All Episodes

August 11, 2019 159 mins

Jonas and Bucky breakdown each division in the AFC along with all the highlights from week 1 in the NFL Preseason. Bucky takes back all the times he's defended Antonio Brown following his latest behavior including getting frostbite on his feet and threatening to retire if he isn't allowed to play with his outdated helmet. All that and much more including visits from NFL on FOX's Charles Davis and Raiders Insider Vic Tafur.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio, it is almost time.
Believe it or not, you are closer to what you
really want. Then you realize we will explain how so
coming up here in just a couple of moments. That
guy over there is Bucky Brooks. I am Jonas Knox.
This is Fox Sports Radio. You can always check out

the show on the I Heart Radio app and on
all of our Fox Sports Radio affiliates. Wherever you are
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are officially only one How do I don't want to
phrase this? After today, only one more Saturday until the
return of college football. How about that? That's what you're
gonna talk about. I wanted to set the table and
let everybody know college football is right around the corner,

all right. We got Miami, Florida, we got Hawaii, Arizona.
We are literally real football. Well, everybody's complaining about the preseason,
not us, because we love the preseason, and we care
about people trying to achieve their dreams or not haters
like the rest of you, guys, Bucky Brooks and I.
But college football is right around the corner and UM
and I hope that in college football they can come

to an agreement the players on the type of helmets
are allowed to wear, because because you can play in
any helmets. I want to have a favorite helmet that
you love playing it. Well, I was. I was more
of I didn't like the Rydell's and I didn't like
the Rydell chin strap. It just like it irritated me
a little bit. I think I had one of those.

Was it a shoot A shoot with the air? Yeah?
Used to Yeah, it was a shut whatever, shut shoot.
You know, you got to be careful when you say
that at certain hours to come out of something out.
But what the hell do you make, Bucky Brooks of
this Antonio Brown situation. This is bizarre world. It is
bizarre real. But you know what, I'm going to issue
an apology. This is an official apology from Bucky Brooks

to some of the Pittsburgh Steelers fans and Ben Roethlisberger
in particularly because I went hard into paint on Ben Roethlisberger.
When all this stuff went down with the Pittsburgh Stealers
Antonio Brown, Levy and Bill, I felt like Big Ben
didn't do enough to kind of uh nurtured the relationship.
Maybe it called him out or whatever, And I am

absolutely wrong the people that were there that were close
to the ground, the beat writers that talked about law
A B. Being a little different. Even though I heard
from some of his former teammates they told me like,
hey man, he's a different dude. I still opted a
side with him because I still felt like and I
still believe to a point, Ben Roethlisberger didn't necessarily exhibit

all of the qualities that you expect from a franchise
quarterback from a leadership standpoint. However, that said, I now
recognize in real us that A. B Is a lot.
He is a lot to deal with, He is a
lot to manage. He is a guy that can absolutely
rip report the fabric of your team. And the stuff

that he is um doing of late, first with defeat
and now with the helmet, it's inexcusable. It is another
sign of his immaturity, as I mean a five star player.
The fact that he is basically having a temper tantrum
over a helmet that is being outlawed for his own health,

safety and protection is ridiculous to me. And there was
this thought out there that that Antonio Brown, why don't
they just let him play with it? He has to
sign a waiver. Look, I get it. And if Antonio
Brown wanted to sign a waiver, all right, as as
long as it's and and the point I made is,
and I don't know if you've heard these stories about
high school football, but there's been coaches and teams that
have been heavily punished because what they would do is

they would sharpen up the buckles on the helmets on
certain times to where when you go to tackle him,
you'd cut up your arms. Like I heard stories about
that back when I was playing high school football. So
if if his helmet is not injuring anybody else, and
he's okay with the ramifications that come with using that
helmet on him, then let him sign a waiver and
let him continue to play. And I understand the logic

behind that, but the NFL is never gonna go for
it because they got taken to the wood shed because
of all these concussions and ct stories and everything that happened,
the lawsuits, so it's never gonna happen. And I also
think Antonio Brown is full of crap. If anybody out
there thinks he's gonna turn down thirty million dollars guaranteed
because he doesn't like the type of helmet and it
restricts his vision. By the way, as a receiver. I

don't know how how smart it is to have a
helmet to where you've got a bar or going down
the sides of the helmets. He's got those two bars
like Dion Sanders used to have back in the day.
I just it's it's a bizarre story. It's strange. I
don't know if he's defl sucking the attention away from
his feet and this isn't but apparently this has been
going on for quite some time. He is he's a lot.

So well, first let me explain about the helmet and
what that the deal is with the helmet. Okay, so
helmets have uh an expiration date of like ten years,
and so just for a safety standpoint, you shouldn't put
helmets back into play after ten years. They're not safe.
They outlaw them. I have to deal with this at

the high school. At the high school level, each year
you send your helmets in to get reconditioned. UH, the
manufacturer will look at the helmets they were through all
some of the helmets that they deemed to be unsafe,
and you have to replace those helmets. There is a
tenure shelf life on those helmets, and so you always
have to be aware of what's going on. A b.
I think this is entering maybe his tenth year in

the league. He's had the same helmet for the last
nine years. It is now time to move on and
get a new bucket. He likes the way his old
helmet feels, He's comfortable with his old helmet and the like. However,
in those last nine years, technology has changed so much
to really make the helmet even safer than the one
that he has, and so what he is doing is

bypassing the opportunity to have a safer lid, a safer helmet,
one that will protect his his brain and all of
those things better than the one that he's playing in
for the fact that it feels better, it's more comfortable,
and he doesn't like change. It is really, when you
look at it, ridiculous that he is having this kind
of reaction to something that the lead can't change and

they're not going to relent. I don't know how they
met with him for two hours over this thing, like, dude,
like the helmet is out there that you have to
play with another helmet. Um and this to me, and
this to me is just another sign of like, look, man,
this dude is problematic. And then if you go and

you look at the tweet storm from Michael Silver, my
colleague at NFL and at work and some of the
other things that A. B. Has done since he's come
with the Oakland Raiders repeatedly late to meetings. He has
a long history of being distracted in meetings on the phone,
on the iPad, checking bank accounts, instagramming all those things
while they're having meetings, uh, learning plays and that stuff.

Um Man, it's just not a positive outlook. But he
needs to be careful because all the money that we
thought A B y, he really didn't get that much.
You know, he only received a signing bonus of a
million dollars and that his salary for this year is
guaranteed UH fourteen point six million, But that wouldn't be
fully guaranteed um if he doesn't show up like his

salaries in and also the fourteen point five million dollars
and four guarantees one would also avoid. So he is
really playing a dangerous game of chicken with the Oakland Raiders,
and he's putting himself in a situation where they could
be like, you know what, man, this is a lot already.
Is it even worth the trouble in dealing with him?

And how is he going to continue to be if
he's already liked this in year one and now if
they bail on the contract now and this is worst
case scenario, I don't think anybody expects this to drag
on into the season, But who the hell knows With
Antonio Brown. I mean, he's capable of a lot. If
the Raiders were to bail on this contract, they can
just get out and having only paid him the one

million dollar signing bonus, and that's it. I mean, I
mean the way this is going if he fails to return.
So if they send him a letter where it says like, look,
he is not with the team, refused to return, he
could be put on the active left squad list. Barbara,
the team's leverage for getting him to return would be
sending that so called five day letter. If he doesn't
return within the five days, the team could then shift

Brown to the reserve left squad list, which would shut
him down for the rest of the season, and they
wouldn't be obligated to pay him. So by sending this
five day letter, either you I'm back to the team
or not, they're basically playing a game with chicken, like,
all right, you want to play or not, because if
you don't want to play, we don't have to pay

you and it's done. And it also violates the rest
of the terms of his contract, so they would be
completely off the hook for the money. And there's also
it's important to know that there's a culture change that's
happening in Oakland, and it's clear John Gruden is bringing
in a different culture. It's a different it's a different era.
And when it comes to Oakland Raider football, and John
Gruden is walking a fine line to where if he

allows this to go on and welcomes him back and
there's no issues and nothing happens afterwards, you know what,
what kind of messages that send everybody else in the
locker room. So he's got to make a statement, and
if the statement goes that direction, this is a disaster.
And and how about Bucky Brooks. You know a lot
of people out there, you stubborn bastards out there, who

gets something wrong and then you refuse to acknowledge it.
How Bucky Brooks apologizing of the show? All right? That
that that's that's a real man right there, apologizing to
the city of Pitts for again the Steelers. But that
being said, it's not you know, getting Ben Roethlisberger off
the hook for some of the things that he did.
He was a bit of a pain in the ass.
And Ben Roethlisberger has had his own issues throughout the

course of his NFL career as well too. And you know,
the Steelers probably should have, you know, reined this in
earlier when it came to Antonio Brown and all that.
But it's just such a weird situation, and he just
comes off as a really bizarre guy who just doesn't
seem to that. I don't know if it's that he
just doesn't want to play or he just wants everything

to be his way, but I would I would figure
that him and Levy on Bell leaving the situation that
they left. Would both take the approach of all right,
I don't want to be a pain in the ass.
I don't want to cause problems, all right. I just
I just want to go somewhere, and I want And
it's because they want to win the breakup. They don't
want to look like, Oh, that's why the Steelers were
out on you before your time was over in Pittsburgh.

That's why the Steelers told you to go home before
Week seventeen's game against the Cincinnati Bengal. I just this
is just so strange, man, And it just made the
hell's that guy got going on in his life because
this is weird behavior. So but I mean so bizarre
that he would elect to make this the thing that

he's really trying to have a little Is this more
egregious than the foot issue? I mean, they both are
kind of It's crazy, man, Both of them are really
really silly. Like I just having a tough time understanding
what he's really doing, the fact that he did it
in France. What was he doing in France doing? Yeah, no,
kidding that close before the season? Why are you? Why

are you can We'll talk about a waste of a
hot air balloon ride by the way, I mean, if
you're gonna if you're gonna sit in a hot if
you're gonna sit in in an easter basket with a
flame over your head, at least get there and do
something with it. The guy shows up in a in
a laundry basket with fire and a balloon over the
top of his head, and then he ends up complaining
and not wanting to play because of his helmet, Like

you'll it in a basket with a flame over your head,
but you won't play with a brand new helmet. That's
wrong with that guy? Make any sense? All right? He's
Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas Knocks. This is Fox Sports Radio.
We're brought to you by Granger. Grangers got your back
when it comes to the safety and industrial supplies that
help your facility running. Get what you need when you
need it at Granger dot com. Up next, we are

going to get a real professionals opinion on what we
saw out of a future star in the NFL. Find
out what we're talking about next on Fox Sports Radio.
He is Bucky Brooks. I am Jonas Knocks. This is
Fox Sports Radio. Coming up in a little over ten
minutes from now. Here on fs ARE, Bucky Brooks put
together a little preview of the NFL. Right, what makes

each team in the NFL go on offense? So we
are going to break that down. We're gonna do division
by division and we will get to that here ten
minutes from now on Fox Sports Radio. By the way,
ladies and gentlemen, Iowa Sam is back in the building.
He's our technical producer here on fs ARE. Iowa Sam
Uh does not look hungover at all, not even for

a second. And then don't yeah, and I don't close,
but I want The reason I wanted to bring you
on is because you went out to Iowa and you
were actually the reason behind the Fox putting together the
White Sox Yankees Field of Dreams game. That's next year, right,
the other guy, Now, have you been to that Field
of Dreams? It's been a long time. I think I

was about three years old. Um, parents took me there,
ran the basis, so I don't really remember it. But
well you're three years old. Yeah, I don't remember it.
But are you Is that like a big deal out there?
Everyone's absolutely people are excited about it. I mean, the
field isn't big enough. They're gonna have to right, it's
not a regulation size, it's like a it's still t
ball field. Well, then they're gonna have like eight thousand

people there, which I think would be awesome. Now, how
far is that field from either Iowa or Iowa States
campus Dyer's ill. I'd say it's maybe I would say
around two hours from Iowa's campus, and I actually don't know.
I think it's north of Iowa City. Um. But the

thing about it, though, is that they're building all these
youth baseball complexes around it, So I think this is
some way that they've like they're upping the interest in
in the field of dreams game and also trying to
get that project often running. That's awesome. Yeah, it's gonna
be cool. I don't know where all these people are
gonna stay in hotels though, because dire Zell is a
very small town. They're gonna be camping out like Coachella

or you know some other festivals, the Fire Festival where
they were like like burning stuff to the ground because
they were they couldn't get Yeah. Yeah, they stay in
sweaty tents and wood stock. Ninety nine people are surfing
on wood in the correct throwing mud at the band's
that's good. That's good. All right, So we will have
more on the state of Iowa coming up an hour

five of the program here on Fox Sports Radio. All right,
to Bucky Brooks, you UM watch all these games these preseason.
You put it best when we were working together this
week when you said, when you click the channel off
in the preseason, that's when you're clicking it on because
you you love watching all these guys play. So if
if you were to just rattle off your the most

impressive performances, even though it's preseason, but the guys that
jumped out to you, whether it be quarterbacks or whoever,
that you look at and go, okay, that guy showed
me something. Even in the first game of the preseason,
who would they be? I would say, all of the
ricky quarterbacks kind of flashed to me. All of them
look like they belong. And I'm saying that knowing that
Dwayne Haskins through two interceptions, UM starting with calla Murray,

calla Mury was terrific head, terrific command of that offense
distributed to ball that the playmakers make plays. UM had
a knack in terms of running that offense beyond just
the standard, um snap it all the time, just kind
of go. He kind of had a really good feel.
Daniel Jones was a bit of surprise because everyone kind
of poop pooed him when he was selected by the

Jiants and number six overall. But he was nothing short
of sensational, terrific spinning the ball, putting in the strikes on. Um,
it's a great job of kind of setting of the
protections and doing all this stuff. I really was impressed
with him. And then when you come down to it,
Dwayne Haskins was up and down then sarily used his feet,

but man, he has a live warm. He made some
throws that were very impressive. Had a couple of interceptions that, um,
you don't have to work through. But overall, I think
all those guys have a chanlee. And the Daniel Jones
stuff is funny because I remember we were working together
when it happened and they drafted Daniel Jones and you
were actually I think, did you projected the Giants taking

And because of his relationship and so while everybody makes
a lot of the relationship between Kyler Murray and Cliff Kingsbury,
Daniel Jones did have a pre existing relationship with the Giants, correct,
and so it shouldn't be that if it's all about
familiarity with the offense and these quarterbacks coming in, maybe
Daniel Jones doesn't have that heart of a jump to

the NFL based on that offense, and so maybe we
shouldn't be surprised. Maybe it's not not not something we
should look at and go, oh, I was stunned. No,
you the Giants became the Browns this offseason. Everybody wanted
to pick on him and say, Dave Gentleman doesn't know
what the hell he's talking about. And I defended Dave
Gettlman at the time because I said, look, he's forgotten
more about football than you know. Just because Daniel Jones

didn't maybe play at a high level with you know,
average talent around him at Duke doesn't mean he's not
going to perform at a high level whether he's got
real town around him in the NFL. No, I mean,
I think I think that's a very accurate statement. I
think the thing with Daniel Jones, people didn't allow him
sales to vision to the imagination and see what he
could do as a player. They only thought he would

be able to I guess kicking deep and chairmakers are right.
You and I both know that that's not necessarily the
way that it goes down. He is a guy that
is going to have an opportunity to learn on the
practice field. He woul get a chance to do it
with past Sherman. He doesn't have the press up having
to get on the field with Eli Manning in place,
and I think he has an opportunity to, if not
this year, next year, step into an offense that is

really Taylor made for him to succeed. I kind of
like what he did. I like what the Genots are
doing in terms of making sure that he understands what's
going on against Yeah, and I wonder when they're going
to make the jump, because you know, if he's the
quarterback of the future and you draft him that high,
everybody can say all they want about no, you just
let him sit for a year. Nobody does that in
the NFL anymore, especially a coach who knows that if

I have another bad season, I could be out the door,
and a general manager. He's going to get an opportunity
this year to start. They're gonna turn the reins over
to him. And when they do that, Eli Manning is
not going to come back and be a starter for
the Giants. That's it. No, he's not. They're gonna have
to hand it often to be over. But you know
that's tough to break up with. I think that, and
I pinpointed when they're gonna do it Week seven, you

want to give him some extra time. Week six is
a Thursday night game at the Patriots. You're not going
to start a rookie quarterback on the road at Foxboro
on a on a short week. I think what they're
gonna do is they're gonna wait until that Week seven,
they get a home game against the Arizona Cardinals, and
I think that's when they're going to turn the reins
over before the bye week, which comes a few weeks later.

I think I think Week seven is when Danda Jones
will be the starter for the New York Giants. Week seven, Yeah,
week seven, I'm telling you, man Like this reminds me
a lot of the Mike Glennon Mitch Drabinsky situation, to
where everybody knew the way Mitch Drabinsky flash in the preseason,
he was going to get an opportunity sooner rather than later.
John Fox was never gonna put him in against Green

Bay on a short week on Thursday night football, even
though Glennon was struggling in that game too, and he
waited until they had extra time to get him prepared
for the next week. So Week seven, Week seven, So
call my shot man against again at the gate so hard. Yeah,
especially if Dallas rolls them without Ezekiel Elliott. It's just

gonna it's just gonna build momentum. The talk is gonna
build as that as that continues to go on. So
but that'll be and then Kyler Murray's already He's already
got the keys to the car. He's the guy. He
is the guy, easy, easy choice. And Dwayne Haskins is
he the most talented of all these guys? Is he is?
He physically as far as an arm go, Dwayne Haskins

is the most talented as far as all these quarterbacks
in this in this draft that played on Thursday. I
don't know if he's the most talented, Like, yeah, that's
a tough one. He's he's definitely upper echelon athlete. I
don't know if he's the best because I just don't
know if he finishes like those other guys finished, yeah, um, yeah,

he's he's a terrific Yeah, he's got a cannon on
him too. He's absolute cannon. And you know, and doesn't
Brady Quinn told me this one time. He said that,
he said, what's gonna end up happening is sometimes when
these veteran quarterbacks see a young guy come in with
an arm like that, they immediately start to get nervous
because and he said that, he said, what was gonna

and he called the shot. He said, watch, Nathan Peter
is going to be at practice, and a J. McCarron
is going to be a practice with the Bills, and
then Josh Allen's going to roll out there to throw
the football and they're gonna go, They're gonna go. Oh man.
It's just it's just so disheartening. So and Dwayne Haskins
seems like the type of guy, especially Cole McCoy doesn't
spin it like Dwayne Haskins. Um. You know, Alex Smith,

even though he's not playing, has never had a big
arm like Dwayne Haskins. He's gonna roll out there and
he's gonna sling the ball around and practice and it's
gonna be the Wow moment. For a lot of those guys,
it just depends on whether or not you can figure
it out and not turn the ball over. It always
depends on the turnovers in judgment, Can you make good decisions?
Gonna Bemba, He's Bucky Brooks, I'm Jonas Knocks is his
Fox Sports Radio. You can check out the show on

the I Heart Radio app. Coming up next, we're going
to get into are a preview. Bucky Brooks is gonna
tell you who makes each team in the NFL. Go
all right, So we're gonna do one division an hour.
We're gonna start with the a f C this week.
We're gonna go to the NFC next week. So we'll
get to that next year on Fox Sports Radio. But
for all the latest from around the world of sports,

Lady and gentlem and say hello to the gas band.
David Gascon. I like that introduction. Typically on the introductions,
I think it falls in line with shut your damn
mouth and listen. That depends, Dave, you know, depends on
what I'm feeling, Dave. You know, sometimes I like to
uh to tee it up with a with a heartwarming message.

Sometimes I like to get a little bit violent on
the air. It's nothing wrong with that. Typically you're in
a you're in a pretty solid mood and you come
to the studio, right yeah, absolutely, and then we come
in and say hi, and then it's uh all she wrote,
you know, stick around for the whole show. Maybe, yeah,
that would you guys want to talk some golf today?

Not really? All right, I'll do some Major League baseball.
Then Gary Sanchez is activated out the ten day angel list,
and he's gonna home run second plate appearance, home run
of the season for the pin Stripes. Yankees lead right
now over Toronto by a score of one to nothing.
Angels have been brutal this season, five games under five
hundred right now, but they lead in Boston three. Nothing
is a score showy Otani one for one of the contests.

Philly's lead in San Francisco one nothing on that affair.
A ballgame is showcase right now on f S one
off the Diamond. Tim Tebow his season is now over
with Minor league baseball season. What the New York Mets.
He has a severe cut on his pinky and apparently
it will not heal by the time this regular season
does expire. National Football League News Josh Johnson has a

new home. He has been signed the Detroit Lions. He
was previously with the Washington Redskins a year ago. Lions
have also activated defensive and trade flowers off the active
pup list, Batch Jones, Knox and Bucky Brooks in just
ten seconds. But first, a word from Farmers. At Farmers Insurance,
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every state. You guys excited for college football season, get
underwear or more the NFL. You can anyone. I'll take anything.
Man preseason and got me excited, I'll take I will
take anything. Do you gamble on preseason football? No? No,

do you know I'll dabble from time to time. I can't.
Here's the thing I can. I can't gamble while we're
doing the show. I just and it has nothing to
do with trying to be a professional. I just need to.
That'll just steer my mind and I'll be I'll start
rooting for a team and you can hear it in
the way I talk about a game that I clearly
have an agenda, and be honestly, I would I would

clearly have an agenda because I got like five or
ten bucks on some team to hit the over and
then if they don't hit the over, I just start
smashing them on the air. And do you think live
betting has improved your betting overall or do you think
it's hindered it? It's made it more fun. I mean,
did you think, if you honest to god, if you
really know the NFL? I am stunned that more. And

and look it it's also I don't think it's allowed.
But if you're an NFL analyst and you really know
the league, the fact that you wouldn't be diving in
to live betting at all times, you can. You can
turn a game on and wherever they're at in that game,
based on what has happened, they give you an actual
point spread. You can bet on the on the totals,
you can, like if you really knew your NFL. To me,

it's a no brainer. It's like if if you really
know pitching Major League Baseball, you can actually bet during
the game on what pitch is coming next. I think
about that and uh, but there's a limit on what
you can bet on those, so sometimes it doesn't They
don't let you a hammer it too much. But yeah,
but BUCkies are professional. Want me to give him a collin?

You know, can you bet on high school football? No,
you can't bet on high school football? You know, not yet?
A right, I mean I was gonna say wages are fine.
Like if I if I were to say, like, okay,
like a team like I don't know, we're not Hills,
Like who do they open up with? Okay, Sagas the Centurion.

Saugus is up near Ventura, right, yeah, no, Valencia that
way the other way? Yeah, okay, the way. So Granada
Hills and Sagas you can bet on it. Yeah, alright,
how I listen? Look, I don't know, I don't know
anybody affiliated with Granada Hills or Sagas. I just got
a couple of teams, just the first teams that came
down in Florida. It's a big deal about the guy's

betting on youth ball in high school ball. Like it's
a big deal. Like if you go see the Jonas
Knox Baby Knoxes playing against Team Brooks Um, people will
put a little plot down, put look cash on your squad,
words in my squad. Oh man, I'm telling you there's
gonna be so much extra money in in football based
on betting. If you think fantasy football's bonanza like and

and people are complaining about why some of the attendance
numbers are down at games and whatnot experience and if
you really want to get people engaged. I think I
think the move is and I think the Chargers are
onto something. Um all tell that that's coming up ten
minutes from now. There's a team in the NFL that

already told you, but I already butchered the tease anyways,
But ten minutes from now, we're gonna tell you one
team in the NFL who has been ahead of this
when it comes to sports wagering and why going do
a game could change. So we'll get to that about
ten minutes from now here on Fox Sports Radio. But
we have to pay off this tease because Bucky Brooks,
you on NFL dot com, and you you put out

columns and articles, um a couple of times throughout the
course of the week sometimes and in previewing the NFL,
you got into what who makes each offense go? Right?
So the engine that makes each of the thirty two
teams go. And so I figured, Okay, let's get into
the a f C this week, and we can dive

into the NFC this next week. So we're gonna do
one division an hour all the way up until a
p m. Eastern two. And so the division that we
wanted to start off with here was the a f
C East. Okay, so the a f C East, which
everybody assumes, oh it's Patriots, there's nothing to watch here.
Pay no attention to the Patriots. Looking at the a
f C East, Which team do you want to dive

and do first? And and rattle off reasonings behind each
player makes that offense go, uh first, first player, first team.
I would say the Buffalo Bills, and I'm gonna go
with Josh Allen. And look, Josh Allen makes it go
because look, he's spectacular. He is a guy who yeah

there you go, yeah a little okay, Okay, look he's spectacular. Yeah. Rush,
He was second in the league in rushing at quarterback.
He does a great job of putting it on the perimeter.
They're building this thing around him. I think he is
even better than they thought. They have a franchise quarterback
that will make sure that he makes it happen. Now,
moving on to the Miami Dolphins, who I have no

okay to be determined, all right, I was gonna I
didn't know if Kleio Lemon was their starting quarterback this year.
I don't know who the quarterback is. So right now
we have Ryan Fitzpatrick and Josh Rosen. Josh Rosen is
the chosen one. I think he's gonna be the guy
that eventually supplants Uh Fitzpatrick for the job, and I
think the office is going to roll behind him. If

he is protected, quick rhythm thor outstanding the arms strength touch,
he can make all the throws. Look, you could also
go with Ryan Fitzpatrick here, but man, he's streaky and
those streaks in the Yeah, and by the way, that
whole when the story came out last week, I think
it was to where Ryan Fitzpatrick was clearly ahead of
Josh Rosen. Ryan Fitzpatrick has been clearly ahead of a

lot of guys. But then after he throws four touchdowns
and a half one game, he throws six interceptions in
Kansas City the next It's just it's who he is
and he's the ultimate gun slinger. You just never know
what you're gonna get. You never know. Yeah, so I
think that's gonna be a fun one to watch. And
by the way, we were on the air when Josh
Rosen was playing the other night. He took a beating
every time we looked up at the stress everywhere. That's

everywherever he goes. He's a punching back. He's a pin yatta. Yeah,
he man, he's he's he's getting worked over there, all right,
Next up the New York Yets. All right, the New
York Jets. Who makes that offensive engine? Go over the Jets? Oh,
this is lev Bill. I know everyone wants to annoy
the young quarterbacks, Am Donald, but Levyan Bill is what

makes it happen. He's gonna get it popping. As a
running receiver, he is terrific. He's average twenty nine scrimmag
jars per game. I know what you're saying, Wow, this
sounds like a big number. I don't know how big
it is. Is bigger than the numbers put up by
Walter Payton, Barry Barry Sanders, Billy Sims, that's Lofty company
and Jim Brown and so so Lebyan Bell and and

that being said, has to open up stuff down the
field for Sam Donald's gotta make Adam Gaye's job that
much more enjoyable that he's got a back that he
can depend on. He had a couple of decent backs
in Miami, but nobody in the caliber Leby on Bell
Lean the special, special, special player, all right. And lastly
in the a f C East, these are the engines

that make each offense go. We're gonna go one division
at a time. The New England Patriot it's this is
a stunning development. Who's the engine that makes the Patriots
offense go stunning? Yeah? Do you think it's stunning? Well,
I mean I I after what we saw, I would
have thought that maybe, I know, I just maybe thought that.

So I gotta go to Rehab TV twelve. Come on, man, Okay,
because Sony Sony Michelle seems like he's become a major
factor in that offense. But he is a major He
is a major effect in that offense. But Tom Brady
is what makes it go. He makes it happen. He's
the one they want to have the ball in his
hands when the game is on the line and it's
not because of his energy, because of his his his
ability to just kind of get it going. He consistently

drives his team down the field. He plays well on
the big stage. He has done it as a game manager.
He has done it as the focal point of the offense,
and he's back now doing it as a game manager.
It doesn't matter. He's going to be there at the end.
So whenever you cross the tape, just no, my man
TV twelve is there and Julian Edeman is not gonna
be suspended for the first four games issue, And it's
just yeah, that's a big deal, you know. I mean, like,

I think some of that stuff should be allowed anyways,
that's my personal preference. But Um is there because we've
seen Tom Brady and the Patriots be able to do
this with other players to where they let a player
walk and they don't even skip a beat, whether it's
Danny m and Dola or anybody else. Um the receiver
who won the m v P and the Super Bowl,

Dion branch Brand, David Gibbon. Yeah, they let guys walk
and no one won't skip a beat. Is the same
thing going to happen with no Rob Gronkowski. This year
in New England. Oh yeah, Okay, they're gonna roll. Yeah.
I think they they gonna roll because they're a better
team this time than the last time they upgraded a secondary.

I mean they've continue to be a team that dominates
on the edges. So no, they don't necessarily have a
tide end that can replace his production. But he got
three backs that can get it done. Yeah, Sonny Michelle,
James White, Rex Burkett, all three running backs will take
some of that load to tight end shoulders. Tom Brady
liked it because his short, quick throws, that's how he's

been at his best. All of it would come together
you put it to give it. He is Bucky Brooks,
I'm Jonas Knocks. Is is Fox Sports Radio. That was
the first of all four divisions in the a f C.
Bucky Brooks is gonna tell you which engine makes each
offense go and we will have those throughout the remainder
of the show here on Fox Sports Radio. We are
coming to Alive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios

where it's easy to say fIF center more on car
insurance with Geico, go to Geico dot com. Seven Otto.
The only hard part figuring out which way is easier?
All right? One NFL team was ahead of its time
when it came to an approach that I think every
other team should think about. Find out who we're talking
about next on Fox Sports Radio, Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks.

Here on Fox Sports Radio, you can check out. The
show is always onto the I Heart Radio app. Coming
up a little over ten minutes from now here on
fs are we are going to dive back into the
engines that make each offense in the a f C go.
We just finished up the a f C East. We've
got another division coming up twelve minutes from now here

on Fox Sports Radio. UM, all right, so I want
to do to get into this as we await more
preseason action in the NFL that we we've talked about this.
We both love the preseason and I've actually been to
pre to a preseason game and it was awesome. There
was no stress, no nothing, the tickets, the tickets were cheap.

You just cruise around. You're watching you know, professional football players,
guys that are really good, even though maybe they don't
make an NFL roster, but there's still amongst the best
football players on the planet, or wouldn't have gotten the
invite to those camps and one of the things that
I think the NFL may want to consider doing, and
I think actually all sports venues. And you you made

a good point earlier when you said, look, the at
home experience is better than going to a game now
and it's not even close, man. I mean, there's so
many things that you can do now, like with with
fantasy football and there with gambling with the h D
t VS. Man, it should take a lot to get
you to leave your couch to go to a stadium,

because why leave the comforts of your home when you
can replay it, You can eat whatever you want to eat,
you can hang out with the fellas, all of those things.
It costs me nothing to watch a game and I
get a chance to bid and keep up with my
fantasy team. Unless stadiums are equipped with the amenities that
allow you to feel like you're at home, why would
I ever go to it? No kidding. And it just plus,

you don't have to deal with the drunks. You don't
have to deal with with the weirdos that are in
their fifties and they paint their face like there you
know somebody at Comic Con, like it's just it's it's
weird sometimes and you don't want to deal with the
traffic and everything else that comes along with it, and
the price to go along with that as well too.
When you were a scout, if if somebody told you,

all right, you can either scout and go to eat game,
or you can scout from the comfort of your own home.
Which would you prefer. I was scout. I was scout.
I was scout from the crew, even though I do
like going to games and sitting in the press box
and seeing what what they may be serving every now
and damn, but that's being the chief scout. But that's
what scouts do. That's what we do. Look, so as
we go to the press box, between scouts and sports writers, man,

they're going to get all the free all the free
all the free eats, the free viddles. So um, I
would prefer to watch it from the house if I
had access, and I could watch it from over top
of where I can get the film shortly there after
and watch all twenty two. Yeah, put me at home,
let me watch you there. Um, the only time I
really need to be at a game, and so I
can get a feel for the quarterback live outside of that.

I can do it from the crew. And so I
think what NFL teams or maybe teams just in general
who need to start thinking about doing is making these
stadiums smaller. And I think the Chargers are kind of
onto something because you talk to anybody that goes to
a Chargers game, they'll tell you that's an awesome place
to watch a game. Right now, I mean, the new
stadium is gonna be amazing. And you see some of
the stuff they're putting together in the new stadium in downtown,

and it's and it's our in angle would rather and
it's awesome. I mean, the new stadium is gonna be crazy.
It's gonna be one of the great sports venues that
we have. There's gonna be a lot of things that
are gonna be going on there. They've talked about the
NFL Draft probably happening there. Um, a lot of stuff
is gonna happen at that new stadium. But there's something
about going too a game where it's thirty thousand seats,
where it's half the size of a normal stadium. It

just feels more intimate. You feel like there's not a
bad seat in the entire house. And I just think
that if you want to get people excited to go
back to some of these games again, you've got to
start not worrying about how empty the stadiums are and
rethink how many seats are in those stadiums, Like some
of these college stadiums are a hundred thousand seats. Man,

you can't expect like Nick Saban talked about how look,
people have lives, you know, it's not It's not so
much a byproduct of of our style of football. It's
people have lives. I think these stadiums are too big.
I think they got a downsize, and I think they
gotta put in stuff like, look, put in the betting.
When when sports betting gets legalized around the country, you
tell me, like having a betting booth right right in

front of your seat, next to the cup holder in
front of you at a game, wouldn't mean that is
awesome fantasy football, the fact that you can watch other
games while it's going on. I just think they've got
to reevaluate how they're building these stadiums. I think the
charges are onto something. The charges are onto something. I've
been a big fan of the charges. Playing in a small,
intimate stadium from the jump, and I said this for

to get more fans to come out or to Phillip
the stadium, you have to make it feel like a
special experience. It has to feel like something that I
can't experience while I'm at home watching it on TV.
And so the stadium that they're playing in now allows
you to get a different experience because you're so much
closer to the accident and you normally would be um
and being right there and being right on top of

the action, like, you get a different experience. It's very
similar to when I felt like, uh, the way I
felt when I went to Jerry World when I had
a chance to see the Cowboys played a big old
jumbo tron in the way, it is a different experience,
and so you gotta keep coming up with new things.
The Mercedes Benz Stadium and Arthur Blank and they came
up with the way that they brought the food pricing

down so everything is ten dollars a fewer. So it
has to be something because otherwise, what is my center
for going to a game when I can really enjoy
it to come from no kidding, and that the drinks
are cheaper, the food is cheaper, you don't have to
drive anywhere, you can dress you want to dress, you
don't have to deal with people that you don't have
to deal with. Yeah, I just I think it's a
no brainer. He's Bucky Brooks, I'm Jonas Knocks. This is

Fox Sports Radio. You can always check out the show
on the I Heart Radio app. Coming up next year
on Fox Sports Radio. We Bucky Brooks has broken down
the engine that makes each offense go in the NFL,
and we've got another division for you on tap that's
next here right here on Fox Sports Radio. Jonas Knocks,
Bucky Brooks, here are on Fox Sports Radio, and coming

up here in just a couple of moments, we will
dive back into each engine that makes each team go
in the NFL on offense. We did one division last hour,
We'll do another one here momentarily here on Fox Sports Radio,
and we will do it all live from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio studios, where fifteen minutes could save you

fifteen center more on car insurance. Visit Geico dot com
for a free rate quote. I love the NFL Network
during the preseason and Bucky Brooks being a part of
the NFL Network and NFL dot Com. I love how
they just over and over just keep replaying games. They
just replay preseason games. I can't get enough of it. Okay,

So because what we found over there is it's the
best thing. It rates if you're the NFL network, literally
and this wouldn't bow will for me. But all you
need to do is just show games. People just want
to see games. You just love the game. And it's
really why you can tell that football is king. The
fact that everyone talks about while we're watching these preseason games.
But I gets to this preseason game on NFL network

draws the number man, and and look, we were on
the air Thursday night when there was a weather delay
in uh in New Jersey between the Giants and the Jets.
And so what an NFL network do? Just started spanning
the globe, went around the country and went to each
game and it was awesome, man, And you can you
can say whatever you want about well, you know, nobody

recognizes these players, nobody knows who these guys are. You
know what to try and diminish that these guys aren't
quality football players. People watch the a f al Right,
I'll take an NFL preseason game over the a f
any day of the week. So I just get out
of here with that, with that criticism. Um now, we
did open up the show talking about Antonio Brown Bucky Brooks,
because he is an honorable man. Uh he's not hey, listen,

He's not a phony like the rest of you guys,
you stubborn bastards who can't apologize when you make a mistake.
Bucky Brooks came out and he apologized to the entire
city of Pittsburgh. He just like you. You know, you
went in on him last year and just said their
treatment of Antonio Brown and and lev Bell wasn't wasn't
the best. And uh upon recent developments and uh feet

that have been melted in a cryo chamber, and uh,
I have decided that maybe I might have been a
little off this. Look. It happens, you know, sometimes you
make mistakes. One of the beauties about working in weekend
overnights is that if I say something that I get
I get just completely wrong, and somebody calls me on it,
I will just deny it and say, no, no, you've

misheard me. I said the opposite of that. You're just
an alcoholic and you heard the wrong thing. That I said, like,
that's the way you do it. I'm a firm believer
in weekend overnight sports radio. Point the finger, not the thumb.
It's their fault, not your faulty Um. Alright. So that
being said, Uh, in the subject of Bucky Brooks breaking

down the offensive engine that makes each team go, We're
going to move to another division now in the a
f C, and that division is the a f C North.
Through Lucky Brooks, the a f C North a lot
of compelling storylines. Uh, where do you want to start
in the f C? It has to start with the
Baltimore Ravens. I am excited to see what the Baltimore

Ravens gonna do behind their engine. Lamar Jackson. Lamar Jackson
completely flipped the script win terms of the way the
Baltimore Ravens played. They basically became army. They became a
team that just pounded people to death with a powerful
running game, him running the option and man, they've had
so many people that have come through that, these great
offensive minds from the college game, Paul Johnson, Joe moorehead,

Will Hill from T Lane, all these guys have come
in and shown the Baltimore Ravens how to run and
maximize the read option. I can't wait to see how
Lamar Jackson looks. And it feels like a full commitment
to that style of football. It isn't one of these
Hey just bring a coordinator some guy he's working with.
To your point, they brought in guys who specialize in that,
and you brought it up last week, and I thought

it was a great point. I didn't even think about
it like this, that Baltimore looks like a team who's
going to be built on a system, not a player.
When everybody else is saying you gotta get a quarterback,
you gotta get a quarterback, Baltimore is saying, no, no, no, no,
we gotta get a system. If we get a system
that works, we can keep moving guys in and out
of here. So you think Lamar Jackson is the key

for Baltimore, although long term he may not be the
guy there. Yeah, long term, like they may be more
systematic like the Service Academies. The thing about the Service Academies,
they're able to continue to thrive regardless of who's at quarterback,
running back in the like, and because of their triple
option system, it works. The Baltimore Ravens are trying to
copy that model and implement something that is what I

would call not quarterback dependent, so they're able to win
regardless of who plays quarterback for them. All right, Next
up is the Cincinnati Bengals. We were actually on the
air a couple of weeks ago when A. J. Green
went down with the with the injury um because for
some reason, they decided it was a good idea to
play a game in Dayton or to practice in Dayton, uh,

for for whatever reason. So that being said, the Cincinnati Bengals,
who is the offensive engine that makes them go? So
the two they have twin engines, A J. Green and
Joe mixing. A J. Green would typically be the best
player on the squad. He's the guy that they kind
of run the offense through. But last year Joe Mixon emerged,
and Joe Mixon has the makings of and the potential

to being a superstar. Austand and run a tough, physical,
fast and cast your ball out of the backfield. He's
a do it all playmaker. Much light girl, Zeke Elliott
Levian Bill if we soon will be talking about Joe
Mixon in the same uh, the same discussion, and sometimes
I think people have a hard time based on Joe
Mixon's past, being able to talk just football. Petros Papadakis,

who covers college football for Fox. He also hosts the
Petros and Money Show on AM five seventy l A Sports,
the flagship of Fox Sports Radio in Los Angeles. I
remember hearing him talk about Joe Mixon saying, one of
the most complete backs we've seen in college football and
along time. Absolutely, he's terrific. You can do anything. Um,
when we talk about the hybrids, the big running backs

that can not only running, but they can catch it
out the backfield, he is one of those guys. I
am serious when I make the comparison and Todd Gurley,
David Johnson and the others. He can do all of
this stuff. This is and I know because he gets
a lot of criticism Andy Dalton, nobody really takes him serious.
But here's what I'll say about Andy Dalton and what
I'll say about the Bengals. They were a perennial playoff

team every single year. Every single year that team was
in the play in elague to where it's really hard
to be consistent. Every single year, it seemed like the
Bengals were near the top or trying or in the playoffs.
They may not have won a game, and I get
the criticism, but they were at least there. Now you've
got Andy Dalton, who for the first time in his
career has got an offensive mind as a head coach.

Is he going to take a jump or We're gonna
see a different Andy Dalton this year? I think Andy
Dalton he is what he is. But I do believe
a good offensive coach, someone who is very creative, can
help him maximize his game. Can't help him elevate his game.
We'll see he is able to do it all right.
Next up the Cleveland Browns. Who makes that offensive man
the energy bust the energy bust is Baker Mayfield. We

sat here and so Baker Mayfield thought touchdown and didn't
get on the knee. Take pictures Walkeeck with his his
partner Higgins Um. He brings the energy, he brings the swag.
Part of the reason why the Cleveland Browns are being
healed as a literally a Super Bowl contender is because
of Baker Mayfield, the injury energy that he's displayed in
the dog pound terrific player. He continues to build up

on what was a solid Rickie campaign. And you know
what I love about the Browns, They're just who they are.
I think sometimes we get caught up in you know,
there's a lot of talk and a lot of hype
and buzz, and you see the Jacksonville Jaguars and there
are a lot of talking, and they come out and
they struggle and they're a bad team and they don't
make the playoffs, and it's like, oh, well, that was
a bummer. We actually thought you guys were gonna, you know,

walk the walk. For as much as you talked in
the off season, it's preseason. It's the opening drive a preseason.
The end zones aren't even painted and Baker may Field
is taking pictures and running down the field like they
just won the Super I thought it was awesome. They've talked,
they they've they've been vocal, they've been loud during the preseason,

during the off season, and then the preseason comes around
and they're the same exact team. And I give him
credit for that. There's something to be said for that.
Be who you are, Yeah, don't change. If you were
a guy that always talks, then you need to talk
all the time, good, bad, and different. Be that guy,
and so I can appreciate that Baker Mayfield is the
same exact guy each and every day. He's cocky, he's bold,

he's bodacious, and it works well. How about that punt
return from UH Giuseppe. I forget his name. Yeah, this
guy was homeless. Um used two hundred dollars and his
mom's UH airplane rewards to fly down to Florida, slept
on the grass outside of training facility, lied and said

he knew um Alonzo Highsmith I think it was, who
was a Browns personnel like lied and said that he
he was invited to a camp because he knew him.
And then went out there, ran a four three forty,
got on everybody's radar. They brought him up to Cleveland,
UH started working him out, and then he returns a
punt for a touchdown in a preseason game. And it

probably would have been better if I remembered his name,
but I did not. So I would like to apologize
to a guy I'm just gonna call Giuseppe. We will
call Giuseppe. We will get the correct name on that.
I'm sure at some point throughout the course of the show.
But that's an awesome story for Cleveland. Awesome story. I mean,
better to see those kind of stories play out in
the preseason. It's one of the reasons why I still
believe the preseason is important. She heat Chiseppi, right, But

so I did get the last name right, But that man,
she heat Hiseppi A right. I cannot say that on
the air. That's gonna be like what I was doing
college football updates in the South. I could not, for
the life of me say Rivalry week. I couldn't do it.
Just couldn't do it. So she he Giuseppe. Al Right,
there it is, uh and a great story alright. Finally,

the team that you apologize to to start the show,
the Pittsburgh Steelers. And who makes that offensive engine go
for the Pittsburgh Steelers. It's all about Ben Roethlisberger. Number
seven makes it go. Ben Roethlisberger's ability to make plays
inside outside of the pocket. Um And I know he
previously was surrounded by Pro Bowl players and Levan Bill

and a b. This will be an opportunity for us
to see him without those guys. But I got a
sneaky suspicion that he's going to elevate Juju Smith Schuster.
He's gonna help James Conner. He's gonna have James Washington.
All of those guys play at a high level. Look
for a big man to continue to be the engine
of the Pittsburgh still has vaunted author Yeah, and listen,

you talk about a motivated couple of a group of
players and coaches. You tell me Ben Roethlisberger is not
gonna be motivated for some of the stuff he's heard
talked about him after leban and Antonio Brown left. Same
with Juju Smith Schuster, and same with Mike Tomlin. For
a lot of people that have criticized Mike Tomlin, a
lot of the Steelers did the right thing. They gave
him an extra year. So there's no talk about, well,

is this the last run for Mike Tomlin, None of that.
They dispelled all the rumors. Given an extra year on
the contract. That's a non story. And for the first
time in a long time, Pittsburgh comes into the season
as the underdog in their own division, a division that
they have been dominant in for the past decade or so. Yeah,
like to think about it is I just love the

way this is shaking out. Like, look, I was wrong
on the narrative, but the fact that they are always competitive.
Mike Tonald has done a great job. If they can
just tweak the defense, and I think they have looking
at the preseason game last night with Devin Bush making
plays all over the place, Ben Roethlisberger is going to
give them a chance. I think if they can play well,
I say the right way minute, run a little more,
don't put as much on Ben Roethlisberger, and allow their

defense to maybe not play as many snaps. I think
they have a chance to be really, really good. And
those are the engines that make the offenses go in
the a f C North. According to Bucky Brooks, we
will have uh the final two divisions in the a
f C one next hour and the final one in
our in our final hour here on the show coming
up later here on Fox Sports Radio. Right, he's Bucky Brooks,

I'm Jonas knox Is is Fox Sports Radio as we
come be Alive here from the Geico Fox Sports Radio
Studios up next. He's one of the best analysts in
the business when it comes to talking NFL, and he's
also a guy that I don't know that anybody I've
ever met, dislikes he might be the nicest human being
I've ever met in my life. Uh. He joins you

next here on Fox Sports Radio. Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks
here on Fox Sports Radio. Coming up a little over
ten minutes from now here on FS are we are
going to uh get into something that we do every
single week here in which a member of this show
tries to get us to say some really inappropriate things.
All right, it is always walking the plank with this person.

Uh so we'll have that for you here ten minutes
from now on Fox Sports Radio. Right now, though, I
think he's the nicest human being in all of sports media. Uh.
You see him on the NFL network. You see him
with the NFL on Fox. He is an analyst, and
he is Charles Avis. Joining us here on Fox Sports Radio.
Charles Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks. Good having you, Hey, thanks

thanks for having me. And I can shed that reputation
if I join you for that next secon. Yeah, that's
why that's why we decided not to include you, and
we don't we don't want to kill your rep here.
All right, I can go ahead and get that get
that off of absolutely. Um all right. So I gotta
ask you, though the story in the NFL, the bizarre
Antonio Brown situation, first the cryotherapy with his feet, now

the issue with his helmet. What do you what do
you make of what's happening with A b and the
Oakland Raiders? Unfortunately part and parcel and not unusual based
on how he's gone about business over the last four
seasons or so. But when you catch you can't you

get a little more latitude with Although this one is
really bizarre, and Bucky played in the league, understands these
guys in a big way. But even so, Bucky doesn't.
Almost you almost get to feel that when it was
time was over in Pittsburgh, there was no shortage of
people wanted to sign Antonio Brown. And didn't everyone say

in their organization that was interested in it? Ah, you
know that stuff he had over there. It'll be fine
at our place, won't it right? Let that happen all
the time? It does it does? We believe we can
fix him? Uh cee. I think that it's the interesting
thing about this is because you know John Gruten so well,

I believe this is a situation where he's gonna have
to take a hard line stance to get a B
and check. Like, I think this is a situation where
if you're a parent, like with your kids, this is
one where you got to kind of take him to
task and you can get him on board, because if
you let him run him up with this one, I
think it becomes dangerous for the rest of the team.
Based on what you know about John, how do you
think he'll handle the situation going forward. I think that

he I think that he will with out letting us
know it, Bucky. I don't think he's gonna announce to
the media that we're suspending, that we're doing this, we're
doing that. But I think he's gonna have that conversation
by d closed doors as you you suggested, and look
him burning his feet with the cryotherapy and all that.
You know, that was bizarre right off the top. You know,

they never addressed in hard knocks other than to say
it's beat hurt. You know, he didn't pay the trainers
or whatever it is that guy said one or two
of them are doing him for money now. But those
aren't things that the Raiders can quote unquote take a
hard line on. You know, that's kind of separate. But
this one I mean they sent him a picture of

Aaron Rodgers with the new helmet. Like, dude, Aaron Rodgers
has got a new helmet. Okay, it happens ten you years,
you kind of have to do it. It's just and
and now he's following a grievance and distraction doesn't begin
to do it. And and the other part of it, too,
is we talked about predictive behavior, your guys having things.

I'm telling you, don't care who you are, you can
talk yourself into thinking it will be different with your
crew until until they come out. And all of a
sudden too, because you and I both all three of
us know there's someone from Pittsburgh by now, as contacted,
said their friends on the Oakland staff and gone, well, well, Charles,

you miss because Bucky actually opened up the show by
apologizing to Pittsburgh because he was so hard on after
a left and yeah, it's it's not that much. Look,
if you go running with the bulls and you get gored,
I'm sorry, man, you ran that the whole thing, right, Okay,
So that you come back and go I cannot believe

I got the bull gat me in the side. And
everybody's like, but you ran so so good. There is
there is some of that. But the other part of it,
too is I fully believe that they'll get through this somehow.
The grievance will will either go away or he'll have
the right helmet and all that. And if he goes

and plays ball, I'm not saying it totally gets forgotten.
But if he goes and plays ball and he's that
target that Derek car is supposed to be, we'll be okay.
But but you know, we'll just have to see how
it plays out. Right now, he's he's just fun for
guys like us, not not not fun, not fun for

John Drewden, Mike Mayock and Oakland organization. It's probably face
palming as we speak. He is Charles Davis, NFL on
Fox Analysts also with the NFL Network, joining us here
on Fox Sports Radio, Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks here on
fs are um. You mentioned him, and this is the
one I wanted to ask you about. Bucky said, Look,
you know Jon grudenwell you know what do you what

do you make of it? You also know Mike Mayock, Well,
how do you what do you think Mike Mayock is
doing right now? A nap of all with this situation.
He's doing what he's doing what any general manager would do,
conferring with his head coach, trying to figure out what
the situation is and going on. And look, it's a
different position being what doing what Mike's doing versus what Mike,

Fucky myself have done for years, Daniel Jeremiah. You know,
we sit in those chairs, we watch tape, we give
our analysis, we rank players, we do all those other things.
But the whole different deal when you're actually the GM
and trying to build a team. And the reason I
say that is, you know, Mike would be you know, Michael,

I think it are in a chair where we are
would be like faith palming as we are over Antonio Brown.
And then we'd say, well, Mike, which trade for well,
I don't know, all right, I mean that's just kind
of how it goes. But then you're the GM, It's
like would you trade for galcatch On? Paul? Yes? Right,
I mean that's just it's a different deal being the

GM and having to work in relate would be late
through that, And the other part is, let's let's just
make it very simple. Hard Knocks the first show, Antonio
Brown hobbled as we found out now the cryotherapy didn't
wear the proper sock. But they never mentioned that did that.
They just said he was hoppled in his feet her
and he was coming along at C right. It was

never mentioned why any of that. The last chance, you
guy miss one treatment with the trainer and John said
get him out of you. How many times did we
go through it. The more talent, the more production you
have in the league, the more opportunities you get to

not wear the proper helmet. It's just that simple. Yeah,
it is. It is a remarkable thing. We spent a
lot of time on open rads. Charles, what's the one
big storyline that stands out to you in this preseason?
The one big storyline for me in this preseason is,
as you well, I'm gonna can I give you two.
I'm gonna make it too one. Quarterbacks coming out? How

many of them will get the ball from the beginning,
we know Kyler Murray will I think Washington is doing
its best to not have Dwayne Haskins take the ball
right from the beginning. So we'll see how how it
plays out and how the whole season unfolds and goes
and the second one is going to be how are
we going to officiate things with those big calls downfield

with the past interference rule because last year we went
into the season with so much trepidation about the lowering
of the helmet and in preseason how many flags were thrown?
I think you know officials were tearing rotator cuffs throwing
that flag ins for that call. But when we got
to the season, if I'm not gonna say it's non existent,
but you don't remember many of them, do you? So

will we have the same thing where we're worried as
much about defensive pastor but just past interference and remembers,
not college where it's fifteen yards that's the spot foul
and it could be monster chunks of yards that could
be reversed or changed. And now you get a chance
to to replay it. Whoa I am? I am? I
mean I'm wanting to see that. I'm not wanting to

see this one. But we know we are, so I
have trepidation about it. He is Charles Davis, NFL and
Fox analyst, also covers the NFL for the NFL Network.
You see him on the draft coverage and you can
get him on Twitter at cf D twenty Charles before
we let you go. I think this is the most
under talked about story going into the season, or at
least one of them. The quarterback situation in Tennessee. You're

doing the preseason games for the Tennessee Titans. Ryan Tannehill
was brought in and paid a decent amount and not
the normal amount for a backup quarterback who's just there
in case of an emergency. How is that shaping up?
And is there a real possibility this could be the
final season for Marcus Mariotte as a Tennessee Titan. You
will not hear anyone in that organization head coach Mike Rable,

g M. John Robinson even brooking that as a possibility.
Every thing is this is Marcus's ball to Marcus's team, Um,
Ryan Tannehill was brought here to be the backup, but
we brought him in because we wanted to strengthen the
backup position, not to bring him in his competition. One
preseason game in well, what did we get? Marcus starts

three for three, ends up four for eight. Adam Humphreys
I think caught every past and then Dan Hill comes
in and has a quarterback rating. It's like something like that.
So those two touchdown passes and a where we go.
But I can just tell you we will have a
lot of speculation on it. I am I'm doing the

Titans preseason. If I walked in tomorrow and said so
Mike about Ryan and Marcus, you know, Mike Rabel, he
would already body checked me at that point and just said,
this is Marcus Mariota's team. There is no there is
no competition here. How it plays out now, now, we've
got to see how it plays out through the season

because Marcus has to stay healthy and has to play well.
And I'll contract it very quickly. The Miami Dolphins are
gonna probably go Ryan Fitzpatrick to start the season right.
Their first four games were against playoff teams from last year.
Then they hit their open week. If they come in
the open week one and three or whatever, we know
Rosen is going to play because they have to find out.

But he's the one year rental that they have to discover.
Tannehill is a guy who actually has a few skins
on the wall in the league, and he has a
similar playing style of Mariota. I say it's Mariota said,
you know, job to to to to keep. They want
him to have it. They want to sign him to
a new deal, I believe. But tan Hill's performance in
the first game, you know how we are, is the reaction,

and he did look so he did look darn good.
I'll give him that. No, it is funny that we
were waiting on not only Marcus Mariota, but waiting on
Jamis Winston. You're ready, You're right there? Uh in Florida.
What do you think about Jamis Winston and his debut
under the Bruce Arians coach? Bottom bottom line Bucky and
Jonas is very simple. If he's gonna get it under

Bruce Arians, I think the league is gonna be like,
I don't know, he's gonna get it. It's that It's
it's really that simple with him, and and he has
the right guy there. I mean, at this point in
his career, in the fifth year, he should get it.
You know, I was just talking with with coach Charlie Wise,
who you know, the quarterback guru, and he always liked
Jamis coming out of school. He was big on that.

I think he feels the same way we probably do collectively.
This is a great opportunity for Jamas with Bruce arians
but it'll be interesting to see if he's gonna have
to play shootout games that Patrick did last year because
of the defense. Todd Bowles should should make it better,
but it doesn't. It's not great to start your year
with JPP unable to play and now your bass rush

is struggling, even though that's what Todd bowl is gonna
want and don't want to bring pressure and play man coverage.
So we may have some more shootout games and last
of James stuff to the bath without turning the ball over.
He is Charles Davis covers the NFL for Fox, also
for the NFL and at work, and you can get
him on Twitter at cf D twenty two. Charles, thanks

so much, man. We always appreciate catching up with you.
Thanks a lot, guys. I'm gonna get my helmet repainted
right and good man, good man. Charles Davis. Always fun
catching up with c D. Here on Fox Sports Radio.
He's Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas Knox. This is Fox Sports
Radio from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios, where it's

easy to say fifteen center. More on car insurance with Geico,
go to GUI dot Comic seven Auto. The only hard
part figuring out which way is easier. Up next, we
will get to a segment that look, somebody on the
show tries to get us fired every week. All right,
the guy, the guys are real pain in the you
know what. We will tell you who that is and
what we're referring to next on Fox Sports Radio. But

for all, the latest from around the World was folks,
around the World of sports. We try that again, around
the World of Sports. The gas man, David Gascon Jonah sells.
I was looking at some some alcohol I can purchase.
Were you out in Hawaii here in a couple of weeks? Yeah,
plenty of beer on stock for you. Uh you know,
uh ConA brewery man. That's my spot, big ConA brewery guy. Dave.

Does the fiance like beer, No, No, she likes uh
San gree Is. Oh it's perfect. Yeah, that's her big
that's her big thing. She likes San gria is. All right,
miss you for a couple of days. But are you
gonna be out there for an extended period time? Uh No,
I mean I'm not moving there, Dave. For God's sakes,
I mean, and would you like to also give about
any other travel arrangements, and I'm making national days. You

want to give out my Social Security number while we're
at it? Can I get it? Yeah? Absolutely, all right?
Those uh doesn't miss music just make you think of
the Pro Bowl. They think the Pro Bowl with this music.
Oh man, I missed the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. Bring
it back. So NFL stop being uh, you know what,

and bring the Pro Bowl back to Hawaii. You know,
the Rams and the Cowboys are playing a preseason game
in Hawaii next week a phone, Yeah, hell yeah. So
there's that. You think ze can make it now from
if if I let me tell you, that's a great point.
If Zeke, if Zeke showed up just for Honolulu and
then after that added the move, man, I would have

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season for the road team, and that one justin Upton
with the bomb was a three run shot for the Angels.
They laid at Boston three one seam scoring in San
Francisco with the Giants prevailing over the Phillies. Game right
now is on f S one. Switching on over to
the National Football League. Not much going on today. Detroit
Lions have signed quarterback Josh Johnson, also activated defensive vent

Trey fly Hours from the active pu P list. And
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affiliates product unavailable in every stage. Yeah, I heard the
homegrown coffee in Hawaii is pretty good to John Yeah,
it's the uh. I think the it's Akna coffee or
something like that. I forget what it is, but yeah,
they have their own special kind of coffee out there.
Um yeah, it's nice man. You know. The great thing
about Hawaii and my my buddy's wife made a really

good point on this, if you go on a vacation,
like percent of the time when you go on a vacation,
when you get on the plane to go, there's still
some people on the plane that are going to work,
like they just you know, they travel a lot for work.
When you go to Hawaii, everybody's going on vacation. So
the plane ride is the most amazing, relaxed, enjoyable. Everybody's

in a good mood. Nobody's worried about a damn thing.
People have already probably got a cocktail in it. It
doesn't matter what time you leave. Everybody's going on vacation.
So it just feels like everybody's in a good mood.
You know. It's a really really really enjoyable flight. What's
the worst flight to take cross country? Bucky? For you
worst flight to take cross country? Let's see, because you

take you take a lot of flights. Dave, get that phone.
When you get a minute, I would say that the
trip to New York, because New York can be long.
Coming back, coming back New York to l A can
be a pain. I love taking in Atlanta red Eye.
I can do that, adit drop of head. I'm cool
with that. I'm gonna taking any kind of Red Eye

to Miami. It's just a New York trip. That is
the one that is tough. Brady Quinn turned me onto
red Eyes. I'd never taken one before, and I took
one for the first time, and I thought, you know what,
this ain't bad, man, mean, Look, it does it throw
off your sleep schedule a little bit? Yes, but one
the flights are cheaper, usually, the planes are usually less full,

and you get out and it's it's it's awesome, and
especially to Atlanta. The one, uh the red Eye took
was the one to Atlanta to go out for the
Super Bowl, and I think Cole Right was on that
same plane and the only the only issue that we
had was that we were taxied for so long because
there was some sort of an issue that they couldn't
send us out. But but once you got in the air,

you slept for a little bit, you showed up and
it's like five or six in the morning wherever you land.
It's awesome. Man. Yeah, I'm a big proponent of RED.
I was like, a typically don't like to fly during
the days just because I don't like kind of wasting time. Yeah,
and I can sleep on the plane, I can sleep anywhere.
So the only thing I can do is watch a
few episodes of Power when I'm having this kind of
moments and uh, and then yeah, and then you go.

When you fly to Hawaii, the best part is because
it's three hours behind from l A. So by the
time you get there, you've only really flown for two hours.
It's amazing. It's amazing how the time zones change everything.
So and then you fly back and you skip ahead
three hours and it's just that sucks. But nonetheless, Uh,
he is Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas Knocks. This is Fox
Sports Radio. Up next here on FSR, as promise there

is a segment we do here on the show where
somebody on the show tries to get everybody fired from
the network. Find out how next year on Fox Sports Radio.
He is Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas Knocks. This is Fox
Sports Radio. Uh. Coming up in well called fifteen minutes
from now here on fs ARE, we're going to dive
back into Bucky Brooks Is he put together a list

every single team in the NFL, the engine that makes
each offense go. And we have gone one division at
a time in the a f C. We've got another
one coming for you about fifteen minutes from now here
on Fox Sports Radio. Right now, though, it is time
for something we do here on the show, and it's
a little something called this news. He only fights the

best stories. I got a news flash in the gutter
with David alright, gash Man a little lot earlier than
normal because you guys got a guest coming on pretty soon. Right,
What's so? What's up? Dave? You said you guys have
a guest coming on about sixty minutes. Um, I don't know.
What do you mean? What do you guess? What your

executive producer tell me? I don't know. Listen, what we
do production wise really doesn't concern you, Dave. I'm a
part of your show. I should have some kind of
I know and and look. I would love to include
you in those things, but that that's only for people
that don't leave two hours early. Sorry, Dave, Listen, I

do a great job of of saying hello and goodbye
to everyone here as a part of Fox Sports Radio,
and I dive into their personal stories, like previous segment
with you being in Hawaii on vacation for a couple
of weeks. By the way, Joe Fourier, who was in
who you were talking to yesterday, was actually here at
Fox Sports Radio yesterday. Jesus Christ, he's big. I know

what the hell man? Like I didn't, I didn't know
for you. Unbelievable, unbelievable. U. Yeah, it's just like like
like Dave's one of those guys who if you go
to use a urinal and he's standing next to you,
he's going to try and tell you, hey, look at
my new watch, just to just to try and get

you to look. Are you one of those punks that
spits his bubble gum inside the un now? Because I've
actually cleaned urinals before, and it is the most disrespectful
thing to spit gum in the urinal because somebody's got
to go in there and pick that out. It's gross.
Man slobs, speaking of slobs shown us. I need to
turn this segment over real quick to our executive producer,

Lead A Lap because he actually has our first story
for you guys, and it's a good one involving an
NFL player and a stalker lead a lap. All right,
where's yours? Okay? Dave? Well, last night, Uh, I was
out out at a house party with my girlfriend and
we were going through her photos and she was showing
me last time she went to a Packer game and

I see this guy with his wife and kid and
they're in Packer. He was like, Oh, who's that and
he's She says, oh, that's uh, that's Kyler fact Roll.
I was like, oh, Utah State outside linebacker for the Packers.
That what picture is that for? She said, Oh, that
was just when I was, you know, stalking him a
little bit, trying to slide in between him and his wife.
So let me let's just go now. First of all,

I can't I cannot believe drop this on air story
like like tell some safe something like you don't tell
tell all the goods. It's like Dave's Dave's the type
of person that if he were throwing the bouquet at
a wedding, uh, you don't want to grab it because
it's probably an M A D. He just like he's

he's had some sort of shout out. Yeah, I'll come on, Dave.
But that being said, Lee, so let me get this straight.
Your girlfriend we're calling her girlfriend? Right? Yeah? Okay, you
just found out last night that she tried to break
up a marriage of a Green Bay Packer linebacker and
the Green Bay Packers are your favorite team. Yeah, okay,

that is correct. Yeah, you know, well, you know she
said as soon as she found out he had a kid.
She uh she stopped. Okay, okay, got it? Okay. Uh,
you know, Lee, I don't know, maybe maybe we investigate
that a little more, you know, I mean, I I
give her credit for the honesty. But still got a

picture saved there. Huh, still has the picture. And you're
going to Chicago in a less than a month to
see who play the Packers and the Bears. Okay, and
who plays on the Packers again, Kyler, fack roll your
girlfriend today? I hope not fifty one? What if she
wears it? You taught state jersey number nine? Kidding? By

the way, elite Bucky, what was your number in Green
Bay when you played for the Packers. Why don't you
be a decent personally and show some support to Bucky Brooks.
Why don't you find a Bucky Brooks twenty two ers?
I have? I have a number twenty two Ripkowski jersey. Okay,
but I don't know if you know, there's not Ripkowski
and Bucky Brooks don't exactly look alike. Why don't we
upgrade the jersey? Lee? How about Brooks on the back

of the jersey? There we go? That would be weird
to have another man's name. By the way, I find wow,
have you throwing me under the bus? By the way?
By the by the way, we do have um. This
is a audio of Lee's girlfriend when she was trying
to figure out who that member of the packers was
whose marriage she was trying to break up. Find. Yeah,

she was very adamant about that. He needed somebody to
find the guy. Well, she has a type because I
think I kind of look like Kyler fresk Oh Alright, alright,
everybody's business industry, guys, we go from lead to labs.
Wasn't about me? Oh my good guys. NBC Sports is
Peter King. Uh he actually called into the Dan Patches

show it a couple of days ago. And I'm not
gonna spoil it, but here it goes, guess what this
is hilarious. I got stopped for talking on a cell
phone because I'm talking to you, So now I have
to hang up. The cops coming to the car. Sorry
about that? Do you want me to talk to the
police officer. So, guys, it turns out Peter King actually

did get a ticket. He says, quote of course I
got a ticket. I mean I said to the cop
I'm on with Dan Patrick, and he said, and here's
your ticket. That was fun end quote. Wow, what have
you ever been pulled over? Bok? So have you ever
been pulled over going to work? Yes, okay, I've been
pulled over. I haven't put over a few different times

and I got pulled over. Anyone that has traveled in
California n l A understands that if you're running behind
sometimes you have to make an executive decision. Do I
move over to the h O V lane and see
if I can see if I can ride it for
a little bit to move down the thing. I did it,
and I spotted the highway patroled me in front of

me because he's driving in front of me, so I
spotted him. I was like, okay, cool, So the lane
is moving and I'm trying to slow down to get
back behind so he won't get me. He spots me
and slows down and I can't get back over. Man,
I'm trying to get back over, and finally when I

get back over, he gets me, puts me to the
side and found I was just like, yeah, that that is.
That is why I recommend everybody purchased a blow up
doll for that reason alone. Okay, here's why. Here's why.
If you're if you're driving in the car pool lane,
you know you don't and you're alone and have a
blow up doll next to you and make it seem

like there's another passenger in your car. Not a bad idea,
I don't think the next thing you talk about all
kinds of Yeah, there's stuff that you can get with
your doll. Yeah, I'm not saying, you know, I'm not
saying polar hair. I'm just saying to see the next like,
that's just you know, I'm trying to trying to get
ideas out. What else? What else? Guys? We got another
good story from Julianne March. She's from Wisconsin. This is

a great story for everybody else that made it through.
She was on a flight going from Chicago to South Bend, Indiana,
and she was a little intoxicated. But here's the kicker.
She was actually a flight attendant for Air Wisconsin, which
is a regional airline for United and United Airlines. She
was so hammered she passed out in the front near
the cockpit, and she was videotaped by a passenger and

posted on YouTube. She was arrested and then immediately fired
by the company Air Wisconsin. Yeah, big loss. What do
they pay like four bucks an hour? Come on, yeah,
come on, there's nothing wrong with that. Happened at their drink, Baby,
I'm into it. Good for her, all right, We got
another hour next we march on here at Fox Sports Radio,

Division by division, Bucky Brooks is going to tell you
which engine makes each offense go in the a f C.
We are two down with two to go, and another
one coming up here in just a couple of moments.
He is Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas Knox. This is Fox
Sports Radio. You can always check out this show on
the I Heart Radio app and on all of our
Fox Sports Radio affiliates. We are coming to Alive from

the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios where fifteen minutes could
save you fifteen per cent or more on car insurance.
Visit Geico dot com for a free rate quote um
Before we dive into another division for Bucky Brooks. Here
as we take a look at the engines that make
each offense go, what do you make of the usage

of p I being able to challenge p I. I've
seen some teams uh try and take advantage of the
rule at least get some reps in. How do you
think this is progressing in the preseason so far? Well,
I mean, I think it's like everything each year, there's
a point of emphasis things that the Fishes are really
trying to hone in on, trying to make sure today
clean up in the game. And so we've seen a
couple of PR penalties. And then with the co which

is having the ability to challenge the PR, I think
they're trying to go through the logistics of how do
I get this done? Who do I uh talk to,
what happens if it's successful for me, what happens if
it's not? How do I play around those things? And
so it's the preseason. Everyone is treating it like a
dress rehearsal. So the way that we're seeing the officials treated,

it'll be a little different when it comes to the game. Yeah,
And I think we saw this last year to where
everybody was freaking out over some of the penalties called
in the preseason, and once the regular season came around,
calm down, everybody relaxed. And and also look, I think
and and Brady Quinn made a point to where he said,
some of the players late in these preseason games, and
there's penalties called a lot of times, it's because guys

are out of position or there's bad technique, And you're
not going to have as much of that in the
regular season because the better players are gonna make the
roster and are gonna be on on rosters around the league. Yes,
sometimes in the preseason when you wanted the twos or threes. Man,
you've been playing a long time and year in sava
of a mode. You're not talking about you're not thinking
about trying to do it the right way. You're just surviving.

You're just trying to get to the point where there's
a break in the action where you can get a
cup of Gator rate. Like I just remember, you know,
like and you never say it is like especially as
as a coach now in high school, you always tell
you guys, hey, you're gonna be really tough. You gotta
punched it in a voice in your head. But the
inner voice has talked to me and spoken to me
on several cases when I was out there and on defense,

there were times where I can honestly look and say like, man,
I don't care. I just wish they were score. I
just want to get I just want to get a drink.
As we get a drinking, I was I was gonna
get it hot. I just want want a little Gator rate.
And so I'm not saying that I'm gonna let them go,
but man, if he scores, it wouldn't be the worst thing.
Oh that's funny. Um. And by the way, as much
as they try and change rules every single offseason, I still,

for the life of me cannot figure out why the
one rule that is the most obvious terrible rule and
the NFL has not been changed the fumbling of the
ball out of the end zone that not only results
in awesome possession, but then you spot the other team
twenty yards when they didn't even recover it. The hell
is that in the NFL every year. There's multiple times

throughout the course of the season, guy reaches for the pylon,
the ball is a little bit loose, goes out of
the end zone, and not only they lose possession, but
the other team gets the ball in the twenty. That
is the dumbest rule in sports. I cannot believe they
haven't changed. Take care of the ball. You don't lay
the ball down, you don't have a chance of being
finalized like that. That's part of that's the Al river

on and you talking Bucky bro as a as a player,
as a man, I don't know that that one. I
just don't understand, but you know, at least it gives
us something to gripe about, which is what we like
to do in sports stock radio, myself in particular. So
from that to this, Bucky Brooks put together on NFL
dot Com always does a great job putting this stuff out, um,

and this week he put together something where he's talking
about the engines that make each offense go for all
thirty two teams in the NFL. And it may not
be as obvious as you think, and the reasoning behind
it isn't as obvious as you think it is. We've
done the a f C East, and we've done the
a f C North. It's time right now to get

into the a f C South. So, Bucky Brooks, where
do you want to start in the a f C South.
Which team jumps out to you as the team and
which player makes that offense go. I'm gonna go with
the Houston Texans, and Deshaun Watson is the straw that
stirs to drink. Franchise quarterback came. I mean, look, he
was only on the bench for half a game before

he took over, and he's been spectacular as a quarterback since. Outstanding, armed, talent,
terrific runner, just has a field for making plays. And
so as the as they continue to kind of go
through what they want to do and what they want
to build in Houston with Bill O'Brien, I think Deshaun
Watson has to be first and foremost in his mind
as he's building that unique concept to play. I like

the Duke Johnson trade from this stand, but look, they
gave up a lot, and in fact, if it turns
out to be a third round pick and Duke Johnson
plays ten games and it it turns out to be
a third round pick, it's the most compensation traded for
a running back since Trent Richardson was traded to the Colts.
So the Cleveland Rounds just have a knack in figuring
out how they can now work people into trading for

running backs and giving up way too much. But Duke
Johnson is a guy who's really valuable out of the
backfield as far as catching the football, and I think
that opens things up a little bit for the Houston
Texans and could be a really good thing for DeShawn Watson.
It could be a great thing for DeShawn Watson. Duke
Johnson is a dominant player. I've seen them dominate game
just kissing the ball. But he's also a terrific runner,

and so this gives them, you know, like a unique
weapon to kind of build around. I think they could
be excited when you see it all come together, all right.
So from the Houston Texans to the Indianapolis Colts, Bucky Brooks,
which who what is the the engine that makes that
offense go In Indianapolis, it's all about Andrew. When Andrew
Luck came back, the team goes back to being a

playoff team, something that we're used to. He's been able
to do it with the cast of characters revolving around
him still have high level success. Um. You know it's
tough because I picked but you can eat. I mean, yeah,
it's like it's just a he's he's got the he's
got the calf issue. He had injuries before. Are you

overly concerned with the Caltah, I'm a little concerned because
I think I still have the fear fact of Kevin
Durant in my mind that he's nursing it, but he's
still gonna rush to get back. You're hoping that he
kind of listens to like what the doctors are saying
about it. It takes this time before he comes back.
And then look last year, that was a team that
looked like they were really struggling early on. They figured

it out, they made a run, they got into the postseason,
Andrew Luck played better and better throughout the course of
the year. So it is disappointing. I just wonder if
they spoiled his best football because he took such a
beating for so long behind whatever Ryan Grigson thought was
an offensive line at that time. There was a play
Quentin Nelson might be my favorite player in the NFL,

right now he is a monster and and he there's
a there was a play to where he took a
defensive lineman and just moved him backwards. And will like
he's a dominant football player for the Indianapolis Coals. You're
really dominant. Chris Brother has done a great job of
simbling those kind of guys on his roster. It's tough
to deal with, tough to play again, all right. Next

up the Jacksonville Jaguars. What is the engine that makes
that offense go in Jacksonville? It's all about Lenifernet. Lenifer
Nett has to be a guy that's consistent and reliable,
guy that moves the chains, is able to kind of
keep the flow uh going. When I look at this
team and I look at the way that they get down,
it is all about Leonifernett just punishing opponents with those

inside runs. They gotta lather them up. They need to
get cares a game for the vote, for the jack
to be playing the kind of style that they weren't play.
And now even with Nick Foles coming over, still it's
it's wondered four net. It has to be because Nick
Foles has got it's a complimentary passer I mean, he's
rows play action passes after you've established certain parts of
the game, and so threw a lot at them. I

just gonna see it, and let me ask you. Is
Nick Foles closer to the quarterback we saw in the
playoffs a couple of years ago and the twenty seven
touchdowns two interceptions under Chip Kelly or is he closer
to the quarterback that struggled in St. Louis and had
some downtimes? Who Because we've seen such highs and such
lows that I just are we looking at Ryan Fitzpatrick?

I mean, is that what we're really looking at with
Nick Foles? Uh? We may be looking at Ryan fitzpass
because he's been streaking for two years so and I
also think a lot of this is people looking at
what happened two years ago based on the Super Bowl.
He wasn't that great a year ago. I mean like
he wasn't that dominant in the postseason a year ago.
He threw interceptions. I just I don't know. It's it'll

be interesting to see they feel like they've got their
quarterbacks was the only thing missing, So to be fun
to watch how that plays out, because you know they've
got the defense. They've still got a ton of talent
there and we'll see how that plays out in Jacksonville.
All right, Final one in the a FC South. The
engine that makes the offense go the Tennessee Titans dynamic
duo Dion Lewis Derrick Henry. We can talk about Marcus

Mariotte and the great things that he does to enhance
their offense, but it is all about the one to
punch um at running back. Rick Henry being the bruiser, big, fast, physical,
can take it the difference once he breaks out. And
Dean Lewis been the ultimate chess piece on the board.
Can our run defenders can outmaneuver them, does a great

job with solid hands, consistently shows up. So look he's
he's good. Yeah, they're good. And so when you we
talked to Charles Davis last hour, and Charles Davis was
talking about how, look, Mike Frabel and company aren't going
to talk about a quarterback controversy. Aren't even gonna entertain
the idea of Marcus Riota being sat Ryan Tanna was

brought in, he was paid a good amount. He performed
really well in his first preseason action better than Marcus
Mariota did. Marcus Mariota has had an issue with injuries before.
And also Mariota, he's not a mike for Rebel guy.
If Rabel wasn't there when Mariota was drafted. So I
just wonder how that plays out because I don't think
a lot of people are talking about that quarterback issue
in Tennessee and not a quarterback is real. You're talking

about Marcus Mariota playing on a twenty plus million now
a tender. Uh, they have to feel like there's a
reason to keep him. Yeah, all right, and if they
don't feel that, then I think they have to move on.
When I when I look at all of these situations,
I think it's so unique. I think the main things
you have to be who you are within the frabbick
of the team. If you do that, if you're authentic,
if you're real, you won't have any issues. He is

Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonahs Knocks. That was another division down
in Bucky's list of NFL teams and the offensive engines
that make each of those teams go. So we've got
one more division to go. We've broken down three of
the four A f C divisions. Next week will do
the NFC, and next hour we will get to the
final division in the a f C, the engines that

make each offense go. According to Bucky Brooks, we've got
great news. There's a quick and easy way to save
you money. Switch to Geico. It only takes fifteen minutes
to see if you could say fifteen center more on
car insurance. Go to Geico dot com and see how
much you could save. All right, we're gonna go live
to the scene of one of the most bizarre NFL
situations in a long, long time, and we'll take you

there next year on Fox Sports Radio, Jonahs knocks Bucky Brooks.
Here on Fox Sports Radio, you can always check out
the show on the I Heart Radio app. Coming up
a little over ten minutes from now on Fox Sports Radio,
we will dive back into the NFL. Plenty of hot
topics around the league. Here on FS are As, we

gear up for another batch of preseason games later tonight,
But right now we're gonna go to Vic Tafer. He
covers the Oakland Raiders, and he covers the NFL for
the Athletic Joining us here on Fox Sports Radio, Vic
Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks. Thanks so much for the time. Man,
We appreciate it, no problem. How you guys doing good
and I know what, Yeah, you're gearing up for the

Rams and the Raiders coming up later on tonight, a
little over an hour and a half from now. Um
in Oakland, I wanted to ask you just all this
stuff regarding Antonio Brown. We know about the feet, we
know about the helmet. How is the team reacting to it? There?
From what you've seen, I'd say it's a mixed bag.
I'm just a little bit of frustration. I think, Um,
you know, they obviously want him to be a map

like on a meeting and stuff. But I'll say this team,
the one practice it took part in, it was about
let's say ten days ago, and he had he had
a bad feet, and he did about a half hour
working against receivers. They showed a high knox a little
bit about half hour. He totally destroyed people. So I
think any like, you know, fear or frustration they have,
is it kind of you know societically, they saw what

they could do against their top EPs on a bad feet,
and he was you know, it was still great receivers.
I think they're very excited about him. At some hi,
the skin is gonna heal the helmet thing. He's not
gonna sit out and miss pretty million dollars because of
a helmet. So I think that's all going to resolve
us at some point. We got plenty of times to
the opening. We get footballs. I think they're they're fine.
I think they're obviously it's not ideal way to start
off relationship. I think they'll be okay. So and just

thinking about that, like eventually, you know he's gonna come
in because he's not gonna sit out because it's too
much money on the line. But at some point, how
do you start dealing or curving some of the drama
that's associated with a B so you can prevent it
from impacting negatively impacting the young players that they have
in the locker room. I think what they do is
I think the teller players going to watch how he practices,

watch his work ethic on the field, how he takes
care of his body, watch how he runs his routes,
and tell the dbs don't watch so many and stuff,
don't focus on other stuff, but just focus on this.
You focus on this, it's gonna be great for you.
But I think because he's gonna do what he wants.
I mean, obviously he's done what he's wanted, you know,
And I think that's part of the package when he did.
I'm Tonio Brown, You're getting top three years even in

the league, plus a games and other stuff. And I
think that's part of the deal when you when you
trade form and signed to a long term deal. He
is victa for joining us here on Fox Sports Radio,
Jonas Knox, Bucky Brooks here on fs ARE. Victor does
a great job covering the Raiders and the NFL for
the Athletic and you can get him on Twitter at
vic TA for for what is the And I know
you talked about this a little bit on social on

your Twitter and then also at the Athletic what how
do you see this playing out? What are the Raiders
expect from Antonio Brown? And when do they expect him back?
If he shows up, well, they're hopefully he's gonna be there.
They go back to NAPA on Mondays, two days in
NAP before the next game, so they're really hoping they
kind of expect him to be there one of those
two days. I think, uh, but the hard k access
to finish the editing by Monday night, so I would

think he'll be there on Monday nights. Mr. He gets
on next week's show, but that's the hope I think.
I think at some point they go to Arizona for
the number next, number two games, and then I think
he'll be back this week. I think there's name and
that there's not a sense of panic. There's just some frustration.
So I'm like, they wish has gone smoother, but really
there's not any panic going on right yet. Okay, so
enough about Abe. Who are some of the guys that

have stood Who are some of the guys that have
stood out when you've been watching the team and those
practices up in Napper, Well, to me the big guy,
I'm saying, big guys, Trent brown Man, You've got the
huge contract. Is you know, top paid offensive line in
the league. And I can see why I was captical
when they signed and I wasn't sure. It really was
a huge knee to playing on the right side, which
is not really the deal Stipe for a guy it

given that much money too, but he's been dominant, he's
in great shape, but obviously got the big deal and
that then really loses hunger and he's definitely uh destorying
guys at camp. So I think it's a huge thing
for them, kind of just in terms of a character,
kind of set the tone for the rest of the
team and just also get your running game going and
passing defense going for Derek car So he's been a
huge ad for him, Victor for covering the Oakland Raiders

for the Athletic also covers the NFL, joining us here
on Fox Sports Radio. Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks here on
FS are One of the things I love about hard
Knocks the past couple of seasons, you've really seen the
coach quarterback relationship play out on the big screen. You
saw it with Dirt Cutter and Jamis Winston. You got
a pretty good indication that things weren't as smooth in
Cleveland with Baker Mayfield and Hugh Jackson. What is the

relationship and the dynamic like from being there between Derek
Carr and John Gruden. I think they like it. So
I think I was to make a big feel about,
you know, what the future is gonna hold and if
really Derek carrs truly John Gruden's quarterback. But I think
one of the things that did this offseason. They got
Tramp Brown the guy, and Tonio Brown, I got Tyroll Williams.
They got all these Josh Jacobs in the first round.
They got these pieces around Derek so like and the

second year in of the system. So this is his
year if you can't have a great year with the
guys around him in the second year with John Gruden.
But maybe he's not the guy. And I think Derek
would only I think Derek would say, you know, that's
that's fair. So I think it's definitely a proved here
for Derek. I think James John getting long fine, but
by no means that they married, you know, past this year,
you know. And thinking about that offense, how about on
the defense of the ball, because at some point they

have to win games by getting stops. Do you feel
like there's an improved unit on the defense when you
started looking over playing defense, there's no defense, different, more
slices background. The defense is still a question mark. I
think that drafted all his draft picks, including farall my
stats will be an impact you know, pass to us,
it'll be He'll be fine. I think it's gonna be solid.

I'm not sure he's an impact guy. Year one, I
think the biggest editions have been Vante's perfect He obviously
knows Pug up their system well from the time to
get up the Bengals. He's come to camera in great shape.
He's been a leader on the field. He's barking out signals.
He knows that defense already, telling the young guys where
you go hind of line up, and you know, the
bar here has been so low for linebackers the last decade,
and I can't recall the last linebacker here, so I

think you can definitely come in and put his stamp
on things. How much different is training camp this year
with the hard knocks cameras around? I said, the biggest
difference is that everyone's a little more suspect, but there's
always a boom micro over your head. There's like people
people think the fields bucked, so everyone no one's really
talking as freely as they in the past. But other
than that, it's not been that big of deal. There's

a lot more cameras. There's like thirty five people working
for a NFL films on the on the show. But
I think it's wrong. I think the players are kind
of joined. They make up five guys that we practice,
everybody gets their time to shine and be a TV stars.
So so far it's been it's been fun. Okay, big,
I need your help because I'm a big fantasy football
fan and I need a sleeper pick. And I've been

hearing good things about Hunter Renfro. You know what we
had Maurice Toones Drew on my podcast like few months ago.
He said he's get eighty catches and I told me
it was crazy, But I don't know, he may not
be crazy. I mean he's gonna be the flive guy
who's gonna be a checkdown guy. I think it's get
the ball line. Renfro has been great every day camp
the rams can for two days and practices. That was

no problem for for Renfro. So I think it's gonna
be the guy. I think it's gonna be a guy
who'll be sneaky, you know, PPR guy and get you
sixty catches probably, which is gonna be a lot for him.
All right, Last one for me for Vic Tafer, who
covers the Raiders for the Athletic, also covers the NFL
here on Fox Sports Radio. Obviously the game coming up
later on tonight. Their preseason debut Raiders hosting the Rams
at eight Eastern time, five o'clock local time in Oakland.

What can we expect, actor Raider fans expect as far
as playing time goes for the starters in that game,
not much at all. I think maybe a couple of
guys I think I went through probably gonna play. I
think I think maybe a couple of guys on defense,
but most of the stars are gonna sit. Will be
kind of chance for backups and make their if their
claim on jobs. Like Curtis Riley came over from free
agent signing. It's a big man for him, kind of

getting that running for the safety spot. So guys like that, guys,
second team guys trying to make an impression. Not so
much the first thing. Guess. Vic Tafer covers the Raiders
and the NFL for the Athletic does a great job.
If you want to follow and keep up to speed
with everything going on with the Raiders, follow him on
Twitter at victa for Vic. Thanks so much, man, We
really appreciate your time. Appreciate. Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks here

on Fox Sports Radio. It's funny and I wanna bring
this bring this up here when we come back because
an NFL team did something recently that as much as
I love this aspect of the NFL, I do think
it is a sign of the times and what could
happen moving forward. So we will get to that here.
Coming up on Fox Sports Radio, we are brought to
you by Geico. It's easy to say more on car

insurance with Geico, go to Geico dot Comic seven Otto.
The only hard part figuring out which way is easier.
So that is coming up next year out of the
NFL on Fox Sports Radio. But for all the latest
from around the world of sports, David gascon guys will
start things off first in college football, The Atlanto Sentinel
is reporting today that Florida defensive back John Huggins has

been dismissed by the Florida Gators in their program. That
just came down the wire couple of moments ago. Mean,
while we go from college football to the National Football
leagu We've got three preseason games tonight in about ninety
minutes from now Kansas City and Cincinnati from Arrowhead, Rams
and Raiders from Northern California. Of course, the Cowboys and
Forts from Santa Clara. Off the field, free agent defensive

back Ladarius Webb has retired from the league. Detroit Lions
have activated defensi event Trey Flowers from the active pu
P list, and the Lions have also signed quarterback Josh
Johnson in Major League Baseball. Handful of bottoms to discuss.
Tim Tebow's done for the regular season with the New
York Mets farm system. Has a severe cut that will
not heal by the end of the year. Angels doing

some work right now in Boston. But some better news
for them as goes yesterday, show him a tony through
a bullpen session and I actually bumped up his velocity
to eighty miles per hour. He will not pitch this
season as he continues to recover from Tommy John's surgery.
Back to the Jonas Knock Show what Bucky brooks in
just ten seconds? But first a word from Farmers at

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David By. That was a perfect update by David Gascon,
not even a flaw anywhere in the outfit. That is

how it's done. You know, take notes everybody live on
the air. That's how it's done. To pull off a
perfect update. Job well done by David Gascon, the gas Man.
Uh here on Fox Sports Radio. All right, coming up
in fifteen minutes from now on fs ARE, we have
got bad news in the NFL, and it's bad news
involving one of Bucky Brooks's former teams. All right, it's

a fifteen minutes from now here on Fox Sports Radio.
Jonas knocks Buckey Brooks here on FSR. So we just
caught up with Vic Tafer covers the Raiders as they
get ready for a preseason game later on tonight with
the l A. Rams. And the reason I bring that
up is the Rams did something last year that I
think could potentially start to become the norm around the NFL,

and I think you're already seeing that in some places,
even though we're just a game in. For most teams
in the NFL, they didn't play really anybody in the preseason.
I mean, Jared Goff didn't play, Todd Gurley didn't play,
and they didn't skip a beat. They had a little
bit of a slow start against the Raiders on Monday
Night Football last year to open up the season. But
other than that, they rolled and rolled all the way

into a super Bowl. That's gonna become the norm in
the preseason. I inc Oh, yeah, and and so so
here's why. And it goes along with and we didn't
talk about this, but it goes along with what Aaron
Rodgers was complaining about with joint practices. The benefit of
having joint practices for teams that have young stars or

collection stars like the Rams, it gives you the opportunity
to put your guys out there in a competitive environment
where they can get game like work without taking game
like risks. Your quarterback in particular, and so Jered golf
Tied Gurley, Um, the rest of your stars for the Rams.
They can get out there, get the work, go against
a different team, play at a heightened pace because the

intensity of bringing another team kind of raises that intensity level.
Do all of those things, but have a controlled environment
because you have a quick whistle. So then when you
get to the games, I don't need to see those guys.
They got the work, uh for two days before we played.
Now I can let all the backups play the entire
game so I can get the evaluation of them while
my other guys are in bubba rap on the And

it only makes sense because, look, you know what chaired
golf can do. You know what what your starters can do.
That's why they're your starters. For the young guys and
players like that, Like David Montgomery's a drafted rookie for
the Chicago Bears out of Iowa State. He did play
because they don't know. I mean, he's probably going to
be a starter, but they have no idea, so they
wanted to get him some work in the preseason. It

just this is where I think things get a little
bit interesting for the NFL because we're still sitting at
the four preseason games. Some teams have talked about not
wanting the four preseason they've spoken vocally about it's too
many games. The NFL, you know, probably doesn't want to
take those games away because that's extra revenue for each team.

Fans show up to games, tickets are cheaper, you can
get in season ticket holders still have to buy a
couple of a couple of games. But if we keep
the four preseason games the way that we are for
most teams. How much action are starters really gonna get?
Is it gonna be like Jared Goffin Gurley that they're
going to be out the entire time, or you're gonna
get just a pinch of starters playing in preseason moving forward,

just a pinch. I don't think people want to expose
the guys. They want to figure out different ways to
get their guys on the field and get them moving.
And I think, um, you're gonna have some of these
NFL coaches who are beginning to kind of knock on
the doors of college programs and figure out how these
college programs getting their teams ready to play in week

one and not only playing a week one but look
like they're humming and I'm getting after or whatever. And
so because you have offseason workouts and some of workouts
and in this with the strength coaches like they kind
of get it, but they don't fully get it. These
guys get it all the way because they've been practicing it.
It changes the way that, um, it impacts the popularly.
So you think it's just the practice that impacts the

college teams and get them ready to play week one.
I think I think college coaches have figured it out
because in college you're working with the restrictions of a
twenty hour rule, So how can we do a lot
in those twenty hours. Some of the simplification of the
way they do do things on offense on defense enables
guys to be able to pick it up quickly and

the like. Uh the reason Lincoln Riley, I don't know
if you've ever seen it, if anyone was in studio
right now, I'm gonna fold up my paper sheet of
paper from a folded up four ways. When you look
at Lincoln Riley's game sheet on game day, this is
what he has. So Jonas, I mean, you gotta played
high school ball. How many players can you really get
on a sheet of paper that's folded up a quarter

of the size. You can't get much. So what colleges
have done, they've learned how to get more bang for
the buck. How can we get more done in less time?
That's what they've been able to do. NFL teams need
to steal a page from those top college programs and
figure out how they do everything from managing their practices
to what they have on their game sheets to how

they perform on game day. I think they could benefit.
And so how many players does Lincoln Riley have a
his disposal for each game? So here's here's here's funny
because I got a little insight because I had a
little birdie Mike Leach, who may now be my best friend. Oh,
I love Mike Leach. Can we get him on sometime please?
I just want to talk to him about vikings and swords.

What do you think? I asked him at Pact will
Packed with a media day. I asked him about this
because Lincoln Roddy has said that he had learned this
from Mike Leach. So I said, hey, coach leachs like Mike, right,
I mean, uh, Lincoln Roley has said something about the
way that he folds it up. He said, oh buck,
what I do is this kind of source everything out
for me in terms of where I keep the management.

So he said, on on this quarter of the page
here in my top twenty five bass plays. He said.
Then when I flip it over to this, he said,
this is my short yardage, my red zone, my short
yardage package right here. Then when I go to the
other side, my other quarter. So if you think about
the quarters, so I'm in the third section. Now this

are my my third down medium, third down long in
my screen package, and then my last quadrant just features
my special place. And he said, so that's I've always
done it. So in game action, I'm always just flipping
my thing around to figure out what plays I need.
But it's not a lot. And what I learned from

him and what I continue to learn from all these coaches, Man,
it's not what you do, it's how you do it.
So simpler allows your guys to get comfortable doing the
same things over and over and over and over and
over again. Repetition matters far more than all the trickery
that is amazing I did. I had no idea. So basically,
and and how Bucky was describing it, you take it.

If you took a sheet of notebook paper, you fold
it in half vertically and then folded it in half again,
you'd have it basically into fource. And so you've got
each fourth on the piece of paper has a different
section of plays, like you just talked about it, and
that's all it is. That's all it is. It's crazy.
So when you look at Lincoln Round, you're like, man,
how does this do? Whipping people with an index card.

Literally that is what he is, he has done and
so no, that's that's really now you So you're a
head coach at the high school level. Um, getting ready
to to slap around Saugas I said it, Bucky didn't
say that. I said it. But but you're a head
coach at at the high school level. So how have
you approached Because you've experienced practice at at North Carolina

back in the day, you experienced practice, whether it be
a Green Bay, Buffalo, Jacksonville, wherever. So that being said,
how have you taken your experiences and what have you
found from playing at all different levels and now scouting
and now becoming a head coach at high school? How's
it changed how you practice? It? Says it sads a
lot like um being able to be exposed to a
bunch of different coaches and a bunch of different coaching styles.

I've been able to kind of steal from certain people.
There's certain things that I've taken from Marty Schottenheimer when
it came to the fundamentals and those things. There are
other things in terms of treating players and people from
Mac Brown that has been that Marv Leavy did it
differently in terms of not putting the paths on all
the time, but really the UH some of the biggest
influences have been, UM, the service academies, Army and Air Force. UM.

Because of some of the challenges that we may have
at the school. We're having to practice early in the
morning before school and so UM we may practice at
five thirty in the morning, have to be off the
field at seven o'clock, so ninety minutes. How do you
maximize ninety minutes of practice time? And so and talk
to some some of the people that UH, the U. S.
Air Force, UH West Point UH, they've talked about how

they get those things done and how they get them
done quickly. And so we've tried to steal some ideas
and look, man, it may be a great field experiment,
but we will try and do it a little differently
and see if we can have fun along the way.
But UH, being around these coaches, the common denominators are
all the same. Like when you go back and study
the Chuck Knowles, the Vince Lombardi's, the Don Shoolers, the
guys have won a ton of games. It is not

what you do, it's how you do it. It's about execution, reputation. Um,
it's about the discipline and details, and then take care
of the ball. Um, don't of it up, don't give
up big plays. If you do the simple things, the
simple things go a long way. Yeah, it's um, And
you talk to me about that. Actually, last week we
were talking about your approach and how you're having your
players practice before school at the high school level. Now,

I'll tell you what that when when I played high
school football, that would have been so much more effective.
And people say no, but it's high schoolers having to
wake up that early. You know, many high schoolers are
dragon ass by three o'clock when they go to practice,
Like they don't They've just been sitting in class all day.
They don't want to go to It's better to get
your most difficult thing out of the way first, so
that way everything else seems like a breeze. So always

I always work out in the morning because that way
the rest of my days of breeze and I know
I've got that done. So that's funny because it has
changed the way that I have to work out because
I'm normally early morning workout. Guess I've had to flip
that and kind of flip that in terms of uh
NASA doing in the afternoon because we're practicing in the morning.
The kids have really embraced it, like they love it
because it gives them an opportunity. They look, they're gonna

be up anyway. They got to go to school. Like
school starts at seven five, so either way, they're gonna
have to be up, So maybe I'm asking them to
get up maybe a half hour early. But the benefit
is when school is done at three twenty, they're done
for the rest of the day. So if they manage
your time, they finished their homework, they're done is six,
they get to bed at a reasonable hour nine a
nine o'clock or so, like everything is there for them.

And when you think about the drag, so Thursday will
be the last day of practice for a game on
Friday night at seven o'clock. So after seven o'clock on Thursday,
they may have thirty six hours to quote unquote recover
for a game on Friday. So maybe their fresh yer.
So we'll see, we'll see if it works. Maybe it's
a bunch of hogwash and I just have to come
back and go back to the old school the next year.

You'd be like, hey, we'll tell you press. But I'll
do what every radio host does and I'll just take
the opposite side of what I took a year ago.
I hope nobody was listening to the year before. But
now I'm telling you, man, anybody listening to this right now,
and there's something to it, and everybody can relate to this.
There's nothing worse if you work at nine to five,

whatever it is that you do for work, there's nothing
worse than getting off work and having to go to
the gym. It is really yeah, because you're tired, you've
been working all day. You just want to go relax
and do anything that that is the opposite of work
at that point, and then somebody throws on you all
by the way, you got to go work out for
an hour and hour and a half like it's That's

why I always tell people, Look, get your workouts done
in the morning. And there's something about when you get
the hardest part of your day done, when you walk
out of that gym or you walk off that practice field,
You're endorphins are rushing and realize it's it's just a complete,
a total breeze. The rest of the day. Not having
that that burden on your mind for after work or
after practice, after school? Is this a much Is this

a much better deal for me? So I enjoy hopefully
is one of those things that A do. We We
had to get up early, they got to sleep in
a little bit today. We had pitch you today, so
they got to come in a seven o'clock nice feel
like it was whatever. There you go, all right? So
Bucky Brooks Jonas Stocks here on Fox Sports Radio. Um,
we are comingy alive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.

Up next, so we've got bad news for one of
Bucky Brooks's former teams in the NFL. Find out who
they are next on Fox Sports Radio. He is Bucky Brooks,
I'm Jonas Knocks. This is Fox Sports or Radio. You
can always check out this show on the I Heart
Radio app. It's easy. You just search for Fox Sports
Radio and we are right there. Click on it, listen live,

have a good time as we take you all the
way up until eight p m. Eastern time here on
Fox Sports Radio. Coming up over ten minutes from now
here on fs are a very an odd strategy to
the NFL preseason by one team who is a Super
Bowl contender. Okay, so a very odd strategy will have
that for you here a little over ten minutes from

now here on Fox Sports Radio. So, Bucky Brooks, your
former team, the Jacksonville Jaguars, and we talked about this earlier.
Bucky Brooks has gone through and and talked about which
and which who is the key ingredient to make every
engine in the NFL work offensively. So the key member
on offense that really stirs the drink there for each team,

and for the Jacksonville Jaguars, you pointed out Leonard four Net.
Leonard Fronts the guy that's going to be the difference
maker for Jacksonville. Well, Jacksonville is already starting off. And
this ties in perfectly to the conversation we were having
when it came to when it came to how teams
prepare and how they get ready for practices and games
in the preseason and whatnot. Because Doug Marron in talking

about how Mark Easley their wide receiver and Cam Robinson,
the the offensive lineman, they may not be ready for
the start of the season. And so Jacksonville has been
hit with this injury bug and they're trying to figure
things out as we go along, and so Doug Marrone
said the following quote, I've done everything I possibly can.

I've changed my philosophy. I've had to do it. Okay,
so that he's almost at a loss at this point
to where I don't know what else I can do
to try and make sure we've got a healthy football team.
Is this just one of those situations and and you
being a former player to where sometimes teams are just
snake bit in certain years, like it just seems like

everything's going wrong, guys are getting injured. It could we
be seeing that in Jacksonville and what a lot of
people think is a promising bounce back year, that these
injuries are starting to linger into the season as the
season approaches. Yeah, first first thing you do when you
have a situation where you have a ton of injuries injuries, uh,
you examine your strength and conditioning program and what you're doing.

Are you taxing them too much? Are you grinding too hard?
What kind of lifting program do we have? Are we
going from a lifting Olympic lifting to doing a different
style um training module? And if those things are solid,
then you go and look at how are we practicing.
Are we too physical? Do we have to pass on
too much? Are we going live contact to the point

where we're kind of beating ourselves up and we're getting diminishing,
we're turns? Um, do we need to as you saw
on tweet there, do do we need to go to
more of a walk through style practice where it's not
as physical but it's more mental. Um. You know that
the thing is your philosophy practice. Philosophy kind of hasn't
match up a little bit to the way that you

play or whatever. A lot of times, if you want
to be a big physical team that leans on the run, well,
what you want to do to build that toughness up?
You want to you want to bang and get after
it and being full of contact and have your pads
on and do that. Um. However, when you bang so much,
at some point you can kind of wear yourself down
and beat yourself up. And so you have to be
smart about that part of it, and you kind of

have to kind of dance on that line a little bit.
What's the what's the fine line between get them enough
physicality and contact and not getting them enough where they
can't walk into a game feeling confident. That Look, we
talked about Nick Saban and Alabama. The way they practice.
There's been talks and a lot of those practices are
really hard. There was um uh and this in mixed

martial arts. There was an academy in Brazil called the
Shooter Box Academy and they had fighters like you know,
the Vanderley Silva and they had show gun whoa Anderson
Silva was there. They had all these these big time
superstar fighters, these badasses, and the stories were there would
be wars in practice to where those guys were going

all out and as they would get into fights and
as their careers went on, you could just see the
wear and tear and it wasn't so much from the
wars that they were in in the cage or in
the ring. It was because of what they were doing
in practice. So you've seen it in mixed martial arts
to where there's they're still trying to figure out, okay,
what's the right way to get guys prepared for fights
and still not wear their bodies down. And it almost

feels like Doug Marrone who by the way, Tom Coughlin
is running the show there. Tom Coughlin. There's been talks
that Tom Coughlin was one of those coaches that was
really really hard on this guy. As you know the
Tom Coughlin time all that. Maybe they're just one of
the last teams to really embrace the idea of look,
it's more important what happens on Sunday. The stuff during

the week not as important. We got to dial it
down a notch. I haven't haven't played for Tom Coughlin
in Jacksonville. I can tell you, like we we would
have these long, grueling practices and we would follow it
up with a very very strenuous way training program, and
it can wear you out. And it's typically for a
younger team. I think they will have to re examine
how they go about doing their business. I think one

of the things that that makes you do that when
you have a series of injuries and you're not able
to get to the first game healthy, that's the problem.
That's why you're seeing the Rams whole tie Gurley out
and all the start is up, because the most important
thing is let's get to the first game with everybody
that we have available. He's Bucky Brooks, I'm Jonas Knoxis
is a Fox Sports radio coming up next day. Very
bizarre strategy by one super Bowl contender when it comes

to the preseason next year on Fox Sports Radio, a
very interesting strategy for one NFL team who is a
Super Bowl contender as they approach their preseason debut. Will
get into that here. Coming up in just a couple
of moments. He's Bucky Brooks, I'm Jonas Knocks. This is
Fox Sports Radio. You can check out the show on
the I Heart Radio app and wherever you are taking

part in the program, we always appreciate a few minutes
of your time as we come to you live from
the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios for fifteen minutes could
save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Visit
Geico dot com for a free rate quote. UM, all right,
so this is a a very interesting strategy. UM I

I'm a little bit surprised by the strategy. But that
being said, UM, look, everybody has their own thing. Everybody
believes that their their way is best for them and
they know their players the best. But coming up in
an hour from now, the team that was on the
doorstep of a Super Bowl appearance last year before losing
to Tom Brady in the New England Patriots as the

Kansas City Chiefs, the Chiefs are hosting the Cincinnati Bengals.
That is an eight pm Eastern Time kickoff, and uh,
Andy Reid is d that Patrick Mahomes is going to
play the first quarter of this game. Right, So while
we talk about everybody else saying we're not playing anybody,

we're not taking any chances here. Aaron Rodgers doesn't even like,
you know, the the the joint practices during the during
training camp, Andy Reid is saying, listen, uh, five thousand yards,
fifty touchdowns, MVP season. No, no, no, Patrick Mahomes, you
are playing in our preseason debut, and in fact, you're
playing the entire first quarter. What what's happening here? Monkey?

So what Andy Reid is doing is it's kind of
a counterculture tactic. So everyone typically waits for the third
preseason game to play their starters, and so that's when
you're playing good on good, You've got those guys in
and you're kind of working. What Andy is doing is
he's putting his guys in week one. Let them get

it in that first quarter, get all that work in
when everything is vanilla, when everyone's playing the backups. I'm
not saying that you minimize the risk, but you're putting
yourself in a position where you can get their quality
work in, get it going, get out there, and then
move on. And so that's what he's trying to do.
He's just kind of flipping the county a little bit.
It is almost like in college where teams started taking

spring ball early as opposed to late. Get it in
because if you do have an injury or whatever, you
give yourself more time for them to recover. That That
is iNeST I didn't think about it like that. So
his idea is, you know he's gonna play at some point,
we'd rather him do it earlier and then be fully
rested for the season as opposed to having to do
it later. Yeah, it gets working, get the timing in,
get all that stuff done now, and then they can

kind of taper it off if they need to, if
they need to get them more. But they they're able
to sit and wait and reevaluate. Hey, he needs to
get a little more work on this, or you know what,
we're good. We can kind of ship close the shop now. UM.
So we talked about this a little bit before. UM.
And by the way, if something happens to Patrick Mahomes
and he suffers an injury, God forbid, so happens to

Patrick Mahomes, Andy Reid will be crushed by everybody in
the media for the next week. He will get destroyed
because everyone's, oh, how could you do that. At a
certain point, we've all got just got to slow down,
take a deep breath, and realize this is a violent sport.
It is a collision sport. You're it's human beings flying

around to try and save their careers and make money.
And and the preseason I've always felt um is as
dangerous as a regular season game because of how desperate
people are to make rosters, and so I think injuries
are a part of it. It's now look Rex Ryan
putting Mark Sanchez in the fourth quarter of of a
preseason game I didn't work out to all, Probably wasn't

the best move, But I just think it is a
risky proposition to play anybody in the preseason. But I
don't think you should be afraid of it, and so
you can't. You can't be afraid if you if you
if you you approach it with fear, then that's when
the negative want to happen. You gotta be able to
go in there. You have to have a play in
and you got to execute, and you can't worry about
the Nay series or whatever I think Andy Reid has
to do was best for Pat Mahomes. He knows whether

Pat Mahomes needs work or not. Get him to work. Um,
we have to remember football is a developmental sport. This
is the only time these guys get to put on
pads and some things can only be done in pads
in game action. So get the work in and hopefully
you knock on wood. Pat Mahomes doesn't get hurt. But
you gotta give your offense an opportunity to develop the
rhythm to get going. So when they hit the ground,

they hit the ground running. Whenever regul the season starts.
And so there's already been whispers that the Kansas City
Chiefs are already looking at, uh, you know, locking up
Patrick Mahomes when he is eligible to be locked up
to a long term deal. Um, you've talked about this before.
You're running the Kansas City Chiefs, Bocky Brooks. What are
you giving Patrick Mahomes to ensure there's no possible way

he ever leaves your organization? Oh, this is easy. Like
first deal, we're offering five years two and a million,
forty million years year, like we accounting all the inflation costs, Like, hey,
I don't want to see you m a office again
for five years. So here you go two and a
million dollars, stroke to check. Let's go done deal, just
like that, done so, and now would you go fully guaranteed? Well,

I can't give him two hundred fully guarantee, but I
can go up like whatever we're Russell Wilson, gotta whoever
got the most guaranteed money or whilst the past that
what makes sure you feel good about what we're doing.
But yeah, we can get you up to two hundred millions.
And so it may seem crazy and people look at
that and go, oh my god, he's only played one
year and it's okay. But even if he plays, I mean,
nobody's expecting he's gonna play Patrick Momes the next season

as well as he did last year. Okay, but even
if he just takes a step back, a step back
from five thousand and fifty touchdowns is a pretty damn
good step back. So even if he takes that step
back and he's eligible for a new contract after the season,
let's think about what the contracts they're talking about now.
I mean it's already up to what about thirty five million,
So we're already at thirty five million per so I'm

sweeting the pot putting forty million on time, So forty
uh so five times twenty five. So I mean, I'm
just heading twenty five on top of what it would be.
And look, if you just kept it as is two
years from now, it might actually be more than forty
million dollars. Like we might actually approach a rate that's
going to be higher than the forty million. So yeah,
I like the idea of it. Um, Now, is he

one of those if you had to give a guaranteed contract, right,
whatever the term is, Kirk Cousins has got it. But
if you had to give a guaranteed contract to a
handful of quarterbacks in the NFL, who's in that handful
of quarterbacks you give a guaranteed contract too? I think
he's in. I think he's in that category. I think
Russell Wilson would be in that category. Uh if not
for Andrew lux injury history, I would put him in

that category. Um. The thing about those, uh, fully guaranteed deals,
you have to know that you can count on the
guy for all sixteen. It's not saying that as much
as you can. You want to look at the history
and see who has been available consistently year after year
after year after year after year. Um, the top young players.

I'm willing to do that. That's why I cited Russell
Wilson and Pat Mahomes Um Andrew Look would probably get
this by now, but you just can't. Man, he's taking
such a beating and there's always an issue if it's
not that that's tough. But um, Now that being said,
so there are three games in the NFL coming up

later at night. So we just talked about the Bengals
in the Chiefs at eight Eastern time. You've also got
the Dallas Cowboys and the Forts at nine pm Eastern
time on NFL Network. But then you've got the Oakland
Raiders and the l A Rams. The Oakland Raiders who
are dealing with their own circus in town in Napa Valley.
They will play the Rams coming up later on. And
earlier in the show, we talked to Vic Tafer. He

covers the Raiders for the Athletic and he talked about
what the vibe of the team is like with the
Antonio Brown drama going on in NAPA. The one practice
took part in it was about I want say, ten
days ago and he had to have a bad feat
and he bit about a half hour working at receivers.
They show high Knox a little bit about half hour.
He totally destroyed people. So I think any like, you know,

fear or frustration they have is kind of societically. They
saw what they could do against their top tps on
a bad feat, and he was you know, it was
still great receivers. I think they're very excited about him.
At some point, the skin is gonna heal the helmet thing.
He's that kind of stood out and missed pretty million
doscars of my helmet. So I think that's all going
to resolve us at at some point. We got plenty
of times to the opening, we got footballs. I think

they're they're fine. I think they're obviously it's not an
ideal way to start off for relationship, but I think
they'll be okay. So that was the latest from vict
tafor who covers the Raiders for the Athletic Um and
it is it is a bizarre situation. The helmet stuff
is strange. Um. The cryotherapy treatment. Why he was in Paris.
That was very bizarre. The helmets, and this is where

I think the NFL got such a beating and took
so much backlash for their handling of concussions and all
of that. Throughout the years. The you know, there was
you know what kind of pills would be in the
locker room. If he had a headache, he would just
lie to get back out on the field. I was
watching Last Chance You. So Last Chance You was the
Netflix documentary which I loved where it goes, I mean,

it's just if you ever grew up around juco football,
junior college football, and I grew up around it because
my brothers both played in southern California, wanted More Park College,
the other at Pierce UM in l A. So I
was always going to junior college football games. And you
watch Last Chance You, and it just takes you back
to all those times, smaller crowds, middle of nowhere, um,

you know, and and and they really do a great
job of taking you throughout the whole the whole process.
There was a guy on Last Chance You and at
Independence Kansas one of the players who flat out lied
to the trainer about having a concussion. He didn't even
know where he was, didn't He was so concussed that
after the game he was ready to quit football because

he just he didn't want to play anymore. I don't
want to play foot And it wasn't that he was scared.
He just wasn't thinking clearly straight up lied went back
into the game with a concussion. So the idea that
Antonio Brown doesn't like the new helmet, I think there's
been There's been a concerted effort at all levels. You
be in a high school coach, know this, get better equipment,

half better stuff around, because I can tell you this.
When I played high school football, the equipment was terrible,
absolutely terrible. When you got new shoulder pads, it just felt,
oh my god, like it doesn't hurt when I try
and tackle somebody anymore. And I think that the NFL
and and everybody involved has done their best to try
and improve the safety in all aspects of the game.
You can never take the violence out of the game,

but if you can try and modify it to where
guys aren't suffering such catastrophic injuries, especially later on, I
just I just think you get it done. In Antonio Brown,
like raging against the machine. In this aspect, it's just weird, man,
It's a weird stance to take. It is such a
weird stance that you know he's going down to hell
for the helmet. Uh, when there's so many other things.

He spray painted a helmet and stuck it into practice,
Like what are you doing? Man? Like? I? Uh, the
thing the thing about him and the helmet and getting
it done, um, dealing with the high school kids like, um,
guys have changed schools, transfer schools, and they purchased their
helmets so you can send it back to the factory
and they can pain and they can do all this
stuff standing down and come back and get it the

right color. I think for a b I would just
like to think that you want the best helpmet and
I get that. Look, man, I had my favorite set
of show to pass that you would take with you.
You you would care those when you go to other places.
You have the lightning? Do you get the lightning? Come on?
I had, But when they feel good, they feel good.
You don't want to let anyone, Uh, anyone had those?

And funny it was funny about this, right, so players
and this lets you like a glimpse into the players world. Right,
so the owners and the commissioner and all those talking
about health and safety and we gotta make the game
safer or whatever. And then I'm sitting here listening to
a b talking about I want to play with an
outdated helmet that is not safe. And then I played
with players who have you ever seen what hockey pads

look like? Yeah, they're tiny. Guys played with hockey pads
instead of shoulder fat Oh yeah, Michael Bennett, Yeah, hockey fast,
my buddy. Um they used. Working at the NFL network,
Eric Davis was a big proponent of that. I played
with other guys who played with those smaller pads, and
so if you've ever seen those pads compared to NFL
shoulder pads, much smaller. But those are kind of the

things that the risk that we take. Um for the
longest time, I can tell you, man, I didn't wear
pads in my pants, like when you go to the pro.
One of the things we talked about it like, hey man,
you gotta head of pro. Look what the pro look is.
And I put on my drop my jock, my pants
and I roll out like that's that's what. That's what
you do like, that's what people do. And a lot

of guys might wear um thigh pads, but they don't
wear a jock. So guys just don't wear a cup like.
I've seen that to work. I've never I never woke
up like I would wear like now. And I think
it's funny because back then you would wear a jock. Now,
I think the kids and everybody just wears they wear
compression shorts and you'll put the thoughtpads in. But I
can tell you the thoughpads that I wore, you know,

the little cushy phone pads. So if you take a
razor blade, and I shouldn't guess I shouldn't say this
any kids. If you if you take a razor blade
and you split the pad, there's a little plastic protector
in there. I played with the plastic protector. I never
played with the cushy pass So you took the cushion
off and played with the plastic protector. Wow, look at

you talk about it what everyone does, because you gotta
be you have to be lighter like anyone. Most people
who have played in the league, who have played a
skill position, note man speed and quickness is at a
premium and so um everyone spends most of your life.
I gotta get bigger, I gotta get strong, Yeah, YouTube pro.
You gotta get quicker. You drop weight, you cut it down,

you try and take all the stuff off so you
can be as light as possible, because it really is
attract met on the field. The crazy thing I remember
playing so actually playing you know, tackle football for the
first time you grew up. You're playing the street and
you a you know, outdoors and in the park and
all that stuff, mostly seven on seven and stuff like that,
flag football whatever. First time I put on shoulder pads,

it freaked me out because I realized, oh, my arms
don't go up that high anymore. Like I've like, I've
actually got like the shoulder pads. That was weird to
get used to. And then the other one of the
dumbest ideas ever ever thought of. There was a sporting
goods store in town that sold the soft cups to
where they weren't an actual cup. It was a soft

it was like a pad, and it was supposed to
give you more flexibility. I got hit in the balls
about three practices in, and I swear to God, I
was ready to quit life. It did nothing it didn't
protect me at all. And if look, if you were
a cup, if you wear a cup and get hit,
you see it in in the UFC all the time.
It still hurts the fact that somebody thought it was

a good idea to just have a pad as a
put what a what a terrible idea? So well, Antonio
Brown doesn't like his helmet, Try having a Try having
a just a pad covering up your down years bathroom
and getting hit directly. I've never I've never, I've never
won a cup ever playing ball like I've never baseball.
For a little while then it was uncomfortable and I

was like, you never thought like a guy was going
to tackle you, low helmet, right to the groin. That
never was a concern for you. Maybe my own arrogance.
I thought I would make him miss maybe my own game. Yeah,
I just don't. I don't ever remember wearing a cup
on the vote. Man, you can't, you can't move the
thing for true now. The only thing I can I
can tell you that mom, and this is from my mom.

My mom hated when we wore white pants because if
you wear white pants and a jock like obviously like
a continuing you're cracking, everything can go through. So she
she would just tell me, please put on a girl.
No one wants to see that, like no, it's it's
good like girls like that, like the type pants and

everybody would wear the super small pants of course. So
if you can imagine, I think when I was playing,
I was probably about a third three or thirty four
my football pants. Though. There you go, good for you,
you know, that's the gotta be painted on. That's my philosophy.
Let's go live to Uh do they wear a jock? Insider?

Iowa Sam for the latest Sam? All right, well you
wear a jock, but nobody wore when I played for Okay,
granted seventh, eighth and ninth grade. Nobody work up because
you can't move, you can't sane. You don't wear it
up because you honestly you think, yeah, you think that
you're gonna get hit there, but actually it happens a
lot less than you think. I don't know, like just
the threat is real, man, I don't know. Nobody work ups.

You know. I had friends that played into their you know,
eleventh and twelfth grade and that yeah, that I don't know,
Like I I was not taking any chances. I was
also terrible, so I probably shouldn't have worn it. I
also made the mistake one time. You know the thigh pads.
So there's the thigh pads that are basically just almost
like a rectangle to where they would just it was
the full path that there was a rectangle. There was

another out of iPads to where they would go up
into a point almost like an angle to cover the outside.
So they would almost almost like a like a forty
five degree slant just so they would be able to
cover the outside. And they were cut and grooved, so
they gave you more room in between. Um in that area. Well,
I was an idiot and I didn't know which way

they were supposed to go, So I did it to
where the point was on the inside and got tackled
and they went. Yeah, they went right into some places
they shouldn't have got into. That was but again I
was an idiot. So what do I know? That's because
I mean, I love talking of football pads. I mean,
next week we're gona get into Cowboy Callers, one of
the great great long lost pads of all time. I

loved it, Daryl Johnson, You talking about a cowboy collar.
It's funny, right, So it's funny when you have like
these childhood idols, right that you have crushes on, Like
Eric Dickinson was my market. Marcus Allen was another one
of my favorites as a kid. Play with Marcus Allen.
And I've met Eric Dickinson like later in life, like

now we do things together whatever, And I've told him, Hey, man,
when I was a kid, I used to want to
wear rex Fix just like I wanted when I was
twelve years old, I got the face mask that he
had um with all the other stuff or whatever, so
I could be I wanted to be just like And
then I had a cowboy collar and the cowboy color

that he had had the hooks and sit back, man now,
but that I think it was a neck roll? Was
that a roll? A cowboy collar? Darrel Moose Johnson were
the cowboy caller? I think, yeah, it's man. Just such
a good time. She brings back. Remember Newman gloves. Remember
Newman So let me tell you about my fanatical obsession

with Newman gloves. So each year my parents because man,
at the time, this was hefty, like Newman gloves were
about fifty dollars at the sporting and um my parents.
My dad would always me one set of Newman gloves
and I had a set from the previous year that
was my practice pair. But the game pair, I would

because you had these special instructions in terms of how
you would wash them. I would wash them with dish
dish like the dishwashing dishwashing liquid or whatever um I would.
I would clean them off and then I would sit
them up under the light on the stove. And so
back then I might have been a little obsessive when
it came to the rituals and the routine, but I

would I would have those sitting on like third so
we played on Friday night, so Thursdays they would be
sitting on the stove at night. I had a sweet
towel I had my mom had went out and got
me a monogram towel, so the monogram towel with an
M because we're meal brook. I would iron the towel
because you know how you were folded over and would

sit on the side, so I would iron the towel.
I would lay out all of my stuff, snap my
pads in all of this stuff the night before or
because it had it just had to be there, because
since I was seven. That's how it was. It would
lay out in the middle of my bedroom floor and
I would just look at it like all the way out.

It's kind of funny because now when I'm around, because
I told you we had pitched today day at Granada,
and the kids are coming and I'm giving them a
hard time about like, oh, look at you with all
your sweet towels and your wristbands and all this other stuff,
and I'm like, oh they God, I can't say an
I'm kid. Yeah, you used dish soap to clean unbelievable.

He's Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas knocks is is Fox Sports Radio.
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say money switched the Geico. It only takes fifteen minutes
to see if you could say fifteen or cent the
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see how much you could save up. Next, Bucky Brooks
is gonna tell you which division, right, we have one
division left in the a f C. The engines that
make each of their offenses. Go find out what they

are next on Fox Sports Radio. The hell is this? O? God?
Oh man, Bucky bro Man, this was man? This was
this is my thing right here. This was back uh
right when I was going to I might have been

at the end of my high school career about to
go to college, like this was. This was the MC hammer.
Ce Jonas just gotta wait till your co host because
the backup dances was Oaktown. They were Oaktown three seven.
I thought this was CNC music. Oh no, no, turn
it out. This is the original. To see the video.

Sam Our technical producer. Sam did some sort of a
peck flex. Oh this was. This was I've never hammer
in a minute like Sam just did a bench press
in mid air with no weight like that was his
dance movie. That was the thing. That was the dance move.
You gotta popped the video of you got a popped

the video. I'd rather just watch you guys do it.
To be honest, Vie make for a better show, all right,
and so we will. Bucky Brooks and I are going
to get to the scraps here coming up uh in
just a few minutes here on Fox Sports traders and
things in the world of sports we've not had a
chance to get to. So we will do that. But Bucky,
all throughout the show, we've been doing the a f C.
Bucky Brooks has talked about the offensive engines that make

each team in the NFL go. We started with the
a f C East, we went to the a f
C South, we went to the a f C North,
and now we've got one division left in the a
f C and it is the a f C West. So,
Bucky Brooks, each team the engine that makes each offensive
team go, oh, here we go. So let's start out

with the Denver Broncos. It has to be Joe Flacco.
And I know when you say Joe Flecco, Everyone's like,
who what? But John always says that Joe Flecco is
entering his from they believe they can build an offense
around him. With the stretch, bootleg passing game that rich
scang Grello is putting in. I think you have a
chance to kind of find his way. I think you'd

be solid. And I'm interested to see because Drew lock
has not been very impressive in the preseason and he's
at developmental quarterback and I get it. I love Vic
Fangio's approach to where he's just like, no, I'm not
going to sugarcoat it. He's struggled here, He's done this wrong.
He's done that wrong. He's been pretty blatantly and brutally
honest about it. So it's Joe Flacco's team. Yeah, I'm

I'm really really interested. It's it's the best quarterback they've
had since Peyton Manning retired. And I would even argue
better than Peyton Manning his final you're considering he was
dealing with the injuries and all that. So Denver is
gonna be a fun team to watch in that a
f C West. We moved from there to the Kansas
City Chiefs and the engine that makes that offense. Yeah,

the KANSI the Chiefs is gonna be a bit of
a surprise when I dropped the name, But I believe
the engine to their offense is Tyreek Hill, not Pat Mahomes.
And the reason why I say Tyreek Hill, Tyreek Hill
is a guy that changes the coverage and changes how
defenses played. The kid the City Chiefs. For all the
Pet Mahomes greatness, Tyreek Hill is the one that is
a table center. He creates, he takes on the double teams,

creates one on one for everyone, including Travis Kelsey on
the outside, and then when it comes to the running game,
fewer defenders in the box because you always have to
be aware of number ten. Um he is, and you
just take the off field stuff out of it, and
we're just having a sports conversation about the one. He's
unbelievable and who wasn't Mark Schlayrath who told us um

Uh the defensive coordinator for Baltimore Ye Uh said that
in a game last year. He was talking to him
and he said that, Uh, Tyreek Hill was the most
explosive player he's ever seen in the NFL with the
ball in his hands. I absolutely believe he's He's super explosive. Yeah,
he's a dynamic and incredible player to watch, really fun

to watch, and so so not Pat Mahomes Tyree Hill.
It is a bit of a surprise, all right. So
we continue on in the a f C West. The
engine that makes the offense go for the l A Chargers, Oh,
it has to be Philip Rivers. Philip Rivers his ability
to elevate everyone around him. We've seen him do it
for years. It doesn't matter who you put on the perimeter.

He finds a way to put those guys in positions
to make plays, and more importantly, they make plays for him. Uh,
Philip Rivers to me is the definition of what a
franchise quarterback is supposed to be. He elevates everybody, he
could put the offense on his back. He is well
worth the price of admission. He deserves to be on
this list as the engine. And also it's he's in

a weird way. Also the reason that Melvin Gordon is
not getting that big time offer from the l A
Chargers because I think they're totally okay going into this
season with Austin Eckler and Justin Jackson and Philip Rivers
in that backfield. And since it doesn't matter, Yeah, we're
good here. Because it doesn't matter, Philip Rivers is going
to make everyone, everyone play at a higher level. Last
team in the a f C the offensive engine that

makes each team go in the NFL. As we finish
the a f C, there is one team left. Then
of course we save the best for last, and that
team is the Oakland soon to be Las Vegas Raiders.
Bucky Brooks, who isn't you know? So here's the thing.
I know John Gruten like he used to have a
Mercedes when I was up there, and so he would

have to have an engine I know right now, And
based on who the engine is Antonio Brown, he probably
wishes he was driving a tesla Um right now. AB
is the guy. Antonio Brown is going to be the
engine of this offense because of the things that he's
able to do on the field. The thing they gotta
figure out is can they get him a helmet? Can
they get his feet right so he can get on
the field and be the thing due to things that

we know that he can do when he's on the field.
And look, Vic Taper joined us earlier in the show
and he talked about Antonio Brown. The one practice he
did participate in with the feet as damaged as they were,
and whatever helmet he was issued at the time, he
completely ate up every dB there was. He's that dynamic
of a player. And is he gonna be a Hall
of Famer one day? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gonna

be a lot to be a Hall of Fame. Like
with the numbers that he's put up in the way
that he's done it. The thing that would have helped
his case if he has stayed at Pittsburgh the entire time,
he would have been a shoeing. Now if he bounces
around a little bit at the end, it get turns
it a little bit, but I still think he's going
to Uh. There it is. That is Bucky Brooks. Every
single team in the a f C, the offensive engines

that make each team go. If you want to read
the entire a f C list, go to NFL dot
com and search Bucky Brooks. He's got the entire list there.
So job well done. Jonas knocks Bucky Brooks. Here on
Fox Sports Radio, we are coming alive from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio studios, where it's easy to say fifteen center.
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Comic call eight under, nine four seven Auto. The only
hard part figuring out which way is easier. All right,
So we've got the scraps coming up next. There are
stories in the world of sports we have not had
a chance to get to. But before we get to that,
we've got to hear from our guy, Steve to Sager.
Good evening, gentlemen. The New York Mats have won fourteen
of their last fifteen games. They're losing early and night
at home to nothing to Washington. In the top of

the second one. Soto is twenty three home run Red's
leading the Cubs again one nothing in the bottom of
the second. The Cubs are first in the NL Central,
but just two and a half games up on Milwaukee
three over St. Louis. For the Brewers, m VP candidate
Christian Yellow is still out with a bad back. He's
been out since Monday. Cardinals are trailing one nothing early
against the Pirates, but bottom of the first Cards to

have bases loaded. It's just ended. In Boston. The Angels
win twelve four over the Red Sox. Toronto beat the
Yankees five to four. With the Yankee loss, Houston win
would give them the best overall record right now in
the major leagues, and Houston is winning four one at
Baltimore in the top of the second. Alex Bregman is
twenty eight home run Brewers by the way, scoreless bottom
of the first against the Texas Rangers seventh inning. Braves

are scoreless at Miami. San Francisco and FS one today
beat Philadelphia three to one, the win to former Notre
Dame wide receiver Jeff some rg eight strong innings on
the hill. Three NFL exhibitions Tonight's, including at the top
of the hour Cincinnat Kansas City Rams at Raiders, later
Dallas at San Francisco, Seattle Sign quarterback JT. Barrett, New
Orleans Cut wide receiver Richard Matthews. Alabama freshman running back

Trey Sanders is reportedly out for the year with a
foot injury. We're back to the show in ten seconds,
but first a word from Farmers at Farmers Insurance. We
know every windshield collision has a unique sound. Beetle bird poop,
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in every state. And guys battle for first in the
a L Central Twins and Indians tied in the standings.
There in a brief raindola at the start, so not
yet starting in Minneapolis. Back to you. Thanks. Steve Jonas
knocks Bucky Brooks here on Fox Sports Radio. So we've
got the scraps coming up here on fs ARE. But
Steve mentioned it in his update and talking about the

loss at Alabama. Trey Sanders is going to have foot surgery,
most likely out for the entire season. Is what the
word is for the Crimson Tide. He was true freshman um,
a top ten recruit, a five star recruit, I believe,
one of three five stars that committed to Alabama. And
so that's a bad loss for the Crimson Tide who

go into next season and look, I think teams have
gotten a glimpse as to what TA is um and
maybe there's an adjustment that's made to what two way
is with that offense. But I mean, losing a running
back like that, you can you can say, well, Alabama's
always got depth at running back, but I do think
that's a significant loss and worth monitoring there in TUSCALOOSY.

It is worth moniting. But I will say this is
the best set of skill players that they've had in
a long time, the receivers that they have at their disposal.
All those guys can can get it done. And so
I don't think there'd be any loss in terms of
explosive output from Alabama, but they would certainly love to
have another running back that can grind it out and
help them salt to waste some of those wins. Bucky
Brooks Jonas knocks here on Fox Sports Radio. All right,

coming up next, we're going to have the scraps. It
is where we get to some things in the world
of sports we have not had a chance to. That's yours.
Next here on FSR, he is Bucky Brooks. I'm Jonas Knocks.
This is Fox Sports Radio. You can check out this
show on the I Heart Radio app. Coming up fifteen
minutes from now on Fox Sports Radio, it will be
Brian No and E from Salam. By the way, Long

John Silver's owes us something because we brought up Long
John Silver's last week for some reason. I don't even
remember how it became a topic of conversation. I made
a swipe a Long John Silver's that I think it's stinks.
I've actually never had it. I've never had it. That
was just me being a smartass. Brian No is a
big fan of LJS as they call it, I guess,

I guess that's the term on the street and has
sent a picture on social media eating Long John Silver's
this week, So we gave l j S a little
bit of a plug. And I'll be honest with the picture.
The food in the picture didn't look all that bad,
So nothing wrong with fried seafood. I actually prefer seafood fried.
I really do man fried shrimp with uh like a

squeeze of lemon over the top of them, and some
cocktail sauce and a little bit. Oh it's good stuff, man,
it makes your mouth water, all right. So, Bucky Brooks,
it is time for us to get to a little
something here on the show that we always do, and
it's called this. How could you not get to? These stories?

Are the scraps? And for that we turn it over
to Steve to Seger, who's going to tell us what
the hell we've missed so far? Steve, Hello, gentlemen. By
the way I left the Pucky coming, it's not bad.
That's probably not going in the commercial. I mean it
could be worse. You know, there's a lot of a
lot of ways it could have been what you were

talking about last decade exactly. I don't know if you
heard the Brian Cashman story, but it's worth talking about.
The Yankees general manager yesterday was stopped in Connecticut, forced
from his vehicle at gunpoint by as many as nine
police officers as he was leaving a gas station. He
told The New York Post that his white jeep Wrangler
had been stolen and returned to him, but that the
New York City Police had not cleared the vehicle from

its stolen car database. So quote, I had a welcoming
committee descend upon me as I pulled out of that
gas station. He was complimentary of the officers. They're just
doing their job. Hold on, so they at gunpoint, Yeah,
they didn't know he was the driver of his own car,

and they still thought it was stolen. Yes, he was
still in the database. That's I mean, that would set
the car asked for his I D he had to
explain what's going on. I would just assume that they
were joking, like, okay, very funny guys. And and now
you think about it, probably would have been a smart move.
I probably probably would have worked out well for you.
In producer Lee, I love this headline. Found this one
Chicago cop in trouble After Hulk Hogan live streams right

along on airport tarmac, the famed wrestler was somehow able
to get it out off rised ride from a Chicago
police officer from the airport tarmac and O'Hare to a
nearby convention center, and most of it was caught on camera.
As excitedly Hogan says, my uber has got a siren
Chicago p D for life, he was live streaming the

whole episode on his Facebook page. That's how people found
out and the reason the cops reason for show preferring
probably won't help because the Wrestlings agent or joking about
avoiding baggage claim and the officer replies, well, that's why
I don't have a problem doing this. End quote. Okay,
So now what's gonna happen to the officer? Is he
gonna lose his job? Is he gonna get busted? I mean, like,

how how severe is the punishment going to be for
giving whole Coogan and Uber ride from the airport. I mean,
that's that's a bit much, isn't it. I mean, if
he loses his job, yeah, but it is unauthorized, Okay,
I know, but I mean look, I mean if you could,
it's Steve, if you were famous enough to where you
could not have to deal with airports, well, now we're
just dealing in fantasy land. You and I Yes, if

we're famous enough, yeah, I mean you do what you can.
I mean, some people come to camp in uh in
hot air balloons. Isn't that really what we hate about?
Just rich people in general, as they think the rules
don't apply to them. Yeah, you know what bothered you
know who? I can't stand right And every and anybody
who's driven in southern California knows this. You're on you're

on the freeway. You're stuck in traffic because there's traffic
every single day, and while you're sitting there, motorcycle goes
right between the cars and next years. It's so unfair, man,
it is so unfair. And they they just breaze right through,
like motorcycle guy goes right through while everybody else is
stuck in traffic. Man, don't open the door. That's wait

and that's when you you know, throw a quarter out
the window. Tim Tebow's minor league baseball season has ended
early for a second straight years. Multiple reports say that
he was playing for Triple A Syre Accused but suffered
a cut hand while in the outfield during a game.
Placed on the injured list last month, and it's not
hell in time for the minor league seasons finish, which

is a shorter season than the major leagues. He was
hitting one sixty three at Triple A this year, batted
to seventy three at Double A last year. Okay, um,
this is all still a pr thing, right. How many
you think guys in the in that system, like guys
at Double A that are playing better than Tim tebow is,
or thinking, hey, man, if I name was Tim t
boy be on Triple A right now, that that that

would kiss me off. That would really bother me. It
would bother you. But you have to know what it
is like, he's a name. That's the only reason why
he's up there. Um, at some point you have to
kind of be a player. But right now, this is
the greatness of baseball having that many levels of minor leagues,
though you actually have to play your way into the
major league and it's eight and it ain't happening at

Triple A. Uh. Josh Johnson in the news again. NFL team.
You see, there was a quarterback injury in the Lions
exhibition this week. So the battle for the backup job
by Matthew Stafford continues. And we had the latest stop
for the thirty three year old. We saw him with
Washington last year. Of course, he was going to play
for San Diego of the Alliance before the Redskin side

him last year, and now he's been picked up by Detroit.
Tom Savage got the injury in concussion. People can people
can talk all they want about guys like Matt Shop
and some of these journeymen backup quarterbacks. They're getting a
paycheck for how many years in the NFL if you
can do it, and if you don't have the ego
to where listening. Even if I'm not a starter, I
still want an opportunity to play. If my nuver gets called,

that's that's a great gig. That's one of the great
gigs in sports. It is a great gig. Why not
keep keep riding into the wheels fall off? Like if
you don't mind having a million different jerseys in your house, Yeah,
you're getting getting how many teams do you play for? Five?
Five different teams six years? You got all all five
jerseys at home? Got him somewhere in there sitting around.

Which is your favorite jersey? Oh, that's tough because jack
Jacksonville is near and due to my heart because we
had a lot of fune which is championship game. But
I spent the most time with the Green Bay Packers.
That twenty two is nice. Thirty three with the Raiders
is also kind of specially Silver and Black is awesome.
You guys mentioned Jacksonville earlier in the show. The Jags

coach Doug Morone did admit that his team may not
have two key starters and left tackle Cam Robinson and
receiver Mark eas Lee may not be back on the
field on time for the season opening knee injuries. That's
the only problem. Yeah, it's it's terrible. And so they're
going into the season, they've already there down injured with
a couple of guys injured. They had a bad year
last year. It just feels like they're getting started off

the wrong foot again, even though they think they got
their quarterback in Nick Foles. It'll be interesting to see
what how Jacksonville plays out in that division, a division
I would say is a winnable division. I don't think
there's anybody running away with that division that you the
defense comes back and plays like they're capable of playing.
They absolutely can be in the mix. However, you gotta

have enough, gotta have enough pieces, enough enough weapons available,
good stuff. And finally, Anthony Miller, bears receiver exited the field,
did tweet I'm good after an apparent right ankle foot
injury today left practice, though HNI deal with shoulder issues
last year. Uh's a good player. I mean he played
when he got an opportunity in that offense. But another
injury issue with Antony Miller as well too. Yeah, they

need him, They need him to play up because they
have a lot of talented players. The man, he has
some juicy, has some big potential, all right, Bucky Brooks,
Jonas Knox here on Fox Sports Radio. Always a good time.
We are fastly approaching the start of the college football
and the NFL season. Enjoy the NFL preseason action tonight.
And Andy Reid, don't get Patrick Mahomes hurt by leaving

him in there the full quarter.

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