Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cabino and
Rich podcast. Be sure to catch us live every day
from five to seven pm to eastern two to four
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
Cavino and Rich at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or
stream us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by
searching FSR. Let's just hope for great things. Yeah, buddy,
why would you be rooting against the guy? This is
our country rooting for great things moving forward. That's all
you can do, right, So happy Inauguration Day. And I
hope you had Chiefs, Commandos, Eagles, Bills sort of weekend,
some great great football over the weekend. Some UFC three
eleven came original and we got to talk about it.
Speaker 2 (00:47):
Speaker 1 (00:47):
Man, I do want to compare, Like I said, how
weekend people treat studios, not just here. We worked in
radio twenty years. You do know what are you doing
over there, Bob Barker, you were at Kay Rock. I
have to hold my my micro and my hand today.
I know the labor involved in this. Every radio station
in the history of radio or television, any broadcast facility,
the part timers. They use the wall as a backboard
for their drink. So every radio studio in America has
stains on one wall in the studio. He's not lying,
and it can be the nicest studio. It's ruined within
a few months. And my other thought is, you know,
when you go to someone else's house, you try to
be considered, but you'll see someone drop a potato chip
and they'll kick it under the fridge instead of picking
it up. That's how people that aren't here every day
treat plays. It's a sign of one's character. If you
drop a nice cube bridge, do you kick it under
the fridge or do you pick it up. I try
to pick it up, and sometimes if it's slippery, then
I'll kick well. Like I said, it's a sign of
one's character. I always reach over and pick it up.
Sometimes I'll throw in a plant. Refresh that bad boy.
I'll throw it in my dog. He's a little ball
to in a plant. I'll throw it into theay sink.
It shows the type of person you are. If you
kick it under the sink, it means you don't care
and you're self centered. You don't care about anyone but yourself.
Look at that dep what's going on, buddy.
Speaker 3 (02:10):
I'd take great offense to your weekend people part timing blanket,
considering that I was in that exact chair from five
to eight Eastern time yesterday, and so you generalizing us
weekend people as people who are just cavalier.
Speaker 1 (02:27):
Dan, you're here six days a week. I think you're
more full time than anyone in this building.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
That's how I look at it. I look at it.
I'm saying, Dan, when you were here and you've been here.
Speaker 3 (02:36):
For fifty somebody did pour a drink on the console
this past weekend.
Speaker 1 (02:41):
Speaker 2 (02:41):
I would not name any names. I angered. Did they
gnaw off this microphone? I enough complaining.
Speaker 1 (02:47):
We got football talking about, we got something else planning.
Just explain say it like it's it is. It's just
how it is.
Speaker 2 (02:55):
That's all.
Speaker 1 (02:55):
And d B good to see you, Mane, good to
see you Guysb's on your updates. We got Danny g
super producing at eight seven seven ninety nine studio. Yeah,
and we got Iowa Sam on the ones and twos.
It's definitely not one hundred degrees in this studio. Having
some issues with the cooling and heating and the building. Hey,
if only one MIC's working, I don't mind going back
to back with Rich. Like I said, we're like eighties
rock stars. We'll rock that mic. We rock the mic
on the daily. Hope you brush your teeth today. I
did so. I try to do that every day. Yeah yeah,
not just Martin Luther king fulle brush your teeth today,
not just on inauguration days.
Speaker 2 (03:33):
Every day. I did that.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
So, thank you guys for being here. I hope you
enjoyed the weekend. Now, before we get into things that
made you go hmm, all your observations from the games
this weekend, or maybe a movie you saw, something you did,
whatever made you say hmmm.
Speaker 2 (03:49):
I know, Rich, you wanted to talk.
Speaker 1 (03:51):
About Lamar Jackson being in a group of people in
a category that you just don't want to find yourself
in and in life and especially in sports. You know me,
I love to talk about little windows. I'm going to
talk about the little window we all have for opportunity
in life. But before we get to that exact thought,
I was happy to see Lamar Jackson not want to
point fingers at Mark Andrews.
Speaker 2 (04:16):
Take a listen to Lamar after the game. It's a
team effort.
Speaker 4 (04:19):
You know, He's been busting his behind making plays happened
out down Ffield for us, came up short. And like
I've been saying all season, every time we have a
situations like this, turnovers play a factor. Pennanties play factor today,
Well tonight to turnover K had it, you know, And
that's why we lost the game because as you can see,
moving the ball wonderfully.
Speaker 2 (04:38):
Is hold on.
Speaker 4 (04:40):
I'm sorry for my language annoying to it.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
And you can't expect anything more from your leader than accountability.
And that's really how you have to view it. It
wasn't his fault. It's a lasting impression. He should have
caught it. Don't lay a finger on Andrew's butterfingers. A
bad fumble, but he wasn't the only guy that fumble. Yeah,
and again there was so many moments throughout the game.
It just doesn't come down to that. Turnovers absolutely right,
turnovers not only your favorite Sunday morning little treat, but
the name of the game.
Speaker 2 (05:17):
I really think Lamar Jackson nailed it right there.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
We all need to view things from that perspective and
keep that in mind when watching these games. It's not
his false a team game, but man, it was a big,
big moment to not catch the ball.
Speaker 5 (05:34):
If you go back and look at the replay of
the two point conversion drop, Yeah, his bad footing had
a lot to do with mishandling that ball because of
the slick surface.
Speaker 1 (05:45):
Yeah, you saw something slip there, but a tough loss
and I think handled really well from Lamar Jackson in
that moment. You got to ask yourself, though, this is
where I want to go to those little windows in life,
in dating, at work, every aspect of your life, you
have windows of time to really get to the next
level or couplish your goal. I know guys like Gary
Vaynerchuck on Instagram and No TikTok's back, they'll tell you
that you could start your own business and become an
entrepreneur at eighty if you want far and few between.
Does someone peak at eighty years old unless they're a
cast member of the Sopranos, unless you're Polly Walnuts and
your big gig came as an old goombag gangster at
sixty years old.
Speaker 2 (06:38):
He was a real gangster before the show, so I
think research.
Speaker 1 (06:44):
He's not old by any means, by any means, but
he's turned twenty eight six and one, fourteen and two
eleven and five, ten and seven, thirteen and four, twelve
and five since he entered the league, three and five
in the playoffs, and winning season after winning season after
winning season, And you got to credit the Baltimore Ravens
were continuously putting a good product out there. But as
you love to tell me that the forty nine ers
window you know, may be closing. Can't say the same
about everyone that after years of just falling short, like
eventually it's like yeah, time.
Speaker 2 (07:23):
Speaker 1 (07:24):
I don't see that as much with the Ravens because
they got Henry now and they have more weapons, and
it seems like they got better this year. And I
don't see Lamar Jackson losing any steam. I think this
is a simple matter of turnovers losing the game, and
we saw a lot of that over the weekend.
Speaker 2 (07:40):
You can't expect to beat.
Speaker 1 (07:41):
These teams, these high caliber teams when you're having that
many turnovers. But I mean, everybody has an expiration date, Rich,
I mean, you don't have all the time in the
world to make it happen. I just don't think it's
the case for them. I'm just saying, if you're at
a job and you get passed over for that promotion
one time, it's like, oh, you know, maybe next time
you get passed over for that promotion time after time
after time, Like you're, uh, Jason Bateman in Horrible Bosses,
Like you know, you're you're about to stand up thinking.
Speaker 2 (08:13):
Like and the promotion goes to Covino and about knock Covino.
Speaker 1 (08:17):
Eventually you'll be like you no, no, maybe this maybe
it's just never.
Speaker 2 (08:21):
Gonna happen, right, That's what do you do in that case?
You find another job.
Speaker 1 (08:26):
I'll be honest, A lot of women find themselves dating
a guy who's reluctant to pull the trigger and get married,
and she's like you, like, I think.
Speaker 2 (08:33):
Is it ever gonna happen?
Speaker 6 (08:34):
You know?
Speaker 1 (08:34):
Like you got to credit the defenders who are taking
boxing lessons. I don't know how they have precision accuracy nowadays?
Are they hitting the speed bag? What are they doing
for target practice? Because these defenders they're not even going
in for the tackle half the time. Half the time
they're not in position to make the tackle, but they're
able to hit a moving target. That's her key jerky
juke back and forth to be able to knock the
ball out the way the defenders are honestly, you also
need to commend that. So we could say, yo, Mark Andrews,
how did you drop it at the fifty yard.
Speaker 2 (09:10):
Line like that? Right again? His terrible, horrible, no good,
very bad day.
Speaker 1 (09:14):
Or you could say, man, these defenders are getting next
level with their with their target practice.
Speaker 2 (09:20):
We call that a TJ. Watt swat. You know, it's
not easy to hit a moving target.
Speaker 1 (09:24):
But you know what, I'll give you an analogy Stars
Colin style. You know how in baseball, old fans the
boomer fans are like, hey, we're gone through the days
of people met in three hundred and we realized that
you'd rather a guy that bats two twenty, but if
he hits doubles and home runs.
Speaker 2 (09:45):
So if a guy has a good right hook, that's
what you're looking for nowadays.
Speaker 1 (09:47):
But I'm saying because it's not even a Watt swann anymore,
it's a it's a left hook. What I'm saying is,
you know, old heads would say, no one wraps and
tackles anymore. And the way baseball play are being conditioned now, Yo,
home run trajectory, doubles, extra base hits, home runs forget
Batten three ten, It doesn't matter if he beout three
ten hit forty home runs. Secondaries and defenders are taught
turnovers more important. So when you say, how do these
grown as professional athletes not rap and tackle the way
you were taught maybe as a kid, it's because the
game has changed. And after the game too, when he
was taking the heat off of Andrews, he was saying,
this comes down to turnovers, and he is also to
blame when it came to that. He was sloppy the
first half and he was impeccable the second half, but.
Speaker 2 (10:42):
Just tough to watch. I feel bad for him.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
And to answer your question, Rich when you're that good
and when you're I think he's gonna win another MVP.
I don't think they're out of it yet. How many
chances will the Ravens get? Have no idea what? Let's
feel like they have to work on holding the ball?
Thanks really three time likely MVP? Right, and he's only
twenty eight, so there's a lot of time. I'm just saying,
this team with Derrick, Henry, Lamar Jackson, Mark Andrews, you know,
the core of this team, you know, to get back
to this part of the season is hard to make
the playoffs and get to the second or third round.
It's not easy, So you got to ask yourself. We
talked about this before, Danny. Do you remember, like a
year ago, we had a conversation about who of these
quarterbacks will win a Super Bowl?
Speaker 2 (11:31):
Yeah, and the list was long and then very short. Yeah.
We not everybody win. Yeah, we listed them off.
Speaker 1 (11:36):
I remember doing this because I was trying to prove
a sarcastic point, because we're like Joe Burrow, Oh, yeah,
I'm sure he'll win one. Josh Allen, Oh, he'll definitely
win one. Lamar Jackson, Oh he'll win one. Jalen Hurts
Brock Party.
Speaker 2 (11:49):
And we went down the.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
List and I'm like, yo, we just said about ten
different guys are going to win a Super Bowl in
their career. Try two of those guys, because you could
name more great quarterbacks that never won. And I'm not
saying Holmes is Michael Jordan, but we always talk about
how Michael Jordan prevented a hell of a lot of
NBA stars from winning in the nineties. Patrick Ewing still
having nightmares about it, Karl Malone's cries about it. John
Stock the way I saw it, though, Rich was man,
the mutual respect between Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen. Now
they're gonna go They're gonna go down in history as
two guys that competed for it and battled for it.
And we see Josh Allen coming out on top yesterday.
You know, maybe he'll win it all, maybe he stops
Mahomes from being that guy to three pete. But I
saw that as We're gonna see more of those battles
in the future, and we might see and I think
we will see Lamar Jackson on the flip side of that,
maybe next year, maybe the year after, but you're gonna
see that for a few more years to come. I
don't think it's about windows with them, Yeah, but it's
not every time you go thirteen and four, fourteen to three,
twelve and five and your fan base is like, this
is it. But when you got superstars like Lamar and Alan,
you're gonna continue building around those guys. You know, when
we say those things about your forty nine ers, I
don't think brock Perdy's does the same level of God.
I don't think so either, right, I mean he's not,
but there's stars on that team that are that level.
True but they're aging and they're getting hurt, and they're
not born the same way they were born. I think
the Ravens have a little more time and like I said,
you'll see them back again next year, just like this,
and maybe Lamar Jackson wins it. Maybe they learned something
from that, maybe they counteract all these punches being thrown
at it. The I'm not gonna ball out, but maybe
Andrews has a little bit of redemption in him. But
you know, to win even one is difficult when you
think about you know, you think about guys that were
there often and again, if you want to make analogy
to another sport, do you remember when the Atlanta Braves
won their division? What felt like it felt like fifty
years in a row, when they had Gleb and small
Smat and it felt like every year was like lock
him in for ninety five to one hundred wins. Honestly,
it might as well have been twenty five years that
the Braves just dominated and they came away with one
World Series nineteen.
Speaker 2 (14:14):
Yes, Andrew Jones, I mean the crime dog get points
to that, right, I mean, like that's.
Speaker 1 (14:20):
So many great players, David Justice for a lot of it,
so I want what Rich is getting. That is every
year you don't do it is just you're the clock
is ticking because you look at the NFL and you
say guys.
Speaker 2 (14:31):
Like Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees.
Speaker 1 (14:34):
Guys that were there year after year after year. Tom
Brady's an anomaly. Patrick Mahomes is an anomaly. These guys
are just it's silly. Lamar Jackson, for as great as
he is, is he going to be one of those
guys that doesn't win at all. That's really what you're
getting at. Until Peyton manning one with the Broncos, which
you could argue the defense carried him all that greatness,
and he had one in Indianapolis.
Speaker 2 (14:58):
It's not easy.
Speaker 5 (15:00):
I tend to agree with you, Covi. You know, the
Ravens just need to play a clean game. That's it
in the postseason because they're two there are two most
recent playoff losses now a total of six turnovers. And
you know, Lamar to me is still the most exciting
quarterback to watch. I'm not a fan of the Ravens,
but just to watch Lamar play in that final drive
very exciting, and I want to see him make it
to a Super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (15:24):
I agree the station have easily won that. But I
look at Von miller recovery. You know, there's so many
opportunities to Andrew the Andrews fumble, like there's too many
turnovers against the Bills.
Speaker 2 (15:36):
Dude, come on, co But look.
Speaker 1 (15:37):
From the time Lamar Jackson was twenty two in twenty
eighteen till now, Dan Byer, the records are great, fourteen
to two, eleven and five, they missed the you know
that one off year then ten and seven, thirteen and four,
twelve and five, Like, you gotta figure out how to
get the next step.
Speaker 3 (15:53):
Yes, and every opportunity is not the same. You're not
the same team every year. What about if they dodged
injuries which years past it had injuries on the offensive
line that would help them. This year everything was in place.
That's kind of like how I feel like with the
Lions a little bit. But I know you're talking about
the Ravens, But you have to take advantage when it's
your year, because there is no guarantee that everything is
going to go your way the next year.
Speaker 2 (16:18):
In fact, it's very likely that it won't.
Speaker 1 (16:20):
Right, Yeah, healthy Henry, Yes, absolutely, that's true. The only
time in my life I can remember, and I'm sure
there's another dB, but I remember when the Royals fell
short in the World Series and they went back the
next year and won it. So many times when you
fall short, the sentiment is we'll be back, and it's like,
the truth is, you're likely not going to be back.
Matt Ryan twenty eight to three thought he was gonna
win a Super Bowl. The Falcons fans. The only I'm
not disagreeing with you, I actually am agreeing with you.
The only factor here that separates all your other examples though,
is Lamar Jackson. He's so good to count you can't
really ever count him out. But you know the magic,
as Dan Bayer said, because I mean, how do you
discerbar with Dan Bayer? There's something magical or and health
plays an issue my two teams. This is very close
to me, so I'll speak on behalf of myself as
a fan. I know for a fact there's no way
the Mets could duplicate the magic from last year. They
didn't even win the World Series, but there's no way
they could duplicate that. Lindor pet Alonzo crazy magic.
Speaker 2 (17:28):
And you can't do it without Pete Alonzo not gonna
happen and the forty nine ers.
Speaker 1 (17:32):
You guys all bust my chops when I'm you know,
how many times could the Niners go deep in the
playoffs and just not get the job done before a
year like this happens where injuries come into play and
they win six games. All right, So we asked you
Fox Sports Radio Nation before we get into things that
make you go hmmm, Lamar Jackson, was this his window
of opportunity because they had so many things going right?
This was their year, they had health, this was their time.
Or do you say what Josh Allen said, This guy's
are You'll be the most talented guy to ever be
on a football field once he figures out how to
keep it a clean game. Yeah, they'll win one eventually.
You know who was close a million times and only
one one? Brett farf Like there's people that had envy.
I believe Brett Farva was also a three time MVP
around that time, and just it's sealing. The deal is
so tricky and I wish Ravens fans luck and Dan Byer.
It was great to point out the Lions too, because
what was the saddest loss that one? Lions by far man,
and if I felt great for Jaden Daniels and you
felt great for Josh Allen. But man, what a what
a week ass weekend for Lions fans and Ravens fans
because that was a lot of people's pick for the
Super Bowl Lions and Ravens.
Speaker 2 (18:43):
Yeah, oh my, so bad.
Speaker 1 (18:45):
I I of course didn't rub it in on any
of the Ravens a Lions fans that I know, right,
because it was so tough, like, oh man.
Speaker 2 (18:52):
I mean there's one here I'd like to Yeah, we've.
Speaker 5 (18:56):
Been joking on the air for like five weeks now
that it's going to turn out to be the Chiefs
Eagles Super Bowl.
Speaker 2 (19:01):
It better believe it is. Better believe it.
Speaker 1 (19:04):
Three people, Let's go, Ill, let's go your thought man,
some great, great football.
Speaker 2 (19:08):
Let's stay on the show until tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (19:10):
Patrick, I know, but how exciting was it compared to
last week? Especially Rich you talked about that on Patreon today.
Compared to last week's games, man, this week's games were
next level awesome.
Speaker 2 (19:20):
We hope you enjoy it.
Speaker 1 (19:21):
For a minute, you thought like the Rams are gonna
win on a last minute drive, but you.
Speaker 2 (19:26):
Fell just short.
Speaker 1 (19:27):
And you know, McVeigh was you know, he coaches the
ass off. But you know, we'll take your feedback. We're
going to get into things that made you go, hmm,
football and the snow. Why is it just so much
more fun to watch because we played it on video games?
That's why it's just like like Jalen Hurd, even when
there was even though it was a little flurry or something,
it's like, oh, that's.
Speaker 2 (19:45):
Just visually fun to watch.
Speaker 1 (19:48):
And you know you questioned the footing, but it didn't
seem to bother Saequon Barkley. But before we go too
far down, you know, we were talking about Lamar Jackson.
I kept calling him jokingly, Samuel Lamar Jackson, Samuel L.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
Speaker 1 (20:04):
I don't know if you saw this AI thing, but
they created like who would play these guys in movies
or who they resemble like Joe?
Speaker 2 (20:12):
Whose energy do they have?
Speaker 1 (20:13):
As Macaulay Culk. Yeah, I've seen them all. Yeah, when
do you see a young Samuel L. Jackson in a
Raven's uniform? He might as well be Lamar Jackson in
a movie or something like that. Again, he's too old now,
but you could see he's the same sort of vibe,
same sort of look.
Speaker 2 (20:30):
But this AI thing. Has everybody seen this at this point?
Speaker 3 (20:33):
Speaker 2 (20:33):
It went around.
Speaker 1 (20:34):
I can't tell you how many people sent this to me.
So when thirty five different people have sent it to me,
I imagine it got around to everybody.
Speaker 2 (20:41):
They have these AI.
Speaker 1 (20:42):
Generated you know who does this NFL superstar remind you of?
And a lot of them are pretty accurate. You're like, well, yeah,
that's pretty good.
Speaker 2 (20:50):
I like that.
Speaker 1 (20:51):
So it did make me say hmmm, because I never
thought of that before. Let's go to Terry in San Diego. Terry, Hey, Terry,
what was your observation from the weekend?
Speaker 2 (20:59):
My friend?
Speaker 6 (21:00):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (21:01):
Why they put a rookie announcer on the Lions game
that Tom Brady and Kevin Burkhart. They wouldn't shut up.
I had to turn the sound off. They literally were
having a contest of who could talk more.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
I love I love Kevin Burkhart as a broadcaster, and
I don't know why people think Tom Brady's so bad.
He's not the most polished he's but like, does it
really bother you that much?
Speaker 2 (21:23):
I've never watched the game.
Speaker 1 (21:24):
It does announce the only guy I'm with you Rich,
But man, it's split down the middle.
Speaker 2 (21:30):
It really is.
Speaker 1 (21:31):
But Danny, do you ever watch a game where you're like,
I can't stand to me.
Speaker 2 (21:35):
Either, I don't know. It doesn't bother me. Not often.
Speaker 5 (21:38):
There is a time or two where they're talking too
much for me, and I'm like, okay, I get it,
Like they'll repeat some thoughts over and over, but I
don't know that particular broadcast didn't didn't bother Well.
Speaker 1 (21:50):
Here's the thing too, with Tom Brady. He's gonna get better.
We always talk about that, right, Yeah, we talked about
it on the show last week. He's incredible with his
work ethic. You know, he's driven to get better and
maybe even be the best. But when you hire a
guy like Tom Brady, he's a polarizing guy.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
Speaker 1 (22:04):
For as many people that like him, there are people
that dislike him no matter what. So you're watching him
with an already I hate this guy default setting in
your brain, so you're gonna hate him every time he
opens his mouth. That's the little caveat with a Tom
Brady in the booth sort of thing. You don't have
an opinion of him already, Not everybody loves him. It's
very reflective of politics, right, because people are passionate about
hating a team the way they are passionate about hating politicians. Right,
So let's say you're a not a fan of President Trump,
even if he does something good, you're really not gonna
give him ready, And because Tom Brady probably beat all
your teams, you already hate the guy. So I do understand,
and I do want to say this though, as far
as Kevin Burkhart, our very first TV appearance as a
show was with Kevin Burkhart on S and Why. We
had made other like talking head appearances on TV, but
promoting our show is with Kevin Burkhart, and we worked
with him twenty thirteen twenty fourteen when he was a
Mets sideline guy. So to see his career flourished the
way it has has been cool to watch. But I
will say this from my own personal experience of just
watching how he operates, I'm not sure I met anyone
who had as much bde as that guy. His strut
and the way he carried himself was just so confident
and so cool, yeah, and so likable.
Speaker 2 (23:33):
Move over, Nick Foles.
Speaker 1 (23:34):
Seriously, you know he really was that guy, So I'm
not really surprised and I think he's one of the great.
So wherever Tom Brady lacks and he will get better.
I feel like Kevin Burkhardt's making up for it no
matter what. That's just my opinion. Everybody's gonna have theirs.
Speaker 2 (23:50):
And it's also Tom Brady.
Speaker 1 (23:52):
So while he isn't as polished, he's still given perspective
from a guy that's done more than anyone else.
Speaker 2 (23:57):
In the NFL.
Speaker 1 (23:57):
Why are we counting on him to be polished his
first year and he's the analyst. Kevin Burkhart's is as
polished as you could be. You're asking the color commentator
for too much. He's not supposed to be Kevin Burkhart.
Kevin's got that on lockdown, no doubt. All Right, other observations,
I thought the interesting thought was all the teams this
past weekend that gained more yardage lost that, which was
just one of those sentiments that how do you operate
in the red zone, how do you hold onto the
ball and not turn it over? How do you, you know,
eat up the clock and keep the ball away from
the other teams. It really is a matter of there
was a point where some of these games felt like, Wow,
this team is playing just as good as the other team, but.
Speaker 2 (24:48):
The score is not showing that.
Speaker 1 (24:49):
Yes, some really great competitive games, which is right, and
it wasn't reflective of that. The stat went that the
four teams that out gained the other team all lost.
Another takeaway, I'll just say it out there to open
it up, because I'm sure someone's gonna mention it or
have more to elaborate on it. But the sentiment and
feeling and social media outcry of the chief still getting calls.
Speaker 2 (25:14):
And you know.
Speaker 1 (25:16):
The the bigger the stage gets, the more obvious and
more absurd, it seems, because so many eyes are on.
Speaker 2 (25:22):
Come on, are you serious? You've seen this montages.
Speaker 1 (25:26):
It's golf getting hit, Lamar Jackson getting hit, Stafford, every
quarterback getting hit, and then they show up smashed.
Speaker 2 (25:33):
Yeah, he got popped on.
Speaker 1 (25:34):
And you see Mahomes two really bad calls. They don't
even hit him and they get the call in fact,
the two defenders.
Speaker 2 (25:45):
Make and then the little tap on his back.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
And it's so so evident and noticeable. Again on this
big stage, it's like, of course, this is not a
good look. You know what, We're gonna take all your feedback,
Jimmy we'll get to you next and everyone else on
hold things that made you go hmmm, divisional weekend.
Speaker 2 (26:05):
But let's go to Dan Buyer for a enough day.
What's up, baby, guys.
Speaker 3 (26:08):
The big news other day is Ben Johnson will be
the new head coach of.
Speaker 2 (26:11):
The Chicago Bears. His multiple reports.
Speaker 3 (26:13):
Say he will leave the Lions after three seasons as
their offensive coordinator. In fact, the NFL Network says that
Johnson is expected to bring Dennis Allen, the former Saints
head coach, he would come over as the Bears defensive coordinator.
Speaker 1 (26:31):
Honestly, I know we're not Trump, right, that's obvious. I'm
not the president of anything. I'm the president of my
own fan club. You have your own phone, But can
you imagine can you imagine going out, remember somewhere important
and your wife or girlfriends show up and they were
in a Hamburgler outfit where you be like, ah hm,
should I put on my Ronald mcdonald' shootes. I mean,
we're not into high fashion. Maybe that's a team here break.
Like I said, there's a time and place like Halloween.
I don't know, and that's no hate. In fact, I
congratulate our forty seventh president of the United States. But
that is one of the stories today. Our outfit, Millennia
Trump's outfit.
Speaker 8 (27:07):
Every time I say, every time I leave the house,
I always look at my wife and be.
Speaker 2 (27:11):
Like, is this so okay? Right?
Speaker 1 (27:13):
I always run it by someone, especially as Hamburger's a
bit of a bold choice Hamburgers.
Speaker 2 (27:20):
Yeah, But no one on her team said.
Speaker 8 (27:22):
You know, well, they're probably going to make lots of
like jokes and means about you.
Speaker 2 (27:26):
You probably should.
Speaker 1 (27:27):
You know how the world works, you know how look
TikTok's back, right, You know people are gonna make all
these jokes about it.
Speaker 2 (27:33):
They would not be had a little bit. They would
not be looking at me. They would be looking at
my husband. So funny, that's funny. I like my hat.
I have to go to the innaguration now. Now again,
she's a beautiful woman. Of course that's not the point.
Speaker 1 (27:50):
But it did make me say, hmmm, well, I mean
this day I'll defend Donald. Your wife or girlfriend says,
how does his look? Are you ever gonna say?
Speaker 2 (27:58):
Not? Good? No, there is there, it is there. I know.
It's like a villain of a Pilgrim movie.
Speaker 5 (28:05):
It already looks like the villain from Raiders and star
It already looks like an SNL skit.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
Right, Oh you know that's gonna happen. It's coming, I
bet you though.
Speaker 1 (28:20):
If you look online and social media, people are gonna
start buying that hat. Yeah, absolutely, because every time there's
some items don't observ Are you running to the storted
by Hulk Holgan beer just because Donald said so?
Speaker 2 (28:31):
But I'll tell you.
Speaker 1 (28:32):
I'll tell you what people say political by the way, Yeah,
who cares? That's an observation, dude. Look on your social
media feed. Half the people I love in my life
are like, greatest day in the world. The other half
of the people in my life are like pray the America.
Like everyone makes crazy, everyone's crazy. That's Covino says. We're
coming a pizza party of two. I'm a taco party
of one. Record you don't want to go to my
pizza party now now you've been out of that. Thanks,
We're gonna go to your feedback the weekend of divisional playoffs,
National championship tonight. Your observation in the world of sports
and entertainment. I got two Coick entertainment ones and we'll
get back to football. If you watch Silo on Apple
TV the finale, and Kevino says, I'm not doing a
good job selling Silo.
Speaker 2 (29:15):
You gotta say Silo, Bro, Dude, I'll sell it. Ready, ready,
I'll tell you how to.
Speaker 1 (29:19):
I'll show you how to sell something to really get
my attention, dude. Lots of great games over the weekend, right,
take your pick, lots of great games.
Speaker 2 (29:28):
No game was my favorite over the weekend. Gerald's Game.
Speaker 5 (29:31):
Speaker 2 (29:32):
And I know what you're thinking, what's Cherald's game? Erld.
Speaker 1 (29:35):
Some movie I saw on Netflix that made me say what.
It didn't even make me say hmm, it made me
say what Gerald's game?
Speaker 6 (29:43):
Speaker 1 (29:43):
I tried Gerald's Game. You try to teach everyone how
to sell something, dude. Yeah, that was my point. I
watched some movie. It was supposed to be like the
Stephen King thriller that's on Netflix, so I'm like, I'll
check it out before I fall Asleep. Came out in
twenty seventeen. Never heard about it.
Speaker 2 (29:56):
Put it on. I couldn't even make it through because
it was freaking me out.
Speaker 1 (30:00):
I'm serious. OK, all right, that's how you sell I
sold Penguin.
Speaker 5 (30:04):
I sold Penguin like that for a month to you guys,
we watched finally pengoodro.
Speaker 2 (30:12):
B peg wind bro Gerald's game.
Speaker 6 (30:15):
Speaker 1 (30:15):
If to appeal to a guido a game tonight, hold on,
you're watching the game tonight. Let me sell it to
a guido in Jersey. Yeah, your National championship, Bro.
Speaker 2 (30:23):
Nah, the only game I care about. Gerald's Game. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1 (30:27):
Another observation, I would have been one of those buffoons
that lost money over the weekend. You see the Trump
meme crypto coin, it was like a god buck or
sell my friend.
Speaker 2 (30:38):
My friend hit me up.
Speaker 1 (30:38):
When it was like thirteen bucks and he's like, dude,
I just put a little money for the hell of it.
That thing went up to almost like fifty bucks, and
then by morning it was back to a dollar. So
there were people in the crypto world. They were like, yeah,
let me let me buy this coin. Disaster pumping up,
pumping dumb.
Speaker 2 (30:54):
For sure.
Speaker 1 (30:56):
We're gonna have a lot more football to talk, so
I'm gonna throw some UFC three eleven out there. More
and more of these names are getting impossible. Just look
at that card and try to try to pronunciate any
of the names that fought.
Speaker 2 (31:08):
Over the week You we should do a UFC spelling BAB.
Speaker 1 (31:10):
But UFC DEA, UFC three eleven came original get it,
and I was down enough to watch it. Get It,
Get It three eleven, UFC three eleven. But Maha Chev
was victorious over Mikano. Some good fights over the weekend.
But in other fight observations and inauguration observations, I don't
know if you saw John Jones was invited, He was there,
But you know who was rolling together today, the Paul
brothers and Connor McGregor. Now they looked like they were
buddy chummy at the inauguration, but I think they're probably
working out a deal. Yeah, there was to talk of
Jake versus Connor. No Logan Logan versus Connor. Yeah, so
I would say, hey, if they're paling around like that,
I think they're probably also talking business and negotiating for
the casual fight fans who like a spectacle, but for
the actual fight fans. I hope you enjoyed your three
to eleven over the weekend. Now, another observation I made
was just how good Jaden Daniels is. Now we know
that already, but here's what you're hearing, and it's not
what I was hearing prior to maybe this week last week,
there's not only he may have had the greatest rookie
season ever, but I think it's easy to say that
he's having the greatest rookie quarterback season ever, right or both?
Speaker 2 (32:34):
What are your thoughts on it?
Speaker 1 (32:35):
I mean, have you seen a guy as poisonous electric
as he's been playing in his rookie.
Speaker 2 (32:40):
Season unless you're CJ.
Speaker 1 (32:42):
Stroud got that attention and then you know, not that
it died down, didn't make it as far. I find
him to be so much more well his game, his game.
They played different games, right, they're both great, but his
game is so visually exciting and easy to understand.
Speaker 2 (32:58):
This dude is just right and so fun to watch.
Speaker 1 (33:02):
And I've heard people on this channel, people on TV
my buddy's greatest rookie to ever do it, And I'm like, wow,
that's that's pretty Uh. Those are some pretty big words
when you think about all the greats that have stepped in,
especially at quarterback now, but it makes me say hmmm,
and it makes me want to watch the guy. No
rookie quarterback has ever won a Super Bowl. Now, you
might say the way Ben Roethlisberger your Championship game.
Speaker 2 (33:29):
Yeah, year two.
Speaker 1 (33:30):
So when you think about second year quarterbacks that got
to the big game, Warner, Brady, Roethlisberger, Wilson, Jaden Daniels
is one game away. And I'm not saying the Eagles
didn't look good because it looks like Sakwon Barkley at
any given moment could just bust over a fifty plus
yard run. But you know what made me say hmm
about him? Made me happy for him to have found
a place where he gets to flourish.
Speaker 2 (33:59):
You saw how excited he was.
Speaker 1 (34:00):
He even said that again to be there, to get
this opportunity meant the world to him. You saw his
excitement in the end zone. But I saw Odell Beckham
Junior post about him over the weekend too. Did you
happen to see him?
Speaker 2 (34:10):
I saw that saying how you're so happy for him.
Speaker 1 (34:12):
Saying like, yeah, he was one of the nicest, coolest
dudes to ever strap him up. So when you have
your peers and your colleagues, other great players speaking that
highly of you, I think that says a lot about
who you are. We know how good he is, right,
we see that, But it seems like he's also really
dedicated and good dude all around, which makes you root
for him even more just as a player.
Speaker 2 (34:34):
You can hate the Eagles what you want.
Speaker 5 (34:36):
Do you remember when we were filling in for the
Dan Patrick Show. What was the last holiday we filled
in for him? Was it Christmas?
Speaker 2 (34:42):
Probably right around the holidays afterwards? New Years around there.
Speaker 5 (34:45):
Yeah, And you guys said pick one quarterback if your
life was on the line, to lead you down the
field for a winning touchdown. Remember who I chose? No,
but I was you guys took the big names I chose.
In my defense, I surprised you a little because I said,
even though he's a rookie, Jayden Daniels look so poised.
And that's the that's the one thing that noticeably yes,
the way he just calmly and he's.
Speaker 2 (35:09):
Having fun out there. It's like these are high pressures.
Speaker 5 (35:12):
High pressure moments. He just looks like he's playing football
in the backyard. That really stands out.
Speaker 1 (35:17):
People say that about other players, but I could really
see that with this dude. Like I said, his game
is easy to understand and it's exciting to watch. You
don't have to know a lot about football to watch
him and appreciate Wow, this dude. That dude, Yeah, that guy,
he's really good that you could see that. So Danny
g rewinder forgets to when we filled in, you made
a good call. I don't remember who I think I'm not,
you said Daniels, I said Josh Allen and Kevino said
Tommy DeVito A.
Speaker 2 (35:51):
You know, I'm pretty was always prisoner of the moment.
Speaker 6 (35:54):
I mean.
Speaker 1 (35:56):
I was big dreaming. Let's say, what's up to Jimmy
and Jimmy? What was your observation? You really fun divisional
weekend in the NFL?
Speaker 2 (36:04):
What's that on, Jimmy?
Speaker 9 (36:06):
Y know what's up at the Monos? I can't wait
for you guys to get a three hours time squad.
Y'all need that extra hour for sure.
Speaker 10 (36:14):
Man, I just got to say, I need.
Speaker 3 (36:15):
To preface it.
Speaker 9 (36:16):
I'm a Texans fan. I'm not hating on the Chiefs
at all.
Speaker 8 (36:19):
Speaker 9 (36:19):
I think that they are a great team. I'm kind
of rooting for history outside of Daniels for sure. But
my thing that made me say hmmm, because I don't
the Texans would not have won that game. They shot
themselves in the foot too many times. But those calls
were terrible. What made me say, hmmm, is why how
is it that we can have replay as this call
down and stop the play and get somebody out with
the dank has a concussion, reverse a call on if
it's an actual catch or not, things like that, But
you can't have one for you can't have them help
out to see if somebody was actually hit from the
quarterback position.
Speaker 2 (36:52):
I mean, it's going to change the NFL.
Speaker 1 (36:54):
You know they've talked about that in all the games,
saying how there's got to be a way to be
able to shame some of these calls. And listen, you
don't want to get tied up. Remember when we did
the pass interference saying and it was so subjective like
with this arm toutrument. Didn't that was I agree we
should not be having pass interference calls reviewed like we did.
It was a failed experiment. But if some guy is
accused of roughing the passer late hit something, that is
a fifteen year penalty. And a lot of times these
things coincidentally happen on like a third and long and
it goes from a turnover on downs or a punt
to yeah, now it's the drive continues and you can see.
Speaker 5 (37:32):
How it could get called incorrectly in real time because
like when the two Texans helmets hit, they heard helmets hitting,
they see Mahomes down, so the flag goes. But you're right,
a quick replay on that you would see that it
wasn't a headshot on my.
Speaker 2 (37:46):
Homes and anything.
Speaker 1 (37:47):
It makes the Chiefs more hate herble, and I feel
it takes away from their game a little bit because
they're a great team without that. They don't need that,
you know what I mean, They're already hard to beat,
and now you're just giving extra advantage to the Chiefs.
I think that's just a bad look all around. I
think you saw, I think, but that game was Buck
and Akman right, and I think every announcer on all
four broadcasts, all you know, all the A.
Speaker 2 (38:14):
Teams were out.
Speaker 1 (38:16):
I think every game there was the sentiment of, yeah,
we need to clean this up and fix the replay
process when it comes to these calls, because much like baseball,
maybe it's a separate category, like it's not a it's
not a challenge for a first down or a catch.
Maybe there's another category like not the red flag, like
a blue fleg something where you could challenge like that
wasn't a penalty or you know, you ever see a
play reviewed and they can't call the face mask because
it wasn't originally called.
Speaker 2 (38:48):
There has to be the ability to didn't that happen
over the weekend?
Speaker 6 (38:52):
Speaker 2 (38:53):
There has to be an.
Speaker 1 (38:53):
Ability to go back and see a play and be like, well,
we got it wrong. If we're correcting everything else, why
can't we correct this? And I was talking to the
guys I was watching the game with. I was hanging
with some of my daughter's friend's dads, and we're saying,
it's so subjective, right, because if Mahomes is tiptone along
the sideline trying to get one more yard, if a
guy hits him as he's about to step out, versus
a guy tackling Lamar Jackson and tackling him with a
play falls out of bounds, Like, it's so tricky for
these refs and especially here in the crowd go nuts
to not grab that flag.
Speaker 2 (39:28):
And I think it has to be reviewable.
Speaker 1 (39:30):
Comino, I agree, things that made you go hm over
the weekend, Any observation you may have made will take
one more phone call now, Yeah, say what's up to dougg.
Speaker 10 (39:40):
Hey, what's going on, guys. I don't have any whoms,
but I do want to say a couple of things.
Burrow played in the Super Bowl when he was a rookie,
lost to the Rams. That was his rookie year, right,
I don't think it will.
Speaker 2 (39:56):
Second year. Yeah, yeah, I mean impressive.
Speaker 10 (40:00):
Marino lost the Super Bowl in his second year as well. Look,
I'm also draw a comparison you guys were talking about
Lamar Jackson earlier. Draw a comparison of his career so
far of that of Dan Fouts, who was a quarterback
for the Chargers, played in a you know, two AFC championships, lost,
lost several other playoff games. And you know, I know
Lamar still has. He's got a few more years, maybe five, six,
seven years left, good years left. He so far, his
his career is drawing similarities to that of Dan Fouts.
Speaker 2 (40:30):
Yeah. I mean, listen, there's there's greats that never win
in all sports. Yeah. I hope that's not in his future.
I like Lamar jacks Right.
Speaker 1 (40:38):
Let me let me ask you this all around the room.
You're allowed to pick three quarterbacks that have never won
to win a Super Bowl?
Speaker 2 (40:46):
Who do you think deserves it? In your mind?
Speaker 1 (40:51):
Of all the thirty two starting quarterbacks in the NFL,
you can't pick someone that want already obviously, would you say,
you know, in fast forward twenty years when we're you know,
you know, about to start collecting Social Security, like it
would feel.
Speaker 2 (41:04):
Wrong if they didn't. It would feel wrong if they
did it. You had to pick up three. Yeah, I got,
it's easy, answered, I mean, but I think once you
say easy, I'm gonna name others.
Speaker 1 (41:12):
Oh, Lamar Jackson, we already established that it would feel
wrong if he went down the Marino path, like, man,
I can't believe that greatness and he never won a
Super Bowl. Lamar Jackson, You can't see Lamar Jackson went out.
Josh Allen is great, and the other and the other
dude balling back and forth and playing a completely different
game than Jackson, just so fun to watch. And Joe Burrow,
he just seems too good to not win one. These
are three AFC quarterbacks that every year they have to
not only compete with each other, but with Patrick Mahomes,
Justin Herbert, you know he's not in great favor right now.
He had a terrible postseason game. But now you're saying
Justin Herbert's not gonna win one? No, right, I mean
you heard what Kevin Washington called him, justin Sherbert? Yeah yeah,
And then Rob Parker said, I love Sherbert.
Speaker 2 (42:02):
I mean people are.
Speaker 1 (42:03):
Debating you know that he sucks. I'm not going that route.
I don't put him in that category.
Speaker 2 (42:09):
Cove, do you think your boy Baker Mayfield will ever
get to the big Game? I don't. I don't think so, man,
I would love to. What about you just name these
three quarterbacks? So you were leaving off Jaden Daniels. Huh?
Speaker 1 (42:20):
I mean you said, right now, who's more deservings? This
is his rookie season. It's crazy that we're even talking
about it.
Speaker 2 (42:28):
Is this deserving or exciting? Rich? Because we got two
youngsters in CJ. Stroud and Shaden Daniels.
Speaker 1 (42:33):
I say, the way I interpreted what you said, when
the when the record books are written, it would be
a shame to see these dudes not win one.
Speaker 2 (42:40):
That's uh. That is how I angled the question.
Speaker 1 (42:43):
But you could also take it and say, in twenty
years from now, when we're, you know, like I said,
older men, who would you be like, oh, man, they
never won one?
Speaker 2 (42:50):
Because again, you could add CJ. Stroud, Jade and Daniels.
Caleb Williams.
Speaker 1 (42:54):
I mean, he didn't have the greatest rookie campaign, but
he's been a new head coach.
Speaker 2 (42:57):
And Ben Johnson and an offensive guy like that. Who's
to say Caleb Williams doesn't.
Speaker 1 (43:02):
Yeah, but we haven't in the NFL yet, so I
would say I'm pretty I'm pretty confident in those three
names as far as being high kyliber proven dudes in
the NFL. I mean, all right, so do you think
Jared GoF Win's one? I don't you think Detroit Window's done? No,
I'm not rooting against Kauf, but those are by three?
Speaker 2 (43:20):
Who are you three?
Speaker 1 (43:22):
I think Burrow is the number one guy for me
because I listen, they missed the postseason this year. But
I feel like Joe Burrow somehow, there's just something about
him where I feel like he has that that winning
DNA or something about him. I could see Lamar and
Lamar or Josh Allen. My bet is that one of
them doesn't win, and that would be really sort of
a bummer.
Speaker 2 (43:44):
Speaker 1 (43:44):
That's why I thought it was really big of Lamar
and Jackson to say he he's rooting for Josh Allen
to win it all. He's like, go out there and
win it, win it all, man, do something.
Speaker 2 (43:52):
I'm rooting for.
Speaker 1 (43:53):
So basically, what you're saying could be not because you
know what, They're always going to be compared together, and
if Josh Allen has one and Lamar Jackson doesn't, Josh
Allen gets the best of them in that conversation. So
let me get this straight. Then, rock Party, Jalen Hurts,
Dak Prescott. These are all guys in your mind that
will never win. I mean, if I have to choose three, yeah,
that they're not. They're not replacing anybody. Ideal of the
memes that are going around today that it took It
took Jayden Daniels one year and he made it further
in the playoffs, and Dak Prescott has yeah, incredible. Hey,
you know what else made me say before we move on,
it's not even football related. Ben Johnson to the Bears.
That was cool, that's a big story today. But what
really made me say, hmm.
Speaker 2 (44:39):
Is this uap retrieval footage. Come on, man, have you
seen it? It looks like an egg? Stop tell me.
Speaker 1 (44:49):
He's like, you know the footage, bro, the former footage
US Air Force guy, right, Jacob Barbara say footage, bro enthusiastic.
People have been buzzing about, buzzing about this guy's footage
for a while now.
Speaker 2 (45:05):
He released it over the weekend.
Speaker 1 (45:07):
So apparently this guy was in some top secret Air
Force UAP uf UFO retrieval thing, right, And he's like,
I got footage. I took footage, which is a no
no in that world that I'm going to release. I
have the footage of me retrieving what they say is.
Speaker 2 (45:27):
A UA page.
Speaker 1 (45:28):
Footage is blurry than there's a brutal they have they've
released over the weekend.
Speaker 2 (45:34):
I'm watching it. This is real, It's true.
Speaker 1 (45:37):
What's it called when it's in green and black night vision,
you know night vision footage of him operating the helicopter
that's hoisting this.
Speaker 2 (45:48):
It's an egg. It's basically a.
Speaker 1 (45:49):
Morcan mindy egg that the aliens traveling through telepathy, is
what he's saying. And you could see it's a perfectly shaped,
perfect egg shaped saying UAP or orb or whatever it is,
but that is what they're saying is going on here.
They're retrieving a UAP. In that video made me say,
who made me say, wow, they were really onto something
and Mork and Mindy who's the guy that does it
late night like UFO show?
Speaker 2 (46:17):
Wow, George Nori, Yeah, you gonna fill in for him?
And Dan Patrick Cooper.
Speaker 1 (46:21):
This is a big story in the alien world for sure,
Like this is look it up and here's why I
was a big story.
Speaker 2 (46:27):
Speaker 1 (46:28):
There's so many people that are like under it's like,
be sure to drink your oval team and we're like,
that's the video an egg And then other people are like, wow, man,
that's incredible. It's like one of those one of those
really split down the middle things. But it's actually they're saying,
the footage is real. The footage is supposed to be
real what it is because it's from the US Air Force. Yeah,
this guy's incredible, source says says, I mean, says the guy, right,
I mean.
Speaker 2 (46:57):
His resume, give me twenty minutes and a word, doc,
and I give you says the egg encountered the US
Navy fighter planes. Right, So hey, think of it what
you will believe.
Speaker 1 (47:09):
It probably not probably a giant rock. But I'm telling
you what happened over the weekend that you may have
missed and made me say you know, can you.
Speaker 2 (47:16):
Not tell me about he goes.
Speaker 8 (47:17):
I hope it probe spot first, you know, and you
know what, I'll gladly accept it if I'm wrong.
Speaker 6 (47:22):
You know.
Speaker 1 (47:23):
Back back to Ben Johnson for one second. Sure, I
don't want to get off of your alien topic, but
just one thought. Oh, just hear me one second. When
you're coming off a devastating loss, a blow to the
team in the city like the Lions did, Yeah, it
was tough, man. Do you think Ben Johnson when you're
finally granted the privilege and honor to coach a team
in the NFL, do you think he's got a short memory?
Or you think he's a ball of emotion. Did you
ever see someone like, yeah, they lose a family member,
but then you know something big happens next day, or
you get dumped, but then you get the job promotion
you want, Like, do you think Ben Johnson's a ball
of emotions right now?
Speaker 2 (48:03):
Or you think he was able to be like Lions
that's in the past. I'm now a head coach.
Speaker 5 (48:08):
He has so many friends in the organization and it
was such a journey that you'd have to think he
has some sort of a hangover today.
Speaker 2 (48:15):
But I'm saying, like, a what a mix of emotions?
Speaker 1 (48:17):
Have you ever you know, have you ever dealt with
that at they like tragedy and happiness all at the
same time.
Speaker 2 (48:23):
Like, that's a really point.
Speaker 1 (48:26):
Didn't we know someone that they like lost their parent
but then they had a kid, like in the same week,
and it's like, that's like I feel like, you know
what I'm saying, like that you're dealing with a lot
of highs and lows. That's real life and death. But
I'm saying, you don't think Ben Johnson's like, oh my god,
our fifteen to two dream season is over. Ah well,
now I'm the coach of the you know, head coach
of the Bears. Let's go Like that's gotta be Yeah.
I think it's a really cool point. I wonder how
he feels a little of both. How could he feel
anything else? Every every other member of that Lions organization
is he might be the only guy that's like, yeah,
that's great, guys, I'm a head coach now and I
got cal Williams not. I think he feels bummed, But
I also think he feels excited about the future.
Speaker 2 (49:15):
Last one standing. Come on, let's go.
Speaker 6 (49:18):
You have five seconds to battle for your sports trivia
love man. Put your electronic devices down and pick your
sports knowledge CNRS.
Speaker 2 (49:34):
Last one standing, Last one standing.
Speaker 5 (49:38):
Oh yeah, I have four categories ready to go if
needed a tiebreaker. Each contestant will get five seconds to
stay alive in the round. If you run out of
time or answer incorrectly, Iowa Sam will take you out
with this famous buzzer. We keep battling until you are
the last one standing. If you win two of the rounds,
you are the top dog. Here are the contestants. Three
time winner Steve Covino, she'd be like four or five
for the first time winner. You're the weakest to.
Speaker 2 (50:05):
The riding seven time winner Rich Davis. I'm like Tom
Brady bro seven times.
Speaker 5 (50:10):
If one of you can't win today, we got a problem.
Dan Byer is gonna go cover the national title game
while we go to the studio lines to see who
you two are gonna battle?
Speaker 2 (50:19):
Have you seeing that this is like winning the AFC?
I Mahomes says, I'm not gonna play. Will win all right?
Brian in Virginia?
Speaker 5 (50:26):
What up?
Speaker 2 (50:27):
B what's up? Y'all ready to do this? Brian? Quickly?
Speaker 6 (50:30):
What do you do?
Speaker 2 (50:31):
For a living there in Virginia.
Speaker 10 (50:33):
That thing is janitorial company.
Speaker 2 (50:34):
Okay, cool? All right. By the way, Spot is the
fact checker during this game.
Speaker 1 (50:38):
Every time you ask people what they do, I feel
like you're about to do like comedian crowd work.
Speaker 5 (50:42):
No, just so we could like be personable for a second.
All right, Spot's a fact checker. He's got all the
pressure on him.
Speaker 2 (50:48):
Early I do.
Speaker 5 (50:49):
When I say your name, the clock is going to begin.
Here's the first category destination situation. You have five seconds
to name a city in the top twelve for hosting
the most super Bowls ever?
Speaker 2 (51:02):
Got it?
Speaker 5 (51:03):
Top twelve cities for hosting multiple Super Bowls cities Coveno.
Speaker 2 (51:09):
You are up first.
Speaker 8 (51:10):
Go Miami, Miami number one with a letter good job,
Rich Phoenix, Phoenix have four total? Four right, Bryan, Tampa
see Tampa, Tampa, Yes, Tampa number four with five.
Speaker 2 (51:31):
Nice on a roll. Here, co Pittsburgh, Pitts. What cities
that hosted supers Pittsburgh. I was thinking when we were
in Pitts, we watched Pittsburgh.
Speaker 11 (51:48):
We're in Miami.
Speaker 2 (51:49):
Watch not easy under bright lights? Rich Houston, Houston, Yes,
have three? Ryan, Philly, Philadelphia, No. Rich Detroit was probably
on that list.
Speaker 1 (52:05):
Well you Detroit, I was thinking, honestly, what I was
thinking we were in Where are we in Tampa? No,
when we watched the Steelers.
Speaker 8 (52:13):
Maybe you missed the two of the biggest ones, one
in which we're heading to in a few short weeks,
New Orleans.
Speaker 2 (52:21):
I would have me and Dan Byer.
Speaker 8 (52:22):
Would have went ahead that dalle A, Dallas, Dallas, not
on the Atlanta, San Francisco and Minneoan.
Speaker 5 (52:30):
San Francisco Bay area. Yeah, yeah, all right. Second category
Basketball Royalty. You have five seconds to name an NBA
player who had their jersey retired by multiple teams. Fourteen
answers on the board in one player whose numbers retired
league wide? All right, once again, NBA player who had
their jersey retired by multiple teams. Brian, you're gonna be
up first as soon as the clock goes now. Yes,
and let's see.
Speaker 2 (53:00):
Rich mm hmm. By'm multiple teams.
Speaker 11 (53:05):
Three two one lebron in the future. Are you serious,
Colvin Shack on that one?
Speaker 2 (53:16):
Yes, back to Brian in the future.
Speaker 8 (53:21):
Uh yeahs Bill Russell, Bill Russell, they are league wise
wide champ there.
Speaker 2 (53:30):
Back to Brian, Uh yeah, uh Magic GT three. You know,
I mean, I think Brian's there. What's the league wide answer?
I said, Bill Russell. Colvino is the winner of that round.
But how do you guys not get Michael Jordan.
Speaker 1 (53:52):
In there was what was his retired by the Wizards? Yes,
atrement of all time?
Speaker 8 (53:58):
So counts bargaining track Claire to Keviy Matombo, doctor j
there's Poldless, there's still Honestly, we could do that again
next week because.
Speaker 1 (54:08):
Like Apple, this should be But I got both one
number one answers. I should have win Sony the Gay awesome.
All right, Rich and Covino both on the board. As
we moved around three. The category is where.
Speaker 2 (54:19):
The stars multiply stars.
Speaker 5 (54:21):
You have five seconds to name a team who's on
the top twelve list for NFL teams that have produced
the most Pro Bowlers in history. All right, Covino, you're
gonna be up first.
Speaker 2 (54:31):
Now go most Pro bowlers in history. Forty nine ers
got to be there. Forty nine ers are on the list.
Number three with three forty three, Yes, sir, Rich.
Speaker 1 (54:40):
The Dallas Cowible, the Dallas Cowboys, number two with three
fifty six.
Speaker 8 (54:44):
Bryan the Rams, the Rams number five with three thirty
four back to Covino.
Speaker 2 (54:50):
The Eagles, the Eagles number eight with three or nine?
Speaker 8 (54:54):
Rich, the New England Patriot, the Patriots not on the list,
Oh love the top twelve?
Speaker 2 (55:02):
Okay, yeah, Brian, sorry Rich?
Speaker 8 (55:05):
The Steelers Steelers number one.
Speaker 5 (55:07):
Yeah, that was like that saving that don't save stop
saving Coveno.
Speaker 8 (55:16):
Three, Packers Packers number seven, good role three eleven. Yep, Brian,
you're so down the brown Browns.
Speaker 2 (55:24):
I don't know, so I did it. Who do you
think you are?
Speaker 1 (55:33):
Okay, speaking of Boers, shout out to my favorite Dick Ueber.
Speaker 2 (55:37):
Everybody. Okay, Covino is the last one standing. That's right.
I did it, and it's just his fourth win in
his game. But maybe that's why he's so excited. That
was worth it.
Speaker 1 (55:49):
What do you.
Speaker 2 (55:51):
Don't say the Chiefs with the Chiefs? The Chiefs are
the said there were sixth with three hundred and thirty
two Cowboys, Commanders, Vikings, Giants, Raiders.
Speaker 1 (56:00):
Yeah you know, I uh, I had no excuses, but
I thought I wasn't gonna say the Patriots, and then
I said they won so many Super Bowls?
Speaker 2 (56:09):
What rum boat?
Speaker 1 (56:09):
I beat you in your condescending big head did you
hear what he said. Don't think I didnt hear what
he said. Me and Dan Bayer would have went on
that one.
Speaker 5 (56:17):
And why don't you do that in your spare time.
Brian and Virginia, we appreciate you playing the game with us.
Speaker 2 (56:21):
Thanks Brian, Thank you, Brian, Thank you, Brian, Thanks, thank you. Brian.
Is Brian in the front row? Brian? What do you
do for work? I'm jitorial? So you married? You guys together?
What's going on?
Speaker 1 (56:37):
All right?
Speaker 2 (56:38):
Well, this is my friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you. Everybody appreciate it.
Speaker 1 (56:45):