Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cabino and
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Can I start the show with a typical stupid Rich
Davis hypothetical? You could just say Rich Davis hypothetical today.
That's redundant. That's like ATM machine. Is it like chicken
pop pies? What do we talk about today? Talking about liquids,
nolip mac and cheese because I'm on a liquid only
die today because I have a colon oscar by tomorrow.
That's great. You don't have anything else you want to
share with us bother me. Yeah, that's not the hypothetical.
That's tonight, Sam, that's tonight. That's all night tonight. My
question is this, I saw two headlines in the world
of sports, So can we play a quick round of
what's Yes, I'm gonna give it two scenarios and you
tell me. Because you're a dad, you got a fifteen
year old daughter. I'm sorry a fifteen year old cheer
champion daughter fifteen year old pain in the as Danny
g you got sons, You got a baby, got step
sons that are grown. Damn Buyer's a dad. I wish
Sam one day. I feel like you're gonna be a
hell of a dad. Spotty women call you daddy. It's true.
That's your daddy.
Speaker 2 (01:24):
So he's the daddy.
Speaker 1 (01:26):
But he's not like a sugar daddy. He's like a
Stevia daddy. He sort of gives low budget treatment. Stevia daddy.
It's a good one. He's like, I'm not gonna buy
you a Louis Vuittam, but I got a sweet coach
bag for you. Oh. He's like, you want to go
to a cheesecake factory. Yeah, He's like, I'll make your
wildest dreams come true. You want a vacation to the Poconos.
Sweet low daddy, Sweet low Daddy over there? So good fellow,
Yeah yeah, I'll take you a target by a pair
of socks. Oh yeah, yeah, So I got some good
fellow sweats at your name on him. All right, I'll
hook you up. Here's the I guess it's sort of
a parental question, but not really, what's worse Tyson Fury?
Oh brought his seven kids for a day at Disney.
So picture bringing seven children to Disney, okay, and how
that day unfaults? So what's worse? Bringing seven children to Disney?
A lah Tyson Fury? And you can only imagine he's
getting stopped, people are talking to him. He's trying to
accommodate all seven of his kids. Or if your jose
Canseco and you see Johnny Manziel grabbing all types of
parts of your daughter's body on Instagram saying they're partying
and Aspen, ooh, Aspen, what's worse? And the headline was
Aspen because Johnny Manziel's grabbing Josie Conseco's ash cheeks. So
is is it worse to be jose Canseco where you
have to just watch as Johnny Manziel violate your daughter,
Or if you're Tyson Fury bringing seven children to Disney.
I actually like the Fury Store. You know why. There's
only want to Tyson Fury. But there's seven little nose
pickers in his family, right, So he takes his family
to Disney for a day. Remember he just announced his retirement.
Maybe this opens his eyes up a little more of
he doesn't want to spend all this quality time with
his family. He's gonna be so frustrated after dealing with
them just for a day at Disney that he's out
of retirement, back in camp and he's fighting again. So
I actually like that one one day of aggravation for
Tyson Fury versus potentially a lifetime of Johnny Football all over.
Your daughter. Jose Canseeko sort of deserves it. He's kind
of a jerky guy, as we know. That's definitely worse though,
I told you my daughter's fifteen. As you mentioned. The
other day, I picked her up from school and she
came walking out of the school with her new boyfriend,
and it's some track kid and he has the broccoli
hair and the broccoli head alpaca haircut crocs. He's like, hey,
it was mister Cavino, And I was like, oh, this
guy right, it was up fella. I gave him the
peace sign, and then I saw for the first time
my daughter give him like the hug goodbye, and it
made my stomach drop a little bit. And I pretend
to not notice it, but I gave him the side
I like, oh, and I didn't let her know that
it bothered me or I noticed it because she's fifteen.
I get it. She hugged the kid whatever, but she
kissed five minute. Got Yeah. When I saw it, though,
I'm like, man, that's a little bold right in front
of me, like that, right, I was ready.
Speaker 3 (04:26):
When Marty McFly is sitting on the bench, Yeah, and
Jennifer's dad pulls up in the station wagon.
Speaker 1 (04:32):
Jennifer, I don't care how cool you are or how
much you understand, that still stings. And when it's Johnny
Football and all over social media and you're a public figure,
it's got to be more annoying. That's it's worse for me.
That's why I bring it up because listen, he seems
to have changed his act and you've seen the documentary,
but Johnny Football is known as one of the biggest
douches of the last twenty years. I do like how
he's grown. I gotta be that clear. But it's never fun.
So him hanging over your daughter, grabbing your kid's booty
on social media, or typhon fury fresh out of you know,
being one of the most elite boxes of the last
decade or so, and you're entertaining seven children at Disney.
How old's his daughter? Now? I mean, I know she's grown,
but I'm just wondering, right, because there's a part of
you that still sees your kid as they're your kid.
She's twenty eight, She's she's not that young, you know.
So I guess you get used to it as time
goes on. But there's a level of respect. Man. I
would never do that to my girlfriend's dad and put
him in that awkward situation. He listens to Fox Sports
all the time out there in Idaho ninety nine to nine.
You think I'd be posting pictures like that. That's disheartening,
It's disrespectful.
Speaker 3 (05:49):
Could be karma too, though, Yeah, because if you know
anything about Conseco, if you've had a girlfriend in southern
California that he's come up to and try to mac
on her back in the day, now, then you know
Conseko's mo o.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Is he used to.
Speaker 3 (06:03):
Kind of be on the line of dirt bag or
good guy? You aren't sure?
Speaker 1 (06:08):
It almost makes sense. It's sort of like when Charlie
Sheen's daughter was on Only Fans. It's like, well, isn't
that sort of Yeah? But you know it's never easy,
so I think the answer is very clear. What's worse
spending a fun magical day with seven of your kids
in Disney World or Disneyland. That's what Tyson Fury did.
I get it. It's aggravating, you know, it's a lot
of waiting around. Well, not that he doesn't get vips',
but they're at the Bibitty Bobby boutique. It's not like
you could breeze right through that, right, So it's just
a lot. I get it. That's stressful, but it's not
as stressful as seeing your baby, even though they're grown,
being groped on social media for the world to see.
Speaker 3 (06:45):
That's a big ass family too, where they're all wearing
matching yellow T shirts.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Well, and I want it when I pose this dumb
hypothetical and we'll move on now anyway. But I'm not
putting it in terms of well, it's Tyson Fury, so
they probably get escorted to the front of every line.
Take that away. I'm asking you, as you knows, as
a man, as a possible dad, what would get you
more seeing your daughter be groped by a guy that's
known to be a douche that or a day at
Disney Now picture if you're not a celebrity there. I
love seven kids, No, but the lines did everything about
a day at Disney with seven kids. It's not really vacation.
Your kids have fun. But you know when parents go
to a theme park when you need a vacation. Yeah,
but you know you're doing the right thing in that moment,
as stressful and as aggravating as it may be and
as thankless as it may feel, right because that's the
day when the kids decide to give you an attitude
and you're there at Disneyland trying to make their dreams
come true. You know, in your heart of hearts you're
providing memories and you're doing your job as a parent.
So there's some satisfaction there, even though it's stressful. There's
no satisfaction in seeing your kid growing up to be
groped publicly. And when you're when you're Hosi can sakon,
you've created a lot of enemies. All you did is
just give ammunition to all those people to throw at
you later on. So that's just by far the worse.
And again, in the same breath, we all have to
be understanding that our kids grow up and they make
their own choices and their own people. But that's still
way worse than you know, spending an aggravating day of Disneyland.
There were just two sports headlines I saw. I didn't
think either were worthy of like any real conversation other
than yeah, like these both seem like sort of annoying scenarios.
What's worse? You'd be the judge at Kobeinonrich And now
we move on to championship weekend in the National Football League.
I know you got multiple layers to the chiefs and
the questions we have, but if it's cool, I want
to start with the sentiment of do you like being
the Hollywood Hogan, the heel, the devil, or do you
like when everyone's behind you? Because as predicted I said, anything,
you know you're gonna see that meme where it's like
who the country is rooting for and it's all Buffalo
all bills, And then they show a little dot in
Kansas City where they chiefs and saying with the commanders
that little dot, I gotta say it for the sake
of conversation, to be fair and to explore all angles,
as we like to do on the show, All angles
here You're right. Who's rooting for the Chiefs Mostly Chiefs
fans and that's about it. The rest of the works, yes,
Swifties and that's a lot, but also people who want
to see history. There's a small little nugget, a small
portion of people that actually do want to see history
be made, and that would be to three peat four mahomes.
I'm not hating on that, to be honest. Do I
want to see it. I'm not saying that's why I'm
tuning in, but I wouldn't be mad if I witnessed it.
And there's a lot of people that do feel like,
hey man, I want to see them win three in
a row. That's something that's never been done. I'm rooting
for greatness, I'm rooting for history. So we do have
to acknowledge that little nugget of people out there. I
just don't feel like I want to give this Chiefs
team credit, perhaps because my forty nine Ers were two
times Super Bowl victims to the Kansas City Chiefs, So
I'm probably the wrong guy to ask. Yeah, but when
I look at the history books and I see the
Steel Curtain and some of those great Steelers teams who
repeated twice in the seventies leaning into nineteen eighty, could
never get three in a row. Joe Montana and Bill
Walsh in their pride, when you're doing stuff that Brady
couldn't do, you're just paving your own way into the
history books. When I respect that so much, When Pete
that's doesn't see that, find their own little path. That's
what I was just in the middle of saying when
I saw as a kid Joe Montana unable to accomplish
the three peat before I was born, hearing stories of
the Steel curtaincy and highlights of those great Steelers teams
couldn't get it done, the Green Bay Packers when the
Super Bowl started, they couldn't get three in a row.
Three in a row always seemed impossible. Tom Brady and
Belichick in their prime years of their six and there's
so much relying on it rich because it's like, hey,
to ever try to do this again, we got to
win two more in a row. This is the extra
added pressure they have on themselves to make it happen.
Like if we're gonna be in the history books, we
have to win now. I'm not gonna win two more
in a row and go forward again. It's now or
never when it comes to this. And it also takes
that pressure off of him of trying to surpass Brady
or match Brady as far as Super Bowl, because now
he has an accolade that no one else has there.
It is, so there's so much riding on this accomplishment,
you know. So the fact that he could do something
that no one's ever done before, there's a lot to
be said about that, and I think there's a lot
of people that respect it. They do, but I feel
like I'm in the majority here where you could say
it's jealousy because there is a little bit of that
where I don't want to see these guys do something
my team or someone else couldn't deal. You want to
see it be stopped. I get it, It's like we
get it. Then it's a boring storyline for a lot
of people, Like all right, the Chiefs one. I feel
like we exhausted the Tailor Swift storyline. Last year, we
exhausted the Kansas City got their first ever one. Back
in twenty twenty, we exhausted the oh mahomes got two.
Oh then he got three now three in a row,
making four total four total you're putting him now in
the category of Montana Bradshaw four is insane y, it's
elite territory. We've exhausted the refs, yes, so know what
else you've exhausted too. It's the feeling of we speculated
as fans, as radio hosts for another season, only to
figure out and find out that the Chiefs won again.
All this speculation, all this man, you think the Bills
are gonna do it. Man, the Ravens are the team. Man,
those commanders due Jaydeen Daniels, all that wasted breath, all
that hot all this Sam Dartletuck, the Lions find out
they win again. It's disheartening a little bit. I get it.
Speaker 4 (12:54):
It's what I think Rich and I both agree. We
like those moments that change history and what we hate
repeat matchups. Yeah, I got so much because this is
just Yeah, it feels like it's a waste.
Speaker 1 (13:06):
Now the matchup I'd be okay with because it's so
long ago. Bill's Washington if you remember, that was the
Super Bowl in the early nineties when we were kids,
and it's so far removed. We're thirty plus years from that.
So I'm out looking at the Bill's logo and the
commander's logo and saying been there, but if I see Eagles, Chiefs,
you're right. There's a sense of like, so we just
spent the last months of our lives having all these fun, silly,
great conversations about football to just end up here like
how obvious, how weak, unless, of course that's who you're
rooting for or what you're rooting for. So basically, again,
now that we speculate, we get to your phone calls
on being the villain, because that's kind of who the
Chiefs are becoming. You know what, it's not your team,
and do you watch it? Do you lean into that
or not? You know, when you're watching a game and
it's not your team, it's very rare that you get emotional,
caught up excited about someone else's team winning. And I
feel that I would have a little of those emotions
if Buffalo won. If Buffalo beat Kansas City and goes
on to win the Super Bowl and you see those
Bill's Mafia fans being all happy and Josh Allen hoisting
the Lombardi Trophy, I feel like that's a moment. Where
As not a fan of that team, I'd be like,
you know, good for Josh Allen. If Mahomes wins, you're
gonna be like, Oh, you're gonna go pour yourself another
drink and be like, we're watching the post game? What
do we do? And again, you're coming from a Jada
perspective of being a forty nine Ers fan, because when
you think about it, it doesn't make that much sense what
you're rooting for. You're rooting for a different team to
win it as opposed to history. What has more of
an impact when all is said and done, the historical moment.
Don't we talk about Jordan winning three? We don't talk
about anything else really other than that that's really the story, right.
We were too young, and I mean not that young,
I mean in the nineties and I was in junior
high in high school. I don't remember the national sentiment
because we were kids and we weren't thinking this way.
Were there a lot of people rooting for Jordan to
be shut down? Or was he the anomaly that people
just loved him so much that, Like I wonder if
we were doing the show now back then, I.
Speaker 3 (15:19):
Don't think when we were bored of John would we
people in New York were rooting for him to be
shut down.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
But other than than hatred from the Knicks fans, like,
was the national sentiment like come on, Utah Jazz, you
got this one? Like, I don't feel like it was. No,
it wasn't. Come on trail boyzers Clyde, come on, I
don't feel like. I also think it depends on how
old you were, too, because if you were a kid,
you just loved Jordan no matter what. But if you
were an adult and you were a Knicks fan, like
you said, yeah, you're like, screw them in they're three pete.
But my point is the history is way more impactful
than now the Bills winning it or something like that, right, except.
Speaker 3 (15:55):
For their super Bowl history, they have history on the
line too because of the for super Bus.
Speaker 1 (16:01):
Of course, again that's the heartwarming story. That's almost the
question in itself. Do you want to see a team
like the Bills finally get over that hump? And I
want to see him saying to all the Scott nor
what you're there listening man? To me, that would be
the bill we wanted for you guys. I would be
happy for them. Is that better than three in a row? Yeah?
To me, that would be the better NFL history to
come out of this. So I wish. I wish younger
players acknowledged some of those sadder moments from the previous generations.
I really do so. Question one of our dive into
the Chiefs in the NFL question number one. As a fan,
do you like when everyone's behind you? Or do you
like when your team and you appear to be, like
I said, the villain, the heel, the Hollywood hogan, the
devil as the quotos darling or devil he or I
can answer that the first question as a fan because
I'm a Yankees fan and I lived all through the
nineties and early two thousands being hated and I loved
every second of it. And it was that feeling of
you hate me because you ain't me sort of vibe.
As a fan, you got that extra strut and confidence,
and I didn't mind people hating on me. What you
hate on us, because we're awesome. That's great. That's a
great feeling to have. Yeah, I'm the man, you're a loser.
That's kind of how you feel about it. I think
playing the role of heel is sort of fun. Think
back to the old school wrestling days. I used to
like mister Perfect and ravishing Rick Rude, and you know
when Macho Man was a bad guy, Like there's something
that's fun about rooting for the villain, like when everyone
was against you Yankees. There Danny g is a Lakers fan.
I'm sure there were plenty of times where people like,
oh the Lakers again, and you're like you wait us,
you know, I don't know. So the alternative is, I know,
I know they're out now. But before the Lions got eliminated,
do you think they liked did a Lions fan like
the sentiment that, well, if my team doesn't win, I
really want the Lions to pull it out. Do you
want that sympathy backing or no? I think the fans
don't mind playing the villain here, But I wonder how
the players feel about it. I wonder how Mahomes feels
about being the most likable guy in the NFL to
people now rooting against them. Does that just give him
extra fuel to the fire. And speaking of Mahomes, we're
going to discuss this next and we'll take your phone
calls on this eight seven, seven ninety nine. L Fox,
are you slowly losing a little bit of respect for
Patrick Mahomes? Look the guy's great. He's got a great smile.
It's great for football. But now that we're sort of
absorbing everything that happens past weekend and I don't know
this past season. Is he smart for playing within the
confines of the rules of the NFL? Or do you
think that he's taking advantage of it? We'll explain all
coming up next right here. The Chiefs history or breaking
up of the history. Yeah, I think most As I said,
the little meme goes. It's on my Instagram now if
you want to see it at rich Davis. It's the
map of the US, like who are we rooting for?
And it's all Buffalo Bills except for what little dot
of Like Chiefs. It's a part of me that's rooting
for history. I like the nice story, but guess what,
life isn't always nice and sweet and history is good. Dude,
do you talk about the rockets repeating? No, you talk
about the bulls three peating like that puts him in
a different category. And you're gonna look back and you're
gonna say, man, that was insane in the moment. I
get it's a little hate herble, darling or devil or
you could say, yeah, but now that the narrative has
been man Mahomes is a flopper and look at all
these calls they're getting. That makes you root against them
even more. Well, I'm gonna talk about that too. It's
a double doozy of Chiefs fandom. You bring up, you know,
do you root for greatness or not? And the three
peet we saw the Yankees doing in baseball never been
done in the NFL. During the breakout, was telling Cavino,
if you're a kid of the eighties and nineties, the
NBA was just all it was was teams trying to
go for a threepeat until Jordan was able to do it.
If you want to you know, if you look at
the teams that repeat and you're like, oh, that's sweet. No,
but not to be in nerd. Go back to the
eighties and if you want to play the game, it's Lakers, Celtics, Lakers, Lakers.
They were trying for a threepeat. Who caught them? The Bulls,
then the Bulls three petd Rocket I'm sorry, Pistons, Pistons, Bulls, Bulls, Bulls, Rockets, Rockets, Bulls, Bulls, Bulls.
Then the one Spurs championship, and then Lakers Lakers, Lakers.
So you've seen it in the NBA. So you got
to ask yourself, were you always rooting for those teams
to keep winning? Well, unless it's your team, you were like,
I don't know. There is a part of me that's
rooting for greatness, because again that's historic. Covino and Rich
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At least tune in and check us out. But let's
get to the phone calls. Let's get involved. Part two
of the questions, So again part one, being the villain,
darling of the devil, what do you prefer? What do
you prefer? Part two? Are you're slowly losing respect? Or
maybe that's too harsh for a word. Maybe you're getting
mad at my homes? Maybe you're starting to dislike him
a little bit, or do you say as big Mike said,
you know, Michael runs his place. Who Mike, he looks
like Rick from Pond Stars, looks like an older stone
called Steve. Oh yeah, you know, Mike, you see him.
He has to go tee. He's got a scruff now
kind of. He was saying that, Hey, as long as
these are the rules, he's smart for leaning into them. Yeh, dude,
I'm a big fan of when people take advantage of
the system in place. I'm not saying you're not taking
advantage of someone if that's the rule. If Mahomes knows
because Rich subscribes, and he really is, he's preaching it.
He subscribes to the work smarter, not harder mentality. Yeah,
put your head down and work hard like cheap, you know,
because it reeks of cheap. It does, And you're not
fooling anybody. You're not. You think you're fooling me, you're not.
That's like saying cheap. But you know what it's like,
It's like someone's saying, because he's better than that, bro,
just like you're better than that when you cut corners.
I think it's cheap I think it's weak. It's working smarter.
It's like when someone says, uh oh wait, it's easier cheaper,
I'm not gonna who maybe I won't take that tax break.
You're always looking for the legal shortcut. And Ramon and
Bill Belichick figured away to really drain the clock, and
they eventually had to change like a rule, working for
loopholes instead of looking to be better. And I think
Mahomes is better than that. I think the Chiefs are
better than that. Well, he's better than flopping though, that's
what I'm saying. That's part of it exactly all right. Now,
before we get to all the phone calls again, double
doozy of chief cheafness, let's hear what Troy Aikman had
to say about it, because even the commentators, even Troy Aikman,
is like, I've had enough of us. Take a listen.
Speaker 5 (23:06):
He's trying to draw the penalty. You see that, rather
than just run out of bounds, he slows down. That's
been the frustration, and I get it. I understand it.
That's been the frustration for these defensive players around the league.
Speaker 1 (23:18):
But Patrick Mahomes knows that if I tiptoe along the sideline.
I could get psich, I could get an antsy aggressive
defensive back to hit me just as I'm going out
of bounds if I flop over fifteen yards or hit
each other like like a Popeye cartoon. To me right,
they're crashing into each other. I was playing games out there.
I think this is this is clever. I remind me
of or he's better than that. Rich Let me go
back to he doesn't need these calls.
Speaker 3 (23:49):
They don't need these Nobody ever described a Lebron flop
as clever.
Speaker 1 (23:54):
Yeah, now you're entering this this extra critical territory of like,
come on, come on. But you could say in the
same breath like I said, smarter for playing into the rules.
Aren't you trying to not do anything illegal? Or aren't
you trying to play with the game clock? Aren't you
trying to win a game within the rules that are
set before you. I remember when they first incorporated the
pitch clock into baseball in a spring training game. This
wasn't during your regular game, but Max Schurzer was on
the Mets at the time. Have you ever seen this
clip where he's on the mound and the batter had
already used their time out, they're one opportunity to step
out of the box. So then the batter gets in
the box. Scherzer immediately comes to the stretch. There's like
twenty seconds left on the pitchclock. He waits, knowing that
the batter can't step out of the box again. So
he has this batter awkwardly just standing there like clearly
knees getting tired. And so he's using the rules to
your advance, and you know what he does. He delivers
a strike and the guy it was just off because
you are finding ways to win with the rules given. Okay,
So your thoughts on all this as we explore and
break it down together and figure it out together. Eight
seven seven ninety nine out Fox, Where do you want
to start? Question? Do you max out your four O
one K? Do I max out my four O one K?
I do? Yes? Do you have an accountant that legally
finds all the write offs that Steve Cavino could use?
I do?
Speaker 6 (25:28):
Speaker 1 (25:28):
Do you do you pay things you don't have to pay?
Like yeah, like child support and stuff like that. But
I'm just saying we all try to find the ways
to win, and I think Mahomes is just smart.
Speaker 3 (25:44):
Of there's not millions of people charing against Coveno and
his taxes though.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
Yeah, okay, let's go to Andy and Rhode. I well,
let's start with him. You're on with seeing on what's
up buddy? Hey, Oh what's up?
Speaker 3 (25:55):
Speaker 7 (25:56):
Let Mahols know I'm here.
Speaker 1 (25:58):
I'm here.
Speaker 7 (26:00):
So I've been on.
Speaker 6 (26:01):
Both sides because being a lifelong Rulers fan and Lakers fan,
seeing them both you know, create their own history and
field the fatigue that comes around it after the team
is so successful, to so long, to bat looters loses.
But nonetheless, you know it's I'm rooted for the Bills
and I'm hoping that, you know, they can come out
on top. And to look at Mahomes on the others,
on the other hand, I feel like, you know, he's
kind of, you know, bending the rules. You know, he's
not breaking them, but it is unfortunate because that forces
defenders to have to play a different way, and honestly,
that takes away from what a defenders should be able
to do, because it's just not fair for them to
have to pull up and not hit Mahomes when he's
clearly playing playing the games with him.
Speaker 1 (26:45):
I think the NFL will make an adjustment because of this.
E Rock and Jersey. What's up man?
Speaker 8 (26:52):
Yeh's it going? Guys?
Speaker 1 (26:53):
What's up?
Speaker 5 (26:53):
Speaker 1 (26:53):
By the way home on and Rich saying that you're
also saying that they're going to have to make an
adjustment because it does seem right. Yeah, that's what a
lot of times rules are made. Someone finds a cool loop.
It's so awesome that Mahomes is doing something that doesn't
seem right. He's playing smart. No, he's playing cheap. Is
better than that? He rock? Hold on, hold on, We're
gonna go to Dan Buyer's update. You rock, you gotta
get you lust your kiss.
Speaker 4 (27:26):
I heard Trump in the background, did you guys as well?
Speaker 2 (27:29):
Speaker 1 (27:29):
Pumping some Trump here on this Tuesday.
Speaker 4 (27:33):
This news just in from the NFL Josh McDaniels interviewed
for the Patriots offensive coordinator position. Diana Rossini of the
Athletic NFL Network also reporting.
Speaker 1 (27:42):
That McDaniels is going to get the job job.
Speaker 4 (27:45):
So his third stint is the Patriots offensive coordinator, but
first under new head coach Mike Rabel. Vikings and head
coach Kevin O'Connell have agreed the terms on a contract extension.
Speaker 1 (27:58):
And if you want to see our brotos up close?
What are you right here, Danny Brotos there you? If
he sure to check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel.
We do our weekly video podcast over promised and a
bunch of clips constantly being put up there by Spotty
Elijah and the whole video team. So thank you, guys.
And you know, I know Danny's joking here, but Rich
does get brotox. Before he got it done, he had
actual Russell Crow's feet, Russell and Sheryl Crow's feet right
around his eyes. But look how great he looks right now. Listen,
I've never got botox. Sure you have, And I can't
say I never will. I mean, I'm in my forties.
Maybe when I'm an old guy, maybe I'll be like,
maybe I'll try to look like Simon Callell one day.
But I think if you do any of that as
a dude under fifty. So let's wrap up the phone
calls about Mahomes and the Chiefs and the villainous ways.
I thought about it more. Yeah, Mahomes is a hero.
He's a hero. Let me tell you what I mean.
He went likable to man. Come on, I'll tell you
why we're talking about whether or not him trying to
draw an unnecessary roughness or a roughing the passer. Is
that a little cheap? Troy Acman got in on it
this past weekend. Take a listen, he's trying to draw
the penalty. You see that rather than just run out
of bounds, he slows down. That's been the frustration, and
I get it. I understand it.
Speaker 5 (29:23):
That's been the frustration for these defensive players around the league.
Speaker 1 (29:26):
And they had some moans and groans about that call
where the defense colided against each other. He didn't even
touch Mahomes. Now, if you're Patrick Mahomes, I say he's
heroic in the eyes of his teammates because knowing that
I'm gonna tiptoe along the sidelines and I'm gonna actually
try to get an undisciplined member of their secondary to
run up and you know, shove me out of bounds,
tackle me once I get out. I think Mahomes should
be a plot for putting himself out there. Team play
right there, How am I gonna get my team? Look
at how am I gonna get my team? In the
other fifteen yards I'm playing with I'm playing with fire here.
Speaker 8 (30:07):
I'm not.
Speaker 1 (30:07):
You know, that's another way to look at it, Rich,
I respect it, I respect your view on it, I
should say, but I look at it like and it's
a compliment. I think Mahomes really truly is it should
hold himself better and higher than that. He doesn't need
to do that. It's like Lebron. You lose, honestly, you
lose a little respect for Lebron because you know he's
already the goat. You know he's one of the greatest
out there to ever do it. When he's flopping and
playing all these baby games to his advantage, it just
looks lame. It doesn't. It's not part of the game
that's necessary.
Speaker 3 (30:37):
You know, when the NFL is going to run to
tighten up the rules on this, the first time Mahomes
gets lit up fifteen yards, whoever walks away is going
to be like, I got my money's worth. Because Rich,
we were joking about it, we were joking about brotox.
But you still got wheels when you play in your
you know, your softball games. Imagine going full speed and
then and you add to stop on a dime. It's
really it's so hard to do as a defender and
We've seen former players talk about this. Yeah, so what's
gonna happen is a defender's not going to be able
to stop at all and they are going to clock
the you know what out of mahome.
Speaker 1 (31:14):
Now again, I can't look at you guys in the
eyes and say I don't think it's a little cheap.
But he wants to win, and you could argue he
was doing everything in his power to get an advantage.
You always defend Andy Pettitt because he admitted to taking
HGH to get back on the field. I've always been
a little sympathetic to steroid users in sports. I'll tell
you why, because if I was at an elite level
and you told me, hey, or take this and you'll
be even better, I could see the temptation. Dude, if
you told me, here, inject yourself with this once a
week and you'll be the biggest, baddest radio podcast show ever,
I'd be taking performance enhancing drugs tomorrow. Truthfully, I never
commended Pettit for that. I commended him for his honesty,
his honesty and putting that fire immediately, and you saw
how it worked. The fact that he was honest. No
one really got on I'm saying it's the people that
lied and denied all the time that really got the heat.
I think people trying to get an edge in sports,
in life, in business. I'll never I'll never blame a
man or a woman for trying to get what's theirs. However,
it's not illegal. So if Mahomes was baiting people, you know, Okay,
so you know by those rules. Let's say you were
dating somebody, right, but technically you were on a you
were like, you had a fight and you're like, you
know what, we need a break, and then they cheated
on you during that little weekend, like these are baby
loopholes that don't necessarily apply. Wow, that should be a
plotline of a big sitcom. Yeah, but don't you still
feel like you were cheated on? Why? Because you played
by the little baby rules and you found a loophole.
It's okay, I understand doing on a national stage. I
know what you're saying. And the microscope is on Mahomes.
That little tiptoe on the sideline was the weakest of
So you're saying a tiptoe on the sidelines that really
interest drawing a fifteen yard flag is the same as
your girlfriend and you're breaking up for a day and
you taking that it's like finding as a chance to
go hook up. Yes, it's the cheapest loophole possible. I
agree with that loop. I think that's a great analogy.
Thank you the guy that says, yeah, but uh, you'll baby,
we were like broken up for the weekend, that's a
I get it. It's true. We technically weren't to go though. Yeah,
but why because we had a fight and I mean,
let it breathe. So anyway, we'll wrap it up with
your phone calls. Just speculating, not hating anybody, just chopping
it up. Eight seven seven ninety nine. M Fox, let's
go to Jersey. IRAQ is ready. What's up? You rock? Eight?
I rock?
Speaker 8 (33:39):
Hey, guys, what's up? I want to talk about football.
But first then Nick sa Knicks fan. I think they
should get Scottie Bonds. He's a great player. You know,
he'll do good. And or if they could get with
Sean Laurnett Leonard U that'd be a good pickup too.
And also about the Bills, you know, I don't like
them in the past because they you know, to put
it bruntly, that the or stemen football losing four Super Bowls,
but I'm room for them this year. I think they
can upset the Chiefs and Travis Kelsey's Goufred is going
to be crying in the stands.
Speaker 1 (34:15):
I tell my daughter and her friends. You know, my
daughter's seven, so all her little pals are all seven
eight years old that loved Taylor Swift, And I said,
you guys should all root against the Chiefs. Why Dad,
Because if Taylor Shift is sad, do you know how
much new music's going to come out of this. There'll
be songs about consoling your man. And I think I
think this is good benefit from the loss. You know,
I'm so fixated on if the Bills do win. I'm
waiting there, sitting there, waiting for Josh Allen, some of
the leaders of the team to give props to the
previous generations, the teams that came so close, because I
feel like they deserve it. This one's for you, Scott Norway.
I swear like I really want that to happen. I
want it to be for the fans the nineties and
the players that came so close that paved the way
for this community of Bills fandom and legacy. I can't
wait to see them. Give credit to Jim Kelly and
Norwood and all those other guys, Thurman, Thomas, Andre Reid.
This is this is I think that's deserved because it
was so heartbreaking. I do. I really feel like if
they do, they better do that. If they win, I
got to see that. Let's go to Pete and Pa,
what's up Pete?
Speaker 7 (35:29):
Yeah, when you're talking about all this Mahome stuff and
it was like probably six games ago. If I'm a
coach of a team, I tell him, my defenders, if
you get the chance on the sideline to light him up,
light him up, hit him so hard, crush him in
that do whatever you have to do. I want you
to get thrown out of the game. You hit him
so hard because what he is doing is nonsense.
Speaker 6 (35:57):
And I love him.
Speaker 7 (35:59):
I think he's awesome, but what he's doing is nonsense.
Speaker 1 (36:02):
Yeah, I think that's how we all feel. We all look,
no one wants to see him get hurt, right, And
that's the risk because guess what, you don't want to
be the guy that hurts Mahomes either, you know, man,
that's that's just bad for everybody. But yeah, we all
like he's a likable guy. And this almost goes against
his character, right, it doesn't match. He's a winner, all right.
He's a slippery little one, isn't he he is? He's
a slippery scoundrels. You know what I mean. We can
wrap this because we got Mahomes trivia to do. I know,
we want to talk about the Hall of Fame. Inductions
will get word on that from d being a few
but uh, let's let's wrap up Mark and Missouri. Mahomes.
You could agree a likable guy. You know, my mom
even said, my mom's a Raiders fan like you, Danny.
She goes I watch quarterback and you know, I hate
to say it, he's so seems like such a nice guy.
I'm like, yeah, he is, and is his wife and everything.
I feel like Mahomes is a great human being. But
these little shenanigans, I could see where they rubbed people
the wrong way. You can look at it as you're
trying to get an edge, or you could say it's
getting a little dirty.
Speaker 7 (37:08):
Speaker 4 (37:09):
You know what's interesting about Mahomes and how he is
always carried himself. There are very few opportunities where things
have gone wrong for Mahomes, but one of the opportunities.
Was when they were playing the Bills and Kadarius Tony
lined up off sides. Remember they busted him, Yep, And
the Bills end up winning the game and Mahomes runs
to Josh Allen and instead of saying good game, you
know you got us on this one, all he do
is it's the worst call I've ever seen.
Speaker 1 (37:37):
It's worst call I've ever seen in my life.
Speaker 4 (37:39):
And so there are very few instances where Patrick Mahomes
is on the short side of things, so it's interesting
to see, like on how he responds. And there's just
been such a few work where we have seen where
he is lost. They lost to the Buccaneers in a
game where they didn't have two tackles and he was
running for his life and he handled that with grace.
I'm just looking at that other one being like, okay,
well what about if things turned sour? You know, is
there that little part of him? I want to see
that part edge of Patrick Mahomes because we did see
it come out on that Bill's play.
Speaker 1 (38:12):
Does he lose his cool? Yeah? Yeah, maybe we'll ask Matt.
Let's have it Mark, Mark You're on. Do we talk
to Mark Ruddier or no, No, Okay, Hey, Mark, what's up?
Speaker 7 (38:24):
Speaker 2 (38:25):
I was just calling about this Mahomes deal. I'm I'm
a home er, I'm from Missouri, so these crying about
this issue doesn't sit well with me. Let me this
discussion about well he's just doing it to draw penalty
or foul. Well, if that's a critter in my god,
let's uh. Hey, we don't want these hard cancer anymore
by quarterbacks because why are they doing it to draw penalty?
We don't want these quick snats when the defense has
too many men on the field. Why because they're trying
to draw penalty.
Speaker 1 (38:55):
Hey, Mark, that's sort of Mark. Hey, listen, buddy boy,
that was sort of my point. So don't say every one.
I was sort of saying what you were saying that
we always try to get a competitive advantage and this
one just it feels a little dirtier because it involves
a hit and involves a guy going full speed, Like
what do you expect him to do? That's what it is, right,
Like when Aaron Rodgers was the master of the hard
count and you got people jump? What is that?
Speaker 8 (39:16):
Speaker 1 (39:17):
You tricked me, Eric, But those holes are clear right
like these other rules, like you do you have defenders
tiptoeing around because they don't know what to do. I
think there's a solution, and the solution is simple. Make
fifteen yard play fifteen yard penalties and penalties of this
sort reviewable because if it's a clearly bad hit, penalty stays.
If not, if you see the quarterback, you know up
to Shenanigans, or it wasn't as bad of a hit
as you thought, and you could simply pull the flag
and say no foul, then it's fifteen yards against them.
How about that?
Speaker 4 (39:50):
Yes, go ahead, And now you've gone too far, Givino,
Are you a fan when a boxer does this, you know,
let's tap gloves and go I hate that.
Speaker 1 (40:00):
And they do go for a cheap shot because protect
yourself at all times. Yeah, cheap as hell. And a
prime example would be when Floyd Mayweather knocked out Victor Ortiz.
That was the weakest knockout I've ever seen. I never
respected it. In other words, if you never saw the fight.
The golden rule in boxing is protect yourself at all times.
And Ortiz was trying to, like, you know, hug Mayweather
and just tap gloves, like get back at the fight.
And in the middle of him trying to show a
little respect, Mayweather knocked him out. That's weak, that it is.
And I get it. You're supposed to protect yourself, but
that's finding a cheap loophole to your advantage. That's what
I think. Mahomes, Yeah, it does. I get it, but
I don't respect it. Yeah, right, did Mayweather need to
do that? Especially when it's a Floyd Mayweather? He's one
of the greats. So yeah, I mean I try to
be consistent on that. Good call, Dan Byer And before
we get to Dan's update, what's up? Dan?
Speaker 4 (40:57):
I was just gonna say, we're about to find out
the Hall. Yeah, can have a lot on this, Okay.
Speaker 1 (41:01):
You know, there's a lot of great names. We have
the list here. I mean, they're all great players. And
the only difference is some are really great players and
some are really good players. Some are Hall of Fame worthy,
some are borderline, but they're all really good. All these
dudes are really impressive names on this list, right. Well,
but I have to say, like, it's not the Hall
of great, it's the Hall It's you know, this is yeah,
it's not the all of good. And I gotta say
this before it happens if each he wrote, Suzuki's not unanimous.
My goodness. Yeah, that's another one of those moments where
some writers flexing for no reason. Yeah, like, this is
the guy who, without a doubt, should be unanimous. The
way he handled himself his career in Japan and in
MLB combined as a professional, the way he by the
way that should play maybe a little more of a
factor in the Uniteds. But I'll tell you what, because
now the Hall of Fame doesn't comprise of Major League
Baseball and the Negro League numbers right when it comes
to records, it does, so maybe you do account for
more of what each e Row did in Japan. It's
unbelievable what he did in Japan and in the MLB
and just how great he was in every stage of
his career hit longevity. If he's not unanimous, you know,
some dude is flexing. And if anyone should be unanimous
a La Marianna Rivera is Eachi Row. Can I give
you guys two names before dB lets us know the
scoop when it comes in. There's two names where I'm
so torn on because I'm like, I don't know, am
I inflating them or not giving them enough credit. Two people, Okay,
Carlos Beltron and Andrew Jones, are you saying they're borderline?
I'm like, I don't know. I would be not shocked
if it went either way, because I look at Andrew
Jones and he's so symbolic of those great Braves teams
and just his glove alone and what he did as
a defender in the outfield. And Beltron was a great
postseason player other than that one strikeout as a met
and he had like what four thirty four sixty home runs?
He would be there. Beltron defensively, speed everything, smart ball player.
Carlos Peltron, as John Miller would call John Filler would
call Carlos, Carlos Peltron in his prime, I feel like
there was a point. I mean, in everybody's life he
would collect through the outfield like like a gazelle. Yeah.
But and then there was a real clear point, Like
I said, in everybody's life, but in a professional athlete's life,
his life, especially where he went from really great athlete
to like he put on a few extra pounds, wasn't
the same. But Carlos Peltron, I think I think he's
a whole FA. I think all these guys. I think
there's some guys on that list that are really good,
but they're not like like Grandy Man, Curtis Granderson, good
but not a Hall of Famer. Bobby and Bray you
same thing Manny Ramirez is in. There's no question many
Omarvis skel is in. Just based on the hill Glove
and his gold Gloves and his legacy as a as
a miraculous infielder. Each e row should be unanimous. Forget
about being in. CC's in guaranteed. You know these these
should be guarantees to me. Yes, yes, yes, yes, Sabathia
c C. Captain Crunch Sabathia. So a lot of people
know his real name is Captain Crunch Tabatha. Are people
are they in Cooper Statt? Are they going to put
his extra large baggy Yankees pants? Yes, it look like
he was wearing pajamas. His pajama pants are making the
Hall of Fame pajamas. So I can't wait to hear this.
But yeah, not everybody's getting in. So Arod gets in.
I'm sorry he's not. I mean, his numbers are there,
but because of the steroids, he's not in. Did be
Are we breaking news yet or should we break and
come back? What do you think? Breaking news? Breaking news
from Fox Sport.
Speaker 4 (44:40):
So this is in progress, guys, okay Ichiro Suzuki officially
a Hall of Famer member of the Class of twenty
twenty five.
Speaker 1 (44:47):
Wow, as is C. C.
Speaker 4 (44:50):
Sabathia. Oh, Yes, officially a member of the Class of
twenty twenty five. They are making the announcement as we
speak because of the great accomplishments. They're sting off the
accomplishments of each of the players, and so far it's
been each a row at CC Sabathia, and we expect
at least another name or two, as they said that
there it is a multiple player class now.
Speaker 1 (45:13):
Not only that, you know, I put C. C. Sabathia
in a different category because you was a great postseason pitcher. Two.
I remember he was like a hired gun for a
couple of years. I remember the Brewers years like CC.
Wherever he was, he played big from in my mind,
he's just one of those old school guys again. Who
I just feel like, if he was healthy, he could
have been even closer to three hundred wins. What was
he like two fifty something? You know he was up
there in wins great career with Cleveland, Milwaukee, New York
nineteen years in the BIGS. I just looked it up.
Speaker 4 (45:44):
And Billy Wagner is the final member of the class
of twenty ten. So Billy Wagner hits into the Hall
of Fame final year on the ballot.
Speaker 1 (45:53):
That's it. That is it. The three players that are in. Wow.
So my speculation on Beltron and Andrew Jones were close,
but maybe not first ballot. We were sort of right
on the money with that. Billy Wagner. What did I
say before the announcement? I said, last year he was
within five votes, like dB confirmed And do you remember
in the off season Billy Wagner said, yeah, who cares
about the Hall of Fame. If you're not going to
vote me in because I chose to retire early and
spend time with my kids, then you know, beat it that.
That must have got into the mind of some writers
and you don't think. Yeah, but I'm sort of surprised
Omar vs Scale didn't get in. He's like, he had
two hundred twenty eight and seventy seven hits. That one
hundred and twenty three short give me a break. He
had enough of gloves to make up for that. What
about since he had gold gloves he had He also
hit on my sister when he was in the minor leagues,
and he could have been he could be member of
the Buyer family.
Speaker 4 (46:52):
I don't know if we Omars had some stuff in
his past, but when he was a minor leaguer, yeah,
he was sure interested.
Speaker 1 (46:58):
Wow, maybe you could have been best Palis and it
could have been like the Omar and Dan show. You right,
I'm just thinking defensively. Uh wow, I'm surprised he wasn't
in there. But congratulations to the class of twenty twenty
five Baseball Hall of Fame Each Row, Sabbathia and Billy Wagner.
How about this, this is what's going to stand out.
Speaker 4 (47:20):
It was Josh Rawitch of the Hall of Fame just
announced Each Row is not a unanimous selection.
Speaker 1 (47:26):
Felt garbage.
Speaker 4 (47:27):
One person kept him off the ballot ninety nine point
seven percent of the vote.
Speaker 1 (47:32):
Karate kicked in the chest. That is a joke. I mean,
you don't know baseball, right, It's like to me, I'm
always fascinated, like that person should have their votes revoked
without a doubt. With that I mean that, I'm not
saying that for a fact, like deserves like a slap
in the face. Imagine it was Rob Parker, Rod Parker's
like it was me. There's got to be integrity involved.
Speaker 4 (47:53):
I my whole issue with it, and I'm not picking
on Cavino, but for the only person to be Mariano
Rivera in the closer position, it's not that he isn't
or shouldn't have been a first ballad or a unanimous
It's just that he's the only one that is. And
it's so crazy to me that we sit here and
we look at the closer position or reliever position and
now scrutinize it in today's game that he is the
only unanimous one.
Speaker 1 (48:19):
Yeah, Mo Rivera, I mean, look, as a Yankees fan,
out of mind, he's still the only one. But I
do think that each hero is worthy of that. It
is time to give away a Coveno and Rich Swiggy.
It's game time. The mostly lovable Patrick Mahomes. Truth is,
I want everybody to love me, not just the reps.
It's time for some NFL trivia. I'm here, I'm here, Yes,
we know you're here, all right, Patrick Mahomes here to
play Showtime homes Trivia.
Speaker 3 (48:52):
Our FSR Security, walking our broke Patrick into the main studio.
Speaker 1 (48:56):
You guys are chirping, man, oh head chirping, and you're tripping.
Speaker 3 (49:00):
You got it.
Speaker 1 (49:01):
All wrong, Patrick mahomes, good guy. Do you feel like
I'm just committed to winning? Guys, don't be jealous.
Speaker 3 (49:07):
Do you feel like Tupac this week? You against the world.
Speaker 1 (49:10):
It's me against the world, going for the three peat.
Don't hate congratulate? Oh congrats. Let's hear you talk to
Smack now, Rich Davis. I had your back, Patrick, it
was Covino. That's why he dipped. Listen Top Sports Radio Nation.
You got it all wrong, Patrick Mahomes Here, you have
to realize that I'm a great guy, got great and
I'm just committed to doing everything I possibly can to win.
You can't hate me for that. Yeah, and you come
into our show every week, so and I'm here every week. Yeah,
And guess what, I'm gonna smack the bills around next week?
How about that? How about that? Wait till I smack
him around? All right, let's meet the contestants.
Speaker 3 (49:47):
Twenty four time winner Rich Davis right over there, eighteen
time champion Dan Bayer. Hello, great seven time winner, Spotty
Boy big number eight today feeling it looking to win
a seeing our stayless Swiggy on the studio lines. Patrick
in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Speaker 2 (50:04):
What up?
Speaker 1 (50:04):
Speaker 8 (50:05):
I bet yo.
Speaker 1 (50:08):
Let's do this, hey guys, Let's make the rules clear,
all right, Let's keep the rules consistent. There's no cheating,
all right, everybody on their high horse call me out.
No cheating, no breaking of the rules. You really need
to listen to this part.
Speaker 3 (50:23):
Yeah, because this is the rules for showtime on homes
NFL Trivia. The first contestant with two correct answers is
the champion. If there's a tie, we have a tiebreaker question.
Your name is your buzzer, but you do have to
wait until all three possible answers are read. If there's
two wrong answers in a row, we move on to
the next question.
Speaker 1 (50:38):
Are you ready? Let's go, Let's get it home, all right.
I'm here, Patrick Maholmes, the villain, and I'll also be
here someday. How many square feet is the Pro Football
Hall of Fame? And can oh one hundred and eighteen
thousand square Feet's one hundred and thirty two thousand square
feet or c Eighty five thousand square feet.
Speaker 3 (51:01):
Patrick, no Rich Rich for the steal.
Speaker 1 (51:09):
I feel like it's deceptively maybe smaller than we think.
Eighty five see a man one hundred and eighteen thousand
square feet. It was originally nineteen thousand square feet before
our three expansions unger in eighteen thousand. We'll see there
one day, and congrats to each you Ross my guy.
Speaker 3 (51:28):
Okay, so nobody on the board yet as we moved
around two.
Speaker 1 (51:34):
What was I once quoted saying about making mistakes? Here
you go, Ay, we all make mistakes in football. The
key is to not make them in the fourth quarter. B.
I just try to learn from every mistake that I
make so that I never make them again. Or see
only mistake I make with the refs was treating them
to the melting pot instead of Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.
Speaker 7 (52:01):
Speaker 1 (52:01):
Patrick got in there? B Yes, Patrick, I'd say, see
big melting pott.
Speaker 8 (52:11):
Speaker 1 (52:12):
By the way, I didn't make any mistake flopping on
the sideline this weekend. Actually trip, it was a trip.
You look closely. I just stumbled on my foot and
you heard it here on Fox Sports Radio. You forget
that cheese fund with the melting Pott's pretty fantastics. Great Pat, so.
Speaker 3 (52:26):
Patrick and Scottsdale's on the board as we moved around.
Speaker 1 (52:28):
Three. All right, round three, Patrick mahomes here, who was
the first player to return a punt for a touchdown
and his NFL debut. Was it a Deon Sanders? B
Tim Brown or C Devin Hester? Damn buyer got in there?
How canna guess?
Speaker 7 (52:48):
Speaker 1 (52:49):
Tim Brown?
Speaker 6 (52:51):
Speaker 1 (52:51):
You went with Denny is a raider sand So what
do you think? Patrick?
Speaker 5 (52:57):
Speaker 1 (52:59):
You're going? You just want wow? Alright, man? You just
worn like they're gonna win against all bills.
Speaker 3 (53:10):
Speaker 1 (53:11):
Patrick in Arizona. Congrats.
Speaker 3 (53:12):
We're gonna mail out to see in our swiggy to you.
Speaker 1 (53:14):
Thanks. I think he cheated. He didn't really. What is
a squiggy by the way, it's a stainless steel water bottle.
Speaker 2 (53:22):
Oh man, I can't wait.
Speaker 1 (53:24):
What a guy? Thank you, Patrick, hold on, it's a
man thong. Be sure to send a picture. Good bye, Patrick,
good luck? All right? Hey stringy, Patrick.
Speaker 3 (53:35):
Let's hope the Bills don't annahilate you when you tiptoe
on the sideline.
Speaker 1 (53:38):
We will see Patrick Sunday. By the way, I'm putting
you on the spot. Dan byer Dan, anyone read any
weather reports for Sunday? Is Kansas City gonna be just chilly?
Or is it wet snow or anything?
Speaker 4 (53:49):
Or no, it's it's a night game. It'll be the
second game. But it's low of twenty four, high of
about thirty six that day.
Speaker 1 (53:56):
No snow, no freezing temperatures. Car lobby fired up. I
gotta go. Oh you're still here. Yeah, letter guys, don't
be hating you. Notice he's got extra security. Patrick, real quick,
before you get back to the little annoyed. I just
saw Patrick in the hallway. He was annoyed with all
the smack talks today. But I told him, many, Man,
we're just we're just trying to figure it out, man,
just trying to figure it out. I wasn't security. That
was the refs, you know. Can I tell you Mike,
he uh Patrick Mahons rocks with this whole crew. They're
wearing a foot locker outfit. Yeah it's weird. Yeah, I
don't know. Can I tell you my uh my instinct
now that he's gone and I don't want to sell Patrick,
maybe why would you want to do that? In front
of him my uh, my instinct, which could mean absolutely nothing,
because you know, even the best of gamblers what hit
fifty to sixty percent. I feel like Buffalo may annihilate
Kansas City. I know, I know that sounds like ick.
You even say that when the when the Chiefs go
fifteen to two and they're back to back champions. I
just feel like I feel like you watch the Chiefs
all year beat teams by just being smarter and by
just like you said, they gained less yards in the
Texans last week. Everything about Kansas City feels like they're
just smart and find ways to win. You want a
lukewarm take that I'm willing to say on Fox Radio,
But what I'm saying is the same way last night
you could say, man, Notre Dame just had so much heart,
what a great team, but Ohio State was just so
much They just have better talent. I think right now
Buffalo is just a better team, and the only way
Kansas City wins is if they win by pure football brains.
I feel like Mahomes and Kelsey and the Chiefs still
got that magic in them. And what really convinced me
of that was that play where he was falling down,
he threw it to Kelsey in the end zone. Kelsey
just caught it down while he was It just reminded
me that, you know what, maybe they barely won all
these games this year, but they still got that magic.
They're still the Chiefs. He could argue last year they
barely did everything and they won a Super Bowl. Dee B,
let's go to you for an update. But any thoughts
on that Buffalo thought. I don't know, They're just I
feel like Buffalo is so prime to me. I don't
have that sense. No, I don't have that sense.
Speaker 4 (56:06):
I think it could be a lower scoring game just
because of how good Kansas City's defense has been. But hey,
if you're right, then kudos to you, and I'd like
to see Buffalo win. So I actually do hope that
you're right. I want to quick give you guys an exercise.
Speaker 1 (56:22):
I voted.
Speaker 4 (56:23):
I printed out the voting ballots for the Hall of Fame. Yeah,
there are three players. And by the way, this is
not meant to disrespect anyone. These are all great players
who had great careers. To be even nominated on the
ballot is great. But there are three players who didn't
receive one vote. At all from voters of them, and
so at the end of the update, I want to
see if you guys can match who didn't what three
players didn't receive any votes. There are players that received
the most votes. That was Ichiro Suzuki, almost a unanimous pick.
You guys got your three names.
Speaker 1 (56:53):
By the way, did Rex Ryan have anything to say
about the Jets finalized coaching? He's got his foot his mouth.
I like it, all right, Okay, so I think he's
got his wife'soot in his mouth. I would have to say.
Two definites that didn't get any votes is a rod
and Ramirez for steroid involvement. Nope, I disagree with that,
which is correct? My first I have like who I
narrowed it down to five and then I'll pick. Let
me give you my five tell me if like, well,
we'll play a little game. I got Carlos Gonzalez, Ian Kinsler,
Russell Martin, Fernando Rodney and bed Zobrast. Two of those
are correct. Wow, but you said three didn't, right? Yes? Three,
Ian Kinsley, Yeah, Kinsler. Then so you're going Kinsler. I
thought maybe people were going back on their steroids.
Speaker 4 (57:45):
K Kinsler and ben Zobrist Zobrist is one of them.
Fernando Rodney is another. Hanley Ramirez did not receive a vote. Wow, okay, yeah, surprising.
Cargo got two votes, Ian Kinsler ten.
Speaker 1 (58:01):
Well, okay, maybe I'm down playing Ian Kinsley.
Speaker 4 (58:03):
And for Cavino's point, Alex Rodriguez received one hundred and
forty six votes thirty seven point thirty seven point one percent.
Manny Ramirez got thirty four point three. Andy Pettitt twenty
seven point nine percent of the vote.
Speaker 1 (58:16):
All right, can you give me one more? I'm sorry,
I don't know if you did it. During the update,
my dude, David Wright. David Wright got eight percent of
the vote, got thirty two votes. Creative injuries buried that
guy that sucks really good guy. Good play MLB debut
rookie debut patch that went on all the jerseys of
new players in their debut. So it's a one on one.
Paul Sken's card, Paul Skeen's being one of the biggest
names in the league. But the Pirates, the real key
to the story is the Pirates said, whoever gets this
card will we're gonna know the actual Pittsburgh Pirates. They're like,
we're gonna roll out the Pirate red carpet for you.
If you get this card to get seasoned tickets, We're
gonna treat you like tickets for thirty years. Thirty years. Man,
But Aldo, let's let's take it back, because they want
for their own little you know, uh stadiums spidium display.
Speaker 3 (59:09):
Also, they'll give you a softball game exclusive for thirty
at PNC Park, plus coaching from the Pirates alumni.
Speaker 1 (59:18):
And I get why they want it. Paul Skeene's big player.
You're you're trying to create a legacy here. It's fun
for the fans to see you your own little piece
of the history that in your mind you think is
really yours. Right. Well, but guess what some eleven year
old nosepicker got it. Tops reported Tuesday morning this morning
that an eleven year old from Los Angeles. By the way,
that's that's the key to the story. I think, hold
a one of one. Let's remind ourselves one of one.
That's not like, oh, there's so many rookies. This is
a one of one Skiens rookie card. Now, auction houses
have been desperately trying to figure out is this kid
gonna want to sell it, like, just to make it clear, though,
the card has the actual patch that they wear on
the card and it's autographed. So these are highly coveted cards.
Now put that with this Paul Skene's name, it's worth
even more. Plus the value that the pirates have created
around it. And then even his girlfriends like you could
come stay with me at a game and you gowk
like a creeper. It's an eleven year old boy. There's
so many questions I have, but I think the one
question will try to sneak it. We have a minute.
If you're this kid's parents, is it really your card?
Or you gonna be like, hey kid, you pulled it. Uh,
put away some for college. But if you want to buy,
you know, a POS five and buy a new bike, Like,
is this kid gonna reap the benefits or is this
like a family price? Give me a break. That's like
if your grandma buys you some scratch offs and you
win what, you gotta split it with grandma. No, she
bought it with the intent if you win the money,
you get it. There's a difference of grass five dollars
scratcher versus this kid has a this could be a
million dollars.
Speaker 6 (01:00:56):
Speaker 1 (01:00:56):
If you're a good parent, you say, hey man, that's
your money, and you put it away for your kid.
Invest it. I think the interesting part is what are
they gonna do, because you know this kid wants no
part of the Pirates. He's a Dodgers fan, So you know,
maybe we break this down more tomorrow, Kevin on Rich.
We'll see then. Until then, Ariva Decci baby, see you
in the promising he came Bye.