All Episodes

July 22, 2024 43 mins

C&R are back in the saddle, on FSR! The guys have a good sense of humor about what happened in the world the week they were on vacation. They talk moon landing anniversary/Gaylord Perry story & have a flightmare scenario. What's your price? The slow HR trot is the new bat-flip! The guys have fun discussing the Jose Siri on Juan Soto base-trotting crime! Plus, LeBron has some great moments today & Rich struggles with the ending to an amazing NFL docu-series!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Covino and Rich Podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
Find your local station for Covino Rich at Fox Sports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on
the iHeartRadio app like searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:20):

Speaker 1 (00:20):
It feels great to be back, huh. I feel like
I forgot how to do radio. What's going on? Here?
Is my mic on YO? Hello? Can anybody hear me?
How are we doing this? Hey? We're back from VACS.
Cavino and Rich Yo, dncs that yous.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Yeah, it's just like riding a Uni cycle, Yes.

Speaker 1 (00:39):
Something like that. I always said that. I've always said that.
That's Danny g our super producer on the phones at
eighty seven seven ninety nine on Fox. Who hell's that
guy to your left? Is that? Iwa? I was Samuel?
I always say, oh yeah, it's been eighty four years.
I know, Buddy, I forgot all about you. There he is,
and Nick Kopa is here. Covino and Rich we be
rocking out. Let's go all right, we got a lot

to talk about today. I mean we were only gone
a week, but we took a week off where I
feel like everything in the world happened. Yeah, but we
were also gone during the weekend, so that's fine. That's
nine days. No, yeah, jeez. So it's been a fun one.
And yes, we missed a lot of news, but of
course we were around to watch it on taking all the

sports updates. But yeah, man, I heard Biden dropped out.
You heard pets are falling off, lots of I haven't
heard Trump got shot. What the hell? And but beat
national anthem? We missed that. I know that was Travis Sam.
Do you have a little clip of that. I'm sure
on standby, just to you know. We need to play
well catch up for that seconds. Graceful, Angrid and dress.

That's the best part right there. That run. That run,
it's like a bad acid trip. That sounds like is
a nightmare. But again, she took accountability. The update was
she was drunk. She has a problem entering rehamb But
my question is who let her out there to fail

like that. I mean, I've let you do karaoke after
some drinks. But again, this is in front of millions
of people. And by the way, if you were in
a cave somewhere, on vacation. That was right before the
home run derby, So really really crazy situation. Sounds like
I was say, I'm doing a greeto. No, I'll start that. No,
his greettos are better. But the point is we missed

the lot and we're here to recap, and we're here
to talk about our adventures. We're also going to talk
about the new the new bat flip in baseball, I'll
put it that way. Then there's a new bat flip
in baseball, but it's not a bathfloot. But it's not
a bat flip. It's a big nanny nanny poof poof.
We'll get to that. Plus the Kelsey bros. Hold on,
do you say poof poof? I said poof, poof. It's

not even any poop poop. That's how the kids set
it growing up. I grew up with a bunch of
foreign kids. And we're gonna talk if we have time.
I don't think you're supposed to say foreign. I'm not
well why I was one of them, Not really, but
kind of poo poo. If we have time, boom boom,
golfer pickleball. There's a bit a debate going on on
which to choose when it comes to business, the business world,

there's lots to get to today. I have two things
I want to start the show with. Then we'll get
into the meat. The Taylor Ham. Yes, because I'm back
from Jersey. Bro back from Jersey. I had a great time.
I hit the Jersey Boardwalk. I didn't do any fast
pitch games because I think I'm past that at my
age now. I'm not throwing out my arm just to
win a broke ass Scooby Doo stuffed animal. So I

was at the Jersey Boardwalk, had a great time. I
spent time with friends and family. But it's good to
be back here on the West side of in La Well.
I have two questions for you, sure. Number one, did
you realize over the weekend was the anniversary of the
moon landing? Didn't know? Did you know the famous clip?
But I, oh, I got everything. I didn't know Nick

Foley walked the moon though good one? Is that true?
You're coming back fire and I am. But I think
the funnest fact has to do with Mariano Rivera. More
people have walked on the Moon than have scored on
mo Rivera in the postseason, one of my favorite memes
one of my favorite stats. Of course, here Yankees fan,
that would be your favorite fact of all time, right,
But I only bring it up because I think about

that stat about your manager getting kicked out of games?
Was that thirty fourth, thirty eighth, thirty eight third in
the league. I think I only bring up the moon
landing not because I'm a historian or a big fan
of lunar missions. I think one of the most fun
baseball stories has to do with the moon landing. If
you don't know the story, indulge me for thirty seconds.

Didn't Nick Castianos hit a home run as we landed
on the movie?

Speaker 3 (04:55):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Well, we might talk about him later on, because ye,
that's oddly timed home runs. Now, the famous spitball pitcher
Hall of Famer gay Lord Perry. You know the name
because you left at as a kid. I know that's
your middle name. A lot of people don't know that.
So Gaylor Perry back in the day, not known for

his bet known for uh spitballs, you know, delivering on
the mound. So when asked by a reporter, Gaylord Perry's
manager said, no way, there'll be a man on the
moon Before Gay Lord Perry hits a home run. See

because they talk like that man you know? Yeah, who
is gay Lord Perry's manager, Jimmy Mouth of the South?
Alvin Dark? Actually Alvin Dark was the manager. He said
he saw that Perry had a little pop in warm
ups and he's like, yo, you think Perry could hit
a home run? And the manager said, no way. They'll
be a man on the moon before Gaylord Parry he

hits a home run. Fast forward to July twentieth, nineteen
sixty nine, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin preparing to take
the maiden voyage to the moon, and why don't you
know it? We land on the moon and thirty four
minutes later, Gaylord Perry hits his first major league home run.

That's an amazing story. I just think that's one of
those if you're a sports fan, you gotta love that
quick little story. Sor yeah, no, it's a great story.
And today's today it was it was over the week.
Oh wow, he missed it because we were eating pizza
in Jersey store funnel cake on the boardwalk. Wow, that's incredible.
I love that Gaylord Perry story. So let me give

you a story real quick. And then, like I said,
we'll get into some baseball. Football is less than a
month away, what two and a half weeks? So we
got our first preseason game. Well, hard knocks getting you
fired up again, receiver getting you fired up, all the
great shows. We're so good. I want to talk about
that later because it has me sad, get me more
fired up than Cobra Kyle, I'll tell you that much.
So last night I was in Seattle, Washington hosting an event.

We had Sirius XM and Mini Cooper and I'm just
emcing and they're like ladies and gentlemen the Seattle Seahawks
drum line, and the person's like, hey, I'm like, I'm
a Niners fan, don't talk to me, playing music, having fun,
And I'm like, I got to get back tomorrow. I'm
excited our first day back at Fox Well. One of

the big stories we missed over the week was all
the flight maares going on. Exactly. Yeah, so lots of
backups and cancellations. In the back of my empty head
where there's like a goldfish, I was worried that, all right,
I gotta do this event. I'm flying home first thing

Monday morning, I'm very excited to get back on the air.
Fox Sports Radio Cavino Danny g spot. I was Sam
the whole crew. I'm like, oh, please, don't curse me
with like one of these flight maares that are happening,
like every airline that glitch, that outage. Luckily, my flight
was only delayed like twenty minutes, and that's a win nowadays. Right.
But here's my hypothetical to you guys. They said that

our flight was overbooked. If you're flying from Seattle to Lax,
we're looking for one volunteer. It'll come with a five
hundred dollars voucher. And I'm thinking, well, that's nice, but
no thanks. Yeah, I gotta get back. Get this the
gate next to us going to San Francisco. We're going

from Seattle to San Francisco. We still haven't gotten any
bites and we're way overbooked. We're now offering food vouchers,
hotel for tonight, and two thousand dollars of airline dollars.
I'm sorry, how much two thousand of airline dollars? Yeah? Ooh,
so I ask everyone, what is your inconvenience cost? What

would it take for Danny? I was saying, we're nick
cope to say I'm gonna mess up my whole day. Well,
but you're gonna give me that out of it. Can
we take the obvious out of the hypothetical here we
open it up to everybody. Fox Sports Radio Nation eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox. It's all relative, right, How
how much do you have on your plate? How much
do you have booked during that week? Do you have

a big event you're late for? Uh, what's your baby?
Do you have a baby? Yeah? No, no, no, like if
you don't, right, because I know that frantic feeling of
I gotta get back. I have a kid. It's a baby,
it's a new born. Or maybe you have a big
event or a big meeting the next day. All those
things factor in. How much how broke are you? All
these things factor in, So it's gonna be relative to

your situation, you know, as they said, the size of
your steep or something like that. Yeah, all relative to
the size of your steep. So I got to ask, though,
take all those things out of the equation. Let's say
you don't have a baby to go back to, you
don't have like the work meeting of your life it's
just a routine Monday morning and you're trying to get back.
What's your number? That would that you'd say, all right,

I'll stay in the city one extra day. I know
my number, so you might as well. I ask other people.
I know mine, I have it written down, I know it.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
I'd say three thousand dollars flight cash in flight cash
in the in the hotel.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
Because there's things that make you say hmm. And then
there's offers you can't refuse. If you're a single guy
and you're by yourself and they're like five hundred bucks.
If you really have nowhere to go, and they're like, yeah,
we'll get you in a flight this afternoon, you might say, okay,
I'll do it. Yeah. These days, five hundred dollars doesn't
go very far. That's true. That's a really good point.
Your Apple watch is on Broski, Is it me you? Oh?
I was going to throw something at you. I was,

I was. I was about to be like you like
to get you're at Is it really my app who's
frantically texting you? She's what do you do to your girlfriend? Anyway?
Was it your daughter? What I was about to say,
is only a kid? Could text someone that many times. Row, Yeah,
order Dad, where are you Dad? The old saying is

true here, as the great head Dbiance said, everybody's got
a price, So what is yours? Because you may say, oh,
if I got things to do, I mean I don't
have those casual Mondays where I got nothing to do.
I always got something to do. Yeah, but there's still
a price. That would say that would make you say, hmm,
you know what, I think I'll take that. Listen. I

love my job here and our boss Scott is the
easiest fair boss we've ever worked for. But if they
were like, we're looking for someone five grand, I'd be like, yeah,
I'm not on tomorrowshall Like, if someone's overing you five
grand of airline vouchers, Danny, that's a that's like a
vacation to Europe with your whole family. In reality, what
Rich would do, because I don't want I don't want

anyone to think he puts anything before the show. Even
our boss, you would figure out a way to zoom
in and still do the show but get paid like
you would just you would figure it out. I'm not joking.
That's really My flight was the five hundred dollars offer.
If they would have given me a two thousand dollars offer,
I would have been like, Yo, guys, I'm gonna find
the iHeart facility in Seattle. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Which were to research other options. I want to blame

them for five thousand or a couple thousand. Yeah, okay,
so my yours is three thousand, Danny g Iowa, Sam,
what gets you staying and giving up your seat? I'd say,
like thousand bucks thousand. That's a couple flights. I say's
a single guy. He's thinking that's two trips somewhere to

see people. Okay, so we're talking about airline dollar. Is
this like monopoly money? Like does it not quite go
as far as you think? No, it's not like miles
where you have to equate it. It's like, hey, here's
two thousand dollars, and that's two thousand dollars for out
of the Alaska Airlines. Nikole, what's your what's your price? Buddy?

Speaker 4 (12:38):
My price is gotta be a little higher. I really
hate to be inconvenience. I think if you gave me
five thousand, though, I'd say yes, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Yeah, you know what that's reasonable. And now I'm sort
of changing my answer because my answer was two thousand,
but they were already offering that up. So I'm sitting
pretty until they go to three. I think I'm going
with Danny g now because my number really was two thousand.
But if that's where they were at, they were already there. Yeah,
they're willing to do that, all right. Do I hear three? Yeah?
Three thousands? They were in a jam. No, that's when

you get I'm not gonna do I hear three thousand.
I get in line and I say, not not in
two thousand, but I will do the three thousand. So
I just know that. So I think three thousand is
the is the magic number. If they were already quick
to give up two thousand dollars in flight credits there
and let me let me tie dollars, let me tie
it to UH sports as well, because I've had this
hypothetical people, Danny. Let's say the Raiders. I know your

your your hopes are high. I feel like you're more
optimistic than Devontae Adams after watching Receiver. Let's say the
Raiders made a playoff run this year. I'm giving you
great feelings, aren't I thinking about it. Yeah, let's say
the Raiders are in the Super Bowl and you got
a free ticket to the game in New Orleans. Raiders

in the Super Bowl. The how much you're selling your
solo ticket for? Yo, Danny, I'll give you twenty grand.
You're taking the twenty grand. I don't know. I don't
know if I would sell everyone's.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
I've been waiting because I was a little little kid
when the Raiders won their last Super Bowl. I was
a young adult the last time they were in the
big Game. So you, if you think about it, sports
would throw her chunk up at you. She would beat
you if you passed on twenty g's or maybe thirty more. Okay,

Like if you're in the thirty forty thousand dollars range,
then that's you know, but still it's like a car
for our college, for our college kid.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
If you could buy a new car or a year.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
Of college, if it's good car money, then I'm listening
to that offer.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Okay, It's an interesting thought. Danny G does bring up
a good point. Though we still have this belief that
two thousand dollars is a lot when it comes to flights,
especially in today's world. It's not as much as it
used to be, So you got to factor that into
your price when you think about it, and you know,
it's always good to keep in your back pocket in
the case that this ever happens. I mean it happened

to Rich this morning. Yeah, it does happen. I was
like five hundred, Yeah, no thanks. When I heard the
other gate saying two thousand, I'm like, ooh. If my
gate was two thousand, maybe maybe I would have been like, hey, guys, yeah, hey,
you know, I gotta I gotta sit it out and
get this money. But hey, starting to think about if
you're traveling this week, we wish you well because it
is a pain in the ass at the airport. It

is like, even if your flight's on time, there's aggravated people.
It's busy. It's happened with the computer system. Aliens cyber
attacked some of the Someone told them to just you know,
unplugging and plug it back, and they didn't, and they
didn't do it. I think what happened. My sister's still
in Jersey because of all this. Luckily I made it back. Anyway,
we're Covino and Rich. We want you to think about that.
What's your price hit us up at Covino and rich

Or eight seven seven ninety nine. Oh, Fox, it's it's
a lot of people do this with season tickets. I
have friends that buy a season ticket package and they
sell Opening Day and sometimes they'll buy us. They'll use
their playoff package if their team makes the postseason, and
they'll sell one game and that will cover a lot
of people do that. It's a great strategy if you're
a season ticket holder. If you sell opening Day and

one playoff game, you're sort of covering your whole season.
And that is you can't argue that strategy. Now, I
want to tell you a quick story and then the
conclusion in a bit. Okay, Yankees played a day game
today against the Tampa Bay Race. Jose Siri hits his

fourteenth bomb of the year, and let's just say his
trot around the bases was a little exaggerated. But what
want Soto did next? Hey, Siri, slow down? What Wan
Soto did next was ridiculous. And I'm going to tell
you about that in a few minutes. But in the meantime,

here's what I want Fox Sports Radio Nation, look up
Jose series trot because when he rounds third I'm not
sure I've ever seen this to this extent. Did he
do the worm? It's sort of like, yeah, he did,
know he did the worm from third to Home. No,
he sort of like stutters steps and stops, points at
his dugout like what's up. He really pauses for an

exaggerated amount of time. I think it rubbed the Yankees
the wrong way because what Soto did next was ridiculous.
And we're gonna talk about what I consider or what
I'm calling the new batflip. There's a new petty sort
of game in the MLB, and I'll tell you about
that story next. But we're broadcasting live from the ti
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Speaker 2 (18:38):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
Hey, We're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern. But here's the thing, we
never have enough time to get to everything we want
to get to, and that's why we have a brand
new podcast called over Promised. You see, we're having so
much fun in our two hour show. We never get
to everything, honestly, because this guy is over promising things

we never have time for. Yeah, you blubber list in me. Well,
you know what it's called over promise. You should be
good at it because you've been over promising women for years. Well,
it's a Covino and Rich after show, and we want
you to be a part of it. We're gonna be
talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk life
and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing about
something or we didn't have enough time, it will continue
on our after show called over Promised. Well, if you

don't get enough Covino and Rich, make sure you check
out over Promised and also Uncensored, by the way, so
maybe we'll go at it even a little harder. It's
gonna be the best after show podcast of all time.
There you go, over Promising, and remember you could see
it on YouTube, but definitely join us listen over promised
with Covino and Rich on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts
or wherever you get your podcasts. Is this too hot

to trot by the commodores? It is right you are, Steve,
Thank you man. This makes me want to strut. I
think I was Sam should uh he should rock a
nineteen eighties line on Richie cut? What do you think?

Speaker 3 (20:13):

Speaker 1 (20:13):
I think that's what he's going for. So Richie was
in that beound Cavino at rich Live from the tire
Rack dot Com Studio's good to be back. I'm Steve Cavino,
that is Rich Davis, and we'd be trotting like Trot Nixon,
like Jose Siri of the Rays. So get this, guys.
We have lots to get to. We're giving away prizes today,

last one standing. Whatever we don't have time for today,
we'll do on our bonus podcast this week. Over promised.
That's on Fox Sports Radio's YouTube page. You want to
check some out. You could see what you hear on
Fox Sports Radio's YouTube page. But again, I'm Steve Cavino,
that is Rich Davis. Dannyg's on the phones at eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox. Now, let me make

this clear. I'm not saying trotting around the bases and
taking your time is a new thing. That's not what
I'm saying. That's been going on for a while, but
what happened today was almost next level. Now. I've been
trying to hit up my boy Elias from the sports bureau.
I know, I've been trying to hit up my boy
Dwayne's stats, but I can't really find the numbers. Maybe
you could, Danny G. You're resourceful on what the record

is for trotting around the bases after a home run,
but I'm pretty sure it was broke today. I would imagine,
like like a big poppy trot might come to mind,
like like when he's just lumbering around, like taking his time.
Whose job is it to time these trusts?

Speaker 4 (21:31):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
I think they go back after and do it because
you know who is the guy that took his time
as well? Oh, Cesspedis, Joanna. Cesspedis was known to like
this part of the game, right, But there's an evolution.
There's a reason why I think that maybe the slow
trot is the new bat flip is the new I'm
gonna get under your skin, do something creative. Rhys Hoskins

was the former number one champions. You see that, Okay,
So yeah, so get this guys coming at number five,
l Montero with the Cubs, number five, slowest trot, Miguel
Montero with the Cubs thirty three point two seconds. In
at number four, Nelson Cruz thirty three point four seconds
with Seattle. Victor Martinez is one of those guys. He

is him when it comes to antagonizing the other team
because he's number three and number two. His slowest trot
was thirty four point one seconds and coming in at
number one, number one, Reese Hoskins, as Danny g said,
thirty four point two seconds. But this is as of
twenty twenty, according to MLB dot com, and they've been

tracking it since twenty fifteen. Now I did some research.
I'm like, is Reee Hoskins still the number one? That's
all I got. But I did see that there was
a story last year, and I remember this when at
Doulas Garcia hit a home run. They're like, yo, look
how slow it took him? And that was thirty point
five seconds. And that was a year ago. It's a
long time, okay, So today to give you a context. Yeah,

Reee Hoskins of the Phillies. It was forty five years ago. Now,
the night before he almost got plunked in the head twice,
so the next day a revenge home run. I'm sam
he was like doing the whole like looking at the team,
looking at the crowd, like, yeah, there's context. There was
context through Reese Hoskins. Thirty four point two second trot.

Now Jose Siri again, Division rivals, the Al East, the Rays,
the Yankees day game. Jose Siri hits his fourteenth and
he does I'm not saying he did the gritty around third,
but I think that's where it's going. He slows up
so much a third he pushes this try. It has
to be close to thirty seconds. He started walking. Yeah,

he started walking. Now. I don't know how long he took,
but here's what I do know. Wan Soto hits a
bomb down the line and you might see a still
image of him like sort of doing a Carlton Fisk,
squeezing it inside the foul pole. He hits a home run.
See Yeah, and this dude takes the slowest trot I've

seen in a long time, and they timed it out
some of the reports say forty seconds, Like the headline
is forty seconds, but the reality is thirty seven point
zero four seconds for Juan Soto. So breaking the record,
I think is I think we have a new record.
So you heard Nick Cope talk about the home run
and the wind, but he didn't tell you about this

slow ass moonwalk he did around the basis. Yo, Nick Cope,
I don't even know what happened between second and third,
but once he rounds thirty, you're like, oh my god,
he's not even home yet. You have to watch it.
I don't know if he fell, trip, took a nap.
By the time second and third something happened.

Speaker 4 (24:45):
I think he could, you could walk faster than he
was trotting. I mean he was practically trotting in place
around the my knowledge.

Speaker 1 (24:53):
To my knowledge Fox Sports Radio Nation, this is a
brand new record. And when I said, look, I know
that this didn't just start now. I think we're seeing
an evolution of something. Over the weekend. You did see
some of the players doing the Donald Trump fight, fight
with the ear and everything else. You saw the Rays
do that. You saw a lot of Cardinals canals stand

up double, people are covering one ear and pumping their
fists like there, Donald Trump. I saw that on a
few teams. We've seen the evolution of the extra base
hit and the celebration. How the teams have their identity,
they build the camaraderie. We've seen the bat flip and
how it pisses pitchers off. Based on the back and
forth I saw today and some of the other I
feel like we're on the precipice Rich, right on the

cusp of this going next level because of the I
don't know. I don't think there's any real rule that
says you can't really celebrate around the basis see dance
moves around third base.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
You're not going to get reprimanded on the bat flip.
But I know what you're saying that the trot. You
can't tell a guy to move faster. As far as
I know, you really can't do much. And I saw
some back and forth today, and I've seen some really
exaggerated slow trots this season. Then I'm thinking that's where
it's going right now? Is Yeah? So watching it on
the Yes Bomb, it just goes inside the foul pole.

They don't talk about it. They didn't talk about it,
so you're here to talk about it. That's what we're
here for. So when you see the evolution of the
Hey I just hit a double or I just legged
out a triple, and you're seeing these celebrations in baseball,
what's to stop someone from saying, hey, they throw high
and type before. Now I'm just gonna gritty around third
and take my time wave when I'm on second to

the outfield, point to my dugout when I'm on third,
and just like like you said, do the worm. That's
so home play. It's the evolution of celebration we've seen
in the NFL. Remember I said earlier in the year
when the closer for the Minnesota Twins started having a
light show with fire and I'm like, yo, that's like
Edwin Diaz of the Mets, but up a level. Closers
entrances home run fireworks at a lot of stadiums. You know,

showmanship is finding its way back into baseball, and I
sort of like it. No one's gonna say anything to
on soo for that trot. As far as I know,
people are saying, forty seconds we saw Taylor Walls of
the Rays do his trump thing. We're seeing a little
bit more. Is it the new batflip? If it is,
I'm all for because I think it's funny. Danny G.

Speaker 3 (27:13):
What do you think since they started tracking this? Yeah,
what do you guys think? The average speed of the
home run.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
Trick they started tracking this is twenty fifteen, right, yep,
according to MLB dot com. So the average, Yeah, like,
it's funny you asked that in front of me. Is
the Yankees hit Nick Coope? What five home runs today? Five?
Big fly? I noticed DJ Lemayhew hit his first, and
I watched him round the bases and he motors around.
It's pretty quick. I'd say he got around the bases

like fifteen seconds. That's probably the ad to The average
is twenty three Wow, good guest by Rich twenty two
point two, twenty two two, twenty two oh two. Wan
Soto almost doubled that today, And that is funny. And
now that it starts getting some legs and we start
talking about it, you might see more. That as a

way to say in your face to the picture moving forward,
because you know, I love a good batflip, but I
think more and more of this is to come. You know,
I think it's more annoying. What when a guy like
Brandon Nimo runs around the basis my dude show. We
get it, we get it. You're a gross showing hustle.
So again, there's a new number one. As far as
we know, the record was thirty four point two. Today

they're saying forty seconds, but I'm pretty sure the official
clock is thirty seven point zero four to one Sodos
trot today. And I don't want to make something very clear.
We're talking about the second second base celebrations on a double,
whether it be like the claw or waving your hands
in the air, people doing the Donald Trump Now, yeah,
Taylor Walls did it. He went viral with that show.

Hey Otani, who hit a ball practically out of Dodger
Stadium yesterday? He did something at second base and it
was a confusion. He took off his batting glove and
let's just say it looked like he was doing a
gesture and it's like, what is he doing? And it
probably was getting the dirt out of his batting. It
looked like he was cranking an old Ford. Yeah, because

people are like, what is a tonny doing that? It
looked like it looked like whoa, And they're like, no, no, no,
he had got dirt in his batting glove and he
was shaking it out, but shaking in a way that
he should have rethought. Think about this too. The only reason,
as far as I know, we're not experts. I'm a
fan at all. Again, I tried to talk to Elias
from the Sports Bureau. As far as I know, a

player could do the gritty round than second, right. But
baseball is a game that polices themselves. So the only
reason we're not seeing this happen is because we know
that there's always a chance of a pitcher retaliating that
guy gets plunked. That's the only thing stopping these guys
from really rubbing it in. And I think with the
game going in the direction of one inside pitch and

it's like warning, warning, Like, I don't think there's as
much retaliation, because so, what's stopped Minnesoto from next time
against a division rival, or when you see someone else
trying to show up your picture, what's stopping that next
person from doing the worm from doing this? Officially?

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Officially, you guys are right, but an umpire could throw
a player out due to unsportsmanlike conduct.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
But you gotta find that line. It's like they said
on receiver, like the great Remember when he was coming
up with the gritty, no one really said anything about it. Yeah,
when the ref let him do it, okay, I could
do this. When they let him do the gritty, he's like, well,
now I'm going to lean into it. And then everybody
started doing it and is finding that line. Emma ros
Saint Brown when he started doing the thrust, remember in

the receiver, he was like one too many thrust like
on Kempel. So, I mean there's a line in all
of this thing. I think Soto was right on it
today because I don't know what happened again between second
and third base, But when you watch this clip, you're like,
how was he not home? Something happened between second and third?
He like he started to stroll, he started to take

baby steps. I want to reiterate something we've said for years.
So it's not listen, not breaking the glass on this,
but we've talked about how baseball, you know, where where
do they lose out to the NFL and the NBA
and other sports. Let's be honest. The showmanship, social media
relating to kids, style, the celebrations, the fun, you know, like, think,
think of all the layers of the of the NFL.

In the NBA, social media style, sneaker, game wardrobe, trash talk,
a little bit, celebrations, dancing, baseball. Yo, you're doing you're
doing yourself no favors by not doing that stuff. Yo,
you tell me if there's a rivalry in the Al East.
I want to see home run trots. I want to
see bat flips. I want to see some feistiness. Do

you want to see too much sports? I like that.
I like that. Onance Soto took the leadership role today
to say, really, SERI, you're going to show up our
team like that. Watch what I do? And again, almost
forty seconds round the base is it's a new record
as far as we're concerned. What's up, Nick? No, it's
not for an update with Nick up? All right, I
know day one we're back. We're like, oh, yeah, what's so?

I was saying, Look at he's so handsome, Nickel. I
thought he would just pointing out your your sweet pampa
do today. Hair looks great?

Speaker 4 (32:07):
Appreciate it. Didn't even didn't do much today, but appreciate it. Hey,
here's h here's one.

Speaker 1 (32:15):
Soto asked about the whole thing after the game.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Took your time going around the basis, what did you
think of Siri on the other side and what he
was doing the theatrics there?

Speaker 1 (32:23):
Oh, I was actually I just don't know.

Speaker 3 (32:27):
For me, I just you know hot weather to day
try to say the Hammies took sure.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
Just trying to save the Hammies. Yeah, sure, hot Weather. No,
because when you see what what Jose Siri did when
I said at third like they said, yeah, he almost
comes to a full stop, almost comes to a full
stop a third points, did a dugout, you know, does
some gestures.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
I liked.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
It was absolute retaliation from Soto, no question, dude, you
prove the point if the if so, if Siri didn't
do it and Soto didn't do it, would be would
we be even talking about a Yankees raise game that's
fun for the game. Yes, yeah.

Speaker 4 (33:02):
Five home runs today for the Yankees nine to one
win over the Rays. The show up by Siria to
start the whole thing. That made it a five to
one game in the seventh, So that just added to
the whole thing. Then the Yankees came out bashing immediately
after to put the game away. USA Basketball that had
another tough one today, They were able to hold off
Germany ninety two to eighty eight their final Olympic tune up.

Lebron James had twenty points, including a couple of clutch
buckets in the closing minutes, and of course, earlier today,
James was named one of the flag bears for the
US at the opening ceremonies. NFL News packers jam Bryan
Goudikunz said quarterback Jordan Love will not practice with the
team or play in any preseason games until the two
sides come to an agreement on a contract extension. Now,

Love is taking part in meetings and other off field activities.
It's not a holdout, and Goudikunz expressed optimism in a
deal getting done soon. Bengals coach Zach Taylor said quarterback
Joe Burrow has been fully cleared for contact. ACC Commissioner
Jim Phillips said the conference will fight lawsuits with Florida
State and Clemson for as long as it takes, calling

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back to Covino and Rich.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
You know what Nick, I was thinking about it. Thank you,
Nick Cope, Covino and Rich Life from the tyreq dot
com studio. Aside from punching somebody in a face or
slapping them right, making someone wait is such a power move.
I think it's number two. Number one is pretending like
I don't even know who you are. Like if Wan
Soto said Jose Siri, who's that? That's like, Wow, he

doesn't that's cold, he doesn't even know them seconds to
slap in the face. I think that's number It's such
physical violence. I think, like big time in somebody like
I don't even know you, ever heard, never heard you? Who?
I don't know who you are?

Speaker 2 (35:02):

Speaker 1 (35:03):
Making somebody wait is such a power move. Our buddy
Spot does that when he when he owes people money,
he makes them wait. It's a power move. Now, I
think I don't know it. You know, if you're making
somebody wait, it's really a giant f you and I say,
implemented in your life anyway you can. Yeah, if you
want to say, if you want to give someone a
big f you make him way, make him way. And

by the way, something Nick brought up there is there's
so many things I want to get to today two hours.
I don't know how the hell we're going to fit
this in. But he talked about the Jordan Love contract.
There's a couple quarterbacks that I don't know how you
could even assess their value yet, Jordan Love being one
of them. Like, how do you even come up with
a figure for a guy that had a good month,
He had a good month and a half where it
was like, Wow, he's emerging. You're gonna give him a

big deal off of that? And then our dude, Nick
were Niners fans. What's brock Party's worth if no one
else is really going after him? Like, think about the market,
Like if no one else is like we want brock Party,
does he get the big money?

Speaker 4 (36:01):
It's gonna be so fascinating just even if he has
the season, just like the last season, it's.

Speaker 1 (36:05):
Gonna be because if a guy, if a guy like
a bit of a I don't know, Justin Herbert or
something like that, is available, teams would want him. Yes,
I just don't know anyone else will be itching for
Brock pretty as much as I love.

Speaker 4 (36:16):
No one would won Brock Purtty more than the Niners
in that scenario.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Soure, Oh, it's so interesting. Well, thank you, Nick Cope,
thank you, got you more, covin On Rich, We're gonna
get to all this fun stuff here on Fox Sports Radio.
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You know what. I ended up finishing receiver.

Speaker 2 (38:16):

Speaker 1 (38:16):
I thought you're gonna say cobra kai because I would
say can't started. I haven't started. Ye, yeah, well let
me warn you.

Speaker 2 (38:21):

Speaker 1 (38:21):
The first two episodes are a week and then and
then it gets better, though it does it? Does you
watching The Boys? Are you still watching The Boys? Danding
on Amazon? No?

Speaker 3 (38:30):
You know what we've been involved with is presumed innocent
on Apple TV?

Speaker 1 (38:35):
Jake Jillen Hall so good. You know what, I'm only
two in. I'm gonna you know what. My wife's still
out of town for another day before she comes back
with the kids. So I think tonight a little binge
and lay round naked. So I want to tell about
Receiver for a second, because I have a theory. They
follow these great athletes during the year, and what I

love about it is it makes us idiotic fans realize
what these guys go through where because I remember when
people like ll justinh. Jefferson, what is he like sitting
out because you know, is it belly ach And you
realize that dude was banged up and he just wants
to play. He was spitting out blood. Yeah he got
When you see him spitting out blood and they bring
him to the hospital, you as a fan feel like

a nitwit forever questioning these guys determination and effort. No,
that's true. You do get great insight on this. She's like, well,
Devonte Adams. He seems like he's not giving it at all,
and you're like, dudes, like shoulder was busted up, like
every Deemo Samuel and Kittle both injured in the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
Yeah, and then Davante explains what their week is, what
the one day off and then everything they do throughout
the week into game day, recovering after and then it
starts all over again. And when he's in detail telling
you what his week is, like, You're like, man, these
guys they earn this money.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
I forget who said it last year, but I was like,
imagine getting in a car accident and then having to
play again the next day. That's kind of how it is. Yeah,
I'm an AA. Saint Brown's dad, former body older, his
mom speaks German like, he was so likable. His girlfriend
seems like a sweetheart, like you fall in love with
George Kittle and his wife Claire. It's such a good show.
If you're a football fan and not watching Receiver, you

should bang your head against wall. Nick Cope for not
watching yet. I'll give you my Netflix password. Watch it
you can anymore. Yeah, that's the problem. I'm not shelling out.

Speaker 4 (40:22):
I've got enough finished I'm not giving you my money.

Speaker 1 (40:26):
Receivers great, but I wanted to just bring up this
one point when you're finding all these great stories and
you see you really do feel like man. George Kittle
is such a great dude, and justin Jefferson, these guys,
it's a great look into the life of an NFL star.
Is it lame of me? Yes? Oh, I'm sorry, continue
if you have to have Yeah? Yes, Is it lame

of me that I had a hard time watching the
last episode eight because I knew how it ended, because
I just watched seven episodes of Kittle and Debo and
the hard Work, and they're families and the team and
the friends, and even like when Saint Brown and the
Lions got eliminated by the Niners, You're like, I felt
bad for his mom, Like knowing that my Niners lost

in overtime, I almost didn't want to watch the second
half of the final The same of you to put
it off right, you're like a man, but to not
finish it like same time, But like you said, I was,
I was your plans to finish it or not? I did,
I did, but I did exactly what you just said. No,
I don't think that's too late. If you said, if

you took like a hard stance, you're like, I'm not
watching it now, then I would say that's you know
what I did. It's like, uh, exactly, you just said
you took the words out of my mouth. I had
been zooming through and I'm like loving it, loving it.
When I got to the middle of the last episode
when they beat the Lions in that great comeback and
it's like, off to Las Vegas, I was like, through

the desert. If people don't if people aren't familiar with
our show and they're new. I went to the Super Bowl.
I'm a Niners fan. After the game, I couldn't take
it anymore. I rented a car and drove straight home
from Vegas. No, because what why would there be any
sort of excitement in watching that episode? You know what,
It's like, Cavino, you could probably you would love to
watch if I said, Cavino on this old school DVD

from the nineties, I have the nineteen ninety eight Yankees
Year in Review. When you know that it culminates in
a world series, What a great show to watch, what
a great montage? Right? Yeah? If I told you, Cavino,
I want you to watch this two thousand and three
Marlin's Yankees World Series compilation. You're like, but they lost, Yeah,

even worse the two thousand and one I thought losing
to the Marlins might hurt. Yeah, I got it. Both sucked. Yeah, No,
who wants to watch that? But there's no excitement there.
But the documentary is so good. But you're like, uh,
and you know how you always joke about how there's
a weird one percent part of you that feels like
if I watch it, will the result change this time?

Speaker 2 (42:53):

Speaker 1 (42:53):
But you get such great insight on receiver that you're
gonna see footage, You get stories you wouldn't have known otherwise.
I got it. I didn't other kidd went back to
the locker room and was getting shots in his arm.
He couldn't lift his arm in the Super Bowl back
stuff like that. So, if you're not watching receiver and
you need to get pumped up even more so that
football is two and a half weeks away preseason, watch
Receiver and you're saying hard knocks is great too, So

pick your poison. We got more covinon Richnecks Live from
the tiraq dot Com studio
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