All Episodes

January 15, 2025 38 mins

Jason Witten replacing Mike McCarthy in Dallas would be a big mistake. Mike Tomlin shuts down any rumors about a trade. Plus, Tiger’s debut at TGL and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox, and myself,
LeVar Arrington. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six
to nine am Eastern or three am to six am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local
station for the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe

show over at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream
us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching
fs R.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Get this.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. You
can hang out with us on the iHeartRadio app. You
can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across the country,
probably on a couple of planets too. And wherever you
are making us a part of your Wednesday morning, we
appreciate it. We're doing it all live from the Tyraq
dot com studios. Tire We'll help you get there unmatched election,

fast free shipping. Free road has a protection over ten
thousand recommended installers. Tire act dot com the way tire
buying should be. Speaking of what.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
Rack dot com bom bom what boom boom boom boom
bum boom boom boom boom boom boom.

Speaker 4 (01:30):
Hey, I can't do it.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Laser laser.

Speaker 4 (01:39):
All right, to the NFL we go where apparently we've
got ourselves.

Speaker 6 (01:47):
We gotta have Levart Simon on this one.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
So, uh, Micah Parsons, your guy. He spoke about the
disappointment in Dallas. That's a layer to this, so we
will hear it from Micah. This was on the edge
with Micah Parsons talking about his disappointment. But don't worry
about it because there's something else that LeVar is a
big fan of that could be behind door number two.

So let's first take a listen to Micah.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
It is devastating.

Speaker 7 (02:16):
You know, coach Mike's a great father coach, one of
the most winning his coaches, and you know he's always
been good to us as a unit, us to the
coaches players. So, you know, losing a great coach like
Mike Hurtz. But it's gonna be very interesting off seasons.
You know, it's gonna be very interesting, you know, due
to the free agents to coaching. It's like, you know,

it's gonna be a complete reset. So it's gonna be
a very interesting and challenging off season. But listen, I
already know I trust my owner, I trust our GM,
I trust Will Maclay that we're gonna make the right decisions.

Speaker 4 (02:53):
And apparently that right decision could be Jason Witten right,
who needs Bill Belichick? Who needs Prime? There's growing speculation.

Speaker 8 (03:09):
Jeff's Saturday fan Jason Winton no real head coaching experience
in the NFL at all, not one.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Let's go no no, But you're saying no real, no real.
I was about to say, like you're saying real, where
where does the okay? Liberty Christian two thousand and twenty
one to present. He's been a head coach. He's been

a head coach.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
That's an argyle Texas, by the.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Way, what he's he's he's since he would lead the
school to a state football championship.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
It's their fourth.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
There's enough with an unbeaten yeah, because that would be
the only way I know that he ever coached.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
By the way, I'm sure.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
So he's got.

Speaker 4 (04:01):
Texas population back in twenty twenty three was five and
fifty nine people. You could fit that many people in
a bathroom. It's that doesn't even count.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
So let me get this, let me try to get
this straight here. So we just had a conversation about
minorities and inclusion and ownership, hiring who they want to hire,
and the Rooney rule being basically a joke. And if
you're going to hire a minority, hire minority because of

the merits of what they do and you know what
they bring to the table.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
And an hour two we start.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
Off with a coach that is being looked at to
be a national league National Football League.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Head coach and has coached.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
From twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, three years of
coaching experience at.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
The high school level. That's that's where we're at right now.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
So there is actually a coach that is actually being
seriously considered that won a state championship in high school
to go take over a pro.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
Take over a pro program.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
That's that's what we're talking about an hour two, Like you,
if you think about the idea of and listen, I
coached high school ball, and and if you I brought
what would be considered to be a very structured approach
to how we did everything more I'd like to believe

I patterned it more after college because of their academics
and how important their academics were. But looking at the
resources that you have in high school versus any other level,
I would say high school is more in a lot
of ways comparable to youth football than it is to

college or pro I mean, it's just the idea of
it is, unless you're at a private, a major private,
and that's possible in Texas.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
I don't know the name.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
I don't know this school, Liberty Christian, I don't I
don't know what their deal is.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
But unless you have.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
Tremendous resources, and when I say resources like an IMG
or a modern day, then you're closer to college. It
is basically in essence of college program that you're leading.
If administratively you're dealing with one of those type schools,
I could see, I could see it translating if he

did what Prime did. Prime put his coaching staff together
since Pee Wee League and the core nucleus of guys
like coach Hart and all those guys he brought on,
George Agaman and guys like.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
That to be a part of his staff that were with.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
Him for literally a really long time during the maturation
process and learning process.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
A Prime as a coach.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
Now, if that's what what they're thinking, Like, Okay, Jason,
you go into coaching, do it for three years, build
up your coaching staff, bring your coaching staff in, and
when Mike McCarthy messes up, we're going to bring you
in as the coach.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
If that was their plan, then.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
Uh, Jerry Jones' is crazy or crazier than what people
have even initially thought he was. That's my conclusion. Y'all
thought I was going to conclude with something different, but
this is crazy idea.

Speaker 8 (07:35):
So what is the conclusion? Like if you could say conclusions.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
And five words, I don't care what it is that
Jason Witten did. He shouldn't be considered for head coach
of the Dallas guys.

Speaker 4 (07:48):
How about does Dallas craft the bed with Mike McCarthy's handling.

Speaker 8 (07:52):
In every capacity? And again, dumpster fire of a situation.
You can even go back to just before the season started,
I mean, how they handled the cdee Lamb contract, like
everything everything.

Speaker 6 (08:07):
I mean, it's just the running back position.

Speaker 8 (08:11):
It has been awful management of a roster of an
NFL franchise, and it's gotten to the point where like
it's not going to change Jerry's been very adamant about it.
I mean, hell, if you watch the Lamb Man, you
as see who would have talked about it. He's in
it because he wants to he wants to run the
you know, work with his kids, and he's doing it.

But this team is so far and look, Troy aik
Been said it best. It's probably not a coveted position anymore.
It's a great brand, it's you know, the most valued franchise.
But we're talking about winning, like seriously, winning games, winning
super Bowls.

Speaker 6 (08:50):
It's been thirty years since it was serious about that.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Yeah, inter actable.

Speaker 6 (08:55):
So I look at it.

Speaker 8 (08:55):
And just say this is one of those examples. And
we can go back to last year with Jim Orse.
Bring on Jeff Saturday, who great player, great guy, good
at his job in broadcasting. It doesn't qualify him to
jump in all of a sudden and be the head
coach of that team. And it's the same thing with

Jase Whitten. Great player, great guy. I'm sure he's really close,
knows the organization, the ins and outs. That doesn't necessarily
qualify to be a head coach and a leader of
men like I'm not sure if this is like a
Dan Campbell effect. We're now like the buzzword for well,
this guy kind of reminds me of Dan Campbell. It's like, well,
there's only one Dan Campbell, Like can we stop looking

at for the next Dan Campbell and look for the
traits that Dan Campbell exudes in is manner which he
leads his team, Like why is it so hard just
to go well, what does Dan Campbell do really well?
Like to me personally, I think it communicates extremely well,
whether it's with the media of what their objectives are,

what their vision is, whether it's probably people behind closed
doors of his team, especially the moments we're able to
see publicly. I think he's smart about how he goes
about taking risks and his decision making. I think they
find the type of players that fit the character that
they're looking for, so we can go start checking off
some boxes of what they're doing that's different than everyone else.

Because there's also drafts where they take a running back
and a linebacker in the first round. People are like,
what the hell are you doing? Who takes a running
back and a linebacker in the first round?

Speaker 2 (10:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 8 (10:35):
It's worked out pretty well for Jamior Gibbs, Jack Campbell,
people like that. So I sit there and I look
at a lot of these organizations, the ownerships, and like
they're trying to figure out how to win football games,
how to like meet the most recent trend, but they're
not doing the basic essential part, and that's determining, like

what is our goal?

Speaker 6 (10:58):
What's our vision?

Speaker 8 (11:00):
We would to win a Super Bowl? Right, but like
how are we getting there? Like how do we envision
ourselves getting there? And who's the right person to help
us figure that out? And instead we're just like, well
we want somebody's like Dan Campbell. Oh okay, so go
find another guy playing tight end in the NFL who
was a good leader as a player and and maybe
you know, had the favor of the organization. Like that

doesn't necessarily mean he's going to evolve into Dan Campbell.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Dan Campbell coached for about nine ten years before he
even had the opportunity to become a head coach, and he.

Speaker 4 (11:33):
Was an intern.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
So that's what I'm saying, And that was part of it,
that was part of his You pay your dues, you
come in as an intern, an analyst, you do like
grunt work, you know, That's and I guess that's why
I was being so sarcastic about oh, you coach at Liberty.
You did this at Liberty, Like, no, you You got
to understand the reason why they bring you in as

interns is so that you can learn what coaching and
what the administrative part as a coach looks like and
how its structured from the bottom from the bottom up.
And that's why you come in as an intern, no
matter what your qualifications are. You know, that's why you
know Listen, Yeah, I wanted Jeff Saturday to have success.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
I did, but I knew.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
In my heart of hearts if he had success, I
didn't know how sustainable it would be. And that's because
you have to learn the processes of what goes into
being a head coach of a National Football League organization.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
The same goes for college.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
So when you bring in a guide or you start
talking about bringing in guys that don't understand the structure,
then you're saying to me immediately, you don't you don't
grasp the value of what it is that it takes
to be a head coach. So if you were to
hire Jason Whitten or that, in the case of Ersa hiring,

you know Saturday, which was to me, I thought it
was you know, I don't know. As an outlier, I guess,
but it still falls under the same category. You're not
valuing the process and what it takes to be a
legit head coach. You think that you value something, you
place your value somewhere else, into something else other than

experience and training of what that structure looks like, what
the structure looks like, and how you hire your staff,
what the structure structure looks like, and how you figure
out what you're going to run on on every side
of the ball, whether it be the offensive schemes, whether
it be the defense of base schemes, whether it be

the special teams approach, all.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
Of these things.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
You have to take so many different things into consideration
in terms of what you're putting together that you have
to be taught what that looks like. Practice, scheduling, rules
of the game, when you're you know the the amount
of time you practicing, when you're practicing, where you're going,
you know what they're eating.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Oh, there's so many minute.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Details that hey coaches have to be aware of and
it can be a very daunting task. So to me,
just listening to saying that, you know, you'll bring a
high school guy on and that's coach for three years
and won a state title because he reminds you of
Dan Campbell. You know, you don't understand the value of

what it takes to become a Dan Campbell and the
coaching and the coaching world, if that's what you're saying.

Speaker 4 (14:32):
Remember Brian Billick came on Fox Sports Radio years ago
and he was kind of asked him like, hey, were
you prepared when you got the job as prepared as
you thought you were going to be. And he was,
you know, the OC from Minnesota and they had that
great team that nearly went to a Super Bowl and
like broke all those records. And he said that when
he got there, he thought he was prepared, and then

like two three weeks and he realized, Man, there's so
much more to this that you don't anticipate, like time management,
management during games, like to your point, the working out,
the new trip, like all those different things. And Jerry
Jones is just like, oh, anybody can do it, and
I just don't know how anybody at this point takes

them seriously, Like I swear to God, like in the
roster they've got a lot of talent there, But I
can't imagine that anybody's looking at this whole situation. Like
even when he would make comments about Mike McCarthy this year,
Mike McCarthy would just kind of laugh, like, Okay, yeah,
I'll run that by Jerry, you know, I'll like, we're
at the point now where it's like, okay, yeah, he's
kind of like in the Al Davis Yeah, like just

kind of yeah, okay, Jerry, whatever you say.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
It's just moving on.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
So, I mean, if this is what it's going to be,
it's what it's going to be. Good luck not when they.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Hired Jason Whitt and how what would your reaction be? Like,
what how would y'all like what we bring it at Boom?
Jason Witten hired his head coach, go.

Speaker 8 (15:55):
Over underwins set at seven and a half six and
a half under.

Speaker 6 (15:59):
That would be my immediate reaction.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
Under m hm, I'm definitely going with the under because
they're not going to get that many wins with a
good coach.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
I mean outside but that's the reality. And by the way,
outside of Belichick and maybe Dion Sanders, is there anybody
that you guys would say is an upgrade over Mike McCarthy.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
I don't think there is up grade.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
I mean that's a hard one because while while looking
at what he's done in Dallas, I mean he's won
in Dallas, he's been kind of decent upgrade. I'm sure
there's an upgrade out there. But what's going to happen
coming into Dallas and being in that environment. That's the

see to me. The reason why I think Dion is
is intriguing is because he's one of those guys. He
creates his own his reality, just like Jerry Jones does.
And either it would be must see TV to see
that thing just be a freaking fireball comet coming out
of the sky from outer space to blow the world up,

or it would actually work like either Jerry Jones would
lose his mind because because Dion would not deal with
or live in the reality that Jerry Jones creates, he
would be too busy living in his own reality and
would do it the way that he wants to do it.

And either Jerry would would allow it to happen, or
it would it would crash and burn. Either way would
be tremendously entertaining, but could possibly be the only way
that a Dallas team would actually have an opportunity to
have success as a team is having a coach that

has just as much a developed and strong sense of
what their reality is as much as what Jerry Jones is,
and which, by the way, has a big enough name
and enough respect and respect from Jerry Jones where he
might actually allow it to happen, Like to me, outside
of that, you're living in Jerry's world. They call it

Jerry's world for a reason. You are living in Jerry's
world as a coach, as a player, or anybody else
that falls within the category of living in with that reality,
and you have to abide by it and you have.

Speaker 2 (18:36):
To exist in it. And He's created that.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
If you don't find a coach that can handle that,
that coach is not going to have success. And there
aren't very many coaches out there, including Mike McCarthy, that
would have been able to navigate what living in Jerry's
world is and being a successful head coach what that
looks like. And that's why he beefed with with Jimmy
jim Johnson so bad, because Jimmy Johnson is one of

them guys that created his own reality. He knew what
his reality was. He lived in it, and he created
that and he won. Jerry couldn't handle it, got rid
of him.

Speaker 2 (19:14):

Speaker 4 (19:14):
Uh, Jerry Jones did speak about what he was looking
for in his next head coach.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
I won't Glory Hill.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
I mean, that's just ridiculous. I don't know why we
can't be that seems rather aggressive. I don't know, not
sure why we have to go there. Disgusting.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
Hey, did you see the video? I said, j'all chance,
you gotta watch that all break man. That juke is
the funniest. It had me crying laughing when I watched
it yesterday.

Speaker 4 (19:42):
That AI generated or.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
Oh, it's a I generated and it is bruh, I belly,
I belly hurt laughing so hard listening to it. Bro, Yeah,
I gotta listen to it.

Speaker 4 (19:55):
It is Two Pros and a Cup of Joe. Here
on Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas, Knoxy.
You coming up next year though somebody is responding to
rumors out there about their career in the National Football League.
You'll hear from him next year on FSR.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (20:26):
My brother is moving and he was asking he's looking
for furniture, and he was like, Hey, what was that
chair that LeVar fell asleep? And that was so comfortable?
So is it the fireplace or just the chair that
put you to sleep? Would you say it was both?
It was a good are you still chair?

Speaker 1 (20:45):

Speaker 2 (20:45):
I'm still here.

Speaker 6 (20:46):
I leave tomorrow, dude, chair, take a picture at lease.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
Okay, I'm in my room though I'm in my room
doing this show so soon as I'm done.

Speaker 8 (20:57):
You strike me as a robe guy. I feel like,
if they have a nice robe there, you'd put.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
A robe on and walk around in it.

Speaker 6 (21:04):

Speaker 1 (21:05):
Yeah one now also though nothing under it.

Speaker 8 (21:11):
Not saying that this has anything to do with anything,
but I also feel like Lee is that Lee is
a robe guy who would do the.

Speaker 9 (21:19):
Exactly something under would have something under it. He also
would have nothing under her. Y that's something that something
is todd Oh dang the hershey hammer?

Speaker 1 (21:32):

Speaker 2 (21:33):
Hearing is where you go?

Speaker 1 (21:35):
I mean, I feel right at home because it's Hershey's.
You know chocolate, you know, chocolate bars all around, chocolate
candy all around. I'd be in my robe, walking around
in my glory around here. They name a candy after
me after I got done walking around here, and that their.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
Robe here ye here, yee.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
We now deemed today the day that we shall name
this new candy stick City.

Speaker 4 (22:07):
But by the way, uh, you mentioned that you were
disappointed you couldn't take any of the shampoo and conditioner
and soap from the hotel in Fort Lauderdale.

Speaker 6 (22:16):
That is correct?

Speaker 4 (22:17):
What is did could you take the robe at least?

Speaker 10 (22:21):
Or No, I don't remember seeing a robe in our rooms.

Speaker 6 (22:25):
You didn't look hard enough to do.

Speaker 4 (22:27):
I had a robe in my room, but I'm not
a robe guy.

Speaker 6 (22:30):
I don't not a robe guy.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
No, they had robes and the heart rock they did.

Speaker 6 (22:37):
That's surprising Lee, that you're not a robe guy.

Speaker 10 (22:41):
Nope, not a rope guy. I just kind of rock
the shorts in the shirt.

Speaker 6 (22:44):
That's it.

Speaker 8 (22:44):
I could picture Lee with a GNT walking around his
bro one hundred percent.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
One hundred percent, you're missing that. I mean, it's happened,
It does happen like you are that you are Lebowski.

Speaker 6 (22:55):
So you are a robe guy.

Speaker 10 (22:56):
I like the slippers. I like the oh gosh slippers.
But no, I'm not a huge robe guy. No, the
robes I've always had the get gotten stolen.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
So yeah.

Speaker 10 (23:12):
What uh no, just be like, uh well, obviously we're
talking about the hotel rooms. But my personal robes have
always been just like common deer, neverl friends.

Speaker 6 (23:21):
Or something, yeah yeah, or or cut up or cut up.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
Yeah yeah, that'll happened to common deared.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
All right, Okay, well I do know this. So we
are going to have our midweek awards, you know, about
fifteen minutes from now from the tiraq dot com studios,
speaking of Pennsylvania, not Hershey Pa, we're talking Pittsburgh. We're
talking the four one too. We're talking nice western Pennsylvania.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
Yeah, Wespa.

Speaker 4 (23:48):
Mike Tomlin spoke about the criticism he's received for the
lack of playoff wins. The last time they won a
playoff game it was nineteen twenty six, And Mike Tomlin
spoke yesterday to the media and also, so I was
asked about these rumors about a potential trade for him.

Speaker 11 (24:03):
I understand the nature of what it is that we
do the attention and criticism that comes with it. As
a matter of fact, I embrace it, to be quite
honest with you, I enjoy the urgency that comes with
what I do and what we do. I don't make
excuses for failure. I own it. But I also feel
like I'm capable, and so as long as I'm afforded
an opportunity to do that, I will continue. But I

certainly understand their frustrations, and probably more importantly than that,
I share it.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
What's your message to any team that may reach out
to the Steelers to gauge interests or availability and give
me your services.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
I have no message. Save your time. Take that bar,
take that well, that is a message, save your time.

Speaker 4 (24:43):
Trying to get trying to get him, I have no message.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
I have no message. Save your time. Save your time
as a message, save your time. That's the message. Listen
my reaction to I've heard a lot of different opinions
on Mike Tomlin as the code in Pittsburgh, and.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
I just wonder.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
I heard one perspective from a former player that's in media,
and he said, just maybe maybe no the same show.
Though I would never reuse anything from that dude, just
so we're clear on that. Yeah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't you.
I wouldn't qualify anything he'd say. But what I would

do is qualify some of the people that go on
the show because you know they've done something in the league.
But anyway, one of those people in particular, said that
maybe the way that Tomlin is has become a tone
deaf situation in Pittsburgh, and.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
I stopped for a second.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
I was like, wait a second, that can't be right,
because if a coach is a really good coach, a
coach knows how to motivate you, he knows how to
talk to you and reach you, then that shouldn't you shouldn't.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
Become tone death to that.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
But let's start thinking to myself, is it possible that
he's been there for so long that the way in
which he handles things has become, you know, like it's
it's like status quo, like all right, coach, like you know,
all right, and just maybe you need a fresh a

fresh start. Maybe he needs a fresh start for how
he coaches, and maybe Pittsburgh needs a fresh start in
how they're being led.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
Like they're having.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
Success, but their success does come to abrupt ends at
the end of the year. I mean, that's a reality.
And I just start, like I've always been listening. If
you're winning, you're closer to where you're trying to get
to than further away. Right, I'd rather be close in winning.

All Right, we had winning season, we made it to
the playoffs. Let's try to keep building from there. But
it seems to be like, just like I'm critical of Dallas,
I'm gonna take a moment and take a step back
and think about am I not being critical enough of
Pittsburgh because of my affinity for the team and for

the coach. And so when I heard this statement, like
maybe it's becoming, you know, tone deaf, like the way
he's coaching. It would impact other players in a different
locker room differently because of his reputation, his ability to coach,
and what he brings to the table. And I wasn't
opposed to it, like, like looking at it from a

non biased eye, I was not opposed to it. In fact,
I was not opposed to even thinking that you have
you have had your best receiver kind of go down
the same exact route that you know, it's exact ab pickens,
same exact thing. Your two best players. You haven't had

a quarterback since Ben Roethlisberger. You've been known to be
a defense team. Your defense hasn't been as good. They're
giving up a ton of yards. It just seems as
though there might be it could be getting to that
point where it might be time to think about if
you should start maybe.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
Moving on.

Speaker 6 (28:22):
That long time to get.

Speaker 1 (28:24):
To that hurt, that hurt, that hurt, that hurt hurt.

Speaker 8 (28:30):
I'm never one for change for change's sake, and I
think you know, look, corporations, companies, they go through this
all the time where you're doing well, but you feel
like you could be doing better. And that's kind of
where the Pittsburgh Steelers are at. They're an unbelievable organization.
Some would call them one of the standards in the NFL.
You know, that's the sort of organization that, as a

former player, you wish you could have played for.

Speaker 6 (28:55):

Speaker 8 (28:55):
I grew up a Browns fan, so I have a
their rival. To me, there's a I don't want to
say hatred, but definitely a strong disliking towards So I
probably would have turned that down, even though it would
have been a mistake professionally. But that's just how I
grew up, Like I can't get away from that. But

I think the general point is it's hard sometimes when
you are a consistent winning team, you are a consistent
playoff team, but you just can't find out what it
is that you need to get over the hump because
sometimes that next person you bring in, or the next
two or the next three people you bring in, they're
definitely not going to be the answer, and they're not
going to bring you back to a point where you're

able to actually win at a consistent level and go
to the playoffs every year. I mean, that's kind of
a scary thing is you make a move and you're
an organization that very seldom makes moves at their coaching position.
I mean, think about how long it took them to
bring in Arthur Smith just as an offensive coordinator. But

my general point is, I just I feel like at
some point point, though, you have to look at it
and say, do we feel like there's some other missing
pieces or is the locker room starting to lose out
on the message. You know, you kind of felt like
that a little bit, maybe even with Bill Belichick during.

Speaker 6 (30:13):
His time the wing the Pagers.

Speaker 8 (30:14):
I mean, he's the greatest of all time, and there
was an expiration on that relationship between him and robber
Craft and happened to coincide with Tom Brady not being there.

Speaker 6 (30:23):
But even then, it's just at a.

Speaker 8 (30:25):
Certain point you kind of have to say, Okay, like this,
we kind of ran our run like that was, we
got a Super Bowl out of it, but it's time
to move on. I'm not necessarily advocating for it, like
I think this team, especially with Arthur Smith as their
offensive coordinator and then more consistently when it's Russell Wilson
at quarterback or whoever they would bring in like let

him be there for a little bit, I think they will.

Speaker 6 (30:48):
Continue to improve.

Speaker 8 (30:50):
I mean, they got to figure out the picking situation
because you can't have a number one wide receiver as
disinterested as he is. But I just I'm not ready
to pull the band aid off and say let's just
move on a different direction. I do think there's a
time and a place for that. I don't think Pittsburgh's
there now. I just don't.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
It's almost like Belichick made it easy on him because
they just sucked. And the problem is the Steelers have
never sucked under Tomlin, like they've never been. Just wow,
this is an awful team to where either you would
be in the running to draft the top quarterback or
you would just move on. It would make the decision easier.
He just somehow keeps him afloat at around nine to
ten wins every year every year. But I just I

don't see them trade. They don't do that. They've had
three coaches since the sixties. The Raiders are a franchise
that would do that. They've had fifteen coaches since two thousand. Like,
it's just the difference in how Pittsburgh has done it
with their coaching staff and what they've done there and
their stability in comparison to some other diaper fires around
the league is hilarious. And I just I don't see

them trading the guy unless he walks away or retires
like a Bill Cower. I just I don't see it happening.
Just don't strike me as that organized.

Speaker 6 (32:01):

Speaker 1 (32:01):
They did the same thing the fans the public did
the same thing the Chuck Knowle at the end of
his tenure. They did the same thing to Bill Cower
at the end of his tenure. So it's not it's
not new, and it's not uncommon to see just the
idea of the fans in the community not being comfortable

with the coach that's coaching based upon not getting the
results that they want.

Speaker 2 (32:32):
Which is Super Bowl or bust.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
And so, while I'm not new to it, I have
not been one to entertain this as it applied to
coach Tomlin because of my affinity for him. But I
just wonder, I don't I don't I if you've gotten
to a point of where the way you coach and
and your approach to how you coach is now people

have gotten so comfortable with how it works and how
it is, and they're comfortable with you as the person,
that that way of coaching isn't as as effective or
impactful as it once was. I don't know that it
would be considered to make a move just to make
a move to move on, just to move on. I

think it would be maybe something that you have to
think about in terms of how effective can he be,
you know, moving into the future with this group of guys.
If if that message or that way, that brand, that
style of coaching isn't as effective in that locker room anymore.

And with that being said, the staple of what you've
always been is not as good as it once was.
Either this Pittsburgh defense, whether we want to you know,
us as fans want to admit it or not, it
is not as good as it has been in years past.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
It's not.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
And so when you when you look at it from
the standpoint of what the staple of what this team
is represented, It's always played good defense, run the ball,
and you always got one receiver that can do some
really really interesting things for this team. It's always been
that way, and that has not been the case in

the last few years.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
It's Two Pros and a Cup of Joe here on
Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with
you coming up next. It is a Wednesday tradition, our
midweek awards the good, the bad, and the ugly right
here on FSR.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.

Speaker 4 (34:42):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here coming
up top next hour. It is the old pe time
we will catch up with Petros Papadakis. That'll be yours
here again a little over ten minutes from now, before
we get to our midweek awards.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
Though you are.

Speaker 4 (34:57):
Listening to us now, but a reminder that you you
can also see us. Be sure to check out the
Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports Radio
on YouTube. You'll see a whole bunch of video highlights
from our shows. Be sure to subscribe so you always
have instant access to our Fox Sports Radio videos on YouTube.

Speaker 3 (35:17):
There are some good things that happen, and there's some bad,
and then there's some downright ugly things. It's time for good,
bad and ugly all.

Speaker 4 (35:27):
Right, lead to laugh, who's got what?

Speaker 2 (35:29):

Speaker 10 (35:29):
As we do each and every Wednesday, we start with
the good and this week, LeVar, let us know what.

Speaker 6 (35:33):
Oh hell yeah, LeVar, let's go.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
I know what.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
I'm sure you guys will love this one. The TGL debut,
you know what I mean? Like seeing Tiger Woods do it.
He didn't have the walk of.

Speaker 2 (35:50):

Speaker 1 (35:50):
I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching it. Yeah,
that was my good for the week. I mean, that
wasn't I guess a week ago. Okay, well I thought it.

Speaker 6 (36:00):
Watched it yesterday.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
Tiger's debut was yes, yeah, okay, there we go.

Speaker 8 (36:05):
Now hold on, hold on because he got me here?
Are you saying this because they got their ass kicked?
Is that why you're saying this?

Speaker 2 (36:11):
No, I'm not saying it because they lost. I'm saying
his way.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
The way he walked into the dip, you know, it
was really it was really cool, Like it was very
I found it to be very entertaining, and I was
like thinking to myself two things. One, Tiger doesn't have
to walk the course, so you're gonna get better, better
swings and stuff from Tiger Woods because he's not dealing

with the the screw, you know, like the excruciating pain
of having to walk up and down the courses. But
then also it's like, man, maybe there's like something that's
connected to Tiger, like a chip or something, and when
he goes up there to swing, they know that it
has to be the perfect results in the cyber world

or whatever it is that that they're swinging into, so
that the ball lands perfectly every single time. I was
surprised he didn't get a hole in one every time.

Speaker 4 (37:06):
Indoor golf next up.

Speaker 2 (37:08):
But I thought it was cool. Though I thought it
was cool.

Speaker 10 (37:11):
Can't have good without the bad, Brady, what was bad
this week?

Speaker 6 (37:14):
I'll be quick.

Speaker 8 (37:14):
The bad is these I'm coming back to school videos.
You don't need to make them, you don't need to
do it, just say I'm coming back for another year,
all right. I'm so tired of seeing these announcements, these highlights.
Just just come back to school, dude, Like, we don't
need to make these big announcements and letters.

Speaker 4 (37:33):
And from bad two worse Jonas.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
What was ugly?

Speaker 4 (37:36):
Well, I mean these fires just ridiculous, and also the
lack of preparation and the lack of I guess support
that's been shown. It's just like what are we doing here?
Like it's not like this is a rarity, like you
would think we'd want to have everything covered, you know,
like the reservoirs like filled with water, but no, why

would you need that? You know, it's just so like, yeah,
not like the first time we've had this.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
That is ugly
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