All Episodes

February 8, 2022 41 mins

Tuesday on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, Jonas Knox, Brady Quinn and LaVar Arrington react to Lovie Smith getting a 3rd shot at head coaching in the NFL. Meanwhile, Brian Flores and his legal team try to throw Lovie under the bus while also taking credit for the hire. Plus, a stop to steroid testing in MLB, a possible Bengals jinx by the Governor of Ohio and leaving money on the table in Vegas.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady, Quinn, Jonas Knocks. Coming up on this
Tuesday edition, super Bowl fifty six is approaching. We have
got a prop party that we're going to get underway.
We'll have more on that as you listen on. We're
also going to talk about the situation in Houston with
Lovey Smith's congratulations to love you Smith. But unfortunately Brian

Flores has entered the chat and things took a bad
turn for him. We're gonna talk about the potential return
of Tom Brady. Yes, it's true, the New Orleans Saints
to make a major decision. How do you fix the
Pro Bowl? Because one member of the show was there,
and we've also got speculation about another quarterback unhappy with
this current team. It's all yours coming up next here,

Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio.
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. Yeah, rock Man, Yeah,
so I'm talking about Bass both Yeah, it's drop it base,

well done. It is two pros and it got with
Fox Sports Radio. Was baby bass Finger? Yea almost said
though I don't even though you got to be in
the spirit of the base. When that happens, well, it's
gonna be a long day for everybody here. So we
are we're just gearing up for a three hour extravagance
and we'll take you all the way up until nine

am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific. Here it's LaVar Arrington,
Brady Quinn, Jonas knocks, and most importantly, you're on Fox
Sports Radio. It might have been yeah, yeah, there's always
bertoh It just a it depends on who was there

and who it was oh Man, But we are often rutted.
It is Super Bowl week and so we are a
fast proaching a Super Bowl fifty six. We're going to
start a prop party. We're doing the prop party today.
We're gonna do prop bets every single day here on
the show. This isn't like the propt Monster, because these

are actually good props. So we will be having fun
with that over the next the next couple of hours
here on FS are now. The the news that we
had talked about yesterday because it felt like it was
going in that direction, was Lovey Smith being hired by
the Houston Texans UH former Bears head coach, former Tampa
Bay Buccaneers head coach, uh coach at Illinois, a guy

who's as well respected as anybody. I can't I've never
met anybody or heard anybody say anything bad about Lovey Smith.
Like he's always been really well respected. Was the defensive
coordinator this last year, and he was that It started
I think in Illinois. Yeah, and I remember when he
debuted there. I was like, man, I can only grow

a beard like that. Yeah, it's a great perard, but
it wasn't a strong beard. I don't want to I
don't want to ask the U this question on the air.
I'm like, well, there was a story out about his
like his son. What does that have to do with
his I don't know. I just I just I just
popped on my mind. There was a story out that, like, um,

you know, people might have worked for him, if you
know what I mean. That's all I do. Remember the
story you're talking about? Yeah, just you're but you're I'm
just saying like that, we're barely out of right. Never
mind that, all right, I never I know, I just
popped in my mind. What do you want me to do?

That's how we're gonna dovetail it to a sensitive conversation.
The only right just Google. You figured that just I
don't know why I popped in my mind, but anyways,
so well respected what you do. People like Jonas are
out here. No, that's listen to you. Everything is fine here.
But he's a well respected guy. Um and uh well

the wifi's hitter missed here and so you know, he
gets named head coach officially yesterday by the Houston Texans.
And I think the feeling is and we talked about it.
It does have a strange sort of a a vibe
to it. It does have a you know, a strange
sort of you know, all of a sudden, lovely Smith
popped up out of nowhere. But Brady, you had pointed

out that that he was sitting in on these interviews
with some of these head coaches, and it was almost
like Houston Texans at a revelation and just realized, hey,
this guy's pretty good. Like all of a sudden that
that lovey Smith is. Uh so Google does work, all right,
So uh we're stuff and runted. But anyways, congratulations to

uh you know, there's just that happens. Uh So that
was poor Yeah that was on your part, yes, no,
what I just like I remember the story. It was poor. Okay, Anyways,
I was just trying to make an NFL roster at
that point. I was preoccupied. Maybe that's why I flew
into the radio. Well yeah, there's there's O's radar. So

congratulations to UH to Lovey Smith. They make an official
and the Houston Texans have a brand new head coach. Now,
before we get into the other element of this, which
is the the Brian flores Um statement from his legal team. Um,
and what does that matter, Well, I want to know, yeah,

I want to know. So Lovey Smith is gonna get
a third shot, like this is gonna be. He coached
the Bears, he coached the Bucks. I was trying to
think back, how many coaches get three chances after they've
been the first two times? It's that's what's hard to
even think of someone. Yeah, like I went through to
to try and find it, and I just I don't.
I couldn't think of anybody that that popped up to
where they got fired the first couple of times, right

or wrong. I think everybody in Chicago recognizes now that
was a mistake. In Tampa Bay, they want with what
dirt cutter? Do you count McDaniel's stint with the Colts
as as well. Yeah, yeah, we know, you know, you
know what technicality that's that's correct, so well so so
Josh McDaniels has entered the chat. But yeah, I just
too congratulations, love you. Smith gets the gig. And I

think a guy that everybody talked to bottom really likes
within the NFL, you know, I mean, he's respected, well liked,
players love him. And the hard part about the hiring
is we'll talk about the messaging from Brian Floors attorneys,
but also John McClain, who's dialed in with the Houston Texans,
really is the first one who pushed it out that

this hiring wasn't gonna take place without the Brian Floors
lawsuit because they wanted to hire Josh McCowen. They were
hoping that someone else would interview Josh McCowen to provide
legitimacy of his head coaching candidacy, if you will, because
they felt so strongly about Josh McCowen again for a
second year. But the reality is, the optics look awful

if you're gonna hire Josh McCowen, who's got no experience whatsoever.
When I guess if we're saying you have to have
a head coaching experience to be qualified, right, I mean
that that's that's that's the conclusion that we're coming to
is because people were saying this to about the hiring
of Brian Dable over Brian Flores, was well, how could
Brian Dable be a more qualified candidate because Brian Flores

has three years of head coaching experience, And the reality
would be, well, Brian might have You know, Brian Flores
might have three years of head coaching experience, but he
doesn't have experience coaching quarterbacks, does he? I mean, unless
we're we're all of a sudden annointing him as being
the guy that's gonna help Daniel Jones get better. When
I would I would make the case that I don't
think he helped to a song about Looa over the
two years he was with him. But I don't want

to digress get off on a separate tangent. I think
this hiring happens because love E. Smith. It was the
right guy who was a part of all these interviews,
and they felt like the timing of it made a
lot of sense. But I keep going back to what
we talked about yesterday. Why do you move on from
David Culley then, I mean love Smith was a part
of this. People are like chiming in on Twitter like

always and you're going hold on, dude, Like, if you're
upset at how David Culley ran practice or handled the team,
that did, you forget that the assistant head coach, the
defensive coordator was Lovely Smith last year. Like he's a
part of that too. So whatever you're upset with last year, like,
you just hired a guy who was on that same
staff who literally was like the second in rank to

the head coach. So you can't you can't be frustrated
with David Coley and then and sit there and say like,
oh I I can't make that comment when you just
hired a guy who was a part of all that.
So it would only lead to your thinking they're gonna
have more dysfunction or more issues if he was a
part of what happened last year, Right. I just think
they hired him to stabilize that team. And I think

the largest piece of it that's playing a part in
it is possibly the Desaunt Watson's situation. That is the
one singular chip that could fall into place that improves
the Houston Texans, a media name, another chip that could
fall all in place that could improve the Houston Texans

immediately whatever they would possibly get for him. But I
don't know if it's you know, any more than a
quarterback or any more than draft picks. That's a possibility.
That's that's that would probably if you're thinking about it,
that probably is the contingency plan. Maybe that was the
first plan. Maybe this was the contingency plan that became
the first plan. I think Lovey Smith, if you know

Lovey Smith, as you guys have already alluded to, he's
like a Tony Dungee. He's like everybody's uncle, their favorite
uncle or their favorite dad, and people relate to him.
People people gravitate to him. Um, super super likable dude.
And I think when you're talking about this is a

this is an organization that needs to to heal and
they need to be able to heal and move forward
from all of the dramatic departures that have taken place.
You know, Hopkins leaves, then then J. J. Watt leaves,
Then Deshaun Watson says he doesn't even want to be
a part of the team. That sends a message that's

that's shock waves through through that locker room. Those are
the three biggest figures outside of Andre Johnson I think
ever for for the franchise that all like in succession,
like right back to back to back to back, don't
want to be there or aren't there anymore. I think

that they believe that finding someone who brings that leadership
quality of that of that level is what was most important.
And you gotta, if you're going to go in a
different direction, if you can clearly put that together as
the correlation as to why this person in particular became

the coach, then you gotta take a moment and commend
them for making that decision, because love E. Smith is
that type of guy that can unite people. And I'm
curious as to how quickly now that he's gotten a
job he'll address that Deshaun Watson situation. And also, I

think it's fair to say, and we're you know, we'll
get into the Brian flora as an angle on this
coming up in a few minutes, but I think it's
fair to say that this isn't some people were throwing out, Yeah,
this smells like another one and done. I don't think
there's any chance Lovey Smith is one and done. Based
on what happened with David Couley. Based on the situation,
Lovey Smith probably was well aware of what's going on,

and it's like, look, I'm not doing this just to
be a stop gap for somebody else, like I'm gonna
I need time. I need I need an opportunity to
figure this thing out. I don't know what sort of
compensation or the contract looks like I didn't see that.
But this doesn't feel like he's just gonna be in
and out and they're gonna move on to somebody else
in another year. I just don't see it. I'm with you,
and I think it probably has more, especially if Josh R.
Callen becomes part of the staff, there's more likely a

chance of it's Lovely Smith until maybe he wants to now.
I mean, the beard makes him look probably older than
what he actually a great bear though, and I'm just saying,
you should be able to get a lot of local sponsorships.
Now that's like a big thing. Let's go, let's go
live to our I know how old Lovey Smith is.
Insider lead to laugh of the latest league that would

be sixty three good stuff for the next three or
four years, and then they would you know, you could
segue into McCallan taking over at some point, like there's
always that thought. I don't know why we think that
happens in the NFL. You know, he's getting the heat. Now,
your guy Jack Easterby cos he's the fall guy. He's
always even though Sun the Shop was a general managers,

still Easterby man It is two pros and a cup
of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn Jonas
knocks with the here on FS are coming up next.
We're going to get into somebody who tried to help
a situation. Unfortunately they only made it worse that We'll
have that for you right here on Fox Sports Radio.
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hope and wire text hoping why four six seven three
six nine. Be sure to catch live editions of Two
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Arrington and Jonas Knocks week days at six am easting
three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the I
Heart Radio. You see, it's kind of hard being d
O double G, but uh somehow, some way keep coming
up with two pros and he and j D on

the Morning show. Now we got something to talk about.
Gouzas three am. Not not too snoop. Yeah it's three am, snoop.
Better believe it. Yeah yeah, time to get ready. Yeah,
ruin my bit. Two pros Brady Quinn, Jonas knocks you

here on FS are sometimes Jonas by the way, coming up,
coming up later on this hour. There is a little
bit of a scandal brewing in the world of sports.
I mean, I'm a big fan of it, but there
are some people that are going to be outraged by it.
So we will have that for you here later on
this hour on Fox Sports Radio. Um, so, we talked

about the love Smith hiring in Houston. He is the
brand neh uh text and said, coach, Now, if you're wondering, God,
this seems like just a smooth intro to a break,
I can assure you it's absolutely not. There's utter chaos
here behind the scenes. Because everybody's eyes work helped me

my first time. It's good. He certainly did. Um yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright,
So here's the here's where the Lovey Smith hire takes
an interesting turn. Alright, So a little bar you're ready
to not read your mentions um, you know I can so.

This from Brian Flores legal team that came out Monday
after the announcement of Lovey Smith being hired by the
Houston Texans quote, Mr Flores is happy to hear that
the Texans have hired a blackhead coach, Lovey Smith, as
Mr flores goal in bringing his case to provide real
opportunities for black and minority candidates to be considered for

coaching and executive positions within the NFL. However, we would
remiss not to mention. We would be remissed rather not
to mention that Mr Flores was one of three finalists
for the Texans head coaching position, and after a great
interview and mutual interest, it is obvious that the only
reason Mr Flores was not selected was his decision to
stand up against racially inequality across the NFL. So, now,

what what am I supposed to say right now? Like
to all the the baiters and all the woke cats
and all the canceled cultural cultural ers, all of the
the I'm a clown and I'm on the What am
I supposed to say to that that's going to appease you?
With what I'm gonna say? Oh wait, I forgotten. I

don't care what you think. I care what about what
what I feel and what I know is right and
what I believe to be right based off of my
principles and the values of how I was raised by
a revend Uh an ordained minister of reverend and a
a very very well respected educator and my mother. And

if I was talking to my parents right now, we
would have the conversation and it would be introduced. Are
you are you downplaying what your whole representation of your
legal case is? Are you down them playing that with

another minority higher with another person that's a minority. How
does that work? That seems ass backwards. Call me crazy,
but that sounds ass backwards that you're saying I was
better than this other minority coach that just was hired.

I want to say, congratulations, you're you're you're progressing, you know,
or giving other black coaches an opportunity, other minority coaches
an opportunity. But if I wasn't in this lawsuit, they
would have hired me over you another black man. Okay,
I mean, is that is that the interpretation here? Yeah?

I mean I think the this is this is how
it comes off to me, is there almost taking credit
for the fact that love Smith was hired because without
the lawsuit, it would have been Josh McCown, which which
like John McClean put out there. And so I'll just
say this, even if they're right, even if the motivation
behind hiring Lovey Smith was the lawsuit kind of pushed

them to go in a different direction, you can't you
can't obtain credit for it because right well he said
he should have or would have got it. His legal
counsel is saying that, which, by the way, okay, so
I think there's two parts of this conversation. If he

does get it, you're gonna be dropping the lawsuit because
you can't sue them as a part of the rest
of the NFL, which was what what that was, and
so your your case falls apart. What do you know that? Right?
So why even come out and say because I think
I think they want to make it feel like this
is starting to create the change that they're talking about,
right because it would have probably it would have been

Josh McCown had not been for the lawsuits. So even
if Brian's a more qualified or better candidate in the
eyes of his legal counsel either way they feel like
has helped create some change from that. Now, I think
the hard thing that stars they're lost in the face
is the fact that and this is where it gets
a little more difficult too, is you know, Mike McDaniel
gets hired in Miami, and, as Adam Schefter quotes it,

he identifies as biracial. I mean, I don't know how
he identifies. Is that you either biracial or not? Right,
But people identified like so, in other words, they might
identify as as a white person because they're even though
they're mixed with something else. So they may identify with
Native American even though they may have an Irish it's

it's a it's a it's a whole thing. You'd still
be considered biracial, right, Yes, but biracial kids do not
like in some cases being referenced that general. They liked.
It's more. I think we're venturing into like the pronoun conversation.

I'm married to one, so I get it, Like, I
got nothing to say about how that works. I mean,
it's all good. Yeah, Hey listen, I'm just you know, yeah,
that's your detail. Like I I've never got the straight
answer from my never, I've never heard what we are.

I've never heard that. I never I've never gotten a
straight answer from my parents about what we are. Back
the original point, I think it's no, it's just even
if that was the case. I don't want to say
it's like gloating, but it's almost like, man, let everyone
else speak for you. You've got the lawsuit out there.

You know you could focus on that moving forward now
now because all the hirings are done. Now you look
at and say, well, this might be their last time
to really speak about it until the legal procedures take
their case. The fact, the fact that he went from
I I recognize that this might cost me an opportunity
to coach in the NFL again too. Now I'm the
reason that this is. This is the reason why, Yeah,

I'm not Smith. Yeah I was not hired now because
like it gives the perception I'm not saying that he is, Okay,
I want to be clear, but it does give the
perception that Brian Flores and his legal team are kind
of full of craft. I gotta be honest with you.
That's how it comes off to me. I read it
and I go, why, what, how does this help? Like

I understand what this does. Like they hired love Smith,
We understand that there's a bigger issue going on for
Brian Flores, and it's important and it's important to him.
But the messaging we got at the front was this
isn't about me, this is about us. Yet he just
made it about him, like that's that's the part that
I look at. And again, am I interpreting the quote?

The statement incorrectly? Is the legal person's statement insinuating if
not for this lawsuit with my client, he would have
gotten that job. And Lovey Smith doesn't get it. Yes,
am I that what he's saying that. I'm pretty certain

that that's what he's implying with his with his statement
that Mr Flores was one of three finalists for the
Texans head coaching position, and after a great interview of
mutual interest, it is obvious the only reason Mr Flores,
the only reason Mr Flores was not selected was his
decision to stand up against racial inequality across just a
minority coach under the bus. After you told everybody, we

recognize there's a chance this might happen, they come back.
Quote in itself is damning. I think he heard it.
I think I think this hurt. Like I came away
from that going look a lot of what Brian Flores
was claiming last week. I mean, people can try and
to say no, no, no, there is an issue with
the hiring process in the NFL. We acknowledge in on

the show there's an issue with the firing process on
this show. We talked about Steve Wilkes David Coley. We've
defended both those guys multiple times. This I think hurts
his k is at least from a PR standpoint. Yeah,
I don't get it makes sense of that I'm a
role and not to mention the fact that people know
who love you Smith is like he is a recognizable

He is as recognizable figure as Tony Dungee. Would you
say they play then they play against each other in
the super Bowl. They want to each other like the
two dopest black coaches are playing against each other for
the first time. Mind you, it was historical in the
Super Bowl. And you're taking aim, I love you. I'm

gonna throw Mike Tomlin though for as far as dopes
so well, he's that's I mean, he might be. He
might be the no qualifier. No qualifier. Mike might be
the dopest period. But like, again, how do you justify
that that's what you allowed your legal team? So go

on Good Morning America or or something else and do
an interview. And I want to hear how that sounds,
because maybe I'm taking it out of context. But I
just know this. If I'm Lovey Smith or I'm anybody
else and they bring that quote to me, that's immediately
how I'm gonna interpret it. You you you just diminished and

downgraded me for the simple fact that it built and
boosted you up for what it is that's going on.
But that's a total contradiction to what it is that
you're saying. You're representing. That's so now I guess, I
guess any black coach that gets higher now for for
a had coaching job, it's because of Brian Flores and

they wouldn't have got the job. But if Brian Flores
hadn't did the lawsuit, because that's in that sense, that's
basically what you're saying. That's basically what you're saying. I
just don't know what it helped. I don't know who's like.
And just on that point, if you're another minority coach
and you want to join the class action, because I
think that was the intent originally. Now now you're like, whoa,

come on, man me again, it only makes it feel
a little bit worse. So maybe they're are now open
to huge action even though it does I don't know. Yeah,
you know what somebody says. Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
We sucked and I got paid more. The more the
more I talked to I've talked to a lot of

players over the last you know, days, since this whole
thing has started, because I wanted to get perspective, because
I wanted to understand why there was so much like
backlash towards what I was saying, as if the logic
of if you want ownership to change, then you have
to take the power of what the owners have and

you have to show them that you can alter what
their their bottom line is. And people are acting like
that makes no sense. But been asking a couple of
different players that are current players, and the response has
been pretty touch the same from every single one of them.
I don't give an f. I don't give an f

about what Flores is doing. And I was like, dang,
like that's kind of harsh. I have a job to do.
I'm gonna do my job, and here was the one
thing that I hadn't thought about, and even t J
sit it on on the show with With with Rogan
and and Rodney Peat. Coaches will sell a player out

in a heartbeat and in a New York second, especially
right now, should be clear that's Fred Rogan. Yeah, I
guess he's part of the conversation now too. And that's
a different one. You will not hear me touching that
one withall all right, I'm not gonna touch that one

with yourton football anyway. The point is, as as as
I listened to us like man coaches and players, there
are very few times that coaches and players have a

relationship that go beyond the field, that go beyond a
coach coaching the player and the player playing for the team,
because you can't always say they're playing for the coach.
Those are the rare ones. Like if you think in
your mind, I can think of literally two or three
coaches in my entire career of playing that I played

for that I would I would like I called and
I check on on my high school head coach, love him,
like love him. I check on my the college coach
that recruited me. I check on him, love him. That's
my guy. I think about pro I have a few
coaches from the pros. George at Words, uh, Kirk Soottenheimer,

Greg Manusky. There are a few that there's a few
I can think of that I say, I like, I
love that dude. I'm embracing. We have love for one another.
The rest of them can kiss my ass. And I
mean literally they can kiss my ass. Steve Spurrier, Steve,

Steve is a good dude. But Steven sell But but
I'm saying, Steve will sell He'll sell you out. They will,
They will sell you out because the cityse dudes will
sell you out. It comes down to self preservation at
their job over trying to defend a player. All right, hello,

but now, but now you want you want to be
preserved and you want to be supported. And in these
types of moments, it's like, oh, oh, so now you're
experiencing what players feel. You're feeling what we feel when
we gotta deal with what you're doing directly, not what

the ownership is doing. Now you're dealing with what you do.
Asked to uh, how how Flora's made him feel? Or
any of them some of the other players are as Cooks.
Was that his name when he started playing jay Z
when when he was messing with Stills still just sitting
there by the way representing what Kaepernick, what's supporting and

and with standing up for the fact that jay Z
said it was time to move on from from these
types of conversations and being more progressive. And Kenny Steeles
is like, no, it shouldn't be that way. In Flora's bangs,
jay Z loud in the practice antagonize the entire week,

the entire week. But yet now you'll look for Kenny
Steals or Kaepernick or somebody to come to you. Could
you imagine if Colin Kaepernick came out and said this
is wrong, Brian Flores is correct, this is this is

not how things should be handled, This is not how
it should be going. This thing would be an orbit
out of here. How many activists have we heard jump
out there and talk on Brian Flores is behalf. I
haven't heard any. I've been watching on Twitter. I mean

they're all over the place. I'm saying, and you know
that I'm just saying that it's true, but it's true.
It feels like there are a lot of activists on Twitter.
But but but the credible activists that are out there,
the people actually doing something I haven't heard that, not

the people sitting on there, but the ones that love,
the ones that love to say there woke and that
that that they represent their community. But yet call other
black people uh, crazy ass names like it's crazy to me,
like the contradictions that some of these people like the
nerve of her, and and the bottom line is and
when I say her, I mean him because you act

like he okay, So in the end, in the end,
in the end, this all this does is further exposed
to me ego and a narcissistic approach to what's going on,
because you would even sell out your own to try
to prove a point for yourself. And that's the bottom line.

That's the bottom line conclusion of a statement like that
that would be released. If I was Brian Flores, I'd
be like, hell, no, you ain't releasing that's Lovey Smith
one of the most respective figures. Forget qualifying him by
saying black. He's one of the most respective figures in
our game. And we're gonna we're gonna put this statement out.

And first, first African American coach to ever make a
Super Bowl because when him and Dungee went the same year. Uh,
the NFC title game was first. A little bit of
history there, there you go. I was at that NFC
Title game, by the way, a little yeah, yeah you are. Yeah,
it's fun. That was when y'all were good. Since I'm
not a barrass fan, I just went to respected the

Two Pros and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio.
All right, cut up next, We've got a scandal brewing
in the world of sports. This could get really really
fun over the next couple of months. We'll have that
for you right here on fs ARE. Be sure to
catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe with Brady Quinn, LaVar Arrington and Jonas Knocks week
days at six am Eastern, three am Pacific. Hey, what's up, everybody.

It's me three time Pro Bowl Little Warrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a new podcast called
Up on Game? What is up on Game? You ask?
Along with my fellow Pro bowler t J. Hudgman's otta
and Super Bowl champion. That's right, Plexico Birds. You can
only name a show with that type of talent on it.
Up on Game, We're going to be sharing our real

life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to Up on
Game with Me, LaVar Arrington, t J. Hudgman's Outa and
Plexico Birds on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast
or wherever you get your podcast from. Two pros and
a cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn,

Jonas knock with you here on FS are uh coming
up top of next hour a little over ten minutes
from now. There's apparently, um a potential return on the
table for somebody in the NFL, so we will get
into that for you here already on Fox Sports Radio.
I mean, this is this is good stuff right now
though it is time for something we do on the
show every single day at this time, and it's called this.

Sometimes you can't get to every thing in the world
of sports or entertainment, good thing. The guys are here
to bring you in case you missed it, and for
that we turn it over to our executive producer label.

I can't roll ds, you can't public I just lied
on the air, actually right, I actually can roo All right,
what do we got you guys, in case you miss it,
after nearly twenty years, major League Baseball is going to

stop testing its players for steroids. And that's only because
of the sports luck out that started. You're going to
stop testing, so it's only temporary. It's bringing it back
baseball baby. So now, well all the juicers cues going
to the Hall of Fame. Yeah, well what they have

come on that is that is a negative that will
not be happening. Now. They still have the what's the
veterans the Veterans Committee, They can still get in that round. Man. Yeah,
it's just you know, the idea that you've got to
have two different groups road for it. Man, let me
tell you something, Okay, alright, I'm going to I'm going

to ask a question here, all right. I don't want
I know the feeling. I don't want to, all right,
I am I. I am not trying to condone p. E.
Du So. I want to be very clear on that
for anybody listening. But I just want to ask the question, correct,
if if you found out major League Baseball for one
season wasn't going to be testing, are you not more

interested in what that would look like for a year? Fastballs,
hitting like I mean breaking a catcher's hand rocket break
because it would be a steroids, right steroid? Yeah, would
have to use different balls this candid to be careful. Yeah,

this hand was made for ball catching. I mean think
about the think about how the game has changed in
all seriousness, like now now we just swing for the
fences every time. If you think about bringing back p
d s in this arab how bring them back? Not

condoning pd was just saying what if it happened, it
would be really entertaining, it like a movie. You know
you guys. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is temporarily renaming three
parks in honor of the Cincinnati Bengals. They will be
named Burrow Oak State Park, Evan McPherson, Extra Point Creek
State Park, and Icky would State Park. Oh that's nice.
Do you have to do to dance? Do you have
to do to suffer when you go on? Yeah? I

gotta be I what about Anthony Munios Anthony Monos canting
a past player in their franchise history? Yeah, Anthony Mounos
can't get can't get a park named after him? I mean,
what the hell does that happen? Yeah? Like so so
Joe he beat he beat Jinxing the Bengals. If you

name these parks before they actually win, are not gonna
be honest with you, man. Anthony Moon is not on
that list though, not not that we're bringing that up.
I mean Andy Dalton's how is hey Cincinnati a Fox
Sports thirteen sixty? You can't get David Klingler a park?
The hell's this world coming? No? But real talk though,

Why wouldn't Boomer Assassin be on that list? He is
an m v P. Right, wasn't an m v P
Anthony uns? I mean they say he's the greatest offensive
lineman to ever played a game. So Evan McPherson gets
a park, but A J. Green doesn't get a park?
It might be too recent, disrespectful. I would say Chado

Sinka before Yeah, t J it we can't get T
and t J park? Wow? This is Is it premature? Though?
He wasn't. Aren't you going to with a second? We
just named parks after an AC championships. I got a
feeling that that RAMS minus four and a half is

going to start to creep up. I think it's going
to start to creep up. I think they jink themselves
here disrespect Anthony Moon's like that is disrespectful. What else
we got? That weather channel is out of control. You
gotta be careful. You gotta be careful with the weather
out there because they could get some dumbbell flies. Uh,

we got you guys. I think we've all come back
from Vegas with some extra chips in our pants, but
in our pockets. What animal? Oh god, cashing your chips
sometimes you know, just a few that I've done that
where you come home and you realized, yeah, you're like
not not worth it. Well, I guess his work keeping

in your pocket if if it's too small, that short
as bad as it was for one Arizona man named
Robert Taylor, who found out that he had left two
dollars lying there at the at the slots machine that
he should have won, but he didn't realize he had
one because he was a problem with the with the
slot machine. It did not go quote unquote bonkers, but

no worries. Nev had a gaming authorities have found him
and given him his payout. Here's that's different than just
leaving it. I mean he was tricked. Here's what I
don't understand. If the so the voucher didn't print. Doesn't
need a voucher if you want something like that shot,
I mean he probably did your strategy, which was what
he went to a slot machine, get a drink, to

get a drink at the button. Too many drinks, drink
it sounds like a smart He didn't even care about winning.
He was cheared about the brig about a whole bunch
of nothing rings to your heart strings like when you
hear cocktails the best. Fox Sports Radio has the best

sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our
shows at Fox Sports Radio dot com and within the
I Heart Radio app search f s R to listen live.
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