All Episodes

December 12, 2024 26 mins

Joe Burrow speaks out on his burglary and violation of privacy, which also calls out a potential new woman in his life, so we rank which of these is worse. C&R reveal the Top 3 sports-related Christmas gifts we got as kids. Rich shares his "49ers Need to Win Desperation Parlay" for Thursday Night Football courtesy of DraftKings Sportsbook, CODE: CRSHOW.  And finally, we fire up the Rich Davis Playoff Machine Simulator 1000 to predict which NFL teams will make the playoffs this year

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Oh yeah, Happy holidays, your boys. Cavino and Rich from
Fox Sports Radio two to four on the West, five
to seven on the East. Just search Covino and Rich
everywhere social media where consume your podcast YouTube and thank
you for being here.

Speaker 2 (00:23):

Speaker 1 (00:23):
I remember, if you're listening on the podcast, thank you, you
can also watch over promised. If you're watching, you can
also listen thank you. I would agree.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
I think watching is the best way to consume over promise,
because we've got lots of video elements and cool pictures
and a bunch of rando shit we're gonna get to today.
I'm breaking out the simulator, the playoff machine, because I'm
gonna somehow find the way for the forty nine ers
to make the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Because today's doord die Bro simulator, the Rich David sports machine.
Any wait, talking to some NFL plus the top three
sports related Cris Smiths gifts growing up because this the
holiday season. The holiday season. By the way, this little
bad boy, No no, no, that's not the lyrics. This
bad boy right here that you see. I actually called

DIBs on my family's original, like nineteen eighties version, and
my siblings are like, why does he get it because I.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Grew up with that's ceramic dining room table Christmas tree.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
This one the class classic. Yeah. By the way, my
parents have two of them, this one the classic one,
and a white one. Is that white one to class
The white.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
One goes with your family's white Christmas tree.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
So I called DIBs, family DIBs on this bad boy.
When the parents kick kid, I mean, I mean, I
mean whatever. Anyway, Happy holidays, guys, let's get into it.
We got to talk about Joe Burrow to kick off.
Over promised Joe Burrow. Unfortunately, as part of this whole
mafio so mob theft when players go away, he was
in Dallas. The baglers will play. Yeah, they say it's

mob related. It's very high end and thought out, that's
for sure. These people, these burglars, are going into the players'
homes and robbing them and feeling them because they know
they're not around.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
The Joe Burrow narrative went from oh he's got a
cool batmobile to oh shit, his house got broken into.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
Maybe he shouldn't talked about that on Hard Knocks, but
it was. Travis Kelsey was Patrick Mahomes. The NFL warned
all the players like, hey, get proper security because this
isn't cool. But think about it. You're advertising every week
when you're away, and they figured out a way to
break into the security systems to cut out the cameras.
Like I said, as a high tech, high end sort

of operation going on, and unfortunately Joe Burrows the latest victim.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
We've talked about how just not just celebrities, regular people,
we should not be advertising so openly where we are
when we're not home, Like I'm away you pretty much
been like, no, it's at my fucking house, Robbie, take
my shit.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
Like his seven point five million Cincinnati mansion was broken into.
And here's the kicker. It opened up with b Canna
worms for Joe Burrow because there was a house guest
at his house and it was sports illustrated and lingerie
model Olivia Putton, twenty two year old hotty with millions

of social media followers and had one more follower good morning.
She had a call nine one one. It's a long
joint our story because she actually called her mom. Her
mom was like, call nine one one. Her mom called
nine one one, and it became a big national story
and then everyone speculated, Wait a second, isn't Joe Burrow
engaged to his longtime college girlfriend, And like I said,

canon worms lots of speculation. Oh maybe they're not engaged.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
I mean my family went from oh poor Joe Burrow
too well not poor Joe Burrow.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Yeah, but it also comes out in the story that
maybe Olivia Putton works for him, because it's listed that
like someone who works for him was at the house,
is like works for him, a hotty like that. I
don't know about that. We have that her and her
hold on me get a better look here. Oh but listen,

no no disrespect. They're both everyone's beautiful. Just he goes,
you know here he is. He goes on the.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
Road, not thinking anything's gonna happen. His house gets broken into.
And if you saw Joe Burrow at the press conference,
take a look, take a listen to what uh mister
batmobile himself had to say, Joey b.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
So obviously everybody has heard what has happened. I feel
like my privacy has been violated in more ways than one,
and way more is already out there than I would
want out there, and that I care to share. So
that's all I got to say about that.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
Yeah, we live a public He lives a public life.
It comes with the territory, as he goes on to say,
but still an unfortunate situation. I don't expect them to
be happy about it, but it does pose a question.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
Keep in mind, if he had a long term college
swee hard fiance it went wrong, he's probably out of kindness,
trying to keep the new girlfriend, maybe under reps like
if you go through a big breakup, you don't want
to flaunt the new girl right away. And what if
the new girl's a Victoria's Secret supermodel.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
So yeah, this this whole situation sort of maybe based
on speculation, forced that hand and forced that information to
come out, and you could see his disdain there. He
is probably protecting his fiance, Olivia Holsmacher, his his ex
fiance that he met in the college days. I think

he met in Ohio State in twenty seventeen ish, as
the story goes. But the question based on this unfortunate situation,
and we hope this trend ends, you know, breaking into
these athletes houses when they're away. Well do you see
what Aaron Rodgers said?

Speaker 3 (05:51):
What in Green Bay a lot of people have guns,
so that wouldn't have happened back in the day, well
to us at the same thing. I mean, like there's
players saying like we got it on lockdown, We're on.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
TUIs said you're gonna get shot if you step out
of his property, and you know it is a warning
to take proper precaution. But the question is based on
his private life being exposed in this way, and he
references that right his privacy was violated and more waste
than one would you be more upset rich and over

promised Fox Sports Radio Nation that your house was violated,
your belongings were stolen, or that your private life was exposed.
I mean, there's so many layers here, but I have
a distinct daughter.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Okay, I think there there's something that feels so violating
about someone stealing.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Your car being in your home.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
Then I think after that the private life stuff that
has more value to me than oh they stole rolex.
If someone steals Joe Burrow's rolex, it could be replaced.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
I don't know, man, but there is sentimental value put
on a lot of things, even post divorce. Again, it
wasn't stolen, or maybe it was. I don't know. Certain
things I never got back and I was told that
it was stolen. Like I know because a lot of
my belongings were thrown in the garage, right, prize guitars
of mine, like personal things that I loved I never

got back because I was told they were stolen.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
But what are you rather out there the fact that, oh,
Steve Cabe know your guitar was stolen, or would you
want like dirty details of your divorce and who you
were dating and who you're dating.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
Like is it that your celebrity to be associated with
a victorious secret model or a sports illustrated model. It's unfortunate,
you don't want it out there, But does it make
Joe Burrow look bad in any way? His relationship ended,
you know, to not get back some of that stuff
that he worked hard for, and maybe that meant a
lot to him, also matters to some people. You don't

put a lot of value on material things. I don't.
I think I think material things are I'm saying certain
things do hold, meaning yeah, I have a nice house.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
I don't want anyone to rob me, But I feel
like material things are just that. They're like when you die,
all your material things gonna be thrown a dumpster.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
And here's why we post this question too, though, Rich,
because there's a lot of things to be upset about.
I do feel in that clip that spot played that
he he insinuates that it was more upsetting to him
to have his personal life exposed. That's the vibe I
got from his statement there. You know what was probably
important to Joe Burrow.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
You know, you ever date someone fresh out of a
breakup and you're like, listen this on the d L.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Well, because you don't know where it's going, I want
to keep it close. And now the X is probably like, oh, now,
I know he may have been trying to hide this
to protect of the feelings of his ex, and I
don't know. I was out of a relationship, and my
male continued to go to the house, right, And I

remember my m A, I M male and my bank
statements would go to the house, and I remember having
it and it was done right, it was done divorce right.
But I remember my ex saying to me like, yeah,
well say hello to your friend, Javier, Like Javier, say

hello to your friend. And every time I see her, yeah,
well tell Javier. I said hello, Javierer. And basically I
expose myself because all the statements were going to the house,
and it was all these bank statements to this high
end Mexican restaurant called Javier. You were taking all your
new dates. I was just going on dates, and I
didn't want it to get out in that way, right,
But I get where you're coming from. I didn't want

it to be exposed in that way. That's private information.
You're just trying to move on with your life. So
his privacy was violated. Would you'd be more upset about
your belongings or your private life express I think the.

Speaker 3 (09:45):
Belongings also take a backseat to the feeling that you
were violated. Someone was in your house, in your car.
I mean two personal stories for us. My dad moved
because he had a home break in, and him and
his wife were like, yeah, you know, we don't feel
right here anymore.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
They moved. I remember your parents someone stole their car.
Someone stole my parents' car right out of their driveway
and they found it. But your parents at that point
were like, I don't want this car was in it.
I never drove the same, but it also never felt
the same, so they got a new one. So I
can't say I understand where he's coming from it must
be a terrible feeling and a frightening feeling for his

new employee, Olivia Pontin.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
You've never tried to keep a new relationship under reps,
of course, because you don't know where it's Don't you
remember when I first started dating my wife, She's like,
we can't put this on social media because she had
like a crazy ex boyfriend. You got to remember, there's
always other people in the mix.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Before all we know, though, rich maybe she really was
just house sitting. We really don't know, and maybe it
just looks shady to his acts, like we don't know
the real details. But I find it hartably. When two
good looking, successful people get together, you have to assume
they're Have you seen Subservience not? Yeah? I'm going Netflix

with Megan Fox where she plays the robot. Yeah you
live in Robot? You even learned from that movie? You
don't want a hot robot? Yeah no, we don't. Never
get a hot nanny, never get a like a house sitter,
and never get a hot robot in the future. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
Oh, oh, who's gonna be watching our kid? This twenty
three year old model?

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Is that cool with you? Honey? I would have to
say to wrap it up. Yeah, personal belongings do hold value,
and especially to me. You know, I cherish my belongings.
The private stuff is gonna come out anyway. They most
of the time. But I have to say, based on
Joe Burrow and in reality, when your privacy is violated

and his private life was exposed, probably more meaningful and
hurtful or to explain, because there's more speculation, all these
rumors spread. Don't let your possessions own you. Yeah. So
I'm not trying to add to it. I think the
whole thing's unfortunate. Sorry to Joe Burrow that he had
to deal with that. Maybe he just has a hot
house sitter for an we know, who knows. Yeah, or
maybe he's just playing it like real coil, Like, hey, guys,

I mean I really didn't want the world to know
him banging a Victoria's cigaret model. I mean, I mean, god,
how dare the world know? Yeah? It just looks cooler
to me. Now that's the plus side of this issue here.

Speaker 3 (12:16):
And now, speaking of owning things material items, it's the
holiday season. You got less than two weeks till Christmas,
and I'm sure you and Santa getting stuff ready for
your kids when you look back at your childhood in
the sports world. We were talking about some of the
best sports gifts we got as kids, and I think

we have compiled a pretty solid top three. It's gonna
be hard to debate this list. I really think that.
I think it's for you to think of something that's
better than these three.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
Good luck on the excitement of I'm wrapping the gifts
and hoping you get these things. It still lives right.
Props to Santa for making this happen when I was
a little kid, dude. And it's funny because Rich and
I share the scene memory and it's not because we
were pals or it's not because we were related. I
guess it was a popular toy, at least I thought
it was. I don't know. I think it was when

I was little. I remember Santa brought me the baseball Kid.
This is our top three sports related Christmas gifts growing up,
without a doubt. This guy, Come on, this kid taught
me so much. This was the This is the quintessential gift.
Because Daddy wasn't there to take me to even though
my dad was there, he was working. This kid was
throwing pitch. Remember the little right arm would just flip around. Dude.

This led me to twenty seven little league home runs.
The baseball Kid. It was a lot of fun until
a certain age. I think it was good for like
maybe like four to eight. But we all had through
whiffle pitches. We all had the baseball gech I had it.
You had it? Did you have to even remember? It
depends on where you are too.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
You didn't even need to get this. As long as
one kid in your neighborhood had it, you were set.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Well, here's the giveaway. If there was a nice, brand
new round wrapped present, you're like, well, that's probably a
basketball or a globe or and it was nothing better
than opening up, oh, a nice fresh new baseball globe
or basketball the globe. Oh but if you got that basketball,
you're like, ooh, I'm ben serious.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
There's a classic video. I don't have it here, but
one of my best friends in high school. Yeah, you know,
like grainy nineteen nineties home videos. Yeah, he opens what
he thinks is like a ball and it's actually a
globe and.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
You see his like preteen face like clube globe. Hope, thanks,
there's Africa, Oh Europe? Anyway, Number two.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Only I guess said one kid in the neighborhood needed it,
not everyone needed it. There was no point because of
the rage of the slam dunk, because everyone wanted to
be Air Jordan.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
We grew up in the Michael Jordan era, like you,
you wanted that adjust hey rim. Don't forget the short
kings like spud wimp. Oh.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
Let me tell you what I remember is the way
you adjusted it. You'd almost need like a broomstick to
hit it up to the next notch, like on the
side of the rim, like you.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
Get a little eight feet actually eight feet made you
feel like you were.

Speaker 2 (15:18):

Speaker 1 (15:18):
So again the top three sports related Christmas gifts that
every kid wanted, depending on the era you grew up in.
Baseball kid, adjustable rim was dope, top notch. That was
like you were the best kid ever to have earned
such an awesome gift like that. That's the ultimate, ads
he goes, you really did try all the dunks. Now

you couldn't even do them on a smaller hoop, but
still like it's the ultimate, But it's not our number
one number one ultimate sports related top Christmas gift of
all time the nerve football timeless, the nerve football by far.
That's more of the vortex the turbos. The actual nerve

always had a bite taken out of it, right, you know,
and ped or younger Sybil who bought it hit a
dog or yeah.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
But I was telling Spot before we were getting on
over promised, I said, besides the NERF, I have a
love hate relationship with the nerf that had the tail.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Was that the turbo. The NERF with the tail had
a sweet whistle to it.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
It would whistle and you would throw that shit like
eighty yards. But you never have a game with that.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
But the nerf, man, it was such a big time
gift because it gave you an opportunity to play at
the playground, your front yard. Your parents might even let
you play in the house, let's say, in the in
the basement in the house. And not only did we
have so much fun with it, it was the the
gift that kept on giving to so many of our

future heroes in the NFL. Like you saw a thirty
for thirty about it, the nery rise. Everybody had one
of these, kid, and it was invented. Here's the fun
fact invented by Fred Cox, former NFL kicker of the
Minnesota Vikings, but the ultimate because not only did we
love it, the heroes we go out watching in the

NFL also played with it. It was their introduction to the sport.
She made a special.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
Our producer has like a there's like a newer nerve
that has almost like a rubber coating on it.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
Oh, it's so good.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
It gives it a little weight, so it's even better.
But they're football, you can't fail. But you agree with
me on the one with the tail and the whistle.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
I never liked it. No, you could launch it, but
I'm saying it was fun when you and your buddies
were like, yo, who could throw it further? Yeah, but
you're there on the beach. Yeah, but you can never
You never can have a game now with a football
that had a tail on it.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
But that thing, honestly, I feel like fourteen year old
me through one hundred yards.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
I loved all Nerve products, and speaking of the adjustable rim,
the little Nerve riom that went over the doorway, the
NERF basketball, No doubt, I used to sink shots in
my kitchen in my socks. But anyway, honorable match, and
I do want to give one honorable mention rich. Of course,
anything baseball card or memorabilia related, right, But I think

our generation, especially the starting lineup figures when they have, Yeah,
just props to that. As a kid against sports related
Christmas gift, that's the way you had, you know, it's
so funny. Spot I had that one and I hated it.
I have that one I had. Of course, they came
out with all the superstars of each team. I had
the Jack Clark on You know what.

Speaker 3 (18:30):
The weakest part of that was the figure was a Yankee,
but the card was a.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
Cardinals and that's what sucked about it. And that's what
sucked about this toys, especially because he was more synonymous
with the Cardinals than he was the Yankees.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Anyway, I remember the one I had on my dresser
without failing. It was Gary Carter in a road uniform catching.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
Does he ever? Yeah, you had your the catchers, the
guy sliding in like Tim Raimie Wilson or Vince Coleman,
or the guy sliding or the guy swinging. So the
star arding lineup gets honorable mention in our top three
sports related Christmas gifts of all time. And of course,
like I said, it's generational, so add to the list

at Fox Sports Radio at Covino and Rech hashtag over prime.
Now I got it.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
I got a quick bet for tonight DraftKings. Code see
our show again, Code cee our show at DraftKings Sportsbook.
I have a parlay and this is what I'm calling,
like the forty nine ers desperation need to win parlay.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
I know it's worthy. Yes, can you say that again?
The forty nine ers desperation. We need this for sure?

Speaker 3 (19:33):
Parlay. Debus Samuel plays well against the Rams. Deebus Samuel
is due for a big game. He had that you
know this week? What was brock Party saying, like, yo,
do boost the best? He was kissing ass.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
Rock Party didn't.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
I think Debo's gonna have a big dee Boz's gonna
have a big game tonight, and I think the Niners win.
They're playing at home against the Rams Thursday Night Football.
So here's my bet again code see our show at DraftKings.
Locked this sentence plus I believe with three what is
it three thirty five, it's Niners win. Money line Debo

more than fifty six yards and a touchdown that is
one hundred paced three thirty five nic So money line,
there's My Dude debo over fifty six yards and a touchdown.
So really, deebot needs have a respects A.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Debo and duebo good good one debo and three demo.
If you're just listening a picture of me?

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Is that debo and brock nerdy assholes.

Speaker 3 (20:44):
Before nerdy lock it in, lock it in draft case
code cur show good one, Steve Niner's money Line debo
fifty six and a tuddy one hundred paced three thirty five.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Do you mind sharing? Can I share my screen with
you guys?

Speaker 3 (20:57):
I want to bring you guys into my world playoff simulator.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
This is the playoff machine. Can I say before you
get into it? Yeah? Rich is obsessed with this thing.
He thinks he's the George Michael Sports machine. He's baseball
simulator one thousand. Boy who's the game is obsessed with this.
He's been doing this for years.

Speaker 3 (21:14):
By the way, you know, come here, well here, you know,
you know, on election at John King's on the board. Yeah, yeah,
I feel like I'm that way with it three years.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Share my screen please, And by the way, you always
call it the playoff simulator, It's actually called the playoff Machine.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
At ESPN dot com I'll give him credit. They put
this together. And what I love about it is you
could click on every scenario and see what happens.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
That's cool, Yeah, but you love it. Pull it up
playoff machine Boy. Here's my simulator.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
Okay, Now you can make it full screen or not
if you want across the top or all the games right, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,
and eighteen.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
So you're gonna show us the possibilities or how the
forty nine ers can make the playoffs if you look.

Speaker 3 (21:54):
Okay, oh, the left and right that is the current
AFC and NFC playoff pick. Got you, So I'll go
full screen to make it easy. I'm not going to
go through each game. That would take forever. I'm going
over the games that have significance in the NFC. If
it's not an NFC game, there's no point.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
God. So let's say tonight forty nine Ers win, right,
I mean that's a big if, but sure, Okay, they're
favored against the Rams. Okay, let's keep it in the
division and teams that matter the rest of the week.
All right, Packers beat the Seahawks. Do we feel that right? Possible? Yeah? Possible? Yeah, Packer.
I think the Seahawks are good, right, but yeah, no,
I would say yes, okay, and you know what, We'll

give the Cardinals that game against the Patriots, right, yes, okay.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
Week sixteen, simulate Vikings at Seahawks. Right here, I like Vikings.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Vikings. Why we make it. The Seahawks have two tough
games in a row, right, gotcha? Yeah, especially after that
Green Bay game. Forty nine ers that Dolphins.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
Yeah, Niners, if they feel any momentum, they'll be healthy
by then because a lot of their players are questionable
for tonight, which means after tonight, ten days rest, forty
nine Ers over the Dolphins, Rams, Jets, We give it
to the Rams.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
What do we call this riches? Big dream in the
rich is big dreaming?

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Okay, Rams? Right, we'll give the Rams. Right, Yeah, let's
skip ahead to week eighteen. Okay, I'm skipping ahead for
a reason. Forty nine ers Cardinals. If the Niners win,
I'm just putting in there, right, and if the Rams win, okay,

over the Seahawks. Now we'll go back to week seventeen.
Week seventeen, if the Cardinals beat the Rams, if the
forty nine ers somehow beat the Lions, because the Lions.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
The Lions may have already clinched home field, and that's
Lions at forty nine, right, and Seahawks at Bears. Now,
if the Seahawks win, it doesn't matter. Forty nine Ers
would win the division at ten and seven. Wow, a
lot of moving parts and the biggest question mark is
that Lions games.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
So this week I'm not going to go over it
all again, but this week, forty nine Ers win tonight. Right, Yeah,
we're giving the Cardinals to win over the Patriots, and
we're saying Green Bay beats Seattle.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
That's step one, step two next week, which isn't crazy.
I thought step one was cut a hole in the box.
We can have lots of fun, but that's so fun.

Speaker 3 (24:21):
Next week is not crazy when I say Rams and
Minnesota win, Right, I'm giving the Cardinals a win. I'm
giving the Rams win, but I'm saying the Seahawks lose
to Minnesota. So now, in two weeks from now, just
this is what we'll say from now, short term goal.
In two weeks, the current status of all these teams.

Hold on, let's wipe out Week seventeen and eighteen. Hold on,
I'll wipe it out. Hold on, shoes you buying. You're
buying us some Christmas shoes. Every team in that division
would be tied. Oh yeah, you want some shoes. Every
team will be tied in two weeks if that happens,
So step on us tonight you could close it.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
I'm not buying into the forty Nineers beating the Lions,
but it could be one of those weird games. The
Lions led up and you know it can somehow the
forty Niners win. Anything could be one of those crazy
miracle games to happen, so it's not impossible. According to
the Dickey Davis playoff machinem You know.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
What, another wild scenario could be the Seahawks. So I'm
really banking on failing. That game against the Bears is
in Chicago and it's a Thursday night. So Thursday night
in Chicago, short week, like a lot could happened, but it.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
All starts tonight. Do or die go Niners perfect, Let's go,
So enjoy your Thursday night foods tab. You could play
along again Rich's Baseball Football Playoffs Simulator thousand again on
ESPN dot com. But a quick reminder, guys, we had
Iron Mike Tyson on our show this week Perfect. If
you missed it, you can catch it on the podcast

search Covino and Rich or check Fox Sports Radios YouTube
page the full Mike Tyson interview. The real Mike Tyson
was there. We talked about the fight and his ass cheeks,
and smoking weed and more. It's all there, Fox Sports
Radios YouTube page. Enjoy, send it to some friends, and
enjoy your holiday parties this weekend. Until next time. Arima there,

Chie Babies, you in the over Promised Land. Joe Niners,
do it Die. Let's go

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