All Episodes

January 16, 2018 121 mins

Clay Travis relentlessly ridicules his producer Jason Martin for refusing to come in to work today because it was snowing when he left the house this morning - and he allows guests like Yahoo Sports' Dan Wetzel, The Dan Patrick Show's Paul Pabst and AM 570 LA Sports host Petros Papadakis to get in on the fun. Plus, Clay shares quick thoughts on the ridiculous (attempted) locker room brawl between the Houston Rockets and the Los Angeles Clippers, and Hugh Freeze's interview with Nick Saban about the vacant Alabama offensive coordinator job

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Why from the Geico Outkicks studios. Fifteen minutes could save
you fifteen per cent or more on car insurance. Visit
Geico dot com for a free rate quote. Breaking news
early this morning, as we start out Kick, it is

snowing in Nashville, which means people have gone insane, and
Jason Martin has even though I'm here, and even though
I am in the studio, because I respect all of you,
and I refused to refused to abandon the ship no
matter how difficult the situation. Maybe this is an email

that I got just got from Jason Martin, producer at
j mart OutKick. I am here literally doing the show,
and here's what Jason Martin says. Here's the problem. I've
made it one exit I left forty five minutes ago.
I've had to stop now three times to clear off
my windshield. Everything that hits it freezes and sticks. Immediately,

it ices over and becomes I'm reading directly from his
email to me, it ices over and becomes completely opaque.
First of all, first of all, let me bring in
the crew in uh in l A. When Jason Martin
says in his email to me that it becomes completely opaque.
Should I fire him just on the spot for using
the phrase it becomes completely opaque? Depends did he spell

it correctly? I believe so. I don't remember the last
time I saw the word opaque used. Uh. This is
this is a legitimate email. It's snowing in Nashville, which,
if you don't know, snow in the South is like
rain in l A times five hundred um. It's like, uh,
it is. It is absolute cataclysm in here. But but
I am in the studio. I am doing the show
because I care about all of you. But Jason Martin

says it ices over and becomes completely opaque in about
three minutes of driving because of the wind, chill and temperature,
and of course the big stuff is coming in a
few hours around our three we continue. I gave up,
barely made it back those few miles before it's now
iced over my glass again and I slid into my

parking spot. Legitimately, this is an email from Jason Martin,
and he doesn't say like sorry, I'm not gonna be
able to make it into work, or did you make
it into work? I mean, this is like Fairest Bueller.
This is like Fairest Bueller out there like making excuses
and so as a result, like we don't need I

can't even take phone calls to see whether or not
we should fire Jason Martin for this email. All right,
so this is legitimate. I'm gonna go to l A.
We don't know where Jason Martin is. I don't know
if he's listening to the show. I don't know what
he's decided to do. But here is his actual email
to us on the show. Jason. By the way, before
I read this email again, let me go to l A.
Have you guys heard anything at all from Jason Martin?

Did he reach out to you in any way? By
the way, he's in charge of the phones, as everybody knows,
so when he's not here, we don't we can't answer them,
right like, so he just abandoned the phones today like
a like a captain on the Titanic. He did not
go down with the ship. He immediately got into the
lifeboat and just took his own worry about his own safety.
Have you guys heard anything from Jason Martin at all

prior to me reading this? Uh this email? No? Uh, well,
Robert got the same email you did. Normally I will
get a text from Jason. I haven't seen any text
messages from him. But what I fingers might be too
cold because of the clearly opaque window. That is that
it's so difficult for buster windshield wipers on your car, Clay,
I mean, was the ice sticking of your car on

the drive in? I don't know. I mean, maybe it's
just that I am like just a special human. But
when I heard that the weather was gonna be bad,
I left early. I said, you know what, I've got
a job to do. I'm gonna make it into the studio.
I've got three hours to cover. What would happen? Do
we even know? Like I mean this legitimately, what would
happen if I had pulled the J Mart and just

not shown up at work? Do you guys have a
fail safe if one day neither I nor j Mar
just decides to come to work. What happens for this
time slot? Oh? We would talk a lot of a
f C West football I mean, but would it beat
what would it beat? You guys just have to come
on and talk for three hours? Is that our fail safe? Yeah?
It would be the Triple G Show. Has that ever

happened where you guys have had to come on because
the host just doesn't show up for his job. We've
had to do I think two segments before two segments,
But what would happen if you suddenly had three hours?
We play taped interviews of the OutKick the coverage, So
I mean, have you guys actually talked about what happens if, like,
for instance, I just abandoned my uh if I just
went Titanic captain except getting into a lifeboat, that would

take pre planning, like Jason's email. All right, so here
is Jason Martin's email. I would take calls on what
we should do to him, but we can't take calls
because he's not here and he didn't notify anybody back
in the studio. Can Jason? Can we take a call
from Jason? Can we get him on the phone. Yeah,
we could do that from l A. All right, let's
think about that potentially for next segment. But I just
want everybody out there. Maybe I'll have to use Twitter

here since we can't take any actual calls. So Jason Martin,
no preconceived notions, no warning at all. Here is the
email that we just received as I'm sitting in the
studio doing the show. So here's the problem. I have
made it one exit I left forty five minutes ago.
I've had to stop now three times to clear off
my windshield. Everything that hits it freezes and sticks immediately.

It ice is over and becomes This is of all
the phrases to use. It ice is over and becomes
completely opaque. One of you guys, look up the word opaque.
I've seen it used. But the fact that he used
this in an email explaining the fact that it's snowing
and he's he's not gonna be able to come to
work is unbelievable. Look up the word opaque. All right,
What does opaque actually mean? According to the dictionary, impenetrable

by lighting either transparent nor translucent. Okay, so he could
have just said it become it ice is over and
I can't see. I mean, I mean, I'm just saying, like,
if you were trying to talk to somebody about the weather,
you could easily say instead of Jason Martin just like
completely going drama queen on us here and saying it

ice is over and becomes completely opaque in about three
minutes of driving because of the wind chill and temperature.
He could have just said it ice is over and
I can't see in about three minutes of driving because
of the wind, chill and temperature. And of course the
big stuff is coming in a few hours. By the way,
we might get one inch of snow here, just just

just on the record here, we might get one inch
of snow. Uh, potentially as much as three inches. We
don't really know. There's hardly anything out there right now. Uh.
It ice is over and becomes completely opaque, and and
of course the big stuff is coming in a few hours.
Around our three I gave up, barely made it back

those few miles before. It's now iced over my glass
again and I slid into my parking spot. I just
uh legitimately all right? Is j mart active on Twitter
right now? We can't have what is the do we
need the news sticker? What is j Mart's update on? Yeah?

Up the breaking news on the completely opaque windshield that
Jason Martin managed to survive this morning trying to come
to work with less than an inch of snow on
the ground. This is at j mart ol kick on Twitter.
Posted it at a five oh three local time there
in Nashville. Yeah, as the show is already going Twitter
says I tried. I've had to stop several times because

my front glass iced over and there was no way
to continue slid a little, but that isn't the issue.
And this is all caps are not being able to
freaking see. Is what is your I don't even know
what to say about this? Um what should our poll
question be for everybody out of snow? You know you

know what I mean, because when you first came on
and we're telling us about this, in my mind, I'm
thinking it's like a Siberian block. I'm picturing a blizzard
with ten inches of snow. Yeah. No, we have less
than an inch of snow. I will go outside and
take a picture of the pavement um on the road
right now, this completely opaque, uh, you know, like the

inability to see. I mean, they're doing the Bobby Bones
show next door to and his entire staff made it
in by the way, just to not not to throw
j Mart under the bus here at all, but Bobby
Bones highly successful entertainment show. They literally are next door
to us, and he has like fifteen people who work
on the show with him. All of them are here.

All of them are here just hanging out like drinking
hot chocolate, drinking coffee, doing their morning show and j
mart and again is due is completely opaque. Windshield is
legitimately sliding, he says, in the parking lot of his apartment. UM.
I don't know what our our questions should be. First
of all, we're gonna have to figure out a way
to get Jason Martin on the phone. UM. And I

don't know if he's got the ability to take pictures
right now where he is. But I feel like the
rest of the nation, like there are people right now
literally driving in North and South Dakota listening to us,
probably with like forty ft of snow on either side
of the road stacked up alongside of them, Like they
literally are in a tunnel of whiteness. They can't see anything.

There's probably legitimate blizzards going on with tons of people
with their radio on listening to us right now. And
Jason Martin has dropped out of the equation. They had
a fight in the NBA, We got the Super Bowl
coming along with the NFC in the a f C
title Games. The big question here is do we have
to fire j mart over this? In transigence? Uh, what
is the what is the play. Is his windshield being

completely opaque? Um? Is it? Is it in any way defensible?
What's your early read here, guys, Well, I think your
Twitter poll should read some thing like how bad of
a storm does it need to be in order to
take a snow day away from work? Especially when you're
live on the air. There's a difference between taking a
snow day at work, Like if you are let's say,

a state employee, and they send out an email and
they say like, hey, you know it's kind of rough weather.
If you don't have the ability to come in, just
take a day off, you know, like or if your
office is like, hey, we're gonna go ahead and close today.
You know, it's a day after MLK Day. Kids are
out of school, they did cancel school. But our job
is legitimately to be on air for three hours every
single day, all right, so you know, Monday through Friday.

So we have a little bit kind of a different job.
Like there have been days where I have gotten up
and done this show and in between breaks legitimately puked,
Like multiple time I've done this in my career. Well
you haven't bet you guys have to even as producers
to like there have been days where I've come in
to do the job and I've been so sick that
I have legitimately thrown up between segments and come back

and kept going and not even talked about the fact
that I threw up on the segments, because that's my job, right, um,
and uh and j mart right now, warm and Cuddley
sitting in his apartment, just just like we need pictures
first of all, and or maybe a short live video
explaining this, and we're gonna have to get him on
the phone. Um, but the poll question maybe should be

And I'm gonna go outside and take a picture right
now of the road, just for people out there who
are in like the Midwest, or people who are places
where it actually snows. I mean, you would have thought
that j mart was like with Matthew Perry at the
North Pole or South Pole, whichever pole that Matthew Perry explored,
like trudging his way through in Siberian temperatures sub zero,

like trying to make it to the pole in the Arctic.
I mean, this is an unbelievable performance. I'm Clay Travis. Uh,
this is OutKick the coverage. We might have to fire
Jason Martin an hour one year for just dropping this
email on us about this completely opaque windshield. Well, maybe
get him on for a defense of his position. By
the way, if you're listening on the podcast, I hope

you've survived the snow. You can download it all the
time at out kick if you happen to be in
the Nashville area, if you're anywhere in the Midwest where
there's probably inches and inches of snow on the ground
right now as you drive into work. Uh, this is
this is real life. This is what happens when the
South gets snow. Our two, we're gonna be joined by
Dan Wetzel from Yahoo Sports. We'll talk about the NFL
playoff situation. He's actually in Michigan. I hope he's able

to join us. UM when we were in Michigan it
was minus ten and snowed like twelve inches over Christmas.
So we'll see what j what what Dan Wetzel thinks
about j Mart not showing up for work. And then
an hour three, we'll talk with the man that met
the legend, Petros Papa Dakas from A M five seventy
Sports in l a and see when the last time
he skipped whether work for weather related conditions in the

h l A area. All of that and more, we're
trying to get into brawl in the locker room, like
the Clippers and the Houston Rockets, which, by the way,
everybody's gonna be talking like, oh my god, there was
a brawl the Rockets went to the locker room. Nobody
in the NBA wants to fight. They make too much money.
Everybody in the NBA wants to pretend they're angry, and
then they want to send out emojis on like or
emoticons or whatever they're doing, like memes on the internet.

When's the last time we actually saw a legitimate fight
in the NBA? Guys in l A. When's the last
time we actually saw like a legitimate fight where you're like, oh, this,
like this looks like it could be dangerous. Is it
the heat? Is it the heat and the and the
knicks and like two thousand and one? Is it like
the Malice and the Palace? Is that the most recent
actual Oh? That yeah, that, but that was not that

was not a fight between two different teams. That was
a fight between the uh, the guys on the Pacers
and the and the and the Pistons. But Yeah, that
that was what like, oh for something like that was
you know, Chris Child's punching Kobe in the throat and
then being broken up before anything else could happen. And
one of those kind of fights. I mean, it's so
incredibly rare, like the NBA leads every sports league and

guys who pretend that they're gonna fight that don't really
want to fight. And the funny thing about NBA guys
usually when they fight, is they look so awkward because
they're so tall and gangly, like the odds them hitting
and they throw punches like, uh, they don't throw punches
most of the time, like sideways punches. They throw punches
like remember back in the day when people used getting fight,
it's like a windmill, you know, like people are like

throwing punches like their arms are coming down. And that's
the NBA fight And we haven't even seen that, and
you're not talking about the most recent was Robin Lopez
and Serge Ibaka. When was that not memorable? It was
the start of this season? Was there but actual punches
like somebody actually getting punch actually march of what and
and like somebody legitimately picked somebody. Yeah, there was an

actual punches thrown. Yeah, I don't even remember that anyway,
This this is no fight. I mean, although we might
have a fight on the show. I might have to
punch j mart I might have to just I might
What I might have to do, I've got too much
to lose. I might have to go James Harden and
hire somebody else. I might have to go James Harden
and hire somebody. Need I need some goons. I gotta
I gotta go. I gotta bring in the muscle and uh,

and just have somebody else take the take the war
to j mart over this. Uh, we'll see what the
update from j Soon Martin. Has he tweeted anything else?
Or is he just sitting there? Oh, he's still tweeting. Okay,
we're gonna have an update. We're gonna have an update
on what Jason Martin is trying to defend himself now.
Because again I would take your calls and ask you
what we can what we should do to him, But
when he doesn't show up, we can't actually take calls.

So well, every reaction has to come through Twitter. I
will put up a Twitter poll here shortly. We will
continue to update you on Jason Martin. I'm gonna go
outside and take a picture right now. Obviously it's still
dark uh in Nashville where we do the show in
the five am hour, the sun is not yet up.
But when I pulled in and looked outside, I mean
literally the the there, I mean like it's ridiculous. I'll

also give you a little picture of a grass. You
can follow me and not not weed. Uh. You can
follow me on Twitter at Clay Travis at Clay Travis
on Twitter. I'm gonna put up a picture here momentarily
of what the current weather conditions are in Nashville that
j mart was unable to overcome this. I'll kick the
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I just tweeted out live weather conditions from the UH
from from the from Nashville where we are at on

track to receive a whopping total of one inch of
snow today. Uh, yours truly here, buckled up, ready to go,
serving the people. Jason Martin sends this email early, right
moments before the show starts, and here is the and
then we're gonna give you his updates on Twitter, and

then we're gonna track him down and make him defend himself.
So here's the problem. This is Jason Martin before the
show starts, just like literally two minutes before the show starts.
I left forty five minutes ago. I've had to stop
now three times to clear off my windshield. Everything that
hits it freezes and sticks. Immediately it ices over and
becomes completely opaque. And again I feel like we should

fire him for using the phrase completely opaque in about
three minutes of driving because of the wind, chill and temperature.
And of course the big stuff is coming in a
few hours around our three again, the big stuff meaning
an inch of total snow. I gave up, barely made
it back those few miles before it's now iced over
my glass again and I slid into my parking spot

legitimately all right. He's also taken to Twitter to try
to defend himself and Uh, Danny or yeah, Danny, I
think you've got an update from him. Uh what is
he saying on Twitter right now? Well, this is one
of the reasons I love Jay because this one comes out.
Uh well, I guess the way he did mean it.
Every last one of you that isn't here and can't

understand that I made a serious attempt can kick rocks.
And then Bakersfield Rod Rod and Bakersfield tweeted him and
said call Uber, and Jason replied, I can't in good
conscious add a commute from here. It's like ordering pizza
and hazardous weather. Even though it's the job, I don't

want to potentially cause an accident. The windshield deal is crazy.
Never dealt with it before. Hope it's temporary. The wait,
wait by the way, by the way, hold on a
minute here, let's talk before and we need to get
him on the phone. And but like this windshield thing, Yeah,
Robert's calling him right now. Don't we have basic Like
doesn't everybody have frosters defrosters on their car? Is he

driving a Model T from What does he mean the
windshield want? Like, I've never heard of anybody who can't
defrost their windshield? Like does he does he know what
the defrost button is? He's also used Twitter to take
a shot at you. Now, Clay, someone tweeted him in
it says, uh, j R. You cannot let the outsiders
make safety decisions for you. You are responsible for it.

You may is that person? Do you think? Hold on?
Do you think that person is sarcastically ridiculing? Do you
think they're supporting the way he took it? I think
he made he thought he was serious. He said you
made a he made a choice. Stick with it. It's
the correct choice. Don't fred over it. So Jason replies back,
this person gets it. I did my best. I really
have no clue how at Clay Travis got to the studio.

Dude can't change a tire. I've seen him called triple
A for it in the past. Okay, first of all,
that's just completely like blame shifting and argument shifting. I
have triple A. Why would you change your own tire?
If you have triple A? That's literally the reason I
pay for triple A. That's like saying like, oh, Clay
can't cut his own grass. No, I have a grass guy,

Why would a couple of them? Actually? Why would I
go out? Why would I go out and cut my
own grass if I pay somebody else to do it
like that. When I make the decision to get Triple A,
I'm making the decision. If I have car issues, I'm
going to car cul Triple A. If I wanted to
be my own grease monkey, I could also jack up

my car in the UH, in the in my UH,
in my garage and make every adjustment to my to
my car and tune it up myself too. Instead, I
take it into the shop. That's what I do, because
it's more because they're better at than I am. Breaking news.
Let's go First of all, it's all right, make let's
make him wait. Let's bring in Eddie Garcia and get

the update on the world of sports. And then Jason
Martin is gonna try to defend himself. And by the way,
you can go to my Twitter feed. Did you guys
see the picture of what the snow actually looks like
right now? Did you pull it up on my feed?
I have the sidewalk outside the studio, and then I
have the grass outside the studio. This is what it
legitimately looks like in Nashville right now, for anybody who
wants to know, like anybody who has ever lived through

a snowstorm. You need to see what the actual on
the ground conditions are legitimately in our last commercial break,
All right, Eddie Garcio, what do you think? By the way,
what should we do to J Mark? Well, I need
to hear what his explanation is. I need to hear
his voice first before I uh I passed out judgment
on Ja Marked got ready to go. Alright, alright, well
we got in the world is well, Well we'll start.

In the NBA, we had a rematch of the Warriors Cavaliers.
Of course they've met in the last three NBA finals.
This time they met in Cleveland. Cavs started okay at
a seven point lead to the half, but in the
end they lost by ten of the Warriors one eight
team to won away Kevin Durant thirty two points, step
Curry twenty three points. Cleveland's now dropped eight of ten
Golden States, the league best thirty six and nine. Out
Here in l A, the Clippers beat the Rockets one,

one oh two and Chris Paul's first game back in
Los Angeles after being traded to Houston the off season.
This is one now had a lot of chippiness or
a couple of injections late Blake Griffin and the Clippers
Trevor reads of the Rockets book got thrown out. Coaches
were getting words. But after the game, apparently several Rockets
players tried to or did get into the Clippers locker room,

and security ended up calling the l A p d
over it. But in the end, UH, no incidents as
far as what happened in the locker room. Uh. This
report is brought to you by True Car. Online car
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coaching carousel is still spending in the NFL. Looks like
Pat Shermer offens according to the Viking's going to the Giants,
Josh McDaniels offense according to the Patriots going to the Colts.
And I'm sure, as you're well aware, Mike mclarkey and
the Titans mutually agreeing to part ways. They called it
and the Texans difensive coording to Mike Rabel will interview
for that Titan's head coaching vacancy a good deal, yeah, right,

moved by the Titans. But I'm more focused right now
on the snow that is falling in Nashville and Jason
Martin's inability to get in. We now have him on
the phone, and I'm gonna start with a very basic question.
Do you have a defroster on your car? Yeah? And
that's what I don't understand. Like, the whole thing is
weird because when I walked out of the house, I

saw him think a little bit of white on the ground,
but it wasn't enough to see. All right, Before we
go any further, here's what you have to do. You
have to take a video with your phone of the
parking lot outside of your apartment, all right, and put
it on Twitter at j mart OutKick also everybody else

who's out there and going to work. I want you
to tag the weather conditions where you are to compare
it with what j mart is dealing with here. All right,
So you have a defroster on your car, do you
regret describing the windshield as completely opaque and saying instead
that you couldn't see out. I mean, I guess I
could have done that and that and that's what I

did on Twitter. But look, I want a lot of
spelling bees growing out. That was what I was known for,
and so my vocabulary is strong, quite strong as a
matter of fact. So opaque was directly. It was quick.
I was trying to get something out to you as
fast as I could. It was six letters. I fired
it out. I knew you being smart, being an attorney,
at least I thought so I would understand what opate meant.

But apparently it was time to take me to task
because I opened the dictionary when I was a kid. So, uh,
first of all, if you ever used the word opaque again. Um,
And by the way, Danny g and Robert, can you
guys hear us if if it? Do you agree with
me that if he ever uses the word opaque again,
we have to fire him on the spot. Yeah, Jay,
next time, just say I couldn't see out the window.

That's alright. So so people that don't understand big works,
Yeah yeah alright. So uh so the windshield situation here,
everybody is asking you understand that most people drive in
snow by putting their defroster on. So does your defroster
not work? What defense do you have here? Or did

you just not realize that defrost was the proper method
to go there. Look, I've had my Dee frost set
on a d degrees and it's been I'm still in
the car as a matter of fact. But why are
you in the car right now? Well, because I didn't
have an accent, I wasn't sure I had to have
access to necessarily hear the show. It's not like I
was just gonna lake on this large out of work completely.

I was still going to try to try to be
a part of this in some way. But like the
problem with the windshield is, if I'm sitting still, everything
seems to be fine and everything looks normal, then you
start to drive the problem, whatever it is, as soon
as it hits the windshield, it just turns toties around

the other droplet and it's just like half the windsfield
is cover within about sixty ninety seconds. That's why everybody
I was driving with on the highway had their hazards on,
and about half of them, like me, took the very
first exit they could fine. We all piled into one
gas station blanking lot. Had to sit there and clean
off our windshield because it was flat out not possible

to drive any further because you had you couldn't see
You just couldn't see it at all. So how do
you suspect that people in other parts of the country
drive in the snow. I don't know. I mean, I've
driven in the snow. That's why I was driving in
the snow. I don't understand this windsfield thing because it's
never happened. I mean, I've never really even had to
use the defroster in this newer vehicle that I bought.

But it's a guy. Guy shows off. The guy shows
off and gets a new call are and he has
to drop it in right there, single guy. Oh, look
at Jason Martin, he's got a new car. Uh listen.
I was about to thank you. I was about to
thank you for the opportunity, the job that you gave
me that made it possible for me to buy this
car in cash and be in the position that I'm
in now. Well, I bought it with cash to just

walked on with the defel bag. All right, here's the deal.
Everybody who does the Bobby Bones show. This wildly successful show,
Bobby Bones like makes like four million dollars a year
by the staff yeah, yeah, Okay. Do you know why
they all make so much money? Because they show up
for work everybody else in that show. And you know,
he has a staff of like fifteen people. They're all here,

they're all working hard, they're all living it up. They're
just putting on the best possible country music morning show.
And you and me like, I've got you on the
phone discussing the weather conditions and and they're like making
four hundred million dollars and you and me were I mean, like,
I you understand, that's why they make four hundred million
dollars because they all showed up women women. They could

all these girls, all these girls somehow figured out how
to get in their car and drive to work, and
you couldn't do it. Well, I don't understand, Clay, is
how you're there. I thought that you were probably gonna
have the same problem I was, and then you would
understand my plight, you would understand what it is that
I'm going through, what I'm trying to do with your
I don't know how you made it in Yeah, you

got there before this started to happen. It's a lot
colder where I am than where you were. I live
on the south side of town. I said, you know what,
it's gonna be brutal. It's gonna be uh in a
in like totally a disaster potentially, But I have an
obligation to my listeners to make sure that I'm there

no matter what come, hell, high water or one inch
of snow that so far has fallen a quarter of
an inch of it, I'm gonna make it in. And
so there you go. And so like, do you feel
bad in any way for yourself and your failure and
you're letting down out kick and all of our family
out there. Well, look, obviously I want to be there.
I love those people to death. They're my life blood,

just like they're your life blood. But in the at
the end of the day, if I can't see, I
can't drive unless I just want to die. And I
mean I don't want to die. I've got a lot
to live for a lot of stuff going right for me.
I wish that we could take calls from everybody else
across the country right now that is literally driving eighty
miles an hour through like probably just massive snowstorms right now. Um,

just stay stay hang on here. But first, what I
want you to do, I want everybody to go follow
at j Mart out kick and I want you legitimate,
don't fake this and like you know, go get a
video of like some Arctic snow blast. I want you
to legitimately get out of the car that you're in
right now, and I want you to take a picture
of the parking lot where you are right now and

tweet it out so everyone can judge the weather conditions.
If you want to make it a video because this
ice you say is coming down so aggressively, if you
want to show us your and shield, just like eight
or nine seconds of your current weather conditions for people
to judge. Okay, I mean that's fair. There's one thing
I need to say, and that is I don't need
all the nasty language coming to me on Twitter that's

come to me over the last twelve to eighteen hours
or so since we had that talk, and you decided
to go on Twitter like the class act that you
are and say I don't want to put anybody on blast.
So you told me that you might not be able
to really, so now in addition to not working, you're
saying people are being too mean to you on Twitter.

The it's very it. Look I'm not gonna. I've got
thick skin. I think everybody knows that based on how long.
But I've been on the radio. But you don't have
to say nasty stuff. I mean, you can say whatever
you want to say. You can call me whatever you
want to call me or whatever. But there's just been
some language that I don't think we need. I don't
think that that's helpful in this discourse. There's enough nastiness

on Twitter. We're not coming after me because I'm trying
to do my best, and so you didn't show up
for it, and now you're upset because people are being
too mean to you on Twitter. I mean, yes, I
mean not. I'm not upset about it. I'm just saying,
can we be better? Like you always talk about because
you you've done many monologues about how we need to
be better. If you look at the way people have

responded to me over the last day, yes, do you
need to be better? Do you understand the irony of
arguing that people need to be better while you're sitting
in the parking lot with a quarter inch of snow
and you were unable to make it to work today.
If I wasn't trying to be better, I wouldn't have
tried at all. I would have just said I'm not
coming in, and I certainly would have answered the phone.
I just would have gone back to sleep, send an

abil to Fox, have been done with it. But here
I am still trying to contribute, still trying to answer
your questions on Twitter, responding to the listing audience, because
I do care. All right, I'm gonna go to Twitter
right now and just if you have any questions that
I should be asking Jason Martin right now, Um, people
are tagging pictures all over the place. We got cops

sitting again pictures, Um like this is uh you you
are definitely getting lit up. Uh, this is uh. Somebody said, Okay,
wind shield wiper fluid? Do you have it? It's a
good question. Windshow wiper fluids gonna freeze? No, there's a
d iSER. Kind I don't. Kind I have the It

better be above degrees, kind a. J don't necessarily that.
A J just tagged his his morning commute. It's minus
fourteen degrees in snowing in Minnesota right now. I don't
live in Minnesota, a J. I live in Nashville. Somebody else,
when you're doing talking about I'm in Colorado. I've been
driving like this all day, or you need a little

experience to drive into That's the point, jerk. I live
in Nashville. I don't have experience driving in this kind
of stuff people are giving you turned your turn, your
defrost to max eight, isn't gonna keep. People are sending
pictures of themselves like literally driving in snow, like just
absolute deluges of snow all over the play right now.

You can tag me at Clay Travis. You can definitely
let j mart out care, but don't be mean to him.
Don't be mean to him on Twitter. Um, And then
somebody else points out, yeah, it's two thousand eighteen. Why
are you sitting in the car listening to the show.
You don't have a tablet a phone like the streaming
you like, you don't have the internet your apartment. I mean,
I guess I could have done that, But the thing was,

once once I heard that you were probably gonna call me,
I was gonna probably just use my phone and listen
to the app, and that might have gotten in the way.
Plus I'm not sure about the delay from the web app,
and I just wanted to kind of I just still
thought it was easier just to stay in the car
for a little while and listen in a lot of people.
By the way, I think I think we're setting a
record for use of the word opaque on Twitter right now,

lots of people using the word. Is that okay for
the people to use the word opaque in their message
with you? Yes, I think it's good that we're using
the using language and not slaying and not a bunch
of curse words. Do you want to say opaque and translucent?
I think those are word. Look, they're descriptive words that
describe exactly what I was going through at the time.
All right, we gotta go to break Jason Martin. I

want to see that video of exact weather conditions where
you are right now. Um and uh, and we're gonna
have to make a decision about what to do. Um.
Lots of people out there, by the way, you can
download the podcast at This is gonna be a Marconi
Award winning show, I think for sure. At Clay Travis
on Twitter, I may have to storm the dressing room
here at j Mart's apartment before all of said and done,

leave the show here stopped by his apartment on the
way back. And uh, and and confront him like the
Clippers did to the Rockets in the wake of that
game last night. Uh, this is out kick the coverage.
One of us is in studio, the other one is
at home right now in his car, trying to see
through his opaque windshield on Fox Sports Radio. I don't

want to die. I've got a lot to live for.
Snoogle is white on a lunge tonight. I'm not a
flipprint to be seen the Kingdom of Eulation and it

looks like I'm queen. The wind is helling like this
swirling storm and side. I don't want to die. I've
had a lot to live for. Haven nosi do let
them and don't let them see be the good girl.

Always have to be concealed. Don't don't let them so close.
That's first of all. I just want to hear the
we gotta hear this. I mean, you can start this
song there, you let it go, can't hold it back
at him, frozen on Jason Martin, let it clearly opaque,

probably sitting in his car right now crying. Two years
will be rolling down his cheeks. If they were, they
freeze and he would die. Wouldn't you love a bigger
tax refund. I don't know how we even do this show.
Tax Layer was recently rated number one for maximum refund,
so you have more cash to spend on whatever the
heck you want. That's an unbelievable poll by the way,

just an unbelievable song choice. Coming back in with that
incredible audio this tax season, go out and slay at
max your refund at tax layer dot com. Uh my mom,
this is real life. My mom is listening this morning, UM,
and she believes that I'm being too mean to Jason Martin,

and so she is this isn't real life. She's called
the show, UM, and she says that Jason Martin is
making the right decision by not coming to work today.
My own family turning against me. Uh, Mom, I mean,
what do you think. I mean, I he's got to
be at work. Uh No, I think he might the
right decision. As a mother, I'm proud of Jason. He

made it stay home. I'm looking out the window now
and the cars going by and they're really really slow.
There are cars going by. You can see them moving
on the road like we live in the Alps, and
that there is like a blizzard going on. Yeah, I know,
but think about his car. Maybe his I don't know,
maybe his tires are bold or something. You know, he
didn't you know, he didn't have a new car or something.

Didn't he just bought He just bought a new car
because we pay him so well because of of the show.
Like he's got a brand new car. He has a
defroster that evidently he can't work. He I just I
just don't. I drove. I'm your son, and I drove
into work today and he's works for me and he
couldn't come in and you're calling in to defend him.
Oh yeah, I know, but um, you have to go

to work because you have to buy me my beach half.
So so, Jason Martin, what about Jason Martin's mom? She
doesn't deserve a beach house? Uh? She does, she does.
But but anyway, how would you describe the weather conditions
right now? You can look outside? Yeah, I'm looking outside, well,
you know, for Nashville, for Nationale, I'd have to say this,

this looks bad. Can you see the pavement? Mm hmm sorta,
so you can. You can see the pavement out your window. Yeah, yeah,
but nobody's going by by our road. You know like
it's um you know, well maybe a couple of people

so the you know, they're easy on him. Okay, they're
easy on ja Mark. Yea, yeah, you're just too hot.
I think you're too hard on him. I just thanks
for calling you mom. By the way, am I the
best son that's ever lived? You are the best one

that has ever lived. No matter what anybody says, I'll
have to say, you are the best son. Way better
than way better than j Mart would be as a son. Right, well,
probably you were a good friend. Like we never knew
you were around the house because you were always reading.
There you go, there you go, all right, thanks for
calling in mom, all right, you go, j Mark. Okay,

I just I mean, your own mom turns against you,
like I can't even I can't even employ people without
my mom trying to tell me that, you know, they
shouldn't come in. Next thing, you know, next thing, you know,
she's gonna call the nanny and tell her not to
come to work too. I don't know what do I
even employ people for. By the way, schools are all canceled,
and this is like the fifth day in a row
that I'm gonna have my kids. I don't know what

the hell is gonna happen. I hope it snows enough
in Jason Martin's defense that we have enough snow to
actually go outside and sled. Are you guys surprised Danny
g and Robert that my mom called in to defend
j Mark? Well, I was shocked that we had someone
calling the hotline normally. Yeah, you were afraid that they're

just saying we canceled the show exactly the first hour
and j Martin not showing up for work because there's
quarter inches snow on the ground. Yeah. She was so sweet, like,
Hi'm Clay's mom, Like, oh, well, hi, Hi, and I
iced to talk to you, and she's like, yeah, I
need to talk to Clay. He's being too mean on
the radio. And Okay. Do you think that people are
surprised that my mom sounds so sweet? Do you think
they expected me to have a more angry mom? Probably? Yeah,

I would say so. I don't know what's going on. Je.
By the way, Dan Wetzel is going to join us
an hour two. Has Jason Martin? You guys are on
on the Twitter machine right now. I would imagine it's
Jason Martin actually tweeted out the weather conditions from where
he is yet he has he posted a video and
there's a little bit more snow in his apartment complex
than at the studio. All right, so I will have
to go check that out and we will continue to

update you on snow gate. I don't know what we
call this on on a paate gate, um whatever. If
you want to make sure, if you want to to
to reach out on Twitter, I'm Clay Travis at Clay Travis.
By the way, if you want to go download this podcast,
you know what's gonna happen. This is gonna be like
the most listen two podcasts we've ever had watched. This
is the way these things work. Uh, you can search
out out kick online. And by the way, a little

bit of news also coming for you. I'll hit you
with this. Hugh Freeze, what do I know about his
interviewing with the University of Alabama about their open head
coaching job, assuming that anybody can move anywhere in Alabama
given that it's snowing there too. I am Clay Travis.
This is OutKick the Coverage. I actually come to work
on Fox Sports Radio well live from the Geico out
Kick studios where fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent

or more on car insurance. Visit Geico dot com for
a free rate quote. We're deluge right now with Twitter mentions.
They're not going well for Jason Martin. Jacob says j
mart OutKick needs to walk from home to work Searce style,
while Clay Travis walks behind him yelling shame the entire time.
Uh j P says there was a blizzard here in

New England, and Bill Belichick said no one can be
even late to work. Um at. Jason Martin has tweeted
out his video. Can we play the audio of Jason
Martin describing the well first? Let go? First of all,
hold on, we got Paul Paps from the Dan Patrick Show.
I believe they actually did a show during a blizzard.
What was the thing called that that that hit? Like?
What did the like the the I don't even remember

the phrase they used, Paul Paps. Uh at Paul Paps
on Twitter when you hear about Jason Martin not coming
in for a quarter inch of snow, I know you're
like a skier and you're always in Vermont, and I
believe you guys did the show literally as a blizzard hit. Right, Yeah,
we've had a deal up here in the Northeast with
blizzards snow. But it has to be a fair journalist.
I've been keeping eye of the story. By the way,

thought them prayers from the Northeast with Jamart on this
and not appreciate that. Yeah, I just want to be intensive,
but I'm really fascinated by this story because it appears
that he tried to come in. I need some more facts.
We need some more facts. What kind of car he's driving,
what kind of tires. But the defrost situation is a
big deal. And I'm gonna give j Mart a little
bit of wiggle room here. If the defrost doesn't work
on your car and you can't see out of the car,

it doesn't really matter the conditions of the road. That
being said, what what what age of car is this?
It's a brand new car. He said that like early
in the show, because I he I said that, like
we pay him well, he said he he actually was bragging.
He's single, so like he always tries to drop in things.
So he's like, you know, I got a brand new
car and I paid cash for it, like you know,
so he's got he's got a brand new car that

he paid cash for. Now, I don't know how high
quality of a card is, you know, Like I don't
think he got a you know, eighty thou dollar Landrover
range Rover or anything like that. But I mean it's
a new car, so I mean it's not as if
he's driving like a ninety five, you know car that
is just broken in all respects. All right, Clay, I'm
gonna try to break this down C s I style.
I live up in the northeast. I Membermont all the time.

I understand cars. I've got snow tire as the whole thing.
That the frost is a big deal. If you have
the wrong setting on the the frost, you could actually
make the situation worse. If you're blowing cold air upon
a cold window, that will make it worse. Sometimes if
you have the A C setting on your the frost
and don't turn off the A C, hot air won't
come out. If Jam wants me, I can call down there.

I could send people down whatever you need. Oh that's interesting,
So let me ask you this. You've been doing like
a highly successful national radio show for a long time
on the Dan Patrick Show. What is the worst excuse
that somebody's ever made among your crew not to be
at work. I gotta tell you the guys that my work,
they just don't stick out. I haven't sticked out yet
since Oh Too for something with Sam. You haven't sicked

out since Oh Too? You haven't you have? I mean
other than vacation. You haven't missed the show since O Too. No,
we've had hurricanes. I think there's a not boofing on
j Mar here. But there is a responsibility of the
media to go a little bit above and beyond to
try to be in, because that's why I'm alright, Yeah,
our jobs aren't traditional. It appears that he did try
to come in, so I'm not trying to say, but
what would Dan Patrick do? You know, if he's sitting

in my chair, how would he handle such a such
a decision. He would probably said, Hey, if you think
the conditions are going to be bad, get a hotel
near the studio. Hotel and the company will pay for it.
In my past, they always offer Todd, Fritz and mclovin
and Seaton from the Dan pat Show. They live further
from the student and I do. I'm only about ten
miles away, so it's a little bit easier for me,

but that the company always offers them a hote help
the night before to prevent the morning of situation. Ah,
that's actually an intriguing idea. Then that that's where j
mart is gonna come back and say, see, you didn't
make this suggestion. That's true. I didn't even think about that.
I didn't think about that help. But if I can
help with the Frost situation going forward, he has my number,
you have my number. I'm always ready to help. You know.
What I would love is I wish that we had

gotten him a hotel just to make him walk, you know,
because I think that would be my rule. If you're
gonna get a hotel, that's fine. You know, I'll pay
for the hotel. The company will pay for the hotel,
but you have to walk to work. Um and uh
and everything else. Paul, Perhaps, what do you guys got
coming up on Dan Patrick show later today? A lot
of people will be listening. Uh, you know, I think
we have case Keenum yesterday. Yea, he was great. I

mean he was a little bit heading the cloud still
he Dani goes, when don't you realize we got this game?
He goes. Damn. When I woke up this morning, I
was in denial a little bit yesterday because you kind
of can't believe what happened until you catch again and
again and again. Uh, no doubt at all. You guys
do good work. Appreciated my man, and your Twitter feed
is that Paul Paps? Is that right? Absolutely? And we

have absolutely no snow here today, so like, I feel
pretty good about that. I'm gonna be in on time.
But next time we have snow, I will tweet out condition.
I appreciate that. That's Paul Pabsolutely listen to him on
the Dan Patrick Show. On many of these stations, you
will be across the nation where many of you will
be going into work because that's what you do, regardless
of what the conditions are. You getting your car attorney

ignition and you drive to work. Here's Jason Martin. Do
we have his weather report that he put up on Twitter?
This is Jason Martin. You can also go find him
at j mart OutKick and see the actual weather conditions
from his parking lot. But he's trying to do we
have that well, clad I I don't know what happened,
but apparently the snow infiltrated the l A studios and
if Froze are a computer, so I had to run

into a back studio to record it into. So we'll
have it ready for you in the next thing. Oh
my goodness. Uh, so we have no idea what's going
on in the world of sports. By the way, Uh,
let me hit this because I I did tweet this
out last night. Um. I've been told by a sore
that Hugh Freeze interview ironically enough, what's the what? It
was amazing the Freeze, the Freeze himself given the theme

of the show. Uh, Hugh Freeze UM interviewed with Nick
Saban about Saban's open head coaching job, and I was
told that that interview went well. So I think there
is a possibility for all of you out there who
either love or hate Alabama football, I think there is
a possibility that Nick Saban could be hiring Hugh Freeze,

who is basically the only offensive coach to be able
to score points on Nick Saban's defense really historically, other
than Deshaun Watson being a transcendent player. Well, Hugh Freeze
did it with Bo Wallace. Um, there is a possibility
that Hugh Freeze could be the next offensive coordinator for
the University of Alabama. Nick Saban has to replace both

his offensive and defensive coordinators. Uh the uh, I don't
know if people are gonna get this? Is this like
the uh? This is too Is this too young of
a reference or is it too old of I'm not sure,
but I'm gonna make the reference. The Alabama court offensive
coordinator position has become like the Hogwarts school defense against

the Dark Arts? Teacher? Is that? Does that? Is? That?
Does that land very well in l A. Did you
guys get that? Or you Harry Potter people? Yes? What
percentage of our audience do you think got that? Reference? M?
Thirty five? Maybe? Yeah, I don't know. A defense against
the Dark Arts not a good position to be in
if you read the Harry Potter pot Potter books as

I did. So. Saban is now going to be on
his fourth offensive coordinator in the last thirteen months. And
uh that that trend? I mean obviously he had Lane Kiffin,
and then he had Steve Sarkijian for a very short
amount of time. He hired Brian Dable from the New
England Patriots. Dable has now been hired by the Buffalo
Bills as their offensive coordinator, and Saban's defensive coordinator, Jeremy

Pruitt is now the new head coach at the University
of Tennessee, so there is going to be a new
offensive coordinator. And according to uh my sources, Hugh Freeze
interviewed with Nick Saban yesterday and I'm told that that
interview went well, and so there is the possibility that
Nick Saban, who is won five national titles in nine years,

could be adding a really high level offensive coordinator to
his staff. I mean, now, that would be an incredible
higher for Nick Saban, and to me, would effectively if
you combine Hugh Freeze with two of the quarterback who
played the second half of the National Championship game. I
don't know that there's any stopping Alabama. I think the
biggest challenge there would be a couple of fronts. One,

it would be managing balancing out like a pretty high
profile and high octane offense with a traditional pro style
defense that Nick Saban likes to run. Would he be
comfortable playing at a higher pace maybe the series, yes,
because of Alabama's depth, I'm not sure exactly there. And
then two, there's been conflict inside the sec over whether

Hugh Freeze is going to be permitted to be hired.
So there's certainly a little bit of drama there, but
that would be, uh, that would be pretty pretty incredible
to see that higher happened. And Nick Saban certainly has
basically turned the Alabama offensive coordinator position into an island
to misfit toys. He can go find guys that otherwise

other people might not be willing to hire, but he
sees them, knows what talent they have, and brings them
in and redeems them. It happened with Lane Kiffin. If
you remember the reaction when Nick Saban hired Lane Kiffin.
Everybody was in disbelief over that entire process. And certainly
he brought in Steve Sarkisian as an offensive assistant, and
now potentially he could be bringing in Hugh Freeze as

an offensive coordinator. I would say, man, that's probably something
that people want to talk about. We could take calls
on that, But we can't take calls on that because
Jason Martin did not come to work today. But as
we've got a quarter of an inch of snow in Nashville,
and he says it was impossible to drive. We'll play
you Jason Martin's report from inside of his parking lot
and all of the weather conditions that are going on there.

It's like Jim Cantori uh coming up next. By the way,
Dan Wetzel gonna join us in the final segment of
our two, and as we always do in our three
on Tuesday, my guy Petros Papadakis will join us from
a M five seventies sports in l A. All of
that still to come. But I gotta tell you, does
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You know who might need to put his resume up there,
Jason Martin. This OutKick the coverage on Fox Sports Radio.

I mean, not Frozen the two. I don't know if
they've made Frozen two yet. I've seen Frozen one like
a billion times. Where's this from? This is from the
Frozen soundtrack? Yeah, the Frozen soundtrack as well. Uh. I
can't even keep up with Twitter right now. By the way,
a bunch of you have sent me links to the
interstates around Nashville. You can literally watch people driving on
them live. Like I mean, it's not as if we

are just a shut down city. Uh, everybody's got it
to do. List drop off the dry cleaning pick up
some milk. By the way, that's probably what everybody's doing
right now in the area. Run into the grocery stores.
Here's an idea. Let's add, save hundreds of dollars on
car insurance. And the good thing is you don't have
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to do is go to Geico dot com and in
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on car insurance, extra money in your pocket. It just
may be the most rewarding to do you do today.
All right, updating you guys on snowgate, on OPAQ gate,
whatever you want to call it. If you're just getting
into your car, Jason Martin, we can't take your calls
because Jason Martin didn't come into work today. I, of
course am in work. We're almost halfway through the show.
A couple of minutes before the show started. Uh just

shy of like what was it? What would you guys say?
Like four uh Central time my time? About five eight
East Coast time. We get this email that pops into
the It pops into our folders, and here is the
email from Jason Martin. So yere's the problem. I have
made it one exit. I left forty five minutes ago.
I've had to stop now three times to clear off

my windshield. Everything that hits it freezes and sticks immediately
it ice is over and becomes completely opaque. If your
fantasy football team name is not completely opaque, I don't
know what you're doing with your life. By the way,
and about three minutes of driving because of the wind,
chill and temp, and of course the big stuff is
coming in a few hours around our three. By the way,

at the time that he sent this, we had less
than a quarter inch of snow. I gave up, barely
made it back those few miles before. It's now iced
over my glass again and I slid into my parking
spot legitimately. Uh So that is Jason Martin this morning,
explaining why he could not come into work. As I
said before, the Bobby Bones Show. They make like four
million dollars a year for I Heart Radio. They have

a staff of like fifteen people. They're all here, uh,
many of them young women. Bobby Bones has like an
entire coterie of people that he employees. They all made
it in. I'm here in the studio by myself today.
Jason Martin has taken to Twitter to try and defend himself.
You can find him at j mart OutKick there. I
am at Clay Travis lots of reaction to the dilemma

here today and Jason Martin. I demanded that he post
a live video of the conditions inside of his apartment
parking lot so the people, you, you guys, yourselves could
judge whether he should have come to work or not.
And my mom has also called in to defend him.
It's been a real, real mess of a show so far,
but I need you guys to listen. Now Here is
j mart reporting live from his parking lot, describing the

conditions uh in what is evidently the equivalent of the Arctic,
according to j mart So there's the problem that stuff
right there, it's not pure snow, it's some kind of mixed.
Plus there's this fog in the air, like the whole
idea is, and that we're getting a bunch of snow.
The whole ideas that all of this as soon as

it hits the windshield is sticking to it from top
to bottom, and there's just absolutely no way to see.
It's fine when the car is not moving, but when
it's moving and the wind is actually blowing against it,
it just immediately makes it untenable. Like I can show
you the cars and it's fine because if you use
the windshield wiper right there, it would be perfectly cool.
But if that car actually tried to drive after it

cleaned itself off, it just wouldn't work. I see some
people saying defrost at eighties and not enough windshield wiper fluid,
plus the defrost won't actually ice over. That could be true.
I didn't want to risk that because if I throw ice,
or if I throw water on there that immediately freezes
from the windshield fluid, then I'm screwed either way. So
that's my issue. But this is this is the best

that I can give you. I never said that the
snow was untenable. I did slide a little bit, as
you can see. That could possibly happen in this situation
because this is a mixture of snow and ice and
it's packed down. But the general problem is you just
can't see out of the windshield. I still don't know
how Clay made it. I don't know. I mean know
he has a nice car, even though he's looking at
true car to try and get himself a new one

at least that's what he says in every damn live
read that we've heard for the last two or three weeks.
But I'm stunned that he made it in. I thought
for sure he wouldn't and then he would totally understand.
But of course he has to make it in. So
now here comes the snows are after me. Screw you, guys.
You can kick sand Jason Martin, But that was a

live report. I think like I added the wind. Did
you add the wind back? Because I'm gonna be like, man,
that does sound kind of windy? Man. I added the
blizzard because j Mark is one of my homies, trying
to help him out. Also tweeting out uh from local
a local police Uh. People, some vehicles, including ours are

having to pull over to defrost of their windshields. If
you have the option, please stay home. If you don't,
please exercise in abundance of caution. That's from a local
local police department. Um I uh. And And by the way,
there's so many, so many reactions pouring in right now.
Are you more sympathetic to j mart right now? Guys
having heard his report and watched that video, And I

would encourage you guys to actually watch the video instead
of just listening, Like, when you see that, you're gonna
be like, this is the most shameful performance by a
grown man ever. But having watched the video, how would
you assess the conditions? I mean, you're in sunny California
where it never snows hardly ever. Anyway, we we talked
about that a while ago. It has snowed in southern
California before, like six inches, right then, we talked about

that back in the thirties or the forties or whatever.
If you believe Tony Tony, Tonia never even rains on
the California Yeah, that's right. Well it hasn't rained in
like three months out there. Actually it rained over the weekend, okay,
but before that had been like two d days or something. Crazy. Yes,
all right, so what's your verdict? I mean, you guys
are in a warm, warm weather like you're not exactly
whether you know crazy men? When you see that, what's

your thoughts? My first thought is is, uh, that was
a great performance by j mart Panning the camera up
to the uh the light post, say, it's not the snow,
it's that right there, It's it's the fog moving in.
That's really doing it to me. So it was a
great performance by j mart didn't look as bad as
it sounded on the air, So that that's one thing

to be concerned about. But um, you gotta make it
in the word, man, you gotta make it in um.
Jason Martin, it just like totally lighting up Twitter right now.
He's asking how ineptus Clay Travis that he can't take
his own phone calls for a few hours. Here's the deal,
the reason why I employed Ja. You guys know, you
guys have heard Jason Martin complain about like every time

he has to take phone calls. Jason Martin act acts like,
you know, like he's got to give four courts of blood.
You know, it's like, oh my god, I've got to
answer the phone when it rings and ask where people
are from. And it's like he's e or like it's
the most difficult job. And you guys are with me,
like the main phone bank is in the studio or
from Yeah, so you can't run over there and talk

and do both things at the same time. Yeah, I mean,
what do you expect me to do here? Plus I
literally employ someone to do it. That's just like you
saying like, oh, look like Travis is not shining his
own shoes. Well, if I want to get my shoes shined,
I would pay somebody to do it. That's why j
Mart here to answer the phone calls and or stand
in the parking a lot and complain because he can't

figure out how to use his windshield wipers and df US.
All right, Uh, where's Eddie Garcia? Let's bring him in here,
and then we're gonna go to Dan Wetzel, who's actually
up in Detroit. There's no telling what his reaction is
gonna be to this. Um. He was, I believe at
the Patriots game. I'm not sure he may have gone
to two to the NFL games, but we'll talk about
that with him. But first, what's shaking Eddie Garcia? Well,
close started the NBA where he had a rematch of

the two teams that have met in the last three
NBA finals. That would of course be the Warriors taking
on the Cavaliers. This one was in Cleveland. Cavs led
by seven and a half. They lose by ten one
eighteen to one oh eight. Kevin Duran thirty two points,
Steph Curry twenty three points for Golden State of their
league best twenty six and nine, Cleveland's lost eight of ten.
Another big game of the night saw the Clippers beat

the Rockets one thirteen to one oh two and Chris
Paul's first game back in l A against his old team.
As was a chippy game, we would add coaches and
players getting involved verbally, and Blake Griffin and Trevor Ariza
were involved physically at the end of this game. They
were both ejected and then after the game, several members
of the Rockets team apparently got into the Clippers locker
room before security had to be called to escort them

away from the Clippers locker room. In the NFL, the
New York Giants reportedly gonna hire Vikings offensive coordinator Pat
Schirmer's there any head coach. Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels
report gonna be the next head coach of the Indianapolis
Colts and the clay One note from baseball, the San
Francisco Giants acquire outfielder Andrew McCutcheon and the trade with
the Pittsburgh Pirates. He's a former nl N L m
v P and a five time All Star. UH good stuff.

As always, um there are lots of responses rolling in
people reacting to the snow, including the police officers. I
just retweeted um, hashtagging me snows are. I don't like
to brag, but it is an important job that I
have here and UH, and I have managed to make
it into work, unlike Jason Martin, who who job is
to be answering our phone calls. But Jason Martin is

active all over Twitter right now. He could not come
into work, but he's evidently just tweeting to his heart's
content all over the place. I think, I don't know,
maybe we need to have like a a situation like
we had in the locker room. Maybe we need to
bring in some some muscle to to to put j
mart into his his place. UM, let's go ahead. What's
the situation here? What are we good um to UH

to play um the uh Frozen, the Frozen soundtrack, by
the way, the I don't even know how many more
great Frozen songs do. I almost just want to play
Frozen soundtracks mixed in with j Mark talking about how
he can't come into work today for the rest of
the show. You want to mash up? The mash up
is incredible, Yes, I think we put together an incredible mashup.

We're gonna be joined by Dan Wetzel. I think we've gone.
Are we good in this segment? Is it too early
to go? Or can we break right now? You have
a couple of more minutes if you'd like, and then
we'll get Wetzel on the line. So the Hugh Freeze angle,
when you guys hear that Hugh Freeze might come to
take over, and ironically enough to talk about Hugh Freeze today,
to me, this is a potentially really fascinating story because

what I've been told about Hugh Freeze at Alabama is
that both the Missouri Tennessee and l s U were
interested in hiring Hugh Freeze, but they just couldn't quite
get him across the finish line because there's not necessarily
an endorsement of few Freeze coming out of the SEC office.
So if Nick Saban can make this higher and get

Hugh Freeze in as his offensive coordinator, it's a pretty
incredible move by Saban. And I think, you know, I
know Clemson has a lot of guys coming back and
uh and I know Clemson is gonna be very good
next year too, But I think it turns Alabama into
an insanely prohibitive favorite because you know how good the
defense is gonna be with Nick Saban. And if you
brought in Hugh Freeze, who is insanely successful as an

offensive coordinator. Now again, if I would encourage you to
go back and listen to his interview with us on
this show from a couple of weeks ago where he
went public for the first time since he was fired
by Old miss and a lot of you reacted and said,
you know what I mean, that was an incredibly honest interview,
and a lot of you I think would support your
school hiring you Freeze, so um to me, I think

that would be a I think that would be a
brilliant move by Saban. And again Saban has proven himself
to be able to bring in new guys who other
people wouldn't take. I mean, Lane Kiffin at the time
that Nick Saban hired him was considered toxic by many
different college programs. Nick Saban brought him in and in
three straight years they went to the playoff and they

won the national title in year two. Three straight years,
Lane Kiffin had a first year quarterback and frankly, if
Saban had kept Lane for the title game against Clemson.
I think Alabama probably wins that game. I mean it
was I mean they lost with one second left. I
think that that Kiffin would have just been a little
bit better than Sark was and that would have translated

into more success offensively, I really do. And but Lane
Kiffin was a tremendous success. He gives Stark the job,
and then Stark bails and takes the Atlanta Falcon job,
which a lot of a lot of Falcon fans were
not necessarily very happy about this year, the offensive product productivity,
and then he brings in Brian Dable for one year.
Brian Table gets the job as the as the Buffalo

Bill's offensive coordinator, takes the next step as a head coach,
and so just intriguing across the board. If you were
to make this decision, I think it'll be fascinating. While
ask Dan Wetzel what he thinks about that decision by
Nick Saban, will also break down some of the NFL
divisional rounds, and we'll ask him what he thinks about
Jason Martin not being able to make it into work today. Uh,

given the fact that he's in Michigan and the weather
conditions I'm sure in Michigan are not very inviting as
we speak this morning. Uh, thanks for everybody hanging out here.
I am Clay Travis. Is sal kick the coverage up
next Stan wet Cell on nuh Fox Sports. I don't
want to die. I've got a lot to live for.

The snow glows white on the mountains night to see why.
Everybody I was driving was still on the highway had
their hazards on, and about half of them light meat
took the very first deck that they could fine. We
all piled into one gas they can marking a lot.
I had to sit there and clean up our windfield
because it was flat out not possible to drive any further.

Because you had you couldn't see. You just couldn't see
it all. Let them do, let them see. I just
I feel like even stepping on this song, I wanted
to get it. I want to get it, to let
it go. It's how much longer till if they say
let it go? There again? Seconds? I'm gonna wait. I

gotta I gotta wait. There we go, such a good song.
I am Clay Travis. I'm not gonna let it go.
We're coming to you alive from the Geico out Kick studios.
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with Geiko, go to Geico dot com or call E
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is easier. Bobby Bones, I've been talking about his show
next door to ours in the studio over here makes
four million dollars a year for his show or something
for iHeart basically funds the entire entire I Heart business
at this point, Um he tweeted out a picture of
his car and he said, had to drive this beast
through blizzard light conditions this morning, but I'm here for you.

And then he put a picture of his jeep with
a little bit of snow on it. Uh and Jason
Martin literally like he's next door to us and his
entire staff also managed to make it in. Dan Wetzel
with us from Detroit at Dan Wetzel on Twitter and
we have a quarter inch of snow today, Dan so
far and my producer on the show said that the
weather conditions were too bad and the best questions to

people have been asking here is does Jason Martin understand
that windshield wiper fluid is different than water. And I
think the answer is no. I don't think he understands
the difference because he keeps saying like he couldn't clean
he clean his windshield because he was afraid it was
going to freeze on the front windshield and so uh
and and so. Anyway, when you hear Dan Wetzeld that
a that a national radio shows producer did not come

in because we've got a quarter of an inch of
snow on the ground, what are your thoughts? Well, yeah,
I've been following along. I mean it's snowing right now,
and I'm driving the car in Michigan, literally driving while
you talk to me. I might as well be an astronaut.
I mean I deserve like that kind of heroes welcome.
How I am managing all of these things? I uh, yeah,

I don't know. It's every year. I try to I
try to give people to benefit of doubt. It's always
perplexing when some weather hits the South and it's just panic. Um,
I do get to the cities, like, does Nashville have
salt trucks? Did we just lose we there? Yeah? I

mean we do have salt trucks, I believe, and I
don't think there's any major conditions right now in terms
of driving on the interstate. The problem in general, I
think is that people try to drive too fast and
then they have accidents and then you know, like it's
like but the way to think about it, I've always said,
it's just like white rain, right, just prepare. And the

other one thing I will say about the weather down
here is Nashville and other southern communities, Atlanta, a lot
of times, you know, if it goes all the way south, Dallas, Houston, Birmingham,
you know, Charlotte, all these towns that are all on
like kind of the same rough plane geographically, we get
a lot of times they don't know if it's gonna snow,

we're gonna get ice. And sometimes we just get ice. Right,
Like my wife says, you know, she grew up in
the Michigan area. She's like, we don't get ice that
much because if it snows, like it's cold, so you're
gonna get snow. We're always right on that border. It
might be rain, it might be freezing rain, it might
be ice, it might be snow. And so that's the
biggest challenge here is that ice is really you don't

want to mess with ice because you get on the road,
you can't tell it's ice, and you just slide all
over the place. That's where we end up a lot
of times here. But today that's not the case. It's freezing.
It's actually really cold, so it's legitimately snow. I mean
the biggest look, I don't like driving, especially in the
interstate in the snow because the other people, because it's
someone gonna go five hauling like two snow machines and

that they're gonna chap knife and then a truck's gonna
slam them. And you know, I have these eighty car
pile ups and you didn't do anything, but you know,
um little side streets and stuffed up I don't know.
I you know, I like Jason, so I'm gonna give
him the benefit of the doubt. But uh, you know,
pull the covers down and go to work. Even there's
a long show, you can still make it every day,

trust me. I know. Um. All right, So you are
up in Michigan, but I believe you were at at
least one of the NFL playoff games. Is this thing over?
Like when you've covered Tom Brady for a long time,
you've covered Bill Belichick for a long time. Do you
find it as inconceivable as I do that case Keenum
or Nick Foles or black Bordles is going to beat

Nick not just not just obviously Tom Brady, but also
Bill Belichick. Like, I just think this thing's over in
the Patriots are gonna win their sixth Tonedo. Um. We
were talking about this the other day. This is clearly
the easiest path that the Patriots have had in any
of their Super Bowl runs. Um. And I think it

would include the loot the two losses also, um in that.
But there's just not an easy you don't you just
don't line up and say these I mean, Jacksonville could
win this weekend. It's a good football team. It's but
like you there's a reason you don't go from three
wins to the Super Bowl champion and and and there's

a reason you don't win with Blake Bortles. And there's
you know, like there's too many and nobody goes up
there and wins, you know, like other than the Jets
that one time. You have to have like just a
ferocious team, and you have to have a really hard
nosed quarterback. I mean, it's just there's so much and
then you're getting in the NFC, and all right, maybe
they gotta go play at Minnesota, and you know that

that will be tougher. But it's not even gonna be
like a road game. I mean, Pats won sixteenth straight
road games. They just had a streak end this year.
And it's still even if it's in the US Bank
Stadium and of the crowd is Viking fans, it's not
so you know. I mean, Belichick with two weeks to
game plan against Case or Nick Foles. Uh, he usually

takes something away from Russell Wilson, takes something away from
you know you like man, I with you, it's it's
I let me win it another way. At the beginning
of this playoffs, I said, this is before the Steelers lost.
I said, if Brady and Gronk are healthy, Patriots winning
the Superwoman. Now one of them gets hurt. Obviously Brady

gets hurt, but if Bronk gets hurt, I don't know
if they can win the Super Bowl. Um, but if
they're there, I don't don't see who beats them. And
right now I don't know who beats them. It's possible.
It's football, but man, the Patriots are gonna have to
play bad and someone else is gonna have to play
great to win this thing. All right, good question for
you here that I think we'll probably talk about later
this week. Would it actually be better for the NFL

if you ended up with a Super Bowl between let's
say Jacksonville and Blake Bordles and either Nick Foles or
case Keenum from the Eagles or obviously the Vikings, just
because it would send the message that you don't have
to have an incredible quarterback to every other team out there,
that you could end up with the mediocre quarterback and
still make the Super Bowl and win it? Uh when?

Right now? Other than maybe citing Trent Dilfer back in
the day or Brad Johnson playing against a rich Gannon,
you know, fifteen years ago, it's basically been impossible for
a not really high level quarterback to win the Super Bowl.
So even though, like obviously Brady and Belichick and the
Patriots are a evil empire that people love to hate

or love and it's a great storyline, would it be
better for the NFL if you ended up with these
like non traditional quarterbacks and these non traditional powers playing
for a championship well, I guess the idea then would
be every market would think that they could win the
Super Bowl. Right, that's exactly right. I don't know that
the NFL really lacks from enthusiasm of their hardcore fan base. Um,

the Brown's opener will sell out next year. You know,
you go to Brown's training camp, There'll still be people
there watching. Why. I don't know, but but you know,
like you, I don't know that that now people may
not think, hey, I can win the super Bowl, but
they're cited for the year. So I don't know. I mean,
I think that's certainly be a nice touch to be

something different, but I don't know if anyone would really
believe it as much as it would be a fluke.
Maybe if it took a few years. But to me,
the best matchup for the for football, UM would be
the Patriots playing against Minnesota. Um. I was just in Minneapolis,
and I mean the city is so jacked up. UM,

and I look every team when you get to the
final four, here's jacked up. But they're already they're already
jacked to host the Super Bowl, which happens like once
thirty years in in uh in Minnesota. So they're They're
gonna have the wildest party ever. If if the Vikings
make the Super Bowl's already gonna be big, um, but

it's gonna be just off the charts that they make it.
And then you bring in the Patriots and here's the
here's the big match up, and you'll have the crowd.
The skull chant is one of the greatest things I've
seen in sports, A great tradition, um that they've they've
co opted from the Icelandic team of this d MC
chat uh clapping. I mean, it's it's it's fantastic. So
I think that's maybe your most exciting thing left. Um,

I would kind of go, I guess I would go
that way. I don't. I just don't know that if
all of a sudden, even if they win with Nick Foles,
anybody's sitting around going, oh, we're gonna win this thing
with you know, with the twelve or thirteen bad quarterbacks
that are in the league. You were watching the Vikings
miraculous win, the Minnesota miracle. Where were you when it
actually happened. Were you down on the field yet, were

you in an elevator like I mean, that's obviously the
last play of the game. What was your vantage point? Uh?
And the NFL you don't get to go on the
field college that you can at the end of the game,
but NFL you're just in the press box and just watching.
I mean I was like, I actually what I would
What I noticed on that last drive was that no

one had left. A very few people have last and um,
I think I was right when they lined up. I
was just looking at the crowd that was just standing
there in silence, like I don't know. It was like
they're watching an execution, Like this is being a Viking fan.
Like the world. You just lose these horrible games. You
have a seventeen o second half lead and you lose.

You have a um a lead and you lose, and
like they've just seen it. I mean I was there
two years before when they you know, Blair misses the
field the twenty seven yard field goal to win it,
and these poor fans and sat in six below temperature
in the whole game just to watch him in a
playoff game, and they below it. So it was like

I was like, God, these fans, they're just like I
wanna witness. I wanna witness like the hearty beating. It'll
make me stronger, and then and then the play goes
and it was like, wow, he might catch that. I
mean they had to run a thirty five yard basically
down and out and hope you catch it, and I
hope you get out of bounds. Then I hope you

kick a fifty two yard field goal. All all those
things had to happen. Now obviously not impossible, but not easy,
especially when you know they're trying to throw a thirty
five yard out um. He made it, and then when
he got loose, it was like a gasp in the crowd,
like oh my god, there's nobody there, and it was
electric and everyone just looking around going did that happen?

Because to me, you know that the kick six Auburn Alabama,
and and that Michigan State Michigan game recently where that
Michigan State wanted on a punt in the block punt um,
those to me are three of the most amazing finales.
Kind of the Malcolm Butler play, I wasn't really a
walk off play, but because you've never seen that, we've

seen the hail mary. Right, so they line up and
throw it. It's it's a hail mary. It's credible. But
we know what the strategy is. No one's seen this before.
You're like, they just completed that sixty one yard touchdown
pass to win the walk off game like that, That's
what made it so unbelievable. Would you be stunned now
with the Eagles one? I I don't. Yeah, I don't

think they're gonna have a lot of fun with this
Vikings defense, which is legit. I mean, it took Breeze
a long time to figure that thing out and and
get going. And if you and and really I just
think of a veteran quarterback and beat these defenses almost always. Um,
I mean everyone talks about great Jacksonville defenses. You know
at the end Roethlisberger they put up forty two points. Uh,

you know, they did their part. And so if you
have one of those guys a Breeze and Roethlisberger or Brady,
you can do it. I would be surprised if the
Eagles win it is at home. Um. Obviously the case
keenum Is can also have a bad day, Uh if
he plays moderately. Well. I do like the Vikings chances
and I do like the Patriots chances. Obviously. Do you

think Belichick will be back like if you were saying,
if you were betting right now, do you buy into
any of this drama that's surrounding the Patriots, the sp
An article, everything associated with that. Do you think there's
any chance that Belichick and Brady aren't back on the
sideline with each other come next September? No, I think
they'll be back. I think, um, you know, I think

I think that article. Um like, I think everything in
the article happened. I think it's all you know, it's
all true. So that's a really good reporter. He's a
really good at finding stuff out and getting people to talk.
But don't normally talk. I just think that you know,
you work together and uh for years, you have arguments

and you get to you know, you get it's a
long season, and I don't know, you say something. I
bet your your your producer is not real happy with
you right now, and he might be telling somebody, you know,
it's screw Clay, it was snowing. I need to get
a new job, right And in a couple of hours,
he doesn't think that, and he'll be there tomorrow, right, Like,

where's where's Belichick going? He wants to rebuild at his
age y like you know he has a chance to climb.
I don't think you can set the all time wins record,
but he can come close. He is is win percentage.
He competes for a championship, Like, why would you try to?
It takes a long time to build that whole organization.
It's not it's not full proof, you know, like Mike

Shanahan came back to try to reduplicate what he did
in Denver in Washington and was and it didn't work
and heard his reputation no doubt, Dan, I appreciate you
coming on with us. I appreciate you being able to
drive in the snow. Go follow Dan Wetzel at Dan
Wetzel on Twitter. Hour two just about in the books.
We're gonna be joined by Petros Papadakis in our three

and uh we'll continue to update you on j Mart
Gate as he sits in the one quarter inch snow
and refuses to come to work. This is out there
the coverage live from the Guy go out Kick Studios.
Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen per cent or more
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Quote controversy in the out Kick you Know verse as

Jason Martin was unable to come into work today, Bobby
Bones got a four hundred million dollar radio show goes
on right next hours, tweeted out a picture of his
car that he drove in um and he tells me
via text, it's nothing out there, and I live off
the beaten path, but the big roads are totally good

unless you drive like a moron. Evidently Jason Martin drives
like a moron because he told us that he could
not come into work this morning. If you're just waking up,
the city of Nashville under siege, maybe a half inch
of snow now on the ground minutes before the show began,
like literally maybe a minute before the show begins. We

get an email myself and then obviously Danny g and
Robert who are out in l A. And that email
reads as follows. So here's the problem. I have made
it one exit. This is from Jason Martin. I left
forty five minutes ago. I've had to stop now three
times to clear off my windshield. Everything that hits it

freezes and sticks. Immediately it ice is over and becomes
completely opaque, which is the most ridiculous part of this.
Of this email and there are many parts of this email,
the fact that he used a phrase completely opaque. And
let's see now, I am for some reason unable to

scroll through my through my email here. Um as we
read all of the all of the ridiculousness from Jason Martin,
and he basically is saying that he has no ability
to get into work, that it's too dangerous, that it's
too much of a crisis for him right now. And

as a result, um, this is uh, it ices over
everything that hits, It freezes and sticks immediately, it ices
over and becomes completely opaque. And about three minutes of
driving because of the wind, chill and temperature and of
course the big stuff. And again we've got maybe a
half inch of total snow right now. The big stuff

is coming in a few hours around our three. Well,
it is now our three. I gave up, he said,
barely made it back those few miles before. It's now
iced over my glass again. I slid into my parking spot. Legitimately,
he's since been reporting from his apartment. Did you guys
see the picture he just tweeted out from his bedroom

window inside of his apartment. I am looking at it now.
It is incredible when you look at that now that
the sun is up. You know, we start off the show.
I will give a moderate amount of credit to Jason
Martin here. We start off the show when it's dark outside,
and sometimes when it's dark outside, things can appear more

ominous than they actually are. That's why horror movies are
set in the dark and everything else. And then the
sun comes up and you're like, oh, you know what,
it's really not that bad. The view from outside Jason
Martin's window. I mean you can literally still see the grass.
I mean, that's how little snow we have right now,
so far you can still see the grass from his apartment.

Are you even more in a disbelief over this decision?
See now, looking at this picture, I feel like he
could have put some of those big snow shoes on
and five layers and walk to the studios because he's
not that far from the studios. This is ridiculous. This
is I I totally agree, this is ridiculous. Jason Martin

is gonna have to call in, assuming that he's listening
to us right now. Uh, he can call in because
otherwise he can call the hotline, because otherwise we can't
talk to anybody because he didn't come to work and
we can't actually field calls, but you can react to
it on Twitter. I would encourage you to go check
out this picture of the weather conditions that were too
ominous for him to be able to come in at
Clay Travis, you can find me there. You can see

him at j mart out kick um And we're gonna talk,
by the way, with Petroz Papadakis here in a little
bit um in the next segment. But before we hear
from j Mark, you guys have some funny audio. Evidently
they had another fake fight in the NBA last night
between the Clippers and the Rockets, and Charles Barkley and

crew were making fun of that situation. I think you
guys have some audio for us. They're not laughing at you,
they're laughing at then. Don't believe I played for six
two years and I've been on the old TV. It's
the first time I've heard police presence. They got Wait, wait,

they got a police presence? Are you kidding me? Wait?
Come on? Social media reports that that l a p
D was called l A p D was called these
two man because they they would they would relish coming

up after that is the the story. Evidently we had
a fake fight with the late last night for many
of you, the Houston Rockets lost. And then what's the report?
Guys that three different Rockets players including Chris Paul. That
was James Harden who's actually on I R right, which

is funny in and of itself, that James Harden and
Chris Paul and who else? Trevor was Trevor Reza? Who
else was involved in this storming of the locker room?
Now this story is great, Clay, you'll appreciate it. Because
Chris Paul a former Clipper, he knows there's a back
way you can go from one locker room to the other.
So he had his little posse come in the back way,
and then he had Clint Capella go to the front

door and knocked in his track them so they could
sneak in into the back, but security stopped him before
anything could really happen. What are they what are they
upset about? They were mad at like Dan Tony bumped
by Blake Griffin. Okay, and that's when Chris Paul came
to Dantoni's defense and those two got into it, and

then Austin Rivers was talking smack from his street clothes
on the bench and they so he was one of
the ones they were going after their in the locker room.
Is there anything more NBA than James Harden being on
the camp playlist and then trying to get in a
fight in the locker room. I mean, I remember the
whole James Harden story about was that Moses Malone Jr.

Who got beat up outside the Houston And I think,
by the way, there's been like criminal prosecution there and
some of the goons got in trouble. But the report
was we had the lawyer on who filed the lawsuit
that James Harden had basically ordered the beating and watched
it on Facebook on like Facebook live from inside the
strip club, like one of the other guys like held

up his phone as they beat up Moses Malone Jr.
Because Moses Malone Jr. Had said like something bad on Facebook.
Like he was like, that's the story anyway, that James
Harden was upset about something that was said on Facebook.
And so is there anything more NBA than James Harden,
who's not evidently healthy enough to play yet wants to
go into the locker room to get into a fight.

I mean, and by the way, these guys and Chris Paul,
I mean, like, is there anybody left? Is Chris Paul
the least threatening player in the NBA? I mean what
is Chris Paul six ft a hundred and sixty pounds.
I mean he might be the smallest, like least threatening
player in the entire n B A you could at
least take some threatening dudes with you, right, Like, I

don't know what are they gonna fight Trevor Reza? I mean, sorry,
are they gonna fight? Uh? Rivers? There in the locker?
I mean, what a ridiculous story in and of itself.
They were also mad at Blake Griffin evidently, um I
just I mean, and also for Chris Paul, I mean,
what is he like thirty five? I mean, Chris Paul
is too old to be getting involved in all these shenanigans, right,
I mean, he's not a young guy. He knows all

these guys. Personally, I think he just looks like an idiot.
But I do think the reaction from the NBA it
was amazing. He's also the head of the NBA Players Association,
which is it in? I mean, isn't he like, isn't
he like thirty four years old now, I mean he's
way too old to be making a decision like this.
Like it's one thing if you're nineteen or twenty and
you're like hot headed and you're just an idiot, Okay,

Like you know, young guys do all sorts of dumb stuff.
But Chris Paul is former teammates with these guys. I
love that he had that they had the back door entrance,
and that like they were gonna do anything. I mean,
this is funny in and of itself. Uh. The NBA. Uh,
but you have a ridiculous thing. But maybe even more
ridiculous than the NBA near your locker room fight is
that Jason Martin is now with us UM to report

on the snow conditions. Jason Martin, UM, you were unable
to come into work today. In your defense, I said earlier,
it was dark outside, and sometimes in the darkness you
are more afraid by what you cannot see than what
you can see. The sun is now up. You've tweeted
out a picture where from your bedroom window, like like
a child, from your bedroom window, and you can see

the grass on the ground in the picture. Does any
part of you now regret your decision to not come
to work, not at all, especially after seeing the spring
Hill Police Department, which is about fifteen minutes from me,
talking about people having to pull over the side to
have to read defrost their wind All right. We had
a couple of do you understand that windshield wiper fluid

is different than water? I e. It's not going to freeze,
because that's what it's designed to do. Yeah, I mean,
there are some that I think I wouldn't trust necessarily,
but most of the time in the past, there's been
a lot of times when I've had water in my
windshield reservoir instead of actual windshield fluid. Not that I
thought that was going to be the case this time,

because I'm pretty soon. The last time I took it
to the mechanic last month, uh, they refilled my fluids
to make sure everything was gonna be fine in terms
of that. But I don't maybe not, I mean kinda,
but it's not like I went to school to learn
the difference between water and windshield wiper. I appreciate you
being honest there, because I'm gonna be honest with you.
I would have thought it was water too, but until

but then people pointed out that that's a ridiculous opinion.
So I decided that I was going to hit you
with that one. But then I was thinking to myself,
you know, I kind of always have assumed that everything
coming out of my windshell wiper stuff is water too. Yeah, yeah,
I mean it's it's more like, I'm not surprised to
find out that they're different. But I don't think that
it would. Like I said, it makes sense that it
wouldn't be, but it just seems like if it's liquid

and it's under thirty two, it would still have a
pretty good chance, especially when the wind shield was actually
I think somewhere around seven degrees that if it hit
that it might just make things that much worse. The fluid,
by the way, I'm told we'll go all the way
to minus twenty without freezing. So and then if you're
someplace where, yeah, that's good to know for the future.
So would you change the way you tried to clean

your windshield if you had known that you could have
used your windshow wiper fluid. I mean I certainly would
have tried to use the fluid. I mean what I
would do is when I stopped the car, the defrost
would work pretty fast, but I'd be able to get out,
and I was trying to make it faster so I
can get out of Are you guys playing the blizzards
out in the background there for Jason Barten even though
he's in just parting Now are you indoors? Now? Yes,

I'm indoors. I got people that are tweeting me. They're like,
you didn't even get dressed and walk into the living
room to take a photo of Like, dude, what's the difference?
My bedroom window is right here and it was easier
for me than to open like the deal before my
sliding glass door to take a photo, Like, what's the
difference where my photo is coming from? Also, when I
first heard my I heard the show and I heard

the video that you guys played obviously my video, I
thought it was legit. That was good work by Danny,
Like I thought, hey, listen to this in the background.
Can't you understand what I'm going through? Uh? Did you
hear the Frozen mix that did that? Did Danny put together? Yeah?
You guys? Are you guys are really doing a number?
Here's the question? Two? Yeah, you've you've definitely gotten lit

up on Twitter at j mart olt, kick, here's the question,
are you not going to leave your house all day today?
I have no reason now to leave the house. Um,
you know, I've got the food that I need and
all that. I will probably walk to the fitness center
because I'll still want to get a work out in
and it's here in the complex, so it's only about
a forty five second walk for me, so that that'll
be something I'll do today. But that'll probably the only

time I can go outside. I mean, after you're done
with the show, Clay and you brave it to go home.
And now though now it's pretty much white everywhere, and
so of the roads and it's there is a like
a quarter inch layer of ice according to the weather reports,
actually on the road, underneath the snow that's falling right now.
Assuming you make it home safely, which I certainly hope
that you do, and everyone else that it would be

it would be anywhere. It would be incredibly ironic if
I died on the way home, Like, after all my
criticism of you for not like, I'm not gonna lie.
I'm gonna drive like ten miles an hour just to
avoid the irony of because if I died after doing
a three hour radio show ridiculing you for not coming
to work. It would look a little bit ridiculous when
you saw Bobby Bones and his radio show that makes

four million dollars a year for our company. When you
saw him tweet out a picture from inside of our
parking lot, Uh, be honest and a little bit of
you die inside. I mean I didn't love it. Um.
I wasn't the biggest fan, but I did not. There's
one thing to note. The car us in is a Jeep,
and you mentioned four hundred million dollars. I imagine it
has every amenity possible. It's not that my car is not.

The defroster is not that high level of a lot better,
the functional defroster is not that high level of of
of an amenity on a car nowadays. I guess that's true,
But mine was functioned. What is your people have been
asking what your car is. It's a two thousand thirteen
RAV four. I mean you have a four wheel drive vehicle.

I wasn't worried about the driving clay. You can have
great high You've got a four wheel drive vehicle and
you didn't come to work at a quarter inches of snow.
What what does four wheel drives had to do with visibility,
by the way, No, because if you have a four

wheel drive vehicle, you clearly have no issue with your
tread on your tires, and you should be able as
a college graduate to figure out how you get your
windshow wipers and your winshow wiper fluid and your defrost
to work. Except you didn't know it either. I didn't
know about I would have just used my defroster. I

wouldn't have even worried about the winshow wiper fluid. Asked
that question on Twitter the entire time the fire time.
We all right, we're gonna play as we go to
break here, I want to bring back the can you
play that? Thank you? Jason Martin. Um, by the way,
what you promised to be at work tomorrow? I mean

it's accumulating right now. They're talking about potentially three inches
or so, and it's shouldn't be cold, so it's not
you're commit to making it to work tomorrow? All right,
Jason Martin who didn't come to workday because there's a
quarter inch of snow on the ground. I gotta hear
the mix one more so we play the mix coming
out of the next break. Maybe that's what we'll do.

We'll play and if you want to add a couple
of wrinkles to it for people out there. Uh, and
we'll go to our guy Petros Papadakis in l A.
But if you haven't heard the frozen mix from Danny
g uh in honor of Jason Martin unable to come
to work this morning, UM, trust me, you're not gonna
want to miss this. Also, Petros Papadekas will join us
live from Los Angeles, will find out what he thinks

about the brawl inside of the locker room. Uh. This
is Alcaita coverage on Fox Sports Radio. I don't want
to die. I've got a lot to live for. The

snow goloes white on Mondnight to see it's when you
saw Bobby Bones in his radio show that makes four
million dollars a year for our company, when you saw
him tweet out a picture from inside of our parking lot,
be honest and a little bit of you die inside.
I mean I didn't love it, couldn't keep hidden having

let them do, let them see. I don't want to die.
I've got a lot to live for. I can see
you don't feel, don't let them look well now, then
let it go at what a fabulous song. Spectacular work

there by Danny g. If you're just starting off your
day and you're like, what in the world's going on?
Jason Martin didn't show up for work today because of
a quarter inch of snow that has fallen in Nashville.
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a new or used car. Visit True Car to enjoy
a more confident car buying experience. I didn't give Jason
Martin some credit for getting a True Car plug in
during his weather promo U Petro's You've been doing a
radio a long time. What's the most ridiculous excuse someone
has ever made on your show? Not to be a work?
I had an intern not come in because it was raining.
That's l a for you. So like what did he

text you? Did he call you? Like? What did he say?
Detexted the producer and said he can't come into its raining,
and we made fun of him, like you're making fun
of j Mart for about three or four days. I mean,
you saw the picture. I I mean, I don't know
if you saw it yet, of did. I'm all over
this play and it's not enough snow for anybody. I mean,
I think it snows like that in l A while

we sleep. I mean, with the hell So he also
has a four wheel drive vehicle. I mean, I'm just
in disbelief over this decision that he made this point
to make him stay home so you could make a
bit out of it, or he just really not show up.
Now he just really didn't. I mean he sent an
email in like one minute before, one minute before the
show started. Now that his credit. What kind of producer

does that? That's not production? He amen, he did tell
me yesterday, Like when we finished the show, we talk
and he was like, Hey, I don't know if you're
paying attention to the weather stories, but they're talking about
weather hitting like overnight, and he's like, I may not
be able to I just want to let you know
I may not be able to make it in. I
thought he was kidding, Like I was on. He made
his decision long before the weather hit. I think there's

probably some treat to that. He's like the guy that
says I'm gonna be sick on Friday and it's Tuesday
and he doesn't even know. Yeah, No, I don't think
there's any doubt at all. What's more a hire? Amen?
What's more legitimate? The near fight in the locker room
as a legitimate story being covered, or Jason Martin not
coming into work who made the better decision? J Mark, Like,

this locker room fight? Is that ridiculous to you? Well,
I don't know. I mean, I'm just trying to get
my I hate this phrase, but I'm just trying to
get my head wrapped around it for right now. And
we'll have people on who were there and do the
whole deal today. But the story is only about five
hours old. Six hours old out here in l A

and it's just weird. What's not fake at all, Clay,
is the bad blood that exists between Chris Paul and
a lot of the people or select people on the Clippers,
uh I guess, namely Austin Rivers, who, according to some people,

is the reason Chris Paul and Doc rivers relationship soured
and the reason he left the organization because having the
coaches kid, who is kind of a pop off, there's
no doubt about it, on your team, I guess was
really detrimental in Chris Paul's eyes. Now, this is all
reported and written about by other people and all the

the NBA rumor mills. I don't know where Blake Griffin
fits into that, but they didn't always have a great relationship.
Uh DeAndre Jordan and Chris Paul used to have a
bad relationship. Apparently now it's good. It's a it's a
real uh melrose place, if you know what I'm saying.
I mean, it does seem perfectly l a honestly I mean.

And also the Lakers, for God's sakes, I mean, that's
been the story for years and years and years, Clay,
And then I'm sorry to cut you off. But then
you know, we had the Clippers who suddenly started winning
about fifty games a year perennially perennially, but uh, they
had these internal problems that weren't reported as much as
what was ever going on with the Lakers. Chris Paul

is also, of all the people in the NBA, maybe
the least threatening player in the entire NBA. Like, if
I had to pick a guy who would want to
kick my ass, Like if I had to pick somebody
to fight in the n b A, I'm not sure
that you could do worse than Chris Paul. I mean,
and what I mean about that is he's six foot tall,
he's you know, a hundred and seventy pounds whatever he is,

he doesn't seem particularly dangerous. And the idea of him
storming a locker room of all things to try to
fight people because of things that went on in the game.
And also, by the way, the fact that James Harden
is involved, who's on I R like, he's not healthy,
He's not healthy enough to play in the game. Rivers,
you know, Austin Rivers was on the sideline in a suit.

And it's even weirder than that Clay. Chris Paul is
the head of the union. Yes, you know, he's the
head of the players union. He is a pit bull
of a guy. Uh. He's one of the more intense
players in the NBA. He's a meme guy. He's got
a sharp tongue against his teammates and a lot of

that did not go over well with the Clippers. So
he's an intense guy physically. No, he's not intimidating like
the eight foot dudes that run around me. I mean,
if you had to fight a guy like, I would
take you in a fight with Chris Paul. And I
don't think I would take you very often in a
ton of fights in the NBA, right, But I think
you would murder Chris Paul. Like, if you guys got
into a fist fight, I would put all my money

on you. I think you're sadly mistaken about how much
anybody in the NBA wants to fight. Amen, That's what
I'm saying. Like it's all fake. That's what Melrose places.
So I know how to box. I don't like you
calling me out like that. No, no, no, I'm not
calling you out. I'm calling out Chris Paul like I
don't think people. There's not very many people that here
like a radio guy and you're like, oh, I would

take that radio guy to beat Chris Paul's ass. I
would put every dollar that I own. If you and
Chris Paul were in a fight, I would be like,
I'm on, p I'll put every like I will put
several hundred thousand dollars down on you. That's how calm
that I would be to you too beat up Chris Paul.
But I was a short yardage tailback, and I don't
even know if I could beat up Chris Paul. He's
in great shape. He's younger than you, there's no doubt

about that. But he's not even that much younger than you.
He's thirty. He's gonna be thirty three this year. That's
the other thing about this. He's the head of the
NBA Players Union. He is like thirty three. It's not
like he's nineteen or twenty. Right. When people do all
sorts of stupid stuff like this is such a ridiculous story,
it's I think, of all the people involved in this story,
it's a it's the worst look for Chris Paul out

of anybody. Well, the two things that you're missing that
I can fill in the blanks. One of them you're
gonna love. The other one is obvious. The obvious one
is nobody really was going to fight. They all these
guys have personal security. There's police there, there's security up
the up the ass. You have the red coats at

Staples Center, all over the freaking place. I mean, there's
no one is going to fight, hey be none of
these guys want to fight, and we see that in
every NBA game ever in the punches these guys throw,
whether they're eight feet or not. And then the best
part is that they sent Capella they're the store apparently,

uh to knock on the front door and cause a
diversion game a throne style, so the dudes could rush
the back door and start beating up everybody. I guess
that's what they were gonna do, like run in like
like bandits and beat guys up and then run out
as if no one would recognize James Harden and his
giant beard, or Trevor Ariza who's been an l A

staple out of Westchester High since he won championships with
the Lakers. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. Now,
the one guy there that would fight that I know about.
I mean, I don't know all these guys, but Arizona
would fight. He's a real dude. But the rest of
those guys and a reason was there, you know, apparently
he led the charge. But so what do you think

they actually expected to happen here? Like if they like,
I would love to have audio of this. So you
just talked about it, like they sent one guy as
a diversion to knock on the front door of the
locker room, and like it's like a pincer movement here, right,
you're hitting them onto You're fighting a two fronted war here.
You're you're you're creating a distraction in the front, while

at the same time the party is going to come
in the back, the back and uh and create a brawl.
Like what do you like, what are they actually thinking
they're gonna do? You know, like it sounds like prompt
for me, It's like, oh, you're gonna sleep with this
girl here, and then the reality is you all end
up just drinking by yourself, you know, Like it's like
the most overly plotted, less realistic outcome ever. I was

supposed to sleep with a girl on my prom and
then I ended up drinking by myself too much. I mean,
there's a lot of guys listening right now who are like, Hey,
that sounds like my prom night. I'm glad you took
it to high school, because I think it goes even
further back than that. Uh, that's what it reminds me
of that you're talking about. It reminds me of middle
school where you have a bunch of plans with your

stupid friends and you go on toilet paper somebody's house
and knock on the door and your face to face
with the dad and you feel stupid. I mean, it's
just it's hard to imagine James Hard, who's you know,
probably close to a billionaire or something. Chris Paul, Uh,
you know all these you said, the head of the

NFL players, I mean, the the NBA Players Association, like
literally the guy in the entire league that they look
to for judgment. Yeah, it's it's hard to imagine what
they thought that they were going to accomplish. And it'll
be interesting to see what comes out, you know, if
they remain tight lipped. But apparently the Clippers handled it
pretty well. They just stayed in their seats and we're

kind of like, okay, Uh, there they are, and uh
there was some yelling back and forth and they pushed
the lock the rockets out. It reminds me a story
of a story, uh that my dad tells that when
they used to play up at Washington. When he played
at USC, the locker rooms were separated by a wall,

and Washington used to bang on the wall. That's what
like was their thing. They bang on the wall, you know,
for hours while you sat there before the game, to
intimidate you. Because it was allowed stadium and they packed
it in and the Husky Dogs are supposed to be
tough and this and that, and one game, uh, they
were there banging on the wall and then the guys
accidentally from Washington knocked the wall over. So now suddenly

there's nothing sending there an sc standing there, and it's like, well,
what are we gonna We're not gonna fight, you know,
there they are, you know, they just sit there awkwardly
before the game started, and uh, I guess that's kind
of what happened here. But nobody really wants to fight
because you know, if you throw punches, you're gonna get
fined or worse. Not only that. Yeah, if this had

actually escalated, let's say it's that legitimate fight, the NBA
would have to throw the absolute book at these guys, right,
because the last thing the NBA is guys going to
locker rooms after games and getting in legitimate fights, right,
I mean, because it makes the league look awful. So
they would have had to suspend these guys for you know,
like four or five six games. I mean, it would

have been a substantial suspension, I think, I guess, especially
because all the media is they're covering it, so it
becomes much more than an urban legend. I mean, the
last place you want to have a fight is in
a locker room where the media was running around. Uh.
But at the same time, uh, it kind of reminds
me of those old stories in the NFL, like Kyle

Turley going out to the bus to fight Neil Smith
after a game, you know, and Neil Smith's like, what
excuse me? What you know? That kind of stuff. We
had the story about Carmelo Anthony. Wasn't it Carmelo who
supposedly like went after a bus, a team bus one night,
like he was mad about what people were saying about him,
Like somebody said something about his wife, La La. Kevin

Garnette said that she smelled like a certain kind of
serial or something not like serios. Yeah. Yeah, that's an
amazing line. By the question of that, uh, I don't
even know what that means, but that's an amazing line.
Hard to keep your blood up, you know, after a competition.

So if you if you're still mad and you still
want to fight it out, especially with a dude in
a suit, Austin Rivers who didn't play, Uh, you had
I guess Austin Rivers was talking a lot of smack
during the game, and that's kind of what led to this,
and it was a chippy game. It'll be a fun
day in sports talk radio because of it. So the

other thing about this is these guys have to see
each other and we're talking to Petros Papadakis. Great show
at Petros and Money on Twitter a M five seventies
Sports in l A. These guys have to see each
other out outside of the season, right, They go to
the same bars, they go to the same clubs. They
probably vacation a lot of the same places. I always
think about that. They have a lot of the same agents.
So it's like they their social lives really kind of intersect,

I would substantially when they're outside of the basketball arena,
and we never hear about any other than maybe and
this was another l a story other than maybe Matt
Barnes showing up and beating up Derek Fisher over having
the same girlfriend or whatever it was that Derek Fisher
stole Matt Barnes's wife. Okay, well that's a little bit
of a mess. Well, you know, his ex wife was

hooking up with him, and Fisher was in their house
and the kids, who were you know, definitely old enough,
called and told Barnes that this guy's here with mom.
Barnes showed up, jumped over the wall, and beat Fisher's ass.
So that's like I was trying to think of NBA
story that's actually spiraled into legitimate violence, right, And that's

really almost the only one I can think of off
the court, and those guys never really played against each
other in a substantial way. That was over Yeah, but
that was over a woman, right, I mean, it's not
like it was over like some sort of relationship on
the court. Uh. Yeah, it just does them happen very
much this kind of thing, because again, you know, these

are guys that make a lot of money. When you
make a lot of money, you have something to protect,
and usually you're just not as in as many fist fights.
As a rule of thumb, generally speaking, the more. That's
why I always say, like, if you're gonna go on
the road, for instance, if you want to go watch
a Raiders game, the best way to be safe is
spend more money on your ticket because the more expensive
the ticket is in general, the more that people have

to lose around you. You don't want to be in
the upper deck. Yeah, that's the best. When people are
like I go to the Raider game every week and
I've never had a problem, it's like where do you
set you know? Right? I mean that's always been my argument.
People was like, I don't know, I'm a little bit
nervous about going to this game. You know, the fans
are to spend as much money as you can get
the best seat. The people around you in the expensive
seats have a lot more to lose than the people

who are in the upper deck. It's easy lesson no
matter what sporting of it you're going to, no matter
what city, the better the seats, the more that people
have around you to lose, the more safe you're gonna be.
What you got else going on, is this is gonna
be your whole show today. You think you guys will
spend the whole time on this upper Well, I have
the Bachelor Report. Oh yeah, of course, you know what
I haven't been. I'm gonna have to confess here, I
haven't we got I gotta catch up on it because

it's what's happened is they go back. They keep they
keep playing The Bachelor during like legitimate sporting events, right
because they're like counter programming against sports, I think on
ABC and so, like they had the college football playoff
and all those games and the program against themselves. You know, well,
I think they think girls are gonna watch The Bachelor

and guys will be watching sport off. They take the
whole season off. It just started. Oh it just started. Yeah,
we're like episode two. You could get in, but I'm
gonna be back in next week. When we talked to you,
I'm gonna be so plugged in. You're gonna be like,
damn Clay did his homework on this. Oh, somebody texted me.
Latrell Sprewell choked out a few dudes, including his coach

that yeah, that was a long time ago in practice.
But I mean that like you know, I mean obviously
Michael Jordan punch Steve Kerr. We know that teams like internally,
teams fight with each other during practice sometimes, but I
just can't have to remember a really spiraling out. I mean,
if you know Chris paul And and Austin Rivers got
into a fight at a l a club like that
would be a pretty big story, and we just never

seem to have it happened. It hasn't happened yet, but
we're headed in that direction. At scene Fingers Crossed, listen
to Petros Pavadgis at Petros and Money Am five seventy
Sports will be all over this story later night. Look
forward to it. I am Clay Turravis. I came into
the weather. I brave the weather. Snow didn't stop me.
It stopped Jason Martin. Final segment of the show. Up next,

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w to sacrifice. I don't want to die. I've got
a lot to live for. You're now gonna take device,
breaking it out all this stuff. You know what? I
think we need to close the show today. That's fantastic.

As you're wondering what the world music today? Quarter is
just snow is too much. More so the let It
Go mix. We have to play the let it Go
mix as we go out today. I don't even care.
We'll play it for like how long has that let
it Go mix? But to get to the point where

they start saying let it go? Because I would like
to end the show perfectly so that the let It
Go is just starting to crescendo and roll right as
we go into a commercial break. I want to say
the whole thing is about thirty seconds, all right, we
gotta hit that as we go out today, and Danny
g is absolutely killed it. I like to think Danny
G and uh and and uh my guy Robert for

actually coming to work today, unlike Jason Martin. Car shopping
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UM a lot of reaction. I can't even keep up
with Twitter to day hundreds of you weighing in. You

can find me on Twitter at Clay Travis, j mart
Is at j mart OutKick, and Mark Bazoh sends this tweet.
If you really want to give at j mart OutKick
a guilt trip, here's some AMMO. I live in Sue
sat Marie, Canada on the Michigan up Canada border. I've
never missed a day of work due to weather. Oh yeah,

and I'm in a wheelchair off the top rope there
from sus Marie. Also, I mean, it's amazing. We need
to do this. When it's not football season, we'll do this.
I have a fun day when Jason Martin actually comes
in and we can answer calls. I love to see
where you guys are listening to the show from. I mean,
I just think it's cool to see what parts of
the country and or what part of the world we

have people coming off the top rope today that I
have seen on Jason Martin from Japan, Australia, Hong Kong,
and New Zealand. So at least those different global communities
people coming off the top rope on Jason Martin for
his inability to come to work today from those four

different global communities, not a surprise that there would be
a lot of different communities out there in general where
people have got a lot tougher weather conditions than we
do here. And if you're just starting off your day
on the West Coast, as many of you are, San Francisco,
l A, wherever you are listening to us right now,
there is about a half inch of snow that has
fallen in Nashville, and Jason Martin decided that he could

not come into work this morning, send us an email
right as the day began saying that the weather conditions
were too treacherous to make it in And you really
just need to go back and listen to the entire
podcast of today's show. I guarantee that we'll entertain you.
And also we've had my guy Dan, What's will hop
in an hour two and then Petras Papadakis, as we
do every single Tuesday, and it's like there's always a

crazy l A sports story, and the newest crazy l
A sports story this week is that the Houston Rockets
tried to storm the locker room with a diversionary tactic
by having somebody knock on the front door while they
came in the back door. Uh and Chris Paul, Trevor
Ariza and uh and who was the other guy with them?
James Harden. So the what a ridiculous story that happened

late last night. That'll probably be discussed on A in
a substantial fashion, I would imagine today as well. We've
also broken down the NFL Divisional Round playoff game results
and started to talk about the a f C and
the NFC and will do more of that tomorrow with
Jeff Schwartz and hopefully Jason Martin will actually be able
to get in tomorrow, although we don't know that for
certain um guys out in l A final verdict on

Jason Martin what to punishment if any, should we levy
upon him or has ridiculing him for three hours been
enough punishment? I would personally like to see next time
it's snows in Nashville that you make him walk into work.
I do like the idea of getting him a hotel
room and making him walk in no matter like, especially
if it's like a mile away, just walk trudge through

the snow, because there are a lot of hotel I mean,
we're we have a studio, uh for people who who
are familiar with Nashville, Like, we're basically on Music Row.
So if you've been to Nashville at all, you know
where the music studios are and everything else where. Our
studio is on Music Row right in Nashville. So there's
lots of hotels that are within walking distance of the studio.
So I liked, I do like the idea of making

him trudge into work through the snow. I think that's
a fantastic idea. You know what, Let's go ahead and
play the Frozen mix that you guys did um, and
we're gonna, you know, continue to break it down um
here as we go out. So I just want to
make sure that Danny g has got that cued up.
So we're gonna play it for you if you haven't
heard it, guarantee it's gonna make your day. I would

encourage you guys again go download the podcast. Millions of
you are doing so. I guarantee that you'll be entertained
by today's show, even if frankly, I'm thoroughly disgusted in
the work ethic of the people that I employ, and
by people that I employ, I mean Jason Martin at
j mart out kick and his inexcusable behavior in general
over his refusal to come into work today. UM wants

to get to tomorrow. I can't wait again. We'll be
breaking down the NFC and the a f C, and
we will also be gearing up with you guys, uh
for a weekend of fun. Big story here that we
talked about earlier, potentially we'll discuss again tomorrow. Nick Saban
theoretically going to consider hiring Hugh Freeze's next offensive coordinator.

Story that I broke with you guys live on the
radio is that Hugh Freeze interviewed and thought the interview
went well with Nick Saban. Here is Frozen, brought to
you by Danny G. I don't want to die. I've
got a lot to live for. The snow glows white

on the mountain tonight. Not a flipprin to me. Seen
so when you saw Bobby Bones in his radio show
that makes four million dollars a year for our company.
When you saw him tweet out a picture from inside
of our parking lot, be honest, and a little bit
of you die inside. I mean I didn't love it.
Shouldn't keep hidden, having no Zack true, Let them to,

let them see
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