Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up on
this Thursday edition. No Brady Quinn, but he's got good
reason behind that. We will explain. We're also going to
talk about how the Dallas Cowboys coaching search has turned
into a bit of a circus and a clown show.
We will discuss the details on that. Apparently it's even
worse than some people thought it was when it comes
to Deshaun Watson and the Cleveland Brown. Speaking of bad,
how about Russell Wilson and his relationship with his offensive coordinator. Yeah,
we learned a little bit about that as well too.
Tom Brady conflict of interest I don't think so, LeVar does.
We'll get into that, and we'll have Jim Harbaugh's conversation
about his beast of a quarterback despite his own and
two playoff record, Plus Albert Breer stops by, and we've
got Lee's leftovers. It's all yours coming up next here.
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe on a Thursday,
Fox Sports Radio. Hey, thanks for listening to the Two
Pros and a Cup of Joe Podcast with LaVar Arrington,
Brady Quinn and myself Jonas Knox. Make sure you catch
us live weekdays six to nine am Eastern Time three
to six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can
find your local station for the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe show over at Foxsports Radio dot com,
or stream us live every day on the iHeartRadio app
by searching FSR.
Speaker 2 (01:22):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (01:37):
Nope, no Brady, Nope, no Brady. It is Two Pros
and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington,
Jonas Knox with you here. You can hang out with
us as always on the iHeartRadio app. You can find
us on hundreds of affiliates all across the country and
wherever you are making us a part of your Thursday morning,
we appreciate you doing so. We are going to take
you all the way up until nine am Eastern Time,
six o'clock Pacific, and we're doing it all live from
the tire rack dot Com studios tire rack dot Com.
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So Brady's not here because he has a major life event, A.
Speaker 3 (02:26):
Major life event. Yeah, and up on the bet that
you didn't pay up on, which is what you know.
He's turning in, Brandy. What do you mean, I'm joking?
Speaker 1 (02:43):
No, he so Brady, Brady's expecting child number thirty two.
Speaker 4 (02:50):
Uh so he's uh.
Speaker 3 (02:51):
Talking about a quarterback slinging that.
Speaker 4 (02:54):
Rock to dap quinn back the thrown it's another touchdown.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
I don't think he's suspected anymore. I think he think
he's got to go about now.
Speaker 1 (03:07):
Yeah he's not And I don't know, man, but yeah,
so so we I don't want to tease this and
have it not happened, but I would I would point
out that he has said that maybe he would call
in while listen. I don't know if it's while it's
actually happening, or potentially from the hospital.
Speaker 4 (03:30):
So if that is the case, I.
Speaker 5 (03:32):
Don't think it's already I thought he said it already
was it would have happened back now. I would assume
he would be calling as as a new happy pop
pop more than calling for us to experience it with him.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
Speaker 1 (03:48):
When I my wife had my son, I was trying
to schedule it to where I could actually do the
show while it was happening, because that's again that's another
level of commit but it was unfortunate and not able
to have that have they go down.
Speaker 5 (04:04):
I mean, was she okay with he doing it that way?
Speaker 4 (04:08):
No? But you know that who's that stop?
Speaker 1 (04:11):
You know, it's just like, hey, I gotta go, I
gotta grab something real quick. I'm gonna get something from
the vending machine. Do you want anything?
Speaker 5 (04:17):
Speaker 1 (04:17):
And then you come back and you know, next thing,
you know, I'm tossing the lead to laughter in case
you missed it. Like it's just you know, you just
kind of slowly work it into the show, work it
into the the situation, then you should be fine.
Speaker 4 (04:29):
So there's ways around.
Speaker 1 (04:31):
It, you know, no big or fuddy, but congratulations to
to the Quinns, and if Brady can make it work,
then we're gonna be good to go here and we're
gonna have somebody a brand new dad on the air
joining us here at some point during.
Speaker 4 (04:47):
The course of the show.
Speaker 1 (04:50):
Thank you, Jerry, which is appropriate because no, by the way,
you know, Jerry, that's that's an interest SoundBite from you
based on what happened last off season.
Speaker 4 (05:03):
But oh god, I mean, listen, teezer.
Speaker 3 (05:07):
That thing sure did disappear and go away.
Speaker 4 (05:10):
It's amazing.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
You know, maybe that's why he was nickel and diming
Mike McCarthy on the contract length and the terms and
all that, because that is one of the stories out there,
is that they wanted Mike McCarthy to reduce the number
of assistants he had. That there was, you know, a
thought that maybe Jerry didn't want to pay a premium
or top dollar that some other organizations were paying. And
you know, the more that this stuff starts to come out,
the more we find out about this coaching search when
it comes to the Dallas Cowboys, and one of the
things that was discussed yesterday Jane Slater of the NFL
Network who pointed out that Jerry Jones has kind of
taken this into his own hands, that he's gone on
a bit of a solo mission. So he's the one
reaching out and he's the one having conversations. Some of
the names that were thrown out there. Obviously, we talked
about the Jason Witten, who you know, Jerry Jones looked
at as the potential heir apparent. Kellen Moore's name was
brought up, Dion Sanders, John.
Speaker 4 (06:17):
Gruden, Steve Sarkesian.
Speaker 1 (06:20):
She brought up that, you know, there's been no reaching
out to sark yet, but potentially that could be something
that could pop up. Dion Sanders and some betting markets
is the betting favorite to be the coach. There the
fact that they're having to go this route and the
fact that Jerry Jones is taking on this quote unquote
solo mission tells me he didn't expect Mike McCarthy to
not be the coach, and I think he assumed that
Mike McCarthy and then we're going to get a deal done.
And now I don't know if panic is the right word,
but it seems like maybe he's a little pissed off
at the situation and it's like, I'll just take it
into my own hands.
Speaker 5 (06:56):
That seems interesting. I mean, if if that were the case,
then why wouldn't Mike McCarthy still be the coach? Like
he has the Jerry Jones has the ability and the
resources to have alluded that type of surprise.
Speaker 3 (07:18):
That would seem strange to me.
Speaker 5 (07:19):
You didn't expect to have to find a new head coach,
Like I don't get it, Like, Okay, you had too
many assistant coaches. I mean, you ain't won nothing, damn.
So I mean what are all those people doing there for?
But I mean, would Mike McCarthy forego renewing his contract
based off of having too many assistant coaches? I don't
think so. So if what you're saying has any validity
to it, you're talking about a bigger issue that is
potentially existing here as it applies to a coach one
to be there, because you're basically saying that Mike McCarthy
is the reason why Mike McCarthy is out of a job,
not not Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys. So that
would be what I would be asking, is, well, why
is it that Mike McCarthy did not re up his contract?
Why is it that Jerry Jones has found himself in
a situation where he has to try to find a
coach when he wasn't anticipating that he was.
Speaker 3 (08:29):
Going to need a new coach for his team.
Speaker 5 (08:31):
That's strange and for what is worth outside of Dion Sanders,
and honestly speaking, even and no disrespect, but even Dion,
none of those names scream, you're you're upgrading your your
opportunities to be able.
Speaker 3 (08:50):
To try to go for a Super Bowl. I don't,
I don't. I don't get that. That doesn't seem to
make sense Jonas.
Speaker 1 (09:00):
So that's why when I kind of threw the question
at you guys yesterday, like, hey, are any of these
names and upgrade over Mike McCarthy, I just I mean,
Dion's a splash higher. But we don't know how that's
going to work in the NFL.
Speaker 4 (09:12):
What we do know is.
Speaker 1 (09:13):
Mike McCarthy has worked in the NFL, and you could
say whatever you want about his playoff failures and all
that in Dallas, Dude, the guys, I mean, he won
a Super Bowl, He's won a ton of games in
multiple places. He's been a coach for like eighteen years
or something like that. He's like, his resume speaks for itself.
So then you're basically late to the dance. Everybody else
has made the move, had interviews with coaches that are
still coaching in the playoffs. Now you're late and you're scrambling,
and all of these different names are popping up out there,
and I just look at it and go, there's no
way this was the plan, and if this was the plan,
it just looks like more unorganized, disjointed Dallas Cowboy negotiations
that we've seen with players and now we're seeing with coaches.
Speaker 4 (10:02):
It's just weird.
Speaker 5 (10:03):
Well, and I think to your point, I think what
adds the complications to all of this is that Dallas
has been dysfunctional for so long that you can no
longer use the star or.
Speaker 3 (10:20):
Use saying Dallas or Cowboys.
Speaker 5 (10:23):
You can't use that as as a significant legitimate draw.
Like you even heard your own former quarterback and Troy
Aikman basically allude to or say or hint to the
fact that it isn't that prestigious of a job to
get if you're a head coach.
Speaker 4 (10:42):
That's a pretty damning statement.
Speaker 3 (10:43):
Coming from one of the damning statements.
Speaker 4 (10:45):
One of the great players in the history of the organization.
Speaker 5 (10:48):
So I don't know what you lean on at this
point to get the type of coach, to lure in
the type of coach that you might want and for
what it's worth. I hate to say this as well,
because it stinks that this is how guys have to
get jobs. But at the same time, you know what
opportunity presents itself to take advantage of it. You know,
Dion couldn't get a major gig. He was trying to
get the Florida State gig. They didn't want to give
it to him. The dude goes to a place where
it's like, come on, man, like this is the job
that Dion Sanders has to take. He goes to Jackson State,
no shade to Jackson State. But the bottom line is
he ends up there because you know, he couldn't get
a major school to take him seriously. He ends up
going to Colorado, which is like y'all know, it was insignificant,
insignificant school, you know, And so he gets a job
by default because Colorado was not a desirable job, a
one win team. Now he turns that around and what
he finds himself in a position again where possibly he
gets the opportunity to take a major head coaching job
role at the National Football League because it's one of
the more insignificant organizations that you should want to coach at.
It's kind of crazy that that's the way your opportunity
would come about. But I will say this, and like
I said sit in the show yesterday, if there's one
person that is more in tune to their own world
that they've created. Some people call guys like that delusional
people because they totally have created their own alternate, alternate
universe of reality. I always say the most successful people
are those people you're considered crazy until you're not crazy anymore.
People thought Dion was crazy for going to Colorado. People
thought that Dion wouldn't be able to get any more
wins than what they were all ready getting. He took
his alternate you know, his alternate reality and his alternate
universe to Colorado, and he transformed it into Dion's world.
I would assume wherever he goes, he's going to do
the same exact thing, because that's just who he is.
He creates his own world wherever it is that he goes.
Jerry Jones has done the same thing, but he's not
going anywhere.
Speaker 3 (13:27):
He's in one place.
Speaker 5 (13:30):
If there were one person that could handle the delusion
and the alternate universe that Jerry Jones lives in, it
would be Dion Sanders. And that's why, if you're really
being like somewhat sensible about your coaching search, and you're
thinking about the guys that are out there, that are
available to you, that you could possibly bring in. Why
would you not put all your chips on the table
and go after Dion Sanders.
Speaker 4 (14:01):
I mean, you kind of have to at this point,
don't you, Like, I.
Speaker 3 (14:04):
Don't know that you kind of have to. You can
do whatever you want to do.
Speaker 5 (14:08):
But if you're talking about somebody that could come in,
like you said, splash higher, of course it has splash
higher written on it because of Dion Sanders' brand as
Dion Sanders. But the reality of it is is that
the man can coach. The man can coach, and he
has has great relationships Jonas, his his his coaching staffs,
his his administrative people. He has the infrastructure to bring
in and do a job of a stand up, a
bang up job. Ain't nobody gonna have no problem with
him saying he's bringing his lowis bags in to Dallas.
Speaker 3 (14:50):
Who're gonna have a problem with that? You know?
Speaker 5 (14:53):
And and everything that he will bring to the table.
I think that the value of who he is, what
he would do, and what he would bring, not to
mention ticket sales and the selling of hope and the
possibilities you know, those things would totally you know, go
to a whole other level in terms of excitement of
bringing in Dion Sanders. I mean that junk would be
I mean that would be an epic proportion, Like I
don't think we will have ever seen anything like that
in terms of what it would turn into. The pageantry
of it and the introductions of Deon Sanders coming in
and taking over Dallas so he could he could take
and leverage this in so many different ways. But at
the same time, the coolest thing about it is is
that it's not a gimmick. Deon Sanders is not a gimmick.
He's a coach and he knows how to do it,
and he knows how to build. So I don't even
look at it as like, oh, he's the best option
right now. He would be the best option if some
of these guys out here were still in the mix
to one of go to or go to a team
that they're going to go to. I think I think
you can really really sell it to to Dion as
Dallas and Jerry Jones more so than any of the
of these other franchises that are out here in the
National Football League.
Speaker 1 (16:16):
Yeah, but he's still like, no matter who gets the job,
their plan b plan A was Mike McCarthy returning as coach, And.
Speaker 3 (16:24):
So that's your speculation.
Speaker 1 (16:26):
Now, look, why were they negotiating then? If there wasn't
mutual interest, why were they Why were they negotiating?
Speaker 5 (16:32):
I don't, I don't. I'm just not going to speculate
on it. While I'll say that even if that were
the case, Even if that were the case, you know,
there might have been somebody who was negotiating to come
into our time slot, you know, but it ended up
being us that took it.
Speaker 4 (16:51):
Right, there was nobody, So there was nobody the job.
Speaker 3 (16:54):
Speaker 5 (16:55):
I don't even care if I'm just using it as
an example.
Speaker 1 (16:58):
And if we're going to be frank, if we're going
to be frank, once they saw my name on the
dotted line, everybody wanted in on this. You know what
I'm saying, If we're going to be frank about the
whole thing, I got your coaching search right here.
Speaker 3 (17:12):
Well there you go that that'll end the segment.
Speaker 4 (17:15):
There you go get that one.
Speaker 3 (17:16):
I guess that's just a mic mic drops get.
Speaker 1 (17:19):
That, Okay, add ins two pros and a cup of
Joe here Fox Sports Radio. I know Brady Quinn actually
that is a that is a slip, just a bad habit.
So again, Brady Quinn expecting child number two hundred and four.
Uh and so I'll not be on the show here
as we take you all the way up until nine
am the Eastern time. We are going to have the
usuals in case you missed it, coming up later on
this hour. Albert Breer is going to stop by. He's
got all the latest on the coaching search, the rumors,
the rumblings in the National Football League, and we'll close
up shop with Lee's leftovers here from the tire raq
dot com studios. But a situation in the NFL involving
a quarterback, a highly paid quarterback. Apparently it's even worse
than you thought. That's yours next.
Speaker 2 (18:08):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 5 (18:22):
Ready for action, Yeah, man, not at all, Man down,
Man down.
Speaker 1 (18:33):
It is Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox
Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming
up in about twenty minutes from now here from the
tire rack dot Com Studios. You got to give somebody
in the NFL credit. They are consistent. They are consistent
in there not wanting to be a part of a
decent team. So we will get into that for you
again coming up here in about twenty minutes from now
here on Fox Sports Radio. So everybody's favorite back in
the NFL, especially on this show, is the one and
only Jaye and Daniels Close massage.
Speaker 3 (19:07):
Aaron Rodgers, Yeah, massage.
Speaker 4 (19:10):
Yeah, we've got more.
Speaker 3 (19:12):
Well, you were being facetious, is what you were doing.
Speaker 1 (19:15):
We've got We've got more on the on the chaos
and disaster that is Deshaun Watson. Jason Lloyd of The
Athletic wrote a long piece about just sort of how
things are going there in Cleveland.
Speaker 5 (19:29):
I mean, did you have to write a long piece
on how things are going there?
Speaker 1 (19:32):
Well? I think it kind of I mean, I think
we all know it's bad, but we were kind of speculating, like, hey,
did it seem like maybe there was a And not
that you don't wish this upon anybody, but there was
almost like a sigh of relief, Like when he went
down with the injury that like almost like okay, like
it felt that way that maybe there was this all right,
it wasn't working.
Speaker 4 (19:58):
It's not working.
Speaker 1 (19:59):
It hasn't worked this entire time yet the contract, how
much you're paying him, he's going to be the starting
quarterback now, at least they can focus on just trying
to play good football and kind of rid themselves with
the chaos. And look, this season didn't end up turning
out to be anything. It's why they have one of
the top picks in the draft.
Speaker 4 (20:18):
They were terrible.
Speaker 1 (20:19):
But one of the details in the report from Jason
Lloyd of The Athletic was that teammates were over it
and they got to the point to where when he
left because of the injury that a teammate of Deshaun
Watson's was quoted as saying, it was almost like a
dark cloud was lifted from the team, almost like, dude,
this isn't working.
Speaker 4 (20:45):
It hasn't worked.
Speaker 1 (20:47):
They were getting frustrated with Kevin Stefanski in meetings because
Kevin Stefanski wouldn't be critical of Deshaun Watson's poor play,
but when another quarterback was in the game and making
mistakes would be willing to criticize and call them out.
They talked about him struggling to learn the offense. Players
are growing frustrated with that, and apparently members of the
organization I think you made the point, wanted Joe Flaco
back because, in their words, Joe Flacco picked up the
offense faster in thirty days than Deshaun Watson did in
two years. And on top of that, there's this speculation
about how he suffered the injury. There was also apparently
some death threats to Deshaun Watson that I didn't recall
reading about or hearing about. He had the civil lawsuits
and all that stuff that came out, but before the year,
you know, he had a couple of personal losses. I
think his father passed away. There was also somebody that
contacted his agent, your guy, David Mullageta, and was letting
him know, you know, like sending him threat Like it's
the whole thing has been an absolute failure, to the
point to where not even like teammates there in Cleveland
are like, no, no, no, let's give it another chance.
Everybody's just at the point where they're like it's over,
like like why are we doing it?
Speaker 4 (22:10):
Didn't work?
Speaker 1 (22:11):
It's one of the it's the worst move trade transaction
in the history of the NFL.
Speaker 5 (22:16):
I said, I said history of the NFL. Some people
were like, no, no, there were worse. It's all the
herschel Walker. I think by far in all of sports,
even Barry Bonds still are not Barry Bonds.
Speaker 3 (22:30):
Bobby Bonia is still getting bade by the Mets.
Speaker 5 (22:33):
This one has to be far and away the worst,
the worst in exchange transaction in the history of sport.
Speaker 3 (22:43):
Agreed of sports, it's terrible, Okay, go ahead.
Speaker 1 (22:47):
Well no, and I just think that we're at this
point now to where it's like, well, got what do
they do? It's well, I mean, if you took the
temperature of the players there, like in the building and look,
they've spoken publicly about their support of Deshaun Watson and
all that. I mean now it's like, hey, listen, you're
not going to criticize him, but like it just it
felt like this organization has been held hostage.
Speaker 4 (23:12):
And the part that stuck out.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
To me was the when he went down with the injury,
there was a vibe and it's not listened, you're not
wishing injury upon anybody, but there was a vibe of Okay,
now we don't have to sit through this anymore. And
the fact that players there in the building were vocal
about it to the point where Jason Lloyd can report
on it just tells me that even everybody there in
Cleveland who was supportive of him realized at some point
during the course of the season. There was also another
detail that when he was coming back from the injury
last year, the shoulder injury, which was, you know, something
that they described as more like a baseball injury. You
don't see it a lot, and it's not very common
amongst quarterbacks that early on while players, while the quarterbacks
were going through drills, that he wasn't taking part in
the drills in front of the media, and there was
another coach from a team who was at the practice
who just said, yeah, not real optimistic about the offense.
So it just we were making the point last week
the like, the two people who should be held accountable
for this or Jimmy has them and Deshaun Watson, and
they're the two people that are going to be held
the least accountable for it because Jimmy has them still
got paid. Deshaun Watson's still going to get all of
his money. But you've had assistant coaches fired. Tommy Reeves
is now the offensive coordinator.
Speaker 4 (24:38):
You just fired.
Speaker 1 (24:39):
OC's last year in OC last year, you fired this
one this past year in Ken Dorsey, and the fans
have had to sit through this bag of crap for
years now in a move that I don't know how
many in that fan base were totally comfortable with based
on his track record, just an office transaction.
Speaker 5 (24:58):
That's why it's curious when you hear the statement you
just said it as well a hostage situation, you are
forced to have to do this because of Deshaun Watson's contract.
You are forced This was not a hostage situation, you
know what I mean. Like a hostage situation, somebody walks
in against everybody's will. You can't leave da da dae like.
Somebody's got to try to negotiate with the person, talk
them down, get things handled in a way where you
could try to get people out safely without anything happening
to them. And that person that is on the inside
or people that are on the inside, are giving demands
and ultimatums of what it takes for these people that
are in there to be released. Safely. Haslomen and company
went out grabbed the people, said, oh, bring your guns in,
bring up, bring everything in, Come on in right like
you're in now, y'all can't leave. That's not a hostage situation.
You went out and got the sailings and you brought
them in and you told them, don't worry.
Speaker 3 (26:10):
You know, we know, as.
Speaker 5 (26:14):
We know that we're going to be trapped and we're
not going to be able to leave this situation, and
we're going to have to figure it out the best.
Speaker 3 (26:20):
Way that we can. But come on in. In fact,
we're going to pay you everything that.
Speaker 5 (26:25):
You want and then some and and let the public,
you know, kind of you know, decipher it the way
that they want to decipher it.
Speaker 3 (26:35):
This is not a hostage situation. This was willingly.
Speaker 5 (26:40):
You willingly brought the wolf into the pasture of the sheep,
like that's the bottom line. And now the wolf gets
to devour everything that's in there, and everybody on the
outside looking in or looking at it like, oh my gosh,
like da, da da, what are you gonna do? How
are you going to save save them? And this that
and the other, they're like, nah about saving them? You
brought them in here, and they brought that in here, and.
Speaker 1 (27:04):
They let that wolf walk in with a massage table
and some lotion too.
Speaker 5 (27:08):
Imagine imagine that, Imagine that checkered checkered passed. Whether whether
you believe it happened or not, whether you believe the
person is guilty or not. They came in with with stains,
no pun intended. They came in with stains on them.
And and you, and you, you rewarded, awarded a major
the largest contract in the history of the game. You
reset the market with a guy that was in question
while you were doing it, and you negotiated against yourself.
Speaker 3 (27:45):
Now you would have to.
Speaker 5 (27:46):
Ask yourself the question, does that the squeeze of that
orange even like remotely begin to be worth what it
is that that you paid to bring him in, even
if even if it played out where Deshaun Watson had
good seasons for them.
Speaker 3 (28:05):
Looking back on it.
Speaker 5 (28:07):
Now, paying that amount of money, even if it did
help you have more success than what you had with
Baker Mayfield, was the success of the team, would that
have even been worth or justifiable to say paying this
contract was was worth doing? And I would have to
say unequivocally no, Hell no, it was, so why did
you do it? Like, the biggest question has to be continued.
Why would you do a contract like this, even if
you felt Deshaun Watson coming there could make your team
a Super Bowl competitor?
Speaker 3 (28:46):
Why would you do that?
Speaker 1 (28:48):
Like if you were to if you bring in a
player and say it doesn't work out.
Speaker 4 (28:53):
But man, the reputation is great.
Speaker 1 (28:56):
Was great for the community, you know, like you know,
there was a buzz, there was excitement merchandise. Dude, it
was a pr nightmare as well too, Like, like, I
don't like how many people in Cleveland are walking around
with the Deshaun Watson jersey.
Speaker 4 (29:10):
I mean seriously, like like.
Speaker 5 (29:12):
It I mean if they probably got it from like
a discount store or something, or it was given away
and like a you know, like a homeless shelter or
something like that to try to keep people warm.
Speaker 3 (29:21):
There are people wearing that jersey totally.
Speaker 5 (29:24):
I mean, but what what are the circumstances surrounding that
T shirt or memorabilia or jersey that's being you know,
being used.
Speaker 1 (29:33):
By the way, how many how many smart asses do
you think have walked into like a you know, a
place in like the industrial part of town and it's
got like a neon foot in the front window and
they're wearing a Deshaun Watson jersey. I think that, Like,
do you think that's happened?
Speaker 5 (29:47):
Do you think that Deshaun Watson jerseys have replaced red
lights in those places you could call?
Speaker 1 (29:54):
Yeah, like a neon Deshaun Watson jersey in the front
window to try and walk in there.
Speaker 5 (30:01):
I mean, can you imagine this, Deshaun Watson, based upon
everything that's happened, won't even be remembered for how good
of a football player at one point in time that
he was national champion.
Speaker 3 (30:14):
I believe wasn't he a national champion? I believe he
is a national champion?
Speaker 5 (30:19):
Big time, big time prospect, comes into the league, does
some major stuff as quarterback for the Houston Texans, goes
and gets this big ass contract. He won't even be
remembered for him as the player. Deshaun Watson will always
be synonymous with a towel, the towel gate, yeah, and
the massages. Like we've had this conversation, some guys are
able to play themselves out of what they've done. You know,
ray Lewis is the biggest one that comes to mind
for me, maybe just because I'm a linebacker and was
a big fan of him. But I mean, people don't remember. Well,
some people I want to remember and they judge him
by that, But for the most part, people don't like
If you were to tell me there would be a
player that was associated with a murder and not only
after getting arrested and somehow some way beating the case,
they come back, they win MVP, they win MVP, win
a Super Bowl, MVP at a Super Bowl, and are
on their way to a Hall of Fame, first ballot
Hall of Fame career, you would say you're crazy. If
what happened with ray Lewis happened in today's society, with
all of the social media, in all of the ways
how sensitive America is now, ray Lewis might not have
ever played another down in football, like based off of
the climate, the current climate of how things work, because
there would have been so many things that kept surfacing
and coming out that it would have been almost impossible
for them to be able to just kind of to
sweep it under the rug.
Speaker 3 (32:01):
And just keep going with what it is.
Speaker 5 (32:03):
But yet and still that man and the way he played,
the things he did in the community the way he
represented himself actually put the bid and put the rest.
What people's allegations or feelings or thought processes was about
what took place with him and what was it ninety
nine I believe, like you think about it, Deshaun Watson
has been everything but that.
Speaker 1 (32:27):
I mean, and you could even you know, to a case.
It's not a murder caser Man. There was some like
Ben Ben Roethlisberger had some stuff dude, like oh yeah,
like a multiple times and was punished for it, like
there was you can, to your point outplay your reputation.
Roethlisberger did it, ray Lewis did it. Deshaun Watson he
failed horrible, Oh my god.
Speaker 4 (32:51):
And it's it's all.
Speaker 1 (32:52):
And I wonder how much of it was his psychology
thing to where he could not he could not get
over that mentally everything that happened, and that's why he
never fully recovered it. And listen, nobody's gonna, you know,
feel bad for the guy if you believe any of
the fifty sixty seventy eighty whatever accusations there were, But
he strikes me as a guy who never recovered from that.
He got the money, he got to Cleveland and never
delivered an ounce like, not a fraction of what they
thought they were gonna get.
Speaker 5 (33:25):
Terrible, man, It's just it's a it's an interesting thought process,
I'm sure, Like you know, the Aaron Hernandez, you know,
dial turned into a phenomenon in terms of like why
are there so many why are there so many specials
on what happened with Aaron Hernandez? Like we know by now,
like the angles of Aaron Hernandez, we don't need any
more specials, Like there's no need for any more stations
and channels to do specials on airon Hernandez.
Speaker 3 (33:57):
Right a lot.
Speaker 5 (33:59):
But I think about it to me, to me, I
know it might sound crazy, but I almost feel like
Deshaun Watson's story might be even more intriguing than Aaron Watson,
I mean, Aaron Ornandez, it might even be more intriguing.
And no, there were no deaths involved or anything like that,
But I think that the idea of you know what,
you have a serial massages, a massage person and the
things that took place with it, Like I would be
interested in somebody doing an id type of special where
they break down the you know, like the psychology of
what was going through this dude's head to do some
of the stuff that he does. He has a beautiful
girlfriend overcame, so many amazing things in his childhood from
being homeless were done is connected to his childhood because
he provided.
Speaker 3 (34:56):
A home to his mom.
Speaker 5 (34:57):
There are like so many amazing pieces that are so
uplifting and so encouraging and interesting about the path of
Deshaun Watson and how he ended up making it to Clemson,
having the success at Clemson, getting drafted, having the success
in Houston, getting the big contract in Cleveland, and yet
there's this big as dark black cloud that's over top
of him and his life forever. I would be interested
in seeing why, Like what what happened that made Deshaun
Watson turn into Massage Watson?
Speaker 3 (35:34):
Like what made Anakin Walker.
Speaker 4 (35:37):
Turns the first? You know, who was the first happen?
Speaker 3 (35:41):
How did it happen?
Speaker 4 (35:42):
Say it's like a junk glee. What was your gateway drug?
Speaker 3 (35:45):
Speaker 4 (35:45):
What was his Like?
Speaker 5 (35:47):
I'd be more interested in that than seeing all of
this stuff on. Take some of that budget money y'all
doing on these Aaron Hernandez specials. Do an id like
do an investigative documentary on Deshaun Watson. And if you're
not gonna throw the agent in there too, by the way, yeah,
he's an interesting one too.
Speaker 1 (36:04):
And if you got to knock on any doors that
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Speaker 5 (36:11):
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Speaker 3 (36:58):
All right, so make sure you check out Berna dot com.
Speaker 4 (37:02):
Two pros and a cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (37:04):
Up next, we are going to tell you about somebody
in the NFL who listen. They're dysfunctional, but at least
they're consistent, and that's yours here on FSR.
Speaker 2 (37:11):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox, with the here coming on top
of next hour. We will call it a little over
ten minutes from now here from the tire rack dot
Com studios. Apparently what everybody thought was a feel good
vibe in the National Football League not so much. Starting
to get reports and maybe things things weren't on the
up and up and weren't all that smooth when it
came to one quarterback and his organization. We'll have that
for you again here about ten minutes from now A
reminder though, that shortly after the show, our podcast will
be going up, so if you've missed any of it,
be sure to check out the pod search Two Pros.
Wherever you get your podcast, be sure it also follow
rate and review it again. Just search two pros wherever
get your podcast. You'll see today's show. Post it right
after we get off the air.
Speaker 2 (38:07):
Sometimes you can't get to everything in the world of
sports or entertainment. Good thing, the guys are here to
bring you in case you.
Speaker 1 (38:16):
Missed it, and for that we turn it over to
our executive producer, Lead Lap.
Speaker 6 (38:21):
Good morning, everybody, Good morning, fellow's, good morning, Jonas, Goomorey LeVar, Guys,
Casey missed this A storyline that has been gifting us
all season long. Deontay Johnson, the wide receiver. Obviously, he
got waived by the Texans following that playoff loss. This
last weekend, well after clearing waivers, the Ravens have picked
him buck up, even though he's ineligible to play for
the rest of the playoffs. Why would they do that, Well,
he's set to be an unrestricted free agent this offseason,
and if he gets signed in free agency and meets
a certain criteria, the Ravens will get a compensatory pick
in twenty twenty six. Uh, just to show that the
Ravens are playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.
Speaker 1 (39:00):
So he didn't like it in Baltimore and then he
decided I don't like my involvement after a playoff win
in Houston, some going to go ahead and pull the
same crap I did, and they just walked away from him.
Speaker 4 (39:11):
There that's awesome.
Speaker 1 (39:14):
I mean, at least he's consistent, you know, at least
he's you know what, he doesn't want to play. He
doesn't want to play. There you go, LeVar, what's with
your guy dat day Johnson?
Speaker 3 (39:26):
That's making He said, No, I don't know, man, I
don't know.
Speaker 5 (39:31):
I asked myself the question, have these things always happened
with athletes or is it just a new phenomenon or
is it just the way that people are covered that
the information, the amount of information that's available readily available,
is easier to report on. Like I almost feel like
it's so outrageous some of the stories I hear that
it's like, how how did we get here? How do
we get here? I just don't know, but shouts out
to the Ravens. I guess, like, at least it they're
playing chess while other people are playing checkers. If he
ain't careful, he going to be playing checkers. And it
ain't gonna be on the outside.
Speaker 4 (40:15):
It's gonna be in a park bench somewhere somebody else.
What are you doing, dude, Like you're on a playoff team.
Speaker 1 (40:23):
Yeah, you weren't involved this week, but like you know,
they needed you in a game earlier this year.
Speaker 4 (40:28):
You didn't want to be a part of it.
Speaker 3 (40:29):
Now you want to go ahead.
Speaker 4 (40:30):
I don't like.
Speaker 1 (40:32):
Like it's like reputation, especially at the wide receiver position,
where where great wide receivers come out of the draft
class every single year. Like, Man, I would think you'd
want to have as good a reputation as possible so
you can have work throughout the course of your career.
Speaker 4 (40:47):
And he just doesn't want to do that.
Speaker 3 (40:49):
Yeah, I don't know, man, I don't know. It's not great.
Speaker 5 (40:53):
Seems like a lot of these guys come from Pittsburgh,
like something about the water or something. Receiver, why her
be be a little bit weird.