All Episodes

January 23, 2025 52 mins

C&R have fun explaining why the Texans Joe Mixon was fined TWICE by the NFL! The guys share stories where they were innocent (allegedly!) 'OLD-SCHOOL WHEN 50 HITS' ruffles some feathers! They react to breaking news about a messy coaching/G.M. situation for the Jags. What you would refuse to see even if you were given a free ticket?! Tons of calls & the Rockettes, Bon Jovi/Pitbull and Bob Dylan get airtime!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cavino and
Rich podcast. Be sure to catch us live every day
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include you eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox at
Covino and Rich at Steve Covino at Rich Davis. Let
the wild Rumpert start man. We got lots to get
to today. Now let's get right into the NFL. There's
a Joe Mixon story. And I find the details of
this funny because I think we've all been there where
you get accused of saying something or doing something and

you're like, whoa, ho, hold on, sold on, That's not
what I said. I wasn't even the guy. Whoa. And
that's sort of the story with running back Joe Mixon.
Danny G. I know you are familiar with the timeline
of events for mixing. Want to take us to the
beginning of this. He gets fined.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Yeah, so he gets slapped with that twenty five thousand dollars.
Fine and rich you you were arguing about that fine
on yesterday's show because you said, I don't understand what
he said that was so bad. Basically, he had said
after the game, when you play the chiefs, don't leave
it in the hands of the refs.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
I don't think that's derogatory to the refs. I think
that's like borderline, like you know what he's saying. But hey, listen,
we got to play better. You should never leave it
in the hands of someone else. But that's a sentiment
that's shared in box a lot of sports especially. I
was gonna say, the fight game. How many times do
boxers say, look, you know, I had my chance to
knock him out. You just can't leave it up to

the judges sometimes because people are going to see things
that not everybody sees, that you can't leave it in
the judges hands. It's not necessarily derogatory. There's some accountability there,
like as well, you can see both sides exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
And Mixin shared those thoughts on social media well. Own
TJ Huschbinzada Championship. He commented underneath saying why even play
the game if the fifty to fifty balls are all
gonna go to the chiefs. This is bias, it's ridiculous.
And the agent for Mixon got a letter from the

NFL showing that quote as the reason Mixon was getting
the twenty five thousand dollars fine. So the agent and
Mixon are like, he didn't even say this. A former
player said this in the comments. So the agent goes
to the NFL and pleads his case, and they said, okay,
well we didn't like what Mixon said either. We're gonna
give him a twenty five thousand dollars fine for that.

So he's now been fined twice.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
Double doozy. So instead of saying all right, we'll look
into it or maybe rescind the fine, they're saying, no,
we're doubling down, in fact, doubling the fine. Yeah, we're
gonna find you again for bothering us.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
In fact, Mixon just tweeted recently saying, so let me
get this straight. NFL finds me twenty five k for
something I didn't even say. I call him out for it,
and they respond by finding me again for something that's
not even a violation, without even rescinding the first one.
Where's the accountability? Just respect? The player's cold.

Speaker 1 (03:12):
It sounds like when you're reprimanding your kids, like if
you talk back to me one more time, you're grounded,
but mom, push your luck. But mom, all right, now
you're sitting now, you're you know, grounded three days, but
mom four days. Right. It feels like it has no
say here, just like mix, it has no say when

it comes to the refs in the league.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
Yeah, so the agent is now appealing to fines.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
But he's saying he didn't say that.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
He didn't say what TJ. Huschman Zada said. Obviously Wow.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
But also his comments are subtle, like it's he's alluding
to it. He's not actually directly criticizing the refs. So
how can you get how can you get punished for
that twice? You should be allowed to have a little
subtle commentary that maybe he invokes something. No, it's like,
you ever hang out with a shady friend, don't you
dare look at me? You ever hang out with a
shady friend and he's up to.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
No good and like your girlfriend or wife like yells
at you, and you're like, what, he's the you know,
he's the guy, have to know good. He's just my friend.
I'm not accountable for uh, you know what he does.
Joe makes be held accountable for someone else's social media
eventual association. Yeah, that's that's really it. And the fact

that you can get fined so often in this league
when you question anything, and you know, we always like
to tie things into real life. That's one time I
appreciate real life because maybe you don't get paid as
much as you want in real life, but you're not
getting fined for your actions, not in that way. Imagine
if we were all judged by performance, people be getting

fined all the time in real life. Tis that happens,
you know when you step out in sports? So Joe
mixing fine twice for something he never said and then
find again down. If you're a player and you make
a ton of money, I'd imagine these fines still bother
you because just on principle, Yeah, all these guys come

from humble beginnings for the most part. Very few players,
you know, are Ricky Schroeder coming from a house of
silver spoons. I mean, twenty five thousand. I know, we
all know is not a lot for them, but it
still sounds like a lot.

Speaker 3 (05:22):
But is it a lot for them?

Speaker 4 (05:24):

Speaker 3 (05:24):
When they've retired and ten years after they were playing
career ends, they're like, I wish I had that twenty
five thousand back.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Cask Cam Newton most recently right now, he got a
lot of criticism because he was saying, one of the
hardest adjustments he has to make as a dad, how
many kids do you have? Eighteen? He has eight kids.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
They're not all his some of ore like his step
children once he's brought into his families. And yeah, those
NFL checks.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
But those checks don't come in anymore, and you don't
feel like Superman anymore when you can't provide that same
lifestyle that he used to give them without any thought.
And it makes sense. You know, I'm not feeling sorry
for the guy, but I do understand what he's say
And yeah, that twenty five thousand dollars would come in
pretty handy down the line. When you think about a

guy that was once making tens of millions of dollars,
I would say, I'm right fast forward, and you're picking
your life up as a you know, part time broadcaster,
and your checks are in the thousands, not in the
tens and hundreds of thousands. Yeah, guys like Cam used
to spend freely, not thinking anything. They just want something.
They want to go somewhere, they want to do something,

they want to buy something, without even a thought. They
were able to do it right now. There's a big difference.
You can't do it the same way. There's a big
difference between making tens of millions of dollars and a
couple hundred thousand dollars if you're like a young broadcaster,
former athlete, like you know, just so you guys know,
just because someone played in the NFL, yeah they're gonna
get a little more money. But it's not like every

broadcaster on Fox, ESPN, NBC. It's not like all of
a sudden they're like, oh, because you're played in the NFL,
here's millions. That's reserved for Romo Brady, the guys that
have done it, the radio podcaster guys. It's they're still
trying to earn those big bucks. Yeah, not like you
just transitioned from you know, I'm a player in the
NFL to oh, our broadcaster and I'm making millions. That's

not how it works. I have a question for you, Rich,
because you're sort of a shady character, as you admitted
a few seconds ago, But is there anything you want
to admit, and we won't find you. We won't find
you here on the show. In fact, if anyone wants
to chime in at eight seven seven ninety nine m
Fox and clear your name and reputation. We're not gonna
throw your fine at you something that you were accused

of doing that you really didn't do, saying something that
you really didn't say. I'm sure your wife or girlfriend
always does something in your face and you're like, that's
not even what happened, right, Like, I'm sure there's something
out there that you're the Joe Mixon on that story.
I'll be honest and honestly, you deserve some justice, but
your wife never forgave you, your job, never forgive you,

and it's just not fair, and you're like, guys, still
till this day, I'm staying in my ground. This is
the worst rationale and I want everyone to know I've
grown up since I've known Cavino for twenty years, from
our twenties, early twenties to now early forties. I've known
Kavino for the better part of this century. Yeah, I'm
a good husband now, but when I was a single

guy dating I remember dating a girl. They would constantly
accuse me of being up to no good, to the
point where I was like, if you're going to accuse
you're at with Cavino with whores, like when I would
get that treatment, Like, Babe, I was just at the
bar with Cavino, you know, watching the game, chilling out.
Are there girls there? I'm like, of course there's women here.

It's a bar. You'll accuse me, dude, But the number
one thing you need to do in those situations is
you need to call your girlfriend, don't you wife? And
then you're like, yeah, it's just me and the guys
say hi. Guys don't give me that every guy, and
then it puts them at ease and they don't bother you.
We just we're having some casadia say hi.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
Hi, or one of the voices they hear in the
crowd is a female.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
Oh yeah, that that could work against you. I gotta
make sure. Yeah, you got to make sure that whatever
girl's there and she doesn't say hi.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Did I hear a girl?

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Yeah? Maybe it's a bar, there's women here. I hate
to tell you, we're not always Catholic high school Sam.
He just has a really high voice. Oh, guy. Yeah,
I'm really close my best pal sam Oh you let
Samuel know Samantha. Anyway, I have been accused of things

to the point where I'm like, well, if you're going
to accuse me, then I might as well. Oh yeah,
And I'm saying that's terrible. It is ideology, but that
happens to many of people who are young and dumb
in high school and college relationships, where it's like, yo,
if you're gonna be up my ass accusing me of everything, Oh,

you're doing this, you're doing that. Don't be shocked at
a president eventually does do it because you know, you're
almost like leading them there. I'm not saying don't take accountability.
I'm just saying it makes a little sense for a
young dump.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Yeah, they feel persecuted and so they want to get
their money's worth.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
There was a breakup I went through in a previous
relationship lifetimes ago, and I was always accused. People always
want to know what happened, What happened, somebody cheat, what happened?
Nobody cheated? Right, Sometimes people grow apart, but there's always stories.
Oh yeah, Rich started those rumors. The stories always came
back to me. He's like, I heard you didn't support

her and you know, support her dreams and you know,
her career and stuff. I'm like, told you that she
told me that you said that she was chasing pipe dreams.
I'm like, maybe I said that. I was like, but
I only said that because she said that I was
like an inferior man and my mom wore combat boots,
and you know, I had a small package and I

wasn't bringing home the bacon. I wasn't laying it down
in the bedroom. I only said that in response to
me being the worst guy ever, you know, because we
were running behind on bills or something. So you know
that part of the story is always left out. So
I'm here to claim my innocent innocence. If I ever
said something about, hey, well, your pipe dreams aren't paying
the bills, that was only in defense to me. You

know what I mean, me being put down in every
which way possible, lay down on the couch and keep
talking seriously. So I'm here to say, hey man, that's
not how it went down.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
It sounds like the reality TV show that Coveno.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
No, I'm Joe mixing, dude. I shouldn't have been fine
Rosy accused, so I'm accused. You know, I may have
said something along those lines, but it was in retaliation.
There's a difference between just strutting up to somebody and
insulting them, right, but like no, hold up. Yeah, I
may have said something along those lines, but it was
in response. That's the difference. People leave those things out

of the story. Sometimes that's unfair. Joe mix him here
to say, hey, I'm innocent and I don't want any fines.
We got your back, Joe, because the reality is he
got accused. He then came out and said accused, like
Leslie Nielsen, you're accused me of this trash and then
like oh yeah, find again. By the way, again, you
guys seen wrongfully accused with Leslie Nielsen very underrated, it

really is. It's the same naked gun type of humor.
You know, it's so dumb. It's so dumb. And by
the way, Danny, if you were to lay down in
Tokyo therapist, would you want Jason Siegel or Harrison Ford's
character Harrison Ford great therapist?

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Just bring them top shelf candy Bill.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Again, it is a story of wrongfully accused, Like, it's
unfair what they're doing to him. He never said it,
and then he got fined again for even bringing it up.
And that happens in real life. Sometimes you're like, yo,
now defending myself. You should be allowed to defend yourself.
Give me a break. Dan Buyer is a man of
knowledge that I don't have. dB. A lot of the
fines based on if they're league or team, Uh, given

that depends if it goes to charitable stuff or versus
just the team, Like.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
Yeah, I think that I thought that the league fire,
I'll go to a charitable.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Yeah, but I don't know about the team ones though.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
Yeah, I don't know what Yeah that would yeah yeah.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
Would you rather be fined by the team or the league?

Speaker 5 (13:10):
Well, the league, yeah, because if you did something with
the team that's probably detrimental to the team the league.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
You just did something. You hit a guy high?

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Yeah, true. Well, hey Joe Mixon, we feel you, uh
your thoughts at the way.

Speaker 5 (13:25):
I didn't mean high on marijuana. I just meant like
your helmets face, yes guy high?

Speaker 1 (13:30):
Yes, thank you, dB eight ninety nine on Fox Again.
It's being wrongfully accused. It's defending yourself and that should
never be held against you either when you're just telling
the truth. It's like, Yo, you're accusing me of saying
something or doing something that never happened, and then just
because you simply spoke up to defend yourself, you're now

being punished even more. That is unfortunate, you know, in life,
in this story, and it just makes you want to
clear your name.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
A little bit.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Whether whether you're following us or not, the bottom line
is Joe Mixon represents every man or woman who has
been accused of something at work or in their personal
life didn't do it, and then when they went to
defend themselves like you're crazy, I didn't do it. That's
like the person being like, all right, now you're more
in trouble what I remember. And we've all been there once,

I gues said in a relationship work somewhere you've been
think you show and you think about this in any
like story of crime and any sort of court story,
like if you didn't do something you were innocent, wouldn't
you want to let everybody know right away that you're
innocent in this situation? And I think silence speaks volumes sure,
because it makes people speculate, like I guess you did it.

True crime the way when they break down the demographics.
True crime stuff is the number one category among middle
aged women. True crime is the top category look at podcasts,
look at everything true crime. I agree with you, but
I would be very adamant if I was accused of
doing something like I didn't do that, Danny g. It
all of a sudden, you're being cuffed and it's like
you killed your neighbor, And it's like, what, you didn't

kill your neighbor? Would you be quiet or what? Do
you go in the news and be like I mean,
and I tell.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
You you have to be quiet. This is like my cousin Vinny, I.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Like, I shot I shot the clerk. I shot the clerk. Now,
I remember in high school I got accused of doing something. Honestly, guys,
you know me, this is something I don't think. I
hope you think I would never do. I remember this
girl told people that I spray painted like obscenities in
her driveway. Like I like, normally you only did Yankee logos,

you just throw you know, gang tags and things, but
like personal insults toward this girl, right, and the type
of person she was, skank, right, And it's like she
told people that I did that I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And this is a minor example. If I didn't defend myself,

what would people think that? Maybe he did? But then
how come? How come when you see these true crime
documentaries on Netflix when someone's accused of like, hey, they
murdered their wife. If you didn't, I would be I'd
be like, get every news camera here, but I did
not deal. But lawyers would be like, shut up in
my stupid you know, throwback story. I was like, yo,
hold on, guys, I didn't. Why in the world would

I do something like that. I didn't do that. Why
would anyone even say that?

Speaker 2 (16:17):
And really quick rich a quick search, says NFL in
team fines are also donated to charitable compacts.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
It makes me feel It makes me feel a little better.
But so I don't blame Joe Mixon for defending himself
here in this moment. I do think the league is
waged for finding him twice. It shows how sensitive and
stuff they are. They don't want to hear anything about it,
and they're real quick to find his dude. Wait so
they find them how much then? Total fifty ten fifty?

Speaker 2 (16:42):
Yeah, it's two different offences.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
Now it's weak man and like Iowa Sam said, it
might not seem like a lot now, but it might
in the future.

Speaker 2 (16:49):
I'm sure they're gonna pull one of them. But that
still leaves a twenty five thousand dollars fine on the table.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Now we're talking about being wrongfully accused in a relationship
at work. The Joe since story is funny because he
got wrongfully accused twice and that he's double fined by
the nfl our Buddy Mike who's listening in Cincinnati, Mike,
Mike in Cincinnati. But no, no, no, that guy he said,
I got accused of drinking on the job because I

brought a root beer back from the deli that was
like a brown bottle. I got reported to HR. I
had to dig the bottle out of the trash can
at work. I'd be like, here's the drinking on the job,
and he had to actually present the empty root beer bottle.

Speaker 2 (17:35):

Speaker 1 (17:36):
That's what I'm saying, when you are that innocent, I
got yo, dude, people, you know what, there's so many snitches,
little baby, Yeah, so many snitches.

Speaker 5 (17:47):
We had somebody here that was accused of the same
thing because they were.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
And I believe that drinking out of a job. We've
all seen it. But if that really was your story,
to me, you're a fool to not defend yourself. That's
why I get it. If Joe Mixon like, why eat
that twenty five thousand, If he's like, yo, I didn't
do it, and I want everybody to know, fight until
the end, fight pay a penny, I'm with him on that.

Let's say hi to Arn in South Dakota.

Speaker 6 (18:17):
What's up, Barn, Hey, fellas, how you doing? Thanks for
striking my call.

Speaker 1 (18:21):
I'll tell you what. This is only the second Arn
I've ever met. Arn Anderson and Arm from South Dakota k.

Speaker 6 (18:26):
Fair enough well to falsely accused. Earlier this year, I
did get rightfully accused of doing bad math on this
show and I said the vikings were going to go
fifteen and three, but uh, fourteen, fourteen and fourteen threes?

Speaker 1 (18:38):
How bad?

Speaker 6 (18:40):
And then I got falsely accused of being a mooch
one time in college. I have never ever ever allowed
that to happen again, Like I didn't sleep for three days,
and it's it's an interesting social experiment when you when
you get falsely accused, like how do you how do
you deal with that and what what do you do

going forward? Didn't never have that happen again?

Speaker 1 (19:03):
And and no problem. I think those are great examples.
And the drinking on the like you're defending your character
at that point, like whoa, whoa, whoa, what about tall
time out?

Speaker 2 (19:12):

Speaker 1 (19:12):
Come on? What so? I think you have every right
to And it's a shame they doubled down instead of
hearing them out. But I get it the NFL, It's
how they work. dB brought up drinking on the job,
and our buddy said he was accused. There are times
where have you ever had someone tell a story where
they exaggerated how like drunk or high you were, and
you so badly want to be like, hold on one second,

but like I stop what you are?

Speaker 3 (19:37):
Oh like getting me to your Christmas party? I was fine,
and you were like.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
I was just feeling walk around social. I was saying,
if you were sitting by the fireplace telling stories to yourself. No,
I wasn't. Again more embellishment. No, I remember Rich made
he was joking too. We were playing like last one
standing or something, and make Rich made reference that I
was cheating, and I got like so offended so instantly
because like I'm like, dude, whoa hold on, No way,

no much cheating here in his game, Like you need
to defend yourself sometimes, and I think this is one
of those times I don't find I find it odd
if you didn't, I find it more odd if you did.
To wrap it, it's a sports related story when someone
says you're lying, this is this is such a silly,
meaningless example. But I was playing softball like I do,

because you know, I'm trying to stay active. I made
a catch in the outfield and it was like a legit,
I'll be honest. It was a great catch. Like I
laid out, I came up with it.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
Weim it was Jim Edmonds, like.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
It was a Jim Edmonds Griffy junior Mo Jackson, Like
I like laid out and you know I held up
the ball and I'm like, yeah, Rich climbed the wall
like Kenny Lofton and the fat umpire behind whole plate
that didn't even come out behind the plate team can
get a look. Was like, h no, Kurt hit the floor.
I damn near loft my mind because in those scenarios
you're like, I'm not I'm not trying to sell you

I caught the ball. It's right, it's an injustice.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
There's been instant replay in the Balbo Softball League ever since.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Yeah, you know, ever since he changed the game. There
should be you know, hey, look at the clock. It
is fifty. There's a surgeon.

Speaker 4 (21:27):

Speaker 1 (21:28):
What we're gonna do is go back back into town.

Speaker 7 (21:33):
Throwing it back for a Thursday. Old school went fifty.
That's fifty. After cn R give you the time capsule
topic and we reminisce together.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Yeah, well, before we dive into it and we're diving deep.
That's why I got on the scuba gear up like
Jack Houstou. Look at you, you're like Greg Larginnis. Before
we dive into this, I do want to get pro
off to Danny G diving because Danny G's always super producing,
coming up with great ideas for us. And he saw
meme a meme that said, oh wait, he saw me.

He was doing Coveno style research. Yes, I get all
my news and ideas from memes. He says, hey, guys,
look at his meme.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
What do you think?

Speaker 1 (22:14):
And the meme reads name a singer or band you
wouldn't go see even if you had a free ticket.
So this meme went semi viral, but it was kind
of fun because it's a nice to go back discussion
that we could have. Because it doesn't have to be
a band or a singer. It could be an athlete
that people raved about but you just found boring, or

a team that won so many games but really didn't
excite you. You wouldn't even care to see him.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
It could be anything, or a TV show or movie
right where you know you just didn't get it. Coveno
saw a year later and was raving about it on Netflix,
but you still don't get it.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Eh, Gerald's game, Gerald's game. This guy. So we'll go
to your phone calls at eight seven, seven ninety nine
on Fox because we'd like to open it up. Get involved, Sam,
think of stuff, dB, whoever's hanging out, Spotty Cavino and Rich.
I'll start it off by saying, because it's kind of relevant, now,
I'll go see the Timothy Shallow May Bob Dylan movie.

But if you gave me a free ticket to go
see that guy perform, I'd pass on it. And I
understand his legacy and he's a great songwriter. And did
you realize he wrote this this and that, and his
songs are beautiful. I would not want to hear that
guy squeal out yes, even if I had a free ticket.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
I have seen him in concert.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
He was great? Really was it really?

Speaker 3 (23:35):
I'm with my dad and Elvis Costello opened up for
But was he really great.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
Or was it you just taking in the fact that
you know he was a legend? So I would say
you could check that box.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
I would say that his band behind him was really
great and he was kind of mumbling singing stuff. Yeah,
I don't nothing I can say I saw Bob Dylan
in concert.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
Okay, I'm saying that you could say that because you
saw a legend. I can't totally get that.

Speaker 3 (23:57):
I don't think I was ever on the bucket list,
but now it's checked off.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Yeah, like I understand the thought behind that, But honestly,
that dude does not thrill me, not even the slightest. Yeah.
So wait, you got a ticket for free? Naw, I'm good,
that's a good one. What artist? What sporting event? What
would you not pay for? You know what? I I

have a few artists I'm gonna call out, and you
know what, I'm I've been to a hockey game I've
been to a few. I'm not bashing our hockey friends,
but if you want me to go to a hockey game,
you better have seats on the glass, because I'm not
going to a hockey game. Are you gonna put them
on the glass. I'm gonna put my boots on a glass.
Nic shock everyone, But I'm not going to a hockey game.
If you give me tickets for free, I'm sorry. I'm

just not going too cold. Yeah, we'll get more of
your feedback next that to win fifty hits. But before
we do that, Dan Buyer's got some news.

Speaker 5 (24:59):
What was up the I just want to add to
something because literally, as I was doing the update, news
was breaking as I was talking, and I just said
that the Jaguars were going to speak with Kellen Moore
and Joe Brady. Liam Cohen is now back in the
running as being the Jaguars head coach, and me back out. Yes,
he got an extent, I got a new deal from

the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. But of course since he did that,
the Jaguars have fired Trent Balki, their general manager. At
both the NFL Network and espno reporting that Cohen is
back in Jacksonville meeting with the Jaguars, which could signal
quite a change of heart and possibly he being.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
The next head coach in Jacksonville.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
He was going to be one of the higher paid
offensive coordinators.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Yes, if he had went.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Back to Tampa, that was the last I heard, So
thank you for that.

Speaker 5 (25:48):
And just you guys, if you go a little while back,
remember Byron Leftwich who was at Tampa and we thought, oh,
natural fit with Jacksonville. Former Jaguars quarterback. He wanted his
own front office setup. They were like, no, we're going
to keep what we got, so he moved aside.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Same thing.

Speaker 5 (26:02):
Trent Balki was there, and I think there was a
reason why Liam Cohen said all right, no, thanks, Now
Trent Balki is gone.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
And wow and the ripple effect, by the way, because
now does that leave Robert Sala available for the forty
nine ers or the Jets. Yeah, because he was the
lead candidate. Had Cohen opted.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
Out, Sure, I don't think he's going to go back
to the Jets.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
I'm telling you after that, no way, Yeah, I'm not
the Jets. I'm sorry. Somewhere else the other Saints I
heard there was no New England I'm sorry New England.
They were talking about the Jets. I'm sorry, dude, my mistake.
But yeah, the forty nine ers. What a great fun
reunion that would be if Kyle Shanahan could could confidently
just hand the defense over to Robert Sala bring us

back a few years. But right now when fifty hit.
This is an interesting one. Danny g said, there's a
meme that has gone a little viral over the last day. Yeah,
it was even if you had a free ticket. You
had a free ticket to see this person. And I'll
read the meme. It says, name a singer or band
that you wouldn't even go see if you had a
free ticket. And I said, I'll start it off by saying, well,

it has to be someone popular right for this to
even matter. It's just a matter of well, you don't
even get it. You don't understand why so many people
love it. If it was free, I wouldn't even go.
I said, yeah, I'll see that movie Timothy Shallow may
as Bob Dylan. But if you told me I could
see him for free, I think I'd rather take a nap.
I'd be like namm Good. And I understand he's a legend.
I get all that, and I respect that, so I

don't mean any disrespect. I'm just saying I'd rather probably
sit home and watch something on Netflix. I think as
we go to the phones and around the studio, more
controversial the better. Of course, don't give me a soft
ass answer. I want you to give me an answer
that you know that I'll get other people aggravated because
I have a list of four and I feel like

all four of them. Well, dude, I have a few
real bother the hell out of sith. Yeah, there's legendary
artists that people hit me up like, dude, you want
to go, and I'm like, honestly, nod this recently recently
and we called out our buddy Max Bratos from ESPN.

Speaker 3 (28:11):
What did he want to bring you to?

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. And I know there are legendary,
you know, hard classic rock bands. I play them on
Ozzie's Boneyard. I like their hits, but after that, I'm
not a maid into them man, and dude, I can't
fake the funk. Like you don't want to be at
a show where everyone's really into it and they're singing

along and you're the guy who's like, yeah, throwing up
the horns. I'm not that into it, Like you can't
fake that. Just didn't grow up being the wheelhouse of
Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. This is not my thing,
you know. I was more of a Van Halen twisted
sister guy, like those are my bands right in that era.
I'm saying, I remember, this is like a real experience.

I remember like a girl in the early two thousands
was like and she was kind of hot. She's like,
you want to go to a play. I'm like, I'll
kind of go anywhere with you because you're hot. And
I'm like, well, what play? She's like, I got two
tickets to see Cats. I was like, nah, I'm good
at the Winter Garden. Like yeah, you're hot, We're not

that hot. I mean, I I you know, literally a
famous play that ran for years free ticket. And I
was like, nah, I am a fan of Broadway in fact,
you know, you know, you know my stance. My stance
is I look at talent on a stage the way
I look at athletes on a field. I'm attracted to talent. Talent, man,
But you know what, you know how you can aggregate me?

Tell me that you would pass up a ticket to
like Wicket or Hamilton and I'll strangle you. Yeah, no, no,
I wouldn't do that. Play. I wrote down things that
I would pass up on and one thing that I
was aggravated I had to sit through. Oh boy, I've
had the pleasure to go to a few super Bowls.
It's a lucky situation. You get a ticket last minute,
or you pay face value. You know, a our type

of jobs we have here. One of the super Bowl
halftime shows I got to see. You know, there has
been so many great ones from you know doctor Dre
to you know, Katie Perry or Bruno Mahrs. I went, yeah, Prince.
I went to the super Bowl where the halftime show
was The Who, and I remember feeling like I drew

the weakest straw. Like when I look back at the
last twenty five years, I'm like, that's the weakest, weakest
ass halftime SHOW'M like, no.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
Don't get the fascination with that band as they are
absolute classic wizard what a bunch of dorks, bunch of garments.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
I give it awesome. You know, I get the legacy,
I get that they're legendary, but you're right, man, I don't.
I wouldn't want to see them either, to be honest,
to think about the super Bowl halftime acts, Lady Gaga,
you know, like everyone that has performed at the super
Bowl halftime Michael Jackson we were kids. The fact that I.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
Got they don't do enough of those like they now
they do a lot of pop stuff, they don't do
them all with Sam.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
The fact you guys put Katy Perry like is a
good option.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
Oh, Katy Perry's a way beter option. The I understand,
see we have to in saying this, we're acknowledging that
we understand that their legends and that people love them.
It's just, hey, man, I wouldn't go see him if
you gave me a free ticket. We're basically telling people
what kind of music we like. You know, we all
understand that The Who is great, But you're right. Aside
from Pinball Wizard, they're putting me a sleep stop Sam.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
Their cover of Saturday Nights All Right for Fighting is excellent.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
I don't even know you're talking about sounds Saturday Night's
All Rock for I'd rather hear the Jennifer. I'd rather
hear none of that. But I will say this, the
fact that I got you aggravated proves my point. I
want these to be aggravating. I got a couple more
based on the meme what shows games events? Would you say, no, thanks, Yeah,
but it's free. Yeah, I'm still not going. I got

a feel this is I'm gonna upset people. Unless it
was Kate and Clark, I would not go to a
w NBA game said free tickets, I'd be like I
would honestly, I'd be like, yeah, yeah, I'm not interested. Yeah,
but you could go your kids. Nah, No, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
I did go to see whatever games. And she was
still kind of struggling at that point. The team was
still struggling. It was not it was not that fun.
It was not very entertaining.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
Unless it was Angel Reese, Kaitlin Clark in the showdown
and like, we did have a couple of good ones,
unless it was in the Fever, if it was a
cool moment like that. Yes, But if you told me, hey,
do you want to see two arbitrary w NBA teams
where you don't really know? No, no, thanks, free tickets,
they could even tell me VIP sweet, I'd say, nope,
let me give you another one. I'm from New York

living in LA now during the holidays, you couldn't drag
me to the Radio City rock Cat thing. It is awful.
Is it like a Christmas Carol? Still, it's not like Scrooge.
That's the Christmas Store like the corniest wee is. Like
the rock Cats are dancing and they have little soldiers

coming out. It's honestly, you couldn't pay me to go
to that. They don't do that, Dan d then then
then then then yeah, But a lot of times with
the rock Cats at radio seating music hall, there's like
a theme and then I remember the Nutcracker Sweet was
one of the themes. Did you take a nice long

nappy nap nappy nap?

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Rich? I have one that will ruffle some feathers. Friend
friend of mine all the way back in middle school,
he used to have their T shirt almost every day,
their concert shirt. He had a backpack with her like
a logo of them on it.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
Have a trapper keeper dude everything. Yes he did.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
In fact, he had a folder you too. I don't
mean to offend DB's wife. I know she's a big fan,
and I know big fans of the band. I mean,
with or without you was great, maybe Sunday bloody Sunday.
Other than that goes I don't get it, and then
remember the album their album was forced on us on iTunes.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
Yeah, can I tell you something, Danny J. I don't
hate ute by any means. I even I like, just
don't get it. What's this? Oh, the sweetest thing, like
I seest thing. I even't like some of the cheesy
stuff the sweetest thing. But I have a buddy who
every time YouTube announces a concert tours like, bro, you

want to go? And every time I'm like, let me
think about that. No, Like I'm with you. I don't
want to go. Their music's great, but I'm with you.
I'd be like, yeah, no, thanks, it is amazing. Come on,
so worldwide poppy.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
I know.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
So I don't get that either.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
That's thing, but I feel like people either love them
or hate them. I don't like them.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
I like a few of their songs, but I don't
get the whole like they're the biggest band in the
world kind of vibe. So if you had a free ticket,
you wouldn't even go think about it? What more could
how much more enticing could you be? Like, dude, I
know you're like chilling, you're lamping at home, you're relaxing.
I got a free ticket, and you're still not willing

to go. Give me a few examples. I'll give you
two that are going to aggravate people because I'm upsetting
like a whole genre of people. So my apologies, but
I'm trying to make you man, because this is how
you actually feel. I got invited to like a movie screening,
like first the first ever showing of Avengers Endgame, and

I was like, man, no thanks, I'm on team Rich here.
And on top of that, there's some people that would
kill for that. I remember being like they're like, yeah,
well you can do the red carpet and go to
the movie.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
That doesn't surprise me because you don't get Star Wars.
You don't get the yeah you love Star.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
Wars, so to title together. If someone's like, yo, dude,
right here in my hands for you Rich Davis VIP
tickets Comic Con, I'd be like, no, thanks, good, I'm good.
I'm good. No thanks, I'm good. So to me, how
about the this isn't is just an obvious one though,
because I could totally see this like a buddy and you,

but yoh, I got two tickets.

Speaker 2 (36:06):
Pro Bowl.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
No like XFL or Pro Yeah, like even better because
like XFL. I'm like, yeah, I don't care if it's free,
I'm not going no matter what. But Pro Bowl is
a good one flag football game. I'm good.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
I've been to a Pro Bowl and it does suck.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
Ourybuddy Sean, who everybody who listens on the iHeart app
out here in LA. What's up? Sean said, free tickets.
I'll be honest, I wouldn't go to a Clippers game
really for free. He's like traffic, I don't really care enough.
He's like, I'd be like, yeah, no thanks.

Speaker 3 (36:37):
I've been to a Clippers game for free and I
got a free toe bag, so it was worth it.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Yeah, you know, I would actually go. I would go
to a Clippers game for free. I really would.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
Well, now that they have the into it, don't I'd
want to see that nice.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
I've been there. It's cool, So yeah, I would say
yes to that. But you know, Rich Rich is entitled
to his Clippers opinion.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
I'd still wear my Lakers gere that right.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
Yeah, listen, dude, I'm I'm not saying my I'm right.
I'm just saying it's fun to see how world different,
and the meme did generate an interesting thought. Other people
would would die for some of these tickets. I bet
you there's people that would say if I was offered
tickets to Tailor Swift's tour, I'd say no. Meanwhile, parents
are paying thousands of dollars to get their kids in. Meanwhile,

this is probably a hell of a lot of grown
men that would be like, yeah, you could drag me
to that. Let me give you an example. And then
I want and I'm gonna put a little extra on
it and tell me if you would go okay on it,
I would put some extra stank on it. If I
said I got two tickets to see fish, would you
want to go? I'd rather go to my quarry because
people love it. They're like, you know, a modern day

grateful dead. If you're unaware, right, any and I were
talking about grape fish. But if I said I got
two tickets to see the fish show at the Sphere
in Vegas for free, do you have any acid? I
get me the animals, Yeah, give me animals. I'll go.
But what if it was at the Sphere, because they
do that show the Sphere. But then I'm going for

much like your hatred too. I'd be going for the
sphere you experience. Yeah, but if you told me your
dude V I p fish. I have a cousin who's
way in to fish, and you know I rarely go
to pet Smart look at the fish tanks. Yeah, seriously,
I'd rather smell some rotten fish and go.

Speaker 5 (38:11):
Watch You can't get over Rich being like and I
want these bad and then saying the rock Cats, thinking like,
some guy in this car is like us O B. Davis,
how dare you treat the Rocket like that? You know
this station off, you know it's on the competitor.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
You know, Rich, I was on your team. So he says,
that's really funny. But it's so funny though, because in
New York there's they make such a big deal like
Radio City, Rockefeller Center, the Christmas Show of that Iraq
and the rock Cats. I'm like, by the way, I'm
gonna tell one of our one of our mutual buddies,
his mom was a rocket, and I'm telling them I
can tell that. Let's go to Grant in San Francisco.

Phones are all hot. We'll go rapid fire, music, sports, entertainment,
you name it. What would you say, no thanks to
a free ticket? What's up? Grant? Yop, grant grant with
a blow at Grant. Let's go to Wayne in Missouri?

Speaker 6 (39:08):
What's that way, Wayne, Gentleman? For me, it's a no brainer.
Free ticket?

Speaker 8 (39:14):
Would pass it up? The BGS?

Speaker 2 (39:17):
How dare you?

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Oh? Yeah, I would be definitely go see the BGS. Man,
I love me some falsetto.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
What if it was Timberlake doing the BGS.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
I got see Tim by the way Spark talk Show.
I even like the DGS. Dave Grohl's cover album that
was good. Hail Satin. Let's go to David. You're on
with cn R. What would you pass up a free
ticket to see?

Speaker 2 (39:38):
All? Right?

Speaker 9 (39:39):
First off, I gotta say rich stole my w NBA answer,
because if it's not Caitlin Clark, I'm not going. I'm
not that big a fan of layups. Yeah, but music wise,
you canting drag me to a C d C or
led Zeppelin get out of town?

Speaker 1 (39:51):
I agree, I'm with you, Yo, your David, I would saying,
if you here's the CDC, and then he has to
add in led Zeppelin too, I would say, if you
I understand ac DC I was screaming. I would saying
if you had Zeppelin, I would say, if you sent
me an uber limo to my house and said I
will pay for you to go and come back and

I'll buy you food refreshment. Was that everything I'd say?
Are we talking about Zeppelin or ac DC? Both?

Speaker 3 (40:18):
Okay, I love both of those bands, but go by
yourself if someone if someone had leads, it's like the
ticket that never was. You can't get legs.

Speaker 2 (40:26):
They don't. They don't you know.

Speaker 5 (40:27):
Yeah, I was gonna say if they, I mean the
four of them can't. But it's the three remaining got
together and put something together. I think that would be like, well,
I'm just going for the history of it.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
Yeah, bucket list.

Speaker 5 (40:40):
Yes, like like to say like, yeah, well I was
there when they did reunite.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
For that's like Queen at Wembley.

Speaker 3 (40:46):
You're like, Okay, this is like a once in a lifetime.

Speaker 1 (40:48):
Everybody has their thing. I think he's crazy for throwing
led Zeppelin in there as well. Ac DC. They're still
Angus in his little schoolboy out and he's eighty five
years old.

Speaker 2 (40:57):
It's like, I'm still a fan.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
You ever see their Italian cover band have you ever
seen led zeppele Oh yeah, they're great. I saw Genaro's festival, fantastic.
It was great.

Speaker 3 (41:06):
I got two bands, Oh I got I bet I
can guess one of them.

Speaker 2 (41:10):
Go ahead. I hate three eleven like I came out.

Speaker 1 (41:17):
Are you not down enough?

Speaker 5 (41:20):
I'm since my college roommate I went home with his
winter hat that had three eleven, like just from like
it's been, you know, thirty years.

Speaker 1 (41:29):
It's just Vampire totally ignored the UFC three eleven this
past week nds because he hates three eleven so much.

Speaker 2 (41:36):
And Weezer. Oh I don't like Weezer.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
I see three eleven because they got the reggae thing
and the guy's dancing around and I get that Weezer
so good man Weezer. Huh all right?

Speaker 3 (41:51):
Oh wait, hold on, Dan, Remember when I first started FSR,
I was doing a show with you and Mike Harmon,
and you both gave me a band each where I
was not allowed to play them.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
Do you remember the bands Fin Young Camnibals. No, I
actually love it.

Speaker 3 (42:01):
Finally in Campbell's I think for Harmon, it was easy
Top who I Love. I saw a concert twenty two
years ago and then for you. I think it was
Dave Matthews Band. Yes, so would you not? Would you DMB?
What I love DMB?

Speaker 1 (42:14):
Have you ever seen the funny meme of Dave Matthews
And he's like gyrating around the stage and then and
the meme was like security guard Dave Matthews Band song
should ever make you do this?

Speaker 4 (42:27):

Speaker 1 (42:28):
By the way, I'm with them, matt If you told
me you had a free ticket see d m B,
I'm sorry, Bros.

Speaker 2 (42:34):
D U m B nt y, no, thank you.

Speaker 1 (42:38):
I've seen him once. I saw him twice. I saw
him like at the Beacon Theater two with a what's
his name? Tim? How do you do he does an
album with Tim somebody? Oh? Tim? Yep. But anyway, I've
seen him twice enough. I would never go see that

guy again. People people love them though. Grant in San Francisco,
it's up Grant.

Speaker 8 (43:03):
Oh my god, you guys are are throwing out some
fighting words here because I'm ready to take it all on.
Let me tell you, I was back home in New
York for Christmas and I went to see the rock Cats.
That was amazing. That tells incredible.

Speaker 6 (43:21):
That Christmas spectacular.

Speaker 8 (43:23):
The Moto should have been Christmas is Coming, Get the
hell out of its way. It was so entertaining, it
was ridiculous. Which is that one wown away? I saw
the ten o'clock Sunday night Show and I said, this
is incredible. Can I see through it again? It was
that good?

Speaker 2 (43:42):
Thank you man, really quick grant. What artists would you
not see if you had a free ticket?

Speaker 8 (43:48):
Ooh, I wouldn't see any of the Latin bands. I
just don't understand what you're saying. I couldn't get down
with that.

Speaker 1 (43:54):
I know you're saying. Bed Bunny. An example, my girlfriend
had she I want two tickets to see Pitbull Enrique
and who is the other guy? Ricky Martin. Yeah, so
it was like man three really popular legendary Latin. Yeah,
it was one show. She couldn't find anybody to go

with her, bro anybody she had an extra ticket, she
couldn't find it, And luckily one of our mutual pals, Maria,
went with her. So shout out to her, Brie, who's
doing a hell of a job in the editing room today.
She came in and she's like, no one better say
bon Jovi. I wouldn't say. She's a huge bon Jovie fan,

and I'm like, there would be people that would say, yeah,
no thanks, but I wanted to point out, have you
guys heard because if not, you know how many hot
Jersey women show up at a bon Jovi concert just
for that alone?

Speaker 2 (44:48):
You gotta go.

Speaker 1 (44:49):
But I think you'd be shocked at they're all like
sixty with big hands.

Speaker 3 (44:52):
So what.

Speaker 1 (44:54):
So my point is bon Jovi, they just recently did
a remix and I have haven't really heard much. I
doubt you have. Bon Jovi teamed up with Pitbull. Dadley
now our buddy spot our video guy pointed out that
It's My Life by bon Jovi is twenty years old now,

so there might be younger people that are like, what's
this song? I think it's over twenty years old. So
It's My Life and Pitbull take a listen. I don't
want to state the obvious, but let me guess it's
the hook, then Pitbull raps, and then it's the hook again. Wow.
It's almost like you know the formula man that works.
You know why because there's a familiarity to it. Even
if the young kiddos don't know the bon Jovi song,

they probably heard it once or twice so they recognize
it and this is good.

Speaker 2 (45:44):
They can bond over it with their parents.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
Yeah, there it is the hook.

Speaker 3 (45:50):
This is like what all music's going to be like
in the future. It's just old songs and then like
hip hop and rock coming together and just be like,
here's a new thing.

Speaker 1 (45:57):
This is so obvious. But yeah, I don't hate it.
I can't find it. I just googled it. Remember there
used to be the piple equation. It was like shout
out a city, then do this, then say Dolly, and
then I like Pitbull, he's always been yeah's cool, but uh, yeah,
you know. I made the sports analogy to Cavino this
morning because I had heard that song, and I said,

you know, Pitbull remixed a bon Jovi song, and Cavino
pointed out with spot that that is a twenty plus
year old It's a twenty year plus old song. Remember
when you were a kid and it dawned on you
that some of your favorite coaches used to play and
you're like, wait a minute, they played. You just didn't
realize it because you aren't a lie for it. I

think right now we're gonna start to see more and
more songs be sampled and younger people not realizing that
it's just a progression. So here's the pitbull formula.

Speaker 2 (46:50):
Yeah, I just found it too.

Speaker 1 (46:52):
You gotta say oohie oie to say some say some
random Spanish words like mama latina. Then you gotta say
mister worldwide, mister worldwide. Then say unintelligible sentences. Then you
gotta throw a dala in there again, and then say
the names of at least four or five big cities.

And that's how you can New York.

Speaker 2 (47:14):
That's a formula. Different more of this, like different recipes.
Yell to list three cities including Miami at least once Miami,
New York, Chicago. Three, mumble something in Spanish, I knee
shows over all right, works, all right.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
We're live from Tirack dot com studio and I have
this fantasy, right, this one doesn't involve women rich just
so you know I have this fantasy. Right, Well, your
fantasy has involved women. Are Derek Jeter, which is weird, right,
And it's when you die, they hand you a box

they I don't know, someone an angel. He's like, here's
your box, Like what's that? And it's all the things
you ever lost in there? Right, like this is your
lost and Found. You're like, no way, there's my Luke Skywalker, right,
so there's my starting lineup, oh, my first baseball glove,
my left airplod. Oh all right, it's all your like,

here's your box of all the stuff you couldn't find.
And then they hand you a DVD, right, and it's like,
what's this. Here's your life highlights what? And you look
through it and like, oh, that's awesome. And here's like
deleted scenes. There's all kind of you said, like a
highlight reel, like like everything from your little league moments
to you in the bedroom with and there's stats on there.
You're like, I did what how many times?

Speaker 7 (48:39):
No way?

Speaker 1 (48:40):
There's all kinds of stats, fun ones, perverted ones like man,
I went to Disneyland eighteen times? Huh I did that
that many times?

Speaker 2 (48:49):

Speaker 1 (48:50):
All kinds of stats, life stats, highlights, it's all on
this DVD.

Speaker 2 (48:53):

Speaker 1 (48:55):
Then you walk into the Pearly Gates and you're like, wow,
I can't believe it. I know what I'm by what
when you talk about life stats? Life stats? Honestly?

Speaker 9 (49:05):
Like that?

Speaker 1 (49:07):
How did? There's so many random things? I'm thinking, like
how many X rated ones. As far as those go,
I'm like, other than your current partner, do you think
you know what woman you've been with the most?

Speaker 2 (49:20):

Speaker 1 (49:21):
Mm hmm. It's an interesting quit, like you're saying, I
would never answer that anyway. Yeah, but you know, you
go there, you're like, man, I did have twenty seven
Little League home runs.

Speaker 2 (49:31):
I thought Rich was going to say, how many good
deeds you did?

Speaker 1 (49:33):
Yeah? Yeah, too, good deeds. I did way less than
I thought. So anyway, on this DVD you also have
like your best moments. But somewhere there, somewhere on the DVD,
if you're up to it, you also have your worst moments.
Now here's the thing. I don't think a lot of
us know our best and worst moments. But we saw

one's best and one's worst two different people though, over
the weekend, and they're two separate stories. Mark Andrews probably
had one of his worst days ever, his terrible, horrible,
no good, very bad day. And he spoke about it.
He said he was gutted about it, and you can
only imagine, Yeah, here's a guy who's a great player.

He's got Hall of Fame numbers, he is a really respected,
solid player, and he just falls so short, dude, multiple
times in the biggest stage, the drop, the fumble. It
was just a rough game for Mark Andrews. Drop. It
was such a big part of getting that team there.
He is a part. He is a very important part
of that offense for Baltimore and he's been solid for years.

But so you know, that's on his worst moment highlight
low light portion of the DVD that you don't really watch. Now,
Saquon Barkley had an opposite experience.

Speaker 4 (50:50):
Yeah, probably my favorite touchdown so far of my football career.
So it's a little kid, just a moment. The time
and of it, the conversations that I had with myself,
the stuff that I've been working on kind of all
just came together in that moment. Who also taught me
lesson to that you have one of my favorite moments,
but just playoffootball. You got to make it, play in
and move on.

Speaker 1 (51:09):
And dude, you could see that in his excitement. You know,
you could see his breakaway. It's in the snow. It's
like a video game. He's slapping his helmet, he's super
pumped about it. Big moment, seventy eight yards or whatever.
So again it's the thrill of victory and the agony
of defeat. You saw Saquan's best moment Andrew's worst moment.
And then the question is do you know your best

and worst moments minus birth of babies and death?

Speaker 2 (51:34):

Speaker 1 (51:34):
Minus like the real life stuff. Like your answer can't
be like, oh, when in front of out my uncle
had cancer, right, but like your best and worst light
moments in life, sports work related things like that. Well,
we'll get to that next. But Dan Bayer has an update,
d B.

Speaker 5 (51:48):
What's up quite the situation developing in the National Football
League between two teams from Florida. Multiple reports ay Buccaneers
offensive coordinator Liam Cohen is meeting with the Jaguars today,
withdrawing from consideration from the team's head coaching job early yesterday.
Cohen Withdrew prior to the Jaguars dismissing GM Trent Balki
on Wednesday afternoon, and reports say the Buccaneers haven't heard

from Cohen after repeated attempts to touch base. Cohen was
going to sign a contract extension with Tampa has not
signed the deal now. ESPN's Adam Schefter says that Cohen
told Buccaneers head coach Todd Bowles that he was having
a second interview with the Jaguars, but right now all
signs seem to be pointing to Liam Cohen being the
jaguars next head coach.

Speaker 2 (52:32):

Speaker 5 (52:33):
And then there's Danny's team, the Raiders, who hire Jason
Spytech as their general manager, or so we think there
could be a possibility where spy Tech goes to Jacksonville
to be their general manager.

Speaker 1 (52:45):

Speaker 2 (52:45):
Something to watch here over the next couple of days.

Speaker 1 (52:48):
Coaching carousel keeps moving
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