Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe Podcast with LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox, and
myself Brady Quinn. Make sure you catch us live weekdays
six to nine am Eastern or three am to six
am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your
local station for the Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe Show over at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or
stream us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by
searching fs R.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (00:34):
Yeah, it's my jam right here.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
I see you, Jonas, Yeah, I see I see you
repping the Ball family.
Speaker 3 (00:40):
It's my shuffleboard song.
Speaker 4 (00:43):
This is one of the most god awful worst song ever.
Speaker 5 (00:47):
Speaker 6 (00:47):
Is this leangela Ball? Is that the halftime before field?
Speaker 5 (00:58):
Good knobs?
Speaker 4 (01:00):
Well he was lip singing. I guess it didn't.
Speaker 5 (01:02):
Had many almost all have to.
Speaker 4 (01:05):
It's horrible.
Speaker 5 (01:10):
Speaker 4 (01:10):
I hope this one doesn't last long at all.
Speaker 5 (01:13):
It won't, It won't, it won't. I was more.
Speaker 1 (01:15):
I was more curious to see what the reaction would
be from you guys and planet.
Speaker 3 (01:19):
I didn't know what I mean.
Speaker 4 (01:20):
Twenty years ago, that would have been a dope ass
song like I think that that's like the running joke
on is like like this is something juvenile, like Manny
Fresh produced cash Money.
Speaker 1 (01:32):
I think that's why I like it, because it reminds
me of those songs back in the day.
Speaker 6 (01:36):
So it has an old old feel to it. So, oh,
there isn't a guy that stole from a department store.
He got some sunglasses and got caught up overseas.
Speaker 5 (01:45):
Was that in China?
Speaker 4 (01:46):
Yeah, he was overseas somewhere. You got got a hold
of some sunglasses.
Speaker 5 (01:51):
Of foreign diplosi issue there.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
Yeah, dang well, I mean clearly isn't as important as
Britney Griner or he you know.
Speaker 5 (01:58):
They that's important a little different circumstances.
Speaker 4 (02:03):
Yeah, I'm just saying, what do you mean by that, bar,
I'm just saying he was a little bit more important.
They would have leveraged him a little bit more. There's
levels to this thing.
Speaker 3 (02:13):
Jason, how much more he appreciated this.
Speaker 4 (02:15):
Little mother effort out of here. It's still lay back
in the country. They want to let Brittany go, we
go hold on to you.
Speaker 6 (02:23):
Yeah, if he was a better basketball player, maybe they
would have kept him. Uh, it is two pros and
a couple of.
Speaker 4 (02:31):
Still sunglasses.
Speaker 6 (02:33):
Yeah, that's true, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knoxy. You
alive here from the ti rack dot Com studios tiraq
dot com.
Speaker 3 (02:42):
I'll hope you get there an.
Speaker 6 (02:43):
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at over ten thousand recommended installers tire rack dot com
the way tire buying should be.
Speaker 5 (02:51):
All right.
Speaker 6 (02:51):
So, now that the first installment of the college football
Playoff is done, overall thoughts on it. I enjoyed it.
I I know people don't like the early mismatches and
all that. I enjoyed it. I thought we got some
good games. Last night's game was fun. Yes, it was
not really all that competitive until maybe, you know, late
stages of the fourth quarter where Notre Day made it interesting.
That being said, people are complaining about what night it
was put on. People are complaining about, you know, the
numbers and the ratings that are out thereabout what night
it was put on. That was a big talking point.
There feels like there's no buzz. It's the day after
the divisional playoffs. It's all anybody's talking about. Well, dude,
all anybody's talking about today is the national championship game,
like the day after is when the discussion happens.
Speaker 3 (03:39):
To me, the only other better idea.
Speaker 6 (03:42):
And let me throw this at you guys, national championship
game the Sunday before the super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (03:50):
It's an opening. There's no Pro Bowls.
Speaker 6 (03:54):
Whatever, Sunday before the Super Bowl, National championship game.
Speaker 5 (03:58):
Speaker 1 (03:59):
I think the problem that is the season so long, which,
by the way, I mean think about this. You know,
Notre Dame didn't play in a conference championship game, but
they played sixteen games. Last night was their sixteenth game.
Imagine if you were a team that somehow was playing
in your conference championship game still made the playoffs and
then had to play in the first round and you
went all the way, right, I mean Texas was I
guess almost that team. But I just I said there, like, man,
it's a lot of games, and maybe you know, maybe
it's okay for we only talking about a handful of teams,
right that make it far enough where you're playing extending games.
But it just feels like the season's so long. That's
one of the complaints I think some people had. But
I don't know how you go about weighing the rest
of recovery for some of these kids, factoring in the
academic calendar and schedule, and then on top of it,
you know, trying to make it in a product that
people are gonna want to watch, I.
Speaker 5 (05:05):
Think the hardest thing.
Speaker 1 (05:06):
And if college football wants to grow, which I think
it does because you know, the realignments, the college Football
playoff expansion, those are all good things for the sport.
The problem is right now ESPN and Disney have a
stranglehold on it and it will never grow past the
decisions of that network, which to me have kind of.
Speaker 5 (05:25):
Dwarfed its ability to grow to what it can be.
Speaker 1 (05:28):
And the reason why I say that is because you know,
if you look at how it's presented, how they put
it out there, it's a singular perspective on it instead
of allowing a bunch of big networks to come in
and have and play a role in it. And people
are going to say, well, that's because you know you're
at Fox or whatever, and that's fine if that's your opinion.
But I would say that if I worked at ESPN,
I would say that I don't know that they're doing
what's in the best interest of college football. They're doing
what's in the best interest of ESPN and Disney. They
just want to make money. They don't care about growing
the sport like they're into it as an investment. They're
into it for business. You know, when you think about
every network that's a part of the NFL, Yes, they're
in it for a business standpoint too, But they all
realize they all have to work with one another. They
all have to help grow the NFL in order for
it to be profitable for all of them. You know,
in this case, like when you only have one network
that controls it all, it's kind of hard to then
think like, okay, as ESPN, Yeah, they're invested into it
and trying to make it grow, but they're limited in
what they can do. They don't have other partners to
really work with a Networgard. So yeah, TNT got thrown
a bone. They had a couple of games this year.
Speaker 4 (06:39):
Speaker 5 (06:40):
They've been played no role.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
In college football really at all up until a couple
of games in the playoff.
Speaker 5 (06:46):
So I understand the frustration.
Speaker 1 (06:48):
I just I don't know how you go about finding
a day that works while you're mixing it around the NFL.
You know, calendar and schedule without making it seem like
it's an eternity. I mean, it does feel like it's
a long road to go for a lot of these
teams to get to a national championship. And I'm sure
there's some people who get turned off and disinterested with
their team's not a part of it.
Speaker 4 (07:10):
I think the best team in America won the national
title this year, and you know people are going to
complain the way they're going to complain. I don't care less.
I just think it comes down to, you know, I
know people will debate how the brackets are created, but
at the end of the day, you still got to
win enough enough games where it says you can either
navigate or you can and whether it's considered to be
an easy navigating or a less easy navigating or could
be a level of super hard what you have to
navigate to get to that championship round. I feel like
I don't know if it's coincidence. I don't think it's
coincidence because the more games you have to play and
it's in a playoff setting, in a playoff environment, knowing
that it's one and done, I think you figure out
who the best teams are and regardless of how people
think the selection went or how the brackets selection played
out or whatever, the best teams made their way through
the playoffs, and there's no there's no way anyone can
debate any differently, Like, if it's Penn State, they made
it through two teams. If it's Notre Dame, they made
it through two teams. If it's Texas, they made it through.
You know, they had it by I believe, But they
made it to wherever they made it to to play
against Ohio State. Ohio State had to make it through
two teams, and they were tough teams and it was
a team that they had lost to already. So to me,
in the end, the regular season is the regular season.
Just like we talked about earlier, Michigan. People can say
that they beat Ohio States, so what, it's no different
than regular season. We're just sitting there talking about Lamar Jackson.
I mean, you can have a dope ass regular season
and not be able to get it done when it's
a one and done situation. And so seeing these teams
in a one and done situation and the team that
was playing the best football and had the best roster
ultimately ended up winning it all and that's I mean
to me, it played out.
Speaker 6 (09:31):
That's the one thing I do like about the Michigan
Ohio state rivalry is that I think there was some
concern that, well, you know, if teams can still get
into the playoffs with a loss, then you know, all
of a sudden, the regular season becomes Nolan Voyd or something.
It's like, no, the fact that that rivalry still matters
to the point to where there are going to be
some Ohio State fans that are like, yeah, but we
didn't beat Michigan.
Speaker 4 (09:53):
Broh a team, a team that played for the national title,
lost in Northern Illinois. Yeah, like who cares? But the
point is is they fought their way back, they found
their way into the playoff, and they played their asses
off in the playoffs, and they beat teams that would
kick the crap out of Northern Illinois.
Speaker 6 (10:13):
And there are different discussions there that can be had
about all of it. And I look at it and
I go, whatever you think of what this playoff was,
the seeding, the buys who got what it's better than?
Speaker 7 (10:26):
It was?
Speaker 4 (10:28):
Like this is I thought it was dope.
Speaker 3 (10:29):
Yeah, I thought it was fun.
Speaker 4 (10:30):
I thought it was super dope and also fun being
a part of it. I was happy that my team
was a point.
Speaker 6 (10:35):
And anybody complaining about the mismatches in the opening week,
I think that's canceled out to the environment and scene
that was created in those home environments. Man like seeing
that Notre Dame game on a Friday night, seeing Penn
stayed at home in those conditions where SMU was Like
I heard Eric Dickerson was talking about it on the
Blowtorch and five seventy LA Sports and just talking about
the environment there. As an SMU guy, they didn't want
to there.
Speaker 3 (11:03):
Yeah, they didn't want any part of that. Like the cold,
the conditions bothered them.
Speaker 6 (11:07):
It affected them, like see Pete Priscoe got fired up
about Arizona State again.
Speaker 3 (11:13):
So yeah, I look at I think it was a success.
Speaker 4 (11:16):
I thought it was. I mean, if you're going complain,
you're going to complain. But the bottom line is you
make it into the tournament. You're in the tournament done. Like,
I don't give a damn what happened in the regular
season outside of it leading to you being able to
play in the offs. In in the playoffs, Like, if
you're not in the playoffs, I don't care about your opinions.
Your team made it in, play play it out, see
what happens, and that's what had to happen this year.
I like this expanded field. I don't know that it
needs to be any bigger. I mean unless you want
to say there doesn't need to be a bye and
you want them to play a game and you add
a couple more teams. But for the most part, I
just feel like this was I was. I enjoyed this year.
I enjoyed this much more than any other year as
it applies to leading up to winning a national title.
Speaker 5 (12:10):
It was awesome.
Speaker 1 (12:11):
I mean, I'll put it this way. I've got to
go to two different home games with a Notre Dame
in Ohio State. I was there obviously at the Origiin Bowl.
We were all there, so you know, you experience some
of those atmospheres and it's like it's I was listening
to Paul Maurice talking about this, the coach of the
Florida Panthers, because he had gone to the Orange Bowl
as well. There's a bunch of Florida Panthers hockey players
that were there and you listen to him talking about it,
just from like a team that just won the Stanley
Cup and you know, his son had got a Notre
Dame but he'd never been to a college football game before.
Speaker 5 (12:42):
That was his first one and he goes, man, he goes.
It reminded me of.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
The playoffs, which you know, for anyone who's been around hockey,
there is to me no better sport playoff time than
the NHL. There's just if you haven't been to an
NHL playoff game, you got to go the intent cd
of it, the way the sports presented.
Speaker 6 (13:03):
Just one of the one of the best sporting events
have ever been to is the Stanley Cup final.
Speaker 5 (13:07):
It's it's incredible, it's incredible.
Speaker 1 (13:10):
So to hear a guy who just won it, right
he just went to the mountain top of it and say,
you know, hey, this made me feel like those are playoffs,
Like like, that's that's what you want.
Speaker 5 (13:21):
I don't think there's any doubt this year to me
was a success.
Speaker 1 (13:24):
Now, are there some tweaks and some things that you
like to improve upon, sure, but a lot of that
came from, you know, some of the blue blood teams
like an organ who oh we have extra time to prepare,
we win the Big ten and then we get knocked
off because we had to face Ohio State.
Speaker 5 (13:39):
Here's the truth.
Speaker 1 (13:40):
At some point you probably were gonna have to face
Ohio State, or if it's not Ohio State, one of
the other better teams too. I mean, for all the
people who want to complain about they will Penn State, Like,
look at the draw they got. Well, okay, that's that's
the luck of the draw. That's how some of this
kind of works out. I mean, are you gonna ask
James Franklin, like, I'm sure he would have loved to
have a bye and they would love to win the
Big Ten and losing, right, But so the whole point
is like eventually, like if there's only one team that
wins it, else is gonna be disappointed with the outcome.
Speaker 5 (14:14):
That's part of the playoffs. So I don't know.
Speaker 4 (14:16):
I loved it.
Speaker 1 (14:17):
I thought the atmosphere is the home games, even even
the Bowl games, like I had an awesome time with
you guys, man, Like.
Speaker 4 (14:23):
It was a bold game, was fire man. It was unbelievable.
It was unbelievable. I had a blast in Miami. You did, yes,
you did too much, too much?
Speaker 6 (14:33):
You saw your ass, Yeah, you did way too much.
Speaker 4 (14:36):
Speaker 6 (14:36):
Hey, let me ask you let me ask you this
better environment the semi final game between Notre Dame and
Penn State or the National Championship game between TCU and Georgia.
At so far, it was the Orange Bowl and it
wasn't even close. Wasn't even close.
Speaker 1 (14:52):
Okay, but part of I mean again, I don't want
to make this about that because then it's kind of
a knock on, like the venue over like I love well,
I'd say this like in Miami obviously the hard Rock,
the Orige Bowl, they do a great job. There's those
bowl games do a great job. The one off National
Championship's a different deal. Like I Atlanta is unbelievable for
hosting conferences, super bowls, big like national Championships. They do
such a good job. Like I love that city for
a big event like that. And that might not be
your guys opinion, but I think it's there's a lot
of elements that are similar, Like Indie.
Speaker 4 (15:28):
It's the most is there too.
Speaker 6 (15:30):
The Atlanta Super Bowl was the most organized Super Bowl
I've ever been to.
Speaker 4 (15:33):
Yeah, so well done. It's very well done.
Speaker 1 (15:35):
And the National Championship just from being out there for
like a twenty four hour period, this weekend quick like.
It was very well done and I and the people
are excited about like they love football. You know people
around Georgia obviously they love football.
Speaker 4 (15:47):
So and you can walk. I mean the traffic gets
crazy sometimes, but you can walk.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
But exactly there's like there's there's different connected hotels. So
that that's a part of it. So that's why I
don't want to bring in like LA to it because
it LA's just it's tough for a big event because
it's not all centralized like so far as you know,
you got a parking lot, some places around it, but
then you gotta drive to it.
Speaker 5 (16:09):
That that's part of my concern for.
Speaker 1 (16:12):
You know, Miami's. Miami's next year is going to host it.
It's a bit spread out, but I mean once you
get there, you have fun everything else. So once you
get to the stadium, it's an awesome environment. It's a
great venue, great venue. Yeah, good times.
Speaker 4 (16:23):
I plan on being there, yeah with Penn State, Yeah,
plan on us being there.
Speaker 5 (16:28):
Yeah, I'll say this, then I'll plan on notre.
Speaker 1 (16:30):
Am being there because we got a lot of dudes
who were playing last night that are coming back, a
lot of them. That's the crazy thing that people don't
realize is Ohio State kind of had that Michigan model
where they paid a lot of guys from going to
the NFL to come back. We probably had like two
players where it was like that the rest of those
boys are coming back and there, and there's some dudes
who are banged up, could even be there.
Speaker 5 (16:56):
They'll be back.
Speaker 4 (16:57):
Speaker 1 (16:58):
So this this team, like what they built this year,
this foundation, Man, they could be really really good next year,
like where they're right back in this game.
Speaker 4 (17:06):
Yeah, what you think about that bar? Yeah, I mean
we can run it back. Definitely, will have no problem.
Speaker 1 (17:13):
That is, by the way, a quick side note. If
I was to ask you who do you guys think
the best.
Speaker 5 (17:18):
Player in Notre Dame is? Who?
Speaker 1 (17:20):
Would you say, Oh, player, there you go. How many
touches did he have last night?
Speaker 5 (17:30):
Speaker 1 (17:30):
Now I don't know if he's banged up or not,
but I would imagine if you can look back and
do it all over again, you're looking at it saying, yeah,
we've got to find a way for Jeremiah Love to
rush the football more than four times. Yeah, or have
more than like two catches, like like six touches for
a kid that can be to me when the Heisman
next year.
Speaker 5 (17:54):
I just that's something you got to figure out.
Speaker 1 (17:57):
Like you can't eliminate by play calling it away, your
your best player, one of the best players in the field.
Speaker 6 (18:07):
Great has had a good game though in the second half.
Who he did receiver for Notre Dame. He's I mean,
he'slet receiving. He's got the ability.
Speaker 7 (18:16):
Speaker 5 (18:16):
We just struggled to throw the football this year.
Speaker 4 (18:18):
Yeah, but uh yeah, well he did do well, so yeah.
Speaker 6 (18:23):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe here on Fox
Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knoxy. You coming
up next here though, we are going to go to
a man who's always full of P and V. If
you want Pete Prisco and Pete Prisco with some material
to air it out on a franchise in the NFL,
this is the show for you, and he is next
here on FSR.
Speaker 8 (18:43):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 6 (18:58):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Morets Radio, LaVar Arrington,
Brady Quintin, Jonas Knox with you here. Coming up in
a little over fifteen minutes from now, we are going
to have another edition of Lee's Leftovers. That is, if
there's anything leftover of Lee at that point in the show,
that'll be yours here on FSR.
Speaker 4 (19:15):
Like there's a lot of Lee leftover, damn.
Speaker 6 (19:19):
Right now, though, we do turn it over to the
man himself. Who he is, Pete Prisco. He's our smooth operator. Yeah,
senior NFL columnist for CBS Sports, CBS Sports HQ analysts.
Get him on X if you want that smoke at Prisco, CBS.
Speaker 3 (19:35):
Pete, good morning. How are we feeling?
Speaker 5 (19:37):
How you doing, Pete?
Speaker 7 (19:37):
I'm feeling great. I'm feeling great. I feel a lot
better than Brady's probably feeling today.
Speaker 5 (19:42):
Oh wow, Wow, shots fired, Pete? Shots fired? Wow?
Speaker 2 (19:47):
Okay, well no, yeah.
Speaker 7 (19:48):
What look I was rooting for Notre Dame. And by
the way, congratulations Brady on baby number eleven. I'm happy
for you and your wife.
Speaker 4 (19:55):
Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 7 (20:00):
You know, my man's a machine, you know what I mean?
Speaker 3 (20:03):
Whoa whoa?
Speaker 5 (20:07):
Speaker 2 (20:08):
Speaker 5 (20:08):
Actually hold on?
Speaker 1 (20:10):
Could we do something and not talk sports with Pete,
but instead trying to have Pete give Lee life advice.
Speaker 4 (20:16):
Oh this would be interesting.
Speaker 2 (20:19):
That's what's like?
Speaker 3 (20:21):
No, please, please, please please?
Speaker 7 (20:24):
What's the situation?
Speaker 4 (20:26):
Speaker 5 (20:27):
No, Lee? Do you want to tell? I want to
tell Pete.
Speaker 4 (20:31):
I'm living fine, I'm a happy man. I don't know
what I'm living fad.
Speaker 5 (20:36):
What do you want?
Speaker 4 (20:36):
What should I learn from Pete today?
Speaker 7 (20:39):
You can learn a lot from me. But go ahead, Brady,
there's obviously a situation you want me to address, so
tell me what I mean I do.
Speaker 5 (20:46):
But now I feel like Lee's scared, which again.
Speaker 4 (20:49):
Okay, so let's just take Lee's Let's let's take Lee's
name out of it and just say, like, in generality,
some like just some random person and his name happened
to be Lee, right, that that's pretty good and and
and you know what, and this this guy named Lee
actually ended up like wanting to work out, wanted to
get back into shape, get back into the game, you know,
tighten up some of those trouble areas, and eat right,
and you know, do less drinking, cut your mullet off,
all kinds of stuff like that, right, change your appearance.
You just want to look different, and then you have
a person that actually supports you and is like a
cheer person to to your your team because everybody needs
that hype person. And that hype person happens to work
in the same room as you during your your job hours,
and you guys develop that kind of rapport and camaraderie
for one another, and well, it's like, let's do it together.
And then they're lifting and they're exercising, and they're doing
it together Pete Prisco and everything is positive. But then
the girlfriend doesn't feel as though this makes sense or
it's right and kind of pops up and becomes the
third will to the positive train. There you go, what
you do?
Speaker 7 (22:15):
So wait, so there's three people in this equation.
Speaker 4 (22:19):
Yes, okay, so two of them are happy, two of them.
Two of them are somewhat happy.
Speaker 7 (22:27):
Two of them work together.
Speaker 4 (22:28):
One of them is doing their own thing, but is
in in the relationship by default.
Speaker 7 (22:35):
Yeah, that's I need more specific stuff to really give
the advice. But it sounds really messy by it.
Speaker 6 (22:43):
Well, that is true all right here, Pete. That is
true here, Pete. Two people work together, they go to
the gym together. One of them found out they were
going to the gym together and is not happy and.
Speaker 3 (22:54):
Showed up to the gym and it was it.
Speaker 4 (22:57):
Was a problem. So do you sound real serious? And
how you're introducing it now?
Speaker 7 (23:01):
Speaker 4 (23:02):
Now more serious of nature?
Speaker 7 (23:05):
The two people going to the gym together and the
third wheel find it out and showing up. The third
wheel probably has a right to be angry.
Speaker 5 (23:12):
Oh wow, you know what?
Speaker 4 (23:17):
But how angry?
Speaker 5 (23:18):
This is pretty standard. It's usually on the wrong side
of things.
Speaker 7 (23:23):
Why you know, you don't put yourself in that position.
Speaker 4 (23:27):
But how but how? But how but angry? Should the person?
Speaker 7 (23:34):
You don't give a damn about the third wheel?
Speaker 1 (23:37):
And that what if the third wheels not the third
wheel but the main wheel.
Speaker 4 (23:41):
But in this scenario they're the third wheel or the
third wheel.
Speaker 7 (23:44):
Yeah, well then then the main then the main wheel
has every right to be angered.
Speaker 6 (23:48):
All right, Okay, a different perspective, So block, block the support.
Speaker 3 (23:55):
I don't think he has enough information on this.
Speaker 4 (23:57):
Okay, give some more, Give some more context. Listen, talk football,
Give some more context.
Speaker 3 (24:02):
He's not happy.
Speaker 4 (24:04):
Some more context.
Speaker 7 (24:05):
Then if you're going to the gym spending two three
hours or two hours or whatever hour fortes well, but
you drive there, you talk there, you chat there, you
hang out there, and the significant other doesn't like it,
then then that's understandable.
Speaker 4 (24:21):
So so the the workout partner, the chair team that
the hype up man has to go. They have to
be removed from the scenario. Or he does wow or
he does right, whichever one, whichever one represents that person.
Speaker 7 (24:37):
If you're that guy and you care about the other one,
then you remove yourself from it. If you don't really
care about the other one, then you keep going to
the workouts and get rid of the other one.
Speaker 4 (24:46):
And just working out with the workout partner. See that's what.
Speaker 3 (24:53):
Well, pete, pete, So let me ask.
Speaker 7 (25:00):
This way. Somebody has to be fired.
Speaker 4 (25:03):
That's what it appears. Uh, he loved the advice.
Speaker 6 (25:09):
Indeed, let me ask you this though, speaking of messy situations,
Ben Johnson, choosing Chicago over Jacksonville means means what about
your Jaguars.
Speaker 7 (25:20):
Well, they're not my jaguars a but b it means
of Jacksonville. Well, Ben Johnson didn't even interview face to
face in Jacksonville or Chicago. And from what I understand,
Jacksonville wanted them to come face to face interview before
making any kind of formal offer to him, and he
and so, yeah, I mean that that's a bad situation.
And and look, he he made it known he didn't
want to deal with Trent Balky in the building. But
the reality is, though Brady, if he had gone through
with the interview and they had wanted him, and I
had heard that was their target and shod Con can
pay whatever the hell he wants to because you wanted
riches owners in the league and he was willing to
do it. Then he didn't. He kind of, you know,
screwed himself by not going in there and listening to
him instead taking the job in Chicago, because he could have,
from what I've been told, if he wanted to go
in there and say, look, I want they were going
to give the coach. Who the coach is is going
to have the power now, by the way, if he
went in there and staid, I want to be the
I want to be the coach, and I don't really
want to Trent balk you around. I want to you know,
he can stay around, but he's going to be a
different position. I'm making all the decisions. I'm bringing my
guy in and they really wanted him. That would have happened,
and so he didn't give himself that opportunity, and I
think he and his agent kind of blew it from
that standpoint.
Speaker 1 (26:35):
Yeah, I want to switch gears. Talk about Jade Daniels.
Is he having the greatest rookie season we've ever seen
for a quarterback in the NFL.
Speaker 5 (26:43):
You've covered it for a long time.
Speaker 7 (26:46):
Yes. To answer your question, yes, because you go back
in history and you look at some of the greatest
season I'm talking about post merger. Now I'm not going
back to his way back in the day, but post merger,
he go back to fit some of the greatest rookie
seasons we've seen. You know, Ben Roethlisberger had won, he
was undefeated at one point. You know, Russell Wilson was
great as a rookie. Dan Marino was great as a rookie,
but nothing like this.
Speaker 8 (27:09):
Speaker 7 (27:09):
This is different. And you know Andrew luck was really
good as rookie, but you know nothing to this degree.
So to answer your question, Brady, I don't think there's
any question about it. And what's amazing about him and
I thought so before the draft. You know how much
I thought about that kid. I loved that kid. I
just think that he makes it look so easy and effortless.
There's no you blit him a big deal. You stand
back and coverage, big deal. You know, you pressure him,
he gets out, keeps his head up, he runs, He
can do so many different things. And I think the
way he does it with the easy he does it with,
I don't think there's anything that really impacts him or
bothers him. So to answer your question, absolutely, is the
greatest rookie quarterback season.
Speaker 4 (27:49):
Wow, that's pretty interesting. Do you think they can win
this weekend and you think he makes it to the
super Bowl?
Speaker 7 (27:55):
Yes, they can win this weekend. Yes, they can win
this weekend because look the way he's playing right now.
They can score it anybody. And I think Cliff Kingsbury's
really got a good handle on the offense for all
over the years, he's taken a lot of criticism, but
this works. It works with the guy he has up there.
He has an advantage because that guy can move and
he can throw it, and he gets those matchups and
those one on ones, and he gets the you know,
the easy bubble screens for touchdowns. Yes, they can win.
You know, I don't like the fact that Cosby's heard
that right guard and you got Jalen Carter in there,
you know, wreaking havoc. But absolutely they can win. Here's
the other thing. How healthy is Jalen Hurts? And if
Jalen Hurts can't pull it, and that's a big part
of their office, that changes the way they play.
Speaker 4 (28:39):
Folded him up pretty good in that game. So you're
you're absolutely right about that.
Speaker 7 (28:43):
I think Washington. I think Washington can win that game absolutely.
Speaker 6 (28:47):
Pete Prisco joining us here on Fox Sports Radio. Pete,
a lot of blame is being handed out when it
comes to who's responsible for the loss in Buffalo?
Speaker 4 (28:56):
Is it Lamar?
Speaker 6 (28:57):
Is it Mark Andrews? Was it you know, not giving
the ball to Derek Henry? And now, of where do
you sit on that?
Speaker 7 (29:03):
Well, I think not giving the ball to Dereck Henry
was a major mistake. He only had sixteen carries. I
would have ran it, ran it, ran it some more.
And you know when he didn't run it, Lamar should
have pulled it. I thought, you know, Buffalo had a
good plan. They attacked him, you know, they went after
him in the run game, and they you know, they
attacked a run game, and I thought they had a
really good plan early in that game, but you could
see that coming as Henry. As Henry got going, you know,
all of a sudden, the boom, there goes the touchdown
at the start of the third quarter and they're right
back in it, and then they kind of got away
from it again. So I think the blame goes to
not running Dereck Henry enough. You know, the the Mark
Andrews fumble, that's happened. Okay, stuff happens, the touch, the drop,
even if he catches it. People think that that was
going to win the game. Josh Allen still had a minute,
what forty to go get points, so it wasn't like
that was going to win the game. It would have
tied the game. So yeah, to answer your question, I
think not running Derek Henry enough is to blame. Look,
Lamar didn't play great, you know, the second The first
half was not good. The fumble, he tried to do
too much, the interception fan throw, and then they scored.
You know, everybody says, well he scored in the second
in the third quarter, Well, he didn't do anything on
that drive. He handed it off for like seventy five
yards of it. So the one drive. He did have
to go with backup wide receivers. He went and got
the touchdown, and credit to him for doing that. But
I think it's the fact they got away from Dereck Henry.
Speaker 5 (30:27):
Speaker 1 (30:28):
As we look into the Conference championship weekend, I mean,
who do you got? I mean, can we get your
predictions for who's gonna playing off the Super Bowl? We
know it's not gonna be Cincinnati, and we know you've
made the declaration that they're gonna.
Speaker 5 (30:39):
Win multiple super Bowls with Joe Burrows.
Speaker 1 (30:41):
So maybe you'll pick Cincinnati at some point the rest
of your life for them to win. But who do
you got to go through Conference championship to the super Bowl?
Speaker 7 (30:49):
But by the way, I said one, they would win one,
so don't put multiple, and they still got time to
win that one.
Speaker 1 (30:54):
But again, we don't need to get sidetracked on this,
but you do have to actually pick Cincinnati to win
the super Bowl in order for like your proclamation to
be worth anything. If you never picked them, then when
you said that on draft Day, you never really met it.
Speaker 7 (31:09):
Well, play some damn defense and I will pick them.
Their defense is terrible. I mean, nobody you know, come on,
give me a break. I picked them because Joe Burrow.
When I said that, I said, they win one for
Joe Burrow, and he's done everything in his power to
win one.
Speaker 5 (31:20):
Speaker 7 (31:21):
Yeah, so I'm picking Buffalo. I picked them before the
season to go to the Super Bowl. I'm picking Buffalo.
I think Josh Allen is on that mission. I think
they're charmed. I think they're physical too. That's the biggest
difference in this team. They're physical upfront on the offensive line.
I think they go in I know it's hard to
beat Michael Jordan at his place, but I think they
go in there and beat them this week, and I'm
picking the upset and the other one. I think you're
going to see Washington go in there and win that game.
I think, like I said, Jayden Daniels is special, and
special sometimes rises to the to the top in those
big moments. And I think both Josh Allen and Jade
and Daniel will find ways to get their team to
the to the Super Bowl. So I'm picking the dogs
this week. I like both of them.
Speaker 4 (32:01):
Pete, my last one just super quick. I know we're
up on it, but I got to ask Ben Johnson
was supposed to be the guy that took over in Vegas,
doesn't take over in Vegas. What's like, what's our view
our vantage point of Antonio Pierce losing his job under
the circumstances he lost his job for, and it not
being the coach that was kind of put out there
in the media that was going to be delivered.
Speaker 7 (32:27):
Well, I got one quick thing for you. Are you
going to the game this week?
Speaker 4 (32:31):
Uh No, not as of not as of right now,
right now, I am.
Speaker 8 (32:39):
Not the mush, the mush LeVar I'm glad.
Speaker 7 (32:44):
I'm glad LeVar is back.
Speaker 5 (32:46):
I'm not the mush.
Speaker 7 (32:47):
I'm glad that I'm glad the Washington franchises back where
it was too, because that's a good thing for the
league to answer your question. Look, they wanted Ben Johnson,
they didn't get them. Now look you go find the
next guy. Think about last year this time, LaVar, who
did Washington want. They were on the plane to go
get Ben Johnson, That's who they wanted. They were going there.
In process, he relayed the message to them why they
were on the plane and he didn't want the job.
So now they end up with Dan Quinn. And now
now look and see how that's worked out. So I
think sometimes, and it's the case with every coaching search,
everybody wants this guy, that guy, that guy, that guy.
They're gonna be great. They're gonna be great, and the
reality is we have no earthly idea how it's going
to work out. So to answer your question, I think
the Raiders can still fix that thing. They can find
the right coach. There's some talk they're gonna go get
Pete Carroll. That would be interesting because you know, Pete
Carroll still has the energy of a fifty year old man,
maybe even younger, and I still think he's capable of,
you know, doing a good job. So we never know
about these guys. The next great one usually isn't the
next great one in a lot of circumstances.
Speaker 4 (33:57):
Pete Prisco always a fun and Ben Johnson's going to
stink as a coach.
Speaker 5 (34:02):
Damn. Basically, just that's not what I'm saying. That's what
you said.
Speaker 4 (34:07):
That's what you said.
Speaker 5 (34:08):
Those words came out of your mouth.
Speaker 4 (34:09):
I fate that that's what he said, and that wasn't
smooth at all.
Speaker 3 (34:13):
The operator my ass, we need.
Speaker 7 (34:15):
A Fox Sports firing in there somehow, somewhere or somebody's
gonna get fired, you know what I mean, The problemsco
relationship needs to be fired.
Speaker 6 (34:27):
Baby, uh Pete, We appreciate it.
Speaker 3 (34:32):
We'll do it again next week.
Speaker 7 (34:33):
All right, see you guys.
Speaker 6 (34:35):
There he is a great p Prisco, just rolling out
a NFL conversation and relationships here in the show. All right,
So coming up next, we were going to close up
shop with another edition of Lee's Leftovers right here on
f s R.
Speaker 8 (34:47):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six a m.
Speaker 2 (34:55):
Eastern three am Pacific.
Speaker 6 (34:58):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. We're
gonna be back on the here tomorrow six am Eastern time,
three o'clock.
Speaker 3 (35:07):
So whether or not all of us are back on
the air tomorrow, who knows, we'll all be back. Yeah,
who knows?
Speaker 4 (35:13):
I mean unless Q has another no did drop and
we're gonna all be back.
Speaker 5 (35:17):
To I think we're good for do guys are good alright?
Speaker 6 (35:21):
By the way, Shortly after the show, our podcast will
be going up, So if you've missed any of it,
be sure to check out the pod. Search two Pros
wherever you get your podcast. Be sure to also follow
rate and review it again. Just search two Pros wherever
you get your podcast. You'll see today's show posted right
after we get off the air.
Speaker 8 (35:35):
These might smell a little fun, that sounds incredible, but
they're still good.
Speaker 2 (35:40):
Time to find out what's left. It's Lee's las.
Speaker 3 (35:45):
All right, the lab. What do we got?
Speaker 9 (35:47):
Well, fellas, it's another week. That means another week of
TGL golf tonight. All right, you guys are into this.
We've got the New York Golf Club cross servers.
Speaker 4 (35:59):
That's Matt. I watched it the last time. You're like,
it happened a week girl here. I was like, yeah,
my bad. I thought I was watching my man Tiger debut. Yeah,
and uh, New.
Speaker 9 (36:09):
York Golf Club's facing off against Atlantic Drive GC. That's
got Justin Thomas and Patrick can't lay on that team
as well.
Speaker 4 (36:16):
So I wonder what time is this taking place? Are
the gym's still open? So the gym will still be open,
you can watch it.
Speaker 3 (36:25):
You forgot his gym bag again today, No, he didn't
forget his gym bag.
Speaker 4 (36:30):
You're subtly being transitioned out of rotation.
Speaker 3 (36:34):
Just keep just keep your gym bagging your card all
the time.
Speaker 4 (36:36):
That's what I'm saying. He says, he keeps his escape bag.
Speaker 5 (36:39):
And the boys get in the back of his car.
Speaker 9 (36:42):
He talks about close to Hope today and working out
with the with my girl.
Speaker 6 (36:52):
What can you do cor with a bulletproof vestor that's boy,
she's really good at course?
Speaker 4 (36:59):
Whoa all right? All right, you guess, but go ahead,
that's all cap dude.
Speaker 3 (37:05):
It's hot in here.
Speaker 4 (37:06):
It's oh, I know you're hot.
Speaker 9 (37:08):
Yeah, he's broken, he's broke.
Speaker 4 (37:13):
The trash is piling up. It's the day after a holiday.
So what is that? What? What are you getting at
here that we need to get out of here? We
need to cool off.
Speaker 9 (37:22):
Maybe enjoyed the spa.
Speaker 4 (37:23):
Oh okay, you're going to the spall like? Is that
spall like both both genders or is that like a
single like in the male bathroom spall?
Speaker 3 (37:36):
No, it's uh, it goes both ways.
Speaker 4 (37:39):
I guess it goes both ways.
Speaker 5 (37:41):
What is that?
Speaker 4 (37:42):
So you don't have to go in there by yourself.
You're just gonna have your flippy floppies. Okay, what do
you call them. You call them flip flop sandals. I
call them you know whatever. Yeah, just surviving that. I
go both ways. Good stuff, guys, love guys, good luck,
We love you too. Tomorrow off R I P. The