All Episodes

January 13, 2020 121 mins

Dan Beyer and Ephraim Salaam react to a historic comeback victory by the Kansas City Chiefs and an epic collapse by the Houston Texans. The guys defend Lamar Jackson after another brutal playoff loss and debate a popular narrative surrounding the San Francisco 49ers. Dan and Ephraim react live as the Seahawks take on the Packers in Green Bay and weigh in on the Browns hiring Vikings OC Kevin Stefanski!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Don't listening to Fox Sports. Oh what a time to
be alive in the Kansas City Chiefs fan Wow. Oh man,
But it's not even close to overeath from I mean
we are. We are halfway through this classic in the
a f C Divisional Playoffs. The Texans job out to
a twenty four nothing lead. The Chiefs come all the

way back. They're about to start the third quarter. It's
Kansas City Houston four. So for all the ups and
downs that we've had in the first half, we now
have another thirty minutes of football to play. This is
out of control. But I'm loving it so much. This
is such a great game. We were on the cusp

of a blowout, an upset, shocker blowout, and long behole.
One hour later, hour and a half later, we're in
a whole another ball game, completely different, whole new It's
like want to watch a movie and halfway through the movie,

it's just another movie. There was there was no sign
that the Chiefs wanted to be there, or at any
interest in being there, it seemed like for a quarter
and a half because they were multiple drop passes. There's
a muff ponds, there's a mrssignment on a block bunt
anything and everything that you would want to go wrong,
to use the cliche, happened to the Kansas City Chiefs

in that first quarter and a half. But the funny
thing is, I never thought it was out of reach
because of the offense that they have. If it gets
to a thirty point lead and I a Houston and
thirty point leads in the NFL, there's a history was
what happened in Buffalo so many years back. But realistically,
when you think of what the Texans have done, what
they did in their first meeting against this Kansas City

Chiefs team, when they dominated time of possession, it was
right there for the Houston Texans in their grasp, But realistically,
from they only have themselves to play for this and
maybe specifically Bill O'Brien without a type of game to
get you fired, even though you've won your division four
of the last five, you could get fired from this game.

And you're the GM, like you're the de facto GM
of the Texas, you could still get fired for this
game for some of the decisions that we've seen after
they jumped out to that one nothing again. Yeah, And
and the number one thing that happened there was late
and well early in the second quarter. Up one to nothing,

they had an opportunity to go for it on fourth
and one. It was a miscommunication. They called time out
and instead of coming back out and going forward, they
decided that they were going to kick the field. And
you're thinking, okay, they're up twenty one points. Get the
point is it's it's that's perfect. That is not perfect.

That is not what you do in this situation. In
this situation, you want to firmly place your boot on
the throat of your opponent and as you're stepping the
air out of there, there there there asophage. You want
to reach down and you want to pull open their

chest and pull their heart out. Is that? But that's
the gravity of the situation. You want to make it
so going into halftime, no matter what Andy Reid has
to say to his team, those players in the back
of their mind think, yeah, right, we can't do it.

And going up twenty eight to nothing has that effect
on a team, right when you've been out played. But
what doesn't is you decide not to go forward. There
you kick the points. Okay, you're up twenty one points.
The next possession you get, right, they go down and score,
right seven, they go down and score. The next possession,

you decide did you're going to go for a fake punt.
That's the issue that I have, is to not go
for the field goal but then go for the fake punt.
I think that they're connected. That makes no sense. And
and I would say this to me from that trick
plays in games. Yeah, they're there to change momentum. Yeah,

they're there to maybe make the opposing team watch it
on film or a future opponent, all of that stuff.
But I also think trick plays are there to be like,
we're not better than that team, so we've got to
do something different in the minute. When you're up to
seven and you try to do the fake punt and
you can say we tried to get momentum back, that
then sends the message that, you know what, we aren't

better than that team, We're actually lucky to be where
we are. And that hit the panic mode in my mind.
Just I mean, the dumbest That was the dumbest set
of offensive possessions. I mean, obviously, we see what it did, right,
we see what it did. You're going to do a

fake punt after the momentum has been regained from the
opposing home from the home team, and that you're gonna
fake the punt in their territory. Those type of decisions
will get you fired, no matter what you've done on
the divisional level, no how, no matter how many games
uh or how many times you've won the division. Those

type of of decisions make me think if I'm an owner, oh,
he doesn't know what he's he doesn't understand the complexities
of momentum calling plays like you can only be a
championship caliber team if you understand those things. Your point
about momentum is so important in this discussion. And just

to let you know, Patrick Mahomes hit Sammy Watkins for
a big play again in the Texans territory. Then Mahomes
scrambled to the Texans twall yard line, where they've got
it first inten just a two and a half minutes
into the second half. So Kansas City knocking on the
door again. We'll let you know what they do on
this first down play. They get into Tyreek keel for
about a four yard game. But momentum is the reason

why they kicked a field goal, right. You don't want
to you don't want to get a fourth down, and
I'm thinking through Bill O'Brien's mind, you don't want to
give him a fourth and one and then them getting
a stop. It's not necessarily about the points because you're
still basically up three scores. I don't know conversions are there,
but in this day and age with extra points, who
knows the real reason why you go fourth and one?

You say, hey, I don't want to give them momentum.
And why that would change from in the span of
one possession and one touchdown when really it still remains
a three score game is something that Bill O'Brien. These
are the plays that you never shake off or the like.
There's you either you either are good at it or

you're bad at reading your team. And this is gonna
stick with Bill O'Brien forever. Yeah. Um, and you know,
an all time collapse. I was going to be on
top of Andy Reid's plate if this would have played
out the way the Texans, if they would have continued
to do what they were doing. We've seen this before
from Andy Reid, right, They've been in this position to

where all the things are in their favor and they
let it go. Remember a couple of years ago at
Indy right last year, right, like all of these things,
all of these ghosts that seemed to follow Andy Reid
when it comes to this, you know, the playoffs and

all of that's Bennie Race. Now you let him off
the hook. Guess what Now you're down by ten? Yeah?
Is he from just said? They got into the end zone.
Patrick Mahomes had scrambled to the two yard line. Damian
Williams capped it all off. Thirty there's a flag on
the play. It was taunting, that was it. Yeah, he
scored a touchdown then set the ball in front of
the defender. That heat semi ran over those things. Yeah,

those things contend to uh dry flags for you. So
it's good the extra point will come up for Kansas City.
But as he from just said, now it's a ten
point game. I would also argue when you say that
the Indy Read thing, isn't this the most Houston Texans
thing ever? Remember this is a team that goes on

Sunday Night football dominates the New England Patriots. And now
we're like, man, look out for this team. This after
beating the Colts the week before. So we're like, lookout, world,
here come the Texans. Well, the Broncos go into town,
put up thirty eight and like the first half or
a little more than that and end up beating Houston.
So just when you want to believe in the Houston Texans,

they're the type of team that will ultimately let you
down today for their fan base, unfortunately, it was in
a span of about ninety minutes where you had the
ultimate high for that first quarter and a half of
the game. And now you have this from was right,
the the touchdown is good, the the Chiefs are up ten.
We have an update Travis Kelsey, maybe a little dinged

up from Gavin kins All our executive. Yeah, he was
on this sideline that entire series there. So this is
you know, and even the other thing about the Texans
and their start, this was actually how they beat the
Chiefs when they've played earlier this year. They were doing
and they were converting on third down, they were getting
in in third and short situations where they were converting,
they were taking time off the clock, they were running

the football. Everything that they did, by the way, to
come back from a seventeen to three deficit in that
game to the Chiefs. They rattled off a bunch of scores.
They got a special team's play extra point. No good Harrison,
Butker misses it. So it's thirty four to twenty four.
But it was all there e from in the Houston Texans.
Now I mean this. We say that these are the

biggest possessions of the game. But you may have gotten
a little bit of daylight with the missed extra point.
If you're Houston here, you gotta do something. I don't
know if because what you have to do. Now you
you know how hard it is as a player coming man,
this is you know, from a former player playing a

bunch of games. Man, hundred fifty nine games I think
total I played in. So I've been in every type
of game. And when you have early success and you
feel like you're dominating and that pendulum swings all the
way to the other side, it is difficult. It is
difficult to line up and stop the momentum of the

other team. Now because you had it and now you
let you've let it go. You're up twenty four points,
now you're down by ten. Right, that's a thirty four
point swing. Think about that, that's a thirty four point swing.
How do you what do you say? Right? Because The

reason you were up was because Kansas City, where they
were making mistakes, right, turn the ball over, right, they
were doing things uncharacteristic of them. And you capitalized on
the blocked up punt, ran it back for a touchdown. Right,
they muffed uh return, You get the ball right there

on the four yard line, which, by the way, should
show you something. And I'm sorry to interrupt, but Tyreek
Kill hasn't been returning punts a lot this season, and
so you put him back there. And if you're in Houston,
you're saying, oh, maybe panic moved by Kansas City because
they feel that they need a big play or something
to get this crowd going. It ends up reversing and
actually going into your favor. So maybe you should even
believe more if you were in the Houston Texans. Yeah,

and and so now do you think you think of
all of that and now your face with what if
Kansas City doesn't continue to hurt themselves, do we have
a chance because and they're not turning the ball over.
We can't stop them on offense, we can we can't.

We can't stop him. Well, I look at it and say,
with that cushion, with that amount of cushion. All you
have to do is as long as we don't do
anything catastrophic, as long as we don't do anything that's
just outright foolish and a couple of the kids. You
have the fumble on the kickoff, return hold onto the kickoff, like,

don't even return the ball. Yeah, we'll get the Chiefs
learned they actually don't even return the ball. Don't look
get away from it. They learned from their own mistake.
By the way, that fifteen yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty was
not taken on the extra point. Instead, the Texans took
it on the kickoffs. So the Texans should get good

field position as they get the possession, the answering possession
after the Chiefs touched down, they are going to be
have the ball at the twenty five yard line, so
not much of a gain on that one is the
chief special team is able to make their way down
the field easy From Salama, I'm Dan Buyer. This is
Fox Sports Red Zone Radio Company. Laugh from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio Studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fift

to more on cur insurance USIC geo dot com for
a free rate quote. Possible choke job here for the
Houston Texans. Is it fair to call the Baltimore Ravens chokers? Well,
one of their players think so. We'll tell you who
it is next year on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio.
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available in every state. Hand off. Damian Williams puss touchdown
Tansas City five consecutive on answered touchdowns. I don't I

don't mean to laugh. He from Chiefs Radio Network got
the call, but Travis health Kelsey was dinged up a
little bit. He's back in the game. When I to
the Chiefs force that Texans punt after they went up ten.
The Chiefs again are now in Houston Territory, as Kelsey
carried about five Houston Texans into Houston Territory to continue
their drive. Seems the hamstrings okay, everything is everything is

a okay with Travis Kelsey. What I also find funny
is the Fox Sports Radio Twitter account sent out a
tweet when we started the show historic Comeback Alert, and
we got a response from Tim Cruz who says, or
historic collapse hashtag choke City. When we look back at this,
what is it going to be from? Is it going

to be the comeback if this holds true? Or is
it going to be the choke job by the Houston Texans.
I think you'll get a combination of both. It's hard
because it depends on which side of the owl you're
looking at. Right If you're if you were leaning towards
the Chiefs winning, whether you're a fan or not, maybe
you had money on the game or whatever that is,

then it's gonna be the combat narrative. If you're a
Texans fan and are used to them, uh this juckal
and hide mentality they've had of the last couple of years,
then it's one the choke the choke job. Yeah. And
this is this This is why I asked the question,
because when you look back at the Bills come back

against the Oilers, nobody's saying that the Oilers are a
bunch of chokers. It's all what a come back from
Frank Reich and the Bills and the great job. So
that narrative has been really heavily one sided with Buffalo.
I agree with you that it's more fifty fifty here.
The the fashion that Houston was able to waste their
opportunity quite impressive because it was so quickly to to

how it evaporated it. I mean, for as fast as
they went up twenty four nothing, it seemed to us
twice as fast that Kansas City came back and took
the lead. And now have the ball with the second
down of the Houston Texans yard line. It'll be about
a second town and X. Last night, the Tennessee Titans
went to Baltimore, took care of business, and knocked off

the number one overall seed in the a f C.
So the Titans Cinderella run continues, and I think Cinderella
is an appropriate term to use for the Titans. Choke
is a different term when it comes to the Baltimore Ravens.
Some people will use it, including one of the Ravens players.
This is Marlon Humphrey talking about the loss to the
Tennessee Titans. I think, honestly, the sate reality of it is,

you know this Ravens team, you know we've been here
two years in a row and we've lost. So I think,
you know, you know, you gotta look something there, and
I think it's this team right now is identity is
to get the playoffs and choke and just you know,
it is what it is. That's just the hard truth.
And so that was the last night after the game,
and you think maybe even sleep on it, you know,
maybe have different emotions and you come back in the

next day because of just what you have for cleaning
out your locker. Exit exit interviews. Yeah, yeah, this was
Marlin Humphrey today. Stand by that describing you are what
Sean Field and that's who're Marlon Humphreys saying with the

Ravens are chokers's team? Is that fair? And I don't
think they choked because I don't think they ever were
in a dominant position in this game. Choking usually means
that at some point you had a lead and you
were dominating and then you let that slip away. You

choked off your opportunity to finish off strong. They were
dominated from the first kick, from the first whistle, and
the Tennessee Titans didn't. They don't care about anybody. They
don't care about going on the road, They don't care

about high powered offenses. They know one thing. Number one.
We know for a fact you can't stop Derrick Henry. Period.
You may get him and he may gain a yard,
and then he may gain two yards, but eventually he's

going to start gaining four, five, six yards of killing
and he's going to break free. This man is a
mac truck. Have you seen the pictures of him standing
next to market girl? Not not a last night but
when he was in college, yeah, and came back. Ingram

was in the pros and and Derrick Henry was still
in college and he came back and was an honorary
captain and is taller than mark Ingram. So when when
you see that grown man out there, you're like, oh
my goodness, So what what what's gonna happen from here
on out? Is? You know, I don't want to take

anything away from Ryan Tannehill and what he's done. I
was talking about this earlier to my friend who's on
suicide Watch because of what's going on. He's a Houston.
Uh can I interject to be honest right in Tannell,
how Tannehill hasn't done much of these playoffs? Because but wait,
I know you were gonna say that. Just wait all right, So,

in my opinion, Mike Vrabel should be the coach of
the year because in Week six, I think it was
he decided I'm gonna Benchmarcus Mariotta. I can't do it anymore,

and he put in Ryan Tannehill. Who is Bryan Tannehill?
They went eight and two. Wait a minute, Wait a minute,
they went eight and two in that span. Ryan Tannehill
played lights out multiple three hundred yard passing games, right,

highest rated pastor in the regular season. Change the complexity
of what they can do offensively overnight. So if Marcus
Mariota is your quarterback, guess what you can do? You
can put eight people in the box because we know
you can be one on one with the receivers outside.
He's probably not gonna get the ball to him anyway, right,

He just didn't have that bandwidth as a quarterback in
the league. Right, Okay, So now you still approach them
with that same mentality with Ryan Tannehill at a quarterback,
guess what, Oh, we're gonna burn that up. You go
one on one? Yeah, I mean Smith has been great, right,

all of a sudden, Now it's like, okay, well what
team is this Kansas City Corps again? All right, this
this is going to be an ongoing thing. It was
a third and goal and the chief strowed away, but
there was a holding call on Travis Kelsey. So now
Damian Williams just punched it in from just a yard out.
Second touchdown run of the day. It's forty under points.

But anyway, so you look at what the job that
Ryan Tannehill has done with it. Not in the playoffs
haven't needed him, you know why, because teams don't know
what to do with Derrick Henry. Right, I say I
say this. Every game Ryan Tannehill wins in the playoffs
this year, it's worth five million dollars to his future salary.

All Right. The baseline for starting quarterback, I'm talking about
the bottom of a bucket, not on a rookie deal
was probably around fifteen million a year. Right, You give
that guy fifteen million dollars a year, right, just okay,
what's only fifteen a year? Well, if you start Ryan

Tannehill a fifteen a year and every game he wins
in the playoffs is worth five million. Right. Beating New England,
he made himself twenty million a year. Next year. Beating
Baltimore yesterday, he made himself million. Right now, you're at
the that's what the market value is four quarterback now right? Sure,

guess what Ryan Tannehill beats one of these two teams.
Looks like it's gonna be Kansas City next year, I
mean next week in Kansas City. What does that put him?
He's at twenty five? Now what does that putti? Okay,
guess what if Ryan Tannehill ends up doing that, going
to the Super Bowl, winning the Super Bowl? That no

one's gonna give him thirty five million dollars for one year.
But what the Tennessee Titans would do, to your point
is franchise, take him and probably have to pay him
about million dollars a year. Guess what if he succeeds
next year? Guess what market value? Man? It's market value.
It's not what you did in Miami? Is what are

you doing for us? What? Yeah? What was was what
was so amazing about the Rabeled decision was that it
put an end to the Marcus Mariotta chapter. Like this
isn't just a quarterback change like the Dolphins with Josh
Rose and I We're going back to Ryan Fitzpatrick. This,
we knew this decision was there that all right, Marcus Mariotta,

Jameis Winston entering their their fifth year option years, they
don't have contract extensions. This is it to be able
to do that, to have the guts to make that decision,
to say that this is what we needed and effectively
not in the off season when coaches and gms will
meet the media and say we're gonna look at the
whole roster. We'll see where we'll go, We'll see us

some He made the decision right then that the Marcus
Mariotta era was over in Tennessee, and to it could
sound cheesy. A whole new era is not under way
with the Titans. I'll tell you what, man, Ryan Tannehill,
the forgotten Ryan Tannehill, who hasn't thrown for more than
one yards in these two playoff games. In each of

the two playoff games, it was and seventy two. I
think that's the first time since the thirties or something
like that. Right, But my whole thing with this young
man is you want to erase the first what one, two, three,
four or five six years of your career, whatever that
narrative was, whatever that that not against you was if

you want to erase it, and then what ten games
this year? Twelve games, he had forty two yards, twenty
two touchdowns, six interceptions, quarterback rating of one seventeen point five. Right,
that's that's magic se completion his best. All of these

are by far his best ever. This this is this
is the new guy. But guess what he's gotten himself
in the right system, with the right coach and the
right people around him. It's very rare dead as a
quarterback in this league, you can reinvent yourself after six years.

This goes to show you that you can. And although
they don't need him to throw the ball forty times
a game, it doesn't matter when he has to throw it.
Guess what they come through in the clutch. He comes
through easy. From Salam, I'm Dan Buyer. This is Fox
Sports Red Zone Radio giddy from on Twitter reading from Salam,
I'm at Dan buy around Fox his were company, Live

with the guy, go Fox Sports Radio Studios. I think
there's still a lot on the board with the Ravens
and I want to dive into that after David Gascon
gets us up to date of what is happening right
now in Kansas City in this a f C Playoffs
show down. Hey, David, guys tracked me going on in
arrowhead and off way, please the shoulder and touched Dansas
City six. Count them six on answered touchdowns. Fire the

chiefs man. That's just stupid right now. Forty one on
answered points for Kansas City. It should be forty two,
but the miss p a t They had twenty eight
in the second quarter alone. Patrick Mahomes four touchdown passes
in that quarter. Late in the third Kansas City over Houston.
Mahomes two yards passing four tds. He also has four
rushes for fifty six yards. In the contest, Casey has

a whole twelve rushes for seventy nine yards. Watson trying
to make a comeback right now three for one and
also two scores of his own later on today's Seattle
and Green Bay kickoff time is at six forty eastern
from Lambeo. Packers are four point favorites in that ball game.
It's on Fox and of course the Fox Sports Go app.
College basketball number eight Michigan State lost at produced seventy

one to forty two, Whichitas State in double overtime beat
Yukon Minnesota, dropping number nineteen Michigan seventy five to sixty seven.
And right now in the second Alps out floor of
an eight point lead over number twenty one Memphis NBA today,
two games going on heatley the Knicks by eight, Jazz
and Wizards in the fourth quarter, Utah leads one oh
nine toe back to Dan and e from in just

ten seconds. But guys, quick question before I send it
back to you. Yeah, most consecutive points ever scored in
a playoff game is no. Seventy three points? Yeah. The
Chicago Bears beat the Washington Redskins the nineteen forty NFL
Championship game seventy three to nothing. Wow, how about that?

Now we were around, thankfully, but the line was Chicago
minus seventy four. So even if you took Washington, you
were good. Gavin breaking news, Gavin pushed push good stuff, appreciated, Dave.
The Chiefs, by the way, with that seventeen point lead,
are trying to stop the Texans who are in Kansas

City territory right now at about the thirty nine yard line,
facing a second down in six and and now pretty
much everything is gonna be four down territory for the
Texans here on out down seventeen points. I did see
a stat and this is where Twitter just is a
gold mine. An ESPN writer by the name of Sarah
Bishop tweeted nothing. She didn't sam she was giving stats

talking about Houston leading the Chiefs twenty one, nothing, saying
that according to this season stats, the Texans were five
and oh when leading by fourteen or more points at
any point in a game this season. So that the
the Travis Kelsey Damien Williams three touchdown each affair actudently

ties in an NFL record is Jerry Rice and Ricky
Waters had three apiece in Super Bowl twenty nine when
they dismantled the Chargers in a game in Miami. Where
by the way, and that's where Super Bowl fifty four
is the Deshaun Watson running for his life but was
able to find DeAndre Hopkins for a first down to
live at first and ten at the thirty yard line.

Is it over? Like? Is it is it over? From?
Or to do the Texans still have a little bit
of life, a little bit of life. But the problem is,
for whatever reason, the defense, the Texans defense, maybe they're tired,
maybe they're cold. J. J. Watt looks like he's about

to pass out. He's playing so hard, but he's out
of shape because he's missed two and a half months.
The problem is offensively you can score. You almost have
to score every time. And now they tried to run
an end around reverse and Kenny still ends up getting
sacked about fifteen yards behind the line of scrimmage, so

it'll be second Town and about twenty three second. Lord, well,
this is not gonna help, but the fact that your
defense can't stop Kansas City makes it difficult for you
to come back. The Yeah, we'll keep you updated on
what is happening is a sack on the replay, the
referee did call it right. Stills was able to get
the ball away, but it wasn't until after he threw

the football. There's you know what I'm I'm in favor of,
when you're down, you leave the hand the ball in
the hands of your best player. Yes, that's right. If
if you want to throw a pass, I'm off in
favor of Deshaun Watson actually throwing the pass just like

he did there to Will Fuller to first down and
in golf inside the five yard line, That's that's what
I like. The trickery we bro Who are you fooling? Also?
I mean, if you're in Kansas City, aren't you just
kind of sitting back at his own Are you gonna
bite on the reverse? It's not like you're getting guys

out of position by running ten yards behind the line
of scrimmach. Another thing Bill O'Brien is going to have
to answer for like that, when if this continues to
go off the rails like those type of things right there,
do you have to be accountable for? Al Right? That
doesn't make sense. Why would you waste time and plays
the Deshaun Watson will get the ball around the end

and the initial call is a touchdown. So Deshaun Watson
on a touchdown run with twenty four seconds left in
the third quarter now puts Houston within eleven. They'll talk
about it, they'll look at it, but a possible touchdown
for the Houston Texans. If not, they're gonna have it
second down. And well, he didn't lose control of the ball,

just a question of did he cross the go line
and was he over the pylon? Was the ball inside
the pylon when he jumped over the goal I think
that's this is gonna be really close because when he
tried to keep the ball. There are two things to
look at here is we try to explain it to you.
If you're driving in your car, you're listening to us,

maybe doing some some yard work. You got your headphones in.
At the gym, Deshaun Watson tried to go around the corner.
You have to have the football within the pylon when
you're running it right. You can't have it out of bounds.
So he was running to his left, had the ball
in his left hand, decided to try to move it
to his right to sneak it in around the pylon
when he jumped over it, but then lost possession. And

now the question is because I didn't see a definitive
at the goal line. They gave it to him because
the game cloud going, so they did they there it is,
so they are calling it a touchdown and uh Fairbarns
extra point is good. So it's forty one thirty one
with fifteen minutes and twenty four seconds left to go
on this game. We think yeah, And near the end
of the third quarter, ten point lead for Kansas City.

Easy from Salama. I'm Dan Buyer Company Live from the
Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's easy to say more
on car insurance with Geiko go to guy Comma Colleague
hundred nine for seven Auto. The only hard part figuring
out which way is easier. Coming up next, we'll tell
you why you aren't fair to Lamar Jackson. That here
on Fox Sports Radio. Watson running it left side, Watson
looking for a blockers. He's got the pylon. It's gonna

be closed. The ball came out, no signal from the officials,
and they're gonna say it's a touchdown. Deshaun Watson TD
got to the pylon. Texans Radio Network on the call
is Houston got within ten. The Chiefs now though, driving
against Houston. They are underway on the fourth quarter. Easy
from Salam. I'm Dan Buyer. This is Fox Sports Red
Zone Radio Company Alive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.

So with everything that has happened in the first half
and then what they happened to the third quarter where
it looked like Kansas City took control. Still just a
ten point game, but the Chiefs are gonna have to
do something that they really haven't done so far this
game and that's run the football. In the first meeting
between these two teams, Kansas City ran the ball only
eleven times. Lashawn McCoy had eight carries from forty four yards.
Everyone else just had one carry, So that was basically

their running game. Now in this divisional playoff game, the
Chiefs will only run the ball twelve times. Patrick Mahomes
is their leading rusher with fifty six yards on four carries,
and Sammy Watkins is their second leading rusher with one
carry for fourteen yards. Damian Williams has seven carries for
nine yards. But the Chiefs haven't even run the ball
this game. It's something that they may have to do

here in the fourth quarter. Or they could just drive
down and connect with Sammy Watkins for thirty yards like
they just did to get inside the ten yard line.
Like I said, this thing goes both ways. Houston's offense
woke up, drove down, scored. It's up to their defense
to stop Kansas City, right, yeah, right, and if if both,

if both, and that's why it's so difficult to come back, Right,
that's it's difficult to come back or regain that momentum
because both sides of the ball. I have to be
on the same page. And obviously that Texans defense is
tired and one out. The Chiefs are six for six
for six touchdowns. Make it seven for seven when getting
in the red zone today as Blake bell is just

scored on a touchdown pass from Patrick Mahomes for Mahomes. Yeah,
what is this touchdown number five for him on the day.
So five touchdowns, four Mahomes. As the Chiefs are now
at thirty one, and maybe the best thing for them is, okay,
let's look back to a time where a team scored
twenty one unanswered against US. Well, they can just go

back two hours ago, because that's what the Houston Texans
did to Kansas City. So the Chiefs, keeping the pedal
on the metal, have extended their lead back up to sixteen.
Extra point would put it back to seventeen right now
with thirteen fifty two left to go in the contest.
And we'll let you know about that extra point as
soon as it happens and the kick is up and
it is good. So the Chiefs do have a three

possession lead now, three score lead one over the Texans.
Yesterday the Titans beat the Ravens, and we started talking
about some of the comments at Marlon Humphrey talked about
them being chokers, and the Frams point was, listen, you
have to do something to choke it away. Tennessee dominated
that game yesterday. When I look at the Baltimore Ravens

and I and I I sent a sweet out yesterday
and it was kind of a it was a vanilla,
kind of generic tweet, but it was meant to say
a lot of things. Pro Bowlers for the twenty nineteen season,
Ravens have twelve, the Titans have two. So if anybody
wants to sit there and put the blame on Lamar Jackson,
there are eleven other guys on that team that are
going to a Pro Bowl that let them win four

teen games in the regular season. Those guys needed to
step up and it didn't happen. And and and that's
to me from was what I took from yesterday. And
you look at Lamar Jackson's numbers, they are off the charts.
I'm not like saying that he's blameless in any of this,
but to me, Lamar Jackson did about as much as
he could with what he had yesterday in that game

against Tennessee. Yeah, you look at it, thirty one for
fifty three sixty five yards passion. Of course he had
the two picks, then twenty yards twenty carries on hundred
forty three yards rushing. I mean he's done a lot.
He did a lot in that game. But when you
look at at the totality of it, he doesn't play defense. Okay,

Lamar Jackson, as good as a player is, as athletic,
he is, as as as as tremendous a leader on
the offensive side of the ball he is, he doesn't
play defense. So he didn't account for the thirty carries
and a hundred and ninety five yards Derrick Henry had. Yeah. Period,
and there are four Pro bow Bowlers are the two

touchdown passes that Ryan Tannehill through. Two of those Pro
bowlers are on the secondary that ended up allowing that score.
It was yesterday after the game that Lamar actually Lamar
Jackson was asked a question. And I want to say
this before you even hear this, I think we do.
We have the question involved in the sound bite. The
question was asked, and I don't know if it's fair

or unfair. I actually think that it's it's fair game
because this is gonna be a topic we're gonna talk
about for the next year. But basically the question was asked,
you know, are you able to handle people now talking
about you not being able to win a playoff game?
And this was Lamar Jackson's answer, No, I only really
care about what they said. You know, this my second unity.
Many people don't be able to make it to the playoffs.
I got a great team with me. Don't you really

know about what the people saying. We're just gonna keep
going fair or unfair. It is going to be the conversation.
I just don't know how many people are gonna remember
what Lamar Jackson did in this game e from where
he had twenty carries for a hundred and forty three yards,
you mentioned the number of passing yards and what he
did during the year he didn't have. He didn't have
mark Ingram for a majority of the game. Who is

one of your your top weapons? Because of his caffe injury,
Mark andrews ends up being dinged up. He has four
catches for thirty nine yards. He came in hobbled anyway.
And then when you look at the receivers around Hi Mark,
you know Hollywood Brown had a great catch and adds
it over the top threat that that every team would
like when you have a powerful running game, but when
you're trying to come back, you're throwing to just you know,

Seth Roberts and Willie Snead the fourth and it's just
I mean, no, no, it no it. I mean, I
guess offense, but maybe it is. But there's just not
a lot around him to play in that type of
game to come back, and I just there's going to
be the narrative teams have caught up. I think this
game was absolutely different than what happened with the Chargers
last year. Yeah, I do as well. We've seen Lamar

Jackson takes Hughes strides. He's probably going to be the
m v P of the league, which he deserves in
my opinion. Um, you get into a situation where, you know,
they had a lot of time off, they had a
lot of time off, They didn't play the last week
of the season, they had to buy right, so they
had a lot of time off, and with that there

is some rust, especially with young players. Right. It just
seemed to me that they didn't take the Tennessee Titans
series period. You know, I also think I think New
England losing made Baltimore and and for this matter, maybe
made Kansas City kind of think like, alright, the Patriots
are out of we don't have to deal deal with

them anymore. We could just go and do what we
need to do. The roads a bit easier for us now,
So maybe that focus isn't there against your opponent. I
think Tennessee knocking the Patriots out and not saying, oh wow,
look at what Tennessee did, it was more of a okay,
good we don't have to deal with Bertie and Belichick anymore,
you know, and just like thank you know, thank goodness.

Baltimore is like we finally got home field advantage. They're
not gonna come in here and and upset us. And
the Chiefs are like, hey, all right, we don't have
to deal with the Patriots coming in the air and
winning a coin toss in overtime and going down and score.
I think that also played a role in what was happening,
not only yesterday but also today. He's here from Salam
I'm Dan buy our company life for the Geico, Fox

Sports Radio Studios. Twelve thirty left to go, Chiefs and Texans,
Kansas City up to thirty one. When we come up next,
we'll tell you if the forty niners plan is golden.
And what do you know? The Chiefs are driving. They
are seven for seven, not just scoring points, we're talking
touchdowns getting in the red zone of the Houston Texans today.
That's where they are now as we wind down in

this a f C Divisional playoff game, thirty one, nine
oh three left to go, But the Chiefs are facing
a third down and six at the nine minute mark
up seventeen on the Houston Texans. Kansas City not only
would like to get a first down here, but it
would also allow them to continue to run out the
clock or at least take more time off the clock.

Is they'll have it third and six from the ten
yard line. He is he from Salam, I'm Dan Buyer.
It is a screen past to Damien Williams who breaks
some tackles and gets down to about the five they're
gonna market at the six yard line. Is gonna be
two yards short? Okay, seven team point lead. I think
I know the decision. But if you're the Chiefs fourth

not of two, do you go for to kick the
field different you're at home? Pat Patrick Mahomes wanted to
go for it and then saw Andy Reid said no,
we're kicking the field goal, and then kind of you know,
had that had that look in his eye. But the
Chiefs could go over the fifty point barrier in just
a matter of minutes. We'll let you know how this

kick from Harrison Butker goes through has been really good
inside fifty yards, in fact, as the longest active streak
of any kicker in the NFL of consecutive makes from
inside fifty and he adds to that streak of five
with his twenty six. Though it's fifte Chiefs on top
of the Texans with eight oh six to go in
the fourth quarter. What's being lost and we've got the

Seahawks and Packers coming up on Fox kickoff in about
forty minutes. But what's being lost in this weekend is
with the Texans debacle of them losing this lead and
the Chiefs come back, the Titans domination over the Ravens,
and the Ravens falling short again at home in the
playoffs for the second straight year. What's kind of lost
is that Vikings game yesterday and what San Francisco did

to Minnesota off of a week where the Vikings were
had momentum after beating the New Arland Saints. But to
see what the forty Niners did and just limiting everything.
I mean, Kirk Cousins doesn't even top two hundred yards,
Dalvin Cook was kept in check. Time of possession was
in favor of the San Francisco forty Niners thirty eight

and a half minutes they held down to the football.
We get lost in the fact that the Niners were
just absolutely dominant yesterday. Yeah, we do. And what happened
and what was the uh, you know, the story that
didn't really get a lot of headlines. Uh. The San
Francsco forty Niners got healthy on defense, and I think

that was the thing that that changed everything for him
because now those guys, some of the guys who were missing,
have been missing during the year, had come back and
they were healthy and they were ready to practice and
ready to go, and it changes the complexity of that
defense because it allows them to be more aggressive. Get remembered.

For the most part of the year, San Francisco had
wanted the top pass rush teams in the league. I mean,
they were getting after quarterbacks and they lost some of
their pass rushers. Those guys are back. Now they're healthy,
and so now that defense is clicking, and it puts
them into position to be a completely solid team. I'm

telling you, you can pass the ball nineteen times and
you can win by seventeen points. Right, we know what
they can do. They have legitimately three guys are running
back who can start on almost every team in the NFL.
I was surprised that Tevin Coleman had as much action

that he did because I thought it was gonna be
the real most show throughout the playoffs. He comes in,
has a hundred yards, it's in the end zone twice.
So yeah, So now you've got that three headed monster
along with a healthy Matt Breed and that's the thing.
Next week it could be most are Brita like you
don't You just don't know. They all bring something different
to running the ball and having that option. And Kyle

Shannah and as a Jeanes who's ever hot, that's who's
getting it's getting it even wide receivers, I mean for
the same thing like that. You know, we know how
good George Kittle is, but you have a veteran there
and Emmanuel Sanders Deebo. Samuel's role is increased throughout this season,
getting better and better, and they you see him in
a bunch of different ways. You've got the born kid
Kendrick Borne who has the touchdown reception, so they're there

are different guys that set up and and even when
you're not throwing it that much, you don't even necessarily
know who he's throwing to. Nobody had more than three receptions, right,
nobody had more than three Recepn's only four guys called passes.
It helps when you run the vall forty seven times
like the forty Niners did. But in every in anything,

even from I do have a problem with a narrative
about the forty Niners that is developing, and actually heard
it in yesterday's broadcast, and and I want, I want,
I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it, because what
I hear is, look at the job that John Lynch
and Kyle Shanahan have done with the San Francisco Fortys.
And I'm taking nothing away from from the third team

and three mark that they have done. But they talked
about how they built this franchise and I am I
am one and I'm not saying this because you're sitting
next to me. I think every successful NFL team should
only draft offensive and defensive linemen like like that. If
there's a year where you need a quarterback and you're
up there and you can get the guy, that's fine,
But you can figure out the other positions. But if

you get the best of the best on the offensive
line and defensive line, you're gonna win more football games
than you aren't. Well, we're seeing in such a past
dominant league. We're watching teams like Seattle, like uh, the
San Francisco forty Niners, like the Tennessee Titans, and even

Baltimore prior to that debacle that we saw yesterday. These
are run first dominant teams. As a reason why they're
having success in a pass happy dominant league. There's a
reason that the Tennessee Titans can go on the role

twice and beat two tremendous teams. Right, they're running the
ball fifty times a game. If you can run the
ball fifty times a game, I don't get hold plank quarterback. Well,
and the thought is too, is hey, we got to
load up on pass rushers because we have to get
after the quarterback. Well, the pass rushers. Honestly, you are
getting small, yeah, because now all of a sudden, you've

got these guys that you've got three D and twenty
and three thirty pound linemen blocking what two d fifty
pound hedge rusher rushers in the playoffs, and it becomes
a mismatch. But what I find is gets lost in
the forty Niners deal is that this was a team
and I typed it up because I think this is interesting.

In nineteen, their first round pick was Nick Bosa second overall,
and that took Mike McGlinchey offensive tackle ninth overall out
of Notre Dame seventeen. They had the third overall pick
and a first later after the deal I believe they
did in Chicago that to first that year, Ruben Foster
was thirty first overall. Solomon Thomas was the third overall pick.

They took defensive lineman to Force Buck their seventh overall
in twenty sixteen. The year before that, they had Eric
Armstead defensive lineman seventeenth overall. Didn't even mention that Joshua
Garnett was their twenty overall pick, a guard in the
first round. They've drafted lineman in linement over and over again,
which is my theory. I love. I love the theory,
but realistically, from there picking second, they're picking ninth, they're

picking third, they're picking seventh. That doesn't fly in a
lot of organizations. Like at some point you have to
cash in on your chips. It took the forty niners
a while to do that. And that's why I think
it's like a miss a misnomer about this is how
many teams can be so bad for so many years
to continually have a top ten pick and then completely

turned it around in the span of twelve months. Well,
the one thing that that uh, both Kyle Shanahan and
John Lynch did was when they signed their deals, they
signed guaranteed deals. They signed deals they guaranteed that they
had time to operate right it what they knew for
a factor six year deals fully guaranteed you can't fire them.

They put that into the deal, right and if the
if you did, the penalty would be, you know, true tremendous.
Were an owner would want to to do that, you
would have to just ride it out for six years.
But what that allowed them to do was not worry
about trying to make a splash in the draft or
getting the face of a franchise right there. It allowed

them to stay the course. So many that's the problems
we see with the Cleveland Browns, right, how many gms,
how many coaches, how many quarterbacks, how many of these
splashy things ings have we seen the Cleveland Browns try
to get right? It's it's it's when it boils down
to it, it's about who can get that yard. And

the first guys who in charge of capturing are not
allowing someone to capture a yard, are the offense and
defensive lineman. Period. If you had a bad quarterback and
you can get four yards to carry. Put it this way,
we don't even know if Jimmy Garoppolo is good, yet
he ends up being part of this equation. This is

my and this is my whole point on this is
that this isn't This isn't a recipe for every NFL team.
It's not. The team just can't do this. Had to
have a bunch of breaks back. They had to have
Kyler Murray shoot up the draft board and have the
Cardinals willing to match their first round quarterback to take
Kyler Murray. So Nick Bosa would be available for them
at number two. Like all those things need to happen.

But I just I think that they've had misfortune. I
think that they've had times where, you know, Jimmy Garoppolo
goes down last year with the a c L injury
that we look at, man, that's a step back for
this organization. Well, you got Nick Bosa out of it
in a season that you probably weren't going to compete anyway.
So like those sort of breaks are just there's not

like a truth formula what they can do right. But
when you get those breaks, you gotta be able to
capitalize on. So many times we see teams panic, right,
your quarterback goes down, he gets hurt, you're having a
terrible year. All of a sudden, other things become important
and you don't stay focused and you don't stay the course.

This is a great example the San Francisco forty niners.
This is a great example of a team who knows
who they are. But before they knew who they were,
they knew who they wanted to be. And that is
the key to building an organization. Know what you want
to be. John Lynch knew that it was defense, right,

and he's a d with a defensive specialist, his guy,
let me do the defense. Kyle Shanahan do that, I'll
take care of everything offensively, right, and that separation of
power allowing Robert Sala to to to do that and

and what a lot of people don't realize this. When
Kyle was the offensive coordinator in Houston, Robert Salo was
there as a defensive assistant. He was the quality control guy.
All of these things like everybody knows everybody, right, you're
comfortable with the with with with with with this unit together.
Kyle Shannan is not popping in to the defensive meeting saying, hey,

don't do that. Why are you guys doing this? And
the vice versa, right, John Lynch isn't coming down telling
Kyle Shanahan how to to to run the offense. He's
not doing that. It's a it's a reason they're successful,
and it's it's a it's a recipe that is just
in my mind, almost impossible to match or to copy

because of all of the pieces and everything that had
to go along with it. The Texans facing a fourth
and two from midfield, unable to convert, so there's five
thirty left to go in this contest and the Chiefs
are up fifty one to thirty one. Actually they're under
the five minute mark. Now Kansas City will take over
with an opportunity to run even more time off this
clock up twenty easy from Salam. I'm Dan Buyer. This

is Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. Is what company life
for the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could
save you fift more on current shurts. Busy geo dot
com for a free rate quote. Coming up next, we'll
put e from to the test and see if he
can do better than he did last week. I want
to know what we're talking about. We'll tell you next
year on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. Fox Sports Red

Zone Radio. Easy from Salam, I'm Dan Buyer. The chief
scored touchdowns on seven straight drives against the Houston Texans,
Texans getting a first down, but with two thirty eight
left to go there near midfield, down thirty one and
the Texans have no more time out, So even if

they score here, you'd have to get the onset kick
to have any hope. Otherwise the Kansas City Chiefs will
just run out the clock and having to have the
ability to host the a f C Championship Game, which
will be the first game of the Championship Games next
week in Kansas City. Is the Titans look like They're
heading to k C from Salam last week was put

to the test in our brand new game Easiest one
to three four. You got six points out of a
possible ten e from how are you feeling entering today's
version of our brand good show? Okay, all right, let's
strike up the band. Let's tell you how this game
is played. We give e From a topic and he
has to give me an answer from a variety of answers.

So one of two, two of three, something like that.
The maximum amount of points you can win in this
game is ten, and that's what we're going for. But
he from It's not going to do it by his lonesome.
He's gonna have the help of Gavin Kinsel, our executive producer,
Iowa Sam Sam Kinsley are technical producer, and David Gascon
who's at the news desk, and they can help him
with any one of these questions. They can, they can

workshop it, they can discuss it to come up with
the from final answer. There is one Questionabo that he
from we'll have to do by his lonesome. He'll have
to figure that out for himself. Are you ready to
play for him? All right, I'll give you the question
first that you can decide if you want the help
of anyone on the crew. When I say, name one
of the two time zones still alive in the NFL playoffs,

one of the two times, yes, yes, where there are
teams playing. I would go with the Pacific time zone.
That is correct specific time zone. The other one Central, Yes,
Mountain really doesn't. It's Denver and that's it, and sometimes

the Arizona Cardinals. But otherwise, yeah, it's Eastern, Central and Pacific.
But no Eastern teams and no Eastern time zone teams
making it to the conference championship games. Alright, one point
free from Slab didn't even need the help of the crew.
Let's go to number two. Named two of the three
quarterbacks still alive in the NFL playoffs that have at
least one Super Bowl ring. Oh, let's see. I would say, uh,

Russell Wilson. Okay, that's one of your answers. And I
would say, Aaron Rodgers, is that your final answer? Yes,
that's correct. You got on both rights. Do you know
who the other one? Is it would be I should

have done this one for the next week, right exactly,
but you didn't. So it is you guys know, Gavin,
it's going to be a backup up that I don't
know who it is. It's actually not it's Jimmy Garoppolo.
Jimmy Garoppolo. Yeah, he's got two super Bowl rings. Yeah,
he was a backup, backup, but he has two super
Bowl rings, so pretty good. Yeah. All the other backups

they don't have them all right? From named the three
NFL teams that have worn a red helmet or a
shade of red helmet in the Super Bowl. Oh you
want Gavin's ever in any Super Bowler Bowl win or lose,
Three NFL teams have worn a red helmet or a
shade of red helmet. I'm gonna go three is three teams? Right, yes,

So I'm gonna go with the San Francisco forty Niners.
I'm gonna go with Gavin. What do we got? Chiefs
way back in the day, Have the Chiefs ever been
in the Super Bowl? Have? Yeah? They won like Super
Bowl one? Okay, well, okay, San Francisco, the Chiefs and

and what who else? Yeah? Yeah, Carginals were in it.
I don't remember it was it a white helmet against
the Steelers. Um also the redskins. You're thinking, oh, the redskins.
That is a shade of red. Those are my three answers.
Did you get all three? Right? No, you didn't. A

gold helmet. It's a gold helmet with some red trimpt
you said some type of red. It's a gold helmet. Okay, okay, okay,
whatever you did? Get cheese? Correct? Did get redskins. She's
by the way, lost Super Bowl one in one, Super
Bowl four and then the other helmet. You guys know

Buffalo Bills when they had their Super Bowls, they wore
the they wore the red helmet. So you got two
out of three on that one. You're up to five points. Finally,
and easy as one to three. Four named four of
the five teams dating back to the NFL regular season
that had the number one seed in the conference but

failed to make the conference championship game. This has happened
on five occasions dating back to the season. Four teams
were the number one seed in their conference and didn't
make it to the conference championship game. Will you guys
mull it over? I'll let everyone know that the Texans
are first goal at the Kansas City Chiefs eight yard line,
but still down by twenty and if no longer any

time out, you can't use Gavitt anymore from I can
use Iowa Sam. He's looking lost right now. But uh,
you know what, I'm gonna skip over Iowa Sam and
I'm gonna go to David Gascon. David Gascon Sam wanted
in um so we Gill recently obviously this year with
Lamar Jackson is one of the Baltimore Ravens. Okay, um,

what about Denver? Did Denver choke? They lost in the
divisional round within the top seed though that year? Yeah?
Was it Denver? I would say Indianapolis? Indianapolis is a
top seed. Yeah, Peyton Manny was the best quarterback in

the league or in the regular season. I'm just thinking
many many many years, dat So Baltimore, indeed, Denver, um Baltimore.
How many there were? There were five of them? I
need four of them. You can't come to me. Huh,
I'm off the table. Off the table? Are the Are

the Packers one of them? Did they lose to the
Giants on the Giants? Yes, they did. So the Packers
lost at home. That was at the nine and seven
Giants believe, So that's another one. That's it. That's what
that's for. Right, that's four. If that's it wants to
be your final answer, Oh, we can keep going. No,
But I mean if you're settled on those four, that's

that's it. That's that's let's do it all right, thank you,
let's go. Let's go to the judges. Did he get
all four correct? How many did he get correct? Three
out of the four. You guys were close, you got
you got green Bay right. In twenty eleven, you got
Denver right in they lost to the Ravens. You remember,

you got the Ravens correct. The Colts were not correct.
See they had Dallas in when green Bay beat them,
Jared Aaron Rodgers to Jared Cook to set up the
game winner. And also the Atlanta Falcons in were the
number one yeah, I thought it was green Bay, yeah,

and ended up losing in that time. So those are
the five number one seeds in either conference that failed
to get to the conference championship game. But he from
I'll tell you what, eight points out of ten. That's
our new all time high here on easy as one
to three and I'll tell you what to three four.
The Texans are gonna play no more this season, easy

from Salam. I'm Dan Buyer. Let's keep David Gas got
along and get the latest of what is happening? Is
we tried a band. Why don't you change it up
a little bit? That was a nice yeah, alright band.
That was a nice rock bottom on top of the
deshallots in the Houston Texans as they go out down
it took like a thirty yard sack. It would have
been nice. Have you had a little dance to it,

like your your version of the Five Bears? Right, one, two,
three four? Playing no more? Anyways, They're done and Kansas
City will move along. There's down gold to go for
the Chiefs, leading by action fake left side to touchdown
Canser City. Blake Bell. He's never having a touchdown in

his five year NFL career either in the regular season.
This is his first postseason game. Chiefs Radio Network. They
scored fifty one of the next fifty eight points to
hammer the Houston Texas. It was a blowout in the
first half and now will blowout in the second half.
All Kansas City. They will play host the a f
C Championship game next weekend on Sunday. Kickoff time will

be at three or five Eastern CBS just announced it
two verses six Kansas City and Tennessee, and that a
f C set of things NFC Side Division Round matchups
will conclude tonight Seattle at Green Bay. Kickoff time is
in about ten minutes from now. Dwayne Brown's expected to
play for Seattle in that affair. Back to Kansas City
real quick Patrick Mahomes in the day one yards passing

in five touchdowns, four of them came in the second quarter.
Travis Kelsey was a beast. He had ten receptions for
a hundred thirty four yards and three scores of his own.
Damian Williams was also busy. He scored four or three
times on his own, two receptions for twenty one yards
of TV, and he also had twelve carries for forty
seven yards and two scores of his own. Off the field, guys,

Cleveland Browns found a new head coach. They're hiring Vikings
offensive cordner. Kevin Stefanski will be the next head coach there,
as he replaced the pretty Kitchens after just one season's
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Probably not available in every state. How about this one
from one to three San Diego States? Number four? Where
you at, Dad? Did you even congratulate us? We talked
and we talked about it all the time. From proclaimed

they'll be number one. At some point in three weeks
or four weeks, they'll be number somebody's gonna lose San
Diego State and zag at one and two. I love it.
I love it. I would love to see that bracket.
That would be something else. And then what would happen
is Florida State would go to the West Regional final

like they seem to do all the time, you know,
obviously like the seminoles. The bracket they make a rust
of easy from salam I'm Dan Buyer. This is Fox
Sports Red Zone Radio Company Alive from the Getico Fox
Sports Radio Studios. It's easy to say more on our insurance.
We get Goo, go to Geo dot com, or call
ad under read not for seven auto. The only hard
part figuring out which way is easier. Before we get

to our NFL in setter, Adam Kaplan, I do want
to say this on the heels of what Dave said.
With the Kevin Stefanski higher going to the Cleveland Browns
is their head coach. There had been some thought that
maybe Pat Shermer could have a reunion in Minnesota. That
is not going to happen, as the NFL network is saying, Shermer,
it's gonna be the new offensive coordinator of the Denver Broncos.
So just put that in your pipe and smoke it

or whatever you want to do. Easy from Salam. I'm
Dan Buyer. Adam Kaplan Jones is now here on Fox
Sports Radio as the Chiefs dismantle the Texans fifty one
to thirty one. Hello, Adam, how are you really in?
But we just saw the Chiefs with seventh straight touchdowns
when they were down twenty for nothing. I mean you're
talking about late first quarter. It just looked like, how

in the world could they turn this around? But the
thing was, there was so much time left and they
just need to make a couple of plays. And you
could see Patrick Mahomes imploring his his teammates just get
one play, make one first down. And once they started rolling,
they rolled and it was very very impressive. You know,
go ahead, go. I was gonna say, you know this
is going to start is if it's twenty eight nothing

in the first African Kansas City, still make this comeback? Yeah?
I I didn't, I'll be honest with you, Although its
pulling for any read I just didn't see how it
could happen. Um. But what what I thought a little
bit of was doll Brant got very conservative. He just
started trying to run the football and stop trying to
run his offense like normal. But obviously the big play

was the although I did like to call the the
the fake uh fake punt and it just didn't work.
I mean, swords and the backup safety made the play
and that relate that that to me was the play
of the game to turn things around for the Chiefs
and they just roll like crazy after that. Yeah. Speaking
of O'Brien, what does this mean for him in terms

of coaching stability? Now? No, he's won four division titles
out of the last five years. So I mean, they're
getting to the playoffs, they're doing these things, but making
a mistake like that some of the questionable calls in
this game when you had this thing on the road
uh in hand. What does that do for him in

terms of, you know, the longevity of his career there? Well,
you from Here's the thing we have to understand is
that Bill Brian has personal control. They don't have a
general manager. They may not have a general manager later
this year, so Brian's gonna have control at least through
the draft, and that matters. I mean that that that's
why he still has his job. I mean, you know,
it's funny you bring up all the playoff appearances. The

thought around the league is he always seems to do
just enough to keep his job by making the playoffs.
They really don't go anywhere. And I think I'm glad
you brought this up because ownership has to look in
and say, what is our real goal here? Just to
make the playoffs? Where to win a super Bowl? And
that that's really what the issue has been with Bill Bryant.
The guys won, but he really hasn't developed anything in

the playoffs. And this is a problem. Look, today's loss
is really historic. I mean we we the Chief set
a record today on the on the Texans, and that's
and then obviously they blew a huge lead. That's just
not gonna be good enough. But ownership gave him control,
and I just don't there's been no indication that they're
willing to take that away from Adam Kaplan joining us

here on Fox Sports Radio, NFL Insider Fighting on Twitter
at Kaplan NFL and that's Kaplin with a C. So,
knowing what we know and seeing what we've seen, my
question to you is now to look ad at the
a f C Championship game. Can this Chief's defense slowed down?
What has been the unstoppable force and Derrick Henry Yeah,
and Dad, I'll tell you their run defense stay got

off to a slow start. But what helped them, obviously
is they got a big lead and then the Texans
had to throw two attempts. Here's the problem. Chris Jones,
outstanding defensive tackle, did not play. He injured his calfine
Thursday's practice. He's their best in terror Russia. He also
did not play in the first Texans game. They're run
defense very It concerns me. And when you look at

that matchup, that's not good. With Derrick Kennry coming into town,
obviously you want to make you just you want to
make Tannehill throw the football. And when he was in Miami,
it seems like, you know, some meltdown games, we just
he'd have mental errors, he'd make some bad throws. That
really has not happened because then they're not asking to
throw the ball very much. And you're talking about the

last two games averaging about attempts per game. You want
him if if you're the Chiefs, if if if Channiell
has to throw the ball more than thirty times, the
chances are very very strong that they're going to win. Yeah,
And even with that um the difference in this team
when Mike Rabel decided to bring to make that change

at quarterback with Ryan Tannehill, I believe around weeks six,
I believe that happened. This team became a different team.
They just were The confidence level was was unbelievable. And
it has a lot to do with Ryan Tannio what
he brings. Now they can actually throw the ball down

the field. Ryan tannel may not scare you, He doesn't
need to scare you because they have that dynamic running game,
but his ability to actually complete passes down the field.
Even in the playoffs, he hasn't passed four hundred yards,
but he has three touchdown passes within these two games,
so that has to be of some concern. You can't
just stack the box on them anymore. Well, J. Brown

right A J. Browne. They're they're outstanding rookie, their second
round pick. It's been just terrific. The the the issue though,
when the when the times come in the word around
the league is the way that you beat Tennessee by
the way, as you throw the football at their secondary
where they're not a strong rumber Malcolm Butler into reserve
after his risk surgery. That's w What in the Chiefs do?

That look that they're passing game was incredible today once
they got Kelsey Rollings. But by the way, as a
minor hamstring injury, they gotta they gotta make sure they
get him through practice. Um. But the fact the matter
is the Chiefs have more firepower. If they could just
not give up more than a hundred ten yards against
Derrick Henry, they should be able to win this game.
But if if time possession is on the Titan side

and Henry is rolling for one fifty year more. The
Chiefs are major trouble, major trouble because there, let's not
forget they one of the worst run defense in the
National Football League in the first half and ceased about Nolan,
their decordinator. Typically, I'm told it takes when he brings
his new defense. Has happened with the Giants through in
the Shop Bowl run the first half was bad, their
second half was was almost a legendary. They turned their

whole thing around. They've turned around here, but once again,
that run defense didn't get off to the good start today.
So then they've got a sure things up. They'll have
to make sure the Chiefs as well that Harrison but
Harrison Butker is healthy from overuse today because of all
the extra points and pickoffs that Adam kaplan. Joining us
here on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio, looking ahead to
what we're about to witness in Green Bay Seahawks and Packers.

Packers coming off that by you witness firsthand at what
Seattle did to Philadelphia. Do they have to play a
similar game last week to get it done in Green Bay?
Or is there a different recipe for the Seahawks this
time around, No Dan, This is what they do. They
come in pal run game, deep passing. The matchup to
watch is Kevin King, tall corner six ft three against
rookie DK Metcalf. The outstanding rookie receivers really come on.

Talking to Seahawks about him, they said there are a
couple of things that when they granted him for the draft.
One of them was route running. Um, you want to
get him going forward. Um, he's not a guy who
could con like throttled down very much. He's not. He's
you know, he's not fluid like that. He's just big
and strong and fast. And Brian shot Harmer there o
c found a way to get him open and he's

doing a great job. The one guy they need to
get going with Tyler Lockett, the other receiver opposite him,
he's really struggled lately. But you know, he came into
the season as their number one sever but he's been
very quiet. I look forward to see that matchup King
King obviously on the outside versus Metcalf, and then whatever
they can get out of the run game traverse Homer
and and Um and obviously Marshall Lynch and talk of

the Seahawks. They're pleasantly surprised at how good Lynch has looked.
I mean not his numbers aren't great, but he doesn't
look like a guy hasn't played a game in fourteen months.
He actually look decent. What does this game mean for
Aaron Rodgers and his legacy? You get a home game,
you're ed Lambeau, everything is in your favor. You're supposed
to be the most prolific thrower of the football. Uh Ever,

in some people's minds, if Aaron Rodgers can't pull this
game out, what does this do to his legacy moving forward?
I don't know if if it does much to his
legacy other than you know what, Let's let's really look
at their offensive offense and Aaron Rodgers talked about it.
It's too late to fix it. It's not a secret,
it's it's underachieved. They've not found any help with for

Davante Adams. On the opposite side, these young receivers really
have not gotten the job done. H They not that
much out of the tight end position. Obviously, Aaron Jones
is a superstar running back, but I looked at this
way though, there's only so much a great quarterback like
Aaron Rodgers could do. They've just not been able to
get that production for whatever reason. And you know, the Seahawks.

One thing I do want to mention, which is incredible
if you clude last week's game or eight and one
on the road. Let's not forget that this team has
got significantly younger the last two years. They've shocked me.
And how good they're on the road. I give him
a real chance to win this game today. And you
know what the weather it's called, but no snow. You
know we're having to worry about crazy weather there. So
I gotta give the h the Seahawks a real chance here.

Whenever we talk about Aaron Rodgers, the first thing people
say are the weapons around him and what he doesn't have,
and they lean in on that. But when you see
other quarterbacks, for this argument, Tom Brady for the last
few years, he hasn't had those offensive weapons, especially at

receiver on the outside. But yet he can get to
the playoffs, he can win super Bowls. Why isn't that
the same narrative when we're talking about Aaron Rodgers. Yeah,
but here's the thing from let's not forget Brad. Did
you see Brady this season? Yeah, this season. The last
season was terrible. They and by the way, a grunt.

Last year, you didn't have grunt. That's on Belichick. By
the way, Bill Belichick, whose personal control did not do
a good job. This is not a secret. When I
talked to the Eagles playing against the Patriots earlier the season, um,
they thought they wouldn't have no problem handling their passive game.
And by the way, Tom Brady is fifteen straight in
completions in that game. And here the shortest press conference

of the season, just two minutes. He was so disgusted
they won, he walked out. What happened? Julian Edelman had
the touchdown passing that game right? Good called by you. Yes,
that's how bad it was. That's all they could really get.
He's Adam Kaplan. Find him on Twitter at Kaplan NFL. Hey,
we'll do it against suon Adam. Appreciate you, guys, Thank you.

The Packers first play from scrimmage, handoff to Aaron Jones,
scampers yards for a first downd so Green Bay off
and running. I'll use the you you mentioned the Aaron
Rodgers thing quickly. I I think the best comparison is
look at what Brett Farve did with guys like Robert
Brooks and Antonio Freeman and made them Packers regular guys. Yeah,
just like when Donovan McNabb did with the People's champ

what was the name, Freddie Mitchell? And and right, like,
we always make excuses for Aaron Rodgers when it doesn't
go his way. It's always this team has to put
people around Aaron Rodgers and give it. But these other
dynamic and great quarter Look what Drew Brees did with
seventh round draft picks, guys you never even heard of. Right,

And so my thing is, if Aaron Rodgers is that great,
well when does that transcend his roster and when does
he take him to that next level? Again? Yeah, and
I am I am I the only one to feel
like a lot of people, there's a lot of people
that and as great as Adam is and I love him,
He's one of the most knowledgeable people we have. It's

the first thing he said was, well, he just doesn't
have the people around him. That's that's been the narrative.
Aaron Rodgers is great, but he just doesn't have the
people around him. He's he from Salam, I'm Dan Bayer.
This is Fox Sports Red Zone Radio Company a lot
for the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Packers are driving
will tell you how it finishes next here on Fox
Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. He'sy from Salam. I'm Dan Bayer.

There is his score in Green Bay. Packers getting on
the board first, Aaron Rodgers hitting Davante Adams on a
twenty yard touchdown reception. Packers up seven nothing on the
Seahawks four and a half minutes gone by a little
confusion there between Seahawks defenders, Uh, Who's gonna cover who?

I would say this, if you're going to figure out
who to guard, just make sure you're guarding Davante Adams
right like, if if there's ever going to be confusion,
have too many people on Davante Adams, not zero, but him.
We can't let that guy do it. You and I
were just talking during the break, and obviously you weren't
privy to hear it. Recompany a lot for the getic

Fox Sports Radio studios. But the fact of the matter
is and I asked Adam Kaplan this of of what
the Seahawks did a week ago, and so much is
made with the Seahawks and the close games that they play,
but there's a reason that they play close games. They
keep themselves in games where if they have an opportunity
Russell Wilson can win it at the end. But it's

also they're not dominant enough. They're not strong enough to
win games by twenty and thirty points. So you're gonna
get a lot of close games. That's what I think
that the Seahawks are gonna have to try to figure
out some way to make this close against green Bay today.
What they just gotta do what they you know normally
do They want to muddy it up. They want to
make it difficult. Um Losing all three of their running

backs hurt them this year because they want to run
the ball right, They want to run the ball. They
want to make the defense work and actually have to
stop them. And what that does is that helps him
in time of possession and he gives him an opportunity
to keep these games closed. Just to tell you how
thin they are, Travis Homer just returned the kickoff for
Seattle to about the yard line and he and Marshawn

Lynch are there two running backs, So like, that's not
God idea that you have your running back returning kicks
like the Seahawks do, but a lot of it on
the shoulders of Russell Wilson as he comes out. I
do think it's interesting when when we were talking about
the the Aaron Rodgers and the the lack of weapons,

that that narrative that always pops up and we're talking
about other guys that end up doing it. You know,
he's got a really good weapon now and Aaron Jones
that that is not a guy that he can throw too,
but it's a guy that he can hand off. And
that's something that has looked at a little bit more.
The Seahawks getting a first down, Jacob Hollister had a

catch loose ball. I thought he was down by context,
but you kind of went head over heels. The replay
will have to be looked at as uh oh, this
is gonna be close. It did look like the football
started to come out. Yeah, it is a fumble, and
the question was did they rule a green Bay possession

on the fumble. The Seahawks are running some hurry up
and in a situation like that, just Peter, Peter, Peter,
I'm quarterback right right. The question is did a Green
Bay player end up recovering this fumble. If that's the case,
Green Bay is gonna get the ball at about the

Seahawks thirty yard line after the first play of the game.
Talking about Seattle trying to make bank this game ugly
and muck it up. That's not the ugly we were
talking about there. And the question is was there a
clear recovery there? Looks like there may have banned Why
would you not run the ball? The uh I'm looking

if I'm Russell, I'm looking at that at the floor hole,
that red flag in his hand, and I'm like, Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter.
Oh maha, Yes, it's gone. It doesn't matter. Don't move
Marshawn Lynch to the other shot you heasy From Salama,
I'm Dan Buyer will give you the outcome of this
crucial play coming up next year on Fox Sports Red
Zone Radio. Alright, Packer fans, got some good news. It's

a bad news for you. From We always deliver the
bad news first. That's just the way it goes. That's
the unwritten rule. The bad news is the apparent fumble
did not go your way. While it was ruled they
fumble on the field, there was no clear recovery even
though a green Bay Packer did leave the pile with
the football. Referee said that the the scrum did not

show a clear recovery by the defensive team, so Seattle
held out the possession. However, the Seahawks had just given
it back to the Packer, so Green Bay has the
football back at their own ten yard line, first and
ten of seven to nothing. But I know it seems
like a crazy bad rule, and the Packers fans are like, man,
we're getting we're getting robbed here. There's really not much

that the NFL can do, right. No, it's not, it's
you know, it's it's a call on the field. They
went to review, they reviewed it, they didn't see who
recovered the ball, and you just move on. That's it.
Just move on, the Green Bay Packers, if you're just
joining us, and if you missed Dave said Davante Adams
touchdown reception for Aaron Rodgers. Hopefully this game lives up

to what we had earlier today where it was a
great back and forth between the Kansas City Chiefs and
Houston Texans. Wait, that's all it was, because it was
back with the Texans getting that twenty four nothing right
and then it was just two swings. It wasn't back
and forth, back and forth. It was back and forth,
and it was over. As the Kansas City Chiefs are

onto the a f C Championship Game where they will
host the Tennessee Titans. It'll be the early game, the
first of the two championship games next week in Kansas City,
as the Chiefs get a win. But while the Chiefs
had their huge comeback, it didn't start until the Texans
actually had taken a twenty four nothing lead. It was
actually twenty one nothing at the time when the Texans

had a fourth and one at about the seventeen yard
line of Kansas City midway through the second quarter, not
even midway through the second quarter. But Bill O'Brien had
a decision, you go for it on fourth and one,
you kick the field goal and go up twenty four nothing.
He chose to kick the field goal, which was good,
gave them the three points. But then as Kansas City
drove down on the ensuing possession and scored, the Texans

when they got the ball back, tried to get tricky,
ran a fake punt in their own territory, and that
was really a sign of the wheels coming off for
the Houston Texans because all momentum at that time was
on the side of the Houston Texans. But it seemed
to be given away in that that fake punt that
they ran in the first half. Yeah, it was in
away and I think that was the call of the game.
I think that's exactly what changed the momentum of the game.

And it turned out to be the worst thing, uh,
for that Houston Texans team. It was completely out of pocket.
The decision not to go for it led to the
decision to go for the fake punt opposite ends of
the field, uh, and the worst possible outcomes you could have.
And now Bill O'Brien not only this off season, but

let's be real, this, like his entire coaching career is
going to be marred by what happened in Kansas City today.
The Houston Texans head coach spoke with the media a
short time ago. We want to play back some of
you because it addresses some of the issues that Evan
and I talked about. And you can hear it straight
from the Texans head coach. Here's Bill O'Brien. Yeah, we
just we felt like, you know, we work gonna be
able to punt it too many times today. You know,

we felt like that we had to try to manufacture
some points, manufacture some yards and just didn't work out,
you know, just something we decided to do, but the
play didn't work. How did that play started to change
the game? That started to lead to really good at
you're going, yeah, you know, I think it's you know,
I think these games were always uh, you know, games
with momentum, momentum swings. Um. You know, we had a

momentum at that point. Just felt like, you know, we
we were gonna try to make a play there and
it just didn't work. Thank you. Thinking about when you
kicked it, taking about Yeah, I thought I was thinking
about challenging the spot because I felt like I had
a first down so and by the time I got
to the it was a fourth down. I just decided

to kick the field goal. It was just how somebody, Yeah,
he's a great player. I mean hard to stop him,
got a great offense. Um, you know, just didn't didn't
do anything to really stop him. Nothing. It gets way
to make it pul Yeah, I mean twenty four nothing

was a really good lead, like, no doubt about it.
But I don't think any lead is safe versus these guys,
and that's why we felt like we I mean, we
needed fifty points and we weren't able to do that.
About I mean, you know, obviously we give up a
lot of points, so I'm not very good. Was there
anything about the paper you felt susceptible? Yeah? We we

we felt like we we had a look, and uh,
it just didn't work. You guys have had some really
tough my help losses since since you been here. You
achieves twenty one seven colds last year, this game question
fans believe that it's gonna get better when he was
gonna coach feel you know, I feel like we're in
the right We're moving in the right direction. I think

we did a lot of good things this year. Not
enough obviously, Um, I feel good about you know where
we're headed. You always say, you often say it's on you.
You have to coach better. Is a loss like this
giving out if you want points, being out sport, if
you want to set us out of coachinges, I don't
even Yeah. I think I think we gotta we definitely
have to coach better, and we didn't do enough, uh

to put our guys in good good enough positions to
make place. We got it. We definitely have to do
a better job of coaching. You know. We tried to
play some man on him, try to double him, sometimes,
mix in some zone and just was tough night. Okay,
So when you lose by twenty points in the league

that we talked about parody all the time. But when
you lose by twenty and you give seven straight touchdowns
up like your defense does how much is it coaching? Like?
I mean, if the Chiefs are that unstoppable of of
I mean, is it is it all on coaching? Is
it fifty fifty for what the Texans have on defense? Maybe?

Uh tired? J J. Watt? Maybe not pieces there? How
much Bill, Bill O'Brien. It's some interesting answers that that
we'll get to, But I just I do want to
start there because he was asked of, you know, is
this coaching? And what direction? Do you like? This team
gave a bunch of cliches, but you, as a former player,
you lose by twenty points, coming off that fielder, you're like,
they're just better than us, or we weren't in position

to make ways like we should have. No, were you
in position to make plays because you're up twenty four points, right,
So to all of a sudden think a team is
better than you now and you have dominated them. I
think that's that's that's crazy. As a player, what you
can do is what you do, and you you look
at as players situations, Right, what was the right call

in the right situation, whether it be play calling, whether
it be a decision to go for something, whether you know,
the fake punt. Players didn't have anything to do with that, right,
They didn't make that call. They had the look not
going for it on fourth that like that, like these
type of situations, um, play calling, all of these things.

As coaches, you have to be able to manage momentum
during the course of the game, and if you can't
do that, you end up being out coached. What we
was what we saw from the second worder on in
that game. Just a quick update, The Packers ended up
hunting it back to the Seahawks on a three and out,
so Seattle's got the ball and about their own forty
yard line nearing the midway point. Just after the midway

point of the first quarter, Green Bay up seventh to nothing.
Bill O'Brien was asked about the fourth and one and
what was the confusion and why you wanted to go
for it? And I think sometimes when coaches are giving
an honest answer, which we want, they don't realize what
they're actually saying. His explanation, in my mind I from
actually made it worse because he was saying he wanted

a challenge, like he he had thought about possibly wanting
to challenge. And when you lay out the situation like
you did earlier of stepping on someone's neck and and
and putting the foot down and ending it in twenty
one nothing and there's twenty four nothing to do. That
probably not nothing to do. That heck of a lot
better than twenty four nothing. The point is this is

that first halftime outs or whatever. To me, I look
at the second half time outs. Is you want to
have him at the end for flock first half if
you don't like a look, if there's a questionable play
here this and that, that's a really big play. That
is a play that you do want to take a
look at. That is a play that you do want
to challenge if you get an opportunity to do so.
So for him to even say we thought about about challenging,

I just man, you know it's to me, it's it's
crazy and one of the big, the big mess ups.
I think that he kind of uh tuk himself a
little bit of a deeper hole by saying that we
thought about challenging, because that not only did the Knight
of the challenge on the spot, but then they ended
up having to kick the field goal. One of the
big plays in this game was the fake punts that
ended up being snuffed out by the Kansas City Chiefs.

One of the guys who got a big part of
that Daniel Sorenson, joining us here of the Kansas City
Chiefs here on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. Hey Daniel,
thanks so much for coming on. How are you good? Yeah?
This is this is crazy, honestly, what what's the thought process?
Or you guys are twenty four nothing midway through the
second quarter? What's being set on the sidelines? What do
you guys going through? You know what? Um? The message

on the sideline was, hey, um, this is a mindset
that we're gonna take one play at a time and
we're gonna start stacking positive plays together. And uh, you know,
we were able to do that and find ourselves back
in the ball game. And um, you were able to see.
You know, we played off each other. The defense made stops,
They offense scored the ball, Uh, score touchdowns. Special teams

came up and made some big plays. You know, the
team effort that got us back in this game. Watching
you play out there today, you had a tremendous game.
Nine total tackles. So congratulations. Uh, but but watching you
guys change your mindset defensively and really hone in on
on on the Texans was a tremendous thing. When you

guys went in the halftime with the lead, what was
the mentality, What was the sentiment going into that locker
room after having the start you guys had and getting
ready to come out to second half. You know absolutely, Um,
the phil and kind of for me was, hey, this
is two different games, you know, you know the first
half that that's a different game, and we got thirty

more minutes to play a new game. We have thirty
minutes to close this out, and we carried a lot
of momentum from the first half in the halftime and
then coming out. Um, you know, a lot of that
was the offense being able to score and put the
ball in the end zone, and so you know, it
was a tale of two games, you know, the first
the first half was it was different than the second half.
And we talked about that and we knew all we

had is thirty minutes to close this out and we
were able to finish. Daniel Soreton in the Kansas City
Chiefs joining us here on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio.
We just heard Bill O'Brien a couple of minutes ago
seeing his postgame press conference, that they had to look
out a fake punt. You were the guy to stop it.
What did you see on that fake punt? You know,
that's my responsibility, that's my job, you know. And uh,
just like just like any other play out there, you react,

you see, you see what you see and you react
to it. And I was able to react and be
able to make the play, and uh, it turned out
to be a big play for for our team and
the offense was able to capitalize and that was again
another positive play that helped us get back into this
ball game. Did you honestly think that they would run
a fake punt in that situation? Um? You know, you know,
I don't know, I don't know what I was thinking.

You know, maybe you look back at it and you
have some thoughts on it. You know, Yeah, I'm just
out there reacting. I'm I'm keying my keys and I'm
doing my job, and that's what I did going forward.
What is his team's what did you guys? Did did
Andy say anything about, uh, you know, the coming up
game that the possibility of going to the Super Bowl?
What was the message in the locker room after the game,

And the message was, we got another week and it's
here in Kansas City, and we're gonna attack this week
like we were attacked every other week during the regular season.
It's another opportunity for us to get in there um,
to get our bodies healthy, to get our minds right,
and to attack this week and to attack the game
this coming weeks. Well, we can't wait to see it
next week. Titans and chief Daniel Sorenson, thanks so much

of the time. Congrats out the win today at best
of luck down the road. Hey, thanks guys, I appreciate it.
Daniel Sorenson of the Kansas City Chiefs. Not only a
great defense to play a great special teams players. I
mean to even make that to make like that's why
I said, like, honestly, you think the team is actually
going to run a fake punt. Stick to your assignments,
and look what happens. Man, he said, He was like,
I don't know, I don't know what I saw. I

would just blame my responsibility. Do your job, that's all
it is. And he was the one to make the
solo tackle, right like I mean, he was the only
one that saw it and it paid off. And that
really was the the biggest play for them offensively to
get that momentum. Back Packers and Seahawks exchanging punts. Looks

like Green Bay's gonna have to punt on fourth down.
After the Seahawks went three and out to five to go.
Green Bay's up on Seattle seven. Nothing again in the
first quarter in Green Bay. Easy from Salama. I'm Dan Buyer.
This is Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. One of the
things that I should have asked Daniel Sorenson was about
the week and the positives and negatives about it. Efram

will give you his experience all that and more next
year on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. Easy from Salam.
I'm Dan Buyer. This is Fox Sports Red Zone Radio.
Kicks up and it's good for Jason Myers from forty
five yards out, Seahawks get on the board, but it's
the Packers with the seventh three lead with twenty eight
seconds left in the first quarter. Green Bay didn't seem
to show any rust coming off of the bye week.

They've scored on their first possession, Aaron Rodgers Hittingdavante Adams.
Hearin Jones was running. But the Ravens seem to have
an issue with the the Titans yesterday and obviously they
lose twenty twelve. The Chiefs come out today and spot
the Texans twenty four points before they get moving. Is
there such a thing as rust when you have a

buy in these playoffs? And is that any excuse for
what Baltimore Kansas City I had to deal with in
their separate circumstances. Well, there is a such thing as rust, uh,
But you also have to be focused and not not
that it affects you. Right, what we saw from Baltimore
is I just don't think. I don't if that's New

England coming to Baltimore. I don't think they go out
and are that unprepared. I think when New England lost
to Tennessee, everybody at Baltimore at home took a sigh
of a breath of relief, relief, right like, oh, we

got this right nine and seven Baltimore School, I mean,
excuse me, Tennessee sneaks into the playoffs. I just felt
like that level of urgency wasn't there. It wasn't the
same going against the Titans and they got hit in
the mouth. When you're not prepared for a fight and
you get hit first, it changes your whole mentality. And

watching what Kansas City did today, we talked about it
earlier about everything that Houston got was off of mistakes
made by Kansas City. So that's a drop passes, punts,
blocked kicks, right, Like, It's just that's a conversation you

can have with your team. Stop making mistakes and we
can win this game if a team is just physically
dominant and destroying you like Tennessee did to Baltimore, right,
I mean they just lined up and just punched him
right in the mouth. What do you what do you
say to your team? And so you know, is the
notion is hey, maybe better if you don't have to

buy well, I don't think that's the case because at
the end of the season, a lot of guys are
banged up, a lot of guys are dealing with a
lot of things. And good friend of mine, as you know,
Dwyane Brown, starting left tackle for the Seattle Seahawks, was
pulling for the Seahawks to beat the forty niners and
that last game, and it was an inch. There were

an inch away from getting to buy and that would
have allowed him to be able to play in the
Divisional round of the playoffs like he is today instead
of missing that game last week, which they desperately needed
him in. So when when that happens, you look what
happened with San Francisco. They were able to get a
bunch of key pieces back defensively on that defensive line

that paid dividends and that and that that strong army
of a win that they had against Minnesota. So yeah,
you want to buy. The thing with Baltimore is those
guys will all for two weeks? Yeah, And you know,
and I give kudos to Doug Gottlieb here on this
network who I work on Doug Show Monday through Friday
here on Fox Sports Radio. Remember the Ravens pretty much

at everything wrapped up by week sixteen. You know, his
point was, why don't you rest the guys week sixteen,
get the guys in week seventeen. If that's what you're
you're worried about, and then you aren't having as long
as a break as you normally would. They didn't do that.
I am not a believer in rust per se from

for the simple fact of I think that it's good
for the teams, as you said, to get healthy. That's
all Chris collins Worth talked about in the broadcast yesterday
when talking about the Niners and talking about his own
experience of them having a first round by when he
was a player, he said, it felt like they had,
you know, weeks upon weeks off and they only had
twelve days off, but it paid so much dividend in

terms of health. We see now in the NFL teams
not playing their guys at all during the preseason. Rams
aren't playing Jared Goff, they're not playing Todd Gurley. Maybe
it takes them a half to get acclimated to the
to the regular season, but then after that then it's
and that's that's maybe. If that's the case, it's when

I look at these playoff games, I don't know if
Kansas City was was ready to play today. They sure
gotten the swing of things, but they have four drop passes.
To me, there's something like that or to not uh,
to underestimate what the Tennessee Titans were doing. The Ravens
had allowed three one yard rushers all season long, and
Derrick Henry almost had two hundred on them. You know,

like like does playing the extra week does that change
anything to me? No? To me, it's you're either ready
to play or you're not ready to play. And the
benefit of having to buy is just so you, as
you said, to get healthy. I just I'm not a
big believer in rust. I think if you're good, you're good.
If your system is good, of what you've got going

is good, then then that's who you are. But I'm
just I'm not a big believe. I don't know what
happened with Kansas City at the get going. Yeah, I
just you know, like they all those things were self inflicted.
That's just the bottom line. They were self inflicted. You
get a punt blot, right, you uh muffle punt on

the four yard line, thinks like all that that that right?
Once they settled, then you know you have a high
powered offense. You know you can score in bunches. You've
scored twenty four points in the second quarter of a
game before. None of those things are foreign to you.
So all it literally was like, hey, let's stop hurting ourselves.
Let's do what we're supposed to do. Let's stop hurting ourselves.

And that's what That's what happened, and that's why that was.
It looked like two separate games. It was. It truly
was amazing. And again in their first meeting this year,
Kansas City jumped out to a seventeen three lead. They
actually made their own stupid mistakes in that game. They're
like thirty seconds left in the first half and the
Chiefs are like in the twenty yard line and they're like, oh,
let's just throw it down the field. Because how you

got Patrick Mahomes. You got striped sacked in the Texans recover.
That happened in the first meeting, and you had the
same sort of stuff happening in the second meeting. But
Kansas City had way more firepower and took care of
the Texans. And that's the other thing. For all of
the oh bits of Andy Reid's coaching career that we're
being written. In the first half, all you had do
is look across at the other sideline and say to yourself,

all right, well it is Bill O'Brien in the Houston, Texas,
you know what I mean, the dominant one week against
the Patriots and then they go out and they get
demolished by the Denver Broncos the next week. So that
to me, you could look at that and say, all right,
that's who they are. That's in that. When you don't
have an identity, you're that's what you fall victim. Right
when you don't have an identity. When you watch Tennessee play,

we know what their identity is. What they're gonna do.
They're gonna run the ball, They're gonna make timely throws
which Tannehill can make. That's it, and they're gonna be
physical as all out on defense. San Francisco, same way,
you know what you're getting, you know who you are.

Now for Kansas City, the thing that for the last
two years that has been their achilles hill has been
the defense right not being on the same level are
close to the level as they are offensively, which is
going to be interesting to see next week in the

in the a f C Championship Game. Is because in
Kansas City stopped to run because Chris Jones coming back
is gonna be a big, a big help to them.
But then again it's Derrick Henry who had what bust
and the week before that. But to think about that,
New England had what the what number one defense in

the league, number two defense in the league. Ravens were
fourth in total yards. I said, yeah, they've only allowed
they allowed a hundred yard Russia to mostart, Nick Chubb
and Joe Mixon. It was like they weren't even out there, right,
So you know for a team that has a much
maligned defense, and and yeah that that team can get
after the past, but can they stop the run like

legitimately stopped the run and they're going to run the
ball now we we know that for a fact, Like
Houston today ran the ball one times and still had
ninety four yards, So add another twenty one onto that.
That's forty two times. The Titans may have fifty two
minutes in time of possession and still may not be

enough in the championship game. Uh, he's in from Salama.
I'm Dan Buyer. This is Fox Sports Red Zone Radio.
One NFL team is not happy with the most recent
head coaching higher. We'll tell you who that is and why.
But first let's go to David Gascon with the latest
of what's happening in Title Town. Hello Dave, he is,

Uh well, I know Gavin's got something on this game.
He does have anything special in this game? Oh my heart,
that's all that's that's that's all that's on this game.
Eve From when Dan came into the studio, I said,
I hope this game is as good as a Kansas
City Houston game. He's like, I want Seattle by a million.
I wanted a one sided blow up from the road team,

and it doesn't look like it's happening. Uh well, could
you imagine though, what you're gonna be like? Uh well,
I want to know what it'll be like next week
and if see how it does win this game, take
on San Francisco. You know there's they're they're all the
I don't want to say that they're all the same.
Some are, some are a little bit more than than others.
It did take me an entire year to get over
the interception at the one yard line. Were you on

air when that happened. I was at the game. Oh,
in my end zone. Yes, I had my phone up
ready to go. Hey, you guys want to see the
winning touchdown and run. I got it on my phone
here and yes, did not did not happen. It's a

it's a shovel pass to complete. We have to let
the audience know. Aaron Rodgers took a high snap pitch
to Davante Adams. He could handle it, but because it
was forward, it's incomplete. See and you left Jersey though
right before the blowout in Super Bowl four? No, I
was there. Yeah, well covered in the whole thing was
not true story. You know, Marshall Lynch didn't talk to

anyone except after the post game in that Super Bowl.
I'm in the locker room trying to get some postgames sound,
trying to do some stuff, and Marshall Lynch he's talking
to some guys in the BBC. So I just stick
my like a microphone because it's free for all. So
there's a there's a legendary drop that we used to play,
uh here on the Network on the Jay Moore Show

of of Marshawn Lynch and and him, you know, Harry
Powder because he was talking about thinking that they were
Harry Potter and a long story, but it was really
the only sound bite you could get from Marshall Lynch
from the entire Super Bowl week? Are you a Skittles guy?
H really? I like grape red and orange? Alright, Yeah,

that'd be kind of a interesting encounter if you actually
got to meet him. I think they would be like
my greens and yellows guys. This game going on right
now at Lambeau Nap rushes on. He looks he lost.
So let's say Dante, he's got a touchdown, hounding over

their shoulder, crab in the corner of the nar thun
zone and the Packers technically had a twenty yard touchdown
fairs and still he touchdown scoring this ball game so
far Packers Radio Network, And right now it's the way
through the first half, Packers seven to three over the
Seattle Seahawks. Earlier today it was all Kansas City at

least in the second and third quarters, where they put
up forty one points. They scored forty one straight and Houston,
which had a twenty four nothing advantage, they got beat.
Watching takes the snap, here comes pressure and Frank Clark
takes him down. It's the twenty five yard line. Frank
Clark Clark the Shark. It's jaws one, two, three, and four,

a third sack by Frank Clark in the Chiefs. We'll
close it out and get ready to host and an
f C championship game. Guys, Yesterday Lamar Jackson was fifty
nine fifty nine passes he through. Today Deshaun Watson through
and they lost this ball game. One was the final
score is a while the fair Houston scored twenty one

points in the first quarter, Kansas City scored twenty eight
and the second. Patrick Mahomes through five touchdowns in this
ball game. Four of them came in that second. Pat
to you, guys, and uh, we got a lot to
go to packers right now driving at the one yard
line of Seattle. Thank you. Yeah, it looks like Aaron
Jones just got in for a touchdown. Yes, they are

calling it a touchdown. They'll take a look at it.
But I think you got the last plunge to get
over on the third and goal from the one year
had great second effort, uh by Aaron Jones. He will
stopped initially at the goal line, kind of spun his
body a little bit, kept his legs driving and I
think he got the ball in. That's good news for
the Packers. I've got great news for you. There's a
quick and easy way you could save money. Switched the Geico.

It only takes fifteen minutes to see if you could
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see how much you could save. We just talked about buys.
But there's also something it goes along with playoff football
that isn't natural to uh, your regular season. That's coaches
interviewing for other jobs. And you show it throughout the
week of coaches going here. Maybe this coach going there,

a team going here. For example, the Cleveland Browns went
through state to interview Kevin Stefans, give them in a
sort of vikings and interview him for their head coaching job.
Do you, as a player feel that there are a
former player that there is any correlation to maybe a
team's lackluster performance to having a coach interviewing for another job.
Uh No, I don't, because those guys on that team

need to understand the situation and the professionality of it,
which is, look, we got a game to play. Whether
the coach on his day off goes to to interview
for a job has nothing to do with us and
what we have to do. And if that does distracted
you in your own business, right You're you're in your
own business. It is. It's not going to uh affect

his ability need to call plays are the game plan
that's already been put in place, right, Like, he's not
sacrificing putting in the game plan and working over these
different things to go interview for another job. So you know,
this is part of the business. You have to understand
that as a player. And if you point to that
and blame that on why you lost, then you know

you obviously missing the picture. Okay, well let me let
me bring up this scenario. So and and it's not
team specific with UH with Wink Martindale and the Ravens
and Greg Robin of the Ravens interviewing, Robert Sala of
the forty Niners interviewing talking to the Browns. They all
had the week off because they had Byes Stefanski and

Kevin stefanskis the new head coach of the Cleveland Browns.
They didn't have a bye not only that eat from
they went on Sunday in New Orleans, travel back home,
have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, when two day wasn't even a
practice day, but you play the early game in San
Francisco on Saturday, and so on Thursday of that week,

you're interviewing for the Cleveland Brown's job, like and I know,
like there's there's there's no perfect time to do it.
But you know, for as great as an offense was
against the Saints and to the capital of the Niners defense,
they were all out of sorts yesterday, they couldn't stay
on the field to do anything. And so when you
have something like that, the other coaches at least ad buys.

Not only was Stefanski interviewing for the Browns job while
his team was playing that week, but it was on
a short week on the road, coming off of another
road game. To me, that's just that's a lot to handle.
I just I don't think that the optics are great
in that situation if I'm a Vikings fan, because of like,
the optics definitely don't look great when you lose. I mean, heck,

we got the Giants are going to a boat in
Florida prior to their Wildcare game just because the Browns
went to Minnesota, and you know, and it's all it's
brought up as well, when a guy interviews, you're trying
to show off, if you're an offensive coordinator, show off
to the other teams that may be interested in your
playoff game with what we can do. But heck, the
Vikings had enough card stacked against them going to San

Francisco on the short week to be like, you know what,
I want to wedge this interview. Now for Kevin Stefanski,
Lucky for him, he gets the Browns job and can
go to Cleveland and start working with Paul de Podesta
and building their own legacy. But if I'm a Vikings fan,
I'm not happy with what happened. Just I get it,
I understand, But is that the reason you lost? Uh?

Is it? Are you looking for things? It would make
the list. I don't think it would be at the
top of the list, but it would definitely make the list.
Dominated that's what do you mean? You random ball at
ten times? Yeah? Hey, hey Cleveland, watch how I don't
run the ball on Saturday. Watch how we don't have
the football and can sustain any drives. That's it was

a tough one. I think there's somethinking like that. Watched
the Vikings offense in Cleveland saying like, wait, that's the
guy that's gonna be our head coach that could must
have just ten points after that great win in New Orleans.
Life in the NFL Playoffs Easy from Salam I'm dan
buy a recompany of life from the geig Fox Sports
Radio Studios. It's easy to say more on our insurance
with Geico, go to get comor call eight hundred not

for seven auto. The only hard part figuring out which
way is easier. You're not gonna want to miss this
next story in Kansas City where the fans really missed
out and their win over the Houston Texans. That's coming
up next year on Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. Fox
Sports Red Zone Radio. Easy from Salam, I'm dan Buyer.
The Seahawks miss on a fifty yard field goal. Green

Bay leads at fourteen to three, giving the ball back
to the Pack at their own thirty two yard line
with five forty two to go. So green Bay and
with a score here, could make things really difficult on
the Seahawks if they were to jump out to an
eighteen point lead. Seattle at least needs to hold them
to a field goal because you don't want to start

to get into a scoring festian. You're the Seahawks and
the limited weapons thatch you have, no, you don't, and
just watching this game, it's, uh, I don't know. It's
not a lot of separation from these receivers. Russell Wilson
has had time to throw the ball, No one seems
to be open, so he has to extend what's already along,
uh time to have the ball four quarterback. I just

don't know. They just seem very disjointed, just them them
not having the ability to get the four in five
yards uh per rush. It's really just you know, really
hamstringing his this offense. For as great as dk Mettcalfe
has been in his rookie year, he's also he's he's
a great physical specimen, but he's not necessarily a guy

that if a play breaks down he's gonna get open.
You just kind of gotta get it to him and
hope that he makes the catch. Tyler Lockett's more of
that role. We've seen a couple of plays from Tyler
Lockett where he's come through and it's really been the
Seahawks offensive are But yeah, they don't want to play
catch up, not even in those conditions. Jacob Hollister said,
some troubles catching the football. It's been an issue. I

had an issue e from on the feel good story
of yesterday. The feel good story of yesterday, outside of
what was happening with the Titans beating the Ravens and
the forty Niners taking care of the Vikings, the feel
good story was Bill Kawer getting into the Pro Football
Hall of Fame. And on CBS, they brought out David

Baker to surprise him with the announcement, and it was wow,
this is this is awesome for Bill Kauer and he
goes in as part of the centennial class that they're
gonna enshrine. They're gonna enshrine fifteen additional members, contributors, former
players and coaches for this class that will be enshrined
this offseason. And what happens is there's only a limited

number of coaches that get into the Hall of Fame,
even on the centennial class, and there are two close
coaches that will be enshrined, and now we found out
that Bill Coward is one of them. And when I
see names like Tom Flores, Mike Holme, Grin, Jimmy Johnson,
Don Corriel, and Bill Coward gets in. I always the

feel good story. But there's such a Pittsburgh Steelers bias
when it comes to the Hall of Fame, when it
comes to Jerome Bettis getting in when you've got guys
who have tallied more yards than he has from scrimmage
in his career, the the Lenz Swan, you know stats
number of well he was great and super Bowls and

like those like the Steelers. The Steelers get all of
the advantages, and Bill Coward getting one of the two spots,
to me is just I just it puts a spotlight
at a highlight on it. Again. I mean, Jimmy Johnson's
got two Super Bowl wins, completely turned around the Dallas
Cowboys franchise, and I know he wasn't there forever, but

to see what he did with Dallas, to me, is
is more a substantial than what Bill Coward did in Pittsburgh,
even over the long success. To see Mike Holmgren take
two organizations and turn them around, lead them to super
Bowls and win a Super Bowl, to me, it's more.
Tom Flour has won two Super Bowls. That just that
was I aways a feel good story from it. I

just had an issue with it. You have any thoughts.
I mean, you said it all right there, you sound
like I know, and that's where I was worried. But
this is I just want to point this out that
Mike Tomlin has actually had a better career than Bill
kawar has as the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Yet somehow Bill Coward got into the Hall of Fame,
and there are people who are saying Mike Tomlin can't
coach like Mike Tomlin's got a better winning percentage, has
the same amount of Super Bowl rings and the same
amount of Super Bowl appearances. All right, hey, look, I'm
with you man preaching to the choir. I don't have
a vote. I apologize that. I just I just wanted to.

I just wanted to didn't do it, all right, This
is the story I was telling me about in Kansas City.
The Chiefs today beat the Texans fifty one. It's a
thirty one. James Palmer of the NFL Network tweeted about
an hour ago that at Arrowhead they actually had to
announce that they ran out of fireworks because of the

Chiefs offense scoring so many points today that that that
is what you had with the Kansas City Chiefs where
they ran out of ammunition to celebrate all of the
points that they scored against the Houston Texans. Yeah, that's uh.
You don't ever want to beat a team that that
that allows that to happen. We can't celebrate anymore because

we the third quarter, we all were all celebrated out.
Do you remember that YouTube clip in San Diego where
they accidentally let them all off at one point? Oh?
That was that was one of the one of the
best fireworks clips that you're going to see. Just just
I mean, what a show for the twenty seconds that

it lasted, but it was something else. He is from
Salam I'm Dan Buyer. This is Fox Sports Red Zone Radio. Alright,
five oh four to go green Bay with the football
facing a second down and seven from the Seattle. Is
that the thirty nine yard line. I think that we've
we've got here green Bay being able to run the

ball with Aaron Jones, being able to throw the ball
with Aaron Rodgers. Seattle really hasn't put up much of
a resistance, but they're going to need to do so
now right now. If which they didn't first down into
uh uh Seattle territory on the yard line. I believe
with four three left to go in the game, they

just haven't put up any type of of of defense whatsoever.
Free release. They tried to bring the linebacker underneath. Aaron
Rodgers too savvy for that. He's seen that before. You
gotta do Seatta make him uncomfortable. You gotta put pressure

on them. They're not getting any pressure from uh clowney
and at this is this is the difference. The The
issue is Davante Adams as well. I I'm sorry. I
know Aaron Jones has been spectacular. We talked about Aaron
Rodgers and the weapons and whatnot. It's I'm sorry, it's
still not a We've got to stop Aaron Jones type

of team. Not with you. When you know, maybe there
are better personnel on defense than than Seattle does. Maybe
they'll have an opportunity. But there's no reason for Davante
Adams to have six sketches for eighty eight yards in
a quarter and a half of a touchdown. If you're Seattle,
that's still the guy, like, that's the guy you need
to shut down because that's the only guy that Aaron
Rodgers trusts. And if you get into a running game

with Aaron Jones against Russell Wilson throwing the ball, then
that's what you gotta do. And I think that the
Seahawks have have heard or if at least misjudged how
they want to attach ackreen Bay when they're on on
the defensive side of things. We'll see, we'll see if
it pays off. All right, what would be the better
matchup Seahawks Niners or Packers Niners next week? I think, uh,

I want to say, see Seattle, Seattle and and and
that those games have been tremendous. Right, they know each other,
they fight. It's never easy a fight, So I like that.
I donlike those fights in the playoffs. It's it's funny
because you're thinking a top two seeds that would be

the no brainer. But to see the Seahawks forty Niners
matchups that have come down to the last play in
the in both both of their matchups during the regular season, yeah,
it could be special. We'll be back here next week
wrapping up Titans in Chiefs and taking in that NFC
championship game. Easy from Salam. I'm Dan Buyer. We'll talk
to you next week. I have a good one.

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