Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Cadino and Rich podcast.
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it's Friday already? Hoday Friday Friday. Today's runner, Soda says,
try exciting weekend. Today's put to sleep in tomorrow hopefully,
then some great foosball on Sunday and we're gonna talk
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be all right, let's pump it up on a Friday.
Who you Hans are Frons, I'll be Hans. You could
be friends and we pump you up. Also, be sure
to check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube page. We
got a sweet episode of Over Promise yesterday and what's
the latest and Greatest spotty Boy. We got to catch
up with Clay Matthews, this guy charisma, good stories, talking
about everything from Aaron Rodgers to mahomes flopping. And you
could hear and see that on the Fox Sports Radio page.
Is it up now? You want to post it right
after the show, Right after the show, Okay, right after
the show now checking. We even talked about Mark Andrews
addressing the press after a bad game. Should you be
expected to address the press because he didn't and he
got some backlash for that when the Ravens lost. He
had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. And
we asked Matthews about that too, former Green Bay Packer,
former Ram and you'll see that immediately after the show.
You could listen just search Over Promised or watch it
on Fox Sports Radios YouTube page. We'll give you some
highlights throughout the show. Lots to get to on Covino
and Rich. Now, you know a lot of people talk
in NFL, and don't worry, we're gonna get the plenty
of Josh Allen and Mahomes and you know our feelings
going into the weekend. And of course Pete Carroll Danny
g his silver hair already looks good wearing that in
the photoshops of him wearing a Raiders shirt.
Speaker 2 (02:41):
Yeah, now he just needs to get a Raiders tattoo.
Speaker 1 (02:44):
And Pete call across his chest right now, he should
go salt and pepper now a little more like so
he's silver and black. Just streak it in there like
he's Poully walnat No, just grow beard and go Hollywood
Hogan and do oh yeah, he's got to do something
to you know, bring that vibe for the fans. I
think so Pete Carroll the most raw, enthusiastic seventy something
year old on planet Earth. SOG was the AFC West
going with the old guys. Huh. That's kind of cool,
old guys, but also I mean quite accomplished. You got
a couple of national champions in there. You got a
couple of Super Bowls Bowl. Yeah, we got a bunch
of Super Bowls and national championships. Perhaps not just any
old guy. I didn't say they you know, found George
from down the block. Who are the two old guys
that sitting in the balcony. Who are those guys? You know, Sam?
Speaker 2 (03:28):
They're not half bad, they're all bad. I don't remember
their names.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Yeah, what's that? We'll call them that. Yeah. No, these
are established leaders with great resumes and some wisdom behind them.
Speaker 2 (03:43):
Statler and Waldorf.
Speaker 1 (03:44):
Yeah, that's those guys were talking about that. We're talking
about Andy Reid, We're talking about Harbaugh, We're talking about
Sean Payton, and now pe car Carol. You could argue,
I don't feel like arguing though it's a Friday. I
feel like being chill, So don't argue. I'm just a
chill guy. But you argue, it's the most accomplished compilation
of coaches in the division in NFL history. I can't
think of another time one division had Super Bowl champions
and national champions four coaches for accomplished guys. No rookies, no,
no coaches without a ring or championship.
Speaker 2 (04:20):
So no, I think you're right. I saw somebody tweet
that out this morning.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
And accomplished compilation of coaches ten times fast.
Speaker 1 (04:28):
Ooh, accomplished complelan, I don't know, complish compilation of coaches, accomplished,
compilation of coaches accomplished compilation of coaches together, won't get
you a date.
Speaker 2 (04:38):
My phone blew up, including our boss. He said, impressive
about all the coaches in the AFC West. A friend
of mine, Hey, what's up, Cincy. He sent me a
tweet and he said, dude, he's so old, and he
sent like a skeleton on a bench and wrote I
wrote back, I said, dude, he's in better health than
you are, and he's almost seventy four.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
Yeah. I remember those clips it was two years ago
or so though, where he was throwing passes. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
he was rolling right, yeah, throwing dying like real agile
for an older.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
Guy, like a Mark Wilson pass.
Speaker 1 (05:12):
But he looks more agile, more in shape than most
people thirty years younger. And I'm not even just saying that.
So we'll talk more about that, Danny g. For the
most part, though, you got to be pretty excited. No,
that's great leadership for your team.
Speaker 4 (05:24):
Speaker 2 (05:24):
I think the plan A was Ben Johnson right, and
it it turns out Chicago had the inside track on
him all along, and Plan B really was Pete Carroll because,
as our friend Jordan Schultz said this morning, they need
an adult in the room. He bonds players and squads together,
and he gets along fabulously with NFL players for whatever reason,
even though he's that old. He's like one of the
young guys who gets along with all the players just
coming out of college.
Speaker 1 (05:53):
I mean, you know, he's a young at hart kind
of guy. He lives for football. He speaks football, he
speaks young guy. And you said they needed an adult
in the room. Well, then maybe plan B was better
than Plan A. You know, maybe it was a buzzing
in disguise that Johnson went to Chicago. So hey, props
to you. I think that could be cool. Pete Carroll,
old guy, young energy. He's like that, uh you know
the meme of Steve Buscemi. No, he has the backwards
hate children. It's a real thing, man. You know, from
Rich and I, we speak a younger language than most
people our age and identify with younger people probably better
than other guys our age. And I think that shows
some people have just a younger way about him, a
younger mentality. He's one of those dudes. But yet he's
still an experienced guy with a championship background. They got
respect for the dude. He might be a greater fit
than we thought. Some people have a mental age and
their actual age. It's true, you know, how like some
people look or act or feel younger. I know it
sounds stupid, but it is true. Listen. I talked the
times I talk to parents at the school and they
talk to me like I'm younger than them. And I know,
you say you experienced this all the time. Dudes, all
the time, I'm older than you and you just don't
think that, right. Yeah, And he's one of those guys.
Well it seems that way. You know. I never hung
out with him, but it seems that way from what
we've seen and what we know of Pete Carroll. So
maybe that works out great for the Raiders. And what
a division now AFC West is stacked with coaches. Now
we'll talk more about that. But there's another fun story
I wanted to get to before weekend hobnobbing, and we
got five on it all our Friday fun. There's a
story about and it's so random. Devin Hany Devin the
dream Hani. Now there's a two part story. He's actually
in the news this week Dale Hoyas calling him out,
him and his dad being like the worst tandem in boxing.
And you know he also signed a deal this week
to fight in May against Jose Ramirez, a former champion,
and Ryan Garcia going to be on the same card
with Roly Romero. So Turkey Ala Sheikh's excellency is making
that fight. Ha happened. And for Devin Haney to get
the rematch with Ryan Garcia, he has to beat Ramirez
and Josie Ramirez is no punk. We've interviewed Jose former champla.
Like we said, So Devin Haney in the news because
he is getting that opportunity and that is a pretty
good fight card for the for the real fight fan.
But if you want to know, the real reason Devin
Haney's name is anywhere today, oh a wall, people, is
because he called out Sylvester Stallone, Rocky MELMOA. So don't
act like he's in the news because he's fighting Ramirez. No, no, no,
He's in the news because he called out Balmo said.
He's in the news for multiple things this week, right,
So that happened this week, but he also called out
slice the loone, So what happened slides on social media?
I believe this was from I don't know if it's
a random social media clip. I think it's from one
of his documentaries because I feel like I've seen him
do this or say this before. But you know how
he goes into his rands and like, yo, these are like,
you know, would you tell you what is it you
say to the kid? Life is not like those sunshine rainbows,
you know, like you gotta get up, you gotta get
tough kids. You know how he just gets on his rants.
He starts talking about like in these are the boxing
gloves I used to use back in the day. These
are rares boxing gloves, And you know why, He's like,
you know, they're less, They're a lot lighter than gloves
today because quite frankly, we used to be a lot
tougher back right. Look, if you want to take a listen,
here you go.
Speaker 5 (09:23):
They don't even allow these today because they're so dangerous,
but that's what they used when I did the film.
They're barely six ounces, they're rays and they're literally lethal.
So I still have them because it's a time when
people were tougher. Sorry they were. Life is just getting
a little easier and easier and easier. And oh that's great,
it's wonderful, but it's not. I think when we force
ourselves into tough situations, that's what the human creature is
supposed to do.
Speaker 1 (09:59):
And what is you're teaching you, que when you make
lives easy? You know, life is supposed to be struggles. Absolutely,
So he's doing his whole Rocky thing about how people
were tougher back in the day. And look at the
boxing gloves we used to use. These are the ones
I used in Rocky. That's all. He's just prideful of
all his memorabilia. Devin Haney goes to social media and
he goes, dude, don't know a left hook from a
fish hook and got the nerve to speak on times
being easier in boxing, like he wasn't just an actor,
but he them Rocky movies wasn't real? How dare you like?
Actually I didn't see stallone reply, but he's a fight fan,
so I'm sure he saw it by now there, you know,
I was just like talking about the movie. Absolutely, But
he got so much backlash. Devin Haney right, because there's
so many Rocky fans out there, and there's some of
haters of Devin hates and who doesn't love Stallone? Right,
so he doesn't love Stallone. That Devin Haney did, I
just got to give him credit. He did respond back
and say, Sylvester Stallone is a legend, and I have
nothing but love the whole Rocky series. Just because he
didn't want that heat. He gets enough heat, but he
did come at Stallone. But it does make you wonder Stallone.
He's done nine movies. He always includes professionals in all
of his movies. Former athletes are pretty standard in all
of his movies. He's got fighters in the expendables, UFC
fighters in the expendables, he's got real boxers and all
the Rocky movies, he's got choreographers. You know, he's a fan.
Rocky was inspired by a Muhammad Ali Chuck Wepner fight.
He watched, he was there. He's been a lifelong fan.
You don't think Rocky or Sylvester Stallone, I should say
has a pretty decent general knowledge of the fight game.
Speaker 6 (11:44):
I do.
Speaker 1 (11:45):
I listen. I have a crazy take on this. Yeah,
I've been in mough fights than anybody absolutely. I think
if you play a fake version of something long enough,
you're almost that. I bet you mu riska horgatea right
is a better detective law and honor dum dum then
anyone that's not like an established detective. I bet you
if you play a lawyer on a TV show for
a decade, if you're a if you're playing a lawyer
for years, you probably know more than anyone except an
actual lawyer. Like if you fail and you're like, oh,
I'm having a heart attack, do you rather nobody try
to help you? Or someone that played a doctor on
TV for years. I'm not saying it's as good, but
it's better. I bet just stallone knows so much more
about boxing than the average guy, than the average percent
of people.
Speaker 2 (12:38):
Yeah, what if the actor rich just played that role
in one big movie and they studied for it for
that one film, Like, would you want Joe PESHI, you know,
representing you in court?
Speaker 1 (12:49):
How about this though, Like how much training did John
Wick did Keanu Reeves do for John Wick? I'm not
saying he could be an assassin of sorts, but videos, Yeah,
there's videos stories about the extensive training that the guy
did just to appear credible in that movie. So again
I hear what Rich is saying. But to back up
Sylvester Stallone, Look, I know he wasn't a professional fighter,
and I'm not saying he could have been, But I'm
saying I'm sure he knows a lot more than the
average guy. I'm going to the average fight fan, I'm
going more than you, because I feel when you dive
into a character, you do end up knowing more than
ninety nine point nine percent. I mean of people you mentioned,
some lawyers and some doctors, there's no doubt about that
they could pretend better than anyone else. They would know
the jargon, they would know how to speak in that
way where it would be convincing. Would I let George
Clooney slice me open? No, but I would feel like
he'd be able to pretend pretty well and put me
at ease that he knew what he was talking about.
Speaker 2 (13:57):
In our business, we've all known DJs who have pretended
to be the program director for ten years.
Speaker 1 (14:02):
Speaker 7 (14:02):
Yeah, they've always forkidded and guys on these shows a
lot like Law and Order SUV SUV SVU. I say,
STV Law and Order, whether they're firefighting shows whatever. They
usually have professional consultants on set to like, like people
who really worked in the real world to give them advice,
like make this more realistic.
Speaker 1 (14:21):
Mark Paul Gossler, who's a friend of the show, Zach Morris,
you know we've known Mark over the years. And Mario
Lopez a c slater, what's up, preppy? But he said
when he was on that Fox show that only lasted
like a season. Remember Pitch the Female Baseball Pitcher. Yeah,
I thought that was an entertaining show. I liked it.
Mark Paul not a baseball player, and they worked extensively,
extensively with him with professional athletes, making shure like, dude,
your fundamentals, your your mechanics are off. You end up
learning more than you'd think. Like I was, Sam's right.
If it's a firefighting movie, they got legit firefighters on
set being like, no, no, you're holding the fire because
you're learning from the real people. That's not to undermine
the real people that do this stuff, but when they're
playing these roles, they're learning a lot of the times,
most of the time they're learning from people that actually
do it. There's a professional on set. Another example, Rich
along with your Mark Pole Gossler one. A famous one
is the Charlie Sheen in Major League. How his fundamentals
were improved from you know, just being able to throw
hard to wow, he may be able to pitch at
a decent level if he stuck with it. He was
throwing in the high eighties at the time, and this
is before people were throwing one hundred and eight miles
per hour. You know, throwing a high eighties nineties. That
was a big deal back then. So you know, I
don't want to say that Stallone is the be all
end all, but I think for Haney to come at
him like that was a little awkward. I think Stallone
knows a lot about boxing, so especially after nine movies
about professional box The secondary question I have for you
guys is if you had to The question is I
could fake the funk doing blank?
Speaker 2 (16:11):
Speaker 1 (16:11):
Like? Do you think that if you dove into a
profession that you knew nothing about, but you had, you know,
the ability to learn it for a little bit like I,
I I think that if you That's why I think
these actors the acting is really the lone and best
example of how if you play someone long enough, you
think Jim Carreen could have been a weather man or
an actual pet detective. I mean, this is a really
this is a big time stretch. But if someone that
played or a lawyer, if someone that played a pilot
in a movie series or a show like a military
show or something, you don't think like, I'm not saying
they could fly a plane tomorrow, but if the pilot
was like oh dies and like want that guy over,
someone on the plane could do someone on the plane
know how to fly a plane. The pilot died and
it was not a pilot, but I played one on
TV good enough, But I think the one that played
one on TV is your best candidate. He would know
a little little.
Speaker 2 (17:06):
Be clear, we're not saying these actors and do the job.
Speaker 4 (17:10):
Speaker 1 (17:10):
What Rich is saying is he would know a little
more than the regular average fellow just sitting there.
Speaker 2 (17:16):
And I actually do agree with that. You know what
this reminds me.
Speaker 1 (17:19):
I wouldn't feel safe we were playing if we were
to play in the pilot and co pilot, you know,
both passed out, Like who could fly? This is playing
and it was Iowa Sam or Tom Hanks who played Sully.
I would.
Speaker 3 (17:33):
Tom X could do anything, though that's that's the great thing.
But a lot of and like like you said Keanu earlier,
a lot of these actors do go on if they're
in such a big project to learn that. Like I
know Tom Cruise is a helicopter pilot.
Speaker 2 (17:47):
Speaker 3 (17:48):
John Travolta is a actual pilot and a great dancer
and a great dancer Buttanta Claus great.
Speaker 1 (17:54):
Yeah, they go on for also flying, yeah, pilot film. Yeah,
he crashed one of his plays like six seven years
ago and stumble. Life imitates imitates life when you are
an actor. And it sounds stupid because not everyone takes
it as serious as other actors, but they do develop
a lot of skills. And you look at an actor's resume,
they'll have it listed out of all the things they're
kind of capable of because they've been trained or they
learned for other parts. So to say that stallone doesn't
know a little something about boxing and the training involved
and all the professionals he's worked with and fought against, right,
he fought Mason the Line Dixon, Right, these are professional boxers.
You know, he knows more than the average person. I
think that's why Devin Haney almost pulled back his original
dish of Stallone by saying, you don't know the difference
between a left hook and a fish hook, because I
think everyone went at Haney like, yo, Stallone's been a
fight fan, part of the fight game, and while not
a real fighter, he's synonymous with saying that he knows
way more than just some rando fan, and he would
always incorporate the real dudes in his movies. The Jim
Lampley's already mentioned Antonio Tarvor. You know, there was always
some sort of professional element that he would try to
bring into those movies. So it was a little bit
of a out of nowhere disrespect because Stallone is sort
of grandfathered in. Here's another reason why I thought so
as to at least be given some sort of respect
in that world. You know how many fighters he inspired
to actually get in the ring. You know how many
fighters probably saw that movie or saw one of the
movies and was like, yo, I think I want to
do I don't know how many box shows have you
think trained to the rocky sound time. That's what I'm saying.
Like for him to come at Stallone was weird, and
that's why I'm telling you that's why he backpeddled quite
a bit. Cause you know, what's the worst in a
movie a boxing league? What's the worst choreography you've ever
seen in a boxing Well, that's a good one. Let
me think about that. You know, most of them are
pretty decent, like even the old even the old Rockies
are pretty kind of weak when you and you watch
them today's standards, like the one with Jake Chillenhall, which
one was that I was actually pretty good? Good, Yeah,
it was really good. Like they've come a long way
from then, is what I'm saying. But the worst if you,
by the way, if you had to get probably the
one with Jerry You ever see Jerry Lewis in the
ring when he's in the ring. You ever see look
that up? Did you ever? If you had to get
in a race car, Yeah, like a if you go
to get in a street race and it was like
Joe Schmoe or someone from Fast and the Furious, are
you just are you just being like all right, I
guess I'm would have been Diesel because he just know
a little more.
Speaker 2 (20:34):
Little all right, So Mark Wahlberg and Boogie Knights.
Speaker 1 (20:38):
If I had to become an exotic answer, I here's
what we'll do. We're gonna put this to the test.
We may even interview a few actors at Super Bowl
on Super Bowl Week, right, because you never know who
stops by Radio Row super Bowl Week in New Orleans
as part of our questioning if they're an entertainer or
an actor, because most of the people that stopped by
are NFL players, football players, and athletes. But if we
have an actor on the show, we gotta ask what
what random skills do you have that you could fake it,
and that you could fake it enough because you've played
so many different roles, so many different parts. And to
answer I was Sam's question, the worst choreography in sports?
Speaker 2 (21:13):
He said, in a fight, But it can it can
go out to all sports.
Speaker 1 (21:17):
There are some football movies too, there's a famous scene
and baseball movies there's a famous scene that gets ripped apart.
People are in stitches laughing. There's like a high school
girls basketball scene where the girl travels and the time
clock is like shot talks like five four and then
there's still like twenty seconds left in her little movements.
Oh yeah, Oh, I gotta find out what show it's from.
But that about this and in the movie teen Wolf.
I saw this speculator before. Yeah, I mean it's it's
Michael J. Fox and he's a wolf. So you have
to like, you know, leave your brain at the door anyway. Right, So,
but there's a scene where he's taking the foul shots
right you know at the end throws and yeah, he's
doing free throws and his nemesis is standing right in
front of him, like just looking at him. Like, under
no circumstance in any game is the player like sailing
across from here.
Speaker 2 (22:11):
Yeah, that's not probably he's across from him. He's the
human wall at the Clippers New Arena.
Speaker 1 (22:15):
He's just like mean mugging him from across the way.
It's like that's not allowed. So anyway, Devin Haney in
the news multiple times this week, what are your thoughts
on that? And well, they'll take your feedback. You know,
what do you think you could fake or you know,
if you have an example, like hey, I would trust
that actor because he played so convincing. More Covene on
rich On a Friday. We've got a lot of NFL
coming up, some coaching changes, and of course getting ready
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I like the UH survivor one better. I think there's
no easy way out the better one. This is the
Root and Tuton hoplong Dickey version. Who is this iosam.
Speaker 2 (23:58):
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club?
Speaker 1 (24:00):
Oh yeah, nice good Man. Live from the Tyreck dot
com studio. We are Covino and Rich on Fox Sports Radio.
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Rapid Radio Now. This may be the dumbest thought ever,
and I'll give Rich credit for that part of it.
Well thanks, Because Devin Haney called out Stallone for not
knowing anything about boxing, my point was kind of simple.
I do think Stallone knows more than the average guy,
so I thought that was uncalled for and it was weird,
and that's why he got all that backlash. Rich is
going next level saying that he would let most actors
act out whatever they're known for before any other average person, because,
no doubt most of them know more than the average
fella because they've played that role for so long. Have
you played an astronaut in a movie? I rather you.
That's not necessarily what I'm saying. But I don't necessarily
disagree with you either.
Speaker 2 (25:19):
I don't.
Speaker 1 (25:19):
I don't disagree with you. What's that stupid movie about
the Bob Sled Team? Yeah, those actors way better than
any other person. What a random attempting a Bob Sled?
Speaker 2 (25:34):
And I'm just saying that's extreme saying astronauts maybe because
the stunt actor still better. But they don't know. The
actor doesn't know what all the buttons and everything are for.
There's no Kevin Bacon, Tom Hanks and daily departed Bill Paxton.
Speaker 1 (25:47):
I don't know if they could get us to the moon,
but in an emergency situation. Rich is saying that they
would still maybe know a little more than most people
because they studied it, at least for a little while.
Spots into all those law and honor and criminal minds
and all that. You don't think those actors would be
a little better at solving a crime than the average
Joshman Michael C. Hall, you think he's uh blood spatter
dexter Michael S. Hall could probably cut someone uppel.
Speaker 3 (26:15):
Yeah, if doing a physical act is one thing. But
I think like saw like having those skills, like the
you know, the processing a crime scene and being like, oh,
look for this, because you've said it so many times,
eventually it would come back. But I would never trust
somebody to like know the inner workings of my body.
They can start cutting me open.
Speaker 1 (26:33):
They get a lot of reps.
Speaker 2 (26:36):
Not in surgery.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
This is ridiculous. Like maybe maybe like an incision, but
anything beyond that now what we're talking about in an emergency.
But we'll take your phone calls to wrap it up,
Devin Haney said in regards to stallone'saying, like, you know
we were like tougher back then. You know these are
the gloves we used in Rocky. Absolutely, Devin Haney says,
dude don't know a left hook from a fish hook
and got the nerve to speak on times being easier
in boxing, like he wasn't just an actor, buddy. Then
Rocky Movies wasn't real. I get it, but everyone was
probably like, yo, f you, Devin Haney, we love Rocky,
Rocky Rolls, Creed and then every then Devin Haney's like, god,
I'm sorry, nothing but respect. He did respond after, So
we're just going to your phone calls based on that.
Just having fun on a Friday, Cavino and rich A
seven seven ninety nine on Fox and we still got
to do. We got five on it. In regards to
the games this weekend and weekend, Hobnab say, what's up
to Andy and Rhode Island? Hey, Hey, Hey, what's up buddy?
Speaker 4 (27:36):
I first, oh, he's trying to get on it. I
will say, I just want to start off by say
thanks for the honorary.
Speaker 2 (27:46):
Speaker 4 (27:47):
It's beautiful. I can't by my side.
Speaker 1 (27:50):
Oh nice.
Speaker 7 (27:51):
And you know, anyone.
Speaker 4 (27:53):
It's actually an honor to have a rule named after
me because you know, I'm always bringing it when I call,
so you know, shout out to Andy rule.
Speaker 2 (27:59):
Also, yeah, a buyer came up with that.
Speaker 4 (28:05):
So if I'm gonna say, if it doesn't act that,
I feel that I was probably rusted and possibly doing something,
you know, on the day to day, I'm probably gonna
have to go with Liam Neeson. You know, if I
need him to figure something, not finda missal person. I
know he's the guy.
Speaker 1 (28:23):
I will find it and I will kill you. Don't
think leam these you can find someone better than you.
Speaker 7 (28:32):
Okay, So I wouldn't trust like George Clooney to cut
me open and take a tumor out of my body.
But like Sandra Bullock when she was on the set
of Speed she learned how to drive a big bus
like that, I would trust her to operate a bus
get me around LA safely. Oh yeah, but she had
to drive the thing she actually learned, like, got certified
driving a huge bus like that.
Speaker 2 (28:52):
I would trust her to do that. I would.
Speaker 1 (28:54):
I would trust Sandra Bullock for sure, over some random
person to drive a bus. Then I'm gonna give I'm
gonna give this guy another shout out, two shout outs
to one show. If I needed somebody whacked, I would definitely.
I feel like Pauli Walnuts could get it though. Oh yeah,
in fact, he did all that in real life. I'm
not saying he whacked people, but he was a mafia
guy before he got into the soprano.
Speaker 7 (29:17):
Danny trey Hoe had some trouble parts of his life
before he became an actor.
Speaker 1 (29:21):
Oh you know, sometimes it's not that far off, is
what we're saying, not that far off. And because they
bring in experts, the experts are teaching learn from the experts. Again,
I'm not saying these people could do it effectively, but
I'm saying, if I'm in a life or death situation
and there's two people in front of me and ones
I don't know, random guy, you know you met a
Chipotle and the other person is someone who played a
doctor on TV, I'm taking the guy who played a
doctor on TV, Big Burt in Georgia. What's up?
Speaker 6 (29:50):
Hey, guys, thank you for take him a call.
Speaker 2 (29:52):
Man, Hey, I just want to speak on the whole
Rocky thing. Hey, no disrespect.
Speaker 6 (29:56):
I loved her from White Man Can Jump. But if
they got Rosie Perez commentating fights, I think Rocky can
speak on a couple of things on these fights here.
Speaker 1 (30:05):
Yeah, that's funny.
Speaker 2 (30:06):
Speaker 1 (30:07):
And for the record, though she's a lifelong fan, but
I feel you on that, and her voice is oh well.
For people that don't know that, Rosie Press has always
been incorporated into the fight world. They're probably like, why
is she on the why Rosie Press? So many people
are scratching their heads when they see that, for sure.
Josh Raptus in Ohio, what's up, buddy, Hey Josh.
Speaker 6 (30:26):
Happy Friday, guys. First, I just want to send some
love to California. I had a house fire on Christmas
Day two thousand and seven, so I just want to
say the soot and that's burn and smell, they do
go away. So my brother is a mechanic, but if
I'm going to restore a hot rod, I'm calling Tim
Allen aka Tim the.
Speaker 1 (30:51):
Right. I mean, he has to know a little more
than the regular guy. All we're saying, it's really not
that big of a deal. I don't think it's that
crazy of a thought. So silly thought, but I don't
think it's that crazy. He's from Detroit originally, Tim Allen.
I think he probably knows something about cars. I think
that show Home Improvement was a little based off his life. No,
you know, And I get a little defensive with this,
and I'll tell you why, because sometimes I'll say I'm
at the barbershop and I get the vibe of someone
saying to me, what do you know? It's not? Hey,
because I talk about it on Fox Sports Radio every day.
That's not why I think. I may know. It's because
I've heard or I've learned from people greater than me.
You know, I actually talked to Clay Matthews today. That's
why I know. That's how I know, right, or Hey, man,
I actually because I talk to Dan Bayer every day,
and the guy knows what he's talking about. That's why
I know. So you don't think these actors who are
learning from actual professionals know a little more? I think
they do. Yeah, I agree, So team Rocky on this one. Yeah,
like absolutely, we got a lot of NFL to get
to for the rest of the show. But let's kick
it to dB. Speaking of the guy that gives you credibility,
what's up?
Speaker 5 (32:00):
Speaker 2 (32:00):
I will say, I don't even know.
Speaker 8 (32:02):
If the tool Man would be the first guy calling
that show, i'd call al Borland right, Yes, he'd be
the first one I would call.
Speaker 2 (32:10):
Yeah, I think he's legitimately a tool guy.
Speaker 1 (32:12):
He's the guy.
Speaker 2 (32:13):
Yes, Pete Carroll's the guy in Las Vegas.
Speaker 1 (32:15):
You're my favorite TOOLI with Sam.
Speaker 8 (32:18):
Seventy three year old going to be the head coach
of the Raiders on a three year deal with an
option for a fourth. When he coaches a game this fall,
he'll be the oldest whoever coach a game as a
head coach in the National Football League. Jaguars finalized their
deal to make Liam Cohen their head coach. Well, the
Texans and offensive coordinator Bobby Slowick parted ways after two seasons.
The Lions are keeping offensive line line coach Hank Frehley.
He gets promoted to run game coordinator in Detroit. There
had been some fear he could go to Chicago or
other places as well. Interviewed with the Seahawks for their
offensive coordinator position, but Frehley stays in Detroit. Eagles quarterback
Jalen Hurt says he'll wear a knee brace or likely
wear a knee brace Sunday again. The Commanders, he's off
the injury report though, and we'll play in the NFC
Championship game. Dallas Goddard says he's going to play through
an ankle injury. Patriots safety Jabril Pepper is acquitted by
a jury in his trial for assault and battery involving
an on again, off again female partner in Massachusetts College
Football Playoff National Championship Game for the twenty twenty sixth
season will be held in Las Vegas. The game will
take place Monday, January twenty fifth of twenty twenty seven.
Ohio State running back quin Shawn Judkins will enter the
twenty twenty five NFL Draft and women's college basketball Right
now a showdown in the SEC. Number two South Carolina
leads number five LSU thirty two to thirty again, two
minutes to go until halftime LSU twenty to zero. South
Carolina eighteen and one, but both teams perfect in the SEC.
Speaker 2 (33:46):
Guys, back to you, no thanks.
Speaker 1 (33:47):
dB, and by the way, props again to Pete Carroll.
I was looking at the other oldest head coaches Romeo Crenell.
He looke good for his age when he was in
his seventies, but compare you know, we always talk about,
you know a lot of our parents are around seventy now. Yeah,
they looked so different than what used to be seventy.
George Hallis for the Bears was seventy two. He looked
like he was one hundred and seventy two. Pete Carroll
has enthusiasm and you know almost a spark that these
other older coaches didn't have in my spring step right,
Marv Levy for the Bills, he felt like an old
timey time coach.
Speaker 7 (34:23):
I think it's less cigarette smoking helps. You know, people
don't smoke as much. You don't look like an old
saddle bag after a while.
Speaker 1 (34:29):
Yeah, you cause think about it. Our grandparents' generation, they
fought in a war, they went through with depression.
Speaker 2 (34:33):
They was more depression smoking.
Speaker 1 (34:35):
Yeah, it was a different time. The best example was
when we saw Tom Brady and George Blanda at the
same age. Remember that, Yes, and Blanda looked like he
was one hundred and eighty five years old. Dude.
Speaker 2 (34:44):
Our grandparents thought lasagna was a diet and they were
in the sun. They were in the sun all the time.
Speaker 1 (34:50):
No doubt, no that. Thank you, Danny. We got more
covine on rich. We got five on it. We're gonna
give our picks and we'll break down this weekend's championship games,
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Slash audio.
Speaker 1 (36:41):
Oh No, No Why There's no easy way out. Every
time I look into the rearview mirror, the song just
plays through my head. What a great montage. Live from
the tyrack dot com studio. It's Cavino and Rich and
after the show. Our podcast goes up every day. If
you miss any of the show, be sure to check
out the podcast. Got to search Covino and Rich, coov I,
n O Covino and Rich. Wherever you get your podcast.
Be sure to follow, rate and review nice five stars
should do. We appreciate that, and don't forget. Danny G
has our best of the week. Yeah, every Saturday morning,
our best of the week is there and another reminder.
We debuted a brand new episode of Over Promised yesterday,
episode seventy seven, but a bonus bonus podcast today an
interview with Clay Matthews, and we cover everything from Aaron
Rodgers to Patrick Mahomes to Mark Andrews and how he
didn't address the press, and we talk about all the
games this weekend with Clay Matthews. Really over promised, really
good dude. Yeah, really good guy. And by the way,
you that's on Fox Sports Radios YouTube page. In about
an hour, you felt like stallone when you look in
the mirror and hear that song. Yeah, but you don't
throw your helmet at a statue of yourself because A,
you would never wear a helmet to cover that hair. No,
m B, they would never be a statue. Yeah, that
was it. So I knew we're getting there. But let
me tell you, Clay, so you still have the long
hair he does, But let me tell you he's looking
slick and handsome, like he's not one of those players
that retires and looks like trash. And he wasn't like
a big bonehead. He was actually a lot of fun
to talk to. So you'll see that again at four PM.
You actually might hear a little SoundBite to get you
fired up later in the show, perfect real quick, before
we get to NFL next hour, we'll hear a little
bit of that Clay Matthews interview because it jumps off
to a more interesting topic about the NFL. We'll make
our picks for Championship weekend. But I got to just
vent on this for a second because I'm allowed to,
because hey, it's our show, and it's our show. I'm
a Mets fan. I'm a big baseball guy. There's plenty
of football talk we've done, and we're pumped about Sunday
like everyone else. But I got to talk about Pete A.
Lonzo for a second. And it's not just about the Mets.
It's about ownership. And I feel like Steve Cohen since
he bought the Mets has been almost the perfect owner.
Like he's a fan, he's the guy that owns the
Buckner Mookie Wilson Ball. He's a billionaire that bought the
team he cheers for. He you know, money's no issue.
He's rebuilding the whole area in Queen's around City Field.
He got Juan Soto for God's sake, like he is
doing everything possible. It was failed, but he got Verlander
insures her. So there's no lack of effort by Steve Cohen.
He is and he's going to bring on his promise.
He's second only to maybe like a Mark Cuban in
like what you would want in an owner, right, except
in one case he sort of is leaving it in
the GM's hands. How to handle the Pete Alonzo story.
They offered Pete Alonzo three year, seventy mil and I
think everyone in this room, including Danny and Iosam agreed
that man for a guy that's a home run champion
and you know, more home runs than Aaron Judging at time,
I mean morhome runs in anyone. Yeah, we all agree.
That's seventy years. I'm sorry, seventy million over three years. Well,
I say, Laaren Judge because I feel like Aaron Judge
gets a hell of a lot more credit. That's really
why I said that. Yeah, more than anyone. But Dan,
you would agree that seems like a light offer.
Speaker 2 (40:15):
Yeah, we said the other day it feels like fifteen
million dollars too short.
Speaker 1 (40:19):
Like like you're tell me Pete Alonzo doesn't deserve. I
thought I told you, I thought it was gonna be
like four years, one twenty, like thirty a year. They're
sticking to three year seventy, and I feel like he's
gonna end up on the Blue Jays or Angels, no offense,
like more bottom feeders. Apparently they're calling him like desperate
teams are now like we'll give him ten million more.
If you're a Mets fan and the whole fan base
wants Pete Beck, isn't it not reading your fan base?
If he let's he ends up on the Blue Jays
for three years eighty million and you lost him for
what a measly ten mili in baseball money. Not getting
him back also builds a little resentment for a Wan
so Tho, and not only diminishes the Wan Soda move,
but resentment too because like, well, we would have had him,
if we'd have spend so much money on him. NFL
picks for Championship Weekend all next right here on Fox
Sports Radio