Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Another amazing week with you and Covino and rich enjoy
the best of the best of the best of the week.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
We do this every so often when he when he's
down to play along Shaquille O'Neal Shack Diesel trivia. Whenever
we say not to name drop, that means we're about
to name drop, I'll oh my goodness.
Speaker 3 (00:22):
Not only our CNR friends with Tyson and Mahomes, hey man,
they're also buddies with a big Aristontle.
Speaker 4 (00:31):
What's up this big Shack Diesel aka shackfou heka is
shack Daddy?
Speaker 2 (00:35):
Okay, the big Aristotle. Here's what it's don want some
seeing our project. Time for some basketball trivia, Diesel basketball trivia.
What he said he's to break brag boards now breaking
records for EFISOL radio Shack Deesel basketball trivia.
Speaker 1 (00:51):
All right, FSR security walk in our broke Shackfoo into
the main studio.
Speaker 4 (00:56):
Hey, broke Shack, Good to see you guys here danger,
How you been man, little buddy rich Bridge, my little
buddy over here.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
I heard recently you're going to be part of the
reason everybody tunes back into the NBA.
Speaker 4 (01:07):
That's right, that's right. I'm always the reason Shack Diesel.
But yeah, it's good to be with you guys.
Speaker 2 (01:12):
By the way, shaky youth team JJ Redick or Charles Barklay,
They're witle to say.
Speaker 4 (01:16):
I saved it for the best show on the radio.
I'm here to propose a fight. JJ Reddick and Charles
Barkley in the octagon. Dana West listening. I want to
make sure we're there.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
We have a big affiliate in Vegas, so he's listening.
Let's do it.
Speaker 4 (01:31):
Let's do it in Vegas. Let's do a big JJ
Reddick Charles Barkley in the ring.
Speaker 1 (01:35):
All right, let's meet the contestants for this game. Ten
time winner Rich Davis right over there.
Speaker 2 (01:40):
Is my tiny, tiny, teeny buddy. It's Rich Davis, ten
tiny little mare. Another ten time champion in the room,
Dan Bayer right over there. Hello, Hello, three time winners,
botty boy, just three tests, looking for four and looking
to win and seeing our stainless steel Swiggy in our
studio lines. All right, buyer, I will use you for this.
Speaker 1 (01:58):
Would you love to travel to Missoula, Montana, Dunmore, Pennsylvania, Austin, Texas, Conway,
South Carolina, or San Mateo California. Let's go to South Carolina,
South Cackalaca. John, what's up?
Speaker 2 (02:14):
Hey, John? All right, John, say hi to Shack Hi.
Speaker 1 (02:27):
Here the rules for Shack Diesel Trivia.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
Yeah. The first contestant with two cracked answers is the jump.
Speaker 1 (02:35):
If there's a tie, we have a tie breaker question.
Your name is your buzzer, but you do have to
wait until all three possible answers are right. If there's
two wrong ones in a row, we'd move on to
the next question. Are you ready? Let's get it on.
Let's get this big arsttle party started. Where did the
great Manu Genobili play prior to his NBA experience? Kinder
Bologna A to Torna b or c Reggio Emelia? Where
did Manu play first the NBA?
Speaker 2 (03:06):
Rich? He played in What is The first answer was Bolooney, Okay,
but you gotta buzz in first, Rich. This guy sounds
high as could be. Rich got in there first. So Rich,
what's your guess? A kinder Bologna and you are correct?
Speaker 5 (03:24):
Speaker 2 (03:24):
And I think it's because he's full of bologna most
of the time. Rich.
Speaker 4 (03:28):
Fun fact, he started on Perfect Strangers before he played
in the NBA. That was I used to say, don't
be ridiculous, no.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
Different guys, And all right, so John on this next
round here, after Shack reads the question A, B and
then C, then you could say your name. Okay, okay,
right here we go Round two?
Speaker 4 (03:50):
All right, Round two Shack Diesel here, and I'm a
big part of the big Diesel ratings. Back to the NBA.
Which team isn't helping the cause because they have the
worst record in the NBA right now? Hey, the Wizards
be the Jazz or see the Pelicans.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
Dan Fire, I'm gonna guess the Wizards.
Speaker 4 (04:11):
Whether I don't think that counts because he helped Dan
Buyer is correct? Job that the Wizards for the record
six and twenty seven.
Speaker 2 (04:28):
Rich and Buyer on the board. Wizards. We move on
to the next round.
Speaker 4 (04:32):
It's round three. What was I once quoted saying about
my awful free throws? Hey, the later I stayed out
the night before, the better My free throw percentage seemed
to be B. I usually aim at a big dummy
sitting behind the basket. I'm gonna need to aim towards
those nosebleed seats, I guess, or see me shooting forty
percent of the found lines is God's way of saying
nobody's perfect.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
I don't your name there, buddy, John, John, A, b
or C. He said, John, you sound like a big bonehead. No,
not A. Unfortunately. Did he say F? Did did he
say all of the above? He said A, And then
he said F. I want to bring John through the phone.
In my head, I agree that I want to bring
John through the phone and smack spot spot. I guess
my thought for the steal. A don't know.
Speaker 6 (05:34):
We just said sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, see see I
met C Sorry was it no ce?
Speaker 7 (05:42):
Speaker 2 (05:42):
Geez. The ratings of this are gonna be worse than
the NBA said wrong. You can't like switch answers. I
blame John. All right, Hi, tonight, rich In buyer on
the board. We are going to go to around four right.
Speaker 4 (05:55):
Around four shacks the trivia. I blame John. John is
like the wizards of this game. When Lebron James one
rookie of the Year who won the League MVP Award
that season season of two thousand and three, two thousand
and four, was it a Kevin Grant, Kevin Garnett, B
Tim Duncan or C. Jermaine O'Neal no relation to Shack
Diesel wretch.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
Rich for the win and to put us out of
our misery. He yes, Kevin Garnett, Kevin Garnett, not Kevin Grant. Kevin. Sorry,
I gotta put my glasses on. Yeah, welcome to five
and John representing South Carolina. Yeah, John, why don't you
go back home, go to sleep? Thank you for playing
the game, John, Thanks John, John, Thank you appreciate it.
Thank you, guys. Very special episode. By the way, somebody's
your wife. Thank you, Shack. Somebody get JJ Reddick and
Charles Barkley in the ring.
Speaker 3 (06:55):
Thanks Shack, Thanks Shot, make that happen, Bye Shack, Bye, guys.
Speaker 2 (07:00):
Rich can proudly say that was his eleventh victory in
the Yeah, I have a question just in the room
because we all we all agree, other than Danny g
who is watching the Lakers every chance he could get,
by the way, I feel bad for dragging Shack in
here for that. I know me for that. For John
put it that way, trying to move past the coach.
At least it was fun for the listeners. It was fun.
The more we bring all the way here. For that,
John should be embarrassed because we're not honed into the
NBA the way we are after the football season ends.
Are we majorly downplaying that there's two teams that are
playing lights out right now. I saw our old pal
Malik Andrews when we worked with the ESPN, talking about
how like is everyone just sleeping on the type of
season Cleveland is having right now? Fun times in Cleveland
again thirty one and four, BRO thirty one and four,
and then on the other side of things, OKAC thirty
and five. We're talking about two young teams that are
are playing a level that you know, y but it goes.
It's very indicative to the problem. No one's talking about it,
No one's excited about unless you're an oclehead Oklahoma City
thunderfan or a Cleveland fan. They're eighteen in one at
home Cleveland right now. They're playing out of their minds.
So hopefully, you know, I mean, good for them, they
get the props, the major Yeah, major props. Again, I
think I think, like a lot of people, I think
once the NFL wraps up, a lot of people really
dive into the NBA more because the reality is, you're right,
the all the issues with the regular season, the lack
of interest, and we're in the height of not only NFL,
actually the college football playoffs too, So at JJ Reddick
spoke on, I feel like we nailed it too. We're
like we said weeks ago when when they announced the
ratings were down twenty eight percent, we said, well, part
of it is when you have your superstars of the
game and an announcers talking down about how bad it is.
It's like saying, oh man, this food tastes like ass.
You want to try it? You're like no, or yo,
when that movie sucks you want to go watch it,
You're like no. The casual fans not gonna want to
tune into a game when guys like Charles Barkley are
saying negative things about it all the time. And JJ
Reddick spoke on that it's true. How do you expect
people to care when you don't care? If you're the
GM of the Raiders and every single person we speak
up is available, and you have your pickings, not your
Kenny Pickens, if you pickt if you have your opportunity
to get any coach, is it Ben Johnson, is it Rabel?
Is it someone else? Is Rex Ryan that wants back
in like no, no, Rex is saying he believes he'll
be on the Jets. He really believes it is it,
Craig t Nelson, Jemmy, he's a great coach. Don't want
to retread? Yeah? Would you want to retread like Rex? Ryan?
Speaker 1 (09:43):
You want somebody that's going to modernize your offense. Use
brock Bauers to his fullest. Get Tom Brady, who's now
helping to run your team, and give him the elbow
and be like, man, get me Tyreek Hill as my
wide receiver. One he wants out of Miami. Use your
first couple of Draft six. Wisely, I think the Raiders
will have another good draft. I would want Ben Johnson
calling the shots.
Speaker 2 (10:06):
He's a hot commodity right now. We said it before.
He may be overvalued, but what if you could get
a Dion Shador combo. I wouldn't be mad at that
Sanders combo in Vegas. Like Cavino said, that has Billboard
Britten all over. That has Vegas. You land in Vegas,
and it has coach Prime and his son everywhere. Matches
the show time, but winning needs to go with that.
I wouldn't just want this side show. That is true,
it's it's just very interesting to think what comes next.
And I bring that up because the Giants are sticking
with Dable and a lot of people forget memory short.
He has multiple Super Bowls as part of coaching staffs
over the years. He's a winner historically. Three years with
the Giants. Do we need a little refresher Caveno just
for the hell of it? I mean, that's the sentiment
from a lot of Giants fans, a lot of football
fans like they can't believe it if any team needs
a shake up. When you think about the embarrassment, and
you brought it up by saying teams that need to
be good, we're talking about two New York teams that
are the worst in the league, the Jets and the Giants. Giants, Yeah,
definitely need to shake up. And that's why it's a
surprise Brian Dable comes in. If you remember Daniel Jones,
they took him to the playoffs, they won a game
in the playoffs. Yeah, nine and seven and one rookie
year as a coach on that team. Did great last
year six and eleven. Oh down year this year three
and fourteen, another big step in the wrong direction. So
is the sentiment maybe like, yo, this guy, based on
how things played out, he deserves one more chance. I
think when you play it out with you had two seasons.
When we're talking about Tommy Cutlets, it's not all his fault, right,
I mean, I think he does deserve maybe one more shot.
Like if you are at a point where you're throwing
no disrespect to my guy, Tommy Cutlt, but if you're
throwing Tommy Cutler and Drew Lock and guys like that
out there, like perhaps like maybe Brian Dable needs a
fair shake at one more year, like I saw one
more year. I think. So all right, interesting enough, all right,
Hey have a great Monday, no Monday night football tonight.
So what do you catching up on? Squid game? Do you?
What are you watching? Silo? That's a good one. What
are you watching? Yeah? I recommend piece by piece that
for Ol Williams documentary is available on Prime. I hold
those memories fondly near and dear. I don't deny that
I loved wrestling and then I loved Nintendo. I just
wasn't one of those dudes that carried on with the
love of it. Right. It's interesting because you and I,
for as all the differences we have, we have similarities,
and one of those is we were both guys into
video games and wrestling and baseball cards especially right. But
as we got older, I had friends that in college
who are still gaming all the time, and I'm like, yeah,
I just don't got time for that. Same I still
have friends that game and we used to game together
when we were kids, and they're like, you just don't
have gamers, DNA, dude, And I'm like, I guess not.
Perhaps either that or I discovered women. I don't know
what happened. And you have family members that like collect
championship belts and stuff that go to every summer Slam
and Iroal Rumble and wrestle Mania. My brother in law,
Dan collects wrestling figures and dolls and belts and is
obsessed with it. And I have other friends are still
obsessed with That really turns your sister on friends that
are still dropping big legs on the weekend, and I'm like, yo, dude,
but that's okay. We're not judging because again, like I said,
we still hold those things near and dear. We're still
baseball fans. I still could appreciate some retro video games.
I still have love and interest even in new ones.
You know, I happen to be in four GTAs my
stupid voice is in a few grand Theft autos. So
I still have a love for those things the same
way I still appreciate wrestling, even though I'm not into
it the way we were when we were kids. But
I think yesterday, being that it was the first first
time Raw was on Netflix, a five billion dollar deal,
I was like, you know what, I got to see
what's doing. I think a lot of people, the casual
wrestling fan that some of knows what's going on, but
they don't watch like they did as a kid. Definitely
at least turned it on for a second last night. Yo,
big Ryan, you watch right. Not only do I watch.
When I was younger, I actually used to do it.
You were a wrestler, Yes, I was like a.
Speaker 8 (14:27):
WW wrestler, like a Kurt Angle wrestler, professional wrestling.
Speaker 2 (14:32):
I wrestled here in LA. I didn't know that. Yeah,
hold on, did you know this? You didn't know this?
I mean it's the Junkyard Doug. I was not the
chuck Yard Ryan. I mean I could see it. You're
You're a giant for people that don't know. I'll tell
you Ryan six, I mean, guess I'm six four six ' five. Dang, dude,
six ' five to seventy five. Sure, that's definitely around
there after the hollow. I you're giving him some three
or five. No, hear that, Ryan. You'll see right when
there's food in the kitchen, he pops up. Yo. If
you wight three five, I wouldn't mean it in like
you're an overweight kind of guy. You're just a big
ass dude.
Speaker 1 (15:13):
For two weeks now, he's been eating salads for breakfast,
so he's he's like two eighty five.
Speaker 2 (15:18):
Hey, Ryan, who was your guy? Who was your dude
that really got you into it though? When you were
a kid.
Speaker 8 (15:23):
Ah, when I first started watching, obviously it was Hawk Hoking,
But like I kind of like matured, so to speak.
Speaker 2 (15:29):
And my favorite guy of all time is Breath to
hit Man Heart love that dude. I loved all those
dudescence of execution. Yes, I'm not one of those hardcore
representation matters guys, because I just watched and liked it
and enjoyed it. But I did feel that it did
matter in the ww F growing up, because I feel
like everyone was represented, So anybody that looked like me,
I sort of gravitated toward. And even though I I'm
not what was Ricky the Dragon? What was his ethnicity?
I know he was When I first met Kavino, I
thought he was Ricky the Dragon. Ste I still identified
with him. But I loved me some Tito Santana Tino
just as as a result, because if you go back,
take it back on a Tuesday, they really leaned into
the stereotypes hardcore they really did you think, I mean
it's Nikolai Volkov. I mean, please, so iron chic. I
think we were all wrestling fans as kids. Right, So
you turn on Raw last night you just had a
curiosity like five billion dollar a day with Netflix, and
then you know what it got me thinking immediately the
Christmas Day games with the NFL, Monday Night Raw, the
countdowns on dudes, we are saying goodbye to television within
within the next whenever these contracts run out. If you
think there's gonna be networks that easily hold onto these
NFL deals, you're out of your mind. They might be
on Peacock instead of NBC, it might be on some
other app but streaming is clearly the future. I mean,
that's obvious. But after watching Raw last night, do you
everything that kept you possibly having cable TV? I mean,
biggest events last year, Tyson, Jake Paul, as much of
a clown show as it was, as much of a
circus as it was, it was a huge event. It
was on Netflix, So it's absolutely where we're headed. We're
there already, it's just a matter of how fast we
wean out the other networks. So the intro to Raw,
if you watched, I thought was fantastic. They did a
montage that someone should win a major award. They did
a montage where it's like Macho man Bruno, San Martino,
Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes, uh Andre the Giant, Like you're
getting Ryan all excited. They were bouncing from generation to generation,
heartbreak kid Diesel like they were whoever did this montage
like appeal to my emotions? I was getting a little emotional.
My wife's like, isn't this beautiful? Like it is beautiful.
It made you realize how much time has passed since
we were watching Maudy Roddy Piper as little schoolboys till now.
In your defense, though, any montage with the right music
could get you emotional. I've sat at weddings of people
I didn't even care about or really know, and I've
watched her slide show. With the right music, it could
get you. You're crying, but I don't know you. So
I'm watching. I'm watching Raw last night like many people,
and Triple H starts the show. Then, of course Dwayne
the Rock Johnson, who's electrifying. If just smell well, the
Rock is cooking. He does this whole thing. It's amazing.
I'm watching The Undertaker comes out on a motorcycle. John
Cena is there. It's amazing how many amazing characters there
are that we identify with some many of them died
over the years. Right, you see johnsena you can't see
me saying he's you know, he's on the farewell tour
of the crowds. That was John Cena.
Speaker 3 (18:53):
The crowd is doing up. I thought it was Ernest P.
Worrell on steroids.
Speaker 2 (18:57):
He does look like Ernest hey Burn, John Cena, The
crowd's going crazy. Thank you. John dany g you said
you're the boys had it on the background at your house.
So everyone, I feel like, was somewhat watching a little
bit right.
Speaker 1 (19:11):
Yeah, it was funny because our twenty year old he
told his mommy, it's like you see the grown men
in the crowd going crazy, screaming, And literally two minutes
later he was.
Speaker 2 (19:21):
Like, mom, Mom, see him punk, see him pluck. He
likes so he's doing the same exact thing. I mean,
it's it's theatrics, it's sports entertainment. It's as my mom
would always say as a kid, Richie, I know why
people love it. It's like a soap opera for boys.
I'm like, that's exact. I mean, we knew that since
the eighties, right. And it was a special night because
it was the debut of Monday Night Raw on Netflix,
so a big bars came out, big deal, new era,
new beginning, a new home, and all that build up
for the biggest observation that everyone made. And the observation
was simple. You saw the legend coming out and you
were waiting because you knew that he was going to
be there. Maybe about two hours into Raw, the stadium,
the arena into it. It's out here in Los Angeles.
The music hits whole Commania Brother, and the crowd's booing boho,
have you Holgan thunderlaps sucks and.
Speaker 4 (20:31):
It was.
Speaker 2 (20:33):
I mean, I'd say a little shocking, Yeah, shocking. I
mean it's Hulk Cogan, the guy that built wrestling. Listen,
there's a section of people that never forgave the Hulkster
for some of the racial things he said in the past.
I think some people for as many people I haven't
forgiven as a lot of people that forgot. And there's
also the layer that this event is that the Intuit Doban,
Los Angeles. Where have you seen hul Cogan over the
last year of your life? Trump? Amani your brother, Donald Trump,
Mega bro? What you gonna do? Hulgan is a He
ripped his shirt off of the RNC. I was gonna say,
pitching his new beer, which was the lamest part of
his promo. I'm here a real American beer. Brother. Have
you tried it? I have not. I think we need
to preface this conversation with everybody was reeled into the WWE,
for the most part courtesy of Hull Hogan. It wouldn't
be what it is with Adam Ryan. You said he
was one of your favorites. Yeah, but now he can
go straight the hell? All right? All that, but Rich
We also need to preface it that when I think
of Rich, I think of three people. Rich's three heroes
are Joe, Montana, Alf and hul Colgan. That that was
my childhood. Yeah, so we also need to make that clear.
And that's why Rich was shocked. How could his hero
be boo it in this way? Of course we remember
the racist things he said. Was that the reason? So
we have a theory. Rich has a theory. We have
a reason. I think it's a It's a combination of
a few things, one being there's a lot of people
and Ryan, you were, you were, we were talking about
this off the here. Hogan was your guy, and the
minute he said some racial stuff, you was a man
of color, where like, f that guy, right? I was out? Yeah.
Speaker 8 (22:29):
I mean he got me in the wrestling, he got
me hooked on as a kid, and you thank him
for that. I thank him for that. But as soon
as I saw that video of him saying those words,
I'm like, dude, like, really, man, why would you say
something like that.
Speaker 2 (22:42):
Yeah, it's definitely gonna change the way you think about
the guy. You're like, wow, man, that sucks, And that's
unfortunate because you don't want to feel that way, right,
You want to love the guy because you did for
all those years. So was that the reason? And then
other people, you know, were quick to point out, you know,
they trotted out Hulk Hogan in southern California two months
after an election where he's ripping his shirt off with
Donald Trump, Trump and your brother. You know, you're putting
one of Donald Trump's number one supporters in liberal southern California.
But then someone was quick to point out, you know
who else supports Donald Trump, Triple h the Undertaker. They
did not get booed. So it makes you wonder, is
the perception of Hogan completely changed to the point where
I said to Cavino earlier, I said, and he should
have came out as Hollywood Hogan. The booze a least
would have matched. He's got to go back to the
nWo days. At least at least the booze will make sense. Honestly,
he should invest in some just for men and dye
that beard black again, dark brown black, and lean into that. Well.
Speaker 8 (23:44):
Back to Taker and Triple h they were never caught
saying the N word. That's the that's the sticking point again.
Speaker 2 (23:49):
You're right, that is the so it's less politically charged
and probably more racially charged. People didn't forget, even though
I still believe so many people did forget. You know,
I think people remember the sex tape right like He's
went through a lot, but it still was shocking to see,
and that really was the headline on a big night
for the WWE. One of the bigger stories and takeaways
from the night is that are there no more Hulk
of Maniacs. There's a lack of Hulk of Maniacs. There's
not as many as there used to be. And he
got booed at this big event. So it makes me
think he came out with Jimmy the Mouth of the
South Heart and I saw funny meme where was Hogan
and Jimmy Hart And it's like, man, Jimmy, I guess
they didn't like you. Brother. Yeah, it's kind of sad,
to be honest, but it's not you. Jimmy was the Hulkster.
What happened? Look, and we also have to be fair
Rich and I have met him plenty of times and
he was always a great guest and always a great
guy on our show. But it seems like the public's
opinion has changed and based on that, what's your theory
racially charged, politically charged? Mixture of both? You hate his beer?
You know, what's your reason? What do you think the
theory is? And are there other people that have fallen
from grace? Who comes to mind? Because he's in that well,
he'll never be in that OJ category, because OJ's probably
the king of this conversation. I mean, he didn't murder anyone,
but he did say some bad things saying. He's in
the conversation based on last night of people that have
fallen from grace? Can he turn it around? Can things change? Yeah? Possibly?
Why not? Right? I don't you love second chances? Maybe not?
But are there other people that come to mind when
you think of They were beloved, they were the face,
they were great at what they did, and then I
don't know, the public turned their back on him for
whatever reason. So who do you want to add to
the list eight seven, seven, nine to nine on Fox?
Who do you add to the lists we've made so
far of Hulk Cogan and OJ Simpson? I'll add someone
a little lighter, Ellen Degenerous, her story of being shunned
because she was a lesbian. Everyone felt for her story.
She got back on TV. Everyone loved Ellen. She's dancing
and her daytime talk show is bigger than anything. Then
it comes out that she's like terribly mean and hard
to work for allegedly, Yeah, and everyone hates Ellen. She
does a stand up specialize her farewell like sorry, everyone
hates Me, which I thought was pretty good. By the way,
I saw a meme just yesterday saying that she looks
like nos Fratu. She looks more like No s Fatu
than the new No Saratu. So Ellen, oj Hulk Hogan,
Who do you add to the list of what happened?
I got one, And it's a bit polarizing because I
feel like men can acknowledge that, yeah, he screwed up,
but women really hate and hold on to their disdain
of this guy for good reason. I'm not defending him.
I just feel like there's a double standard here Tiger Woods,
because I feel like we there's a part of guys
that not understand what he did but still root for it.
I feel it was like one too many no no, no, no, yeah,
but we moved past a little bit and we root
for him. Don't tell me we haven't rooted for him
and appreciated the moment he had with his son just
recently during the home and one. We rooted for his comeback. Right,
you're pulling for him a little bit, but the master's
a couple of years ago. Anytime you show any sign
of like go get him Tiger, some woman will give
you show mean mug, you sign eye, you give you
a dirty look because women have not forgotten rich.
Speaker 1 (27:21):
I know you're not as bad at him as the
rest of the world. But Lance Armstrong, my theory is
on the list. My theory on Lance is that I
get it. He's on this list one hundred per same
as Tiger. But my take is, so.
Speaker 2 (27:36):
Listen, someone told me if I watched the documentary on him,
I might feel differently. So keep in mind I haven't
watched much about him. But if he helped a ton
of people who had cancer, who cares to be cheated
in a stupid bike race? Did he though?
Speaker 1 (27:50):
Did he pay for the drugs? Because a lot of
the money went to awareness.
Speaker 2 (27:54):
I know, But my overall, my overall sentiment is like
when you talk about what's more, he was a fraud.
If he that upsets a lot of people. But if
it was a fraud that raised money for people with cancer.
Isn't that still more important than a stupid bike race.
Speaker 8 (28:09):
I think people are ticked off because he sued people
too and tried to like ruin people's lives, So.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
Maybe it's a k I agree. So see, I don't
know this part, and he was adamant about, you know,
not cheating, So I'll give you one moment again. Are
we hating on these people? No, we're just we're compiling
a list here and we're saying unfortunately for for things
that they did. You know, there's got to be accountability
there on their part too. Paul Colgan is on this
list short of murder. I'm a firm believer in second chances,
right unless you unless you kill someone. I'm a big
believer in you know, we're all human, we're big mistakes.
I'll give you one that. I love this comic and
a lot of people are like, really, that guy, he's creepy.
I love the comedy of Louis c K. I think
Louis c K where he sticky, He's sticky sticky on purpose.
I recently bought his comedy special for ten bucks. I
watched it. I love Really you don't even donate to
charities and you're buying that guy's comedy special. Here's the
sticky part about that story. What if what if what
he did was to someone you love and care about,
you'd feel a little different about that, right of course?
I mean could he have done worse? Absolutely? Didn't he
just I mean pants and do things you shouldn't do.
That's the story.
Speaker 8 (29:31):
Yeah, I mean, to be fair, he did asked for
permission first, Yes, and if you really want to be
you know fair. His comedy is great. I think he's
one of the funniest dude, and I can.
Speaker 2 (29:43):
Separate and tell them so you know, you're never gonna
listen to uh Michael Jackson to or Kelly song again. Dude,
I'm able to separate the art from the guy. I am, right,
but not everybody is. Not everybody should have I mean, see,
you know why I think I could separate the HULKSTERU
meaning I look at Hulk Cogan and say, I love
Hulk Hogan, but Terry. Terry might not be the best
guy that aught he messed up. So you know, if
you look at it that way, what's up? dB.
Speaker 9 (30:08):
I also think just with the wrestling fans and maybe
this is is a little bit off. But there is
the point of like, all right, we're doing this again,
like this is for the.
Speaker 2 (30:17):
Nineteen Hogan always comes out for the big events, and
I think it might be with the younger generation, might
be like enough for aady with the old guy, Yeah, yeah,
come up with something new, like you can't it is dB.
I felt that way when I saw the crowd. You
got that especially you were there with your teenage sells
and everything. They're probably like, come on, man, like the
rocks there, guy, Like that's as far back as they want.
Their throwback is John Cena and the right the Hulk
Holgan to them is like who's grandpa with the flabby arms.
That's a good point exactly because you know him having
this Republican stance. I don't think that's it nowadays. This
guess what a lot of wrestling fans are a lot
of wrestling fans are Republican. And fifteen percent of LA.
It was in Los A. You know, last I check,
fifty percent of LA was voting Republican. Right, So your
thoughts on it and who else are we forgetting or
adding to this unfortunate list? And I say it respectfully
and kindly because I do agree with you rich. You know,
some names are worse than others, and I do root
for people to turn it around. But you know, it's
sad to see people loved and then sort of hated
in his way.
Speaker 9 (31:21):
Well, I do think that Tiger Woods has made a
comeback and people are rooting for him more. I can
see where you're coming from. Yeah, Phil Mickelson is one
who didn't realize he crossed the line in abandoning his
fans in comments that he made, and then when he
jumped to live golf like the Phil fanatics. Now he's
he's still here to be seen because he's not on
the PGA tour anymore. Even when he plays in majors,
he's not getting TV time when he does it. He's
completely gone off the map. Not being booed, but just
not nearly even close to being loved as he once was.
Speaker 2 (31:51):
No doubt, Hey, Michael Vick as well. You know what,
Michael Vick, there are some people great example of turning
it around, you know what. I feel like he's done
a lot of good since it's the you know, terrible
things he did with dogs and everything, But there are
some people you could tell, and I hate the stereotype.
But I feel like a lot of times you could
tell a woman like, oh, Michael Vick, and she's like
that set up a bitch and the dogs. Yoh, I
didn't you know? If women hold on to it arder
for sure? You know maniacs. This is hull Cove and
the greatest of all times.
Speaker 9 (32:18):
And I want to thank you guys for listening to
Cavino and rich So what's you gonna do when coveno
Mania and Richarmania run wild on you?
Speaker 2 (32:26):
Brothers? Everybody knows that you guys have been hulk of maniacs.
So after you train, say your prayers and eat your vitamins,
go ahead and get crazy and get naked. What what
is that about?
Speaker 4 (32:39):
Speaker 2 (32:41):
What happened to Hulk Hogan? I mean, it's not a
bad plan. Let's get crazy, get naked. In twenty twenty five,
what happened to Hulk Hogan? Ricky one of the production
gurus here, Yeah, just popped in the studio with a
sweet new Dodger's hat on and he goes, y'a, I'm
watching the news because of all the fires out here
in LA and he's like the bottom third it's scrolling
Hogan booed. It's like a news alert on not just
like you social media. It was a big story that
hul Cogan was booed practically add of into it Dome
in Los Angeles yesterday. Yeah, the people spoke and we
all heard it last night on a big night. Who
else are we adding to this list? The triple doozy?
Why did Hulk Hogan get booed last night? Obvious answer
number one? The racial stuff, the N word. Ryan among
many wrestling fans agreed that that's the moment. They're like, yeah,
they have Hogan, I'm done with him. Then there is
the section of people in southern California that don't care
for President Trump. And you saw Hogan ripping his shirt
off Trump of Mania, So that's that. And then Dan
Byer rut up a great point. There's also a younger
generation of wrestling fans that are like enough, like we
get it. Hogan made wrestling in the eighties. I bring
out Roman Reign. Although I agree, I think that's a
great point. It's a little rude, right, I mean it
just a little rude. Let the old guy have his moment,
you know, I sort of made it happen. Oh he
didn't make the whole thing happen. I mean, without Hull Hogan,
it would be no wrestling. But in fact, Holgan reminds
you with the same sort of sentiment all the time. Right.
I will say watching last night, Watching last Night did
make me realize that no matter what generation. We talked
about this with athletes, no matter what generation an athlete
may have played in, they'd be a star. And you
could say the same about musicians, like I don't care
if they were in the you know, one hundred years ago,
fifty years ago, or now. When you got talent, you
got talent. Roman Reigns, you know, I don't watch on
the regular when he comes out down the aisle, he's
a bad man. Yeah, these kids have a different level
of swag and microphone skills. And again it's a different
era and we're comparing it to the old school antics
of a Hull Hogan. I get it. It's not the
same telling you to train and say your prayers and
eat your vitamins. Meanwhile, you know, Roman Reigns is like
a cool dude. So it was the debut of WW
Monday Night Raw on Netflix. He got booed. Who else
have we added? We added oj Again, he's the king
of people that have fallen from grace, right, Allen Lance, Armstrong,
Tiger Woods, Louis c k the Halkster, James Traiko, James
Francoth Throgan's like, yeah, you're not my friends anymore, you
said Michael Vick. And again we've also proven and we
root for people to turn things around. Right, No, who's
in the middle. So who's in the middle of a
comeback now? Because I guess the allegations were never proven.
Kevin Spacey's starting to get some I want to say
love again. But Kevin Spacey is I think not in
the bed graces of people. Well, I think as we
step back, we realized that there was a big cancel culture, right, Yes,
some people got canceled for good reason. Some people it
was like, eh, it's not that bad, so there's more
room to be forgiven. Let's go rapid fire loaded lines.
We love the feedback, thank you. It's not only like
who are we adding to the list? Right, It's more like, well,
do you have a different thought theory as to why
he was booed?
Speaker 5 (36:01):
Speaker 2 (36:01):
Your Hogan theory? And who to add? We'll go to Steve.
We'll start in Wisconsin. What's up bro?
Speaker 7 (36:06):
Hey, guys, thanks for taking my call. No enjoy your
show each day, big fan. I'd say Brett Farv has
themselves any favor.
Speaker 2 (36:18):
With that, you know what? As a player, I remember
being like man Brett Farve's he's a hard nosed great player,
and then his behavior around women, the Mississippi thing, Brett
Farv turned from like likable guy to a piece of
trash facts. I would say people's impression of him has
definitely changed, absolutely without question. I think there's a lot
of people that love to forget too though. That's why
I was surprised about the Hulkser thing. My impression was
a lot of people forget that he said some terrible things.
I didn't forget. Ryan did not forget. But I think
that Farv does fall into that category where I don't
know if it's the NFL or the public sort of
wants you to forget. Even Mark Gastino hates him. Right,
Let's go to Trevor in Texas. What's up trev Cavin
on Wretch?
Speaker 10 (37:06):
Hey, what's going on?
Speaker 5 (37:07):
Speaker 11 (37:07):
Real quick?
Speaker 7 (37:08):
I got a name of the guy pitcher.
Speaker 5 (37:11):
Who never is never gonna recover because they're rolling him
back and all the accusations were.
Speaker 11 (37:15):
Considered not guilty.
Speaker 12 (37:16):
Was Trevor Bauer and he's killing it in Mexico.
Speaker 2 (37:19):
Yeah, man, I do wonder you know, there's so much speculation,
but Trevor Bauer because he was an unlikable teammate. He
was unlikable to begin with. But right in the in
the in the court of law, he has done nothing
wrong up until this point. But I think the public sentiment,
you would think a team would take a chance on him. Right,
He's a tough guy to deal with, clearly, right. That's
a good answer, though, kelvin Indianapolis. What's up? Mann?
Speaker 5 (37:45):
Hey, thank you? Got the best radio show. If I
ever do a movie, I'm I'm the bad Guy's gonna
be the big, big cabino.
Speaker 2 (37:51):
Thank you. I like it. What's up?
Speaker 5 (37:54):
That sounds intimidating, But anyway, I got three names I
want to men to you real quick and then you
let me know it being an old deserving to be
on that wist m h hershal Walker, Daryl Strawberry and
Tanya Harding.
Speaker 2 (38:06):
Oh you know what, Tanya Harding is a good one.
I love Daryl Strawberry. Man just did drugs he was
just not a bad guy. He just you know, got
caught up and his past was a little tainted. He
never amounted out to be what he could have been,
but he still had a good career.
Speaker 8 (38:20):
Herschel Walker that's more of a political thing, So that depends, right, Yeah, depends. Yeah,
I think that it's yeah to that point as well.
Who was the top of the top He said it
was O j Yeah, and I don't think people are
gonna top O j Okay. Hogan and Ellen are like
second tier Hogan, Ellen and Luis C.
Speaker 2 (38:38):
Kerry. I think I think Bill Cosby, great answer. Damn Bayer,
Damn Bayer.
Speaker 9 (38:44):
Yeah, it was one of those where I didn't know
if I was in or out and missed it and
didn't want to say it again.
Speaker 2 (38:50):
Maybe, but Damn Bayer, damn A you say Cosby. I
gotta give props to Ricky again. Second chat out for
editing guru, Ricky production guy. He said, Yo, you gotta
throw Kramer on that list. Seinfeld. Everyone loved Kramer. N
word was his demise too, Yeah, it really was. And
it was just an ugly moment because he sort of
just lost his cool, you know, and he thought it
was gonna be funny in some weird way, and it wasn't.
Speaker 9 (39:17):
I think he did his press conference in this courtyard
out here. I think that's where, like I was told
that where they where he addressed it, But I think
it may have been obviously not where he said it
was in the comedy club, but where they're hot.
Speaker 2 (39:32):
Yoga women walking by the cameras. It takes time, It
takes a lot of people were around. Yeah, exactly, it
takes I don't know, time and forgiveness and you got
to earn it too. You gotta do some things to
earn that forgiveness. So it was a shock to see
that Halkster is that guy now and he should lean heel.
Maybe there's room for Hollywood Hogan for real. Tony in
Virginia one called then we'll take the rest on the
on the flip, Tony, what's up man?
Speaker 12 (40:04):
Good day Fellas. Nobody's perception changed more than after the
ten seconds slap by Will Smith.
Speaker 2 (40:10):
Oh that's a good one, dude, Will Smith. I mean
you're talking about fresh Prince of bel Air Independence Day
who didn't love Will Smith and then the slap you're like, yo, yeah,
you can remember, could be on this list or in
this conversation, you had to be really liked. There is
someone in this room that I was shocked how much
they turned on Will, and that guy is Steve Cavino.
Not that you were ever a big fan, but after that,
Commuto was like, f Will Smith, Yeah, oh big time.
Speaker 5 (40:36):
G My, what day.
Speaker 2 (40:40):
Never forgave Will? Huh No, I don't think I will.
We're happy to say that we're safe and we appreciate
all the concern, Thank you very much. It's eerie when
it's that windy and you can only you know, watch
you know, you can only watch so many on Instagram
and TikTok of people like trapped in their house and
this fire all around them. I feel Betty. You're saying that,
I feel bad even saying that when people are living
out full on reality nightmares. But Rich is not lying.
Last night, I was there in the fetal position doing
the Sign of the Cross because the wind was frightening.
The wind was so scary, and those embers are no joke.
They could fly over and cause fires in our area.
We're actually we live and we broadcast in the valley,
so the fires are essentially just surrounding us. But we're
safe for the most part. The winds were frightening. The
air quality is terrible, but we're here, we're live, and
we do send our best out there to the firemen,
the first responders, all the people affected, the police, the
medical squad, all your people's spotty terror squad, the terror squad,
no anybody flip mode squad one of my favorites, but
anybody affected, all the best, stay strong, We appreciate you,
and let's get into it. We have lots to get
to on the show today. We're gonna talk about players
or coaches that you'll never forgive. You never forgave them,
or maybe you're on the cusp of it, maybe you'll
have a change of heart. Today we'll see shut up forgiveness.
That is what I'm saying. By the way, who sings
that song in the movie just fronts Anna Faris. I'm
pretty sure I just saw that she had to evacuate
her house. Right what it is, right, burnt down? Yeah,
it's crazy how many people were affected by the fires
out here. We're also gonna do a little version of
Coveno and Riches, believe it or not.
Speaker 3 (42:40):
Yeah, there's a superstar athlete that's yappin' and I don't
think Cavino believes them.
Speaker 2 (42:46):
No, I think I do. You know what, I figure
it out as I go. I think I do believe them. Plus,
we gotta do a little midweek major like we always
do on the show every Wednesday, we go over the
biggest stories in the world of sports and pop culture?
Are they mid? Are they?
Speaker 4 (42:59):
Speaker 2 (43:00):
Are they? Major? And Tom Brady is always in the news,
always a fun story. So we got to talk about
weighing out all your options. Yeah, Tom Brady, now that
he's got some pull for the Raiders, and he's got
a great beach bud. If you follow anything on social media,
it's fair to say, Man, I confident in my sexuality.
Dude is looking studley handsome, more ripped than he did
at the combine when he was a kid, more ripped
when he was playing. He's all tan, he's tan, he's shredded,
and good for him. I'm gonna throw this out there
before we dive into this Brady Belichick possibility. Do you
know anyone else and I say this respectfully to women
and men or anyone, do you know anyone other than
Tom Brady that you could say looks better at forty
something than twenty something. I mean besides me and Tom Brady.
Let me think about it. Uh yes, Spot, I'll give
Spot the credit. He was a title to take all
the credit. Well, I mean I still look better. I
mean that is true. You asked the question, I answered
it me. I got one. I got one for you.
But I'm saying popular right now. And he's not quite
as old as Tom Brady, but his name is Nate
Barghetzi and is the hottest comedian going yo. If you
look at the before and after of Nate Barghezi, no,
I don't think he's like slaying it the way Rich
talks about him as far as how handsome he is.
Throw a beard and combed his hair. But he definitely
got a glow up from his early days. If you
see what a young Nate Bargetti looked like, he thinks
like he was a fully developed and he was still
in a fetus stage. And like many people listening that
are thinking, isn't a Nate Barghesi I thought so until
his daughter introduced him on the special and she's like,
my dad Nate Barghetzi, and I'm like, okay, I guess
he's barge. She did say that. She said, Pete Barghetsi,
he has a brand new comedy special out on Netflix,
and it came out that he was the highest earning
comedian in twenty twenty four. News to me, I feel
like he's great. I feel like he's he is slaying
in the world of comedy. I like his like his formula.
He's trying to keep it family friendly but still be relevant.
I like him. He's a nice guy, he's likable, and
his bit, his George Washington thing on SNL is really
what took him next level. So no hate, just congratulate
to Nate Barghetzi.
Speaker 1 (45:18):
You know who I saw early on in his career
and he just looked like a normal dude. But through
the years he got all jacked carrot top.
Speaker 3 (45:26):
Carrot Top might look better now, but even earlier looked
like the Wendy's girl And it's weird.
Speaker 1 (45:31):
It doesn't really go with his stage performances. Act something's off, dude.
Speaker 2 (45:35):
He said that, and he lost a lot of his
muscle mass recently. But we saw him at the Super
Bowl what was it last year? He was still in
good shape. But he has said publicly that a lot
of the times the muscles didn't work with his comedy.
You know, it was almost counterproductive. So ask yourself that
that's question one to a quickie. Do you know anyone
other than Tom Brady that looks signific better at forty
something than twenty something? The Nate BARGESTSI one I bring
up because I'm not the only one. There's before and
after little photos on social media. He dressed poorly. He
was like a little chubby face comedian. Now he's also
would glow up. It happens he found success. You get
a stylist, you get a personal trainer and a nutritionist.
Possibly guy's making millions, you can afford to look good.
And I think that's part of the presentation. Man, you
look good, you feel good, feel good, you play good.
So you play good, they pay good. Speaking of Tom Brady, who's,
like we said, living the life throwing footballs in the
beach with they got to change living the life of
Riley because last I checked, Pat and John c aren't
doing that great. Yeah, there's no Riley eye envy. Yeah,
it's the life of Brady. And we're not talking Peter
or Bobbie. We're talking Tommy throwing footballs with his kids.
Like this guy living the life of Brady, being like
super Dad, and you know, like on the side, he's
probably hooking up with all time hot models. Of course
he is Tom Brady. He's Tommy, Little Tommy Sham, don't
you live in? His family talks about him little Tommy.
They refer to him as like, yeah, and then tom
little Tommy, Little Tommy. He's living the life little Tommy.
The story is that he reached out to Bill Belichick
to see if there was any interest in Las Vegas. Now,
Dan Byer, I know you got your ear to the
streets on everything NFL and college football related Belichick. Is
there any possible out in the UNC contract? Yes, that
was the whole point. Yes, there was a clause. There
was a buyout, Yes, ten million dollars. Ten million dollars
buyout before June.
Speaker 9 (47:43):
And first of twenty twenty five. It drops to one
million dollars after June first of twenty twenty five.
Speaker 2 (47:51):
So it just begs the question. That's why when the
contract came out there was tons of speculation that was
pretty obvious that he fought for that clause because it
was a one and done sort of thing like the
option to come back to the NFL would be there
and would be available. But there's so many layers here.
Number one, would would Belichick do this? And you're like, wait,
he did that to the Jets like once upon a time,
remember it was like Bill Belichick psych and then he
just bealled on the Jets. So it's not crazy to think.
But I think the interesting part is when they separated
and Tom Brady went to Tampa and Bill Belichick remained
in New England for like a year or so, everyone
was like, who do you give the credit to Brady
or Belichick? And it almost seemed like they were at odds,
like he finally left Bill Belichick's evil ways and the
first chance he gave an official separation or did Tom
Brady just feel the need to see other coaches and players,
much like Jessica Alba and Cash Warren. I now seated
Jessica Albas saying there's a chance. But when they separated,
the media and I mean, we're part of that, I guess,
but made you want to think that they hated each other.
But here we are, fast forward and Tom Brady has
some power and the first move he makes is that's
the guy, Hey, maybe I have a theory and I'm
making this up. Okay, Guys, if you're new to Cavino
and Rich, there's a lot of make it up. Yeah,
just roll with it. Okay, what got you?
Speaker 4 (49:20):
Speaker 2 (49:20):
How? Everybody says Nicki Glazer became that next level person
and hosted the Golden Globes and slayed it and is
also hosting a twenty twenty six. Based on her performance,
she signed a three year deal. She signed a three
year deal. They're saying all because of even she has
said it all because of the Tom Brady roast. Being
part of that and putting her on that big stage
really showed what she could do. It was one of
the most streamed events in Netflix history. So it also
put Nicki Glazer in front of a lot of eyeballs. Yeah,
and she's admitted like, yeah, that's totally the reason why
I'm hosting. But then, of course her talent proved that
she deserved to be there. Props to Nicky Glazer. Maybe
on that magical night that changed her life and changed
her stars also brought Belichick and Brady back together. We
saw a different side of Belichick, did we not? Maybe
that really you saw he was boozing, hanging out with
Gronky and Edelman and everybody else. Maybe everybody got back
together and Tommy and Belichick on this magical night that
I'm making up right now, maybe this is when they
saw each other man to man instead of player coach
for the first time, and Tom Brady had a little
thought in the back of his head and said, you
know what, there's a different side to this guy that
maybe the Raiders need. Interestingly enough, I'm just making that up.
I like your theory, though, But if we did see
them pal around when we hadn't seen that in a
long time, they remember they did a shot together. They
did a shot together. Absolutely, I'm not saying I saw
Belichick getting in on tom having fun laughing. That to
me was a major icebreaker for all I know. Maybe,
and remember I made it up first. If you hear
it later on, it was you know, I came up
with this first. Perhaps that was the icebreaker they needed
for this to even start. I'm not gonna attribute that moment.
I'll say it could be part of it, But what dude,
leading up to that, we thought there was beef. But
what I will say is I want you to figure
your own life, work relationships, all the dealings you have.
There might be someone that is really good at what
they do, but there's such a pain in the ass.
But if push camped to shove and you're like, hey,
I need a real estate agent. Yeah, the guy, you
know what, he's really good. I want to work with
him again, even though he was I don't know, maybe
a pain in the butt. Maybe like maybe the reality
is you got to separate, like yeah, maybe you know personally, hey,
we buttoned heads. But Tom Brady's acknowledging like at least
Bill Belichick should get a look. He is one of
the best.
Speaker 1 (51:53):
Ever well in a situation like this too. Now with
Brady owning a small part but still part of the team,
he would be above the coach. So no longer would
he be, you know, a victim to the rigid rules
of one Bill Belichick.
Speaker 2 (52:07):
If anything, he could rain that in.
Speaker 1 (52:10):
Or maybe that's what that locker room needs. You know,
we're not inside the facility there. I think he says
so many things.
Speaker 2 (52:16):
You're right rich about that putting all differences aside for greatness, right,
We do that with women, We do that with a
lot of things. I got this girl's a nightmare. But man,
she's hot. You're right, you make exceptions. Yeah, Man, Belichick,
we didn't vibe all the time. But man, he's great
at what he does. The talent, the skills, they speak
for themselves. There's so many angles to think about here.
I think it's also a testament to again, despite their differences,
how great Tom thinks he really is. I think it's
a possibility, but it comes back to a matter of
not pulling the trigger too soon and always weighing out
your options. And I know Rich has a story. We
all have a story. There's balance here, and again I
always try to bring in real life examples to these
sports scenarios because, as they said on Uh, as they
said on Ted Lasso, real examples for you, football is
life is richest example. He's about to give. Isn't everybody's story,
But it's a story, nonetheless story. I think everyone's been there,
and I have a no, no, not everyone has been there.
And I'm hyping you up and saying that Rich is
about to tell a story about how he had a
chance to date an NBA dancer. Well, I'll tell you
the story. But I think you think everybody listening in
their cars like, yeah, I've been there, but but let
me let me explain, because there's a lesson to be learned,
and I know I've been there myself. You had a
bunch of cheerleaders chasing me. I'm just saying this. It
could be jobs, it could be dating. Sometimes you got
away at your options and take your time. But you
don't want to take too much of your time because
then all of a sudden, your options go away. Like
Steve Cavino, let me throw you into the bus for
a before I give my story. Cavino is the type
of guy that is very noncommittal in plans, so that
by the time he is ready to make the plan,
the reservation's taken, the flights double the price, the hotel's booked.
So you can't be a Cavino. There were tickets. Yeah,
like wait a minute, this's all so now it's a
nightmare for people that are hesitant like Caveno. Some some
people don't want to make that decision. It does happen.
Sometimes you're too quick, like sald like you buy the
car the minute you see it. Or my example would
be I met a girl who is beautiful, kind, smart,
like I really like this girl. When I was in
my twenties and she happened to be a dancer for
the New Jersey the then New Jersey Nets. She was
good looking, really enjoyed her. She said, tomorrow night, we're
gonna go out with my friends. Do you want to come?
So you're gonna hang out with the entire dance team. Yeah,
everybody's been there, Like which sid? So She's like, We're
going out at the dance team tomorrow night at the club.
So relatable. Yeah, bro, any other relatable stories. I get
to this club and as much as I really enjoyed
the company of the woman I was talking to, yeah,
if that was day one, she wouldn't have been like
a top ten choice of mine.
Speaker 3 (55:18):
I know it sounds terrible, but I was looking around, like, oh, man,
I hate it when I have these problems, right Danny?
Speaker 2 (55:23):
Right? Sam? Don't you hate when you have hot chicks?
But you wish you would have picked the hotter one
of her friends. No, you're the one. You saw the
hotter one. You're like, Man, I should have held out
for the hottest You're the one. You are the one
making me look like an ahole. No, it's true. Hey,
By the way, for the record, would you have had
the girls do like a dance off Rich for my heart? Yeah,
you know, and you have women dance for your love.
I'm just saying there are times where all right, let
me bring it, forget about it.
Speaker 6 (55:50):
I remember that bus of bikini models pulled up and
they stopped and they I was, I was standing there,
and they like, oh, we really could use an oil
boy for all of the bikini models, even though You're
particular situation is not.
Speaker 2 (56:02):
And it was you know, richest way of just expressing
how handsome he is. That's the truck go on. Though.
It really does prove the point because you took the
bait so quickly. Had you waited, you would have maybe
met a girl that would have been better for you.
You see this in free agents because that relationship did
not last. You see this in free agency where some
players it's like day one and it's like, look who signed,
and you're like, yo, they were antsy. They were like
Lamar Jackson antsy the word of the day. They were antsy.
Where like day one a free agency like oh they signed.
Then these guys that weighed out make a decision, and
then you got like the ped alamsa of the world
where I'm like, yo, it is Pete Alonzo gonna wait
around to till nobody really wants them. I feel like
the Mets are his only option right now. He has
to take what he gets. So I think it's the
balance of waiting striking and and that is like to
get that perfect balance is very difficult in business relationships
or anything. Because right now, could you argue Bill Belichick.
Could he have had the foresight to say, well, Tom
Brady's involved with the Raiders, they're going to fire their coach.
Tommy may want me there because we won done of
those six Super Bowls together. Maybe I don't take this
UNC job. Or is there no hype with the Raiders
in Belichick and he's going to be very happy in
Chapel Hill. That could very well be the case. No,
because I do believe, or else you wouldn't have had
that cluse in his contract. I do believe his plan
was to coach there until something came up, if not
this year, next year. I did see a headline that
said Belichick has already insinuated he is not interested. Wow,
but again he's still interested in getting back to the NFL.
You would imagine maybe next year and also remember a
big part of this college job was to set his
son up. Set his son up, and yeah again create
a program. There. Absolutely great point, Danny, so good one,
Tony did Belichick based on this story? Did he act
too soon? Should he have waited longer? Should he have
explored more NFL avenues? Maybe he did. But the point
here is to always weigh out your options. We weigh
out all the options before you make that final decision.
This so perfectly just goes along with the conversation we
had a day ago so we could all tie together,
put a little bow on it, and move on. We
talked about this with a lot of the hot commodities
in the coaching world, like a Ben Johnson. We're like,
does Ben Johnson just jump at the first head coaching
job that seems enticing? Does Raybold take the first gig
that looks like ooh, this is good? And we talked
about there's just not a lot of opportunities and so
you might have to Sometimes you prematurely a like sold
I want it, and then other times you're like, let
me think about it. You think about it too long.
Guess what? Remember trying to buy a house a couple
of years ago, they wanted you to put an offer
in like sometimes without seeing the place. Depending on the scenario,
you've got to make decisions. And interestingly enough, you're seeing
that with the coaching carousel. You're seeing that with baseball
free agency. Let me ask you a question, and you're
seeing that with Belichick now. And by the way, why
do you think champell Bill is not interested? He doesn't
want to deal with the Tom Brady stuff. Again, I
think he wants to do his own thing. He made
a commitment, Like you said, he's setting up his son.
Why have them buy out protection just in case it
goes wrong or something? Oh, no, we'll we'll see, all right,
we'll see your thoughts seven ninety nine on Fox. That's
our number eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox at
Covino and Rich again, always weighing out your options, all
the options. Did Belichick act too soon? Your thoughts on
that Tom Brady story? What do you take?
Speaker 13 (59:36):
Speaker 2 (59:36):
What do you take? A look at Belichick's thoughts on Twitter?
Because now he's on every social media. Who would have
thought that? X? I bet his girlfriend would love to
live in Las Vegas? Though? What you know?
Speaker 4 (59:46):
What do you know?
Speaker 2 (59:47):
What? Yeah, gotta have fun with that. What did he
used to call facebucking Instagram? What was snapface? Snapface twitch?
I'm not on snapface and all. Yeah, you don't think
of his young girlfriend instant twenty four year old instaitchat
girlfriend was like, come on, Billy, just think about it Vegas.
It would be so fun. You don't think he'd have
a little bit of you can mention it every weekend.
We could go see carrat Top and Terry Fader and
think about it. Think of all the circ Disilla shows
and Blue Man Groove. Oh yeah, I don't really care
about that. I mean, but I bet you there's some
sort of You're they were that fully confident, right He
and Hakkasan And come on, Bill J. DJ Vice is spinning.
Speaker 6 (01:00:35):
Dad, you look so cute dancing.
Speaker 2 (01:00:39):
It's funny. Okay, Pops the Rappid Radio. We're going to
bring them to New Orleans with us for the Super
Bowl again. Oh yeah, that'd be great, great way to
keep in contact.
Speaker 3 (01:00:50):
And Chris Cavino, Yes, where's Rich with the Saints cheerleading squad?
Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
Yeah, they're all fighting so relatable. Yeah, man boy, we're
just trying to figure out which cheerleader, come help me.
I just can't decide. You guys, come pick me up.
Maybe I should wait it out. Cheerleader alone, Ladies, I'm married.
I hate you guys. I do want to say thank
you Fox Sports Radio. We're live from Los Angeles, so
thanks again for all your concerns. I want to say, Man,
I feel really bad about everything, obviously, but we found
out today one of our favorite wineries out here also
burnt down. And he's a great friend and listener of
the show, Mark from Rosenthal Wines. And that's just one
example of many businesses and lives. Yeah, that guy, isn't
it in Malbou Mark that place. He's a big supporter
of ours and a friend, and we feel so bad
about the whole He actually runs that place, beautiful place.
He's actually Mark who runs that place. He not like
ye but yeah, no, So just a lot of devastation.
And I was telling some of the guys off the
air and the and that when you're not from an
area and stuff like this happens. Everyone you've met in
your whole life reaches out to you and it's it's
you know, it's nice to see the concern. But when
I tell you all day. Every person I feel like
I've met in my life that doesn't live out here
is asking you. Okay, yeah. I never realized how much
I was associated with California because I don't associate myself
that way. I happen to live out here, but you know,
I'm from Jersey, and like rich said, just so much
feedback all day, people concerned because it is that bad.
Speaker 1 (01:02:30):
One thing I didn't realize till a East Coast person
told me is that some of the country when they
if they haven't been out here a lot, especially if
they when they think of California, they think we all
live on pch. Yeah, like we all have beachfront property.
Speaker 6 (01:02:44):
It always makes me think of that scene in the
opening of the movie The Holiday where she leaves lax
and is somehow just driving down the PCH and then
is going to Beverly Hills.
Speaker 2 (01:02:56):
It's like, that's what people outside. We all live at
the beach. And interestingly enough, when you when you live
out here, listen. Kavino and I moved out here from
the East Coast for work reasons. But Kavino said this
to me this morning. When we say, oh, yeah, we
live in the valley, he goes, I don't know, do
you think people know what we mean by that? And
I'm like, you know what, I think they just think
Karate kid. They just yeah, they just think, oh, karate
must be big there. It means we're actually in the valley,
the San Fernando Valley, between mountains between mountains, so we're
surrounded by the fires. Does that mean we're completely safe. No,
but it means, you know, we're surrounded by it and
it's just wild to see. So thanks again, guys. We
appreciate the concerns. Stay safe, and like I said, I
know we're out out to all the first responders and
the story I just mentioned about Rosenthal Wines, that's just
one of hundreds and thousands of people affected. Shouts to
the firefighters that are coming in from other states right
now at home, no doubt, and uh, you know, listen,
I know we're on across the country, so I know
snow and ice and you know where you live nature.
That's can you know? Said before chill out? Not a
great start to twenty twenty five. Relax, Yeah, Rich, did
you cheat on mother nature or something? What's going on?
What happened here? Did you leave her for a cheerleader
or something, so you know there is something positive though.
I don't know how to position this rich, but today
is like a special day. It's it's here's what I'm
going to say to keep it clean here on Fox
Sports Radio. Yeah, is Football's five day of Excitement Eve?
The weakest name? Wow? Else? Could you describe it? I
had a different name for it earlier, but I can't
say it here. It's the football five Day of Excitement Eve,
because tomorrow begins the for all the football fans, the
five days of excitement. Let's work to shop that the
five days of excitement. Excitement begins tomorrow. So if there's
anything you need to get done, you gotta do it. Tonay,
can you say football? Stiffy Eve? I don't know if
you can say that.
Speaker 3 (01:04:55):
I don't know if you who knows stiffy allow h thanks?
Sim okay football because I'll allow it. Because if you're
a football fan, starting tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (01:05:04):
Stiff neck, funny miss. Starting tomorrow, college football playoffs back
to back days and then three days with six wildcard games.
Football fans are excited in the pantalones, I'll tell you that.
And starting tomorrow, I was looking at the points spread
for this one, and it's too tricky for me. But
I found a little loophol. This is what I'm doing
tomorrow and shout out to our friends at DraftKings. I
was looking at Notre Dame at Penn State. The over
unders forty four, so follow him here. The over unders
forty four. The points spread is like one one and
a half. So we're assuming this is going to be
a very close game. Correct the mundo you would assume,
correct the mendo Cunningham. Oh, Now, last five games, Notre
Dames put up twenty three points, twenty seven, forty nine,
forty nine, and thirty five. Penn State's put up thirty one,
thirty eight, thirty seven, forty four and twenty six. So
I just think unless there's like a tense defensive battle,
which I don't totally anticipate, I like the over forty four,
no teaser, no parlay. I'm I'm sort of digging the
over in that game. I like to see some offenses
hyped up coming into that game. I don't I don't
want to have like a seventeen to ten defensive battle.
I'd like to see some points. So I like the
over with Notre Dame Penn State. Nice, So enjoy the holiday,
the football holiday of sorts that we just renamed for.
Speaker 3 (01:06:21):
You guys, football stiffy either I have even five glorious
days there it is?
Speaker 2 (01:06:26):
How about five days of blue ball? I don't want
to celebrate that at it. No, not this time. Oh yes, yes, yes,
And we'd be going old school because today the iPhone
turns eighteen. It was eighteen years ago today Steve Jobs
and his turtleneck got up there and he introduced the
world to what he called the future, the iPhone Nerdleneck.
And you know, I stand by what I said. I
can't think of an invention in our life. I'm that
was more impactful than the iPhone. I said, the Internet
as a whole. That's a broad thing to call an invention, right,
But I think, honestly, you give way too much credit
for the iPhone. You could say smartphone changed our life.
I don't find that much of a difference. Dude. I
have an iPhone, but this is only my second iPhone
I ever had. This is the second iPhone I ever had.
I only got it because a girlfriend made me do it.
Here's what I will tell you. If you just so
happen to enter the dating world. Unfortunately, that's what happened
to me. I was judged for having the Android. I
really was green text messages. Yeah, no, Booty, I was
just so I made the adjustment I did. I'm like, well,
I guess I'm getting an iPhone if it's going to
get in my way. The Android was essentially a c block.
So I'm like, there's one guy in every group chat,
your fantasy football buddies, your pals from college. So there's
one dope that messes up to group chat with his
green text messages and his pictures and videos that ruin
it all. In this same breath, I will say, I
do love my iPhone, right, but I didn't hate my
Android either. But today's the anniversary, so let's focus on
the celebration of the iPhone and paved the way for
the other phones. Yeah, it's a great phone. But in
the same breath, are there other things you could say
changed our life? You can't say to that level, but
along the same lines, because I have my answer, Okay,
for me, I was born with a lot of gifts,
some I can't even talk about here on Fox Sports Radio.
I think I know what's coming. I don't know if
you if you do, I was born with a lot
of great attributes, Rich, Ask my mom, she'll tell you
all about them. But when God made me, when the
Wizard created me, he didn't install a GPS. I knew it. Really, Yeah,
Rich was born without a brain. He's like the scarecrow
of the show. Yeah, they forgot to give me a GPS.
Can I tell you so? You know till this day? Yeah,
I'll walk around a circle like where am I going?
I'm I'm not even exaggerating when I say this, but
it's such a local it's such a local reference that
it wouldn't make sense. But right now Cavino doesn't even
know what direction like downtown La is like I don't
know like what fires are affecting me because I'm like, hey,
it doesn't register in my brain. Were we were doing
our show a decade ago, we did a TV show
on s N Y before ESPN. We broadcasted in New
York City. We played a game one day and mocked
his lack of directional knowledge. We pulled up a map
of New Jersey and said, where is Union your hometown?
He was so far off. It's not surprising, you know,
I knew it was somewhere in the middle North. But
it's it's not surprising because I really have no internal GPS.
So when the invention of GPS became a thing, and
what do we have like our Tom Tom GPS Cavino
saves so much ink from printing out map quest directions. Yeah, oh,
I was that guy. And what was there was another one?
I feel like it started with a g Oh yeah,
there was another brand of GPS that was the thing
at one point, because remember they didn't garm Tom Tom
and Garman. Yeah, now we have him in our car,
car play whatever. We connected to our phone to the
car bluetooth. Without that, man, I don't know how I
would navigate the World's such a smaller place. We've explored
so many different restaurants and areas and things. As a result,
I can go in any city anywhere and get around.
It really just changed my life tremendously, I would say,
for me personally, more than a night. You know, my
grandmother who passed away a couple of years back, she
was in her nineties. When she was still you know,
still with it in her early nineties, I you know,
you start picking the brain of the older people in
your life, like Grandma, tell me about the depression. You know,
you said, Grandma, I remember asking her what today fascinates
you the most? You lived in the nineteen twenty She
passed away a couple of years ago, lived to ninety
six years old. It's like, Grandma, what impressed you the
most over your almost one hundred years on this planet?
Did she say? Your hair plugs and how real they looked?
How dave come such a long way? How dare you
insinuate that this is not real? No, my grandmother said,
she finds it fascinating. How I could put a location
in my phone and it tells me the minute I'll
get there. She's like, I just insane. I can't comprehend
like you put like we're in Queen's and she's like,
put it in an address in Florida and it'll tell you,
you know, so many hours, so many minutes, and you'll
be in Fort Lutterdale. Like how how incredible? Yeah? I
didn't explain the satellites to her. Yeah, no, exactly. You
know kids do when you have kids, and when CoA
gets older. I mean, you got your teenage sons too.
They can't wrap their heads around how you got around like, well,
how did you know where this person lived? How did
you know to get there? Wait? Well, how'd you get
to different places in other towns? Like word of mouth?
You ask people, you recognize landmarks, you use a map.
Speaker 1 (01:12:05):
Know, we were little kids, there was the Thomas Guide.
I tried explaining that to the teens that we have
in They're like, a what a book? It's insane. So
I would say GPS is a closed second man.
Speaker 2 (01:12:17):
No, it's right up there. It was on my list.
Speaker 1 (01:12:19):
And hand in hand, it goes with car play because Rich,
we've talked about this before. You've had a car that
didn't have car play, and then once you have it
in your car and everything's touchscreen, you're like, how did
I live without this?
Speaker 2 (01:12:31):
That is true. Once your phone is integrated with your car,
there's no reason to ever be holding your phone being
distracted on the road. Your satellite radio, your podcast, your
local radio, there's no reason for any distraction. So I
think car plays up there. But our buddy might hit
us up. Who listens in Cincinnati? What's up Mike? Hey,
Mike Cincinnati. No, he doesn't run this place. Different guy.
He said, It's not an invention as much as just
how big screen TVs. And I know Covino loves to
correct me, they're just monitors. But you used to pay
thousands and thousands of dollars for like a big screen
TV that weighed a ton, and now you could go
to Walmart and get a sixty seventy inch TV for
two hundred bucks. I know, I'm thinking I need one
over one hundred inches. Now, that's what I'm thinking. I mean,
you might need to be right. It would cost less
than what you paid in the two thousands. For real,
I paid. This is a true story. I swear to
got when those projection TVs became a thing. That's around
the time I bought my first house and I really
wanted this sleek maxim like Bachelor Pad. I paid about
six plus thousand dollars for a projection TV back then,
and it wasn't even that big. It was just big
compared to other ones that were available. I can't imagine
doing that gross, So I would never do that. I'm
think you a big TV guy now to take over.
Interesting that might be if I paid six thousand. I
remember my mom like split it with me. Samko was
my first home to me back then, might as well
have been one hundred thousand dollars life. I see where
you're going. He wants to be he wants Steve's big
TV game. We wanta try to do it? Yeah, I said,
what you're trying to do it, Let's let's go to
your phone calls on the anniversary of the iPhone before
you get into some NFL and coaching Lauren iPhone snob.
Though I trying to tone you down, I am I
sound like a big snob. Mike, who runs his place,
came in and said, it's not quite fifty to fifty,
but here in the States it's forty five fifty five.
Forty five percent of people still have an Android, So
you might not want to sound like a snob when
forty five percent of your audience are those guys that
have it. If someone doesn't like me because I make
fun of their phone, thenn you. But you think you're better,
it's not being a rich is the type of guy
that that backs into his parking spot and he's better
than You're wrong with that. I hate those people.
Speaker 9 (01:14:47):
This show is two producers and you're making big mic.
Do your research on the Android. Come on, guys, oh
we looked it up. TV the exact numbers. Fifty six
point six y three.
Speaker 2 (01:14:58):
Well, that's how many people have the iPhone for Apple? Yeah?
Speaker 4 (01:15:01):
Speaker 3 (01:15:02):
I can tell you though, who at FSR, Producer's Talent
whatever has a non iPhone? Jason Stewart. Yeah, just look
for the people that need a race. Chris Purfett not
an iPhone. H Brian, no Android.
Speaker 2 (01:15:16):
I think that's it. Anybody I'm missing here? I think
those are the three. I think that's it. So we're
a majority iPhone company. It says a lot about Andy
furmanson snail mail. Candy Furman has an iPhone, though, I
can tell you that, you know what guys iPhone negative too.
I don't like that.
Speaker 3 (01:15:34):
Did you hear about like the serie function like spying
on people and like we're not really surprised by that,
but Apple having to pay out like ninety five million,
which is like a penny to them, But it's like,
you know, that ain't cool. But otherwise I love my iPhone.
Speaker 2 (01:15:45):
Yeah, let's let's go to your feedback. Let's start with
John and Virginia, which in which inventions based on this
have changed our lives the most. Honestly, I'd be shocked
to hear someone give me an answer that rivals the
iPhone and navigation, which, by the way, you could say
is sort of mine. Now right, what's up John?
Speaker 5 (01:16:02):
Hey, how you guys doing?
Speaker 12 (01:16:04):
Look show?
Speaker 2 (01:16:04):
Thanks man.
Speaker 12 (01:16:05):
It's gets a kitchen gadget.
Speaker 2 (01:16:08):
But the airfire, you know, it's become a rage. People
love talking about their air fire. I have one, and
I'm like, am I missing the rage on this? Do
you not much of a cook? I know, but I
still you know, I mean, my my girlfriend is we
use it? But it I'm not saying your answer is wrong.
I'm saying I'm saying you're right. I just don't get
it right. That became a We use ours a lot,
do you? I mean, we use it, but is it
that great? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (01:16:34):
Well you don't want your your snotty nosed kids using
the oven. So our kids use the air fryer all
the time.
Speaker 2 (01:16:41):
You know what you you don't really some of it,
not that you don't realize, but some toaster ovens are airfiers.
Like you know my place, my toaster oven is an
air fier. It's not just a toastrven. So it does
like I know you're saying, the air fire like, look,
you can pull out like a coffee machine. My toaster
oven is an airfrier. Okay, let's go to Josh in Ohio.
What's up, Josh, Hey, Josh Hey, what's up? Guys?
Speaker 12 (01:17:05):
Thanks for keeping nostalgia alive. Thursdays are a great start
of my weekend.
Speaker 2 (01:17:08):
Thanks man.
Speaker 12 (01:17:09):
So, my mine actually preceded the iPhone and it allowed
me to take my CD collection of three big case
logic binders and put in my pocket. In college, the iPad, iPod.
Speaker 2 (01:17:23):
The iPod was a game changer. But now it's just
in your phone, right, But the iPod was huge. And
I remember when I first met Caveno. Just to show
you I've said we've taken this friendship and show from
the time we were in our twenties to forties. When
I first met Cavino the two thousands, he would walk
through New York City with a discman. I remember Cavino
woul pull up to work, take off his headphones, and
he would throw his disc Man on his desk. That's
how we used to operate. It did change the game.
And by the way that discman, I'd run through batteries
like crazy, hitting the megaboost and the anti Ski Anti Ski. Yeah,
after one album changed, I had to rechange my batteries.
Speaker 9 (01:18:04):
I still think I have some sort of degenerative hip
issue because of how I kept my leg with the
disc changer on it while driving in my car used
so it would balance, because if you kept it on
the seat, it would skip if you hit bumps. But
if you rested it on your leg, there would be
a way where you could keep it and then it
wouldn't skip when you played it.
Speaker 2 (01:18:23):
I remember the first time I saw someone with an
MP three player, and if you guys are radio nerds,
you may remember the name. It was a host and
friend of mine named Will Pindarvis. Willpindarvis was walking around
and he's like, yeah, so it stores MP three's. This
is before I think an iPod. Yeah, and it was
called a nomad and it stored MP threes and I'm like,
what what is that? And again change the game. But
again we have it all on our phone now, you know.
I'll throw one into the mix. Talking about technology and
things that changed our life in the last twenty thirty
forty years. However long change our last to most. I
think back to my childhood. If you went out for
a school events or some kid's birthday party. Your parents
would have to set the VCR to tape things, and
it hardly ever worked the way you wanted to. If
you missed a play in a game, Hey, you missed it,
you might see it on water Wolf's Plays in the
Night DVR. And the ability to pause, rewind, fast forward
everything on television on streaming services changed everything. The idea
of you know, you were watching Saturday morning cartoons, You
better go eat some of your cereal and go to
the bathroom before the commercial comes back and Smurfs is
on again. If you missed it, you missed it. You
missed it. You missed it. That was it if you
if the show started it. Maybe if Growing Pain you
brought up sports highlights. If it was a show you
liked and you missed it, then you just missed it.
Good luck. Maybe you'll get a replay or something. But
you missed it. Think about it. If Growing Pains was
on at eight o'clock or Alpha, I don't know. You know,
mister Melvindere, if you showed up at eight oh five,
now you just missed the first five minutes, and you
hope that you really didn't miss anything more than another
one you have to explain to the kids, like, yeah,
you just missed it. Really they think you grew up
in like the ancient times, tad with things black and white.
My man, the nineteen hundreds were rough.
Speaker 1 (01:20:16):
That has been thinking how technology has advanced studio shows
like we all love Red Zone. Well, Rich is too
hyper for it. It's over, it's overkilled for Rich. He
paces during football already. Yes, but think about the way
you know, football, baseball, basketball, how it's all covered with
the cameras, in the graphics and the TV studios. The
way that technology has advanced. We talked about it earlier
in the show in the eighties when it was showtime Lakers,
if they showed the clock, it would always be shaking
because they put a camera up on the stadium clock, stadium.
Speaker 2 (01:20:50):
Clock, if the arena was shaking at all. Yeah, you
remember that, I remember that visual Danny g You just
unlocked a memory. Yeah, Lakers Celtics and they showed the
clock was shaking, you know, the time, the shot clock.
Anything you would they'd be doing, they'd be taking. It
wouldn't be a graphic. They'd be doing a video camera
shaking of the arena. That's actually a great visual man yeah,
I think everybody could picture exactly what you're describing right now.
And I don't know what you would call this, but
you made me think of it. Danny. It's along the
same lines. But one of my fears, or one of
the sticks, one of the dark reservations, may be about
moving to other cities and wondering if I could. I
never wanted to miss the local feel of following my
local sports teams, and just with the invention of apps
and things like that and the ability to have your
teams and packages and be able to watch them in
any city really changed that mindset for me and made
the world a smaller place. So it really it may
be a silly answer to some, but it's a real
answer to me that would change my life a lot.
Like the fact that I get to watch the Yankees
but live in LA and you could live anywhere and
still watch what you watch and have that local feel.
That that's a game changer for me. You're talking to
the audience. You're talking to the audience that would appreciate
that sentiment the most because we're talking to sports fans.
So I think back as a Niners fan living on
the East Coast, my dad loved Montana. That's how I
became a Niners fan. I was able to stay up
late on a Monday night. If the Niners happen to
be playing Monday Night Football or if they were playing
a game, you're able to watch them. They happen to televise,
but as a radio host, they would always say, you
have to you know, start and get your chops in
another city. And I would think to myself, I don't
want to move to another city and I can't watch
the Yankees. That was your biggest That was what I
didn't care about, you know, missing friends and family. I
can't watch my this and that, I mean absolutely can now.
Game changer. What's up? Inventions that change your life?
Speaker 3 (01:22:53):
The most three advancements in automotive technology blind spot assist,
automatic breaking, and lay as. Those are incredible. Those are
saving lives. Blind spotists assists especially for elderly drivers. They
can't turn to check their blind spot because they don't
like they're just you know, frail or like you know,
not flexible, So the blind spot spist is a huge help.
The automatic breaking though, like you know, you'll be on
any LA highways and slow traffic slows down immediately a
lot of people they don't gauge that's slowing down that fast.
When your car has automatic braking, it's literally saving you
from a collision.
Speaker 2 (01:23:28):
And like it's amazing. Those three I think are game
changers in the automotive world. I throw heads up display
in that conversation. I had it. I don't love it.
I loved it. I need it because I'm so distracted.
It's what projects like your GPS and all your on
your wind settings on your windshield. I have that on
my car. That would have put that anywhere close to
the other way. I know you don't like it, I do.
I need it. I would, I wouldn't compromise on it.
There two that I was Sam brought up that one.
You said, I'm going to add to it the blind
spot assist. That's what I was trying to do, Rich,
but you dismissed it. I was trying to add the SAMs.
Yeah you wasn't good though, Okay, yeah, but for me
it was assist dismissed. But you know John Rich has
Rich has the number one answer. You know, John Stockton,
I'm John Stockton with the assists. You're look at these
short chorts. You put the ass in assist, bro go ahead.
I was Sam said that lane assist, the lane change,
the blind spot. I don't rely on it solely, which
no one should. But when you're on the highway and
you put your right turn siglaw or anyone's even in
your blind spot, the fact that your side view mirrors
a light goes on is you're right? How many little
fender banders and unfortunately bad collisions does that prevent lane changing?
The technology is unbelievable and the lazy one for me,
And it's purely lazy. When I back out of my driveway,
the fact that it shows where my tires are going
to go, like the backup backup camera is the backup
camera if you're coming out of.
Speaker 14 (01:24:50):
Your curve curved drive So Sam, well, well come on
though for for and I know you're talking, but parallel
parking and for backing out, it's like you don't even
you don't even use your rear.
Speaker 1 (01:25:00):
I mean you still do, but you should use river
are not for me though, it also helps all the
jerks so who think they need to back into every
single parking space.
Speaker 2 (01:25:08):
It's nothing wrong with that, nothing at all wrong with that. Yeah,
we've seen an increase in people that think they're better
than us and it makes easier get out. Yet women still, yet,
women still scrape rims. Kidding, what's not damn bire? Did
anybody say ring the ring for the dude creep? No,
that's a good one. Who doesn't have one? Yeah? Yeah,
some version of it. Wasn't that a shark tank invention?
I believe it was right? It was? So can I
throw scrub daddy in that conversation? Throw the snuggie? I
want to throw bombas socks into this guy.
Speaker 3 (01:25:44):
I have one that makes ring possible. Wi Fi and Bluetooth, Yeah,
I was taking wires away. Yeah, making things mobile, the
like the headphones we have for in studio still have chords.
My kids think I'm crazy when they see this.
Speaker 2 (01:26:00):
Of course, what is that? Of course, where's the where's
Dad's air pods? Yeah? Bluetooth changed a lot. No world,
there's a little gadget I want to buy relatively soon.
It's probably cheap. Where when you go on a plane
and you're watching the in flight entertainment, that's the time
where we're like, oh, I can't use my AirPods. There's
a little thing you could like, a tiny little square
you plug into that and it's like a Bluetooth adapter
from your AirPods to the plane TV. And I think
that's one of those like little I saw like an
old school guy because I was gonna say, it's sorto
like a Sharper Image product, one of those two dads.
But I think that was pretty cool. Yeah, when we
were kids, we would get tangled up in our cords. Yeah,
so again today if you just joined us. The iPhone
came out in two thousand and seven, it changed our lives.
So which inventions have changed our lives the most? Up
with your phone calls? Damn Buyer had a great one.
I don't want to what the Ring was thinking about that.
I'm like, you're right, most of us probably do.
Speaker 4 (01:26:57):
Have you you have one.
Speaker 2 (01:26:59):
I don't want to. I don't want to brush past
not only the ability to be like, oh, who's in
my front door? I have like the Ring floodlight, the
different things and all these cameras around your home. You
essentially set up your own little home security on your smartphone.
You know what I realized, courtesy of the Ring doorbell,
how many explosions go on throughout the night and how
many dogs go missing? Yeah? My neighborhood. Close your gates
every day, ten dogs are missing and a hold your pets, everybody.
And I get those alerts all the time. Piper's not
gonna get far. And my dog once in a while
will get out. God forbid, right, my dog's such a fat,
lazy little friends bull dog sausage. My dog will go
like one house away, and I'm like, that's the further.
But to back up that, I just want to give
everyone a warning, a lesson to be learned that we'll
take your phone calls and all that. People get caught
cheating or doing dumb things on ring doorbell, and maybe
you deserve to get caught. But a lot of times
people go in their front porch and be like, all right,
I'm gonna take this scandalous phone call and they don't
realize they're on their front porch and that activates all setting.
Their wife's like, oh wait, someone's on the front porch
and they hear their husband cheating. They're saying, oh what
Jonas got divorced Jonas and oh Amelia Clark did, Oh yeah,
I thought Jonas from here, not our Jonas, No, not
Jonas KNOCKX. One of the Jonas brothers and the Game
of Thrones. Girl, they're saying one of the final straws
was that one of them caught the other cheating on
the ring doorbell. Ye, they're back, glad, Everything's okay. He's
here on the phone, super produced And at eighty seven
seven ninety nine.
Speaker 3 (01:28:31):
On Fox, Danny G. You got lightshet at your house
or no? Yeah, and back on the street. Lights just
came back on today at about eleven am.
Speaker 2 (01:28:40):
Yeah, and yeah, what a scary, scary moment yesterday. I
talked to Danny last night, and you know you lived
where fire trucks are going by no electricity.
Speaker 3 (01:28:49):
I hear his kid crying. I'm like, oh, man, Danny
G's in a moment right now, y'all let you go, man.
Speaker 2 (01:28:54):
But it was scary. At the end of yesterday show,
Danny G and I had to leave, like with twenty
minutes left in the shows. We both got calls saying like, yeah,
you're in an evacuation zone. I was on the road
like I was like speed racer and riches fire. As
the news developed seems to be from an arsonist. How
crazy is that? It is crazy? What's crazy is that
the citizens of the Woodland Hills area, that community took
him down and held him down, detained them until the
police got there. That was kind of cool to see,
like police academy for citizens on patrol. Have you seen
the footage though, I have the good the dude had
a little blow toward were tackling. Yeah, yeah, that's what
I mean. I love seeing that. I was like, when
they tackled him, they should have kicked them a little more.
It went like, would I would have, in my opinion,
if I saw that in my neighborhood arrest me, I
would have maybe tried to severely hurt that gime. Yeah,
that was wild, Like I'm not just holding him down.
I'm holding him down, and like why would I hit
him until the cops get there? And if he's alive,
he's lost. So I want to just update our sentiment
as we carry on and continue through the show. It's
been a crazy tough week and we've been shouting out
all the first responders all week. You know, wherever you are,
whoever you are, all the first responders, but especially the
ones here in LA and that would be you know,
all the medical people, the firemen, the police officers. We said,
the news reporters because we question do they have to
be there right there putting their lives in danger? But yeah,
they're painting the picture. Props to them, but props to
the citizens that took down this piece of garbage. Honestly,
in my opinion, that guy is the lowest of the low.
Speaker 3 (01:30:28):
Now, he may have done it, but right he was
apprehended by the police, but as of now, he has
not been charged with arson.
Speaker 2 (01:30:35):
That was an update from a little while ago.
Speaker 3 (01:30:36):
He might have done it, I'm sure there's a lot
of forensic stuff to be collected, but he has not
been charged as of now.
Speaker 2 (01:30:41):
Well, I think guy would see a guy walking with him.
If you see a guy walking next door to a
strip club and he has two hundred and one dollar
bills in his pocket, what are you assuming guy was
going to strip club? This guy has a guy's going
to the woods and he has a boltorch what is
he doing?
Speaker 3 (01:30:57):
Roaster Marshmallows know there are people out there that are
are are just mentally ill and they can't help themselves.
No excuse kill this guy.
Speaker 2 (01:31:04):
The Oh wow, I supposed to a lot of you.
Speaker 3 (01:31:09):
I think it's it's a absolutely abominable act. This guy
deserves to be put to death by the law.
Speaker 2 (01:31:15):
Well, it did prove our theory right and our speculation
based on what we were hearing, what we were seeing
in the communities that we live next to. Again, we're
surrounded by the chaos in sherman ocause that's where we're
broadcasting live right now from the west side. We knew
that some of these fires were natural disasters, right, It
all seemed terrible, and then it also seemed to be suspicious, like, well,
how are all these fires happening? Especially after the studio
city one, You're like, well, how did that happen? And
Henry Winkler comes out and he's like, I think it's
ours And people were like, hey, fauns settled down. People
just start going crazy.
Speaker 3 (01:31:53):
One turns out we learned another valuable lesson never doubt
the fun the faun's no hey yeah, and the looting
that's going on, the fires, but it brings out the
worst in people.
Speaker 2 (01:32:05):
These moments are but a lot of it was I was.
I think it was. I'm certainly not comparing this to
nine to eleven, But the sentiment I'm about to share
it is when tragedy strikes small level, big level, whatever
you consider it. You see the best and the worst
in people, It's true. You see the best in people
coming together as a community. You see rescue workers and firemen,
policemen like you see these people put their lives on
the line for you. And then you see looters, people
trying to start other fires. Have you seen the comments
on social media? You'll want to go through Instagram and
strangle these people. Scrow There'll be a woman crying like
I lost everything and the comments are disgusting, really are
It's ugly. It's the worst. Honestly, it's like the worst
of humanity and the best of humanity emerges in these times.
So again, sending strength and if you want to send
more Red Cross dot org or donate, question a lot
of people, a lot of animals that need help. If
you if you lost something, yeah, if you lost your
home and you see people mocking you in the comments,
your instinct want to be like I'm going to track
down this person and kick them in the nuts. No,
you don't want to be your that want to be
your instinct like I'm going to find these peings and
please let's realize a few things. We're all very fortunate. Oh,
no doubt lucky. It's been a scary week. Everybody here
has been really fortunate to say, man, our houses are
still there, but what a scare for everybody again surrounded
by it. Thousands of people were affected. But Danny g
and Rich got a taste of what it was like
to be, you know, ready to go, and Rich, I
know you got emotional. I just want people to understand
where you're coming from. You got pretty emotional yesterday in
that moment because you thought you had to evacuate it.
There was a moment where copsurem my neighborhood, telling people
like you might need to leave, and then you you
have this thought that you never thought you'd have in
your life, which is or you're like, you're also thinking,
if I leave, people are going to potentially rob my house.
And on top of that, you're starting to think, grab
my valuables. What are my valuables? Like passport ID, like
your checkbook. For some reason, you're like and then you're
like old documents, the deed to my house, like my
carved information. I hate to say it, you know, not
only because it's Fox Sports Radio, but you got to
take that nineteen eighty six autographed the Mets baseball. Could
I tell you something? Yeah, you do worth money. I
was going to bring this up, and this is by
no means trying to make light of anything when I
was going, when I was going through my valuable things,
I said, all right. Because we started to do this,
my wife had crates in the back of our suv
ready to roll, and she's like, what do you want
me to add in there? Besides photo albums and some
old like memories.
Speaker 3 (01:34:43):
From high school and college documents other than documents, and
like one or two boxes of memories.
Speaker 2 (01:34:49):
I'm not even joking. In a little bag. I put
my eighty six Mets baseball and my Mike Tyson boxing glove.
I'm not surprised. So I was like, what else do
I really like? Everything else is just stuff I agree with.
Speaker 1 (01:34:59):
That is one of the the main parts of this
is when you're dealing with something like this. Rich I
wasn't able to get through the wall of cars to
get home, so Brenda had to go because there's one
street in and one street out to get to the
freeway where we're at and back in that canyon. She
knew because she's been through this like six years ago
or so. If you don't get out right away. You're
stuck on those streets to get to the freeway. It
took her forty minutes to go five minutes to get
to the one on one freeway. She called me on
the phone and she's like, what do you want? What
do you want of yours? What are you what's most
important of yours? To throw in the car right now?
And meanwhile I'm in the parking garage here trying to
get there. I had no idea what to say. I'm
like a birth certificated security car.
Speaker 4 (01:35:44):
Make sure you get my Dodgers hats and Rais jerseys,
my two rags, my son Lakers y, my breath, the
hit Man heart glasses.
Speaker 2 (01:35:52):
But it is my Tupac mask. That's everything you listed
is in my backpack already. I got.
Speaker 11 (01:36:00):
Speaker 2 (01:36:00):
That's a really sad reality that everyone had to go through,
and uh, some people way worse than others. And that
happened live on our show yesterday. So we're trying to
just express if you weren't here, that emotions are high.
Were we were very lucky and stressful. I'm not taking
anything for granted, but there are so many people that
lost everything and it is wild to see, Like I said,
the greaton people come out and the awful people come out.
And I don't take back what I said earlier, Like
I got a couple of stairs in the room and
I said, I hope that guy gets killed. I feel
that in my heart of heart. So some guy sets
a community on fire for for sen giggles. That guy
should be hung by his toenails. From some point, you
think that guy deserves like like a happy time in
prison or something.
Speaker 3 (01:36:47):
Get out of here. No, I mean, like he's out
of here and he's owed the just you know, justice.
I mean he needs to go through due process. I'm
saying that that guy out hire. Well, I don't know
if that's a part of due process, but he is.
You know, it's a horrible if if you're doing that.
But if he's mentally ill, that's one thing. It's a
kind I was saying. No, listen, I was going off
on people in texts like like when you I look
at an article and then you can on Facebook you
can leave like a little thumbs up emoji, a care emoji,
a heart, and then you can do like an angry
and like a laughing And there were seven people out
of like thousands seven people who left a little laughing emoji,
and I'm like, I want to post that and be like,
shame these people because they're disgusting. It's to people, it's
like this, It's what I call state hate. It's like
you live in a one state where the politics are
much different from California, or live in a state you
know where you know, I live in California, but there
are people match, many people I know, but politically there's
all kinds of mix of people in every state. So
like we should as a good American, you need to
have people's backs when they are under and they're miserable
and going through bad things.
Speaker 2 (01:37:48):
This story is still developing, lots to one furral and
figure out, and you know, we should focus on the
fact that communities are coming together in the great efforts
of the rescue race efforts. And how nice it was
to hear from people that I haven't heard from in years,
just to see if we were okay and how things were.
You know, it was nice to see the humanity that
the kind side of people. You know. Of course, there's
terrible people everywhere and that's just the worst, but we
also have seen a lot of a lot of good
and I hope more good comes of this, and Rich
on the flip side of things. And again it's Fox
Sports Radio. We mentioned this yesterday and this just isn't
the pander to sports because it's Fox Sports. We talk
about everything here. It really does go to show you
the beauty of sports and how important it is in
our lives. You're gonna tell me you didn't need that
distraction last night, that football game in iosam. You kept
hitting us up telling us what a great one it was.
I was watching. You know, the world needed that distraction.
There's only so much terrible footage of fires you could watch,
especially when you're surrounding all right, If you know we
need these games, that's the beauty of it. That's why
we love this. That's why we talk about it. That's
why we have fun with it. Sometimes we take it
too serious, but it's it's just like you need a vacation,
Rich to one wind and stress relieve. You need that
with your sports, your music and whatever else it is.
There's a sense of once my family made the decision
we're gonna stay put. The evacuation order was like we
were on like alert. I was like, let's let's stay put. Yeah, man,
it's nerve wracking. I took a deep breath. I put
on that football game. And again, this is not sports
panthering I because it normalizes everything. We saw that with
nine to eleven. Dude, wasn't that the start of we're
getting back to normal. It's it's it normalizes you, It
levels you out, it takes you away, even if it's
just for a few hours. That's the beauty of it.
It really is. Anyway, enough of you know, miserable world events.
We got a lot of fun to have today. On
today's show, we are gonna put five on it. We're
gonna we're gonna see who could hit if anyone in
the studio. Every playoff season, I treat everyone because I'm
a big spender. Five each. We'll do a six or
six part everyone in the room and let's see if
someone could hit a very difficult We're gonna include one
listener also, so be listening out for when we ask
you to if you want in on it, hit us
up eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox when we
tell you. But yeah, it's uh, it's you know, back
to business today. But some scary moments yesterday and you
see people that lost everything, and you can only imagine
what it must be like to start over, Like what where?
Where to even begin? Can't even imagine like those communities
that like you see blocks and blocks like the palisades,
you see like here's what it looked like during the
holiday season. Here's what it looks like now, Like what
do you even like, how do you begin? How do
you begin to even understand it? Especially if you got
little kids, how do you explain that to your little kids? Like,
but we're not going home, we don't have a home,
lifetime of memories, generations of memories gone, yeah, I know.
And celebrities, non celebrities. There's a lot of people like
they're not showing simple because what I'm going to show
sympathy for all these rich people And it's gross. And
I'm just telling you what I'm seeing on social media.
Not just rich people. It's not just wealthy people. There
was a lot of people affected about middle class, upper class,
any class. This affected a lot of people. But that's
also an odd sentiment that because someone has money, like
you're you think it's like okay if they lose their
home and everything, like that's wild to me, Like what
tyb of Maniac.
Speaker 3 (01:41:24):
Are you Oh, they got, they got, they got millions,
they lost, every whole lot of stress. And I saw
a heartbreaking thing yesterday where a mother brought her five
year old son back to the site of where their
home burned down and he said, uh, yeah, the the
chimney over there, that's where Santa just came through for
Christmas and now it's gone.
Speaker 2 (01:41:44):
And that that just hit me. Hit me sideways.
Speaker 3 (01:41:46):
Look at them, look at look at the look at
the comments. It's probably some just don't don't look at
it because it don't matter.
Speaker 2 (01:41:53):
You don't.
Speaker 3 (01:41:53):
I'm getting sick of people see seeing people's opinions all
the time and they don't matter.
Speaker 2 (01:41:58):
Right Sam, right on where surrounded by it. That's our story.
Stick to get it. Yeah, we're sticking to it, and
let's get into some of these good games before we
get into I got five on it. I'm excited about this.
I have an NFL theory based on everything going on
over the last few weeks, Ben Johnson. Every day you're
hearing about it is our team that doesn't want to
interview this guy for the head coaching position. Mike Rabel's
wrapping ups of interviews with Scheck.
Speaker 1 (01:42:23):
There was a rumor that the reason the Raiders cut
ties with Telesco is because they were setting it up
for Ben Johnson, who's interested in putting his own GM
in place.
Speaker 2 (01:42:32):
But Dan but then Primetime Dean Sanders said he could
be lured to the NFL. What would do that if
you got to coach his son? So maybe there's a
team that takes a one two punch of Primetime and
Shad or stand theres. So there's so much to be
said about the coaching carousel in the NFL. Mike Rabel,
like I said, you mentioned Rex Ryan saying no one's
more suited for the Jets job than him, and he's like,
with all due respect of Rabel and everyone else, I'm
the guy. He seems like extra confident about that being
his job. I was gonna say he's very sea shore. Yeah,
that's the word. I was gonna say. That was the
perfect description. And I was trying to figure out another
way to say he's very sure of him, very sea
shore of the position for sure. And you see guys
like Robert Sala are going to have decisions. Is there
a head coaching vacancy for him or the forty nine
Ers are very high on bringing him back as defensive
coordinator and man when he was the forty nine ers
DC and Shanahan on the offensive side of things. That's
a combination right there, right. They just upgraded Kubiak to
OC for the Niners, so there's a lot of coaching moves.
So here's the question I ask all of you, all
the big NFL fans and especially college football, because college
football and college basketball is such a culture based on
coaching and programs. As a fan, think solely as a fan,
which we all are, do you get more excited when
your team acquires a good player or when your team
acquires that top tier a level coach that you think
could change your team around. What's a more exciting sentiment
for fans? Because we live out here in LA there's
a lot of love for the Dodgers and Lakers, but
the football scene, there's rams fans. But the Chargers got
their first little spark of life on attended Chargers when
Jim Harbaugh came here. And I think Chargers fans were
more excited about Harball than any acquisition I've ever seen
that team make because he's in a change to culture.
Like you said, he's already system here, Yeah, already has well,
and they already had their star quarterback in place. To
be fair, who are you going to get so amped
up over Dobbins Who's turned out to be a good acquisition,
but they didn't really add a huge star per se.
But Danny, it's a great question for you because the
Raiders stars are in need of a star player, but
they're also the new face. You know, they had some
ups and downs, grud and Antonio Pierce now gone, They've
got you know, McDaniels. They went through the ringer of
what they thought would work. So would you be more
excited with of Rabel or prime time and place, or
would you be more excited about acquiring a big player.
That's a great question, you know what, It's very specific,
very specific to the or to football. I should say,
not necessarily just like college football football, because every other sport.
I'm not saying a manager or a coach doesn't matter
as much, but I think football matters the most. You know,
their systems and their culture that they set.
Speaker 1 (01:45:36):
Yeah, and the position they're in right now, Cavino is
like the position the Washington Commanders had been in where
they need new leadership, a new coach and a new quarterback,
and look how the Commanders turn things around. The Raiders
should follow that blueprint, which is what they're doing right
now with the new leadership of Tom Brady and Richard Seymour.
Speaker 2 (01:45:54):
I want to go back nine years in baseball because
I agree with Cavino. Not as much in baseball, but
it matters short but matters most. I think in the NFL.
In the NBA, I would be more excited about a
player in baseball than a coach, without a doubt. With football,
it's probably a lot different. I put yourself in Chicago
a decade ago, okay, and your team gets theo Epstein
and Joe Madden. Mm hmm. You're telling me that fan
base who went on to win their first World Series
in like one hundred years. You're telling me that wasn't
as exciting as in any introspect. Yes, the answer is yes,
and it's probably still the correct answer, but it doesn't
kept people as excited. It's it's like that old sayings,
like you could teach a man to fish. You can
give the fish or fish, but give me, But wouldn't
you be more excited just to get the fish even though,
you know, being taught how to fish is more valuable
to be quiet to get the fish. I believe what
he's trying to say is fool me once shame. You
can't be full of the My point is, of course,
the coaching here, in the general managing in this situation
that you described, was in the greater scheme of things,
more valuable to the Cubs. But more people are going
to be excited about the big fish, which is the
player in this analogy. I was trying to, Yeah, think
about a couple of years ago, Craig Council was a
sought after manager. There's because you want it now. The
fans kind of want it now. When it comes to coaching,
it's not always going to be now. Could be like
a building process, It could be a trust the process,
and sometimes you trust the process. Hey, I know basketball
fans that are still trusting the process. Nothing happened.
Speaker 1 (01:47:34):
And in college football the coaches are bigger stars than
they are in the NFL. Usually, No, that's a turnover.
In college football. You need ustability in the I mean,
I know he's one of the.
Speaker 2 (01:47:43):
Biggest coaches in sports history, but like just like that,
Belichick put North Carolina on the football map. I'm not
advocating that people keep their head into clouds, and I'm
not saying that ignorance is blae this and you should
not be mindful of what's going on. I'm not saying
you shouldn't stay informed on the news. But it was
so nice to put that game on last night. Escape
for a man escaped for a while, and I'm very
excited for the game tonight and the wild card weekend.
Come you see the game winning kick by Gita. His
dad's with his iPhone. It's so funny how I'm not
surprised when a Jeter comes in clutch, you know, Jeter
dad was so calm, He's just like, well, buddy. What
I found funny was that a parent is going to
be a parent regardless, meaning his son is about to
kick the game winning field goal to go to the
national championship, but he still thinks his iPhone footage is
gonna be better. It's the orange ball. But meanwhile, the
dad's like my iPhone format maybe yeah, but maybe you
just feel the need like you have to do something
in that moment because you're so nervous. But when that
place kick took off, am I the only one that
saw it like veer right and then look right back left.
I was like, no, yes, I mean Dre had to
be Notre Dame fans. That stomach's dropped in that moment
that that cheeks were clenched for a second. That kick
looked like it was gonna veer left and boom right.
So anyway, speaking of the you know nine two of
the five days of football stiffs, last night we hit
our bet. What do we say? The over over forty
four and a half didn't look good for a second,
then there was some scoring at the end, so we
hit the over now tonight. I as much as I
respect Texas, my wife's from New Bronfels, right outside of Austin.
I've been to Longhorns games. I've been, I've been there,
But I think Ohio State's just a far superior team.
So I like Ohio State laying the six Ohio State
wins by a tuddy and then you got Notre Dame
Ohio State. What a great national championship. So I'm going
to Ohio State. You can do what you want, but
I like that at minus six, all right, and we're
gonna talk more football now. Rich is basically posting this
question is Rich's NFL coaching theory. Do you get more
excited when your team gets a superstar player or a
superstar coach? Football specifically here, because I think it is
different per sport, no doubt, but I think every sport, though,
there is an emphasis on that very top tier cavino
of coaches. And when your team, like the Chargers are
the best example, a team that just always faultered in
the playoffs, a team that really doesn't have an identity,
a team that I mean most people still think of
them as the San Diego Chargers. Well, that's right, You're
in LA, a team with not much. Herbert's a young
star quarterback but wasn't really up to his potential. You
have suddenly like, what are the Chargers? Jim Harbaugh was
way bigger of an acquisition than any player that team
could get. Not all coaches translate, though, right, Not all
players translates, so you have that commonality. I think the coaches,
because of the culture shift and the leadership they bring,
is probably the right answer, but it's not always the answer.
Probably it took to you why kids wear jerseys are
their favorite players. No one cares that much that much
about the coaches. If you had he would have rather
have won, probably when he played in the NFL as
opposed to coaching in the NFL. So there is a
sense of, yeah, we know it's important, but that superstar
on your team is way more exciting in my opinion
as a fan, even though I know the coach is
the right answer. Like I said, the coach is going
to teach you how to fish, but I just want
that fish. I like that superstar player. I'm thinking I'm
thinking of coaches that could change culture, like like a
Jim Harbaugh. Right, And that's another point. Not all coaches
come with that sort of swagger and everyone's a superstar.
So it's a fair question, are you more excited about
the superstar coach or the superstar player? Pete Carroll. If
I'm a Bears fan and Pete Carroll, I know he's
all now, I know that's an interesting thought. He would
be the oldest coach because he has such a young energy.
Pete Carroll drove me nuts as a Niners fan because
of his damn intensity chewing his gum Seahawks. You know
we're great with him. When you see a guy like
Pete Carroll wanting to coach again. You don't think of
you're a Chicago Bears fan, You're like, we went through
eber Flus and a bunch of nobodies. Now you don't
want to Pete Carroll or if Rabel or someone that
you really feel like could make an impact. You do
it matter? You know why?
Speaker 13 (01:52:45):
Speaker 2 (01:52:45):
It's just different, and we're trying to pose this question
because one's more important, but one's more exciting, right, I
really think that's what it is.
Speaker 1 (01:52:53):
Well, and the Bears are in a very similar situation
that the Chargers were in. Caleb Williams has all the
two he needs the right head coach exactly.
Speaker 2 (01:53:02):
And there's another guy that, you know, maybe not the
most likable over the last couple of years, but you know,
because of the failed experiment with Russ, I think he's
sort of, you know, not given enough credit that Sean
Payton went into Denver and did exactly what he said
he would do. He turned that team around. They're in
the playoffs. Yeah, there's a lot of good team now.
It all seems to be working the way it was
supposed to when he was hired. Guess who's not in
the playoffs. The Jets, the Dolphins, the Bengals, other teams
people thought would be good. The Denver Broncos won double
digit games and they are playing Buffalo this weekend. Sean
Payton has done the job they thought he would do.
And Bo Nicks is a rookie and only going to
get better, and you don't know what that team's going
to develop into. So when you think about it, wasn't
Sean Payton a really good thing for the Broncos? More
so I had to give him time? Though, don't forget
all of the people who barbecued Sean Payton more excited.
So in other words, you should have been more excited
about Andy Reid than Patrick Mahomes. But Patrick Mahomes is
the one that excites you, I.
Speaker 3 (01:54:07):
Know, But who's Patrick Mahomes Without Andy Reid? Though, what
would you be like under another coach you don't know
that you don't know any reader tires and then Patrick
Mahomes place for somebody.
Speaker 2 (01:54:15):
It's like that great mystery, like you think, like, well,
what if I would have married one of my high
school college streetearts the question because we should be equally
as excited about these coaches that make these huge differences
for the teams. That you root for. Kevino and I
have worked together twenty years. We've we've jokingly said, like, Yo,
what do you think your life would be like if
you married the girl you were dating when we first met,
like your twenty year old girlfriend. Would you have like
grown ass kids? Would you be happy? Would you be miserable?
It's like saying, well, what if this guy was coached
by this person? These are all like hypotheticals You'll never know.
You'll never know. Let's go to maybe in a parallel universe,
rich in a multiverse. Maybe in some sort of multiverse
we get to play these games someday, mel in Maryland,
you're on with CNR coaches or players. That sounds like
a ridiculous question, but you what gets you more excited?
Speaker 11 (01:55:00):
Ok? First, can I say something about the callers and
people just been saying bad things about what's going on
in California?
Speaker 9 (01:55:07):
Yeah, Okay.
Speaker 11 (01:55:08):
I'm a veteran and I'm sixty years old, and I
last I was in the service within nineteen eighty six.
It's when I got out of the service, and I
still feel the exact same way I do now as
I did then. I love this country. I love the
people spend it.
Speaker 2 (01:55:25):
I love you.
Speaker 11 (01:55:25):
If you're a Republican or a Democrat, that's something to you.
We should able to have talk and dialogue without being
just stupid, no doubt. And I don't understand. I don't
understand it. I just don't understand. This is the greatest
country on a planet and we forget that and take
it for granted every single day. And I just don't understand.
Speaker 2 (01:55:45):
Yeah, well, don't hope the tragedy like this does bring
people together. He'd be like Obama and Trump, uh, cracking
jokes together. Jimmy Cordishriner. Yeah, that was fun to see,
you know. I mean, well, let's let's be all paid.
Thanks for your service, man, thank you very much. What's
your thoughts on coaching?
Speaker 13 (01:56:00):
And I'm players now, okay, I'm a Cowboy fan, okay,
And I tell you guys a long time ago to
four the only thing the Cowboys got always have eight, nine,
ten guys going to the Pro Bowl when they're winning,
but they can never get over the hump because they
got too many distractions from outside sources.
Speaker 11 (01:56:19):
When you jump off side, that's lack of details, black
played attention, that's coaching. Okay, And the coaches can't.
Speaker 3 (01:56:27):
Do their job.
Speaker 11 (01:56:28):
Because the owner is to be in the locker room
and getting distracted the players from the man that's supposed
to be in charge, not Jerry Jones, but the head
coaches charge.
Speaker 2 (01:56:40):
Speaker 11 (01:56:40):
So you bring back, you bring back the guy that's
gonna kiss your ass instead of run your team. If
you're not had button with your owner in Dallas, if
you're not head button with him, you're kissing his ass.
Speaker 2 (01:56:51):
That's kissing as thanks mail, thank you mel that there
are teams that you will see like a team can't
get over the hump is a coaching So maybe coaching
is always going to be more important and in football
that's really it. So we could go to Isaac cron
up day, what's up? Andy?
Speaker 7 (01:57:05):
Speaker 10 (01:57:05):
Byzano? My heart, my heart goes out to everyone deals
with these fires right now. My mother she of about
fourteen years ago, she actually had lost a house in
Christmas fire. And you know, ever since that day, you know,
have the service in the Marines. I always kept it
stayed ready back with documents, you know, duplicates, seasonal clothes,
you know, a couple of days worth of clothes.
Speaker 11 (01:57:29):
And now that you know my fiance, we have kids.
Speaker 10 (01:57:32):
Actually have two Milly back packs.
Speaker 12 (01:57:34):
So you know, I have them a specific location.
Speaker 10 (01:57:36):
In the house, so God forbid anything ever happens. You know,
I already know where to go.
Speaker 11 (01:57:41):
Run throw these on my bag, and you know we.
Speaker 10 (01:57:43):
Have the most important things that we can have beside
those bags, and you know we just carry on and uh,
you know, to answer the question about.
Speaker 5 (01:57:50):
The players, you know, segue to that, I would say that,
you know, with star power with players, I think it
carries we and like they say, players do make the team.
Speaker 10 (01:58:01):
So in a sense, the fan base is always going
to be there to.
Speaker 7 (01:58:04):
See Sharon Jaron, the players.
Speaker 11 (01:58:06):
And I really don't think they had cut out of
coaches in the in the.
Speaker 2 (01:58:09):
Stands, that's true. You don't see the fat heads of coaches.
Thank you. Andy,