All Episodes

May 19, 2024 80 mins

Dan Beyer and Kerry Rhodes react to the Dallas Mavericks eliminating the Oklahoma City Thunder in a Game 6 that went down to the wire. The guys debate which of these franchises has a brighter future ahead of them. Dan and Kerry preview the pair of Game 7's on Sunday. Dan gives his thoughts on the PGA Championship, and the guys play the latest edition of Easy As 1, 2, 3, 4!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Okay, I'm just gonna call it Championship Sunday. Even though
we aren't giving out championships in the NBA, we are
giving away a PGA championship. You're at Isaac Laurincron talk
about the Premier League and when you have two game
sevens carry roads. It's close enough. Welcome to Championship Sunday
on Fox Sports Radio. Championship Sunday. It sounds has a

nicer ring to it.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
I know we've been going back and forth. We're excited
about the games today. We also were in the thralls
of a really crazy, intense Game six yesterday as well,
So I'm ready.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
To get going. Man. We are broadcasting live from the
tireck dot com studios tyrec dot com. We'll help you
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dot com. The way tire buying should be. We could
say that the Knicks or Pacers and the Nuggets and
Timberwolves would be champions of the Western Conference semifinals for

their bottom half of the bracket. That's what we could
coin them champions on whoever wins today three thirty Eastern time,
Pacers and Knicks, Timberwolves and Nuggets at eight o'clock Eastern
time from Denver. We'll have some Game seven talk for you,
for sure, but we have to talk about Game six first.
I'm not just saying this because of your connections to
the Mavericks and the Mavericks fans, uh huh. But what

a game last night where the Dallas Mavericks rally from
a sixteen point deficit advance by beating the Oklahoma City
Thunder in six games thanks to three great free throws
from PJ. Washington. Two were made, but it was the
miss that maybe was the most impressive of all of them.

In the end, Dallas moves on with a victory over
Oklahoma City and the Thunder are left scratching their heads. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
I picked my MAVs coming into this series to win
in five. They win it in six. They blew Game
four back in Dallas and made me a little worried.

Speaker 2 (02:01):

Speaker 3 (02:01):
But again they came back in Game six yesterday and
fall through some adversity, some things where I thought, you know,
early on, things didn't go their way their way. They
could have packed it in and had another game to
kind of finish it in Okay see for Game seven,
but they fought back, found the way to win the
stars with stars in the third quarter for Dallas. They
scored twenty up to thirty five points that quarter. In

the fourth quarter, just like this series has gone for
most of it, you had some songs. He rolls down
the stretch, you had PJ. Washington down the stretch, hit
two big threes and obviously the free throws at the end,
and we won the game, man, And so yeah, you're.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
We yeah, I know you want to come with that, Dan,
we won the game.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
We're moving on to the Western Conference Finals for the
second time in three years.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
So big, big day. He had just as rutch of
rollas Derek Jones Junior did a shame exact that Derek
g Lively had. I had seven attempts seven attempts yesterday.
I'll tell you what you didn't do. You didn't use
your final timeout when you never should have. This is
I can't get away from this, and we don't have
to spend fifteen minutes talking about this, but I just

feel the timeout that Mark Dagnoll called for Oklahoma City
is to review the PJ. Washington foul was egregious, and
there's because there's different layers to it. First of all,
there was the conversation on the actual play of did
Shay Gildess Alexander get all ball? And I thought that

the broadcast did a good job of explaining of, yes,
he got all ball, but you can make contact with
the player if the ball is released. So here it
kind of almost is a tip of the cap to
the strength of PJ. Washington to continue to hold the
basketball at that point. But then you review that call.

I'll say this, and we're going to get into officiating
later and we're gonna hear from the Thunderhead coach on
why they chose to challenge that foul and why. I
just think it was just a bad, bad move and
almost near coaching malpractice. But when you when you look
at the when you look at the situation with with
how that play goes down, I almost want to start

out twenty seconds prior, because I think a lot of
us were like, all right, Luca, let's go let this is.
You know it's a one point game at that time, right, well,
one point game if you miss. If Oklahoma City gets
the rebound, you follow, you still have an opportunity to
to make it a three point game. It's that whole,
the whole way that that it ends up playing out

of Okay, Dallas, I'm like, all right, Dallas, you may
want to get going. You may want to get going,
you may want to get going with all of this
like that has you wondering what's going on? You fast,
I should say, rewind twenty seconds back even prior, and
then you have the foul called on PJ. Washington in
that scenario with Oklahoma City. So when so so when

I when I, when I te, I think Mark Diagno
made the mistake in calling the foul. I almost think
you have to go back to that PJ. Washington lou
Dort collision. Did you think that was a foul on PJ. Washington? No,
you didn't think of that, absolutely not.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
I Mean, he was the guys locked in on on
his man and lou Dort is like literally right behind
him and comes and he's able to get in front
of him to screen him in a legal position. Doesn't
really seem like that's a real thing, like you could
do that from that close and so to call that
in that moment where it's been physical all series, physical

all all that game as well, and then to call
that and actually have a chance to give you know, okay,
see with the with the layup and a dunk which
they got the lead, it's it's it was pretty it
was pretty crazy for me.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
It is a gutsy, gutsy call. And you're right, they
kept possession because they got the free throw and then
they were able to inbounds after that. It was at
that point that Oklahoma City called the time out, Yes,
to shut up the play that allows chet Holmgren to
get that basket. Yes, you know what, brilliant timeout. But

the point I'm making here is you are there with
thirty five seconds left in Oklahoma City has two timeouts
in their pocket, and so at that point when you
call that timeout to run the play, if you're Oklahoma City,
you know what you're saying yourself is you're saying, we're
gonna use the timeout here to get a play where

you did with thirty seconds on the clock or under thirty.
But you also need it to either advance if Dallas
takes it down, or you call the timeout to get
your shot that you would need if Dallas decides to
go early if you're in pressure, if there's any situation,
you have to save that timeout. So you've got in

your mind that you're saving that timeout. And this is
the point. The timeout is not used as a trump card.
The timeout is a get out of jail free card,
and it's it's everywhere at the end of an NFL game,
right save your timeouts because if you're losing, you can

force a punt call timeout no time runs off the clock,
you'll maybe have a last chance. Time arts aren't called
to win a game. They are called to save you
from losing the game. And I felt last night that
it cost Oklahoma City because of the explanation that Mark
Dagnell gave after the game last night, Oh shame, just

would you make it a Romanta?

Speaker 4 (07:30):
And I don't have as good of a replay as
there was on TV, So you know, I just you know,
he got ball, you know, and then obviously got arm
as well. You know, I thought he might have gotten
the ball first. And just in that situation, you know,
even without leaving myself a timeout, I thought any chance
that we could take points off the board and reverse

that call would be worth the risk. So that's why
I went and got it.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
Are you good with that explanation? Yes, but I agree
with what you're saying.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
But also in those coaching scenarios like that, where again
taking points potential points off the board. In that situation,
if it was close enough that they felt they had
a chance to win, it's kind of hard to not
attempt it there. You're right, I mean, obviously if you
don't get it, you essentially lose the game as well.

So I think you're in a situation where if you
don't do it, you lose probably potentially, and if you
do use it and it doesn't work, you're in a
position to lose as well. So I don't think there's
a clear advantage of keeping it in that scenario, only
because you're not expecting PJ. Washington to not make one
of those to at least tie it. So say, worst

case scenario for Dallas, he only makes one of those
and it's tie, then you have a chance to win
it from half court, and that's a different story.

Speaker 5 (08:52):
He makes two.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
He's not a great free throw shoot either, Yes, and
so you will give them that chance to at least
try it.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
So I see is positioning there as well, But I
would turn it around and say this that in that
scenario number one, darn near impossible that the refs will
overturn that call in that scenario. I know we have replay,
I know we have evidence. But to turn over that
scenario and make it a jump ball in Dallas, I

think is a lot to ask.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
I don't even think it was a jump ball. Because
Kyrie actually got their actually made it.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
He did.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
It was actually better for Oklahoma sitting that the whistle blew,
because you're right, Kyrie caught it and put it in
that it actually stopped play. But in that you know scenario,
if you go to a jump ball situation or it's that,
whatever the case is, however they rule it when the
when the whistle blows, because there was there could have
been a point where where PJ. Washington goes goes up

and down. The point is is PJ. Washington goes to
the free throw line, because that's who you know, is
that the free throw line. And let's spend Dallas's problem throws, Yes,
free throw shooting. And so now you say, if you're
Mark Dagnell, okay, well is he gonna make all three? PJ.
Washington on the season A sixty eight percent free throw shooter.

Guess what, you got three of them. That's about two
for three, still a little north of two for three,
but there's a pretty good chance that he's gonna go
two for three, at least if you were to follow
the numbers. Worst case scenario for you, he goes three
for three, you still have the time out like that's
and then you move it too half court and now

it's a two point game and you're able to get
your shot off. Or worst case scenario for Oklahoma City,
he makes the first two and then miss, and then
you got to call time out immediately and a few
more tents come off the clock. The point being is
once they chose to challenge the call, which I think
number one had a very very slim chance to be overturned.

In number two, the alternative of PJ. Washington shooting free
throws in as bad of a situation as opposed to
somebody who was maybe shooting ninety percent from the free
throw line, the numbers were actually in your favor, and
to think that you were going to get that call
or that it was worth being able to have a

look at that call and cost the timeout cost them
the game. It's if they if he makes one of
them and you get you get a rebound tie game, great,
you go to overtime. Perfect, but you still can you
can call timeout, you can advance the ball, you could
do what you need to do. But by them using
that timeout in that scenario when I don't think it

was fifty to fifty, that was going to go into
their favor. By the way, if you end up having
a scenario where it is just back to Dallas, you know,
they still get the ball, you know, like there's there's
they still have an opportunity to win it, and now
you can't set your defense. Maybe they Dallas calls a play.
Just there were so many things that couldn't go in

the way of Oklahoma City. And I don't think that
we're going to be harping on this because it's Oklahoma City.
But if this was the Lakers, if this was the
Knicks today and you botch this situation, that's all the
conversation is. And I just think that Oklahoma City doesn't
mean they're going to make the shot with two point

five seconds off, Kerry. I just think when you use
the timeout in that review when, by the way, you
had two timeouts with thirty five seconds left to go
in the game, and all of a sudden when you
need it the most, you don't have any that's inexperienced
at a bad job by Oklahoma City.

Speaker 3 (12:32):
Yeah, and that's coming from your coach of the year.
So I mean, you know, in those moments, you know,
going by the numbers, going by your heart, and those
situations and trying to navigate a basketball game, it's really
really hard. And so you know, I mean, for I mean,
your one hundred percent correct with you know, you want
to keep that time out, but also having that time

out allows you to even take that challenge as well.
So they had that, you know, they had a chance
to do that.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
And tough one.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
I mean the whole time I'm watching it, I'm literally saying, please,
don't let them win this.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
Don't let them reverse this call.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
Because I saw Kyrie make the shot as well, I
was like, that would be that would be the icing
on the cake for this game, the fact that they
were to reverse it and Kyrie actually made the shot,
just let it, don't let it be a no call
in and just go out and let them tip it in.
So that's all I was thinking. I was thinking the
worst was bound to happen at that point.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
In Washington's first free throw, it was a fifty to
fifty proposition. It ended up falling. But at that point
then you also know, all right, you're gonna make the
second one if you miss the first. If that rolls out,
then you're yeah, then it's now it's tight time. But
that rolls in, then you get your whereabouts he's gonna
make his second. And then at that point I think

it probably dawned in Oklahoma City. Uh oh, yeah, we're
done here because they know what we just found out,
and that is he's gonna miss. And by the way,
his miss was magnificent because I think he probably tried
to make it, and I'm joking cold it was one
of the better like it. It literally hit the back iron, yeah,

like a knuckleball, and just like was dead. It was
just because there was no long ricochet. There wasn't you know,
it wasn't short, it wasn't anywhere that could give Oklahoma
City an advantage. And yeah, I think Jalen Williams is
the one that had to throw up the three quarter.
And again, if you have your time out in that scenario,
he likely makes it or tries to make the last one,

and if he does, fine, you're down by two and
you advance of the a half court. For sure. That's
where Oklahoma City cost themselves. They also cost themselves by
blowing a sixteen point lead. Carrie felt that maybe it
should never have been sixteen points something we're gonna get
into next and I'm gonna pose this question to you.
So after last night, if you had to choose a

team to root for over the next ten years, are
you choosing Oklahoma City or are you choosing Dallas? And
I feel that the arguments on both sides, if you're
on one side of the other, are obvious. We'll talk
about those. He's Carrier roads, hit me up or hit
him up at Carrie twenty five roads. You can hit

me up at Dan Byer on Fox. Ryan Bersinger's here,
Chris prefettis here, Isaac lohing Kron giving us all the
loise of what's happening, of what's happening on this championship.
Sunday golf is underway. Leaders tee off in a little
over two hours, so it's going to be a fun,
fun day. In addition to the two game sevens, he's
carry on Dan It's all next Year on Fox Sports Sunday.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

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Speaker 2 (16:00):
He's Carried Roads. I'm Dan Pyrit's Fox Sports Sunday. You
would think that the biggest news out of Game seven
would be the status of Josh Hart. Yeah, by the way,
Isaac lown Crown is gonna give us an update on
that in a matter of minutes. But actually the biggest
status update is one of Scott Foster, who will be
officiating Game seven tonight of the timber Wolves and Nuggets game.

And it is it is funny on how the referee
assignments always grab headlines. You felt that the referees in
the game against featuring Dallas in Oklahoma City last night, Yeah,
maybe had a vested interest to try to make it
a seven game series. Are you saying that the NBA
officiating is rigged? As I I.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Understand that the NBA officiating is. It's a place that
can be controlled. So what I'm when I say this,
I do not believe the NBA is fixed. I believe
that the NBA officiating can control the flow and control
the outcome of keeping the game relatively close going into

the fourth quarter. And it's pretty evident when you see
the choppiness of the NBA game sometimes and the playoffs
has been pretty physical. They've let the guys play. It's
been really fun to watch. But in certain games, when
you know a series maybe getting out of control or
out of a hand and they want to prolong that series,

they can control the flow of how the game goes,
and so you know, you can watch the game and
it can be blantantly obvious that they're trying to keep
one team in it to compete, and then you'll see
at that point in the game where it's man, Okay,
see shot thirteen free throws in Dallas has two and
both teams are being aggressive, and so you'll see that disparity,

but they do a great job of covering up by
the end. By the end, it'll be okay. See twenty
free throws in Dallas eighteen. He'd be like, Wow, they
did a good job.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
I almost like, I almost want to I have a
tear in my eye. You guys want to have an
All Pro safety who has finally come to our sides
as a fan who believes that the refs are making
the game close because his team was not winning, and
that they control the game and the thunder should not
have been up by sixteen. That there was no way,

no way, there was no way that that could happen.
It's it's like a proud moment where he is, he's
he's he's not only left his player, he's left his
cleats in the locker room. He's not even a member
of the media right now. He is truly a fan
in saying I love I do think like, I don't

know if you're an official, how you cannot get caught
up in a home court, like especially in college basketball,
like in college basketball, a team's on an eight to
zero run, the student section is going crazy, and the
opposing team, you know, goes down court and there's a
blatant block call and on the but to be able

to call a child large and they have the student
section like you get wrapped up. I'm sorry, they just
it happens, like you get into that momentum, and I
just I I understand what you're saying. I don't know.
How do you think they do? You think that they
allowed they figured out a way for Dallas to get
back into the game after keeping them suppressed in the

first half with the poor follow followed calls like Howard Dallas.
Then if the officiating is for Oklahoma City, how would
Dallas get back into this game and then end up
winning it?

Speaker 3 (19:28):
Well, Dallas gets gets back in the game because they
allow the game to be called evenly.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
So there's a So then Dallas is the better team.
Dallas was the better team in that series.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
But you know, the crazy, crazy stat that I saw
yesterday was the total points in that series in this
six game series was six hundred and thirty six. Okay,
see six hundred and thirty six Dallas. So the total
score of that whole six game, six game series was even.

Speaker 2 (19:55):

Speaker 3 (19:56):
I mean when you watch it on paper, you watched
the game live, and you look at I felt that
Dallas was a better team.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
And I'm not just half from a Dallas man. I
agree with that. Yeah, And and it'll actually lead up
but probably to a conversation we're going to have here
just in a couple of minutes. There is also the point,
honestly where Dallas is just got more inside. Yes, and
so if it's a physical game, in your calling fouls
that would go against Dallas. Dallas ended out up out
rebounding Oklahoma City forty seven to thirty one yesterday, and

you know he changed about three or four of those rebounds,
and you maybe have a have a different sort of
game exactly. All right, He's carry roads. I'm Dan Byer.
Let's get over to Isaac Glowing Crown to give us
the updates of the game seven's Premier League PGA and
so much more. Isaac, what is happening on this Sunday?

Speaker 8 (20:44):
All right, Let's start with the final round of the
PGA Championship. Scottie Scheffler just bogeyed his first hole of
the tournament.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
By the way still better than Friday, So even it's
still a better day than Friday was.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
But he's not a six Friday.

Speaker 8 (21:02):
He just saying, question if I suppose anyway. He is
at now six under par overallso he is now nine
shots behind co leaders Colin Morrikawa and Xanders Shoffley their
tied for the lead at fifteen under par and they
will tee off the final route at two thirty five
Eastern time today today at three point thirty Eastern from

Madison Square Garden, game seven of the Eastern Conference semi
Finals between the New York Knicks and the Indiana Pacers.
The latest on the Knicks injury situation at ESPN reported
a short time ago that the Knicks, Josh hart and
og and Anobi are both on course to play today,
with a final determination coming closer to tip off. It's

also Championship Sunday in the English Premier League right now.
Manchester City has gone up three to one over West Ham.
They are now in the sixty seventh minute. Arsenal and
Everton remain tied in this sixty sixth minute. Again the stakes.
Manchester City would win the title with a win or

an Arsenal loss or tie. Arsenal would win the title
with a win and a Manchester City loss or tie.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Fellas all yours, Isaac, Since you are here, I'm gonna
ask you this question, and I'm same to Chris Purfet,
Ryan Berschinger and obviously Carry Rhodes. But over the next
ten years, who would you rather be a fan of
Oklahoma City Thunder or the Dallas Mavericks.

Speaker 9 (22:31):
I would prefer the Mavericks.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Okay, Okay, Dallas is yeah, that's Chris, Isaac could.

Speaker 8 (22:38):
I'd prefer Dallas to be honest with you. I think
they are a more compelling, interesting, entertaining team for some reason.

Speaker 10 (22:43):
All right, Ryan Burschinger, Uh, you know what? Give me
the Thunder. I like Shay a lot, and they got
a lot of youth there and you, I mean, is
this a question for me as well? I'm Dallas. I'm
Dallas all the way. I think you talk about, Okay,
see being a young and excited team.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
They are young.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
Their main star, say Gildes Alexander, who is older than
Luka Danzig. So I would take Dallas and what they
have to offer, and you know, Luca's gonna be there
for a while and they'll build around him and they're exciting,
and you know, yeah, I take Dallas, what about you?

Speaker 2 (23:14):
Well, so this is this is where the dilemma holds,
because what Sam Presty has done with Oklahoma City Beautiful
is darn near magnificence. I think they have, like, you know,
thirteen first round picks within the next like five or
six years. Yeah, I actually I do have the number
somewhere and for some reason, it just just not coming

up on my computer. But you've got this boatload of picks,
and you have set yourself up for extreme success. Like
there is a way they actually have four first round
picks in the draft in twenty twenty four. They're only
gonna you have two of them because the other two
are are sent in different spots. But you've got I believe,

three first round picks in the UH in the next year.
And so, like you, you have just got this boatload
of draft picks that you have built up, and they
really haven't cashed in on a ton of them. And
the reason that I that I think today it's it
may seem more obvious that it's Dallas and we have
a three to one split here, but I would I

would go to I would go to bursh and I
would say Oklahoma City just because of the possibilities. But
there is and Shake Gildess. Alexander is a top three
MVP candidate. We know that because he was. In fact,
he finished second to nicolea Jokic in voting, but it

was Luka Datcich who finished third. And it's Luca who's
the face of the NBA. So just like it would
be like saying, like, are you going to be a
fan of the of the Bulls, you know, in nineteen
eighty eight moving forward, like you're like, Okay, I think
Jordan's gonna arrive, and you just yeah, okay, I'll be
a Bulls fan at that point. Yeah. I think it's
the same thing with Luca. But I find it so

interesting in this NBA, where we saw what Dallas kind
of was the last couple of years when it was
only Luca, they seem to have built the team around
him and they seem much more appealing to think that
Oklahoma City was the number one overall seed and basically
can dominate any draft over the next five years. I

think that's the spot that any basketball fan, any basketball
executive would love to be in I think if you
were to take any executive around the NBA, they all
would say, I'd want Oklahoma City because I have the
star player and I have all these picks. But in reality,
the Luca factor is so overwhelming that here it's three

to one in favor of Dallas.

Speaker 3 (25:47):
And I would say this to you Dan about ok See,
they're in prime position to be here for a long
long time. But it's also and I think seeing Sam
Presty and seeing the way Oka See operates for the
past decade, right, they've usually been patient a lot of
times in these situations when you have a set back
with a team like this that was number one. We
know they're young, but we also know that we're in

the league where you need to win, and you get impatient.
So the one thing I would say, okay See, is
don't let this set back really set you back. Right,
you start trying to go out and get big stars
or big names, and you trade a piece here and there,
and it messes up to chemistry. So I would say
to them, stay the course, don't go out there trying

to make a big swing at some free agent with
all the capital that you have. Just continue toss the
process that you're on and go from there. So that
would be the scary situation for them and having all
those assets because you look at a team like Boston
that had those assets in the year's past. They will
get Jason Tatum. They stay in the the window is
stretched longer by playing the long game, and you may

not win it. You get there and you're close, but
your time will come with that core Jayson Tatum, Jason
Brown is here there. So they got that course deal.
They didn't get rid of those guys, and now they
have a chance to win it this year. So be patient.
If you're okay, see, don't try to get net go
all in mo be patient.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
That is the dilemma where Sam Presty in Oklahoma City
had two years where they bottomed out. Last year they
end up making it into the play in tournament, won
a game in the play in Tournament, and then ended
up losing to Minnesota in the in the ultimate eight
seed determining factor game. And then this year to go

and be the number one overall seed I think was
a bit of a surprise. Yes, So now if you're
Oklahoma City and you're OKAYC and this is what I
just find. So intriguing is to what you talk about,
is I think they're a player away. Yes, I think
like if you have the if you have this four

of Shay Gildess, Alexander chet Holmgren, Jalen Williams, and it's
not that Jala Williams can be the fourth best guy, Yes,
it's how do you find how do you find that
right player between one and four to fit in to
that spot. That doesn't that doesn't prohibit the continued growth

of chedt Holmgrid right by the way, will continue to
get better first full season. I mean, there's so there's
so some of that growth is also going to take
up some of that room. But you know, in the
end last night it was it was it was SGA
against the Dallas Mavericks. It surely felt like and and
so that's where I like, it is a problem all

gms would love to have with Oklahoma City. But now
is the time to put up or shut up. There
was a time, honestly that I thought that Oklahoma City
should have gone after Kevin Durant a couple of years
ago to try to bring it when he wanted out
of Brooklyn. And I'm like, you know, what, bring him back?
You know, you would have this other. First of all,

you would heal some of the wounds, maybe not all
of them, but you would bring him back. And I
felt that he would be that star player that you
would need. And now I don't think they need that.
I don't think that that would that would be a
scenario for them. But the point being is I was
critical that I felt that Sam Presty, because you had
all of this capital to use, do something with your team,

you know, add a veteran to to just at least
trying to make them better. And they really didn't do that.
Youngest team and I think them an NC stayed at
about the same average age of their starting five.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
But then they tried, they tried, they they brought in
a veteran guy, but he wasn't a presence at all
in the playoffs, which is Gordon Hayward and you, I mean,
if you when you think about that, when you think
about bringing them in, I thought that he would be
a big factor for them as far as what you
just said, having that veteran leadership, been in playoff games,
been the number one on playoff teams, and so sure
just didn't pan out that way.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
There's a difference between Kevin Burrant and Gordon Oh no, no, no, no, no,
not compare. That was where I was where like I
was thinking like of of not just a guy with leadership.
I don't think you killed them, you know who. I
just kept on thinking like, and I know he was
injured this year, but would Steven Adams work? I forgot

about it, like to go back, Like if you were
to go back, you know, like in that sort of
scenario because it was physicality, you obviously needed size that
that that there would have been a scenario where it
was okay, like that really could have helped like that place. Yes,
and now, but now you're sitting there in that catbird seat,

and I'll tell you what, people who are listening, I
think the no brainer is, well, the Dallas Mavericks because
you have Luka Doncic, And I think that's also just
the status of the NBA as well, Like you want
the best player if you can get it and figure
out the rest. Even if SGA like this season was
close to Luca and even got again more MVP votes

than than Luca even did, I still think people view
Luca as a better player. And I just how this
poll ended up going out a three three Dallas Mavericks
and including myself to Oklahoma City Thunder. I was not surprised.
That's kind of how I thought it would be. And
that's why I feel it's just an interesting question because honestly,
we were talking about the future of the Dallas Mavericks

as recently as last offseason because of Kyrie, and honestly,
it wasn't like Kyrie was this sought after free agent
that had fifteen different possibilities to go to. It was
kind of like, well, Dallas is going to bring them back, hopefully,
you know, they'll have it work out, and then they
end up making these deals with the trade deadline and like, okay, wow,
there's really something going here. Committed to defense. But the

future of the Dallas Mavericks and Luca's future in Dallas
wasn't as clear, you know, maybe even as a year
ago or what that franchise would be. And then now
they're back to the Western Conference Finals. No matter who
they played, it should be a great series in the
Western Finals. Just a different story even eleven months ago.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
Yeah, I mean, and really, like you said, the turnaround
was so quick there, because yes, there was I mean
a lot of the prognostication about that team coming into
this season was they wouldn't even make the playoffs this year.
It was a lot of that which was surprising to me.
I mean, I thought they'd make the playoffs obviously, but
I mean it's a loaded West, tough competition. You make
a few assets, a few trades here and there to

now make yourself a younger team, but also a more athletic,
more a bigger team. And that's all I mean Luca
needed and Kyrie needed was those supplementary players that fit
what they wanted to do.

Speaker 2 (32:35):
And here we are now. He's Carrier oats, I'm Dan
Byer big thank you Isaac Glow and Corn, Ryan Berschinger
and Chris Purfettu for their input. The crew will be
around later as Carrie is in the hot seat again
for easy as one, two, three, four. Do you wan
don't know the categories for today?

Speaker 3 (32:51):
I don't even know if I want to know, Dan,
because I don't get much help when I do this.
They like Ryan stepped last week with geography, he did,
he stepped in some spots.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
Chris is Chris is using my guy when it comes
to THEA. He wasn't in last week. So that's that's
that's what okay, because Iowa Sam shaded Iowa Sam. That's right,
that's right. We had a state capital based question last week.
There is no geography on this week's exam. He's carry
Roads in up Back Erry twenty five Roads. You can
find me at Dan Bayer on Fox all right, it

is Championship Sunday, not only in the Premier League but
also in golf. Just give me five minutes to talk
about the PGA Championship. I'll do that next year on
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
Do're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
Radio live forth Tirech dot Com Studios. It's Fox Sports Sunday.
He's carry Roads. I'm Dan Byer. PGA Championship is underway.
Dive into a little of that as the leaders will
tee off in about an hour and a half or so.
But just to kind of put a bow in our
previous conversation, got a tweet in I'm not sure on

how to pronounce. I don't think it's a bot. They
have eighty followers, but they said Luca is not the
face of the NBA, which I said in our conversation
of who would you rather be a fan of? Over
the next ten years Oklahoma City or the Dallas Mavericks,
And I think Oklahoma City's arsenal of draft picks and
the talent that they have right now have made it very,

very appealing. But you also cannot shy away from just
Luka Dancic. I would say that Luca has as good
of a chance of anybody over the next ten years
of being the face of the NBA. He may not
be the face right now, and I still think that

Lebron takes a lot of that air up, but you're
talking about a league where I know Anthony Edwards is
emerging with Minnesota, He's going to be there. Obviously, Victor
woman Yama is in extreme talent that who knows out
we've never really seen the likes of before, he'll be there.
But for what Luca has done and who Luca is

and how he plays, I don't think that that's a
stretch to say that over the next decade he's got
a And maybe I didn't say pretty good chance, but
I think there's a pretty good chance he's gonna be
the face of the NBA, or at least one of
the three faces that you think of in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (35:23):
Oh yeah, I mean as far as being one of
the top three faces, he'll be that for the next
ten years for sure. His style of play will warrant that,
warrant that he'll have the ball a lot, He's gonna.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
Make a lot of plays.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
He's going to be the scoring champ, which he was
this year, you know, more years than not. And so yes,
for sure. I mean, and the debate will always, you know,
be open open to you know, a couple of players
here and there. I mean, Anthony Edwards obviously, if Jason
Tatum wins it this year, maybe he's in the mix.
Shay who had a great year, and Joker. I think

we've seen the best of Joker, So I don't I
think that's probably gonna you know, kind of subside a
little bit. Yeah, and so yeah, I mean I think
he's has a really good chance of being that guy.

Speaker 2 (36:05):
By the way, that's that's not a criticism, that's not
that's a fair, fair assessment. Plus, when you look at
the history of the NBA and who we think of
the faces in the NBA, we rarely think of centers,
you know, I mean, like the just it's the fact
of the matter. We just we don't the center position
is just not thought of now. Victor wimbin Yama is yeah, yeah,

I mean he maybe seven to six by you know
the time it's all said and done, who knows. But
it's not a center game. Not that Luca plays a
center game because he because he doesn't. But I do
think that there's a difference between just how we look
at at at what Jogic has done. It's almost like
the point of and I'll even say this with with
with Yannis as a as a Bucks fan, like his

opportunity to be that face of the NBA, I think
is over. Like I think you needed to string some
thing together to continue it and for and who knows
what's gonna happen with a team and their success, But
there is a there is not only a finite window
to to lock yourself into that spot, which he was
at one point. You have to have continued success, and

I think Luca is still in the in the earlier
stages of that. You get to an NBA finals this year,
that's really gonna help it. And if you're winning titles,
that's gonna take him to a different, different stratosphere. Luca
winning a title will have ten times the effect of
the superstardom as opposed to what Jokic had in winning
last year with the Deverduggets.

Speaker 3 (37:34):
And the thing about being the face of this league,
I think a lot of times it kind of gets
predicated on the language barrier as well.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
M hm.

Speaker 3 (37:44):
And so even with Jokic winning MVP three times, we
still don't really say he's the face of the league
because he doesn't speak the native tongue, the native language,
and so endorsements being out in front and being in
the forefront the way that a lebron is is a
heard of, well.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
I would I would say that what I think is
he just he has no interest in embracing it, sure,
you know. And then being that guy there are I've
seen him on you know, one of those Yeah, and
I forget the brand. I'm not trying to eliminate you
know them or not say, but I just I know
that I've seen him. And by the way, maybe maybe

because I can't remember the product, it didn't work as well,
but I do remember that Jokic was was in the commercial.
So I do think that there's that ability. But to
think that Yokich is gonna win another you know, three
m vps after this, no you know, or go on
finals run? Yeah, probably not, but Luke is one of
those guys. All right. So because of that topic, I
got ninety seconds to talk about the PGA Championship. Do

you like it when players struggle in majors or do
you like to see players play at their best or
do you like a mix of both. I like for
them to play at their best.

Speaker 3 (38:51):
I want the best at the best, and I want
those guys to go out there and compete that way
and beyond their game and and and may the best win.

Speaker 2 (38:58):
So you like what you see of these low scores
and you're seeing a leaderboard with very familiar names, yes,
out there, So that is something there. There are a
bunch of people that can't stand what's going on this
week because of the low scores, because of it being
a major, and aside, and honestly, the major was overshadowed
by Scotty Scheffler's situation. By the way, there were reports

earlier today that the Louisville Police Department is likely to
drop the charges against him, maybe as soon as Tuesday.
That was a report from No Laying Up the Great
podcast that that covers the sport but we will Well,
we'll have to see if that ends up happening with
Scotty Scheffler. But that's kind of dwarfed everything.

Speaker 3 (39:38):
It would have been even greater if he had on
even more great if he had like an ankle breakle
the plan in the tournament, that would have been pretty
pretty cool.

Speaker 2 (39:46):
Do you think the Louisville Police Department should handcuff the
winner and like walk them off the green? Just like
a perfect way to end the week. I know we're
making jokes. A man unfortunately lost his life that really knows,
yes on Friday, but all of the ramifications from it,
I'll just say this, I don't think Xander Schoffley gets
it done today. I think Shane Lowry's got a really

great opportunity to do so. But I do think Kala
Morikawa him being there before, he also had this look
in his eye when he left the eighteenth Green. I
know that's probably not the greatest thing to read into,
but I think that there's something there. So I expect
him to play his best golf. Are we going to
get the best of the Knicks at Pacers and of
the Nuggets and Timberwolves. We'll talk about a next he's
Carrier Roads. I'm Dan Byer. It's Fox Sports Sunday.

Speaker 1 (40:31):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
Maybe the most shocking thing to happen at the PGA
Championship is people didn't realize that John Daily, even though
he can use a cart for a medical exemption, cannot
put the clubs on the card. He actually has to
use a caddie before that, which, thinking about it now,
I'm sure you would want a caddy and it would
just be really weird to have a random guy walk

with you if the clubs were actually on the cart.
By the way, John Daily Withdrew after Thursday before everything
ended up happening crazy on Friday at Valhalla. But we're
gonna have a winner today. You just heard Monci say
Manchester City wins the Premier League. It is Championship Sunday,
and we're gonna get a champion of the Eastern and
Western Conference. Semifinals bottom half of the bracket, as there

are two semifinal game sevens tonight, one in New York
coming up at three thirty Eastern time this afternoon, and
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Timberwolves at eight o'clock Eastern. We are broadcasting line from
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all right. So we believe that Josh Hart and ogn
and Ob are gonna be available for the New York Knicks.
Thames like it, yep. I think that the heart piece
is more important for the simple fact of I don't
know about the effectiveness of og An Andobi. He had

more of a well, he had a layoff. Josh Hart
didn't have a layoff. He's just going to be trying
to play through his ailment. But you have a game
seven and I'm not trying to stick to my guns
or stick in mud here. I do believe that the
Pacers are the better team. I just don't see this

scenario in it playing out carry where the Pacers find
a way to win this Game seven and the Knicks
find a way to lose it. Like everything that's been
throughout this series and really throughout the Knicks. If you
were to take how things played out the Pacers in
their win have been at times dominant, but I don't

think we're going to get a dominant performance, especially in
the garden where it should be Game seven and rocking.
All of the Knicks experience and their experience in these
tight games and their abilities ability to make plays in
these tight games, I think pays off tenfold in today's
Game seven. Yeah, we talked about it last week.

Speaker 3 (43:04):
I remember calling that the Pacers if they were to
win that pivotal game, they had to win by double digits.
They're a team that likes to you know, their front
running team. When they get in front of you and
they get to play their pace and they play fast
and free and you know, run up and down the court.
They're pretty good when you get into a knockdown, drag

out type of game, which obviously fits the Knicks profile
a little bit more, and they're they're suitable to play
that that type of game a little bit better than
the Pacers. You're gonna take them. And they also have
the best player on the floor in Jalen Bronson. So
you know, in theory, when you when you watch this game,
I'm with you. I actually think the Pacers have a deeper,

better roster at this moment, especially with the injuries with
the Knicks, but putting all your eggs in the basket.
One game in Madison Square Garden, Game seven, it's gonna
be rocking, and they have the best player on the
floor who's coming off of subpar Game six. I'm gonna
I'm gonna pick the Knicks to win this game. But again,

it wouldn't surprise me if the Pacers filed a way
to winness them too.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
So it's one of those toss ups.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
But in the matter and that in the gamesmanship of
picking one of these things, I'm definitely gonna take the
Knicks in games up.

Speaker 2 (44:21):
I just would be surprised that Indiana would win this
game for the simple fact of in those late situations,
I don't know how they would respond, and I know
how the Knicks respond. And you know, there's a there's
a point as well where you have revisionist history or
you think that Michael Jordan made every buzzer beater he

didn't think that don't ruin that does It didn't always
happen like that. So the law of averages may tell you,
I guess what. The Knicks actually may not have a
close one go on their side. I just don't think
it happens in this my even in looking ahead to

what we we've got. You know, Boston's Boston series with
the heat, that intrigue lasted about a game or two.
I don't think there was I know Cleveland routed them
in game two, but I don't think there was much dilemma,
especially in games four and five, and you didn't have
Donovan Mitchell, so that so that excitement was gone. I

look ahead and I think, man Pacer Celtics is probably
the better series. But how in the world do you
shy away from Nick Celtics, right? You know, like that
like there's you know, there's there's that aspect of it.
I don't have a dog in the fight. All I've
said is that I think that the Knicks fans are
gonna get a lot more annoying in a much quicker

fashion than you believe. Everybody wants the the greatness of
the of the Knicks, and man, this is a Knicks
team that you just you love, and it's because they're
not beating everybody up like the Ewing and Oakley and
and Anthony Mason, Derek Harper. You know those days when
you're winning seventy two to sixty eight, like those those

aren't the those aren't the days. The Knicks do have
a likable team, and they've got that likable core because
of how well Jalen Brunson plays, and obviously, you know,
you know, Dante DiVincenzo is another guy as well, who
was great at Villanova, especially towards his end there, and
then ends up going to Milwaukee and was kind of

a piece. He ended up getting hurt in their NBA
Finals run, went to Golden State, ended up being a
trade piece, you know, for Milwaukee. Then you know, ended
up in Golden State. But talk about finding your home
and excelling, like he's really done that. So I get
the likability of it. I just get the sense, and
maybe I'm giving Boston too much credit that if the
Knicks end up winning this game, that the Eastern Conference

Finals are again gonna be kind of blah and the
Celtics will probably win it in five games. Man, whoever
wins this series is going to lose in five. You
think you don't think that the Pacers could get two
against Milston.

Speaker 3 (47:02):
No, No, the Pacers again, they would win one game
where they shoot fifty from the three point line, Like
the other two teams that did beat Boston in those series,
I mean they lost one game in each one, and
in both of those games, they were both game twos,
and they were both historic, historic three point shooting on

the other team's part that got them that win. And
so the Pacers could do that for a game. The
Pacers don't have enough. It seems like they don't have
enough mental toughness to actually really cause a problem for Boston.
Boston is clear, clear cut the better, the best team
in the East, and it's not even close. The only

thing that would give them a chance any team would
be complacency, and I don't think that would happen at
this point.

Speaker 2 (47:47):
I think that they'd win a game. Yeah, so let's
let's just re agree on that one game. So then
I'm going to give them two because I think Rick
Carlisle wins them a game. I hear you, I understand that. Yeah.
So now we're at four to two, and it's just
the way of figuring out maybe Boston throws the stinker
in there, so then they got a seven game series.
Seven games.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
Oh no, now you're really dreaming, Dan, No No way,
I no way.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
I listen this Pacers team has been a thorn in
my side as a Bucks fan all year long. Oh yeah,
I destroy it, you guys. And there's there's the there's
the plan tournament rivalry. I'll tell you a quick, quick
side note story. And this is what makes me so
mad about the NBA because I hate all the different uniforms.

By the way, another side note, I know we're on
a scenic road. We have taken so many left turns.
With this point, I hope you realize that if you're
watching the NBA now, that twenty years from now, there
will be no throwback jerseys because teams aren't actually wearing
a consistent jersey right now. So your love of wearing
the throwbacks won't happen in twenty years because there are

no throwbacks to go back to twenty years because they're
changing uniforms every single year. The Boston Celtics have the
best uniform in the NBA. It's just a simple green
and white, and then they're mixing it up with this
black uniform with this different font. Look, it looks like
our banners. We're gonna make a jersey out of it. No,
just just keep it how it is. Just keep it

how it is. I wish you guys were right.

Speaker 3 (49:17):
I'm sorry, Dan, I wish you guys are right here
right now, seeing the steam and.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
The top of his head it's coming out like it's
real cold. Yeah, it makes me. It makes me so bad.
I watched a Bucks Pacers game this year and I
tuned in and just didn't think anything of it. And
I'm watching it and I thought it was a playing
tournament because of how whack their court was. And then
I realized, no, it wasn't a playing tournament regular season

game because it didn't have that stupid mid season trophy
in the middle. But the court was so whack anyway, Like.

Speaker 7 (49:51):
I thought, it was so far.

Speaker 2 (49:53):
It was so far from reality of what a real
NBA court should look like. And I'm like, oh, jeez,
this is gonna hurt him in the standing and I'm
like wait a second, and then like, yeah, the games
are on only Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays, and I can't
remember when the game was, but oh, it just annoys
me so much to see just how far the NBA
can can go and ruining traditions. This is my nightmare.

It is my nightmare. By the way, how great would
it be if the Pacers could bring back like those
Reggie Reggie Miller, the Pinstripe, just the pinstripe, or even
just like the the I guess it would be the
triangle or just the different one, the one that they
when he had the eight points in thirteen seconds. Oh yeah,
those sort of those sort of jerseys. How great would

it be to rock those? But it may not be
necessary if the Knicks end up winning Game seven, which
I think we both think is going to happen. So
all right, Nuggets and Timberwolves. I don't know how the
only and listen, I called the Nuggets frauds two weeks
ago when they were down to oh I said that
their whole champion pion chip was fake and and you

said yeah, And there is a part of me that
still believes it. I think Jokic is magnificent, and I
think Jamal Murray is really good. To see then what
they did to Minnesota in Games three and four, and
was Game four just not missing a shot, and anytime

Minnesota tried to do anything, You're like, wow, these guys
are a lot better than I thought that they were.
But then you go and lose by forty five I
assumed Denver just cashed it in and just said, like,
all right, they are out up, up nine to two
in the first Yeah, the three minutes Minnesota calls timeout,
goes on their run, and then it was over. I

I guess, I just i'm, I'm I'm actually trusting Michael
Malone and his team and me like, okay, it's not
let's save it for Game seven. It's so daunting for
Minnesota to win this game. Yes, to think that they
could win three or four in Denver in this series
is difficult. There's everything to me, even it's hard to

believe that the team that lost by forty five, you know,
seventy two hours ago, whatever it's been, is the favorite
and may have momentum. I just don't think that momentum
is a part of this. I just think that the
Nuggets are I just feel that the Nuggets are gonna win.

Speaker 3 (52:22):
I feel that way as well. But I also this
series has been so weird, and so could Denver lose
three on their home court. I just don't see that happening.
But I also didn't see Minnesota winning Game six by
forty five, right, So I don't think anybody has a
clear cut definitive answer on who's gonna win this series,

But you're gonna probably lean on We talk about Brunson
being the best player in that Knixt series, so you
expect him to show up begging them to win. I
see that same thing happening here with Joker being the
best player on the floor and willing this team.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
To a win.

Speaker 3 (53:00):
But man, I don't know, because you just don't know.
With Minnesota, who's gonna show up to the party with
Anthony Edwards? Right, and so I know he will, but
will call Anthony Towns show up, which I've told you
about in the past. I don't have any faith in him.
Will Jaden McDaniels have twenty one points? I don't think so, right,
I don't think it's going to happen. Who you know

what I'm gonna take. I'm gonna take Denver to win
this to win this game, but again, I don't have
any faith in it. I just think that they're at
home and Joker's the best player.

Speaker 2 (53:34):
Will Dallas, who do you think Dallas wants to win
this series? Oh?

Speaker 3 (53:38):
They want Minnesota to win this series for sure, and
not that Minnesota's not capable of beating him. They are,
but they haven't been there before and Dallas has actually
two years ago against Golden State, right, so they have
they would have experience in this one.

Speaker 2 (53:53):
And it goes to the point of of, you know,
Rudy Gobert was really getting cooked, especially after Game five,
in just in terms of what can you do? But
really it's kind of not his fault when Jokic is
being Yokic and.

Speaker 3 (54:08):
Then some of those shots that the Joker was hitting
against him was just ridiculous. So, I mean, it wasn't
like he was playing terrible defense. You're playing against the
best player in the world. He's going to make shots.
So people were trying to go after this head Draymond Green,
you know, publicly trying to humiliate him on purpose. It
was just it was a little bit much in that scenario.
But I mean, did he did get cooked though.

Speaker 2 (54:28):
How many people do you think are cheering out of
ten that are common NBA fans, how many do you
think are cheering for Minnesota tonight? Common?

Speaker 3 (54:37):
I would say out of if it was on a
scale to ten, I would say seven out of ten.

Speaker 2 (54:41):
I would say eight. So too, yeah, I think that
they would want to see Anthony Edwards and they would
want to see him against Luca. Yes, I think that
that is. And so this also then just goes a
little bit to the point of face of NBA. And
it's not meant to be turned into a disrespect because
he doesn't care. He absolutely doesn't care. Just curious on

how it plays out. I think Denver ends up winning, yeah, tonight,
and then and then we got Denver in Dallas. Shut
it should be interesting, all right. He's Carrier Roads. I'm
Dan Byer. Your topics for easy as one, two, three four?
You guys ready for this? Do we have a drum roll?
Chris Purfett, I'm about to reveal the topics were easy

as one, two, three four, NBA, NFL in the four
letter word known as golf. He's carry Roads. I'm Dan Byer.
That's next year on Fox Sports Right, let's go.

Speaker 5 (55:38):
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Speaker 6 (55:50):
Hey, it's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey.

Speaker 7 (55:56):
You ask what in God's name is the Fifth Hour.

Speaker 6 (55:59):
I'll tell you it's a spin off of that Ben
Maller show, a coult hit overnights on fs R.

Speaker 7 (56:04):
Why should you listen?

Speaker 6 (56:05):
Picture if you will a world will we chat with
captains of industry in media, sports and more every week
explore some amazing.

Speaker 7 (56:12):
Facts about human nature and more.

Speaker 6 (56:14):
Listen to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 2 (56:19):
Fox Sports Sunday A Championship Sunday. Man City's already got
THEIRS PGA Championship. Will crownal winner later tonight. In Louell, Lord,
am I saying it right? Kerry? You're saying it right?

Speaker 5 (56:33):

Speaker 2 (56:34):
How many el's does Louisville have? Eighteen nineteen nineteen? Whoa
you gotta car? Yeah, they're to drag it out. Chris
Pfann had a good one. You got one?

Speaker 7 (56:44):
Go ahead?

Speaker 9 (56:45):
Whoa birse you gotta little sound like just make it
sound like the Peanuts teacher as much as you can.

Speaker 3 (56:52):
The Peanuts teacher, but like a whole bunch of like
marshmallows in there. It, Oh, Louisville, Ryan sounds like Yeah,
he's at one or one or two before he started that.

Speaker 2 (57:04):
MANSI you want to and on the pronouncing Louisville correctly, No,
I'm good.

Speaker 7 (57:08):
I don't good.

Speaker 2 (57:09):
Yeah, that's it. How do you spell it? Ll l
ll l v l l E if we can before
the show's over. I believe ESPN did this. They had
Dustin Johnson try to pronounce Louisville and it's great. Uh,
we may have to find it on the break because

there's also with Dustin Johnson, there may have been a wordy.
You shouldn't have said, Okay, it's time to play a game. Yes,
let's get the let's get the band together. Easy as one, two, three,
four is here. Chris Purfett, Ryan Berschinger on Mazzi Belanos
will I'll be lifelines to one. Carrie Rhoades, he's already
sacking her head. No, Dan, it's the great. Well you
didn't like the basketball golf in the NFL question?

Speaker 11 (57:53):
You know you just make me nervous, Dan, And I
know you're not trying to make us sound stupid, but
I sometimes feel stupid.

Speaker 2 (57:59):
I I am never trying to trick you. I am
never trying to trick you. There may be a technicality
like last night. The Timberwolves play their games in Minneapolis.
Saint Paul is the capital of Minnesota, and even though
they're twin cities, they're not the same. So that's why
Minnesota was not one of the teams remaining in the

NBA Playoffs that was in a state capitol. Carrie Roads,
you're over under today. We're gonna make it seven and
a half. Oh yes, So if you hit higher than
seven and a half, good on you. You have three lifelines.
I give Carrie a topic, and he doesn't have to
give me all of the correct answers, just some of them.
His goal is to get a perfect score of ten.
Are you ready to play? Easy? As one? Two, three, four?

All right? Kerrie name one of two all time leading
scorers for the New York Knicks Nix playing their game
seven today. So we'll go Patrick Ewing and will go
Bernard King. I just need one of them. What do
with yes? Go Patrick Eway? Show me Patrick Ewing? He

is in newmerou oh No. Twenty three thousand, six hundred
and sixty five points for the Seattle Supersonic. Great. Just
kidding him in a Sonics uniform is the strangest thing. Ever,
whenever they have those player in uniform that doesn't look right,
ewing in a Sonics uniform is one of them. By
the way, Number two was Walt Frasier. Yes, fourteen thousand,

six hundred and seventeen. What I thought was most interesting.
Carmelo Anthony seventh, Oh yeah, yes, yeah, seventh on the list,
behind willis Reed, Allen Houston, Carl Brawn, and Richie Garrin. Yeah,
an earl the pearl eighth. All right, moving on, Carrie
has got one point off and running. Here's our golf question.
Name two of three players who won the PGA Championship

when it was previously played at Valhalla Country Club in Louisville.
So this is the fourth time it's happened. There are
three previous champions. Name two of them. You have got
you have got three lifeline Manzi.

Speaker 3 (01:00:01):
I was like to bring in Steve, but let me.
I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go Ryan with my lifeline.

Speaker 2 (01:00:07):
Here. He looked like he has a little a little knowledge.
I think.

Speaker 12 (01:00:10):
Okay, let's let's play the odds. Yeah and say Tiger Woods. Okay,
and let's let's go with Rory Roy McElroy.

Speaker 2 (01:00:21):
You good with that, do you want to use another
lifeline or how do you feel Carrier Roads.

Speaker 3 (01:00:28):
I'm gonna trust I'm gonna trust Ryan on this one.
I'm gonna trust him, all right, all right?

Speaker 2 (01:00:31):
Yeah, show me Tiger Woods did show in an epic
playoff in two thousand beating Bob May. We still see
the clips of Tiger running after the putt and pointing
to the hole when it drops in on the playoffs.
That's when the Nike was like really showing it. No,
that was in the Masters. Yes, this was different. Ok. Yeah,
there are a million Tiger moments. Show me Rory McElroy fourteen. See,

we're not here to trick yet. Yeah, whir sh would
have said Mark broke in nineteen ninety six, that would
have been amazing. And see, I think I know Mark
Brooks won in ninety six, but I'm not sure about
the other two. Alright, alright, three for three four Carry Roads. Sure,

that's sir. All right. Now you've got Perfen and Monse
available as lifelines. That's right. Name three or four NFL
teams that have exactly one primetime game in twenty twenty four,
three of four, three or four, there are fours. There
are four. We got a lot, We got a lot. Yeah,

there are four NFL teams that have exactly one prime
time game, and I guess what, you know what, it's
Championship Sunday. I'm in a good mood. Carolina Panthers don't
have any primetime games this year. They're the only team
in the NFL to not have a primetime game. So
I'm basically telling you Carolina is not one of the roots.
And I was gonna say Carolina for yes, because you

think one, You're like, that's not a lot, and then
you're like, well, zero is less than that. So they
have got zero primetime games. By the way, our report
card of how we did on our NFL schedule coming
up in about twenty minutes or so. Yes, But the
NFL teams three or four that have just one primetime
game in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (01:02:18):
I'm gonna go with Chris on this one. I think
Chris is my NFL guy. I think you'll have a.

Speaker 9 (01:02:23):
Thank you, thank you, at least have a role here. Yeah,
I've got to say Cardinals.

Speaker 2 (01:02:31):
I take that one. Who else?

Speaker 9 (01:02:32):
Maybe the Colts.

Speaker 2 (01:02:34):
The Colts probably have more. With Anthony richardson coming back,
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (01:02:37):
Yeah, but it's it's it's the Colts, Okay, Like it's
I don't even with Anthony Richards. I don't think people
have like bought onto the Richardson hype yet. And it's
kind of that weird place where they've just kind of
been just yeah whatever. I'm thinking, who else could it put?
Maybe it can't possibly be the Chargers? Good it like

I mean they I mean, they got Jim Ba as
a coach.

Speaker 3 (01:03:00):
But okay, I would out of those three, I would
take uh, actually you said Colts and who else?

Speaker 9 (01:03:08):
Okay, So if only one team has zero games, I'm
gonna say, actually, know what, the Broncos have to have
at least one.

Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
Right, Yeah, they'll have one because it'll be against the
chief Sores.

Speaker 2 (01:03:17):
And this is exactly one. This isn't this is I
mean obviously, yes, they were so.

Speaker 9 (01:03:21):
Bad last year I can't imagine anyone jumping back on
there for a while. So I'm gonna say, I'll give
you Broncos and Cardinals and maybe maybe on the Colts.

Speaker 2 (01:03:32):
This is basically Chris Perfat saying no one's going to
tune into Nicks at night. That's what he is saying.
Nix at Night is a no go for the NFL.
I'll go I'll go with those. I'll go at those three. Okay,
all right, Denver, Indianapolis, and Arizona the Cardinals for sure.
And I would say the Colts. Yes, let's see how
Arizona does. Show me Arizona. Yes, just one primetime game

for the Arizona Cardinals. Show me the indianapol As Colts.
Just one primetime game for Indianapolis. And to keep the
perfect game going. This is I don't know about this,
but yeah, go ahead, go ahead, go go? Is it
the Denver Broncos. The Denver Broncos.

Speaker 5 (01:04:15):

Speaker 2 (01:04:16):
By the way, the one prime time game for the
Colts is the New York Jets in mid November.

Speaker 9 (01:04:22):
Out of curiosity, how many games the Broncos have in
prime time?

Speaker 2 (01:04:25):
They have two?

Speaker 9 (01:04:26):
Okay, that's two games.

Speaker 2 (01:04:27):
I'm gonna skip then. Okay, again, not a fan of
Nick's at Night. The other two the New England Patriots. Wow,
and thank goodness for this. The Tennessee Titans. I was
going to say the Titans. Actually, I mean, you got
Calvin Ridley now, the Will Levis era. Why didn't you

say the Titans? Then? I was.

Speaker 3 (01:04:52):
I mean I rode with Chris. I mean I gave
him the lifeline. I opened it up and he you know,
you know.

Speaker 9 (01:04:58):
My defense, my defense. The Titans are so forgettable. I
forgot about them that they were a team. Thinking about them.

Speaker 2 (01:05:04):
Here forgot they were a team.

Speaker 9 (01:05:06):
Who remembers the Titans very good. Remembers the Titans, very.

Speaker 2 (01:05:11):
Good, very good. The Cardinals primetime game is against the Chargers.
Now this can obviously change with the uh flex scheduling.
But but you got two of those correct, All right?
Final question, Monty is available as a lifeline. We're talking
NBA here, we are talking n B. A name four

or five current Western Conference NBA franchises who have never
won the Western Conference. There are five of them. I
need to know four of them. So we have Minnesota. Uh,
let me you want to work shop it with Monty.
Let me just let me, let me look it up.

Let me go type in it's never won the West
on my following and then I will get back to you. Dan.
I'm just trying to get the team. Do you have
any go ahead?

Speaker 1 (01:06:05):
The Clippers, because I don't think.

Speaker 2 (01:06:07):
The Clippers we've never been to the finals. The Clippers
Minnesota Clippers, Minnesota Clippers for sure the teams. I'm also
looking at the teams. Yeah, woh, okay, here we go
Western Conference. Yeah, so Minnesota for sure, Clippers.

Speaker 11 (01:06:23):
How many are we do we want?

Speaker 2 (01:06:24):
I'm going to Okay, so we've got okay, Okay, I'm
gonna go New Orleans.

Speaker 1 (01:06:29):

Speaker 11 (01:06:30):
I like New Orleans.

Speaker 2 (01:06:31):
And I'm gonna go Sacramento.

Speaker 11 (01:06:34):
Wait, Sacramento, No, you're sure?

Speaker 1 (01:06:37):

Speaker 2 (01:06:38):
All right? Those are your final answers and no, wait,
and I can go Memphis as well. Well. Do you
want to swap Memphis out for one of the Sacramento Yeah,
I'll okay, just in case you're gonna be walking in
Memphis with Mark Cohne. Final answer answer MANSI you good

with it? I don't know what I'm good.

Speaker 11 (01:07:02):
I just I'm comfortable with my Clippers.

Speaker 2 (01:07:05):
I just need to see it. So there you go. Yeah,
show me the Minnesota Timberwolves, Yes, there they are, show
me the LA Clippers, show me the New Orleans Pelicans.
They're a fairly new team. And show me the Memphis Grizzlies.
Nine of ten. Nine of ten is your school?

Speaker 3 (01:07:26):
I would like to thank the Academy my mom for
always being there and Dad as a support staff.

Speaker 2 (01:07:32):
We're all good here. We're winners, We're winners. Sacramento is
also the other answer, and the reason that it had
to be phrased that way is because the Sacramento Kings
were the Kansas City Kings, and they were once the
Cincinnati Royals, and then they once were the Rochester Royals.
So when you're talking about like franchises of of where
they were way back when, h the Rochester Royals. And

I even believe that Cincinnati Royals made it to an
NBA Finals and won NBA title. But also at that point,
I think they were still in the East. So we
had to say current Western to win the West, and
that's what they ended up. The Milwaukee Bucks won the West,
but it was in nineteen you know, the nineteen seventies
got it and then switched to the Eastern Conference until

nineteen eighty. So you're not trying to trick us. See
see that I'm not trying to trick you. This is
a good rule for anybody for the rules of golf,
for the rules of golf, the rules of golf, you
have to use the rules. Sure, they may be there
to penalize you, but you also have to use them
to your advantage when you can. That doesn't mean cheat.

It just means if they allow you to club lengths
and you get a drop and you get a better lie,
that's what the rule state. It's not cheating, it's just
what the rule state. Make sure that you use them
to your advantage. Ye, all right, Manci Millennials helping carry
Rhodes on his way to a score where he hit
the over today nine of ten. She's got the latest
of what is going on on this Championship Sunday. It

is Shaffy Sunday. I like that.

Speaker 11 (01:09:01):
And Manchester City becomes the first team to win the
Premier League four years in a row. They defeated west
Ham United three to one, so they're the first champions
on this champion Chip Sunday. But the two greatest words
in sports fellas Game seven, and there's three of them
going on today. It starts from Madison Square Garden in
the NBA three thirty pm Eastern Time, Nixon Pacers. That's

the Eastern Conference semi Finals. ESPN reports at og Anunobi,
who's been dealing with the hamstring strain, Josh Hart abdominal strain,
they're on course to play, but a final decision is
going to be made right before tip off. There's nothing
that's come out since this news. And then it's Game
seven of the Western Conference semi Finals between the Nuggets
and the Timberwooves. That's from Denver, tip off at eight

pm Eastern time. And in the NHL at the end
of the day, Game seven between the Oilers and the
Canucks at nine pm Eastern time. This is when the
puck will drop from Vancouver. We also have the PGA
Championship Round four in progress. Colin Maricawa's Andrew Schoffley still
in the lead fifteen under par overall.

Speaker 5 (01:10:03):
There's set to.

Speaker 11 (01:10:04):
Tee off in about an hour. Scotty Scheffler is even
for the day through six holes, but he is seven
under par overall, while the leaders again fifteen under par
over all, and one baseball official came officially underway. We
got a full day of baseball. But it's the Red
Sox where beating the Cardinals right now. Tyler O'Neill with
a solo shot to zero in Saint Louis bottom of

the second inning.

Speaker 2 (01:10:28):
Back to you guys, thank you very much, mon Sey.
It is Fox Sports. Sunday. There's a I think that
there's a difference when you're talking about when there are
a lot of sporting events. Is it a two TV day?
Is it a three TV day? There's also a day
of Okay, it's not a two TV day, but it's

a flip back and forth. It's a last on the remote,
previous on your roomolt today is a two TV day,
it's a two TV yes, So you can't go back
and forth today. It's just not with the out with
golf happening, not with the Game seven's happening. And there
was a scenario, by the way, you know, when the
Timberwolves and Nuggets played a couple of nights ago, they
had to wait and see what would happen with Nick's

Pacers before their schedules end up being set because this
obviously being a game on ABC, the first game being
on ABC could have been a scenario where maybe they
were playing the early game, but instead we get the
double dose because there are two Game sevens in Oklahoma
City this close to playing a Game seven. If Mark

Dagnall would have known how to use his timeouts, there
maybe would have been a Game seven.

Speaker 3 (01:11:39):
I'm glad he did not know how to use them.
I was the recipient of Yeah, malpractice is what you
called it earlier? Yes, coach, Yes, So I appreciate it,
and I'm just excited about, you know, Luca and those
guys getting a little, you know, a little rest and
I have to worry about that game seven.

Speaker 2 (01:11:58):
I got some good news and bad news for you
quickly before we take a time out with the NBA season.
There's just twenty one, twenty three NBA games left of
this season maximum that we could have. The good news
is is that there's another month of the NBA season
because this will go into mid June, you know, I mean,

we're gonna have the night of the alternating conference finals
back and forth, back and forth. But then when the
NBA Finals, they spread it out and the NBA Finals
starting June sixth. By the way, at least, that's what
the banner at mid court has been telling me in
various games throughout the last week or so. He's Carrier Roads.
I'm Dan Byer. The NFL schedule is out. Why there's

one team we just don't need to see any more
of He's carry on, Dan, that's next on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (01:12:46):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:12:48):
Radio, Louisville. We are trying to track down this great,
great audio. Our crack staff on a Sunday working overtime
to bring us this great information. All right, you know
what we need to do. We need to do some checkups,
some report cards. Carry Roads. He's Carry Roads not only

an NFL VET, former All Pro safety in the National
Football League eight year career. I'm Dan Beyer hanging out.
Man City's already won the Premier League and we're going
to hand out the you Wannamaker trophy at the PGA Championship.
We may need to hand out a trophy to someone
here at Fox Sports Radio for the prediction that they

made a week ago when we were trying to guess
the NFL schedule, and that trophy would go to one
Carry Roads. Congratulations, Carry Roads. Yes. In taking a look
at the NFL schedule that was released on Wednesday last Sunday,
we tried to predict a select number of games for
in fact, and the first topic of conversation was who

do the Chiefs play on that Thursday night opener? And
they could have played the chart could have played, the Raiders,
could have played the Texans could have played the Bengals,
but you said, Nope, it's gonna be a rematch of
the AFC championship game. Yes, mark it down. You you were,
you were steadfast, you were you were strong in your
conviction for that pick. And what do you know, a

day later we found out Chiefs and Ravens to open
up the NFL season.

Speaker 3 (01:14:20):
Yeah, you would think that, you know, I know a
little bit a little bit about what I'm doing, you
know what I mean, And so it kind of solidified
that fact. We had just you know, come to know
that you and I would be hosting the show together,
and so we had that happen and then me come
right out right after that and predict that NFL opening

night football game.

Speaker 2 (01:14:44):
And that was It just kind of went hand in hand.
It worked out so well that I thought we're going
to go four for four when the schedule was released,
Like we were off to such a great start that
I thought, this is it, Like this is the one.
And then the schedule came out and we went over three.
But we were not as far off as you would think.
The next game that we had talked about was Cowboys

at forty nine Ers because we knew the opponents We
knew how that was going to work out, but we
just didn't know where it was going to be placed
in the schedule. We settled on Week five Sunday Night Football.
It ended up being Week eight Sunday Night Football. And listen,
you may say, well, obviously Sunday Night Football, that could
have been a game that Fox was like, you know,

we need this game, we need it with Brady. Instead,
they're going to get I think they're going to get
the Super Bowl rematch the Chiefs Niners in the end
of October. But Cowboys forty nine ers will play Week
eight Sunday Night Football. We were only three weeks off
the one that I feel like we were really off on.
And it's not our fault. It's the NFL's miss. We

tried to predict when they would put Kirk Cousins return
to Minnesota, and this was a bigger game I thought
on the schedule than maybe what the NFL thought we
had settled on. And Berschinger said, let's do Week four
Monday Night Football earlier in the season. Not only is
it not on Monday Night Football, it's Week fourteen in

a regular one o'clock Eastern time kick. Oh so there's
no pizzazz with the kirk Cousins return at that point.
This kind of forgot wanted us to forget about it.
And there's a chance that the Vikings could be a
three win team at that point, who knows, who knows
if JJ McCarthy will take over the starting job at
that point could be the case. Three and fourteen would

be in the season's over, so they won't have that
bad of a record. But you know, they may only
be a three win team. And if kirk Cousins returns
and Atlanta's you know, a good football team, maybe it
just won't have the pizaz that it once did. Our
final one, the final one that we thought Carolina at
Washington we thought was going to be a Week ten,
one o'clock Eastern time game is what we picked. It's

Week seven, but a four or five Eastern time game. Yeah,
so the two worst teams in the NFL. Well, we
weren't too far off. There was our report card. Now,
I mentioned that there's one team that I am sick
of seeing. And when we did the question of who
has the one who has one primetime game this year,
that there were four teams Carolina didn't have any well,

there are three teams that had six primetime games, the Jets,
which is absurd. Again, I understand that there's flex scheduling,
but you saw what happened with Aaron Rodgers last year
when you tried to load up early in the season
and then we got awful football Jets, Niners, and Cowboys.
I don't think it's any surprise that the Niners and
Cowboys got it. I'm surprised that the Chiefs weren't included

in that. But the Chiefs are in this scenario where
they're playing a bunch of games that maybe aren't primetime,
but they're in standalone windows. In fact, because the NFL
is playing on Christmas Day, which is a Wednesday this year,
they have taken those four teams that will play on
Christmas Day and have those four teams actually play this

Saturday before. So the Texans, Ravens, Chiefs, and the Pittsburgh
Steelers will be playing Saturday, and then they'll kind of
switch opponents and play Wednesday, so it'll be a short
week like it would be for them if they were
to play on a Thursday night. That's how the NFL
is going to get by and having a Christmas day
game of games on Christmas Day when Christmas is a Wednesday.

But I'm telling you carry I am sick of seeing
the Pittsburgh Steelers on primetime. I understand that their fans
jumped on the bandwagon in the nineteen seventies because they
were winning games, and then they got to continue to
win when Ben Roethlisberger and Bill Kawer and then Mike

Tomlin were leading them to greatness. But I am just
there's is nothing appealing about them. I don't care as
much about Russell Wilson working or not working. I know
we're catering to a fan base. I used to be
so mad that I had to see so much of
the Giants, Washington and Philadelphia. I get the Cowboys, but

like the other ones that I'm sicking of, Like now,
my my angst has turned to the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Speaker 3 (01:19:06):
I was just about to say, what's what's with the
disdain with with Pittsburgh.

Speaker 2 (01:19:10):
I just don't think they're exciting. Like they have the
same amount of games of primetime games as the Houston Texans.
Who would you rather watch? Oh the Texans? Yeah, absolutely absolutely.
I would even say that the Chargers and Bears are
more appealing with their stories in who they are. They
have fewer primetime games than the Pittsburgh Steelers. I get
why they do it. I just I don't have to

be happy about it. So, yeah, the Steelers aren't fun.
There haven't been a team that can score a points,
so they don't put up points. You're gonna play tough defense,
They're gonna be like right in the game. But it
is a boor and brand of football for sure. Just
you know, even though I won't even give him a break.
Even thore was a time when Big Ben was winging
it around. Yeah, and and you had palam olive flying
around everywhere. That that was. That was exciting. But at

some point it's just like all right the Steelers again,
like why and and by the way, those four time
time games don't even count for Christmas Day or that
special Saturday window. There are four other primetime games because
of it. Uh, let's let's end this. I mentioned the
Dustin Johnson audio in how we pronounced Louisville. This was

Dustin Johnson's crack added on ESPN earlier this week.

Speaker 8 (01:20:17):
Louisville incorrect.

Speaker 2 (01:20:21):
Okay, Louisville that that's what everybody says, didn't I say
it right? No, it's not Louisville. Not Louisville is Oh Chris,
how's your.

Speaker 1 (01:20:37):
Monson? You in?

Speaker 2 (01:20:39):
We're good louis And for the carry Roads. I'm Dan Byer.
Enjoy Champions Chips Sunday in the game seven stocked you
next week

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