All Episodes

April 21, 2022 40 mins

Thursday on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, Jonas Knox and LaVar Arrington react to the Deebo Samuel drama escalating into a trade request. LaVar details the joy of being back in State College. Joel Embiid gets sweet revenge with a game-winning dagger vs the Raptors. The Oakland A’s attendance remarkably gets worse and Jerry West bitches about his portrayal in ‘Winning Time.’

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington Jonas knocks with you here. Coming up on
this Thursday edition, we have got more drama out of
the NFL. Two parts to this Deebo Samuel, what went
wrong in San Francisco and also where does it make
sense that he gets traded to? Next We're also gonna
have a discussion about the NBA playoffs, some revenge exacted.

It took three years, but Joel Embiid gets his on
a grand stage in Toronto. We're also going to talk
about how things have gone from bad to worse on
a Major League Baseball story. We have covered the to
a tug of Bloa Brian Flores relationship, shots fired from
the Miami quarterback. We're also going to hear from Albert Brier.
We've got another edition of incase you missed it, and

the scraps. All of it is yours. Coming up on
a Thursday edition of Two Pros and a Cup of Joe,
Fox Sports Radio. You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. The
drama continue use in the NFL. We will get into
all that for you coming up here in just a

couple of moments from now, two pros and a cup
of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox,
except Brady Quinn is not here. It is just sticks
and knocks here for three hours on fs ARE. We're
gonna take you all the way up until nine am
Easter time, six o'clock Pacific and wherever you are making
us a part of your Thursday morning, we appreciate you

doing so. Hundreds of Fox Sports Radio affiliate's the I
Heart Radio app. It's a pleasure to have you with
us here and we're gonna have some fun here sticks
for the next couple of hours. What do you yeah? Yeah,
So the drama that is the NFL off season continues. Um.
This one is is an interesting one because I don't

know that anybody thought that it was going to get
to this level this quick. We knew that Deebo Samuel
was looking to get paid because he wasn't reporting, uh
to to the forty Niners off season program, and we thought,
all right, well, he's just you know, he's looking for
a contract extension. San Francisco has already said that he's
a priority. In fact, San Francisco said, uh, maybe a
month ago or so that they were putting aside money

for Deebo Samuel and for Nick Bosa, that those were
two priorities that they wanted to build their franchise around
moving forward. And so we just assumed, hey, you know,
something will get done here, but it's gonna take a
little while and UH and the forty Niners will figure
this out and Deebo Samuel is going to be a
Niner moving forward. And then all of a sudden, Jeff Darlington, Yeah,

not happy at all. And Jeff Jeff Darlington of ESPN
was reporting that Deebo Samuel has asked the forty Niners
for a trade, and the way that some of the
reporting has come out, it seems like this isn't just
a contract thing. Deebo Samuel wants out of San Fran.
He he wants to be gone, and he there was
a tweet that he sent out that was later deleted

in which he said, three people know the truth, myself,
my agent, and the forty Niners. So there is some
sort of resentment. Were bad blood going on there, But
the stud all purpose wide receiver slash running bash slack
slash do it all for San Fran their most important
weapon last year. Uh, does no longer want to be
a part of the San Francisco, Fornia in or offense. Yeah,

it's a lot. Sometimes sometimes you you break up to
make up. Sometimes you gotta break up to make up.
And that could be what what Deebo Samuel is doing
right now, um is trying to break up to make
up and and and sometimes you know the problem with

that maybe when you when you try to break up
a lot of a lot of times it's met with ah,
it's it's not good, it's it's not it. You feel
as though it's like, was the relationship real? You know,

why are you doing this? You know, it's not really
about how do we fix it? A lot of times right, Yeah,
the lighting was weird. Yes, Now the question is if
we didn't woke up now and this is the first
time I just saw you without your makeup on, and

this that and the other, and that's why we're waking up.
I would like to know who is the one without
the makeup? Is it Debo or is it the niners?
You know? And that's I think that that's what's going
on right now. You you've had you you've had the
opportunity to get to know one another. Obviously one is
valuing you know themselves at this while the other is

valuing that person at at another another level of value.
If Debo is basing what he wants, if if what
was being offered is now obsolete because of what has
been offered and and paid out to other receivers, Deebo

Samuel is in pole position along with a j out
of out of Tennessee two to have that feeling because
everybody is looking for that game changer. And and some
would say, even though regardless he hasn't done it as

long as as some of these other other other players
that have gotten paid, some would say Deebo Samuel is
the closest thing to to rekill and what his capabilities
are and his impact on a game from anywhere on
the field, and there's a lot of Percy Harvin comps
as a guy that can literally do everything for that team.

And in fact, we were talking about it during the
season when everybody was put putting up the m v
P odds and it was kind of a back and
forth between Brady and Rogers and Jonathan Taylor got a
sniff at it. For a couple of weeks, Deebo Samuel
was in the discussion for m v P awards for
their team, usually in the truest sense of the word,

when you say m v P, that is the most
valued player, most valuable to the team. We never get
that right. Just so we're clear on that. It's it's
probably it's probably overstated that you're going to choose a
quarterback as the as the MVP of the league, and
that that's fine. It's just like how you never get

it really right with the Heisman, because it's always going
to be generally a quarterback that wins the Heisman. So
it's not the m v P all the time. In general,
it's probably not. It's probably gonna be alignment. It's probably
gonna be a guy on the defense that does multiple
things for you on the defense, that can play safety,
he can play corner, he can do coverage, he can

play the run. Sounds like the most valuable person that
you have on your team. I mean, Aaron Donald should
have been at some point the m v P of
the National Football League. That's a travesty. At some point. J. J.
Watt should have been the m v P of the
National Football League. That's a travesty. At some point. Oh yeah,

they did give it the right rate, did get it um.
You know, sometimes you just don't see the most valuable
guys get the award. And the reason why I paint
this picture is because if there was one guy that
was most valuable and vital to the success of their
team last year that was noticeable, it was Deebo Samuel.

And now he wants his he wants his dip with
his chips and he uh. And going to the point
on the m v P award, the last non quarterback
to when the m v P was Adrian Peterson and
O twelve and that was you know, Adrian Peterson coming
off that knee injury and he bade he carried the
Minnesota Vikings um as far as getting them to the

postseason and just the the season he put up was
one of the most incredible we've ever seen. Almost broke
the single season rushing record. All of that. I mean,
Deebo Samuel had a monster year for this team. He
had over fourteen hundred yards receiving. Uh. He had you
know the three six five on the ground like he was.
He was there all purpose, do everything back and it
doesn't One of the things and one of the theories

that's been thrown out there is that he was frustrated
with his usage, that he's being used too much, and
he doesn't want to wear down as his career moves forward.
And it's like, okay, but I feel like that's something
that he and the forty niners could still work through,
and they could come to some sort of a compromise
and say, all right, listen, it's part of a contract negotiation.

We understand how you feel about this. We'll make some
concessions we can we can direct our offense in another direction.
Kyle Shanahan's more than capable of it. It feels like
there's something more there. Something was either said in the
initial contract offer or the initial negotiation that he can't
let go. And we've seen, you know, a guys negotiate

contracts before and there's some bad blood and they're upset
about it, but ultimately they get a deal done. This
feels like it's gone in the complete opposite direction. And
I'm just wondering why the hostility, what was said. Let
me give you an idea of what that that looks like.
Right now. I know, for certain your best friends the best,
but with Scott Shapiro, that shots out the sky. He listens.

He's a colleague guy, he's a mentor and radio and
now we keep it strictly business. Um mentor yeah, just
you know, just a guy who is a really guy
to me. But I mean there's you know, I mean,
I mean best friends. I feel like it's a strong term.
I mean, we we simply it's a it's a professional
relationship between everybody out there. If you're reading between the lines,
and that that was Jonas kissing up and basically saying

that Scott's my daddy. Um anyway, So don't worry, I said,
don's not anyway. So so here's what I'm saying. If
we found out that that somebody to the same capacity
in a morning slot of of another station, another channel,
got paid a blockbuster deal in the same category, sports

category morning am drived out of that just that another
and we heard about it, you know, the first thing
that we would come into the studio and do come
into the studio, Jonas far Hey did you did you? Yeah, yeah,
I've seen it. I definitely And you know what Brady

would do, He'd bring it on the air, and you
know what happens next. Now the conversation becomes this is
the market. The market has been set. We do a
dope ass morning show. We're consistent, we continue to improve,
our audience continues to grow, our ratings continue to grow,

Our our subscribers are our our impressions. Everything so um
so what you're gonna do? Like what you're gonna do.
And if they come back to us and they say, oh,
we won't come in anywhere near close to that, regardless
of if we decide to stay or not, you know

what the feeling is on the inside. You're underappreciated. And
we all have been there. There, everybody who's sitting there
listening to us. If you have put your best foot
forward in your job, there has been a point in
time where you felt, based off of your compensation, that
you were under appreciated and you were undervalued. And I'm

gonna tell you right now, you as an employee feeling
undervalued and under appreciate it is very different than you
being an opploy that feels valued and appreciate it. And
right now Deebo Samuel feels under appreciate it. And it
has to do with their offer. Doesn't probably really compare

it peals in comparison to the Samuel and the extension
for it for Digs and and for the Adams deal.
It just it's probably just not anywhere in the ballpark,
and he doesn't like it. See but I think I'm
just gonna guess here. I'm just gonna throw this out
as to what I think happened. If there's a negotiation,

obviously each side is going to give you a low
offer trying to get a better deal, and then you
come to some sort of a compromising you meet in
the middle, right like the Raiders and Davante Adams deal.
Probably wasn't that. When they initially started talking, there were
some concessions made. They wanted more. They say, with Tyreek
killing the Dolphins, that's just contract negotiations. It's it's oh,
bi oh, you put something on Craigslist, you're gonna price

it high, but you know you're probably gonna settle for
a certain amount. Like that's just negotiations. Everybody does that,
garage sales, you name it. I think somewhere along the
lines of communication early on, the Niners made it either
straight up said this to Deebo Samuel and his representatives,
or alluded to the fact that, well, listen, you're only

this valuable in our offense. You're not this valuable anywhere else.
And I think Deebo Samuel got pissy about it, and
I think I think he took an offense to it.
And it's probably thinking, you know what, you don't think
I can be a receiver like some of these other
guys strictly a receiver. Trade me somewhere and I'll prove
you wrong. That's that's just a guess. And just what's

crazy about that assumption. It may have came in the
form of, now go back to the analogy of you
break up the makeup. It may have came in the
form of you broke up, but but but the person
that you broke up with was like, listen, I did
okay with you, But there's the chance that with what

I what I got, I could do better than you.
I can do better than you. So at the end
of the day, either you can stick it out with
me and we can be together and we can make
this thing work until we don't, or you could go
somewhere else. But just no, they only want you because
I made you hot. Like there are a lot of

people out here that that's how they roll. Like they're
looking at you like. Oh yeah, you look good, you
look real good. Everybody wants you this that. Let me
take away what what what I brought to the table.
Oh you was able to get your hair done every week.
Oh you got your nails done every week. Oh you
got other stuff done that don't nobody, God knows who
what it is that you did. Oh you don't have

that no more. Let's see how you look now. You
ain't got a job. Let's see what it looks like now,
And that might be very well. How they're approaching the
Deebo Samuel situation. You'll be interesting to see how it
plays out. Not because once you put it out there

the way that that debos put it out there, now,
things either you know, disentegrate very quickly or you you
you'll see that there'd be a quick swift reaction to
trying to make good, make it right. So it'll be
interesting to see. Yeah, it's two pros and a cup
of Joe. Here. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington Jonas knocks
with here on FSR. Brady Quinn and not with us today,
but he will be back tomorrow here for a football Friday.

We're gonna have the usuals. We've got another edition of
In case you missed it, We've got the Scraps coming up.
At the end of the show. Albert Brier is gonna
stop by. It's gonna be a three hour extravaganza here
on fs are. Coming up next though, you want to
talk about the ultimate revenge. Somebody was mocked, they were
made fun of, they were ridiculed on social media. They

got their revenge last night. We will get into that
for you right here on fs ARE. Be sure to
catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe with Brady Quinn, LaVar Arrington and Jonas Knocks week
days at six am Eastern, three am Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the I Heart Radio. Yeah it socks sticks. Uh,

Two Pros and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio.
It's uh, LaVar Harrington and Jonas Knocks at the here
on fs ARE. We are going to get to uh
some sweet revenge job by somebody who has made fun
of turned into a meme or a gift if you will,
in the world of sports, and we'll have that for
you here momentarily. By the way, you're in uh. Are

you back in the college? Are you in State College?
I'm not in Berg. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in
the Nations, real nations, man, not not the second nation's capital,
not Harrisburg. I'm in. I'm in state College. I am
actually airing live from one of the meeting rooms at
the Penn State Nittnil. Yeah, that's pretty exciting. We are

all right, stay yeah, we are now okay when you
take me into this, because I don't have anywhere that
I've ever been in my life that people actually enjoy
seeing me return, like anywhere, like it doesn't matter. And
let me run down the list. Toys, r us T G,
I Fridays, UH, landscaping jobs, construction UH, A dishwashing job

at a mall in South Carolina, the old radio station
I worked at a South Carolina UH. You know, chuck
E cheese, Um, you know. I was a janitor at
an elementary school. Like I I can go down and
run the list of places that I have worked before,
telemarketing jobs multiple times over, never one time if I

walked back in the building and I've been like, oh
my god, he's back, they were happy I was gone,
and they said kiss our ass and told us to walk.
I was a waiter at a retirement home, you name it.
You walk back into state college. What is that like?
I mean, oh my god, you know, it's just it's

just a it's a just an amazing feeling being being
back here, and and it's an amazing feeling when you
received the love and and and the admiration. I mean,
it's probably I mean, it's like that where I went
to high school. Go figure in the most purest places
of where the idea of playing the game, um what

it represented. You know, those are the places where you know,
I'm really beloved and revered and admired. And it's you know,
I try not to, you know, I know I get
accused of sounding like I'm egotistical. I really don't. I
really don't. UM. But what I will say is I'm
very I am very gracious, I am very flattered. What

people really don't understand about me is I'm a natural invert.
Like I really don't like being around people. People think
that I do. It seems like I love being around
I don't. It gives me anxiety. It makes me feel
a certain type of way. And if you really were
to ask me, what do you do on a normal basis?
I work and and I don't leave my home like

I don't do anything, you know, I just I'm almost
like a hermit. And but when I get an opportunity
to get out, like when I was in Harrisburg last week,
I mean, it's just it's amazing. It blows my mind.
People always ask like, do you get tired of it?
Do you get tired of people, you know, being in

your face or asking for pictures or asking for autographs?
And died? I died And I always tell them no,
I said you could you imagine going through your life
having worked your ass off all the all these years,
for all this time, and no one really ever acknowledged

how hard you worked, like the effort that you gave. Now, Jonas,
I know you can speak to this on a very
high level. I get it. Um, maybe you can give
us a war story of how people just don't give
a damn how good you are and how much you do. Um.
I've never I've never been asked for an autograph one time.
Nobody knows who the hell I am. Never been recognized once.

But that's going to change change. I'm okay with it.
I'm the same as you. I'm an inver like I
piece and quiet. I don't need any attention. I'm I'm
good like that. It's all good for me. Yeah, But
I'm just saying, your your your story is shining and
and people are taking notice of how hard you work.
If if not anybody else, I know, I take notice

of how hard you work. I I pride myself on
not letting anyone out work me, and that includes you.
But at the same time, it's kind of crazy how
consistent you are, Like you are a hard working dude.
So I mean, I just give you your flowers now,
but but I feel like people will recognize it. But

I'll tell you what it's. It's just so really, you know,
the coolest, the coolest thing sometimes it's not even when
they do come up to you. The coolest thing is
when you catch them, you know, telling their kids or
or or doing something where you can see them saying
that's like, that's the coolest. Like you can catch them

like out the side of your eye, or they'll walk
by and they'll be like like they'll they act like
they want to say something, and then they'll start back
to come say it, but then they're like I want
I'm gonna leave them alone type deal. Those to me
that that's some of the coolest, coolest things to experience,
you know, watching is when a fan, you know, realizes

that they saw someone that that they've watched play or
have been a part of their career and they felt
like they were a part of the career. I mean, ultimately,
that's what I've always wanted is for my career to
feel like the people that loved and watched me and
supported me were a part of it. We were all
a part of it together. So that it's pretty cool
when I get back here, awesome. Can I tell you

a true story? I actually I never told you guys this,
but this is a true story. Um, hand to God.
When we went to the radio row the media center
for the Super Bowl in l a. Um. You know,
you were doing interviews obviously for up on game and
going around you're on Pat McAfee show. This thought to
tell you this, this is a day in the life

for me. I walk out of the media center because
we're hanging out there just saying hi to everybody, and
I walk out and as I'm walking out, I overhear
some people out front saying, is that is that David
Carr And I for a second thought, I should turn
around and say, hey, what's up man, and like see

if they would ask for an autograph and sign it
David Carr, But I just wanted to beat traffic, and
traffic was such a disaster at that time. I was like,
I gotta get out of here and I was hung
So yeah, so listen, that's uh, that's that's what I'm
working with, David Carr, apparently his stunt double, and that's
a good looking dude. So I mean, at least you
got compared to dude that you wouldn't be like, really,

that's what you're going to compare me to that, that's
who you think, That's who you thought I was? Uh,
yeah it was. You know, there's a lot of ways
to take that. All right, It is a two pros
and a cup at you here. Fox Sports Radio. We
are going to get to this. Just sweet revenge in
the world of sports. We're gonna have that for you
next year on fs ARE but for all the latest

from around the world of sports. Speaking of good looking
men and Fresno State alum, the one and only Eddie Garcia.
Someone once confused me for your vis Tory Alba. Wait
hold on, let me look that up all right, Yeah,
should you is a backup catcher of no consequence. But no, no,

not even close, not even should. I regret to this
day not signing the autograph. I would have spelled his
name wrong. I'm sure got Eddie you. I was this
got somebody. I saw somebody on TV and I thought
Eddie looks like them, and I can't think of who
it is. It was recently. It was over the weekend

and I was gonna tell you, and I forgot. I
I'll remember it before the end of the show, I
promise you. I can't wait to find Yeah. Uh, let's
get you. Update on the last night's NBA playoff action.
We had three more games, including the seventy Sixers beating
the Raptors in Toronto one oh four, one oh one
and overtime. Joel and Bid hit a three point in
o t with eight tenths of a second to play.
That was the game winning shot. He finished with thirty

three points and thirteen rebounds. As the seventy six is
now I have a commanding three oh advantage in the series.
Celtics rally passed the nets for a one fourteen, one
oh seven win Boston with a two oh series lead.
They rallied down seventeen points in this one, they outscored
Brooklyn seventeen and the fourth quarter to get to win.
Six different players for Boston and double digits, led by
Jalen Brown's twenty two points for Brooklyn. Kevin Durand had

twenty seven points, Kyrie Irving twenty three points in defeat.
That series now shifting to Brooklyn again, the Nets are
down OH two but beat the Bucks in Milwaukee one
to one. Ten DeMar De Rosen led Chicago with a
career playoff high forty one points as the Bulls even
up that series at a game of piece. Now as
it shifts to Chicago for Milwaukee, Honest attend the Coompo
thirty three points, eighteen rebounds in the loss, and Chris

Middleton left the game with a knee injury. All then
m r I later today speaking of injury news in
the NBA, Phoenix and star Devin Booker likely out for
games two and excuse me, games three and four of
their first round playoff series against the Pelicans due to
a hamstring strain. And now back to the war Arrington
and Jonas knocks in the Fox Sports Radio studio thank you,
Holy Spirit Activate, Holy Spirit Activate that I don't know.

That's some social media stuff I just heard. I just
heard Eddie hit them with the activate. That's what made
me think of Holy Spirit Activate. Yea, Holy Spirit Activate LaVar.
You get this one, Wondered Twin Powers Activate. You get that.
It's from the super Friends. No cartoons in the day.

Let's go to work, team work. Let's go to work,
team work. Now. I know that one. You know that
one is Wonder Pets. You know Wonder Pets Activate? That
hell are you talking about? I don't know. I don't
better down. It just got ahold of me. I'm sorry

that the Wonder Pets, the the whole activate thing, it
just it just took over me for a moment. Last
from the past, and it happens um by the way,
we underestimated on this show just how bad things actually
were for somebody in sports yesterday. They got even worse.
They got even worse. We're gonna get into that for
you here in another edition of vacase you missed it,
twelve minutes from now. All right, so let's take a

little trip down memory lane to two thousand nineteen. Alright,
may have two thousand nineteen UM. And this was well
before people and not even Yeah, we had never knew
that each other was gonna come into each other's lives,
that we existed. I knew you existed. You had no
idea who I was, UM, and so may have stayed

nineteen areas. This is well before people were lining up
to buy one ply toilet paper and having to wear
masks to uh to cut a fart outside. Uh. The
Philadelphia seventies Sixers and the Toronto Raptors were playing an
epic Game seven in Toronto, and it sounded like this

as the buzzer went off to end the game. This
courtesy of TNT defended by Simmons. Now, the Toronto Raptors

would go on to win an NBA championship if the
Philadelphia seventies Sixers, in specifically Joel Embiid would turn into
a meme or a gift. He was crying, crying his
eyes out, People were busting his balls afterwards, I mean eliminated.
They were making a run. It was Ben Simmons, It
was the process. Joel Embiid was playing fantastic and then

they just come up short. And then all of a sudden,
you fast forward to last night in Toronto, Phillies up
two games to none. Uh, the game is tied there
in overtime, and Joel embiid it took three years, but
he finally got his revenge. On the seventy Sixers radio
network BETACS, trying to break for the circle around. It's Joel,

he turns, he fires for three. It's good, takes this job,
and the Sixes up taking the Joel Bead A lot
of first I thought, had the sexes take the league?
How sweet do you think that feels? Just think about
how you heard Ben Simmons. Ben Simmons passes it to
Joel Embead. Joel emb it's the three point and they

oh wait, oh yeah, never mind. Yeah, things have changed.
You know. I'll bet I'll bet if you told Philadelphia
after that game was over, Hey, don't worry about it.
Three years from now, you're gonna get your revenge. But
there's a Catchwait what is it? Um? Well, some of
your team can't play because there's this thing called COVID
that's gonna knock them out of the lineup if they're
not vaccinated in Toronto. And also, uh, Ben Simmons is

gonna be in Brooklyn. But he hasn't actually played for
them yet, Like that's that's so much things have changed.
But if you're if you're Joe l Embid, like that
has got to feel so good. He was mocked, he
was made fun of by everybody because he loves to
mix it up. He loves to mix it up on
social media. But that was a fantastic finish to that
game last night. An awesome game it was. And it's

it's shaping up to be a a playoff where it
has it has some true bite to it. You know.
I know a lot of people think that it's gonna
be uh the same, the same two characters that that
meet as arch Nemesis and in the final again a

lot of people thinking it's gonna be the Bucks and
it's gonna be the Sons again this year. And while
I'll say the Suns look like you know what, depending
on what what goes on with Booker, but the Suns
do look like they are the team that can get
it in the West. What's exciting about the East is

I have who, Like, hell if I know who's gonna
come out of the East right now, it's going the
Celtics are finally starting to cash in on what they
have perceivably been coming up short, just like the seventies sixers.
The Bucks are playing well, the Miami Heat, they're playing well.

I mean, it's who's going to win, who's going to win?
I mean, look at look at what's going on with Brooklyn.
I mean it's just like to me looking at looking
at it. Now. What's what's starting to happen is these
young guns are starting to take over, and they're starting
to assert themselves, and they're starting to become the ones

that you have to pay attention to as to whether
a team is going to win or whether they are
going to lose. And and it's you know, I think
that it is exciting to see what's taking place in
the playoffs this year. And you see how the Bulls
beat Milwaukee last night, they tie that series up one
game apiece, and then afterwards it's announced that Chris Middleton,

who is, you know, their de facto number two in Milwaukee,
he's got a sprained m c L. So that's a problem.
Then you just go out west. Devin Booker is gonna
miss games three and four against New Orleans because he's
got a hamstring issue. And that one feels like they
can say whatever they want about all it's you know,
he we expected to be back at the end of
the series with a hamstring that that thing could could

could smarten up at any moment, right Like, will you
come back off a hamstring injury? That feels like you
gotta be tentative the rest of the way. We talked
about them soft tissue injuries on another show not too
long ago. They just you just can't measure them, and
you don't necessarily know when they're all the way back
because you can tweak it. It's and and it's it's

a it's a confidence thing, right Like, you tweak it
and you don't want to like you can feel it
twinging or whatever it is, tinging, whatever, whatever the word is.
That you can feel it tugging at you and talking
to you like a little burn, a little pool, and
you don't want to push it to the point of
where it may pop and and or you just may

pull it a little bit. You just don't want to
set yourself back. And sometimes that's the hardest thing to
overcome with those type of injuries, is having the confidence
to really play at the level that you would play
not feeling you know, an injury like that, so it's
it's it's weird. But hand strings quad your steps, you know,

those are like the weight bearing ones of of like
the soft tissue deals. It's a complex, complex injury to
deal with, um, so it'll be interesting to see can
he get through it. I will say this toward all
is the medicine of the Gods. Man, I will I

will not ever tell you that toward all is not
the magic man themselves in liquid form. Man, It's two
Pros and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington,
Jonas Knocks coming up next. Right when you thought things
that hit an all time low, this happened last night

at yours right here in fs are. Be sure to
catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe with Brady Quinn, LaVar Arrington and Jonas Knocks week
days at six am Eastern three am Pacific. Hey, what's
up everybody? It's me three time Pro Bowl of LaVar
Rington and I couldn't be MOR's. Heided to announce a
new podcast called Up on Game? What is up on Game?

You asked? Along with my fellow pro bowler t J.
Hudgmansatta and Super Bowl champion. Yep, that's right, Plexico Burds.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it. Up on Game We're going to be
sharing our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen
to Up on Game with Me, LaVar Arrington, t J

Hudgmansatta and Plexico Birds on the I Heart Radio app,
Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast from. Sound
like Deebo Samuel right now thought, uh, I thought we
got the unedited version there for a second, then I

realized Bobo wasn't on the board. That was always met him.
But I've heard the stories. Ah yeah, Bobo one of
the the legends at Fox Sports Radio. Technical Bo. Yeah.
Well sometimes he uh he would miss the uh you know,
he would confuse the edited version of rap songs with
the unedited version explicit the yeah and uh you know,

on a Sunday, the crowd is a little bit different
listening and they did not take kindly to that. So
it is two pros and a cup of Joe Fox
Sports Radio, Lavarier, Uh you here on FS are coming
up top and next hour we'll call it a little
over ten minutes from now, there is a quarterback in
the NFL that seems very relieved, very relieved by what

is currently happening. We will get into that for you
right here on Fox Sports Radio. Before we get to
another edition of In Case You missed It, want to
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you can't get to everything in the world of sports
or entertainment. Good thing, the guys are here to bring
you in case you missed and for that we turned
it over to our executive producer Lee just Lap you guys,

in case you missed it. Yesterday we had reported on
the home opener for the Oakland A's having only about
thirty seven hundred fans in attendance. Well, they outdid themselves
yesterday with only twenty seven hundred fans in a day
game that was moved up three hours with less than
a day's notice. But jeez, man, it would be interesting
to know the ratio of people paid to be there
to work the game versus actual people in attendance. Look,

how do how do you try and sell this as good?
I mean, like how can anybody look at this and
go whatever? It's you know, like that is now two
days in a row, they've had what like six thousand
in attendance. I mean, like I was watching that the
Cubs raise game yesterday. The weather has been awful there,
there was rain coming in, um, you know, like it
was like in the twenties, a couple of nights ago,

and they still got twenty six thousand. There, the a's
are drawn, like, LaVar, who do we got to bring back?
You're going Ricky Henderson or Carni Ransford? Ricky Henderson all right,
Dave Stewart potentially, Uh, you know he's had some run ins.
Uh you know, look up that story with Dave Stewart,

you know, convisions presented it that it's a story. I
will probably look up visions of the crying game of
a sudden Is some of that out there? But yeah,
so we could go, uh Jose Con Saco, Carnie Lansford,
Ricky Henderson, like bring back somebody them a back. Yeah,

let's say if we could get kiss some people in there.
I mean, yeah, that that is a good point. Are
we including the wild Cats that are in the stadium
and that number or is that just without the cats
running around? Without the cats? It's under Jesus. I mean

I have I have a buddy who's who was a
Dire Days fan and he had season tickets. I would
imagine he probably doesn't have season tickets anymore. At least.
How many of those those strays are real aggressive, because
you know some of them are pretty aggressive towards towards people,
asked Lee. I wonder how aggressive they are anyway, asked Lee.

All right, guys, in case you are missing winning time
on HBO, it has not been kind to the portrayal
of Jerry West played by Jason Clark. Jerry West is
demanding a retraction, uh, saying the way they've portrayed him
his baseless, in defamatory. Yeah, good luck with that, Jerry,
Good luck with that. Um well, because I heard he

I haven't watched the ships body bad because he seemed
so disgruntled and it's like he's he's and I'm sorry
jumped on you because you're about to say you didn't
see it, but but here's a funny part of it
for me is I would have never thought that Jerry
West would have handled things the way that he did.
But he handled him like, Look, I'm Jerry West. I'm

the one that delivered. Even though he was losing to
the Celtics, I'm still the one that was delivering. And
and y'all should listen to everything I say. And if
you don't like it, like you know, it's kind of like,
you know, shove it type deal. Is he portrayed as
like a boozer in this I read like a boozer
or ray Jel Hallock. He's like all over the place.
He's and didn't want to draft Magic Johnson. Yeah, I mean,

you know, was like adamantly against not wanting that. Yeah.
It's like remember Bill Polian came out afterwards and said,
you know, I had a first round grade on Tom Brady.
It's like, okay, so you let him slide six round.
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