All Episodes

May 10, 2024 41 mins

Covino & Rich fire up 'OLD-SCHOOL WHEN 50 HITS!' An Aaron Rodgers story sparks a fun topic about younger siblings getting things you didn't! The crew share great stories & callers weigh-in, one about mattress envy. Are "super teams" a thing of the past? Living Colour & CM Punk gets some airtime. Plus, dad threats may not be enough in the NBA!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Coveno and Rich Podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Find your local station for Coveno Rich at Fox Sports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on
the iHeartRadio app like searching FSR eh eh, thank you
guys for hanging out with us. Broadcasting live from tierraq
dot com studio ti irack dot com. We'll help you
get there an unmatched selection, fast reshipping, free roadhazard protection

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Speaker 1 (00:38):
Wait, tire buying should be and don't forget. Don't you forget.
We're gonna be in Eugene, Oregon, next Friday the seventeenth.
You can RSVP right, just show up at the Graduate Hotel.
We'll be there doing the show live next Friday, West
Coast two to four and then at party for Happy
Hour four to six pm. So come hang out with

Old Rich, Danny, g I was Sam. The team will
be there do it live now immediately after this show.
It's getting so late. We haven't even done our old
School in fifty hits discussion. But now anything we don't
get to is on our bonus podcast live right after
the show. Okay, over promised on Fox Sports Radio's YouTube page.

Join the chat, Join the fun Covenio and rich On
Over promised. But we're running like Danny hit me during
the break. I know he backhanded me. You deserved it
because you're a blah blah man old school When three
oh two on the West hits, let's do it, Sam,
if there's a surgeon, what we gonna do is go
back back into town.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Throwing it back for a Thursday, Old School won fifty hits.
That's fifty after CNR give you the time capsule topic
and we reminisce together.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
Yeah, yeah, boy, Thursday we go old school gold because
we're all fools. That's so cool. And this involves Aaron Rodgers.
Today's Discussion brought to you by a Aaron Rodgers. Danny G.
What's interesting about Aaron Rodgers is that what a great
story we keep forgetting all these young players, all these

acquisitions and free agency and the draft. You know, there's
a whole storyline in New York that's like remember last year,
a grand opening, grand closing. We get another year of
all right, now, go and it's.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
Still weird to see him in the Jets green because
he didn't play all.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Season exactly right, So this is based off of a
tweet from Aary Mirov yeah, beat writer for the Jets, Yeah,
giving him props, he says. Jets rookie wide receiver Malachi
Corley said that Aaron Rodgers has offered him to let
him stay at his guest house and he plans to
accept that offer. Corley said he's been texting a lot

with Aaron Rodgers and hopes to learn as much as
possible from him. So that's a great story. Really nice, right,
So Aaron Rodgers has extended his hand, his house and
his phone number to rookie wide receiver Malachi Corley. Really nice.
And then Amari Rodgers says, I promised this helps him

play better as a rookie one if only I had
this type of love coming into Green Bay. But as
my dad would saying, to each his own or prove alone, baby,
So he said to teach his own on that because
he didn't get that same love. That's basically what it
comes down to. So he dealt with a younger Aaron

Rodgers and a few years ago though Yeah, but you know,
maybe he's more of a wise one, an older player
and leader with the Jets. The guy the Packers was
one ayahuasca trip away from this.

Speaker 4 (03:53):
I feel like it was just Aaron Rodgers at the
end of his run with the Packers. He wasn't exactly
the happiest dude at the very end, or.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Maybe he didn't like him that much. May Aaron Rodgers
the personal he has, Yeah, he has the right to
not necessarily vibe with everybody. Hey, truthfully, I like like,
I like, I like everybody I work with at Fox
Sports Radio, but I like some people better than others. Right,
Sippie were allowed to say that, Yeah, hey, Iowa, Sam,

you want to stay over and spend the night on
my Couch're more than welcome. I wouldn't give that invite
to everybody. I do not give it to I'm not
telling I feel.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
Like this is a part of the new Aaron Rodgers,
the new York Aaron Rodgers that we talked about at
the beginning.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
I think it's last season went over.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
The young players, and then he was doing the tour.
He was getting everybody's good graces there.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
So I just want to make it clear Fox Sports
Radio Nation, not that it's hard to follow, but again
Malachi Corley, rookie wide receiver, saying that Aaron Rodgers has
offered his guest house and they're best buds. They're chopping
it up, their buddy chummy, they're texting all the time,
and he plans on learning as much as possible from.

Speaker 4 (05:00):
Him and from a guest house at Aaron Rutgers property.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Yeah, I know. And Amari Rodgers like, what the hell
may you don't even give me your number when I
played with you? Exactly, that's really it. So Amari Rodgers said,
when he was in Green Bay, he got no offerings
like that, and that would have helped him tremendously, So
what's up with that? So that got us thinking. Danny
g was like, well, why don't we talk about things
your younger siblings got or younger family members got that

you didn't. And when you look at it from the
Aaron Rodgers perspective, it's almost like you were raised by
different people if you had a significant age gap between
your siblings, Like, dude, my brother got away with everything
growing up where I couldn't even curse in front of
my Yeah, I was gonna say the one thing I noticed.
Covino's brother is what eighteen years younger? Yeah, okay, by

the way, same parents. Everyone thinks that maybe my mom
remarried or something else. Your brother Tommy's just called what
he called an oopsie daisy. No, a whoopsie doodle. Oh okay, yeah, yeah,
one guy passed the goalie. But what about all the
other siblings you have? Were they all whoopsie daisies?

Speaker 5 (06:06):

Speaker 1 (06:07):
Probably? Yeah, but my brother's the biggest age. He's the youngest.
I'm the oldest. He's the youngest, right, he was basically
raised by wolves. This kid did what he wanted. Talk
to my parents. I'll not forget this one, right, Like
if my friends were coming over the house, I would
have to give him the talk, you know, to talk of, like, hey,
if you hear any sexual reference or joke or pretend

like you don't get it, and don't curse in front
of my parents, don't curse in front of me. I
used to have, like warn all my degenerate friends, don't
curse in front of my parents, please. My brother would
be the guy cursing like at my parents. I heard
Covito's brother once one time. One time, my mom went
off on him. Let me just get this story. By
the way, my mom was like, don't be sneaking in

your floozies to the side door. I heard you last night.
And my brother's like, where do you expect me to
take my B word? Where do you expect me to
take my B word? To my mom? You know, he
just would say the dumbest things. I'd be like, yo,
you're talking to mom, Like I've seen it firsthand. The
the younger siblings older sibling dynamic. They got stuff, you

did it, you got stuff, they did it. But I've
seen a firsthand in Covintal's not joking. Danny, his younger brother.
I heard him say to Kavino's mom, like, Mom, you're
crimping my game. How am I supposed to get all
this booty if you're like like in my way? Like yeah,
my mom would have like chased me up the steps
and kicked my at least try to kick my ass.
So I would say, based on the question things your

younger siblings got that you didn't. My brother just got
away with everything and I did not. You know, I
had to walk around and tiptoe respectfully because I was
dealing with a younger set of parents. Yeah, you know,
so things that they got that you didn't your thoughts

feedback eight seven seven We got that nine to nine
on Fox. What you Got, Danny.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
Yeah, I think a lot of it too. When you're
the oldest or one of the oldest, it's a lot
of growing pains with your parents because they're learning how to.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
Be a mom and dad.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
Yeah, and or just the mom or just the dad
if they're single parents.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Yes, it's their first time, right, so they do rich.

Speaker 4 (08:11):
They might spoil you a little bit too much because
you're the first, but also they make more mistakes and like,
for instance, I remember going back home and visiting family
when I was in my twenties early twenties, and my
younger brothers had brand new air Jordans on. They both
had allowance money in their pockets. They were taking like
wads of money out and my older brother and I

had tomato soup and saltines for dinner.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Yeah, and we're with my mom when she was struggling.
Younger saw the struggle. They didn't see it. Oh, they
didn't know about any of that. That's hilarious.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
They saw my mom when she had her successful business
running and all that they didn't know about the hard times.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Yeah, that's the difference between siblings.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
You know.

Speaker 1 (08:51):
Sometimes, like you said, the older siblings get a little
more attention because you know, sometimes parents sort of I'm
not saying, give up, but they don't pay the detailed
attention to you know, kid number two, three or four.
I'm the only sibling in my family. Not that my
siblings have like whack ass teeth, but I got braces,
and my brother and sister like never did, not that

they you know, they probably could have, but there were
things like that, like the little things where your parents
pay attention to the first kid. You had those forest
Gump braces though, right, not oh none of my legs,
Oh no, I got I'm sorry. Now you know what
else you got that your younger siblings didn't get, or
however you want to flip that they didn't get to

know a lot of the family members that you might know, right,
because you grew up with Uncle so and so, And
by the time your younger sibling was aware Uncle so
and sold was probably gone or died, right, So you
got to know a lot more of your family members,
depending where you are in the family. And it could
be again, toys it could be whatever based on this question,

things your younger siblings got that you didn't. And that's
a good off though, because Aaron Rodgers he's giving his
younger players now a lot more attention in love than
he gave the younger players back. He's giving his Jets
teammates the younger sibling treatment, right right. I know, for fact,
all my younger siblings because of the age difference. Really

a lot of it for me is the age difference.
I'm older than my siblings. They always got those power
wheels that I always thought were cool, and I was
just too big form I was. I was too grown
to ever have those. I was a spoiled kid. So
this is a different conversation for me. I got everything.
I had my big wheels and my dirt bikes and
my bmx's and everything I wanted, but I never was
able to get inside one of those go go power wheels,

Pow pow power wheels. I never got into that because
I was too old. But they had all that stuff.
It's an interesting thought because all fight all family dynamics,
are different athletes the way they treat teammates. And then
there's also the follow up question that if someone look
out for you on your come up? Do you owe
it to that young person? You see that in the

music world, to see it in the sports world where
it's like, yo, if this person took care of you
when you were a rookie, a young dude at your workplace,
do you then when you're the veteran, have to say, well,
you know what, when I was younger, Like, I'll give
you an example. When you first start out in radio,
you work every holiday, yeah, even if you live out

of town, like you might not live in your hometown.
So Thanksgiving me hit. I remember my program director at
one of my first jobs, him and his wife ran
by the radio station to bring me a play to
Thanksgiving food. So now when you're a veteran, is it
your job to be like, who's working in Fox Sports
on h on Thanksgiving Day? He let me bring I
with Sam some turkey. Are you saying Aaron Rodgers is
paying it forward? Because I don't remember stories of Brett

Favre being all that sweet, I know, So it's you know,
maybe he's changing the family tradition. But moving forward, then
Corley is probably gonna have to do that for a
younger player in the future. I think the number one
answers I'm an our feedback. A lot of it will
also have to do with vehicles, like if you were
the first, you may have like your parents may have

helped you out, like yeah, we'll split it, or you
you know, will help you buy your first car. And
your first car may have been as Adam Sandler would say,
piece of S car. I got a piece of s car.
Remember that song your siblings may have got. Like I
want to say no, just to make you feel dumb
about it, but yes, of course I remember that song
your your siblings may have got. It doesn't get me

very farm bump bump bump that the car is a
good one because I feel like my siblings, not that
they had new cars, No one in my family are
had new cars. But I had like a hunker, like
a hunk of garbaggio. My siblings had like pretty these
like a used civic or something like, they had decent cars.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
Where I feel like as our parents got older, their
cars got better. Yeah, because they were more established, so
the younger kids got way better used cars.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
So if you were the oldest, you may have got
more attention, but your sibling like like again, I you know,
my siblings had that I didn't have. And again, it's
just because of the times in the age gap. When
I was a kid. You're gonna say, what, how old
are you? We used to rent VCRs. I'm not even
kidding you. We used to have to rent the VCR

because we didn't have one. What are you seventeen? Where
did you rent it? At the at the local video store.
So it would be like a very special moment, like
if dad rented the VCR and I got to watch
some Disney cartoons, right, Like, oh, vrs were like eleven
hundred dollars when they first came out. We were like
it was like a week's and I'm talking eighties, right,

this is a eighties kid. So but by the time
my siblings were kids, man, they had every Disney Puffy
Case cartoon at their disposal, you know, the white puffy
case Disney movies. They had them all. And I'm like, man,
you need to kids, You're lucky. You get to watch
Disney whenever you want. That was like a holiday for
me if I got to watch Disney. So they definitely
got a different, different set of rules for them as

they came out. You know, they will take a couple
of quick phone calls, and we'll move on to some NBA,
some baseball. But uh, I thought of two more that Again,
you could say that I was thinking more like material
things and privilege, But I thought of two. If your
parents went through a divorce, like my parents got divorced
when I was like a preteen, like teenage years. When

my parents got divorced, you know how a lot of
times mom will rebel and whatever dad was anti. Then
all of a sudden, Mom got it. What your mom
DoD join up motorcycle gang or something. I say, we
let him go. I say, you let me have him first.
When I was a kid, I wanted a dog. Okay.

My family was like. My dad was like, well no, no,
we don't know, we don't our family doesn't have dogs.
As a Sebastian Maniscalco says what his dad would says,
Oh you want a dog, go pet the neighbor's dog. God,
neighbors can go down the street. Yeah, neighbors dog. We
didn't have a dog. We a pizza. I'm like, I'm
a teenager. I don't care anymore. I'm like on the
brink of going to college. My parents divorced and also

my mom's like, we got a golden Retriever. I'm like,
I've been asking you for a dog for the last
fifteen years. So your siblings the dogs got to grow
up with the dogs that Richie never had to give
you another one I'll give you. And again, it's it's
it's it's sad, it's hilarious. It's not a big privilege.
But if you are going to talk about getting different treatments,
we're talking about Aaron Rodgers. As we're talking, we established

that fifteen minutes ago. Lot Aaron Rodgers treating his Jets
teammate's a little more generous than his Packers teammates. You
always make fun of me rightfully. So I miss a
lot of random eighties references dannyg that Cavino were spot
or you will make because my family was like, we
don't do cable TV, so all these great MTV references
Cavino makes are lost on MTV, Nickelodeon, anything that was

cable related. Rich didn't have access to. So if I
say something stupid like yeah, you remember on Beaves' butt
head when they were playing frog baseball, and he's like, no,
I never saw them, Like, dude, you never saw that
on MTV, and he didn't have MTV, so it could
be any sort of stupid. It's more like eighty stuff
like like when when I I know Mark Goodman is
a good pal of ours from Serious XM. I know

him as my coworker. Kreino was like, do you mean
the first MTV each time again, I'll know what that is. Yeah.
So my siblings again once with the divorce, right, Oh,
mom went all out. Dad was like, oh cable, we
don't need cable here. I am like on my way
to be like, yeah, I'm packing for college now. All
of a sudden, we have every channel my siblings grew up.

Oh yeah, my siblings were like renting pay per views.
I'm like, what, all right, let's let's rapid fire through
the phone us. I bet your mom did, though, Rich,
just based on your stories. I know Rich's stories. I've
worked at him for twenty years. If Rich went to
a ballgame with his dad, Rich would want ice cream
all the time. Oh we got ice cream at home, Richie,
we don't got ice cream at the ballpark. I bet

you your mom every time you went to the restaurant,
all the siblings got desserted yeah, yeah, I remember being like,
I bet when you went to friends, he's you got
a fribble? Went to the circus, I would always be like,
can I get cotton candy? Oh, well, we don't need that.
We all do cotton candy. My mom's buying a laser
lights form my siblings. Yeah, all right, let's go to
Terry in the old miss what's up Terry? Missus s

and man, man, what's the no?

Speaker 6 (17:18):
Seriously, seriously, dude.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
I was actually born on Mother's Day birthday, coming on,
what a what a what a treat for your mom?
The best gift ever I was. I was the youngest.

Speaker 5 (17:31):
My sister was closest to me. She was eight years
older than me.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
That she says it was the worst day of my
mother's life. But you know how that goes. But no, man,
I got away with fucking murder, and he got away
with trying to see he's such a bad kid.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
Cursed on the radio, mane Hey, but you know what
he said he got away with.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
If you listen to the podcast, you could hear the
actual audio. Podcasts are unedited, right, Hey, I feel bad
because he even caught me off guard a little bit. Uh,
if you want to call back or another time. Fine, Sorry,
we're not mad at you. No, we're not mad at you.
But it just proved. It proves your bad terry was
sitting on some of that too. Blow honey. Yeah Brad

in Texas? What's up, Texas?

Speaker 7 (18:20):
Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 1 (18:21):
Hey? What's up?

Speaker 7 (18:23):
So my sister was six years older than I was,
and my nother my parents went to college. So when
it was my sister's time to go to college, my
parents said, hey, look, you go wherever you want. We
will figure it out. So she went to a private
school that cost up the jillion dollars. My parents bought

her a new car to go to college. She was
on the five and a half year plan.

Speaker 6 (18:49):
As you can imagine.

Speaker 7 (18:50):
So by the time I'm getting ready to go to college,
I'm ready for this same talk from my parents and
they say, uh, yeah, you better get a baseball scholarship.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
We're giving you your sister's art you get, Brad, you better,
you better get that scholarship or you're going to community college.
You got on the leftovers like a dog. See that's
the downside of being the younger sipy have his pros
and cons. Right, you're getting a lot of hand me
downs and leftovers and something. Yeah, if your parents had
a lack of planning, yeah, right for sure, Jeff, And okay,

see what's up buddy, Hey Jeff, I.

Speaker 6 (19:25):
Love your show.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Thanks man.

Speaker 6 (19:28):
Straight up, I'm the youngest by thirteen minutes. So I
have an older twin sister and growing up. At one
point she got a horse, and I basically inherited my
older brother's lawnmowing business.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
So there are favorites in the family.

Speaker 8 (19:50):
My sister had pony, my friend had pony.

Speaker 1 (19:56):
I was saying, with the references, I'm sorry Clinton in
Vegas wrapped this up. Let's have clinch.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
What's up?

Speaker 1 (20:02):

Speaker 6 (20:02):
Love the show?

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Thank you.

Speaker 7 (20:05):
So my parents got a divorce.

Speaker 5 (20:06):
In the early nineties and my obviously my dad moved on,
my mom moved on, whatever.

Speaker 6 (20:11):
But I go to my dad's house and he's got
a new wife from new step brother.

Speaker 5 (20:16):

Speaker 7 (20:17):
I was sleeping on a mattress in the spare bedroom,
and here it comes my little new step brother.

Speaker 3 (20:23):
He's like nine years old.

Speaker 6 (20:24):
He's got a brand new race car bed.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
That's got a sting. Here, he's got the race car bed.
He's got a TV, Nintendo you're on the pullout couch.
I gotta come over.

Speaker 6 (20:37):
I come over on the weekends. I'm like, what is
going on here?

Speaker 1 (20:40):
Oh that's heartbreaking, yo, he got caprice sons. You got
juice out of it like a bottle. At least you
could laugh about it now, man, Thank you so much, buddy,
appreciate the call, and again good. The reason we're talking
about this is because Aaron Rodgers apparently reached out to
rookie wide receiver Malachai Corley and offered his guest house,

offered his friendship and mentorship, and Corley's taking a mompa
on it and he's getting a real good experience with
Aaron Rodgers and Amari Rodgers says he didn't get that
same sort of love when he played for him in
Green Bay. Yeah, he was drafted by the Packers back
in twenty one. So he's saying, hey, I would have
had a great experience too if I got that treatment. Man.

Like I said, work family, siblings, everyone's gonna have a
different experience if you were first in, if you were late,
if you're the first kid baby in the family. There's
also different chemistry and different relationships involved, you know, Like
we said, like we started off with maybe Rogers didn't
get along with that guy the same way. So I'm
still trying to figure out who here you wouldn't let

crash on your couch. How do you even know him? Though? Colvi?
You know if he was just drafted by the team.
Oh you get a vibe with somebody though, right? Yeah?
Like all right? When Patrick started working here, you didn't
immediately say I like that, Kay, Patrick, I like this guy. Yeah,
you need anything, let me know some other guys. There's
someone different. You're like, yeah, I really like that guy.

Speaker 4 (22:00):
First time I met you, you were almost dying from COVID. Yes,
who is this guy? Yeah? And then Danny goes, I
don't know if I should get to know him if
he dies.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
D He was like, I'm never letting this guy sleep
on my couch. So your thoughts at COVID on rech
and here coming up. There's a couple of things I
do want to get to. I know we'll run out
of time, but how about the idea of the super Team.
Have we seen enough? I mean, you just saw Vogel
lose his jobs, the failed experiment in Phoenix. They had

a good young team. They made it to the NBA Finals.
What did they decide to do. Let's get Kevin Durant,
Let's get rid of these young players, let's get a coach.
And it doesn't seem to ever work out. There's maybe
on one hand you could count when the super team worked.
So I ask you, well teams eventually say superteam, no thanks?

Or does everyone still get pulled into the idea of
if we could get that one extra star, all the
difference and we over super teams. We'll dissect it a
little bit next right here on Fox Sports Radio Cavino
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Speaker 3 (23:56):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation at all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (24:10):
Hey, I'm Doug Gottlieb. The podcast is called All Ball.
We usually talk all basketball all the time, but it's
more about the stories about what made these people love
their sport and all the interesting interactions along the way.
We talked to coaches, we talked to players, We tell
you stories. You download it, you listen to it.

Speaker 8 (24:29):
I think you like it.

Speaker 5 (24:31):
Listen to All Ball with Doug Gottlieb on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
All right, CNR, Covino and Rich Livematyrack dot com studio
and we're super pumped about next Friday, even more pump
because Iowa Sam will be there too. Next Friday, May seventeenth,
we're taking our radio show to Eugene, Oregon live from
two to four at the Graduate Hotel in Eugene, Oregon,
sixty six East sixth Avenue, and we're kicking off the

Oregon Washington State triple header weekend. So come out and
have fun and be part of our live studio audience.
You can win prizes. We're gonna have a greeto off
our first ever. Can you beat Iosam and Agrito can't wait?
So the podcast is two to four and then afterwards
at the Graduate Hotel a four to six pm happy
hour Coveno Rich Party Happy and by the way, doing

the same exact thing the weekend after in Tempe, Arizona.
So hope to see you there as Friday May twenty
fourth for the PAC twelve Baseball Championship games. So taking
the show. I hear a row ad and we're looking
forward to meeting a lot of new new listeners, our
old friends and everything else. So let's be friends. Yeah,
don't be shy, show up and just say you know.
I want to give everyone just the insight that when

we do live events, it's not like, oh hey, nice
to meet, and we move along like we're hanging well, pang,
have drinks, chat it up. Danny G got to experience
a Coveno on rich event in Nashville, and Yo, we I.

Speaker 4 (26:01):
Took about one hundred pictures of you guys listeners. After
the live broadcast, then we got to go up to
the bar and mingle with the listeners.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
It was really fun. It was a fun. Yeah, fun event.

Speaker 4 (26:11):
And during the actual broadcast, when we have breaks in
the two hours, that's when we do crazy stuff to
give prizes away. So it was fun the entire time.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Last last broadcast, Danny G. During every commercial break, Danny
G was throwing Nerve footballs into the crowd, Covin and
rich Ner footballs, and he's like, if you catch it
one hand, that you could keep it. That's good.

Speaker 3 (26:32):

Speaker 4 (26:32):
And besides the Grieto off, I'm gonna bring the baby
Sticky love Dice, the little minis. We got a lot
of stuff, so I hope.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
To see you there, Danny g You'll be there obviously
again Cavino and Rich And now what is Portland known for? Food? Wise?
By the way, what do we eat eat and seafood?
What's the deal with great? They're known for grape. We're flying,
but they are great? Have you ever had the Universal

the last time I was in Portland? Okay, there you go.
What else? It was beer? Their beer right there? They
do have some good brewers. Yeah. I don't want to
sound like a pervy pervy, but was Portland the city
we went to where, yes, it felt like there was. Yes,
there was just a lot of adult places. I feel
like there was like it ended up. I'm gonna make

this very PG relax. We did another broadcast in Oregon
somewhere right we did Portland, but Eugene is a good yeah,
hour and a half two hours away, so we're gonna
rent a car and hit up Eugene. But we fly
into port and after our event, we were looking for
places to hang. We end up at some place called
like l Dablos, and it just had all the vibes
of something from the movie from Dusk Fill Dawn, where

like at any moment everyone they was going to turn
into a vampire or something. It was really odd. Yeah,
I don't want everyone to think where sleeves balls, but
let's just say it was an adult place where they
only gave out two dollars bills, which I thought was
a really cool, kitchy gimmick. They're like, because I guess
they got at they figured, hey, the girls are better
off getting two dollars from a guy instead of one.

So they like, if you would be like, yeah, here's
one hundred bucks, they give you fifty twos and you're like, what,
which is pretty hard to find.

Speaker 4 (28:14):
Now, I know you always keep one, and the cheapos
there are just twice twice as cheap.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
I know exactly. So we're excited to see you there now. Question, Yes, buddy,
super teams, are we over them? Because there's a lot
of speculation. Even on FS one, seems like every time
they throw a super team out there, you got a
cool young coach like you said, rich, Yeah, doesn't work
out and it's costing these coaches their jobs. Yeah. I

heard them talking about that on FS one, saying how
the one of the big casualties of super teams is
coaches because a coach is expected if we give you
a super team. Frank Vogel today, Yef Vogel being the latest,
whether it was Steve Nash with the Brooklyn Nats or
you know Griffin in Milwaukee before they brought in Doc Rivers,
it was like, hey, we're giving you a super team.
If it's not working. The leash is so short that

these coaches are put in an odd disadvantage. So oh,
I get it there. Look, the Suns are stacked, right,
they lose after the first round, swept after the first round.
Someone's got to take the blame sausage. And what's that
their third coach in three seasons? Is that the cuisine
in Portland? Yeah, yeah, you game blame sausage. So based

on that, it's It's so weird though, because we've known
for so long now that you can't buy a championship
and that chemistry matters, right. We learned from some of
those Yankees teams. We learned from the Lakers who stacked
up everyone. I think I've seen it once and that
was in ninety eight when the Yankees were stacked and
they just played big that whole year, and everybody played

the way they were supposed to play.

Speaker 4 (29:47):
Now, now, are you guys just talking NBA only not
any sport? I mean, okay, well look at the Dodgers though, that's.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
The Dodgers if they if they win one, right, But
it is few and far between though, because we've seen
only a handful of times where it worked. Every other
times the chemistry of that team that puts them ahead,
or the guys are a little too old with La
la Carl Malone on the Lakers, or or you know
what I think of I think of and Rich.

Speaker 4 (30:12):
I think a lot of it's revisionist history a little bit.
A lot of people forget that Malone got hurt. Remember
that is true. He wasn't playing a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Oh they didn't win anything. He was not on the floor.
Wasn't there the Scottie Pippen Portland Trailblazer team or the Rockets, right,
the Rockets, you know that Rockets team with Barkley and Lajois.
Sometimes those super teams just don't work out. They could
go on a run, but if they don't win at all,
the whole point of the experiment. You could say that
what did work was when Kevin Durant did go to

the Golden State Warriors, it's sort of ensured, like automatic championship.

Speaker 4 (30:43):
Yeah, and with NBA teams, a lot of it is
guys need to touch the basketball. They need to have
the basketball in their hands. And you know, if there's
too many guys on the floor like that, you obviously
you got a problem.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
The point is the formula seems to change. It's like,
look at how the forty nine ers play right now,
young quarterback, get them at a low cost, stack them
up around there. That seems to be the formula there
in basketball. I mean, look at all the dudes on
the knicks. Man, we didn't know a lot of these
guys a few years ago. Now they're competing with everybody.
So it's like, are we over that super team? And

is it about the chemistry moving forward? Or are we
gonna just keep firing coaches when it doesn't pan out.
That's really what we're asking here. Think about that. We'll
take your feedback here at Fox Sports Radio if you
want to chime in. Most interactive show on the network
eight seven, seven, nine nine on Fox. Let's go to
dB Yer. Damn got an update? What's up? dB Gus.

Speaker 9 (31:33):
The coach that got fired was Frank Vogel Done? After
one season, Suns president and GM James Jones released a
statement saying that this past year was quote way below
our expectations end quote. That season was forty nine and
thirty three in the regular season, but swept by the
Timberwolves in the first round. Now Fox Sports Radios Doug
Gottlieb says that former Bucks and Hawks head coach Mike

Budenholzer actually interviewed for the Sun's head coaching job. Life
last week, woja's reporting that Budenholzer is the top candidate
to replace Vogel. In Phoenix, Knicks forward og Anonobi has
been ruled out of their Game three Frontay night against
the Pacers because of a hamstring strain. Two Game twos
tonight Calves and Celtics seven Eastern MAVs and Thunder nine

to thirty Eastern Time. Speaking of coaching news, the Hornets
are hiring Celtics assistant coach Charles Lee to be their
head coach. Patrick Beverley of the Bucks suspended four games
by the NBA for his actions at the end and
then in the post game following their loss to the
Pacers in Game six of their playoffs series. Astro's doubling
up Caveno's Yankees right now, four to two in the
fifth inning. Earlier today in day baseball, Diamondbacks swept the

Reds five to four, twins over the Mariners eleven to one.
Rockies took care of the Giants nine to one to
salvage the final game of that series. Maple Leafs fired
head coach Sheldon Keief after five seasons with the team.
Leaves took the Bruins to a game seven, but were
eliminated in the Stanley Cup playoffs last week. And in golf,
two stories to follow. Wells Fargo Championship going on right now.

Xander Schaffley as the lead at seven under after a
round of sixty four. Rory McElroy is close to finishing
his first round. He's two shots back, and Nellie Quarter
on the LPGA Tour is going for her sixth straight victory.
Quorda is currently three under par, six shots back of
the lead held by Rojang, who leads at nine under.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
Guys, back to you, hey, thank you, deb You have
a good Thursday night, Buddy, to do it old school
style Thursday. You know we sort of partied up Thursday
night and half ast your way through Friday. Yeah, you're
gonna have a casual wall Friday. The only way to
do it. Yeah. By the way, let's all make our
pick real quick and we'll get the results to we
get back. Aaron Judges up two on one out Yankees

trailing by two. Does he deliver or not? Yeah, he's
in a good zone right now. I think he comes
to that. They just had a visit to the mound,
so the picture might be focused. So he's starting to
turn it up a little bit. Now I say he
hits a Sun double play. Oh no, I was gonna
say six three. I'm a bit of a delay here. Yeah,
that's five for we got to Yeah, we got two

different TVs. And what you're living in the future, which
our TV in here? It hasn't even happened yet. Look
at that there it is now there you go. I
wish I wish I would have not given myself up.
I would win a bunch of free coffees. Danny, I
feel like it's a pop out to center. Now, Rich,
are we over super teams again? Frank Vogel got fired.
You know, Darvin Ham this year you mentioned the bucks.

I did think of another time where it did work,
but even then there's a little caveat of you Golden
State Warriors with Kevin Durant. I said that, but they
were already winning, so that counts. It's not like he
came in and all of a sudden that made him awesome.
That's true, already pretty awesome. He joined the team that
was already winning. You know what your thoughts will take

it next? And uh, some of our consequences. Man, Well,
I don't think we're going to get to that, but
you know we are going to get to on Over
Promised because I think it's a good We could add
the visual be because the over the over Promised podcast
is video. Also some weird castings in Oh yeah, Sidney
Sweeney is playing former boxer Christy Martin. So we'll talk

about the sports world of movies and castings. We'll get
to all that coming up right here. Fox Sports Radio
with Cavino and Rich. One of the best songs of
all time, culta Personality, Iowa Sam slaying it on the
ones and twos. What do you see? I don't want

to talk about this song the culture Personality. You and
I have argued about this one. Danny g I'm gonna
allow you to be the one person that could decide,
maybe like a ten year argument between me and this bow.
Oh are you gonna say what? I think you're gonna say? Yeah,
Maybe I'm asking you want a bar. Maybe I'm asking
the wrong person because Danny's not into it. Well, well

what no?

Speaker 4 (35:48):
I feel like this is one of the best guitar
riffs of all time.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
It is. My thought though, is that while this song
is huge first time around, big hit, I think it
became way more popular because it's seem punk's theme song
and wrestling, And when a guy of that caliber uses
a song as a theme, there's a whole new world
of people that know you positioned it in a very
nice way this time. Last time we fought about this,

Dady g He made it seem like people only know
it because of because it's a big song. But I
feel like if you asked a lot of younger people,
maybe they'd be like, oh, see him Punk's theme. It
depends who you ask. My girlfriend, who's younger than me,
she's like, I know this song from guitar here and
like guitar Hero, get out of here.

Speaker 8 (36:33):
When this song came out, Mick Jagger, I believe Mick
Jagger was like, they're going to be the next Rolling Stones,
Living Color, this Living Color, and they just never they
were like a one ay wonder nothing they have another
hit lam yeah.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
But nothing on the same And He's like, oh, this
band is fresh. They performed on Stern not too long ago,
and the dude could still sing his ass off. They
still play great, but that was you know what. They
really couldn't top that song. It's a great song to
the point about Sam Punk though they performed that song
live many times with him. And I'm not a big
wrestling guy. I'm just saying that I hear that song

and I'm like, you sort of think of see I'm punk,
I think of the video, I think of you know,
it was this big hit forever. So anyway, and again
like maybe you know it from what was the other
rock hero or guitar hero is the other one rock band?
Rock band? So anyway, Cavino and Rich on Fox Sports
Radio eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox We are

live from TIREC dot Com Studios and man, this show
just flew by, which means on over promised today in
ten minutes Fox Sports Radios YouTube page, we go live
again and you could chat live on the YouTube page.
The worst casting in sports movies and movies period like biopics,
for example, there's some good ones. When I think of

good ones, I think of Barry Pepper as Roger Morris
in the movie sixty one. He looked like Roger Morris.
The dude Isaiah whatever his face is from that played
Magic Johnson on Winning Time. So good, you know what
I mean. There's some really great ones, but what are
the bad ones? But one of the worst cast things,
we'll talk about that on over promising a story about
Sidney Sweeney. He gets with all the respects Sidney Sweeney.

And as I was saying, was saying, yesterday her speed eggs. No,
you said that, I said something else. I don't think
she resembles the female boxer of the eighties, Christy Mark.
Christy was a good looking woman. We're talking about the
it girl of the moment playing a boxer. I think
one of the things that made Winning Time so great
was Quincy Isaiah. Quincy Isaiah. Yes, mannerisms were just like matching.

It was crazy dead on Some of them just so good.
And then there's some bad ones. Not saying that Sidney
Sweeney's not gonna be good, but we're gonna go over it. Plus,
since we're running out of time, Rich Rich is so
proud that Edwin Diaz has the current day best entrance
in sports, but Timmy trumpets, but there might be a

new number one. I'm not gonna give it away. Yeah,
there's another closer that people are saying, no, no, no,
he's the guy. So we'll go over to best entrances
in sports history on over promised Fox Sports Radios YouTube
page eight minutes from now. Because we're just out of
time and over promised too many things here on this show.
Definitely check out the show and you can send that
link to your friends. Please do because the more the merrier,

get on Cavino. That is, Rich and Dude are running
out of time. We are consequences and repercussions. We could
probably talk more about this tomorrow. Yeah, but but Pat
Beverley only got four games for a double doozy violation,
and you can argue Jamal Murray got nothing.

Speaker 4 (39:34):
That's wild, dude, small amount of money based on what
he earns per.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
Year, that's crazy. And I get it. You know, these
are big players, big stars. Maybe they didn't know what
to do here, but four games for Patrick Beverley was
rude to a reporter, right, he threw a basketball at
fans twiceice twice. That's what makes it crazy to me, Like,

like you said, you're thinking fifteen games or something.

Speaker 4 (40:01):
I mean for Pat Bev because of what happened twice
with the fan and the basketball and then a little
later with the reporter, which was rude, I'm thinking, Okay,
this is probably gonna be ten to fifteen games and
to fine. You know, Jamal Murray was fined one hundred
thousand dollars. He should have got at least one game suspended. Yeah,
it's in NBA. This is the epitome of it being

a player's league.

Speaker 1 (40:25):
And that's why so hard I mean not so hard.
I don't be over dramatic about it, but that's what's
difficult or challenging about raising kids today because it's just
so hard to find those consequences and repercussions that they
care about, you know, send them to their room was
like a fun place.

Speaker 4 (40:41):
And I'm not saying overdo it, because yeah, neither situation
was the end of the world. You don't want to
be too hard on Jamal or Patrick, but there's got
to be something that makes them think twice about something
like that.

Speaker 1 (40:52):
Like you said, Danny, and like Carino just said, there's
something there's there's a commonality between disciplining children and of
the NBA, because if the consequence and repercussion is not there,
they're gonna keep doing it. Like if my four year
old son keeps leaving his dinosaur toys everywhere. If I
don't say, buddy, I'm gonna take these and throw them out,
if you don't pick them up, if I don't give

dad threats, is he ever really gonna listen to it?
But then you know you're gonna hear from somebody another
parent at school, dad threats are the wrong way to
raise your kid. And you know, yeah, but I do. Nowadays,
you're not gonna spank or hit your kids. You're not
gonna yell, m what are you gonna shut the Wi
Fi off? Kids freak out? Yeah that you know what?
I saw that on some Netflix quake and there's one
of those comedians said that, Yeah, so hey, just turn

off the WiFi. That's the punishment. All right, We'll see
you guys on over promise. We get to cover a
bunch of stuff right after the show and uh, we'll
see you then at Covin on rich on the Fox
Sports Radio YouTube page. Until then, a Riva there you,
maybe you, and the over promised Land see in a
minute later
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