All Episodes

May 18, 2024 121 mins

Chris Plank (in for Bernie Fratto) opens this week's show recapping the peculiar situation involving Scottie Scheffler's arrest outside the PGA Championship. That leads into extensive reminiscing on some of the all-time weirdest off-the-field moments in sports history. Plank and the crew also hit on the latest slate of NBA playoff games and look ahead to the ones to come. Plus, a discussion on the Lakers and their head coach search!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Yeah, Bernie's out, what's up with that?

Speaker 3 (00:06):
Welcome into the Bernie Frado Show eighty six The Burn.
My name is Chris Plank, And I thought I thought everybody.
I thought we were gonna have a game to follow
during the show. I thought we would have overtime times three.
But as Kevin figures crap that craped, cracked the mic

and started breaking down the sports and it's taking place today, boom.
As the kids would say, ball don't lie, but I
guess in this instance, puck don't lie. After having what
looked to be the game winning goal disallowed in double overtime,
congratulations to the Dallas Stars. They're moving on to the

Western Conference finals. K Fig, I'm very excited you get
to work together. How's it going, man, how you doing?

Speaker 4 (01:02):

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Oh, he's he gone.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Okay, my bad, I forgot hey, Kayfik's got a lot
of irons in the fire.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Okay, he's got updates, he's got to take care of
he's got coffee, he's got to warm up. He's got
a baby that he's taken care of. So he's got
a lot going on. I would like to go ahead
and apologize right off the top, because as much as
I love hockey, I'm very much a casual fan. So

these these massive amounts of people on my Twitter timeline
who were suddenly experts in the world of interference instruction,
whatever term you want to use here in hockey, I
cannot fake until I make in this beloved sport. So

the Stars are off to the Western Finals. They will
await the winner of tomorrow's Game six, or at the
very least, potentially Vancouver if they win tomorrow, or the
Edmonton Oilers who eliminated my remaining care in the world
of hockey, the Los Angeles Kings. After the Kings gave

us all hope they won game too. It's like let's
go didn't take place. We as always are coming to
you live from the tire rack dot Com studios. Tire
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over ten thousand recommended installers. Tire rack dot Com the
way tire buying should be Now, Bernie, I think about

once every four months, we'll take the weekend off, so
you're stuck with me for two nights. I feel like
throughout the show tonight. Tonight, it's a little bit more
of a sprint because we've only got three hours. Tomorrow
is the four hour marathon. I will be giving you
a lot of what is very much frowned upon in
the business, the twenty four hour teas because honestly, having Kfig,

having Ian and to help us out tonight, I've got
someone to carry me tomorrow, just Mark and I. Right,
be well, no, Ian, you're back tomorrow night. Right, you
do both tonight and tomorrow night. That's right. Yeah, Look,
I've got help. But there's a lot of there's a
lot of things I really want to get in the
weeds on, and I feel like with a Scottie Shuffler story,

those can wait twenty four hours. Like I absolutely nerded
out this week with the NFL schedule, but I didn't realize.
I didn't realize how much I had kind of dorked
out on it until I'm sitting here before the show
starts tonight and I'm listening to a former Fox Sports

radio host now NFL schedule maker, Mike and North. It's two
different people, So I'm just kidding. When I heard Mike
North with Peter Schrager and I'm listening to their podcast
and I'm thinking to myself, this is great stuff. Added
it down, get my four cuts, and then I stopped
and thought, it's really in the weeds. In other words,

Ravens fan, I'm sure is a little bit ticked to
have their team on the road back to back years
for Christmas. But are you really ticked? Do you really
care for the players? It sucks kind of like that
concussion conversation. Everyone wants to act like they care about
concussion and player safety until it's their star player who

is having concussion like symptoms and might not play. Then
all of a sudden, you're like, uh, get out there,
what are you doing. It's a concussion. Go rub some
dirt on it. But you know, twenty four hours early,
be like, we really got to care about the future
for our players. Can take concussion seriously. You care about
scheduling when it affects your team, but you get a

chance to watch your team play national holiday daily, Christmas
cares if they're on the road, right or not right,
It's more about the players. I was I was mythed
about the renewed amitment to the Jets this year. I
don't I mean I assume everything's going to be okay
with Aaron Rodgers, and I assume that he's going to
be able to stay healthy. But I don't really know

if we know that for certain, right, But that sure
as heck didn't stop the schedule makers from putting the
Jets in a primetime slot as much as anyone. I
think they have what seven seven standalone games the Jets.
It's quite a gamble. But then I also kind of
stopped and realized, in the end, all these talks about

nuances and why and the whole how the sausage is made,
does it really affect too much? Does it really change
much at all? So there is a twenty four hour
tease to say, man, I am all in on the
NFL schedule and the sausage making process to it. And
then number one number two, I don't know of things

that we probably won't get into as much as I
want to tonight, but we're definitely going to tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
I don't know why I am so.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Enamored with what the NBA is going to do with
its TV rights, And I guess there's a part of
me that understands the battle because there's so much that
live sports is killing. I mean, it's just crushing right
now in TV ratings, but in that the NBA is not.

The NBA, though, has probably some of the most promising
stars for the future. Anthony Edwards incredibly promising, right exciting
atmospheres in Minnesota. I mean, he's out there talking gas
about letting security people know that he was going to
be back and Denver for Game seven. It's fun to see.

It's fun to see the thunder and I get it.
You know, I'm in Oklahoma, so I might be a
little bit more biased towards thinking this is a really
cool core some of your stars or are given it
one last go Durant and Phoenix. I mean, it's crazy
to think that he's as old as he is now,
Lebron maybe playing with his son, even though Bron he's

not necessarily lighting up the pre draft process.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
I mean, there's a lot.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
Of cool storylines, but it's not really resonating. And yet
you have suitors apparently lining up to throw ridiculous amounts
of money at the NBA. I'm fascinated by that. Probably
something we won't go as in depth on now because
we have what we have games and then third and
maybe what leads us right into our biggest story of

the day, the biggest topic of conversations across the sports world.
Have we reached this point with Tiger Woods where someone
needs to sit down and say, I think it's time
for a ceremonial t shot, maybe showing up in a
few of our fun TV events again, but you got

to stop playing in these majors, Tiger. We spend so
much time on debate shows in the world of sports,
enamored with guys' legacies. Now I want to pull back here,
I think for the moment, and I hate it. I
absolutely hate it because I don't think you can really
truly gauge someone's legacy until their career is over. It's

it's done, it's over. Let's look back. I don't think
anything can ever tarnish or taint Tiger woods legacy. It's
one of the greatest golf careers ever. But are we
reaching that point where it's going to be tagged with

But my man just kept going out there for too long.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
I say that as.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
Somebody who firmly would lose their ever love and mind
as a super fan of Tiger Woods if he was
in the mix again and go back what was it
the mass in twenty nineteen when he made his run eight.
I mean, we're not going back ten years, but in
that stretch since he's won anything substantive, it's been terrible. Man.

So these are nerdy stories concerning stories I think for
me in the golf world that.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
I'm ready to go all in on.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
But then Scotty Scheffler had to go out and get
arrested on his way into the to the PGA Championship
today and it kind of ruined all of our tidbits
and nuggets for the show here this morning. So as always,
if you know what you want to talk about before
we get into it, you can hit me up on Twitter.
I'm at Plank Show. Everybody go follow us at Fox
Sports Radio. If you want to do it the old

fashioned way, beyond going out and earning it, it's using
your phone to do something that. Let me see, I
haven't used my phone to do anything but call my
wife in pro a month. But if you got to
take let's hear it triple A alright eight seven seven
ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine ninety six

sixty three six ' nine. And as always, if your
affiliate is in the middle of programming or cuts out
on us for early morning infomercials. You can always find
us on the iHeartRadio app or by simply going to
Fox Sports Radio dot com. All Right, the crew is here.
Ian Roddy is in tonight running the show. Kfig is

on updates, Mark's running the show. We got crandall who's
helping us out this evening, and the millions and millions
of editors behind the scenes. Now, before we recap Game
six of the Pacers Nicks coming up on our next segment,
and before we talk about a busy Sunday of Game
sevens already in the NBA, let's get into the biggest

story of the day. Let's get into Scottie Scheffler. It
has been not quite twenty four hours since this news
took over the sports world, and I got admit, it's
one of the wildest things I've ever seen. I was
trying to come up with a list, guys before the
show started, and the question was simple, and I need

your submission tonight. If it's on Twitter, that'd be the
best way to do it. At Plank Show. That's at
Plank Show. But is this, you know, weird, strange whatever
way you want to look at it, But is this
the weirdest story we've had in a long time in sports?

In other words, if I were to do a depth
chart of the weirdest stories that we followed in sports,
I started doing something very in depth in my research
for the program tonight. Guys, this is some serious stuff,
all right. I went in depth to answer this question.
I simply googled weirdest stories in sports history. Scotti Scheffer

wasn't quite there yet. But think think about everything in
this all right. Number One, he's the number one golfer
in the world, in the world, I mean, just one
of the masters. Number two, It is a situation that
became wildly controversial this morning on two fronts. Number one,

everybody seemed to be real quick to point the finger
at what they thought was an overly aggressive cop, and
some still do. And then you read the actual report
and you understand that there was a man who was
killed and they were in the middle of a crime scene.
That if someone's just busting through that, you're probably gonna

be a little bit on high alert if you are
I don't know, security or police that's around that area.
And then number three, you didn't stop even though said
dude was hanging on this side of your car. So
all these and I don't think anyone's backed down, but

all these, oh gosh, what an overly aggressive cop or
what an overly aggressive security guard? What you kind of
had a pullback, just a scooge. Now, is there's some
bag on the face for everyone involved in this? I'm
sure there is. But a man died, it was a
crime scene. Someone had been killed. Now, again, it was

an accident, and it's terrible that it happened. But in
that moment, I guess I just never understood the people
that were like, well, he's the world's number one golfer,
just let him go through. I do not understand that,
nor will I ever get that. But I'm pulling back
a little further.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
He still played, He's still played.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
He was stretching in a jail cell, and he still
went out and played and shot pretty well. He's in contention.
So let's what has Ben Mallord do. He mixes all
the ingredients in Let's see, we've got a major, we've
got a death, and we've got a jail cell, and
you mix them all together and somehow you come out

with one of the all time weirdest stories in sports
to where again, I'm not saying Scottie Scheffler did anything
intentionally or with malice, but in this misunderstanding, dude ended
up in jail and yet skill shot well enough to

keep himself in contention.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
It's unbelievable, unbelievable.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
So here's some of the other stories, and I'd love
your help on this tonight at Plank Show. That's at
Plank Show. The man Tito no girlfriend. That was a
pretty weird story. Now as far as just in general,
that was maybe number one, number one, I don't know

if anything had ever topped that, right. What was her name,
Lenae Kakua. I think they did a Netflix documentary on it.
That is pretty funny, I mean, and by that, I
mean it's pretty wild to see. And I remember, man,
I I'm pretty sure we can find some tape where

when Manti Tail was in the Heisman race that year.
I'm pretty sure that I was one of those people
that came out and said, well, I mean, he lost
his girlfriend and he had the incredible year. I mean,
it's part of the story. It's an incredible story. Let's go,
let's go. And so I felt for that. That was
pretty weird. I mean, you got Jason Pierre Paul on

what a fourth of July had his fingers blown off
by fireworks.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
That's a pretty wild story.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
And then then Adam Shefter got a bunch of people
fired because he reported the X ray. How does that
even happen? By the way, Someone's like, hey, yeah, Adam Sheffard,
I've got this great scoop for you. Here's Jason Pierre
Paul's mangled hand. Vonte Davis retiring at halftime rip that
was pretty weird. But you know Tiger Woods, what happened,

cars wrecked, Apparently wife came after him with an iron.
He was whacked out of his mind, and then we
found out he was he was chasing everything that I
don't know basically would give him the time of day.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
But again, it's just it's one of those stories that
is just wild.

Speaker 3 (16:37):
And then to have of I mean, Jeff Darlington is
right there living the whole damn thing. Why because ESPN
had him at the front gate for golfers that were arriving,
not because there was a tragedy that had taken place
out front, but because he was positioned there for golfers
when they come in. In one of the moments that

is still kind of wild to me, Scottie Scheffler is
asking Jeff Darlington for help. It's like, will you help me? Meanwhile,
I'm thinking to myself, the only thing Jeff Darlington has
ever kind of helped me with in the past is
I don't know whether or not I should start two
as my fantasy quarterbacks like Dolphins information, but a wild day,

wild day. I hate it for everyone involved. It's a
terribly tragic story, but it's also one to where I
don't necessarily know that anyone has to be right or wrong.
In the debate world. You can feel like maybe the

police were a little bit overly aggressive in that same situation,
but I would step right up to the defense and
say they were investigating a crime. You could say that
in this instance Scottie Scheffler should have had a little
bit more freedom to do what he wants. But in
that same vein again, they're investigating a crime, and I'm

gonna take this guy guy something real quick before we
grab our first break on this. This is by no
means a humble brag, so please don't take it that way.
But there has been many times where I have, in
covering an event, had a parking pass or at least
authorization to park in a certain lot. And I'm telling

you nine point nine out of ten times, when you
go to the first guy, our gal and they point
you in the direction to where you need to go,
by the time you get to said direction, no one
has any idea where you're supposed to be. It's like, wait, wait,
told you to come over here. Well no, no, no,
you can't go through here. You got to go around there, right, yeah, yeah,

there you go. No one ever knows. So you're also
counting on in the rain, in the dark, everyone knowing
where they're supposed to be going, and it can be
an absolute nightmare, as we saw play out today. But
when we come back to the Bernie Frado Show eighty
six to Burn, we'll hear a little bit from Scottie

Scheffler and what he had to say, I owe you
a game six to three cap for the Pacers and
Nicks should be short and painless. And moments ago, the
Dallas Stars advanced to the Western Finals with their win
in double overtime over Colorado two to one. Kfigs got
updates all night long. We've got you covered on a

busy Friday night into a Saturday morning right here on
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (19:34):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 6 (19:46):
Hey, it's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Mahler.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. Dress one in God's Name is
the Fifth Hour. I'll tell you it's a spin off
of it. Ben Maler show a cold hit overnights on ITSR.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Why should you listen?

Speaker 2 (20:02):
Picture if you will?

Speaker 3 (20:03):
A world will?

Speaker 6 (20:03):
We chat with captains of industry in media, sports, and
more every week explore some amazing facts about human nature
and more. Listen to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller
or the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get
your podcast.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
All right, eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox. If
you're up? Why not?

Speaker 2 (20:21):
What else you got to do tonight?

Speaker 7 (20:23):

Speaker 3 (20:24):
Everyone wants to be in bed right now. We're just
grinding through because that's what we do.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
Ain't that right?

Speaker 3 (20:29):
K Fake Kevin figures ladies and gentlemen, though, You're probably
up not stop now anyway, aren't you.

Speaker 8 (20:36):
How's baby life treating you? Kevin figures Baby Lives is amazing.
I'm absolutely amazing. I'm not sleeping much like I said,
I'm awake pretty much twenty four to seven as it is,
So what difference doesn't make?

Speaker 3 (20:45):
It's all good.

Speaker 8 (20:45):
So I might as well tag out, let the wife
handle it for a night and spend some time with
my man, Chris Plank after I spent time with Arnie
Spanner last week.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Let's go. I'm so sorry, but I knew you were
gonna say that.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
How did it go?

Speaker 7 (20:55):

Speaker 3 (20:55):
Well, I'll survived, so knowes that?

Speaker 2 (20:58):
What was that was Saturday month?

Speaker 3 (21:00):
It was Saturday morning. Yes, I came so close to
getting to do that, man, so close I was. I
it's crazy this postseason in Diamond Sports, how crazy schedules
can be. So I'm glad that you got to work
with the stinking genius. But I'm also curious, Kevin, how
you and we got an update coming up here in
just a bit. And I I can't get enough for

this Scottie Scheffler story. What was your reaction? I mean
pretty wild? It's what three am on the West Coast
when all this starts to go down. I'm sure I'm
hoping you're bad and sleeping, but just one of the wildest,
strangest stories we've ever had in the sports world.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
It is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen.

Speaker 8 (21:41):
And on top of that, you have the story in
and of itself, the fact that he gets arrested with
the booking photo, gets released hours later, and gets chauffeurd
basically back to the course, and it starts hitting hidden
drivers and actually has a pretty damn good round, climbs
up the leaderboard and now it's just a few shots
off the lead.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
It's pretty incredibly It's something out of a movie. It
really is. It's insane. I had asked the story about.
I asked for some of the stranger stories in sports,
and because this one has to be up there, Paul
hits us up on Twitter. He writes one of the
stranger sports stories I recall goes back to the late
nineteen sixties when Yankees pitchers Mike Mike Kelich and Fritz

Peterson swapped wives. Yeah, and that's apparently a real story.
I'm not so this might be a little bit lower
on the scale than that, but still.

Speaker 8 (22:29):
Like a trade all the league office and his trade
families and how that works.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
Yeah, I was really envious of how happy Kevin and
his family looked, and I'm just not happy with Mike.
Can I trade? Is that how that worked? I don't
know what A puppy to be named later that's rolling in.
Jason had a couple of them here at at wind
hand Stand the fake high school team Bishop Sycamore.

Speaker 2 (22:54):
That became a Netflix story.

Speaker 8 (22:55):
All that was talking about empic documentaries and just a
really sad Bizarres sit.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
By the way, I watched that documentary a couple of
weeks ago on a flight. There is nobody, and I
mean nobody that I've seen more blatantly what's the word
I'm looking for here? Blatantly out there is a con

man than that guy, the Bishop Sycamore guy. And that's
an apologetic I'm apologetic about it. Everything was someone else's fault.
I felt like I was having a conversation with my
kid watching this. It's like, what these kids don't these
kids can't go get food for themselves.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
You're like, well, I mean you're running a school where
you said.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
You're going to feed them, So I don't think that
making them try to go get food without any money
is like they're problem anyway.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
That's a good one.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
Jason also added, probably the Tiger Woods car accidents first
crazy story that comes to mind when I think about that.
That's a good one. That's a good one. In it, writes,
Paul Pierce getting wheelchaired out to go to the bathroom
comes to my mind.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
Right, But this is different.

Speaker 3 (24:00):
I mean, I that's weird just because of the dramatic
nature of Paul Pierce, I guess I'll say, and it
already it didn't happen like overnight.

Speaker 8 (24:08):
But you know Kobe Bryant dealing with his issue in Colorado,
and the fact.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
That he would that's weird. He would go to court
hearings during the day.

Speaker 8 (24:16):
Sometimes there are games where he flew in, joined the
team at halftime and was hitting game winning shots and
playing amazing in the second half after missing the first
half of games because he was flying. He was in
court in Denver, Colorado or Eagle, Colorado. That was pretty
pretty remarkable. When I still owe you a Game six breakdown.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
But when we come back, we'll hear a little bit
more from Scottie Scheffler but I thought this was maybe
the best Q and A from the whole post round
conversation where you asked a very simple question and Scottie
Scheffler gave a pretty direct answer.

Speaker 9 (24:50):
Did it ever cross your mind with you shaking stuff
that voluntarily not playing today and maybe going home?

Speaker 10 (24:56):
Or and.

Speaker 9 (24:58):
Did ever culture mind?

Speaker 11 (24:59):

Speaker 8 (24:59):

Speaker 9 (25:00):
I know, did any members of your team tell you
anything today to like calm you down, just kind of
reset before you went out.

Speaker 12 (25:06):
It took me a little while, you know, in the
car on the way over here to kind of calm down.
But my managers in the car and two gentlemen from
the from the club we're in the car with me,
and yeah, we were able to talk, have a nice chat.

Speaker 13 (25:17):
Got here.

Speaker 12 (25:17):
He gave my mom and dad a hug. My coach
Randy was there, Blake was there. You know, my whole
team was there for me, you know, in a moment
where I really needed him.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
And again, Kevin, I don't I don't think this is
about anyone catching a break. I mean, he has a
felony charge that he's going to have to go to
court and fight, he's got a he's got a mug shot. Now,
if it was you or I would the president of
the Valhalla Golf Club be there to try to bail
us out. Probably not, it's gonna go out on a limb,

but it's still it's just it's wild to think how
this thing developed. And then kind of the the cherry
on top is there is the ESPN reporter that's on
top of it by chance, Jeff Darlington right right, Jeff
Darley is right there living every single moment of it. Unbelievable, insane.

Speaker 8 (26:04):
Can you imagine if this guy come back, comes back
and wins the tournament on Sunday, what that press conference
is gonna be?

Speaker 4 (26:08):

Speaker 3 (26:09):
He could? He could? All right, we're just getting started
in for Bernie Fratdo. I'm Chris Plank. The whole crew
is in, including Kevin Figures, who has the latest trending update,
including some drama in the NBA and the NHL. What's
going on?

Speaker 8 (26:22):
Yeah, Well, since we're talking golf from the PGA Championships,
Ander Schoffley did shoot at three hundred and sixty eight
on Friday. He does have a one stroke lead over
Klamore Kawa, Scotti Scheffler, who were just talking about after
his crazier deal early in the morning did fight back
and as he's only three strokes back, Tiger Woods and
Phil Mickelson ended up missing the cut, which was which
ended up being just won over in the NBA. You

talked about you get into game six. Game six ended
with the Pacers forcing a Game seven. One sixteen to
one oh three was the final score as they defeated
the Knicks. Pascal Siakam leading the Pacers in scoring with
twenty five points, while New York shot just forty three
percent from the field as a team. Game seven will
be on Sunday at three thirty Eastern at Medicine Square
Garden and the Stanley Cup playoffs, veteran Matt Duchane scoring

the unassisted game winning goal in the second overtime, leading
Dallas over Colorado two to one as the Stars advanced
to the Western Conference Finals.

Speaker 3 (27:12):
Dallas excuse me.

Speaker 8 (27:13):
Earlier in the night, Florida defeated Boston two to one,
eliminating the Bruins for the second consecutive year, and baseball
Shoheo Tani with his thirteenth home run of the season
and a seven to three Dodgers win over Cincinnati. Detroit
shut out Arizona thirteen to nothing, San Diego beat Max
Freed and the Braves three to one wins for the.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
Yankees, Guardians, and Orioles. Back to Chris Plain. Hey, thanks Kevin,
as we come to you live from the tire rack
dot Com Studios tire rack dot Com. The way tire
buying should be One more quick little quote here from
Scottie Scheffler, then we'll get into the Nixon the Pacers.
Scheffler talked about the nature of what happened and the

misunderstanding that took place.

Speaker 12 (27:52):
This is a huge misunderstanding this morning that that'll get resolved,
I think fairly quickly. And yeah, I mean I came
here for a golf tournament. I was driving in this morning,
trying to get to my warm up time and get
ready for the round of golf. You know, I didn't
really have an understanding of what it transpired this morning,
and you know, my main focus after you getting arrested
was you know, wondering if I could be able to

come back out here and play, and you know, fortunately
I was able to do that, And yeah, it was
nice to put together a solid round today.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Yeah, and I think in the huge misunderstanding, just to
kind of put a little twisty tie on this. I
don't think he's trying to say, yeah, I uh, there
was a guy that was dead, but I don't care.
I needed to get to my round. I think he's
being honest. And it's a tough situation. You're in an

unfamiliar car, assuming it's a it's a loaner or rental car.
You're going into where you're somewhat familiar, but it's also
dark and it's rainy out. I don't think that there
was any intention to do anything bad. I just wonder
why in the world he kept driving with a police
office sir velcrow to his car.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
That's the thing to me in all of this k thing,
Where at what point.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
Did it not become hey, maybe I'm not supposed to
be going this way. The dude is hanging on the
car right now. Yeah, that's where I'm confused in all
of this.

Speaker 8 (29:15):
Right, Well, initially the explanation of well I didn't I
misunderstood the directions, Well, usually you know a one hand up,
two hands up, stop flashing red lights. Most of those
are fairly obvious to say, do not proceed. So how
we misinterpreted what he was being told to do? Where
he pulled to the side on a median and started
driving immediately. Initially should have told him probably the wrong move.

Once a police officer actually puts their hands physically on
your vehicle, probably tells you maybe I should stop what
I'm doing too, so.

Speaker 3 (29:44):
He time me to do something else.

Speaker 8 (29:46):
Yeah, maybe I should reconsider so, Like, at what point
when he says, well, maybe the copetent is going for
a ride, he just wants to ride to the front
with his friends.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
I don't know. Maybe that's what it was. Maybe he
misinterpreted the situation that way too. I don't get it.
It was interesting in I was watching and listening to
Jeff Darlington's reports. Can you imagine I was just thinking
about it from every level he gets on either I
don't know, the phone or his mind's like, hey, guys,
they're arresting Scottie Scheffler right now, they're arresting him, and

can you imagine that?

Speaker 2 (30:17):
What? Now? What?

Speaker 3 (30:20):
And then you've got to tell the whole story of
what's going on. I thought he did a great job.
I thought it was a great job by Jeff Darlington.
He crushed it today and the cops are yelling at
him to get back I mean again, the thing that
is forgotten in all of this. I feel like there
was a person who got killed going to work. There

was someone who died going to work, and they were
it's a crime scene, so they're investigating why did that happen?
How did that happen? And yet you still have the
flow of traffic. They're trying to make sure that it stays,
you know, consistent where it's a major event, and the
same time you've had a tragedy. So I guess this
whole Scotty was wronged crowd. I don't have a lot

of time for it. I really don't. By the way,
at Shady Shawn for twenty did send me my favorite
pick slash, I guess meme the shot of Scotti Scheffler
with the tear drop tattoo next to his eye.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Very well done, Very well done. Now is it up there?

Speaker 3 (31:24):
As Brett hits us up on X, he says Tyson
biting Mike Evander Holyfield's ear, Marv Albert sexually assaulting a
prostitute while dressed as a woman and salvaged his career. Yeah,
you know what, People forget the Marv Albert story because
he was so good at his job.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
I mean it was it was interesting.

Speaker 3 (31:45):
That was one of those that was one of those
pre Twitter stories that had Twitter been around in nineteen
ninety seven, that would have been quite a night on
the Twitter machine, are the X machine whatever? But yeah,
this is it's just weird. And we get a lot
of weird stories and sports. But to have a guy

that was sent to jail under circumstances that were just
I mean terrible around it, but odd.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
I have something real quickly, yeah, and then still goes
out and plays.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
That's wild.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Mark, you want to add some of this before we
got a break.

Speaker 3 (32:24):
I'm just thinking about there was a Carolina Panther offensive player.
There was something along with a fiance and a baby
and a kidnapp Ray.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Caruth, Ray Caruth.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
Yeah, that was weird. That was changed. That was tragic. Thankfully,
thankfully we didn't have anything quite to that degree. But yeah,
that was up there because I had a different category
for that. I have Ray Kruth and Aaron Hernandez in
the beyond explainable extremes extreme, right, They're in that extreme
category of weird and craziness. Now you kind of got

this is this is like a middle of the road
but it's one of the weirdest just the way that
it played out. By the way, for those that aren't familiar,
Ray Kruth's found guilty of conspiracy to murder, shooting into
an occupied vehicle, and using an instrument to destroy an
unborn child. Guilty on first two game murder, sparing him
possible execution eighteen years and eleven months of twenty four

years and four months in prison. He's still in jail,
still in jail, and is the person he hired to
do it died in prison. So I believe Chrissy was
actually released a couple of years ago. Oh what's he released?
Oh you're right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Nineteen years God,
she's been nineteen years, right, And I'll make you feel young.

The Sun Survived There is one of those ESPN like
East sixties where when you watch it, you're just a crumpled,
teary mess. From that perspective, weird, all right, We owe
you break when we come back. Lit the Phones eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox, Hanging there em and
I'll get right to you. Eight seven seven six three
sixty nine, uh Nicks Game seven with the Pacers. How

concerned are we with Josh Hart's injury. We'll dive into
it next on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 3 (34:15):
All right, it's the Bernie Fratto Show. Bernie did we
is it a clandestin location? And does he not like
to let people know where he is on vacation?

Speaker 14 (34:26):
I it's it's a mystery to me. I don't know
where he is, but he's he's having some well earned
time off.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
Good on him. Good on him. By the way, you
can fileow I forgot you were on Twitter to Ian
at Ian Roddy Underscore. Kevin Figures is at k FIG
one and everyone should follow us at Fox Sports Radio
eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven
nine ninety six six three six nine? Is is Emmitt

still hanging in there? And you want to get in
you want to get here? Yeah, let's let's talk to him.
Good morning, good afternoon, I don't know, good evening. What's up, emit?
How are you, bud?

Speaker 15 (35:03):
It's eleven forty eight for me right now?

Speaker 3 (35:06):
So it's good evening. Yeah, that's good. Good late night
if you will.

Speaker 15 (35:09):
Yeah, exactly, I mean I'm up late nights. I'm a
malle Milisia member.

Speaker 4 (35:13):
So we're here.

Speaker 15 (35:13):
But how you doing, Chris Flank.

Speaker 3 (35:15):
I'm doing good. I mean it's good to hear from you, man.

Speaker 15 (35:18):
Yeah, I mean it's I'm glad to have you in,
you know, the next couple of nights here for Bernie.
I mean, we replaced one legend for another here, I
mean and then shot shout out Ian, Kevin and Mark
you know making the show do dude. But I want
to talk about this Scotti chef criminal. I mean, first
of all, first of all, the Scotti Shefler thing. I mean,

both of these guys could like kind of be wrong
because I feel like at that point, if Scotty Werier
just stop and like show him that he's Scotti Shepler,
the cops like yeah, dude, go through. At the same time,
like that cop like jumping on the car is insane.
I mean that dude, like that's some balls right there.
Like I will not do that even if I were
a cough. And then in terms of weird stories, I mean,

obviously wet the Paul Pierce situation to you. I mean
DK Metcalt did something similar last year and I believe
it was against the Lions, and like week three or
something like that. So like, that's one that comes to mind, obviously,
I mean in terms of more crazy. I mean, you
guys are touching on the Marv Albert stuff also, I
mean oj Simpson. I mean, that's a crazy one. That's

a crazy story.

Speaker 5 (36:20):
Rashid Rice Chris, that's also that's crazy.

Speaker 3 (36:23):
You know what bothers me still to this day about
Rashid is the fact that there's literally video of them
just calmly walking away from the rack on the middle
of a wildly busy interstate in Dallas. Here you have
these two just walking away from Iraq like it never happened.

Speaker 15 (36:40):
Yeah, I don't know how he could do that. I
honestly don't get it. And then I'll quickly, you know,
touch on you know, the NFL schedule here, I think,
like I'll sell on Ian this during like when you
took my call. It's just I feel bad for the Steelers, man.
Their second half.

Speaker 4 (36:52):
Of their schedule is absolutely brutal.

Speaker 15 (36:54):
I mean they face like three two or three division
opponents twice and then they go and then they play
Mahome and they play Jalen Hurt, So like just absolutely
horrible for the Steelers. That's telling me and I'm like,
just make it.

Speaker 13 (37:05):
Like, stretch it out a little bit.

Speaker 4 (37:07):
Like the whole second half for the Steelers.

Speaker 15 (37:09):
It's so lobsided.

Speaker 13 (37:10):
It's just like, come on, man.

Speaker 15 (37:12):
I mean, I'm glad I'm non Stewer fans.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
Yeah, it's pretty brutal. Thanks for the phone call. I mean,
it's great to hear your voice. Eight seven seven ninety
nine one Fox eight seven seven nine ninety six six
three sixth nine. I like the idea of the schedule release.
I love talking about Oh my gosh, the schedule release
is coming. I can't wait to kind of pick all
these games and figure out who's gonna play win, And

then all of a sudden the schedule is released, and
I'm like, oh, so we still have one hundred days
until the football season starts. I see less than that
if you care about the preseason. The Steelers open with
three of their first four games on the road. Now,
granted those three aren't necessarily Juggernauts. We'll see about Atlanta.

Then they go to Denver it's fascinating Russell wilson Arger's
home game, and then a trip to Indy. So three
of their first four games are on the road. But
that stretch to finish the season might be one of
the more brutal stretches I think I've ever seen. And
it actually starts to me in Week eleven they played

Are we feeling like Cleveland's going to be a playoff
team again? I mean, just hypothetically say that they improve.
I've got I've got Cleveland on my list of teams
that I think might underachieve this year. I think they
might underachieve. Could be the end of the Deshaun Watson
error in Cleveland. But usually when I say something like
that at Cleveland, fan gets mad, says, look at our
complete roster, and you're right.

Speaker 2 (38:38):
They've done a great job building the roster. They really have.

Speaker 3 (38:41):
They went to the playoffs led by a guy who
was sitting on his couch at the midpoint of the seas.
I mean, it's incredible. It just doesn't happen. But you
go after they're playing in Washington and Week ten, get
this schedule home for Baltimore at Cleveland at Cincion back
to back weeks, and the Cleveland game is a Thursday

night game. Then you turn around you get Cleveland at home,
so you play them twice in three weeks.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
You go to Philly on the.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
Fifteenth short week, to Baltimore on the twenty first, shorter
week for a home game against Kansas City on Wednesday,
the twenty fifth, that's Christmas, and then you wrap up
with Cincinnati. So you play all three of your division
foes in the span of what like seven weeks eight,

I mean it's the first half of the season. It's like, oh,
let's get all their non conference games out of the way.
If I could use a college football term here, all right,
you're ready down the stretch.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
Let's make it.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
Hell in the first ten weeks of the season, they
do not play a single team in their division in
the final What would that be then? A they play
them all? Oh and by the way, the two teams
that are mixed in in the middle of that are
Philadelphia and Kansas City, two teams that could go to
the Super Bowl? Am it? Good? Eye, good catch, man.

I'm with you on that one tough, tough stretch for Pittsburgh.
We'll go in depth on how the sausage was made tomorrow.
I think that is a fascinating, fascinating story because of
all the battles that the NFL and their new media
partners went through to make sure that they got the best,
the best matchups, and the best possible place for the

maximum number of viewers. All right, when we come back
to the tirack dot Com studios, I keep talking about it,
I haven't got to it. Is there any intrigue in
this Pacers Knicks series? Has it been six? Ok? Games?
Maybe one really good one like Game one was really good?
But are we gearing up towards a memorable Game seven?

Or is this just gonna be home court advantage the
whole way? Plus more of your calls at eighty seven
seven ninety nine on Fox on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 3 (40:58):
Here we go, Hour two, coming to you live from
the tire rack dot Com Studios. Tire rack dot Com
will help you get there an unmatched a selection, fast
free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended installers. Tire rack dot com the way tire buying
should be. Now it's a Friday night into a Saturday morning.

Bernie Fratto is out. I guess it's officially midnight on
the West Coast, so we can say Happy Saturday. We've
got a got a couple Game sevens coming up in
the NBA this weekend on Sunday, you get the Nuggets,
t Wolves, you get the Knicks now and the Pacers.
I don't know what to make of this Knicks Pacers series.
We'll try to dive into it coming up in our

next segment. We've been talking a lot about the Scottie
Scheffler story and just you know, it couldn't have been
easy for anyone involved to try to cover this early
no one really knew what was going on, and then
everyone's got it. You gotta have a take about it.
Oh the police, how dare they? What an embarrassing moment?
You're like, yes, someone was dead. There's a dead person there, right,

I mean, all of these well, if if this happens,
then that player would have protection or that broadcast or
whatever we're trying to sell. No, no, there's a dead
person laying in the road that they're trying to investigate
what happened.

Speaker 2 (42:20):
So I think I kind of understand.

Speaker 3 (42:22):
Where maybe there might have been a little bit of
over aggression because yeah, there's a dead guy laying in
the road who actually we now have a face and
is a person apparently a retired man who just loved
working securitied events and he's walking to his job and
he got struck and killed. I mean, it's a terrible story.

Suddenly everyone's got to have some take. This is a
bad look for Louisville. And then I'm like, what, no,
I mean, does the guy maybe get a little bit
too aggressive whenever he's trying to, you know, get the
car and stop him from going. Sure, But I mean
it's a I'm seeing y'all, And I think just about

everyone is gone to any event where every time you
ask someone where you're supposed to park, no one knows. Hey,
I got this pass. It says I should go in here. No, no, no,
you got to go on that gate over there that's close.
In the meantime, we've just been laying out some of
the weirder sports momp trying to find some levity, and
the scort Scheffler still goes out and shoot sixty six,

which is unbelievable. He's right in the mix, what like
three shots off the lead right now. But I found
a couple here that I wanted to add to our list.
And if you're on hold, hanging there, because I'm gonna
get right to you. At eight seven seven, ninety nine
on Fox eight seven seven nine ninety six six '
three six ' nine. Gotta line upen so Rich, give
me second, Solomon in la Ian. You're a usc guy, right, Yes,

sir so I again, just the doing the lord's work, right.
Googling up weird sports stories, a Bleacher Report slide show
had the Josh Shawl lie as one of the weirdest
sports stories they've ever covered. Do you remember that story
at all?

Speaker 14 (44:06):
A little embarrassing that I don't, But I have no
idea what that.

Speaker 2 (44:08):
Don't worry about it.

Speaker 3 (44:09):
It's he He claimed that he sprained both of his
ankles when he jumped out of an apartment building to
save his seven year old nephew from drowning in a pool.
It became like this incredible story, but it was fake.
How did you really break his ankles? It was, yeah,
it was It was not true. I think hold on,

I think he just fell. He just he said that
he had jumped out to save his cousin. He didn't
know how to swe This story is so old that
Steve Sarkeshan was actually the coach.

Speaker 14 (44:42):
Yeah, this is this is from twenty fourteen and I
haven't pulled up here. So it's so. Shaw said he
suffered a pair of high ankle sprains Saturday night after
jumping from the second story of an apartment complex to
save his seven year old nephew who was struggling in
the pool.

Speaker 2 (44:56):
And it wasn't true.

Speaker 3 (44:57):
And it wasn't true. No, h the jamis Winston stealing
crab legs. That was that was weird, right, even though
it was funny that. I uh, I've been to Florida
a lot and the publics are awesome. I don't know
how anyone caught him because there's so many people in
those places. I feel like I could walk in with
eighty six bags of groceries and never get caught. Alex

Rodriguez having somebody, you know, using someone else's pe to
try to pass a drug test. I mean, but it's
this is such a different category in my mind because
it's playing out in real time right in front of us,
in advance of the actual tournament taking place. And then

lo and behold you look up and boom, he's on
the first t It's crazy. So we've got our lists
that are going throughout the night. Let's see, there was
the oh, this was good, this was good, this was
right off the top. Top Mark brought this up the
Nancy Carrigan situation when she got wrenched in the in

the leg. That was wild. Anything with OJ was always
kind of wild, but that was like a different degree, right,
we're talking about we're talking about like so I think
Market brought up Preak Cruth earlier. Right, these are different degrees.
But there's still just strange stories in the sports world,
sometimes tragic that just doesn't it doesn't like computers like

wait what, I'm watching this this morning and I'm you know,
like many keeping tabs on Scheffler and in a roundabout
way rooting for him. Like, again, I don't think he
did anything purposeful, but I also think he broke the law.
So I mean, it happens, he'll pay a fine or
whatever the penalty's gonna be, and he'll get through it. Hell,

he might even win this weekend. But there's weird things
along the lines of oddities that we've seen in the
sports world. This was definitely one of the weirder. So
let's get a couple of call on this eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox. Rich has been trying to
get in. He's in Connecticut. He's first up this hour.
Good morning, Rich, thanks for hanging in there with the

show on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 11 (47:10):
What's up, gentlemen, how you doing? Thanks for taking my call?

Speaker 2 (47:13):
Thank you Rich.

Speaker 11 (47:13):
Awesome show. Hey, how about let's go burros? Loaded gun
in the nightclub, shoots him, shoots himself in the leg,
and then spends two years in prison. Then you got
Lawrence Taylor with the vial on the sidelines on Monday
Lights Football, and then you have Oscar de la Hoya
with the pictures in Lingerie, have a good night.

Speaker 3 (47:36):
It's still funny to me, like, I, okay, I'm a
sucker for a prize fight. You want to see me
in an element that I don't spend a lot of
time right boxing, but where I suddenly become a boxing expert,
get me ready for a big fight. And I loved
Oscar de la Hoya, loved him. Now he didn't always win,

but it was always a big time all right. That
was one of those when those pictures came out, I
was like, it's not real, not real. Cannot allow myself
to believe that the Plexico and Plaux is here on
Fox Sports Radio. Does a great job with us. That
was a wild story, too wild, And again he was

still able to play. He was able to come back
from it. But it's insane. Let's get back to it.
At eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox, Solomon is
in La. Good morning, Solomon, You're on Fox Sports Radio.
What's going on.

Speaker 13 (48:33):
I'm good, Chris, thanks for taking my call. I really
do want to talk seventh game Nuggets. So still but
real quick on the Scottie. Help me with that last name, Chefler.

Speaker 2 (48:43):

Speaker 13 (48:44):
Yeah, yeah, you know that one. Here's the thing, and
I did this, and I made this mistake. When the
police have something blocked off and it could be a death,
car accident, a crime scene, whatever, they get really really
really upset if you violate that. It doesn't matter if

you think, what's the big deal, I just have to
go here. I got to do that. You don't know
what's going on in their minds. They have to have
absolute control of an area, but just don't push it.
And he might have had in the total sense to him,
Hey here's my past I got to get to. That
doesn't matter in that situation. So that's just my brief

personal experience. And I've learned when a cop says stop,
you stop and don't go here. You don't go here,
he says, turn, you turn, because man, that just it
just sets them off. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (49:36):
Yep, absolutely so that.

Speaker 13 (49:39):
Said Game seven, you know, you got to prove to
me that you can still knock off the champs. They're
going home. I know they got destroyed in game six.
I'm getting the feeling that was Minnesota's last gasp. That's
like your home. It's like watch us play, and I
think Denver's going to take care of business. I just
don't see them doing again. Siven in Denver, what you're

feeling on well, And.

Speaker 3 (50:04):
I appreciate the phone call. I have been Okay, let
me take you through my path and how I've tried
to deal with Denver's series with the Timberwolves. All right,
and this is coming from a Laker fan who's trying
to still sell themselves that the team is capable of
winning a title. That's just there's all my disclaimers. Guys,

you're ready. That's how I'm looking at this with Denver
Va Minnesota. To me, I thought the Lakers should have
won that series with Denver. I said it. I think
that they had every opportunity to win that series.

Speaker 2 (50:46):
But what did Denver do?

Speaker 3 (50:47):
They grinded out good with Jamal Murray hit two incredibly
clutch buckets, But for the most part, the Lakers played
even with Denver. It came down. It came down to
who hit clutch shots. More so, when Denver lost the
first two games in the way that they did to Minnesota,

that got me very negative about where the Lakers were.
I was like, oh my gosh, this Denver team is done.
I mean, they're just done. But then what happens. Nikola
Jokic goes on the road, even though he seems to
hate basketball, balled out. They take control of the series,
go back home, win it. But for the most part,
what appeared to be an absolutely awesome series in three

of the first four games has fallen into a trap
of every other series, it seems in the NBA playoffs
right now, outside of Thunder and Mavericks to where you
just you get smoked whenever you go on the road.
I mean, I have simply not accepted that Minnesota won

that game last night, two nights ago now by forty
five points. There has to be a mistake somewhere in
the box score. There is no way that Minnesota outscored
Thenver twenty nine to nine in the fourth quarter. No way, right,
guess what there is? And yet tomorrow, when these two
teams playing a Game seven that Sunday, I'm probably like you, Solomon,

I'm probably gonna look at it and say, I think
Denver is gonna win this game. I think they got
them and they just lost by forty five points.

Speaker 2 (52:24):
NBA playoffs are hard to figure out.

Speaker 3 (52:27):
Like the Thunder, The Thunder Maverick series has been fantastic.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
It's been fantastic. But as as much as.

Speaker 3 (52:38):
It's exciting that there's a game six tomorrow in this series,
either one of these teams could have or should have
already won this series.

Speaker 2 (52:47):
It's just especially Dallas.

Speaker 3 (52:49):
I mean Dallas blew a double digit lead in the
fourth quarter against the Thunder at home, and what was
that Game four? I mean, this should be over. This
be over. So circling all the way back to Minnesota
and Denver and I had viewed things from the lens
of hey, did the Lakers get smoked by a team

that's just not eliminated maybe is a better way to
put it. That's just not their heart's not in it,
passion isn't there. They want a title. They beat the Lakers,
they got it taken care of their fine. Now, no,
they got beat by the defending champs, and Denver has
shown that they's still that team to beat. I love

the confidence of Anthony Edwards. I don't think Minnesota or
Oklahoma City are going to pull a Utah. Guys. You
realize we're not too far removed from the Utah Jazz
being the number one overall seed in the NBA's Western Conference.
I mean a team that hasn't sniffed the playoffs in

to what two seasons was the number one overall seed
in the twenty twenty twenty twenty one playoffs? First number one,
number one, and then the bottom fell out. Donn Mitchell
wanted to go somewhere else. Rudy Gobert was Rudy Goberring.

They couldn't win in the playoffs. They implo they rebuilt
when Snyder's gone, Danny Ainge comes in, They're rebuilding their roster.
They finished twelfth the last few years. I don't see
that happening. I don't see that happening to Minnesota, Oklahoma City.
I don't think they're going anywhere. I don't think I
don't think two years from now we're gonna look I
guess this would be three. I don't think three years

from now we're gonna look back and say, man, you
remember when Okse was the one seed and Minnesota pushed
the Nuggets at the brink of extinction before they lost.
I think both of these teams are gonna be around
and have something to say for a while. But I
don't think either one of them are moving on.

Speaker 2 (54:59):
And I've learned of.

Speaker 3 (55:00):
Valuable lesson by the way, in these playoffs, it's the
Bernie Fratto Show, Bernie's out and Chris Plank sitting in.
I have a benchmark. Take guys. It's something that I've
stayed with my whole career. And I know this sounds wild,
but in today's society, in today's world, it needs to
be magnified more than ever before. These are seven game

series losing. I mean again, we're talking about a team
in Denver that just lost by forty and is going
to be a favorite probably in Sunday's Game seven, right,
I mean, it's just it's crazy. See it makes no sense,
but I fell into the trap. I went against my

own brain, mind, heart, whatever, And after game one of
the Mavericks Thunder series. I was like, this is over,
this is done. I mean, all that Luca does is
complete to the officials, and he's hurt.

Speaker 2 (56:05):
He's hurt. There's no way this is the Thunder or
another gear.

Speaker 3 (56:11):
It's done. Finished. Could put said the same thing after
two games in Denver. I don't care that they're the
defending champs. This thing is as our man Arnie Spanier
likes to say, right K fig oh v E R over.
This is done, finished seven game series. As long as
you've got a game, you still got alive. And so

that's where I've It's something I've been preaching. I feel
like a who is the the preacher that cried and
he's like, I have senned Jimmy Swagger. I feel like
Jimmy Swagger. I have sinned against my own personal beliefs.
I fell for one game in a series. You can't
now again. The debate shows. Some of our shows, they

they gotta do five shows a week, they gotta do four,
so you're naturally gonna fall into some of these.

Speaker 2 (57:01):
She gotta have hot take, baby.

Speaker 3 (57:03):
But I've definitely I've learned my lesson on that if
i hadn't learned my lesson before. I definitely didn't know,
because the Thunder haven't been the same game, the same
team since Game one, and it took three games for
Minnesota to recapture that team that they had in Games
one and two, and probably too little too late for
Minnesota and probably too little too late for Oklahoma City. Now,

don't ask me how I got there from talking about
the Knicks and the Pacers. But here we are with
the NBA Playoffs eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox
eight seven seven ninety ninety six six three six nine.
All Right, when we come back, Moe is in Idaho, Mo,
you got to hang in there for me. All right.
MO has done the Zapruder film on what he's seen

from the footage out of Valhalla involving Scottie Scheffler's arrest.
We'll go all in next right here on Fox Sports Radio.
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Tyrack dot Com. The way tire buying should be the
whole crew is here. Bernie is out. My name is
Chris Plank. Thanks for hanging out with us on what
is now I guess officially a Saturday. We are one
day away from two Game seven, so we'll we get
a third Game seven in the NBA tonight. We'll get
an update from KFE coming up here in just a bit.
But we've been talking at eight seven seven ninety nine

on Fox. Just the weirdest sports moments we can't remember.
There's been a myriad of them. Obviously some obvious ones.
There was, you know, a conversation earlier about the man
Tito story that was weird. There was the craziness of
the Jason Pierre Paul fireworks situation, which happened, you know,

in the middle of the fourth of July. I mean, again,
this is so unique because you just don't have a
guy getting arrested and the circumstances being debated like they
are and then show up to play in the game,
in this instance, play the round. It just doesn't happen.

But I will say it's been a fascinating conversation to
try to figure out who was right and who was wrong,
and what should have happened and what didn't happen because
all of a sudden, we're all experts on traffic flow,
how to handle fatalities, criminal investigations, and what's right and
what's wrong. But Moe and Idaho has checked in early

here at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox a
retired police officer. He noticed some things in the in
the Scheffler footage, and he's been kind enough to drop
his to call. So good morning, Moe. How are you man? Yeah, dude,
no worries.

Speaker 4 (59:50):
I had some comments a lot of Americans versus premises.
I was a plot for thirty years in the town
I lived in, dying about fifty five thousand. So I
was also a military casement. As a military casement, that
was the only training I ever had in directing traffic
at any kind of the scene. And in fact that

three years I found that people came to get really confused.
At some He's trying to direct and I got knocked
off of a tising t point that's probably control point.
When there's a military station. They had to stand on
these little boxes as an intersection. They got knocked off
of him. But so I think that the police probably
don't have a lot of training in that. Secondly, on

their ring coats on the back of it. If there's
a little piece in a video that says police on
the very big letters on the front on the front,
it doesn't say anything. They were probably facing towards Scheffeler
from the front, so he doesn't know who they are. Thirdly,
we got a guy there at one time, about twenty
five years ago, grabbing onto a car and hang onto it.

So you made the policy you don't do that, especially
at that point. It was a mystermeanor you know, it
didn't didn't obey the direction, so it was a mysteryanor
so that you know, they drive the guy.

Speaker 10 (01:01:13):

Speaker 4 (01:01:14):
I just you know, I'm usually on the side of
law enforcement, but I just think that perhaps everybody was confused.
He probably got his car window off, couldn't hear the guy.
Then the guy's hanging on to his door, he's wearing
a yellow coat and his front facing and he doesn't
say police on it. What I think will happen is

probably four of those five charges of the teabay did
not see it always goes, including the caller and the
probably pay it found you a to pay a little
fine or whatever. And well, so I wanted to start
off with this, and I progress that we can't forget
them then on that died, the family sorrow they're going
to That's just my opinion.

Speaker 2 (01:01:58):
No, No, I appreciate its the phone call MO. Did
it sound like mo.

Speaker 3 (01:02:03):
Is so that he did he have the scanner going
my man? Whatever it was, my man, mo is on it. Yeah,
we have an overall training issue. I think in a
lot of instances in our world where people are not
necessarily trained the way they should be in security, maybe

maybe even through a certain degree in police. I mean,
I would say more than half of the people that
work security at an event are people that.

Speaker 2 (01:02:39):
Are like us, that are up working right now.

Speaker 3 (01:02:42):
It's like, oh, well, this is an extra job that
I needed to have to help pay my bills. I'm
sure there's a certain amount of training that you go through,
but it's not to the degree that you need. And
traffic flow is a very specific thing, especially for a
major event like that. So I would agree. I think
you're onto something there. And I think I made this

pretty clear. I'm very much on the side of law enforcement,
but in this instance, you can't help. But wonder, all right, aid,
did the officer go a little overboard and jumping on
the car. Maybe, But how in that instance could Scotty
Scheffler even drive like another yard with a dude glued

to his car. That's so those two things, well, I agree,
in a little bit over the top. I also wonder
how you keep going? How do you not stop? Like
right away? I mean you just you hear some guy
thutted onto your car and you're like, no, keep going here,
gotta keep rolling. It's it's it's a tragic story, man,

but it's weird.

Speaker 2 (01:03:46):
It's just weird. I can't think of it.

Speaker 3 (01:03:49):
If anyone had Scotty Scheffler getting arrested before the start
of the round on their bingo card, congrats, because I
sure as hell didn't. And in fact, I think I
heard my I think I heard Mike Harmon say this.
If if you were to say, hey, one of the
PGA guys got arrested before the start of the round today,

the last dude you might have thought of with Scottie Scheffler,
the wild story, wild story, We got more, we got more.
Scotti Scheffler haven't played a lot of what he had
to say yet tonight here on Fox Sports Radio, but
We're still kind of dipping into crazy stories that have
shaped our sports world over the last twenty to forty years.
And I feel like we're just getting started. In fact,

we are just getting started because Kevin Figures is rolling
into the tiraq dot com studios with the latest trending updates.

Speaker 8 (01:04:39):
What's going on? K fig All right, Chris, what's going on?
Is coming up on Sunday two. Game seven's in the NBA.
Of course, we had Minnesota blowing out Denver the other night,
forcing at Game seven that will take place on Sunday
night at eight Eastern at three thirty Eastern time, we
will have Game seven from Madison Square Garden. This is
because the Indiana Pacers got twenty five points from Past

Scalciakam in a one sixteen to one oh five victory
over the Knicks on Friday night. Jalen Brunson did lead
all scores with thirty one points, but was just eleven
of twenty six from the field. In the NHL, Dallas
defeated Colorado two to one in double overtime, taking that
series four games to two and advancing to the Western
Conference Finals. Earlier on Friday night, Florida eliminated Boston for

the second straight postseason. Two to one was the final
there as well, as they had now advanced to the
Eastern Conference Finals. In golf, as we mentioned, second round
at the PGA Championship, x Ander Shofflee one stroke lead
over Kalin Morikawa hours after his early morning arrest, World
number one Scottie Scheffler shot a five hundred sixty six.
He's tied at three strokes back along with Bryson De'shambeau.

And baseball, the Dodgers beat the Reds seven to three
behind home runs from Mookie Betts and shohel Tani Houston
a five to four victory over Milwaukee for their sixth
consecutive victory.

Speaker 3 (01:05:52):
Back to Chris Plink, Jason brings up a good one, Kevin,
that hits a little bit too close to me. We're
talking about some wild stories and we'll move on to
the Nick and the Pacers from tonight. Barrett Robbins leaving
the Raiders the night before the Super Bowl, going to Mexico,
and no one could find him. But he wasn't He
wasn't right. There were some chemically unbalanced issues that he

for sure. And that was only one week between the
championship game and the Super Bowl, So you know and listen,
I'm not trying to say Barret Robbins should have played,
but had it have been two weeks and maybe it's
a different story. And as we all know, it's Charles
Woodson I think has told the story. Then the Raiders
changed the entire game plan the night before the swell.

Speaker 8 (01:06:35):
You know Lincoln Kennedy, who we won with I'm sorry, yeah,
with Anthony Gargano for for years here on Fox Sports Radio,
who was obviously on the offensive line with Barrett Robins,
and said, yes, they were going to have a run
heavy attack if you were I know you remember Chris,
but you know rich Gannon won the MVP that year.
The Raiders had a very past heavy offense the majority
of that season, and Lincoln said, for that game, because

they knew they felt that they had some power up
the middle to be able to run against Tampa Bay,
they were going to feature Barrett Robins up the middle,
Tyrone Wheatley and really do a ground and pound attack
towards Tampa. But once Barrett Robins went down and they
had to go to their backup Adam True, who was
a little lighter, they had to adjust on the fly.
And again, this happened on Saturday night, the night before
the Super Bowl. So this happened on Tuesday, and they

had a chance to kind of work through a couple
of things, and of course we all remember exactly how
that thing, you know, ended up going.

Speaker 3 (01:07:24):

Speaker 8 (01:07:25):
Yeah, by the way, speaking of Super Bowl foibles, let's
we forget the Eugene Robinson situation. We're talking about guys
going off the deep end on the eve of the
Super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (01:07:36):
The ray Lewis story. Oh sure, there's a there's like
a six part podcast on that about ray Lewis, and
is there really it's pretty good. I got about three
episodes into it and I just had to stop for
a little bit. Guy. Listen, there is a hopeless addiction

that I have k fake. It is to crime pots.
You're into the True comproct podcast in fact right now.
I didn't bring this up to Ian because I didn't
want him to get mad at me. But I am
very much in the middle of a pod about USC's
I think it was the dean of their medical school. Yeah,
some of the issues that he was in. That was

some ugly stuff. Oh, bro, I had no idea. It's
it's called Fallen Angels.

Speaker 2 (01:08:24):
Really good.

Speaker 3 (01:08:25):
iHeartRadio podcast too, But I bring that up because the
Ravens one and the one about ray Lewis was great
to the first three episodes, and then you got a
host that's got to make it about himself and then
I'm I'm like, can you just talk about ray Lewis
and this? I don't need to know about your trauma?

Speaker 2 (01:08:44):
Right, Gosh.

Speaker 8 (01:08:45):
I'm not big into the true com podcast, but there
was one that called my eye a couple of years
ago called fall of a Titan. It was about just
Stude McNair. Yeah, yeah, and that was phenomenal. And the
conspiracy about who really was behind his murder. Was it
the you know, the Jilts girl friend, was it something else?
Was it a setup? Did he have debtors that he
would ever coming out? It was really really interesting. Well,

I will go ahead and spoil that one for you.

Speaker 3 (01:09:10):

Speaker 2 (01:09:10):
I was absolutely a crazy girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (01:09:12):
I mean, there's just that was another July fourth that
happened on July the fourth of July. You're right, do
you know? It's funny. The only reason I remember that well,
I mean obviously we all remember unfortunately losing stevehennair in
a tragic situation.

Speaker 10 (01:09:28):

Speaker 3 (01:09:28):
I mean he was one of the he's one of
the great quarterbacks ever, from a small school and by
all accounts, a really good guy. Yeah, from everything we've seen,
did he make some poor personal choices? Absolutely sure. It
cost him his life, unfortunately. But the thing that's crazy,
I chose. I chose to take a nap on that
fourth of July k fake. I had filled in Fox

Sports Radio in the morning, so I had done the
five Central eight A Central, and I was like, you know,
I'm gonna take a nap, and I woke up to
like eight thousand text messages dude, Steve McNair, what's going
on here? And then it's always uncomfortable when you're watching
a story like that with your wife and she's like,
huh had a girlfriend? You have a girlfriend?

Speaker 2 (01:10:11):
To anyone else?

Speaker 3 (01:10:13):
She hits you with that one, huh you uh? You
mind me looking at your phone. I'm like, listen, a
dude just got shot. Yeah, you can have my phone
if you would like it right now.

Speaker 16 (01:10:22):

Speaker 3 (01:10:23):
But that was a while.

Speaker 2 (01:10:24):
Because say, you know what, you can have whatever you want.

Speaker 8 (01:10:26):
What happened to Steve nair By all means, here's all
the passwords, here's the like, yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:10:33):
Fall of the Titan, dude, that is it's wild to
think that was fifteen years ago. Crazy. This fourth of
July will be fifteen years since Steve McNair. You know what,
now that you've mentioned it, I'm gonna download and re
listen to it. Why not?

Speaker 2 (01:10:48):
I mean what else? It was a good listen, It's
very There are a lot of layers to it.

Speaker 3 (01:10:52):
There really were. Now this is also a confession time
where I also have to tell you so I'm not
only listening to Fallen Angel right now. There is the
conspiracy tapes that I'm in the midst of, and there
is status untraced.

Speaker 2 (01:11:07):
So if you guys.

Speaker 3 (01:11:08):
Want to dive into that tonight, we can at eight
seven sevens. I also have a dateline that I need
to catch up here. So if there is ever an
addiction that I think I need to be honest with
everybody about my unhinged addiction to crime pods is very
much true and very much real. Now, speaking of podcasts,
this is one of those twenty four hour teases. Again,

I found myself absolutely positively glued to Pete Schrager's conversation
with Mike North. Mike North is the schedule maker for
the NFL. On Tomorrow night show, We're really going to
get in the weeds on some of the things Mike
North had to say and some of the things that

basically hurt the Ravens. Why the commitment to the jet
But in maybe, gosh, it's two and a half minutes
here when we come back, I want to get into
what he had to say about the Wednesday games Christmas
Day games. I mean, there is no way Arnie and I,
Arnie Spaniel and I do a show. I'm regularly on

Fox Sports Radio Sunday nights from ten p to one
a Central Time. Everything is in God's time zone, Central Time.
And I remember after the Raiders be the Chiefs and
there was I think, what we did? We have three
Christmas Day games this year? When the ratings came out,
I remember looking at the schedule and saying, well, it's
a leap here, so there's gonna be Christmas is on

a Wednesday. Arnie, I think they're gonna play Christmas games
on a Wednesday. I think they're gonna have to because
of the ratings. And sure enough they did the justification
for the why and how they're gonna make it work
is pretty fascinating. But we'll get to that when we
come back. But before we break. Before we break, Gunny
is in Oklahoma. He gets the final word this segment.

Good morning, Gunny, welcome to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:13:05):
How are you, Bud?

Speaker 10 (01:13:08):
You know what's the point?

Speaker 3 (01:13:09):
Well, anytime I see that you're on hold, I got
to get you right to the front of the line. Man,
I'm good. How about you?

Speaker 10 (01:13:15):
I'm a cool Gunny? Right now?

Speaker 3 (01:13:20):
Are you really all right?

Speaker 17 (01:13:21):
Let's go?

Speaker 3 (01:13:22):

Speaker 2 (01:13:23):
What are you always up this early in the morning
or what?

Speaker 10 (01:13:27):
Yeah? I just got off work not too long ago.

Speaker 3 (01:13:30):
I wonder what the percentage of our peeps that are
just getting off work is for this show or are
just getting into work.

Speaker 2 (01:13:36):
It's got to be pretty high.

Speaker 10 (01:13:37):
Right, we're night shifters, you know.

Speaker 3 (01:13:41):
Hey, let me let me post something to you. All right.
We were talking about crazy stories, right, crazy sports stories.
Someone just threw Lynn Bias in here. That's a crazy
sports story night that he got drafted. Gunny, do you
remember the story out of Oklahoma about the kid during
the Kansas State game that we could add to crazy stories?

Speaker 2 (01:14:03):
They had the bomb detonate. Do you remember that? Yes, dude,
that would go in this list of craziness, right.

Speaker 10 (01:14:09):
Yeah, I wasn't at that game, but yeah, that was
that was definitely something.

Speaker 3 (01:14:16):
Yeah, that was a little bit of it. Maybe that
was a little bit too dark to bring up in
this conversation tonight.

Speaker 10 (01:14:20):
Right, I can go anywhere any which way.

Speaker 3 (01:14:25):
But hey, real quick, are you a believer in the
thunderbouncing back today?

Speaker 10 (01:14:31):
I'd like to think so.

Speaker 4 (01:14:33):
Yes, That's not.

Speaker 3 (01:14:35):
The most confidence response I've ever had from you this morning, Gunny,
I'd like to think so. But at the core of it,
they could easily have won this series already, and Dallas
could have easily won this series already. It makes no sense.

Speaker 10 (01:14:49):
They very well could have.

Speaker 3 (01:14:51):
Yeah, either way either way, man, all right, what you
got on the agenda today? You got to go back
to work tonight.

Speaker 10 (01:14:58):
No, I'm finally going this weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:15:01):

Speaker 10 (01:15:02):
But how about uh, how about Ti moving into fifth
with a tide with Romero?

Speaker 3 (01:15:12):
Right, that's right, that's right. You You got to realize
what Gunny just did to us, guys. He went from
talking about the NBA two Crazy Stories to college softball
in the span of one phone call. It's the greatest
call maybe ever to Fox Sports Radio. Gunny, let me
get into I appreciate your phone call, buddy. Uh, tr

a is tr Jennings, Cali girl. Dad Nassio might be
up listening, but she she hit the game winning home
run today. Softball's got unique rules. Right, if you have
an eight run lead after five innings, the game is over.
And I'm not saying, boys that I was rooting for
the game to be over after five innings tonight. Uh,
it actually went six. But when you want to fit

into nap before the show and you got a lot
of game to watch, like Pacers and Nicks, you might
want a little bit of an early stop. But we're
watching history. She moved up to fifth on the all
time career RBI list. She's two away from the top four,
and the history for career home runs pretty awesome. Today
is a really neat day this Saturday, for a sport
that doesn't get talked about a lot if ever here

on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:16:16):
That's college softball.

Speaker 3 (01:16:17):
If you get a little time, it's gonna be all
over ESPN. Give it a watch, fast pace, fun, good stuff.
All right. When we come back, Why Wednesday, Why Christmas.
We know how big of a challenge was it though,
for the NFL schedulers to make it work. Thanks Gunny,
you made my morning right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Ka Thik, Can I make a date with you? Coming
up next segment? Can can we commit to hang for
a little bit on a story? Yes, okay, I understand
the NBA playoffs are going on. I understand that Laker
talk can be somewhat tiresome to suspol it comes lakersalking again.
You and I are Laker fans. Yes, that's true. We

need to talk about this. I don't know how to feel.
I was just talking about it during the break and
I don't know. I don't know if JJ Reddick is
gonna be a good coach, But I just the Lakers
job shouldn't be your head coach's job. And I know
I say that whenever you know pat Riley's first head

coaches job in the NBA was the Lakers. But I
don't know, man, I'm feeling some sort of way about this,
and I'm trying to figure out which way that is.

Speaker 2 (01:17:31):
So can you help me out coming up next hour?

Speaker 3 (01:17:34):
Absolutely, I will try my best.

Speaker 8 (01:17:35):
We can sit down, you can lay down to the
couch and we'll have ourselves a nice session and see
what we can see what we can work through.

Speaker 3 (01:17:41):
Let me just say here is why I'm so excited
that you're here tonight, because you worked with my regular
partner last week, and you know I can't have a
serious discussion with the man. No, it's because it evolves into, well,
it doesn't matter because the Knicks are gonna win everything,
so why do you even care? Or somehow it becomes

a Dolphins conversation. Correct, So we're.

Speaker 2 (01:18:05):
Good to dive into some Lakers here when we come.

Speaker 3 (01:18:07):
Back, right, y'all.

Speaker 8 (01:18:08):
And trust me, I had that's been enough years hearing
and working with Arnie trolling Laker fans locally on LA
Sports Radio years ago as well, so he revels in it.

Speaker 3 (01:18:16):
Trusts me. All right, good, we'll get into it now
to actually do the craziest thing here in the history
of me filling in for Bernie Frattle. I'm going to
pay off at tease what Mike Norith was on the
Pete Schrager Show, Little NFL Talk and well, again, in
the weeds of scheduling, talk can be kind of boring.
But I found this fascinating in going through the process

of deciding how they were going to pick teams for
the Christmas Day games. And then of course there was
an even bigger concern in.

Speaker 18 (01:18:46):
That the fans have spoken right. Think about where Christmas
has been these last what is a two triple headers
heat to the last two years? For the last five
years we're playing on Christmas. The fans are there, you know.
Last year, I'm pretty sure the three games on Christmas
average something like twenty seven to twenty eight million viewers.
That's monumental numbers. They're there, they want the games, they

expect the games from us. Now, but it's a Wednesday.
We'll figure it out. Well, we figured it out. We
play Sunday to Thursday in this league all the time.
Could we play Saturday to Wednesday. It's really the same thing.
It's a couple of short weeks back to back Sunday
Saturday Wednesday.

Speaker 3 (01:19:23):
But it's doable.

Speaker 18 (01:19:24):
So early in the process we kind of figured out
a path to how we could get there. The real
challenge for us was finding the right teams because you're
talking about this little round robin between four teams that
all have to play each other, but they all have
to have one home in one road, and they have
to be four teams that we can think we can
count on here in May, they're going to be playoff

relevant and national television worthy seven months from now.

Speaker 3 (01:19:48):
Like that's wild, that's wild again? How the sausage? So
what how the sausage is made? Is a wildly boring
cop I mean, let's just so they got this computer
formula out and see they put these But when you
really drilled down that to do this on Wednesday, to

play a game on a Wednesday, you need to find
three team, four teams who schedule match up to the
point that they can be in that conversation for a
Christmas Day game, but also.

Speaker 2 (01:20:25):
Hope that they'd be pretty good. So if your four.

Speaker 3 (01:20:30):
Teams came up Carolina, New Orleans, Denver, and I don't
know what New England heading into this year, you might
be like, oh, we might want to pass on that.
But you had to find a way to say, Okay,
how can the Chiefs be a part of this? And
they did, to their credit much much at twenty four
Hour Tease. They talk about it all the time in

the biz, but I Mark and I will get more
in depth on that coming up tomorrow night, all right,
when we come back, Laker talk good or bad with
jaj J Reddick.

Speaker 1 (01:21:00):
Next, you're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 3 (01:21:06):
Hey, it's been a fun night. What do you say
we do it again tomorrow? Bernie is on his vaca,
so you got me got Thank you for the phone
calls at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox eight
seven seven nine ninety six six three sixty nine on
what has been a weird day in sports? Right? I
mean everybody woke up. Well, now moves into a Saturday.

You know, what are we you think about twenty four
hours ago, Scotty Scheffler is probably snooze and getting ready
for the alarm.

Speaker 2 (01:21:36):
To go off, shower stretch whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:21:40):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:21:40):
I don't know what Scotty Scheffler's morning routine is.

Speaker 3 (01:21:43):
And he makes his way out to his car, proceeds
to get arrested, charged with a felony. We fight all
day over whether or not the cop was in the
wrong or Scheffler was in the wrong, because it's what
we do. And then the dude goes out after being arrested,
being charged with a felony and shoots a sixty six
I was laughing during the during the network break, we

were playing a promo from Two Pros and a Cup
of Joe, which is a great show with the Jonas Knox,
LeVar Arrington and Brady Quinn, and I was laughing because
Jonas said, the flu Game can kiss my ass if
he pulls this off. And that's pretty hilarious actually, regardless
about how you feel about this, I mean, this might

sound terrible, but it's not like Scotty Scheffler hit the guy.
I mean he unfortunately the accident took place. Scheffler was
just trying to get into the parking area and then
all help brocluse, you know, before we move on past this,
because k Thing's hanging around and we're going to talk
some Lakers here, let me let me at least get

you a little bit of what Scheffler had to say.
In fact, Yeah, the fans were great. Not only did
he shoot well, but the fans were on his side.

Speaker 12 (01:22:58):
It was really nice to fans where we're trus today.
You know, I felt like they were a cheering extra
allowed for me today and it was I know sometimes
you can't really see it on my face, but I
really do enjoy playing in front of the fans. The
support I've been getting the last few months out here
has been tremendous and I'm really grateful for it.

Speaker 2 (01:23:11):
Yeah, the dude always looks miserable, always looks miserable, and
in talking about the uh the incident here was his side.

Speaker 12 (01:23:20):
It's just a huge misunderstanding this morning. That that'll get resolved,
I think fairly quickly. And yeah, I mean I came
here for a golf tournam and I was I was
driving in this morning, trying to get to my my
warm up time and get ready for the round of golf.
You know, I didn't really have an understanding of what
had transpired this morning, and you know, my main focus
after you know, getting arrested, was you know, wondering if

I could be able to come back out here and play,
and you know, fortunately I was able to do that.
And yeah, it was nice to put together a solid,
a solid round today.

Speaker 2 (01:23:49):
So there you go.

Speaker 3 (01:23:50):
Uh More on this obviously as the show rolls on,
because we're coming to you live from the ti rack
dot Com studios. Tirack dot Com will help you get
there and unmatched a selection fast free ship, free roade,
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com the way tire buying should be. So Kevin figures,
you gotta help me. Is this official now? Is the

next one? By no means is it official? But is
it as close as it can be to JJ Reddick
being the next head coach the Lakers?

Speaker 8 (01:24:21):
I won't go that far because as of right now,
at least for the people that talk to that I
read that I'm hearing, yes, he is one of the
leaders in the clubhouse, but the clubhouse is still filling
up with many other candidates. It doesn't sound like this
is something that's going to happen overnight or within the
next week. So they want to cast a bit of
a wide net, you know. The reporting is they don't

want they want to interview outside candidates who they do
not have familiarity with with inside the building because their
previous head coaching hires, say for Frank Vogel, you know,
whether it was Byra Scott or Luke Walton, Darvin Ham
was an assistant years ago, people that they've had previous
relationships with. They want someone to come in who has
sort of an outside view of the organization and the
inner workings and the roster and how it's going. So

I understand the issue that some might have with JJ
Reddick one number one, I'll say him not having any
coaching experience. I'm not the biggest fan of it either,
a more old school when it comes to sort of
paying your dues as an assistant.

Speaker 2 (01:25:16):
But there's some presidents here for.

Speaker 8 (01:25:18):
Some success for people who have had success as head
coaches without having prior coaching experience. You mentioned pat Riley
last Hour a good example with the Lakers. Steve Kerr
had front office experience as the general manager with the Sons,
but certainly had no coaching experience before going to Golden State,
and that has worked out well too. So and I
believe even Mark Jackson before he got to the head
coaching job with the Golden State and he did a

solid job. I don't know if he had been an
assistant coach anywhere either, So there's precedents for that. The
issue is his relationship with Lebron James, because they just
started this podcast together. There's some and I believe warrantted
issue with the fact that he might be you know,
you know, in his back pocket to a certain degree,
who's actually pulling the strings here will it be Will

it be JJ Reddick that I think that's a valid concern.
I will say one thing. Listening to JJ Redick obviously
very intelligent. His basketball i Q was off the charts,
one of the better basketball analysts I think out there
right now. He certainly knows the game, so I don't
hold that against him now whether or not he's able
to manage a locker room and personalities, you.

Speaker 2 (01:26:20):
Know which, honestly, Chris, and you know this.

Speaker 8 (01:26:22):
Nowadays, in professional sports, and particularly in professional basketball, it's
much less about x's and o's and more about managing personalities.
And that's something that he clearly has no experience in,
which will be the biggest issue, the biggest drawback for me.

Speaker 3 (01:26:35):
In determining whether or not he's the right man for
the job. So here's how I think I'm feeling. I
love what you just said. I don't know why I
am so anti this for the Lakers because of everything
you just said. There is nothing about an X and

no guy that is winning NBA games right now. It's
just it's which teams want to play defense, right and
if you have if you have a kind whistle, or
you have a great guy that can go in some
one on one battles and Anthony Edwards Nicola Jokisch there is.
My point is not that EXA's and owing doesn't happen,
but it's you need to have the dudes, and it

feels like you need more of a therapist or somebody
that can handle the egos. Then you really need X
and No's. And I don't know if JJ Reddick knows
that dude, I don't know how to put this, but
like he just I look at him and I get mad.

Speaker 2 (01:27:37):
It's like, I don't know if it's a duke thing.

Speaker 3 (01:27:40):
I can't think of any other way, less professional way
to put it than just looking at JJ Reddick and
he just pisses me off. I don't know what it is.
That's the duke effects it's I think it's the duke
of I see him, I'm like, oh God, this jerk.
I know. So I got to fight through that number
one right, which is, oh, it's a flaw. It's very judgy.

I understand, I'll where that, but I just it's funny.
I'm all over the place on this because I am
so very confused. Ian asked a great question during the
break when I brought this up to him. He goes, well,
who do you want? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:28:21):
I don't know who do I want? I want Mark Dagnall.

Speaker 3 (01:28:25):
I mean, if I'm being honest right now, I want
the Oklahoma City thunder head coach. And I don't think
that's happening. I don't know who I want. There's almost
a part of me that was willing to say, hey,
let's give Darvin Ham another year. Let's see what happens now.
Obviously he hasn't been a candidate for other head coaching vacancy, so.

Speaker 2 (01:28:46):
That should tell you something. But I just I don't
know how to feel.

Speaker 3 (01:28:51):
And I think part of it is because I just
don't know who I want, and I feel like I
feel like dudes like Dagnault. Gosh, yeah, I don't know
who else you would put an out list of up
and coming young coaches in.

Speaker 8 (01:29:03):
Yeah, I mean there's assistant names who've been thrown out there,
Mike and Norid from Minnesota is a guy who's been
an assistant for a while.

Speaker 3 (01:29:08):
Chris Quinn.

Speaker 8 (01:29:09):
His name has come up a lot because he's been
an assistant in Miami and was there with Lebron and
the Heatles and so Lebron has a previous relationship with him.
What I'm interested in and he's His name has come
up a lot over the last I don't know, five
six years, and for whatever reason, I don't know if
he doesn't interview well or what is Sam Cassell? Because
he fits some of what you're asking. He's going to
command the respect from the players in the locker room.

You know, he's not going to back down from Lebron,
Anthony Davis or anybody who tries to give him guff.
He's one of the great trash talkers in the history
of the sport. Tactically, I'm not exactly sure what he
you know, what he would bring as a head coach,
but just from a managing egos, Sam Cassell you think
would be one of the best of all the names
that are floating around, one of the best available names
to do that.

Speaker 3 (01:29:49):
And there's there's not a guy right now in college
that anyone seems to be kind of jonesing for either
right There's no I was every so often the name
Jay Wright comes up. I just don't think he wants
to do that. I don't think he wants to coach.

Speaker 8 (01:30:04):
He would go back to college before I think he
jumped to the NBA at this point, and I don't
even I think he'd be great in the NBA. Yeah,
but again I don't. I don't know if he wants
to do it.

Speaker 3 (01:30:13):
I mean, coach K's that that ship done sales well,
He's now consulting the Lakers on their head coaching position
puts even more you know, own this on the JJ
Reddick situation. Geez, here's a list of guys we're looking at.
Coach K. What do you think. What do you think
he's gonna say? Okay, fake man, I'm telling you right now,
it's all It's all lining up, isn't it. I gotta

start getting used to this. I got to accept this,
and I don't. And it sucks because I can't come
to you and say, well, I think they should get
this guy and this is gonna work. Right now. I
don't even listen to the Bootenholzer stuff. His press conference
today in Phoenix. You watch that and you're like, I
wish the Lakers would have went and got him, Like,

who's that guy? But then you see what's happened in
his last two stops. Yeah, he won a title, but
he grinded a star led team to the ground now
and again, I'm not in Milwaukee.

Speaker 2 (01:31:07):
I'm not there in Milwaukee.

Speaker 3 (01:31:08):
I don't know how that you know, from a beat
writer or from guys had covered daily. I'm sure that
there was, you know, many sides of that story, but
that's that's kind of what you get when you don't
follow it, like to every single second. I saw him
as a guy that wore out his welcome. Same thing
happened in Atlanta.

Speaker 8 (01:31:23):
The general belief in Milwaukee, at least was that, you know,
Jiannis was done with him. So in today's day in Asia,
a SuperStar's done with you, You're despite the fact that
two years before they won the championship.

Speaker 3 (01:31:35):
I think there's a deeper rooted issue here for me too.
K Fig, I don't know. I don't know if I'm
confident in the future of the Lakers being built around
making Lebron James happy and fair. Right or wrong, correct
or in correct. That's the feeling you get whenever you

see things like this playing out. Oh wow, look, this
guy just started doing a podcast with the Lebron James.
They seem to like each other. They wear their hats backwards,
they're tight. Let's see if he wants to be the coach. Oh,
his son's coming out. Well, this first round pick that
we apparently refuse to give up in trades for guys
like Kyrie Irving, let's go use that to draft his son,

who again no offense to BRONI probably could use another
year in.

Speaker 2 (01:32:23):
College, should use another year, maybe even two.

Speaker 3 (01:32:26):
So I mean, Kevin, I'm in a tough spot here
because I love Lebron James and you can hate on
the bubble title all you want, he still won a title.
I don't know if I'm confident in hitching that wagon
there When he has what a player option this year.

Speaker 8 (01:32:42):
Right which he's gonna opt out and sign an extension.
I have very little doubt that he's gonna resign with
the Lakers. Okay, for no other reason. Just look at
the market, and there's very few teams that actually even
have the money to give a maximum contract to a player.
So Lebron James is not gonna take significantly less at
this point to go somewhere else when he sacrificed a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:33:03):
He has his production company.

Speaker 8 (01:33:04):
We know a big reason why he came to Los
Angeles was because of Yes, he wanted to win, Laker franchise, legacy,
all that stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:33:10):
But we know he was already looking towards his.

Speaker 8 (01:33:13):
Next career too, So I don't think all of a
sudden he's gonna leave all of that in the lurch,
especially when there's not a giant amount of suitors out
there that can really give him what he wants. So,
whether the Lakers draft Bronnie or not, do I think
they should Probably not. If it's the fifty fifth pick
at the end of the second round, I guess you
could go for it. Why not if that's gonna help me,
if that's gonna help make him happy. Sure, So I

don't know if that that part is as big of
a deal, But if you look from just a roster
construction standpoint, it will become increasingly difficult. Look, he's had
a great He had a great year this past year,
and so did Anthony Davis. And that's the insane part,
the fact that he and Anthony Davis were as healthy
as they've ever been and they still have to fight,
scratch and claw in the to get past the play
in tournament.

Speaker 3 (01:33:52):
Any of these guys they've drafted recently got a little
Shay Gilges, Alexander development in him. Guys, anyone want to
till I mean they think about SGA was the throw
and in the Paul the uh Paul George trade. Any
of these guys developed. So yeah, where we stand right
now with the Lakers coaching search is it appears as
if Sam Cassell is in this mix. It appears as

if JJ Reddick is very much in this mix. In fact,
I was reading I don't know if you know the
guys over at Silver Screen and Roll, Yes, I do,
Oh do you Okay? I was reading their story and they, uh,
they had me sold that JJ Reddick could be the
next pat Riley. Now again, I'll I'll kind of fall
for any of those types of stories. Of course, could

uh could Sam Cassell be the next Greg Popovich? Well
I'll click on that and I'll read that absolutely, But
I don't. I don't know who I want. And that's
a weird place to be right now.

Speaker 8 (01:34:48):
Well, you also just consider the tenure of the most
recent Laker coaches. I mean, Frank Vogel won a championship
and lasted three years. Darvin Ham got to the conference
finals last season, eliminated in the first round against by
the way, the defending champion Denver Nuggets this year and
got the acts. They haven't had a head coach for
longer than I think three years in the last decade,

three or four years in the last decade. So whoever
they hire, are you really feeling that confident that they're
going to be able to string this thing out?

Speaker 3 (01:35:17):
So answer one more question for me, and then we'll
we'll move on to the actual teams that are still playing.

Speaker 2 (01:35:23):
Yeah, or at least tried to.

Speaker 3 (01:35:25):
But I was gauging a lot of the early part
of the Nuggets Timberwolve series on how I wanted to
feel about the Lakers playing tight with Denver, and I
was truly concerned that the Lakers just lost a series
to a team that had tapped out. But thankfully the
Nuggets bounced back after the first two games. Game seven
coming up tomorrow. Should I feel that this is still

a core that can compete and this is still with
Lebron and ad and let's see what they do with
the roster that with the right pieces, this can be
a team that is in that top three seeds and
fighting for each championship next year.

Speaker 8 (01:36:01):
Can we see it? I thank coach, I can see it.
I think they have a lot of things needs to
go right for them. One, I still think Lebron and
Anthony Davis have to remain healthy. I think Austin Reeves
needs to take that next step if he's truly gonna
be that third guy. I don't think Deangel Russell's coming back.
He has an opt out, He's probably gonna take it
and get more money elsewhere. Now you're talking about who

that third guy is gonna be. If you're trading for
Trey Young, Donovan Mitchell's name has come up, which if
you can swing that, I think that'd be amazing. I
don't know if Cleveland will do it, but if that's
if that's something that's actually out there and feasible, I
think that's something that will be able to put them
over the top.

Speaker 2 (01:36:36):
But look, if they're able to stay healthy.

Speaker 8 (01:36:38):
Jared Vanderbilt is a key role player for them, one
of their best perimeter defenders who they didn't have pretty
much the entire second half of the season. Gave Vinson
was a big time player for the Heat last year
in their playoff front and barely played this yearterialized. Yeah,
So if there's a lot of ifs, and there's gonna
be a lot of ifs, especially when you're talking about
Lebron who's forty and Anthony Davis, who has the body
of a sixty year old. You get those guys to

coming together and get the roster to stay healthy. There's
no reason why they can't compete for a four to
six seed in the Western Conference. Just know how competitive
the Western Conference is, by the way, that's and by
the way, coming into this playoffs, by the way, Chris,
I mean, from one to eight, couldn't you have made
a legitimate argument for any of those teams to make
a deep run in the postseason. Yeah, so it's a
really competitive conference. I don't even know if you have

to have a top three seed. It'll help from a
home court advantage standpoint, but you want to just make
sure you're playing well and healthy at the right time.
And unfortunately for the Lakers, they were not. And unfortunately
for the Lakers, they ran into their kryptonite, which is
the Denver Nuggets, who find a way to win by
five regardless if the Lakers are up by twenty or
up by thirty at halftime.

Speaker 3 (01:37:40):
And you mentioned gave Vincent when I said, you know,
Harley had an opportunity. It wasn't because he socked. I mean,
he had a knee injury issue, and I don't know again,
I don't know if he can be a major part
of what they're doing going forward, but he's pretty integral
in that playing impact.

Speaker 2 (01:38:00):
He was a guy that made a difference for him.

Speaker 3 (01:38:02):
So yeah, and it's role players, by the way.

Speaker 8 (01:38:04):
I know, I know we have to get out here,
but when you talk about these playoff runs, you know
the stars are gonna play that the stars with the
majority of the time, but usually it is your role
players are the guys that really put you over the top.

Speaker 3 (01:38:13):
Look at Dallas and what they're doing. It's your PJ.
Washington types.

Speaker 8 (01:38:17):
Yeah, Like I mean, Kyrie had a game where he
didn't even play all that well, but PJ, yeah, Hardaway
and Scott's scoring thirty points a night. So if you
get those sorts of performances from your role guys here
and there, that ultimately is what's gonna end up making
the difference. So we can talk about Lebron and ad
all we want, but until you get more consistency from
a guy like a D'Angelo Russell if he comes back,
whoever fills that void. They're gonna need those sort of

players to fill those roles Austin reeves to be more
consistent in the postseason. Those are the ones who end
up making the difference when it matters to most in
the postseason.

Speaker 3 (01:38:47):
So here's a couple of names again. Kevin mentioned these
from Adrian Wojnarowski, Miami Heat assistant Chris Quinn, New Orleans
Pelicans assistant James Brego, who was previously the head coach
of the Hornets. Other current assistants on the list are
Sam Cassell, he's with the Celtics now, Mike and Nory
who had taken over with the injury to the Timberwolves coach.

He's an assistant with Minnesota, and David Adelman, who is
Rick Adelman's son. David Adelman is with the Nuggets. It
seems like though JJ Reddick might be the guy. All right,
when we come back to the teams that are playing,
we'll talk about the Knicks and the Pacers and X
right here on Fox Sports Radio. All right, welcome back
into the tire rack dot Com Studios. K figg's got

an update coming up here in just a bit. We're
only three hours Friday and Saturday back to four hours
tomorrow night, and Bernie is out this week. I'm Chris
playing sitting and good stuff on Twitter. Throughout the show,
we've hit a bevy of topics, including just weird stories
and sports. After everything with Scotti Scheffler today, I did

have to give a shout out to Lawrence on this.
Lawrence writes, I've been listening to Ben Mallard nearly twenty years.
The three things if Mallard did, it would have been
Monopoly Police Academy Weekend at Bernie's. That's pretty good. That's good.
Lawrence Scheffler was the ultimate power play of Do You

Know Who I Am?

Speaker 2 (01:40:21):
Steve Wrights.

Speaker 3 (01:40:22):
It seems cops are trained to attach themselves to vehicles
if they pull away from them during a traffic stop.
I've seen this multiple times and it never works out
well for the cop. Are they also trained to stick
their finger in a gun barrel when pointed at them?
I've seen that work for bugs, Bunny. Stevie, I've seen
it works for bugs, Bunny.

Speaker 2 (01:40:43):
It's you know, it's wild.

Speaker 3 (01:40:45):
Because we're a talk show, so we've been able to
with this Scotti Scheffler story have some fun with it.
The memes were amazing, And by no means was Scottie
Scheffler involved in the incident that led to a man
losing his life this morning. But that's just still that's
just the crazy part in all of this. It was
a crime scene. They were trying to figure out what

it happened. I'm glad that I'm glad that we had
this storyline, to be honest with you, just because we
needed the content from the PGA Championship, because I don't
think I can do a I don't think I can
do a story about the end of the Tiger Woods run.
And I don't just mean run of success, I mean

run in not looking like a fool. So I don't
think my heart was ready for that. Maybe tomorrow night,
and maybe tomorrow night it will be, but not for tonight,
Not for tonight. All right, last night. Of all the
things we haven't talked about yet, I've not brought you
anything from the Pacers forcing a game seven in beating

the New York Knicks.

Speaker 7 (01:41:48):
O'Connell cross sports to Jackson up top Siaka with a.

Speaker 3 (01:41:52):
Clean luck that he scores again from just outside the foul.

Speaker 2 (01:41:55):
Line ball game all Pacers for.

Speaker 8 (01:41:58):
York Dribbles out the clock and there will be our
game seven Sunday afternoon in the New Order.

Speaker 3 (01:42:05):
So what went wrong, Tom Fibodeaux, Where did things go
south tonight?

Speaker 16 (01:42:10):
You still have to make sure you're putting the work
in to earn a win, and you're not gonna win
just because you're at home. You have to put the
work into it, and we have to play well.

Speaker 2 (01:42:20):
All right, it's looking ahead to game seven. Here is
what went wrong tonight?

Speaker 16 (01:42:24):
Back against the Wall. You're gonna get urgency and desperation,
and you got to match that intensity and you got
to keep doing it.

Speaker 1 (01:42:32):
You know.

Speaker 16 (01:42:32):
Like I said, I like the way we started the game,
but we didn't sustain it.

Speaker 3 (01:42:38):
I think I'm buying into the theory that he grinds
his guys out. I think I'm buying into that theory.
I know that there's probably some Timberwolf fans that are like, yeah,
really finally, maybe some Bulls fans too, But I am
I just think he's I don't know why that Brunton
was still in the game. I don't know they kept

Josh Hart inasmuch as they did late It's like it
was over. At the very least. You can hate Mike
Malone all you want, but the man knows how to
wave the white flag. He and Greg Popovich. I know
it's been a while since we've seen pop in the playoffs,
but whenever he was done, I mean he was done,
He's like, all right, let's go, let's just how can
we use a running clock so we can get out

of here? Not tibbs, No, no, no, You're gonna grind out.
You're gonna get this done. And mister Excitement also talked
about just the nature, the nature of the playoffs.

Speaker 16 (01:43:34):
This is sort of the nature you know of the playoffs.
This is what you played for. You love competition, this
is it, you know, heart fall competitive Oftentimes it comes
down to a hustle, play a loose ball, whatever it
might be. And so you're gonna get tested physically, mentally, emotionally.
Then you got to be able to get through all

of that.

Speaker 3 (01:43:57):
Is Uh, hey, Kate Thik, have you been able to
get a feel on the series? I think this Pacers
Knicks series before we get uh, before we get your update,
and we'll hear from Rick Carlisle after it. I just
I think game one was pretty good. Game one or
Game two when they had the missed foul call late
when the Pacers at least should have had a shot
to win the game. That yeah, the game.

Speaker 8 (01:44:18):
One, because I remember that was the whole situation where
Carlisle didn't complain. And then Game two is like, well
I didn't complain every Game one, but I'm going to
complain now. He talked about markets, right, markets, marketunity, but
I I is this just gonna be Hey, home court
advantage is going to be the difference maker, and both
these teams are just they're gonna play their best ball
when they're at home, because that's what it seems like.

It seems like it. And my takeaway going back to
last week, you know at this point this is this
is when the Knicks were getting banged up. You know,
they lost antonob Jalen Brunton at the hand and then
he had the ankle. So eventually I just thought attrition
was gonna end up catching up to New York home
court advantage or not. So even going into going into
this Sundays game. Now, now, look going back to Game five,

when the Knicks played so well at Masis Square Guard
and I thought that's where Indiana was kind of kind
of put the clamps on it and pull away with
this thing and to win it in six. So the
way that the arrow is pointing at this direction, to
your point is it seems like whoever, you know, whoever
has the last home game, is going to end up
winning this series, which is ultimately going to be the Knicks,
even though you know, if you would ask me this
last weekend, I would have told you, I just don't
know if the Knicks have enough juice. We know Indiana

and to the next credit, they've played well defensively for
the most part in the series. Indiana is one of
those teams who's, you know, one of the best offensive
teams in the entire league, and they were going to
go on a heater and they did that. I believe
that was in Game four, if I remember correctly, where
they just went off and New York couldn't do anything.
So I thought Indiana had another one of those in
them that didn't necessarily bear itself out in the numbers
on Friday night, even though Indiana led big for the

majority of the game. But yeah, the way this thing
is shaping up, yeah, it really is hard to figure out.
But I mean, look, if you were to ask me
right now, which direction. I'm leaning just based on how
the series has played itself out. I have to go
with the Knicks, even though I don't feel fully confident
in saying that, because I just they have to run
out of gas eventually.

Speaker 3 (01:46:02):
No, and the Josh Hart injury sure doesn't help as well.
That's another guy.

Speaker 8 (01:46:07):
You know, you're playing these guys, you know, thirty eight
forty two, forty five minutes a night with a seven
eight man rotation. If even that it's just difficult to
hold up.

Speaker 3 (01:46:16):
It's Kevin Figures. I'm Chris Plank, come to you live
from the tyrack dot com studios. I know, I know
k Figs got much much more for you right now
with what's trending? What do you got, Kevin? Yeah, you know,
I'm talking about that game. The Pacers did beat the
Knicks one sixteen to one oh three. Game seven will
be at Madison Square Garden tomorrow afternoon at three thirty
Eastern Indiana. Did le by as many as twenty three

points one the point in the paint battles, sixty two
to thirty eight, Nick shooting just forty two percent from
the field as a team and just about sixty two
percent from their free throw line, which killed them as
well double overtime thriller in the NHL that would in
favor of the Dallas Stars. The advanced to the Western
Conference Finals, defeating Colorado two to one.

Speaker 8 (01:46:54):
Florida advanced to the Eastern Finals with a two to
one victory over the Bruins in Boston. Panthers actually won
all three games they played in Boston in that series.
And baseball, the Dodgers hit three home runs and a
seven to three victory over Cincinnati Watts excuse me. The
Yankees beat the White Sox, winning their fifth in a row,
four to two, the final score there. Then Marlin shut
out the Mets eight to nothing, third straight shutout victory

for Miami. Wins for Cleveland, San Diego, and Philadelphia, who
has the best record in Major League Baseball. Second round
of the PGA Championship, x Ander Schaffley a one stroke
lead over Kalamrikawa, Bryson de Shamba and Scottie Scheffler three
strokes back, and as Chris mentioned, the fall of Tiger
Woods continues. He misses the cut along with Phil Mickelson.
Both guys end up missing the cut at the PGA

Championship back to Chris sad, sad, sad, sad. All right, thanks,
Kate Fake.

Speaker 3 (01:47:41):
He'll be front and center coming up with the fellows
here on Fox Sports Radio. Let's get a couple of
calls in here before we get out. At age seven
to seven ninety nine on Fox. Stanley's in Ohio. He's
been incredibly patient with me. He's next here on a
Saturday morning.

Speaker 2 (01:47:57):
What's going on?

Speaker 3 (01:47:57):

Speaker 2 (01:47:58):
How are you?

Speaker 17 (01:47:58):

Speaker 11 (01:48:00):

Speaker 17 (01:48:00):
Chris and Kevin? Hey, listen, I just wanted to touch
on a couple of things, the NBA and the NFL
and Scheffler. If you let me, all you men you
know the NBA, them guys were great athletes at a long, long,
tough season. They play hard. If you don't have the

three point shot, in my opinion, is ruined the game.
And as far as the next superstar you have, somebody
has to bring something to the table to be a
superstar in the NBA, and nobody is bringing anything. I
don't see anybody bringing it. What's anybody gonna bring? Corey

brought the three pointer, Lebron brought Lebron. Nobody's bringing anything.
Mar Sley Justin is on that make every dunk a three?
Pointer as well. Think about it, You'd have superstar are guys.
You'd have a whole new category dunk leaders scoring on dunks.

It would really change a game. And also, the three
point line only comes in effect the last two minutes
of each quarter in the first half, the last three
minutes in the third quarter, and the last four minutes
in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 3 (01:49:24):
I see what you did there. It would still confuse
me too much. I'm not saying I'm necessarily against the idea,
but unfortunately I don't think it's going anywhere.

Speaker 17 (01:49:33):
Stanley, Well, that'll change a game. But hey, how about
the NFL listen, Uh, it's really watered down. But I'm
excited about this kickoff thing. But you know, if I'm
a special teams coach, I'm looking my chops. What do
you guys think? Yeah, I mean, first of the all,
check it out. You don't have to kick. If I'm

a special teams coach, you don't have to kick the
ball to the guy. I'm gonna kick off the wildest,
curviest balunceest hard to handle kickoff, and the guy might
as soon as he touches it. Then everybody goes and
I look for kickoffs to be hard to handle. And

the last thing about Scheffler, I got a nickname for him.
Go for it, Mugs Scheffler. How about that?

Speaker 3 (01:50:27):
I like it. Thanks to appreciate the phone call, Mugs.
First of all, I'm warning you, guys, Stanley crew, I
can get into some nerdy rules conversations. I really can't.
But Buddy, I don't think the three point LINEES is

going to have any rules changed by any stretch of
the imagination for it.

Speaker 2 (01:50:54):
Sorry, I think we kind of are.

Speaker 3 (01:50:57):
Where we are. I don't think they could push it
back any further, really, but I do like the idea
of a dunk counting for three. That might be nice.
That might be nice.

Speaker 2 (01:51:09):
Okay, let me.

Speaker 3 (01:51:10):
Let me sell you one thing that someone if you're
gonna use the phrase they can't bring, and I've got
I got something that they can bring. Wim bin Yama
bringing back the big guy. I just I think that
he's got a chance to be a transcendent superstar. Now
he's still on a team that stinks, and hopefully san
Antonio can do something about that. But he's he's something else.

So I would say not necessarily fighting you, Stanley, but
I would say give Wim bin Yam an opportunity. Maybe
San Antonio can get better next year. And I think
that's someone who's got a little juice. I think Anthony
Edwards does. I mean, come on, Anthony Edwards may have
given us the greatest quote of the postseason so.

Speaker 2 (01:51:56):
Far after.

Speaker 3 (01:52:00):
After they won last night when and the win of course,
then moves them on to a game seven. The question
was if he had really told a security guard that
he was he was going to uh, he was going
to be back. Hey, we'll be back. You guys better

be ready. We're going to be back for a game seven.
I mean, come on, dude's already talking trash.

Speaker 7 (01:52:27):
Did you really tell the locker room staffer in Denver
you were going to be back?

Speaker 3 (01:52:31):
Yeah? They knowed I was in there.

Speaker 10 (01:52:33):
Yeah, I told him.

Speaker 3 (01:52:34):
I said, I see y'all lose for Game seven. He's
talking trash with the best of them already already. So, Stanley,
my bigger confusion with the NBA is not the star power.
My bigger confusion, or at least my perception of what
can be star power. Why is it not resonating? Why

are these numbers not going through the roof? Why you know,
Arnie and I talk about this, and I think many
of us have a segment like carved out for it
every time that.

Speaker 2 (01:53:05):
We have a show.

Speaker 3 (01:53:07):
The Stanley Cup Playoffs continue to be more entertaining as
a whole than the NBA.

Speaker 2 (01:53:13):
Playoffs, and yet no one still seems to care.

Speaker 3 (01:53:18):
We had a game that went to double overtime tonight,
that had a terrible call in the first overtime that
nearly cost the Stars the game and maybe then potentially
their their season in a Game seven. But tonight has
been more about, obviously the Knicks and some things in
the NBA. We even talked to Lakers. Do I think

that we could do it? And I know Bernie talks
a lot of hockey, but do I think we could
do a show where we would nationally, Hey, let's open
up to take some of your hockey calls. Absolutely, because
we're on in so many markets that are passionate and
fiery about hockey. Problem is, then what would happen to
the rest the rest of the United States, the rest

of the world, who doesn't seem to be as tied
in on the Stanley Cup Playoffs as the product would
warrant they should be every year? Every year, I feel
like we have this fight all right when we come
back to the tyrack dot Com studios. The mindset afterwards
of one Rick Carlisle does he believe? And Luca changed

his game in game five? Will he do the same
in game six? We'll talk about it next year on
Fox Sports Radio Fast Show Tonight. Thanks, kfig have fun
with the return of the fellas, Aunt and Jason a back.

Speaker 2 (01:54:40):
We are we all three?

Speaker 3 (01:54:43):
Kik K think? Are we all three in agreement that
we're not gonna win a title with Gardner Minshew or
ain't O'Connell or do we believe? Is there a is
there a third hat that we can pick from here? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (01:54:56):
I mean, look, I'm not gonna act like I haven't
had the miracle season.

Speaker 3 (01:54:59):
Mons go off of my head.

Speaker 8 (01:55:01):
Whether the Raiders, you know, end up winning the Super Bowl,
but I'd say that's highly unlikely. I think the best
you can hope for is that the defense continues to grow.
Maybe Minshew's half decent. Look, look, I guess in a
perfect world, Aidan O'Connell has a phenomenal sophomore season and
it really rustles away at the starting job, and they
have a good year, you win eight nine, possibly ten games,

compete for a wild card spot, and see what happens.
I think that's probably a best case scenario at this point.

Speaker 3 (01:55:25):
I'm here with you. I'm here with you, So keep
up alive, baby, that's right, keep up alive. I will say,
there is nothing, absolutely nothing more frustrating than when you
have a team like the Lakers, right. I make very
clear I'm a fan of that. I have head coaching
vacancy and I don't know who I want to be

the head coach. Like I don't know, there's no one
out there, let Ron coach team. I don't care go
win games. Here we are talking about football with the Raiders,
and I'm gonna be very similar situation with my team, Kevin,
because I don't know who I want to be my
quarterback of the options that I have available of me.
It's like, can Brady come out of retirement? Possibility couldn't hurt.

But that fun good to see micro center back. So
I feel like we need to wrap with actually tipping
our cap to the Anana Pacers because here we are
three hours of live radio programming. I don't feel like
we've done our due in giving kudos to NDY four
taking advantage of the opportunity at home.

Speaker 2 (01:56:35):
Did they did they try to.

Speaker 3 (01:56:37):
Blow the game a few times midway through that'd be
like the third quarter.

Speaker 2 (01:56:42):
Maybe they tried, but they were ready.

Speaker 7 (01:56:47):
They were ready, everything possible to get them ready. But
it's you know, in game sevens it comes down to
compete level and you know how well you're tied together.

Speaker 3 (01:56:57):
And they're going to try to keep the celebrations going.
But at the very minimum, No, there's a bigger task
at hand.

Speaker 7 (01:57:07):
Answer around patting yourself on the back. I mean, that's
what gets your ass kicked the next game. So you know,
we're going to keep our celebrations very short, if at all,
after this game and get ready for Sunday afternoon.

Speaker 3 (01:57:19):
Yeah, solid win. We'll have a Sunday Game seven. Will
we have another Game seven in the NBA? So we
have Game seven's in the Nuggets t Wolves series. We
have Game seven of that Pacers Nick series that we've
been talking about. Will we see a Game seven in
the thunder Dallas Mavericks series. Now, something wild happened in

the Game five win for Dallas in Oklahoma City. Lucas
stopped complaining about the officials. He stopped whining after every
single call. It was wild to see if you've been
paying attention to this series, and apparently Charles Barkley had

been critical of it, so why not ask Luke about it? Well,
I love that show. I love those four guys. I
always watch it all the games.

Speaker 4 (01:58:13):
Well maybe next time if you can say it again
in the next game, so maybe we'll win again.

Speaker 3 (01:58:16):
So but that's it. I know what's the same, all right, Hello,
it's all.

Speaker 18 (01:58:21):
Fours and Draymond, Draymond to say hello to Draymond too.

Speaker 3 (01:58:26):
I mean, I've watched a little bit of The Mavericks,
a lot of bit of The Thunder this season, and
every single second of this series. Luka Doncic is one
of the most amazing players because on one play there's
several different things that happen. It's like a Luka Doncic experience.

And I'm hesitant here because I know we're on an
amazing affiliate. We're on the ticket in Dallas, one of
the greatest radio stations, if not the greatest, in the country,
And there's one Dallas area listener that every single time
I try to talk anything Dallas bro, I get lit
us like you don't know a damn thing obviously about
anything Dallas sports, but I'll give it a try. Here.

Speaker 2 (01:59:13):
Luca goes through several phases.

Speaker 3 (01:59:16):
There's the oh my god, he broke his leg, he's
never gonna play again, phase, to which he usually hops
out of really quick. There's the every time he drives
to the rim he got fouled phase right, which which
we saw a lot in game five. And then there's
this or saw in game four, excuse me. Then there's
this this Game five Luca that showed up where he

just went out and balled and it was really well,
I'm a Thunder guy, so it wasn't really fun to see,
But if you're just watching that without a rooting interest,
it's pretty impressive to see. I still feel like Oklahoma
City can force a Game seven. They won to Dallas
before in a game where they'd played like doo doo

until the fourth quarter, So if they can get anything.
Sports are so weird, the Oklahoma City Thunder. We're one
of the greatest three point shooting teams during the regular season,
one of the best in the NBA. Suddenly you get
to the playoffs, you're getting open looks and you can't

consistently hit a three for your Life and it's crushing them.
And give Dallas' role players credit. They've stepped up in
a big way. Pj's been amazing. But I think we're
getting a game seven of that series. I know this much.
We'll be here to talk about it regardless of what
happens tomorrow night. So Bernie out tonight out tomorrow so

I'll be back in with the crew. In fact, we
got a couple of guests slated to join us tomorrow night.
You Dan, you really are a rock star. If you
can talk guests into coming on in the middle of
the night, let's go. So we'll be talking NBA playoffs
tomorrow night and a busy day of PGA Championship talk.
Reaction to the crazy Scotticheffler story. The Fellas are back,

Jason and Anthony are next. We're back tomorrow night, right
here on Fox Sports Radio stick Around

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