All Episodes

January 8, 2025 62 mins

C&R react to the LA wild fires! Did Tom Brady truly want Bill Belichick hired as the next Raiders head coach? The guys explain their belief on options & Rich shares a very relatable Nets Dancers story! It's the eve of "the Five Day Stiffy" & Mahoney is a living legend. They have a fun theory & talk 2 dirty dunks! Niners rookie Ricky Pearsall's story continues to be amazing. It leads the fellas to a topic of sports grudges! Plus, 'MID WEAK MAJOR' brings the like buttons.    

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cabino and
Rich podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Be sure to catch us live.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
Every day from five to seven pm Eastern two to
four pacifics on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Find your local station for Cavino and Rich at Foxsports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on
the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
We're live from Los Angeles, sending good vibes, thoughts, prayers, everything.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
At all the people affected by the fires. Luckily we're safe,
and I feel bad saying that because it's surrounding us.
It's everywhere. It's horrible.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Thousands of acres, thousands of homes and businesses and wildlife
and people affected. The whole thing is terrible. But we're
happy to say that we're safe and we appreciate all
the concern, Thank.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
You very much.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
It's eerie when it's that windy and you can only
you know, watch, you know, you can only watch so
many videos on Instagram and TikTok of people like trapped
in their house and this fire all around them.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
I feel Betty, you're saying that.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
I feel bad even saying that when people are living
out full on reality nightmares. But Rich is not lying
last night, I was there in the fetal position doing
the sign of the Cross because the wind was frightening.
The wind was so scary, and those embers are no joke.
They could fly over and cause fires in our area.
We're actually, we live and we broadcast in the valley,

so the fires are essentially just surrounding us. But we're
safe for the most part. The winds were frightening, the
air quality is terrible, but we're here, we're live, and
we do send our best out there to the firemen,
the first responders, all the people affected, the police, the
medical squad, all your people's spotty Terror Squad, the terror Squad,

no anybody flip mode squad, one of my favorites, but
anybody affected, all the best, stay strong. We appreciate you,
and let's get into it. We have lots to get
to on the show today. We're gonna talk about players
or coaches that you'll never forgive. You never forgave them,
or maybe you're on the cusp of it, maybe you'll

have a change of heart. Today we'll see shout up forgiveness.
That is what I'm saying. By the way, who sings
that song in the movie just fronts Anna Faris. I'm
pretty sure I just saw that she had to evacuate
her house. Right what it is, right, burnt down? Yeah,
it's crazy how many people were affected by the fires

out here. We're also gonna do a little version of
Coveno and Riches believe it or not.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Yeah, there's a.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
Superstar athlete that's yappin And I don't think Cavino believes them. No,
I think I do. You know what, I figure it
out as I go. I think I do believe them. Plus,
we gotta do a little midweek major like we always
do on the show every Wednesday, we go over the
biggest stories in the world sports and pop culture.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
Are they mid? Are they weak? Are they major?

Speaker 1 (03:03):
And Tom Brady is always in the news, always a
fun story, So we got to talk about weighing out
all your options. Yeah, Tom Brady now that he's got
some pull for the Raiders, and he's got a great
beach bud. If you follow anything on social media, it's
fair to say, man confident in my sexuality. Dude is
looking studley, handsome, more ripped than he did at the

combine when he was a kid, more ripped when he
was playing.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
He's all tan.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
He's tan, he's shredded, and good for him. I'm gonna
throw this out there before we dive into this Brady
Belichick possibility. Do you know anyone else and I say
this respectfully to women and men or anyone, do you
know anyone other than Tom Brady that you could say

looks better at forty something than twenty something?

Speaker 2 (03:53):
I mean besides me and Tom Brady. Let me think
about it. Uh, yes, Spot, I'll give Spot to credit,
but he was a title one. Take all the credit. Well,
I mean I still look better. I mean that is true.
You asked the question, I answered it me. I got one.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
I got one for you. But I'm saying popular right now.
And he's not quite as old as Tom Brady. But
his name is Nate Barghetzi and is the hottest comedian going.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
Yo. If you look at the before and after of
Nate Barghezi.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
No, I don't think he's like slaying it the way
Rich talks about him as far as how handsome he is.
Threw a beard and combed his hair, but he definitely
got a glow up from his early days. If you
see what a young Nate Bargetti looked like. He thinks
like he was a fully developed and he was still
in a fetus stage. And like many people listening that
are thinking, isn't a Nate BARGHESI. I thought so until
his daughter introduced him on the special and she's like,

my dad Nate Barghetzi, and I'm like, Okay, I guess
he's barge.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
She did say that, she said, Pete Barghetti.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
He has a brand new comedy special out on Netflix,
and it came out that he was the highest earning
comedian in twenty twenty four. News to me, I feel
like he's great. I feel like he's he is slaying
in the world of comedy. I like his like his formula.
He's trying to keep it family friendly but still be relevant.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
I like him. He's a nice guy.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
He's likable, and his bit, his George Washington thing on
SNL is really what took him next level. So no hate,
Just congratulate to Nate Barghetzi.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
You know who I saw early on in his career
and he just looked like a normal dude. But through
the years he got all jacked carrot top.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Carrot Top might look better now, but he than earlier.
Like the Wendy's Girl, and it's weird. It doesn't really
go with his stage performances. Act something's off, dude.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
He said that, and he lost a lot of his
muscle mass recently. But we saw him at the super
Bowl what was it last year?

Speaker 2 (05:45):
He was still in good shape.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
But he has said publicly that a lot of the
times the muscles didn't work with his comedy. You know,
it was almost counterproductive. So ask yourself that. That's question one.
It's a quickie. You know anyone other than Tom Brady
that looks significantly better at forty something than twenty something?
The Nate BARGESTSI one I bring up because I'm not

the only one. There's before and after little photos on
social media.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
He dressed poorly.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
He was like a little chubby face comedian. Now he's
also huh, would glow up?

Speaker 2 (06:16):
It happens he found success.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
You get a stylist, you get a personal trainer and
a nutritionist. Possibly guy's making millions, you can afford to
look good. And I think that's part of the presentation. Man,
You look good, you feel good, feel good, you play good,
So you play good.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
They pay good.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
Speaking of Tom Brady, who's like we said, living the
life throwing footballs in the beach with they got to change,
living the life of Riley because last I checked, Pat
and John c aren't doing that great. Yeah, there's no
Rightley eye envy. Yeah, it's the life of Brady. And
we're not talking Peter or Bobby. We're talking Tommy throwing
footballs with his kids. Like this guy living the life

of Brady, being like super dad and you know, like
on the side, he's probably poking up with all types
of hot models. Of course he is Tom Brady. He's Tommy,
Little Tommy sham. Don't you live in His family talks
about him, little Tommy. They refer to him as like,
yeah and inn tom Little Tommy, Little Tommy.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
He's living the life little Tommy.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
The story is that he reached out to Bill Belichick
to see if there was any interest in Las Vegas. Now,
Dan Byer, I know you got your ear to the
streets on everything NFL and college football related Belichick. Is
there any possible out in the UNC contract? Yes, that
was the whole point. Yes, there was a clause. There

was a buyout, Yes, ten million dollars. Ten million dollars
buyout before.

Speaker 4 (07:46):
June and first of twenty twenty five. It drops to
one million dollars after June first of twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
So it just begs the question.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
That's why when the contract came came out there was
tons of speculation that was pretty obvious that he fought
for that clause because it was a one and done
sort of thing, like the option to come back to
the NFL would be there and would be available. But
there's so many layers here. Number One, would would Belichick

do this? And you're like, wait, he did that to
the Jets like once upon a time, remember it was
like Bill Belichick psych and then he just bailed on
the Jets, So it's not crazy to think. But I
think the interesting part is when they separated and Tom
Brady went to Tampa and Bill Belichick remained in New
England for like a year or so.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
Everyone was like, who do you give the credit to?
Brady or Belichick?

Speaker 1 (08:41):
And it almost seemed like they were at odds, like
he finally left Bill Belichick's evil ways and the first
chance he gave an official separation or did Tom Brady
just feel the need to see other coaches and players, much.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
Like Jessica Alba and cash Warren I now seated. Jessica
Alba was saying, there's a chance.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
But when they operated the media and I mean we're
part of that, I guess, but made you want to
think that they hated each other. But here we are,
fast forward and Tom Brady has some power and the
first move he makes is that's the guy. Hey, maybe
I have a theory and I'm making this up. Okay, guys,
if you're new to Cavino and Rich, there's a lot
of make it up.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
Yeah, just roll with it. Okay, what got you?

Speaker 5 (09:22):

Speaker 2 (09:22):

Speaker 1 (09:23):
Everybody says Nicki Glazer became that next level person and
hosted the Golden Globes and slayed it and is also
hosting in twenty twenty six. Based on her performance, she
signed a three year deal. She signed a three year deal.
They're saying all because of even she has said it

all because of the Tom Brady roast. Being part of
that and putting her on that big stage really showed
what she could do. It was one of the most
streamed events in Netflix history. So it also put Nicki
Glazer in front of a lot of eyeballs. Yeah, and
she's admitted like, yeah, that's totally the and why I'm hosting.
But then, of course her talents proved that she deserved

to be there. Props to Nicky Glazer. Maybe on that
magical night that changed her life and changed her stars
also brought Belichick and Brady back together. We saw a
different side of Belichick, did we not? Maybe that really
you saw he was boozing, hanging out with Gronky and
Edelman and everybody else. Maybe everybody got back together and
Tommy and Belichick on this magical night that I'm making

up right now, maybe this is when they saw each
other man to man instead of player coach for the
first time, and Tom Brady had a little thought in
the back of his head and said, you know what,
there's a different side to this guy that maybe the
Raiders need.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
Interestingly enough, I'm just making that up. I like your theory. Though.
If we did see them pal around when we hadn't
seen that in a long time, they remember they did
a shot together. They did a shot together.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Absolutely, I'm not saying I saw Belichick getting in on
Tom having fun laughing. That to me was a major
icebreaker for all I know. Maybe, and remember I made
it up first. If you hear it later on it
was you know, I came up with this first. Perhaps
that was the icebreaker they needed for this to even start.

I'm not gonna attribute that moment. I'll say it could
be part of it.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
But what dude, leading up to that, we thought there
was beef.

Speaker 1 (11:17):
But what I will say is I want you to
think your own life, work relationships, all the dealings you have.
There might be someone that is really good at what
they do, but there's such a pain in the ass.
But if push camped to shove and you're like, hey,
I need a real estate agent. Yeah, the guy, you
know what, he's really good. I want to work with

him again, even though he was I don't know, maybe
a pain.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
In the butt. Maybe like maybe the reality is you
got to separate, like yeah, maybe you know personally, hey,
we buttoned heads.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
But Tom Brady's acknowledging like at least Bill Belichick should
get a look.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
He is one of the best ever well in a
situation like this too. Now with Brady owning a small part,
if it's still part of the team, he would be
above the coach, So no longer would he be, you know,
a victim to the rigid rules of one Bill Belichick.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
If anything, he could rain that in.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
Or maybe that's what that locker room needs. You know,
we're not inside the facility there.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
I think he says so many things.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
You're right, Rich about that, putting all differences aside for greatness.

Speaker 2 (12:21):

Speaker 1 (12:21):
We do that with women, We do that with a
lot of things. I got this girl's a nightmare, but man,
she's hot. You're right, you make exceptions. Yeah, Man, Belichick,
we didn't vibe all the time. But man, he's great
at what he does. The talent, the skills, they speak
for themselves. There's so many angles to think about here.
I think it's also a testament to again, despite their differences,

how great Tom thinks he really is.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
I think it's a possibility.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
But it comes back to a matter of not pulling
the trigger too soon and always weighing out your options.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
And I know Rich has a story. I'll have a story.
There's balance here.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
And again, I always try to bring in real life
examples to these sports scenarios, because, as they said on Uh,
as they said on Ted Lasso.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Real examples for you, football is life.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
His richest example he's about to give isn't everybody's story,
but it's a story, nonetheless story. I think everyone's been there,
and I have a no, no, not everyone has been there.
And I'm hyping you up and saying that rich is
about to tell a story about how he had a
chance to date an NBA dancer. Well, I'll tell you

the story. But I think you think everybody listening in
their cars like, yeah, I've been there, but but let
me let me explain, because there's a lesson to be learned.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
And I know I've been there myself. You had a
bunch of cheerleaders chasing me. I'm just saying this. It
could be jobs, it could be dating.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Sometimes you got away at your options and take your time,
but you don't want to take too much of your
time because then all of a sudden, your options go away.
Like Steve Covino, let me throw you into the bus
first before I give my story. Cavino is the type
of guy that is very noncommittal in plans, so that
by the time he is ready to make the plan,
the reservation's taken, the flights double the price, the hotel's booked.

So you can't be a Cavino. There were tickets, yeah,
Like wait a minute, this's all sold out. It's a
nightmare for people that are hesitant, like Cavino. Some some
people don't want to make that decision.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
It does happen.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
Sometimes you're too quick, like sald like you buy the
car the minute you see it. Or my example would
be I met a girl who is beautiful, kind, smart,
Like I really like this girl when I was in
my twenties and she happened to be a dancer for
the New Jersey the then New Jersey Nets.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
She was good looking, really enjoyed her. She said, tomorrow night,
we're gonna go out with my friends. Do you want
to come?

Speaker 1 (14:53):
So you're gonna hang out with the entire dance team. Yeah,
everybody's been there, Like which Sid?

Speaker 2 (14:59):
So she's like, We're going to out with the dance
team tomorrow night at the club. So relatable? Yeah, bro,
any other relatable stories.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
I get to this club and as much as I
really enjoyed the company of the woman I was talking to, yeah,
if that was day one, she wouldn't.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
Have been like a top ten choice of mine.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
I know it sounds terrible, but I was looking around like,
oh man, I hate it when I have these problems,
right Danny, Right, Sam, don't you hate when you have
hot chicks, but you wish you would have picked the
hotter one.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
Friends, No, you're the one. You saw the hotter one.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
You're like, man, I should have held out for the
hottest You're the one.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
You are the one making me look like an ahole. No,
it's true.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
Hey, by the way, for the record, would you have
had the girls do like a dance off Rich.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
For my heart? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (15:46):
You know, and you have women dance for your love.
I'm just saying there are times where, all right, let
me bring it forget about it.

Speaker 6 (15:53):
I remember that bus of bikini models pulled up and
they stopped and the I was I was standing there
and they like, oh, we really could use an oil boy.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Yeah, for all of the bikini models, even though your
particular situation is not. And it was you know, richest
way of just expressing how handsome he is.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
That's the truck go on. Though.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
It really does prove the point because you took the
bait so quickly. Had you waited, you would have maybe
met a girl that would have been better for you.
You see this in free agens because that relationship did
not last. You see this in free agency where some
players it's like day one, and it's like, look who signed,
and you're like, yo, they were antsy. They were like

Lamar Jackson antsy the word of the day. They were antsy,
where like day one a free agency, like oh they signed.
Then these guys that weighed out make a decision, and
then you got like the ped Alamsa of the world,
where I'm like, yo, it is Pete Alans are going
to wait around until nobody really wants them. I feel
like the Mets are his only option right now. He
has to take what he gets. So I think it's
the balance of waiting striking and and that is like

to get that perfect balance is very difficult in business
relationships or anything. Because right now, could you argue Bill Belichick,
could he have had the foresight to say, well, Tom
Brady's involved with the Raiders, they're gonna fire their coach.
Tommy may want me there because we won done of
those six Super Bowls together. Maybe I don't take this
unc job. Or is there no hype with the Raiders

in Belichick and he's gonna be very happy in Chapel Hill.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
That could very well be the case.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
No, because I do believe, or else you wouldn't have
had that cluse in his contract. I do believe his
plan was to coach there until something came up, if
not this year, next year. I did see a headline
that said Belichick has already insinuated he is not interested. Wow,
but again he's still interested in getting back to the NFL.
You would imagine maybe next year.

Speaker 3 (17:46):
And also remember a big part of this college job
was to set his son up.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
Set his son up, and yeah again create a program there.
Absolutely great point, Danny, so.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
Good one, Tony did Belichick based on this story? Did
he act too soon? Should he have waited longer? Should
he have explored more NFL avenues? Maybe he did.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
But the point here is to always weigh out your options.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
We weigh out all the options before you make that
final decision. This so perfectly just goes along with the
conversation we had a day ago so we could all
tie together, put a little bow on it, and move on.
We talked about this with a lot of the hot
commodities in the coaching world, like a Ben Johnson. We're like,
does Ben Johnson just jump at the first head coaching
job that seems enticing? Does Raybold take the first gig

that looks like, ooh, this is good.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
And we talked about there's just not a lot of
opportunities and so you might.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
Have to Sometimes you prematurely a like sold, did I
want it? And then other times you're like, let me
think about it. You think about it too long. Guess what.
Remember trying to buy a house a couple of years ago.
They wanted you to put an offer in like sometimes
without seeing the place. Depending on the scenario, you've got
to make decisions. And uh, interestingly enough, you're seeing that

with the coaching carousel. You're seeing that with baseball free agency.
Let me ask you a question, and you're seeing that
with Belichick now. And by the way, why do you
think Champell? Bill is not interested? He doesn't want to
deal with the Tom Brady stuff. Again, I think he
wants to do his own thing.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
He made a commitment, like you said, he's setting up
his son. Why have them buy out protection just in
case it goes wrong or something?

Speaker 1 (19:23):
Oh no, we'll we'll see, all right, We'll see your thoughts.
Seven seven ninety nine on Fox. That's our number eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox at Covino and Rich again,
always weighing out your options all the options. Did Belichick
act too soon? Your thoughts on that Tom Brady story?

Speaker 2 (19:38):
What do you take? Oh? What do you take?

Speaker 1 (19:39):
A look at Belichick's thoughts on Twitter? Because now he's
on every social media? Who would have thought that? X?

Speaker 2 (19:45):
I bet his girlfriend would love to live in Las
Vegas though? What you know? What? Do you know? What? Yeah?
Gotta have fun with that. What did he used to
call face fucking Instagram? What was snapface? Snapface? Twitch? I'm
not on snapface and all.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
You don't think if his young girlfriend, twenty four year
old instachat girlfriend was like, come on.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Billy, just think about it Vegas. It would be so fun.
You don't think he'd have a little bit of a
can mention it. Every weekend we could go see carrat
Top and Terry Fader and think about it. Think of
all the circ Desilla shows and Blue Man Groove. Oh yeah,
I don't really care about that.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
I mean, but I bet you there's some sort of
You're they were that fully confident, right.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
He and Hakkasan and come on, Bill J. DJ Vice
is spinning, Dad, you look so cute dancing. It's funny. Okay,
Pops the wrapped radio.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
We're going to bring them to New Orleans with us
for the Super Bowl again. Oh yeah, that'd be great,
great way to keep in contact. And Chris Camino.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
Yes, where's Rich with the Saints cheerleading school?

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Yeah, they're all fighting so relatable. Yeah, man boy, we're
just trying to figure out which cheerleader.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
Come help me. I just can't decide. You guys, come
pick me up. Maybe I should wait it out cheerleader alone, Ladies,
I'm married. I hate you guys.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
I do want to say thank you Fox Sports Radio.
We're live Los Angeles, so thanks again for all your concerns.
I want to say, man, I feel really bad about everything, obviously,
but we found out today one of our favorite wineries
out here also burnt down. And he's a great friend
and listener of the show, Mark from Rosenthal Wines. And
that's just one example of many businesses and lives.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Yeah, that guy, isn't it in Malbou Mark that place.

Speaker 1 (21:45):
He's a big supporter of ours and a friend, And
we feel so bad about the.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Whole He actually runs that place, beautiful place. He's actually
Mark who runs that place? He not like yeah.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
But yeah no, So just a lot of devastation and
I was telling some of the guys off the air
in the kitchen that when you're not from an area
and stuff like this happens, everyone you've met in your
whole life reaches out to you, and it's you know,
it's nice to see the concern. But when I tell you,
all day, every person I feel like I've met in
my life that doesn't live out here is asking you, Okay, yeah.

I never realized how much I was associated with California
because I don't associate myself that way. I happen to
live out here, but you know, I'm from Jersey, and
like Rich said, just so much feedback all day, people
concerned because it is that bad.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
One thing I didn't realize till a East Coast person
told me is that some of the country when they
if they haven't been out here a lot, especially if
they when they think of California, they think we all
live on pch Yeah, like we all have beachfront property.

Speaker 6 (22:47):
It always makes me think of that scene in the
opening of the movie The Holiday where she leaves Lax
and is somehow just driving down the PCH and then
is going to Beverly Hills.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
It's like, that's what people out we all live at
the beach.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
And interestingly enough, when you when you live out here, listen,
Kavino and I moved out here from the East Coast
for work reasons. But Kavino said this to me this morning.
When we say, oh, yeah, we live in the valley,
he goes, I don't know, do you think people know
what we mean by that?

Speaker 2 (23:21):
And I'm like, you know what, I think they just
think Karate Kid. They just yeah, they just think, oh,
karate must be big there.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
It means we're actually in the valley, the San Fernando Valley,
between mountains between mountains, so we're surrounded by the fires.
Does that mean we're completely safe. No, but it means,
you know, we're surrounded by it and it's just wild
to see. So thanks again, guys, We appreciate the concerns.
Stay safe, and like I said, I know we're out
out to all the first responders and the story I
just mentioned about Rosenthal Wines, that's just one of hundreds

and thousands of people affected.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Shouts to the firefighters that are coming in from other
states right now at home.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
No doubt, and you know, listen, I know we're on
across the country, so I know snow and ice, and
you know where we live mother nature? That's can you know?
Said before chill out? Not a great start to twenty
twenty five.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Relax, Yeah, Rich, did you cheat on mother nature or something?
What's going on? What happened here?

Speaker 1 (24:12):
Did you leave her for a cheerleader or something? So
you know there is something positive though. I don't know
how to position this, Rich, but today is like a
special day. It's it's here's what I'm going to say
to keep it clean here on Fox Sports Radio. Yeah,
is football's five day of Excitement Eve?

Speaker 2 (24:32):
The weakest name? Wow? Else? Could you describe it? I
had a different name for it earlier, but I can't
say it here. It's the football five day of Excitement, Eve,
because tomorrow begins they for all the football fans, the
five days of excitement. Let's work to shop that the
five days of excitement excitement begins tomorrow. So if there's

anything you need to get done, you gotta do it, Tonay,
can you say football, stiffy, Eve? I don't know if
you can say that. I don't know if you who
knows stiffy. I'll allow it, yeah, offensive, okay, football because
I'll allow it because if you're a football fan, starting tomorrow,
stiff necks. Starting tomorrow, college football playoffs back to back
days and then three days with six wildcard games. Football

fans are excited in the pantalones, I'll tell you that,
and starting tomorrow. I was looking at the points spread
for this one, and it's too tricky for me, but
I found a little loophol. This is what I'm doing
tomorrow and shout out to our friends at DraftKings. I
was looking at Notre Dame at Penn State. The over
unders forty four, so follow him here. The over unders
forty four. The points spread is like one one and

a half. So we're assuming this is going to be
a very close game. Correct the mundo you would assume,
correct the mendo Cunningham. Oh.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
Now, last five games, Notre Dames put up twenty three points,
twenty seven, forty nine, forty nine, and thirty five. Penn
State's put up thirty one, thirty eight, thirty seven, forty
four and twenty six. So I just think, unless there's
like a tense defensive battle, which I don't totally anticipate,
I like the over forty four, no teaser, no parlay.

I'm sort of digging the over in that game. I
like to see some offenses hyped up coming into that game.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
I don't want to have like a seventeen to ten
defensive battle. I'd like to see some points. So I
like the over with Notre Dame Penn State.

Speaker 2 (26:18):

Speaker 1 (26:19):
So enjoy the holiday, the football holiday of sorts that
we just renamed for you, guys.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
Football stiffy even I have even five glorious days there
it is. How about five days of blue ball? I
don't want to celebrate that at this same play the
rim shot on yourself. No, not this time.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Now, there's a lot of people on the phones. We're
gonna get to your phone calls eight seven to seven
ninety nine on Fox, people chiming in about all different
things and the Belichick Brady story, weighing out all your options.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
But first an update from the great Dan Bayer.

Speaker 4 (26:50):
Hey, guys, the NFL is monitoring and monitoring the fires
that are taking place here in Los Angeles. Rams vikings
scheduled for Monday still on when the NFL says they
are just taking a look at everything. Kings were supposed
to hold the host the Calgary Flames tonight downtown at
Crypto dot Com arena. That game has been postponed because

of the wildfires and.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
For the terribly inappropriate timing of the flames coming to town.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
Yeah, I noticed that.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
My goodness, I just chose to ignore it. You just yes,
that's okay, that's all good.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
I just saw something on TV that's very concerning. I mean,
we're in the midst of all this. They're talking about
the biggest of the fires, and I just saw did
you see it said.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
Zero percent percent contained? Yes, I mean zero percent. Yeah, yes, terrible. Man.
It's not good. It's not good at all.

Speaker 4 (27:41):
And it's such a unique There aren't a lot of
cities that are built like Los Angeles to have this
sort of situation happen.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
So many other random things going on too, like just
here in this area, the traffic lights are out right,
and his body has no power all night, no nothing,
And again it sounds like it's the midn't want to
talk about it because there's so many other bigger things
going on, but like everybody's affected.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
Yeah, you know, And just doing some research, there were
reports that you know, Kawhi Leonard had a home in
Pacific Palisades. He's out tonight for personal reasons. The Chris
Haynes NBA insider says that it's to tend to family
matters that are tied to the fire. Yeah, so a
lot of those things in play. But Kawhi is not
gonna play in tonight's game against the Denver Nuggets.

Speaker 2 (28:25):
That game in Denver, by the way.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
And I'd imagine dB a lot of athletes of Los
Angeles teams possibly in those areas because Malibu Palisades, the
area is that you might not be people outside of California.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Bron loves right by it. Bron loves two miles from here,
people that might not be familiar with it. It's a
price the area.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
It's like you're hearing names like Tom Hanks and you know,
big time celebrities live in those areas.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
So i'd imagine Kawhi is not the only LA athlete
in those areas.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Yes, having a lot of fun here on Covino on
Rich Today, trying it's like tiers of a clown kind of.
It's a somber give me the vibe real quick, Live
from Los Angeles. We're in the valley, so we're surrounded
by it. Right, you look to the left, it's like doom,
like it looks like something out of a movie, like,

oh my god, destruction and devastation to the left, and
then to the right it's like blue skies and then
before you know it, the whole sky's.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
Got to be covered.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
Like the other way, you see like a mountain on fire.
The other way it looks like a beautiful day. It's crazy,
So lots of mixed emotions, but thanks again for hanging
out with us, Cavino and Rich.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
Hopefully a fun escape for you.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
One thing, no matter if it's a fire out here
in La a flood, a tornado, any type of coverage.
I feel like some of these reporters you don't need
to prove anything to me. I mean, how many times
have you seen these people like gas masks on and
there they got all protective gear by the fire, Like,

we get it, what are you doing?

Speaker 2 (29:54):
They gotta be out there though, I think so so
you me.

Speaker 7 (29:59):
Don't you think though that when they do the field
reporting and you can you can see him right down
in front of the flames, like someone has to be
talking at the camera, don't you know.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but like I just
see this, this guy on ABC.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
I'll give him credit, brave guy. Whatever he's doing out there,
he's got I don't think they need to be in
the eye of the storm whale that stuff.

Speaker 5 (30:16):

Speaker 1 (30:18):
When there's like a hurricane on the East Coast, you'll
see always some Jabbroni on like the Jersey short and
waves are hitting him and he's like and it's almost like, yeah,
the closer they are to the devastation, better they are,
the better reporting they're doing. And and really they're just
putting themselves at risk the big Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
That there's some places that are extreme, but this is
also the.

Speaker 4 (30:40):
Whole point of news, in the whole point of covering it,
of like of being there. It's why when their wars breakout,
correspondents are sent over to those war zones and are
filming on balconies with bombing going in the background. It's
crazy to think that you would ever want to do it.
But to get a real assessment of what's going on
and what's happening, you need that, you know what.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Dan Byer once again newsman, Dan buy everyone, But once
again he's got the champ. Bayer has a knack of
making me say, yeah, well, you know, what right.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
Then today, when I say first responders, I'm gonna throw
in a lot of these people because they're keeping everybody informed,
not on the same level as, of course, a firefighter.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Or someone else in the picture. And Dan Buyer's right.

Speaker 4 (31:21):
I was, I was watching KTLA last night and John
Finolio and I put this up on TikTok and it's
it's gained some traction on that platform at Buyer Talk,
if you will. But it's doing a lot of report
in the backyard of a home and he realizes that
the home's on fire, so he goes and he turns
on the hose and puts out the fire while he's
doing the live shots. Did you see you know, saw

it but didn't like it.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
But that's a whole other stories.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
Yes, yes, you know why, because I was looking for
other distractions, disrections.

Speaker 3 (31:49):
I mean, I set you guys the Channel five clip
of Steve Guttenberg being interviewed.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Did you see that doesn't know who Steve Gutenberg is?
Where the goots is Steve Gutenberg, plase academy. I did
not know, mahoney, and he's talking, he does not know
Steve Guttenberg. He hasn't been anything.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
Let me tell you, Steve Gutenberg is helping people get
in and out of like these chaotic areas. And you
know why he's there, rich right, why was he there?
I gotta show you my punchline.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
Don't read it out loud. Come on, it's funny. I
could say. No, I don't say that. We're going citizens
on patrol. It's a padre's there's a rumor about Gutenberg.
Let's just say, uh, he doesn't need the fireman's host.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Stop just giving props to the goots heavy subject. He's
on the scene helping out, and the reporters like, sir,
thanks roll your help.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
He was helping his street evacuate, and he's like, my
name is Steve Gutenberg, and like, hey, thanks there, Steve.
I heard about this, but I didn't know like it
was this in depth. Really can you spell that from
short circuits? Let me tell you no, can you know?
The thing is he's myself.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
He is such a helpful guy in his community. But
the young reporter is like, yeah, yeah, Steve Gutenberg a
great name. Doesn't even realize it's it's so weird. But
have you seen that video where those two guys are
trapped in their home and there's fire surrounding it, Like
we get an update that they're okay with their dogs.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
You saw that.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
I just had a thought, Rich, before we get into
players and coaches, everything you never forgave and believe it
or not and all that other stuff.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
Mid Week Major this hour.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
Yeah, remember when Rich had a Christmas party and everybody
was invited except for Alex from the Odd Couple, But
then Rich pretended like he invited him afterwards just to
not feel bad.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
You think maybe that's what Brady's doing.

Speaker 1 (33:40):
Like Brady had plenty of time to at least plant
the seed with Belichick, but now Belichick has a job,
so he makes it like, hey, I just wanted to
do the the optically nice thing to do and pretend like.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
I wanted to be part of the Raiders. First of all,
I think that's exactly what.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
I invited ty Shirt, our buddy to the Christmas party
and actually did have his wrong the phone number by
one digit, almost like you know how like a girl
may give a guy a wrong number by one digit.

Speaker 2 (34:04):
I was like, no, for real, dude, look I have
your number wrong.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
No, but maybe they just added Tommy boy is just
doing the right thing, knowing that Belichick was never gonna
take that gig anyway. You mean to tell me that
Tom couldn't have planted that seat a while ago. You know,
it's like, course he could have. Somebody could have. I know,
I know your Christmas party example was just fine. But
people do this for their wedding all the time. They
invite people they know won't make the trip, but it's

the courtesy. Ass will do that to their richest friends
or their bosses just because they know they're going to
get a better gift. I've heard people that say, if
you're gonna get married, just invite a bunch of rich
bosses and CEOs.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
They're not coman of companies.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
You don't even know because their secretary or assistant might
just get the email of the invite.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
And be like, oh yeah, send them one hundred bucks.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
So you know, I invited Donald Trump to my wedding
before he was president. So my fake example was because
it's a funny story. Way before, our buddy Alex from
Fox Sports Radio tice shirt. You guys know, yeah, he's
on next with the odd couple who he didn't show
up to Rich's party, and Rich was like, oh, my god,
I had your wrong number, but I did invite you.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
That is true.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
You think Tom is just again just doing the polite
thing by reaching out to Belichick and saying, hey, we're interested,
but he knows that there's no chance.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
A great theory coming.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
And I said it because if you think of how
many times you use that in business, personal life, how
many times do you make that little false promise like
you see some other parents at the school like.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
Oh, we should have went to Chuck E Cheese.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
Yeah, you're just playing the game, you know what I mean.
But you mean well, but you don't really mean it.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
That theory actually makes sense to me because I was
talking to a fellow Raider fan, Rob g from the
Odd Couple who Rob and a couple of days ago.
We were talking about, Hey, Ben Johnson, you know, if
he gets a text from Brady, maybe he'll get an interview,
or maybe the Raiders can interview him.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
Because he's the hot commodity. Right.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
If you get a text message from Tom Brady, that
says a lot more than getting a text message from
Mark Davis.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
I think.

Speaker 3 (36:02):
So imagine the different candidates Tom Brady is thinking about
bringing into the building to interview for head coach Brady
has to have somebody in mind, otherwise the Raiders would
not have cut ties with Antonio Pierce.

Speaker 1 (36:16):
Yeah, I think there's there's two answers. And I think
you as a Raiders fan, Danny and Rob g and
all the Raiders fans at work here.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
I know our buddy Ryan's a Raiders fan.

Speaker 1 (36:26):
It's Rabel or the combo of primetime Deon Sanders, coach
Prime and his son. And they didn't want to slight Belichick,
right because then all those years Tommy he didn't even
reach out to me.

Speaker 2 (36:38):
Ah. Now tom could say, oh no, I reached out to.

Speaker 1 (36:42):
You, but of course he had other plans and he
wasn't going to leave Chapel Hill for this opportunity. It's
almost like telling an old friend that, or an old
coworker like, yeah, I'll pass along your resume, and you
know you really can't do much of him, but you
but you want to do the right one, to do
the right thing, because you you know it could be
very much or very well that now Rich speaking of foot, Yeah,
your team, the forty nine ers, your boy Ricky Pearsol's

in the news today yesterday. You know who else is
in the news who the coaching staff because they they
bumped up Kubiak to the offensive coordinator. So Shanahan doesn't
have it all on his plate anymore. And I'm all
in favor of a Robert Sala reunion. And sometimes you
gotta take a step backwards to take another step forward.

And I don't know unless the coaching opportunity is right.

Speaker 2 (37:29):
And who's to say he.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
Even gets a head coaching opportunity when you go back
to somewhere you were loved, like Robert Sala was loved
as the defensive coordinator of the forty nine ers. And
coming off of two years where the Niners defense was
a little suspect, you don't think the Bay Area and
Niners Nation would welcome this guy with open arms. They

loved Robert Sala. So I want to be shocked even
a little bit. Journey style Steve Perry Stowe open arms.
That's right, I'm telling you. I think that's the union
waiting to happen. We shall see. So yeah, it's kind
of like the theory of the arrow. Rich you know,
the theory of the era. An arrow can only be
shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging

you back with difficulties like Robert Sella had. It means
it's going to launch you into something better. So focus
and keep on aiming. Who's saying you that meme? Your therapist? Yeah,
my therapist. So it's it's the truth in work and relationship.

Speaker 2 (38:24):
That's true. Though.

Speaker 1 (38:25):
Let's say hi to Andy in Puerto Rico, and then
I got two quick thoughts, and we'll get to uh,
we'll get to get to Ricky Pearson, We'll get dolv
what's up man?

Speaker 5 (38:32):
And hear that your state.

Speaker 2 (38:38):
Most of the US they either pleasing the asshole or
the dealing with some type of you know, emergency situation
like they are in California. But nonetheless, uh, you know,
the way I look at it, maybe Brady's kind of
just you know, just doing Belichick of favor, you know,
just kicking the tires on them, just to see see
where he's at and kind of maybe put his name
out there because it's falls that he has. It also

can lead to other teams that already already you know
what I mean. It's George. It's the George Costanza hot
woman theory.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
Right, Remember George Costanza carried around the picture of a
model and when good looking women got wins like wait,
that's your ex, they were interested. Like sometimes just putting
someone's name in the mix gets other people being like, hey, wait,
what's going on?

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Tommy did that as a friend? Man?

Speaker 1 (39:27):
You know, there's lots of ways to look at this.
So you can look at it this way, you could
look at it that way. But before you get to
the Ricky Pierce All story, which very intriguing to me
as a Niners fan, two quick thoughts.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
Number one.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
We've been talking about how the NBA has been lacking
any real excitement. As far as you know, it's all
three pointers. Danny g last night sent us two of.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
The sickest dunks we've seen in years, and I'm gonna
tell you right now.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
The Lebron Pump fake left handed windmill? How on earth
could a forty old guy do that? That reverse windmill?
I had to watch it again. I thought it was
like I thought somebody did a fake video. It didn't
look real the first time I watched it. Dude, how
canda do dad old stay in the air that long.

Speaker 2 (40:12):
Reversed, switched hands, left handed windmill?

Speaker 1 (40:17):
Unbelievable. So watching some of these guys take it to
the hoop, and there was another one, Kobe White of
the bulls.

Speaker 3 (40:22):
Kobe White dunked on Wemby and that hair in the picture,
the still shot I sent you guys of the it
should be a poster did Wemby. And then you see
how the air he gets like it's half of Wemby's body.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
And the bragging right to dunk over Wemby these days?
Who was really?

Speaker 1 (40:39):
You know, Danny, I remember when you saw him as
tall as a damn giraffe in Vegas at NBA Con.
That's right before he even made his debut in the NBA.
Has that guy emerged rather quickly, Like there's a he's
a top five MVP candidates so far, and they're showing
his early numbers in his career compared to the other
NBA greats, and he is matching up with every props

to him, So props to Wemby. And before you get
to pearsall, I know, Covino, you're a guy that loves
numbers like coincidences, like yo, can you believe this guy
beat the same batting average like three years in a row.
And there's all, you know, all these weird things like oh,
Joey Vado never hit a foul ball.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
Get this. They're saying, everyone knows the Ravens are gonna
win the Super Bowl this year. You know why why?

Speaker 1 (41:21):
Every twelve years the Ravens win a Super Bowl with
a different quarterback who's twenty eight years old, and they
score thirty four points in one Dilfer was twenty eight,
they won thirty four to seven. In twenty thirteen, Joey
Flacco was twenty eight, they won thirty four to thirty one.
So the question is this year, Lamar Jackson, who just

turned twenty eight, who are they going to beat thirty four?

Speaker 2 (41:44):
Wow? So I get a lot of just coincidence.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
Oh yeah, that's like almost as cool as the JFK
Abraham Lincoln one or the Joe Thaisman Alex Smith.

Speaker 2 (41:55):
That's a good one too. Yeah, I love that. That's great.

Speaker 1 (41:58):
So back to football, Piersall, this is an interesting story
because he's saying, if you remember, his season started crazy
and ended kind of crazy. Dudes wearing a Rolex gets
shot by a teenager for his watch. How's the story?
You're like, what, Yeah, a seventeen year old approached I
think he's twenty three, right, Ricky Piersoll with all the

promise in the world, shoots them for his watch, sidelines them.
But you know, we were thankful that he was alive.
And now the story today is, or actually yesterday, but
we got a little more out of it today, was
that he wants to forgive and move on. He wants
to forgive this kid who shot him this past summer
and move on. Pearsall says, I don't know how he

grew up, so I can't judge him as a man.
I have to forgive him to lift that weight off
my chest. If I can impact him in any way,
I'd be open to it. So it's a really big gesture.
It's a really cool story. Says he's opened to sitting
down with the kid. Doesn't owe that kid a damn thing.
But I guess again, if he wants to do something

that helps him move on, he has all the right
in the world to do that. And by doing that,
if he helps some kid out that may be misguided,
then I guess it's.

Speaker 2 (43:12):
A win win.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
But it takes a really big person to think that way.
So props to him. All the things you're talking about
are way more important than on the field stuff. His
life oh, you know, possible tragedy.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
But he likeily, he ended great.

Speaker 1 (43:24):
But we'll talk about a guy like if you followed,
I know, the Niners were sort of playing out the
season and they had injuries, but Ricky pearsall after the
injury never really got in his groove. And you're like, well,
Shanahan's you know, soft launching this guy. Because Niners fans
thought that Ricky Piersoll would be a bigger part of
what they were doing the last month of the season.
You get the feeling that he is going to be

a big part of what Kyle Shanahan does moving forward.

Speaker 2 (43:49):
So the kids got a lot of promise.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
And based on what you're saying with the more important
stuff off the field in life, if someone does you
dirty in a relationship, God forbid.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
Someone hurt a family member of yours or hurt you
or hurt you, are you one of those type of
people that seek out like I want to see them,
I want to I want to close this chapter. I
need an apology or I need to get it off
my chest.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Like we saw this awkwardly happen recently. Again, not on
the same level as a life or death situation with Pearsaw.
But we saw it with gast know when he wanted
to confront Brett farre and talk about how hurt he was.
You hurt me, Brett, You hurt me, Brett. Brett was like,
my sack, I'm going to sack you? What what do you
mean again? I don't think I've ever been And maybe

it's a self defensive mechanism of sorts. I don't think
I've ever been hurt enough where I had the need
to confront somebody to let them know.

Speaker 2 (44:45):
Have you ever?

Speaker 1 (44:46):
But I would imagine it's a major part of closure
in therapy. I bet you every therapist would tell you, yeah,
you're holding on to a lot and you should probably
let it go, and it's probably in Pearsol's best interest.

Speaker 2 (44:56):
Me I let this go, I think. So.

Speaker 1 (44:58):
I mean, I give a real life and fictional scenarios like,
but I've never been there, You've never had You've never
reached out to like an ex or someone you knew
back in them and like, yeah, listen, I want to
let you know that I'm sorry for how things went down.
You've never reached out to someone in your past and said,
you know, I kind of hand. That's that's flip side, though,
that's also flip side. I've never went to somebody to

let them know they hurt me. I don't know if
I've ever or never been hurt that much where I
needed that, but I've never done that. Hey, I'm not
saying it's wrong if you do. I'm just telling you
I personally never did that. Said, I've been on the
receiving end of people reaching out to me like, hey,
I'm sorry about what I did to you back then,
and even you might be like, yeah, no big deal, man,
but they might be trying to get their own closure. Yeah,

I've been there before, and you know, maybe that's sometimes
people going through recovery. You'll get a message from like, yeah, dude,
sorry back in the day, and you're like, dude, we're fine,
and you know he's just going or she's going through
their process. So maybe you need that is the point, right.
Maybe it works for some not for everybody, but I
would imagine that's a therapeutic sort of thing. And like
Ricky says, it's a weight lifted off his chest, something

serious that he dealt with. He wants to forgive the
kid that shot him, He wants to confront him and.

Speaker 2 (46:09):
In turn, maybe he helped this kid who knows. It
might be a great story.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
But I have a question because I want to take
this way extreme on both ends. Sure, Ricky Piersoll almost
lost his life. He was laying in the arms of
a female officer in the Bay Area and she assured him,
You're not going to die.

Speaker 2 (46:24):
This was not a small time story. Yeah, Remember he
asked her, am I going to die? It? Yeh? I
was so scary.

Speaker 1 (46:31):
So this is a guy who thought this is all over.
Twenty three year old young man about to be in
the NFL wants to confront and talk to the guy
that shot him. He wants to forgive him, move on,
forgive and close this chapter. I'm gonna give you a
really light scenario and the heaviest the scenarios, and tell
me if that changes your feelings.

Speaker 2 (46:51):
Danny, you and I both watch the show Shrinking.

Speaker 1 (46:54):
I don't want to give away too many plot points,
but it's the whole premise of the show. Jason Siegal
lost his wife in a drunk driving accident. God forbid
someone you know their life was taken by someone else's
terrible judgment. Do you ever want to come face to
face with that person.

Speaker 2 (47:14):
Yeah, it's a big part of the series.

Speaker 1 (47:16):
If like one of your college buds, god forbid, lost
his life due to an accident, would you want to
be like, you took my friend's life.

Speaker 2 (47:23):

Speaker 1 (47:23):
I don't ever want to know if I could answer that,
because who wants to be in that situation?

Speaker 5 (47:27):

Speaker 2 (47:27):
Then let's go light.

Speaker 1 (47:29):
Yeah, Let's say you were in college or in your
twenties and you were a dumb kid man, like one
of your buddies hooked up with a girl you were
interested in. Years later, If he's like, yeah, dude, you know,
our friendship was never the same after I, you know,
bang the girl you liked, would you be like, yeah,
who cares?

Speaker 2 (47:43):
Would you be okay with someone wanting closure or something
like that?

Speaker 1 (47:46):
You hurt me, dude? Yeah I didn't know. Man, I
just can control myself and she was really hot. Yeah,
but you hurt me.

Speaker 2 (47:53):
Hey, you know you have a family member that went
through this where like there was like they hooked up
with someone's accent, It was like, you know, do the
It just depends who that person is.

Speaker 1 (48:03):
Because let's say let's say I did have a friend
I hooked up with a girlfriend of mine right. I
could have wrote that friend off and never looked back
and couldn't care less. So I got this guy years
later trying to apologize to me, and now I'm indifferent, Like, yeah,
I don't care.

Speaker 2 (48:15):
He lost a friend. Beat it.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
That's life, so Pierce, it just depends who that person is,
what the situation is. Forgiveness is always a good thing,
though moving forward always a good thing. And based on that,
I do want to pose this question, so don't forget
your thought. Are there other players and coaches you never forgave?
That's a very petty fan thing, but I like the question.

Speaker 2 (48:37):
You hurt me.

Speaker 1 (48:38):
Dan Bayer never forgave Pete Carroll for not running with
Rushaw Lynch.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
In other words, he never forgave Bo Jackson for running
all over the Seahawk.

Speaker 2 (48:46):
Do you want to.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
Confront him then and tell him that was amanth By
the way, all Bo Jackson had was leverage at the
goal line and that's all that it was.

Speaker 2 (48:55):
No, I mean up the sideline into the tunnel, Like,
if you were to see Pete Carroll, Dan Byer, is
there a party that's like, what's still? Why didn't you
run the ball? Or you like you hurt me, Pete,
you hurt me.

Speaker 7 (49:04):
You know what a conscious person does though they already
know that Pete Carroll has thought about that thousands of
times and just lets it go like it's then you're
making it about yourself. It's like Pete Carroll already took
the yes from everybody over that.

Speaker 4 (49:16):
Let's aid, there wouldn't be one super Bowl, right. I
mean that, not that it's I mean still it hurts
me to this day to see it and to have
that empty feeling. But I couldn't get to the point
of blaming someone and not forgiving them.

Speaker 2 (49:30):
See, he's not over it. They didn't sound like he's
over it. I'm not over it. Yeah, but I don't
blame I can't. There's that.

Speaker 4 (49:38):
I mean, there's plays I think that we all have.
You know what I thought I'd never get over you.

Speaker 1 (49:41):
Know what I thought Dan Bayer And this always bothered
me because I know that he's he When he was alive,
he was known as a great man. The way the
Red Sox treated poor Bill Buckner for all those years
until they finally won a championship. Red Sox fans remember
those that have episode with Larry David on Curb and

it was like, dude, so unfair. You know, mental errors,
mental decisions and bad decisions and mental errors really bothered
me a lot more than a physical error. That's like
me hating Aaron Judge still because he dropped the ball right.
You know, Buckner didn't.

Speaker 2 (50:16):
Lose the World Series and he got so much him
by the way, you were down three games to one
in the World too. If that was Game seven and
Aaron Judge dropped out in like the eighth inning, that's a.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
Different physical error doesn't Although it hurts my feelings, it
doesn't make me hate the guy. Like if I wanted
to play this game of players or coaches that I'll
never forgive or haven't forgiven yet, I'd have to have
Robbiekeno up there because he just disappointed me. Like he
disappointed me. Robbie, you hurt me. Robbie, you could have
been the next great Yankee. You know I would confront him.

You went for the money Seattle Cano seriously, and then
he ended up on the SpongeBob Squarepant team.

Speaker 2 (50:56):
Now you're playing in Mexico. Robbie, you could have been
a great one. You hurt me.

Speaker 3 (50:59):
Man, how about an extension of your players do you
have hard feelings towards Fat Joe.

Speaker 2 (51:04):
That's a good one. You know what, I really don't.
I feel bad for.

Speaker 1 (51:07):
Fat Joe a little bit that he's associated with that
whole thing Juan Soto. I don't forgive him like Wan
Big Fat so have fun at the shake shack at
City Field.

Speaker 2 (51:17):
You lose her. I'm so angry about it. You hurt me, man,
you hurt me.

Speaker 5 (51:20):

Speaker 1 (51:21):
I love how much of a little band you'll have
much a little bay. Now, speaking of forgiveness, right, cry
about it. Your boy Pearsall's choosing to forgive the kid
that's shot on him.

Speaker 2 (51:31):
Flip it. Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 1 (51:32):
I'm gonna have to forgive Garrett Cole for his lazy
mental error. I'm gonna have to because he's still pitching
with the Yankees. Like I have to find it in
my heart to be like, dude, you blew it, flip it,
but I forgive you. We're looking at it from the
one side. Just to match it up. We said Pearsow
is the guy that wants to touch up touch base
with this kid and be like, Yo, what you know

I need closure? Yeah, because that kid hurt him. It
what if the kid was like, Oh, it was a
troubled kid. I need closure, Ricky Piersall, will you talk
to me? Does Pierce All owe it to that kid?
Hell no, he doesn't owe that. He doesn't own anything
to that kid. He's a bigger person if he chooses
to do that.

Speaker 2 (52:11):
No way. Know what. I find always so heartfelt.

Speaker 1 (52:14):
Yet I don't think I could ever get there, And
at least I'm mad enough to admit it. If someone
ever hurts someone close to me, you ever seen like
a courtroom, They'll be like a murderer and the family's
like we've forgiven him.

Speaker 2 (52:24):
It's like, if that would you be able to you
would never be able to forgive them.

Speaker 1 (52:29):
I mean, I commend you if you are big enough
to do that, but I don't think that's for everybody. No,
you've just turned to faith and you're letting something else
take over because there's no way.

Speaker 4 (52:38):
I would also say that if you have real grudges
in your life, sports grudges are nothing.

Speaker 2 (52:43):
That is true without a kid. Yeah, there's the real situation,
life or death, like we said, and then there's like
this that we're talking about. Right, So that's why I'm telling.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
You Rich, I've never been in a situation where I
felt the need to tell someone how much they hurt me. Luckily,
to this point, I haven't been hurt on that type
of level where I needed that type closure.

Speaker 3 (53:04):
Sports grudges are silly, but so many fans have them.
How about like fantasy football players, there's that one guy
that like slides down right before the one yard line.

Speaker 2 (53:14):
Yes, and forever. I have friends where they're like, I
hate that guy. Hurt me, man, I could have won thousands.

Speaker 1 (53:20):
And Portnoy at Barstool he did some player prop parley
a couple of weeks ago, and who's the running back
on the Washington Commander's Robinson, Ryan Robinson? Brian, Yeah, he
needed him to score a touchdown, and like apparently, Portnoy
and like a million of his barstool people did the

same player prop and it was like plus twelve hundred.
So portnite he did a rant and he's like, I'll
never forget this guy. Portnoy would have to go to say, hey, listen, Robinson,
you hurt me, and and Robinson would have to then
try to ask for free Hey man, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (53:56):
And the full circle. Brian Robinson was shot prior to
this season. A couple of years ago, I remember missed
a couple of games and then came back and returned circle.

Speaker 1 (54:08):
I'm Steve Cavino, that is Rich, Danny g Sam's here dB,
and now it's time for Spotty.

Speaker 5 (54:14):
In Midweek Major. Covino and Rich get you over the
middle of the week. When mid Week Major Major, I
love that we throw sports and pop culture headlines and
topics at the fellas and it's like the kids say.

Speaker 2 (54:30):
That's summit.

Speaker 5 (54:31):
We definitely here see it our scoring Midweek Major.

Speaker 3 (54:38):
I look at the clock, kind of give Spotty a
full seven minutes here.

Speaker 2 (54:42):
I got like four minutes this week. You hear the horns,
You know you have made it to the middle of
the week.

Speaker 3 (54:46):
Before we hand things over to the number one and
only host of the segment, we love to roll the
two big red Love Dice.

Speaker 2 (54:52):
Over there in the main studio. I just rolled an
eight and seven. Ah me is.

Speaker 3 (55:03):
Gonna gets And now, ladies and gentlemen, the most famous
person besides Judy Bloom It's from Scotch Plains, New Jersey.

Speaker 2 (55:12):
Spotty Boy, Hey guys, let's jump right in. Of course,
by now you've already.

Speaker 6 (55:16):
Heard of the firing of Raiders head coach Antonio Pierce
after just one season, Well, it appears, according to the
web sleuths who are hot on it, that Patrick.

Speaker 2 (55:24):
Mahomes was thrown a bit of shade at the situation.

Speaker 6 (55:27):
If you recall before the start of the season that
Pierce revealed he had like a Mahomes specifically, like a
Mahomes playbook, like a plan to just target Mahomes. Well,
when they announced Pearce's firing on the ESPN page was
liked by none other than Patrick Mahomes, and everyone screenshot it.

Speaker 2 (55:44):
It was like, oh, he's thrown shade in Pierce.

Speaker 6 (55:46):
Since it went viral as a story, Mahomes is apparently
unlike the story, so apparently it was I don't know,
maybe it was intentional.

Speaker 1 (55:53):
Who knows, midweek er major. I think it's a mid
story thanks. That's reason it is the stories because it's
Patrick Mahomes, right, and he simply liked it, and it
caused all this speculation. I don't think there's any doubt
that Pierce had a target on Mahomes. Everybody, well, I
mean every team is after Mahomes.

Speaker 2 (56:14):
But you should see you did see a lot of.

Speaker 1 (56:17):
Rough plays when it came to Mahomes and the Raiders
for sure. So love when Crosby would give him a
little extra show. Oh that's the one that comes to
mind for sure. And we saw that on what was
that on? That was on quarterback? Yeah, that was on quarterback.
You're right, So I think he did like it with
intent and probably thought it wasn't worth it. I didn't
think it would garner that much attention and unlike it
just to be a better guy. I mean, I agree
with you, mid but because it's Patrick Mahomes, it's major.

When you're that elite and you like a post about
the firing of a division coach, it's gonna get attention.

Speaker 2 (56:47):
I'm sure Patrick's like, I didn't mean to do that.

Speaker 1 (56:50):
Liked he did it as a little bit of a
jab back, but he's not a bad dude, so he
didn't want all that backlash.

Speaker 2 (56:57):
All right.

Speaker 1 (56:57):
Sticking with the Chiefs and the biggest story of the day,
The biggest story. During a conversation on the New Heights podcast,
a caller called in asking about like what the guys
thought about having a wedding in the fall, and Travis
Kelsey responded by saying, you know, he clearly doesn't really
know much about fall weddings because a lot of the
weddings he's been to of players never really occur in

the fall. They're not a fan of fall weddings.

Speaker 6 (57:21):
So of course the swifties went into overdrive and are
assuming that because of this, they're speculating that he and Travis,
or Travis and Taylor are headed down the aisle in
the spring. In the spring, they're saying, yeah, they don't
like the fall, so maybe in the spring. They even
joked about February. So obviously there's no rumor of engagement.
There's no official plans, but is it a possibility?

Speaker 2 (57:44):
Who knows? Midweek Er made.

Speaker 1 (57:46):
I know it's a major story according to TMZ and
swifty fans, but this is the weakest story of the
day because all he said was he's not a fan
of fall weddings, and then the headline becomes Travis Kelsey's
already put a lot of thought into marriage. It's like, no,
he's nine, just answered a stupid question, and of course
he doesn't like.

Speaker 2 (58:05):
A fall wedding. He's always playing football around that time.
I agree with you one hundred percent. This is a
non burger of a story and it's a miss meeting headline.
This is a dude.

Speaker 1 (58:14):
Everything Camino said you were right on. I think we
could just move on. The only thing I'll add is athletes.
When you marry an athlete. The women that do this
realize that they know a lot of times they try
to plan pregnancies, weddings, major family events in the offseason.

Speaker 2 (58:29):
That's part of the deal. Did you hear Kelsey's talking
about marriage.

Speaker 1 (58:34):
Yeah, he answered a question says he's not a fan
of fall weddings.

Speaker 2 (58:37):
He's not talking about marrying Taylor swift Man.

Speaker 6 (58:40):
Right, he was asking a somebody else's question or answering
somebody else's question.

Speaker 2 (58:45):
Does rumor start? That's how they start, all right?

Speaker 6 (58:47):
Politics meets sports as VP elect JD. Vance and Senator
Ted Cruz have put a friendly wager on the Cotton
Bowl as OSU takes on Texas in the college football
playoff game this weekend. That Texas senator laid out the
challenge on Twitter, which basically states that the loser would
have to deliver food and beer to the winner's front

door wearing the opposing team's jersey. Vance gladly accepted the
challenge and a reply tweet. The Buckeyes are actually a
five and a half point favorite, and the Cotton Bowl
kicks off Friday at seven thirty pm Eastern midweek er major.

Speaker 2 (59:21):
This is so mid.

Speaker 1 (59:23):
But I was happy to hear that it was Ted
Cruz because I thought jad Vance was betting against Grandpa Munster.

Speaker 2 (59:28):
You were gonna make that.

Speaker 1 (59:29):
Yeah, honestly, that joke major. Yeah the story, Mitch. I mean,
I was actually surprised to hear that. It's news to me.
I thought Grandpa Munster was in on a bet. But yeah,
totally min.

Speaker 2 (59:41):
I don't think it's I don't think it's major, but
I don't think it's mid. I think it's nice. Listen,
love him or hate him. Republicans Democrats.

Speaker 1 (59:47):
When they do something and they involve sports and there's
a loser, and you know they representing Ohio and Texas
in a big way, I think it's cool.

Speaker 2 (59:55):
I just think major. I think instead of delivering food
wearing a jersey, I think I think we're pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (01:00:00):
If the bet was something like one of them had
to rock like a weird mustache for a month or so,
that great, get it there.

Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
I think the stakes are just wrong. I like the
idea the stakes.

Speaker 6 (01:00:07):
Are wrong, or if ted Cruz actually had to dress
like Grandpa Monster.

Speaker 2 (01:00:10):
Yeah exactly, that'd be great. Two lame os to be honest,
I know, do you want to hear about UFOs or
Angel Reese? Yeah? Yeah, UFO definitely.

Speaker 6 (01:00:17):
Okay, Well Angel Reese was on the cover and folk
in case you missed that. Okay, good for her, all right.
With all the recent drone sightings, it may signify that
it's actually more than drones after all. According to a
UFO expert, Carl Nally, who works for the UFO and
Paranormal Research Ireland, claimed that the mysterious drone sightings are

actually a staged operation designed to trick the public into
believing an alien invasion is imminent, hiding the real truth
that alien encounters have been happening for several decades, and
according to another expert, the weapons manufacturers have already gotten
their hands on alien technology and that the drones are

being used to mask the usage of that technology.

Speaker 1 (01:01:02):
Isn't that like the Project Blue Beams stuff, just to
mislead the public?

Speaker 6 (01:01:05):
Yes, so all of this, according to experts, apparently an
alien invasion as already happened, and they're just trying to
trick you into thinking it's imminent. Midweeker major, right, I
think anything that involves drones and UFOs and these unanswered
questions are it's always major to me.

Speaker 1 (01:01:24):
But I don't I don't buy into that answer. So
the answer was mid but the story itself is major
to me. I want to know what's going on. You
think I could give you a thirty second answers, Give
me one word before we go to damn buy Give
me one word major, asking me it's like yours me,
my thoughts on aliens, government cover ups and uh, you know, conspiracies.

Speaker 2 (01:01:47):
Yeah, what about the plasmoids and the orbs. I'm a
Covino again. I think it's major. I think I wonder
if twenty twenty five is the year we find out
something weird. But that's all I'll say. I could have
talked about anthel rees, but you want it to hear
about aliens, you know what.

Speaker 1 (01:01:59):
I feel like The only problem is spot. I feel
like we could talk about that for an hour. Okay,
thanks buddy,
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