All Episodes

January 20, 2025 39 mins

Today 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, all the games live up to the hype including Josh Allen upending Lamar Jackson. Barkley shows out vs the Rams. Plus, ICYMI.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Two pros and a cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up on
this football recap Monday, we got lots to discuss. The
Baltimore Ravens and Buffalo Bills closed out the weekend in
the main event, and it kind of looked like a
lot of Baltimore Ravens games in the playoffs, except the
blames shouldn't be thrown at one player Altogether, We're gonna

talk about Buffalo side of things. Do they have a
legitimate shot this time around at Arrowhead against the Kansas
City Chiefs. We're also going to discuss the running of
the football success of Saquon Barkley the Philadelphia Eagles in
a game that probably shouldn't have been all that tight
against the Rams. Jaden Daniels goes into Ford Field and
takes everything, literally everything from the Detroit Lions. We've got conspiracy,

Theoris who are feeling much better about things when it
comes to Patrick Mahomes and the favoritism the league shows him.
And we're gonna look ahead to the National Championship game
between Ohio State and Notre Dame. It's all yours coming
up next here two pros and a couple. But Joe
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
My more. Wow, wow, wow, it is how we starting
the week off. I just got hold it in hand.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
Uh, there's two pros and a cup of Joe Fox
Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox of the Year deal
with a broken mic here to start off, the show
went to.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
Uh be able to adapt into Joe. Hey is what
it is.

Speaker 1 (01:44):
But we are off and running here. I know, Brady Quinn, Uh,
I'm still wait wait wait what Yeah?

Speaker 3 (01:51):
Okay, you know all right, you know, I mean, I
think everybody knows that this boy's m okay, Dan Man,
you were.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
We're gonna take you all the way up until nine
am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific, and we're doing it
all live from the Tire Studios.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
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Speaker 3 (02:17):
It was built as the main event of a.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
Entertaining lots of storylines to come out of divisional weekend.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
It lived up to its hype. Right, fun game, man
lived up to a fun game. I'm glad you feel
good about it.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
And I felt not so good for Mark Andrews because
the fumble late and then the drop on the two
point conversion.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
That's gotta go.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
And as an athlete, do you you never overcome that?

Speaker 3 (02:45):
No, like Ernest Buyer fumbling the ball, never get over it.
Never happened, You never get over it. That's like Chris
Weber calling time out when there was no timeouts. Yeah,
that's like Jonas Knox holding the microphone in his hand
during the during the segment. Yeah, let me see if
I I mean, he's got a good grip on it. Yeah,

really closer to his mouth than usual. You vamped, Let
me go ahead and see if I can't. You ought
me to vamp just I don't think so, Oh you were, okay,
I will vamp for you then a little bit, you
know what, just so you can put that on put Nope,
might not work well anyway. Going back to this Bills

Ravens game, it was a build up, big time build
up game, and you know it did live up to
the hype. Just when you thought that this Bill's team
may have hit their ceiling in terms of what their
ability to accomplish would be, which you would have thought
that this would have been the round, which is interestingly enough,

exists for both teams. I think that that's what maybe
created the biggest part of all of this build up
is that both teams found themselves in the exact same
ia dentical position, which was can you do more? Can
you go further into the playoffs? And what a hell
of a team an opponent to have to do it against,

you know. I think that that was a part of
what made the intrigue so large, is that you're talking
about two teams in a lot of ways mirroring their themselves. Now,
a lot of people thought that, Okay, the Bills are undersized,
you know, they may not have as much talent, which
you'd have to assume that that is the truth. They

were undersized to the power up front that the Baltimore
Ravens would have. The Baltimore Ravens seemingly have more more weapons,
you know, to to work with than what the Bills did.
But I thought, overall, I thought both teams played well.

You had to assume that there were like for all
the people that are outraged about some of the drops
and all those things. I know, I like to listen
to the games on mute more often than not because
I really don't like listening to the color, you know,
the commentators or whatever. I just like to kind of
break it down myself. But I did kind of listen
to them a little bit here and there, and you know,

they did make it a lot to do about the
ball and how you handle the ball and that type
of weather, and they're right, they're right. I mean, it's
something that it's very difficult to kind of simulate unless
you're in that type of weather and you're in driving snow,
you know, flurries and it's cold, and you know, it's

just a lot of different things you have to deal with.
And that ball. There's different balls, Like you're not just
using one ball. There's all kinds of different balls that
are being used out there, and they all have a
different a different feel to them. Some of them are
a little bit more did wait. Some of them are
a little bit more livelier. Some of them are weasible,

some of them feel harder. Some of them are slick,
some of them are a little bit not as slick.
Like there is so many different elements that are in
play when you're throwing the ball, and when you're catching
the ball, how you're handling the ball, even just ball
security altogether, it's very different in those types of weather conditions.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
I was watching the game thinking to myself, if the
Bills were going to win this game, it had to
look just like this because to your point, if you
just looked at those two teams side by side, and
this is without Zay Flowers, who's a huge part of
their offense, that's true. If you look at those two
teams side by side, Baltimore's much more talented. I think

I think there's way more going on that. There's a
reason why they were a slight favorite on the road
in Buffalo in those conditions, et cetera, et cetera. And yeah,
it wasn't a significant favorite, but still favored in a
playoff game on the road. That game had to look
exactly like that if Buffalo had any shot, And once
it started to go in that direction, you just kind
of got got the vibe that, Okay, maybe it's just

Buffalo's day, like maybe maybe it's just maybe it's just
their day. I know. Josh Allen talked afterwards and he
was just kind of mentioning, like, hey, you know, I
talked to Von Miller earlier in the offseason and we
were just kind.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
Of going Miller talk about being in the right place
at the right time.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
And and one of Josh Allen's points was Vaughn and
I spoke and it was like, sometimes the ball just
bounces your way sometimes in some games, in some moments,
and last night it just felt like the ball bounced
in the Bills way, in their favor and their direction,
and they came away with the win. And Josh Allen
spoke with CBS on the field afterwards, how.

Speaker 4 (07:43):
About that Buffalo Bill's defense, All, Yeah, this team has
heard we got no talent or too small, we can't
stop the run, We're not good enough to compete. We
just put our head down and worked hard. I'm so
proud of our defense. I'm so proud of our offense
and special teams.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
What a complete win.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
Obviously on the offense on the ball we scored a
little more so we didn't have to take it down
to the fourth quarter like that.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
But that's a really good team.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
Credit to them as.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
Well, A ton of credit to both sides.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
Yeah, it's from Texas. By the way, he's got a
little texts. No, he's from He's from Wyoming. Yeah, yeah,
I mean you knew that.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
Well, I just I didn't. There sounds a little Texas.
I mean that's a little country in Montana.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Hey, could you play the Josh Allen again? This sounds
like either Colt McCoy or Troy Aikman. I'm still trying
to decide.

Speaker 4 (08:26):
How about that Buffalo Bill's defense. All year, this team
has heard we got no talent, we're too small, we
can't stop the run, we're not good.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
Enough to compete.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Well, Bobby, listen, congratulations Josh, you're on your way to
an AFC title game.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
But we'll get into it to matchup. Uh, just cut
on off.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
Well, No, I just wanted to just sounded a little
little Texas.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
He's from Wyoming. Yeah, he's a cowboys cowboy, Wyoming cowboy.

Speaker 1 (08:51):
He's got to be a god out there, right when
you go to Cheyennes. Like, people love Josh Allen, don't they?
Are they they love their team? Are they more focused
on other things out there?

Speaker 3 (09:02):
They're out there. They're out there, Mustangs, Mayors, they're out there,
bulls Oxen. Yeah, that'll work is whatever you're into now.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
The uh, the conversation about the Ravens, uh damn, Like
it just feels like they're on the doorstep every year,
and you just wonder, when is this whole thing just
gonna I.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Heard somebody say yesterday that it doesn't fall on the
pressure doesn't fall on Josh Allen because they don't lose
because of Josh Allen the bills. And then they said
there's more pressure on on Lamar Jackson because for some
strange reason, it seems as though he has held accountable

more or blame more for the Ravens losing. When I
watched that game yesterday, I watched it with the eye,
the critical eye of who was losing the game for
the other team or for their team? Who was winning
the game for their team. Both Josh Allen and Lamar

Jackson were winning that game for their teams. I don't
I don't think I came away from that game and said, damn,
they lost again. It was because Lamar failed to show up.
You know, he had to run to the bathroom whatever
it may have been, like, he wasn't he didn't look right.
Lamar Jackson made some amazing plays in that game yesterday.

Lamar Jackson did some amazing things. Was it horrible that
he fumbled on a blitz that came free and handling
got to him. Horrible, horrible timing, horrible moment for it
to happen, happened, and nonetheless, he still gave his team
the opportunities to win the game. Same with Josh Allen.

So I think when we look at this game and
you look at the fact that, okay, the Ravens came
up short again, I just don't think that it can
be attributed to just saying Lamar Jackson can't win the
big game. I I could not come away with a

definitive conclusion that Lamar Jackson can't win the big game.
In that game, I mean, listen, we watched Sakwon Barkley
run for two hundred yards in their win in their
game against a team that I told y'all going into
it they could win that game like that was not
going to be an easy game for the Philadelphia Eagles.

But nonetheless, the one thing that made it better for
Jalen Hurts in that game was the fact that they
could lean on their running game as much as they did,
and that's what Baltimore has done all year long. They've
they've leaned on their running game all year long. Derek
Hemery only got the eighty four yards.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
He has sixteen attempts.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
It's kind of weird. They I just don't feel as
though they stuck to what it is that got them there.
Derek Henry needed to be a bigger a bigger piece
of it, like he needed to be a bigger piece
of it. And it just didn't seem as though they
really worked to get him involved. I mean, it's sixteen

a lot to you. No, it's not. It's moderate, right,
And and Tony Romo gave the stat out which you know,
fingers crossed, this is correct, but he gave the stat
out during the game that when Derrick Henry has ninety rushing.

Speaker 1 (12:51):
Yards, they were eleven and zer during the ear. Okay,
like that that right there tells you. And that's enough
of a sample size to where you go, Oh, that's
kind of an important aspect of this whole thing. And
and I I just in watching the game, like if
you weren't like and look, Lamar Jackson took accountability for
the turnovers. He took accountability for you know what happened

in the first half. If you want to say, hey, listen, fumble,
he threw the interception. He admitted it himself. That's fine,
that's all fair. The interception was it was a bathroom yeah,
and he owned. But in the second half, when they
had the football, like Buffalo wasn't stopping them. He was
making plays with his feet. He was making throws on

the run like they're yeah, they're not in that game
without him.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
He navigated him. He navigated them, and and and and listen.
The bottom line is is that you did limit, you
did force the It was almost like watching the Notre
Dame Georgia game all over again. It's kind of like
you're looking at a team that could easily overpower the
other team, but yet they chose to do it different,

which was strange. Because you're in you're in bad weather.
You would have thought the same way you thought with
Philadelphia find ways like I've watched the ways Monkin and
those guys have figured out ways to block the different
the different ways of running the RPOs with with Henry

and with Lamar Jackson, neither one of them really got
established in the running game. And listen, give give the
bills a ton of credit schematically, they did things that
really really made it I think made it very hard,
very difficult on Baltimore to find any type of rhythm

with with their running game. And they were trying to
throw quicks, you know, short passes, quick passes. You know,
they they were hitting long. Bateman was having a day.
I just don't understand why the Ravens didn't make it
more of a priority, knowing, knowing the weather, knowing knowing

that you were going to be in a hostile environment.
Why do you not establish more of the run that
gives you less Josh Allen, that gives you less of
their offense, and more more running with with Lamar Jackson, like,
you don't have to be something you're not to prove

people wrong in the biggest movement of your season. Be
exactly who you are.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
Lamar Jackson spoke post game to the turnovers and mistakes
that cost him.

Speaker 3 (15:32):
It's a team effort out there.

Speaker 5 (15:33):
You know, he's been bunting his behind making plays happening
out down FFL for us came up short, and like
I've been saying all season, every time we have situations
like this, turnovers play factor, Pennanties player factor today, well
tonight the turnovers, you know, and that's why we lost
the game because as you can see, moving the ball
wonderfully is hold on. I'm sorry for my laguage annoying.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
I actually came away from the game feeling better about
Lamar Jackson as a quarterback then previous years, just from
the standpoint and I've always loved Lamar Jackson, but just
from the standpoint of dude, I when they got the
ball in the second half, he drove them down the
field like it wasn't like they couldn't stop.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Those two drives were stopped.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
And the result went the way that it went because
of a fumble by Mark Andrews and a drop on
a two point conversion attempt by Mark Andrews. And I'm
not saying that that, you know, blame it all of
Mark Andrews. But I don't look at it and go, well,
Lamar can't win the big one. You can't depend on
him at a quarterback.

Speaker 3 (16:43):
Derek hen catches that ball, yeah, like you know, it
just it sucks that those are two like you got
to look at it that way. But it's true that
that game is going into overtime and who knows what
happens in overtime if Andrews catches that ball. Yeah, I
mean it's true.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Daniel Jeremiah was on an NFL network post game and
he just kind of said, and look, it doesn't mean
that Josh Allen's not going to take the ball and
go down the field like that. That's very possible. It
was a lot of time left. Yeah, there was a
lot of time left.

Speaker 3 (17:13):
But with that being said, I would have rather saw
that play out than the fact that you have this
easy catch. You know, this easy pass, easy catch. It's
a it's a it's a given that it's a two
pointer and you tie the game up. Let's see what happened.
That's brutal. Like one of the all time great Ravens too.
I think he's the all time Uh he's there, leading

touchdown score in the history of France. Let's talk about
the worst time to drop a bunny man. That was
a bunny like. There was no there was no level
of difficulty other than the level of pressure. But you're
I mean, you're there, You're you're playing it's football like,
you're not going That can't be pressure. I don't know

what that was, but it might have been I just don't.
I don't. It was such an easy play, such a
routine play, just unfortunate.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Baltimore is fun to watch too. I was hoping to
see them, you know. Yeah, But Buffalo is fun to
watch too, man.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Yeah, And I think, I honestly think if we're if
we're if we're just keeping it a buck. The way
both teams are playing, you look at the leadership qualities
and everything that goes into it, Buffalo might be the
team that can go into Arrowhead and win. I'm not
ready to make my pick yet. I need more time
to think about it. I'm just saying over in terms

of if I had to choose between the two teams,
I just feel like you saw schematically that the Ravens
can be dictated too, and that can't be the case
if you're heading towards the super Bowl. You can't be
dictated to the way that the Bills dictated to their offense.
You got to live in who you are. Derek Henry's
got to be your lead and rusher, and Lamar Jackson

has to be your second lead and rusher, and they
both got one gotta be over one hundred and one,
got to be in the sixties seventies of what they did,
they didn't do that. They just didn't do that. So
to me, if they were going to change up their
personality for a game versus Buffalo, they most likely are
going to change up their personality versus Arrowhead, a Chiefs
team in Arrowhead. You didn't see that from from Buffalo.

They executed their game plan and they made it, like
you said, they made it the game that they needed
to make it into. They were punching for the ball.
Those fumbles were not by chance. They were punching at
the ball. I think Hamlin was involved in both of them.
I believe I could be wrong, but they were punching
at the ball. They were doing the certain things. Then

you know what chance it struck on other other fronts
like the drop. But I give all the credit to Buffalo,
and I think Buffalo is the team that could actually,
you know, take out the Kansas City Chiefs in Kansas City.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
It's two pros and a cup of Joe. Here on
Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with the U.
So we are going to have the usuals coming up
later on. We've got another edition of In case you
missed it, This hour. It's a Monday, so we are
going to find out any issues, injuries, ailments from a
long weekend. That's our FSR IRN hour two, and then
we'll close up shop with Lee's leftovers.

Speaker 3 (20:14):

Speaker 1 (20:14):
All of it is yours on this three hour extravaganza
from the ti raq dot Com studios. But one season
continues to get better for one player in the league
when the former team apparently had no use for him
any longer. We'll get into that for you right here
on FSR.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio Appude.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
You got world class issues, your issues every brother. I
don't know what your deal is, man, but you need
to shake it off and let's do this show. Man.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
Well, it's a mud puddle Monday here on Two Pros
and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington,
Jonas knocks with you. I'm coming up, coming up a
little over fifteen minutes from now, we are going to
have another edition of In case you missed it starring
lead to laugh that'll be yours here.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
I wish I could the real one it is. Yeah, yeah,
you know one day no no, actually yeah no, probably
not yeah, probably that won't be the case.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
It felt like the recipe in the game in Philadelphia
yesterday was pretty simple. Weather it was an issue. Conditions
were going to play a factor. The Philadelphia Eagles are
one of the best rushing teams in the NFL. They
also stopped the run well, and the Rams do neither

all that well.

Speaker 3 (21:54):
And you're just pretty early on you're.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Looking down going, oh, they got one hundred and fifteen
yards on the ground.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
They go, that was a game, though, Yeah, I don't know.
I was. It was a game and it came down
to the end, and I thought Matthew Stafford was going
to pull the game out. I thought he was going
to pull it out.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
If they would have won that game, If the Rams
would have won that game, I.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
Would not have been surprised. I would not have been surprissed.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
When when Saquon Barkley broke off that final touchdown run,
you just like the My automatic conclusion was, oh, that's game.
Because the Rams couldn't get anything going on offense, and
then they scored on that drive, stopped Philly on the
ensuing drive to where for some reason Jalen Hurts pulled
the ball out and got sacked, and then they punted

away and the Philly defense just kind of started.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
Leaking a little bit.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Yeah, Poka Nakua, your guy, Hohoka Nakula made a great
catch sideline he did. Next thing, you know, Jalen Carter
is making a play by the way he did. By
the way Jalen Carter.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
Baller stud Bawler like transition to the next level, like
a guy in the league. Like not just potentially a guy,
He's a guy in the league. For certain.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
Two and eighty five yards on the ground for the Eagles.
The defense, for the most part in that game played
very well, forcing turnovers, getting after Matthew Stafford. The head coach,
Nick Sirianni, spoke about his defense, but also about Saquon
Barkley's arrival in Philly afterwards. That was a championship effort
by the defense, and we get our right to and

we earned a right to play for a championship, the
NFC Championship this week against a really good football team.

Speaker 3 (23:36):
How much of a luxury is it to have given
the conditions or not in the conditions.

Speaker 2 (23:42):
It don't matter where.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
It's a luxury to have him, that's for darn sure.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
I love them.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
I can't say enough good things about him in the
in the leadership that he brings to this football team.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
He's special. I just wonder how often will people bring
up the fact that New York didn't want him. Well,
it's just still is a freaking mind blower. Like, but
you know what's even more of a mind blower is
that if if they did want them, and if they
did keep them, he would not be having the season

that he's having right now. And then he goes down
in history as oh he got off to a good start,
but he ended up being a bust. Yeah, Like it's
it's kind of wild being able to see actually how
things could play out with these types of players that
go that high in the draft when something good goes
their way versus you going to a crappy organization because

of how good you were in college.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
The best thing that happened to Saquon Barkley was joining
the Eagles. Oh, clearly had he stayed in New York. Yeah,
it's a great story you know, they figured out a
way to get it done. He's back, you know, but
as much of the same, as much of the same
and in Philly behind that offensive line, in that offense
like man like, I don't think that entire team goes

through Saquon bar.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
He should get MVP of the League. He really should
win MVP. The MVP award again, I think if he
went and got the record, the single season rushing record,
I don't think that you can go in a different
direction from him and getting that award. Now. I know
that Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen have had amazing years.

I don't think anyone has had more of an impact
on a team and has been as valuable and has
been as critical to the success of their team and
what that looks like even in big games, more than
Saquon Barkley. And that played out in that showed yesterday. Yeah,
he was fantastic. Even the quarterback was able to start

having success because the defense had to play and respect
the fact that I'm faking it's a run pass option.
With Saquon Barkley, it's the same exact thing that Baltimore
should have worked to establish and lived in die if
it didn't work. I don't think anyone would have a
problem with saying, you know what, they did what they

do all year long and it didn't work. Like, Okay,
Philadelphia did what they needed to do, and they stayed
true to what their DNA was and it played out
the way that it was supposed to play out. They
knew Saquon was getting that ball and they still couldn't
stop him. You're on that last drive where you gotta

stop them, and this, that and the other. You know,
it's Saquon Barkley time. The announcers are saying it, everybody's
saying it, and you still gave up like a sixty five.
That's why I said, why not go for the record?
Like when you look at this twenty twenty hindsight retrospect,
sa Quon was ripping off sixty five seventy some yard touchdowns,

forty yard runs. He was ripping off some really really
big runs. All he needed was one hundred yards. He
could have got one hundred yards in the first half
of that last game. Now, I know that's living in
the past and I don't want to, you know, do that,
but my gosh, that dude is one of the most
impressive dudes. And if you're asking me, if I had
a vote to give, I would vote Sakuon Barkley the

MVP of the league this year, Like like, you're the
league MVP, not Offensive Player of the year. That's your
league MVP, if you ask me.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
I watched the Eagles and I go as the Rams
are driving late in that game, thinking how.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
Are they in this game? Still?

Speaker 1 (27:28):
But the same weird they're just there's like a couple
of moments in an Eagles game seemingly every week where
you're like, really, because they're so talented and there's so much,
They've got so much to offer that you're like, how
is this not more lopsided? How how is Matt Stafford
near the red zone with an opportunity to win this
game on the road.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
Because they're good. They were that I told y'all coming
into it, that was the third hottest team playing football
and on my on my board outside of Baltimore and Buffalo.
Outside of Baltimore and Buffalo, the Rams were the hottest
play and and by the way they delivered again that

I mean the defense delivered what seven to eight sacks? Again,
they were out there gigging, they were getting after it.
They they dang there, knock Jalen hurts either of the game.
They folded him up real nice and neatly. Yeah, I
don't know how healthy he was the rest. I don't
know how healthy he'll be moving forward. And that could be.
You know that that game came with some prices on

on there. You know they they left that game not
not one hundred percent, I'll tell you that. And and
so you look at you look at the way they
had to win that game. It was an ugly game.
But you asked why was it so close? It's because
that Rams team is a pretty dog on good Rams
football team. They were pretty dog on good Man. And

I'm telling you, in my mind, I was watching that
game and I was like, this team can come in
and if they can weather that initial storm of being
in this hostile environment and what they're going to try
to do in terms of pushing them around, if they
can meet them hit the head physically, this is going
to be a game. And it turned out to be
a game. Turned out to be a game.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
The drive before LA's final possession that resulted you know
in the you know, the turnover on downs and basically
ice the game but the drive before to where Philly
on a second down decided to roll Jalen hurts out
on a bum knee and then he gets sacked and
you put him in third and long, Like, why wouldn't
you just give the ball to Sake? Just giving them

the ball, like even if you're even if like you
turn the ball, like you got to punt it anyways,
or you like, dude, just give the ball to Shake.
And as you mentioned, they knew at times during that
game that was where the ball was going.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
They could play stop him. The play that he ran
that long ass touchdown, him and Jaylor are in the
backfield talking. They show it and they're both kind of
like smirking. Okay, man just just had it off. I
got it, and that man just took off. They still
ain't cutting yet. He's still running right now, ran all

the way back home.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
But you know the thing about the Giants is it
continues to get worse for them because it's one thing.
I like, au had a big game, maybe not a
big deal in the Yeah, like he had a big
game in the regular season. Okay, he's had a couple
of big weeks in the regular season. Yeah, not great

look for the Giants having like a really good year,
Like he's on pace for you know, two thousand yards
and not a great look for the Giants. Hey, Suon
got two thousand yards, He's probably gonna win Offensive Player
of the Year. Yeah, not a great look to.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
Run for over two hundred yards and the biggest game
of the season.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
They sat him the final week they probably could have
gotten the record on you. Yeah, not a great look
for the Giants On by the way, they go to
the postseason, they go to the playoffs and he's running
for two hundreds, Like.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
You do realize that that is there? Just get words.
That has to be their only like refuge is that
they didn't break the record on On. That's the only
thing that they can lean on and say unless they
want if they win the Super Bowl, I don't think
you can get out of the way of it. But
if they don't win the super Bowl, it's kind of

like they didn't win it and Sauan didn't break the
record on us, Like here we go, that's a win.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Here's your win. Yeah, it's it. Just the whole thing
is mind boggling that you look back on. But congrats to.

Speaker 3 (31:43):
Just shows you some people just do not know what
the hell they're doing, and they get paid a whole
lot of money to just not know what the hell
they're doing. They get right, can't get it right.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Two Pros and a Couple of Joe Here on Fox
Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you. So coming
up next here from the tire rack dot Com Studios.
You knew that at some point this is going to
get brought up over the weekend in the NFL. You
just knew they couldn't resist. They had to go there.
We'll explain what we're talking about next here on FSR.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.

Speaker 3 (32:23):
Hey, you're breathing. I know it's unheard of. How you're
talking and where you walk it or you and your
homie my beeline and talk. Oh no, Lee, Yeah hello.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
I told you smoked fool.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
But it'd be like in the same prayers in the
street Lie stand in Loston line in the Gangster Lee
and the Gangster's Paradise.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
Right now, it is Two Pros and a cup of Joe.
Fox Sports Radio LaVar Air caring Jonas Knox with you
are coming up top of next hour a little over
ten minutes from now.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
Oh boy, Oh boy.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Talk about windows closing in the NFL. One might have
happened over the weekend. We'll get into that for you
here from the tire rack dot Com studios before we
get to another edition of In Case You missed It,
though shortly after the show, our podcast.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Will be going up.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
If you've missed any of today's show, be sure to
check out the pod search two Pros wherever you get
your podcast. Be sure to also follow, rate and review
the podcast. Again, just search two pros wherever you gets
your podcast. You'll see today's show posted right after we
get off the air.

Speaker 2 (33:33):
Sometimes you can't get to everything in the world of
sports or entertainment. Good thing. The guys are here to
bring you in case you missed it, and for.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
That we turn it over to our executive producer, Lead Lap.

Speaker 6 (33:48):
Good morning, every buddy.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
It's possible, It's possible. It's possible.

Speaker 6 (33:53):
It's always possible as possible. What's the percentage It's never zero,
ever zero right now ninety nine.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
That's a lot.

Speaker 6 (34:03):
Guys, in case you miss this function, In case you
missed the live ABC broadcast of the Chiefs Texans game yesterday,
you might have missed, Hey, Brady, you might have missed
some live shots of Miss Taylor Swift's with her new
bestie Kaylen Clark up in the up in the booth.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
Talk about manufacturing. Holy moly, I'm so tired of it now.

Speaker 6 (34:29):
A lot of people make a lot of you know,
a lot of gumption out of the fact that ABC
keeps on turning to her. But if you looked at
the stats, which somebody did and put a very nice
chart together, she was on screen for a total of
thirty five seconds point three to two percent of the
total game time on air broadcast, which, if you compared
to last season Wild Card was a minute in sixteen

versus the Dolphins, Divisional versus the Bills twenty five seconds,
which was less Conference Championship last year, forty four seconds
Super Bowl last year versus the Niners fifty.

Speaker 3 (35:00):
She said, thirty five seconds, thirty five seconds, five six
cutaways three equals eleven, So she was on camera the
equivalent of eleven plays. Yeah, she got eleven reps. Significant.
I think about that she got eleven reps average play

at last, like three seconds average play. She got eleven
point six, which you could round up and say twelve.
She got twelve reps during the course of a game.
How many how many plays are there in a game?
Like one hundred? What like twenty or something like that

about that? Yeah, she got she got what just under
ten percent?

Speaker 1 (35:50):
Yeah, I mean, listen, I get the people the argument
they want to make, like, well, they're very you know,
if you think about it, in the long run, they're
not really showing her all that often. All right, well
here's here, here's a better here's a better number and
a better percentage of the game.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
They should be showing her. Settle, settle. Hey man, I
just went when when Caitlyn was in the dip, it
was just like enough is enough. We cut the crap,
like enough is enough? Like I get it. We got
to promote w NBA. Come on, how much did it

cost to get her there? Like everything that was in play,
Like what are the agreements? She's not just there because
oh she's fed. She's always been a big fan of
Kansas City's always been big. She ain't She's not just
there to see Kansas City play and she doesn't just
happen to be in the suite with what's her name?

Taylor Swift. Yeah, I mean, come on, man.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
And by the way, what a fall from grace for
Kansas City Chiefs fans. You've gone to that when you
used to have a guy who robbed banks crossed up
as your mascot. Like you talk about a disgrace, like
you could have a real life thief, a felon, Like
you could have a real somebody there that you could

be spotlighting every game, and instead you've got some manufactured
friendship and fandom between Caitlyn Clark and Taylor Swift.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
It's just crazy to think that you're selling more Taylor
Swift Kansas City Chiefs jerseys than you are anybody else.
And the face of the league is the is the
quarterback of that team? Yeah, who are you the biggest
fan of in the NFL? Taylor Swift number one? That's

crazy to me. That's that's crazy to me.

Speaker 6 (37:48):
What else we got, lee, guys, somebody seems to be
trying to make something out of nothing. We all saw
Jared Verse called the Eagles fans annoying before the game.
They are and he did the lap around the field
before the game. Had you know, they were booing him.
He had some back and forth. Well, in case you
missed this, you know you might have seen Jalen Carter
approach him and see that and he, uh, if you

try and pick up on the hot mic, he says, like,
I'll bet you something. People are trying to say, well,
this is against an NFL rules, you can't bet before
the games.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
Oh god, oh boy. Uh yeah, So if you you
could look at.

Speaker 6 (38:24):
The video and try and make it out for yourselves
as they made.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
AM going to get too deep on that one. That
because to me, that that I bet could be something
totally different than a money wager, Like it could be
I bet you we whooped that ass today. I bet
I bet you, I bet you you tap out at
his game today, Like it could be like in that

moment because of the amount of kind of like you know, drama,
like what Verse brought to the table, I could guarantee
a dude like Jaalen Carter was on something. I bet
we beat that ass today.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
See here's the problem though, as somebody who's been into
sports gambling and been involved for I don't know, twenty
years or so, this is the issue when you have
a bunch of virgins and geeks who aren't used to
that life, who think they know what they're doing about
that life.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
Oh you can't.

Speaker 7 (39:16):
You can't bet on something. You can't do that before
the k that's against league policy. He should be subject
to a suspension. There, you get a life, pif squeak.
They're talking about betting on a fight.

Speaker 3 (39:27):
There has nothing to do.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
You can't go to DraftKings and bet on that.

Speaker 3 (39:30):
Bet you we hit you right in your mouth today.
You're gonna get hit right in your mouth. I bet
that happens. I bet you that. Like that's that's like
that talk. I'll bet you get that work. Planets, lasers, lazers,
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