All Episodes

January 10, 2023 37 mins

The guys celebrate the Georgia Bulldogs winning back to back National Championships. Sean McVay seems to have one foot out the door as things get tough but will the door be open for a reunion? Georgia DL Jalen Carter declares for the Draft and a parking fiasco on Over/Unders.

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Episode Transcript

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So studio looks real interesting right now, right now, Yeah,
see right now, I have a lot of quality, man, quality,
though a lot of questions. Yes, quality indeed, quality indeed

that is you you got it, Yes, you got it? Um,
all right, So I'm telling you what man Jonas Jonas is. Yeah,
I mean it's just it's over the top. Okay, that's
an overreaction for what we're witnessing. Guns up in the

studio far, that is all right. So, um, the National
Championship game last night, Now we all we all agree,
absolute wipe out, total mismatch. TCU got completely manhandled, got
it to ten seven and then never scored again. We
all agree. Not a great look for TCU. But as

Brady pointed out, kind of the feeling was happy to
be there. The fans showed up, they looked like they
had a great time. They were parting their asses off.
Um they were. They were really loud, really boisterous. First
time and what since the thirties or something like that,
since the TCU has been in the Natty, Yeah, so
like a long time. Six So but the fact is

it was a total mismatch, and you're seeing now people
in the middle of the game going, well, this is
why college football shouldn't do this, and this is why
TCU didn't deserve to be in and this is why,
you know, why do we want to expect First of all,
it's not like tc you just did nothing to get there,
all right, it's like TCU and I agree, I would

have loved and seen Alabama and Bryce Young again in
the in the the college football play. That would have
been great. But TCU had a better resume, and TCU
did more than Alabama did. And it's not like this
was a semifinal game. They did win their semifinal game
and beat Michigan, who was one of the hottest teams
in college football team in the country. Yes, so the

idea that because they got man handled last night, all
of a sudden, we want to dismiss TCU and just say,
you know what, they didn't deserve to be there. And
now everybody feels justified. The way Georgia was playing last night,
I don't know who in the country could have kept
up with them. No, I mean they were dominant. I mean,
bottom line is it's a credit to those players, the
coaching staff, the way they've recruited, the way they've developed,

And that's one of the things that you have to
be impressed buys that they didn't need to use the
transfer portal. You know, they've got guys that they've been
able to sign from high school, developed and turned it
into a national powerhouse. Then winning back to back national
championships in this day and age of college football, to me,

you could say, it's the hardest I'm ever to win one.
And so the fact that they were able to win
two in a row, Um, given that you've got Nick
Saban in your same conference and some of their teams
that you know they've had to go through, no matter
how do you want to dice it up, it's impressive.
The TC part is you're always gonna have this in
any playoff format. I mean we see this in Super bowls.

I mean, did the Broncos and the Shawks play a
Super Bowl where it wasn't even close from the first
snap that went over Peyton Manning's head tried betting on
Denver that game. Well, my point is this, though expansions coming,
you're going to probably get some games that are stinks,
you know, stinkers. Some games that are that are great,

Like we're telling the semifinal games, you shouldn't take away
from what tc was able to do to get here
last night. Unfortunately, that was one of those kind of
outwied performances where they were just incredibly outmatched, outcoached, and
every facet of the game that was Like Sunny Dice
has been great against the spread, they surprised a lot
of people. Well, I think they've they've really prided themselves
on second half adjustments. There was just none of that.

I mean, you can't make adjustments when you can't block
the guys up front, you can't find guys with the
ability to separate um and Max Duggon couldn't use his legs.
There's nowhere to go for him for him to run
around make play. So it was an uphill battle and defensively,
obviously they just they couldn't stop anything Georgia was doing.
You know, I guess TCU their success against Michigan maybe

the reason why I was the undoing of them in
the National title game. I thought that Michigan would run
over top of over top of TCU, just like Georgia did.
And I, and there would be no reason to think
they couldn't. But they didn't. And I think coming out
of the Ohio State Georgia game, they fied that was

that was probably the I mean, I mean, obviously easily
that was the better of the games, you know, in
terms of not being an upset with with TCU in Michigan,
but Ohio State and Georgia, that's that's your national title game,
to be honest, if you asked me. But I think
Michigan fans have something to say that, yeah, oh well,

I could care less. They didn't handle they didn't handle
their business to make it well it should have been
what the national chat title. I'm just saying they would
say like maybe US against Georgia would have been a
better matchup even though they lost. All I know is
they they gave Georgia every reason to prepare, like if

they were playing Michigan or Ohio State. I think Michigan
came into that game. I don't want to say as
far as sleepwalking, but they did not come at that
game the way Michigan. The Michigan that I saw run
through Penn State and run through Ohio State, that was
not the team that was out there that day, and

I don't know what what the reason was. I don't
know why, but I think, I mean, just like anything else,
they might have underestimated them. And I think that when
you look at it from that perspective, Georgia did not
underestimate them. Like there were there were times in that
game where, if you're really looking at it from the
competitors standpoint, Georgia could have throttled down, like they really

could have. They really could have like let off of
the gas a little bit, and they did it. They
kept going, and they kept going and they kept going.
You know what, That's exactly what you're supposed to do.
That's exactly what you're supposed to be smart. Did convince
his team somehow that no one expected them to be
here and you know, like true underdogs. I gotta tell you,

I mean that didn't he convince them of that? Like
he talked about that post game, you know, no one
thought they could do this. They're like, wit, what what
are you talking about? I mean, who who said you
couldn't do this? I'll pill battle man. You know at Georgia,
I mean, they listen, then they're not. They don't have
access to all those five stars and and everything else
like some of these other programs do. I mean, they
gotta build this thing, and they got to really do

it the hard way. So, I mean, after the game,
I was doing a hit and one of the Georgia
players Radio TV hit. Because I want to be clear
about this digital so it's kind of something in between, right,
I want to make sure people didn't think you were happening.
But they're they're big, they're big. Dtack good good point.
Many that could have been happening down there, couldn't. It's California.

You're allowed to do that. Did you walking through the concourse?
Are you kidding me? I thought I was at a
King the hotel that from time to time. One Brents
in their big defensive tackle. He came over and just
in the middle when we're talking and I'm just kind
of have a nice conversation. He goes, yeah, man, people
thought we're gonna be six or five this year. I
really stopped, like, what are you talking about? I was like,

who said you guys are gonna be six and five?
I go, I'm pretty sure you're one of the favorites
to win everything again. He's like, no, man, people doubted
us all year. I curb be smart. I liked, did
Smart really convince you? Guys? Are you? Is that? How
like brainwash? These kids are to think that teople on
the outside didn't think you can win him back to
back national championship? Did he like let him watch TV

or like that? Is that not allowed? Not? Like maybe
it's all propaganda. Maybe maybe it's like I mean, maybe
it's like he creates these burner Twitter accounts that he
puts up, you know, with people saying stuff like they're
not that good they're Yeah, he's all these different burner
accounts he's got just trolling them every single week and

it's all he puts up with his team meetings. Yeah,
I mean it was a total mismatch. But look it
just you you see that, Like we've talked about this
when remember when Washington made the college football playoff and
they got hammered by Alabama. It was like I think,
so yeah, and it was like, well, I mean, you know,
Washington shouldn't have been there. It's like, Okay, I get it,

that's a semifinal game. Look, TCU won the game very
like the Big twelve championship game. I mean, how that
wasn't rule to touchdown. I'm still trying to figure that out,
that that whole situation. It just you can't use what
happened last night and just use it as you know,
all of a sudden reverse engineer. Why exactly, tc you

didn't deserve to be there. They ran up against just
a powerhouse in Georgia who nobody was going to beat.
Last night. Georgia played a perfect football game and TCU struggled,
and you got the feeling early on that this is
gonna be a rough go for them. So I just
I think it was a hell of a run for TCU,
a hell of a year, and whether they're back, who knows.

But even if this was expanded to twelve teams, tc
you would have gotten in regardless, and maybe they would
have been eliminated earlier. But the fact that we're going
to get these twelve teams, I don't want to hear
anybody say this is why we don't need expansion, because
it's clear who the best teams are. Now. Open it up,
make it a one game situation, and stuff like happens
between tc and Michigan happens, and then you get some upsets.

I think I think This is a good thing for
the call football play iff expansion. So everybody complaining about
is stop bitching and moaning college football is over and
you're gonna be sad when it's gone in a couple
of weeks from now, when you've got nothing else to
watch and there's no bowl game going on. You know
what I mean this every team every single year when
people say there's too many bowl games, I might please

stop stop saying that, like you're gonna miss football on
any shape or form, Which is why we're lucky. We've
got the USFL, and we've got other spring leagues that
pop up, and and yes, I will be walking down
the street, you know, with my family to dinner, and
I will see that on a TV screen and I
will stop, probably lose a child in the chaos of

everything looks to watch football? Yeah, just say, look at that,
It's Blue's on TV. Can you believe it? Mine is
no football? Now? They watch it. They know that. Here's
what they know. Whenever there's a prime time game, they
know they can stay up a little bit later if
they want to watch football with dad. So that's so
they always come over and they got I'm I've convinced.

That convinced them that there was a positive My eldest
daughters figure this out, and so she's like, Daddy, is
the football in time? Can we watch football? I'm like, yeah, sure,
And every time my wife gets so mad. God, that
means they're gonna be Hawaii fans. Yes, God, we could
use all the help we could get. Come on a

little little late night, a little little midnight kickoff with
the Quinn daughters, little college football on a Saturday. We
just need to make sure who I could feel the
team at this point. Yeah, that's that too. Or play
in a stadium that holds more than ten people, that
would that would also help. By the way, we are
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Bundle and save at Progressive dot com. Alright, so coming
up next here on two pros and a Cup of Joe.
We do have a situation in the NFL that we
are monitoring, and somebody tried to speak yesterday about it
and made it even more confusing. It's yours right here.
Fox Sports Radio. Be sure to catch live editions of

Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn,
LaVar Arrington and Jonas Knox week days at six am Eastern,
three am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the I
Heart Radio Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox
Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington A very satisfied Brady Quinn Jonas
knocks with you here. Thanks thanks burto blew his mind

with those Yes, thank you for clarify. I can't decide,
by the way, Burt, which one I like? Better tell
you they're both awesome. Alright, so break it down because
one was one was one was pork and the other.
Are you gonna freeze me something? Burtoe? Yes, I don't
know if there's any left I left to No, there's more.

I know. Burno has more in the stat I saw
the the raw footage of how they were cooking. They
he's got them in the stash. How many you got?
I got it in the freezer? Got uh six? Left? Well?
I left I left you too from when you brought Okay,
you don't have those things? What's just take them with you?

I got more home? How ang I take them with
me on a plane after this. Damn whatever. It's fine.
People with people, bring dogs and wheat on. I'll leave
them for either Berto or LaVar take them all. Right now,
I'm good. I had enough this year. Yeah, it's gonna
be a little while before I can eat. But yeah,

hey they look fantastic. And Burno has done it again.
He's he's made a believer with his Tamali's not not
to change topics, but I did get a text message
from Lee about my ribs to please please tell the
people about my ribs. Mr Lee, you want to do
that hour four or do you wanna what do you
want to do that? Yeah? I mean you know what
shots fired? Lee? What do we got on the ribs?

Ribs were awesome ribs for breakfast, meaty ribs. Man, those
are great. Yeah, they were met a whole lot of
meat on them. Bones bomb dot com. So we are
gonna have a look back at the over unders from
last night. Uh, I mean, I got a bad feeling,

but we're gonna have a look back at some of
those over unders that'll be coming up here in about
twenty minutes from now from the tire rack dot Com
studios and coming up here in just a moment, we
are going to have a discussion about somebody in the
NFL who just made everybody that much for more confused.
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not confusing is stamps dot Com. They've teamed up with
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Stamps dot Com Code to Pros steps. All Right, Sean
McVeigh and a lot of people have speculated, is he gone?

Has he coached his last game with the l A Rams. Now,
Matt Stafford has confirmed he will be back next year.
He's coming back. Now. I think he did to something
in the area. Uh he did, Uh, you know, he
did confirm that a few weeks ago on his wife's podcast.

But he did confirm also yesterday that yes, in fact,
he's going to be back next season. And so Matt
Stafford's coming back. So now the big speculation is what
does Sean McVeigh do, Whether or not Sean McVeigh is
going to be the head coach of the l A
Rams moving forward. So he spoke with the media yesterday.
It's just about and he's hinted at this before that
he runs a little bit hot and maybe he's in

a situation where, you know, he doesn't know what with
being burned out, how long he can do this for
He's hinted it. You know, Bill Belichick coaching into his seventies.
That's not something that Sean McVeigh is interested in doing.
But he did speak yesterday about his immediate future and
I'm still trying to figure out what the hell he's
talking about. How can I be at my best and

not let some of the blessings that are so volatile
that have come with this job not really affect your
ability to make the right decisions for all parties involved
moving forward? And how can that be reflected in you
being the best version of yourself? And do I love coaching? Hell? Yeah?
Have there been a lot of things that have made
it a challenge and a strain because of my own

self inflicted things, No question about it. I don't say
like I don't understand what he's I don't get it.
I don't understand what what he's what he's saying there, um,
he can ask this. So I don't know how many

years he has left on his contract, but he obviously
still have years left until twenty six. I think I
saw so he's leaving what three years left them? I mean,
if he leaves, it goes into TV, takes a break,
and then can come back. I'd imagine he'd want to
come back the Rams. I mean, what happens of that

by that point in time, the roster of their cap
scenario situation, the draft picks are all a different different spot.
Did you just walk right back in and take over
that coaching job again? Because they have his rights, So
Chronky would have to make a move either with whoever
replaces McVeigh if he steps down, to go ahead and
just let McVeigh come right back in, or he's got

to deal him. I just I feel like it's an
interesting scenario if he steps down, given the fact that
he's under contract. I just know this. I've been around
Jay Glazer a long time and one of the most
impressive things that that I've witnessed is doing the drafts

with Jay Glazer. When Jay gets a tip and he
goes in and he puts it out there where there
would be a bigger surprise if he came back. Then
if he were to leave, I immediately started thinking he's
out of there, he's leaving, like mcveigh's leaving because Jay

generally isn't wrong on that type of stuff, and I
don't want to put that pressure on him, even though
I just did. But if I'm basing it off of
off of what what I've heard Jay say about the situation,
mcveigh's leaving, Yeah, when is Glazer ever been wrong? He
said he did not get one one pick wrong. Like

I said, if if I were, if I were horrible,
if I was a horrible person out man, I'd have
been inside inside trading up in there, you know. I mean,
like he did not get one wrong and it was
all based off of just just information. You know that
that he's able to get ahold of. I just I

think just based off of that, for me, the credibility
of of how Ja Ja gets information, I would be
surprised if McVeigh comes back. I'll be surprised. It's just
now multiple off seasons in a row that this has
been hinted at, and he's talked about it, and this
was before the super Bowl last year, this was being discussed,

So now you've come all the way back a year
later and it's the same discussion again. At some point.
I mean, it's like when Roethlisberger would would talk about retiring, well,
maybe I need to retire, and maybe I need to retire,
and then finally it was like all right, dude, is
this happening or what? And then he was gone. It
just feels like if you're if you're this close and

talking this openly about it, you've got to be leaning
in one way or another. And I just I'm surprised
you would want to walk away after a reason like this.
But maybe he sees what the future looks like and
where they're at when it comes to the cap age
and there. Yeah, maybe he maybe he sees his future

and an opportunity that's been brought his way that he
doesn't want to pass up at this point. I mean,
it doesn't necessarily have to be because of the way
the season went for the Rams. It doesn't happen necessarily
be him thinking that, oh, this is what's to come
for the Rams. It might just be he's got an
opportunity to do something that he really wants to do.

I mean it could be that simple. I look at
it like he kind of it's kind of leaving when
things are getting tough, and I can think about it
what he had, what he took over the Rams, Pete Carroll.
I'm just I'm not willing to go that far, only
because people have said that for Seattle this year and

Pete stuck around and he made it work. Well, I'm
saying at USC, I think that was more because he
knew how handicapped the would be with the set actions
that were coming. What was what did they do something wrong?
Enough time? Um, if you think about when he took over, though,
in all seriousness, like his first year they go to
the playoffs, he had the first overall pick from the

year before, he had a talented roster. You had Aaron
Donald on the roster. You had other guys who they
have acquiring in early on. But it's like this is
the first time where things have kind of gotten rough
and you realized with the way they structured their team
and how their salary cap was handled, you know, signing
deals with guys like Stafford and Ramsey and Donald, all

all the people they signed, you you knew at some
point the crap was gonna hit the fan, and in
this case, it has and now it's like, I don't
want to hang around for this, and I just I
feel like that's playing a portion. And I think there's
a lot of coaches that would tell you, like, it's
tough going through losing seasons as players, coach, everyone involved,

and at some point you'd like to go see it
through and see it to the other side. But it
seems like he just doesn't want to be a part
of that. Yeah, I mean to tell me, I'm am
I wrong with how I'm seeing this. No, You're not wrong.
And I also think that that's why I wonder how
it would land with people in the front office. If listen,

we just gave him a contract extension, your find your
first losing season, and that's it, Like that's we're just
go ahead. And also, you knew what we were doing
to be able to acquire the veterans that we did
and win a Super Bowl and go to two. You
knew how we were doing this. And now that we're

getting to that point where we can't keep kicking the
can down the road, we eventually has to go into
drafts without a first round draft pick. You know, with
a salary cap, We're gonna have to make some tough
cuts that have less talent elsewhere on our roster. Because
of that, now you want to jump ship, But now
it's time because it's too hard to go and step
away from it. I don't know, man, I just that's

the thing that I think bothers me a little bit
about it. For everyone else that's like hung out the
draw that has to hang like that, has to hang
around for what's gonna ensue. And uh, and the future
doesn't look great for them because look, Seattle is going
to have a bunch of draft capital. They're probably and
there's a possibility they were a playoff team this year.

They're going to be drafting a quarterback with with the
Denver pick that they've got. So Seattle and and Seattle
draft Seattle and a great draft. We talked about the
Jets draft Seattle and a great draft too. So Seattle
seems like they're on the rise. They flew into the
way radar with how well they Drafty Kenneth walked through
the two offensive linemen, one of the biggest long shots
to make the playoffs. Yeah, like like I would say,

I would say, like the like Wooln this year deserve
like John Snyder and the deserved way more credit considering
he wasn't a first round pick. Now he ran a
really fast forty yard dash time, but is converted wide receiver,
played at a group of five school ut s A,
and he's he's been one of the better cornerbacks to
play this year. I just I find it pretty remarkable

what they were able to do this and if a
boatload of draft picks too, coming from Denver, from Denver,
San Francisco, I mean, they just keep you know, it
didn't matter who they play a quarterback. I mean they
could play you know, Steve Bono's dog and that, and
he would win games for the Niners. Like they can
throw anybody out there. Their rosters loaded Arizona. I mean
that's the one thing if you're the yeah, it could

be like it could be that Steve great hairy he
did so. Yeah. It just it feels like the Rams
are really up against it. But hey man, they got
a beautiful new stadium. I know that it is put together.

Yeah what's put together at some places. In other places
it's not put together because the open air facts. So
you have to go up to the seventh floor to
walk around and then walk down to get over, which
I hope people in l A know this at this
point because I was my first time. I had no idea,
But I mean you literally cannot walk around the entire

stadium now, depending on what level you're on, you can't.
Which if you don't live here and you come here
for the first time for a game, it could be
really confusing. Yeah, let me try living here and going
there for the first time. It was confusing. So yeah,
there's so there's all that with the l A RAMS,
but we will if any if there are any developments
with Sean mcveigh's future with the Rams, we will keep
you posting on that. It is two pros and a

Cup of Joe here on Fox Sports Radio, So we
are going to get into our look at look back
at over unders from last night. I know one I
got wrong. Yeah, not ideal for for multiple reasons. So
we'll have that for you here coming up in about
ten minutes from now from the entire rack dot com studios.
This from Adam Schefter of ESPN. Just a stunning, stunning

piece of news. Georgia defensive lineman Jalen Carter. He's announced
that he is entering the NFL Draft. Yeah, so he's
gonna enter the NFL Draft and he will be represented
by Drew Rosenhouse and Ryan Matha. So there it is. Uh,
and that's somebody that is projected to be a top

two to three pick. He's the best overall player in
the draft, better than Bryce Young, better than you put
You put a premium on quarterbacks because of the position,
but if you're looking them as a prospect, I feel
like you're a scout. Right He's the best overall. I
would say Will Anderson is very close behind, like right there,

one A one B. But those two guys are like
the top two prospects in my opinion. Uh, Jalen Carter
comp As far as defensive prospect, what would be one
in recent years? Well, I would I was gonna say
one for you that I think you'd appreciate Tommy Harris.
He was fantastic. If Tommy Harris would have stayed healthy,

could have been a Hall of Famer. Yeah. Now, I
don't know size dimensions and all that. Like with usually
when you're doing a true comp you look for the
guy out the same length of arms and all that stuff.
I'm just trying to think of a guy who I
can recall that was impactful, Like, you know, he's you
can't say an Aaron Donald because he no one's Aaron Donald,
and plus Aaron Donald doesn't have to even close the
same statue is much smaller inside. And he went, what

eighteen I think Donald eighteen in the draft or something
like that. You know, if you redraft that you're obviously taking.
Remind he reminds me of Marcus Stroud a little bit.
I don't know if you guys remember Marcus broke my
right in next finger? Um, of course remember remember that, uh,
the other the other one. I was gonna say it
was kind of Chris Jones. Chris Jones is a guy

who's obviously playing a really high level right now for
Kansas City. Unbelievable fort ar dash. I mean, I was
gonna say, Jilly Carter can only hope his forty heart
dashes as epic as Chris Jones was. How tall Lizzy?
How tall is Jalen? He looks tall? Man, He's any
of less than six five, I'd be surprised. He looks

at least six five six six really six three? Yeah?
Bro on the field last night he's taller than that,
because he's taller than me, and I was almost six four.
I was watching specifically just you we're almost six four
last night? Well, no, when I was at the combine
six seven eight, But I'm saying, I mean I stood
right across from where he was, he was much bigger.

I can't get over how big Washington. Their tight end
is number zero. He will come out in the draft too.
That dude is huge. But I mean he's so we're
talking generational game. Just you know, I don't know that
he's three. D was just gonna go, let's yeah, do

you look at the Rosster right now? What are you doing?
That's what I'm saying. Yeah, are you looking at up?
And I was frustrated. I thought you were, Well, I'm
looking at on us working on the screen. It's six.
You've got it now. I was getting no. I know,

I was getting frustrated because I was trying to find
it and I couldn't find it. So even though you
said it, I had to say it because I wasn't
gonna let it beat me. I'm not gonna let this
screen or this WiFi beat me or my inability to
search for But six, how slow your wife, I was
to mind, right, yeah, I did. That's the case you
seconds off. It is tough, like when you guys are

in studio, you really are behind. Like the rest of
the world. The rest of the world's operating at a
faster pace. Yeah, just because the WiFi and then also
distracted well that too. I mean, I don't know what
the hell that is. But yeah, listen, I mean, we've
got Tamali's in the kitchen, We've got uh, you know,

people changing their mind on who they want to be
on on certain movies. And there's the rain out here.
There's a lot going on here. I just I just
read the description of that. Yeah, lot going on. Yeah. Hey,
sometimes you feel like being something different, you know, sometimes
people want Halloween every day of the week. All right, there,
there are those things out there, but it is That's

the latest that Jalen Carter is entering the NFL Draft.
So he projected top two three pick, and so you'll
be seeing that name and seeing the discussions about him
coming up over the next couple of months. It is
two pros and a cup of Joe here Fox Sports Radio.
Coming up next, we are going to have a look
back on our over Unders. A lot of stuff went
down in the National Championship Game last night. We'll discuss

it right here for you on fs ARE be sure
to catch live editions of Two Pros and a Cup
of Joe with Brady Quinn, LaVar Arrington and Jonas Knocks
week days at six am Eastern three am Pacific. All right,
this is Jay Glazer. And you may know me for
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or wherever you get your podcasts. Two Pros and a

Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn
Jones knocks with the Here he can hang out with
us as always on the I Heart Radio app. If
you missed any of this show, you can check out
the podcast if Fox sports Radio dot Com We'll be
back tomorrow six am Eastern time, three o'clock Pacific, same time,
same place. But right now it's time for our progressive
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So we need to take a look back at last
night's game in a certain way, and it's when we
take a look back at how we do in our
over unders, which some of us have a bad feeling about.

So it's time for this time to put your money
where your mouth is. You know you're lying life. It's
over under Aley, spill the beans, all right, Phillas. Well,
as we always do, we always take a look at
the point total in the game, which was sixty three.
God of course, Georgia took care of that by themselves.

The pros both had the over on that one. I mean,
I thought we were doing for like the first three quarters.
Well I thought that was that's what the bet was.
He meant for the whole, like all four quarters. All right,
something clearly I shouldn't that shouldn't count against me. I think.
I think I always wait to hear how Jonas is

going to make up some excuse for this. What do
you mean I do everything on the up and up?
I don't know. I mean, I'll take that. I mean,
I'll be the better I'll be I'll be the better
man here, and I'll and I will I'll take the loss.
But you know, I mean I feel like I'm getting
kind of screwed here. But all right, continually Fellows passing

touchdowns for Max and Doug and everybody took the overwel
so we all take the loss on that one. He
just had a Russian Russian by the way, that one.
I think you ever, you would understand it next to you,
would understand it next to each other. Dug, it throws

the ball, it's it's in mid air. You see that
the Georgia's safety just sort of backtrack a little and
we will go, oh no, because feeling a flyball, I
mean he just needed to drive it and throw it
across the field. Instead, he just threw it with air
up the field and yeah, yeah, back what else? Passing
yards for Stetson Bennett was at two seventy seven and

a half. The pros took the over, Jonas, you took
the under three or four through the year thirty nine
on the ground. Good job, Pros. Okay, so it was
two seventy seven total or to seventy seven? Yeah, he
hit them both. Well, he shouldn't have until again, I
don't because I mean we're gonna count garbage time yards here.

Actually didn't play in the fourth quarter, Okay, Well, I
mean that fact that he didn't play a full game
should just qualify him from the back. So I think
that's that's the out there. God, what a bird night,
all right. The longest touchdown of the game over under
was at forty nine and a half. We just heard
the longest touchdown of the game to McConkey. That was
only thirty seven yards. Jonas hits the under on that one.

Ten total touchdowns in the game, alright, alright, what's the
last one? Last one? I gotta ask first, LaVar, what
do you think Jonas paid for parking last night? Uh? Nothing,
I took you know, Jona's knowing how Jonas looks that
supposed to me? What's that supposed to be? Um over

under over under seventy five? What did you end up paying? Jonas?
You did? Swear to God? No you didn't. By the
time I got in there, I realized, oh no, I'm
in the wrong lane. It was there was cars everywhere,
and I just had to bite the bullet. No you didn't.

I swear to God. He's only saying that swear to gain.
What do you pick on your proper right? Then? What
what do you mean what proper? I don't remember what
I picked. You took the under? Yeah, I was hoping
for the under because I couldn't believe because when you
get there, they've got these other lots. That's just an
odd dumb I don't know. Like if you're as well
charge hunter like Bert I was telling me what were

they charging for the preseason game Raiders Rams last year?
It was hud hundred dollars rose ball Jesus man, it's ridiculous.
It's crazy. He's getting gouges left and right. So where
does that put the total atline? That was a thirty
minute walk to by the Ways and the rain Pros

went two in three last night, Jonas you went went
in four. Good job there, buddy, Why are you going after?
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