Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox, and
myself Brady Quinn. Make sure you catch us live weekdays
six to nine am Eastern or three am to six
am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your
local station for the Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe show over at foxsports Radio dot com, or stream
us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.
Speaker 2 (00:27):
Let's give this part.
Speaker 3 (00:28):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio, Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn,
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So it is you lose yourself? Is it Wednesday? And
that means it's the old p time.
Speaker 4 (01:11):
Oh from one good song to another.
Speaker 3 (01:17):
The co host of The Petros and Money Show, to
a five seventy l a sports Fox college football analyst,
and the old p on x is where you can
find them. Pee, what's happening? Good morning?
Speaker 2 (01:31):
It's popping everybody. How's everything doing? Good morning to you?
Speaker 3 (01:34):
Speaker 2 (01:35):
Hi? Pee?
Speaker 5 (01:36):
Did I see are you? Are you doing a high
school game? Are you doing something coming up? I see
your tweet.
Speaker 6 (01:41):
About Oh uh?
Speaker 2 (01:43):
Well, uh, as you know or probably don't. I was
the usc PA address guy at the men's basketball games
for many years.
Speaker 7 (01:54):
In fact, you used to tell the stories. What would
it sound like?
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Well, what do you what do you want to have?
Have up? I mean it's five in the morning in LA.
Speaker 7 (02:02):
If you're announcing the players, okay.
Speaker 4 (02:04):
Well just say say uh Sam Sam Clancy Junior goes
to the rack and get Sam I played dunk.
Speaker 2 (02:10):
I played around that time, you know. But if it's
two points and it's such a class to use him
right when he puts it in Clancy and then let's say,
let's say Sam Clancy, it plays for the other team, right,
and he gets a crazy dunk, Sam Clancy, Sam Clancy.
That's how you do it, right, there, like, let me say,
the USC USC Sam Clancy, you know Nick Young, we
used to have. I bridged the gap between the LA
Sports Arena, which was one of the greatest forgotten arenas
in the history of mankind, which is now gone. It's
Bemo Stadium where the l A f C plays by
the coliseum, but that used to be where the Clippers
played and USC basketball played, and I was the announcer there,
and then I think I did that two years and
then eight years over at Galen And because I criticized
Pat Hayden so heavily on radio, and a few times
he like cornered me while I was trying to leave
and yelled at me about like stuff I said about
Lane Kiffin. Really, yeah, you don't even know. You don't
even know. No, he said something like, I can't believe
you tell this, You're a trojan. I'm like, f you,
get away from you. I don't work for you on radio,
you rich bastard. So anyway, so he uh, they fired me.
So I don't do PA anymore. And it's kind of
a pain in the ass, you know, to try to
to drive over there after the radio show or manipulate
the radio show to get there on time and all
that different stuff. But anyway, I don't do the PA anymore.
I loved doing it. I loved being on the floor
and watching college basketball coaches coach. It taught me a
lot and that helps me because I talk about sports
on air. But my alma mater, Peninsula High School, almost
as big as USC basketball, not in the Big Ten,
but in the Bay League, is going to play their big,
heated rival, Pallas Verdi's High School on Friday night.
Speaker 6 (04:15):
Yeah, and they ask you good.
Speaker 2 (04:18):
Palace Verdi's High and Peninsula are both about five both
of them. Yeah, the boys, Yeah, but the Palace Verdi's
High football won a CIF championship this year and they
have a really good quarterback, which is something we've never
had on the Hill as far as like a guy
that throws the ball. You know, we've had running guys.
But anyway, they asked me to do it Friday night,
and I will be there to do the PA on
Friday night, and if I get the radio show done early,
I'll do the girls game as well.
Speaker 7 (04:43):
Hell, yeah, good for you man. That's awesome. That's awesome.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
But the girls aren't playing the PV. The girls are
playing North Torrance. And you guys know who went to
North Torrans High, don't you? I do not Chuck Norris,
All right, well yeahdeed, Chuck Norris, North Torrance, bitch, kick
your ass, Chuck Norris.
Speaker 6 (05:01):
Yeah, well set Bruce Lee. He couldn't beat Bruce Lee.
Speaker 2 (05:04):
Hey, p who you got beat up Bruce Lee in
that movie? His ass made Bruce Lee look like.
Speaker 3 (05:10):
Pe Who you got in a fight? Chuck Norris or
Steven Sagall?
Speaker 2 (05:15):
You see. I see the picture of Segal recently, and
he's big enough to eat hay and poop in the streets.
Speaker 6 (05:20):
Damn dang.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
I mean he's.
Speaker 7 (05:24):
Like put a saddle on him. Huh Jlius heard horse.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
He's huge. But Norris is really old. I mean Chuck
Norris is ancient. Is yeah, when I was when I
was a young man. Uh, Chuck Norris lived here in
Palas Verdes, which is where I live, which is not
the Palisades. I know everybody thinks, l A, we all
just live under the Hollywood sign, uh, especially now that
it's been in the news so much, with all this
tragedy going on. But Chuck Norris uh. And Michael Dudakov
of the American Ninja series you guys don't know about
the American Ninja. Duda Kov and Chuck Norris lived in
Palace Verde's and power lifted at a guy's house named
George Zengis, and they would listen to like belly dancing
music between dead lift sets. It's unreal scene. Wait what
what part of that didn't you understand?
Speaker 3 (06:29):
How do you know that they were doing that?
Speaker 2 (06:31):
Because I was there?
Speaker 3 (06:32):
You saw it.
Speaker 2 (06:33):
Yeah, My brother used to squat every Saturday there, so
I'd go with him and introduce some dips. And you know,
I couldn't squat as much as those guys, so I'd
have to, you know, wait till they put the weights
down a little bit. But yeah, Duda Kaov would be
like in a row with a big Jesus piece on
his chest, all shaved up, Chuck Norris's beard, Odessa Pilottu
smoking a cigar talking about men's handball. How do you
think I learned about? Listened to face Ruse the Uh
the Middle Eastern singer and Doctor John from New Orleans Real.
Speaker 3 (07:05):
Psychedelia, Chuck Norris deadlifts. Who knew h.
Speaker 2 (07:09):
Chuck Norris deadlifting doing Romaz.
Speaker 4 (07:11):
He's still doing those commercials with the home full gym
like I did it for a really really long time.
Speaker 7 (07:18):
Yeah he's four years old.
Speaker 2 (07:20):
Yeah he's an old ass.
Speaker 7 (07:22):
Ghat, I had no idea.
Speaker 4 (07:23):
Man, He's a ranger.
Speaker 2 (07:25):
Almost as old as Lou a little not as old
as Lou Holtz. And you can still get attacked, you know,
at eighty eight by Ryan Day. I want to know
where Lou Holtz is right now.
Speaker 6 (07:36):
Probably be a lot of motivation.
Speaker 2 (07:38):
I haven't stopped talking about it.
Speaker 4 (07:40):
I I think I think will be pumped up about it. Yeah,
I think that's going to be about it all.
Speaker 2 (07:47):
He said, no, right, he said he hasn't patched it up. No, Yeah,
And uh, you know, to me, that's still the greatest
moment that was last year? Right was that game in
September Ohio State Notre Dame. There was a pretty good game.
Ohio State pulled it out at the end, and Ryan
Day wanted to kill the the we're not physical narrative
that has always existed because they've been run over straight
up and run over by Michigan three years in a row.
Now it is and Lou Holtz, I mean, I can't
believe what he said about our team and there's like
a pause right there. And I always want to add,
here's what everybody else says about your team. I can't
believe what he said about our team. It's like, believe it.
He's an eighty eight year old man, you know. But
then I look back into Lou Holtz's history, you know,
because Lou Holtz is he knows a lot of fight songs.
He coached a lot of different places. And the first
head job he had was at William and Mary.
Speaker 7 (08:48):
And this is legendary Bobby Boden's story.
Speaker 2 (08:50):
And they got beat by They got there forty two
to seven. They got beat by Bobby Bowden in Morgantown
before Bobby Bowden ended up in Florida, state of course,
and they Lou Holtz is from West Virginia, you know,
his family and friends are all there. And they got
humiliated by Bobby Bowden's team. And Lou Holtz went up
to Bobby Bowden after the game and said, Lou, we're friends,
I mean, Bobby, were friends. Why didn't you run up
the score like that? How could you do that? And
Bobby Bowden said something to the effect of, don't ask
me to lower my standards for your Sorry, as team.
Maybe if you had more Williams and less Mary's. Oh wow,
Lou Holtz has mixed it up in the past. I
do believe they bear those two. I think Bury the hatchet.
But but black Dread Blackbeard, the Pirate of the High
Seas of Ohio. It hasn't always been Ohio against the world.
Is like, I don't really think of it like that. Whatever, man, Okay,
but I do appreciate us. This is the Brady Bold Well, Brady,
what are you gonna do? I mean this?
Speaker 7 (09:58):
You know you're ball You mean what am I gonna do?
Speaker 2 (10:01):
I mean your balls are stretched out? Man. You got
one testy in Columbus, the other one stretched all the
way to hisself.
Speaker 3 (10:08):
Speaker 6 (10:10):
It's not far.
Speaker 7 (10:11):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (10:12):
Do you think the Ohio people are gonna turn on
you like they did Herb Street. You're gonna have to
move to Nashville and bring you dog everywhere. I have
emultiple problems. I got my dog hey one last.
Speaker 7 (10:23):
Game after Cincinnati.
Speaker 5 (10:27):
Because his son goes to San Xavier, who just committed
to Michigan, which I would assume you're you were on
board with that whole the whole deal.
Speaker 7 (10:35):
Like when his son committed to Michigan.
Speaker 5 (10:37):
I guess he was upset that the Ohio State coaches
didn't reach out to him to congratulate him. It's like, well,
why would they your son's going to the rival, Like,
did you expect to get a text back from him?
Speaker 8 (10:48):
Speaker 2 (10:49):
Kirk wants the ring kissed at all time, and then
he wants you to clean up his dog's poop.
Speaker 4 (10:55):
That dog is perfectly manicured and groomed. By the way, Yeah,
tired of the line turned like super super perfect.
Speaker 3 (11:03):
By the way, did he have that dog or did
he like, uh go on them?
Speaker 2 (11:08):
Is sure?
Speaker 3 (11:08):
Every went on Amazon after He's got a whole farm of.
Speaker 2 (11:11):
Dogs at this point, you got a lot of dogs. Yeah,
you know, honest, honest On Kirk kirk Street's wall, you
can see that poster or that cat you know, hanging
on it and says hanging there.
Speaker 4 (11:21):
How did that become a thing? How did that become
a thing where he's able to just bring his dog
on the field.
Speaker 2 (11:26):
Like that because he has like some kind of emotional
support issue because you on COVID six games a week.
I mean, I like my lizard. I don't bring the
lizard everywhere.
Speaker 5 (11:36):
Yeah, well you can now. I mean, after COVID you
can pretty much bring stuff wherever you want.
Speaker 7 (11:40):
Speaker 4 (11:41):
You can identify with that lizard too, Petros, you know
you don't just have to bring it with you. You
can actually identify with it as well, and nobody can
actually demand.
Speaker 6 (11:54):
That they call you a lizard a lizard.
Speaker 2 (11:57):
Helmet, yes, yeah, pretty much. Yeah, like that military guy
with the dog mask.
Speaker 7 (12:02):
Yeah, start looking people, I'm a dog.
Speaker 9 (12:04):
There you go.
Speaker 3 (12:06):
Yeah, just change you pronoun to reptile.
Speaker 2 (12:09):
So did you guys do okay in Florida. I've got
a lot of texts that you guys were drinking long
islandized teas.
Speaker 7 (12:15):
And things of that nature.
Speaker 4 (12:18):
Okay, I overdid it, Petros, really yeah I did. I'm
not apologizing for it either. I overdid it. I went
straight to work. Q found me with my ats halfway
down and you know, just sleep on on the on
the hotel the hotel couch waiting due to show my.
Speaker 2 (12:40):
Perspect me up on South Florida is similar to that.
You know, everybody's up all night. You got to get
somebody off a couch to do something in the morning
and all that. Yeah, Uh, people sleep on porches. Uh,
those those clubs are open and then the sun comes
up over the beach and it's kind of cool. But
at the same time, I never understood South Beach. I
haven't been there in a long time, but it's always
interesting to me how these these towns are not as
big as you think when you watch it on TV.
And like, like, if the Super Bowl comes to LA,
we don't notice, right, this town will absorb almost any event.
You know, the Olympics are coming, I hope still, and
like most people, it wouldn't really affect them one way
or the other. The town just absorbs events like that.
But I was in Miami for one of the very
few Super Bowls I've covered, and I just couldn't believe,
Like you couldn't get anywhere. You couldn't get from Fort
Lauderdale over to South Bay. I mean, it was just
death Hoddy. I was almost late for some pregame stuff
I had to do because of that. Took me two
and a half hours. Yeah, the traffic's there is awful.
I'd it's the equivalent to l A, you know, but
but in LA it's just so much bigger, and there's
always a way around it, you know, one way or
the other, and.
Speaker 7 (13:59):
You know, the the traffic is what the traffic is.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
The event itself just destroys these towns, I mean, just
absolutely makes it untenable. So I don't know if it's
like that for a college football event in Miami, but
it was.
Speaker 7 (14:14):
It really was going out there.
Speaker 5 (14:15):
I mean everyone was complaining about the traffic, and it
brought into question like why have a seven.
Speaker 7 (14:21):
Thirty kick, why not ag thirty?
Speaker 5 (14:23):
You at least you're getting another hour away from rush
hour and everything else that's going on there.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
But it was.
Speaker 5 (14:28):
It was an awesome atmosphere. I think LaVar probably had
the most fun pregame league.
Speaker 2 (14:33):
How was post up there? LaVar was not as happy,
but still a successful year for the we Ares.
Speaker 7 (14:42):
Yeah, it was.
Speaker 2 (14:43):
It was.
Speaker 9 (14:44):
It was.
Speaker 2 (14:45):
I mean, that's further than they've ever been before.
Speaker 6 (14:48):
That most wins in.
Speaker 7 (14:49):
A single season ever for Penn State. That's true.
Speaker 2 (14:52):
I wouldn't say they've gone about as far as they
can go, like in the play Oklahoma, but I would
say that, you know, I mean bittersweet like big Head
Todd of the Monsters.
Speaker 3 (15:03):
Yeah, fair enough, Petrick, you made a point. You made
a point last week that I didn't think of until
you had said it where you that whoever won the
Penn State Notre Dame game was going to be the
team that people were rooting for in the national title,
regardless of what happened in Ohio State and Texas. And
I started thinking about it, and there is something that's
unlikable about Ohio State. Is it just r Okay?
Speaker 8 (15:26):
Is that?
Speaker 3 (15:26):
Is it just Ryan David?
Speaker 2 (15:27):
No, it's what he hayes punching a guy on the
I mean it's it's it's their identity. You know, they
have an idea. I mean, it's not that they're not likable,
but they're a college football blue blood. They have a
ton of money, They're unapologetic. Whenever I think about whenever
I think about Ohio State, I think about remember when
Urban Meyer got into whatever, you know, with the assistant
coach he had, the whatever that controversy was. There's been
a few that followed Urban around, but remember that one
that caught him in trouble at Ohio State and a
bunch of really dorky Ohio State fans like showed up
and to protest, like the way people were talking about
urban Meyer. And then that one guy was like, remember that.
Speaker 6 (16:14):
We had that sound, we had that sound.
Speaker 2 (16:16):
Yeah. I mean to me, that's Ohio State football and
a microcosm, you know, just drunk, fleshy whites.
Speaker 6 (16:25):
But they win, they win half of that.
Speaker 2 (16:29):
They but when they when they stand up against Michigan
the last three years, they've been punched hard in the
pelvis and obviously that that wrinkles them.
Speaker 3 (16:39):
Four years.
Speaker 7 (16:46):
What do you think three years in a row?
Speaker 2 (16:48):
By the way, wow, four years, three and twenty four, right,
and they've been ap physical in each of one of
those games.
Speaker 4 (16:57):
Do you take a national title offsets the loss to
Michigan this year? Do you think people still complain about
the Michigan loss.
Speaker 2 (17:05):
I think Michigan people will tweet, you know, suck it
meeps to beat you. But I mean, at the same time,
what Ohio State has accomplished this year if they are
able to end their favorite heavily and Notre Dame's pretty
beat up and Notre Dame has been a I mean
Cinderella story for Notre Dame. Is kind of hard to
put those two words together for Notre Dame football, at
least especially, but that's what's happened, and that's the kind
of team and they've shown it's hard not to like
them when you watch the way they play, and you
watch the way they play for each other, and you
watch the way the defense flies around and the way
they replace guys that are out, it's hard not to
be inspired by Notre Dame. But at the same time, yeah,
I think what Ohio State, especially with the way they
came back and beat Oregon in that way and just
punched Orgon's head clean off before Oregon was even able
to kind of get their bearings and try to come
back in that game, and they had lost to Oregon
and made some mistakes earlier in the year in a
tough place to play in Autsin Stadium. I think that
was a pretty big statement. But if you're Ohio State
and you've been literally run over four years in a
row by Michigan, and this last year that Michigan team
had had no business being on the field with you
talent wise, I think that's still going to bother people.
Speaker 7 (18:16):
Yeah, yeah, I guess I'll just ask you this, how
do you see the game playing out?
Speaker 2 (18:22):
I don't know.
Speaker 5 (18:22):
And also, real quick before that, overall, have you enjoyed
the twelve team expanded playoff?
Speaker 2 (18:29):
Not really, you know, I mean I wanted to see
Ashton gent run the ball. Well, you know, I wanted
to see Boise do better. And I do think that
Penn State was great. I mean I thought, I thought
the teams were awesome. It was fun to see everybody
go out and compete. But you know, you kind of
found yourself in a lot of these games, just kind
of praying that one of these teams will come back
to make it a game. And it only really happened
once with Arizona State. The Ohio State Notre Dame game,
I thought was it's great. I was inspired by a
lot of the different plays that I saw, especially the
running back from Notre Dame beat up like he was love,
hurtling a guy and then breaking five tackles and getting
into the end zone. Stuff like that I enjoyed. But overall, yeah,
I think it left something to be desired because look,
I'll say this, you guys played pro sports and you
understand it better than I do. But I do college
football and I live in college football. And the one
thing I love about college football is the chaos. And
that is because there's young people. Young people are big
and strong and fast, many very comparable to what they
are in the pros. But emotionally and mentally they don't
have those callouses to where they can go play on
the road and it doesn't really matter as much. You know,
the crowd getting on top of you doesn't humiliate you
in the pros like it does in college. And you
can just see that. But even that being said, in
pro football, we constantly have the argument of rest versus rust, Right, like,
all these guys had too much time off and they're
pros and they're supposed to be able to be resilient
through that, and yet it's still a gigantic debate on
how to prepare your team, rest your players in the
playoff before the playoffs start, Should Peyton Manning play in
the last game? I mean, we've been talking about this
stuff forever at the pro level, and that makes me
feel like, Wow, you give a college football team three
weeks off and another one has two weeks off. You know,
you never know who you're going to be once the
season's over and whatever bowl practice quote unquote begins that
time off for a team. Athletes are so routine oriented.
Young people are so routine oriented. The academic stuff we
talk about not as much as we used to, barely
as much as we used to. But that plays into
it as well. So I think having time off is
a reward for a lot of the teams that played well.
It seemed like it was more of a punishment because
most of those teams that had to buy didn't really
seem to even wake up until halfway through the second
quarter if they did it.
Speaker 3 (21:14):
All right, p or you and the Fams say, from
the fires and all that, Yeah.
Speaker 2 (21:19):
Yeah, no, I just got done doing an hour radio
on KFI. There's a big wind watch going on right now.
But the fires seem to be containment. Is an interesting
way to put it, because they the way they calculate that,
but the fires seem to be put in check, but
there's high winds all the way till three. You know,
It's interesting because I think most people around the country
think that LA is just like we all live under
the Hollywood Sign or you know, everything is really condensed
and it's not La is really spread out. Until the
city catches on fire. Then you realize, like what spills
into what and kind of get a little bit more
perspective on where things are and the history of these
two communities that are just completely blown to pieces are
pretty interesting histories in the Palisades and Altadena, pretty old
LA communities both, and both are just pretty much gone,
kind of like Lehina, And it'll be very weird to
see how they rebuild and if the red tape will
be cut to allow them to rebuild, and what politically
will happen in the city because a lot of people
feel let down by their leadership. So we'll see. But
it's been one of the craziest weeks in LA that
I've ever lived through. And I was here for Rodney
King and north Ridge earthquake and the OJ chase and
everything in between, so wild week and a lot of
people that need help in prayers.
Speaker 3 (22:46):
Well, and to be fair, you tried to hide OJ
as well too.
Speaker 2 (22:50):
We thought about it. We were willing to in the moment. Yes, yeah,
never came to that was gonna be the walk in Fridge,
I would imagine.
Speaker 5 (23:00):
And you sound a lot different on that channel than
you do with us, Like, can you give an impression
of what exactly that sounds like?
Speaker 2 (23:06):
Well, look at these fires here, that's good. How about that?
Speaker 7 (23:13):
That's my imitation? I said, I said, do you want it?
Speaker 1 (23:15):
Speaker 2 (23:15):
Whenever somebody's like, so, what do you do. I said, well,
I call football games. They're like, well, what does that mean?
I was like, well, I'm like the analyst and I say, okay,
close your eyes. Here's what it's like. And then I
keep their eyes closed for like three seconds and I
and I and I say, nice throw by that guy.
What you know, everybody's got. Everybody's got this app now
called watch Duty, which is what firemen use, and if
you're concerned about anything, you can look at it and
it's really actually easy to use. And you punch the
Palisades fire it says eighteen percent containment, right, and then
you go over to eaton in Altadena and it says
thirty five five percent containment and it tells you you
know where there's a red flag warning and who's evacuated
and all that. How does that sound? Did that sound noosy?
Speaker 7 (24:07):
Speaker 4 (24:07):
Speaker 7 (24:07):
Yeah, that sound newsy. That sounds good.
Speaker 2 (24:09):
That was good, devastating.
Speaker 3 (24:12):
Well, p you can't get him on X at the
Old Pe. We always appreciate your time. Thanks for hanging
out Wednesday. There it is there. It is Petros Papa Vegas,
the co host of the Petros and Money Show.
Speaker 7 (24:28):
The blowd.
Speaker 3 (24:30):
L A Sports Oh god, coming up next here though, Yes,
another award to hand out. If this guy doesn't have
enough already, that'll be yours right here on FSR.
Speaker 8 (24:45):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 9 (25:00):
We want to pick you up that we're gonna let
you know that we're gonna turn around desert you.
Speaker 3 (25:11):
Yeah, this is definitely yeah, something you listen to while
you were in a robe. How many people do you
think have done blow listening to this song?
Speaker 9 (25:27):
Never gonna let you know? Never gonna turn around Desert You.
Speaker 7 (25:35):
You're never gonna.
Speaker 4 (25:39):
Is uh.
Speaker 7 (25:42):
Fan base.
Speaker 5 (25:43):
They need to get rid of Woodson. I mean, I
don't know if you guys saw that game last night,
My god, like what once was a storied, historic program.
I mean, Bobby Knight's probably turning over in his grave.
I'm just saying that was one of the worst efforts
I have ever seen from an IU basketball team.
Speaker 3 (26:03):
I was too busy watching Duke could give Miami that work.
Speaker 5 (26:07):
Also, Cooper Flag as advertised, he's that young man could
have went straight to the pros if not for the
whole one and done.
Speaker 3 (26:15):
That kid's a stud, Like he's getting better every game.
Speaker 5 (26:18):
It's ridiculous, and he leads him in like six different
offensive categories to watch. But they need to move on
from Mike Woodson. He's he's a nice man, he's you know,
he's had his moments. Man, but that was embarrassing last night.
Like if you were an Indiana Hoo'sias fan and I
and I know you follow your basketball squad because football
had a tremendous year. It's just I'm this this can't
be the standard, Like, this can't be something that you
allow moving forward.
Speaker 3 (26:48):
Are you saying he's less popular than signetti on campus
right now based on h Yeah.
Speaker 7 (26:53):
Probably by a white person.
Speaker 5 (26:55):
But they need to do some stat like that's that's
a school that's got behind their foot. They need to
move on from Woodston and then people need to step
up to get this basketball program where it needs to be.
Speaker 3 (27:06):
Well more Indiana News. By the way, Uh, the Indianapolis
Colts are going to be the first ever Berlin game.
Speaker 2 (27:14):
Speaker 3 (27:14):
The NFL is announced coming up next year, so they're
losing a home game, and they're going to send the
Colts over to Berlin. So more non playoff teams sent
over internationally for all these markets. The NFL is trying
to grow.
Speaker 7 (27:27):
It's their first time going, right, they've played in Germany before, right, uh?
Speaker 3 (27:31):
Yeah, but now I don't think in Berlin.
Speaker 2 (27:33):
Speaker 7 (27:34):
It was a Frankfurt. Is that what they played most recently?
Speaker 6 (27:36):
So yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 4 (27:38):
I just like Ramstein.
Speaker 3 (27:39):
I'll be honest with you, I don't really know the difference.
Speaker 7 (27:42):
So we're not doing this again, all right, We're not
doing this, you know. I don't want to.
Speaker 5 (27:51):
You just you have too many weird stories from your
past that we cannot you won't discuss on radio, so
it doesn't matter.
Speaker 7 (27:57):
But you just make references.
Speaker 6 (27:58):
Tell us. No, hey, you tell us right now?
Speaker 3 (28:02):
Oh god, I forgot I told you that story. Yeah
that's the truth.
Speaker 6 (28:05):
Can you tell us? Can you tell us?
Speaker 4 (28:07):
Tell you?
Speaker 7 (28:07):
Dude? Like you know, I love you, but you weird
me out sometimes. This is one of those opportunities.
Speaker 6 (28:12):
Yeah, I want to just do it. Weird them out,
weard them out, joans do it.
Speaker 3 (28:17):
I was trying to. I was trying to find my
path with with someone who I knew was of German descent,
and so I started rattling off Ramstein lyrics and it worked.
I was trying to find my path, you know, and
it worked.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
You know.
Speaker 3 (28:44):
You drop a mine hurts. You drop a mine hurts
brent on them, and next thing you know, oh my
heart burns too.
Speaker 6 (28:51):
And then there we go.
Speaker 3 (28:52):
You're off and running. You just them, Oh yeah, drop it.
Speaker 6 (28:56):
You rattled it off on them. Hey, y'all, foul jaws path.
Speaker 3 (29:01):
There's plenty more to that story.
Speaker 2 (29:03):
Then I will tell you in person. It's just.
Speaker 7 (29:09):
It weird you out pro.
Speaker 4 (29:11):
Oh god, y'all turned into the techno biking out there.
Speaker 3 (29:23):
You'll never look at Saran wrapped the same again. I'll
just play that one, all right. So it is time
to hand out an award.
Speaker 6 (29:42):
Never go and participate in that sport.
Speaker 3 (29:46):
Uh, It is time for our Express pros Pro of
the week. Don't have the right team on the court.
Express employment professionals can help from contract replacements to full
time HRes. We've got you covered. Visit expresspros dot com
today and let us and you're hiring so you can
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of the Week is one Lamar Jackson. Lamar takes a snap.
Let's pressure coming.
Speaker 10 (30:11):
He pumps once pocket collapsing, he backs up the whole
Sunday steps up, throws complete.
Speaker 2 (30:15):
Hill hasn't touchdown.
Speaker 1 (30:17):
Ravens Lamar Jackson extended the play just as.
Speaker 9 (30:23):
Hill got open and the Ravens are on the cusp.
Speaker 2 (30:26):
But blowing the Steelers out.
Speaker 7 (30:29):
Throw the ball away. I love that.
Speaker 6 (30:32):
Throw the ball away.
Speaker 7 (30:35):
Oh man, that was great.
Speaker 3 (30:38):
It's too bad that Buffalo or Baltimore, one of them
is going home after this week. It's unfortunate that, I know.
But it's I feel like you're looking over at the
NFC going it's like, all right, well, you know, I
mean like, there's no reason why Washington should be considered
the same as one of these other teams.
Speaker 6 (31:00):
That's crazy what you do. Yeah, but they're disrespectful.
Speaker 7 (31:04):
Okay, So this this brings up, though, like the bigger conversation.
Speaker 5 (31:08):
We don't have time for this, but it brings up
the bigger conversation about how you determine a champion because
it's like, for example, let's let's take March madness. Is
March madness the fairest way to reward a team that's
like a number one seed. Not only do they not
get home court advantage, like they're regionally close to where
their you know, college town is, but it's like a
one and done series. So you know, we've seen a
sixteen seed, was a Virginia that got knocked off, Like
we've seen a number one seed get knocked off by
a sixteen seed. And so ultimately, if those teams play
ten times, do you think Virginia would have lost once more?
Speaker 7 (31:50):
Probably not.
Speaker 5 (31:51):
It was probably a once in a ten you know,
ten times they played twenty times. They play very seldom,
and so you could make the case that like sudden
death playoffs are not the best way of determining champions
or ultimately the best team. It's why a lot of
handicappers would sit there and say, well, this team would
be favored.
Speaker 7 (32:10):
Versus all these other teams. Well yeah, but they lost
that day, so none of that matters.
Speaker 5 (32:16):
So I mean, ultimately, I'm just saying, if we really
wanted to try to find the best team in the NFL,
you know, we probably wouldn't even have we'd have conferences
and divisions, but we do that for scheduling, like we'd
ultimately have to basically recede once those fourteen teams, right,
because of seven on each conference, get to the playoffs,
and then you'd go from there, Like that would probably
be the better way of deciding who the real champion
is and then getting to the best teams actually receiving
the benefit. Right at least that's how I would look
at it. I know the NBA has talked about trying
to reconfigure some of it now they've been the playing games.
But in reality, to your point, if they recede it
and just swept away that the conferences and said, okay,
like we've got, you know, fourteen teams, We've got two
that get buys. We have the other twelve that are
playing off now, and we're going to see them from there,
Like that would be a much more compelling way I
think of finding the best teams and eventually get the
best matchups.
Speaker 4 (33:17):
I think I just think Jonas Knox and needs to
stop being a fricking hater.
Speaker 3 (33:22):
Why am I being a hater?
Speaker 4 (33:23):
I'm just seeing, no freaking don't be no darn hater
your whole entire life. I'm just saying, I think you
could talk about the playoffs and we could talk about
all of the scenarios and all those different things.
Speaker 6 (33:34):
If you don't have to be a gosh darn hater
your entire life.
Speaker 4 (33:37):
Jonah's not This is not hate.
Speaker 3 (33:39):
I'm just saying I think that the commander.
Speaker 4 (33:42):
Ran rap and go sitt. I think somewhere, I think
on the Washington commanders.
Speaker 3 (33:47):
I think the commander very well. I think the Commanders
and the Texans should be disqualified before these games kick off.
Speaker 7 (33:53):
On the weekend.
Speaker 4 (33:53):
I'm just crazy.
Speaker 2 (33:55):
It's over.
Speaker 3 (33:56):
I mean, listen, great run, but it's over. Like it's done.
Speaker 7 (33:59):
Let's move on.
Speaker 4 (34:01):
Thank you for turning people into UH fans and people
who are rooting for them.
Speaker 6 (34:07):
To win that game.
Speaker 3 (34:09):
You know, I'm sorry. I hate to be the one.
Speaker 4 (34:11):
I want to see them. I want to see them
win now. Thank you because of you.
Speaker 3 (34:17):
Well, I just it's not going to happen. But you
know it was a good run, good season.
Speaker 2 (34:22):
Speaker 4 (34:22):
So congratulations. It is betting it, you're betting it, probably
you betting it, and one of those bet this, bet this,
one of those two teams will win outright, Texans Washington.
Speaker 6 (34:39):
One of those two teams will win this.
Speaker 4 (34:42):
Week sticks picks second, there you go, all right, you
forced me to do it. Damn one of those two
teams will win Sticks.
Speaker 3 (34:57):
Picks sent another Sticks Pick All right is Two Pros
and a Cup of Joe Here on Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. Coming up next,
We're going to close up shop with another edition of
Lee's Leftovers.
Speaker 8 (35:10):
Here on FSR, be sure to catch live editions of
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn,
LeVar Errington, and Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern
three am Pacific.
Speaker 3 (35:22):
Uh it is two Pros and a Cup of Joe.
Fox Sports Radio, LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with
you here. We are going to be back on the
air tomorrow, six am Eastern time, three o'clock Pacific. Before
we get to Lee's Leftovers. SOO a reminder that shortly
after the show, our podcast will be going up, So
if you've missed any of today's show, be sure to
check out the pod. Search two Pros wherever you get
your podcast. Be sure to also follow rate and review
it again. Just search two Pros wherever you get your podcast.
You'll see today's show posted right after we get off
the air.
Speaker 2 (35:51):
These might smell a little fun cake.
Speaker 8 (35:53):
What is that?
Speaker 2 (35:53):
Sounds incredible? But they're still good. Time to find out
what's left?
Speaker 3 (35:59):
It's lee all right, the lap?
Speaker 7 (36:01):
What do we got?
Speaker 10 (36:03):
Here's one for you degenerate gamblers out there looking at you. Jonas,
Buckeyes fan, two months ago, made a bet that he
would chop off his quote unquote Humongus Johnson if the
Notre Dame Fighting Irish won the college football playoffs. He
took the social media to say he just wanted to
make it very clear that if Andy wins the championship,
he will stick to his word and receive professional surgery,
although he asked for flexibility because he doesn't have a
wife who wants two children, but she has agreed to
go through family planning and allow the surgery.
Speaker 7 (36:33):
After a Hey, Jonas, why don't you pay off your bet? Buddy?
Speaker 3 (36:38):
I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 7 (36:40):
There's no no, no've we've got.
Speaker 3 (36:43):
I've paid off every debt that I've heard that what
you're talking about, paid off every debt I've ever had.
It's these are more like false accusation. And I'm telling
you right now you're gonna hear from my representatives. This
continues here on this show. I'm not gonna be I
don't need friends. I need a sex change topper give
it to me.
Speaker 7 (37:01):
Yeah, I don't even get that. That's definitely not the
drop we're talking about. But that's all right.
Speaker 3 (37:06):
By the way of coming ten million dollars a year,
I'm getting a sex change taken out of car. Oh
there we go, take it out of.
Speaker 6 (37:12):
Con there it is right there, there it is.
Speaker 3 (37:18):
Pray What were you saying? Is amazing?
Speaker 7 (37:21):
We don't have that teaed up every day right away.
Speaker 3 (37:30):
Well, I own apology to mister Iowa Sam. He asked
me late last night.
Speaker 10 (37:33):
He said, Hey, tickets are really cheap for USC versus Iowa,
and I think if I would have gone, then maybe
Iowa would have pulled off a win. But no, USC
wins ninety nine eighty nine. Why does it matter if
you're there? Because I'm a good luck churm.
Speaker 7 (37:46):
No you're not. Oh my gosh, why didn't you.
Speaker 6 (37:48):
Go to them or you lead to LAP?
Speaker 3 (37:52):
I don't know.
Speaker 10 (37:53):
Well, I had important things to do add an ha meeting.
I was watching The Leftovers, So there you go.
Speaker 3 (37:58):
I mean, I'm honestly got if if Iowa and USC
were playing in my backyard.
Speaker 6 (38:03):
I'd go run errands like.
Speaker 7 (38:07):
Who cares?
Speaker 2 (38:08):
Speaker 3 (38:09):
Like, I can't believe anybody went to that game.
Speaker 6 (38:12):
All I know is and who cares?
Speaker 4 (38:15):
The head and lives of lead to lap Iowa, Sam Lorraina.
Speaker 3 (38:19):
And uh Roberto Todd and Todd Is that your ar?
That's the Mount Ruth Moore.
Speaker 4 (38:26):
Yes, the head and lives Yes, my c TV Yeah, yeah,
that's yeah, that's that one took it over.
Speaker 6 (38:39):
The top for me.
Speaker 7 (38:40):
I'm always good luck, perfect timing.
Speaker 6 (38:43):
I'm a good luck charm. Wow.
Speaker 3 (38:47):
I don't see why you would think any differently. They
start booze there the Galen Center.
Speaker 7 (38:51):
I don't know if that the Galen Center they do
or not.
Speaker 4 (38:54):
Definitely a good luck charm to those those homeless guys.
Speaker 3 (38:56):
I'll bring my Flaska