Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Covino and Rich Podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
Find your local station for Commno Rich at Foxsports Radio
dot com, or stream us live every day on the
iHeartRadio app like searching. FSR. Talk about a Friday that
everyone seems to need. Right, I need this Friday and
it's drink. Let's go more around CNR on FSR day
two of the five day football Stiffy.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
Speaker 1 (00:36):
Man, what a weekend at football and it continues tonight.
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Speaker 2 (00:52):
Way tire buying should be.
Speaker 1 (00:53):
And after the show, check out the podcast. Dan He
puts together a best of each hour and we'd appreciate
rate review. Follow you can win a CNR stainless steel Swiggy.
How about that?
Speaker 2 (01:05):
Speaker 1 (01:06):
Not only does Danny G put our show up every day,
we have a best of the week ready for you
tomorrow morning.
Speaker 2 (01:12):
So what a week. It's been ups and.
Speaker 1 (01:16):
Downs and scares and terror. Rich and Danny had to
leave mid show yesterday, so we'll get an update there.
Plus we got five on it. We're gonna get to
that putting money on the games this week plus a
whole wopping five bucks. A whole wopping five bucks. Oh
make it tell you're dropping five. G's weekend hob nobbin.
What you need to watch in the world of sports
and entertainment, aside from all the great football this weekend Again,
I'm Steve Cavino.
Speaker 2 (01:44):
Danny G.
Speaker 1 (01:45):
Get you're back lead, Everything's okay. He's here on the phone,
super producing at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox.
Speaker 2 (01:52):
Danny G. You got lights you out at your house
or no?
Speaker 3 (01:55):
Yeah, and back on the street. Lights just came back
on today at about eleven.
Speaker 1 (01:59):
A yeah and yeah. What a scary, scary moment yesterday.
I talked to Danny last night, and you know you
lived where fire trucks are going by no electricity. I
hear his kid crying. I'm like, oh, man, Danny G's
in a moment right now, y'all let you go, man,
But it was scary. At the end of yesterday show,
Danny g and I had to leave, like with twenty
minutes left in the shows. We both got calls saying like, yeah,
you're in an evacuation zone. I was on the road
like I was like speed racer.
Speaker 2 (02:26):
And riches fire.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
As the news developed, seems to be from an arsonist.
Speaker 2 (02:33):
How crazy is that? It is crazy.
Speaker 1 (02:35):
What's crazy is that the citizens of the Woodland Hills
area that community took him down and held him down,
detained them until the police got there. That was kind
of cool to see, like police academy, four citizens on patrol.
Speaker 2 (02:48):
Have you seen the footage?
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Speaker 2 (02:49):
I have the good the dude had a little blow
towards we were tackling. Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean.
I love seeing that.
Speaker 1 (02:55):
I was like, when they tackled him, they should have
kicked them a little more. It went like I would have,
in my opinion, if I saw that in my neighborhood
arrest me. I would have maybe tried to severely hurt
that guy. Yeah, that was wild, Like I'm not just
holding him down. I'm holding him down, and like, why
would I hit him until the cops get there, And
if he's alive, he's lost, So I want to just
update our sentiment as we carry on and continue through
the show. It's been a crazy tough week and we've
been shouting out all the first responders all week, you know,
wherever you are, whoever you are, all the first responders,
but especially the ones here in LA and that would
be you know, all the medical people, the firemen, the
police officers. We said, the news reporters, because we question
do they have to be there right there putting their
lives in danger? But yeah, they're painting the picture. Props
to them, But props to the citizens that took down
this piece of garbage. Honestly, in my opinion, that guy
is the lowest of the low.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
Now, he may have done it, but right he was
apprehended by the police, but as of now, he has
not been charged with arson.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
That was an update from a little while ago.
Speaker 4 (03:57):
He might have done it, I'm sure there's a lot
of forensic stuff to be collect did but he has
not been charged as of now.
Speaker 1 (04:01):
Well, a guy walking If you see a guy walking
next door to a strip club and he has two
hundred one dollar bills.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
In his pocket, what.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
Are you assuming guy was going to strip club? This
guy has a guy's going to the woods and he
has a blowtorch.
Speaker 2 (04:16):
What is he doing?
Speaker 4 (04:17):
Roast Marshmallows know there are people out there that are
are are just mentally ill and they can't help themselves.
Speaker 1 (04:23):
No excuse kill this guy.
Speaker 2 (04:24):
The Oh wow, the I supposed to a lot of you.
Speaker 4 (04:29):
I think it's an absolutely abominable act. This guy deserves
to be put to death by the law.
Speaker 1 (04:35):
Well, it did prove our theory right and our speculation
based on what we were hearing, what we were seeing
in the communities that we live next to. Again, we're
surrounded by the chaos in Sherman. No, that's where we're
broadcasting live right now from the west side. We knew
that some of these fires were natural disasters, right, It
all seemed terrible, and then it also seemed to be suspicious, like, well,
how are all these fire is happening? Especially after the
Studio City one, You're like, well, how did that happen?
And Henry Winkler comes out and he's like, I think
it's arson And people were like, hey, fauns settled down,
people just start going crazy ones. Turns out we learned
another valuable lesson, never doubt the faun's no, hey, yeah,
and the looting that's going on, the fires, but it
brings out the worst in people. These moments are saying
all of it, but a lot of it was I
think it was. I'm certainly not comparing this to nine
to eleven. But the sentiment I'm about to share it
is when tragedy strikes small level, big level, whatever you
consider it, you see the best and the worst in people.
It's true. You see the best in people coming together
as a community. You see rescue workers and firemen, policemen
like you see these people put their lives on the
line for you. And then you see looters, people trying
to start other fires. Have you seen the comments on
social media? You'll want to go through Instagram and strangle
these people scrow There'll be a woman crying like I
lost everything in The comments are disgusting.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
Really are It's ugly.
Speaker 1 (06:10):
It's the worst of It's like the worst of humanity,
and the best of humanity emerges in these times. So again,
sending strength and if you want to send more Redcross
dot org or donate questions. A lot of people, a
lot of animals that need help. If you if you
lost something, yeah, if you lost your home and you
see people mocking you in the comments, your instinct want
to be like I'm gonna track down this person and
kick them in the nuts.
Speaker 2 (06:34):
No you do.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
I want to be your that want to be your instinct,
like I'm gonna find these peops and please let's realize
a few things. We're all very fortunate, Oh no doubt lucky.
It's been a scary week. Everybody here has been really
fortunate to say, man, our houses are still there, but
what a scare for everybody again surrounded by it. Thousands
of people were affected. But Danny g and Rich got
a taste of what it was like to be, you know,
ready to go, and and Rich, I know you got emotional.
I just want people to understand where you're coming from.
You got pretty emotional yesterday in that moment because you
thought you had to evacuate it. There was a moment
where copsure in my neighborhood telling people like you might
need to leave, and then you you have this thought
that you never thought you'd have in your life, which
is what you're like. You're also thinking if I leave,
people are going to potentially rob my house. And on
top of that, you're starting to think, grab my valuables.
What are my valuables? Like passport, I d like your
checkbook for some reason, You're like and then you're like
old documents, the deed to my house, like my carved information.
I hate to say it, you know, not only because
it's Fox Sports Radio, but you got to take that
nineteen eighty six autograph the Mets baseball.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
Could I tell you something?
Speaker 5 (07:43):
Speaker 1 (07:43):
You done. I was going to bring this up, and
this is by no means trying to make light of
anything when I was going, when I was going through
right valuable things, I said, all right. Because we started
to do this, my wife had crates in the back
of our suv ready to roll, and she's like, what
do you want me to add in there? Besides photo
albums and some old like memories from high school and college,
and documents obviously other than documents, and like one or
two boxes of memories. I'm not even joking. In a
little bag. I put my eighty six Mets baseball and
my Mike Tyson boxing glove.
Speaker 2 (08:14):
I'm not surprised. I was like, what else do I
really like?
Speaker 1 (08:16):
Everything else is just stuff I agree with.
Speaker 3 (08:19):
That is one of the main parts of this is
when you're dealing with something like this. Rich I wasn't
able to get through the wall of cars to get home,
So Brenda had to go because there's one street in
and one street out to get to the freeway where
we're at, and back in that canyon. She knew because
she's been through this like six years ago or so.
If you don't get out right away, you're stuck on
those streets to get to the freeway. It took her
forty minutes to go five minutes to get to the
one on one freeway. She called me on the phone
and she's like, what do you want? What do you
want of yours? What are you what's most important of yours?
To throw in the car right now? And meanwhile I'm
in the parking garage here trying to get there. I
had no idea what to say. I certificate it's a
security car.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
Make sure you get my Dodgers hats, my Raids jerseys,
my dow rags, my son Lakers, jersey bread, the hit
Man heart glasses.
Speaker 3 (09:13):
But it is UAC mask. But that's everything you listed
is in my backpack already.
Speaker 1 (09:20):
But that's a that's a really sad reality that everyone
had to go through and uh, some people way worse
than others.
Speaker 2 (09:27):
And that happened live on our show yesterday.
Speaker 1 (09:29):
So we're trying to just express if you weren't here,
that emotions are high. We were.
Speaker 2 (09:35):
We were very lucky and stressful.
Speaker 1 (09:37):
I'm not taking anything for granted, but there are so
many people that lost everything and it is wild to see.
Like I said, the greaton people come out and the
awful people come out. And I don't take back what
I said earlier, Like I got a couple of stairs
in the room and I said, I hope that guy
gets killed.
Speaker 2 (09:52):
I feel that in my heart of hearts.
Speaker 1 (09:54):
Some guy sets a community on fire for for sen giggles,
that guy should be hung by his toenails. From some point,
you think that guy deserves like like a happy time
in prison or something.
Speaker 4 (10:07):
Get out of here. No, I mean, like he's out
of here and he's owed the just you know, justice.
I mean, he needs to go through due process. I'm saying,
not that guy. Well, I don't know if that's a
part of due process, but he is. You know, it's
a horrible if if you're doing that. But if he's
mentally ill, that's one thing. You're too kind I was saying, no, listen.
I was going off on people in texts, like like
when you I look at an article and then you
can on Facebook you can leave like a little thumbs
up emoji, a care emoji, a heart, and then you
can do like an angry and like a laughing And
there were seven people out of like thousands, seven people
who left a little laughing emoji. And I'm like, I
want to post that and be like, shame these people
because they're disgusting.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
It's to people, it's like this, It's what I call
state hate.
Speaker 4 (10:46):
It's like you live in a one state where the
politics are much different from California, or live in a
state you know where you know.
Speaker 2 (10:54):
I live in California, trust me. But there are people
match many people I.
Speaker 4 (10:57):
Know, but politically there's all kinds a mix of people
in every state. So like we should as a good American,
you need to have people's backs when they are under
and they're miserable and going through bad things.
Speaker 2 (11:08):
This story is.
Speaker 1 (11:08):
Still developing, lots to onferral and figure out, and you know,
we should focus on the fact that communities are coming
together in the great efforts of the rescuereat efforts and
how how nice it was to hear from people that
I haven't heard from in years, just to see if
we were okay and how things were. You know, it
was nice to see the humanity, that the kind side
of people. You know, of course there's terrible people everywhere
and that's just the worst. But we also have seen
a lot of a lot of good and I hope
more good comes of this. And Rich on the flip
side of things. And again, it's Fox Sports Radio. We
mentioned this yesterday and this just isn't the pander to
sports because it's Fox Sports. We talk about everything here.
It really does go to show you the beauty of
sports and how important it is in our lives. You're
gonna tell me you didn't need that distraction last night,
that football game in iOS. Sam, you kept hitting us
up telling us what a great.
Speaker 2 (12:06):
One it was. I was watching.
Speaker 1 (12:08):
You know, the world needed that distraction. There's only so
much terrible footage of fires you could watch, especially when
you're surrounding all right, If you know we need these games,
that's the beauty of it. That's why we love this,
That's why we talk about it, that's why we have
fun with it. Sometimes we take it too serious. But
it's it's just like you need a vacation rich to
one wind and stress relief. You need that with your sports,
your music and whatever else it is. There's a sense
of once my family made the decision where we're gonna
stay put, the evacuation.
Speaker 2 (12:37):
Order was like we were on like alert. I was like,
let's let's stay put.
Speaker 1 (12:41):
Yeah, man, it's nerve wracking. I took a deep breath.
I put on that football game. And again, this is
not sports panthering, because it normalizes everything. We saw that
with nine to eleven. Dude, wasn't that the start of
We're getting back to normal. It's it's it normalizes you,
It levels you out, it takes you away, even if
it's just for a few hours. That's the beauty of it.
It really is. Anyway, enough of you know, miserable world events.
We got a lot of fun to have today. On
today's show, we are gonna put five on it. We're
gonna we're gonna see who could hit if anyone in
the studio. Every playoff season, I treat everyone because I'm
a big spender, five bucks each. We'll do a six
or six everyone in the room and let's see if
someone could hit.
Speaker 3 (13:25):
A very difficult We're gonna include one listener also, so
be listening out for when we ask you to if you.
Speaker 1 (13:31):
Want in on it, hit us up eight seven seven
ninety nine on Fox when we tell you. But yeah,
it's uh, it's you know, back to business today, but
some scary moments yesterday. And you see people that lost everything,
and you can only imagine what it must be like
to start over, Like what where? Where to even begin?
Can't even imagine, like those communities that you see, blocks
and blocks, like the palisades you see like here's what
it looked like during the holiday season. Here's what it
looks like now, Like what you even like? How do
you begin? How do you begin to even understand it?
Especially if you got little kids, how do you explain
that to your little kids? Like, but we're not going home,
We don't have a home, lifetime of memories, generations of
memories gone.
Speaker 2 (14:15):
Yeah, I know.
Speaker 1 (14:15):
And celebrities, non celebrities. There's a lot of people like
they're not showing sympathy because what I'm gonna show sympathy
for all these rich people And it's gross And I'm
just telling you what I'm seeing on social media. Not
just rich people. It's not just wealthy people. There was
a lot of people affected about that, middle class, upper class,
any class. This affected a lot of people. But that's
also an odd sentiment that because someone has money, like
you think it's like okay if they lose their home
and everything, like, that's wild to me, Like, what type
of maniac are you?
Speaker 2 (14:46):
Oh they got they got, they got millions.
Speaker 1 (14:48):
Yeah, they lost every lot of stress.
Speaker 2 (14:50):
Speaker 4 (14:51):
And I saw a heartbreaking thing yesterday where a mother
brought her five year old son back to the site
of where their home burned down and he said, uh, yeah,
the the chimney over there, that's where Santa just came
through for Christmas, and now it's gone.
Speaker 1 (15:04):
And that just hit me. Hit me sideways. Look at them,
look at the look at the comments. It's probably some
just don't don't look at comments because it don't matter.
You don't.
Speaker 4 (15:13):
I'm getting sick of people. See, he was seeing people's
opinions all the time. They don't matter, right Sam, Right on,
we're surrounded by it. That's our story to get it. Yeah,
we're sticking to it, and let's get into some of
these good games.
Speaker 1 (15:26):
Before we get into I got five on it. I'm
excited about this. I have an NFL theory based on
everything going on over the last few weeks. Ben Johnson,
every day you're hearing about it is our team that
doesn't want to interview this guy for the head coaching position.
Mike Rabels wrapping up of interviews.
Speaker 3 (15:43):
There was a rumor that the reason the Raiders cut
ties with toe LESCo is because they were setting it
up for Ben Johnson, who's interested in putting his own
GM in place.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
But then Primetime Dean Sanders said he could be lured
to the NFL. What would do that if you got
to coach his son? So maybe there's a team that
takes a one two punch of prime Time and Shador
stand theres So there's so much to be said about
the coaching carousel in the NFL. Mike Rabel, like I said,
you mentioned Rex Ryan saying no one's more suited for
the Jets job than him, and he's like, with all
due respect of Rabel and everyone else, I'm the guy. Yeah,
he seems like extra confident about that being his job.
Speaker 2 (16:24):
I was gonna say he's very sea shore. Yeah, that's
the word.
Speaker 1 (16:27):
I was gonna say that was the perfect description, and
I was trying to figure out another way to say.
He's very sure of him, very sea shore of the
position for sure. And you see guys like Robert Sala
are gonna have decisions. Is there a head coaching they
can see for him or the forty nine Ers are
very high on bringing him back as defensive coordinator and
man when he was the forty nine Ers DC and
Shanahan on the offensive side of things. That's a combination
right there, right They just upgraded Kubiak to OC for
the Niners. So there's a lot of coaching moves. So
here's the question I ask all of you, all the
big NFL fans and especially college football, because college football
and college basketball is such a culture based on coaching
and programs. As a fan, think solely as a fan,
which we all are, do you get more excited when
your team acquires a good player or when your team
acquires that top tier a level coach that you think
could change your team around. What's a more exciting sentiment
for fans? Because we live out here in LA there's
a lot of love for the Dodgers and Lakers, but
the football scene, there's rams fans. But the Chargers got
their first little spark of life upon attend the Chargers
when Jim Harbaugh came here. And I think Chargers fans,
we're more excited about Harball than any acquisition I've ever
seen that team make, because he's in a change to culture.
Like you said, already has them here, Yeah, already has well, and.
Speaker 3 (18:02):
They already had their star quarterback in place. To be fair,
who are you going to get so amped up over
Dobbins Who's turned out to be a good acquisition, but
they didn't really add a huge star per se.
Speaker 1 (18:13):
But Danny, it's a great question for you because the
Raiders stars are in need of a star player, but
they're also in a new face. You know, they had
some ups and downs, grud and Antonio Pierce now gone,
they've got you know, McDaniels.
Speaker 2 (18:27):
They went through the ringer of what they thought would work.
Speaker 1 (18:29):
So would you be more excited with of Rabel or
prime time and place, or would you be more excited
about acquiring a big player. That's a great question, you
know what, it's very specific, very specific to the or
to football, I should say, not necessarily just like college
football football because every other sport. I'm not saying a
manager or a coach doesn't matter as much, but I
think football matters the most. You know their systems and
their culture that they set. Yeah, and the position they're
in right now. Cavino is like the position the wash
Washington Commanders had been in where they need new leadership,
a new coach, and a new quarterback. And look how
the Commanders turn things around. The Raiders should follow that blueprint,
which is what they're doing right now with the new
leadership of Tom Brady and Richard Seymour. I want to
go back nine years in baseball because I agree with
Commune on not as much in baseball, but it matters
in all sports, but it matters most. I think in
the NFL, in the NBA, I would be more excited
about a player in baseball than a coach, without a doubt.
Speaker 2 (19:30):
With football, it's probably a lot different.
Speaker 1 (19:33):
I put yourself in Chicago a decade ago, okay, and
your team gets theo Epstein.
Speaker 2 (19:41):
And Joe Madden.
Speaker 6 (19:42):
M hm.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
You're telling me that fan base who went on to
win their first World Series in like one hundred years.
You're telling me that wasn't as exciting as in any
play introspect. Yes, the answer is yes, and it's probably
still the correct answer, but it doesn't kept people as excited.
It's like that old saying, you could teach a man
to fish. You can give the fish or work this
out fish, but give it me. But wouldn't you be
more excited just to get the fish, even though you
know being taught how to fish is more valuable to
be quiet to get the fish.
Speaker 2 (20:16):
I believe what he's trying to say is fool me once.
Speaker 1 (20:18):
Shame you can't point is of course the coaching here,
in the general managing in this situation that you described
was in the greater scheme of things, more.
Speaker 2 (20:29):
Valuable to the Cubs.
Speaker 1 (20:31):
But more people are going to be excited about the
big fish, which is the player in this analogy. I
was trying to, Yeah, think about a couple of years ago,
Craig Council was a sought after manager. There's there's because
you want it now. The fans kind of want it now.
When it comes to coaching, it's not always going to
be now. Could be like a building process, It could
be a trust the process, and sometimes you trust the process. Hey,
I know basketball fans that are still trusting the process,
nothing happened.
Speaker 3 (20:54):
And in college football the coaches are bigger stars than
they are in the NFL. Usually, No, that's turnover. In
college football, you need astability.
Speaker 1 (21:03):
I mean, I know he's one of the biggest coaches
in sports history. But like, just like that, Belichick put
North Carolina on the football map. Like there are players
that are transferring in the portal now and people that
are gonna be now interested because of what Belichick and
his son in that program could bring. So, hey, your
thoughts would love to hear from you, Coveno and Rich
on a Friday as a fan. Is it the coaching
staff and management or is it the big time player
that gets you more excited? By the way, is give
a man a fish, you feed him for a day.
You teach a man of fish, you feed him for
a lifetime. You know, Coveno, they got philosopher Steve Kavino.
Speaker 2 (21:40):
Everybody, we can't get fooled again. That's it. That's better.
Speaker 1 (21:44):
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Speaker 1 (23:14):
Hey, welcome back to the show Covino and Rich. Everything
at Covino and Rich on social media at Fox Sports Radio.
Always new videos up, Elijah his video team Spotty always
putting videos up at Covino and Rich at Fox Sports Radio.
And we did a brand new episode of over Promised yesterday,
our bonus podcast. You could watch it, you could listen,
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Speaker 2 (24:07):
If you're a big football fan, you got to be
excited because you had.
Speaker 1 (24:10):
Penn State Notre Dame in a amazing game last night. Uncharacteristic,
you know, mistakes by Penn State at the end Notre Dame.
I meant what I said. I'm not just saying it
like it was such a relief. I'm not advocating that
people keep their head into clouds, and I'm not saying
that ignorance is bliss and you should not be mindful
of what's going on. I'm not saying you shouldn't stay
informed on the news. But it was so nice to
put that game on last night, Escaped for a little man,
escaped for a while, and I'm very excited for the
game tonight and the wild card weekend. You see the
game winning kick by Jita, His dad's with his iPhone.
It's so funny how I'm not surprised when a Jeter
comes in clutch. You know, Jeter dad was so calm,
He's just like, well, yeah, buddy. What I felt funny
was that a parent is going to be a parent regardless,
meaning his son is about to kick the game winning
field goal to go to the national Championship, but he
still thinks his iPhone footage is gonna be better.
Speaker 2 (25:10):
It's the orange ball.
Speaker 1 (25:12):
But meanwhile the dad's like my my iPhone format, my y. Yeah,
but maybe you just feel the need like you have
to do something in that moment because you're so nervous.
Speaker 2 (25:25):
But when that.
Speaker 1 (25:27):
Place kick took off, am I the only one that
saw it? Like veer right and the.
Speaker 2 (25:33):
Hook right back left?
Speaker 1 (25:34):
I was like, no, yes, I mean Dre had to
be Notre Dame fans. That stomach's dropped in that moment
that that cheeks were clenched for a second. That kick
looked like it was gonna veer left and boom right.
So anyway, speaking of the you know nine two of
the five days of football stiffs, last night we hit
our bet. What do we say? The over over forty
four and a half didn't look good for a second
and then there was some scoring at the end, so we
hit the over now tonight. I as much as I
respect Texas, my wife's from New Bronfels, right outside of Austin.
Speaker 2 (26:09):
I've been to Longhorn's games.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
I've been there but I think Ohio State's just a
far superior team. So I like Ohio State laying the
six Ohio State wins via Tuddy and then you got
Notre Dame Ohio State. What a great national championship. So
I'm going to Ohio State. You can do what you want,
but I like that at minus six. All right, and
we're gonna talk more football now. Rich is basically posing
this question. It's Rich's NFL coaching theory. Do you get
more excited when your team gets a superstar player or
a superstar coach? Football specifically here, because I think it
is different per sport, no doubt, but I think every sport, though,
there is an emphasis on that very top tier cavino
of coaches. And when your team, like the Chargers the
best example, a team that just always faultered in the playoffs,
a team that really doesn't have an identity, a team that,
I mean most people still think of them as the
San Diego Chargers. Well that's right, You're in LA, a
team with not much. Herbert's a young star quarterback but
wasn't really up to his potential. You sort of like,
what are the Chargers? Jim Harbaugh was way bigger of
an acquisition than any player that team could get. Not
all coaches translate, though, right, Not all players translate, so
you have that commonality.
Speaker 2 (27:34):
I think the.
Speaker 1 (27:35):
Coaches, because of the culture shift and the leadership they bring,
is probably the right answer, but it's not always the answer.
Probably took out why kids wear jerseys are their favorite players.
No one cares that much that much about the coaches.
I know, if you ask a coach, he would have
rather have won, probably when he played in the NFL
as opposed to coaching in the NFL. So there is
a sense of, yeah, we know it's important, but that
superstar on your team is way more exciting in my
opinion as a fan, even though I know the coach
is the right answer. Like I said, the coach is
gonna teach you how to fish, but I just want
that fish. I like that superstar player. I'm thinking I'm
thinking of coaches that could change culture, like like a
Jim Harbaugh. Right, And that's another point. Not all coaches
come with that sort of swagger, and not everyone's a superstar.
So it's a fair question. Are you more excited about
the superstar coach or the superstar player? Pete Carroll. If
I'm a Bears fan and Pete Carroll, I know he's
all down. I know that's an interesting thought. He would
be the oldest coach because he has such a young energy.
Pete Carroll drove me nuts as a Niners fan because
of his damn intensity chewing his gum Seahawks. You know,
we're great with him. When you see guy like Pete
Carroll wanting to coach again, you don't think of you're
a Chicago Bears fan. You're like, we went through eber
Flus and a bunch of nobodies. Now you don't want
to Pete Carroll or if Rabel or someone that you
really feel like could make an impact. You do it matter?
Speaker 2 (29:15):
You know why?
Speaker 7 (29:15):
Speaker 1 (29:16):
It's it's just different, and we're trying to pose this
question because one's more important, but one's more exciting, right,
I really think that's what it is.
Speaker 3 (29:24):
Well, and the Bears are in a very similar situation
that the Chargers were in. Caleb Williams has all the
tools he needs, the right head coach exactly.
Speaker 1 (29:33):
And there's another guy that you know, maybe not the
most likable over the last couple of years, but you know,
because of the failed experiment with Russ. I think he's
sort of, you know, not giving enough credit that Chempaygne
went into Denver and did exactly what he said he
would do. He turned that team around. They're in the playoffs.
There's a lot of good teams now. It all seems
to be working the way it was supposed to when
he was hired. Guess who's not in the playoffs. The Jets,
the Dolphins, the Bengals, other teams people thought would be good.
The Denver Broncos won double digit games and they are
playing Buffalo this weekend. Sean Payton has done the job
they thought he would do. And Bo Nicks is a
rookie and only going to get better, and you don't
know what that team's going to develop into. So when
you think about it, wasn't Sean Payton a really good
thing for the Broncos?
Speaker 2 (30:22):
More so I had to give them time.
Speaker 3 (30:24):
Though, don't forget all of the people who barbecue Sean Payton.
Speaker 1 (30:29):
More excited. So, in other words, you should have been
more excited about Andy Reid than Patrick Mahomes. But Patrick
Mahomes is the one that excites you, I know.
Speaker 4 (30:38):
But who's Patrick Mahomes without Andy Reid, though, what would
you be like under another coach? You don't know that,
you don't know any reader tires and then Patrick mahomes
places for somebody.
Speaker 1 (30:45):
It's a great mystery, Like you think, like, well, what
if I would have married one of my high school
college street the question because we should be equally as
excited about these coaches that make these huge differences for
the teams that you root for. Givino and I have
worked together twenty years. We've we've jokingly said, like, yo,
what do you think your life would be like if
you married the girl you were dating when we first met,
like your twenty year old girlfriend? Would you have like
grown ass kids? Would you be happy? Would you be miserable?
It's like saying, well, what if this guy was coached
by this person? These are all like hypotheticals you'll never know,
You'll never know. Let's go to maybe in a parallel universe,
rich in a multiverse. Maybe in some sort of multiverse
we get to play these games someday, mel in Maryland,
you're on with CNR coaches or players. That sounds like
a ridiculous question, but what gets you more excited?
Speaker 7 (31:32):
First, cannot say something about the callers and people that's
been saying bad things a while. What's going on in Califia. Yeah, okay,
I'm a veteran and I'm sixty years old, and I
last I was in the service within nineteen eighty six.
It's when I got out of the service. And I
still feel the exact same way I do now as
I did then. I love this country. I love the
people in it.
Speaker 8 (31:56):
I love you.
Speaker 7 (31:56):
If you're a Republican or a Democrat, that's something to
you to have talk and dialogue without being just stupid,
no doubt. And I don't understand. I don't understand it.
I just don't understand. This is the greatest country on
the planet and we forget that and take it for
granted every single day. And I just don't understand.
Speaker 2 (32:16):
Yeah, well, a tragedy like this does bring people together.
Speaker 1 (32:20):
He'd be like Obama and Trump, uh, cracking jokes together,
Jimmy cordishiner.
Speaker 2 (32:23):
Yeah, that was fun to see, you know.
Speaker 1 (32:25):
I mean, let's let's be all paying thanks for your service, man,
thank you very much. What's your thoughts on coaches?
Speaker 7 (32:30):
And I'm players now, okay, all right, I'm a cowboard
fand okay and I tell you guys a long time ago,
the spot the only thing the Cowboys got always have eight, nine,
ten guys going to the Pro Bowl when they're winning,
but they can never get over to home because they
got too many distractions from outside sources. When you jump
off side, that's lack of details, black pat attention. That's coaching, okay.
And the coaches can't do their job because the owner
is to be in the locker room and getting distracted
the players from the man that's supposed to be in charge,
not Jerry Jones, but the head closest charge.
Speaker 8 (33:10):
Speaker 7 (33:11):
So you bring back, You bring back the guy that's
gonna kiss your ass instead of run your team. If
you're not head button with your owner in Dallas, if
you're not head button with him, you're kissing his ass.
Speaker 1 (33:22):
Kissings, Thanks Mal, Thank you Mal. That there are teams
that you always see like a team can't get over
the hump is a coaching. So maybe coaching is always
going to be more important, Andy, in football.
Speaker 2 (33:32):
That's really it.
Speaker 1 (33:33):
So we could go to Isaac Cron up day, what's up?
Speaker 2 (33:34):
Speaker 9 (33:36):
Hey, by my heart, my heart goes out to everyone
deal with these fires right now. My mother she about
fourteen years ago she actually had lost a house in
the Christmas fire. And you know, ever since that day,
you know, have to serve in the Marines.
Speaker 5 (33:52):
I always kept a stayed ready back with documents, you know, duplicates,
seasonal clothes, you know, a couple of days worth of
close And now that you know my fiance we have kids.
Actually have two Miley back packs, so you know, I.
Speaker 9 (34:05):
Have them a specific location in the house.
Speaker 5 (34:07):
So God forbid anything ever happens. You know, I already
know where to go. Run throw these on my bag,
and you know we have the most important things that
we can have inside those bags. And you know we'll
just carry on.
Speaker 9 (34:18):
And uh, you know, to answer.
Speaker 5 (34:20):
The question about the players, you know, segue to that,
I would say that, you know, with our power with players, uh,
I think it's carry as we and like they say,
players do.
Speaker 7 (34:31):
Make the team.
Speaker 5 (34:31):
So in a sense, the fan base is always going
to be there to see Sharon, the Sharon, the players.
And I really don't think they had cut out of
coaches in the.
Speaker 7 (34:40):
In the stand, that's true.
Speaker 1 (34:41):
You don't see the fat heads of coaches, thank you, Andy.
You know I have other thoughts on this, but let's
go to Isaac for an update. We're running a little
late today, but Isaac, what's going on with friend? Isaac
Hey Fellas.
Speaker 10 (34:50):
We'll start with a developing story in college football. Louisiana
State Police have issued an arrest ward for NFL draft
prospect and form LSU receiver Kyrone Lacey on charges of
negligent homicide and felony hit and run for allegedly causing
a crash back on December seventeenth that killed a seventy
eight year old man. Lacy declared for the NFL Draft
two days after the crash. Lacey's agent moments ago issued
a statement reading, in part, quote, Kyron is fully cooperating
with the authorities. We strongly believe that the facts will
ultimately demonstrate the truth. This matter is being taken very seriously. Unquote.
No word yet on whether Lacey is officially in custody.
In the NBA, the New Orleans Pelicans suspended forward Zion
Williamson for tonight's game at Philadelphia for a violation of
team policies. Williams said in a statement, quote, I take
full responsibility. There is no excuse for being late to
team activities unquote. ESPN reports Williamson was late for yesterday's
flight to Philadelphia. In the NFL, Philadelphia quarterback Jalen Hurts
has cleared concussion protocol and will play Sunday against Green Bay.
Cleveland Browns quarterback DeShawn Watson ruptured his right achilles tendon
for a second time and has expected a miss a
significant amount of the twenty twenty five season. The Patriots
interviewed Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson for their head coaching job.
The Jets interviewed Maryland head coach Mike Loxley for their
head coaching job.
Speaker 1 (36:24):
On a related.
Speaker 2 (36:25):
Note, don't do it, Mike, don't do it. Back to you,
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (36:31):
Comin on and Rich we got more next, we got
to go over our picks for the wildcard weekend because
we got five on it.
Speaker 2 (36:36):
All that coming up right here on Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (36:39):
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Speaker 1 (37:54):
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a whole bunch of video highlights from our show, including
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It's on Fox Sports Radios YouTube page. Be sure to
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all the time or posted on YouTube. So thanks for
being part of it yet, I'm Covino, That is Rich,
Danny G's here, Iowa, Sam Low and Chron Elijah. Thank
you guys for hanging out with us and all your
concern from Los Angeles is Fox Sports Radio Now. Rich,
I think your question is more of a statement. Yeah,
but you know what Let's be honest with me, meaning, hey, yeah,
everyone's wearing Mahomes jerseys, but we should be wearing Andy
Reid jerseys too. I think it's more of a statement.
They only come in big size, in extra extra extra
large the coat. We should be as excited, if not more,
when you get that superstar coach, which could change the
overall culture of your team. Obviously he's bringing new leadership,
but we'll change the stars of your franchise and maybe
a championship for you. That's that's sort of what I'm saying.
I mean, but we posed it as a question. It's
more of a statement. It's a question. But my statement
is I think the coach is more important, but the
players are the ones that execute the plan. But the plan,
it's like anything. It's like if there was a mastermind
behind something that. Yeah, right, you gotta have the greatest
soldiers in the world, but you need a good plan.
If you have a bed general like then you're losing
the war. You're losing the battle. And I think we
underestimate some of these coaching carousel moves because it could
change the complete direction of a franchise.
Speaker 3 (39:56):
Yeah, well take it to our line of work. Say
you had a hand full of really good DJs, but
it was a complete dump of a radio station, poor gram,
poorly bad music.
Speaker 2 (40:08):
What good would the DJs do? It would only take
you so far.
Speaker 1 (40:10):
Yeah, honestly, it's It's true in radio TV broadcasting, if
the program director or general manager of the station has
the wrong vision, they can hire all the best on
air people.
Speaker 2 (40:20):
It's going to fail.
Speaker 1 (40:21):
You need good leadership. John, wrap it up in Paradise
and then I have a thought. I want to go
to Isaac for a second. I want to follow up
that story about Zion Williamson. What's going on?
Speaker 2 (40:33):
What somebody?
Speaker 5 (40:34):
Speaker 8 (40:35):
The first thing I want to say one thing for
all the people in La my heart's with you. I
believe me. I can honestly say I know how you feel.
Six years ago our town burned down. I just want
you to know that that there's people there that will
help you and want to get that in.
Speaker 5 (40:50):
You know.
Speaker 8 (40:51):
As far as the coach, now, if we're talking basketball,
we're talking players. You know what, As far as I'm turned,
Phil Jackson's both overrated coach in the history of the world.
All you have to do is say, here is the ball,
go play that puts me in the Hall of Fame
because all he did was have unbelievable team.
Speaker 2 (41:06):
I mean mean Phil Jackson.
Speaker 1 (41:07):
I'm not saying he has no talent, but Phil Jackson
also there is something we said about he had Michael
Jordan Kobe shack like he did.
Speaker 2 (41:13):
He did. He did draw a good hand at the
at the table, right, I mean it's true.
Speaker 8 (41:18):
Yeah, So let's let's leave that. You know, basketball to
hold different. It's all different animal football, you know what, Rich,
I'm with you. I hate Pete Carroll. I was a
Notre Dame fan. I'm a forty nine er fan, true
and true. I hated that man watching up and down.
But if I'm the Bears, like you said, I want
that man so much.
Speaker 2 (41:36):
Agreed. I'm dude, John, We're on the same page.
Speaker 1 (41:40):
I hate him.
Speaker 2 (41:40):
Because he's so He's so composed and great and enthusiastic.
Speaker 1 (41:44):
The Bears. I feel like they're making a right decision
if they went with Carol, I really do. I think
Pete Carroll is a type of guy. He's old, which
is the irony because I think he could bring some
youth and life into the Bear. So we shall see.
Zion Williamson I had a thought about what Isaac said.
Will get to that coming up next. Plus we got five.
It will make our picks for Super Wildcard weekend hang tight.