All Episodes

April 30, 2024 38 mins

Tom Brady’s roast is set while Jerod Mayo addresses a possible comeback. The guys breakdown the finality of the Deshaun Watson trade. Plus, “Would You Rather..?”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox and myself,
LeVar Arrington. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six
to nine am Eastern or three am to six am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local
station for the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe

show over at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream
us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching
fs R.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Get this pun you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
I said what not? Mane dang ding one. Come on,
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. You
can find us on the iHeartRadio app. And you know
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Com studios ti rack dot com. We'll help you get there.
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com the way tire buying should be. You guys gonna
watch his Tom Brady roast coming up on a Sunday.
I probably won't. I'll miss it. Yeah, I don't think
I am either. Yeah, I'm just not sure how aggressive
they're going to be with him. I think Belichick's one

of the roasters, by the way.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
I think they're gonna be really aggressive. I think so, Yes,
here's the dynamic. And I'm not saying this it's like, oh,
you know people they don't really understand, but I would
say locker room talk cuts like knives, man, and that
is what we're about to get between the former players

he played with and even Bill Belichick, who even in
his team meetings. I mean, look, I've never been in
his team meetings, but I've been in a lot of
coaches who tried to mimic what those are like, and
that is not for the fan of heart. So I
think it's gonna be spectacular and it's gonna be rough.

Like who's the one canmed Is that Anthony jessel Nick
who talks like very like dark, yeah, like about death
and everything all the time.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
A Pittsburgh guy.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
Yeah. We All I'm saying is imagine that time's eight
people up there just digging in on him the whole time.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
The problem is Greg Giraldo passed away. Look up Greg
Giraldo's roasts. The stuff is so offensive that you cannot
believe that he that he didn't just get assaulted, like
he went after everybody from Warren Sap to David Hasselhoff
to like no, like nobody was untouchable. And then I

think Jeff Ross is gonna be He's always the like
the roast master, so he's gonna be kind of leading
the charge with all this. But I'm wondering which comedians
show up. Is Gillis gonna get the call?

Speaker 1 (02:55):
Didn't I say Kevin Hart was going to be a
part of it?

Speaker 4 (02:58):
Kevin Hart, I'm not seeing if Shane Gillis would be.
I would imagine there'd be some comedians that have some
sort of side back to Boston, right have they said
with Mark Walberg's a be a part of it?

Speaker 3 (03:09):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
I don't know why. I feel like he would be
a surprised person to be involved.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
I could see that. Yeah, Well, listen, the one place
you're not going to see Tom Brady is back on
the field in New England. We can assure you there
was some speculation that, you know, Brady said he would
be open to a potential return. He threw out the Patriots,
the forty nine Ers, the Raiders, just kind of having fun,
a what if scenario if somebody needed him. The new

Patriots head coach Drod Mayle was on The Greg Hill
Show and he spoke about the potential of Tom Brady
returning to New England.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
I love Tom, and the door is always open if
he wants to come in here and coach, but sars
going on the field.

Speaker 4 (03:47):
I don't know. But if he comes in here once again, going.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Back to the hey, the best player we'll play, you
got to come here and compete, and.

Speaker 3 (03:53):
That he loves competition. I doubt he's going to be
walking through his doors anytime soon. If he wanted to
come back and play, the hell will you play for
the Patriots? They're gonna be.

Speaker 4 (04:02):
Doesn't even talk of like if you want to come
back and coach. It's like, why the hell we want
to coach? I mean, like for starters, he's making thirty
seven and a half million to be on TV. Geez,
so I'm gonna pay him that maybe playing but not coaching.
I just I don't really understand, don't really understand if

he was going to come.

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Back and play. San fran and Vegas are the places
that make sense. Like if somebody needed him if there
was an injury, God forbid to Brock Purdy or something
like that. Those but I don't even think it's even allowed.
If he's gonna be owner of the Raiders, that he
can come back and play. So the whole conversation was
just odd. It's not gonna happen, and call me like, listen,

maybe I'm on an island. I'm I'm more interested in
seeing what he's like as a broadcaster than him coming
back to return as a player. I want to see
how this works. I want to see how good he's
going to.

Speaker 4 (04:59):
Be back to the roast. So Belichick's gonna be a
part of it? Do you think it's more of a
decision Belichick made almost to get back at Kraft in
a way? Is Robert Kraft canna be a part of it?
If I I haven't seen anything that says Kraft will
be a part of it.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
If I was Robert Kraft, I'd probably steer clear from
a roast. You know, the problem is it's not just
the guy who's getting roasted, it's everybody else on stage
and attendance. You're also going to get it too, was
Robert Kraft and you don't want.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Any stories about the easy target.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
He steps on the stage eight on his back, it's
on the front. Dang. Yeah. But my point is it
seems like he's getting outside the box for Bill Belichick.
He was a part of the draft coverage. Now he's
doing this. I don't know if this is going to

work out well for Robert Craft. It's not, you know,
And in the end, he's gonna look like the bad
guy and people were gonna forget about his role in
their success in comparison to Tom and Bill become infamous. Yeah,
well they're just they're gonna be out there more. Dang,
he's gonna be kind of be sit back in the shadows.

But I almost wondered too, if Bill committed to this
before Robert Kraft even could, even if he wanted to,
because now you'd think, oh, maybe they both can be involved.
But to your point, A, he'd be an easy target
and B, well, Belichick already committed to it, So how's
that interaction going to work out? After the documentary came out,
We're Craft based, We tried to bury Belichick.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
And and also the more that you that people talk
about the documentary and the more that there's pushback on it,
and even Robert Kraft tried to say, oh, well, you know,
we didn't have any input on that, and it was like,
all right, well it's Kraft LLC. At the end of
the credits each episode, it feels did.

Speaker 4 (06:53):
You they fund it? Yeah, like, and it paid for it.
If you paid for it, you could have a saying
what it's coming out on the other side saying.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
And so when when all these former players are coming out, going, man,
I don't like the way Belichick was being represented. And
it's it's not just one or two. It's Brady, it's Gronk,
it's Devin mccordy, it's Rodney Harrison, it's you know, Stefan Gilmour,
Like all these guys have come out after Yeah, like
I was duped, and they're pissed about it.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
They're telling me it was one thing and it turned
out to be something else. That's what I've heard.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
And so it feels like the tables have turned to
where now you know, Belichick was he's got to go.
He's the problem. And you know, one of the story,
one of the pieces of that article that came out
from Seth Wickersham and Company was that you know, Belichick
kind of views it as if he goes somewhere else
and has success, who does Robert Kraft have to blame
if the coach and the quarterback went somewhere else and

won and you've still got a bag of craft for
a football team that you've had for the past few years,
and it's not I'll.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Say this when I when we first were talking about it,
I took a stance like man craft is craft, and
in so many ways he is craft is craft. But
the more I've listened to you guys, and the more
I've kind of dug into it, it does seem a
tad bit curious that the stakes are so high on

every little thing that happens, like this is just a roast.
All it should be is really it's a roast, right,
But yet it still turns into like a politically driven,
you know, politics between them and what's going on, and
it's like it just seems all so calculated, like who

called for the roast right with Tom Brady because there's
something to that, and you gotta believe it's something to
it based upon probably that documentary coming out. I just
think that it's it's just it just seems interesting. Now
that why would Robert Kraft put himself You're the owner

of the franchise. Why would you ever put yourself in
a position where you've become infamous when you've done so
many great things with two of the greatest to ever
be apart more than two, you've done it with multiple
greatest ever of all time? Why even why even go
down that? Why let your ego take you down that road?

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
Remember when Brear brought up the point, and it was
kind of I think we even said, you know, that's
an angle of this that we hadn't thought about, but
that Robert Kraft desperately wants to get into the Hall
of Fame, and that there was some thought that once
that stuff came out, you know where he went to,
you know, Orchards of Asia or whatever it's called.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
And Jupiter.

Speaker 3 (09:47):
It's just so good. It really is a mess up.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
It's like like if you were going to try to
get out of this one, like, hey, where where was
it that we caught these people out? It was called
Orchards of Asia, Like he can't get out of the
way at that.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
He went from Robert Craft, owner of a team that
won six Super Bowls to Bobby Orchids.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Bobby, with the flip of a switch, had at least
text messages saying, Bob, Bobby Orchids really really Bobby Orchids's
kind of dope.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
So so I wonder if he's almost in desperation.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
Mode where he's got.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
To be Bobby Orchids.

Speaker 4 (10:27):
Come on, man, that's the background. Oh my god, it
was like caricatures of Robert Craft.

Speaker 3 (10:34):
Oh Man, Bobby Orchid get a design where I just
I wonder if he's almost in desperation mode where he's
got to try and change the narrative and the discussion
about himself because he feels like maybe time's running out
and he's got to get into the Hall of Fame.
I guess Jerry Jones getting in before him really bothered him,

like really bothered him. And when you think about it,
he's got all the credentials, like he's got all those
super Bowl champions, he's run a successful franchise, or he's
going in. But he's going in.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
I mean, there's no way Robert Kraft is not going
into the NFL Hall of Fame.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
He will definitely make it in. The question is that
he'd make it ahead of Mike Shanahan. And the one
thing that I think he has going for him that
voters will be cognizant of is he is eighty two
years old, and so I think they try they look
at someone like I mean, not that you ever should
take that for granted just because Mike Shanahan's eleven years younger.

It doesn't mean that you should surpass him because Kraft
is older. But I think there is a thought to that, like, hey,
let's let's get an older guy in so he can
be welcomed while he's still alive instead of potentially after
his passing. So that would be the one thought I think,
because it's really between Mike Shanahan and Robert Kraft at this.

Speaker 3 (11:58):
Point, is not why the hell would Mike shan hand
not being the Hall of Fame.

Speaker 4 (12:01):
But I have no idea. It almost like I when
Albert Preer brought brought that up, I thought he was
a part of the Hall of Fame already. I just
assumed that. I was, like, well, I looked at him, like,
wait a second, He's not a part of the Hall
of Fame. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 3 (12:16):
I mean, like, what other credentials do you need from
him to be like like he's and is like how
many as far as like offensive minds that have changed
the game or revolutionized the game, like Mike Shannan's on
a list right of guys that have that have implemented
something that has still used all these years later.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
Yes, so I'm like widely used by the leagues almost
probably half the offenses.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
And so you figure the Super Bowls, the Hall of
Fame players he coached, the you know, his innovations and
ideas and stuff that he uses and still just not
in the Hall of Fame. There's no scandal, there's no
like you know, background issues or anything like that, and
for whatever reason, he's still not in the Hall of Fame.
It's just odd. So hopefully he'll get in, and hopefully
that happens soon. But if you're if you're a if

you're Bobby Orchids, I would steer clear of that roast
on Sinco to my oy, not a not a safe
place for you. But still might get hits. Wherever he's sitting,
he's still gonna get hit. Like if you were if
you were a professional comic and they called you and said, hey,
can you come up with some material for us if
somebody threw that at you and said, by the way,

here's this in case you were interested. That's the open
and the close of my set. Like I would open
with Bobby Orchids, and I would close with Bobby Orchids,
and especially knowing that Belichick and Tom Brady are there,
just to make everybody feel that much more awkward. So
we'll see how it plays out.

Speaker 4 (13:43):
Makes feel awkward, I think they'd probably just start laughing.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
I think I would. Brady would probably feel awkward, but
I think Belichick would love it. Yeah, because you know
they tried to shame him with that, you know, that
walk of shame video from Nantucket last year. Please guy
trying to have a good time with his shirt off
you God forbid he takes home a straight Yeah.

Speaker 4 (14:01):
I mean, for all we know.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Yeah, that update on statisfy, no chance he makes it
to the end of the show.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
I'll say that, Lee, what do you think about that?

Speaker 5 (14:14):
You cannot confirm nor deny?

Speaker 4 (14:16):
All right? Love you buddy?

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Time final like Lebron right there? Like, what the hell
did that make?

Speaker 4 (14:23):
It? Was not me?

Speaker 5 (14:24):
All right?

Speaker 3 (14:24):
We played uh, we played taps for Lee.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
We're going to talk about Lee all off season. Now yeah, Lee, Lee,
all right, it is too will not answer that question.

Speaker 4 (14:35):
Yes, cute.

Speaker 3 (14:36):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. Coming up
next here from the Tirack dot Com Studios, we are
going to take a look back. There was a big
time move made in the NFL and it did not
go well for somebody involved. We'll tell you why that
is coming up next here on FSR.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
jonah Us Knocks weekdays at six am Eastern, three am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (15:08):
Hey, this is Tom Berducci from Fox Sports, MLB Network
and Sports Illustrated.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
And I'm Joe Madden, and we're going to be around
to talk a little bit about managerial decisions and what
may have accorded to the dugout maybe in the nineteen eighties.

Speaker 6 (15:20):
It's the Book of Joe Podcasts.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
I can't wait for this, Joe.

Speaker 6 (15:22):
We're going to dive into what goes on in the
dugout and behind the scenes in major League.

Speaker 4 (15:27):
Baseball, cars, wind, whatever else we want to talk about.

Speaker 6 (15:29):
Yeah, well, there are no boundaries, right. Listen to the
Book of Joe podcast on the iHeartRadio app, on Apple
Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio.
The hell is this?

Speaker 4 (15:47):
What do you mean? What is a good song man?

Speaker 5 (15:51):
You've never been a jukebox hero?

Speaker 4 (15:53):
No, no, it's actually never never had.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
I'd like who what banded? For the podcast list steners
if they want to find uh this hot hit. What's
the name of this song, Lorena.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
That's the name of jukebox Hero. It's my foreigner, dude.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
Come on, jeez, you know music.

Speaker 4 (16:12):
Don't act like you don't know.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
I really did. I've never heard this song in my
life before. I really haven't sat there disappointed in you. Bro. Well, no,
because I usually navigating the good song waters, so I
don't really venture over part of the fool. That's a
super sallow area for you. That's a puddle for you.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
Jonah, goy Eddie, what's wrong?

Speaker 3 (16:34):
But I didn't I've never heard this song before.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
I hope you're lying.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
I really have never heard this song before.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
You've lost so much respect in my eyes.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Oh now I know it. Yeah, Okay, the beginning of
the song I just didn't recognize.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
But the course I recognize. I don't backpedal, now, get it.
They have ridiculed you enough that you backpedaling it still
can't claim to be.

Speaker 4 (16:59):
In the music, can not know songs like that.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
I mean, it's still a bad song. But I did
recognize the chorus. I mean, let's not bury the lead here.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
Bro, you deserve every comment they say to you on
X every sing I'm gonna start retweeting those two You
should be.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
You should be a better friend.

Speaker 4 (17:19):
Have you seen that? LeVar? You know my whole theory
on the ones Jonas reachtweets. He makes them up. He's
got all these accounts because it makes them more provocative.
So then it gets people to be like, oh my gosh,
what's this guy saying? For having all these people saying
these ridiculous things about it.

Speaker 3 (17:37):
There were two that came through on Saturday that I
couldn't retweet because I was like, that's a bit more Well.
It was in reference to Caleb Williams and his fingernail polish. Yeah,
you can probably figure where that one went.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
Yeah, there's a lot of people that lean pretty hard
into jonahs. But again, rightfully so when you when you
take the stance that you do half the time, who
you shooting? Yeah, okay, I mean here's the thing is,
I try to defend you what I can, but man,
some of those some of your takes bad.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Yeah, well, listen, you know what do you want me
to do? It is what it is. We're just trying
to figure out whether or not we're going to have
a fully produced show all the way up until it's
conclusion here.

Speaker 4 (18:20):
I'm not worried about that.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
By the way, coming up in twenty minutes from now,
I can't even imagine what would you rather lead? The
lap is going to come up with it about twenty
minutes from now. I'm sure you're going to help him. Not.
Levar's witness to that. I do not help him with anything.
As far as would you rathers go, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (18:37):
I talked to Lorrena yesterday and she's like, yeah, that's too.

Speaker 3 (18:39):
I think I help a bit more on the would
you rathers? Though? Oh sure I do, I do. That's yeah, right,
like jump right on in there.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
Huh okay, all right, okay, damn, all right, so about that,
uh Leroy Jonas, That's fine.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
I'm being surprised. It's just when Lee goes morbid, when
he's like, would you rather be dead? Or would you
rather know when you're going to die? Or how you're
going to rit?

Speaker 5 (19:04):
Like classic?

Speaker 3 (19:06):
Would you rather be stabbed or shot until I don't know?

Speaker 4 (19:10):
Or fall from?

Speaker 3 (19:14):
I mean, which would you rather drown or fall from
a plane?

Speaker 4 (19:17):

Speaker 3 (19:18):
I don't want to talk about it. You use that not.

Speaker 4 (19:22):
I think at least falling from the plane would be
more enjoyable until you hit the ground. Until enjoyable.

Speaker 1 (19:29):
Yeah, but they say you just fall asleep and and
and when you're drowning.

Speaker 5 (19:35):
I've heard, I've heard multiple.

Speaker 3 (19:38):
I mean, how could you give a report? Where was
that going on a report?

Speaker 5 (19:43):
Well, people have drowned and been resuscitated. Old my old
man drowned, wasitated?

Speaker 4 (19:49):

Speaker 2 (19:50):

Speaker 3 (19:50):
And would your old man say it was the worst
thing you ever experienced?

Speaker 5 (19:53):

Speaker 4 (19:54):
Oh wow, it doesn't sound like that. I want to
be on that. Yeah. Yeah, what about the guy that
fell to the plane that hit the ground. You know, I.

Speaker 5 (20:03):
Hadn't heard from that guy. Usually a woman too, By
the way, did you hear she she she landed on
a termite mound, and she was bitten by so many
termites that it brought her blood. Brought her blood.

Speaker 4 (20:16):
What are you talking of, dude, Let them finish, Let
them finish.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
She landed on a red ant mound.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Can you start the story from the beginning.

Speaker 5 (20:26):
She was skydiving and her parachute malfunctioned. She landed on
a termite or a red ant mound, whatever it was.
She got bit so many times that it resuscitated her
because it shocked her system into uh living again, And
she lived another like forty years.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
The you're gonna say, like fifteen minutes, you're stupid. I
made it till twelve thirty.

Speaker 5 (20:55):
No, it's a true story. Really, yeah, geez damn.

Speaker 3 (21:01):
How bad were they biting her? That had woke her
up out of death? Oh, they was going after Oh
my god, I mean they were fed. I'll tell you that.
They were like, oh my god, like, can look at this, damn,
we gotta we got a free parachute. At God, thank you.
We got an unused parachute too. Oh god. They went

to work on her, woke her up.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
I've been bitten by I've been bitten by red ants
before fire and oh bro, that is like, I feel
like I.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
Hurt them biting into your flesh.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, tore my ankles right on up,
walked through a whole bunch. I don't remember where I was,
as I believe I was in the Islands and they
went to work. I had to jump in some water.
I was like, i'mna drown, y'all.

Speaker 2 (21:53):

Speaker 3 (21:55):
So does that Does that make Ozzy Osbourne that much
more legend? Yeah? What did you say?

Speaker 2 (22:00):
He did?

Speaker 4 (22:01):

Speaker 3 (22:01):
So the guys from Motley Cruz said that they were
out partying with him one time and he got down
on the ground and snorted up a roll of fire ants.
It just depends on if they lived. What has been
in your nose that you could snort up a roll
of fire ants and live to tell if they were alive.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
He's He's a stone cold gangster that for no reason
at all, For no reason at all, that's crazy.

Speaker 4 (22:28):
I got nothing on this.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely well listen here here's here's where Brady
quint is going to take center stage on what you Got? Uh.
We have the final Tally and the Deshaun Watson trade.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
All right?

Speaker 3 (22:42):
From speaking of Texans over to the Cleveland Browns because
there was termites there, There's a there's there's a lot here,
a lot of players coming and going, and you can
come back them with stiff towels. Yeah, right on out
of here. So, Brady, you got a list of these

names that have been put together because it just the
more you look back on this, the more you realize
Houston absolutely fleeced Cleveland on this deal. And I understand
the reason behind why they wanted to make the deal.
Baker Mayfield wanted out and they were trying to fix
the quarterback issue. But Houston ended up with everything they

got back in the trade and still ended up with
the better quarterback than Cleveland. I don't know how Cleveland
looks at this and goes, yeah, we're still good with
everything that went down.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
Yeah, So, indirectly or directly from the trade, here are
all the players that Houston has received. So again and
indirectly meaning like they had a pick, they traded back,
accumulated more picks which led to the drafting of that player.
If that makes some sense. Kenyon Green, it's one of
their starting offensive linemen at the third all right, one

of the wide receivers, Christian Harris at linebacker, Thomas Booker,
Damian Pierce, they're one of the running backs, Will Anderson Junior.
Obviously their star defensive end, Calen Bullocked the safety for him.
We all know about Tank Dell was phenomenal last year. Obviously,
thoughts of prayers with him. Obviously he went through an
inn issue just this past seventy two hours. Kamari Lastater

this year he'll play cornerback for them, Jamal Hill I
believe it is a linebacker, and then Kate Stover at
tight end. So those are all of the players that
they got in exchange. And they didn't obviously utilize the
draft capital from the trade to get c J. Stroud,
But obviously because of the trade, you had a need

for a quarterback. So that led them then to drafting
c J.

Speaker 3 (24:49):

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Yeah, who would you rather take right now? C J
Stroud or Deshaun wa J Stroud?

Speaker 3 (24:55):
God Stroud c.

Speaker 4 (24:57):
J Stroud about him too, And because I got to
see a little bit of the deal that he did
with Michael Parsons, is that young man loves football. M
like he loves football.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
When they were designing that play, that make believe play
that they were gonna like they were scouting, like putting together,
like how would you beat my defense? Like he's like
he's pretty sharp, man.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
That's what I'm saying. Like he loves ball, he loves
the ex's and o's, he loves he loves all of that.
Like there's there's no question too to me him being
able to be one of the top quarterbacks in this league.
Like it's funny, Like I would say, there's Patrick Mahomes
who plays the style in his own way, like very

different from Tom Brady, even though he's chasing tom Brady.
I would actually make the case that like CJ. Stroud
is kind of more of that, like tom Brady esque
in the way he plays, Like from the pocket, he
can obviously move and create, but a lot of it's
just absolute lethal accuracy from the pocket downfield, clutch throws

all that. Like that game I think mimics more Tom
Brady than where Patrick mahomes game is, just with his
running ability and the way he creates and throws cross
body and all that stuff. I mean, Brady wasn't doing
that sort of thing. Not saying the Stroud can't do
Mike some of those throws, but you see him kind
of play within the pocket much more. And it's I mean,
the sky's the limit for him.

Speaker 3 (26:23):

Speaker 4 (26:24):
Like, if you're building a franchise right now and you
had to take a quarterback, I think everyone would say
Patrick Mahomes. Pretty soon after that, you're probably saying CJ. Stroud.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
At what point do you say, We've got to figure
out how to move on from this guy.

Speaker 4 (26:47):
After this year. If they don't have the success that
they want to have in Cleveland this year, you'd start
be thinking about the plan afterwards.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
I mean, I like teld you hostage for what three
years now.

Speaker 4 (27:03):
Two years to at least as part of the Browns organization.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
Yeah, I just I wanted to do Browns fans because
I have a buddy who's a Browns fan. I heard
some people talking when we were doing the what they
say the graduate remote in Columbus that they're kind of
over it, like they I think they all feel like, yeah,
we got we got hosed here, just not they're accepting

of it. It's almost like because when Joe Flacco came
in and played the way that he played, man, Deshaun
Watson's never played like that since being in Cleveland, and
I know he's been injured, but that's part of the story.
Like your availability is your best ability. He hasn't been there.
I take that back.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
By the way, they can't move off from him after
twenty twenty six. Dang, Like literally, he's got three more
years there. There's nothing Cleveland can do unless they want
to take probably the biggest dead cap hit in the
history of the NFL. I mean, the next two years,
like you were territory of there's no way if they
were to move on from him this year, which obviously

they're not. All right, So that's a hypothetical. I'm not
even gonna tell you the number, but it's a nine
figure number, and it starts with a two. After twenty
twenty five or around twenty twenty five, it'd be one
hundred and thirty six million, basically one hundred and thirty
seven million, and then twenty twenty six, it'd be seventy
two almost seventy three million.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
Good god, I mean, honestly, don't don't you got.

Speaker 4 (28:26):
There's by the way, there's nothing Cleveland can do.

Speaker 3 (28:28):
There's nothing they can do.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
So if he goes out there and he plays and
something happens soft tissue injury of some kind, hits his
head's it's an.

Speaker 4 (28:37):
Awesome contract for players like I wish more players could
sign something like this. It is the most security that
a player has ever had an NFL history.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
You just gave your boys some props, Give him some props.

Speaker 4 (28:50):
Yeah, there's nothing great of this. There's nothing else to say.
It's it's the greatest contract in the NFL.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
Show agent, go ahead, give them, we'll get a sign
up to it.

Speaker 4 (28:58):
It's the greatest contract in the NFL. But it does
put the team in a precarious spot where if they
don't feel like he's playing up to the standard they
need him to they have there's nothing they can do.
I mean, you could try to trade them, but you'd
be hard pressed to find a team that for him. Well,
they're not trading for him in the contract if he
hasn't played well enough, right Like if Cleveland's like, well,

he's not playing well enough for us, they're like, wow,
we're gonna take him off.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
Your hands, right Not for that price tag. No, it's
not possible, but it is.

Speaker 4 (29:27):
The it's the greatest contract NFL history, and I don't
know that it will ever be challenged anytime soon. It
will be surpassed maybe with total value, but not as
far as guaranteed. It's signing to have a five year,
fully guaranteed deal. It's it's just ridiculous. Like you, I
don't know that you're going to see an owner want
to do that with a player. I mean Patrick Mahomes

would be the player that you would have done with.
And obviously Clark Hunt hasn't even done that.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
Yeah, it's not a great setup for the Cleveland Browns.
But who knows, mate, And he is throwing I did
see he was throwing. Well you see, I think he
was throwing the ball forty yards. So that was the
last update of forty yards. Yeah, off the surgery. That's out.
And by the way, if you were looking for a
potential trade partner, you probably want somebody with a common
interest might recommend the Patriots. I'm just saying, you know,

there's a there's the potential of why would they do that?

Speaker 1 (30:20):
Bobby Orchards, Bobby Orchids. They can join some relatability.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
Disc joint discount.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
I see what you're doing there, see joint joint uh sessions.
It's like a family plan dang therapy sessions, Like let's talk,
you're Bobby Orchids.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
I'm Syle Watson. I'm Massage Watson. Hi.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
I have a problem. I like I like massages. I
mean they both like massages. That's a great point. One
one wanted to be more private, the other one just
went ahead and went in.

Speaker 3 (31:03):
Yeah, it's a partler dang a couple of thoroughbreds. That's
now that you've said it.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Now, the Patriots don't seem so bad even though they
had a draft pick.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
Can always go home, you know. Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe here, Fox Sports Radio coming up next here.
It is a Tuesday tradition. It's a little something called
would you Rather Lead? The laugh has got some stuff
he's going to throw at us. We've got to make
some difficult decisions live on the air, and it's yours
here on FSR.

Speaker 2 (31:30):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here coming
up top of next hour a little over ten minutes
from now from the tire rack dot com studios. We
do have an update. There was something we discussed on
the show earlier. We've got an update for you on
the future for one player and one franch We'll get
into that for you here on FSR before we get

to another edition of Would You Rather? Though, shortly after
the show, our podcast will be going up, so if
you've missed any of it, be sure to check out
the pod. Search two Pros wherever you get your podcast.
Be sure to also follow rate and review the pod
again search two pros wherever you get your podcast. You'll
see this show posted right after we get off the air.
Let's make kiss to me and would.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
Would you rather? Your random topics?

Speaker 3 (32:27):
Sports or otherwise?

Speaker 4 (32:29):
All right?

Speaker 3 (32:29):
Lead to laugh? What have we got? Oh?

Speaker 5 (32:31):
We're certain strong guys. In case you missed it, I
know this is not in case you missed it, but
in case you missed it. Ali Walker was drinking out
of the Catfish the other day at the Predators game.
She was drinking a beer. I don't know if you
know what that means. NHL Stanley Cup who layoffs Ali?
She's a singer, doesn't matter. She was drinking a chugging
a beer out of a dead catfish, which leads me

to question, would.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
You rather real dead cafish?

Speaker 4 (32:56):

Speaker 3 (32:56):
Yeah yeah?

Speaker 4 (32:56):
Oh yeah, well not I mean it real but dead?

Speaker 3 (33:00):
Yeah yeah, it was real.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
It was real dead yet.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
Real dead and they fill it up with beer.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
I mean they just shoot it through.

Speaker 1 (33:07):
It's like, okay, that's one of those things where you know,
if I could say how I really feel, but I
get canceled if I said it. So I I want
to say, you think that's wow? Man, I ain't never
heard no s. That's some wild s to me.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
Yeah, he said it's a white person.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
I had never heard of that my ever in my
entire existence. That's white people drinking.

Speaker 4 (33:34):
Just saying, eating catfish before.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
I've eaten catfish, now, that's a black folks thing. But
drinking that ass beer through one is not.

Speaker 3 (33:46):
That's not on. That wasn't you know in the manual
it's in catfish are filthy, right.

Speaker 4 (33:54):
That's why you got to fry them just to make
a taste.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
That's what I'm saying. You just drink it through mouth.
I just went mouth the mouthway.

Speaker 4 (34:02):
It probably wouldn't look as bad if you fried the
catfish then drank the beer through it.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
Now that now that a bear batter bear field like,
that's different.

Speaker 3 (34:12):
Okay, well here's my question.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
Would you rather drink or chug a beer through a
catfish or through a dirty shoe, which is an Australian thing.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
I'm not doing either one of those. I'm not I'm
just not going. I'm not going to entertain either one
of those. I'm gonna got No, I'm not going.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
I'll take the physical. What if it was a pretty
girl shoe.

Speaker 4 (34:35):
Well, here's what I'm saying about that, or a pretty
knocking at him contain contained poop. The catfish is a
bottom feer, it's eating all kinds of stuff down there.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
Very true, but you know, basically you don't necessarily know that.

Speaker 4 (34:51):

Speaker 1 (34:51):
What if she was walking around beer footed at some
point in time and picked up some fecal matter.

Speaker 4 (34:58):
That's true. That's the I'm going to take, honestly. Yeah,
because I know for a fact that fish got it.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm not doing either one.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
I'll take this just for to say I'm to take
to shoot just for the sake of the segment.

Speaker 4 (35:16):
But there you go.

Speaker 3 (35:17):
Yeah, that's that's that's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
It's just not on my that's it's not something that
would do.

Speaker 4 (35:27):
All right.

Speaker 3 (35:27):
I said catfish, You said you take the cat fish?
All right? All right, guys, she's nasty for that. If
you had to choose one or the other.

Speaker 5 (35:34):
Would you rather watch the rest of the NBA playoffs
or the Stanley.

Speaker 4 (35:37):
Cup playoffs Stanley Cup, n B A.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
NBA. Yeah, the pends aren't in it.

Speaker 4 (35:46):
I will say this, I love watching Anthony Edwards. He
has reignited a fire that I have to watch the
Timberwolves play. It has nothing to do with that being
Scott's team. I just think Anthony Edwards plays the game
the way when I was growing up. You saw the
NBA play.

Speaker 3 (36:03):
Lebar came up with the best comp Dominique Wilkins.

Speaker 4 (36:06):
And whoever you want to compare it to. I'm just saying,
you don't see dudes mashing would like they go to
the rim like he does. And that's just it's it's
a different And you know what the other thing is
he was signing another day in the press conference postgame
talking about Karl Anthony Towns and just how like they
needed to not foul out and but he sits there
as in my opinion, Edwards is the best player on

that team, but he sits there and says no, no, no,
like Karl Anthony Towns is the best player on the floor.
That's why we need him so bad in the game.
How many stars of the NBA are that selfless or
that humble enough to talk like that. He's an awesome
He's the future of the NBA, and I hope they
realize that and continue to build around him and his personality.

Speaker 3 (36:51):
Yeah, he's pretty cool. I agree with that totally.

Speaker 5 (36:56):
Guys, would you rather fight Mike Tyson for one round
or sound like him for the rest of your life?

Speaker 3 (37:02):
I'm gonna take that one round A great one that Lee.

Speaker 4 (37:08):
Did you come up with this? Yeah? Sure, probably one round.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
I mean, I feel like you would sound like him
if you fought.

Speaker 3 (37:16):
Him, But you, Arana, did you come up with that?

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Be honest?

Speaker 3 (37:20):
Not that one?

Speaker 6 (37:20):
Now I was the catfish Jesus figures.

Speaker 3 (37:25):
I would rather fight him, run run, run for a round.
If you don't want fighting, Yeah, run, I don't want
to sound like that.

Speaker 4 (37:31):
I would be curious to see how bad it hurts,
you know, Like how bad is a Mike Tyson punch hurt.

Speaker 2 (37:36):
You know.

Speaker 4 (37:37):
I told you when when Zimbi fought in Madison Square
Garden clear Caesar Chavez. He was walking through because his
son Junior was fighting, and one of our d linemen,
Trevor Laws, was like, hey, punch me in the stomach.
He asked him to, dude. It was so quick, it
was like a two inch punch punch and it literally
dropped him. Like that's how that's how vicious it is.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
Like this hour, drop this hour to watch it.
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