All Episodes

October 9, 2022 161 mins

Furman, Brooks and Harmon preview NFL Sunday, the messy Mets, who really owns the homerun title, why leagues don't matter in baseball, Bottom Barrell Bets and so much more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
The Fox Sports. Is it one or the other. We'll
explain that in a minute. Good morning, everybody. This is
Fox Football Sunday. He is Bucky Brooks. I'm Maddy ferminand
by the way, we're brook Nesting live from the tire
rac dot com studios. Tirac dot com will help you
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com the way tire buying should be in now, the
way sports talk should be. My partner, my guy, my friend,
the one and only Mr Bucket Brooks. Hello, book, how
are you. I'm good, I'm good, I'm everything is great.
Good week for you, I hope. Yeah, it's a great week.
Great week. Man. You know, I hate to put you

on the spot. I know you're you're the football may
even here Fox Sports rating is no doubt in my mind.
No one knows more football than you. You're right for
Fox Sports, the website, you're on the NFL dot com.
I mean you you missed the football. I mean it's great.
I learned so much from you, I really do. How Ever,
I'd like to just turn the corner a bit because
I want to talk a drop of baseball with you,
if you don't mind, If you don't mind, I don't mind,

I don't Okay. Big week this week, Aaron Judge hits
number sixty two, all right, and Dusty Baker, and I
loved dust that he managed here in the Cincinnati Reds.
I got to know him fairly well, and I think
he's the greatest. I hope he wins it all because
with that, with a World Series championship, he's destined for
Cooperstown because he's just the way the way it should be. Okay.
But in the Houston Chronicle this week, after Judge at

his sixties second home run, they asked him about, you know,
is Barry Bonds at number seventy three still the home
run champion because baseball says no, they say it's there
and Judge, so Dusty says, what I saw Barry do.
I don't care what people say. I was with him
every day. They want to put an asterisk by it,
but then seventy but then seventy three went over the
fence didn't have an asterisk. By then when they went

over that fence with regularity, well there's you approved. They
were legit. Dusty Baker said he saw the In Baker's world,
that means that Judge number sixty two legitimately he placed him.
I guess in seventh place behind Bonds and Semi Socio
sixty three and Mark McGuire seventy and sixty five. You know,
in my mind, I'm kind of swaying towards Dusty, maybe

because I like him. But guy had seventy three home runs.
I mean, I know, to put the asterisk there, I
still think he's the champ. I think what Aaron Judge
did was a tremendous feet but seventy three he did it.
I don't care if he did it with steroids without
he never was proven that he had used them. I
say that the champ is Barry Bonds. I agree with you,

Thank you. I don't think that we can legislate who
and what deserves an asterix when no one really knows
who was doing what, not only batters, but the pictures
we went through the steroid era, and the steroid era
actually brought entrance back to baseball because prior to that
we were coming off to the scandal where we had

uh the strike that kind of mored the early to
mid nineties and it was to the home run chase
that everyone kind of jumped back into watching baseball. It
was McGuire and Sosa and those guys, and so right
or wrong, whether they used or not, we watched those
guys hit those home runs. And I don't think what

you can do is take a handful of guys that
you may or may not know that did and then
just kind of tainted them without knowing what everyone else
was doing. And I know they talked about the reports
and all those other things. Look, unless you're testing everybody,
you really don't know who was doing and who was
on performance enhancing drugs and and those things. So we

can call the the steroid era. But we all witnessed
Verry Bonds at seventy three home runs, so he is
the rightful record holder. You can recognize Aaron Judge and
his accomplishments, but you cannot ignore what we watched. You
can't kind of rip out the record books what we saw,
so we just gotta go with it. Very Bonds is
the rightful record hold there at seventy three. And I'll

go on step further. If if people think the steroid
era was so bad and so eagle, the legal illegal
and so terrible. Why on earth was Bud see Lee,
who was the Commissioner of Baseball at that time, during
the steroid era, Why is he in the Baseball Hall
of Fame. It was such a bad thing. They should
have banned him. Everybody else in that era seems to
be banned from the Hall of Fame. Roger Clemens, Sosa, Bonds.

I mean maybe eventually they'll get in, but they's somewhat
banned on the banned list in the minds of many.
So why is but seal again? Yeah, it's it's it's
one of those things. And I think you go all
the way back. I mean you can you can talk
about like prior to integration, uh, the records that stand
from that time, prior to Jackie Brown sending those guys
breaking the color barrier. Um. There have been other incidents

and scandals that obtain a baseball I think what Baseball
has to do is they have to quit picking and
choosing who they like to include into the Hall of
Fame and those things. Look, it's not a personality thing.
It's not a popularity contest. It's about what people do
it between the lines, and so fair and not Barry
Bonds and Roger Clemens and some of those other guys.

They should get their flowers for how they perform um.
And I think it is wrong to kind of pick
and choose because there's some guys that are in the
Hall of Fame, was it Jeff Bagwill and some of
these other guys, there's a cloud of uncertainty about whether
they dabbled in those kinds of things. And so I
just think that before we try and like make these

isolated comments on who should and who shouldn't, be like,
I think you just put a cloud over the whole
thing because we don't know and say this was the
steroid era, these records were accomplished in the steroid era,
and then just go about it that way. But it's
ACoM for Aaron juh excuse me, but guy Chris has
a question, Go right ahead, my man. Yeah. So I
know kind of the next step after this is then

people will say, well, we should celebrate because the American
League record, which you know, I I guess, I guess
I understand that. But at the same time, like I
want to at least make the case that I I
don't understand having two different records in the sense that
we now have year round inner league play, any universal
d H like. Whatever differences there are between the National

League and American League are gone. So how do you
guys feel about having you know, people people are saying, well,
we should celebrate because of the American League record, and
I get that, but I had to do a lot
of Napkin math to figure out who was the touchdown
leader between a f C and NFC, and I don't
think that the NFL separates it like that between conferences.
I didn't think you were that smart. To be quite

honest with you, I didn't think I was that smart either.
But I'm glad you all of Judge hit that home run.
Everybody was celebrating with the American League rec and I'm
saying to myself, wait a minute. If Lebron James leads
the West, the Western Conference in the NBA and scoring,
is he the the Western Conference champion and scoring or
is it the NBA scoring leader. If you pick up
any document online or in the newspapers when they have

Major League leaders in home runs, do you do not
separated by A L and n L. It's major League
leaders and home runs being a L L, a L,
n L and one column and again, like you can
make that case back in the day when a L
and n L teams didn't play each other and and
L did not have designated edits. It was just separately.
There are two different presidents of two different leagues, two
different rules, two different umpires, two different bulls. That was it.

Now it's all on the one umbrella. Crazy. Yeah it's
funny because, yeah, it's funny you talk about that stuff,
because we can talk about the juice ball era and
how sometimes it seems like the ball flies far there
than others. There's just so many different things when it
comes to baseball that makes it really hard to take
it seriously when people make these isolated arguments on them

whether Aaron Judge and stuff is legit and I saw
these things and Roger Marris and Aaron Judge and YadA, YadA, YadA.
I think we have to go with the numbers as
they are because it's too hard to parcel out who
should be, who shouldn't be, who was doing who wasn't doing. Look, man,
the records are what they are, and we have to
celebrate and recognize that. I think it's it's a tremendous

feat what Aaron Judge did, but I don't think he's
the home run champ. I think it's even a bigger
feat what Barry Bonds did and will tell me all
the time. You know, he was still you know what,
I could take steroids from today to tomorrow, I couldn't
hit the ball out of the infield. I mean, people
don't understand that it's a great hand eye coordination, that
God gives you a gift that you could play ball,
and he gave it to you in the National Football League,

has given it to athletes, and I don't care what
you're taking now. Certainly steroids will help you maybe hit
the ball maybe thirty thirty feet further. Maybe he'll help
you get back into the line of a quicker because
of healing processes. But still you have to have that
God give an ability to do it, and most people don't,
you know. I think that, And having been in the

Bay Area at the time when Barry Bonds was knocking
him out, like he was getting one or two pitches
to hit a night, he would knock it over defense.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for what he
was able to do, just because of the difficulty in
doing it because I want to say at the same time,
the number of walks that he was getting intentional walks
in those things, and so just the number of home
runs per real opportunity. To me, he continues to do

there to be celebrated for that. And look, I really
don't understand what this whole week was about, trying to
kind of dismiss his accomplishments. We're talking about where Judge
was able to accomplish. I'm with you a thousand percent.
And it's funny because I just think that they want
to dismiss him, as you say, and I think they
made that whoever did it behind closed doors and the

Baseball offer the Commissioner's office. Let's make Judge the American
League champion. I'm saying to myself, when did that ever happen?
I mean, you just don't separate the leagues and they
and they did that. So I think it was nice Brown.
Glad we had got that off our chest. And thank
you Chris for bringing that up as well. So you know,
we'll go back. We'll go back to Thursday, A little
bit of the National Football A little football back in
your in your wheelhouse there, Bucky Brooks will do that,

and I said coming into the sement, it was at
the coach of the quarterback, what's the problem with Denver?
That game have been the ugliest game I've ever seen.
Thursday's game twelve nine and overtime and loss. Then the
loser to the Colts, embarrassing seven field goals, a dozen punts,
down stops for interception, six fun This is not the
National Football League, This is not what they want to
broadcast on national television. It was ugly because they made

all that history. But the bottom line in this game
is I gotta believes Russell Wilson. What's wrong? And now
they say he's got some sort of a shoulder problem.
I don't think that Russell Wilson is the kind of
guy that's respected by teammates. That's all I'm saying. If
you make a salary two million dollars, you have to
act like a leader, will play like a champion, And
he's not doing either. One couple of things to impact

when it comes to the Russell Wilson situation. One, if
people have been paying attention how Russell have been playing
the previous two years, the way that he's playing now
shouldn't be a surprise. If you go back and look
at the midpoint of twenty twenty season, the Seattle Sharks
let Russ Cook, they were thrown the ball all over
the yard. But right at the middle of the season

teams started playing too deep coverage. And Russell Wilson is
not a timing and rhythm quarterback, meaning and he's not
the type to catch the snap and release the ball
right away. His best place throughout his career have always
been these extended plays where to see the coming off
play action and he's pushing the ball down the field,
or he runs around the pocket until someone uncovers and

he throws it over the defense's head. And so a
lot of people that have taken the Seattle Seahawks to
tasks because the offensive line quote unquote surrendered a bunch
of sacks, But a lot of those sacks were on
Russell because Russell doesn't throw all time, and it's impossible
to block for so long for a quarterback that you
don't know where he's going to throw the ball from. Secondly,

when it comes to Russell Wilson and Nathaniel Hackett, Nathaniel
Hacket got a lot of credit for the work that
he did with Aaron Rodgers even though he wasn't the
play caller. Matt la Floor was the play caller. They're
running Matt la Fleur system. Nathaniel Hacking may relayed the calls,
but Matt la Fleur was responsible for that offense. And
when you go back and think about the responsibility of
the offense when you have an elite quarterback, if you're

letting the quarterback kind of do his thing, I don't
know how much trader you get for that quarterback's town us.
Now we're seeing with Nathaniel Hackett and Russell Wilson, the
system that they're putting in place is one that is
an old school West Coast offense. System is predicated on
timing and rhythm. You have a new play caller, well,
he's called plays before, but you have a new play

caller trying to adjust to an older quarterback who doesn't
play on time. That's why it is this mismatch of
why they can't get it going. If the Broncos are
being I guess if they were being real, they would
look at Russell Wilson to say that he's not the
quarterback right now that could play in that we need
to run the ball throw off, play action and live
in that world. But because Russ seemingly wants to be

like Drew Brees and Tom Brady, he wants to play
a certain way like they have. So he stopped running.
He wants to throw from the pocket, and he's not
at his best like that. That's why you see this
disjointing the offense from the Broncos. So when I asked
the question, is it the coach or the quarterback? What's
the problem? It's a question of these two guys just
don't mesh that. That's the problem is a little bit

on each one of them. Yeah, it's the system and
a declining player. Russell Wilson was at his best when
he was athletic, using his movement skills and those things.
At thirty three, thirty four years old, Russell Wilson doesn't
want to run around anymore. He wants to throw from
the pocket. The problem that is that he has is

he's not a precise pinpoint passer from the pocket, and
so until he kind of recognizes his game, it's always
gonna be flawed because it's not going to work because
the way that he plays at his best is not
the way that he's currently playing right now at his best,
he's on the move, he's he's doing those things where

he's putting rabbits out of the hat. What he's trying
to do now is play Tom Brady like quarterback, and
he's not built to play like Tom Brady. Amazing. He
was sat four times, he was picked off twice Thursday night,
and uh, he has four touchdowns now in five games.
There's worst thought of the oliving a career. And look,
I mean I don't think anybody. I think there was

a big, big breath of relief after that game from
the people in Seattle, and all of a sudden, now
week after week, Pete Carroll looks more and more like
a genius and Gino Smith is rocking the boat right
now in Seattle. It's unbelievable. Who would have funked that
that Gino Smith is getting this job done. I don't
think Seattle is gonna go too far at the end
of the season, but they may end up with more

wins in Denver, that's for sure. Yeah they may. And
so let's give Pete Carroll credit because Pete Carroll tried
to tell us this speak Carroll said at the end
of the twenty season. Um, hey man, we gotta get
people out of cover two. We gotta get people out
of the two high safety looks because it's killing us,
is taken away the big plays. We have to run
the ball. Everybody kind of bristled the notion of why

would Pete Carroll want to run the ball more when
he has this all timer at quarterback. The reason Pete
Carroll wanted to run the ball more is because by
running the football you get favorable looks, meaning single high safety,
one safety in the middle of the field, one on
one coverage on the outside. So then the players that
rush at his disposal, uh lock it and d K

mcgiff could go to work. Well. Now, fast forward at
the end of last year when they brought in Shane
Wall and they did this Shanahan like system. It didn't
work for Russell because once again, Russell doesn't want to
throw on time and he wants to kind of do
his own thing from the pocket. And what it does,
it messes up the time and the rhythm of the

passing game. And so Pete Carroll would rather have a
lesser player who does it right, meaning he he operates
a system the way it's supposed to be operated, then Russell,
because the system creates opportunities. And if the quarterback is
just okay, that quarterback can function at a high level.
But when you have someone who refuses to stay within

the lines and operated the way they're supposed to be operated,
it looks a mess. And now you're seeing the difference
between Geno Smith running the offense and Russell Wilson run
the offense. Even though Russell Wilson is a better player,
Geno Smith is a better system player. Is what I
was working in, CEO, Bucky Brooks, you're wasting your time
talking sports with me on Sunday here on Fox Bus Radio.

You should be coaching the Denver Broncos. That's what you
should be doing. But I love that you here that Yes, yes,
I'll tell you what that that's a little that's on
my list. Another letter, another letter going out Denver. You're
gonna get that deal. I'm trying my very best. Are
he is Bucky Brooks. Get him on Twitter at Buckey
Brooks or when Mike Harmon arrives here an hour number
three at Swollen Dome or at Andy Firm and FS

there you go. Eight seven seven ninety nine on Foxes
Enough we Love to Hear from You, or eight seven
seven sixty nine on a lone of Today. Bucky remembers
in this hour, love that Bonn and Barrow bending in
our number two hour number three with the Soroland Dome
himself of course Bucky's best. But coming up from the
tire Act dot Com studios, this team is more than
just a quarterback, and we'll tell you why next. Fox

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the corner about twenty four minutes past the hour. This
is Fox Football Sunday, and he is Bucky Brooks. I'm
Madie from it and you're listening live from the tairaq
dot com studios. And away we go. And uh, before
we get into this NFL and what's going on today?
This is an early game in England again today Giants Packers. Uh,
And I ask you about the fan who ran on
the field during the Rams loss at San San Francisco

Monday night. Police reported that this guy, uh, he was
attacked like this attacked he could use to wear by
Rams linebacker Bobby Wagner. And now they Santa Clara Police
Department says that the police reput was filled Tuesday because
this guy is now gonna sue him. Is that the deal?
What do you do if some lunatic runs on the field.
You have no idea if he has a knife, a gun,

whatever it may be. He had some sort of a
firecracker of a firebomb, whatever it was. So so what
do you do? I mean, I just I don't get it.
I mean, and now all of a sudden, Bobby Wagoners
and and the NFL is gonna be I guess in
a lawsuit again against this lunatic. I mean, I don't
understand what were we going with this? I mean, and

they put it on the TV. I remember years ago
when they had Streaking. When Streaky was in and it
was very big during baseball games, baseball guys and TV
cameras would put the guy on TV and cover up
the the the essential parts that shouldn't be shown on TV.
Then eventually they stopped putting it on TV. And you
know why the streaking stopped if everybody wants that minute

of fame. So this guy runs on the Phiel. He
probably was blitzed from drinking, you know, so I guess
it was a bet with his buddies in the stands,
whatever it maybe guy climbs over the fence and runs
on the field and the way we go, what do
you do? And Chris, let me ask you this or
tab what do you what do you do? I mean,
I'm shocked, shocked, ay that the guy ran the field,

because it's crazy, but more it's more so I'm shocked
that now there's a lawsuit he filed the police he
put against the Rams lineback of Bobby Wagner, this is nuts. Well,
I think I would have to wait and see just
some of the details. I would imagine if you're a player,
you just want to stay out of it just because
of something something like this, Like it's not your role.
That's the role of security to tackle someone like this.

But yeah, it's it's gonna seem flimsy. And I'm I'm
not a legal expert. I would have to get to
someone who's a legal expert. I would just say for Wagner,
like he seemed frustrated at the time, but like, that's
not his that's the sort of thing where securities that
securities role. And it didn't look like Wagner was under
a thread or anything. But you laid them out pretty good, Wagnight.
He absolutely did. But I think also you're he's in

pads and a giant human being and wearing a helmet too.
That's a lot of extra weight on top of it, right.
I mean, I could pick and and this is this
is pushing it a little bit, But I could picture
you running on the field. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm just saying,
you know, I could see you sitting in the stands
having a couple of cold ones and you know, you
and I sitting together, I say, Chris, you know what,

I'll give you a hundred bucks go on the field.
I could see you doing that, would you if you
had the opportunity. But the right amount of money for
the right amount, the right around of money isn't gonna
get that off my record anytime soon. Like you would
have to give me You're you're talking a hundred dollars,
We're gonna have to like add like three or four
digits to us. Well, you know how about five grand

five grands that were on the field. That doesn't take
out my student loans? Andy, Okay, I I don't know
why I'm saying that, and I knowed disrespect to you
by saying it, but I just didn't you kind of
the get it. I look shifty, That's exactly what this is.
You're looking at that. You're looking over at me, the
man with the raccoon eyes, and it's like, yeah, you
could absolutely Chris is absolutely a near do well and

he would absolutely do this and just run onto the field,
no problem. No, I don't say shifty. I say you're
more of a free spirit. I think a free spirit
type would do what I think you're kind of a
free spirit. You know. I don't think man tab would
do it, but I think you would do it. Well, well,
I wouldn't do in a hearpie. Are you kidding me? Really?
I am all about the cloud man. Listen to me.
I am fast, I am agile, and I'll be honest

with you, I'm probably faster than Wagner hands down. Well,
he's got the equipment on, he's got to do all
that stuff, shoulder pairs, the whole deal. I mean, you know,
and I see so many security guys when this incident
happens from time to time. These guys are overweighting their
old and they trip all them over themselves try to
get these guys that run on the field. It's it's funny,
it really is. It's embarrassing. I saw, I think about

a year ago, there was a black cat that ran
on the field. Yeah, these security guys couldn't catch a cat.
But then the cat. It was crazy. But here's the thing.
That cat was amazing. That cat was athletic. That cat
was on point. Honestly, I want to be that cat
that has a whole different type of athlete. It's amazing.
I just you know, I'd like to see where this

case goes. I'm sure I hope it gets thrown out
of court. I hope this guy gets some sort of
a fine, whatever it mayby. But you know, I hate
to see the guy like Bobby wag there were any
NFL player, any player who's basically trying to protect the
interest of the of the fans, the league, uh people
that's going up was again, you have no idea what
this guy may have had on his on his person.

That's that's that's the more of a reason for Bobby
Wagner to stay out of it. I'm sure at that
moment by frustration just boiled over on him. But that's
more of a reason. Like if I was in Wagner's shoes,
I would have been like, look, man, I don't know
what his his problem is. I don't know what this
guy's problem is. He seems harmless enough. I'm not even
gonna try to help. I'm gonna leave it to the
professionals who are the safety guy, the security guys who
are paid to take out guys like us. No, I

don't know if they can't take him out, but I
guess well they can pretty easy. They I've seen them
take out everyone before the guys and the guys in
the yellow jackets are undefeated out there. You're right, you're
right about that. All right? What Koducky Brooks, I'm Andy
Firm and this is Fox Football suddenly a Fox. But
it's ready now. The weight can't then soon enough for
this team. That's next. But first to Nick coolep with

all the sports. If I could chime in, I mean,
don't you lose kind of all expectation of not being
hit when you run onto a football field, whether it
by be by a security guard or a player. Security
guard yes, player, no, like there's it, but maybe the
expectation game being played in front of you. And maybe

in the world of logic, in the world of legal matters,
we we have we have we have lawyers. Yes, we
got issues if this goes anywhere, uh legitimately that Bobby
Wagner has the deal for this for any amount of time.
But that's just men. Well, I'm mean I don't know. Look,
I don't think it's gonna affect anyone here. We know
now that Chris will not do that. Tim might do it,

that's good. I don't think it's gonna happen to any
one of us here. Listen, I'm I'm saying bought. I'm
just saying you're low balling me right now. Well that's
to who I am. You know, she wow, arms long pockets.
I'm not taking that. I've never heard. I've never heard
that for it turn a phrase before short, arms long. Oh,
I get it down. Okay, thank you. I like that

one for what it's worth. Alright, Alright, we've got NFL Sunday,
So who's in, Who's out. I'm gonna go through this
as quick as I can for you guys. A lot
of names. We want to get everyone updated. According to reports,
the following players are expected to go today. Giants quarterback
Daniel Jones, Saints running back alphn Camara, Dolphins receivers Tyreek

Hill and Jalen Waddle, Bears running back David Montgomery. For
the Cowboys, receiver Ceedee Lamb and running back Tony Pollard
for the Bengals, receiver Tee Higgins and tight end Hayden Hurst,
Cardinals receiver ron Dale Moore, Bucks receiver Russell Cage, Lions
receiver Almant Ross st Brown, Jaguars receiver's A Jones, Commanders

rookie running back Brian Robinson is expected to play about
twenty snaps, and the Ravens are expected to have All
Pro left tackle Ronnie Staley make his season debut again.
All those players expected to play today, Patriots quarterback Mac
Jones not expected to play today. That means rookie Bailey
Zampi is said to make his first career start. Bucks

receiver Julio Jones, Commanders tight end Logan Thomas are game
time decisions. NFL Media reports Odell Beckham Jr. Is targeting
mid November for his return to the field, coming off
that a c L tear in the Super Bowls. ESPN
reports Steelers linebacker T J. Watt had Arthur's gopic knee
surgery that will delay his return to the field another

two weeks, likely take that timetable into November. One has
been out since Week one with a pectoral injury. In baseball,
the Mets bounce back took care of the Padres seven
to three. They forced a decisive game three tonight Philly
shout out the Cardinals to nothing. They advanced to the
n LDS to face the Braves. Mariners came back from

down seven runs to eliminate the Blue Jays. Ten to nine.
They will now face the Amstros and the Guardians walked
off the Rays one to nothing in fifteen innings. They
are set to take on the Yankees. Finally, in college football,
the top ten teams all one on Saturday, most of
them drama free except for number one Alabama. The Crimson
time without their Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Bryce Young, and

the Aggies had one play to win it from the
two yard line, but they came up short, so Obama
survives twenty four to twenty. Andy Bucky back to you guys,
thank you so much seeing an now and that there
we go. Okay, this Fox football sunning the Fox books readio.
This guy gets a bum. Robb will tell you that
in just about a minute, about thirty four minutes past
I we got Bucky remembers in about seven eight minutes
from now, and he is Bucky Brooks. I'm Andy frem

And of course where from the tire Rock dot Com studios.
There we go? All right, so I wanted a buck.
This question about the protester was flattened by rams Bobby Wagner.
He files the police. He put what do you do?
What are you do in a situation like that guy
comes running on the on the field, what would you do? Buck?
He assumes the risk. If you decided to run into

a football football game, then you assume the risk of
playing a football player, so you playing the roll of
football players, so you get tackled. He's not supposed to
be on the field. They have security on there, so
when he runs onto the field, he's at risk. So
he can follow the police reporting those things. But no
one asked him to run into the field. And so
when you run into the field with guys who have

passed and help us and all the other stuff on,
then you have to deal with the consequences. And so
I don't think his uh stuff has a leg to
stand on, and so he should be he should really
be grateful that he's not arrested in the clink. I'm
with you. I think a comparison, maybe it's a straight
running on a football field with with a weapon whatever

it may be, that a firecrack or whatever it was,
is very similar to running on on on an expressway
the cars coming out. You take a risk, you may
get hit by a truck or a car. That's basically
what happened. You're gonna get hit by a football player.
That's his domain, that's his office, and he got hit. Boom,
away we go. Okay, the football game is gonna start
in about three hours. So now that's in London again, Giants, Packers,

and we could talk all we want about you know,
who's gonna win, how they're gonna win, whatever it may be.
But I'm gonna talk about the losers because I think
to some extent I represent the fan. I'm a fan,
I'm a schmuck, I'm a guy, I'm a paying customer.
I love the game. But the big losers here are
the fans of green Bay. Why they lose a home game?
And I think it's wrong, I really do. And now
this past week the commissioner, Roger Goodell goes out and says, yeah,

we're going to expand we're going to London, We're going
to Europe. We don't know where we're going. Is gonna
have at least two teams in London? Okay? Lose a
home game? Okay, And according to published reports, the city
of Green Bay loses fifteen million economically every home game
that's late in green Bay. So the question is is
not fair obviously if your season ticket hold, but more

than that. Who in the hell is Roger good Bell
gonna point out? Does he stick his hand in a
barrel and say, okay, uh, Jacksonville, you're going, Uh, New York,
You're going to London. I don't think it's gonna be
done that way. How are they gonna do it? You're
on the inside bucket. How are they gonna pick which
teams are gonna go to London? Well, I think all
the teams, all the ownership groups have made an agreement

to participate in an international series. The reason why they're
doing these international games is because it's lucrative for the
National Football League. It raises the exposure of the game
to others across you know, overseas. You begin like those
those games sell out man within an hour when they
put those tickets up. And so ownership understands the bottom line.
They know how much money they're making off those things.

And so the fifteen million dollars that the Green Bay
Packers might be losing, uh for losing giving up a
home date, it pails in comparison to the money that
they're making at the end. And so the teams we
have to figure it out. It is inconvenient for the
players and coaches. It sucks for the fans because you
don't get to see your team in your home venue.
But look the greater good it expands the game at

least more money, more revenue. We've seen a few different
things that they've done when they were streaming games on
Yahoo or doing these other services. It gives the league
another opportunity to cash in on look, America's favorite sport football,
And so as long as they can cash in and
do it, they're will continue to expand it and push
the envelope to see how much money they can make.

And it'll be very interesting to see which teams get
the nod to go to Long And I gotta believe
a team like Jacksonville, which draws flies, there's a possibility
they're gonna go. Other than that, I mean, they'll look
at the attendance figures I guess in various cities around
the league, and the teams that are not drawing, those
are the ones that may be on the on the
drawing board, and you're gonna lose a team if you're
a fan of that team in that city. So that's
the way it goes, I guess, right, Yeah, I mean

that is always gonna be the way that he goes. Like,
I mean to look and see where can you make
the money, How can you make the most money, Who
can you uh supplement their their money. I mean it
all goes to like one part and then they split
it up amongst the owners. But yeah, you're going to
explore that. Jacksonville has always been mentioned as a possibility
just because the owners shot Con has business interests overseas,

owns a soccer team, Fulham as a soccer team. Uh,
there're be in conversations about him trying to get bits
and pieces of Wimbley Stadium. So yeah, Jacksonville looks like
it has a base already there because they played a
handful of games in London. But I don't think they
will ever go full time to play overseas. But it's
intriguing because there's money to be made over there. Having

been over there, having worked over at uh Sky Sports
in the UK doing football games, doing the NFL, and
there's a rabid fan base that wants to support in
the National Football League. There's a reason why the NFL
keeps going. They see it. They want to cash in
on those dollars. All right, two teams that probably won't
go to London, will be Pittsburgh and Buffalo to fan
fan bases, and they're pretty strong. And today the Steelers

are in Buffalo, and the question on this game would
be like, why all of a sudden, Mike Tomlin, who
has never had a losing season coaching the Steelers, one
of the three is his record right now, why would
he put Kenny Pickett in this position right now against
Buffalo on the road that I don't get better quarterback.
Here's a better quarterback in the preseason. He's a better
quarterback once they drafted him. He's the best quarterback, and

so best players have to play, and he could do
it for a little while, but he ran the risk
of losing the locker room if he didn't put Kenny
pick it in. Kenny picking In not only gives his
team a spark because of his personality and leadership skills
in those things, but his his playing style works for
what they want to get done in Pittsburgh. So look,

it's not ideal that he's gonna go against a very
good defense in the Buffalo Bills, a team that is
a title contender and those things, but he is the
best player at the most important position for the Steelers,
they had to put him in, and I've leave they
waited too long. They should have put him in at
the end of the preseason because Yell played everybody really
all right, I like that opinions pretty strong opinion on

you're in right there. But I just think that throwing
a guy like that to the Wolves on the road
is pretty rough against a team like Buffalo. But Bills
are gonna be without the defensive n T. J. Watt
a game, which is a pretty tall order. And I
could see Pittsburgh losing this game by maybe even two touchdowns.
I mean, it's tough. I don't think they could put
up with what Buffalo has to give to them, both

offensively and defensively. Maybe not, but I think you gotta
play the game, and I think each and every week
we see upsets. Um the Pittsburgh still is our profit organization.
And you just don't note the impact that putting Kenny
Picking in will have on the rest of the team.
Now that you have the rookie in a quarterback, you
step into the defense meeting room and you tell the defense, hey, guys,

it may be tough for us because we got a
young guy playing. He may make some mistakes. We may
have to be very very conservative in our approach. So
you guys are gonna have to do more. And that's
part of the complimentary football formula. You're going to have
to do more for us to win. And so that's
just the way it is. We've seen it with the
Dallas Cowboys and I'm sure we're talking about that later.
Everyone is talking about Cooper Rush and what he's been

able to do. No, he's been okay, he hasn't turned
the ball over. But what happened the defense raised this
level of play. The coaching staff changed the way that
they managed the game in terms of, hey, we're not
gonna be as aggressive offensively because we need a defense
to be always in a good position. Those things happen,
and so for the Pittsburgh Stellers, the coaching staff has
to have a similar thing. How are we going to

play the game on offense, defense, and special teams to
make up for what we have in quarterback, which is
a young guy trying to figure it out. You change
in all of those areas knowing that you have a
rickey quarterback in the fall well, said Bucky Brooks, anthy
fremer Fox Football suddenly on Fox bux Radio and now
it's story time and one of the best in the business,
Bucky Brooks. Bucky Remembers is next. Fox Sports Radio has

the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all
of our shows Fox sports Radio dot com and within
the I Heart Radio app search f s R to
listen live. Bucky Remembers coming right up, but a little
minutes time before the top of the that's Bucky Brooks.
I'm Andy Ferman, and you're listening live on the ti
rack dot com studios and we're gonna get right into
it because it is time right now for Bucky Remembers

with Bucket Brooks. Here, we got time for one of
our own to remember the good old days. This is
why we're doing the drill from the locker room to
the gridiron. This man has seen at all your favorite
NFL veteran, Bucky Brooks. He gives us the good, the bad,
and the ugly from his playing days in the NFL.

And now Bucky Remembers. All right, here we go, lay
back and relax. Okay. In the fourth quarterbuck of the
Seahawks Lions game list week, receive the dk mit keV.
He left the game. We thought he was injured, but
he left to relieve himself. Has that ever happened to
you or a teammate during a ballgame. Uh, it has happened.

It hasn't happened to me who I've had to relieve
myself in the middle of the game. However, I have
been in hotels where guys may have relieved themselves in
the huddle. I just not happened. All of a sudden,
you see yellow streaks and pants and they're not stretched. Yikes,
that's what happens normally. It's the bigger types. It's the

officsive line type to have his tendency to do that.
But yeah, I have been oh no, in games in
the hotel where guys decided that they have to take
a little tinkle. Yeah, I guess it's easy to do
it that way that they start getting the uniform off
and getting off the field, but back in the locker room, right,
just let it go, just let it fly, right. I
guess I wouldn't say that that would be one who

does that. I don't believe in wearing a diaper a
fund of my uniform pants. But they have been guys
who have done that. They have also been guys who
have gone behind the bench and have had people hotels
while they relieved themselves, maybe in a Gator rate up
War two. I mean, but that's what it is, because
it's a long way up the tunnel to the locker
room to do your your business when you're needed and

you're a valuable asset. Yeah, I mean nice drop. Yeah,
But but they're they're guys that have certainly done that,
and I know I'm not alone and being in all
the seen and witnessing people doing those things. We talked
about relieving yourself, what about fortifying yourself? Talk about some
pregame meals. How do pregame meals differ, if at all,

from team to team? Oh, I mean, like everybody has
a dietitian who kind of sets the menu for what
is going to be served at the hotel doing your
pregame meal. Some guys like to eat a pregame meal.
Other guys do not. Um like to eat. It's always
advisable to eat because it's a long game. You wear
down and do those things. Yeah, but team to team

a difference. It all difference depending on the philosophy of
the dietitian and what they want to have on the menu.
But for everybody, they try and kind of make it
up so you get like your carbs and your proteins
and those things. But yeah, the menu is different everywhere,
but you're try and cover the same things, all right.

I know what Sam Wish was coaching the Cincinnati Bengals,
but he rest in peace. He made it a point
to go public and say he didn't want his players
frattenizing or dating the cheerleaders. What are the rules about
players with cheerleaders and cheatas come on strong and maybe
even groupies when you go to visiting cities. How does
that work? That's here a different team to team, a

different team to team. There's some teams where it's absolutely banded.
You cannot frattnize with anybody in the organization. And now
I'm sure it's even tighter because with the workplace rules
UM and those things like you can't uh participate in
those things or as they say, you can't dip your
pen and company in. You can't do that anymore. And
so what you try and do is you try and

make sure their boundaries and lines set up between the
players and any of the personnel this working and the
uh some teams back in the day. Look, it wasn't
necessarily encouraged, but it wasn't banned, and so we've seen
these relationships where you've seen players and cheerleaders link up
and marry and do those things. So it would really
change according to team. But now with all the workplace

stipulations and violations, that stuff certainly isn't encouraged. Okay, we
have a Twitter question out there for Bucky Brooks. What
was your pregame pump up song? Pregame pump up? It
always changes, like mid nineties, I'm sure it was uh
some tupac uh, a little mix of DMX rest in Peace.

It just depends at all varies like even now before
UH games, like either watching games or participating games as
a coach, there's always some kind of music that is playing.
I think it's so embedded in the culture being a
player that music is a big part of it. I
just remember UH always having to have the walkman and
the headphones in because it does something to kind of
get you in the move. Interesting, All right, Bucky Brooks,

you can get him at Buckey Brooks. We'll take the
questions for next week. But it's getting a little crowded
out West and Buckey Brooks tell you why Fox Football
Sunday next, Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at
Fox Sports Radio dot com and within the I Heart
Radio app. Search f s R to listen live. Who

tops the list. We'll have that few in just about
a minute. Welcome everybody. This is Fox Football Sunday. He's
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Here's demand himself five time NFL or my partner, Mr
Bucky Brooks. Buck Are you ready? Are you ready? I
am always ready, I am ready. I'm ready for Friday?
Was Friday's today that Bucky Brooks posts his story on
NFL dot com. It's great reading if you're an NFL fan.
He's got the insight. He pulls back the onion, he
really does. He peels it pretty good, and you talk

this week about the tightness out West NFL NFC West Division, Arizona,
the Rams affording out of Seattle. They're all bunched together.
And I like to go down that and kind of
like highlight what you wrote if I may with you,
and like let's get it done, because it was really
interesting reading you talk about the Arizona Carlins said, the
glass hair Phil with Kyler Murray and uh and what's
going on with that offense? Probably somewhat uneven right now,

although they've come on strong of late. They're scoring a
lot of points. Tell me you have thoughts about this
Arizona team playing obviously without the receiver DeAndre Hopkins, who's
serving assist game suspension. How tough is Dath of Murray
and the Cardinals right now? I mean, I think because
DeAndre Hopkins is a number one receiver and when you
look at their offensive lineup, they miss having his presence.

He can anchor the passing game as the lead receiver.
Marky's Hollywood Brown is a really good player. He's been
a O Bowl player, But I don't know if he's
necessarily your prototypical number one receiver in terms of how
he commands attention in terms of how he's able to
move the change consistently against all coverage. When you get
DeAndre Hopkins back, what it does It changes how the
defense has to defend the Cardinals offense. With James Connor

in the backfield, you have to make a decision do
I want to go crush the run? I don't want
to deal with the passing game and make sure that
I don't leave my corners one on one with DeAndre Hopkins.
That creates opportunities not only for others on the field
in the passing game, but it creates opportunities for James
Connor in the run game to get going. So yes,
shou'd be a huge boost to their office of production

and to their confidence when DeAndre Hopkins comes back. Are
they a playoff team? I think they're a fringe playoffs team.
I think they can get in, But a lot of
it depends on Caylin Murray being able to do everything
on his own. Uh. He has the talent, he has capability,
He understands the challenges ahead of him. Normally, when he
has challenge, he responds, so I expect him to be

able to do it. I think this is the playoff
team all right here we go. Let's go to the
Rams now super Bowl chance certainly not looking like defending
Super Bowl champions. How deep can they go? Right now?
People criticizing Matthew Stafford, I guess he's free of that
social media hit about his shoulders situation in his elbow.
But I mean, if you look at Matthew Stafford and

and basically look at his career, he's always been somewhat
reckless throwing the football with interceptions. Did it in Detroit?
Did it last year in the n l A as well. Yeah,
there's a few different things that are going on with
the Rams that of Matthew Stafford related can denied. Matthew
Stafford helped his team get over the hump. Uh won
a super Bowl last year? May plays, may plays in

the postseason that you're like, Okay, Matthew Stafford was a
great addition for them. The problem with Matthew Stafford and
Sean McVeigh is these guys flourished with different systems. Matthew
Stafford is a traditional quarterback who is at his best
in a spread and shreds system, meaning he's in the shotgun.
You have uh empty or two about two and these

wide formations. You give him the opportunity to work the side, catch,
rip and throw, and you kind of get out the way.
What you have in the rams is Sean McVeigh is
a guy from the Shanahan system, where the system creates
the opportunities in the big plays. It is about run first,
play action second. The play actions are deep shots. When

it was working at his best, Tied Gurley in the backfield,
big time running back commanding attention, you then were able
to play action by faking the ball in the belly
and the tory downfield. Matthew Stafford prefers to operate out
the shotgun. The shotgun play action fakes not as deceptive
because it doesn't have the same aggression up front that

you would get if you were under center. And so
that won't necessarily uh work for them. And so for
Matthew Stafford and for Sean McVeigh, they gotta figure out
that happy medium because this team can't continue to throw
the ball all over the yard like they're throwing too
because they're only throwing it to Cooper Cup. They have
to find a way to balance out their offense to
make people defend more than just a passing game, particularly

Cooper Cup. It make them utilize the entire field, make
them defend every play to grass, inline, the inline, sideline,
the sideline. And it's hard to do that with Stafford
because he only can play and excel in one way.
It's hard to believe you got that Stafford the Cup connection.
This RAMS team as we speak is twenty nine and

scoring total offense. Hard to believe. They won the Super
Bowl and they wouldn't have wonted with those stats last year. Now,
they wouldn't have wanted last year. And I think what
happens is and we're seeing this around the league. Notice
how many teams are kind of beginning to return to
the running game with because everything is sicklic on International

Football League, everyone is running two high safeties their parking
The safety is in the parking lot, and they're saying,
there are no deep balls available to use today. Can
you be patient and decipline enough to drive the ball
to lento the field. One of the reason that the
running game opens up everything is because it forces you
sometimes they have to drop that safety in the box
as an additional run camp defender. When you do that,

you now have one on one on the outside. Big
play opportunities begin to pop. That's how it all works together.
And so it's about putting all the pieces of the
post together, trying to operate the organization officially. All right,
let's go to the San Francisco forty nine is because
you say with Jimmy Garoppolo that increases their status is
titled contenders and kind of raised my eyebrows here when

you said that you view San Francisco as the front
runner to when the NFC West. Tell me why I
believe when you look at old school football and look
at the way football has just been one in the
National Football League de forty nine to check off all
the boxes. One defensive line play is important. They can
generate a pass for us by using only four they
can dominate the game in the trenches. Jamaica runs defense

coordinates and a great job expanding upon the package that
he inherited from Robert Stalo. So defense gives them an
opportunity to go. Secondly, running game. The running game is
one that they consistently chew up yards. They can play
old school smash mouth football. That allows them to dictate
the terms. It allows them to control the clock, shorten
the game, and it puts you in a bind because

if they're scoring and they're taking up all the clock,
then what you have to do when you get the
ball back, I now have to throw the chase points.
I'm chasing points against one of the best pass rushes
in football. And then finally, jim Garoppolo. I don't think
that Jimmy Garoppolo is a high end player, but he
is a high end player for them. His teammates believe

in him. They believe that this is a guy that
can get them to the promised Land. And now that
he's back, more energy, practices of change, all those things
because they feel like number ten is their leader. And
as long as he is there, I can't dispute the
winning record when he's there. He wins over seventy percent
of his games as the starter, and so it's one

of those things where you have to roll with him.
When he's in there, He's gonna make some mistakes, but
this team wins under him. And so that's why to
leave their team that can make a deep run, because
the talent, the belief, the schematics, they all match you up.
This might be to me, this is a team to
be in the West, but can you talk about the
belief that players have. You know, there's obviously a question.

It would have been a question if Trey Lance didn't
break his ankle playing quarterback, because he hadn't really played
at all. He played maybe a couple of snaps last year,
like four or five games, whatever it may have been.
But you've got a guy like Jimmy Garoppolo who has
been there over the last three seasons. He's taken it
to a Super Bowl, to an NFC title game. Is
there more confidence in a player knowing that Jimmy Garoppolo

is on the field as to a question like Trey Lance,
like what is this guy gonna do? Can he help us?
Can he lead us to the promised Land? So that
confidence level raises when a guy like Jimmy Garoppolo is playing.
Is that it? Uh, there's something to that, Like what
happens is um, these guys know. And so when you've
been to better you've worked with people, there's a level

of trust that you developed, Like you trust that Jimmy
Garoppolo is gonna make could play to get it done,
regardless of whether it's making a play with him physically
throwing the ball or making the right check to get
us in the right running place so then we can
have a big play from Deebo. Samuel wanted the collection
and running backs that he utilize. It's a confidence in
knowing that when this guy's in the huddle, we win.

That's something that we can't really quantify. They win with
Jimmy Garoppolo is the starting quarterback, and so it works
for them. It's worked for them, and it is going
to inspire them to play at another level because he's
their guy. Whether we are on the outside like it
or dig it, whether that Cal shanahan really likes everything
that he that he brings, it's undeniable that this team

plays well when Jimmy Garoppolo is the quarterback. Okay, speaking
of quarterbacks, tell me the truth, not put your hand
on your heart that if someone would have told you
that Geno Smith would have the NFL best completion percentage
right now almost seven eight percent and he's passer rating
is one oh eight, you would have said, no way,
no way. In God's green earth, Gino Smith is playing
out of his mind. And again I heard you say

it earlier today, but you out of credit Coach Pete
Carroll and Shiatta for believing in Geno Smith has a
starting quarterback. Yeah. Look, I wouldn't have said that he
was playing out of control, that he would play at
a level where he is leading the league in completion percentage.
But what I will say is this system has been
one meaning the Shanahan system or than any variation of it,

that is taking average players and made them Pro bowlers
see Kirk Cousins. It is taking Pro Bowl caliber players
and made him uh m VP candidates, Like look at
what Aaron Rodgers has done the last couple of years.
Where you have an already talented guy. The system just
is so uh easy when it comes to creating big

play opportunities in those things. So for Geno Smith, Geno
Smith paints inside the lines. He's doing it exactly the
way the coaches want it done. Because of that, he's
seeing success. And so how long can he sustain it,
I don't know, because the system is stuff. As long
as they can run the football and the two weapons
they have on the outside of the lock it in
DK Metcalf are healthy and available, Geno Smith is gonna

play at a very very solid level. And it's one
of the reasons why Pete Carroll was emboldened to make
the move when it came to Russell. He believed, like
a lot of us around the league, or a lot
of people around the league, the system will help the
player play at a higher level if the player buys
into the system. And that's what you're seeing in the Seattle,
which is why Geno Smith is playing. Let's stick with

Russell for a second. But if no one's crying in Seattle,
like you know, we missed him obviously the way he's
playing right now in Denver, you didn't want him back.
But I think there was just more than his skill
set that they were happy to see him go. There
was a lot of tension in that locker room between
Russell and the players, and I think he kind of
big league these guys. And maybe I'm wrong, but you
know better than I, but I think that it was
very difficult for him to get along with these guys.

A lot of people say he's somewhat of a phony. Uh, Look,
his personality is his personality. I think the one thing
that you have to do when you're the starting quarterback
or anybody who was in leadership, you have to be
in it. So who you are is who you are.
And people can respect it as long as it's consistent.
Every day you show up and you're the same guy.

The problem that leaders run into quarterbacks, head coaches, coordinators
is when you're one way one day in a different
way the next act. You have to be consistent and
how you go about your business, how you interact with people,
how you lead, how you handle the ups and downs
of the game. If you're consistent, people are buying. It's

the inconsistencies that make people look at you sideways. What
I would say is this um in Seattle. Yeah, there
were people that didn't dig Russell Wilson and the way
that he was kind of put on the pedestal as
the guy that kind of made them the team that
they were, and the you know, like when they had
that Super Bowl era, they felt like the l ob

the defense should have been the calling card and the
identity of that team with MARSHALLN. Lynch as like the
the the co marquee name on the thing in terms
of getting top billing. But when they shifted and they
made it more quarterback centric, where Russell was celebrated as
the star of the team as opposed to the other things,

it against everything that Pete Carroll had built the team
on the team was built on the team premise, where
his defense, running game, opportunistic quarterback plays and those things.
Then you became about the diva quarterback. And when you
have the diva quarterback, man, it's hard to get everybody
on board because it's twenty one and one one position

players and the one quarterback that we in the media
love to celebrate. That can create a divide in the
locker room if the quarterback doesn't handle those responsibilities the
right way. All right now, Now it's tied to put
Buckey Brooks on the spot for us. Last week we
did the Power ratings and last week's one, two and
three were Philadelphia the Eagles number one, Miami Dolphins two,

and the Buffalo Films three. What do you got going
this week for one, two and three? Uh, let's one,
two or three. I still got the field Eagles number one.
I would go with the Ken City Chiefs at number two,
and then I go to Buffalo Bills. Right after that
good call? There you go, Where where would you put?
Like the Dolphins? Now, where do they fall from two

to where? We? Then when you realistic look at how
they've been winning games. They stole the game in Baltimore
against the Ravens, so we give them their credit. We
don't know what's going on with two are talking about.
Even though I don't think there'd be a tremendous drop
of all for Titty Bridgewater. I would say that they
were within the top ten, maybe around six, six or seven.

There you go, Okay, I mean I think the national
people have them at four, so that's not bad, all right?
What about the Packers? And Packers are coming on a
little bit, But I think it's more of the running
game is really making the Packers alive this year, more
so than Aaron Rodgers play. But I like this version
of the Packers better than the previous version. As much
as I respect Aaron Rodgers as a four time m

v P, the way the Packers are playing now is
more conduced than them having success in the postseason. By
running the football and playing a great defense, they are
a team that can be weather proof in the postseason
when you think about having those home games in Green.
But and I know over the last thirty years they've
been able to do it with great quarterbacks. But everyone
always contended I don't understand how you can have two

Hall of Famers, Brett Farve and Aaron Rodgers, and only
have two Super Bowl wins between them over the last
thirty years. Well, let's go back and look at the
history of the organization when Vince Lombardi and the Packers
dominated in cold weather running game defense. When it's cold,
it's it's hard to catch the ball. There's a level

of physicality that comes along with the running game. It
plays in your favor if you have an old school
style in those conditions. The Packers running the football playing
great defense, to me, sets them up if they do
have home field advantage. It gives them an opportunity to
play that old school Lombardi style of football with to
a lot of titles, a lot of world championships there

in that building. So I like it. I liked them
going back to old school football as opposed to lean
it on Aaron Rodgers to do everything. He's Bucky Brooks.
Get him on Twitter at Bucky Brooks or next hour
and we have Mike Harmon coming in, So get him
on Twitter at Swollen Dome or at Andy Firm and
FSR eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. That's a
phone number that translates to eight seven, seven sixty nine.

We got bon and barrel betting in this hour as
mentioned Mike Harmon, the Swollen Dome and Buckey's Best an
hour number three. And by the way, football fans, be
sure to tune into Fox Sports Radios count Down to
Kickoff presented by Bett MGM this morning three hours before kickoff.
That's right. Tune in today at ten a m. Eastern
as we take you live all the way to kick
off Fox Sports Radio and the iHeart Radio App presented

by Bett m g N. Now two close glosses equals
a win. Today will tell you how next. Fox Sports
Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation.
Catch all of our shows at Fox Sports Radio dot
Com and within the I Heart Radio app search f
s R to listen live. Forgetting one quarterback, we'll tell

you all about that in just about a minute. He's
Bucky Brooks, I mean the Firman, and you're listening live
from the tiraq dot com studios. And interesting game today,
Buck Lions one in three of the Patriots one and three.
Interesting that they had one of three of the Patriots.
But I look at these stats and it makes me crazy.
I had no idea the Lions are putting up the
NFL's best four to thirty seven yards and thirty five

points a game. And I thought this Detroit Lions team
was built on defense, not an offense. And you've got
a credit Jared Goff, who's having one hell of a
year so far. Um so he's just funny, right, Um.
Everybody has never given Jerry is full of credit for
being a two time Pro bowler and doing the stuff
to the accomplished with the rams. And I think what

you're seeing now is a great appreciation for what Jerry
Goff is as a player. I'm not saying that he's
the best, but I'm saying within this system, if you
let him play to his strengths, where you have a
running game, you're able to play action and push the
ball down the field on easy concepts, he'll kill you.
And what he's done is their offense has been creative

and they've done it without I would say, like high
end playmakers on the outside. T J. Hockinson has played well,
but like when you really think about their wide receiver
corps A mom or st Brown is solid, but he's
been in and out of the lineup. They don't have
running one that strikes you as someone anyone that strikes
you in terms of like the fear. So it's a

combination of the system, the management, just the confidence that
they have um and just executing the things in him
doing exactly what he's asked to do. And so people
kind of bristled when Dan Campbell suggested that you don't
have to have an elite quarterback to win games. I
think what we're doing is we're seeing why he felt

that way with the offense that they have now their defense.
If their defense were just played halfway decent, they were
winning games. But right now, offensively they gotta rolling. Yeah,
they gotta stop to run unless we against Seattle Rashod Perry,
the Seahawks had seventeen carriage on fifty one yards, and
I think that Bill Belichick has seen that and what
he's gonna try to do today has run against him,
especially playing that rookie quarterback Bailey Zappy. I mean, he's

gonna get his first start. So Patriots gotta run the ball.
But I gotta believe that the Lions got a real
good chance today to beat up on the Patriots. They
have a chance. They have a chance now all those
things poetic on the Detroit lines and that, um, I'll
think the lines in this one because they're a healthy
team and they're playing against the team with the backup quarterback.
Now New England will make it money because Belichick is

a great tactician, but it's a rookie. It's Bailey Zappy.
More film that you have on the rookie, the more
things you can throw at him. And it's different kind
of coming in when no one knows exactly what you
have and what you do well and that stuff. Well,
now they've had a week to prepare for and so
it should be a little more challenging, uh for him
to to to deal with the defense that knows a

little bit about his game. But I just think this
offense man, the offense and the special teams. Bill Belichick
raved about the Lions special teams this week and how
tough and how explosive they are in the kicking game
and how physical they are up front on the offensive line.
If the Detroit Lions play according to script, oh yeah,
they should be able to get a win today. They

should be excited about playing the pages because this is
a game that's a wonderful game for them. Yeah, speaking
of the Lions list week, Gino Smith put up tremendous
numbers three touchdowns, three six thirty And today the Seahawks
are at the Saints. Today's Seahawks at two and two,
Saints who one in three and Gino Smith's gonna keep
on rolling. The Saints obviously one of the worst teams
in the NFL and penalties, one of the worst teams

in turnovers and three and ounce And if Michael Thomas
and Alvin Camara even play, I still think Seattle's got
a shot. Andy Dawlans at quarterback again, I don't think
that's such a drop off. He was. They should have
won last week with the double dooint. That was unbelievable really,
But I think that Seattle wins this game. I really do.

Um this is a tough one. It's a tough one
because of Alvin Kamar and Michael Thomas play. I believe
the Saints are better team offensively right. They have the
firepower to create problems. Alvin Kamar is a nightmare to
deal without in the backfield, particularly in the passing game.
Michael Thomas is a number one. Uh, you have a
veteran quarterback in Andy Dalton, who I don't believe he's

a great player, but he's good enough to run this
offense in Seattle. Um, it's about the running game and
can they run the football on the Saints defense? Uh?
Typically the Saints have been pretty solid against the run.
But the things that you bring up are the things
that I worry about when it comes to the Saints
right now. They're undisciplined in their play and you can
see a lack of discipline in uh, the penalties and

the turnovers, just very careless with the ball. And before
you can win at a high level in this league,
you have to avoid doing the things that ultimately lose games. Desk, turnovers, penalties,
big plays allowed in kicking game harriss. And I don't
know if the Saints can resolve those issues. Did more
talented team, So I'm gonna say they will win, but

it wouldn't surprise me to see how to see the
Seattle Seahawks walk away with a win. Here we go.
He's Bucky Brooks. I'm Andy Firman, by the way, coming
up on the Ti rap dot Com studio hotline right here.
If you want to call it that are you impressed yet.
We'll get to that in a minute, but first, for
all the sports, here's Nick Cope. All right, guys, let's
get you caught up on all the information as who's

in who's out on this NFL Sunday. According to reports,
the following players are expected to go. Bucky was talking
about Saints running back Alvin Camara. He is expected to
play today, so as Giants quarterback Daniel Jones, Dolphins receivers
Tyreek Hill and Jalen Waddle, Bears running back David Montgomery.
For the Cowboys, receiver Ceedee Lamb and running back Tony Pollard,

Bengals receiver Tee Higgins and tight end Hayden Hurst of
the Cardinals, receiver ron Dale Moore, Bucks receiver Russell Gage
for the Lions, ah modron st Brown, Jaguars receivers A Jones,
Commanders rookie running back Brian Robinson is expected to play
only about twenty snaps. And for the Ravens on Sunday
Night Football, they are set to have All Pro left

tackle Ronnie Staley make his season debut. Again, all those
players expected to play today, you mentioned Patriots quarterback Mac
Jones not playing. It will be Bailey's appy set to
make his first career start today and then game time
decisions for Bucks receiver Julio Jones and Commander's tight end
Logan Thomas. NFL media reports Odo Beckham Jr. Is targeting

mid November for his return to the field coming off
that a c L tear in the Super Bowl. ESPN
says Dealers linebacker t J Want had arthroscopic knee surgery
that will delay his return to the field another one
to two weeks, push that timetable back into November. Wat
has been out since Week one with a pectoral injury.

In college football, Number one, Alabama had a scare against
Texas A and M. The Aggie's actually had a chance
to win the game on the last play at the
two yard line, but the past was incomplete short of
the end zone. Alabama survives without Bryce Young twenty four
to twenty. Number eight Tennessee handed Brian Kelly his worst
home loss ever as a head coach as the Valls

dominate L s U and Baton Rouge forty to thirty.
Number eighteen U c l A moved to six and
OH with a forty two to thirty two win against
Number eleven Utah, and then South Carolina upset number thirteen
Kentucky twenty four to fourteen. Rest of the top ten,
pretty drama free Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan, Clemson, all big winners.
And then in baseball, the Mets bounced back, took care

of the Padres seven three, forced a decisive game three
tonight in New York. The rest of the division series
are set. You've got the Phillies against the Braves, Mariners
going up against the Astros, and the Guardians set to
play the Yankees. All right, Andy, Bucky back to you guys,
Thank you so much. Next scene about an hour. But
he's the X factor. We'll tell you who in just

about a minute. We've crossed the fifty odd line. And
will we call Fox Football Sunday. He's Bucky Brooks. I'm
Andy Ferman. We got Vana Barrel betting coming up with
about eight nine minutes for now and now you're listening
live from the entire act dot Com studios. But we
do have a game here, and I say, are you impressed? Here?
We got the Dolphins three and one. I'm looking at
the Jets two and two, and they maybe do something
today that they haven't done in about two years, and

that's went back to back football games. And I don't
know if they can beat the Dolphins. Will see there,
but I will tell you this much. I think that
people look at games, they look at teams, they kind
of match up quarterbacks what I do, And tell me
if I'm way off based on this Bucky Winds count
it's who you beat that counts more than anything else.
I believe the Jets beat the Browns and they were

looking to do so, and they beat the Steelers. Those
two teams right now we're going nowhere. The Dolphins, however,
beat the Pages, the Ravens and Buffalo. I think that
means a lot more when you're looking at two teams
on at the head. Yeah, I don't know. I think
it's a week to weekly you never know which team
is going to show up. I think ultimately it's hard
to win games in this league and a lot will

be made about who the Dolphins were able to be.
Someone say that the Ravens gave them a game by
falling apart in the fourth quarter. I'll see this. I
would leave The Jets have a lot of confidence coming
into this one because their young quarterback Zach Wilson played
pretty well when they needed him to play well down
to stretch, and so we'll see if he can do
it against the Dolphins defense that can come after you. Now,

they've had some injuries in the back end, which impacts
their secondary play, and their secondary play to me, was
always the best part of their their defense. So if
there those guys are are out like Davin Howard was
battling with a hamstring and some some other stuff like
if he's out within it, it creates opportunities for Zack
Wilson to get loose in the passing game. Um, I
think this is a tough game. I think it's a

tough game for the Dolphins just because I love Teddy Bridgewater.
But there's a difference between having Teddy Bridgewater to we're
talking about law and it. I'm gonna go with the
Jets in this and I don't really have a basis
for it, but I'm gonna go to Jess and you
talk about the Jets. I mean, I said, the X
factor in this game is gonna be the running back.
Briest hole. He's gotta run crazy today, He's gotta run

run with the football. Last week, but seventeen carries for
only sixty six yards. He's gotta get that ball maybe
twenty five times today and I think that will put
the Jets over the wind column. I think that will
get it done. Briest Holes demand needs to have more carries.
They have Michael Carter, but they have to make sure
that briest All gets it done. Because brees All has

all the characteristics that you look for in a number
one running back. They just need to give him an
opportunity to not only come in and touch it, but
they let let him just kind of give him a
heavy workload and see how he happens it all. Right now,
we got Tom Brady and the story there is more
so with him off the football field and his marriage
of marriage that's breaking up. But they're hosting the fact
because both teams two and two right now, and why

receive Mike Evans for the bucks. He's got to be
the key along with the defense. Brady not practicing on Wednesdays.
You know, how would that affect team morale? I mean,
if the team wins, they don't care. The team's kind
of floundering on floundering and having problems and the losing
they're gonna point fingers to Tom Brady. How come he's
not part of us? I gotta believe that. Is that

a major problem? Do you think? No, it's not a
major problem because membership has his privileges. When you're a
seven time Super Bowl winner and people have seen you
doing in the clutch, your teammates understand that the rules
might be a little different for you than they are
for everybody else. Now I won't be an issue. And
even if he was there a lot of times at
this point of the year, you give Vets mandatory days off.

Hey man, I just need you to come and do
the heavy lifting because Thursday is a big day. Fridays
the reds some day. I need you to come in
and make sure you're ready to go on Thursday and
Friday because that's when we put in the real meat
and potatoes of the game plan. Uh, Wednesday practice is
first and second down. The basic stuff is kind of lucky.
Day one installed plays not as big of a deal

if he's out, so now he can go take care
of whatever he needs take care of away from the field,
and when he's here, when you celebrate. That's what I
was thinking about it. If I'm top Bowls. Okay, Now,
if you look at my crazy system of as to
who they played, who they want, who they've beaten. The
Buccaneers beat Dallas decent, I mean, not bad. New Orleans
not good at all really, but they are two losses
to two real good teams. Although that Green Bay game

could have gone either way. They lost fourteen twelve and
they got she locked. Really they gave up forty one
big ones against Kansas City, so two and two. But
really there's some questions over there with Tampa band certainly
their offense, and look at the Falcons. They lose to
New Orleans and the Rams. The Rams, you would think
they would lose two. They beat Seattle kind of a
mediocre deal, and they beat Cleveland, which right now they're

going nowhere. So I think, just by looking at the
Winds and who they beat both these teams, you gotta
believe Tampa Bay has got the advantage right now. And
I think they are a better team in Atlanta. Yeah,
I mean, I think they're the team. Uh, particularly when
it comes to defense. Uh, that gives them a chance.
But last week, man, they were a little soft against
the run. And so some of it depends on if hockey.

Kim Hicks is available to play and dominant inside. He
and Vas shut it all down when you trying to
run it. So that Dad, it would really be a big,
uh decided factor in this game. How to handle uh
the church work, Uh, the kNs Chiefs, those things I think,
um not the TNC Chiefs, the Tambay Buccaneers. And so

for the Atlanta Falcons, Cordero Pattison being out changes the
running game because the thirty one year running back was
playing like a monster. Uh. They have other runners, but
it's a little different. Man. There was something about what
CP was doing for this team. Arthur Smith have a
good game plan, He'll do it. But I'm gonna go
with to tam Bay Buccaneers. And if you noticed anything
in the play of Tom Brady, if you looked at

film of him from a year ago till now, couldn't
you say that he's lost something as he slower and
you're not getting weird the bull is quickly. I mean
what if you noticed differently, if at all, and Tom
Brady this year is opposed to last year. I mean,
I think it goes what I'm saying. It's hard to
have like a messy off field situation and still thrive

on the field. I'll say that he's been in and
out of the line up. He had to take like
the little sabbatical in the middlitarying camp, and so the
chemistry and the connectivity with him and some of his
teammates love. So they're trying to work through that the
extra reption um to do it. But it's it's tough.
I think when you're forty five years old, it's hard
because you don't want to get hit because when you

get hit at at that age, it hurts a lot more.
And so that is an impact of this game. In
terms of his I won't see his courage, but in
terms of his poison in the pocket too soon when
it cracks, man, he's just like, hey, I'm taking the
I'm gonna go down. I'm not gonna worry about trying
to stand up here and be a tough guy. I
get it. But it certainly has the impact of his play.
And part of that is because he's older. Let me

stay on that topic for a second, but I don't
think it gets enough notoriety as as it should. I
think people just blow it off and let it roll up.
That tongue. He's forty five, forty five years of age.
What was your age when you left the National football Like?
How old were you? So that he's forty five and

playing right now, Andy, it does blow my mind. And
it blows my mind because, Okay, I'm I'm fifty one
years old. I coach high school football, and I'm gonna
tell you, Andy, I try to stay so far away
from those guys when they're playing because I don't want
to get hit. So I can't imagine being forty five
years old and willingly signing up for duty where you
have three hundred pounds running after you all the time

to do it. I appreciate his love for the game,
but what he has done at forty five, he changed
the way that we look at these other aging quarterbacks.
So now we're mad at Matt Ryan, We're mad at
uh Russell Wilson, We're mad at Ryan Sannehill, We're mad
at all these guys, their mid thirties quarterbacks. It's hard

when you're a thirty something quarterback in this league. Even
Aaron Rodgers is thirty seven. He's playing, okay, and we
we we've put a lot of that on the wide
wide receivers. He's an older quarterback. When you're older quarterback,
you need more support and you have to have a
clear vision for who you are at this stage of
his career, not who you used to be doing your

superstar high end prime. Where am I at right now?
And how do I need to play right now to
give myself a chance to be very very good at
what I do? This is a toughie. I don't even
think that made me, not even being an answer to
this question. What continues to push him to play at
the age of forty five and play at a top

level pace? For example? Is it? Is it motivation? Is
it training? Is it desire? Is it the willingness to
know the love of the game? Is that pat What
is it that pushes him that makes him in a
locker room where he could be the parent of some
of these rookies right now? I mean, what is in
his DNA that makes him at forty five competitive? I

just think it's the makeup. I think some of these
guys said, handful of guys that walk the face of
the earth that are ultimate competitors, who live for competition
every day. He's one of those guys. And I think
because of that. It drives him. It fuels him, and
he's always gonna have a hard time when the cheering
stops because there's nothing that gives you the rush like
playing the game. And he misses that. He misses the preparation,

he misses the camaraderie, he misses all of that, and
so that's why he wants to play. But your body, man,
father Time is undefeated and he's defied the odds for
a long time, but eventually it will catch up because
father Time is undefeated. There you go. He's Bucky brokes
On and Deferment by the Bay. Coming up on the
tire rap dot com celebrity hotline right here. Is he
played the game? He shouldn'tly did. He talks to me

every Sunday, But can he really play this game? Bottom
Barrel Betting? It's freaking next. Fox Sports Radio has the
best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of
our shows at Fox Sports Radio dot com and within
the I Heart Radio app search f s R to
listen live Bottom Barrel Betting coming right up right here
on Fox Football Sunday about maybe eleven minutes before the

top of the hour. And of course he's Bucky Brooks,
I may Furman and we got a game to play.
So what are we waiting for? Let's play? Bottom wanted
to sleep, people, get my money. I'll put your break
to sleep, Betting. Yes, it is a little sad news
today to report our guy, our ringleader, Mr tab By Strict,
will be leaving us. Buck He's leaving us his last

show with us today. I hope it's not us. Hope
it's not a personal thing. But we wish you well.
God speak to you, tab But what's happening with you?
Is it us? Have we pushed you with? So it's
not you? Guys. A local station picked me up and
I had to jump at the upper tunity. But I'll
say this about you, Mr Andy. You're the most fun
I've ever had on the radio. Hand what you gotta

get out more? You really come on now now and
now now, Well, Bucky, I gotta ask you a question. Okay, sorry,
what you got? Do you think Andy went back to
back this week? No, he went back to back. I'm
asking you do you think he did? I don't think
I've never done that. I don't well, you know what

it happened. He went four and one. He is like
the nineteen three and back to back. Baby, what's going on?
You start? You started on like a house on firebuck,
This is great. Yeah, I got my confidence of Now
I'm beating an NFL guy. I'm beating an NFL guy.
How's that? Huh man? Maybe I need to start concentrating.

I don't want to tease him too much. He made
that crazy on me. All right, here we go. Alright, guys,
the Giants are set to play the Green Bay Packers
in London in a few hours. Well, say Kwan Barkley,
have more receiving touchdowns or rushing touchdowns today? More rushing?
Come on, he's got dead hands, more rushing touchdowns. He's

bad hands, that badna. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go
with receiving. I'm gonna receiving. I think he stakes out
the backfield, Yeah, I think I think he gets a
touchdown out of the backfield. Yeah. I like that take.
I like that take. I'll be ticked if that happens now. Honestly,
you're probably the Lions are heading to New England to

play the Packs. Well, Bailey Zappy throw over or under
one and a half picks today? Uh, let's go under
let's go under. I'm gonna go over, silly because I
think the Patriot Patriots will be playing from behind, so

I'll have to throw more, which will cause more interceptions. Monday. Wait,
wait what you got? Buck? And you know what's the
lines defense? Right? I know? But still this guy is
he's shaky, you know, because a rookie. Uh, I know,
I I got But I think he's gonna be thrown.

And they didn't wanted to throw. I know they don't
want to. They want to run. Monday Night, the Raiders
have set to play the Chiefs. Well, Josh Jacobs rushed
for over under seventy three yards. Well that's a given over.
They'll definitely go over. Your kid didn't come on having
a good year. He is having a good year. I'm
gonna go with that. I'm gonna say here, but was

magic number seventy? Yeah? Yeah, I'm gonna take that because
I think Josh mcgames knows he has to control the game.
That means a lot of Josh Jacobs and of late
he's been feeding the pigs the best players, Davante Adams
and Josh Jacobs. So yes, he's over. You know why
I look at the Kansas City chief They're like a
member of the Big twelve. The Big twelve of it
plays defense, a lot of offense. That's what the Chiefs

are put up a lot of points. All right, go ahead.
Next week, Arkansas is having a provo to play the
Cougars a b y U. Well, the Hogs score over
under thirty seven points against b y U. Oh, definitely
under are you kidding? Arkansas is fading fast in football?
Under fading fast? Yeah, the first reason they beat the

bear catch of Cincinnati. They've gone downhill. You have thirty
seven points and a lot of points. Man, you just
don't throw up thirty seven points. Um, yeah, I'm gonna
take under all right. North Carolina has taken a little
ride to Duke Next Saturday in acc battle well tears
of joy or saw sorrow ball from Bucky's cheeks. When

it's all set and done, am I up? Yeah, tar
heels all the way. Bucky will be smiling. Oh, we
absolutely win this. We own the victory bill. This ours beautiful.
All right, Here we go, here we go and tell
you what the swollen donald joints a coming up a
Fox Football Sunday next. Fox Sports Radio has the best

sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our
shows at Fox Sports Radio dot Com and within the
I Heart Radio app. Search f s R to listen live.
Greetings and welcome in. It's another beautiful Fox Football Sunday
here Fox Sports Radio, Week five already of your National
Football League season. Fantasy owners are sweat and roster decisions.

Ninety minutes to kick off. We'll see who can be
a surprise inactive to screw with your lineup, just like
Alvin Camaro was a week ago. Mike Harmon alongside Bucky Brooks,
five years in the league, NFL dot Com, NFL Network,
Fox Sports analysts, and our guy Andy Furman. You hear
him here on Fox Sports Radio. He's a newspaperman. He

ran a horse track. Hey man, we gotta give the
full resume that neglected history and UH dominance here on
the airwaves of Fox Sports Radio. I gotta say, gentlemen,
it's it's a beautiful thing to be up and going
and being at a position in my life where I
don't know that I've ever hated the teams I cheered
four more than I do right now. That has to

be the Chicago Bears. Well, I got the Bears Northwestern
plays a team that fires their coach and then in
a home game lose. And then the White Sox gave
me one of the worst seasons you'll ever see from
a baseball team, because they were never bad enough to
be out of it, never good enough to make you
feel like they were in it all season long. Guys,

playing five games above five hundred or five games below
five hundred and everywhere in between. It was like catching
passes from Ben Roethlisberger eight year ago, five yards behind
the line of scrimmage, five yards beyond the line of scrimmage.
And that's really all we're operating with. So salty, angry,
uh and ready for another great day of football. How

we all doing this morning? Great? And how how's your
good about you? How are your teeth doing? My teeth
are better, you know, still a little bit with the
s is. You know, we're but as we're getting better,
we're learning how to uh nunci eight slow down. I
think what it's done for me, guys, It's actually made
me a more um, I don't know, thoughtful, reflectful, reflective

uh kind of person to where I'm slowing down because
I'm thinking about what I'm saying. So I don't line
up a bunch of s is and what that does also,
it's makes the brain slow down. So now I sound
like I'm reading off a telepronter. I'm just kidding. No,
it's always gonna be extemporaneous speaking, as you know. But
it's more the the joke of, you know, you want

to get it out right. When you've got an opinion
on something here in our sports talk radio world, the
brain starts going. Sometimes the mouth doesn't follow quite as quickly.
But here when you've got to think about, you know,
pieces of plastic in your mouth. For those that missed it, Yeah,
fall five months ago, still on the long road to
recovery partial replacement in many people have gone through this procedure.

It's all you. The worst though, is you get some
food caught in there and now I gotta, you know,
go and excuse yourself to figure out how to jam
that loose. So a lot of those little you have
a little corner on the club. Yeah, no, that's that's
that's all I need. We'll see if we can take
out another tooth along with it. Bucky's all excited because
North Carolina wins again over the you. So he's got

that going for him, and then we have just yeah, yeah,
go ahead, buggy. Yeah, very very not very excited about
Matarios getting it done. That. It's someone's got to be
happy in the yin Yang. And we got we got
a final baseball game today. We've got the Mets and
the Padres. So my radio partner during the week, Jason
Smith riding the lightning. He's nuts. He's I mean, he's

nuts with the Mets and the Jets, isn't he. He's
over the limit. I mean he's he's worse than the
fantaist sitting the stands. Well I listened. I mean again,
he's he lives and dies with those teams. No, that's
the hard part is that he hasn't he hate watches,
but he still has his heart where it can be broken.
And the Mets winning yesterday, it's still there. It's like,

you know, in the Temple with done, when dude pulls
the heart out and shows it to him. Yeah, that's
kind of where we're at with Jason Smith. Now. I'm like, correctly,
I think I was like dozing off when I was
listening the other evening, but it was late at night
here in the East Coast when they lost their first
game in the playoff series, and he said the season
is over. So I mean he was like, did he
buried them already was over? No, of course, Well he

was just waiting based on Well, it's the theater of
the mind is radio though, guys, so you know, just
being indifferent. That's why I used the strong word from
my squads. It's like, I'm still gonna watch them, but
now it's with a hateful eye because they've given me
nothing to get excited about, Like, oh, you're right on
the press, but now you're not good. Whereas he is

was convinced all year, right, they win a hundred one games.
You've got Pete Alonzo with a monster season, you had
that trump bit guy shows up, you had great pitching,
and then all of a sudden, as you're getting towards
this series, you have the leak and it starts to
be talked about that we're gonna skip the gram and
save him for the next series. Wait, hold on, hold on,

Like you didn't play terrible football down the stretch, but
you got caught by the Braves, so you lose the division,
so you're forced into this. Alonso said it best, like
you don't get swept by the Cubs. I swipe, you know,
as a south side guy whenever you can take a
swipe at the north side or that's pretty good. But
they did. They showed up and played and and they
lost a lot of games to bottom feeding teams, which

allowed Atlanta back into things. And then you set up
this scenario. But then, cavalierly, it's the our number two guy.
We probably won't need him for this series, so we're
gonna save him for good. My mom used to say
that all the time growing up. Guys, we'd buy our
nice whatever blouse, uh, something for the house, you know,
for for a birthday at the holidays, and it would

end up in a closet being quote saved for good,
and then a year later, all of a sudden, it's
going to Goodwill or something. Hey, someone else got some
use out of it, which was great, but good evidently
never came in our house for a lot of those items. So,
in other words, find your wins today. People find your
wins today. And it just pains me because I gotta

go into our you know, before we start getting into
the games. We've still got some on the slate, uh,
and I celebrate them also we'll do our cursory checks
on the remaining games in the schedule that you guys
didn't get to over the last two hours. But I
wanted to play this clip from Tom Brady because he
seems to agree with me through the first four weeks
of this season as to the level of play all

these teams, fifteen in the league at two and two,
and here was this assessment of play through the first month.
I think there's a lot of bad football from what
I watch. I watch a lot of bad football, a
lot of poor quality of football. That's what I see.
Well you see now, you Kevin Durant, you don't like it,
don't watch no. But like I go back and I'm diseased.

I go back and watch a lot of stuff. Last
week I went back and watched because I knew we'd
have to talk about it on Monday, the Jets game,
and I went and actually watched the Bears Giants again.
I should get a medal, like someone should print something
that I can hang around my neck to say I
sat through that a second time. But fifteen teams with
a two and two record, and I'll throw it up
to you, guys, Bucky, Uh, I don't take the lead

here is is this uh an indictment of where we're
at in terms of some of the talent level of teams, right,
or is it more an extension of what the Patriots
started back with Brady, where September was a feeling out
and learning process that has now been adopted with more
and more teams led by the Rams, in this case

not playing guys in the preseason so that cohesiveness isn't there.
And then add part three, where we do all these
marquee games that the league wants to put up the
first couple of weeks. I don't think they need to
because everybody's thirsty for NFL football, But I would argue
that the Buccaneers Packers game would look a lot different
and would be a lot more interesting in Week ten

than it was when they played in Week three. Uh Yeah,
I mean I think all those things certainly certainly coming
to play. Uh. The abbreviated preseason. The different practice rules
have made it where teams start slower out of the gate,
and some teams, like the Patriots, used the first four
games of the regular season as an extended preseason to

kind of see where they're at, assess their players, assess
their playing style as it relates to matching the scheme
with the talent, and then they go from there. And
so you see a lot of that stuff kind of
messing with the play we're see in kicking game era
as a bunch of penalties, a bunch of turnovers. What
normally happens is around the middle of the year, things

settle in. You know exactly what you're doing, you know
how to do it, you know what the expectations are.
Play callers go from here's how I think we were
going to play to oh, here's how we have to play.
And that changes how the game is called. It changes
who gets the ball when they get there and those things.
And so it's a finding identity offense, defense, and special

teams and then build an accompany football game plan that
allows you to play to the strengths of each of
your units. Well, I'll say this, I think Bucky hit
it on the head because I asked Bucky about his
power writings for this week and he gave me one, two,
and three and these three teams and he mentioned the
Eagles at one, uh Kansas City Chiefs too, and the
build Buffalo Bills are three. Those three teams, at least

at this stage of the game, are head and shoulders
above the rest of the league. And you tell about
the teams that are fifteen teams to two and two,
that's fine, But these three teams are head and shoulders
above the rest. But I think this is exactly what
the league wants. They want the so called balanced, the mediocrity.
This is what the draft has built for that to
have this because it keeps competition alive. However, when I
saw a Thursday Night, if I was a fan paying

for that game, I want my money back, I want
my money. But it was embar Honestly, I've seen high
school games that that would better play than that game
on Thursday night. I gotta say this, the fellas being
on air as Jason and I are during the primetime
games for the National Football League, I don't know that
we've ever had a game that was easier to tee
up and tee off on the fans walking down all

that's say, you got the fans, and that's a whole
other thing. I'm sure someone at Amazon got a call going,
we don't show them leaving the stadium. You can joke
we found out there's another beer line open and show
the people going up out of the aisles. You can't
show them leaving the stadium when they're going into overtime,
no matter how much you want to have a tongue
in cheek with the product. And that was one of

the things, you know, and and not to bite the
hand that feeds. Going back and watching the Bears and
Giants game, it was like they were trying to audition
over at the comedy store out here, just taking shots
at both teams left and right. It's like, you're you're
still playing a game, right, this is still early in
the season, and you've got a lot of young players, Like,

how about talking about the development here and what you
could do to maybe get the offenses on track as
opposed to, yeah, they got them right where they want
them on third and ten. It's like, it's not funny
after the eighth time you've run it right, You've you've
got fundamental problems. You could teach me about football in
this moment. And I used that game as the example
because it was bad, just like Thursday night's game. And

obviously we don't have the sound on so we can't
hear how snarky Al Michaels is getting from what I
from what I gather reading online and from people I've
talked to. Kirk Herbstreet either didn't get the joke or
didn't want to play along, but either way, it was
terrible football. And now you've got the issue of Russell
in l a for a shoulder consult on top of that,

And and I brought up with Jay Glazer when he
joined us on Friday, Guys like it just seems that
there's so many people taking glee in Russell Wilson struggling.
When's the first coach or player gonna come out on
the other side to defend the guy. I don't think
you'll see that. I'll tell you what you know that
I think that his snarling attitude, his personality. You know,

they're they're happy he's fallen down from the mountaintop. Really
he they say, it's a nastic I don't know him,
you know, and he wouldn't pick me out in the lineup.
But for what I've understood what I've read the players
that have played with him, he's an egomaniac and he's
just not a nice guy. Just not that I'm not
happy to see this happened, and Pete Carroll, basically by
unloading him and not saying we're gonna miss him, basically

kind of claim that as well. They're doing good. Gino
Smith is unbelievable and Pete Carroll should be commended for
what he did by letting him go on. This team
is somewhat competitive. Yeah, so there was a thing and
they didn't fully say it, and they won't fully say it,
but there was a thing about things went to ride
in Seattle when Brussell went from being lovable Russell to

the Diva quarterback. And so when he became the Diva quarterback,
and you've heard the defense talking about it, but everybody
thought it was sour grace from Richard Sherman and others
talked about how the defense was held to a higher
standard than the offense and how they never really came
hard at Russell the coaching staff as opposed to the
defensive players when it came to playing to the standard.

And so what they did is they took the offensive
identity away from Marshall Lynch and handed it to Russell
and made it about the quarterback. Even though their success,
their greatest success was about the defense and the running
game those two years, actually three years they ran the ball.

It was I mean more, I think it might have
been over fifty at the time. Yet, because we on
the outside, the media, we love to make it about
the quarterback, as the quarterback is John Wayne. He's the hero.
He comes in on the white horse and saves everything.
So Russell benefited from that, and so the defense has
always said those guys have always said, nah, he's good,

but it ain't like that. And so now we're seeing
when given an opportunity to have it his way, because
he had it the last four or five years in Seattle,
they didn't win anything of significance. He's had it in Denver.
Doesn't look like they're going to win anything of significance.
So now it goes back to the conversation, well, is
he really a playmaker or a high end game manager?

But he didn't run the ball aga the Super Bowl
that last playing the Super Bowl. He didn't run the
ball right, and that is that goes back to the
conspiracy theorists. If you handed the Marshawn Lynch, he now
becomes celebrated as the face of the franchise, maybe the
face of the league. If Russell Wilson does it. He's Russell,

he's everything, he's lovable, it's all of this. But it
didn't go their way. And so there are people in
Seattle who can't forgive Russell and the team forgoing about
it because they're built on running the ball. That's how
he built the team up from the from the scraps.
We run, we physical, we played defense, and then in
the critical moment, you didn't do that. So that's where

the team is lost. And that's why people are are delighting.
And Russell's fair use right now, and you didn't do
it on Thursday night football. And I gotta say, after
the concussive effect of the helmet on the field when
kJ Hamdler fired his to the ground, I think he
needs a new helmet for this coming week. Fellas when
he wasn't found in the end zone on that faithful play.

I got a quick question, excuse me, I'm sorry, A
quick question for Buckey Brooks Bucket coaches high school kids. Now,
when you go to practice on Friday, and they probably
stayed up to watch that game on Thursday night, did
they come to you and say, coach, you know what
happened there? I mean is there any questioning after watching
a sloppy game like that from these high school kids?
What did they say? So so Friday morning we had

to walk through with the JB team six am, and
they could not start talking about how bad the game was.
They couldn't understand, like why the turners couldn't score, what's
wrong with Russell? What's going on? Why don't they run
the ball in those situations? YadA, YadA, YadA. So yeah,
like they all pay attention to young people are looking
and they're trying to figure out what's going on with

Russell because we've heard so much about him, but he's
not playing well. Is it the coaching? Is it him?
Is it the system? What's going wrong? And so yeah,
there there's certainly um a lot of that because there
are a lot of people who have for years talked
about Russell being not only elite, but being like in
that different stratosphere. And he has talked about playing like

you know, Drew Brees and modeling his game after Drew
Brees and Tom Brady, and what has been noticeable one
Russell doesn't want to run anymore. He didn't run last year,
and so Russell wants to transform his game and kind
of become more like Drew Brees and Tom Brady the issue.
Like I told and then one of the previous hours,
his game isn't built to play from the pocket like that.

He's not a timing and rhythm passer, and so what
he's doing, it's kind of like what we do it
to a lot of athletic quarterbacks, even though I won't
kind of lump him in. Athletic quarterbacks for years have
always told you can't be appreciated until you throw from
the pocket, and so a lot of these guys will
forego their superpower, which is running on the edges and
doing those things to show to people. Oh no, no,

I can throw from the pocket. Think r G three,
that's not your game. So what you're doing is you
begin to play to your weakness, which then exposes your
flaws even further as opposed to this is how I play.
I know some people don't like it, but it doesn't
matter if this works for me. And so that's where
we're at right now. We're Russell and also agreeing to
work out of the shotgun on fourth and one because

you're too small to see anything else. The other thing
was there there big bass play at the game. Hey,
it's true. Why why the hell else are you in
the shotgun on fourth and any yard or fortunately for
the three, or when you know your situational football just
fails in that moment. The other is their only big
pass player. The day was when the official took out
the safety that ball was gonna be picked and it

ends up being eight plus yard game that he threw
up for grabs and two defenders to Denver wide receivers
were fighting for the ball because they wanted the yardage
for their fantasy owners. Piling well, I mean, cook, we
we gotta be truth tellers here, and a lot a
lot of other folks are gonna give you smoke stray screen.

And I went and my daughter's um high school doing
the musical Chicago. Great line and song from the The
Lawyer right played by Richard Gere in the famous movie
where it's give them the old Razzle Dazzle. It's all
about misdirection, three ring circus, so they don't actually see
what's going on. It's been a lot of the Russell
Wilson talk a long long time. He's at Buckey Brooks

on Twitter. You find Andy over at Andy Ferman FSR.
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come back, we get into one of the big games

of the day, the last undefeated team. Will they carry
that forward in the week six We'll talk about it
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Welcome back, and it's Fox Football Sunday, Fox Sports Radio

from the tire rac dot Com studios. Mike Garment alongside
Andy Furman and Bucky Brooks. Big slate of NFL action
on the way. You got an hour to get those
lineup changes in for your fantasy rosters for the early game.
That's right, another game overseas. We got the Packers and
Giants an hour from now. Aaron Rodgers and s Kwon

Barkley set to do battle. Daniel Jones from all looks
of it is going to give it a go, so
fun times ahead. But we've got a heavyweight battle a
little bit later on in the desert. So that's what
we start our whip around this hour. Eagles that card dolls.
We got the Eagles five point favorite tip about forty
nine your total, gentlemen. The large question is will Mercury

Morris be leading a giant chant and popping champagne later
tonight if Arizona is able to pull off the upset.
Jake Elliott not available for the Eagles. Yeah, we don't
talk a lot about kickers on this show, unless we
do when it's germane to the storyline, especially when you've
got a high powered Eagles offense that's been putting him
to work. That means Cameron Dicker, a guy who flat

out says, I don't really like football, but you're gonna
pay me to play it, I'm all for it. Let's
go all right. So you've got two teams in the
top three in terms of turnover margin Philly plus eight.
On the year, we've watched Jalen Hurts the run game
and then bringing in a j Brown good things all
around defensively and good back, defensive backfield, and the front

four get and done for Arizona. We just come in
with questions each and every week. Kyler Murray, Who's gonna
be the star in the receiving game? Hollywood Brown expected
to go the run game, plotting along with James Conner,
but trying to find that next uh level of stability
before DeAndre Hopkins returns. I feel upset minded because, well,

I'm just a little bit crazy on a Sunday morning.
What say you, Bucky Man. It's tough because the egos
have been so hot for so long. Uh. Jayleen Hursts
playing out of control. He's been like a really efficient baller,
and his presence as a running threat in the middle
of that offense makes it really very difficult and challenging
to do with mileson is that some of the other

running backs UH. Defensively their physical they can lock up
man to man and they're playing against the Cardinals team
that is very static and they get out to slow stars.
So the thing to look for in this game the
second quarter. The Philadelphia Eagles outscore everybody in the second quarter.
They find their rhythm in that point. The Arizona Cardiners
have been out scores sixty six to sixteen in the

first half. Give me the Eagles. I think the Eagles
run away from him early and then the Cardinals are
forced to play catch up. Swollen Dome. You wants to
bang that dome somewhere when you talk about upset city here,
because the Philadelphia Eagles to averaging almost twenty nine points
a game through the first four games. They scored no
fewer than twenty four in any game. Defensively, they forced
like ten turnovers in four games. That cardinless is bucky mentioned.

They've yet to score in the first quarter this year.
Slow starters, they trailed at halftime in every game. They
have no chance, no chance whatsoever today, even though the
game is in Arizona against the high flying Philadelphia Eagles. Well,
I like any time in the NFL, and we used
the terms no chance to describe things. I will say this, guys,
I wasn't boldened, and I feel better about the Eagles

after watching them actually play football in the second half
last week. Football team, come on. In the first three weeks,
they kind of slept wall through second half and we're
trying to hold on down the stretch. They did, but
this is a really good football team, and I will
say watching him feel lovel They are a physical football team.

And so for the Arizona Cardinals. If they don't come equipped,
I mean they don't run the football, they don't try
and test them. With James Conner, it's a tough game
for him because I can get hitting him out. See
how well the Arizona line holds up against what is
the league's best, and that running its acts, certainly with
Sanders gain Well, et cetera, getting it done with Jalen Hurts.

But you know what, someone's got to be the outliers.
Someone's got to be the guy leading you towards the
promised land. I will be that guy Arizona outright. He's
Andy Furman, He's Buckey Brooks Up, Mike Carmon, let's start
it on over to our guy Nick Cope and get
us an idea of what's trending, because I'm sure the
laundry list of injury notes is a hundred miles long.
It's getting there, it's about way. It's gonna get even

longer here in the coming hours as we get closer
to those one o'clock Eastern kicks. But for right now,
let's let's get you those inactives for that London game,
which is about an hour away between the Packers and Giants.
Green Bay safety Adrian Amos is active, Defensive lineman Davante
Wyatt is out, Giants defensive lineman Leonard Williams is out,

and Daniel Jones is good to go. He is active
for New York Elsewhere. Saints running back Alvin Kamara is
expected to play, according to reports, and the following players
also are expected to play. That's Dolphins receivers Tyree Kill
and Jalen Waddle, Bears running back David Montgomery. For the
Cowboys receiver Ceedee Lamb and running back Tony Pollard, Bengals

receiver Tee Higgins and tight end Hayden Hurst. You're talking
about the Cardinals. Receiver ron Dale Moore is expected to play.
Bucks receiver Russell Cage, Lions receiver Almant Ross Brown, Jaguars
receivers A Jones, Commanders Ricky running back Brian Robinson is
expected to play about twenty snaps and for the Ravens
on Sunday Night Football, All Pro left tackle Ronnie and

Ley is expected to make his season debut again. All
those players expected to play. Today, not expecting to see
Patriots quarterback Mac Jones, Bailey's Appy set to make his
first career start, and game time decisions for Bucks receiver
Julio Jones and Commander's tight end Logan Thomas. NFL media
reports Odell Beckham Jr. Is targeting mid November for his

return to the field, coming off that a c L
tear in the Super Bowl, and ESPN says Steelers linebacker
t J. Want had arthur scopic knee surgery that will
delay his return to the field another week or two.
That's gonna push his timetable into November for his ultimate return.
He's been out since Week one with a pectoral injury. Mike, Andy,

Bucky back to you guys, Thank you, Nick, appreciate it
all right, guys, we're gonna do a little bit of
a hot rod has begun to you from the tire
Act dot Com studios because as I always tell you,
we are a show for the people, for this globe.
Right we are a world show. And right now we
have Bruce who is at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium getting ready
to take in the Packers and the Giants. Bruce, welcome

into Fox Moort Radio. You're ready to get it going.
Ah yeah, we're less than an hour before kickoff here
between the Packers and the Giants. The big story here,
I guess could be uh, the Packers are the last
of the thirty two NFL teams to play a game
in London, so finally, welcome to England, Green Day. How
about this that this is the thirty second NFL regular

season game being played in London. Attacked the Giants, meat
the Dolphins and in the rain no less in the
first London game way back in two thousand seven. Well,
this is the first time in these thirty two games
that both teams have a winning record going into the match.
The Packers, imma Giants both three and one dog cheerioh
from London, appreciate that. That's fantastic stuff. There you go.

We got Bruce from from London. Interesting. I like that
a couple of chats. I had some follow up questions
about the Well, the you know, the last guy I
saw the get in was almost nine hundred bucks on
the secondary market. That's right. A lot of other games today,
if you look out on the schedule, you can get

in for around seventy eight dollars. So I mean there's
some value to be had there. Um, weought there's some
games that maybe you would only want to pay a
dollar Tennessee Washington. You can get in for whoa who's
ready for some watching some paint dry. But yeah, we'll
get to that game in a minute. He's Bucky, he's

Andy up, Mike. Let's get to our next game, Jaguars.
There we go, Jaguars a touchdown for there it is
thirty seven? Is you're getting for this one? Uh? At
t I a a bank field and we look at
this one. Bucky coming off the loss, but a good start.

Trevor Lawrence has to hold onto the football. But we
look at Lovey Smith squad. They're offensive lines been terrible. Uh,
Davis Mills completing about of his passes. Damian Pierce has
been a bright spot at times, but there hasn't been
any level of consistency here from Houston. But it's always
a divisional game and one that you've got to be

wary of. Yeah, that's one did you have to be
worry of? Um, I want to say the Texas have
won eight straight against the jack Yeah, and so this
is kind of did Nemesis. And so when you think
about this and all the other stuff. You kind of
have to throw the records out. The Houston Texas have
a way of complicating the game for the Jaguars, keeping

eye on Brandon Cooks. Brandon Cooks has been outstanding against
the Jacks, and so we'll see what it looks like.
This is a take care of business game for the
Jacks today. We'll learn a lot about their competitive maturity
and if this team is really ready to contend for
a division crown. You gotta be kids me. I mean,
it's not even a worth mention. Jackson Willis the n

t S in their first four games, that's tied for
first the NFL. The quarterback for the Texas, Davis Mills.
He was at the scepted twice last week by the Charges.
It just doesn't make any sense. I look who they've won.
I look at like the schedule. Who teams have won.
The Texans tied Indianapolis, a bad team, lose at Denver,
lose it. Your Chicago Bears it terrible and they lost

to the Charges. Believe me, Jags role in this game.
They're rolling, they're bucking. Did you winners this game? Wow? Man?
What'sn't your coffee over there and you very fired up
about the Jacks. I appreciate it. Well, that's good. Look,
we we jumped on board. I even brought out my

old original logo hat I've jumped on the bank about. Yeah,
that's right before they changed it. So you're a front
row too, Yeah, because they're running away and hiding. Andy,
Come on now, I just have an extensive hat collection
because once upon a time at the Oakland, Alameda County Coliseum,
at the end of a baseball season, they had a

tent sale and guess what, I've got a head big
enough that there was a nice big bin of any
hat I wanted for five bucks, all fitted, which means
I've got a lot of teams I have really no
rooting interest in. But there were five bucks. You. No,
it was pretty sweet, man, I have. Yeah, it's ridiculous.

Old Montreal expose hats in the whole nine yards Houston
eight and two against the Jags head to head their
last ten meetings. Let's get one more game in before
we uh we tapped for the cause here being alright,
Baltimore plus five second best turnover margin in the National

Football League, three and a half point favorite here forties
seven and a half is your total. You've got a
an offense for Baltimore, no Bateman. Defensively, we've watched that
secondary struggle. The Bengals offensive line still trying to get
some semblance to consist. And see Joe Burrow and the
timing of getting the ball out. But when he does,
you've got Jamaar Chase and you've got Tee Higgins that

I think people are starting to recognize exactly how important
Tee Higgins is everything. And last week we even had
a couple of big players to Tyler Boyd, so it's
starting to get a little more spread out. Hayden Hurst,
the tight end, will be available for this one as well.
Fantasy owners, take a look here. If he's on your
waiver wire, you may be dissatisfied with your fantasy tight end.
You may have Kyle Pitts and this week you don't

have to worry about playing him because he's not playing,
so you can go find an alternation on the waiver wire.
Hurst maybe that guy. But three and a half points Baltimore,
Lamar Jackson getting it done. Will he get any help
from the run game and from that secondary against Joe Burrow?
Um I like to running game. I'll let you run
a game. I think Lamar Jackson has to even take

more of this song because right now, situation critical for
the Baltimore Ravens. Last year to think about it being
was they did a really good job of like the
one that covers zero Adam kind of messing up the thing.
I think they figured that out. So now it has
to be about the running backs and then finding a
way to find other receivers in the pass game outside
the tide end. They've done some of that and so
the offenses look good at times, but then they got

to close the deal. And that's on the defense. I
think the offense is good enough to get to the learning.
You know, I like Baltimore. I really doing the games
at home. They're coming off an ugly loss last week,
a terrible loss, it really was. But what the Bengals
defense has to do and it's gonna be very difficult
to do this to make the bulltimor offense one dimensional.
You know, they run well, they passed well because the

Jackson has become a better pastor this year. If they
can make that a one dimensional offense, which I don't
know they can, they could win this ball game. But
I'll tell you what his the stat that Bucky would love.
Maybe he'll put it on this Friday column next week
that this season, when Joe Burrow is in the shotgun,
excuse me, the Bengals have called the pass play seventy

eight percent of the time when he's under center. They
call the run play seventy five percent of the time.
We'll see what happens. See what happens today. Well for Joe,
mixing fan and fantasy owners, they're hoping to see him
under center. A bunch so waiting for it. Carries sixty
one yards barely falling forward against Miami when he did
find the end zone, and and right now averaging a

week two point seven yards per carry. They've got to
figure out how to get that balance re established. He's
Andy Furman, That's Bucky Brooks on My Carmen. This is
Fox Sports Radio's Fox Football Sunday broadcasting live from the
tire Ract dot Com studios, and coming up next, folks,
we're gonna get into another couple of games, and we're
gonna get Bucky and Andy's best of Week five in

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If you guys keep clamoring to hear more of Dye Fermant,
Bucky Brooks, and well maybe a little bit of me
mixing there in, we appreciate you being part of the show. Guys.
We've got a lot of games that that are still
sitting out in in the balance. One I wanted to
hit on real quick with y'all before we get your
best plays. Best expectations for week five is the Cowboys

Rams game, right, Rams five and a half point favorite
home game forty two is the total. I'm looking at
two teams that, uh have a very different styles right now,
and the expectations and and how they're written about talked
about much different. Right. Jerry Jones with every win gets
him bolden to talk more about Cooper Rush the big

job for him, just don't turn the ball over, maybe
get a little more of the run game. And then
the defense with Michael Parsons and company have made plays
and for the Rams. Well, that's the worst scenario is
to hear, hey, Michael Parsons ready to come in and
feast because the offensive line has been a turnstyle. Matthew
Stafford hanging onto the ball and he's got one and
he's got one and a half receivers. You got Cooper Cup,

and you got Tyler Higbee, and you've got a lot
of guys pictured on the side of milk curtains. So
I'm looking at Dallas plus five and a half winning
this game out right on the strength of their defense.
Bucky and I out out on a limb too far here. No,
like the defense is legit. I mean we talked about
this being a version of the doomsday defense in terms

of the speed, the physicality, to toughness, to turn over
and play making ability that they have. No, you have
a Rams team that is struggling. Uh. They can't run
the football, they can't protect the quarterback, and the Matthew
Stafford is a turnover machine. So I like the Cowboys
provided they're able to continue to stick to the blueprint.
The blueprint is thirty to thirty five rushing attempts, great defense,

and then Cooper rush making a handful of plays. If
they stick to the script, they win. Yeah. Rams got
smacked around by a foty and on his last week
and that game, as you mentioned, with the turn of
the machine, Matthew Stafford had to turnover in that game,
and he's got to control the ball, but he has
the deal the defensive batfield in l A. It's piling up.
The injuries are just piling up. I like the Rams

to win this game, I really do. I just think
they have more talent and Cooper Russia obviously undefeated three
and all thus far quarterback in this book club, and
he's got some talent there with his receivers, with C.
D Lamb out there. But I just believe that the Rams,
if Matthew Staffa could get it under control, they should
win this ball game. Jason Peters doubtful for this one.

Smith's already on the i R. We we know the
the injuries questionable for Tony Pollard along the way, But
this is one that's that's great because more narratives will
be thrust forth in sports talk radio and television coming
out of this game than perhaps any other game on
the slate this weekend, gentlemen, So that's good. Sky is
falling radio or hey, do we have a quarterback controversy

to tried and true playbooks in sports media? So let's
get to it as we we finish up this hour. Gentlemen,
you've talked a lot about games, scenarios and where we're
at after four games in the league. Plus uh, that
wonderful twelve nine Indianapolis Colts win on Thursday night. I
celebrate all two seventy two. Look, someone still gotta be last.

It still counts as an NFL game. Uh and uh
of all of them, well, that was one of them.
So as we get into week five, what what's the
game that's got your wrapped attention to uh fuel the
second quarter of the season. I'm gonna go with Monday
night game. Let's go to Kansas City, Oakland. Can't see last.
I like that the Oakland. It's it's like the Cleveland

Guardians lost their new nickname on a bunch of telecasts
over the last seventy two hours too. Yeah, yeah, So
we go Raiders versus Chiefs. That should be a good one,
and it should be a good one because the Raiders
found their way. They got the ball to the playmakers,
they got it to Josh Jacobs and Davante Adams. They
were fed a ton and it works for them. The
kan City Chiefs, we get a chance to see this,

I guess, share the wealth approach. See if it works
on a big, big stage. It's worked so far, Let's
see if it continues to work. I got two games,
I really do, and I hate to do that to you,
but Eagles Cardinals because I want to see the Eagles
remain undefeated, to see how good they really are and
will the Cardinals fold when they come back and score
at least in the first quarter and not trail at halftime.
So there's one of those games. That game is on Fox,

by the way. And more than that, the Bengals Ravens,
which I have are you rooting interest? Did? But more
than that, this is truly the battle for the for
the a f C North, to see who's gonna win
that division. I really believe that Ravens got smacked around
twice last year by the Bengals and see what happens
in The Ravens have a bitter taste obviously in their
mouth from that loss last week. Stupid loss, bad loss.
So I like that Bengals game tonight that I think

that the Ravens gonna beat them. I really, do you
think everybody truly kissed and made up over there on
that Baltimore sideline after that game? Yes, I thought, don't
mean I don't. But they don't whole grudges do they
come on? Sometimes? You know, they they hold them. Sometimes
they hold those great is you know, just curious where

we're at right because we we always talk about long
standing coaches and when is the time where the message
needs to change the play calling And in this case,
I think a lot of folks came out with the
kid gloves on Lamar Jackson, like you can't criticize him
for decisions made on the field, and it made it
was a little quick to to go after hardball in

in this sense when you didn't find your read. But hey,
you've got Justin Tucker and everybody suddenly loves a kicker.
Funny how that works? Fun stuff? Thanks Andy, Bucky and
I continue next year on Fox Sports Radio. Fox Sports
Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation.
Catch all of our shows at Fox sports Radio dot

com and within the I Heart Radio app. Search f
s R to listen. Lie Welcome in Fox Football Sunday
Mike Arment alongside Bucky Brooks. Five years in the league,
NFL dot Com, NFL Network, Fox Sports One, Fox Sports Radio.
He writes for Fox Sports dot Com. He's a coach,
he's a mentor, he's an analyst working alongside the Jaguars.

As as you can tell, the man doesn't sleep, lives, breathe, family,
faith football. How's that? I like it? All right? Well,
we'll see if we can clean it up. Workshop that
a little bit, get some dramatic music behind it, uh,
and make it swell at Bucky Brooks where you find
him on Twitter as well, find me over at Swollen Dome.

Lineup questions if you've got them for the later games.
Obviously we're attending to the broadcasting people, which means, if
you need something for this early game between the Giants
and the Packers, play your Packers running backs. Maybe get
a little bit cute with Tonyon and Romeo Dobbs uh
and obviously Aaron Rodgers. A back end QB one For

the Giants, it's say Kwan Barkley and well and little
else because they didn't really travel with most of their
wide receivers. Once again, I hate when we throw using
the term Bust liberally Bucky, But the signing of Kenny Golladay,
I'm not gonna put it all on players. Someone had
to offer him a contract and be convinced that he

was worth a lot of money coming off a five
game stint with the Lions before an injury. But right
now that looks like one of the worst signings in
recent memory. To try to a squad it does. It
doesn't look great. It doesn't look great. He certainly hasn't
been what they hoped he would be um in terms
of being a number one receiver, and he was often

injured during his time with the Detroit lines, and so
he hasn't given them what they're paying him. And a
new regime, new regime has come in, they have higher
expectations for the performance that they want on the outside
he's not delivering. So they're playing the best players, meaning
the best performers in practice are getting the opportunities to play.
And when you're establishing a new culture, a culture, when

you talk about the workers getting the rewards, understand what
Brian day Ball in their staff are doing. I appreciate it,
and I think it's something that certainly helped the Giants
get out to this three and one start. People having
to earn to keep when it comes to their roles
and positions. Well, and that's been the interesting thing obviously
that game against the Bears. Uh, if you want to
make an argument that between that and the Thursday Night

game between the Colts and the Broncos and maybe already
looking ahead because I know when they signed off on
Thursday Night Football and they put up that graphic that
looked like it was from the eighties, it's like, oh,
you're gonna replay a game for when the Bears and
the then Washington Redskins were good. Now we got Bears
commanders on Thursday Night Football coming up. Those will rank

among probably the worst games that you'll see all season.
But here's the thing with with Daniel Jones, who was
expected to give it a go here in a half
hour's time, Bucky, they've taken the shots of trying to
bring guys in and between Goladay and Kadarius Tony, you've
got a big, fat goose egg in terms of that
big play, explosive players fever that's supposed to come in

and help. Right now, your leaders in the receiving department
are se Kwon Barkley and Ritchie James. M hmm. Not
not necessarily what we expected, No, not at all. Seventh
round pick in the team draft was Richie James. Yeah,
but you know what I told you, The regime is
talking about playing the best players, the players that give

the biggest contributions and do those things, and so just
sticking to the script when it comes to that. Now,
I want to circle back to the game we ended
last hour on and uh we we had the Buffalo
Baltimore game and with the frantic comeback, right it was
lopsided until it wasn't. And then hardball with the decision
to put the ball in the Lamar Jackson's hands down

in the red zone instead of taking the obvious easy
three points with Justin Tucker about four minutes left in
the game. And it's a defense that is struggled overall,
but also opportunists it right, They generated some turnovers, had
some opportunities to make plays, and in this case, to me,
it was all right, I'm gonna make a play. And

and this was his postgame analysis was look, I I
know we we ended up losing, but we had the
opportunity there. I put it in my play best player's hands,
and then I trusted my defense and I'm good with that.
But it's also still just the question, I guess on
a on a larger point of at what point do
you lose the Super Bowl love that you once had? Right?

How long does that last for a coach, even if
you're consistently winning, But if you're now all right, can
we get back to that elite status? I guess that's
that's the question on my mind because I look at
two coaches in the a f C North and he
and Tomlin that had been there a long time. And
now Tom one's got to deal with something he's never
had to deal with, which is growing a quarterback from

scratch and re redeploying your team that way. And then
we now t J. Watt needed surgery. So the help
on defense isn't necessarily coming anytime soon. No, it's not
coming anytime soon. But let's go back to Harbor first,
because here's the thing that hasn't been talked about or
discussed on a bigger thing. Let's go back to the
last year and let's look at the number of losses

that the Baltimore Ravens have had. By going with the
analytical approach at the end of the game, going for
it on fourth down, going for it on fourth and goal,
bypassing field goals to take these chances that they say
are in their favor based on the probability. No one
has taken them to task for these risks because these
things have not necessarily played in the Ravens favor. And

I'm a fan for going for it on fourth and
short when you have the running game that the Baltimore
Ravens have had. But too often we're going for it
on fourth down and then we're using these passes. And
so I want you to stay within the identity of
your team, your office, and how this team was built.
They are a physical football team that loves to come downhill,
but too often in the last half of the season.

Let's go back into look at the one score losses
that this team has had, and a lot of those
can be attributed to these late game gambles in which
they're going for it instead of piling points on the
board by taking the easy three. What is the point
of having the best kicker in football if you don't
utilize them. And so Justin Tucker to me, is a

weapon that is underutilized. By the Ravens. I get it.
Everybody has the analytical department. I understand the numbers. I
understand probabilities and all those things that said, you can't
take John Harbaugh off the hook for these gambles when
they're not going the Baltimore Ravens way. I believe that
they have lost more games with the Gambles than one

games because of the Gambles that they are attributing to
the analytical model. Well, it's always easy to cite the
model when you're winning, and particularly when you're losing. In
this case, I'm like, hey, you know the numbers said this, Uh, certainly.
But to your point about identity, it's a it's a
lot of the conversation we had in the first hour
talking about denver in and around the goal line and

owing back to Richard Truman losing his mind yelling roll
the ball, run the ball in the video that was
seeing around the world and the post came there and
they're like, wow, flashbacks and he actually tweeted out the
word flashbacks. At the end of it is like Melvin
Alvin Gordon has had some fumbling issues, but he's also

run the ball very effectively, right, So it's that all right,
WHI which which am I getting in and around the
goal line? And you don't need hero ball, particularly if
you're not gonna throw it to the side that you
ran a perfect pick play right, They ran a perfect
pick with Judy to get handler open, and they never
looked that way and instead got got his lunch, eating

again by Gilmour who had gotten him earlier in the game.
So you know, if you if you're gonna, you know,
ignore your identity suddenly and changed the play calling to
your point about the Ravens, Like all right, all the
analytics in the world's like, you've proven what you do best,
so why it works for you in that way? So
why are you trying to go to the league wide

averages when you're the team is built so differently. Yeah,
I can't really understand it. I don't understand like why
it is. It has been there and with the Broncos,
and I get it, see because this is what happens
as a front office and it filters down to the
coaching staff when you make the move that the Broncos made,

and you made the move to go and get the quarterback,
the marquee quarterback, and then you double down on it
by paying him a big contract. There's a natural inclination
to want to prove to the football world what we
did was right. We paid the right gas, so we're
gonna put the ball in his hands. When you really
look at the Broncos and what they do well right now,

the best part of their game is when they're able
to run the football and throw off play action, not
when Brussel is doing standard drop back, traditional drop back,
classic Tom Brady, Drew Brees stuff that is not the
strength of the team. But there's this yang and yang,
this inner army getting that Nathaniel Hackett is dealing with
on the inside. Do I trust my quarterback? Because when

I didn't trust my quarterback, oh, I got all the criticism.
But now I've trusted my quarterback on two times and
it's backfired from me. So now few, Nathaniel Hackett, what
do you do? Where do you go to the next
time that you're in these situations and you need a play.
Do you trust Russ? Do you trust the running game?
Who do you trust? And most instances, Mike I would
tell you it's always players overplays. Put the ball in

the best hand of your best player. Don't worry about
the play because normally your best player will find a
way to get it done. And in these cases, Russell
hasn't done it. And so I don't know where the
Broncos turned because he's proven that he can't get it done. Yeah,
certainly pressing in the rents on here, you have the
opportunity to get a first down, right, you didn't need

to go for the the end zone on that plant,
which is why lining up and shotgun and not tucking
the ball into Gordon's gun made no sense. Right now,
we we have just coaching decisions. And I know Hackett
to a degree. Uh. Part of it is going to
be the pressure. And even in his postgame comments, Bucky,
I thought it was curious, uh the way he did.

And I thought we had a spectacular drive get down there,
ended up fourth and one, we got to go for
it and and this was and and I applauded Russell's
uh fight to actually stay on the field and instead
of what we had in Seattle right where he didn't uh,
and we saw a sixty four yard attempt. And I
love Brandon Manis at all, but he ain't super toe.
But here was the rest of Hackett thought it was

a good decision, wanted to put the ball in Russell's
hand and called the play that we know and he
really likes, and it didn't work out. Uh, the and
he really likes part of it kind of was like,
all right, you I've heard everybody calling from my job.
In my head, this is the play he wanted. Hey,
look at him, go over to over three. I I

you know, I listened to him and want it. He
wanted the ball in his hands and he didn't make
a plaint. That's exactly what I got out of that.
And I think that got a bit overlooked in the
Friday quarterbacking from the media, and we tried to call
it out in real time as the quote was given Blucky,
because I think you seriously have some some unrest there

beyond just the media trying to hype it up and
start a fire in a dumpster. Absolutely like you do
have some of that. Uh, you have the media trying
to stir it up. The media has been on this.
The meat has been on Nathaniel Hackett, uh more than
Russell of late the last week now the beginning to
jump on Russell. And you have all of this stuff
coming down and so it's funny, but typically Mike, where

they're smoke, there's fire. When we're talking about Nathaniel Hacking
being one and done and talking about people the colossal
failures of his coaching decisions starting from week one because
he didn't put the ball in the hands of Russell's
that that was a fireball offense. And now I'm looking
back and say, hey, maybe we shouldn't have criticize him
so hard and one on that when we've seen what
Russell was able to do. Some of the other things.

Look man the management stuff, the clock management, the delayed
game penalties that they have been getting because they haven't
been able to get the plays in and out. Yeah,
that's some of that, but it's also the growing pains
associated with the first time head coach who has also
taken on the added responsibility of being the offensive play caller.
That is not something that is easy. And even though

I see Kevin O'Connell doing it well, I've seen others
kind of jumping into it, like Jean mve. It's a
lot to manage the entire team while directly calling the offense.
Because when you're calling the offense as the offensive coordinator,
you are so knee. I mean, you're you're deep in
the wese in terms of trying to figure out, how
do I get the next play? What are the next thing?

Do we have a script? YadA, YadA, YadA. You're not
even paying attention to what's happening on the field. And
so without an experienced defensive coordinator or what I call
the wise old elder, right that can tell you a
coach is where we're at. We need to make sure
that we're hey, we're gonna we're gonna take the time
out after this or that. Head coaches need those reminders

because there's so many different things that are going on,
and so I think we need to give Nathaniel Hackett
a bit of a pass on some of those things
because he's a newbie, and put a little more on
Hey man, when you have a franchise quarterback, the franchise
quarterback who's played ten years in the league, he should
be a pseudo head coach in terms of organization and
getting everybody on the same page. Part of what we

saw on Tampa Bay and part of why we love
what Tom Brady was able to do in Tampa. He
immediately cleaned up some of the issues that the Tampa
Bay Buccaneers may have had, some of the stuff that
may have been Lucy goosey under Bruce Arians. We heard
Tom Brady talk about, hey guys, we're gonna play at
a high level. We need to do these things. That's
what I expect from a high end franchise quarterback. That

is the leadership part that you're supposed to get from
Russell Wilson when you bring him over. So yeah, we
can take shots to Nathaniel. Russell has to get some
of this too, because the quarterback outside of the head
coach is viewed as the most important part of the team. Well,
and and that's the thing folks say, well, it's still new.
It's like, well, you had a whole off season. You
were supposed to be working together. Weren't you to try
to get this right? And and I get you didn't

take a lot of reps in preseason games and this
league wide where I mean, obviously Hackett is first and foremost,
but when we're talking about a lot of the new
head coaches and trying to navigate their way in especially
if you go spend two million dollars on a quarterback,
you'd like to think you guys have figured out at
least some semblance of consistency whereby you don't have twenty

pre snap penalties through five weeks. That that's absolutely obscene.
And I know they did know. I thought they did
the right thing and recognizing a problem by bringing in
Jerry Rossberg. You know, it was widely mocks like oh
now you buy here the game coordinator. It's like, no,
they saw they had a problem and they went to
fix it. The only problem is it still hasn't fixed it. No,

it hasn't fixed it, but it takes time. And I
will say this so I feel like I'm a broken
record on to your So do people have to pardon
me for jumping into my coaching thing because I talked
about this to my team all the time. Is something
that great teams talk about it and it's gonna sound silly.
So when I say the phrase, uh, it is what
it is. But at Hammer, I mean, if you want

to put it on the time, let's see if we
can tell when you go and you play the Kann
City Chiefs on the Mighty Shotten Haimer Marty would say this,
more games are lost than one, meaning more teams give
away games with self inflicted mistakes than the other team
beating them. And so when we talk about the self
inflicted mistakes, we call them d b O s. Don't

beat ourselves. Number one thing turnovers, Mike, I can tell
you if you just take care of the ball, if
you win the turnover battle by plus one, you win
six games. Plus two, it goes up to plus three,
it goes anywhere from eight at the time. If you
just dominate the turnover battle, you win games. That's number one. Two,

no pre snap or foolish penalies. Don't give away yards
on things that you can control. I can control whether
I line up in the neutral zone. I can control
whether I know the snap count. I can control whether
we're in a right formation, meaning no illegal procedure penalties
or illegal formations, any of those things. Third, no big

plays allowed. The number one thing that we talked about
in football is man. We can be aggressive and all that,
but the one thing that you can't do is never
let the ball fly over the top of the defense.
If you keep the ball in front and rally and tackle,
make people drive the length of the field, the odds
suggest that they cannot do it. And the final thing
it is critical. No kicking game errors, meaning no block kicks,

no return kicks, don't let them block them, and don't
let him return them for touchdowns. If you do those
four things, it is hard for another team to beat you.
And so Nathaniel Hackett knows because his dad, Paul Hackett,
was on the staff in Kansas City when I was
playing in Kansas City on them shot. I know he's
hurt those messages. He has to know better. Those are

the things that you have to do to give yourself
a chance to win the National Football League. And so
they got to clean up that stuff because all of
those things are controllable. We'll see now you've got the
color scheme and everything. More games are lost than one.
Let's ride just so ridiculous. Yeah, well, Ad Bucky, Well

you notice he couldn't even stand behind the microphone as
he tried there under that one. He didn't even get
the ryde from behind the podium. Yeah, every no one
wants to hear that right now. People want to win.
I don't want to hear Let's right. I want to win.
That's what I would say if I'm a Broncos Dan. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I want to win. That's cute. That's college stuff. I
don't want to hear that. Nobody does that in the pros, Mike,

there's a reason why no one has done it before
because we don't talk like that in the pros. We
don't talk like that in the National Football League, like, hey,
let's go and go hawk. No, no one says that
that is collegiate. Well, he's built a brand. Whether that's
able to monetize or not. Head good on them. But
you get the slings and arrows because it's not like, look,

not being dismissive. It's just part of an overall package.
But that's a We'll continue the Russell Wilson talk as
the season rolls on in uh, well, we got Monday
night football. We get to watch him in primetime again
next week at fucking Brooks where you find him on Twitter.
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Coming up next, we turn our attention to a game
here in Los Angeles. Yeah, we talked about it a
little bit last hour, but for the new audience and
to go a little bit deeper, We've got Cowboys, We've

got Rams, We've got it next year on Fox. Fox
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this morning. Mike Harmon alongside Bucky Brooks, I'm loud and
I open mouth say things. Bucky gives you the analysis
to make you a smarter football fan and to win
at the game of life. Remember more things, more games,
more situations in your life are lost than one. So
go and blame them. Create opportunities for yourselves, create those

turnovers in your life that puts you at an advantage.
How's that we can be aggressive about it as well,
to create those losses for those that we see as
opponents in our lives and in our paths. That's too
angry for Sunday morning. No, that's not too angering. I
think the big thing is when we talk about those things, Um,

that is everything, right, Mike. So if you take every
game right, you take resport that we play right. So
we talked about football. I just laid it out like
in terms of don't beat yourself, you do those things. Well,
let's think about in baseball, right. Baseball is pretty pretty
simple when it comes to that, Hey, let's catch all
fieldable balls. Let's make sure that we don't have a
ton of errors when it comes to defensive errors, Let's

make sure we cut down the base running misqus. Hey,
if you're gonna take a base, take the base that
you're supposed to take. Don't uh run yourself out of
an inning in the outfield, hit the cut off man.
You know, simple things that we know because when you
don't do those things, they always come back to bite you.
Every sport has that set of commandments that you know.
If we do those things, guys, it's going to up

our eyes of winning games and Mike time over time.
If you just do the stuff that prevents you from
just giving away games, I promise you more times than not,
you're gonna win a ton of games. So it's not
that hard, but it takes discipline, and it takes attention
to detail to be able to do that. I want
to show some love during her mad words. I know
we uh. The last video we have in him is
getting fired next to the goal post at Arizona State.

But you know, there are some truisms from his broadcasting career, uh,
and stories that I've heard him tell a million times.
And one of them is just you know, as a
kid sweeping a floor. Everybody can get the stuff in
the middle. Right, You've heard this one a million times.
I know from herm and from other people in your life.
I know, Bucky, every everybody can get that stuff in
the middle. It's in the corners, it's in there, it's

getting down into like the little molding that's you know,
along the base boards and everything else. That that's where
the winning's done, and that that's the same thing for
every other sport, Right, are you willing to go that
little extra? I mean, take the cheeseball al Pacino speech.
In any given Sunday, it's the same thing, right, the
winning dying in those inches that you have to pile

up and put him in your back pocket and that
and that's kind of what we're talking about here as
we watched the first four weeks plus of the NFL,
is the number of games where you just throw your
hands up trying to figure out the lot Jake and
you wish you had the Hey, how can I read
a coach's mind as to what they called to why
they called going back to that Baltimore you know game?
He you know, you made analytics and everything else. You

put the ball in Lamar's hands. Lamar didn't make a play. Right,
once it's on the field, you still got to go execute.
DA have to go ask you. And I'm gonna say
this about Lamar. I'm gonna saying this about Lamar, and i'
gonna say this is about all athletic quarterbacks right see,
because here's what happened, and this is an excuse to Lamar.
And this is why I say players have to know
who they are and playing within themselves. Okay, So the criticism,

what's the main criticism that we give to Lamar Jackson.
He can't perform from the pocket. I don't know if
that style of work because he can't throw from the pocket.
Lamar Jackson isn't a throw He has to be able
to throw. He has to be able to do this.
He has to be able to do this. He has
to throw throw, throw, throw, throw throw. Now, I would
tell you what is Lamar Jackson's superpower. Mike superpower is
seeing space and then going and exploiting it with his

legs and freezing you and occasionally running you over if
he needs to. Right, So, his athleticism, his running ability.
But because so much of the outside noise is always throw, throw, throw, throw, throw,
that the natural competitor in the athlete. I'm going to
show you that I can do what you'd say that
I can't do. And so what it does for all

of these guys, it takes away from their game for
that game, in particular, because Josh Allen's on the other sideline.
Do you think that has something about it because of
the way those two are often paired and compared and
contrasted these last couple of years, because they're the only
two guys from that class that have really done anything. Maybe,

But you know what's interesting about that. I think had
seventeen runs in that game. So he's the running back.
We we joked about it last week when we were
previewing the game. It's like your two best running backs
are your quarterbacks. So that's the thing that is so
crazy about it. Right, So you have jo Shallen, who

is very comfortable in his own skin in terms of
how he plays. He took all the slings and arrows
early in his career when he wasn't playing great in
the not even the interstept of the accuracy rolls. But
he's continued to play the way that he plays. And
so for Lamar Jackson and all these other guys, I'm like, hey, man,
do you. It's too hard to be somebody else, So

just do you, and the world will come to grips
with the new style of play that we're getting that quarterback. Because,
as I've said, what happens and why the noise is loud,
Let's examine all the people that are in the booth. Well,
all the people that in the booths are typically old quarterbacks,
and what was their style of play from the pocket.

So we hear those messages because most people called the
game from their vantage point, how they played, how they
see it. And so until you get the athletic quarterback
to go in the booth and kind of give that perspective,
we as the public always believe that the game has
to be played a certain way because the guys that

are talking about it played in a certain way and
they don't maybe acknowledge the new way players are playing,
and they don't have their perspective. So Lamar has to
quiet the noise and just play, just play the game,
like who it's different now, But those who look at
the game at the lower levels youth, high school, college,

more quarterbacks played like Lamar and Josh Allen, then like
Tom Brady, we'll see if they can hold up till
them again. Okay, but but if you no, no, but
I just wanted wanted to. I've got Brady getting hammered,
Like it's just a montage of him being planted by
defensive players on one of the monitors here in the

Fox Sports Radio studios. Like the way that sync up
was just almost incredible. That the name of Brady as
he's standing in the pocket and like his immobility here
is what getting him crunched. And look, I love Brady,
but I hate Tom Brady at the same time, because
here's what Tom Brady has done to us as football fans,
as team builders and everything. Mike, it was never the

expectation that the quarterback was gonna play two decades for
the franchise. Right. The expectation used to be if you
get a decade of performance out of a franchise quarterback,
you've done well. Like that's what it used to be.
So everyone talks about the running quarterback it won't last
or whatever. So my example has always been, let's look

at Cam Newton. Everyone says, yeah, but you know he
read how about did Cam Newton play? Yes? Right, he played.
He pay a hell of a run for a guy
that played like he did. Eventually, the body's got a break,
and it was in the natural timeline of every other
quarterback that's ever played the game except for Tom Brady
and like four other guys, right, And so that's why

that's why I think we sometimes me included on we
spend so much time talking about yeah, but it should
be for the next No, it shouldn't be a fifteen
year decision at quarterback, because most of the quarterbacks that
are playing fifteen years are falling apart at the end
of it. Aaron Rodgers is an exception, but look at
how it ended for Drew Brees. He was fading fast

at the end of his career. The prime for the
quarterback typically is up to thirty three, thirty thirty five,
then they fall off the cliff. And so if we
make those decisions based on that timeline, they come in
at twenty five, they're gonna leave at thirty five. I
need to get the best ten years out of them
because that's when their athleticism and as a peak and
all that other stuff. Russell Wilson is thirty four is

near the end of the road for the athletic quarterback.
That's all I'm saying. Yeah, No, I'm a hundred percent
in agreement. You and I've had this conversation in the
last couple of years here on the network of when
I've got a guy who's got that superpower talking about Lamar,
talking about Josh Allen, that's got to be part of
the game, right, Remember Hardball was asked after Lamar's first

year of playing, are you gonna cut this down? It's like, then,
he's not Lamar, He's not he becomes another another quarterback
that you're trying to fit the round, round peg in
the square hole. Yes, And so I would approach it
like this, if we're in this negotiation now that we're

talking about Lamar, if I'm the Baltimore Ravens. I'm using
Cam Newton's timeline as how long I'm thinking Lamar Jackson
is going to be my prime quarterback. And so if
that's ten years and he's already at five, well, the
next thing that I'm thinking about it's five years whatever.
That looks like, hey he wants three, cool, you will
do three. But just no, at the end of this

third I don't know if we're gonna sign, because that's
how you have to approach you, Mike, And so people
got mad at me years ago when I talked about
this when Justin Fields was coming out, and I was like, look,
Lamar Jackson, if you're the Baltimore Ravens, maybe you consider
letting him graduate because if we have these style of
quarterbacks that are like the college game, but then you

need to build your team almost like a college model
where you are preparing for this guy to leave after
year eight. I'm not saying that he does. Maybe he
defies the odds, but you have to start thinking about
that part of it. And so with Lamar Jackson, to me,
the negotiation from the rapings standpoint should be easy. I'm
trying to set it up to get him to ten,

because the odds suggest for all quarterbacks after ten their
game is going to fall off. Tom Brady take him
out the equation. Most of them get you about ten
years if they're great. If they're great, they give you ten. Well,
and that we talked about it with contracts for for
other quarterbacks this year, Bucky and and certainly when you
know the Christian Kirk contract came up, it's like you

can ask for the Hey, look what tom Brady takes
from these teams when he took from New England all
those years. You can ask, and every quarterback that isn't
Tom Brady is going to tell you to beat it
because they don't have tens of millions of dollars already
in the bank. Whatever the domestic situation is. Now you
were looking at a net worth of he and Giselle

of a billion plus. So it's a much different decision,
and he's playing for different reasons than a guy who's
still on the come, all right and trying to get
his contract. Likewise, with wide receivers, with Christian Kirk, it
was all right, you're paying extra money to get a
guy in and he's been invaluable to them through the
first four weeks of the season down there in Jacksonville.

But at no point if you were going in to
negotiate for your wide receiver client, are you saying, well,
look what Kirk got. No, those are outliers on the
high end and on the low end, and then we
filter out the noise. Okay, asked an answer. Now let's
get back down to brass tacks of what this really
needs to look like. At least that's my two cents
from the US. The cheap seats here. He's Bucky Brooks up,

Mike Army here. Fox Sports Radios, Fox Football Sunday already
had the Packers on the move for that and so
many other pieces of news. We're gonna kick it over
to the news desk and our guy Brian Fly. Hey,
Mike II, Bucky, how's it going. We've got, as always,
no surprise there with you two. So yeah, as you mentioned, Mike,

these Packers are taken on the Giants right now in
London and Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Aaron Rodgers leading this drive,
but it appears to be stalling here with a fourth
down upcoming in field goal range. Something interesting to note
here is they're playing on turf, and according to some reports,
there are some weak spots in the turf that are
causing some concerns. Now, the turf was passed as far

as an inspection by the league in the players association,
but there are some deep dips, as they call it,
where they connect some of the artificial grass together that
could be problems some for the players. By the yeah,
by the way, Giants defensive tackle Leonard Williams will not
be playing in this game, of course, with a knee injury.
Three games in a row. He has now missed. No

Devonte Wyatt the the alignment for the pack He's got
a quad injury and we've got eleven ten remaining. Of course,
in this Giant's Packers game. In the first quarter in
a forty six yard fiegal attempt upcoming here with no score.
Steelers t J Watt underwent knee surgery, according to NFL
Network that will push his return back as sometime in November.

Bears running back David Montgomery has faith that he'll be
playing today, even though he's questionable with an ankle problem.
Cowboys wide receiver Ceedee Lamb and running back Tony Pollard
will be in the lineup. Today despite their respective health issues.
Bengals wide out Tee Higgins with an ankle problem, in
Titan Hayden Hurst nursing a growing ailment, are in line
to play. Dolphins wide receivers Tyree Kill and Jalen Waddle

set to go despite issues related to Hill and his
groin and Waddle with or Hill with his quad and
Waddle with his groin. The Saints green lighting running back
Alvin Camara today as he bounces back from a rib injury.
Buccaneers wide receiver receiver Russell Gauge will suit up coming
off the back injury. Tampa pass catcher Julio Jones the

game time decisions a Jones fall or pass catcher for
the Jaguars. Though I or see for who missed last
week with an eight coal issue, is expected to see
the field today, we're not expected to see Pat's quarterback
Mac Jones. The Patriots quba Nogo, meaning that they're going
to in New England, bring up and get the call
up to and give the starting nod to quarterback Bailey Zappy,

who has his first NFL start. And finally, guys, the
Cowboys believing quarterback Deck Prescott has a chance to play
next week's contest against the Eagles. However, that status all
hinges on how fast and how much recovery he sees
in progress from his thumb injury in the lead up
to that. We do have a field goal. It was
made by the Packers. They're up three to nothing, a

forty six yard or and A says A send it
back to Bucky and Mike. I I know Mike, you
know as a soccer player. I'm thinking about you making
a forty six yard and I think Harmon you had
that down as well. If they put you out there, Yeah,
I got the leg. I think we might be able
to pull that off. If nothing else, I'll send my
daughter in it. I'll send you a couple of her
he kicks from yesterday. Perhaps uh Batt'll work for you. Hey, Bucky,

uh Fendley has added some more to the resume. I
don't know if you caught this on Twitter, guys, now
add to the tennis channel. I saw that. I saw that,
and congratulations. If I don't know if you uh a
tennis aficionado, I don't know if you have a game,
but I appreciate you kind of stepping out and expanding

the horizons. I think you'll be there with my guy
Steve Wiseman, right, yes, yes, absolutely. He was so kind
as well to to welcome me to the family. So
as soon as we start some of these match commentaries
and and those come up in available, love to post
and see what you guys think. I know you guys
will be busy with the NFL season, but yeah, there's
there's other sports going on and and it would be

fun to see what you guys think. It's fantastic Brian
at Brian Fenley where you find him on Twitter, keep
a prize of everything. Uh No, we love to see
the expansion, brother, that's great stuff. Saw that earlier in
the week. Wanted to make sure we made a nod
to it today. Guys, it means so much that you
brought that. Harman and Bucky and really appreciate you so much.
Appreciate you Man. Good to see you this morning. All Right,

we're gonna finish up here from the tire Act dot
Com studios with a little update on this early Sunday
morning game and some of the best that's on tap
for Week five of your National Football League. Hang with
us here. It's Fox Sports, Fox Football Sunday on Fox
Sports Radio. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at

Fox sports Radio dot com and within the I Heart
Radio app. Search f s R to listen live. Welcome
back in It's Fox Football Sunday. Fox Sports Radio Mike
Harmen alongside Bucky Brooks. Hey football fans, be sure to
tune in Fox Sports Radios. Countdown to Kickoff presented by
Bet MGM this morning coming up in ten minutes from
now here on Fox Sports Radio. That's right ten am Eastern,

taking you live all the way to kick Off on
Fox Sports Radio and the I Heart Radio App, presented
by Bett MGM. Some late action before kickoff in this one, Buck,
he has the Packers with an early three nothing lead
about midway through the first quarter, drove down promising drive
a couple of throws slightly off the mark. I think
a little bit of wide eyes of I got a

lot of green or if I can get the ball
out fast into his hands, he's got a lot of
room to run. Instead, they settled for a field goal,
and that's what we're talking to Fendley about the field
conditions there. But the betting line went all the way
from Packers minus eight up to nine and a half
in some books is where it closed. Any like that
quick point and a half. I wondered what some of

the action, what do they do? We don't know well
that the Packers are are playing a team that doesn't
have Williams, and maybe someone just waited to the last
minute and decided to a couple of big, big, big
boys with giant satchels of money or women for that matter.
I don't know who's placing the bets decided they wanted
to get in or syndicate money. I'm sure they'll have
it all on countdown to kickoff, kind of talking about

exactly what inspired such movement. So it was either minus
nine or minus nine and a half. So we'll be
listening here Fox Sports Radio ten minutes from now, the
i Art Radio app. Wherever you're going out and about
on a Sunday morning. Maybe you've got a two and
a half hour drive to a soccer game like I
had yesterday for my daughter. I mean, there's all that
kind of fun. May and you can take the I

Heart Radio app with you everywhere and keep Fox Sports Radio.
We'll have you a prize all the way through Red
Zone radio as the games are live as well. Uh,
we've got a couple of games just to get through
quickly and and uh nod to some of the best
coming up of the day. But Seattle plus five at
New Orleans more Andy Dalton action Camara expected to go.

I bring this game up only because we've been talking
a lot about Russell Wilson and the joy that Pete
Carroll has uh and really the season that Geno Smith's
been put forth thus far. Can they get any juice
out of Russell and company looking bad like in that
locker room and then and in that Cochene staff that
might help to inspire an effort here on a Sunday

Think No, I think I think the big thing is
has nothing to do with Russell. I think they now
are very very comfortable in the direction that they've they've
gone right. I think it would be different if Russell
was playing great and Gina was terrible for the Seattle Sarks.
I think now they're bold and that Gino is playing well,
Russell's having his struggle, so they've been able to kind

of like wipe their hands clean of that situation and
kind of stand in front of their fans and say Hey,
here's why we made the move we wanted. It's kind
of like a better feel, a better chemistry, a better
flow in the locker room. Now it's about, well, how
can we get, you know, to continue to sustain this
level of play that he's given us. Can we um
build upon some of the things that he's shown thus

far or is it going to come to an end?
And so that's what it is now. I think the
excitement is, hey, man, look at where we are. We're
doing too. We got Geno Smith playing great? What else
can we do to help him play at a high level?
Maybe we can get into the play offs at nine
in eight? What does that look like? What is that
that plan of action? If anything, you're excited because the vision,

the division is right there for you to get it. So, yeah,
you're you're excited. If you're the Seattle Sehaks. It has
little to do with Russe and water do where your
team is playing San Francisco six and a half point
favorites on the rown of Carolina, Carolina loses handily. Here
in seat in front of the home crowd, is Matt
Rule make it to week six? I think so? I
think he's gotten insurances from ownership that he's gonna be there.

I think so. I think he has to just find
a way to to win. The quarterback position has been
horrible for them, I mean, like all of it. So
you just can't get it done. And so at some
point you have to figure that part out and you know,
we'll see what it looks like from that role. Fun
week from the Tire Act dot Com Studios. Last last thing, Bucky,

really quick, you got your ten second response. Uh, who's
our big performer of the week that we write the
headlines about tomorrow? Oh, let's go with that's the Geno
Smith again. How about that? Say that again? Gino Smith again?
Oh you want to go to Gino. It's it's all
Gino all the time. I love it. He's Bucky Brooks

up in my carmon. Look out for those Patriots. But

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