Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe Podcast with Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox, and
myself LeVar Arrington. Make sure you catch us live weekdays
six to nine am Eastern or three am to six
am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your
local station for the Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe Show over at Foxsports Radio dot com, or stream
us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.
Speaker 2 (00:33):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (00:39):
By the way, we're doing the show live from the
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All right, So let's just get into this here, the
future for your beloved New York Jets, a team and
an organization that you have dismissed your entire career. You
once saw them standing in line walking into a club
as a member of the Giants, and it even offered did.
Speaker 1 (01:15):
We was up in that joint ready to start beefing?
Speaker 3 (01:17):
And you didn't even offer to let them through the
velvet ropes, you go wait a little longer.
Speaker 1 (01:22):
They both waiting behind the velvet. Yeah, though.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
They were actually went yeah, getting that.
Speaker 3 (01:31):
Yeah, the Bills traveling and in town. And next thing
you know, they're the team of New York, not you guys.
Speaker 1 (01:36):
Maybe the hockey team or the basketball team something. But
we ain't we ain't in line, and we ain't we waiting.
Speaker 3 (01:42):
To Yeah, Karl Anthony Towns looks at mylak neighbors and goes,
how's it going over there as he walked into the club.
So Aaron Rodgers was on the Pat McAfee show starring
AJ Hawk, and he was speaking about his future with
the Jets, and he discussed his exit meetings and he
talked about, you know, just kind of sitting down with
the brass there. He sat down with Woody Johnson obviously,
he sat down with Christopher Johnson. Uh, and uh, i'my
l High who is the team president as well to
High me yel High he's the team president as well too.
Speaker 4 (02:20):
And uh and so yell when you're hot?
Speaker 1 (02:24):
What so okay?
Speaker 4 (02:26):
Rogers detailed the really a yell.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
Er when I'm loud, when I'm hah, you know anyway, Well, yeah,
get quiet, Yeah me neither. Uh.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
He detailed the meetings with everybody and talked about just
some critiques that he had for the organization.
Speaker 5 (02:41):
I gave some constructive things.
Speaker 1 (02:44):
Speaker 5 (02:44):
It's there's so much that goes into the whole thing.
There's there's the food par there's the locker roomnbers, travel,
there's hotel stuff, there's different you know, you're just giving
a little constructive things here and there that maybe they
take the heart and maybe they don't. But I think
there's always ways to improve. And I was impressed to
see that. You know, the meeting with Christopher and himI
was a lot about that. The meaning about what he
was was more about you know, team future, different things.
But I think everybody understands that it's going to come
down to a GM and a coach and myself and
whether we all want to do do a dance together
or if it's it's not in the cards.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
All right, Well, I say, ah, so much in that one.
Speaker 4 (03:34):
Here's here?
Speaker 1 (03:35):
Now is he telling the truth? Generally, when you don't
want to tell the truth or you don't want to
say what you really think or feel, you do what
he did? You know, what I mean, like that's just
you know, just like it's just a quick takeaway from it.
When you're speaking your truth, you just shoot it. Listen.
I talked to them about what was going on. This
is going to come down to some some little things,
like gave some criticisms. You know, they could take those criticisms,
they could leave those criticism. Nonetheless, we had the conversation
as far as me and Woody, we talked, do we
want to keep doing this? It's up to the GM,
It's up to me, you know, it's up to Woody.
We had these conversations. It's like he was he he
was trying to censor the truth, right, Is he telling
us the truth? Is he telling you the truth? What
is the purpose of him doing this interview detailing what
it is that his exit interview consisted of.
Speaker 3 (04:34):
I think that he's trying to play nice because I
think that it really was an exit interview, both of them,
because I think he has exited the organization and he's
not going to be back, and so he's playing nice
right now. But if anything starts to go down the
path of smear campaigns on him, he's going to empty
the clip and let everybody know because that you know,
he has done that before. And I just and I
want to say this with all with respect because you know,
as the star of Aaron Rodgers Netflix documentary Enigma, you know,
I just want to I just want.
Speaker 1 (05:07):
To say, got you start?
Speaker 4 (05:10):
Like you said, Yeah, as the as the star of
that show.
Speaker 3 (05:16):
I think he's gone, and I think he knows he's
probably gone, And honestly.
Speaker 4 (05:22):
I don't think he cares. I really don't.
Speaker 3 (05:25):
I think that when you know that you are potentially
on your way out of an organization and it has
not gone well, and you've heard all the stuff that's
being said, and he shows up to an exit meeting
and says, you know, you guys could judge because do
things differently around here, whether it be cafeteria, travel, this, this,
and like lists off everything wrong with the organization. I
think that was his subtle shot to the people that
were making those decisions. The way the way you guys
do things here sucks okay, and maybe you should fix that.
But hey, great meat, and yeah, I'll wait to see
what the new GM, a new coach has to say.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
About it, which is dumb because this is your second
year with them, bro Ham, Why why wasn't this an
interview that that we heard last year.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
I don't think he was because you were hurt?
Speaker 1 (06:14):
Were you were hurt? So you weren't traveling with them? Nah?
You did preseason, you did training camp? Right, I just
all right, I'm just saying some of the things that
he's talking about. It didn't take him being there this
year to say those things. He could have made those
those assessments last year after last year. So, I mean,
he traveled with the team last year. He might have
not have played, but you remember, he was trying to
make his comeback. He was out before the games and
stuff like that. He knew what pregame meals looked like
and stuff like that. I mean, this is not new
information that he's saying that they need to work on.
Speaker 3 (06:56):
Come on, man, can we hear the so so Rogers
detailing U the recommendations to the team one more time.
Speaker 5 (07:03):
I gave some constructive things. Uh, It's there's so much
that goes into the whole thing. There's there's the food part,
there's the locker own, there's travel, there's hotel stuff, there's
different you know, you're just giving a little constructive things
here and there that maybe they take the heart maybe.
Speaker 3 (07:20):
By the way, listen, appreciate you guys letting me be
a part of the organization, really looking forward to what's next.
By the way, the food sucks, travel could be better,
the hotels, and you.
Speaker 1 (07:32):
Wonder why you're losing. It ain't me and the way
we play. It's the way y'all handle things that sucks. Oh.
Speaker 3 (07:39):
By the way, oh you guys, you guys are unhappy
with the win loss total. I'm unhappy eating something that
looks like a sewer rat before games every week. That's
what I'm unhappy about. You know how about that? Oh,
by the way, fix your hotel set up as well too.
I think you've done exit meeting. Have you ever done
that in exit meeting? Tell the team, by the way
that cafe te area, this, this, this, all of this
needs to be better.
Speaker 1 (08:03):
I mean, what exactly, what exactly is wrong with the
way you're traveling? Like even as a player, even if
I said, I thought to myself, dang, like are we
supposed to be traveling like this? Like is our is
our routine? Like is it good enough? And then here here,
here's where it gets real interesting for me, is you're
basing that off of what Aaron Rodgers. Oh, probably your
experiences in Green Bay, which, by the way, you ethered
the front off is of Green Bay as well, on
how they handle and how they do things. So how
does that work. I think he's just a chronic He
is a chronic hater bro like he is not He's
not okay with being okay. He's just not okay with
being He's like he's a drama queen.
Speaker 3 (09:02):
Do you think do you think that's also a little
passive aggressive by him and being like, hey, you know,
love lovely here great, appreciate what you guys doing. By
the way, just some thoughts on how you could fix
things as well too. I think it's hilarious and I
think I honestly don't think he cares if he's back
with the Jets.
Speaker 4 (09:19):
I really don't.
Speaker 3 (09:20):
I think he's at this point he realized, Hey, this
season is over. I just wanted to play all my games.
I've won a Super Bowl, I'm going to the Hall
of Fame first ballot, i threw five hundred touchdown passes.
I got to play with my best friend in Davante
Adams my final year. Whatever. I know what you guys
need to fix though, and it's still going to be
here when I'm gone, and he's just gonna walk away
and disappear into the moonlight with you know, smoking weed
on the back of a camel somewhere.
Speaker 4 (09:45):
I think it's hilarious, hilarious.
Speaker 1 (09:48):
I don't know, man talk about I mean, I don't
think he did enough to ruin his career legacy, But dang,
like you'll be remembered as being a malcontent in Green Bay,
and you'll be remembered as a bust in New York.
Damn No, I mean, I'm just what part was untrue?
Damn what part is untrue? You'll be remembered as a
bust in New York, and you'll be remembered for like
really really like being like a d bag on your
way out from Green Bay.
Speaker 3 (10:26):
I mean, listen, he was he was eighth in passing
yards this year in the NFL. Okay, you know he
threw Uh does anybody care? He threw twenty eight touchdowns?
And only will anyone care?
Speaker 4 (10:39):
You know, lead to lap are you?
Speaker 1 (10:41):
Are you present? Because I don't want to be like
you and ask you to do something and you're in
the in the you know, somewhere.
Speaker 4 (10:46):
Else he's taking a crap. Yeah, I'm here, lead the
lat you're there.
Speaker 1 (10:52):
What's your what's your quickest memory of Aaron Rodgers right
now today?
Speaker 4 (10:57):
Winning a super Bowl?
Speaker 1 (10:58):
Okay, there you go. Well that's fair. Why ask can
we because he's a Green Bay Packers fan. That's he's
a Packers fan. So maybe that's what everybody will remember.
Speaker 4 (11:09):
I remember transitions the Super Bowl, winning three MVPs.
Speaker 3 (11:13):
No, he only went to he only went to one,
and he won that one against Pittsburgh. But he went
to a lot of conference championship games, which, by the way,
I would say one of the worst. And this is
where I actually think things went sideways between him and
McCarthy and Lee.
Speaker 4 (11:27):
You tell me if I'm crazy.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
NFC title game against Seattle that was a full fledged
meltdown by them. They had that game.
Speaker 1 (11:34):
In the bag.
Speaker 3 (11:36):
There was the turnover on the kickoff. I forget who
was it, Jermichael Finleymichael Finley. Yeah, and then he was
cut right after Yeah, and then Rogers and McCarthy were
going at it on the sidelines. I think they were
yelling at each other. I was shocked they lost that
game and Russell Wilson was crying afterwards. And which is
which is rare?
Speaker 1 (11:58):
You know?
Speaker 4 (11:59):
Uh oh so yeah listen.
Speaker 3 (12:02):
But I mean if you ask me, like, uh, top
of mind first memory when thinking about Aaron Rodgers, you know,
being in Enigma at the Netflix documentary, I would.
Speaker 1 (12:11):
Say, is that you started in That's correct, that is
that is correct. I mean, but don't you see how
delusional fans are?
Speaker 3 (12:20):
What do you mean?
Speaker 1 (12:21):
Didn't lead? The lap just proved to us how delusional
fans like that. Man Ethert your front office man like
just just totally just all over him, est all over him.
Speaker 3 (12:34):
Lee doesn't care about the off fields. If I asked,
I once asked Lee one time, like hey, man, can
you believe that stuff about OJ And he's like, oh
what the guy from the Avis commercials?
Speaker 1 (12:43):
Speaker 3 (12:45):
All right, I guess he's exonerated on all charges.
Speaker 4 (12:47):
Okay, yeah, the juice, the juice couldn't have done that.
Speaker 1 (12:51):
Yeah, he ran for all those yards.
Speaker 3 (12:53):
See how he hopped over the turnstile the airport.
Speaker 1 (12:56):
Geez. He was in the Naked Guns like those like
those type movies Bob Yuker used to be in. They're
comparable Naked Gun Major League, Like they were like kind
of the same. I's league Yeah, that's Lee. I mean,
that's Lee. I get it. Dang By the way, I
felt like he was trying to tear that organization apart
and like set it on fire before he left. But
I guess you'll just remember he went for the Super Bowl. Well, hey,
I was never pretty cool. I wasn't a huge Aaron
Rodgers fan. For one.
Speaker 4 (13:32):
I was a big Brett Farv guy.
Speaker 6 (13:33):
So I was never a huge fan of his starting
his career, and then yeah, on his way out.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
Book ended pretty controversial on both ends.
Speaker 6 (13:41):
But in the end, when I think in the long run,
if you were going to think about it asking as
a fan, yeah, you're gonna look at the positives.
Speaker 1 (13:47):
Okay, I don't know, all right, I just feel like
the further you get away from it, how far how far?
How long ago was that Super Bowl twenty eleven. That's
a long time, man, that's a long time. Only got
a lot of people.
Speaker 4 (14:02):
Do you think the better Packers quarterback? That's my take.
Speaker 1 (14:05):
We're in twenty twenty five now, that's fourteen years ago.
That's fourteen years ago. There are kids that are in
middle school or yeah, they're about to be in high
school that never saw that that super Bowl.
Speaker 4 (14:23):
Damn. I'm just saying like peoples are forever.
Speaker 1 (14:28):
Man, It's like that they are forever. But people remember like, oh,
they won a Super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (14:33):
It's like they can of chili in the cupboard. That's
good until twenty eighty, you know, I.
Speaker 1 (14:38):
Guess, I don't know. I mean for people who didn't
see it, they remember the things that kind of like
represent a sign of the times. And that dude lit
he lit a little lit a match, dropped that bad boy,
dropped that bitch right on a trail of a lighter
fluid and walked out the door. But you'll remember him
for his Super Bowl, So go for you. I guess
he won in the end. But if the fans that's
what they remember him for, finally remember him for. To me,
I just feel like he heard his He hurt his
career by the way he left and by the way
he handled the way things went in New York. He
hurt his career.
Speaker 3 (15:20):
Lee, who's the packer with the mistakes?
Speaker 1 (15:23):
Speaker 4 (15:23):
Mistaken? It was Brandon Bostic on that uh on that onside, Kip.
Speaker 3 (15:27):
Remember that great game though, But what a gag job
by Green Bay by the way, just this just came
in Uh, the NFL is now announced. We've been talking
about Hey, look, you know we would love to be
a part of this you know NFL game if it
goes to Spain. It has been kicked around and apparently
they are headed to Madrid next season. Oh nice, it'll
be the first ever game in Madrid. Really it will
involve the Miami Dolphins, which is good.
Speaker 1 (15:56):
Oh yeah, I was in Barcelona when when Steelers played
the San Francisco forty nine.
Speaker 3 (16:02):
I mean, like, I'll be in in Tijuana as long
as somebody say they're from Madrid.
Speaker 1 (16:07):
The first time I saw topless topless out of beach,
did you who changed my life? Sheesh?
Speaker 3 (16:16):
Now, I would say yeah, incoming. I would say this
that if there was one team that could really use
like a change of pace because of the brutal conditions
with where they play, I would say Miami is definitely
the one.
Speaker 4 (16:31):
So that's good.
Speaker 3 (16:32):
Like talk about the rich getting richer, Like why why
can't Green Bay or Buffalo get a game in my again,
Madrid for God's sakes?
Speaker 1 (16:40):
Or Jacksonville I mean think about it. Yeah, no kidding,
Jacksonville gets no love. I'd be their place sucks. Yeah,
it should be Jacksonville, Georgia, not Jacksonville, Florida.
Speaker 4 (16:56):
That is right there, right, it is basically Georgia.
Speaker 1 (16:59):
It really should be Jacksonville, Georgia.
Speaker 3 (17:01):
Oh man, tell that to Pete. Next up, he's on
mister Jaguar himself. You'd probably agree.
Speaker 4 (17:07):
It is two Pros and a Cup of Joe.
Speaker 3 (17:09):
Here on Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with
you coming up next here though, we are going to
have and you are going to get a listen to
a special conversation involving a key ingredient in the NFL
playoffs this upcoming weekend.
Speaker 4 (17:23):
That'll be yours next year on FSR.
Speaker 7 (17:25):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 8 (17:38):
Yeah yeah, yeah, oh oh no.
Speaker 1 (17:55):
Not. I am the man who fies for the and
not the wrong.
Speaker 4 (18:03):
This is shock Top Dennis.
Speaker 1 (18:06):
Thinking that.
Speaker 8 (18:08):
Yeah oh yeah yeah.
Speaker 9 (18:13):
Soon you will find out the man I'm.
Speaker 1 (18:18):
Supposed to be.
Speaker 3 (18:23):
Ah gotta be great on the podcast.
Speaker 9 (18:36):
This man, Yeah, you don't trouble no one but if
you trouble this man, it will bring up boom boom,
what boom boom?
Speaker 3 (18:49):
It is two Pros and on Soccado, John said, I'm
coming up. We are going to have our picks against
the spread, and we've got a special added edition because
it's not just.
Speaker 1 (19:04):
Wait, don't be in a club when that song comes on.
Speaker 4 (19:11):
So we are going to have we are going to spread.
Speaker 1 (19:15):
Speaking of whole perfect time.
Speaker 3 (19:21):
Who we are going to have our picks against the spread,
not only for the NFL this weekend, but something else
that's been added into it. So that'll be yours here
a little over fifteen minutes from now. But here on
two Pros and a cup of Joe, we are going
to do with something a little bit different here. Coming
off his big win and big touchdown last Sunday, Cavino
and Rich had a chance this week to catch up
with tight end Dallas Goddard ahead of his next playoff game.
Speaker 4 (19:51):
Let's take a listen, all.
Speaker 10 (19:52):
Right, is Cavino and Rich and his content is brought
to you by Otesla, a primo last and our featured
guest is a six foot five beast down got Her,
an actual Otesla patient who has been compensated for his time.
Speaker 4 (20:04):
Welcome Dallas.
Speaker 11 (20:06):
I'm doing well, doing well, Glad to be here with you.
Speaker 1 (20:08):
Speaker 4 (20:09):
Say you got a big smile on your face.
Speaker 12 (20:10):
You should because you rumbled into the end zone twenty
four yard touchdown.
Speaker 4 (20:15):
You were stiff, arman.
Speaker 12 (20:16):
Take us through that play and how does that feel,
especially in the postseason.
Speaker 13 (20:20):
Yeah, touchdowns always feel good. In the postseason, they feel
even better. It's definitely up there for one of my
favorite touchdowns in my career. But uh, you know, it
was early in the third quarter. The offense has kind
of been stolen out lately, and it was time to.
Speaker 11 (20:35):
Make a play. It was a one score game and
they brought a cover zero.
Speaker 13 (20:38):
Jalen made a check, got the balls in my hands quick,
and you know, I saw a cornerback and I never
want to get tackled by a corner, so, uh, you know,
I lowered my shoulder on him, pushed him off me.
He kept chasing me down and I just kept pushing
him away. Got in the end zone. It was really
cool because the entire stadium got super loud. All my
teammates were hyping me up, and it was just a
really good feeling. And like I said, getting in the
en zone is always fun, but it's always even better
in the playoffs.
Speaker 4 (21:05):
You got that ball or what?
Speaker 11 (21:06):
Yeah, I got that ball.
Speaker 13 (21:08):
You know, I decided this year I'm gonna save all
my touchdown balls. I'm gonna save all more jerseys, you know,
start stacking that memorabilia for sure.
Speaker 12 (21:17):
When you in the future picture that touchdown run, do
you picture it first person? Or have you seen the
highlights so many times now that you actually picture the highlight.
Speaker 11 (21:24):
I actually picture the highlight even though you lived it.
You know, I lived it.
Speaker 13 (21:28):
Everything happened so fast you kind of just forget about it.
And then you watch the replay obviously more times than
you do it because I only get to do it once,
and I've seen it so many times. It's honestly like
it's a third person wherever the camera was. That's my
view that I see it in all the time.
Speaker 12 (21:43):
Funny, we always wonder that does the athlete remember the
three pointer, the touchdown knocking someone out?
Speaker 4 (21:48):
Or do they picture the highlight? Yeah, highlight?
Speaker 10 (21:50):
Yeah, I would imagine he sees it through his face
mask and he's like, they need to get.
Speaker 11 (21:54):
Little GoPros and yeah, that's that's got a bit.
Speaker 4 (21:58):
Now you got the ball, you got in the end zone.
Speaker 10 (22:00):
But if you were se Kuon Barkley late in the
fourth quarter on his breakaway run, would you have taken
a knee or gone the distance?
Speaker 11 (22:05):
Ooh, that's tough.
Speaker 13 (22:07):
You know you always want to say you want to
play the situation is really smart, do the right thing.
Speaker 11 (22:12):
Happy that we got the first down when we're able
to end the game.
Speaker 13 (22:14):
But if it was me running the ball, I think
I would have taken it all the way to the
one yard line and then taken a knee. Get those
starts right, a touchdown, but I need all the yards
I can get.
Speaker 1 (22:23):
Speaker 12 (22:24):
I even saw DeVante Smith was like why didn't he go?
Were your teammates saying like, yo, Saquon, you should have
just went?
Speaker 11 (22:30):
Yeah, everybody was saying that.
Speaker 13 (22:31):
But I think he understands he's already got two thousand
yards on the year. He's been racking them up, so
he's like, ah, I'll save my legs for next week.
Speaker 4 (22:38):
I have plugged that discipline.
Speaker 7 (22:39):
Speaker 1 (22:40):
Yeah, that's tough.
Speaker 12 (22:41):
After Jalen returned from the concussion, You guys, the passing
attack hasn't been you know, I guess you would say
fully in sync, what's your what's your plan going into
this game against the Rams.
Speaker 13 (22:52):
We played the Rams earlier in the season, we were
able to get to win. What I remember the mouse
about him was how good their front was. They got
two defensive ends, play really physical, They're really good. So
that'll be our biggest challenge going against them as their fronts.
But having last week growing, you know, it's been a
long time since our offense played together this year, between
me aj DeVante and Saquon, I think we only played
one game together and that was the first game of
the year and then this playoff game. So just getting
us all back in figuring out what's going to work,
how we're going to attack the defense, what the defense
is going to do to take away who they want
to and that all plays in a fact to it.
But I'm really excited with where we're heading and it's
gonna be a fun game on Sunday against the Rams.
Speaker 10 (23:36):
Well, you sort of clopered him last time thirty seven
to twenty, and you got to figure the Rams are
gonna make some adjustments this time, so how do you
combat that.
Speaker 13 (23:44):
It'll spend a lot of time in practice and meetings.
The coaches are breaking down the film. Now, we'll look
at it. We'll see things that they did against formations
that we bring out, try to give them different looks,
make sure they don't know what we're running. Just kind
of tweak little things like that. But after you win
that first playoff game, it gets really excited. Everybody just
locks in a little bit more because you know each
one you win, you get closer to the main goal.
So I know the team's super excited and we're gonna
be ready going into it.
Speaker 11 (24:12):
It's gonna be a tough matchup.
Speaker 13 (24:13):
The Rams are playing really good football at the right time,
and so are we. So looking forward to a great matchup.
Speaker 10 (24:18):
Yes, the defense got a lot better since then. Since then,
they've put up some good numbers defensively. You guys, almost
five hundred yards against those Rams.
Speaker 12 (24:25):
Last time. Saquon got to be licking his chops. That
was the game against Rams where two fifty five and
two tunnies.
Speaker 4 (24:32):
So they're gonna make adjustments, obviously.
Speaker 11 (24:34):
Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 13 (24:35):
Obviously last time they played, Saquon broke the Eagles record.
So that was a cool day for all of us.
And we're not gonna take that lightly. And you know,
the good thing about our offense is we can win
in so many different ways. If they want to load
the box and take away Saquon, we got two star
wide receivers on the outside, and we have so many
different ways to win. And we got a bunch of
unselfished people on the team that whatever role they're ascid
playing that game, they'll do whatever they decide to take away,
they can take away. But we have so many weapons
other places that we can rely on.
Speaker 10 (25:06):
Let me give you some advice, man, Just keep practicing
that stiff farm in the mirror, you know, Yeah, and
keep watching that highlight man.
Speaker 1 (25:12):
Yeah, just keep doing it.
Speaker 4 (25:13):
I was exciting it up all week.
Speaker 11 (25:14):
I'll be ready to go.
Speaker 12 (25:15):
Not only that made me read Inner Excellence. Have you
guys been busting to aj Browns chops at all? Based
out of the whole reading the book thing, that's like
the big story.
Speaker 13 (25:23):
Now, we've joked around with him a little bit. Obviously,
we've seen him do it multiple times. He's done it
when he's had really good games, he does it when
he has bad games. It's just something that he does.
We have a few people that have been contacting the
author of the book. We're trying to get one for
everybody on the team, and maybe next week you'll see
all forty eight of us on the sideline reading the book.
Speaker 4 (25:44):
So AJ Brown Book Club, I like it.
Speaker 10 (25:46):
Now you've had a great season again, Cavino and Rich
here with Dallas Goddard. But Saikoon Barkley had an incredible
season two. Does he get your MVP vote?
Speaker 13 (25:54):
I wish you would have played Week eighteen with me
so we could have got the all time rushing record.
But I'm definitely giving Saquon my MVP vote and him
getting the MVPs you know what true team award for us,
So you know, I know the old line would give
him the vote too, and me being a tight end,
I block for him here and there too. So he
obviously did so many special things this year, things I've
never seen on a football field. So he definitely gets
my vote, and you know, I'd be proud to tell
my kids one day block form as well.
Speaker 12 (26:23):
Well, you're fired up the divisional rounds? What do you
do the night before are you do you have trouble
sleeping or do you sleep like a baby? Like what
is the night before a playoff game?
Speaker 1 (26:31):
Speaker 4 (26:32):
For Dallas Goddard, it's different.
Speaker 1 (26:33):
You know.
Speaker 13 (26:34):
I have no problem sleeping before a regular season game,
but before the playoff games, your mind races a little bit.
Your heart's beating a little bit faster a couple of
days before the game. But I just try to focus
on my breath work and try to keep myself as
calm as I can for as long as I can,
so I don't waste all my energy just thinking about it,
being excited for it. But yeah, I just sit in
the hotel, do my breath work and just try to relax.
Maybe put on a good movie, something that you can
just keep me calm.
Speaker 12 (27:01):
Hey Dallas, we recently saw your Instagram posts about your
struggles with plaquoriasis. Can you tell us about how that
impacts your life as a football player.
Speaker 11 (27:08):
Speaker 13 (27:09):
So, plaquariasis is an autoimmune condition that makes my skin
itchy and scaly. I've been dealing with it since I
was a kid, and sometimes I just want to cover
it up on and off the field so people won't
see my plaques.
Speaker 4 (27:20):
I'm assuming with all the football equipment and gear, that's tricky.
Speaker 13 (27:23):
For you, especially in the locker room and during summer conditioning,
when the rest of the team have their shirts off.
I'm the one who's gonna leave my shirt on, and
then I'm uncomfortable because I'm hot and I'm itchy.
Speaker 10 (27:32):
We also hear you finally found the treament for your
placoriasis that fits your lifestyle. You're taking Otesla. Can you
tell us about it.
Speaker 13 (27:38):
I've tried lots of treatments, and I've been using different
topicals over the years, but they were greasy and felt
so uncomfortable. They were also tough to apply in those
hard to reach places under my gear. I asked my
doctor about other options, and she told me that Otesla
is a pill that might be a better fit for me.
Speaker 4 (27:53):
How is Oteesla different from other things you've tried before.
Speaker 13 (27:56):
Topicals only treat the flaky, scaly plaques on my skin,
but Otezl's a that works inside my body where plaque
sariasis begins. There's no mess, and unlike topicals, I don't
have to worry about getting all greasy under my gear
or sweatd it off while I'm playing. With Otesla, I
can get clear skin after just four months, and there's
no more grease stains on my jersey.
Speaker 10 (28:15):
Otesla is a prescription medicine used to treat adult patients
with plaqu sariasis, for whom phototherapy or systemic therapy is appropriate.
Otesla can help you get clearer skin after just four months.
Speaker 12 (28:25):
Don't use otesla if you're allergic to it, get medical
help right away. If you have trouble breathing or swallowing,
swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat, or arms.
Speaker 10 (28:34):
Severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight
loss can happen. Tell your doctor if any of these occur,
and if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts.
Speaker 11 (28:43):
Talking to my doctor about a pill was a total
game changer.
Speaker 4 (28:46):
Sure sounds like a Dallas.
Speaker 12 (28:47):
Thanks for sharing your story and if any of you
listening are dealing with plack soriasis, talk to your doctor
to see if otesla could be right for you. Visit
otesla dot com for more information or call one eight
four four four otesla for prescribing info, info about cost
and more. Good luck this weekend divisional round. Congrat's brother,
Thank you man.
Speaker 1 (29:06):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (29:07):
That was Dallas Goddard of the Philadelphia Eagles catching up
with Covino and Rich.
Speaker 4 (29:15):
What up CNR.
Speaker 3 (29:17):
It is two Pros and a Cup of Joe here
on Fox Sports Radio. LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox with you
coming up next here though from the tiraq dot Com studios.
Speaker 4 (29:27):
We are gonna spread.
Speaker 1 (29:29):
Them, got gotta spread them.
Speaker 4 (29:31):
Yeah, damn right.
Speaker 3 (29:32):
Our picks against spread in the NFL and beyond that's
yours right here on FSR.
Speaker 7 (29:36):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six a m.
Speaker 2 (29:44):
Eastern three am Pacific.
Speaker 3 (29:46):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox.
Speaker 1 (29:51):
Of the air Boom coming up shopping next hour, a
little overtook, Yeah, Laser.
Speaker 3 (29:59):
Good to have you back. Coming off top of next hour,
we are going to get into the very latest speculation.
Apparently it is down to two. It is down to
two for one opening in the NFL. We'll get into
that for you here on FSR. By the way, you
are listening to us now, but did you know you
can also see us. Be sure to check out the
Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports Radio
on YouTube. You'll see a whole bunch of video highlights
from our shows. Be sure to subscribe so you always
have instant access to our Fox Sports Radio videos on YouTube.
Speaker 7 (30:31):
Five lines, not those kind of lines. Five picks, five spreads.
Time for picks against the spread?
Speaker 3 (30:42):
All right, Lee, So how much wider is my lead
over everybody else?
Speaker 4 (30:46):
Speaker 6 (30:47):
Interesting that you asked that, Jonas you want me to
go game by game from last week?
Speaker 4 (30:51):
Or why not? All right, time real quick?
Speaker 6 (30:53):
Yeah, the Texans took care of the Chargers, but all
three of you guys took La in that one, so
nobody got a win there. We looked at Steelers at Ravens,
where the Ravens pulled off the twenty eight to fourteen victory.
They had a nine and a half spread. Brady was
the only one who laid the point, so he got that.
Everybody correctly took the Bills to beat the Broncos.
Speaker 4 (31:13):
No surprise there, Packers at Eagles.
Speaker 6 (31:15):
Everybody took Philly, unfortunately for me, Commanders at Bucks. This
is where the spread starts happening. Washington was taken by
both the pros Brady and LeVar. And then lastly we
fit in, Ye can I.
Speaker 1 (31:31):
Just say this?
Speaker 3 (31:32):
Why should I be held accountable because of Baker Mayfield's inability.
Speaker 4 (31:35):
To hold onto the football. Why should I be docked
the point?
Speaker 6 (31:38):
Oh you know what, I'm sorry, this was actually a push.
Speaker 4 (31:42):
I'm looking at the wrong.
Speaker 1 (31:43):
Uh no, no.
Speaker 4 (31:45):
No, no, no, I'm right right right that washing Washington, No
my fault. Tampa was a three point favorite.
Speaker 3 (31:50):
But I shouldn't be docked points on that because of Baker.
Speaker 1 (31:55):
Bank got money line. I think I money line Washington
in that game, to be honest, that was a sticks pick.
Speaker 4 (32:02):
You money lined you Rams Monday Night Football. We got
money line Washington too, but.
Speaker 6 (32:07):
I'll throw you a money line doesn't make it the
party scores, but all right, it doesn't.
Speaker 4 (32:13):
And the bros also took the Rams, and you did
money line that one.
Speaker 1 (32:16):
Speaker 6 (32:16):
So in the end last week, Brady did take the
win five to one. In our six games on picks
against the spread, LeVar, you went four two in Jonas
two four. Now, Jonas, you did have a lead for
several weeks, but now var has leapfrogged you back into
the lead.
Speaker 4 (32:31):
Two game lead for var as it.
Speaker 1 (32:33):
Does, I'm gonna bring it home then two games at
this point? Is it a rat? Alright?
Speaker 4 (32:39):
I'll get it back.
Speaker 1 (32:39):
Now. That's a rat.
Speaker 4 (32:40):
Alright, you guys.
Speaker 6 (32:41):
All right, Well, now on to the divisional round where
we have playoff weather fellas. We got Texans at Chiefs
to kick it off twenty four degrees at kickoff is
what it's supposed to be.
Speaker 4 (32:50):
Chiefs eight and a half point favorites, Kansas City to.
Speaker 1 (32:53):
Wipe out eight and a half point favorites. Yeah, I'm
going late to pin points on that one. So, I mean,
they won't beat them by more than they it's going
to be less than that.
Speaker 2 (33:06):
Sticks Picks.
Speaker 1 (33:07):
You like the Texans, You like the I mean I
like the Texans. Got just I'm laying the points on
that though.
Speaker 4 (33:13):
You act like you're gonna you act like you're gonna
be in Houston soon.
Speaker 1 (33:15):
Taking the point, I'm taking the points. Yeah whatever.
Speaker 4 (33:20):
Commanders at Lions.
Speaker 6 (33:21):
Lions are eight and a half again, eight and a
half point favorites at home Commanders at Lions.
Speaker 1 (33:26):
I'm gonna take the Commanders with the points on this
one as well.
Speaker 2 (33:30):
Sticks Picks tired of that.
Speaker 3 (33:32):
While he gets imaging, I get a bag of crap.
Speaker 4 (33:38):
I get I just got a.
Speaker 3 (33:40):
Weird feeling about this game. I'm gonna take the Commanders
getting that many points. I don't know why, man, I
just get a weird feeling about this game the closer
it gets to it. I think Detroit is gonna win,
but not by that much.
Speaker 1 (33:54):
I think Detroit will win, but not about them. I
think Washington can knock them off. But they you know,
they got their full backfield back. They they're in a
good space. Take Detroit, but they won't beat them by
more than eight.
Speaker 4 (34:09):
Go ahead, fellas.
Speaker 6 (34:10):
Rams at Eagles thirty two degrees, could be snow, could
be a little bit of rain. Eagles six and a half,
six point favorites. I'll take Philly that is. Let me
tell you how crazy this is. This is a crazy one,
and I'm gonna tell you why, because I believe the
Rams are playing the best football right now in the NFC.
Speaker 4 (34:32):
I'm going to money line.
Speaker 1 (34:36):
The La Rams in this game against the Philadelphia Eagles
with a tremendous It's the biggest upset so far in
the playoff sticks picks.
Speaker 6 (34:46):
The last one for the Divisional round, Ravens at Bill's
eighteen degrees at kickoff, Ravens what point and a half
on the road, Baltimore.
Speaker 1 (34:53):
I'm taking Baltimore, Baltimore.
Speaker 4 (34:55):
And let's fit in the National Championship.
Speaker 6 (34:57):
Why not Ohio State eight and a half point favorites
versus Notre Dame.
Speaker 1 (35:01):
Oh, I'm taking They're gonna they're gonna beat them by
more than that. Yeah, taking out State.
Speaker 4 (35:05):
I'll take Notre Dame.
Speaker 1 (35:07):
All right.
Speaker 4 (35:08):
There, it is Picks against the spread.
Speaker 7 (35:11):
Bam knocks picks, knocks sticks picks.
Speaker 3 (35:15):
Speaker 7 (35:17):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six a m.
Speaker 2 (35:25):
Eastern three am Pacific