Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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Speaker 2 (00:04):
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Speaker 1 (00:19):
Yeah, that's us.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
That is Sabino Rich at, Covino in Rich at Danny
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Speaker 1 (00:36):
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Speaker 1 (00:58):
Just search Ovino and Rich rate review.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
Followed, Danny G puts together fun best of a fun
quick listen for you.
Speaker 1 (01:07):
Guys, we appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
I just had a thought, Rich, before we get into
players and coaches, everything you never forgave and believe it
or not and all that other stuff.
Speaker 1 (01:16):
Made week major this hour.
Speaker 2 (01:18):
Yeah, remember when Rich had a Christmas party and everybody
was invited except for Alex from the Odd Couple, But
then Rich pretended like he invited him afterwards just to
not feel bad.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
You think, maybe that's what Brady's doing.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
Like Brady had plenty of time to at least plant
the seed with Belichick, but now Belichick has a job,
so he makes it like, Hey, I just wanted to
do the the optically nice thing to do and pretend like.
Speaker 1 (01:40):
I wanted to be part of the Raiders. First of all,
I think that's exactly what.
Speaker 2 (01:44):
I invited Tyshirt, our buddy to the Christmas party, and
actually did have his wrong phone number by one digit,
almost like you know how like a girl may give
a guy a wrong number by one digit.
Speaker 1 (01:54):
I was like, no, for real, dude, look I have
your number wrong.
Speaker 2 (01:56):
No, but maybe they just added Tommy boy is just
doing the right thing, knowing that Belichick was never going
to take that gig anyway. You mean to tell me
that Tom couldn't have planted that seat a while ago.
You know, it's like, course he could have. Somebody could have.
I know, I know your Christmas party example was just fine.
But people do this for their wedding all the time.
They invite people they know won't make the trip. But
it's the courtesy. Ass will do that to their richest
friends or their bosses just because they know they're going
to get a better gift. I've heard people that say,
if you're going to get married, just invite a bunch
of rich bosses and CEOs. They're not company now, of
companies you don't even know because their secretary or assistant
might just get the email of the invite.
Speaker 1 (02:37):
And be like, yh yeah, send them one hundred bucks.
So you know, I invited Donald Trump to my wedding
before he was president.
Speaker 2 (02:42):
So my fake example was because for a funny story,
way before, our buddy Alex from Fox Sports Radio Tye Shirt.
You guys know, he's on next with the odd couple
who he didn't show up to richest party, and Rich's like,
oh my god, I had your wrong number, but I
did invite you.
Speaker 1 (02:57):
That is true.
Speaker 2 (02:59):
You think Tom is again just doing the polite thing
by reaching out to Belichick and saying, hey, we're interested,
but he knows that there's no chance.
Speaker 1 (03:08):
It's a great theory coming.
Speaker 2 (03:10):
And I said that because if you think of how
many times you use that in business, personal life, how
many times do you make that little false promise like
you see some other parents at the school.
Speaker 1 (03:19):
Like, oh, we should have went to Chuck E Cheese.
Speaker 2 (03:21):
Yeah, you're just playing the game, you know what I mean.
But you mean well, but you don't really mean it.
Speaker 3 (03:27):
That theory actually makes sense to me because I was
talking to a fellow Raider fan, Rob g from the
Odd Couple who.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Rob and a couple of days ago.
Speaker 3 (03:36):
We were talking about, Hey, Ben Johnson, you know, if
he gets a text from Brady, maybe he'll get an interview,
or maybe the Raiders can interview him because he's the
hot commodity.
Speaker 1 (03:44):
Speaker 3 (03:45):
If you get a text message from Tom Brady, that
says a lot more than getting a text message from
Mark Davis, I think. So imagine the different candidates Tom
Brady is thinking about bringing into the building to interview
for head coach. Has to have somebody in mind, otherwise
the Raiders would not have cut ties with Antonio Pierce.
Speaker 2 (04:05):
Yeah, I think there's there's two answers, and I think
you as a Raiders fan, Danny and Rob g and
all the Raiders fans at work here.
Speaker 1 (04:12):
I know Eurybuddy Ryan's a Raiders fan.
Speaker 2 (04:15):
It's Rabel or the combo of primetime Deon Sanders, coach
Prime and his son. And they didn't want to slight Belichick,
right because then all those years, Tomm or you didn't
even reach out to me? Are now Tom could say
you no, I reached out to you. But of course
he had other plans and he wasn't gonna leave Chapel
Hill for this opportunity. It's almost like telling an old
friend that, or an old coworker like, yeah, I'll pass
along your resume, and you know you really can't do
much of him, but you but you want to do
the right thing, to do the right thing because you
you know, it could be.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Very much or very well that now, Rich speaking.
Speaker 2 (04:49):
Of football, Yeah, your team, the forty nine Ers, Your
boy Ricky Piersoll's in the in the in the news
today yesterday. No who else is in the news who
the coaching staff because they solid they bumped up Kubiak
to the offensive coordinator, So Shanahan doesn't have it all
on his plate anymore. And I'm all in favor of
a Robert Sala reunion. And sometimes you got to take
a step backwards to take another step forward. And I
don't know unless the coaching opportunity is right, And who's
to say he even gets a head coaching opportunity when
you go back to somewhere you were loved, like Robert
Sala was loved as the defensive coordinator of the forty
nine ers. And coming off of two years where the
Niners defense was a little suspect, you don't think the
Bay Area and Niners Nation would welcome this guy with
open arms. They loved Robert Sala. So I want to
be shocked even a little bit. Journey style Steve Perry
style open arms. That's right, I'm telling you.
Speaker 1 (05:49):
I think that's the reunion waiting to happen. We shall see.
Speaker 2 (05:52):
So yeah, it's kind of like the theory of the arrow.
Rich you know, the theory of the arrow. An arrow
can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when
life is dragging you back with difficulties like Robert Sella had,
it means it's going to launch you into something better,
So focus and keep on aiming.
Speaker 1 (06:08):
Who's saying you that meme? Your therapist, therapist. So it's
it's the truth in work and relationship. That's true.
Speaker 2 (06:15):
Though. Let's say hi to Andy and Puerto Rico, and
then I got two quick thoughts and we'll get to uh,
we'll get to get to Ricky Pearson, get what's up.
Speaker 4 (06:22):
Man, and hear that your state. Most of the US
they either fleas in the asshole or the dealing with
some type of you know, emergency situations like they are
in California. But nonetheless, uh, you know, the way I
look at it, maybe Brady's kind of just you know,
just doing Belichick of favor, you know, just kicking the
tires on them, just to see see where he's at
and kind of maybe put his name out there because
it's falls that he has. It also can lead to
other teams that already already you know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (06:57):
It's the George It's the George Costanza hot woman theory.
Speaker 1 (07:01):
Speaker 2 (07:01):
Remember George Costanza carried around the picture of a model
and when good looking women got wins like wait, that's
your ex, they were interested like sometimes just putting someone's name.
Speaker 1 (07:12):
In the mix gets other people being like, hey, wait,
what's going on? Tommy did that as a friend? Man?
Speaker 2 (07:16):
Yeah, you know, there's lots of ways to look at this.
So you can look at it this way, you could
look at it that way. But before you get to
the Ricky Piersoll star, which very intriguing to me as
a Niners fan.
Speaker 1 (07:25):
Two quick thoughts. Number one.
Speaker 2 (07:29):
We've been talking about how the NBA has been lacking
any real excitement. As far as you know, it's all
three pointers. Danny g last night sent us two of
the sickest dunks we've seen in years, and I'm gonna
tell you right now.
Speaker 1 (07:43):
The Lebron Pump fake left handed wind mill? How on
earth could a forty year old guy do that?
Speaker 3 (07:51):
That reverse windmill? I had to watch it again. I
thought it was like I thought somebody did a fake video.
It didn't look real the first time I watched it.
How could a do dad old stay in the air
that long.
Speaker 1 (08:02):
Reversed, switched hands, left handed windmill?
Speaker 2 (08:07):
Unbelievable. So watching some of these guys take it to
the hoop, and there.
Speaker 3 (08:11):
Was another one, Kobe White of the Bulls. Kobe White
dunked on Wemby and that hair in the picture, the
still shot I sent you guys of the it should
be a poster did Wemby. And then you see how
the air he gets like it's half of Wemby's body, and.
Speaker 2 (08:25):
The bragging right to dunk over Wemby. These days, who
is really immerged? You know, Danny, I remember when you
saw him as tall as a damn giraffe in Vegas
at NBA Con that's right before he even made his
debut in the NBA.
Speaker 1 (08:37):
Has that guy emerged rather quickly?
Speaker 2 (08:41):
Like there's a he's a top five MVP candidates so far,
and they're showing his early numbers in his career compared
to the other NBA greats, and he is matching up
with everyone. Props to him, So props to Wemby. And
before you get to Pierce, all, I know, Covino, you're
a guy that loves numbers like coincidences, Like yo, can
you believe this guy bat at the same batting average
like three years in a row. And there's all you know,
all these weird things like oh, Joey Vado never hit
a foul ball. Get this, they're saying, everyone knows the
Ravens are gonna win the Super Bowl this year.
Speaker 1 (09:10):
You know why? Why?
Speaker 2 (09:11):
Every twelve years the Ravens win a Super Bowl with
a different quarterback who's twenty eight years old, and they
score thirty four points. In one Dilfer was twenty eight,
they won thirty four to seven. In twenty thirteen, Joey
Flacco was twenty eight, they won thirty four to thirty one.
So the question is this year, Lamar Jackson, who just
turned twenty eight, who are they gonna beat thirty four?
Speaker 1 (09:34):
Wow? So I get a lot of just coincidence.
Speaker 2 (09:39):
Oh yeah, that's like almost as cool as the JFK
Abraham Lincoln one or the Joe Thaisman Alex Smith. That's
a good one too. Yeah, I love that. That's great.
So back to football. Ricky Piersoll, this is an interesting
story because he's saying, if you remember his season started
crazy and ended kind of crazy. Dudes, wear a Rolex
gets shot by a teenager for his watch. How's the story?
You're like, what, Yeah, a seventeen year old approached I
think he's twenty three, right, Ricky Piersoll, with all the
promise in.
Speaker 1 (10:10):
The world, shoots them for his watch.
Speaker 2 (10:13):
Sidelines them, but you know, we were thankful that he
was alive. And now the story today is, or actually yesterday,
but we got a little more out of it today
was that he wants to forgive and move on. He
wants to forgive this kid who shot him this past
summer and move on. Pearsall says, I don't know how
he grew up, so I can't judge him as a man.
I have to forgive him to lift that weight off
my chest. If I can impact him in any way,
I'd be open to it. So it's a really big gesture.
It's a really cool story. Says he's open to sitting
down with the kid. Doesn't owe that kid a damn thing.
But I guess again, if he wants to do something
that helps him move on, he has all the right
in the world to do that. And by doing that,
if he helps some kids out that may be misguided,
then I guess it's a win win. But it takes
a really big person to think that way, So props
to him. All the things you're talking about are way
more important than on the field stuff.
Speaker 1 (11:10):
It's life.
Speaker 2 (11:11):
Oh, you know, possible tragedy, but he luckily he ended great.
But we'll talk about a guy like if you followed,
I know, the Niners were sort of playing out the
season and they had injuries, but Ricky Piersall after the
injury never really gotten his groove. And you're like, well,
Shanahan's you know, soft launching this guy because Niners fans
thought that Ricky Piersoll would be a bigger part of
what they were doing the last month of the season.
You get the feeling that he is going to be
a big part of what Kyle Shanahan does moving forward.
Speaker 1 (11:39):
So the kids got a lot of promise.
Speaker 2 (11:42):
And based on what you're saying with the more important
stuff off the field in life, if someone does you
dirty in a relationship, God forbids someone hurt a family
member of yours or hurt you or hurt you, are
you one of those type of people that seek out
like I want to see them, I want to close,
I want to close this chapter. I need an apology
or I need to get it off my chest. Like
we saw this awkwardly happen recently. Again not on the
same level as a life or death situation with Pearsaw,
but we saw it with gas Know when he wanted
to confront Brett Favre and talk about how hurt he was.
You hurt me, Brett, You hurt me Brett. Brett was like,
my sack, I'm going to sack you. What what do you
mean again? I don't think I've ever been and maybe
it's a self defensive mechanism of sorts. I don't think
I've ever been heard enough where I had the need
to confront somebody to let them know.
Speaker 1 (12:35):
Have you ever?
Speaker 2 (12:36):
But I would imagine it's a major part of closure
in therapy. I bet you every therapist would tell you, yeah,
you're holding on to a lot and you should probably
let it go, and it's probably in Pearsong's best interest.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
Me I let this go, I think so.
Speaker 2 (12:48):
I mean, I give a real life and fictional scenarios like,
but I've never been there, You've never had You've never
reached out to like an ex or someone you knew
back in them and like, yeah, listen, I want to
let you know that I'm sorry for how things went.
You've never reached out to someone in your past and said.
Speaker 1 (13:02):
You know, I kind of hand.
Speaker 2 (13:03):
That's flip side, though, that's also flip side. I've never
went to somebody to let them know they hurt me.
I don't know if I've ever or never been hurt
that much where I needed that, but I've never done that. Hey,
I'm not saying it's wrong if you do. I'm just
telling you I personally never did that. Said, I've been
on the receiving end of people reaching out to me like, hey,
I'm sorry about what I did to you back then,
and even you might be like, yeah, no big deal, man,
but they might be trying to get their own closure. Yeah,
I've been there before, and you know, maybe that's sometimes
people going through recovery. You'll get a message from like yeah, dude,
sorry back in the day, and you're like, dude, we're fine,
and you know he's just going or she's going through
their process. Yah, So maybe you need that is the point, right.
Maybe it works for some not for everybody, but I
would imagine that's a therapeutic sort of thing. And like
Ricky says, it's a weight lifted off his chest, something
serious that he dealt with. He wants to forgive the
kid that shot him, He wants to confront him, and
in turn, maybe this kid who knows it might be
a great story. I have a question because I want
to take this way extreme on both ends. Sure, Ricky
Piersoll almost lost his life. He was laying in the
arms of a female officer in the Bay Area and
she assured him, You're not gonna die. This was not
a small time story.
Speaker 1 (14:18):
Yeah, Remember he asked her, am I going to die? It? Yeah?
I was so scary.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
So this is a guy who thought this is all over.
Twenty three year old young man about to be in
the NFL wants to confront and talk to the guy
that shot him.
Speaker 1 (14:32):
He wants to forgive, forgive, and close this chapter.
Speaker 2 (14:36):
I'm gonna give you a really light scenario and the
heaviest the scenarios, and tell me if that changes your feelings. Danny,
you and I both watch the show Shrinking. I don't
want to give away too many plot points, but it's
the whole premise of the show. Jason Siegal lost his
wife in a drunk driving accident. God Forbid someone you
know their life was taken by someone else's terrible judgment.
You ever want to come face to face with that person.
Speaker 1 (15:04):
Yeah, it's a big part of the series.
Speaker 2 (15:06):
If like one of your college buds, God Forbid, lost
his life due to an accident would you want to
be like.
Speaker 1 (15:11):
You took my friend's life. Yeah, I don't.
Speaker 2 (15:14):
I don't ever want to know if I could answer that,
because who wants to be in that situation?
Speaker 5 (15:17):
Speaker 1 (15:17):
Then, let's go.
Speaker 2 (15:18):
Light YEA, Let's say you were in college or in
your twenties and you were a dumb kid man like
one of your buddies hooked up with a girl you
were interested in years later. If he's like, yeah, dude,
you know, our friendship was never the same after I,
you know, bang the girl you liked. Would you be like, yeah,
who cares? Would you be okay with someone wanting closure
or something like that? You hurt me, dude? Yeah I
didn't know. Man, I just can control myself and she
was really hot. Yeah, but you hurt me. Hey, you
know you have a family member that went through this
where like there was like they hooked up with someone's
ex and it was like, you know, can't believe you.
Speaker 1 (15:50):
Do that, Like, it just depends who that person is.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
Because let's say let's say I did have a friend
I hooked up with a girlfriend of mine, Right, I
could have wrote that friend off and never look back
and couldn't care less. So I got this guy years
later trying to apologize to me, and now I'm indifferent, Like, yeah,
I don't care. He lost a friend, beat it. That's life,
so Pierce, it just depends who that person is, what
the situation is. Forgiveness is always a good thing, though
moving forward always a good thing. And based on that,
I do want to pose this question, so don't forget
your thought.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
Are there other players and.
Speaker 2 (16:21):
Coaches you never forgave? That's a very petty fan thing,
but I like the question.
Speaker 1 (16:27):
You hurt me.
Speaker 2 (16:28):
Dan Bayer never forgave Pete Carroll for not running with
Marshall Lynch.
Speaker 3 (16:32):
In other words, he never forgave Bo Jackson for running
all over the Seahawk.
Speaker 2 (16:36):
Do you want to confront him then and tell him
that was amanth By the way, all Bo Jackson had
was leverage at the goal line and that's all that
it was.
Speaker 1 (16:45):
No, I mean up the sideline into the tunnel. Like
if you were to see.
Speaker 2 (16:48):
Pete Carroll, Dan Byer, is there a party that's like,
what's still? Why didn't you run the ball?
Speaker 1 (16:52):
Or you like you heard me Pete? You hurt me?
Speaker 6 (16:54):
You know what a conscious person does though they already
know that Pete Carroll has thought about that thousands of
times and just lets go like it's then you're making
it about yourself. It's like Pete Carroll already took the
yes from everybody over that.
Speaker 7 (17:07):
There wouldn't be one super Bowl, right. I mean that,
not that it's I mean still it hurts me to
this day to see it and to have that empty feeling.
But I couldn't get to the point of blaming someone
and not forgiving them.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
See he's not over it. They didn't sound like he's
over it. I'm not over it. But I don't blame
I can't. There's that.
Speaker 7 (17:28):
I mean, there's plays I think that we all have.
You know what I thought I'd never get over.
Speaker 2 (17:31):
You know what I thought Dan Bayer, And this always
bothered me because I know that he's he.
Speaker 1 (17:36):
When he was alive, he was known as a great man.
Speaker 2 (17:41):
The way the Red Sox treated poor Bill Buckner for
all those years until they finally won a championship.
Speaker 1 (17:48):
Red Sox fans remember there was an episode with Larry
David on Curb and it was like, dude, so unfair.
Speaker 2 (17:54):
You know, mental errors, mental decisions and bad decisions and
mental errors really bothered me a lot. More than a
physical error. That's like me hating Aaron Judge still because
he dropped the ball, right. You know, Buckner didn't lose
the World Series, and he got so much him by
the way, you were down three games to one in
the World too. If that was Game seven and Aaron
Judge dropped that in like the eighth inning, that's a
different story. A physical error doesn't. Although it hurts my feelings,
it doesn't make me hate the guy. Like if I
wanted to play this game of players or coaches that
I'll never forgive or haven't forgiven yet, I'd have to
have Robbie Keno up there because he just disappointed me.
Speaker 1 (18:33):
Like he disappointed me. Robbie, you hurt me.
Speaker 2 (18:35):
Robbie, you could have been the next great Yankee. You
know I would confront him. You went for the money
Seattle Cano seriously, and then he ended up on the
SpongeBob Squarepant team. Now you're playing in Mexico. Robbie, you
could have been a great one.
Speaker 1 (18:49):
You hurt me.
Speaker 3 (18:49):
Man, how about an extension of your players? Do you
have hard feelings towards Fat Joe?
Speaker 1 (18:54):
That's a good one.
Speaker 2 (18:56):
You know what I really don't I feel bad for
Fat Joe a little bit that he's associated with that
whole thing Juan Soto. I don't forgive him like Wan
big Fat so have fun at the shake shack at
City Field.
Speaker 1 (19:07):
You lose her. I'm so angry about it. You hurt me, man,
you hurt me.
Speaker 5 (19:11):
Speaker 2 (19:11):
I love how much of a little you'll have much
a little bay. Now, speaking of forgiveness, right, cry about it.
Your boy Pearsall's choosing to forgive the kid that's shot
on him. Flip it, hold on, hold on, I'm gonna
have to forgive Garrett Cole for his lazy mental error.
I'm gonna have to because he's still pitching with the Yankees.
Like I have to find it in my heart to
be like, dude, you blew it, flip it, but I
forgive you. We're looking at it from the one side.
Just to match it up. We said Pearsol is the
guy that wants to touch up touch base with this
kid and be like, Yo, what you know I need closure? Yeah,
because that kid hurt him. What if the kid was like,
oh it was a trouble kid. I need closure. Ricky Piersoll,
will you talk to me? Does Pearsow owe it to
that kid. Hell no, he doesn't owe that. He doesn't
own anything to that kid. He's a bigger person if
he choose to do that.
Speaker 1 (20:01):
No way, know what.
Speaker 2 (20:02):
I find always so heartfelt. Yet I don't think I
could ever get there, and at least I'm mad enough
to admit it. If someone ever hurts someone close to me,
you ever seen like a courtroom, they'll be like a murderer,
and the family's like, we've forgiven him. It's like f
that I would you be able to You would never
be able to forgive them. I mean, I commend you
if you are big enough to do that, but I
don't think that's for everybody. No, you've just turned to
faith and you're letting something else take over, because there's
no way.
Speaker 7 (20:28):
I would also say that if you have real grudges
in your life, sports grudges are nothing that is true.
Speaker 2 (20:34):
Without a Yeah, there's the real situation, life or death,
like we said, and then there's like this that we're
talking about.
Speaker 1 (20:40):
Right, So that's why I'm telling you.
Speaker 2 (20:43):
Rich I've never been in a situation where I felt
the need to tell someone how much they hurt me.
Speaker 1 (20:47):
Luckily, to this point, I haven't been.
Speaker 2 (20:49):
Heard on that type of level where I needed that
type suplosure.
Speaker 3 (20:54):
Sports grudges are silly, but so many fans have them. Yeah,
how about like fantasy football players, there's that one guy
that like slides down right before the one yard line
and forever. I have friends where they're like, I hate
that guy.
Speaker 1 (21:08):
Hurt me, man, I could have won thousands.
Speaker 2 (21:10):
And Portnoy at barstool he did some player prop Parley
I have a couple of weeks ago, and who's the
running back on the Washington Commander's Robinson, Ryan Robinson, Brian, Yeah,
he needed him to score a touchdown, and like apparently,
Portnoy and like a million of his barstool people did
the same player prop and it was like plus twelve hundred.
So Portnite he did a rant and he's like, I'll
never forget this guy. Port and I would have to
go to say, hey, listen, Robinson, you hurt me, and
and Robinson would have to then try to ask for
free Hey, man, I'm sorry, I'm.
Speaker 1 (21:46):
Sorry, and the full circle.
Speaker 7 (21:48):
Brian Robinson was shot prior to the season a couple
of years ago. I remember missed a couple of games
and then came back and returned circle.
Speaker 1 (21:56):
Yeah, well got that. That is full circle.
Speaker 2 (21:58):
So other players are coach, Maybe there's moments that you
just haven't forgiven.
Speaker 1 (22:03):
Do you believe in forgive and forget?
Speaker 2 (22:04):
Move on, hey, get it off your chest like pierceol
Maybe it's time to forgive here on the show. All right, Well, hey, Spot,
get your stories r any, buddy boy, because we got
midweek major coming up next. All the stories in the
world of sports and entertainment that we're missing. Spot's going
to keep us in the loop on that. So many
great ones and we will do that next. Way to
hype it up?
Speaker 1 (22:22):
Speaker 5 (22:22):
Uh more?
Speaker 1 (22:23):
Have you know a wretch? All major next? Let's just
skip it. They're all major, all major. Can't wait now.
Speaker 2 (22:28):
We're not TV weathermen, but props to all the weathermen today, right,
especially these Los Angeles weathermen.
Speaker 1 (22:33):
You got Sam Champion Botox.
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The way tire buying should be. Listen on Soto I
want an apology?
Speaker 1 (23:31):
You hurt me man?
Speaker 2 (23:33):
The song remind you of wedding crashers. I'm sorry, wedding singer.
It does, actually, but it also makes me think of
Press your Luck the Game Show, because the Whammy would
sing this song, Sammy, do you really wanta Wamy?
Speaker 1 (23:52):
Do you run that DV Dampires. I guess, of course
I remember one hundred percent because the whammy was dressed
up as boy George. Yes, yes, that's right, he's saying
some sort of whammy parody of this Sammy TV.
Speaker 2 (24:05):
You ever watch that documentary about the guy that mastered
the algorithm?
Speaker 1 (24:09):
Yes? Absolutely, and he wasn't cheating. No, you just beat
the game. And that's the difference, right.
Speaker 2 (24:15):
That's when those people that go to Vegas, I'm always
torn when they're like, oh, they were counting cards, Like,
isn't that just a skill?
Speaker 1 (24:21):
Speaker 7 (24:21):
Yes, that's like the guy who know all the prices
from the price's rights.
Speaker 1 (24:24):
Another great documentary. Yes, but that one.
Speaker 7 (24:27):
Guy did cheat because he did take that guy's information.
Speaker 2 (24:30):
Yes, well, no Whammy's here on the Covino and Rich show.
Just Rich, he's close. He's the closest thing we got.
Cavino once cheated on Card Sharks.
Speaker 1 (24:38):
It was.
Speaker 2 (24:40):
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Danny G. Sam's here dB and now it's time for
Spotty in Midweek Major.
Speaker 5 (25:16):
Covino and Rich get you over the middle of the week.
Where mid Week Major Major. I love that we throw
sports and pop culture headlines and topics at the fellas
and it's like the kids.
Speaker 4 (25:29):
Say, that's summit.
Speaker 5 (25:30):
We definitely meagre see it our scoring Midweek Major.
Speaker 3 (25:38):
I look at the clock, kind of give Spotty a
full seven minutes.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
Here, I got like four minutes this week. You hear
the horns, you know you have made it to the
middle of the week.
Speaker 3 (25:45):
Before we hand things over to the number one and
only host to the segment, we love to roll the
two big Red Love Dice.
Speaker 1 (25:51):
Over there in the main studio. I just rolled an
eight and ritual seven.
Speaker 8 (26:01):
Means Cono is gonna get wos and now, ladies and gentlemen,
the most famous person besides Judy Blooms from Scotch Plains
New Jersey Spotty Boy.
Speaker 1 (26:12):
Hey guys, let's jump right in. Of course, by now
you've already.
Speaker 9 (26:15):
Heard of the firing of Raiders head coach Antonio Pierce
after just one season.
Speaker 1 (26:20):
Well, it appears, according to the web sleuths.
Speaker 9 (26:21):
Who are are hot on it, that Patrick Mahomes was
thrown a bit of shade at the situation. If you
recall before the start of the season that Pierce revealed
he had like a Mahomes specifically, like a Mahomes playbook,
like a plan to just target Mahomes. Well, when they
announced Pierce's firing on the ESPN page was liked by
none other than Patrick Mahomes, and everyone screenshot it.
Speaker 1 (26:43):
It was like, oh, he's thrown shade in Pierce.
Speaker 9 (26:45):
Since it went viral as a story, Mahomes is apparently
unlike the story, So apparently it was I don't know,
maybe it was intentional.
Speaker 1 (26:52):
Who knows Midweek or major. I think it's a mid story.
Speaker 2 (26:57):
Thanks, that's so, And the only reason it is is
because it's Patrick Mahomes, right, and he simply liked it
and it caused all this speculation. I don't think there's
any doubt that Pierce had a target on Mahomes. Everybody, well,
I mean every teams after Mahomes. But you should see
you did see a lot of rough plays when it
came to Mahomes and the Raiders for sure. So love
when Crosby would give him a little extra show. Oh
that's the one that comes to mind, for sure. And
we saw that on what was that on?
Speaker 1 (27:25):
That was on quarterback? Yeah, that was on quarterback.
Speaker 2 (27:27):
You're right, So I think he did like it with
intent and probably thought it wasn't worth it. I didn't
think it would garner that much attention then, unlike it
just to be a better guy. I mean, I agree
with you, mid but because it's Patrick Mahomes, it's major.
When you're that elite and you like a post about
the firing of a division coach, it's gonna get attention.
I'm sure Patrick's like, didn't mean to do that, Like,
did it happen? He did it as a little bit
of a jab back, But he's not a bad dude,
so he didn't want all that backlash, all right.
Speaker 9 (27:56):
Sticking with the Chiefs and the biggest story of the day,
the big story during a conversation on the New Heights podcast,
a caller called in asking about like what the guys
thought about having a wedding in the fall, and Travis
Kelsey responded by saying, you know, he clearly doesn't really
know much about fall weddings because a lot of the
weddings he's been to of players never really occur in
the fall. They're not a fan of fall weddings. So
of course the swifties went into overdrive and are assuming
that because of this, they're speculating that he and Travis,
or Travis and Taylor are headed down the aisle in
the spring. In the spring, they're saying, yeah, they don't
like the fall, so maybe in the spring. They even
joked about February. So obviously there's no rumor of engagement.
There's no official plans, but is it a possibility?
Speaker 1 (28:43):
Who knows? Midweeker major. I know it's a.
Speaker 2 (28:45):
Major story according to TMZ and Swifty fans, but this
is the weakest story of the day because all he
said was he's not a fan of fall weddings, and
then the headline becomes Travis Kelsey's already putting a lot
of thought into marriage.
Speaker 1 (29:00):
It's like No, he's nine, just.
Speaker 2 (29:01):
Answered a stupid question, and of course he doesn't like
a fall wedding. He's always playing football around that time.
I agree with you one hundred percent. This is a
non burger of a story and it's a miss Meeting headline.
This is a dude everything Comito said you were right on.
I think we could just move on. The only thing
I'll add is athletes. When you marry an athlete, the
women that do this realize that they know a lot
of times they try to plan pregnancies, weddings, major family
events in the offseason.
Speaker 1 (29:28):
That's part of the deal. Did you hear Kelsey's talking
about marriage.
Speaker 2 (29:33):
Yeah, he answered a question says he's not a fan
of fall weddings.
Speaker 1 (29:36):
He's not talking about marrying Taylor swift Man.
Speaker 9 (29:39):
Right, he was asking a somebody else's question or answering
somebody else's questions. That rumor start, That's how they start,
all right. Politics meets sports as VP elect jd Vance
and Senator Ted Cruz that put a friendly wager on
the Cotton Bowl as OSU takes on Texas in the
college football playoff game this weekend. The Texas Senator laid
out the challenge on Twitter, which basically states that the
loser would have to deliver food and beer to the
winner's front door wearing the opposing team's jersey. Vance gladly
accepted the challenge and a reply tweet the Buckeyes are
actually a five and a half point favorite and the
Cotton Bowl kicks off Friday at seven thirty pm Eastern
midweek or major.
Speaker 2 (30:21):
This is so mid But I was happy to hear
that it was Ted Cruz because I thought jad Vance
was betting against Grandpa Munster.
Speaker 9 (30:28):
You were gonna make that, Yeah, honestly, that joke major. Yeah,
the story, Mitch. I mean, I was actually surprised to
hear that it's news to me. I thought Grandpa Munster
was in on a bet. But yeah, totally min.
Speaker 1 (30:40):
I don't think it's I don't think it's major, but
I don't think it's mid. I think it's nice.
Speaker 2 (30:43):
Listen, love him or hate him. Republicans Democrats. When they
do something and they involve sports and there's a loser,
and you know they representing Ohio and Texas in a
big way, I think it's cool. I just think this
is major. I think instead of delivering food wearing a Jersey.
I think I think we were pretty cool. If the
bet was something like one of them had to rock
like a weird mustache for a month or so, great,
like get it there. I think the stakes are just wrong.
Speaker 1 (31:05):
I like the idea. The stakes are wrong.
Speaker 9 (31:06):
Or if Ted Cruz actually had to dress like Grandpa Monster, Yeah, exactly,
that'd be great.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
Two lame os, to be honest, I know, do you
want to hear about UFOs or Angel ree Yeah? Yeah,
UFO definitely. Okay, Well, Angel Reese was on the cover
of Folk in case you missed that I saw. Okay,
good for her, all right.
Speaker 9 (31:22):
With all the recent drone sightings, it may signify that
it is actually more than drones after all. According to
a UFO expert, Carl Nally, who works for the UFO
and Paranormal Research Ireland, claimed that the mysterious drone sightings
are actually a staged operation designed to trick the public
into believing an alien invasion is imminent, hiding the real
truth that alien encounters have been happening for several decades,
and according to another expert, the weapons manufacturers have already
gotten their hands on alien technology and that the drones
are being used to mask the usage of that technology.
Isn't that like the Project Blue Beam stuff, just to
mislead the public? Yes, So all of this, according to experts,
apparently an alien invasion as already happened, and they're just
trying to trick you into thinking it's imminent.
Speaker 1 (32:14):
Midweek er major, right.
Speaker 2 (32:17):
I think anything that involves drones and UFOs and these
unanswered questions are it's always major to me.
Speaker 1 (32:24):
But I don't.
Speaker 2 (32:24):
I don't buy into that answer. So the answer was
mid but the story itself is major to me.
Speaker 1 (32:30):
I want to know what's going on.
Speaker 2 (32:32):
You think I could give you a thirty second answer?
You one word before we go to damn buy give
me one word you're asking me. It's like yours me
my thoughts on aliens, government cover ups and uh, you know, conspiracies.
Speaker 1 (32:47):
Yeah, what about the plasmoids and the orbs. I'm a
Covino again. I think it's major.
Speaker 2 (32:51):
I think I wonder if twenty twenty five is the
year we find out something weird.
Speaker 1 (32:55):
But that's all I'll say. I could have talked about
angel reaes, but you want it to hear about aliens.
Speaker 2 (32:58):
You know what I feel like? The only I feel
like we could talk about that for an hour. Okay,
thanks buddy. Let's go to Dan buy for an update. Dan,
your thoughts on aliens.
Speaker 1 (33:06):
Don't have many. I don't have many at all.
Speaker 7 (33:09):
The Athletic reports that North Carolina head football coach Bill
Belichick will not leave his current job for a gig
in the NFL. The NFL Network reported earlier today that
multiple teams, including Tom Brady and the Raiders, where Brady
is a minority owner, did reach out to Belichick about
his interest in returning to the pro game. Athletics says no,
he's going to stick with the college game for now.
Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts limited in practice today but remains
in concussion protocol. Packers quarterback Jordan Love limited in practice
with his elbow injury. Baltimore Ravens wide receivers Eight Flowers
missed his second straight practice because of a knee injury.
The Bears did interview Mike Frabel for their head coaching vacancy.
While in college football, Penn Stated coach James Franklin says
he believes All American defensive end Abdul Carter will play
in Thursday's Orange Bowl despite an arm injury. Carter's officially
considered a game time decision. Officials with the NFL say
they continue to monitor the wildfire sitchituation in Los Angeles
as it pertains to the wild card game Monday between
the Vikings and Rams. The NFL suspended tonight's game between
the Kings and Calgary Flames because of the fire, while
the NBA says they are monitoring the matter as it
pertains to Thursday's game between the Lakers and Hornets. The
Clippers are in Denver tonight, but no Kawhi Leonard. Leonard's
out for personal reasons tied to those wildfires. NHL Winter
Classic will take place in Miami between the Florida Panthers
and New York Rangers on January seconds of twenty twenty six.
Speaker 1 (34:29):
Guys, back to you, Thank you Dan Biden.
Speaker 2 (34:31):
Now, before we get out of here, there is one
other Travis Kelcey thought we have and it's a little.
Speaker 1 (34:37):
Game of believe it or not and we'll do it
next right here? Canvi? You do know?
Speaker 2 (34:41):
And Rich on Fox Sports Radio playoffs talking about playoffs.
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Speaker 2 (36:08):
All Right, I like this cover Iowa Sam English Beat
covering the Great Smokey Robinson. We're live from the tyrack
dot com studio. Cavino and Rich don't have the right
team on the court. Express Employment Professionals can help from
contract placements to full time hires. We've got you covered.
Visit expresspros dot com today. Let us handle your hiring
so you can focus on growing your business real quick. Rich, Yeah, Bud,
I'm gonna turn this something into a hump night, which
means tomorrow's a very special day. That's when the football
stiffy begins five days of great football. But it also
means we do Old School and fifty hits. We do
that every Thursday. Every Thursday here on the show, we
throw it back and we reminisce old School and fifty
hits on the clock.
Speaker 1 (36:53):
So will join us tomorrow. Well, if you want a.
Speaker 2 (36:54):
Little uh, if you want some an appetizer, some foreplay
into your great football adventure of back to back days
of college football playoffs and then three days of wildcard
football Thursday.
Speaker 1 (37:06):
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
Speaker 2 (37:07):
Yeah, tonight, under the radar NBA game, the two best
teams are going head to head and you know what,
you know, maybe maybe it's Donovan Mitchell or SGA, maybe
not bringing the heat you wanted to, But the CALVS
and OKC tip off in just a little bit with
by far the two best records in the NBA. So
if you want a little NBA action, some say perhaps
a finals preview of things.
Speaker 3 (37:33):
Stayed after those two nasty dunks last night and then
this matchup, maybe the NBA is turning slightly, turning a little.
Speaker 2 (37:39):
Corner, right, Yeah, yeah, you gotta start getting invested because
football will be over before.
Speaker 1 (37:43):
You know it, unfortunately, so it might be the game
to check out.
Speaker 2 (37:46):
And before we wrap it up with this Travis Kelsey story,
believe it or not, Cee and ours believe it or not,
let's talk to who do we got?
Speaker 1 (37:53):
That's Josh? Josh? What's up man?
Speaker 3 (37:57):
Hey, what's going on?
Speaker 1 (37:58):
Gentlemen? What's up?
Speaker 5 (38:00):
Speaker 1 (38:00):
First off, hope everybody out California's doing well.
Speaker 5 (38:03):
Wild Buyer's match was ash Thanks Mankes and Pete from
the Midwest. But let's just let everybody know that if
it wasn't for Ryan Bostick missing the on side kick,
Seattle Seahawks would have ever been in the Super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (38:19):
And for that reason, dB has no reason to be
upset with Pete Garrel. You know that Green Bay Packers
blown opportunity.
Speaker 2 (38:30):
When you think about Aaron Rodgers, and we always say,
like one super Bowl after all that one super Bowl
that was the year that could have been. That could
have been the run at super Bowl number two for him,
and when you think about it, it would have been
Brady versus Aaron Rodgers. We got robbed of that because
it was on site kick and some blunders by the
Packers that that that game feels like yesterday, but it
was a long time ago. Now, well that was our
based on our discussion about Ricky Pierson and players and
coaches you'll never forgive. If you want to chime in
with other stories, hit us up at Covino and Rich
at Fox Sports Radio. Now real quick, right quick. Travis
kelce is doing the New Heights podcast with Jason Kelcey
and he isn't having any talk that the Kansas City
Chiefs wrested many of their starters against the Broncos on
Sunday in order to lose to the Bengals no and
keep the Bengals out of the playoffs. And Jason Kelcey
brought up the speculation to Travis. He said, Travis said,
I ain't scared of effing nobody. I wanted them in
the effing playoffs. I wanted to slay every dragon one
by one like Mortal Kombat. I don't even want this
to be like we play the lowest seed. Just give
me the best teams.
Speaker 1 (39:42):
So do you slay dragons in Mortal Kombat?
Speaker 2 (39:44):
I don't remember any dragons in Mortal Kombat? Yeah, I
just remember sub zero.
Speaker 1 (39:51):
But you know, it's an interesting thought.
Speaker 2 (39:53):
When you are in the postseason, you can't downplay like
of course the ball back to back Super Bowl champion
mindset would be like, Yo, whoever we play, we're gonna
beat He and he goes on to say, AFC, NFC
give me all of Immortal Combat. Kelsey added, I'll go
through everyfing one of them. Just give me my best
effing effort. I ain't scared of a single soul man.
Someone's a potty millth you No, seriously, he took that
personal when Jason even brought it up, because there was
speculation on huh, well, are the Chiefs ducking the Bengals
or what I mean? I don't know if they were
ducking the Bengals as much as not really caring about
that game, and by not caring about that game when
you get blanked and he got ultra defensive. So do
you Rich believe him or not? The fact that he's
not scared of anybody, I think to be Travis Kelcey
and to be a future Hall of Famer and to
live the crazy lifestyle of being Taylor Swift's dude, this
guy's not scared of anything. This guy's not backing away
from anything. However, the reality is what team doesn't want
the easiest, cleanest path to the championship game, whether it's baseball,
football as well anything the Yankees?
Speaker 1 (41:02):
You know, did you?
Speaker 2 (41:02):
Were you mad that the Yankees had a arguably easy
paths to the World Series?
Speaker 1 (41:07):
You loved it? In fact?
Speaker 2 (41:08):
I agree, And when Rich and I agree, it's fact
I think to have the competitive spirit enough to take
things this far in your life especially in the fight game.
You know, people always say, man, are you fight to scared?
So and so every fighter is like no, because I
believe in my heart of hearts as a competitor that
I could beat this guy even though they're wrong, even
though they may be wrong, and they'll find out, you know.
I think that's how what Travis Kelsey thinks. He's like, no, man,
I want to play the best. They believe in themselves.
When you are let's say, March madness. If the one
and two seed in your in your part of the
bracket get upset, you tell me you don't salivate and say, oh,
we have an easier chance to get to the final
four or e lead eight. Of course you do. You
look at the competition. I just don't think he's scared.
I believe Kelsey when he says he'll take on anyone.
Speaker 1 (41:52):
I do too.
Speaker 2 (41:53):
So Fox Sports Radio Nation, do you believe him or not?
I We'll see you guys tomorrow. Until then, have a
great Wednesday. A rib there, baby, you in the Promised Land.
Speaker 1 (42:01):