All Episodes

January 13, 2025 39 mins

C&R discuss the breaking news of the day, as the Cowboys look for a new head coach! They explain why 3 times is elite, in the HC world. Sanders to the Dallas sidelines? Ben Johnson to the Raiders? Plus, 'THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMM' dives into Wild Card Weekend! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Covino and Rich podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
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Speaker 1 (00:19):
How is your weekend? Super wild? Welcome to the show.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Tire rack dot com the way tire buying should be,
and make sure you always see our ugly mugs. They
really wrote this in the copy. I'm offended. Our ugly
mugs are on Fox Sports Radio. Thanks Danny, Fox Sports
Radio's YouTube channel.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
He's like he's.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Ron Burgundy tomorrow. You should throw for a loop and
write something else. Our ugly mugs Yeah, on Fox Sports
Radios YouTube channel. Search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube and
see a whole bunch of video highlights from our show,
including our bonus show over promised episode seventy five, premiered
on Thursday. Check it out. Be sure to subscribe, follow, rate,
and review again. Fox Sports radis YouTube page. Lots of

videos there. Thank you guys again. Hope you had a
great weekend. I know that's tough to say because there
was so much going on. There was so much tragedy
out here in California, but there was some good football
and that was always a great distraction. You know, like
I said last week, you really appreciate sports and entertainment

and movies and escapes when you're going through a lot.
So football came in the clutch over the weekend. I
think the only complaint would be that there was only
one game that sort of came down to it. There
are a lot of games that you know, provided excitement,
like who can't wait to watch this one? But most
games we watched over the weekend, we're sort of done

by halftime. Yeah, that Buccaneers game was awesome though I
loved it. Jadon Daniel's so exciting. We have lots to
talk about things that made you go hmm, all your observations. See,
it was hard for me to get into any game
because I went over Wolf Blitzer's house over the weekend.
I don't know if you guys saw his TV set up.
People are voluntary to get that guy a new setup.

There was a viral photo of Wolf Blitzer over the weekend.
He has some like old ass Sony Wega setup. Remember
though Sony WEGA TVs. Everyone had one those giant ones.
Remember when you would like move to a dorm or
a different apartment and you try to hide it in
your front seat, throw a shirt over it.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
That thing.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
We had eight hundred pounds. Wolf Blitzer has that. So
it was hard to enjoy the game watching with him.
But look, there was lots of great games. We had
five days of football stiffies. That continues on to today.
We're excited about tonight's game. Today's our last day have stiffies.
And yeah, I was about to call a doctor. I
was getting concerned. And of course we're gonna be playing

a game later on today. I just want to get
you ready. We're gonna play last one standing, your chance
to win some prizes here on the show. Now before
aj Brown in his book, before Josh Allen pounding around
the refs, before all your observations, is justin Herbert a bust?

Speaker 1 (02:57):
Does he stink?

Speaker 2 (02:58):
We'll get to you know all who you asked wild
card weekend stuff? Heends how much money you had on them.
But I gotta ask you out the gate because I
heard dB saying the update it's did the hot story
of the day. Mike McCarthy out as head coach of
the Dallas Cowboys, and it would be obvious for Kavino
and Rich to give a relationship analogy, so I will.

It was just last week that the Bears asked for
permission Mars the interview Mike McCarthy, and what did the
Cowboys say?

Speaker 1 (03:30):
No, that would be.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
Like you knowing that a girl you're sort of messing
around with she's not the one, and you prevent her
from maybe meeting.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
A really good guy.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Like, wasn't that a very selfish move with the Cowboys
to be like you can't talk to him?

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Yeah, but we don't want them.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Maybe there's more than meet Stey though of course I
agree with you, right, of course, But maybe they weren't
ready to pull that trigger. Maybe they were unsure, which
is never a good thing in relationships either.

Speaker 1 (04:02):

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Maybe it's a territorial thing. In sports, as you know,
moves are made to block the competition. Sometimes that's true,
so maybe that's also part of the thinking. But yeah,
he's gone, Mike McCarthy, your thoughts on that too? We
welcome him eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox. What
are your thoughts?

Speaker 1 (04:21):

Speaker 2 (04:22):
My instinct is that again I'm not sitting down there
with Jared Jones simmer down.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Mike McCarthy older than I thought sixty one? You know what?
I agree? I thought he was just an old looking
fifty something.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
Yeah, I thought he was like a good fifty five tops.
Not that sixty one's old by any means. Look been
around a long time, think about him in the Green
Bay days, But I didn't think he was sixty one.
That time's flye. Yeah, Danny g what is your instinct there?
I was saying, damn Bayer, anyone chime in. He's right
up there, Andy reads sixty six?

Speaker 1 (04:55):
Is there.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
The same feeling you had when you when you heard
McCarthy they got let go where You're like, man, you
know what? Maybe there were some territorial like you can't
talk to him, and then they didn't keep him anyway.

Speaker 3 (05:08):
I thought that it was probably best for both parties
to part ways. It is just funky on how Jerry
Jones operates, And yeah, I know you can't talk to him,
can't talk to him. We have big plans and then
in a week, all of a sudden, everything has changed.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
Yes, dB, there's sayings and expressions that my mom uses
all the time, but they're always better in Spanish, and
I don't speak Spanish very well, I don't speak English
very well. And there's a saying or an expression that
goes along the lines of she's or he's like the
dog that doesn't want his food but doesn't want anyone
else to have it either. So that's kind of how

the cowboys were acting, like, Nah, we don't want them,
but we don't want you to have them either, Oh,
comito de perro and sweet, you know.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Sorts of crazy expression.

Speaker 4 (05:57):
No one's eating sna sana something like that. I don't
know SoCs, but no, no, it seems wrong, but I'm
sure there was some reason, or maybe not, Like Dan said,
maybe it's just how Jerry Jones operated.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
Jerry Jones also said that they never got to the
contract portion of it, and anybody who's been reporting on
this says it's absolutely gone to the contract portion of it,
and so I think that there's I don't know who
to believe, but I just wouldn't tend to believe Jerry
Jones in this situation that maybe Mike McCarthy's demands were
way too high and so it wasn't realistic that he

was going to return. But it's just interesting to see
Jerry Jones point out that they never got to the
negotiation phase even though his contract expires tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Guys, how about this saying, you know, forget about the
Spanish one, about the dog. How about never let your
left hand know what your right hand is doing. Why
should Jerry Jones, as an owner give up his cards
to let everybody know that this.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Was going to be the case? It is big business.
You know, I understand what Rich's saying.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
It's a courtesy thing, but it is business as competition.

Speaker 5 (07:02):
You know.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
Why put your cards out there, is what I'm trying.
There's also a trickle down effect to this. And one
of the things that wasn't pointed out aside from this is,
I'll just say this, the Bears to me, interviewing twenty
different people when they haven't had a head coach since
Thanksgiving is absurd to me. Over what have you done
since at the end of November to not figure out

what type of person you want to lead your franchise?
So if the Bears had five interviews and they're like, Okay,
these are the guys we want it, that makes sense
because it took six weeks to figure it out. I
think the Cowboys have had five years to figure out
if they want Mike McCarthy, and if his contract expires tomorrow,
you probably have this same decision last week. But the
other domino is you have a whole staff of guys

who if they don't coach the Cowboys, who are they
going to coach for Whether Mike McCarthy does or doesn't
get another job, all of his assistants also need to
find work. So while amazing that Jerry Jones is being thorough,
it actually didn't do a lot of the parties any
favors because it was a week after the regular season.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
And that's why I was investigating his age too, because
some teams want new blood, some teams require that old
school leadership.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
So I was just wondering where his fit would be.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
I you know, we've heard stories, like in our world,
stories where I don't know, some big morning show the
host is about to buy a house and the program
director knows they're getting fired, but lets them buy the house.

Speaker 1 (08:26):
It's like there's a professional courtesy. But that's the story,
that's the story. But is that really the truth exactly?

Speaker 2 (08:33):
For all we know, For all we know, Jerry Jones,
I'm gonna make up a scenario, but for all we
know that that boss that you just described was handed
a different budget and all of a sudden, he's like,
oh sorry, I was gonna say, for all we know,
Jerry Jones came to the table thinking, all right, now,
settled down, Mike McCarthy, we're gonna give you.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
You know, we're gon we're gonna give you this.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
We're gonna give you a year or so to get
this right, but sure, hollering, and we're going to figure
it out. For all we know, Mike McCarthy came in there,
they're all cocky like, yeah you are, and you're gonna
give me a five year deal. And it's like, whoa
hold what now?

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Hold on?

Speaker 2 (09:09):
So let's not all make it look like Mike McCarthy's
the victim right away, because we don't really know what happened.
But I ask you, because you're a big Yankees fan
and you're saying, what does that have to do with anything?
The price of bananas? If you're a coach in baseball,
if you're a manager, there was always, let's be honest,
a mystique of like if you could be the manager
of the Yankees. That's as bad as as it gets

in baseball, right, You're you're as much as I roll
my eyes at your pinstripe conversations to manage the Yankees
sort of a damn honor right?

Speaker 1 (09:39):
In the NFL?

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Is it appealing to go to the Cowboys knowing that
Jerry Jones is just hovering, knowing that there's an expectation
by the fans, by ownership that like, you better get
it done, Like the leash is short, but you're still
the coach of the Cowboys?

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Is that?

Speaker 3 (09:57):

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Is that appealing?

Speaker 2 (09:58):
I know that you're angling it to be a position
that's lost its luster, but I don't think that's the case.
I think being the manager of the Yankees is still
a highly coveted position. You're gonna get paid, but there's expectations,
and I think that's what people are scared of, you know,

the expectations that are required for this position any organization.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
So you might as well coach the Cowboys, right, Like.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
If you're going to coach a team, you think there's
less pride or more pride in being the coach of
the Cowboys. Yet there's more pressure, there's more expectations. To win,
but that still comes with a lot of clout. I
think whoever's in line for that job takes that with
an immense sense of pride, but with that comes a
lot of pressure. I agree with that. I don't think
it's a bad thing by any means. I think people

just like to shy away from those expectations. Now, in
any industry, there comes a time where it's like, is
that I gonna get or is that woman going to
get another job? Do you think Mike McCarthy after a
running Green Bay, won a Super Bowl, went to Dallas, couldn't.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
Get the job finished.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
But let's be honest, a handful of twelve and five seasons,
they had good, regular seasons, had some injuries. It's it's
not his fault. Does Mike McCarthy get a job easily?
Or is Mike McCarthy the type of guy that, hey,
maybe he'll throw his hat in some broadcasting, take a
back seat, and then re emerge like in three years. Again,
based on him being sixty one, I think option B

is more likely.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
For a guy like him. Look at the remerging.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
A lot of people want to take new ideas, younger leaders.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
That's just how I see it.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
I don't think there's not a lot of Andy Reid's
in the league anymore.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
Who's trying to re emerge right now?

Speaker 2 (11:45):
Rex Ryan, maybe Gruden that you know, they also dipped
out for a while. So maybe it's time for McCarthy
to reinvent himself a little bit. Not saying he's out
of it. He can always come back, but is anyone
really knocking down his door?

Speaker 1 (11:59):
What do you think?

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Well, the Bears and Saints are possible landing spots for him,
but it also puts him in a in a unique
territory of how many guys have coached three different NFL teams.
We hear a lot of two. There've been a select
group that would have done four.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Bill Parcells maybe shot another one did four.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
But when you really look at it, like for someone
to have four bites at the Apple, it's pretty pretty shocking,
let alone three. There's not tons and tons of coaches
I mean that have coached at three different spots, even
great coaches.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
In leadership, You're right, there comes a point where I'm
not saying it's like, eh, you gave it a shot,
You're done, but you know, like.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Yeah, more than two, more than two?

Speaker 3 (12:41):
Sure, Yeah, if you're and likely because you've won, so
you're staying at a place, and if you didn't win,
then you're not appealing to another team for a third
go at it or you know, it's it's a it's
a it's a unique spot. But McCarthy's in it. Did
have three twelve win seasons with the Cowboys in the
five years. This year obviously didn't make the Bose season,

but he kind of fits the bill as well with
the Super Bowl with Green Bay. Wasn't like they were
awful with the Cowboys, so yeah, he could get his
chance at a third team.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Yeah, the Cowboys have always been good enough under his reign.
So that's where the problem is. It's sort of that
Tomlin purgatory that a lot of people talk about with Pittsburgh.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
There is something to be said about it. They've won,
but they haven't won when and where it matters.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
We've talked about that many times over the years that
when you're like good in the NFL, like sometimes being good,
it's like the worst place to be because you're not
forced to make real moves because people are still coming
in to watch, you're still making money and at the beginning,
middle and end of the day, That's what it's all about.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
Are you filling the seats? And they have been.

Speaker 6 (13:47):
We talked about Bill Belichick on the show last week
in regards to Tom Brady and Richard Seymour in the
new leadership with the Raiders. I'm not alone in this.
I always just assumed that the Cowboys job would be
the perfect landing spot for Belichick. I know he's close
to the Jones family, and it just seemed like he
would fit in there. And I read this morning that

through back channels, the Cowboys never gave him a clue
that their job would be open.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
I'm gonna take a hot take deon Sanders bro Well,
you know, I know who doesn't want the on apparently
your Raiders like no thanks, Yeah, but Dion prime Time
for America's team. I mean, he did win a Super
Bowl or two with the Jared in that uniform. Man,
you never know, you don't know what they're cooking, dude,
and a guy like him would embrace.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
That's the thing. You need.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
A coach that's going to embrace the expectations in the pressure.
A guy like Primetime leans into that. He'll lean into
that and own that. You know, will he succeed I
don't know, but he's the guy built for that type
of position.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Somebody angles here.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
But my favorite takeaway might be what we sort of
talked out with Dan Bier a second ago. You see
coaches get so many coaches get the second shot, then
very few get three, and then when you start the
thinking about four, because you got to think of the
progression to get to you had to be successful in
the first spot.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
Yeah, and we're talking head coaching position.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Yeah, to get a third spot, that means you probably
were a champion somewhere. It didn't work out at the
second place, and someone's like, all right, third time, you
know it'll work out.

Speaker 1 (15:16):

Speaker 3 (15:17):
I have a list of the most coaching wins, and
you don't want to know who is the most coaching
wins that was in three spots only. And this will
go to your maybe your your point. Dan Reeves, great example,
went to Denver Denver, then went to the Giants, and
then at the end of his career, the Falcons led him.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
To the Super Bowl where they lost against yes Man. Yeah,
I almost feel like Pete Carroll, great.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
Example, but I feel like the four that's the thing.
A lot of these guys will get if you have success.
It makes sense right, like look at it like divorces.
We've talked about this, man, I thought i'd go at
least it's only Monday, and Rich had to bring up
my divorce over No, I did.

Speaker 1 (16:02):
Bring up your divorce. You know.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Sorry, I know you're Cavino. God damn Buyer. I'm not
bringing up your divorce. But a lot of times, if
you have a friend that's divorced and then they find
love again, you're like, yeah, half the people in the
world get divorced.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
Second job, right, second job. Now, Now, if you.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
The second time, god forbid, you lose a spouse, there's
an issue or something like, you could maybe get it
wrong two times, third job, third spouse. No one's really
gonna buy it if you're on number four now so
three No, If it's by the third one, you might
be the problem.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
But what I'm saying is by the third one, you
better get one.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
You're definitely out, much like a marriage. By the third
head coaching job, you better get it right. By the
fourth time, people are talking about you behind your back.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
I do know someone who is on number four and
the fourth one is the best one that they've had.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Really finally got it. But like they say fourth times to.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
Charm, they say, but there's reasons, like the second one
was just a complete wash out, just like Marty Schottneimer
only had one season Washington, Like that one really doesn't count.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Like ae We, one of our best female friends, got
married when she was eighteen to a guy for like
a year, Like does that count?

Speaker 1 (17:17):
I don't know it does, but you know what I'm saying. Yes.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
So I think, much like marriages, great people, great coaches
are gonna get three shots.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
By the fourth one, it's like, I don't know, you
think they deserve a fourth shots. Maybe they should just
give up on.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
And when they do, it's it's a true testament to
their resume and their ability to coach, because not everybody
gets that opportunity. So I think a guy like Mike
McCarthy should pick and choose wisely what the third step is.
Because you want a Super Bowl in Green Bay, you
lived off of that enough to get a great job
in Dallas. You had success and people still look at

you as you know, super Bowl champion coach. You get
the third job. Let's say he goes to the Bears
for two three years and it stinks then Mike McCarthy,
you might be like, dude, lost the luster. So we'll
take your feedback. We'll take your thoughts and we get
into things that made you go hmmm this wild card
weekend and your thoughts on the game tonight. So any

of your observations from this weekend, it could be from
anything you watch, but especially football, a lot of football
this weekend. And we'll take your phone calls. At eight
seven to seven ninety nine on Fox, we got more
Cavino and Rich. Next on Fox Sports Radio, Playoffs Playoffs.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
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Speaker 1 (19:59):
All right, welcome back to the show.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
I hope you had a Texans, Ravens, Bills, Eagles commanders,
Tyson Fury sort of weekend. He called the quits. He's
like I'm done, but he'll be bad for real. Yeah,
he's retired again.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
That's like wwa. Yeah, the them boxers.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
The only thing they have in common, because you know
one's real ones sports entertainment, is that retirements are fake
to me. Yeah yeah, but how many times has a
UFC fighter or a boxer.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Been like I'm done?

Speaker 2 (20:24):
They get that itch, yeah, and they get a dollar signs.
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Sam on the Ones and twos? What Up Sam? Danny G?

Speaker 1 (20:48):

Speaker 2 (20:49):
You know Danny G who's super producing at eight seven
to seven nine m box No. I was talking to
him off the air and he's really hyped about the
Raiders getting Ben Johnson and it looks like they're getting
closer closer to that deal. We saw some rumors over
the weekend, which means that a Deon Sanders rumor would
be out, which means he might be a guy for Dallas.

If Mike McCarthy's out, maybe that's not as crazy as
a thought as I thought it was. Well, during the break,
there's so many other there's some many other thoughts about
what this McCarthy thing means. And again it's it's like
the butterfly effect in that because that happens, Now, what
happens next? And can a guy much like marriage, can

you can you coach multiple teams? And eventually is it
like yeah, maybe I just don't coach anymore. It's like anything.
It's like uh, in real life, when someone you hear
is leaving your job, you're like, well, that means this
guy might get that position, and that leaves another position
open up for me, and then maybe someone else comes
in and takes my position. Yeah, this this definitely starts

a domino effect of well what does that mean for Dallas?
They have up there and you know what it means. Also,
I think of any career, I'll use ours. For example,
there's only so many landing spots, right. A guy could
work at Fox Sports and it's like, yeah, you got
fire to Lico. Then he ends up at ESPN. If
that doesn't work out, ends up at CBS Sports. Eventually,
it's like, dude, it's might be over. Yeah, I think

I think he ends up in the booth for a
little while and then and then who knows no, But
what happens is you notice this Covino.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
A guy goes to the booth.

Speaker 2 (22:28):
And if he has a resume, if he's gone for
a couple of years, there becomes like some odd thirst
for this coach. Hey, maybe he's really good though, maybe
he's so good he pushes a guy like Tony Romo
out because people are hating on him all weekend?

Speaker 1 (22:40):
What does that all? That made me say?

Speaker 2 (22:42):
But you know what to wrap up DB's point, Dan,
I know you have a list of coaches that have
been the head coach of multiple teams in the NFL,
and it is funny how the magic number is sort
of three. Not many, you know, not many great coaches,
even with success, go beyond three.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Yes, And I actually feel that there's a caveat with
Danny's team where because the Raiders have made so many
wacky hires throughout the years that sometimes guys are put
into the three team group when maybe they shouldn't be.
Someone like North Turner the yeah, because you know he
was Raiders head coach at one point, but Mike Shanahan

short Raiders tenure then that happened. Yes, absolutely, he was
one John Fox ready Carolina and then Denver and then
the Chicago Bears. So they're just they're just it's a
select few. Dick for Meal coach the Eagles took fifteen
years off, came back to the Rams, won a Super Bowl,

and then coached the Chiefs afterwards. But we're talking about
the top coaches, and and I would this is all designed,
and I'm getting these names via wins. If you don't
have enough wins, you're not coaching three different spots anyways.
So it's that's why, that's why McCarthy fits into this,
because he was a winner, had success in Green Bay
with a Super Bowl, and actually did win in Dallas,
just maybe not to the Cowboys life Viking, and so

likely we'll find somewhere else. But it's a select group
of three timers.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
But I haven't heard anyone of all the speculation and
conversation today, i'n't really heard anyone else mention that that
it is sort of like a three strike, you're out
a three time situation where if you're a head coach
and a major sport, you.

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Almost get three chances with success.

Speaker 3 (24:18):
I think I only think you get two, and I
think that there's a select group of three based on
what your prior accomplishments were. And I think that this
list of names of the three timers and the four timers,
I think three is borrowed time. If you get three,
then you must have really done something right somewhere else,
or something funky must have happened somewhere else agreed to

allow you that third time.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
How about getting remarried to the same team dB Does
Artshell lead that list?

Speaker 1 (24:46):
It's like Billy Martin and Lupenell.

Speaker 2 (24:48):
Does that count when like steybren And flipped the coin
and he's like, this year I want no Deally want
brings up an interesting point. Three is elite territory, like
it's rare and exceptional, and say that in entertainment there's
only a handful of people that have three different franchises
like Sylvester stallone meaning Rocky Rambo and Expendables, right, like

three is real. To get three, you have to be
you have to be a proven box office.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
Draw three different roles like we we rave how ed
O'Neil so great modern family and obviously is al Bundy
like now is like the next territory for him is
to do three top yes, like just to do.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
One more is what to strike twice is incredible? What
a great observation.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Three times. You've got to be stallone level. That's a
great thing. That's the observation of the day.

Speaker 2 (25:37):
Forget a j Brown reading books and uh, you know
Josh Allen hugging referees three times is for the elite. Yeah, name,
there's only a few. Name one other than stillone or
the coaches we've already mentioned. Mike McCarthy could be in
that category. But name Matt We talked about Harrison Ford

Harrison for Star Wars and also Jones.

Speaker 6 (26:04):
And also the the other what was it guarding the president?

Speaker 1 (26:08):
Wasn't that franchises? That's tough. That's tough.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
You know, you talk about people that have had success
multiple times. I'll shout her out because today's her birthday,
but uh, Mary Richard Dreyfus with.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Her Mary Ay Richard, Julia Dreyfus, Yeah, Julia Louis du Mary.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
You know Richard d Elaine from Seinfeld, I didn't watch
the show, but New Adventures of Volcristine was successful. It
was a good show. And and Veep was an award
winning show. And Seinfeld, that's rare company. It's her, it's
her birthday today. And you know what, very rare company
to say you're part of three big things. So again,

if Mike McCarthy gets another shot, that just proves that
my ning could strike twice, striking three times. Man, that's
that's crazy luck or crazy fortunate based on your resume.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Like Dan said before, So.

Speaker 6 (26:58):
By the way, really quick pace at Games and Claire
in Present Danger. That was the Jack Ryan franchise. They
have him listed as Star Wars Indiana Jones, Blade Runner
and Jack Ryan.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
About Keanu Bill and Ted Matrix and John Wicky, you
know what, it's Kean who would not want to be.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
In that can gotta be on a search, Yeah, you
gotta be on a certain level of awesome. Is Mike
McCarthy there? Does he wait? Does he hit the booth?
Does he end up somewhere right away? Does he reconnect
with Aaron Rodgers? I was trying to figure that out.
Oh you and I were Is there a place where
that gonna happen. That's that's a wild thought McCarthy and
Aaron Rodgers. But you know what, I I mentally stole this.

I thought that I'm sorry Rich, because he spoke super highly.
I was really impressed that Mike McCarthy gave his time
for that Netflix documentary.

Speaker 1 (27:48):
I really was.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
He gave his time for that spoke really high of
Aaron Rodgers, and you know, I knew they had a
good relationship, but it really said a lot to me.
He was wearing his cowboy uniform talking about Aaron Rodgers
on some BS Netflix thing. You know, I was like, yeah,
he must have a lot of respect for that dude
to put a little bow on this conversation and that
Aaron Rodgers thought you and I were talking about it
during the break And again I stole this from just

this thought, from just some dumb image I so on
Twitter or something where someone had Aaron Rodgers in a
Steelers uniform. Oh and it's not crazy when you think
about the narrative that the Steelers are in purgatory, which
sounds crazy because you think to yourself, wait, you've won eight, nine, ten, eleven,
twelve games. Mike Tomlin doesn't have a losing record ever,

but again, sometimes there's nothing worse than being good enough
to sneak in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
But never make noise.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
Doesn't he have one season where it was maybe five
hundred or something? Yeah, five, no, but never under never
under right.

Speaker 8 (28:47):
So they haven't won a playoff game since January twenty seventeen.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
So Tomlin, who again is in you know, are arguably
football purgatory with that team.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
I'll tell you a way to blow it up one
way or the other.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Justin Fields and Russell Wilson, both you know, are not
signed beyond what if for one year you say, let's
bring in Aaron Rodgers and either it becomes a wild
season of you'll look at Aaron Rodgers after a year
removed from the injury, bringing Aaron Rodgers for one year

and then if it goes terrible, then you know what
you got after that?

Speaker 1 (29:27):
A big draft pick.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
You move down the board, you go four and thirteen,
and it's like, man, Aaron Rodgers really is done. And
then at least you have the clarity to know it's
time to move on and you blew it up. It's restarting, right,
But Aaron Rodgers, it's like, you know, Derek compare it
to you know, some of the players you're Yankee. I
love some of your Yankee moves because Goldschmidt Bellinger.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
Like these if they stink, yeah, what did you really lose?

Speaker 2 (29:51):
And if they're great, Wow, what a great high risk,
low risk, high reward situation. Many times the Dodgers did
that with Kershaw. I'm like, what a great deal, low
risk Kyrieward. That's the craziest thought. Because Aaron Rodgers doesn't
apparently em like he's doesn't seem sold on returning to
the Jets, and Tomlin likes Rogers. Tomlin likes Rogers, so

what if he went to Pittsburgh one year and then
if things don't go well, it'll be terrible, but at
least the Pittsburgh Steelers will have the clear obvious vibe
to all right, we're gonna draft a quarterback. Move on officially,
but if he's great, then you have a really fun
playoff run with Aaron Rodgers. To me, I just think

it sounds ridiculous, but there's something there that's fun. So
Mike McCarthy out, now we get into it. We do
it every Monday. Things that make you go hmm. But first,
an update from the Great Dan by What's up d
as you guys been talking about.

Speaker 3 (30:47):
Mike McCarthy, now returning as head coach of the Dallas Cowboys,
is expected to speak with the Bears and Saints about
their head coaching vacancies. Mike Vrabel officially introduced today as
the head coach of the New England Patriots.

Speaker 5 (30:58):
When I started my coaching career, like I think, it
was important for me to go somewhere else to start
another coaching journey. The opportunity at one point was probably
presented itself to be here at coaching, but I felt
like it was important to forge my own path somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
Rabel back of the Patriots as he was once a
player with the team winning three Super Bowls, introduced today.
Wild Card Game tonight, Vikings and Rams and Glendale, Arizona
eight o'clock Eastern time winner gets the Eagles on Sunday.
He goles linebacker to Kobe Dean's going to be done
for the postseason because of an injured knee. So you
mentioned Russell Wilson and the Steelers, while the Steelers quarterback

says that his intention is to return to Pittsburgh next season.
But Wilson will be a free agent this year. Penn
State running backs Nick Singleton and k Tron Allen all
return to Happy Valley in twenty twenty five, as do
other Nitney Lions, so Penn State trying to run it back,
while Texas wide receiver Matthew Golden is declaring for the
NFL Draft. A fifty five year old Texas man was
arrested for stalking Indiana fevers our Caitlin Clark. The man

was arrested in Indianapolis on Sunday and faces a Level
five felony and could face up to six years in prison.
Both the Lakers and Clippers will be playing at home
tonight for the first time since the wildfires hit Los
Angeles last week.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Guys, back to you, thanks BBBE, And you know, it's
interesting to think that they could play home games on
the same night.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
That's that's also a new thing in our life.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
Right when we were, Danny, when you were younger living
out here now, you know, before they moved in together,
that was a common thing.

Speaker 6 (32:27):
Yeah, the LA Sports Arena, the Clippers used to play
there and they would go out and hand free tickets
to homeless people to get a crowd inside.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
We've been out here Kevino Night. How long have we
been out here? Ten years?

Speaker 2 (32:36):
In the ten years as a show, I've been back
and forth fifteen Yeah, And you know, up until this
year that was just never a possibility.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
Now it is. Look at that all right?

Speaker 2 (32:45):
Hey, we got more Covino and Rich things that made
you go think about it. Your observations from Wildcard weekend.
We'll break it down next right here on Fox Sports
Radio live from the Tirack dot Com studio from the
fuck Winter Winter Chicken Dinner. Who's winning tonight, Minnesota or

Los Angeles? Minnesota Vikings all day, no offense? What if
Los Angeles is like now, we're doing it for Palisades, man,
We're doing it for all the victims. They got something
to play for. As I said to you the other day,
Rich doesn't believe in that. I don't believe in that sentiment.
I know because I got proof. You want to know
why I got proof. The only time I ever root
it for the Yankees in my life was oh one

and they lost after nine.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
And approved Prett fav when his dad died. He was
playing for something, man. He won most of his games
after Hurricane Katrina. Yeah, people step up in big moments.

Speaker 6 (33:39):
So happy that the Chargers then pregame they were showing
all their LA fire gear.

Speaker 1 (33:43):

Speaker 2 (33:43):
That's a whole debate in itself. Rich does not believe in,
like I call it, to do it for Johnny, to
do it for Johnny. I don't believe in doing for Johnny.
I do. I believe sometimes you need the extra something
to fight for man and to play for. But I
do think that Minnesota's got this tonight about a year go,
because I keep notes in a journal of all the arguments.

Can you know what I've gotten? Go go back to
the archives. We had a debate once about sort of
like do it for Johnny, But the sentiment was one
of my pet peeves in sports is when someone goes, oh,
they want it more, and I'm like, no one wants
it more.

Speaker 1 (34:20):
They all want it tonight.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
Don't tell me Sam Darnold or Matthew Stafford one of
them want it more than the other. They all want
it on No one's a professional athlete and they don't
want it.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
That's not true.

Speaker 8 (34:32):
What about desperation, though, it's kind of one of the same, right,
who's more desperate?

Speaker 2 (34:36):
And if everybody on the Buccaneers wanted it the same
way that Baker Mayfield wants it. I think they would
have won yesterday that dude wants it. You don't see
the difference. Can I tell you Tom Brady who people
love or hate? In the booth he was stroking. He
was like Clarence Carter's that's the right artist, stroke to

the left.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
He was stroking joh Jacobs.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
And how many times yesterday did Tom Brady say if
everyone played with the intensity of Josh Jacobs, Like there
was a moment where you're like, yo, Packers play up
to the intensity of Jacobs, like you must be said
you lost him, Danny. Let's be honest on the Raiders. Yeah,
Josh Jacobs played yesterday. If you if everyone played with
that intensity, And right when Tom Brady's done talking about that,

that's when Jacobs rumbled for that where he almost hit
the end zone where he dragged four eagles with him.
It's amazing by the way, this all leads us to
something we do every Monday. We reflect and we go over.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Things that made you go hmm, things that make you go,
things that make you go.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Any observations from this weekend could be in entertainment, could
be in the NBA, but primarily the NFL.

Speaker 1 (35:52):
Or college football. There's lots of great football this weekend.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
Any of your observations, feel free to hit us up
at eight seven, seven ninety nine m Fox or at
con O Andrich at Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
This is where you get involved. You make the call.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
You would think I'm gonna start with like AJ Brown
his book or something you said, it could be about anything, anything.
Then I'm gonna say that Robbie Williams movie where they
portrayed him as a CGI chimp. Yeah, they're saying it
might be one of the biggest box office bust of
all time. It made one million dollars. You know why,
It's because he never translated here in America. Most Americans like,
who's Robbie Williams When he's a big deal overseas. No

Robbie Williams the pop star in England. The theory goes
like this, they like their superstars to be like them,
a guy that you'd see at the pub, that you
root for. In America, you know, we wanted our celebrities
to own a chimpanzee, you know, so we wanted to
have celebrities on a pedestal. So guys like Robbie Williams

never translated to us, but a true king over there.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
You know, they love him over there. So there's a
documentary about him. You've seen the monkey on the cover
of Rolling Stone. That's the movie Better Man, and no
one's really buying into it. A cooler version of that.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
Is Pharrell, like you said, where he did a documentary
about himself, but he used legos to portray everyone. Yeah,
that's a great one if you like music or documentaries.
Definitely worth the watch. It's called Peace by Piece. It's
fun for the whole family because it's lego based. But yeah,
everybody knows Pharrell. Not everybody into Robbie Williams. Not a
surprise now, clearly the number one thing is it's so
right up our alley. Things that made you go hmm.

The Philadelphia Eagles look like a team that's gonna, you know,
maybe cruise right to the NFC Championship game.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
They look good.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
Okay, they take it away from the start, But can
I say, because this ties into what you're about to say,
that fumble special teams in the beginning of the game.
If our eyes could see that, it looked like Green
Bay recovered it and then there's a big, giant, mysterious pylon,
Like I hate that rule.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
That's the lamest rule when the Yeah, it was the
aerial shot that let us see.

Speaker 6 (37:58):
Is it like a saw?

Speaker 1 (37:59):
Like baseball?

Speaker 2 (38:00):
Remember we found out there in the baseball playoffs that
we on TV were getting angles the replay room wasn't
getting because if you watch that overhead view that Tom
Brady and our buddy Kate b Kevin Burkott we're talking about,
there's a clear moment where the Green Bay Packer gets possession,
he's holding the ball for a few seconds, he's down.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
We all saw it.

Speaker 2 (38:18):
Why why is that not an official We all understand that, hey,
someone's biting his arm in the pile up and somehow
he got away with it.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
But how is that?

Speaker 2 (38:27):
Okay, I know it's been that way and it's always
been that. I don't in a game like that, it
just doesn't seem fair, It doesn't seem right.

Speaker 8 (38:34):
Also, it was a helmet to helmet collision penalty.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
The whole thing was like, oh, come on, man, a
weird tone, right, It did absolutely set a weird tone
for the RADII.

Speaker 6 (38:43):
It was a clean hit.

Speaker 1 (38:44):
Yeah, old school. So Tom is very old school when
it comes to stuff like that. We watch that game
and you know, Eagles look good.

Speaker 5 (38:54):

Speaker 2 (38:54):
J Brown caught on the sideline reading an inspirational book
mid game. Now, there's so many layers to this where
some people are like, yeah, listen, who is Who are
you to tell a grown athlete who's one of the best,
what gets his mind right or what levels him during
a game? It's AJ Brown. This isn't some putts. This

is one of the best receivers in the National Football League.
They're winning, they're moving on to the divisional round. Do
you care if AJ Brown is reading a book thinking
about that he spoke on it. We'll get to it next,
as well as all your other fun from Wildcard weekend.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
More CNR next
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