All Episodes

January 13, 2025 41 mins

Covino & Rich react to all the Wild Card games & debate A.J. Brown & his book! Was this a shot at the Eagles for not using him enough on the field? Why a mental health book? Saquon snatches money from Rich & 'LAST ONE STANDING' fights to the finish line! Plus, just one crew member picked the Texans & Rich's bet on tonight's Vikings/Rams!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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just follow rate review coviing on Rich and we'd appreciate that.
Thank you very much. Let's rock out exciting game tonight,
fired up for that? Oh yes, yes, yes, and Rich?

Did you ask this honor off the air before we
get to the phone calls. Rich never stops talking, so
it gets a little confusing. If it was honor off
the air facts you said you wanted to go around
the room and ask how much Russell Wilson will get
next to you? Oh yeah, good, Yeah I said that
off the air. But yeah, real quickly before we get
to all your observations, because in Dan Buyer's update, he

said Russ said he would like to stay with the
Steelers based on what you see Purdy wanting and you
saw what they paid. You know, Baker and Dak and
Trevor Lawrence and all these guys. Where do you where
do you put a thirty six year old Russell Wilson. Now,
that's the thing. He so visibly isn't the guy he

used to be. He's still good, right and having a
good season with the Steelers definitely keeps his value up there,
but he's not superstar money at all. Is he willing
to accept that? Take that? That's the story, that's the
question here. I think he gets like thirty two million
a year. Now. To give a little perspective, Baker has
a three year, one hundred million deal. So Baker's three

years one hundred million, Gino Smith three year seventy five.
I ask you, where does where does the front office
land with Russell Wilson? And is he willing to be
like a mentor for somebody else. If that's the case,
you maybe you try to get him for two years.
Otherwise I think he's a year to year guy. What

do you think, Daniel?

Speaker 2 (02:35):
He had to give you some more context here. He's
making thirty He made thirty nine million this past season.
Steelers only had to pay one point twenty one million
of that because the Broncos picked up the rest.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Yeah, easy for him to be happy in you know,
Pittsburgh when someone else is picking up the tap, right
exactly like you eat nicely when the boss is paying. Yeah,
and he's good, but he's not elite anymore. Yeah, he's
not Jaden Daniels. You know, he's not that of a
player anymore. It's just not that type of guy. So, yeah,
if he were a stock, he's not on He's not
with an arrow up right, I would say low thirties, dB,

I say, it's probably.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
Like a one year deal worth like seven million dollars.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Like way that low? Huh?

Speaker 4 (03:18):
You know?

Speaker 1 (03:19):
And what is he gonna do not take it, You're dB.
I was like, I said that because I was thinking
what Cavino was saying, and I'm like, yeah, but like
if if the Steeler said no, then who else is
gonna say, Oh, Russ, here's thirty or forty mil so.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Donald had a one year, ten million dollar deal with
the Vikings, but I think that there were there were
two Donald needed it to revitalize his career, and the
Vikings are like, hey, maybe if we do can get
this guy on the cheap, let's let's go for it.
And now it's ended up working out. I don't think
it's a two way street in Russell Wilson's situation. I
just think it's somebody who may need a quarterback and

they don't want to spend a lot on it, and
so if he's available, they'll do it. But I mean,
even bake Or before he got his three year deal,
you know, played under I believe that one year deal
with the Buccaneers and then ended up getting his contract.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
So he's just going to be a bridge guy.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
Yeah, I mean, I don't know why this just popped
in my head, maybe a little more than you said,
Russ one year, twelve mil like, because there is like
a sentiment of I know it's business, but there is
some layer of insulting when a guy used to be
the number one guy.

Speaker 4 (04:24):

Speaker 1 (04:25):
It's like a baseball player when you see a guy
that was signing those big contracts in the two thousands
and now you're like, oh, what are they getting him
one year for min That's always part of it, you know.
We started off the show talking about where Mike McCarthy goes. Hey,
he comes at a high price tag just because of
who he is in his resume.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Would you guys feel the same way about Russell Wilson
if he had not slumped in those last five games?

Speaker 4 (04:46):

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Yeah, I mean I feel like him and the team
was exposed. Yeah, last five games are tough, but interesting.
Just something to think about because it is funny how
we're all over the place like that could Well. The
thing is you have to imagine that he would be
worth thirty ish if he's already making thirty nine, because
and he's not making you know, over forty, even though

guys like Daniel Jones are right but not anymore. But
who's going to be willing to pay him that much?
That's the thing. So Yeah, he might have to settle
for like dance at seven. Man, that's tough weeks.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
You also makes you think that Denver was out of
their mind. They gave him two hundred and forty three
million dollars. That's crazy, dude.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
You know what, Danny, we got a lot of phones.
But real quick before we go to the phones, any
any thoughts on the A. J.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
Brown book thing.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
We say we danced around it because there were so
many there were so many layers to it. And here's
what AJ Brown actually said about reading the book on
the sideline.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
Excellent. Yeah, why why do you read during the games?
And what does it bring to you?

Speaker 3 (05:49):

Speaker 1 (05:49):
It given me a sense of peaceness. That's a book
that I bring every single game.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
And my teammates called it the reskkin. You know, it's
the pretty time I heard that. Y'all got enjoined. That's
not a first game.

Speaker 5 (06:02):
You know.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
It got a lot of points in there.

Speaker 4 (06:03):
It's a lot of mental games, a lot of mental
parts about it.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
You know, it's for.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
Me, you know his game is mental.

Speaker 1 (06:10):
So it's called inner Excellence. Sam said it's by Joe Murphy.
So if I'm wrong, blame Sam. But it is called
Inner Excellence, featured on LeVar Burton's Reading Rainbow.

Speaker 4 (06:21):
I believe so.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
Yeah, but that part we're making up. But it's highlighted
pages of things that improve his mental skills, right, So
it's like a self help book of sorts. And I
think that's what matters, because I mean, TikTok could get
your Jim Murphy, Jim Murphy's mistake, mistake. I mean, TikTok

for the next six days could be something that clears
your mind in some sort of ways. I wouldn't say
that's productive for his game. Some people they're looking at
plays right because they need to refocus. If this is
what helps him refocus and it's a mental health book,
I find no issue or problem with that. And I'm
sure the team is aware that this is something that
settles him and gets him on the right track and

fierce his mind. Wait, I think it matters what it is.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
If you were one of the coaches, though, why didn't
you want him to be looking at one of the tablets.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
But if this is what clears his mind, I want
everyone to feel one, confident and at their best in
that moment. It's not like he was reading Petunia Puddle
duck right, it's not a stupid kid's book. He was
reading something that helps his brain. Wait, what is he reading?
There's a monster at the end of this book. Yeah.
With Grover, he's not reading The Puppy Who Lost His

Way with He's not playing on social media, he's not
doing words with friends, he's not doing a crossword puzzle.
He's again, this is a highlighted book to enhance his
mental skills. So maybe that clears his mind so that
he could focus on the field. I don't know his
train track of thoughts, but I'm saying the content matters
in this case. My first thought was honestly, with Kavino,

my first instinct when I saw him, I'm like, that's
a J. Brown about a guy who's a top ten
elite wide receiver.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
In the NFL.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
He doesn't need Joe Schmo's being like, what are you reading?
While you're reading he's a J.

Speaker 4 (08:08):

Speaker 1 (08:09):
But if you dig a little deeper and you really
think about how the last couple of years got caught
one hundred plus catches fifteen hundred is yards. This year
sixty seven catches a thousand yards, you know missed a
couple of games.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Hasn't been targeted the way he'd like auto vocal about.

Speaker 4 (08:29):
Earlier in the season, there was a rob about that. Yep.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
It almost seemed like I'm not very much part of
the game plan one catch ten yards right when you
when you at that point when you catch one ball
for ten yards at that point of the game and
you're reading a book on the sideline, I just think
optically it paints a different picture. You know what it's
like when you when your wife says that she's not

mad at you, but you know she's mad at you,
or clearly you've upset someone, but they're they're like, no, no,
I'm cool, I'm cool. You're like, they're not cool. Like
he he is he just playing us for the fool,
Like the dude's reading a book on the sideline. It's
an NFL playoff game. Man, I get it. He's getting focused.

But like Cavino said, what if what if what focused
him was scrolling through asses on TikTok? Is he gonna
be like, yeah, maybe that's what I'm saying. These content matters.
Content matters. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying, Like, because
a mental health book, and I think, you know, he's
trying to either he's trying to bring his best or
like Rich said, he's trolling us and he's just really saying,
I'm bored out here and I couldn't care less. I've

heard NFL players say in regards to this retired guys
that you know, there are guys that have unorthodox way.
Unorthodox way is a prepping for a game or getting
in the right mindset, meditating, saying prayers, listening to music.
You see guys like Nick Bosa like slamming their helmet
like remember like uh, Jim Harbaugh will go to his
quarterback and slam their shoulder pads like there's different ways
to get guys in his zone. Yeah, think about this.

Hold on, I'm sorry to interrupt Ridge. I think this
goes with what you're saying. Though we've seen for years
people with their beats headphones on before again, this is
before the game. I get it, but that's what gets
them into that mental space. I'm thinking what he's saying
is true, and that's what is helping him get into
that mental space. A guy that's elite like AJ Brown,
you could argue, well, to get to that level physically mentally,

this guy needs to be elite and of reading these
passages and stuff get some focus, that's one thing. But
I think we'd be rich. Every day before the show
he always reads this passage he has on his phone.
It says I'm good enough, I'm strong enough, and Doug
Garnet people like me.

Speaker 4 (10:39):
I have a question.

Speaker 6 (10:39):
Was the book stashed at the bench or did he
carry it out of the tunnel with him.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
That's a great question.

Speaker 4 (10:44):
I think it was. You know, spot mines, they don't
have like a bagger anything.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
Correct, It's it's this happened during my show yesterday. This
was going on, And it's the question as well of
like are you running out of the tunnel with a backpack?

Speaker 4 (10:56):
You know, like are you is it tucking like his pain?

Speaker 3 (10:58):
But it was he was sitting on this sidelines and
I would love I would love Cavino to watch this video.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Yeah, I know it looks bad.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
It looks so bad. You want to know why as well.
There's a couple of reasons. He doesn't go to a
bookmarked page. He just opens it. So you're just gonna
randomly open a page to get your motivation.

Speaker 6 (11:18):
Maybe he had a little like earmarked, you know, like
you fold down one of the corners.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
Of the ra there appears to be a bookmark, and
he just opens the middle of the book and is
just sitting there.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
To your point, TV, in that clip we heard, he
doesn't say anything specific about what he's likes. Oh there's
mental parts to it. Yeah, it's a self empronment, but
of course there's mental parts to it.

Speaker 4 (11:39):
Guys, this pissed me off so much.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
Sorry, but there have been times there in yours. I
see Kerry Roach grabs a books, right, he just.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
Carry probably falls asleep when I'm talking, rambling on like
I am.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
Now, no, no, no, here's what I'm trying to say, though, Dan,
And this is for real. I see what you see,
and we're looking at it. As we said, it's very arbitrary,
you see, and and everybody could see that, right, it
looks bad. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt
of this is what gets him inspired in some way.
And his playful response also, well, you know, guys, come on,

I'm just reading a book.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Here's my other point of this. Here's my other point
of this. How do you guys read books?

Speaker 6 (12:20):

Speaker 1 (12:21):
They don't audio books with my eyeshot tablets, tablets.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
If he had this book on a tablet. We would
think he's looking at plays, which we would be like, okay,
he's studying. The visual of a book is like I've
checked out. You can get checked out a book. It's
like vacation.

Speaker 4 (12:41):

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Is he making a statement or is he for real?
That's really the question. It's a statement that I'm so bored.
I'm not involved in the game plan. I'm going to
read a book. Let me tell you. I try not
to be I try not to be spiteful, but there
are times where I've kindly asked my wife and kids, like, listen,
can you straighten up some of the kids toys, honey?

When I come Like when I come home from work,
the number one thing that annoys me is when my
kid's stuff is everywhere.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
Also make me a sandwich. Stop.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
But sometimes I will like, and I'm ashamed to ahimit this.
Sometimes I like trip over a toy, be like, God, God,
damn toy on purpose, just to sort of in a way,
show like there's damn toys everywhere. Dad almost tripped. A
J Brown is doing the dad almost tripped because your

toys are everywhere. I'm so bored. I one catch. I'm
a guy that catches fifteen hundred yards a year, not
a one touch for ten yard guy. I'm so bored.
Someone give me a I'm gonna read the comics.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
Or or or he's crocheting.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Hold on, this is a mental health book, right, mental
skills of books to help. I'm just playing. And again,
I'm not naive. I'm playing devil's advocate. Maybe the fact
that he's not getting the ball the way he wanted
to puts him in a mental space where he wants
to punch someone in the face. And he knows that
reading these words calms him down right.

Speaker 4 (14:08):
Look at it.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
Yeah, he also like, yeah, person again, I'm playing devil's ass.

Speaker 6 (14:11):
Yes, if you watch the video. Like Dan said, he
also like purses his lips in a way like he's like,
mm hmm what I see out the book.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
If you're his wide receivers coach, or you're his offensive coordinator,
if you're Nick sirianni as head coach, you would say,
you know what AJ needs this on the sidelines. Let's
download a book. Let's put it on a tablet, and
if he needs to go through he can go to it.
And we wouldn't have known. We honestly would have thought
he'd be looking at plays if he was reading that tablet.
But no, this is an actual physical book that he

brought out.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
Some people don't like tablet reading. The only reason, the
reason why prefers a physical book.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
The only reason why this wasn't a bigger deal was
because the Eagles won in a clear victory. If the
Eagles are down in the third quarter and aj Brown's
reading the book, all right, I have another question? Is different?
I have another question. Remember I said content matters. Yeah,
the name of this book is Inner Excellence. Okay, and
again I'm playing Devil's advocate based on what he said
and what the story is. It's a highlight he said,

a highlighted page to improve mental skills. If it was
to make a statement, then why not make an actual
statement with some you know, snarky title, an actual book
that may say something backhanded about being you know, wasting
your time or being bored, a subtle.

Speaker 4 (15:29):
Art of not giving an f Yet exactly, we're not.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Going to make a statement, and why not put out
pull out some some stupid kids book or something like that,
you know, that way it would really make the point.
This This says to me that he he has a
book that was helping his mental health.

Speaker 3 (15:46):
Rich may remember this NFC Championship game two years ago
forty nine Ers Eagles. First play from scrimmage for the
Philadelphia Eagles was a pass to AJ Brown, and that
was because AJ Brown was sulking in their win the
week prior against the New York Giants, where he had
three catches in that playoff victory over the Giants. So

in the NFC Championship game, they had to make sure
that AJ Brown was involved right away so we wouldn't
sulk and it wouldn't be the issue that he had
developed all week long. This is not new with AJ Brown.
This is not a one off situation. So I appreciate
Cavino being Devil's advocate, but Rich is one hundred percent correct.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
I think there's like, like you said, I do hate
that type of attitude. It's almost it's so awesomely strategic
because he has the answer for everything, like it's a
self help book. What because then it's mental health and
I'm in the right spot. But you never want to
question anybody on mental health either. I said, right now,
if I took my headphones off, and I'm like, you
know what, I had enough of Rich's face and the

bosses and walked out, and the bosses had an issue
that like I need a mental.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Health COVID almost feels like a double diss in a way,
like I'm gonna you know what, I'm mad, but you
can't really question it because then you're questioning what you're
not allowed to anymore in our country.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Exactly, all right, See, hey, look, I'm just trying to
explore it. That's all your thoughts at eight seven, seven
ninety nine on Fox. It's weird. No one can deny
that it's a weird.

Speaker 4 (17:15):

Speaker 6 (17:16):
In the nineteen ninety nine film Varsity Blues, if you recall,
James Vanderbeek's character used to sit on the bench and
read a book because he was getting passed over by
Paul Walker who was playing out there, and he was
just a backup quarterback waiting to play.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
So what you're saying is a book on the sidelines
is a visual of apathy and frustration.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Yes, just saying imagine if I was reading a book
right now during your show. How offended would you be.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
If you were just say, there's some guy that runs
works on our show once a while, and he's on
his iPad the whole time, and out of.

Speaker 4 (17:46):
Me planning another show while you were doing this shit.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Right, we've seen it and it does rob us the
wrong way for sure, So look, optically, I get it.
But exploring the story here about aj around things that
made us go hmm. This past weekend, some great games,
a nice win from the Eagles either way. So let's
go to the phones real quick, eight seven seven ninety

nine on Fox. Who do we got?

Speaker 7 (18:12):

Speaker 4 (18:13):
Right, let's start with Richard in Wrightwood, California.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
Sure what's upbut.

Speaker 5 (18:16):
Sure, what's up? Guys?

Speaker 1 (18:19):
You know right what I might go after this weekend
a little nice little tubing and skiing area, right.

Speaker 5 (18:23):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, listen, any coach, in my opinion,
any coach has been an ex coach of the Cowboys,
when you're considering their victors, you should give him a
mulligan because you know you got Jerry Jones. He's a
medaling owner. He makes bad decisions. He gives Dak Prescott
a B quarterback a plus money. The guy is know

what he's doing, and that's what McCarthy has to work with.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
That is, and he's missing a GM to work with.
When Jerry Jones thinks that he's the be all, end
all decision maker when it comes to that. So you're
saying McCarthy has done pretty well in spite of Jerry Jones.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Danny J Bob in Michigan.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
What's up, Bobby, Hey Bob?

Speaker 8 (19:06):
Hey guys. Hey, Hey, I heard your guys on the
TP show quite a while back, and he became an
immediate fan.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
So thanks for all you do. Hey, thanks for giving
us a shot man.

Speaker 8 (19:17):
No problem, Hey, I wanted to go back to the
Last Dollar sec. But something you guys were talking about
people that had like three acts and they were like
a winner more than once. That's something they did. And
the guy that came to my mind was Captain Kirk
William Shatner. He had Star Trek, he had Star Trek obviously,

J Hooker, TJ. Hooker. And then the third one was
my favorite character that he did was Denny Crane, which
was from Law and Order. Was it?

Speaker 1 (19:51):
Yeah, Yeah, he was on one of those shows. And
dude still doing it on The Unexplained and everything else.
Like what a legend that guy is. Absolutely what was
an interesting conversation if you missed it, Danny G. Will
put on the podcast you know, not only coaches. We
just sort of said, when you think about it, to
get three, you know, to strike lightning strikes twice, that's
the expression. Yeah, when it strikes three times, that's that's

a rare company.

Speaker 4 (20:15):

Speaker 1 (20:15):
So if you're Mike McCarthy and you do get a
third head coaching job, that means you're really good.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
And before we move on to last one standing, Andy
in Rhode Island's gonna.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Wrap it up and hey, hey, what's upbody? What's up?

Speaker 4 (20:30):

Speaker 5 (20:30):
Hey guys, So.

Speaker 7 (20:33):
Things to make me that made me say, watching the
Buccaneers versus the Commanders, Hey, shout out to the commander
is also, you know, twenty years streak of not winning
in the playoffs, so shout out to them. Lighting up
for the final kick, the kickers, all eyes on him,
the cameras on him. I must have with just his hair.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
Yeah, that was so funny. Dude, that is like no
can I can I say? That's like Cavino getting ready
for an event. That's like a show me you're nervous
without I knew you were going to.

Speaker 4 (21:02):
Say that on the show.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
And then a story came out this morning that he
does battle with ocd oh really.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
Yeah, why that that divisional doink was Uh, that was
a nail biter, but cheeks were clenched. The O C
D he speaks of, you know, which is a real
thing there when when you need to do something obsessively
like that. It's it's so apparently like he needed his
hair to feel the right way before he put his

helmet on. So it's hilarious how this guy's like fix
his hair, fix his hair. Nervous energy, like a nervous
OCD energy And good for him made the kick and
it really it was a funny moment because we all
have friends or someone that's like that. Congrats to the commanders.
By the way, Yeah that was awesome, and you know,
you feel bad for Baker, but he brings a lot

of fun throughout the year. I hated that those two
teams had to play each other in the first round,
to be honest, Well think about this for later on.
Speaking of Baker Mayfield, how do you know when someone stinks?
Because I think we know that Baker Mayfield doesn't stink.
He didn't win, but he didn't stink. There's some other
people that lost that we might think on the verge

of stinking, like Abe Lincoln. They stinking we'll get to
that plus last one standing if you want in eight seven, seven,
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Speaker 1 (24:05):
All Right CNR on FSR Getting Ready to play Last
One Standing Live from the tirerac dot com studio. Got
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Speaker 4 (24:29):

Speaker 1 (24:30):
There's so many things we didn't even get to as
far as observations Wildcard weekend, well, I mean we didn't
talk about Josh Allen and the refs pealing around. We
didn't talk about the doink to the divisional for the commanders.
That still so much we didn't get to. But you know,
I was saying to a buddy Brandon, one of the editors,

we talked about Saquon Barkley. You know, I'm one of
the idiots. I tried to forget it happened. But I
bet a player prop parlay yesterday and I needed Josh
Jacobs and Saquon to do well. They did. I got
everything I needed minus the Saquon touchdown. So in that
last second when he busted open, I was like away,

I was like ah, when he like slid, I was
the guy that was like that was great intelligence, but
worked against you. Luckily, it wasn't like a big parlay,
but a couple hundred bucks I good won. It was
a four for four parlay and I got three of
the four Thanks Saquon, I mean in regards to the game,
I feel bad for you, rich I respect that discipline. Man,

that was That's a hard move to make, but he
did it with these even DeVante Smith's like, what are
you doing? So now we're gonna play this game eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox. We do it every Monday.
We try to do it every Monday. Last one Standing.

Speaker 3 (25:43):
You have five seconds to battle for your sports trivia
love n.

Speaker 4 (25:50):
I got it.

Speaker 1 (25:54):
Put your electronic devices down and pick your sports knowledge.
Last one standing, Last one standing?

Speaker 2 (26:04):
All right, I have four categories ready to go if
needed a tie breaker. Each contestant gets five seconds to
stay alive in the round. If you run out of
time or you answer incorrectly, Samuel will escort you out
with this big, bad buzzer. We keep battling until you
are the last one standing. If you win two of
the rounds, you are the top dog. Here are the contestants.
Three time winner Steve Covina, seven time winner Richard Davis.

What's the leader in the clubhouse? Right over there? Twenty
two time winner Dan Bayer.

Speaker 6 (26:39):
Hello, last tug cheater'nall talk?

Speaker 3 (26:42):
Right, Yeah, we're gonna get so we got a week
left anyway.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
Just when you were slaying it, We're going to the
studio line put that book down. Dan playing for a
sea in our stainless deal. Swiggy Andy in Mississippi.

Speaker 8 (26:55):
And hey, guys, I want to ask a quick question.

Speaker 5 (27:00):
You guys had to bounce you and Nanny z Rich.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
Yeah, how is your house?

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Everything's all good man. That was the Kenneth fire, which
was the one they luckily put out the quickest, which
they blamed on Arson last I heard. Yeah, Yeah, scary
weekend for sure.

Speaker 4 (27:14):
Gowk oh, all right, I like that.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
Hey, all right, thank you for asking.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
By the way, yeah, and by the way, Spot is
the fact checker during this game, even more pressure than contestant.
When I say your name, the clock is going to begin.
Here's the first category, always going deep. You have five
seconds to name an NFL QB who's top fifteen all
time for the most playoff games played. All right, Covino,

you are up first, and here comes the clock.

Speaker 6 (27:44):
Joe Montana number five, twenty, Rich Peyton Manning, Peyton Manning
twenty seven, Buyer.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
Number two, number ten, Drew Brees, Drew Brees, number twelve eight, Andy.

Speaker 6 (28:02):
John Elway, John Elway number eight, twenty two. Cono Jim Kelly,
Jim Kelly bottom of the list of number fifteen, stuck
right in there, Rich, I mean no one said no
one said Tom yet did they They didn't. I don't
get that out of the way.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
I'll steal. I mean, I had others, but I'm not
one point and holding.

Speaker 5 (28:25):

Speaker 1 (28:26):
I was gonna say, we've I've learned my lesson of
holding on to number one.

Speaker 4 (28:29):
With forty eight.

Speaker 6 (28:30):
All right, Buyer, I'm gonna go. Brett Farve, Brett Farve
number three with twenty four.

Speaker 4 (28:36):
Andy, Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 6 (28:39):
Patrick Mahomes, number eleven with eighteen. Covino, Troy Aikman, Troy Aikman,
not on the.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
I wanted to lay down anyway. Rich, Gret get your book.

Speaker 6 (28:55):
Aaron Rodgers Aaron Rodgers number six, twenty two, Buyer, Ben
Roethlisberger number four, twenty three one Andy, Oh.

Speaker 5 (29:05):
God, Dan Pastorini, I can't.

Speaker 4 (29:11):
I like the Yeah, all right, that's between Rich and buyer.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
Rich Felipe Rios, Philip Rivers.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
Note a buyer wins that round.

Speaker 6 (29:23):
Handsome Dan Marino with eighteen, Russell Wilson with seventeen Steve
Young twenty two, Terry Bradshaw had nineteen.

Speaker 4 (29:34):
Would I miss on most rogers?

Speaker 1 (29:35):
I miss Steve Young. I'm an embarrassing forty that. You
know what I kept doing, guys, I kept avoiding older
quarterbacks because there were there was a less less rounds
in the playoffs, and at backfired because all the ones
I would have said, what's going on?

Speaker 4 (29:49):
Every buddy boy?

Speaker 2 (29:50):
All right, I gotta move on to the second category here,
buyer on the board so far? Of course Category two
sell it as intimate. You have five seconds to name
a team who plays in one of the smallest NBA arenas.
All right, we'll take the bottom thirteen. Andy, We're going
to start with you go.

Speaker 6 (30:08):
Rid Memphis, He said, yeah, Memphis Grizzlies. Yes, yes, like
eighteen one one nine. Buyer Pistons, Pistons.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
So intimately fight.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
I know, new or old like I don't know. I'm yeah,
Rich You're up next.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
I mean we were just there and it's beautiful and intimate.
The into it thought, Yeah, there you go with eighteen thousand. Yeah,
Coveno the magic magic uh not on the list.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
Between Andy and Rich. Andy go Pistons, as were said quickly.

Speaker 7 (30:49):
He said to Night.

Speaker 6 (30:50):
Okay, okay, yes, okay, seventeen six o eight. That's a
Golden one Center.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
I could I could be, but I'm thinking Barclay Center
into Minton Brooks.

Speaker 4 (31:03):
Yeah. Actually, yes, good pull.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
That's a good one.

Speaker 4 (31:07):
Andy, uh uh is that?

Speaker 9 (31:15):

Speaker 4 (31:16):
They say for Marina sixteen to six hundred? Good pull?

Speaker 6 (31:19):
I hate this game, Rich Charlotte Hornetsu Nope.

Speaker 4 (31:27):
Non Andy, halfway to.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
A swif Which was the garden on their place?

Speaker 4 (31:34):

Speaker 6 (31:34):
No, Nicks went on the list. Let's see you missed
all The highest of the lowest was the Spurs. You
missed a lot thunder Warriors, Rockets Warriors, Yeah, Bucks.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
All right, we move on to the third category, buyer
and Andy on the board so far. Category three is
pay per view kings. You have five seconds to name
a boxing match that's one of the top ten most
watched ever. The oldest fight on this list is from
nineteen ninety five, the most recent from twenty twenty. All right, Coveno,
you're gonna go as soon as the clock goes.

Speaker 4 (32:06):
Now, Tyson Holyfield, Tyson holy Which one? Yes?

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Which one?

Speaker 4 (32:13):
Okay? Tyson holy Field, yes eight?

Speaker 1 (32:17):
Okay, Rich Tyson Holyfield two Yes.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Buyer, Mayweather pack you out, Mayweather pack you out number one, Andy,
Tyson home, Tyson home, I'm sorry and Coveno dal Lejoya
Mayweather Yes, nice, that's number three.

Speaker 1 (32:41):
Rich Fury Wilder three.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
Fury wild No, try all right, good buyer.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
Is this official like sanction? Or could we go Mayweather
McGregor No, that.

Speaker 4 (32:55):
Is we will accept that number last back to three
Mayweather Hatton, Mayweather Hatton No.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
Nonetheless, buyer wins the round and the game relations that buyer.

Speaker 4 (33:15):
What's fro?

Speaker 6 (33:15):
Dan Berweather, Mayweather Canelo was for.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
Lewis number six?

Speaker 6 (33:22):
Yes, Tyson, Roy Jones junior number seven, Tyson McNeely number
nine and Mayweather and Codo number ten.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
You know what, in honor of boxing, there's only one
Dan buyer only.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
Buyer guys, undefeated, Man and Andy and Mississippi.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
We salute you, thank you for listening.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
Thank you man, appreciate you. Buddy. You know, let me
tell you where the Hatton thought came from, though I
thought maybe he had that overseas crowd. So anyway, thank
you guys.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
That was fun.

Speaker 5 (33:51):
D B.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Let's get an update, big winner.

Speaker 4 (33:53):
What's up?

Speaker 1 (33:54):
The next round?

Speaker 3 (33:54):
Would have been interesting? If I could name another boxer.
I thought that we'll never know. Mike McCarthy won't return
as head coach of the Cowboys. Jerry Jones released a
statement saying that he and McCarthy had conversations over the
past week, looking at all aspects of this past season
plus looking ahead to the future, and after those talks,
the sides decided that it would be best if they

parted ways. McCarthy's contract expires tomorrow, it just will not
be renewed. He will likely interview with the Bears and
Saints for their head coaching vacancies and is free to
do so. Wild Card game between the Vikings and Rams
coming up at eight o'clock Eastern time. Winner gets Philadelphia
on Sunday. Eagles will be without linebacker Nacobe Dean. He's
out for the rest of the season because of a

knee injury. Steelers quarterback Russell Wilson, who will be a
free agent this offseason, says he'd like to return to
Pittsburgh next season. University of Texas wide receiver Matthew Golden
will enter the twenty twenty five NFL Draft. A bunch
of Penn State players say they're going to run it
back next season, including running backs Nick Singleton and k
Tron Allen. They'll return to school. Drew Allert had said
previously he'll be back. He made it official today as well.

He'll be back for twenty twenty five. A fifty five
year old Texas man was arrested on charges of stalking
WNBA star Caitlin Clark yesterday in Indianapolis. Michael Thomas Lewis
was arrested Sunday after sending threats to Clark over social
media and could face six years in prison on the
felony charges. Auburn's the new number one ranked team in
the AP Top twenty five Men's College Basketball poll. His

former number one Tennessee dropped the sixth. Ucla remains number
one in the women's Top twenty five.

Speaker 4 (35:24):

Speaker 1 (35:25):
Back to you, Thank you, Dann Bayer. Now, before we
get out of here, a couple last observations, couple of
last minute observations from this weekend's Wildcard fun and we
do a little preview for tonight. Who you picking? Vikings
Rams will break it down next Fox Sports Radio with
Kevin and Rich Dang And just like that, we're almost

at a time we saw Rob Parker in the wholeway
getting ready. He does squad thrust to get ready for
the show. People don't know that he does jumping jacks,
he does toe touches. Yeah, and he's he's getting all
warmed up. But that means we'll probably have to talk
about how do you know when a player stinks? Tomorrow.
We have a formula, a theory. Cavino broke out as

t I eighty two from high school. We have a
we have a formula as to tell when player or
coach is actually stinking. Some players and some teams lost
this weekend, and by no means do you think they stink?
In fact, you could say maybe a moral victory like
bo Nick's like that dude does not stink, right, but
he lost, just not ready, but he is not ready.

But man, you're still impressed watching him, right, But there's
other people that lost and you're like, hmm, they've lost
one too many times. I think they stink. Yeah, do
you have an equation like Kavino does. We'll get to
that tomorrow live from the tyreq dot Com Studio Rapid
Radios walk Talk, and of course we use stink lightly.
I'd give my I'd give all my toasts to be

in their position. YEA right, we all wish we could
do what they're doing, so I say that respectfully. Well,
we're from the ti rack dot com studio. Remember Rapid
Radios of the walkie talkie for the playoffs, they're pushed
to talk offering national LTE coverage, no subscription ever, perfect
for instant contact with your friends. We use them on
the show. Go to rapid Radios dot com now for
up to sixty percent off in free shipping. Now ask yourself.

This tonight game starts hour and ten minutes. Vikings favored
by two and a half. I said it earlier. We
all lost our parlays. By the way, I was said,
did you notice that after game one, six out of
seven of us I had already lost our parlay? After
Game one Chargers Texans, Danny G was the only one

that picked the Texans, and I was like, man, Danny's
the only one that's alive in our six leg parlay.
And then the night game he's the guy to pick
the Steelers. So I'm like, now we're all I didn't
pick the Steelers. I said they would cover the points
because I said Ravens by seven. Well, I hate myself
for thinking that the Steelers could be in the game. Yeah, well,
do you know what, Vegas don't want to hear your excuses,
Danny j We all lost our parlays. But tonight, I

said it from the beginning. It was my favorite game
of the week. I loved it when it was one point,
essentially a pick them, but Minnesota minus two and a half.

Speaker 4 (38:08):
I know the game is in Arizona.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
It's not on the road anymore, which is why the
Rams no longer are getting a little home field advantage.
But tonight Arizona Rams hosting the Vikings. I'm not even
gonna ask you about tonight because I think the Vikings
are just a better team, even though the Rams healthy
are able to compete with anyone. I think you're going
to see a big bounce back from Sam Darnold. I
think the Vikings lighted up tonight. Here's my question for you,

which of these matchups would you rather see next week?
Because all the other games are set. The winner of
this game plays the Eagles in Philadelphia. Do you want
to see the Vikings go to Philly or do you
want to see the Rams go to Philly?

Speaker 8 (38:47):

Speaker 1 (38:47):
What to you is the matchup that's more appealing. Not
only am I kissing the boss's ass because he's a
big fan, our buddy Rocket Dog Matt ellis also a
big fan. I just do want to see the Vikings Eagles.
So that's my answer regardless Vikings. Now. I know it

was a little while back, it was like around Thanksgiving
Ish time Eagles came out here to LA and they
whoop the Rams. And I know that was before everyone
was healthy for the Rams, But I don't know. There's
a part of me that says, if you want to
see a real game next week, if you want to
see a match up, you got it. You got to
turn to Vikings Eagles next week. That's it would only

make sense, right because when we talk about what teams
we expected to be there, the NFC North representing of
course at the Lions. If it's Lions, you have to
imagine a J. Brown finishes the book by then, right, Yeah,
maybe I hope so, but you expect it all along Vikings, Lions, Eagles,
and then hey, throw a fourth team in there, and
that fourth team, you know, is Washington who's young and exciting,

and you know, you know, the sentiment at the last
Washington's so exciting. You know how the sentiment over the
last year and a half has been like, man, everyone's like,
if my team's under it, I'll pull for the Lions.
I've lost that sentiment. I'm sorry, Detroit, don't hate me.
Maybe you could change my mind by you have kids
in my ass on social media, but you have a
new team you feel that way about. No, I'm saying, Washington,

when I watch that game this week, the whole, the
whole sentiment that, man, the Lions, this is their chance,
and everyone's like Lions, Bill, someone will win eventually. How
could you not say? Do you feel for Jaden daniels
kids Electric Boogie Yogi Yogi? Yeah, okay, I feel.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
You on that.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
But your facto team is switching. Yeah, you're de facto
with the Commandos. You're cheating on the Lion.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
De facto team is Bill's versus Vikings, because I think
those fan bases are even thirsty, as thirsty as the Lions.
So I just you know, as I said before, Danny,
we said it last week too, that meme is right.
It's the Super Bowl. We all want It's combinations of
those teams a lot to feel that way, though, you are.
I bring this back to fighting always. I always rooted
for Canelo, but if he was fighting Triple G, Triple

G's my god.

Speaker 3 (41:05):

Speaker 1 (41:05):
But you know, we said the super Bowl that no
one wants will be the one we likely get, and
that's Chiefs Eagles, anything but Chiefs Eagles. Please all right,
enjoy your Monday night wild Card. Hell yeah, we'll be
talking about it tomorrow and I have a great night.
Stay safe until then, Riva there Chie Baby and the
Promised Land get back my guys.
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