All Episodes

May 28, 2019 39 mins

Clay Travis is on vacation for 1 last day as Jonas Knox and Brady Quinn sit in and talk Kevin Durant conspiracy theory and laugh about a famous juiced up celebrity in Las Vegas that is a Brady Quinn groupie. The fellas talk about Jon Gruden flirting with another QB (still) and they have the latest about a possible investigation of Ezekiel Elliot from the night with his EDM glow-stick. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Fox Sports Radio. I think we should do a topic
that nobody has done before on sports radio. Are you
ready for this? Brady? Yeah, let's do it. Are the
Warriors better without Kevin Durant? I am so sick of
that crap. Man. Come on, let's let's start churning out

some some oldies. If we're gonna do that, like, let's
let's go into the Mount Rushmore conversation. Let's start making
lists greatest two guards of all time. Come on, man,
with that tired crap. They're not better without Kevin Durant.
Enough is enough, But they will be without Kevin Durant.
As it was named official, Kevin Durant will not be
available for Game one of the NBA Finals coming up

Thursday in Toronto. Not even traveling for the team, so
most likely not even available for Game two. So now
we've got the Kevin Durant saga and storyline in his
absence going into the NBA Finals for at least a game.
According to head coach Steve Kerr, why do we complicate
these sorts of discussions anyway, Let's just for a second,

like we're all using the stat of what they want.
They've they've only lost one game this season when Curries
playing Durant hasn't Isn't that the stat's been thrown around.
It's like they're an incredible record. I get it. Yeah,
it's great. Great, um, so I understand it from that standpoint.
Let's look at it, though, from like the opponent's standpoint.
Who do you think is easier to prepare for? Do

you think a Warrior's team without Kevin Durant is scaring
teams as much as a Warrior's team with Kevin Durant.
I mean, isn't that the whole narrative? Once once Kevin
Durant joined the Golden A Warriors were people in up
in arms who are fans of the NBA or around
the NBA saying this shouldn't be able to happen. They're
they're too good, they're too powerful. Now. I mean, so

if that's the argument, then what's changed now? How has
that changing now just because you've got a small sample
size and now all of a sudden you think they're
better without him, which we're gonna get the chance probably
to see after the season because he's probably gonna leave
m free agency. But that's that's for another time, another place.
I just I don't get how all of a sudden
that narrative has flipped just because you have a small

sample size. Asked the opponents, asked the opponents if they're
not happy that Kevin Durant's not playing in Game one
or Game two, it's you know what, A lot of
this just goes back to bitterness. People are just never
going to forgive him for making the decision that he made.
Lebron dealt with this. You're in South Florida. Lebron dealt
with this crap going to the heat after he left,
people were no matter what he does for the rest

of his career, there's still some people who will never
forgive him for the way that he and and you,
being a Cleveland guy, you know how Cleveland felt after
he left, people would never forgive him. Now going back
to Cleveland, winning that title kind of absolves him from
a lot of that stuff and a lot of the
crap he's gonna have to hear from people. But Kevin
Durant is gonna get heat for the rest of his
career and this conversation is going to continue. I actually

think him not playing in the series is probably better
and makes the series more interesting. I really, because with
with Kevin Durant, I don't think Toronto has a shot.
I don't think they have any shot whatsoever. Without Kevin Durant,
I think it makes it a more interesting series, and
you do have that storyline that's attached to it. It's fair.
I mean, I'll say this much. I actually like watching

Golden State without Kevin Durant. It just it feels like
there's more ball of movement. It's not as much isolation
basketball when Kevin Durants there. Um So, you know again,
it's hard for me to say that though, too, because
I do love seeing the best in the game play.
It would be fun to see Kevin Durant being guarded
by Kawhi Leonard and how those two are going to
score off versus one another. Um, so we're not treated

with that, at least not as it seems right now
in game one or game two. But at some point,
I just the narrative can follow him wherever once. I
don't know that it's ultimately gonna matter, though, like, like
what what do we hold like that narrative, whether it
was following Lebron or not, Like what standard are we
holding them up to? Michael Jordan's These guys aren't gonna

be able to get close to that. And and so
I guess a year from now, two years from especially
as fast as news cycles go, I don't know why
we think like this is gonna be the narrative. I
just said, you know, a couple of minutes ago, the
narrative about Kevin Durant going to the Warriors in the
first place everyone had an issue with because they're gonna
be too good, And now they're saying they're better without them,

And that's that's changed in the past couple of years.
So I just I think the narrative could could stick.
Maybe for now, it's not going to in the future,
in a year or two, you know, maybe if they're
looking back on the legacy of Kevin Durant and he
ever gets close to Michael Jordan's But uh, that's for
another time and place. I'm not I'm not into the
whole list of greatest all times and all that. Anyway,
it's too hard to compare different eras he's in. He's

in a real sort of tough spot this year, just
based on if look, if the Warriors win a couple
of games without him and he comes back and then
they go on to win the NBA Finals, this is
going to be looked at as the team that did
it the bulk of it without Kevin Durant. And then
if he doesn't come back and the Warriors still win
the NBA Finals, they're gonna be looked at as well, Yeah,

they did it without Kevin Durant, they didn't need him
to begin with. And god forbid, he does come back
and they lose the NBA Finals, He's going to get
the blame for it. This guy can't go anywhere. And
there's obviously the other scenario. He you know, he you know,
if they weren't able to make it, or they weren't
able to win it because he wasn't there, then he
doesn't get a chance of a piece of any title,
you know. So it's like he literally can't no matter

how you dice it up, he cannot win. He could
not win this scenario, and it's unfortunate that we've scrutinized
his career, the decisions he've made to that point. I
feel big for the guy, I really do. I feel
like he's playing some playing some of his best basketball. Course,
it's like he's at a prime point in his career,
and all we can do is instead of appreciate his
nippick and try to knock him down a peg of

what he isn't And that's that's one of the toughest
things I think right now, even even in the conversation
about Lebron and his legacy in his career, is we
were always trying to compare him to Jordan's. We were
always trying to compare him to the greatest of all time.
And I think it's a compliment in itself, But at
the same time, it makes it hard then for you
to appreciate these guys in their prime or while they're
still playing. And and you know again, I think Durant

is still in that prime and you will be for
a period of time but no matter what happens, he
loses this postseason and that's unfair. Um, if they were
to win a title this year, do you think he
ever wears this championship ring out in public? Because can
I be honest, I wouldn't. No. No, as a as

a as a player, I would not. I would not.
I just it wouldn't feel genuine. It wouldn't feel like
I was really a part of it, even though you
were a part of the team building to that point. Uh. Now,
I would never tell anyone that publicly. But the truth is,
I feel like a lot of players wouldn't feel great
about doing that. In fact, I knew a player who

you remember that a whole Ohio state uh scandal that
went on where they're trading stuff for tattoos and all that. Um.
One of the players that had Yeah, one of the
players had given away one of their rings. And I
can't remember if it was a national championship ring or
like a big tent title ring. Um. But I remember
hearing a story about the players saying, well, I didn't

really play, so it didn't really have much significance to me,
So I'd rather get a tattoo that does instead of
carry around this ring where I didn't play and I
got it just because I was on the team. So
I think there's a there's a lot of players who
had fall into that category. Um, but most probably wouldn't
trade it for a tattoo, and then most most likely
wouldn't say that publicly. Yeah, I am overly sensitive to

having to earn it. I have to earn it. If
I don't earn it, I don't want it. And I
can remember playing high school football and I was terrible
and I never played that they would give food after
the game, like there'd be burgers or hot dogs after
the game for the team. If it was a road trip,
they'd make sandwiches. I would never eat because I just thought, well,
I didn't play, so I I don't want that. The
cheeseburger that's been sitting over next to the little kids

vomit because his parents gave him too much candy because
they were bored at a football game. I don't want it.
I didn't earn it. I don't want it. And I
think Kevin Durant probably looks at it similarly to where
he just kind of says like, I can't claim this.
This isn't mind the last two were he has every
right to claim he was the best player in both
those NBA finals. So it's why I say it. I
just at some point I wonder if it's even worth

coming back. And we can touch on that later on,
but is it even worth coming back this year? What
is it going to do for him? I mean, you're
gonna risk injury, You're gonna run the risk that that
you end up getting hurt. You're you're in a contract year.
You're clearly not going to be a percent. At some point,
he's got to have that conversation. I think, No, I
think it's a valid conversation. But I also think you
have to ask yourself. You know, initially, didn't we think

he was gonna come back sooner? I mean, do you
have a theory? I mean, do you have any sort
of theory on why you feel like he's not able
to come back for game one or Game two of
the finals. And now I'm gonna I'm gonna let you
make the call here, right, this is what this is
what a good human being. I'm gonna let you make
the call, Brady Quinn. I can I can either drop
that conspiracy theory on your lap? Right, now, or I
can set that conspiracy theory right on your lap after

we hear from Eddie Garcia. Which way do you want it?
How you want a dog? Come on, I would love
the lap dance option, which whichever one you just put
out there, The lab dance option sounds about all right.
So you pressed me up against the wall. You want
to meet it to drop the hammer on this conspiracy
theory I have on Kevin Durant. Here's my conspiracy theory,
Brady Quinn, Are you ready for it? Seriously? I wanted?
Are you ready? Okay? I think I'm ready. I think

Kevin Durant reaggravated the injury when he was posing for
those Instagram pictures that he sent out after they beat
the Rockets at one game, because he hold on, hold on,
don't laugh me off the stage yet. There's more here. Okay,
there there, I've got more material than this. Please don't
laugh me off the stage yet. All right. I think

that something happened because Kevin Durant alluded to it. And look,
we'd love to play the audio, but um, here's the
thing about playing audio during shoot around at an NBA game.
You can't hear anything, all right, So if people are
driving around, all you hear is a ball bouncing in
the background, which gets me excited. But that's a whole
conversation for another day. So Kevin Durant alluded to it

on Friday when he said, you know, um, yeah, I mean,
you know, I kind of I pushed it a little
too hard or you know, kind of kind of learned
my lesson, you know, celebrating Maybe I can't. Maybe I
can't do that because I find it a little bit
coincidental that the Warriors went from He's you know, we're
really relieved. It's just a mild calf strain. He you know,

we fear the words, but it's not even close to
all of a sudden after they beat the Rockets. Yeah,
it's a little more serious than we than we initially thought.
I think he reaggravated it celebrating that Rockets win and
the pictures that were posted. Uh. Look, it wouldn't be
the first time someone injured themselves for the Graham, Okay, uh,
And it wouldn't be the first time that we've seen

players injured themselves while whi while getting ready to celebrate
or celebrating. Right, it's hard to subscribe to that theory,
though only because when the initial injury happened, I think
it was as serious or it looked about as bad
as we all thought. And I think knowing what's coming
this offseason for them, for him in particular, he probably
wanted to be more hesitant to come back and rush

it and have something else because, much like we just
talked about a minute ago, they're more than likely gonna
win the series whether he's playing or not. And so
if that's the case, this is more about his future
and when you start talking about the future of of
an NBA basketball player where and we don't know what
that injury exactly is, but I would be very very
cautious moving forward with any sort of ankle lower extremity

injury like that. So as much as I want to
co sign on this, I just I can't see that
being the case. I think there was a little bit
of a damage and cover up um right after the
injury where they wanted to make it seem like it
wasn't as bad as it looked, especially when you saw
a player have that sort of reactually looks back like
someone someone shot him, And in this case, I think

he reacted in a legitimate way where something was seriously wrong.
Usually we attribute that to a torn achilles. They haven't
said that, but um, if that is the case, obviously
it's incredibly unfortunate. Even though I look, maybe he still
comes back this series. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just
think there's too much way in the future of his
NBA career to make a difference right now. Now, if

it comes out after the fact that that my conspiracy
theory was correct and Kevin Durant reaggravated the injury celebrating
the Warriors win, um, what sort of apology are you
gonna give me on the air? That's that's really what
I want to know. Ok So, so here's what here's
what I'm going to do. All Right, I'm gonna ask
Clay Travis if if you and I can host a
show again together during this time slot, right and I'm

gonna ask him, and I'm gonna say, Okay, on May
thirty second, in the fourth hour, can I publicly apologize
to Jonas Knocks if indeed the truth comes out by
that point on we can. We can pick a later date, Okay,
it could be July three or whenever you want. But
in the fourth hour of the show, I will make
my public apology. Then you're a giant pain in the ass.

Let me tell you something. Everybody driving into work right now,
that's a miserable coming back from a long weekend having
to go back into the office or wherever you call work.
All right, you want to know what miserable is finding
out I gotta work another day with Brady Quinn and
I just had him on Sunday. This guy is not
a pain in the ass. He's the pain in my ass.
Every week I get this kind of abuse, and it
way it could let wrong. And let me tell you something.

As this show continues on, we're already starting to teeter
back into old form and uh and something tells me
that that joke will be revisited and it'll have a
different ending. At the end of the show, I think
I shout out to uh, Bob Kraft. Be sure to
catch live editions about Kicked the coverage with Clay Travis

week days at six am Eastern three am Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the I Heart Radio app. We're
gonna talk about fun stuff, like another conspiracy theory, Brady Quinn.
I had my conspiracy. I think Kevin Durant re aggravated
the injury celebrating in those Instagram posts when he jumped
up and down allegedly after the Warriors took care of

the Rockets. I think he reinjured the calf there and
that's why he's still out. Okay, So so that was
my conspiracy theory. You laugh me off stage with that one,
But you, sir, have a conspiracy theory regarding his teammate
Clay Thompson. And when we do conspiracy theories, we strike
up the band. So let's go. So, look at everyone

is making a big deal about Clay Thompson um not
being on an All NBA team, and obviously it impacts
his wallet more than anything else. I think that's probably
the most frustrating thing for me, watching the fact that,
based on how the media votes, it could ultimately directly
affect his level of play or excuse me, pay. And

so there was a narrative, you know, when Kevin Durant
joined the Golden State Warriors, that people were starting to
get fatigued and tired of these super teams right there.
They're tired of all these stars joining forces and and
being able to have the ability to do that, and
and kind of getting around it by paying the luxury tax,
maybe some guys taking some more team friendly deals. But

either way, you know, it doesn't seem like the NBA
wants to break up these teams or not allow them
to to form and then have a run like we've
seen from the Golden State Warriors going to five straight
NBA Finals, And so I think the media may have
taken it into their own hands. How do you go
about doing that? You hit a player where it hurts
the most, not the groin. Uh, that's just just a

little bit on the other side the wallet, all right,
You hit him right where it hurts, in the wallet,
and if you can find a way of manipulating or
keeping him from being able to earn a huge contract
because he's not on an all NBA team, you're basically
sending the message that if Clay Thompson wants to be
viewed as a top ploy or the top player at
his position in the NBA, he's gonna have to go

somewhere else besides Golden State because he gets outshined by
guys like Steph Curry or Kevin Durant. And so they're
basically putting their foot down. They're voting and they're just saying,
we're just not gonna put them on there. We know
one infects him from a financial standpoint. Go somewhere else,
be a star there and maybe you'll chance change our minds.
I love it, and listen, it's exactly why media shouldn't

be allowed to vote for certain things. Um. You see
them play favorites, you see them hold grudges. We've seen
it before. Baseball Hall of Fame is a perfect example.
Guys that refuse to vote somebody in their first try
because so and so wasn't a unanimous so why should
they be what like that? That sort of logic doesn't
make any sense. But media and people in the media

have agendas. It's always bothered me. And the fact that
an agenda could cost a guy thirty to eighty million dollars,
whatever the case may be. In the NBA, just based
on not making an all NBA team. I think his crap.
And I think players should now be allowed to vote
for what media members get bonus wise. That's what I think.
Is it a funny when you turn something around like
that and then people go, oh, well that's not fair.

We're going oh, wait, so it's fair one way but
not the other. It never makes any sense to me
when all of a sudden you turn around the argument
and you're like, no, no, no no, no, that's what fairness is.
That means it works both ways. It's fair for both parties.
And I know no one's gonna cry about Clay Thompson
not getting an additional eighty million I think is what
with the super Max would have been or thirty million

um to the other tier. But you know, again, it's
still a ton of money and if you were in
his shoes, you'd probably be frustrated by it too. So
no one's crying for him. But still I think he's
a he's a he's a solid player. Maybe he'll have
to go somewhere else ultimately to prove it, uh, which
is sad. But at the same time, he's gonna have
a lot of rings when it's all said and done. Yeah,
good for him man. Him and Kahi Leonard I'm such

a big fans of because they're just a breath of
fresh air. They don't care about any of the any
of the other crap that comes along with being a player.
There's no drama, no nothing. They just go through life easy, breezy,
make their money, leave go hang out, and and and
Clay a Clay do as well for himself off the court.
From what I hear, from what I hear, from what
you hear? Yeah, just from what I hear. Be sure

to catch live editions about Kicked the coverage with Clay
Travis week days at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.
So everybody's making a big to do about Nick Nurse
getting his shoulders rubbed by Drake and what do you do?
And Drake's there and we're tired of Drake the fanboy.
Brady Quinn had a a fanboy, a celebrity fan boy

experience himself while in Las Vegas, and that celebrity let's go.
Let's quickly go around the room quickly to see if
anybody can guess the celebrity that really was happy to
see Brady Quinn while in Las Vegas. All right, Roberto,
our technical producer, will start with you, take a guess Vegas?
Who do you think it was? No idea? Alright, good guest,

thank you for taking part. Eddie Garcia, take a guess
it's top Okay, that's that's a very bizarre guest. Danny
g go ahead and take the guests. Definitely, Okay, we
do have a winner. We do have a winner. Okay,
there he is Roberta. Finally I thought you're gonna go
Blue Man group. We do have We do have a winner.
Eddie Garcia was karat Top. Carrot Top was ecstatic to

see Brady Quinn in Vegas. Is he still all roided up?
Oh yeah, he's checked again. This was this was Okay,
you have to understand, this was like before uber existed. Okay,
So I had been out there, had I had a
great weekend of fun um. Probably was out all night
and and at one point, I don't know if I
had lost something. I needed something, but I needed to

go to like the mall and like get some like
basic clothes and stuff. And so I don't know if
I was so hungover or the cab driver was bad,
but my buddy I pop out of the cab and
we just start walking because we couldn't be in there
any longer. Next thing I know, pulls up a lime
green Hummer and this dude's yelling at me. He pulls
off his beanie and he's like, it's me, It's Carrot Top,

And I was like so hungover. I looked at I
was like, yeah, I'm good man. I just kind of
kept walking in the ball. That's great. A couple of
a couple of juice heads hanging out in Vegas. I
love it. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at
Fox sports Radio dot com and within the I Heart
Radio app. Search f s R to listen live. Jon

Gruden is still talking because he really likes to talk. Oh,
is he talking about Derek Carr? Uh No, Well, he's
talking about Kyler Murray, you know, the guy that's not
his quarterback, and and how much they liked Kyler Murray.
Now it didn't mean they were going to trade up
to try and take Kyler Murray. This was in a
conversation he had with Peter King of NBC UM talking about,

you know, the draft and the approach to the draft,
just looking at quarterbacks, so on and so forth. So
still talking about Kyler Murray. Uh, still giving him a
ton of praise. He likes to compliment quarterbacks. I think
he likes to compliment every single quarterback in the history
of the NFL. That's what John Gruden does. What what
just in your knowledge of John Gruden you know him,

You've had conversations with him. You know Derek Carr, you
know his game. UM. For people that don't know, Brady
Quinn is one of the best, all joking aside, one
of the best in the business when it comes to
breaking down the position of quarterback and sort of the
details and the behind the scenes stuff that maybe people
don't realize when this comes into play. What do you
think John Gruden actually thinks of Derek Carr. Look, I

think he thinks he's obviously good enough to be their
their franchise quarterback. UM. Otherwise they would have figured out
a way of working out a trade and he could
have won a different direction either when he initially took
the job or this past offseason. So, like, I think
he wanted to give him a year it's be able
to you know, get into his system and and really
I think John Green himself wanted to kind of take

a year to be able to look at this Raider's
team and say, you know, what is the dysfunctional issues right?
What what do we need to do in order to
be the team that you know, I think we can
be when I was here previously, or you know, to
you know, take into a team to a super Bowl level,
liked with the Tampa Bay Bucks, and so I think
he needed that year to observe not only Derek Carr,
but also the roster and the team to get an

idea of that. This is the year though, now where
I think he now is going to figure out how
he ultimately feels about Derek Carr. I think he liked
him on the way in. I think after a year
of working with him, he's probably got an idea of
what he can do good and what he struggles with.
And I think moving forward, he's gonna put in game
plans now that are really gonna be, you know, tailored

to Derek carr strengths. And if he doesn't have that
big next year, this year with the Raiders, I think
they're gonna be They're gonna be moving on, and I
think they can they can do so financially if they
just want to outright release him. There's not that big
of a dead cap hit. If that was the case
this year, they're on the hook for twenty seven point
five million, which they're obviously not gonna do anyway. There's

late into the year, but after this year that that
number of lessons and Look, you still got a guy
who's got NFL seasoning and experience other teams might view
as a franchise quarterback and is under contracts, so you
could trade him away and still get some decent compensation
in exchange for him if they want to go that route.

So either way, I think this is a huge year
for John and Gruden in determining ultimately how he feels
about Derek Carr and and and really how the season
goes between those two. I think there are some times where, look,
there was some harsh criticism, you know, maybe from John Gruden,
which he's been known to do, and maybe they butted
heads a little bit. This year is the year, though,

if things don't go well, I can see it being
a very frustrating, long year for both parties. And also
there's no more exc uses. Mean, they went out and
they got Hi Antonio Brown. They've they've added pieces around him. Um,
he's being paid like like a franchise. They upgraded the
offensive line, he's being paid like a top tier quarterback.

Where do you have him, And we don't have to
do the list or the rankings, but ballpark, where do
you have him as an NFL quarterback? Amongst thirty two starters.
I think he's a franchise quarterback. You know, is he
in the top ten um and I don't think he's
done that consistently enough to consider him that is easy
in the top half league, top twenty. Yeah, he's definitely
in that realm. But but look who knows, right because,

like I said before, much like John Gruden trying to
figure out what were the deficiencies of this team last
year in his first year coaching. Yeah, I think a
lot of what he saw in the past was when
when this team was operating on all cylinders offensively, good
offensive line, good protection, good running game or decent enough
running game, Derek Carr put up some good numbers and

they were able to be successful. And when all those
things started to fall apart, he struggled. And that's probably
the reality for most quarterbacks in the NFL, you know,
not everyone's Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers or Drew Brees.
You know, they need some help, they need some things
out around him. And to your point, he's got that now.
And so that's where he's got to become that top

ten quarterback this year. I think in order for John
Gruden to feel confident or comfortable with him moving forward.
Now that being said, that wasn't the m o of
of Rich Gannon, who end up winning the league MVP.
When he brought him to Oakland, he made him into
that m v P, or at least he was a
big part of that, right, and then he want a
Super Bowl with Brad Johnson. So when you think about

in the past, maybe he doesn't feel like he needs
to get the most you know, optimal point out of
his quarterback in order to be able to make or
or win a Super Bowl only because that's it's kind
of in his past. But I think when John Gruden
stepped away and he got back into the NFL, he's
realized that this league has changed and now more than ever,
it's an offensive league. It's all about the quarterback. You've

gotta be able to put up points. He got to
be able to put up production. And you can't merely
win by by having a generational defensive sorts. Because I
think we both know this, This Raider's defense is still
a long way away from being that. Did they pay
him too soon? Did Reggie McKenzie give him a contract?
Because actually, now if you look at his numbers, it's not,
you know, that astronomical of a number as far as

what he's making his average annual salary per year, what
is out as compared to like, for example, would I
take Derek Carr Dak Prescott, I'd probably, I'd probably edge
maybe take Derek Carr. I mean, I just think his
best from what I've seen as far as playing from
the pocket and as a passer, has been better than
than Dak Prescott. And and so now overall, like we'll

see if maybe that narrative changes for Dak this year.
But you know, Dax is probably gonna get contracts gonna
pay him like thirty million a year and cars getting
like twenty two point five this year. Yeah, that that
is an interesting one. Who would you take Derek Carr
Dak Prescott? That that's because I think it's closer than
people realize, because well, it's we all assume that Derek

carr Um was was sort of heading and it was
just gonna continue to grow, and it was gonna be linear.
He was just going to continue to get better and
better and better. And I do think that he's it's
kind of the past. Last year was maybe a bit disappointing.
The year before. I think that we I assumed that
he would be further along than he is, and now
he's got a coaching change and he's got to learn
a new offense. So to your point, I think it's

a massive year for Derek Carr because just because they
didn't take a quarterback this year doesn't mean they weren't
looking at quarterbacks. He acknowledges much, and Mike Mayock said
it at the time, We're gonna, look, look, we love
Derek Carr, but but if something comes along and we
feel like you can make our our organization better, we're
gonna we're gonna look into that. And which is the
right thing for any general manager, head coach to say, right,

if you can make your team better, you're you're gonna
risk all costs to try to upgrade at that position,
in particul of the quarterback position. Look, I just think
the most interesting part of all this is, for whatever reason,
John Gruen still talking about another quarterback besides his quarterback.
It just it doesn't make any sense. Like I think
he's well aware that it's going to create buzz or

people gonna pick it up and write about it, and
that's fine, But I don't understand the need for it.
I think he also is aware that it's maybe and
maybe it's it's more motivation for Derek Carr. Right, It's
almost like bullets and board material from your own coach
to motivate you. It said to be the quarterback he's
hoping you'll be. I'm not sure how to put it,
but I just don't know why he's still talking about

another quarterback and it's not Derek Carr. Be sure to
catch live editions of Out Kicked the Coverage with Clay
Travis week days at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the I Heart Radio app.
We are a hundred days away, Brady Quinn, a hundred
days away until the start of the NFL season. Round
of applause. The NFL just a hundred days away, baby,

a hundred days away, which means Ezekiel Elliott will be
arrested four times in that hundred day span. Is that
what's gonna happen? Four run ins for Ezekiel Eliot? He's
good for one investigation every offseason. It seems like, yeah,
it's so so. The latest is Charles Robinson of Yahoo
expects that the NFL is going to investigate the incident

involving Ezekiel Elliott at the rave where everybody gets together
and drop sext to see and throws up glow sticks
and then uh and then paints with each other's vomit
on the ground. H that's what I guess. That's what
you do at raves, not really something. Yeah, yeah, that
that is. Yeah. The the eating of the glow STIPs
always fun. Um, you know. I heard at raves from

time to time, like every fifteen minutes they draw straws
and whoever has the short straw they have to go
eat dinner out of one of the porta potties. It's
a bit very bizarre behavior. What happens at raves just
just disgusting. It's it's a chilly cook off with ecstasy
is what it is and bad music. That that's really
what a rave is. Ezekiel Elliott was at this rave

and was hammered out of his mind. I don't need
to see uh him take one of those roadside tests.
Don't blow into a breathalyzer. Yeah, I know exactly what
a hammered person looks like because I've been that hammered
person many times and Ezekiel Elliott was hammered, made contact
with a security guard who threw himself over a guardrail

like he was at WrestleMania sixteen. It was really amazing.
It was really fun to watch. He got handcuffed. Um
he had was having an argument and it appeared with
his the woman that he was there with trying to
stand in front of her so she couldn't walk because
he was trying to have a conversation with her. A
bad look for Ezekiel Elliott, especially a guy who, to
your point earlier, is trying to get a big money

contract from the Dallas Cowboys and yet every single offseason
we've got another issue with Zeke. That would be the contention,
or that would be the point that I'd bring up
sezk Elliott as agent, is at what point do you
mature and grow out of making these sorts of poor decisions,
especially in public and your repeat offender. So you have
to understand it from the NFL standpoint of course, when

there's video evidence and he's a repeat offender, they're going
to have to investigate. And you know, people may look
at the video and say, well, there really wasn't much
harm done, or it doesn't look as bad as some
of the other things we've seen. But again, he's always
already been disciplined in the past, and so that's where
you wouldn't necessarily be surprised if they didn't step in
and do something, only because he's dealt with these issues before.

But much like I said before, we've all got someone
like this in our lives. We do. We all have
someone like don't it's a family member or a friend,
someone who can't control themselves, can't contain themselves, and you know,
you just you know, like if you're going to one
of these concerts and festivals, that's typically the person that
you don't invite because you're like, I don't have to

deal with the drama. I don't want something to happen.
And at some point the people around Ezeko Elliott or
maybe just Zeke needs to understand he he just can't
do this, like he just can't put himself in that
position anymore, because it seems like every offseason we're listening
to something like this happened. There's the NFL, there's an
NFL investigation, and you brought up the point of the contract.

This to me only delays it for another year, because
if you look at the priorities between dak between a
Marie Cooper and getting Zeke Elliott done, I mean, look,
he's got two years left on his deal. They can
push this off for another year. And now I think
it gives them good reasons to and and look, you've
brought this up before doing the show together, Brady Quinn
to where when you go into contract negotiations, and you've

been through many of them in the NFL, they're looking
for any reason to squeeze you on anything. And if
they've gotten multiple times you've been on video bombed out
of your mind with altercations involving security guards or grabbing
a woman's breast like he did in a video, if
they've got that you took me tell me the Dallas
Cowboys aren't bringing that up in negotiations with Zeke. Now

they're bringing it up there, maybe even talking about and
one of the reasons why there's negotiations go even longer
is you know, for this sort of conduct, they'll even
have clauses where it will it'll negate or take away
some of his guaranteed money where if he gets in
trouble like this and gets suspended because you know, now
instead of just talking about you know, the length of
the deal, of the terms Leonard fuarantine, that's signing and

all that, the Leonard four net situation. Sure sure um,
And so that they start to put in this other
language now that would prohibit him from that. And that's
that's the unfortunate part is Zeke's gotta understand he's in
a position where he just can't afford to make these
sorts of mistakes. He's still on his rookie deal, he
hasn't gotten a huge money yet, and so he's only

hurting himself when he puts himself in these positions. Um.
Look there, he could very well be. And I don't
know Ezekiel Elliott. I've never met him. I have no
idea if he's a good guy bad guy. I've never
heard really bad things about him. I think he's a
partier and and that's fine. He just may be a
bad drunk. And I think that you can have both

of those. You can be a good person but be
a bad drunk. He just maybe it just doesn't go
well for you in public settings. Like you said, everybody's
got somebody their life. I mean, I know I have
somebody in their life. I would never air him out
on national radio, Marcus, but I just think that, uh,
that somebody's got somebody in in their life who's just
a bad drunk. They get after it a little bit,
and and you just know when they're around, when they've

got that stuff in their system, you gotta be careful.
Do you ever think, though, as an athlete, um, that
you're kind of fortunate to not have been playing in
this era of social media where everybody's got a camera? Well,
I was. I was. I kind of was born into
that though. So at the end of my college career,

the camera phone came about, Like do you remember the
razor phones? Yeah? Yeah, So so that was really towards
the end of college and like going into your senior year,
that was when when I realized. I was like, oh crap,
We've got this thing called the Facebook, and I never
really understood why anyone wanted to be a part of that.
We had cameras on phones now, and so you realize

that if someone wanted to sneak a shot, it was
more than likely going to happen, and you couldn't really
guard against it. And so at that point you really
did start to realize that, man, you couldn't live the
way you used to before, where you could go out
and have fun and not worry about it. And I
was never concerned about that because I conducted myself in
a certain way. It was more because of just the image.

You know, you can take a photo at different points
in time and it can look a lot of different ways,
you know, And especially if you're someone who's you know,
drinking and all that, people immediately assume if you're in
a bar, you gotta drink in your hand, you're drunk
or you're partying, and that's not always the case. There's
a lot of people. There's a few people out there
who probably go in just have a drink and they're fine. Yeah,
I'm not one of them. If you say, if you

see you drink in front of me, I'm hammered, and
I'll be outprobam with you right now. But so you
get My point is is that's unfortunately the era that
a lot of these players are are playing in. And
no one's gonna feel bad for him, right because these
guys are making millions of dollars, okay, but the reality is,
think of it was you? Think of it was you
and you could go out and conduct yourself in a

certain way and every little thing you did was gonna
be scrutinized. I'm sure you would't appreciate it either. Yeah,
it's and I also think, man, and I'll be just
up front and honest about it, because I have been
honest about I mean, there's I can remember one time
in Vegas being an Excalibur at the Excalibur Hotel and yeah,

the excalip Why because I don't have NFL money, That's why.
What what do you mean I was? I was a
bus boy t g I Fridays. It was either Excalibur
or Whiskey Pezze at State Line. What do you want
from me? Stop busting my balls? Like that's that's best
I could do. Man. They had specials. And I remember
though story out. No I did not want this story,

but I'm telling it on national radio. I remember going
to the Excalibur after a whole night out and next
thing you know, I'm being woken up by the cleaning
lady who's vacuuming right next to me. I had passed
out at a slot machine. It's six thirty in the morning.
I've got four bud lights in front of me and
the voucher sticking out of the machine and it's got

like four dollars that I want on the voucher. Here's
the worst part. My buddy tells me the next day, Man,
I'm walking through the casino, I see you passed out there.
I'm like, oh my god, what is he doing? And
I said, what am I? What are you doing? You
just left me there like you never thought like, hey,
let me let me carry my corpse of a friend
up to the hotel to the room that we paid for.
So they just have to sleep with the slot machine.

If that was on camera back then, that's a bad look.
But that actually happened. I didn't have to deal with
it back then, so I do. I do sort of
feel a little bit sorry for for some of today's
athletes or even celebrities for that matter, that are just
trying to go out do normal things. They have have
a bad night, like everybody's had a bad night drinking.

It's caught on camera and we see it on the
outside and go, oh, they're doing this when we really
don't know the backstory and what went into the night,
and we're really not thinking about it honestly, with how
we were at that same age. I think that sometimes
why you see, like Jerry Jones, for examp ample, he
usually takes these things a little bit more lightly because
one he remembers an age where he didn't have to

worry about all that. Uh, times are different, and I
think it's it's maybe hard for him to relate sometimes
in all this um and really just older generations in general. Yeah,
I think they look at a lot of times and think, gosh,
could you imagine what would have happened when when we
were young, or you know, how people used to settle
arguments Back that we were at the Bottle Rock Festival.
One of my uncle's buddies was there and he was talking. Now,

granted he's close to fifty now, but but even then,
like he was kind of saying, how look back then,
we were best friends. He's like, me and your uncle
used to getting fist fights all the time, that we'd
be fine five minutes later. He's like, that's just that's
how we operate, It's how we settled things. And and
that's the crazy part now, is the second you see
any athlete like that get into fight, especially even if
it was with their buddy, we immediately think they're gonna

be going to jail, they should be spending, they should
be fined, and you're like, oh wait, these are two
guys just horsing around who are friends with one another.
There was no ill intent there. But again, a picture
speaks a thousand words, and that's on four it. You know,
it's it's unfortunate for players. Now, that's the burden that
they have to live under. Be sure to catch live
editions of Outkicked the Coverage with Clay Travis weekdays at

six am Eastern three am Pacific
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