaker 5 (07:53):
Yet you have an owner that uses uses Madden ratings
to choose players. Okay, there's function in that organization, but
you still had one of the most gifted and talented
rosters in all of the NFL and you couldn't win. Now,
I'm not trying to be a downer on Robert Salah.
I think he's a good looking guy. We've talked about
his skin often. We said he looks like Jersey. There
are a lot of things that we say that are
are very very flattering about Robert Salah. But he had
a lot of time to make things work in New
York and it didn't work. Why is it, Like, Okay,
let's see if it's going to work in Jacksonville. Let's
see if we can bring in Robert Salah and it
works in Jacksonville. There are other coaches out there that
you could be interviewing that would be first time head coaches,
that would probably make more sense to make the coach
of your team rather than get a retread that had
such a bad ending in the previous place they were in.
Speaker 2 (08:59):
Does he qualify as a Rooney rule interview?
Speaker 6 (09:02):
Damn LeVar?
Speaker 3 (09:06):
Why? Why LeVar?
Speaker 2 (09:07):
Well? I don't know.
Speaker 6 (09:09):
I mean, who cares my mind?
Speaker 5 (09:11):
I don't I don't know what is he?
Speaker 3 (09:17):
Does he qualify as a minority? If yes, you have
to ask the cause.
Speaker 6 (09:25):
I'm just saying, if you mean account.
Speaker 5 (09:28):
Hey, hey, buddy, what are you show me? Show me
what you marked off on your on your driver's license.
Speaker 6 (09:37):
I guess I'm saying, if you have to ask.
Speaker 5 (09:38):
Though in some cases you can ask, and you can
be wrong, and in some cases you can.
Speaker 6 (09:47):
Var what's Lee?
Speaker 3 (09:51):
I would have to ask you don't know what Lee is?
Speaker 5 (09:56):
It's clearly what you think it would be, but there's
the possibility that it could not be some way, somehow.
Speaker 3 (10:04):
That's all.
Speaker 6 (10:06):
And you check the white box, do you not? Painfully?
Speaker 3 (10:10):
So? Yes? Why painfully?
Speaker 4 (10:15):
Speaker 3 (10:15):
Because he doesn't want to accept it.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
I've done the twenty three and me and it's uh.
Speaker 3 (10:21):
To come back and say why now.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
It's all British, all Irish.
Speaker 4 (10:27):
It came back and said African if you're said Jack
Daniels fifty Hendrix jin.
Speaker 6 (10:38):
But so so.
Speaker 8 (10:39):
I don't know if you guys heard Albert Berris speaking
recently about this, but he kind of talked about Robert
Kraft making a mockery.
Speaker 3 (10:46):
Of the Rooney rule.
Speaker 8 (10:48):
We've seen other organizations do this before, but no one
more so than the New England Patriots most recently. In
order to hire Mike Rabel, Yes, so they interviewed. You
have to interview too, of eights who are considered minorities,
and you typically have to wait till after the games
are being played in order to do in person interviews.
Speaker 6 (11:07):
That's part of the process. And so he interviewed Pep
Hamilton and.
Speaker 8 (11:12):
Byron Leftwich, neither of which are with the team right now,
just so he could do the in person interviews check
off those boxes to then move forward and hire Mike Vrabel,
which if you really want to be honest about the
New England Patriots and their coaching searches is you'd have
to look pre Belichick for the last time they actually
had the legitimate coaching search, considering Bill Belichick's long time
tenure there, and then once Bill Belichick stepped down or
they parted ways, it was already written within John Mayo's
contract he would be the coach in waiting, which he
checks off that box. So it was never ever a
legitimate coaching search then and not even this year with
Mike Vrabel. So I'm not sure if people have a
problem with it, but we see organizations all the time
they take advantage of some of the rules or take
advantage of getting around the rules to essentially hire who
they want. I mean, at the end of the day,
it's their organization. You know, they have finals say they
should be able to hire who they want. But it
was a bit of a mockery the way Robert Kraft
entered the hiring of Mike Rabel, but more specifically the
Rooney rule to get there.
Speaker 4 (12:27):
So when the Jets hired Sala from San Francisco, remember
the Niners received draft compensation because he was a minority
candidate and he's of Lebanese descent, and so the reason
I asked the question, there you go. But the reason
I asked the question is are the Jaguars interviewing him
because they actually think he's got a shot at the job,
or they just dotting the i's and crossing the t's,
so to speak.
Speaker 5 (12:54):
Well, that was satisfied a Rooney rule, right, If.
Speaker 4 (12:59):
That's what we're doing in here, why is really what
are we doing? Like pap Hamilton, we.
Speaker 5 (13:04):
Say, well, can I say what you were going to say?
And can I be honest about it? Like, let's be
honest about it.
Speaker 3 (13:13):
Speaker 5 (13:14):
If they don't want to hire a minority as a coach,
it makes it look even worse when you force them
to interview somebody that they don't want to hire. I mean,
and maybe that's me putting it gently in terms of
what maybe you were about to say, Jonas, or maybe
you weren't going to say that, but I know that's
what I'm thinking.
Speaker 3 (13:37):
I think it makes it look like the league.
Speaker 5 (13:40):
The League implemented this rule, and I believe the idea
behind it makes sense in terms of don't overlook candidates
that could be legitimate candidates that are able to come
in and be a coach for your team. Like I
get that, but it also comes across to me as
you put a rule and play that gives these these
coaches the opportunity to interview, which would give them some
exposure even if they don't get the job where they're interviewing.
Speaker 3 (14:19):
It gives them some exposure.
Speaker 5 (14:21):
But at the end of the day, if those owners
do not want to hire a minority coach, they are
not going to mid They're not going to.
Speaker 3 (14:30):
Hire that coach.
Speaker 5 (14:32):
And so the optics of it could play out in
the way that we're talking about it now, like, oh,
you brought in pet Ah, you brought in Baron Lefwich,
Like that was quick, like in and out, get them out.
Speaker 3 (14:44):
Okay, we're hiring who we wanted to hire.
Speaker 5 (14:47):
Like is it is it purely for the optics of
onlookers to say, we are a corporation and a company
that believes in inclusion and and so as as as
the administrative arm of the league, we're going to put
in a Rooney rule like which, by the way, is
interesting that you would call it the Rooney rule in
some regards.
Speaker 3 (15:16):
I mean, just call it what you're going to call it, Call.
Speaker 5 (15:20):
It the minority rule, or call it like like you're
calling it the Rooney rule. Like call it what you
call it what it is. Call a spade a spade.
You're not hiring minorities as coaches, You're not interviewing minorities
to be coaches. So we're going to put a rule
in place that forces you to have to do it, and.
Speaker 3 (15:42):
Oh, by the way, you can benefit from doing it.
Speaker 5 (15:46):
Like it sounds silly to me, only in the only
in the aspect in the regards of it's a privately
owned team, like like the the Patriots, every team outside
of Green Bay, you know, even like the NFL itself,
Like if people understand the dynamic of it, the NFL
is the nonprofit arm of all of the franchises. That's
your five oh one c three to all of the franchises.
The franchises are privately owned, so they're going to choose
who they want to choose. You can put rules in place,
it's not rules that are like it's the government that's
going to come in and tell you, hey, y'all aren't
hiring enough minorities self your self policing yourselves, which makes
it the most ridiculous thing, like don't don't don't play games.
Don't play games with it. If you don't want to
hire somebody, you're not going to hire them. And who's
going to come in and tell you you have to
hire somebody you don't want to have to hire nobody.
Speaker 3 (16:54):
Nobody is.
Speaker 5 (16:56):
So it makes it like, to me, if we're being real,
we're just going to be one thousand percent from the hip.
It makes it a silly ass rule if you ask me.
Speaker 2 (17:05):
Yeah, it's just it's the record.
Speaker 6 (17:08):
I believe it is a five O one C six, but.
Speaker 5 (17:11):
It is one six. Okay, it's a nonprofit. It's a nonprofit.
Speaker 6 (17:15):
It's a nonprofit.
Speaker 4 (17:16):
I thought it was a five O one C five.
But again, you know, I think we're splitting hairs here,
to be honest with.
Speaker 5 (17:21):
You, more like a five O one C two for you, pal,
all right, C D S five O one CD CD.
Speaker 3 (17:31):
Speaker 8 (17:31):
Buddy, buddy, can we go.
Speaker 3 (17:40):
I ain't mine?
Speaker 8 (17:42):
I know we're up against it. Can we go back
to the initial story that I missed out on a LeVar?
Did you pass out on a chair again?
Speaker 5 (17:52):
I mean, come on now, y'all try to make me
sound like I'm lead to Laba.
Speaker 6 (17:56):
First off, I'm not saying you're lead to lab your LeVar.
Speaker 1 (18:00):
Speaker 5 (18:02):
Things that lead to lap impersonation in Florida was legit.
Speaker 3 (18:09):
It was just the legit lead the lap moment.
Speaker 2 (18:11):
He was just trying it on.
Speaker 6 (18:14):
See, I don't think I was.
Speaker 8 (18:16):
I don't think you pulled a lead a lot though,
Like that was not a leader lap what you did
that was more of a var Like that's.
Speaker 3 (18:23):
Like it's like.
Speaker 8 (18:26):
All that time party, all that time party.
Speaker 5 (18:30):
You hit me with the Eddie Murphy. Yeah, that's I mean.
I did not party yesterday at all. No partying yesterday.
I was just sitting in the lodge, the main part
of the lodge. It's almost like this place is almost
in the wintertime. It almost feels like a ski resort
who kind of has that feel and that the fireplace
is ginormous and it's very comfortable and places are very
big and very comfortable. And I was just there all
day instead just sitting in my room off myself, you know,
I was.
Speaker 3 (19:01):
I was in there. So that's all.
Speaker 6 (19:03):
Can you send this chair because I'm I'm curious.
Speaker 3 (19:06):
I want to see it was it was? It was
on I put it on social.
Speaker 2 (19:11):
Yeah, that's what I asked about it.
Speaker 3 (19:12):
Check it.
Speaker 6 (19:13):
We'll check it out.
Speaker 2 (19:13):
So you went skiing this week.
Speaker 4 (19:16):
I cannot go skiing well, and you went bowling last week,
so you know you kind of you know, doing a
lot a lot going on.
Speaker 5 (19:24):
I went skiing, I went bowling last week. I'm confused.
That one went over my head.
Speaker 8 (19:31):
Jonas, Yes, you can't ski in South Florida. He's talking
about doing cocaine.
Speaker 2 (19:35):
That's that's not what I said.
Speaker 6 (19:36):
Okay, what do you mean?
Speaker 3 (19:38):
Then? Well, I just I don't do cocaine.
Speaker 6 (19:42):
If that's what you're talking about, Just what exactly do
you mean that?
Speaker 4 (19:45):
No, that just you know, his hands were a little
banged up from bowling in Florida. So that's remember we
were having that discussion I know before.
Speaker 6 (19:52):
I guess we'll see him next Tuesday.
Speaker 5 (19:54):
Huh, yeah, yeah, I guess, so, I guess, so I guess.
Speaker 3 (20:01):
Yeah, I don't know. He lost me though, I don't
even know.
Speaker 1 (20:05):
Incoming, be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros
and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington,
and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 4 (20:20):
To the NFL we Go where, Yes, apparently we've got ourselves.
Speaker 6 (20:25):
We gotta have Levart Simon on this one.
Speaker 4 (20:28):
So Micah Parsons your guy. He spoke about the disappointment
in Dallas, so that's a layer to this. We will
hear from Micah. This was on the edge with Micah
Parsons talking about his disappointment. But don't worry about it,
because there's something else that LeVar is a big fan
of that could be behind door number two. So let's
first take a listen to Micah.
Speaker 3 (20:54):
It is devastating.
Speaker 9 (20:55):
You know, coach Mike's a great father coach, one of
the most winningest coaches, and you know, he's always been
good to us as a unit, us to the coaches players. So,
you know, losing a great coach like Mike Hurtz. But
it's going to be very interesting off seasons. You know,
it's gonna be very interesting, you know, due to the
free agents, the coaching. It's like, you know, it's gonna
be a complete reset. So it's gonna be a very
interesting and challenging off season. But listen, I already know
I trust my owner, I trust our GM, I trust
Will Maclay that we're gonna make the right decisions.
Speaker 4 (21:31):
And apparently that right decision could be Jason Witten. That's right.
Who needs Bill Belichick? Who needs Prime? There's growing speculation.
Speaker 8 (21:48):
Jeff Saturday fan Jason Witten no real head coaching experience
in the NFL at all.
Speaker 3 (21:56):
Let's go No, you're saying no real, no real coach.
Speaker 5 (22:04):
Maybe I was about to say, like you're saying real,
where where does the okay? Liberty Christian two thousand and
twenty one to present. He's been a head coach. He's
been a head coach.
Speaker 2 (22:18):
That's an Argyle Texas.
Speaker 5 (22:19):
By the way, what guy he's he's he's he would
lead the school to a state football championship.
Speaker 3 (22:29):
It's their fourth.
Speaker 5 (22:31):
There's with an unbeaten yeah, because that'd be the only
way I know that he ever coached.
Speaker 4 (22:37):
By the way, I'm sure so Argyle, Texas population back
in twenty twenty three was five and fifty nine people.
You could fit that many people in a bathroom. It's
that doesn't even count.
Speaker 5 (22:48):
So let me get this, let me try to get
this straight here. So we just had a conversation about
minorities and inclusion and ownership, hiring who they want to hire,
and the Rooney rule being basically a joke. And if
you're going to hire a minority, hire minority because of
the merits of what they do and you know what
they bring to the table.
Speaker 3 (23:13):
And an hour two.
Speaker 5 (23:15):
We start off with a coach that is being looked
at to be a national league National Football League.
Speaker 3 (23:23):
Head coach and has coached.
Speaker 5 (23:26):
From twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, three years of
coaching experience at the high school level. That's that's where
we're at right now. So there is actually a coach
that is actually being seriously considered that won a state
championship in high school to go take over a pro
takeover a pro program. That's that's what we're talking about
in an.
Speaker 6 (23:56):
Hour two's correct?
Speaker 3 (23:58):
Like you, if you.
Speaker 5 (23:59):
Think think about the idea of and listen, I coached
high school ball, and and if you I brought what
would be considered to be a very structured approach to
how we did everything more I'd like to believe I
patterned it more after college because of their academics and
how important their academics were. But looking at the resources
that you have in high school versus any other level,
I would say high school is more in a lot
of ways comparable to youth football.
Speaker 3 (24:38):
Than it is to college or pro.
Speaker 5 (24:40):
I mean, it's just the idea of it is unless
you're at a private, a major private, and that's possible
in Texas. I don't know that, Nay, I don't know
this school, Liberty Christian I don't. I don't know what
their deal is. But unless you have tremendous resources, and
when I say resources like an IMG or a modern day,
then you're closer to college. It is basically in essence
of college program that you're leading. If administratively you're dealing
with one of those type schools, I could see, I
could see it translating if he did what Prime did.
Prime put his coaching staff together since Pee Wee League
and the core nucleus of guys like Coach Hart and
all those guys he brought on, George Agaman and guys
like that to be a part of his staff that
were with him for literally a really long time during
the maturation process and learning process of Prime as a coach. Now,
if that's what they're thinking, like, Okay, Jason, you go
into coaching, do it for three years, build up your
coaching staff, bring your coaching staff in, and when Mike
McCarthy messes up, we're going to bring you in as
the coach.
Speaker 3 (25:55):
If that was their plan, then Jerry Joe is.
Speaker 5 (26:01):
Crazy or crazier than what people have even initially thought
he was. That's my conclusion y'all thought I was going
to conclude with something different, but this is crazy.
Speaker 6 (26:14):
So what is the conclusion? Like if you could sci five.
Speaker 5 (26:17):
Words and five words, I don't care what it is
that Jason Witten did, he shouldn't be considered for head
coach of the Dallas guys.
Speaker 4 (26:26):
How about this Dallas craft to bed with Mike McCarthy's handling.
Speaker 8 (26:31):
In every capacity, and again, dumpster fire of a situation
you can even go back to just before the season started.
I mean, how they handle the cdee Lamb contract, like
everything everything.
Speaker 6 (26:46):
I mean, it's just the running back position.
Speaker 8 (26:50):
It has been awful management of a roster of an
NFL franchise, and it's gotten to the point where like
it's not going to change. Jerry's been very adamant about it.
I mean, hell, if you watched the Lamb Man, you
as see who would have talked about it. He's in
it because he wants to he wants to run the
you know, work with his kids, and he's doing it.
But this team is so far and look, Troy Aikan
said it best. It's probably not a coveted position anymore.
It's a great brand. It's you know, the most valued franchise,
but we're talking about winning, like seriously winning games, winning
Super Bowls.
Speaker 6 (27:29):
It's been thirty years since it was serious about that.
So I look at it and.
Speaker 8 (27:34):
Just say, this is one of those examples. And we
can go back to last year with Jim Herse bring
on Jeff Saturday, who great player, great guy, good at
his job in broadcasting. It doesn't qualify him to jump
in all of a sudden and be the head coach
of that team.
Speaker 6 (27:54):
And it's the same thing with Jersey Witten. Great player,
great guy.
Speaker 8 (27:58):
I'm sure he's really close, knows the organize the ins
and outs. That doesn't necessarily qualify to be a head
coach and a leader of men. Like I'm not sure
if this is like a Dan Campbell effect. We're now
like the buzzword for well, this guy kind of reminds.
Speaker 6 (28:12):
Me of Dan Campbell. It's like, well, there's only one
Dan Campbell.
Speaker 8 (28:16):
Like, can we stop looking at for the next Dan
Campbell and look for the traits that Dan Campbell exudes
in his manner which he leads his team, Like why
is it so hard just to go well, what does
Dan Campbell do really well? Like to me personally, I
think it communicates extremely well, whether it's with the media
of what their objectives are, what their vision is, whether
it's probably people behind closed doors of his team, especially
the moments we're able to see publicly. I think he's
smart about how he goes about taking risks and his
decision making. I think they find the type of players
that fit the character that they're looking for. So we
could go start checking out some boxes of what they're
doing that's different than everyone else. Because there's also drafts
where they take a running back and a linebacker in.
Speaker 6 (29:07):
The first round.
Speaker 8 (29:08):
People are like, what the hell are you doing? Who
takes a running back and a linebacker in the first round.
Speaker 3 (29:13):
I don't know.
Speaker 8 (29:14):
It's worked out pretty well for Jamior Gibbs, Jack Campbell,
people like that. So I sit there and I look
at a lot of these organizations, the ownerships, and like
they're trying to figure out how to win football games,
how to like meet the most most recent trend, But
they're not doing the basic essential part, and that's determining,
like what is our goal? What's our vision? Like we
would to a super Bowl, right, but like how are
we getting there? Like how do we envision ourselves getting there?
And who's the right person to help us figure that out?
And instead we're just like, well, we want somebod who's
like Dan Campbell. Oh okay, so go find another guy
who played tight end in the NFL, who is a
good leader as a player and and maybe you know,
had the favor of the organization.
Speaker 6 (29:59):
Like that, doesn't this mean he's going to evolve into
Dan Campbell.
Speaker 5 (30:04):
Dan Campbell coached for about nine ten years before he
even had the opportunity to become a head coach, and he.
Speaker 2 (30:11):
Was an intern.
Speaker 3 (30:12):
So that's what I'm saying. That was part of it.
Speaker 5 (30:14):
That was part of his You pay your dues, you
come in as an intern, an analyst, you do like
grunt work.
Speaker 3 (30:22):
You know.
Speaker 5 (30:22):
That's and I guess that's why I was being so
sarcastic about, oh, you coach at Liberty. You did this
at Liberty, Like, no, you got to understand the reason
why they bring you in as interns is so that
you can learn what coaching and what the administrative part
as a coach looks like and how it structured from the.
Speaker 3 (30:42):
Bottom from the bottom up.
Speaker 5 (30:44):
And that's why you come in as an intern, no
matter what your qualifications are. You know, that's why, you know, Listen, Yeah,
I wanted Jeff Saturday to have success. I did, but
I knew in my heart of hearts, if he had success,
I didn't know how sustainable it would be. And that's
because you have to learn the processes of what goes
into being a head coach of a National Football league organization.
Speaker 3 (31:13):
The same goes for college.
Speaker 5 (31:15):
So when you bring in a guide or you start
talking about bringing in guys that don't understand the structure,
then you're saying to me immediately, you don't you don't
grasp the value of what it is that it takes
to be a head coach. So if you were to
hire Jason Witten or in the case of Ersa hiring
you know Saturday, which was to me I thought it
was you know, I don't know. As an outlier, I guess,
but it still falls under the same category. You're not
valuing the process in what it takes to be a
legit head coach. You think that you value something, you
place your value somewhere else into something else of than
experience and training of what that structure looks like, what
the structure looks like, and how you hire your staff,
what the structure, structure looks like, and how you figure
out what you're going to run on on every side
of the ball, whether it be the offensive schemes, whether
it be the defense of base schemes, whether it be
the special teams approach, all of these things. You have
to take so many different things into consideration in terms
of what you're putting together that you have to be
taught what that looks like. Practice, scheduling, rules of the game,
when you're you know, the the amount of time you're practicing,
when you're practicing, where you're going, you know what they're eating.
Speaker 3 (32:42):
There's so many minute.
Speaker 5 (32:44):
Details that that head coaches have to be aware of
and it can be a very daunting task. So to me,
just listening to saying that, you know, you'll bring a
high school guy on and that's coach for three years
and want to stay time title because he reminds you
of Dan Campbell, You know, you don't understand the value
of what it takes to become a Dan Campbell and
the coaching and the coaching world, if that's what you're saying.
Speaker 4 (33:11):
Remember, Brian Billick came on Fox Sports Radio years ago
and he was kind of asked him like Hey, were
you prepared when you got the job as prepared as
you thought you were going to be. And he was,
you know, the OC from Minnesota when they had that
great team that nearly went to a super Bowl and
like broke all those records, And he said that when
he got there, he thought he was prepared. And then
like two three weeks and he realized, Man, there's so
much more to this that you don't anticipate, like time management,
clock management during games, like to your point, the working out,
the new trip, like all those different things. And Jerry
Jones is just like, oh, anybody can do it, And
I just don't know how anybody at this point takes
them seriously, Like I swear to God, like in the roster,
they've got a lot of talent there, but I can't
imagine that anybody's looking at this whole situation. Wa Like,
even when he would make comments about Mike McCarthy this year,
Mike McCarthy would just kind of laugh like, Okay, yeah,
I'll run that by Jerry, you know, I'll like we're
at the point now where it's like, okay, yeah, He's
he's kind of like in the Al Davis like just
kind of yeah, Okay, Jerry, whatever you're saying on it's
just moving on.
Speaker 2 (34:19):
So, I mean, if this is what it's going to be,
it's what it's going to be. Good luck not when.
Speaker 3 (34:23):
They hired Jason Whitt and how what would your reaction
be like? What? How would y'all like what we bring
it in? Boom? Jason Witten hired his head coach, Cowboys go.
Speaker 8 (34:33):
Over underwins set at seven and a half six and
a half under, That would be my immediate reaction.
Speaker 5 (34:39):
Under m I'm definitely going with the under because they're
not going to get that many wins with a good coach.
Speaker 8 (34:50):
I mean out, but that's the reality of the back back.
Speaker 4 (34:56):
And by the way, outside of Belichick and maybe Dion Sanders,
is there anybody that you guys would say is an
upgrade over Mike McCarthy.
Speaker 5 (35:09):
I don't think there is upgrade. I mean that's a
hard one because while while looking at what he's done
in Dallas, I mean, he's one in Dallas, he's.
Speaker 3 (35:19):
Been kind of decent upgrade.
Speaker 5 (35:24):
I'm sure there's an upgrade out there, But what's going
to happen coming into Dallas and being in that environment.
Speaker 3 (35:32):
That's the see to me.
Speaker 5 (35:34):
The reason why I think Dion is intriguing is because
he's one of those guys. He creates his own his reality,
just like Jerry Jones does. And either it would be
must sy TV to see that thing just be a
freaking fireball comet coming out of the sky from outer
space to blow the world up, or it would actually
work like either Jerry Jones would lose his mind because
because Dion would not deal with or live in the
reality that Jerry Jones creates, he would be too busy
living in his own reality and would do it the
way that he wants to do it. And either Jerry
would would allow it to happen, or it would it
would crash and burn. Either way would be tremendously entertaining,
but could possibly be the only way that a Dallas
team would actually have an opportunity to have success as
a team is having a coach that has just as
much a developed and strong sense of what their reality
is as much as what Jerry Jones is, and which
by the way, has a big enough name and enough
respect and respect from Jerry Jones where he might actually
allow it to happen. Like to me, outside of that
you're living in Jerry. They call it Jerry's world for
a reason. You are living in Jerry's world as a coach,
as a player, or anybody else that falls within the
category of living in with that reality, and you have
to abide by it and you.
Speaker 3 (37:14):
Have to exist in it. And He's created that.
Speaker 5 (37:18):
If you don't find a coach that can handle that,
that coach is not going to have success. And there
aren't very many coaches out there, including Mike McCarthy, that
would have been able to navigate what living in Jerry's
world is and being a successful head coach what that
looks like. And that's why he beefed with with Jimmy
Jim Johnson so bad, because Jimmy Johnson is one of
them guys.
Speaker 3 (37:41):
That created his own reality.
Speaker 5 (37:44):
He knew what his reality was, he lived in it,
and he created that and he won. Jerry couldn't handle it,
got rid of him done.
Speaker 4 (37:53):
Jerry Jones did speak about what he was looking for
in his next head coach.
Speaker 6 (37:57):
I won't Glory Hill.
Speaker 3 (37:59):
I mean, that's just daycare.
Speaker 8 (38:00):
I don't know why we can't be that seems rather aggressive.
Speaker 2 (38:04):
I don't know. I am not sure why we have
to go there. Disgusting.
Speaker 1 (38:09):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.
Speaker 3 (38:19):
So lose yourself.
Speaker 2 (38:22):
Is it Wednesday?
Speaker 4 (38:24):
And that means it's the old pe time.
Speaker 5 (38:29):
Oh from one good song to another.
Speaker 4 (38:34):
The co host of the Petros and Money Show here
on Toy Blowtorch and five seventy l a Sports Fox
college football analyst, and the old p on X is
where you can find them.
Speaker 10 (38:47):
Speaker 2 (38:47):
What's happening? Good morning?
Speaker 3 (38:49):
It's popping everybody. How's everything doing? Good morning to you?
Speaker 8 (38:52):
Hi, Hi Pee? Did I see are you? Are you
doing a high school game? Are you doing something coming up?
I see your tweet.
Speaker 10 (38:59):
About Oh well, uh, as you know or probably don't.
I was the usc PA address guy at the men's
basketball games for many years.
Speaker 6 (39:12):
In fact, he used to tell the stories what would
a sound like?
Speaker 8 (39:15):
Well, what do you what do you want to have
have happened? I mean it's five in the morning in LA.
What if you're announcing the players? Okay, we'll just say
say uh.
Speaker 5 (39:23):
Sam Clancy Junior goes to the rack and get Sam
I slam dunk I.
Speaker 10 (39:28):
Played around that time, you know, but if it's two
points and it's such a plan to use him right
when he puts it in Clancy and then let's say,
let's say Sam Clancy, it plays for the other team,
right and he gets a crazy.
Speaker 3 (39:44):
Dunk, Sam Clancy, Sam Clancy.
Speaker 10 (39:50):
That's how you do it right there, Like let me
say the USC.
Speaker 3 (39:54):
USC Sam Clancy.
Speaker 10 (39:58):
You know, Nick Young, we used to have I bridged
the gap between the LA Sports Arena, which was one
of the greatest forgotten arenas in the history of mankind,
which is now gone.
Speaker 3 (40:09):
It's Bemo Stadium.
Speaker 10 (40:10):
Where the LA f C plays by the coliseum, but
that used to be where the Clippers played and USC
basketball played and I was the announcer there, and then
I think I did that two years and then eight
years over at Galen And because I criticized Pat Hayden
so heavily on radio, and a few times he like
cornered me while I was trying to leave and yelled
at me about like stuff I said about Lane Kiffin.
Speaker 3 (40:37):
Really, yeah, you don't even know, you don't even know.
Speaker 10 (40:40):
No, he said something like that, I can't believe you
to know this you're a trojan.
Speaker 6 (40:44):
I'm like, f you get.
Speaker 3 (40:45):
Away from you. I don't work for you on radio.
You rich bastard.
Speaker 10 (40:51):
So anyway, so he uh, they fired me.
Speaker 3 (40:56):
So I don't do PA anymore. And it's kind of
a pain in the.
Speaker 10 (40:59):
Ass, you know, to try to drive over there after
the radio show or manipulate the radio show to get
there on time and all that different stuff. But anyway,
I don't do the PA anymore. I loved doing it.
I loved being on the floor and watching college basketball
coaches coach. It taught me a lot and that helps
me because I talk about sports on air. But my
alma mater, Peninsula High School, almost as big as USC basketball,
not in the Big Ten, but in the Bay League,
is going to play their big heated rival, Palace Verdi's
High School on Friday night.
Speaker 3 (41:33):
Yeah, and they ask you good.
Speaker 10 (41:35):
Palace Vernie's High End Peninsula are both about five both
of them. Yeah the boys. Yeah, but the palas Verti's
High football won a CIF championship this year and they
have a really good quarterback, which is something we've never
had on the Hill as far as like a guy
that throws the ball.
Speaker 3 (41:51):
You know, we've had running guys.
Speaker 10 (41:52):
But anyway, they asked me to do it Friday night,
and I will be there to do the PA on
Friday night, and if I can get the radio show
done early, I'll do the girl's game as well.
Speaker 6 (42:01):
Hell yeah, good for you man. That's awesome. That's awesome.
Speaker 10 (42:03):
But the girls aren't playing the PV. The girls are
playing North Torrance And you guys know who went to
North Torrance High, don't you?
Speaker 3 (42:10):
Chuck Norris? All right, well, yeah, the Chuck Norris North
Torrance bitch. He kick your ass?
Speaker 6 (42:18):
Chuck Norris.
Speaker 3 (42:19):
Yeah, well, said Bruce Lee. He couldn't beat Bruce Lee.
Speaker 10 (42:22):
Hey, p who you got beat up Bruce Lee in
that movie?
Speaker 3 (42:26):
His ass made Bruce Lee look like a p Who you.
Speaker 2 (42:28):
Got in a fight? Chuck Norris or Steven Sagall?
Speaker 3 (42:32):
You see.
Speaker 10 (42:33):
I see the picture of Segall recently, and he's big
enough to eat hay and poop in the streets.
Speaker 3 (42:38):
Damn dang. I mean he's put a saddle on him. Huh.
Speaker 6 (42:47):
Us have heard some Horace.
Speaker 3 (42:51):
He's huge.
Speaker 10 (42:53):
But Norris is really old. I mean, Chuck Norris is ancient. Yeah,
when I was, when I was a young man, and
Chuck Norris lived here in Palas Verdes, which is where
I live, which is not the Palisades. I know everybody thinks, la,
we all just live under the Hollywood Sign, especially now
that it's been in the news so much with all
this tragedy going on. But Chuck Norris and Michael Dodakov
of the American Ninja series, You.
Speaker 3 (43:22):
Guys don't know about the American Ninja.
Speaker 10 (43:25):
Doda Kaugh and Chuck Norris lived in Palas Verti's and
power lifted at a guy's house named George Zengis, and
they would listen to like belly dancing music between dead
lift sets. It's unreal scene. Wait what what part of
that didn't you understand?
Speaker 2 (43:47):
How do you know that they were doing that because
I was there, you saw it.
Speaker 3 (43:50):
Yeah, my brother.
Speaker 10 (43:51):
Used to squat every Saturday there, so I'd go with
him and introduce some dips. And you know, I couldn't
squat as much as those guys, so I'd have to,
you know, wait till they put the weights down a
little bit. But yeah, Dudakov would be like in a
row with a big Jesus piece on his chest, all
shaved up.
Speaker 3 (44:08):
Chuck Norris's beard.
Speaker 10 (44:09):
Odessa Filoctu smoking a cigar talking about men's handball.
Speaker 3 (44:16):
How do you think I.
Speaker 10 (44:16):
Learned about listening to fay Ruse the U, the Middle
Eastern singer and doctor John from New Orleans.
Speaker 2 (44:23):
Real Psychedelia, Chuck Norris Deadlifts.
Speaker 3 (44:26):
Who knew Chuck Norris Deadlifting doing romazing.
Speaker 5 (44:29):
He's still doing those commercials with the home full gym
like I did it for a really really long time.
Speaker 8 (44:35):
Yeah, he's really four years old.
Speaker 3 (44:38):
Yeah, he's an old ass.
Speaker 6 (44:39):
Ghat, I had no idea.
Speaker 10 (44:40):
Man, he's almost as old as Lou a little not
as old as Lou Holtz. And you can still get attacked,
you know, at eighty eight by Ryan Day. I want
to know where Lou Holtz is right now.
Speaker 3 (44:54):
Probably a lot of motivation. I haven't stopped talking about it.
Speaker 5 (44:58):
I think I think dumped up about it.
Speaker 3 (45:02):
Yeah, I think that's.
Speaker 6 (45:04):
All he said.
Speaker 10 (45:05):
No, right, he said he hasn't patched it up.
Speaker 6 (45:07):
Speaker 10 (45:07):
Yeah, And uh, you know, to me, that's still the
greatest moment that was last year? Right was that game
in September Ohio State Notre Dame. There was a pretty
good game. Ohio State pulled it out at the end. Uh,
and Ryan Day wanted to kill the the we're not
physical narrative that has always existed because they've been run over,
straight up and run over by Michigan three years in
a row.
Speaker 3 (45:34):
Now it is. And Lou Holtz, I mean.
Speaker 10 (45:37):
I can't believe what he said about our team. And
I and there's like a pause right there, and I
always want to add.
Speaker 3 (45:43):
Here's what everybody else says about your team. I can't
believe what he said about our team.
Speaker 10 (45:47):
It's like, believe it. He's an eighty eight year old man,
you know.
Speaker 3 (45:51):
Speaker 10 (45:52):
But then I look back into Lou Holtz's history, you know,
because Lou Holtz is he knows a lot of fight songs.
He coached a lot of different places. And the first
head job he had was at William and Mary and.
Speaker 6 (46:06):
This is legendary Bobby story.
Speaker 10 (46:08):
And they got beat by They got there forty two
to seven. They got beat by Bobby Bowden in Morgantown
before Bobby Bowden ended up at Florida State, of course,
and they Lou Holtz is from West Virginia, you know,
his family and friends are all there. And they got
humiliated by Bobby Bowden's team, and Lou Holtz went up
to Bobby Bowden after the game and said, Lou were friends.
I mean, Bobby were friends. Why didn't you run up
the score like that? How could you do that? And
Bobby Bowden said something to the effect of, don't ask
me to lower my standards for your sorry as team.
Maybe if you had more Williams and less Mary's.
Speaker 3 (46:49):
M oh wow.
Speaker 10 (46:52):
So Lou Holtz has mixed it up in the past.
I do believe they barry those two. I think barry
the hatchet. But but black Dread Blackbeard, the Pirate of
the High Seas of Ohio. It hasn't always been Ohio
against the world. Is like, I don't really think of
it like that, But whatever, man, Okay, but I do
appreciate U. This is the Brady gold Well. Brady, what
are you gonna do? I mean this?
Speaker 3 (47:16):
You know you're BQ ball.
Speaker 6 (47:17):
Do you mean what am I gonna do?
Speaker 3 (47:19):
I mean your balls are stretched out?
Speaker 10 (47:21):
Man, you got one testing and Columbus the other one
stretched all the way?
Speaker 3 (47:25):
H is uf Ben?
Speaker 10 (47:30):
Do you think the Ohio people are gonna turn on
you like they did Herbstreet. You're gonna have to move
to Nashville and bring it all everywhere. I have emotional problems.
I got my dog Hey won last.
Speaker 6 (47:41):
Game after Cincinnati.
Speaker 8 (47:45):
Because his son goes to San Xavier, who just committed
to Michigan, which I would assume you're you were on
board with that whole whole deal.
Speaker 6 (47:52):
Like when his son committed to Michigan.
Speaker 8 (47:54):
I guess he was upset that the Ohio State coaches
didn't reach out to them to congratulate them. It's like, well,
why would they your son's going to the rival, Like,
did you expect to get a text back from him?
Speaker 3 (48:06):
Speaker 10 (48:06):
Kirk wants the ring kissed at all time, and then
he wants you to clean up his dog's poop.
Speaker 5 (48:13):
That dog is perfectly manicured and groomed, by the way.
Speaker 3 (48:16):
Yeah, tired of the lies, tired of like super super perfect.
Speaker 2 (48:20):
By the way, did he have that dog or did
he like, uh go on him? Okay, a number was sure.
He went on Amazon after.
Speaker 3 (48:27):
He's got a whole farm.
Speaker 6 (48:28):
Of dogs at this point, he got a lot of dogs.
Speaker 10 (48:30):
Yeah, you know, honest, on Kirk kirk Street's wall, you
can see that poster or that cat you know, hanging
on it and says, hanging there, he's a real.
Speaker 3 (48:39):
How did that become a thing.
Speaker 5 (48:40):
How did that become a thing where he's able to
just bring his dog on the field like that because.
Speaker 10 (48:44):
He has like some kind of emotional support issue because
on COVID games a week.
Speaker 3 (48:52):
I mean, I like my lizard. I don't bring the
lizard everywhere.
Speaker 8 (48:54):
Yeah, well you can now, I mean after COVID you
can pretty much bring stuff wherever you want.
Speaker 3 (49:00):
With that lizard too, Petros. You know, you don't just
have to bring it with you.
Speaker 5 (49:07):
You can actually identify with it as well, and can
actually demand that they call you a lizard and lizard helmet.
Speaker 10 (49:16):
Yes, yeah, yes, like that military guy with the dog mask.
Speaker 6 (49:20):
Yeah, I start looking people.
Speaker 3 (49:21):
I'm a dog. There you go.
Speaker 2 (49:24):
Yeah, just change your pronoun to reptile.
Speaker 3 (49:27):
So did you guys do okay? In Florida?
Speaker 10 (49:29):
I got a lot of texts that you guys were
drinking long island ized teas and things of that nature.
Speaker 3 (49:36):
Speaker 5 (49:37):
I overdid it, Petros, really yeah I did. I'm not
apologizing for it either.
Speaker 3 (49:44):
I overdid it. I went straight to work.
Speaker 5 (49:48):
Q found me with my ats halfway down and you know,
just sleep on on the on the hotel the hotel couch,
waiting do to show.
Speaker 10 (49:59):
On the South floor is similar to that. You know,
everybody's up all night. You got to get somebody off
a couch to do something in the morning and all that.
Speaker 3 (50:07):
Yeah, people sleep on porches.
Speaker 10 (50:10):
Those clubs are open and then the sun comes up
over the beach and it's kind of cool. But at
the same time, I never understood South Beach. I haven't
been there in a long time, but it's always interesting
to me how these towns are not as big as
you think when you watch it on TV, and like,
like if the Super Bowl comes to LA, we don't notice, right.
This town will absorb almost any event. You know, the
Olympics are coming, I hope still, and like most people,
it wouldn't really affect them one way or the other.
The town just absorbs events like that. But I was
in Miami for one of the very few Super Bowls
I've covered, and I just couldn't believe, Like you couldn't
get anywhere. You couldn't get from Fort Lauderdale over to Southbeach.
I mean, it was just death.
Speaker 8 (51:00):
I was almost late for some pregame stuff I had
to do because of that. Took me two and a
half hours. Yeah, the traffics there is awful. It's it's
the equivalent to l A.
Speaker 10 (51:10):
You know, but but but in LA it's just so
much bigger and there's always a way around it, you know,
one way or the other, and you know, the traffic
is what the traffic is.
Speaker 3 (51:19):
The event itself just destroys.
Speaker 10 (51:22):
These towns, I mean, just absolutely makes it untenable. So
I don't know if it's like that for a college
football event in Miami, but it was.
Speaker 6 (51:32):
It really was going out there.
Speaker 8 (51:33):
I mean everyone was complaining about the traffic and it
brought into question, like why have a.
Speaker 6 (51:38):
Seven thirty kick? Why not aight thirty?
Speaker 8 (51:40):
You know, at least you're getting another hour away from
rush hour and everything else that's.
Speaker 6 (51:43):
Going on there. But it was.
Speaker 8 (51:45):
It was an awesome atmosphere. I think LaVar probably had
the most fun pregame league.
Speaker 3 (51:51):
I was post up there.
Speaker 6 (51:53):
LaVar was not as happy.
Speaker 10 (51:57):
But still a successful year for the we Ares.
Speaker 3 (52:00):
Yeah, it was. It was. It was.
Speaker 10 (52:03):
I mean, that's further than they've ever been before.
Speaker 6 (52:06):
That's most wins in a single season ever for Penn State.
Speaker 3 (52:09):
That's true.
Speaker 10 (52:10):
I wouldn't say they've gone about as fur as they
can go, like in the play Oklahoma, but I would
say that, you know, I mean a bittersweet like big
head Tod of the Monsters.
Speaker 2 (52:20):
Yeah, fair enough, Petrick, you made a point.
Speaker 4 (52:23):
You made a point last week that I didn't think
of until you had said it, where you that whoever
won the Penn State Notre Dame game was going to
be the team that people were rooting for in the
national title, regardless of what happened in Ohio State and Texas.
And I started thinking about it, and there is something
that's unlikable about Ohio State.
Speaker 2 (52:41):
Is it just Ry Okay?
Speaker 3 (52:43):
Is that?
Speaker 2 (52:44):
Is it just Ryan David?
Speaker 10 (52:45):
No, it's what he hayes punching a guy on the
I mean, it's it's it's their identity. You know, they
have an idea. I mean, it's not that they're not likable,
but they're a college football blue blood. They have a
ton of money, they're unapologetic. Whenever I think about whenever
I think about Ohio State, I think about remember when
Urban Meyer got into whatever, you know, with the assistant
coach he had, the whatever that controversy was. There's been
a few that followed Urban around, but remember that one.
They caught him in trouble at Ohio State. And a
bunch of really dorky Ohio State fans like showed up
and to protest, like the way people were talking about
Urban Meyer and then that one guy was like Urban.
Speaker 3 (53:31):
Remember that we had that? Yeah?
Speaker 10 (53:34):
I mean to me, that's Ohio State football and a microcosm,
you know, just drunk, fleshy whites. But they win, they
win half that they but when they when they stand
up against Michigan the last three years, they've been punched
hard in the pelvis and obviously that that wrinkles down.
Speaker 8 (54:04):
What do you think four years in a row by
the way, wow, four years one, twenty three, and twenty four, right.
Speaker 3 (54:11):
And they've been up physical in each of one of
those games.
Speaker 5 (54:15):
Do you think the national title offsets the loss to
Michigan this year?
Speaker 3 (54:19):
Do you think people still complain about the Michigan loss.
Speaker 10 (54:22):
I think Michigan people will tweet, you know, suck it
meeps to beat you. But I mean, at the same time,
what Ohio State has accomplished this year if they are
able to end their favorite heavily and Notre Dame's pretty
beat up and Notre Dame has been a I mean
Cinderella story for Notre Dame is kind of hard to
put those two words together for Notre Dame football, at
least especially, But that's that's what's happened, and that's the
kind of team and they've shown it's hard not to
like them when you watch the way they play, and
you watch the way they play for each other, and
you watch the way the defense flies around and the
way they replace guys that are out. It's hard not
to be inspired by Notre Dame. But at the same time, yeah,
I think what Ohio State, especially with the way they
came back and beat Oregon in that way and just
punched Orgon's head clean off before Oregon was even able
to kind of get their bearings and try to come
back in that game, and they had lost to Oregon
and made some mistakes earlier in the year in a
tough place to play in Autsin Stadium. I think that
was a pretty big statement. But if you're Ohio State
and you've been literally run over four years in a
row by Michigan, and this last year that Michigan team
had had no business being on the field with you
talent wise, I think that's still.
Speaker 3 (55:32):
Going to bother people.
Speaker 6 (55:33):
Yeah, Yeah, I guess I'll just ask you this, how
do you see the game playing out?
Speaker 3 (55:39):
I don't know.
Speaker 8 (55:40):
Also, real quick before that, overall, have you enjoyed the
twelve team expanded playoff?
Speaker 10 (55:47):
Not really, you know, I mean I wanted to see
Ashton Genty run the ball. Well, you know, I wanted
to see Boise do better. And I do think that
Penn State was great. I mean all thought. I thought
the teams were awesome. It was fun to see everybody
go out and compete. But you know, you kind of
found yourself in a lot of these games, just kind
of praying that one of these teams will come back
to make it a game, and it only really happened
once with Arizona State. The Ohio State Notre Dame game
I thought was great. I was inspired by a lot
of the different plays that I saw, especially the running
back from Notre Dame beat up like he was love
hurdling a guy and then breaking five tackles and getting
into the end zone. Stuff like that I enjoyed. But overall, yeah,
I think it left something to be desired because look,
I'll say this, you guys played pro sports and you
understand it better than I do. But I do college
football and I live in college football. And the one
thing I love about college football is the chaos, and
that is because there's young people. Young people are big
and strong and fast, many very comparable to what they
are in the pros. But emotionally and mentally they don't
have those callouses to where they can go play on
the road and it doesn't really matter as much. You know,
the crowd getting on top of you doesn't humiliate you
in the pros like it does in college.
Speaker 3 (57:13):
And you can just see that.
Speaker 10 (57:15):
But even that being said, like in pro football, we
constantly have the argument of rest versus rust, right, Like,
all these guys had too much time off and they're
pros and they're supposed to be able to be resilient
through that, and yet it's still a gigantic debate on
how to prepare your team, rest your players, and the
playoff Before the playoffs start, should Peyton Manning play in
the last game? I mean, we've been talking about this
stuff forever at the pro level, and that makes me
feel like, Wow, you give a college football team three
weeks off and another one has two weeks off. You know,
you never know who you're going to be once the
season's over, and whatever bowl practice quote unquote begins that
time off for team athletes are so routine oriented. Young
people are so routine oriented. The academic stuff we talk
about not as much as we used to, barely as
much as we used to, but that plays into it
as well. So I think having time off is not
a reward. For a lot of the teams that played well.
It seemed like it was more of a punishment because
most of those teams that had to buy didn't really
seem to even wake up until halfway through the second
quarter if they did it all.
Speaker 2 (58:32):
Right, pe or you and the Fams say, from the
fires and all that, Yeah.
Speaker 10 (58:37):
Yeah, no, I just got done doing an hour radio
on KFI. There's a big wind watch going on right now.
But the fires seem to be containment. Is an interesting
way to put it, because the way the way they
calculate that, but the fires seem to be put in check.
But there's high winds all the way till three. You know,
it's interesting because I think most people around the country
think that LA is just like we all live under
the Hollywood Sign or you know, everything is really condensed
and it's not. LA is really spread out until the
city catches on fire, then you realize, like what spills
into what and kind of get a little bit more
perspective on where things are and the history of these
two communities that are just completely blown to pieces are
pretty interesting histories in the Palisades and Altadena, pretty old
LA communities both and both are just pretty much gone,
kind of like Lehina. And it'll be very weird to
see how they rebuild and if the red tape will
be cut to allow them to rebuild, and what politically
will happen in the city because a lot of people
feel let down by their leadership. So we'll see. But
it's been one of the craziest weeks in LA that
I've ever lived through. And I was here for Rodney
King and north Ridge earthquake and the OJ chase and
everything in betwe we so wild week and a lot
of people that need help in.
Speaker 2 (01:00:03):
Prayers well, and to be fair, you tried to hide
OJ as well too.
Speaker 10 (01:00:07):
We thought about it. We were willing to in the moment. Yes,
it never came to that was gonna be the walk
in Fridge.
Speaker 8 (01:00:16):
I would imagine you sound a lot different on that
channel than you do with us, Like can you give
an impression of what exactly that sounds like, well, look.
Speaker 10 (01:00:24):
At these fires here, that's good. How about that? That's
my imitation, I said, I said, do you want it?
Like when whenever somebody's like, so, what do you do?
I said, well, I call football games. They're like, well,
what does that mean? I was like, well, I'm like
the analyst and I say, okay, close your eyes. Here's
what it's like. And then I keep their eyes closed
for like three seconds and I and I and I say,
nice throw by that guy. What you know, everybody's got
everybody's got this app now called watch Duty, which is
what firemen use, and if you're concerned about anything, you
can look at it and uh, it's really actually easy
to use. And you punch the Palisades fire, it says
eighteen percent containment, right, and then you go over to
eaton in Altadena and it says thirty five percent containment
and it tells you you know, where there's a red
flag warning and who's evacuated and all that. How does
that sound Did that sound noosy?
Speaker 8 (01:01:25):
Speaker 6 (01:01:25):
Yeah, that sound newsy. That sounds good.
Speaker 3 (01:01:27):
That was good devastating.
Speaker 4 (01:01:30):
Well, Pe, you can get them on X at the
old PE. We always appreciate your time. Thanks for hanging
out Wednesday.
Speaker 6 (01:01:36):
There it is.
Speaker 2 (01:01:37):
There, it is.
Speaker 4 (01:01:41):
Petros Papa Vegas, the co host of the Petros Money Show, the.
Speaker 2 (01:01:48):
La Sport.
Speaker 3 (01:01:49):
Oh God,