All Episodes

March 19, 2018 122 mins

Jonas Knox and Brady Quinn react to the upset heavy opening rounds of the NCAA Tournament and Jonas doesn't understand why everyone is drooling over the tournament Cinderellas the 16 seeded UMBC Retrievers. The guys also break down the trade that moved the New York Jets into the top three picks at the NFL draft. Also in the show, Brady gets everyone past the sticker shock on the Kirk Cousins' new contract, Jonas tries to get to the bottom of who sabotaged his March Madness bracket and Live Bet Jesus sweats out another pick.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to sports. We have got controversy, a major controversy.
One of the dirtiest cheese eating rat moves I've ever
seen done by so called friends in the history of
the universe. And I don't think I'm over exaggerating that
one single second. Brady Quinn, my man, what's going on? Uh?

You know, just just like everyone else right now, jonas
probably nursing what is a mild hangover at this point
from St. Patty's Day which was yesterday, but still feeling
the effects of that. And I gotta tell you, Uh,
the sports world today helped me get through it. Between
the you know, march madness that we have going on,
Tiger almost coming back and winning that tournament. Um, yeah,

it kind of helped me push through and get through.
And uh, you know, I'm not sure what you're referring to.
I do know this. My my bracket hasn't been great.
How's yours been? All right, let's get right to it,
and we are going to address St. Patty's Day because
you get yourself a little bit of an issue and
that needs to be touched on. A little bit of
therapy needs to be done for Brady Quinn, We do

want to let you know that we're coming alive from
the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios for fifteen minutes. Could
save you fifteen per center more on car insurance. Visit
Geico dot com for a free rate quote. As you're
at Steve D. Sager mentioned in the top of the
hour update and if you didn't, this is what you missed.
Cincinnati has a four point lead late under four minutes
to go over Nevada. Cincinnati the two seed, trying to
hold off the seven seed, trying to hold up number

seven Nevada in that region. So we'll keep you updated
on that. Here's where we get to the screw job.
Um somebody on this show. And I don't expect anybody
out there to take credit for this or to take
blame for this, because I think this was a group effort.
I think everybody got together. This wasn't like a loan

like nobody here is Lee, Harvey Oswald. There were many
people involved, all right. And I'm just trying to cruise
down in my motorcade filling out an n c A
tournament bracket. And not only do I got somebody on
the grass, you know all, I got somebody on the
sixth floor of the book depository. I've got people all
around me and now it's this big, giant mystery. I
want to know right now who eft me in our brackets,

because yeah, you bet your asser is, sir. I don't
even know who you are, but thanks for chiming in.
Something is wrong here because one half of my bracket
completely vanished. Gone see you later, Bye bye. I got jobbed.
No no, no, no, no no no. That sounds like a
bunch of manure, is what that sounds like? Okay, because

I had been asking you throughout the course of the
week in our preparation for the tournament, and you were
giving me tips on how to fill out the bracket.
Not only did I fill out one, I had my
wife fill out another bracket, and she, who doesn't follow
college basketball, doesn't really follow many sports in general outside
of gymnastics, she was able to fill one out and

by the way she's she's beating me currently. We'll get
to that later, trust me, But do limit on anyone else. Okay,
you obviously you know weren't focused enough and filling out
your bracket or you're trying to wait to check out mind,
So maybe you could headge your bets and differentiate who's
gonna you're gonna pick to be in your final four,
your winner. Just admit it, you made one of the

This is probably right next to the butt fumble. One
of the biggest mistakes we have seen in March Madness
history is the joking all that trash and then not
even filling out a break. Okay, listen, and and some
people out there gonna think this is some sort of
a show bit. Legitimately, I'm piste off. It's I'm not joking.
I texted Brady, I texted Eric Roberts. I am legitimately

piste off because I filled out two brackets, all right,
one bracket for a Fox Sports Radio bracket challenge that
we have, which, by the way, somebody's creeping and it
ain't Tiger Woods. It's yours, truly up that leaderboard. I'll
give you proof later on, all right, trust me. And
there's there's something else I could have said there, but
I don't want to get fired, all right. And then

so I did the same exact picks in that bracket
challenge that I did in this one for for our show,
And just to be sure, I went on another link
to say Okay, let me make sure all these went
through correctly. I don't know why I felt like there
was a screw job going on here, but I knew
what was gonna happen, because everybody out there's knows there's
three things that happen in life. Brady Quinn. You don't
tug on Superman's cape, You don't spit in the win,

and don't you dare sign your ass on the dotted
line when you see me and your bracket challenge, because
you're gonna lose, all right. I take souls every single March,
and I couldn't do it this year, and it was
a group effort to screw me. Somebody's somebody did it.
I'm getting to the bottom up before the end of
the show. Yeah, I love how you keep playing on
this dramatic approach and all that. You just you messed up.

You don't admit it, but what we do know is this,
you did fill out half a bracket and you just
were too lazy to get back to the other half
of it. For filling out half a bracket, you've got
eighteen points, which which isn't that bad. You're in two
sixth place and it's like you know we did half
the test. Like, that's not that bad because you're actually
not in last place, although you're ahead of two people

actually filled out full brackets. Yeah. Um, so what does
that say about that? Listen? You know what this is
for something that our audience could understand that we can
all rally around, that everybody can relate to. Um, I'm
Dirk Diggler. At the end, when it stopped working, you
know what I mean, very impressive stuff, but unfortunately one
half isn't seeming to work. You need two ingredients to

make that happen. One half isn't working, and it's because
somebody on this show screwed me. I don't know who
it is, but I, like I said, I will get
to the bottom of it. What a joke, man, What
a joke, because I don't think anyone screwed you. I
just think you lost track of some things. You've got
a busy schedule. You've been working a thousand hours. This
ro machine. That's what machines do, Brady. I don't know,

but in the end we had talked a lot of trash,
and I think that I think you were afraid of
not being able to back it up. That's what I
please please. All I do is say yes, two challenges.
That's all I that is. That is what that is
what I do. He stopped right by the way. Jonas
is Twitter handle is at the Jonas Knocks. Uh So

if you want to just challenge him to anything, apparently
he's open to it. So stop right now, man. All
that all that build up, all that promotion. Vince McMahon
was jealous of the promotion we put together for our
Bracket challenge, only to have you guys job me before
any of it could go down. It embarrassment. We didn't

talk to some friends. Do we actually talk that much trash? Yeah,
I'm hearing reports that we did talk a little bit
of trash, and I'm hearing some report because we we
doubt the validity of that. I think we were pretty
humble with our approach. But I am hearing reports that
throughout the show we are going to scatter bits and
pieces of our promotional stylings and as some of these
may be considered controversial, Yeah, I feel like we we

cordially invited people into our brackets. That's the best way
to scribing it. I didn't think we, you know, stepped
over any bounds or anything. I don't think you're offsid
way well listen, uh you know it was we We
did our best. But like I said, we are going
to be a full investigation has been launched. We're gonna
find out who jobbed me on this bracket challenge. Here's

what I do need to get to. That's Brady Quinn.
I am Jonas Knox as this Fox Sports Radio. You
and I, Um, we're we're a couple of years into
our our friendship doing the show all that stuff. So
we so a lot of stuff is still new, Like
we don't really know each other, a little idiosyncrasies about
each other until certain things come up. You know, certain

things happen, like, um, I didn't realize your behavioral patterns
with your phone when you're stressed out about things, and
then I'm able to recognize now your tone when it
comes to what sort of mood you're in, how much
you're traveling, and things like that. So I've gotten a
good gauge on that. Um, you also know that my

timing for sending you happy birthday gifts probably not the
best when you're on a plane next to a complete
stranger and they'll show up on your phone. That's probably
not a good idea, all right. So so you have
clearly started to learn that about me. Here's what I
figured out about you this weekend. Man, you take St.
Patty's Day a little too serious. Pal, It's big time

for you, really really important. And I want to know
what that is. Why. I know you're Irish, I know
the whole Irish thing. But is this something like growing up?
This was bigger than Christmas. It's right there. I mean,
I think in as far as like your Irish heritage
and all that, this is a holiday that my father
kind of brought us up on, and it was it
was big. It was kind of like Christmas. I gotta

be honest with you. I mean we would always start
off the day. He'd be playing some you know, traditional
Irish music. He typically played that in the morning, like
drops Kick Murphy's or something like that. Well that's not
necessarily traditional. Now you're trying to draw attention to my
g you know it post which I did happen to
listen that while I was working out, okay, which that is.
That's a great song if you want to get fired
up to work out. So that was part of it, um,

But you know it was huge in my house. It
was a huge tradition for our family, um, being that
where Irish American, We've traced back to our roots and
all that. Uh and and look we like that fun
you know. Like I'm from doubled Ohio, so there's obviously
a strong contention of Irish in Dublin, Ohio, and they
have a fun parade and everything else. So it's a
it was a big part of of of my past

and it's something that I've tried to kind of pass
down to my daughter. So we had the green pancakes.
I don't know if we did green eggs or not
this year, which is always kind of gross looking, but um, yeah,
we tried to celebrate, you know, made sure we wore
green and listen to the old Irish music and everything
else that comes along with that. Well, um, you know
you're not the only one here that's Irish. Um, Bobo,
how did you celebrate St. Patty's Day? Um? I, um,

I have some green stuff? Okay. Uh yeah, So I
learned that about you, and I was not aware that
it was as big of a deal. And then I
started to gather, um, throughout the course of the day
that oh this is No, this is a real, real thing.

Like I didn't know, like growing up, Like it wasn't
until I got older that I realized, all St. Patty's all,
that's just normally that falls during the n c A
tournament and we can go out and just get annihilated
and that's normal behavior. Sign me up. Where do I
sign for that? You mean the n c A tournament
and you drank and dressing green perfect? I look great
and green? Uh, so where do I sign up for that?

I did not realize this was a big as big
of a deal as as it was to you. I
did not know that. This is what I love about
the holiday. I think Sat. Patty's Day is one of
the most inclusive um holidays that there are. Like everyone
loves to go out and celebrate and and especially if
you're an adult twenty one years or older, Uh, you're
able to probably enjoy in some of the festivities more

so than other people. As I'm watching the end of
this Nevada Cincinnati game just completely fall apart. Uh, Cincinnati
gave up what was like a twenty point lead at
one point. Unbelievable. There it go. So that is the
that's the final that just came in the two seed
out of the South Region. Cincinnati has lost to Nevada

the seven seed seventy seventy three. So hey, Cincinnati, I
know how it feels. I got screwed over to I
got you here, I got you bear Cats. Did you
even get to the point where you filled out Cincinnati
is part of the bracket? Did you even get that far?
I might have to go back and check. But a
little premature. You're you're a good person, man. I hope
you're happy, right, I hope to do this. I was

asking for you for advice. That's the weird thing. I
asked you for advice to how to fill out the
bracket where I need to go and all that, and
you helped out. And uh, I got my bracket in.
So to my wife, who would get his beating both
of us at this point, Well, in the words of
a of a great man from a long time ago,
when I saw a commercial one time, a great man
said this. You know what he said? What's that? Now?

I'm done? Brady quinn Jonas knocks Fox Sports Radio. Come
do you alive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios.
If you think you know who scammed me in this
bracket challenge. You can tweet me at the Jonas Knocks.
You can get Brady at third underscore goal up next though,
a major move in the NFL that could change the
franchise landscape for several teams. We'll get to the bottom

of it next year on FSR Jonas Knocks, Brady Quinn
Fox Sports Radio Company Alive here from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio Studios. UM, So, Brady and I have got
to get to a major story out of the NFL.
If you're just tuning in, it's been more upsets today
in college basketball. I don't know if where you would

rank this as far as the the craziest tournament, but
there's been some insane things that have happened. Um, just
this weekend alone. So Cincinnati, the two seed out of
the South, just fell to Nevada. North Carolina was a
two seed. They were completely wiped out by Texas A
and m Earlier. Um, you had Michigan State, a three seed,
fall to the eleven seed Syracuse Orange. Um, the two

seed produced survived Butler earlier. But now we've got the
We'll have the latest on Clemson, Auburn and then a
U NBC in Kansas State throughout the show? Would it
be hyperbole saying that it is maybe the best of
any that we've had as far as upsets go. I mean,
you did have the most extoric upset of of of them,

all right, Yeah, I don't. I was trying to think
about that because there's so many of these crazy endings
to the tournament that they all just sort of fall
together and you kind of lose track every single year,
you know, like like you almost there's so much going
on and there's so many games that it's like information overload.
It's like binge watching a television show. You got to
like go back and remember who was who and what

in you know what episode and all that, Like I'm
trying to recall. But there's been several in this tournament
that are just nuts. Man. Well, just the fact that
a number one seed the number one overall. See but
for the first time ever, right, what was upset? I
believe since they went to what sixty four? Um, this
was the first time that's ever happened. That's like a
hundred and sixty or hundred and thirty four times or

something like that. Um, so the first time since then,
And so that's part of it. But even then, like,
there's still some weird things that have happened. Um loyal
in Chicago, if you haven't been following them. They upset Miami,
they upset Tennessee, and I believe he actually had the
exact same point total when they took those last second

shots to beat both those teams. I believe that's sixty
one points in both those instances. I see what you're
getting at, sister Jean. You think that's what this is
all about, Maybe there's a little something to it. I
was actually gonna kind of sweload to the way of
the Michigan player pool, the freshman who hit the game
winning game winning shot. Uh and in their game. Did

you see that clip of how he hit the exact
same shot when he was a senior in high school,
Like he's a synchronized swimmer. It's crazy. I mean literally,
the legs kicked out just like it did in high school.
It's just weird things have happened this year. Yeah, I
know it's been It's been a lot of fun. So
we will have the very latest and all that stuff
going down. Also, if you think you happen to know
who screwed me out of my out of our Bracket challenge?

Who made it to where they took out one half
of my bracket and did not get saved to where
it basically eliminated me from contention. Uh, you can let
us know throughout the course of the show. I'm all
except answers here. That's all I want. I just want
to know. I want to get to the bottom of
who screwed me. That's it, that's all I want. I
don't ask for a lot of this show. How long
is this gonna go on where you just aren't gonna
take any responsibility for not finishing your brackets all the

tournaments over? Yeah, I can see that. Um, but you
all in all seriousness, I mean, you were so upset
about this. Uh. Even Scott Shapiro reached out, and you
must have said something to him, because he had he
had mentioned to us, or he had mentioned to me,
like and what about your your your co host not
filling out a March Madness bracket? Every Yeah, it's everybody

incredible to think of all the trash that you talked
and now you can't even back it up. Yeah. No,
I I told everybody, And then the the the reasons
for it came in on Twitter, a lot of which
were very offensive, um, very offensive stuff that we do
not need to need to read. Probably not like the
ginger run that's probably not a good one. People try
to make a you know, a gym Abbott slash Chickim

Griffin joke when it goes one half of the all
that crap so um. People thought it was funny. But
I was legitimately piste, like I was legitimately bothered. I
did not get involved because all I did was talk
trash the entire the entire two weeks leading up until
as Good as Live bet Jesus has been at picking
games lately, well not last week. There isn't what I care.

I mean, I'm just saying like he was on a
roll for a while, and so it kind of was.
It was teed up nice. It was. It really was
for you to kind of take over and have it
and have a strong performance. But it didn't happen to
anybody else sick of college basketball besides me. All Right,
we we'll get to call. We're going to get to
college basketball. I'm so fed up with it with the
behavior of people on Twitter, with your behavior, I'm sick

of it, all right, But we do need to get
to this. So there was a big trade Brady Quinn
in the NFL, a big trade on Saturday, a draft trade.
And I wanted to give you some congratulations. I wanted
to be a good partner. I wanted to be a
good friend and congratulate Brady Quinn because when you did
your explosive mock draft several weeks ago that titled that correctly,

you projected that the New York Jets would trade up
from number six in the draft to the Giants at
number two to try and grab grab a quarterback. As
it turns out, they trade it up. They didn't quite
get to number two. I think that they tried. I
think they tried to get to number one according to reports,
but the Jets have traded all the way up to
number three to the Indianapolis Cold. So first things first,

congratulations to Brady Quinn. Rout of applause to our guy,
Brady Quinn, another nether stellar performance in his explosive mock
draft version UNO, thank you, And there will be a
mock draft two point oh. Now, as you and I
have discussed um that and that's only really for Fox
Sports Radio. I already kind of have a two point
oh out and not to pat myself on the back,

but I also work for another network and I actually
had that exact trade down. I actually had the Bills
trading up from twelve number two because since we did
mock draft one point oh uh, the Bills then put
themselves into position to be in striking distance. So I
still think they're legitimately going to try to move up
potentially to that number two spot to get in front
of the Jets now to take a quarterback. And um,

you know, again, as as far as it went, I
kind of figured the Colts and trade back they did,
and I figured the Jets would be the best suitor
for that. So um, so far it's kind of working
out as uh as I had I had hoped. Now
we just need the Bills to make a move and
Annie up to go get their quarterback. Otherwise, um, I
think we're gonna see it basically be a J McCarron
and Nathan Peterman trying to square off and compete for

that starting job. And I don't think any Bills fan
wants to see that. Geez. I mean, wow, Man, Bill's mafia.
You hear that, Brady Quinn calling you out? And guess
what bills mafia. He's correct. Nobody wants to see that,
myself included, and they don't want to see um. But
so so this is so the Jets, And the reason
I wanted to get to this is because a lot
of people I think got thrown off with the idea

of the Jets signed Teddy Bridgewater and then they bring
back Josh McCown and then they make this move. And
I know that there are some Jets fans out there
that are thinking, Okay, what about what if this is
for sake Kwon Barkley, you don't trade that much away
three second round picks and swap just to move up
three spots if it's to go get a running back,
I don't believe. So so do you buy so you

think that it is a a quarterback all the way
that the Jets are taken here, Yeah, to your point,
you know you do typically don't see, you know, see
teams move up to take a running back, right, and
the reason why is they've got a shorter shelf life.
Now there are times on other team or teams will
move up to take other positions. Now, maybe that's an
edge rusher, maybe that's a cornerback. Remember if if you'll

go back to the time Julio Jones was coming down
the draft. The Falcons gave up a lot to move
up to get him, But that was an opportunity to
put a star wide receiver for many, many years with
a star quarterback in Matt Ryan. So they made that
move and I think it's paid off pretty well. Look,
they haven't won a Super Bowl, but they won an
NFC championship, They've been to a super Bowl, and we'll
see what they look like this year because look that

Super Bowl is being played in Atlanta and they still
have a stack roster, so maybe that will pay off
eventually for them. But the point is this, if you're
gonna give up that sort of compensation to move up
in the draft, you're doing it to get a quarterback. Now,
the tough thing is, it's not so much about Josh McCowen,
because um, you know, he could beat that bridge quarterback
or a backup, a very formidable backup, and I think

he's gonna be there. The next question becomes as far
as the musical chairs go on that roster for the
quarterback position, you still have Christian Hackenburg there, You still
have Bryce Petty on the roster, and then you bring
in Teddy Bridgewater, who you know they you know when
they announced that originally when they there was a kind
of rumor that he was signing there in a one
year deal. Do you notice how long it took. I

mean they haven't even officially announced it yet. They well,
because they wanted to take him through a rigorous physical
I assume, to ensure that he's healthy enough. And I
also think it buys them time to potentially trade Christian
Hackenburg or maybe Bryce Petty. I think Hackenburg maybe makes
more sense only because you look down into place like

the Houston Texans head coaches Bill O'Brien, Christian Hackenberg's head
coach back when he was at Penn State, and maybe
that would make sense to send him there for some
sort of compensation. So you're not just releasing the guy
because you know, look, he he had potential. We heard
that a lot about him when he was coming out
from Penn State. We just haven't really seen him do
much and and in preseason hasn't looked good. So I

also I don't think it was a good look when
he threw his coach under the bus during meetings with
NFL teams when he was coming out of the draft. Yeah,
but that's kind of you know, look, and that's kind
of irrelevant. He made some comments. I just remember it
and I wanted to add brag like I remember that moment.
That's all it was. I'll be transparent. I got nothing
to give you here. Well, and the problem is everyone's like,
look how well James Franklin done it since Christian Hackenberg left.

And it's like, well, look how good Penn State is too.
It's not like that's the only position that they've been
good at. Sae Kwon Barkley, you get Jesseki like all
these other players. But anyway, the point is this, they've
got too many quarterbacks in the roster and they've got
time to be able to, you know, make those decisions.
But you'd want to strike while iron's hot because you know,
Houston could look to go back into the the draft
to pick up a quarterback or signed a free agent

to the roster. And so I think if if they
drag on that process of what you know, announcing a Bridgewaters,
they're taking them through the physical, it gives them that
opportunity to potentially work out a trade for some sort
of compensation in return, so I'm sure that's part of
it as well. But again, it's gonna be a quarterback.
And I kind of find it. I kind of find
it odd that they made that move after who's pro day.

I'm just saying, you see a quarterback Josh Rosen as
soon as he had a pro day, which from all
indications he looks stellar and as you should, but he
it was very impressive. Um it just just so happens
they move up all of a sudden number three. Maybe
that's the quarterback that they're targeting. Maybe it's someone else.
We'll have to wait and see. Brady Quinn Jonas knocks

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And with all the taste and half the calories, you
can eat twice as many at Hooters. Coming up next,
there is another NFL team. I'm gonna throw a possibility
at Brady Quinn and what are he's gonna do is
he's gonna insult me and make fun of me and

embarrass me on the radio. But I'm at least gonna
throw this possibility at him because I do want to
know where he stands on it. So we will have
that for you next. For all the latest self from
around the world of sports and a busy upset minded
n c A Tournament, it's Steve di Seger and I
think you mentioned Teddy. Bridgewater Jets made it official today
and the Patriots acquired wide receiver Cordarrel Patterson from Oakland. Meanwhile,

the incredible comeback complete for Nevada onto the sweet sixteen
after eliminating the two seed in its region, Cincinnati, and
quite the comeback seventy seventy three. Nevada was trailed ling
in this one with eleven minutes left, sixty five to
forty three. It is the largest second half comeback in
the history of the n c A A Tournament. It's

gonna take quite a comeback for a certain Auburn team.
How about fifty four two Clemson over Auburn early in
the second half. Kansas State leads fifteen fourteen against u M.
Baltimore County with seven minutes left first half. The late
game and over an hour from now, we'll add Marshall
against West Virginia Perdue eliminated Butler seventy seventy three. Texas

A and M took down North Carolina in Charlotte eighty
six to sixty five. Then Michigan State was beaten in
Detroit by Syracuse and that zone defense fifty five fifty three.
Four NBA games. New Orleans has beaten the Boston Celtics. Meanwhile,
earlier Toronto did lose at home to Oklahoma City, but
Boston is five games back of the Raptors for the

number one seed in the East. Roger Federer lost the
tennis final in Southern California, has first lost this year.
NASCAR victory in Southern California for Martin truex Jr. And
in Orlando Rory McElroy, the golf winner Tiger Woods tied
for fifth. Eight shots. Back back to you thanks. Steve
Jonas knocks here alongside Brady Quinn. Fox Sports Radios would
come to be alive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.

I do want to let you know that about ten
to twelve minutes from now, I do have it on
good authority live. Bet Jesus will be here. He has
been picked on, ridiculed, mocked, made fun of embarrassed people
have taken shots at him. I have it on good

authority he has pissed. He will be here to make
a live bet on the air. Uh coming up next segment,
which should be about twelve minutes from now here on
Fox Sports Radio. Bobo can get us out on time
because he's not doing I mean, we're doing our job.
We're all at the clock here. Um. You know what
I love about live bet Jesus warning us that he's
gonna be making an appearance. There's nowhere to hide. You know.

It looks like he's gonna pick like one of these
n c A games. When to put him in games?
So we get to watch it, We get to kind
of witness it firsthand, and you know, kind of go
through the drama of whether or not he gets it
right or wrong. And then, you know, on live radio,
just dissect it every single wrong movie made. Be honest. Now,
all right, just just say pretending you and I talking
nobody else. You secretly route for him to lose every

single week, don't you. I think it's better for the show.
Is anyone listening. I think it's better for our show
only because your reaction, Like I don't know what it
is because we've never seen live bet Jesus, we have
no idea who this guy is. You seem to be
the only person as a direct line of communication with him,
and it's really just whatever comes down to the scroll.

So um yeah, and something's going on there. So that's
the only reason I think it makes for a better
show when he loses, I think. And the good thing
is is you know, by and large live that Jesus
has been a loser. Um. I would say if you
took into account all his bets, you feel better about
yourself after the show when you're taking people out like this,

I'm just trying to do a professional broadcast and like
you're you're unbelievable. Man, You're like a gatling gun. Like
nobody's safe around Brady quin. We should change his nickname,
Brady Quinn, the gatling gun. Nobody's saved around Brady Quinn. Geez, man,
I was a tiny little hangover and you got to
take it out on the rest of us. Apologies, my apologies.

How many beers do you drink yesterday? By the way,
you know what he was thinking of doing, And then
I realized this would be incredibly unprofessional. You put down.
Do you finally you finally put down that crummy Stella
Artway or whatever the hell it's called. We went through
this before. Like, you can't start off with guinness that
early in the morning, especially when you're working out while
drinking a beer, which which, by the way, that needs

to be touched on at some point. The fact that
you work out and drink beer at the same time,
that's just st Patrick's dam Just just look. I had
to get a workout in I happened to maybe pound
a couple of beers alongside with it. It was really
more of a challenge to you, just see if you
could match it. I literally sent you the workout and
I told you how many beers and one amount of time,
and you there was no response. I don't I take

I take my working out, and I take my my
radio show, very serious, very facial hair. Well. I mean, listen, um,
when you could grow it, you should, right, Yeah, I
I believe so. I mean, I'm also not going to
be falsely accused by you and your wife of dying
my beard any longer. That's gonna stop. I will put
a stop to that immediately, I swear I do not.

It looks it looks drastically different than than the hair
on your head. Here's there's a guy who listened to
the show, buddy of mine, and I hate to do
this because he might be listening right now. But you
know if it he uses a red beard. He's a
redhead and he uses red Beard die on his beard

and to make it more red. We were at a wedding.
We were at a wedding last week and it was raining. Yikes.
Like it's like like somebody sent him out on Halloween
and a blizzard, you know, like count Chocola and he's
got like I did not. It was just a poor,
poor move by him. I should know. I wore a

card again to a wedding. I should think I should
know what poor again? I do not know. I can't
confirm that. Don't want to talk about it either. Embarrassing
moment for a guy who likes fashion as much as
I do. Was just elated that you showed up in
that outfit. I would not know. I would not know.
But we moved right along here to more professional business
here on Fox Sports Radio. One half of this Jets

cold strade quickly before we get to break that, I
want to talk to you about the Indianapolis Colts. All right,
what do you make of Indianapolis acquiring all these picks?
Is this going to be Are they going to move back?
Are they going to move back out of six and
just keep acquiring as many picks as possible? Is that
the plan there in Indianapolis? I hope not, because I

think at six you can still get I mean, a
first round the immediately you know, immediate impact player. Um,
you're gonna fall within the likes of, you know, maybe
se Kwon Barkley because just think about this, I don't
think Cleveland's taken him at one, okay, So that means
that one you're probably getting the Browns taking Sam Donald
or whoever they think their quarterback is. Okay. I think

the Giants are trading back from two. So if that's
the case, again, a team's trading up to take a quarterback,
much like the Jets that at three. So you're getting
probably three quarterbacks taken one two in three. If that
didn't happen, I'd be a little bit surprised because and
maybe the Giants can't trade out at too, so maybe
they have to take best available. So there you get
maybe Sae Kawan Barkley has gone it too. Maybe it's

Bradley Chub, depends on what they feel like their needs are.
Maybe it's quentn Nelson if they really want to be
honest and help the old line in New York. But
then Cleveland again at four, they're gonna take best player available, right, So, um,
you know you're you're if you're looking at like the
top six players in this year's draft, like I wouldn't
include any quarterbacks, Like I'd say it's like Sae Kwon Barkley,

Quentin Nelson is an offensive lineman, Bradley Chub, who's a
d n You got Denzel Awards up there, Derwin James
is up there, and make it Fitzpatrick like, so all
those guys are probably gonna be availab about six because
the Broncos are probably taking a quarterback at five. So
what do you mean? John always said they got their
guy like that was like they tend the whole time.
What do you did they did? They give him a

three year, eighty four million dollars somewhere else, let a
loan of crap by John l a Um And so look,
if they can get their guy five, they will. So
that's where I think the Colts are gonna sit there
and take best player available because they need that. I mean,
like if they could get Bradley Chubb, or if they
could get Denzel Ward, make a Fitzpatrick something like that
on defense who immediately would come in and help out,

or say Kawon Barkley for that matter. Uh, they gotta
take him at six. Like, I don't think you can
afford to keep moving back just to get more picks
and guys who are who are good but maybe more
developmental at certain points before we get to break quickly
because we're up against it here, all right, because I
want to pay this tease off percentage chance that Indianapolis
dumps Andrew Luck within the next two years zero. Okay,

Jonas knocks Brady Quinn Fox Sports Radio. He is a
dream killer here on Fox Sports Radios. I try and
stir up another controversy in the NFL. Um You can
get get me on Twitter at the Jonas knocks get
him at third underscore goal here from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio Studios. Coming up next live. Bet Jesus is here.
I have it on good authority. He will make up
for how much he has been picked on the last

couple of weeks. I have that on good authority. Find
out what we're talking about next year on fs are aggressive.
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dot com. Brady Quinn Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio Company
Alive here from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. We

are awaiting the arrival of Live bet Jesus. I have
it on good authority he will be here coming up
in just a couple of moments. Um, he is old.
For his last two it's been bad. It's he's been
very bad, dude. But before that, to be more optimistic,
Right before that, I think he was like five for five,
wasn't he a Yeah, No, he was on a hot shore.
I'm gonna go more three for three because he's honest. Um,

let's let's let's agree somewhere in the middle. I think
it was like four for four. Well it was better
than three for three. Yeah, I think keeping count again,
more and more pot shots by Brady at look, he
was hot coming in, like absolutely on fire, and uh
then kind of like the stock market, things got vaulatile.
Now do people that's exactly what it was. Yeah, I've

bet Jesus. When I think I've met Jesus, I think
the New York Stock Exchange, I think of bitcoin. I
think of that dramatic downfall. All right, more, just keep
keep on, man, keep on keeping on, keep telling you
and bitcoin and crypto. Man, there's they're still buying. They're
still holding on. A valued member of the show. Brady
Quinn continues to bury. Um. I think we all, though,

regardless of who, regardless of who live, bet Jesus picks,
and I don't know who he's gonna pick. I think
we all need to rally together and cheer for Kansas State.
I think that needs to happen of all the games
that are active right now, Like I was hoping he
was gonna pick Xavier Florida State, just because it's actually
like a good game, two good teams. You've got Kansas
State taken on a sixteen seed. I mean, figure figure

now that this is where that's going. I mean, I
don't want to say coward, but that's the only word
that comes to mind. Well, I don't know who he's picked.
By the way, for those of you that are just
tuning it new to the show. I've bet Jesus is
a is a character Brady and I've never met in
our lives. We've never met him. He just he appears
on and a piece of paper falls down onto the
desk every single Sunday night. He makes actual picks on

live sporting events when we're on the air. I have
no idea who the guy is. People have claimed that
I am him. I am definitely not him. I've got
too much going on here on the show, UM to
to worry about whether or not to make a live bet.
And you do better than he would do, of course,
Like like you really think I would go in with
my own money and and bet three billboards to win

Best Picture. Okay you really think that? Now? Coincidentally enough,
I did, But that doesn't mean that I'm That's just
pure coincidence all the way through. But I do think
we should rally around Kansas State. UM. I am a
firm believer that nerds need to stay with nerds. H
U M b C. They are nerds, they are dweebs
and geeks. They should not be allowed. And our section

that is roped off for a reason. We get bottle service.
You do not you go and hang out somewhere else.
And this is not anything to do with the team itself,
not anything to do with the coaching staff, the alumni.
I'm thrilled for all them, and I'm happy we got
to see a six team be to one. It's one
of those cool things you've never seen in sports before
that actually happened. So I'm cool and I'm happy for
all those guys. The guy who runs their Twitter account

is maybe all right, maybe at least in contention, the
biggest pip squeak I've ever seen in my life. What
a nerd, what a giant geek picking fights hiding behind
a a U NBC Twitter account. Yeah, it's a pathetic man.
It would be like me being proud back in the
day that I dressed up as the rat from Chuck

E Cheese. You think I was proud of that. That's
humiliating that guy to be embarrassed. He's embarrassed a program.
And because of that, I hope Kansas State wins by
ninety points quick, okay, because I do believe. Al Right,
this jumps us into a conversation in the next hour
about whether or not this ultimately is the best way
of determining the best team, and we definitely want to

get into that because I agree with you on this
because I don't think it is I think it's actually
maybe the most unfair playoff form. That's center for Florida State.
Is so tall? He is what is he like? Seven five?
What is that? He's really tall and he runs pretty
good for his size. Man, Now, he moves well, very
fluids boxing out. If that guy walked up to me

at a club and said I want to dance with
your girlfriend, not only would I let him, I'd hand
him everything on my wallet and I'd go pay his tab.
Want part of that? Do you know why? Yeah? You
know why? You know exactly? I don't know why? Could
you could you help explain a little bit further? If

if there's an option, if a stall is an option,
choose the stall. You don't want to be side by
side with that guy at a trough. He moves well,
but the I don't know if the endurance is there.
He's what is he seven five? Can we get an
official height on I'm trying to look it up and
the name would probably help too. This is a very
very very um alright, So let's go for let's go

live to our seven to and up college basketball insider
Steve de singer, Steve, we get a name and an
actual height for this guy. They said, actually the color
man said seven to and the play by play guy
corrected him tonight and said seven four wow. And then
and then how tosh wow? Done? There it is everybody

that's that's a slightly hungover Brady Quinn with the joke
of the knock something. Oh man, can we can we
actually do something professional on the show? Which is cut out?
I think I think it cut out a little bit
of something of seven four though. Man, you know, first
of all, that actually sucks. I don't want to be
seven four ever, Like, I don't think you're going to

have that well no, but I just say I get
he's from the country of ched by the way, Okay,
because here's here's why I don't want to be seven four.
Because it's cool when you're playing basketball, but if you
don't make it in the league, it's just an uncomfortable life. Man.
Like everything's uncomfortable. Nothing is comfortable. Nothing you do works
to your advantage anywhere outside of basketball. Yeah, Okay, I

just I don't think I know that, Steve, So I
passed puberty. You gotta rub it in, alright, just you
see colted like like I had it, Like I had
a choice in the matter. Um, alright, alright, where the okay,
there he is. That's angry, all right? So the uh

the lightning bolt or thunder, whatever the hell that is.
The lights have gone out in the studio here at
Fox Sports Radios. Lightning creates, stunding. Whatever. Man, you're a
you're a meteorologist. I just do a show. That's all
I do here. Uh, so is that even meteorology? I
don't even know. But the lights have gone out completely
in the studio. There is a light beaming down into
the studio. A piece of paper is falling towards the desk.

I don't know the contents inside of this piece of paper.
I have no idea what is happening here. Um, but
we will see who Li've bet Jesus is picking. Uh.
This could go a bunch of different ways. He is
a character none of us have met. He does this
every week. He's usually pretty good, except for the last
two weeks and then the last six weeks before that. Also,
here we go, let's open it up here. Let me

got the piece of paper here. Alright, let's see what
he gots. It is tonight here on the eighteenth of March.
I li've bet Jesus proclaim Kansas State minus nine and

a half. Kansas State is the pick minus nine and
a half over University of Mayfield, Baker Community, whatever the
hell they are. So that is the pick. I just
hope the score stays where it's at right now. Kansas
State has a five point lead at halftime. So that's
a gutsy pick man. Not a lot of people would
have the guts to pick against the sixteen seed. Live

beat Jesus did, Howard, It's like cowardly pickneh. Rady Quinn's
gift game has gotten better, my friends. That is a
steady improvement by Brady quinn Is gift game has gotten better. Wow,
I am impressed. There's a tear running down my face.

I don't know what you were talking about. Um, all right,
so he's Brady Quinn. I am Jonas Knox. This is
Fox Sports Radio as we come to you live here
from the Getico Fox Sports Radio Studios. For fifteen minutes
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Visit guy go dot com for a free rate quote.
Let's catch you up to speed with what you may
have missed, um, Steve, just that you're doing a great
job is always in the top of the our bottom

of the argument, the updates and all the college basketball.
We've seen more and more upsets, Um. Earlier today you
had the two seed out of the West Region. North
Carolina has done. They got absolutely knifed by Texas A
and M. Then Cincinnati, the two seed, blew a twenty
two point lead to Nevada, the seventh seed in the South,

Cincinnati is out. The three seed Michigan State in the
Midwest lost to Syracuse three. They are out of it now.
Uh Clemson has like a ninety eight point lead over Auburn.
That's just a complete beating going on right now. They
were the higher seed in that turn or a lower
seed in that tournament. Taken out the four seed Auburn

in the Midwest region. Also, so here we are. This
entire weekend has been nuts. This entire weekend has been crazy.
There have been when the when the opening it should
have been a sort of a preview of what the
weekend was going to be like. When the first game
of the tournament went to overtime. We all should have known.
Oh yeah, it's back. This is just what it is.

This is what we deal with. But um so there
it is. So and we're still waiting. West Virginia's game
starts off soon. So that's that's. Let me give you
one more note to Okay, So never never in the history,
as we've talked about the historic win by U m
b C, no idea what that stands for Over Virginia
sixteen being a one. Also, this has never happened. Never

have the top four teams from a region not entered
into the sweet sixteen. So in the South region of Atlanta,
you're gonna see UK who's a five seed, Loyal Chicago
which is eleven seed, Nevada which is a seven seed,
and then the winner of the game that live bed
Jesus decided to place a bet on one not taking
much risk, but the game between Kansas State, which is

a nine seed and U NBC a sixteen. Okay, So
what Brady is alluding to, because we want to make
sure that this is inclusive, right, I'm all about including
everybody into what's going on here. Every Sunday night, um,
which is why I can I can tell you with
absolute certainty, Brady still hungover. What Brady was alluding to
is that li I've bet Jesus, who is a character
that we have never met. He appears on the show

and he makes live sporting of like when live sporting
events are going on, he makes actual bets on these games.
I've never met him, Brady has never met him. We
don't know who the hell the guy is. But he
does this every single week and he's for the most part,
I want to say, he's probably picking at about sixty
to six. But this year and in the year two

thousand eighteen a bit of a struggle. Uh, he is
not really figure this whole thing out consistently. He's lost
two weeks in a row. So the pick that he
made was Kansas State minus nine and a half over
uh University of My my Butcher's Corps or whatever they are. Um, Like,
that's that's who Live bet Jesus picked in this in

tonight show. So that is the status. And right now
there's a five point apposite for a University of um
My Bleepity, uh Crave or whatever whatever the hell they're called.
I didn't know if the ability to come up with
any sort of acornym that stands for UNB. Yeah, I've
I've used all I got that. So so that's that's

that's where we're at right now. Brady thinks that was
a coward moved by him because there's a sixteen seeds,
But come on, man, no, it's not a coward. It's
because of the payoff. You go look, go look at
the bed minus nine and a half like it's part
of it. I'm saying, what's even money based on the
side of the money line and didn't look at it
that way. Well, yeah, you know the money line, but

he didn't pet the money line because he's not a
coward as you as you called him on social media.
He's not so um. So that's that's where we're at.
But yeah, I am looking at that money line that
does look tasty. Um. I wish I would have done
that or he would have done that. All right. So
this brings me to another point though, because you've seen
all this craziness happen. You've seen all these higher seeds

beat these these lower seeds or whatever you want to
call uh, and you've seen a six team be to
one it's been crazy. This whole weekend has been crazy,
and it just goes to show you. And this is
something that that I've talked about before. This is the
most unfair playoff format we have in sports, and it's
not even close. There's like, I want somebody out there

to find me the advantage for being a top seed
in the n c A tournament. Find me an advantage
because in every other sport you get home field advantage,
you get by weeks. In the NFL, you get home
court advantage. Your brother, Jack Johnson plays for the Columbus
Blue Jackets in the NHL. In the playoffs, if you're
the team with home ice advantage, you also get last

pick as far as matching up lineups that go onto
the ice, which is a big advantage because you can
match up and dictate how you want your matchups to go.
Like there is a perk that goes along with being
the better team in the n c A tournament. You
get no home game, You don't get a lot of
time to prepare for anybody. And then if you do
make it all the way to the championship game, you
playing a football venue a lot at the times, Like

it doesn't it doesn't make sense like it really it's great.
I love it. I don't want to make it seem
like I'm complaining, but it doesn't make sense, which is
why when a six team finally beat to one, I'm
not as surprised that it happened. I'm honestly surprised has
taken this long. Um, Well, I don't I don't know
that I'm a surprised is taking this long. I guess

looking at how that particular game shook out, I think,
what what the point I want to kind of make
is more that it marginalizes what the regular season means, um,
because you have so many other things that factor into
you know, how the committee looks at seeding teams in
the first place, right regular season they take into account.
But you can get in if you when you're you know,

turn to employ. You could not win any game without
the course of the regular season, with your conference tournament
and still make it in. So that so that kind
of tells me one or two things that, uh, it
takes away from the value of your regular season. And
so I don't know if I was any team in
college basketball, why I would want to play a difficult

schedule like I would want to play a cupcake schedule,
nonconference outside of my conference, any chance I get to
ensure that my team is rested and they're ready to
play into a tournament, um you know, platform and on
that sort of schedule, because it's so different than what
you play in and during the course of a regular season.
Right for all the reasons you just talked about no

home field advantage, okay, or no home court advantage in
this case, uh, minimal rest, and you're doing at a
time when you know you're strained as much as you'll
ever be as far as media obligations, things like that,
trying to prepare and looking at breaking down an opponent
that's you're probably foreign to. Um. So all those things
kind of equate to one the most difficult championship to win.

But also to that I'm not so sure that we
ultimately find the best team. Like to me, it sounds
more like survival of the fittest and in theory like
that's a cool way of figuring out who your champion is. Right, Like,
that's almost like a gladiator like you were able to
survive the Gauntlet. But the other tough part is, you know,
not every region is built the same we all see

when these seatings come out. Some reasons are more difficult
than others. Um, you know, if Michigan stated beat Syracuse today,
they'd be squaring off with Duke and and that's a
tough matchup. Those are two teams that I think both
had they been in different regions, maybe things would have
turned out differently. Now you could probably make that case
for u v A if they just would have a
better shooting night, whatever it may it maybe, but at

the end of the day, I think it's a lot
harder to look at what you're able to accomplish in
the regular season and then figure out how it's gonna
impact this tournament season altogether. Well that's the conference tournament
or obviously the n c A tournament. And I think
to your point when you bring up, I would just
play a soft schedule all the way through, Like you know,
there's there's something to that. Although I do think that

maybe college basketball teams are enticed to go play these
these these MAUI invitation as, are these great Alaska shootouts,
because I think they get paid for one. I think
I think they see a good pay and these coaches
are all about wearing their Tommy Bahama shirts on the
sidelines on the island of o wah Who at eight
in the morning, so they get money for it. But

it's also because the season so much longer, there's so
much margin for air. I think you can kind of
take chances and put a different line up out, or
start a freshman here if you think he's got an upside,
but you want to give him a few games before
conference tournament play starts. Like the fact that there's so
much margin for air, Like you said, you could lose. Theoretically,
you could lose every single game of the season, and

if you win like four or five games in a
row in your conference tournament, you're going to the Big Dance, Like,
what's what sense to that? Doesn't it doesn't make any sense.
I love the tournament, but so much about it, like
like every every sport, and the playoff format and how
we determine a winner, like so much of what we
determine a winner and other sports does not exist at
all in the n c A tournament. And I think

that's par actually the frustration by it, because I'm all
for the sudden death scenario, unlike your your your solution
for the NBA postseason um, but I'm all for the
sudden death scenario if you allow the factors that play
into the regular season or even the postseason for conference

tournaments to then weigh in. And and they do to
some degree, but not so much where I feel like
it's it's as level for you know, really all teams
if you can make it that. Now, the other issue
is the fact you have so many teams who are
potentially playing for an opportunity to play in the tournament. UM.
So there's always gonna be teams left out that you
can make the case should have gotten in. UM. And
there's always gonna be teams that you know, you think
are talented that don't show up. Like one of the

running themes that I thought would play a factor into
this particular tournament is the impact of some of the
star players, the one and done players, guys like eight
and from Arizona or even Porter Junior Firm Missouri, and
the impact like those types of players would have. So far,
that hasn't really been the case that the best teams
are winning. And and that's all Like Mark hell Folts,

he didn't make the tournament last year. Now I know,
and people hear Marquel folts are like, oh, is that
the guy who shoots free throws like a t rucks Like, No, Listen,
he didn't make the tournament last year because his team
was bad. Ben Simmons didn't make the tournament either. Kyrie
Irving I think might have been a one. But even
even when they do, like that's that's my whole thing is,
it's more of the fact that some of these teams
aren't necessarily one of dunes. But you know, maybe they're

getting bounce in the round of thirty two and you're
starting to kind of see these guys, you know, not
necessarily play up to the magnitude that's going to impact
the overall outcome of the game. And that's what's surprising
to me, is because basketball is the one sport where
you can really have one player who's just that much
better than everyone else and take over a game and
have that sort of impact, and even as good as

some of these guys have played, it's still not changing
the outcome of the game. Brady Quinn Jonas Knocks here
Fox Sports Radio Company Alive here from the getic Fox
Sports Radio Studio. You can get me on Twitter at
the Jonas Knocks. You can get Brady at third underscore goal.
By the way, tweet me if you know who screwed
me out of our bracket challenge. Um, We've been trying
to get to the bottom of this. I was completely jobbed.

I went in, filled out a bracket, went back in,
and somebody did not. Somebody went in there and wiped
out an entire right side of my bracket. So it
is gone, completely gone. Um, so I'm pissed. I that
basically eliminates me from a bracket contention in my other bracket,
my identical bracket in a Fox Sports Radio league that
no one can see. No one can see it. I will,

I will show it to you, Okay, I will, And okay,
I'm saving that. I'm going to send you a pick
of it and my bracket. To send me a pick
of anything and my bracket. Two up next though, on
Fox Sports Radio, Brady is going to keep He's going
to teach you a lesson about NFL contracts, especially when

it comes to the quarterback position. Because something was lost
in a major development in the NFL. You were going
to get a tutorial. I believe that's how you see it.
And that's coming up next year on Fox Sports Radio,
Go Hard on a Guy, Jonas Knox, Brady Quinn Fox
Sports Radio. Coming up ten minutes from now here on
Fox Sports Radio. If you want to be a part
of the most popular game show on Sunday nights, you

can do so. We are going to play another edition
of Headline or Lie. It's the hottest game show on
Sunday nights there is on the air. You team up
with myself or Brady Quinn as we try and stump
you on actual headlines or maybe headlines that we've made
up ourselves. So we will have that for you ten
minutes from now if you want to be a part
of it. The phone number to call, we can only

take two of you. We have a thousand phone lines here.
Normally these fill up pretty quick, I mean really quick,
Like I never have to give out the number more
than once. Eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight
seven seven six three six nine. That's the number to
call to play Headline or Lie. Uh, less than ten
minutes from now here on Fox Sports Radio. I do
want to tell you we are brought to you by

Granger the products and services you need when you need um.
Granger's got your back to help you keep your facility
running granger for the ones who get it done. Um.
We are also keeping up to up to date on
the the situation between Kansas State and u MBC LI.
I've bet Jesus weighed in earlier. He had Kansas State

minus nine and a half. Uh, they're up by one
right now, so that doesn't look too good. But but
that's kind of yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what I
was watching. I was watching the Xavier. I'm actually gonna
flip on this Kansas State U NBC game though. Yeah. Now,

let me ask you this, do you have an issue though? Like,
I know, everyone once upsets, but then like let's say
U NBC wins. You have a sixteen seed advancing again
in a region where you've got loyal Chicago, Nevada and UK. Like,
I know, it makes for great basketball and the emotions
of it, but then as you get into it, it

could be a blowout and then some things later around.
And let me tell you something, George Mason, when they
made the final four, one of the lowest rated final
fours they had done for a while, Cinderella seems cool,
Like it's really cool to invite the nerd to your party.
And then when you see him in the corner eating
his boogers, you realize, hey, maybe somebody shouldn't have brought
this geek. Tell him to take a walk. And that's
what UMBC is, their booger eaters. They don't deserve to

sit at this table. We are the elite, We are
the cool kids by by nerds Kansas State. Get this done,
get it done in a hurry, and do it by
more than nine points. One that I think that you
that you noticed though, and I think Tony Bennet kind
of admitted this. He's like, hey, man, we have it.
We had a really hard sound with their stretch for current.
That is one thing that's pretty prevalent in basketball now,

like the versatility of like lower post you know, bigger,
taller players, how much more skilled they off for their size.
It is something that I've I kind of loved watching
the evolution of basketball and just how you're seeing more
and more There's not like a Dirk Nowitzki, but it's
kind of that, yeah, but more of the types of players, um, well,
more of these types of players. Bretty Quinn. By the way,
there's been some rumors out there that Brady and I, uh,

we're very cocky and our projections about how we were
going to do in our n A Tournament bracket challenge.
There was some so people out there were making claims
that we were talking about how bad we're gonna beat
people during the n c A Tournament Bracket Challenge. Um,
do we have some of the audio because we are
we want to call you guys out on your lies,
because that's exactly what they are. They are full blown lies.

Let's go back to Brady and I politely promoting our
bracket challenge very innocently, trying to get you involved to
be a part of our community because we're all friends here,
because we'd love for you to be a part of
our tournament bracket. Um and and we just want you
to realize though, don't get your expectations up, because you're
going to lose. So we will beat you, and when

we do beat you, we will try to humiliate you.
We will try to bring you on our radio show
and we'll try to talk as much trash to you
as as possible, and if we can, we'll try to
also humiliate you on Twitter. That doesn't sound like me, though,
I can I just throw that out there. Well, I'm
glad I wasn't involved in that. I I was more polite,
I was more more responsible with my with my promotion.

I did not use that type of tone like Brady did.
Do we have mine like this is this is how
you do Brady, because you you were kind of a
little bit of a you know what about it. But this,
this is how you really promote a bracket challenge when
you can, when you can promote the right way, when
you can do it in a positive manner in such
a negative world, when you can do it in a
positive manner, and you can get people involved, and you

can get people to rally around what it is that
you were doing on the show. That there there's like
that's the moral of the story here. We want positivity
on this show. We refuse, especially me included, to be
negative when trying to promote this. Yeah so again, but
we're not. We're not here to point fingers and say
we're better than you, because it's pretty evident we are,
especially in the in the n c A tournament bracket challenge.

But you know, you just go in, you sign up,
and and you get a beating for three weeks at least,
we can do this is for for three weeks if
you think about it, like if you were like, you
know what, I wish I could get a beating for
three weeks, Like I could probably only deal with a
week or two, but three would be fantastic. Come join
our bracket. We will literally continually beat you for three
weeks straight. Oh man, that that was aggressive. I don't know,

you know for for how this this tournament has gone
so far as uh as entertaining and dramatic as it's been.
I gotta be honest with you, uh kind of eating
those words at right now? That's a crazy man. How
that it only would be worse if like you didn't
fill out a bracket, Like if you just we're so busy,

if all of a sudden you were like, oh, you know,
I I like saved one half of my bracket. I'll
go back and finish it. Because you're the type of
person that you know doesn't finish what they start. Uh,
and you just only finished one side of your bracket, Like,
could you imagine if you talk that much trash and
that happened to you? Brady quinn Jonas knocks here Fox
Sports Radio and goes to dynamite. So, Brady, why don't

you do everybody a favor. The Kirk Cousins contract was announced,
all right, so there are many layers to this, but
I want to focus just on the contractual aspect to it.
Um something that people don't get about the contract that
hasn't really been discussed. Uh, so far as Kirk Cousins
is now the quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings, just explain
what it is we don't understand fully about this contract. Um, well,

I'm not. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying. Like,
like like when you talk about how people assume that
this is going to really put put a damper on
the Vikings and how much money they have, is a
lot of that stuff has been as a bit overblown. Correct, Yes,
because when people see a fully guaranteed contract, which is
what kirk Cousins side, three years, eight four million dollars
fully guaranteed, they immediately think, oh my gosh, like we're

gonna be strapped for cash. We can't pay all these
young players. We can't pay Anthony Barr or Eric Kendricks
or Trey Waynes. We've all these talented players and we're
sacrificing every thing for this quarterback. Look, that's not what matters, okay,
first starters, what matters is what percentage of the salary
cap that you allocate to that position. Okay, So yes,

twenty eight million dollars comes with a little bit of
sticker shock for two thousand and eighteen. But guess what
the salary cap is gonna keep going up. It was
a hundred sixty seven million last year. It will be
a hundred and seventy seven million this upcoming year, Okay,
and then in the future, let's just say on average
it continues to go up ten million per year. That

twenty eight million that he's still slate a down right
based on his contract is going to become a smaller
and smaller percentage of the cap, which means you're going
to have more room to extend those other players. And
the other thing that you can do is if you've
got someone who's good at manipulating the cap, and Rick Spielman,
the general managers, is good, and so were some of

their other front office folks there in Minnesota, they will
find ways of diverting some of those payments and pro
rating some of those payments into future years. You actually,
if you notice with what happened with Drew Brees in
New Orleans Saints. He was a free agent for a
moment and then he agreed on a two year contract.
But you know what a lot of people didn't really

talk about was the money that he got paid last year.
Some of that still carried over into the cap in
two thousand and eighteen meeting, even though he was a
free agent. Some of that money was still on the
part of the Saints because they pushed it offen And
sometimes teams will do that for the sake of keeping

a player like Drew Brees, and he will do that
because then he puts the team in a position where
you know, they obviously want to still pay a player
to play if he's playing at a high level, which
Drew Brees is, but also if they still owe him anyway.
So in this sense, for Kirk Cousins, there's a couple
of different ways they can then work those numbers to

provide room. Besides the fact that the NFL is healthy,
Fox just paid what five fifty million is I think
a year for the Thursday Night package. I mean, they've
got plenty of funds coming in. The salary cap will
continue to grow and increase and be healthy, and they're
gonna have plenty of space. And guess what the signing

of Trevor Simmon that trade that they bring him on.
He's got one of the most capt friendly contracts you'll
find for a guy who started two years in the league.
So not only do they have their starter, a guy
who I think is gonna give them the big lift
on offense, they've got a guy who could come in
and get them through a game if they need to
and potentially helped them win a game. And Trevor Simeon
who's got a very very economical contract. So they're set.

The vikings are fine, and and they don't have to
worry about all that stuff in the future. That the
biggest concern should be this, and this is a good
concern or good problem to have. If they do win
a Super Bowl in the next two years, he could
potentially become a free agent after his third year, So
you've got to make that decision on whether or not
you want to extend him basically after this year, Like

I don't know if I would want to let it
get to after two years of being there, like letting
him start to sniff free agency again. Because if he
does have success where they win a Super Bowl. I
would imagine he would continually push the envelope there in Minnesota,
him and his agent will and they'll try to get
to free agency again so he can make a boatload

of money. Because once this contract is finalized, in the
including the last two years, he would have made about
a thirty million dollars guaranteed. Pretty incredible for a guy
wasn't a first round pick. For a guy who you know,
took over as a backup, then ended up earning the
starting job, played him the franchise tag, all that pressure
each year and a year to year deal, and ended

up making out big time with the big pay day.
So I'm happy for the guy, and I think it's
a good deal for both him and the team. And
that's how you break down a contract in the NFL. Roundhum, applaster,
Brady Quinn, just a hell of a job. Round of applause.
That is how it's done, Folks. You sit back and
you just watch Brady Quinn break it down like no other.
I appreciate that. Thank you, thank you. I'm just reading

off the teleprompter. I don't even know if I mean
any of that. I'm just reading what you definitely don't
mean any of that. You are you are better. You
are much better at that than I am, much better
at that. UM all right. Brady quinn Jonas knocks Fox
Sports Radio Company live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.
Headliner Lie is next if you want to in eight
seven seven nine on Foxes the Number. But before we

get to that, let's find out the very latest from
around a busy n c A tournament Sunday with Steve Sayeah.
The late game's gonna tip off in San Diego in
about twenty minutes West Virginia against Marshall. The winner of
that will meet top seeded Villanova in the East Region
Friday in the Sweet sixteen. If you're not watching the
u NBC Kansas State game, you're really not missing much there.
Each shooting about thirty five from the floor combined twenty

three turnovers. So far, k State has taken a thirty
four thirty one lead with eleven minutes to go and
late first half. Number one seed Xavier, despite foul trouble,
is at least in a tie game with Florida State
twenty nine. All that's with two twenty three left in
the first half. In Nashville, online car shopping can be confusing,
not anymore. With True Price from True Car, now you

can know the exact price you'll pay for your next car.
So visit True Car to enjoy a more confident car
buying experience. Clemson has eliminated Auburn eighty four to fifty three.
Clemson's halftime lead was forty three to nineteen. Nevada was
down by twenty two points with eleven minutes left against
Cincinnati and still beat the number two seed Bearcats seventy
five seventy three. It's the second biggest comeback at n

C Double A tournament history, the largest second half come back.
Syracuse beat Michigan State in Detroit fifty five fifty three,
Texas A and m all Over North Carolina in Charlotte
eight six sixty five. Per Due eliminated Butler's seventy six
to seventy three. Just four NBA games A contest just finished.
The Rockets won one, nine, one twenty at Minnesota to

James Harden thirty four points and twelve assists. Toronto and
Boston each loss. The Celtics still five games back of
the Raptors for the number one seed in the East.
Coming up in an hour. The Clippers host a Portland's
team that's won twelve in a row NASCAR victory for
Martin Truex Jr. And of the golf in Orlando, Rory
McElroy the winner by three strokes after a final round
sixty four. Tiger Woods tied for fifth place eight shots.

Back back to you, thanks, Steve, Jonas Knox, Brady Quinn.
Fox Sports Radio Headline or Lie coming up in just
a second. Do you want to tell you where company
alive from the guy go Fox Sports Radio studios were
fifteen minutes could save you fift one car insurance of media.
Probably should have gotten guyo dot Com fifteen minutes ago.
Right now, though, this turn on the loose, is it
a headline or is it a lie? Let's go to

the news deafs. What new? Here's Jonas Knox and Brady Quinn.
This is where we play this every single week, Headline
or Lie. We try and test whether or not you
know the difference between a real headline or a fake one.
And we picked two partisan of pens who team up
with Brady and myself. Let's first go out to Michael
in Phoenix, who's listening on Fox Sports Radio Michael, what's happening, man?

What are you guys doing? What are you on speaker phone?
It was like a conference call. Come on, man, I
was playing dominoes. Man, Okay, games nice a you. Uh,
let's not bury the lead here. You've been in the
elbow today, Mike getting out a little bit red wine here? Okay,
fair enough. Brady is not really a wine guy, I am,

but that's a story for another day. Michael, you can
pick myself or Brady Quinn to team up with. Who
do you want? Brady Quinn? Alright, so Michael is uh
not the most intelligent human being in the world. He
picks Brady Quinn, who's not very good at this game.
I will find my partner. Let's go all the way
out to uh, you know, let's go to Kentucky. All right,

let's go to Clue. Who's in Kentucky? Clip? What's happening? Hey?
What's up? Brady? Who? Yep? That's what I'm talking about.
Way to support a cliff. You and I, man, you
and I, let's rage against this behavior by Brady Quinn
all during the show. You and me baby? All right?
So here, I can already tell Cliffs can be really
disappointed when Kentucky loses. So I can already tell you

sounds more sober in your partner that will be coming
from someone that knows about disappointment. Oh, come on, come on, Cliff, listen.
He'sns buddy, But I mean I want a decent amount
of games of Notre Dame. Wow, Cliff, Cliff, your cliff.
Your phone is falling apart, man, phone is falling apart.
All right, So here we go. This is how it works.

Brady and I are going to read either a headline
or a lie to the other guy's partner. All right,
So I will read these to Michael. Brady will read
his to Cliff. If you guys are tied. At the
end of this list, we go to sudden death overtime.
Easy enough, alright, So Michael, you were forced up? All right?
You ready for this, Michael? All right? Here we go.
Headline or lie. A Baltimore man who suffered a gruesome

accident on a pogo stick years ago is claiming that
UMBC actually stands for underneath my broken crotch. Absolutely not.
Damn it that a way, Mike, that a way. It's
a good star, buddy. I was I was aggressive. I

was pretty aggressive there, damn it. Yeah, that was a
pretty long headlined. By the way, what does this happen?
Team getting heckled right now? This is unbelievable. We got
two people from that from the cliffic Kentucky. What part
of Kentucky you include? Okay, all right, here we go, brother,

you ready? Yes? Sir Stan Patrick's Day round Up radio
hosts arrested for public intoxications, seen standing on top of
a car screaming I'm the laprikaan. Uh it's true. That
was my uncle Eddie, Edie too easy. Come on, Cliff,

Jesus man like, let let's get it together, man, come on,
let's go. All right, here we go. Let's go back
over to Michael in Phoenix, Michael holding onto a one
point lead you and Brady Quinn apparently uh Cliffs writing
his own material here for a stand up episode later.
All right, here we go, Michael, You're ready? All right?
Headline or lie? Two men, one of whom was dressed

as a bowl, tried to burn down their ex boyfriends
home with a boiling pot of spaghetti sauce earlier this week.
Oh no, no, that's gotta be a lie. Yeah, that
is a headline. Maybe that is Florida at its finest.
How about that? If you would have said the state,

that would have been the giveaway right there? How about that?
Like I think I found my my my costume for
next year, I'm gonna dress up as a bowl. Jeez. Alright, Cliff,
you're ready. Number two? Here we go. Headline or Lie
plane carrying three and sixty eight million of gold loses
cargo after door breaks. True, Headline or Lie is the

name of the game. True is on another show. Make
sure we get this correct there, Cliff? All right, so
that is correct? Right, Nice work there, Cliff, A right,
so we're all tied up. Let's go back over to
Michael in Phoenix, Brady Quinn's partner. This is Headline or
Lie here on Fox Sports. Rady all right, Michael Headliner Lie,
a former first round draft pick in the NFL, blew
me off multiple times over text messages this weekend while intoxicated. True, Okay,

how about headline that would work too. The vetos kicking in. Man. Alright, Cliff,
here we go. We're long. I'm gonna leave that last
one alone. You're not gonna You're not gonna say anything
in regards to that former first round draft pick. Multiple times.
We're talking about talking about all right here we Cliff

resident in Thousand Oaks, California, arrested for assault on radio
producer for routing his n c A A tournament Brackett headline, Mike,
I see what's going on here, screw job. We're throwing
a game. Huh. That's funny, Cliff, alright, that's funny. All right,

here we go. We're got to complain that game. Michael
and Phoenix. You're ready for this, Michael, all right, take
a sip of your wine first though, Okay, alright, do
it on the air. Come on, Mike, right now, who
asked you? All right? Here we go. So a little

a little two buck chuck for Michael and Phoenix, the
high dollar stuff. Here we go. All right, here we go.
You're ready ready for this? Michael? All right? So this
is this is a long one. But you have to
tell me whether or not you wait till, wait till
you hear all of it. You have to tell me
whether or not this headline or lie. Headline or lie.
The town of Dublin, Ohio, held their annual St. Patrick's
Day Parade on Saturday. Some of the attractions included a

dunk tank for dwarfs stressed as leprecns a whose vomit
is the most green contest, and free physicals from doctors
wearing blindfolds. Oh god, yeah, I gotta say that's got
Probably that happened. That's St Patrick's day. I'm irish. So yeah,

that is incorrect. That is incorrect. Yes, I think that's
the headline. Yes, alright, pre physical blindfolded doctors. Two. All right,
Cliff read Man, All here we go. Headliner lie Man

charged with attempted murder after driving his car into a
club head La, Yes, all right, now we're going. We're
all tied up here. This is late late in the
game here, we are all tied up. All right, So Michael, Michael,
and this is big time here. We're all tied up
because if you missed this, you are going to give
Cliff a chance to win the game for him and myself.

You ready, there we go, Michael headline or Lie Lewis
and eighteen year old gorilla at the Philadelphia Zoo walks
upright because he can't stand having dirty hands. This is
so stupid. No that's not true. Yes, that is a headline, man,

And I love Louis. He's a germ fobe. He's a
gorilla and he's a germfobe. I love Louis. I want
him on the show man. I will tweet out the
article coming up here after. I don't care if it's
a headline. May they ask whatever? Listen, you got it wrong.

Now Cliff's got a chance to win the game. Come on, Cliff,
let's get this done. Man. All right, Cliff, here we go.
Headline er, Lie Alabama sheriff use muddy men to feed inmates,
to buy us seven thousand dollar beach home. Lie. Ah.
All right, So now we're at sudden death overtime again. Alright,

sudden death overtime. This is how it works. All right.
I'm gonna read the headliner, the lost week in a row,
by the way I believe, so it happened, all right,
I'm gonna read the headliner, the lie. Your name is
your buzzer. First person to buzz in with their name,
don't just shout out her lorn, because you've got an
ivy of moonshine strapped to you. Yell your name out.
That's your buzzer. You will get the chance to answer

it and try and win for your team. Are you
guys ready? All right? Here we get headline or lie.
After a month's long battle, Charles Manson's corpse has been
awarded to his grandson. All right, Michael, good god man? Okays,

congratulations Brady and Michael. When Brady and Michael wa in, congratulations,
Jesus good god man. What a design. I'm hanging up
on everybody. What a disaster that was? You got what?
What is happening here? What is happening? I think Michael
clip like, what are you guys doing? Man? Your name

is your buzzers? That we have three players too? I
think Mike was getting some help. Yeah. I have no idea. Uh,
they might have been playing a different game. I have
no clue, but there it is. So congratulations Brady, You're
back on the board. You win, right, But how about
three weeks in a row going into overtime? I can't
get over that, Like, what's the chances of that? Now?
In past weeks we've actually had good players, They've got rose.

Guys are ridiculous. I don't even know what the hell
is wrong with them. I play play again because I
want to feel better about my sobriety, can you read
off the headline for the same how could that be ahead?
All right, we've we've got to get to break. But
I will read that, okay, and and I'll have proof
that there's a guerilla that walks up right. Okay, I've
got proof on mats right too, because he doesn't want
to get his hands dirty. Brady Quinn Jonas knocks Fox

Sports Radio from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios, Riveting
Sports Talk Radio. I swear to Jesus, coming up next
year on SR wonderful and we can loch of a
dubie and watch pun. Brady Quinn Jonas knocks here Fox
Sports Radio. Coming up in just a minute, I will
confirm a rumor that Brady tried to dispel on the
show not long ago. I have actual evidence proof of

this that'll be coming up here in just a minute
on Fox Sports Radio. Do you want to give you
a heads up? Just an offensive slug fest going on
between UMBC and Kansas State with Kansas State up thirty
eight thirty seven, Uh, coming up on five minutes to
go left in the game. So that is that's fun

if you had the over uh, my condolences. Uh, that's
that's one way to wrap up your your Sunday in
the opening weekend of the n c A tournament. So
what was the text you sent me? It was a
picture form My think barstool Sports is uh Twitter where?
Um it was Kansas Kansas Camp. Yeah it was. It
was the bad beat between Kansas and I want to say, um,

not a seton Hall? Yeah, Seaton Hall maybe, Yeah, And um,
the guy threw up the three in Kansas was a
four and a half point favorite. The guy threw up
the three and uh and it went in. They lost
by four, and people were just gutted. But that it
would be bizarre if if no one was ever introduced
to the betting culture and they just walked by and
saw that reaction, like they would be so confused, considering

it didn't change the outcome for either team obviously, just
changed for some other people out there. Oh I could,
like I have been around people who don't understand gambling.
I can remember uh guy that I knew, but I
didn't I didn't know him that well. And I remember
being up my brother's barn. There's a bunch of football
games on, and um, I kept noticing he kept getting
up and walking outside and going on his phone. And

so I noticed it the first time, and I kept
seeing it a couple of times in a row, and
it was always during halftime, like about two minutes after
it went to half, and I said to his friend
girl that was there, a friend of his. I was like, huh,
he's got the h huh he was, what do you mean?
I was like, hey, de genera gambler? How do you
know that? Like every time he gets up on his

phone at it's halftime, he's calling in second half bets. No,
I don't think that's it. He doesn't seem like that
kind of guy. Well, yeah, I watched this walk over
to him, who do you got? All Bengals minus three
and a half? And I got the over he just
spotted from a mile away a man like. Some people
can't see it, but if you're you're right. If you
walked by that scene and so everybody jumping up and
down over a meetingless three, you'd go, Holy God, what's

happening here? That's what's fun about this though. Man, there's
so much going on. We got to do a show
from the sports book during March Madness. That would be good.
I would love to do that. Scott will pay for that.
I mean, who knows. I mean it's it's probably not
allowed to We're probably not supposed to talk about a
gorilla who's got a germ phobe. He's still a bit
of a germ fobe. It's no way you canclusively confirm

that he doesn't like it. All right, So Brady and
I were playing headline or lie. We will keep you
up today on how that game turns out between Kansas
State and u NBC first person to forty wins. Apparently, um,
we're playing headliner lie. One of my headlines that I
told him about was this guerrilla named Lewis in the
Philadelphia Zoo who walks upright because he doesn't want to
get his hands dirty. Brady doubted me. I sent him.

I sent him the link to the article so you
can go click it. There's a video attached at the
Jonas Knocks on Twitter. There it is Louis a guerrilla.
My man. I want him as a guest. I want
to hang out with him, my guy. Yeah, he's a
germ fobe. I just don't understand how they can tell
you whether or not, Like, how's he going to communicate?
He's just gonna shake his head. No, who knows, man, listen,
I'm just here to read head Also, Brady Brady doubted.

Brady doubted the validity of this um Here there's a
is one of the headlines. A town in Dublin, Ohio
held their annual of St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday.
Some of the attractions including a dunk tank for dwarf
stress as lepre cons a Who's Vomit is the most
Green contest? And free physicals from doctors wearing blindfolds. How
the hell could you think that was a lie? Like?

I want all I want all three of those. So
there's a an NFL story that's out there that h if.
I don't know if anybody else has realized this, but
there are two franchises in the NFL that have a
lot in common, and it doesn't mean it's for good reasons.
So we'll explain what that is coming up here. And
just a couple of minutes. That guy's Brady Quinn. I
am Jonas Knox. This is Fox Sports Radio. We company

alive as we do every single week at this time
from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. As you heard,
Steve de Seger mentioned a wild Sunday in college basketball
right now, the game that is closer to the end
is U NBC and Kansas State. Kansas State as a
forte lead under three minutes to go there, that game

is of significance, and that total is of significance. The
lead there because I've bet Jesus our dear friend on
the show, well dear to me, Brady picks on him.
He has Kansas State minus nine and a half. So
this is a big one going on going on here
between Kansas State and U NBC. These last few possessions
are huge because if Kansas State can get a bucket here,

it really it really allows which they didn't. Uh it
really it was really gonna kind of open the gap
for you and UNBC to get desperate. But they can
still just keep driving the hole like they've been doing
and trying to get to the free throw line. So
my bed Jesus is in trouble right now, yeah, especially
after that last one. All right now it's a three
point lead, so we can wait bye bye to that.

Oh my gosh, a turnover. This is uh, this is
not working out well for live bed Jesus. But that's
a I can't stand UNBC, by the way, I can't
stand him this. This is like, this is the worst
basketball I've ever seen. Like what both teams have shot awful.
You've got a sixteen and a nine SEA, what do
you expect? Well, but the Kansas State's coaches out on
the court like literally trying to get them just to

run a basic pick and roll from the top. There's
one player isolated for U NBC driving the whole every time,
either getting found or making a layup. It's just it's
bizarre that this is what we're trying to see that
determine who potentially could be the best team in the
count I think it's important that in such a divisive
time in this country that we all rally together. I
know we argue about politics and all sorts of stuff,

but let's all rally together and let's support Kansas State
because one thing I think we can all agree on.
Nobody likes a nerd. Alright, nerds are They're horrible, horrible people,
and U NBC is the nerd of the tournament. They
don't belong. They gotta take a walk, man, you gotta
go somewhere else sorright, go to comic Yeah, I'm trying

not to go to Comic Con. Do whatever it is
you gotta do, hang out, hang out with your people,
because we do not accept nerds here in the n
c A tournament. All right, you gotta go. Terrible shot
five bit Jesus deserves to win now because UNBC just
threw up a brick from about thirty five feet out.
It's embarrassing. You know, my favorite thing is is when

the player then turns around your favorite thing. How about
how about a booze on St. Patty's Day? What's your
second favorite thing? That's one of them? Um, I'm just
I'm never a big fan of the guy, like acknowledging
to everyone in the world that that was your bad Like, yeah,
we know you just took a thirty five ft three
pointer and you didn't even hit the net. Like it's
no one else's fault. It's pretty much yours. Let's be honest, though,

Brady Quinn, You've also got a few things about behavior
on the corridor on the field. This is by the way,
this is gonna get tense. There's forty two seconds left
in order for live that Jeus to hit this. This
is another huge possession. So so Kansas State is up
by seven right now. Is what you're saying. And yeah,
and they just missed a bunny. This is where you
could clinch. Not that I care, but but a thirty

foot or would work, all right, if anybody's interested, Not
that I care, a third thirty ft or would work.
Or uh, if you want to miss the first first
free throw here, or make the first one miss the
second one, it bounces back and you just throw it
up in celebration and that goes in. Whatever the case,
maybe let's just see if we can get it. I'm
sick of live bed Jesus losing. This is the best
part about this time of year, though, That time about

the outcome of the game. It's about what live bed
Jesus bet is at this point, well, because the best
part is there's a guy at a sports book in
Las Vegas right now who's got his entire family fortune,
like whether or not his kids, seriously, whether or not
his kids are going to eat anything other than uncrustables
for the next six months. Is writing on whether or

not UMBC can make a shot towards the end, Like
that's really what we're talking about here, these degenerate flunkey gamblers.
The other the other opportunity is for me to just
ride live bed Jesus. Uh oh, I meant about the bet,
so we got to it is a nine point lead now, Um,
anybody wants to I think, think maybe somebody should foul him.

I think maybe a foul. You gotta call that, maybe
a foul. Anybody get a call a foul? Did they
call a foul? Okay, it's not that I care, like
this does nothing for me, whether or not, because right now,
Kansas State is up fifty to forty one. Live bet Jesus,
dear friend of the show. Um, with nine seconds left,
he has Kansas State minus nine and a half. So

it's not that I give it. I don't care about this.
I don't have a dog in the fight. Um, but
I would like to see a friend of our show
be successful with the way he's been treated on social media.
So listen, a couple of a couple of free throws
here and uh yes, here's yes. Try to make an
attempt to score a bucket at the end of this

or do they just let the clock run out because
they can't win. I'm telling you this right now, and
this is a warning right if you MBC backdoor covers this,
and I've bet Jesus gets screwed. I'm gonna need at
least three minutes before the end of this show because
I'm going to take I am going to take a
battle axe to this entire program. I want the universe

we shut down. They're taking a look at out of here.
Nobody knew the time. You've got people who are absolutely cold,
stiffest can be, been sitting on the bench the entire game,
and now they're all subbing in. Maybe they go down
and try to attempt to score a bucket, but they're
gonna be cold coming off the Ted Kennedy or not
Ted wrong? Right, No, wrong one, that's not the one,

not the one I met. I was gonna say, no, yeah,
I didn't miss that, all right, So so it all
comes down to this, all comes down to this. Here
as a Kansas State as at one lead, and he
spread his nine and a half or live at Jesus
with ironically almost nine and a half seconds left to
go in the game. So so that is where we're at.

Of course, why wouldn't you make that, you know, like,
just go ahead and put that one into everybody, let's
pile on. Of course he missed it. You're gonna lose
my half point so much fun every bunny bright, I
mean he'll take that. That's fine, So there it is
he gets that doesn't really matter. That was awful radio.
What we just did for the last five minutes totally

selfish on only matter to this show, but three weeks
in a rows been completely completely screwed, absolutely screwed. I
hate m the funniest thing. I hate you MBC with
a passion. I hate you MBC. Literally just been the

last five minutes praying for two cottage kids hit a
free throw. I hate just The worst part is like
for some of these kids never play ever again good
and this is their last membering moment history team who
was able to beat a number one seed. It's never
happened before. All we care about is whether or not

they could cover the spread. So bed Jesus wins. I
hate you MBS guts. Nobody can t up a thirty
foot or at the buzzer. Just help help help a
guy out, now, get out. He doesn't want any part
of this. I don't even want to. I don't even
know any part of this and I'm not even who's
doing that. Okay, now here it goes again. All right,

So now, no it's not double or nothing, but there
is something floating down to there's some floating down into
the studio here. It's gonna land on that. This is
again Live at Jesus is a character on the show
that makes actual picks. He's never made two appearances in
a show. This is stunning. He just got screwed in
this Kansas State game. There's a piece of paper floating

down into the desk. I don't know what this is.
I don't know the contents of it, but I will
open this up uh here on Fox Sports Radio. This
is huge, huge stuff going on here. Never has this
been happening before here, So here we go. Let me
open this up here on on Fox Sports Radio. I
have no idea, but this is from Live at Jesus.
The lights are out in the studio. Let me open
this up, all right, just so you know this is

on the up and up. Here we go f U NBC.
That's all it says. So so that that is the
the latest from Life at Jesus. As he was another
just a awful loss, Just what an awful, awful loss.

What a beautiful time of it? Hey, somebody, Hey, Somebody
tweet that dweeb who runs the u NBC Twitter account
and ask him sup sup you know that cool thing
that the nerds do on Twitter. Somebody sending that to
that guy, ask him where he's going next week. I'm

so pissed. Oh man, that's frustrating. All right, So, Brady
Quinn Jonas knocks here Fox Sport Trade. I don't know
what we accomplished during this segment, but that's the That
is how you break down one of the worst college
basketball games that's ever taken place in the history of
the sport. That was brutal. That game was absolutely dreadful
on so many levels. So there it is, all right, Um, Brady,

as we come to your live from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio studios, We've got to talk about something in
in football, something in the NFL, because I've noticed something
about two organizations. Um, two organizations in the NFL are
really really similar and they both are in a similar situation.
We will do that for you next year on FSR.
Do you wanta knocks Fox Sports Radio alongside Brady Quinn. Um. So,

we do have some NFL stuff we've got to get to,
but we need to uh to send our condolences. Actually,
we don't need to do that to U NBC who
is gone. So the loan remaining booker eater of the
tournament is gone. Bye bye, say say goodnight, nerds. You
are out of the tournament. Moving along now we get
to actual, real programs. And again this is nothing against

the team itself, nothing against the coaching staff, the players,
the alumni, the fans. I am happy for all you guys.
It would have been fantastic. Yeah, it's the guy running
their social media account. Who I will say this if
there is a mount rush more of nerds. That guy
makes up two of the four characters. Nerd just a nerd,

Like here'sn't like, here's the thing. That guy actually thinks
people on like he's part of the team, when when
the reality is he's hiding behind a Twitter account, Like
he thinks that these guys know who he is. Like
if he knocked on their door to come to their party,
you know what they'd say if you're not here to
drop off drinks? Take a walk? His his last partying tweet,

what a run? Excuse me? Hold on, there's all sorts
of activity. Now I get very active. You gotta get up,
you gotta get off that one. He goes, what a
run and what a career at U NBC for our seniors,
love y'all. That's actually the equipment guy, but it was
essentially the same thing. It was fun, y'all. Case State

may have one, but we hope to have won your hearts.
Do you hate him that much more? I just he's
a nerd. Like it's just like stuff like that, like
to where you try and make yourself the story, you
know what I mean, Like, let's let's go ahead, let's
take some inventory on life here, all right? You know,
were hiding behind a Twitter account of a team that
doesn't even know who you are. I'm telling you, man,

it's the equivalent. I know this from dressing up as
the rabbit at Chuck E Cheese. I didn't walk around
and brag about that when I wasn't working. I was
humiliated by having to do that. Okay, having I thought
you had a little extra wiggle in your step. You know,
that's only with the costume on. Man, it's like Superman,
like Batman. You put the costume on, you can do
weird stuff. You can climb buildings. There was something about
my hips when I put that costume on good god,

I was like a sink ships those too, even just
dissecting this this tweet, like what he says Case State
may have one and had to put the score like
does it matter at that point, like you're limited, doesn't
matter what the score is. Well, he was so technically
had to put it in there, and then that we

hope to have won your hearts. Yeah, why don't you
guess what's gonna happen. It's been a fun seventy two
hours of fame for this guy, and he's gonna go
back to normal life, which means on Monday, he's gonna
get shoved in a locker at school. That's gonna right,
That's what happens to people like that. Ohn grew up

getting participations. Yeah, of course, like like they actually like
when when they would be picking teams for basketball, um,
and they go around and they were doing five on
five when it came to the to the tenth player chosen, Uh,
somebody picked the bike at the nearest bike rack over him.
Like they'll just deal with that guy, but we don't
want this nerd on our team. You're kidding me. Wants

to get his sto, wants to get his booker eating
hands all over the ball. All right, en up with
that guy. Um, it's a rady Quinn Jonas knocks Fox
Sports Radio here. Uh do you want to let you
know though? As we uh segue from that to uh
to Hooters where you've got to get to Hooters to
try the new smoked wings. It's a whole new way
to crave wings. And with all the tap pace in
half the calories, you can eat twice as many at Hooters. Um.

All right, So Brady, you and I we love to
talk a little NFL, right, and I was noticing something
about this trade that went down. Okay, So the trade
goes down between the Jets and the Colts to where
the Jets move up to number three, the Colts drop
back pick up three extra picks, three in the second round,
two this year and another one next year. And so

we talked about just both sides of what it does
to the Jets. Obviously a move to take a quarterback
and all that. Do you think this puts more pressure
on Cleveland two that they have to take a quarterback
at one because there still could be some movement. Um,
But I would think that Cleveland now that they know
for sure at least one of the teams picking behind

them has taken a quarterback. Why would you risk it
and not try and grab the best guy available that
you have ranked on your board. Look, they wouldn't. And
that's why I feel like the whole narrative that um,
they're gonna take, say Kwan Barkley number one overall is
for all the people who unfortunately their job is to
write about different scenarios leading up to the draft, which is,

mind you still about a month and a half away,
that could occur, And the reality is, if you're Cleveland,
you can't afford risking not getting the quarterback of your choice.
Like it's it's kind of like dating, at least how
I would view dating, you know, maybe different for Bobo Bobo.

We'll get into that another story. But like you fall
in love with one, you're not falling in love with
all of them and saying, oh, we didn't get this guy,
but this guy could do. Like, that's not how it works.
Like typically you're either turned off or turned on by
Baker Mayfield's competitiveness and his demeanor and as a swagger right,

you're either turned on or off by Josh Allen's ability
and his big arm. You're either turned on or off
by Josh Rosen's technique and his fundamentals and how smart
he is when you get in there and talk to
him about the game of football, or Sam Dartald and
the fact that how young he is, but how promising
he seems to be, and looking the part and being
able to to look the part when he's throwing and
moving around and all that. So all those things become,

you know, part of that equation. And that's where I
think when you're looking at you know, the decision to
make you fall in love with one, you don't fall
in love with them all and and they can't afford
to risk and take uh a quarterback at four. If
they don't fall in love with one of number one, Now,
now here's the walk card. Maybe they don't like any
of them. Okay. I was talking with a formal general

manager when I was at the combine that you know.
He told me, he said, based on because every year
they do these grades on players, and he said last
year his evaluation to Shaun Watson and Patrick Mahomes was higher.
He had them graded higher than any of the quarterbacks
in this year's draft. And so if those classes. Who's
the guy you're talking to as a former GM. Just

give me his initials I want do You don't have
to say his name on the air. Just isn't it.
What does his first name ryan with We always do this, Um,
I'm not going to do this at but I'll assure
you this. Uh. He felt like those two guys were
better prospects than than what there are this year. So
maybe there's a chance that John Dorsey, the general manager
for the Browns, feels the same and maybe he would
take the best overall player one. But here's the problem.

I still don't know if you take a running back there,
I mean, it hasn't happened since Kajana Carter like back
in what and it just happened to be there, both
from Penn State. I just I can't imagine that that's
the direction you would go. You take Chub, you take
you know, a player that you feel like can have
an immediate impact on defense. Now that Joe Thomas isn't there,
that's another question mark. Like if you take a quarterback

a one, maybe a four, you're looking to take a tackle.
Maybe it's McGlinchey Orlando Brown out of Oklahoma, But like
one of those two guys you may be contemplating now
even though you signed Chris Hubbard and and you've got
you know, Sean Coleman and spent your Dronco. They've got
a number of guys they drafted. Maybe feel that spot
one day. But but do you see Cleveland though, like
they're gonna take a quarterback this draft, right they have to.

The contract with Salrod Taylor isn't one in which, you know,
one they're gonna be able to have him as their
franchise quarterback for the for the long term future. So
that's the other that's the other issue is you know,
it's kind of a one year, proven deal and that's
why they've got a draft one so they have that
and where those guys will compete in the best man
plays and and so that's why I say if just
based on years past, like the Jets and the Browns,

they got a lot in common because you know what
they've done the past, like four or five years, they've
gone cheap and on quarterback in the draft. They've always
waited like no matter what. And to me, if you've
been hearing about this quarterback draft class for two years
now and you've got first DIBs at it. Why would
you wait again? You've made that mistake so many times before.
That's why I think it's got to be the quarterback.

I'm just I'm wondering who it is, Like, like, are
you hearing anything or getting any indication from anybody that
they're leaning one way or another in any direction as
far as quarterback goes. I'm here in Darnald again, and
it's just because he seems to be he seems to
have the highest floor and in a high ceiling. Now
maybe not as high as Josh Allen, but I also

think Josh Allen's floor is a lot lower, meaning you know,
he could be a guy that doesn't ever really fully
get it and doesn't ever become as accurate as teams
are hoping he can become. Uh And Josh Rosen is
a guy who he he might be able to be
the best to play right away, but people are concerned
about his demeanor, how they will fit in the locker room,
or you know, his ability to stay healthy, which is

a legitimate concern if if you get drafted by a
team like the Jets, who don't necessarily have the best
offensive line, so there's a lot of things you got
to take into consideration. I think when you're taking these quarterbacks,
and for Cleveland, I think Sam Donald's probably the safest
bet for them, and you've got to take him a
number one. I just the only thing that you could
potentially do is you could take whoever you feel like

you want to take a number one overall, but then
you have to trade up from four to two. So
you have to be able to give up some of
those draft picks that you have, and and and move
up a couple of spots. And there's there's a chart
that all these general managers use. I'm not sure if
you've ever seen it before, but like, the first overall
pick in the first round is worth three thousand points.
And so if you're sitting at number four, right and

you're trying to move up then to number two to
make that sort of deal, the number four pick is
eight hundred points the number two pick, So there's eight
hundred point difference. So basically, what these general managers do
is they say, we're gonna take the value of these
other picks that we have and essentially add them up
and package them and then trade them to the other team.

And that's where most most teams say, yeah, we agree
that that's about the right compensation we should receive for this.
So it's kind of an old school way to do it.
Some teams still do it. Some have their own twist
on on the whole formula, but either way, that's kind
of how these these trades work out. I just love
the fact that the Giants and Jets are picking right
next to each other. Of all the years for the
draft to go back to New York, this would be

the year Giants and Jets, because what that's gonna It's
gonna be a narrative for whoever gets taken two and
three in the draft, if it's if the order stays
as is, it's gonna be a narrative for the rest
of their careers because the guy that went ahead of
you or behind you is playing across town. Like that's like,
that's that's the fun part about this. Man. I still think,
like technically the same stadium, but yeah, well yeah, like

do you think that, um whatever, who cares? Do you
think do you think that, uh, that there's gonna be
more movie because Buffalo already made one move and I
wouldn't like I know that people were saying they're going
to really try to get back in to the top five.
So what's that going to take? Because if it took
I mean, if it took you know, three number two's

additionally to move up three spots, what's Buffalogan have to do.
They're picking a twelve now to try and get in
the top five for a quarterback or maybe move to
two for the Giants. Like what's that going to take? Like,
what's asking that? It's difference. Okay, So then you're looking
at came up with this point chart for this draft,
like it's how it works out for these general managers.

So then you have to look at how the other
picks correlate. So they have the fifty three and six
pick in the second round, so they could package those
two together, right, um, and right there would make you
make up about seven points, you know, of that gap
of fourteen. So you're you're gonna have You're gonna have
a number of other picks that are taken into consideration. Now, uh,

you know, if you're looking at it's gonna be probably
the other two second round picks they have and then
one of the third round picks. Now they could also
use future picks to um, but again, it all depends,
but that's essentially what it would be. It eat up
their second round picks, they'd move up to two. They'd
have their first round pick. Um. And don't let's not
forget too, they have the twenty one and twenty second
or they had the twenty second, so to move up

to twelve. Um. They already gave up compensation for one
of those it with Corty Glenn, so they could still
technically work it out where they give up you know,
their their other first round pick, they take a second
round pick out of it and in the third round
this year, and that would basically get them up to
number two. God, how many quarterbacks are going top ten,
top ten? I mean you might see four go top five, man,

I mean think about it. It could like I could
see it honestly going like this, Donald one, the Bills
trading up to two and taking Josh Allen. The Jets
are sitting there at three, they take Josh Rosen. You see,
the Browns take best available in that case, probably Bradley
Chub And then at number five there's the Denver Broncos
and they're sitting there looking at Baker Mayfield watched in
the Senior Bowl. They went to his pro day. Something

about that swagger. I think his skill set again a
little bit similar to case Keenum as far as you know,
the mobility, shorter quarterback. Um, it would just it would
make sense. And so there you have. There's a four
first round picks in the top five. Now it may
not work out that way, um, because Arizona wants to
be in the in the business for a quarterback, and
we get we had a month and a half. Man,
this this whole draft order could change, like all of

this stuff could change something between now and there. But
it's gonna be fantasm. I'm looking I'm looking forward to
this draft as much as any other draft. Like. Ah,
that was the most serious segment we've had the entire
show so far, and it was a on the A yeah,
that was the yeah, and I'm gonna you know, I'm
gonna take I'm gonna blame Marik Robberts are our executive producer.

He wanted us to go in that direction. For your
lack of having a bracket. If you want to update
people again on why you're not in I believe there
was a headline about that. Actually yeah, okay, yeah, alright,
we will. We will update people as to what happened.
There was major controversy on the show, all right, so
we so we will update people. But before we do that,
that's Brady quent I'm Jonas knocks is Is Fox Sports

Radio from the Getico Fox Sports Radio studio. Steve de
Seger has all the latest on a very busy n
c a A tournament Sunday. Still have two games going
on right now before the second round of Attorney closes.
Top seed in its region Xavier, with eleven minutes to
go now leads fifty four forty four over Florida State,
and in the late game in San Diego late first
half West Virginia now up thirty four one against Marshall.

The winner of that one faces top seeded Villanova Friday
in the sweet sixteen. The East Region Perdue eliminated Butler
seventy seventy three. Clemson dominated Auburn tonight three. Kansas State
has eliminated u MBC fifty to forty three, Maryland Baltimore
County shott from the floor with seventeen turnovers. North Carolina

out lost in Charlotte today eighty six to sixty five
to Texas A and m Michigan State is out. It
lost in Detroit to Syracuse fifty five fifty three, so
Syracuse will face Duke on Friday night in Sweet sixteen,
and Cincinnati, a two seed in its regions, somehow lost
even though it led by twenty two points against Nevada
with eleven minutes to go. It's the largest second half

comeback in the history of the tournament. Nevada wins the game.
Seventy five seventy three. Four NBA contests about to start
the late game, the Clippers hosting a Portland team that's
won twelve in a row. Houston won again one twenty
at Minnesota. Houston has won twenty two of its last
twenty three games. Toronto and Boston each lost. Celtics still
five games back of the Raptors for the number one

seed in the East. NASCAR win for Martin Truex junior
Rory McElroy, the golf winner in Orlando by three strokes
after a final round sixty four. Tiger Woods tie it
for fifth eight shots. Back Woods during the first round
this weekend, became the eight to one favorite to win
the Masters next month. Back to you, thanks Steve Jonas
Knox Brady Quinn here Fox Sports Radios. We come to
be alive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. There's

a quick way you could save money. Switched to Geico.
Go to Geigo dot com and in fifteen minutes you
could say fifteen per center more on car insurance. We
will have another edition of over unders coming up here
in just a second. Um, So, Brady Quinn and I
invited everybody politely to a bracket challenge. We wanted everybody
to be a part of it. Our n C A
tournament bracket challenge. Um, this is uh, this is Brady

Quinn inviting everyone to the bracket challenge. A lot of
people said you were arrogant in the way you did it,
very cocky. I don't believe so. I mean, I'm the
only one apparently to invite us, you know, because because
you didn't fill out of problem. So, I mean, you
were talked a lot of trash, but you didn't even
really back it up since you because I I didn't
talk tress, I choose not to talk trash. Here's Brady Quinn.
I I was offended by this. Yeah. Again, I don't

want to make this sound like we're being cocky. We're
called it in and I don't think that's a bad thing,
but again, just don't get your hopes up right, like
I don't want you to, you know, kind of fall
in some sort of state of depression because you find
out once we get into the first second round of
the tournament that you're just inferior to Jonas and I
as far as picking college basketball games. That's that's all
I'm trying to say. I'm that does not sound like me.

I don't know what you guys did in the past
week to distort my voice and piece together little bits
here and there that makes it seem like I was
saying that. Um, I'm just I'm just being honest. It
does not sound like me. I don't know where you
got that sound. I believe we have further evidence of
Brady running his mouth again. I tried to be very,
very polite and very inviting to people listening to be

a part of this. So here's more, try and beat
Brady and myself. Go to at the Jonas Knocks on
Twitter and you can sign up for free in our
bracket challenge. And that's the biggest thing. It's free. I mean,
think about it. It's free. So if you want to
come and get a free beat down, feel free to
sign up in our bracket. I'm believe them, man. You
can clearly see I am polite, I am warm and inviting,

and Brady Quinn is he's just violent, man, Like everything's violent.
It's almost like someone tried to like paint me out
to be the bad guy in this whole deal when
you should be pointing the figure elsewhere, Jonas, because I
had nothing to do with you not getting your bracket in.
I can't speak for all parties that are in the studio,
Eric Roberts and Bobo speaking to you guys, but uh,

look again, you were helpful of helping me figure out
where I needed to go and signing on the link
and all that. Um. But again I can't speak for
what else took place why your bracketing get put in
a right fair enough, But but there is something that
we can all agree on that stinks. Yes, yes, they
do go away get out of our faces. But they did,

by the way, they did get everybody free Little Caesar's Pizza.
So that's good. Like Little Caesar the worst chain pizza
there is also there goes Brady, everybody, this is what
you get when Brady just fifteen shots at Jamison the
day before Patty's Day, that this is what you get.
He just wiped it. First of all, you've been criticizing
UMBC the entire show. You've been criticised and the person

running their social media. You're ripped everybody for joining Huge,
and now you're ripping Little Caesars. I mean, good god man,
what's wrong with you. Let's be honest. If you're going
to create a hierarchy of the chain pizza, Little Caesar
is probably number four. Who's number Domino's, Papa John somewhere
those three, it's onsane Pizza Hut over Dominoes. No, I'm
not saying in that order. You can mix those three

up whatevery way you want. It doesn't matter. Little Caesars
is by far and away number four. The best pizza
in the country is in the had O five, Ventura County.
It's called Toppers. Next time you're here about your mom
and pop. Listen, next time you're out here, you let
Daddy take you and the wife to Toppers and we'll
shred about fifteen pitchers. Because I know you can't do
anything without drinking on the weekends. I see your behavior.

Now you and I, you and I all shred beers
and we good pizza. What do you say make you
sound like a darrel? Like like like I'm not even
capable of being a father. That's like, could you imagine
if I actually went on the air and said that
you're a terrible father like that guy would never feel
To be honest, it's not true. You're a good person,
you're good per You're really really a good person, but

you're awful at this time. To put your money where
your mouth is, you know you are lying low life
family the jon it's over under Yeah. Some competitive gambling
we do every week on the show, and for that
we turn it over to our executive producer, Eric Roberts,
who's been known to cheat. Eric, what do we got

if Jonas is coming after me? Now I'm I'm no
longer safe on this show. I mean Brady, and now
I'm gonna incuse of Jonas. Brackett. You're always sidy with Jonas.
Don't even try to play like you're in part. I mean.
As far as who pulled the Brady quotes from last week,
I don't know. It might have been Bree, might have
been me. We'll We'll find that out later. But real quick, guys,
last week's over and unders, you both pushed three and two.

Who looks at Jonas. Jonas did get a son's pick
correct though over under fifty and a half. Um, yeah,
he took. He took the under. We set the under
fifty and a half and they won by fifteen. I've
never won a son's bed. That's amazing. Now you have.
You're like the UNBC of there by the way, there's
people tweeting us. You're being mean to U. NBC. Good.

If you, guys can't handle a little bit of sarcasm
on a Sunday night, this is probably not the show
for you. That just to just to notice everybody out there.
If you are sensitive and you can't add a little
bit of sarcasm, you should probably go find another show. Wait,
I take that back. We need the ratings al right,
guys before so we's get going here for this week. Um,
right now, Florida State versus Xavier. The line is over

under one forty nine and a half total nine and
a half. Let's see that. How much time? Nine minutes
left in the second half? So nine is that seven? Sorry? Um?
How much Eric? I'm sorry, there's just the under nine

minutes left in the second half and it's oh man,
did you say it's one and a half. Okay, I
don't know where I came up with. That's me just
yelling stuff. Um, I'm gonna take the under because well,
I don't know. I'm just gonna take the under. I

don't know. Well, yeah, it's just it takes a lot
out of you. But I mean not me, but like
other people that do it, it takes a lot. Um,
I'm gonna take the over alright, A little different alright.
So the other game going on tonight, guys, Portland's n
l A against the Clippers over under twenty nine and

a half points for Damian Lillard. What do you mean
the other game? There's there's there's Marcia West, Virginia Clippers, Clippers,
Clippers Blazer. Well, I mean basketball. I mean guess that's
basketball too. Yeah, I know, I know, I know in
the NBA. Better. Sure's just bully Damian Alard over under

and a half points guys against Clippers tonight. I'm gonna
take the over all right, because Dame Lillard has been
on fire. Reasonly, I say, I can't even I can't
even agree with Jonas and not laugh only because every
time I do, he questions me, and it's like I
have to justify why I agree, and I can't have

the same exact reason. But I also I'm gonna I'm
gonna go with Jonas on this. Why is that Brady
seeing up the segment? Bobo is getting stressed out? Is okay?
Same games? He's already looking up Hawaii Brothels, Same game,
guys to eighteen and a half total points for the

two teams. Oh, Portland's did play last night at home
to eighteen and a half. Yeah, I know, I know
where Eric Roberts is leaning right now, and I think
I'm leading with him. I'm just helping. I'm just I'm
helping you guys. Under Yeah, give me that over. That's
a strong over, guy, that's a strong our Weekly Soun's pick.

Here we go, Come on man. Margin of victory fifteen
and a half against the Cavaliers on Friday night in Cleveland.
More than a victory by Cleveland. It's just margin of victory,
guys over the caves and the over on that one.
Give me the under, all right, give me the under.
But can we do something here, like, can this be

the last time we picked the Sun's man like that,
I wake up in cold sweats. You yourself, but I
just I wake up in cold sweats thinking about that
that Son's guerrilla jumping off the trampoline, like I freak out,
like Dan Marley pops in my head. I don't need
that aggravation. Man. I'm tired of losing Sun's bets. I'm
sick of it. Joe Klein all the Sun's grades from

years past. Are we still on the air? Are you
just saying I don't know? Final one? Final one? Alright?
Syracuse advanced the Sweet sixteen Today. Fox Sports radio host
Jason Smith, Syracuse alum over under twenty and a half
mentions of Syracuse or ques on his Twitter timeline between

now and the end of his show tomorrow. Oh god over,
oh oh come on man, And like I'll tell you
what if it was five hundred with all the with
all the all the media members that went to Syracuse,
It's unbelievable. Syracuse is just like that's like the medium
member capital of the country. So you can tell when
Syracuse is good because they all pop up. Everybody everybody
who's got a hosting Gigger they're all peacocking. They're all

just peacocking again. I don't I don't know why the
dirty jokes have to fly in the last hour. I
don't get it. That's not a dirty joke. Um cocking around.
I would take I agree with the peacocking stuff. I'm
gonna take the the over on Jason Smith say it
was that six twenty and a half mentions of Q.
I'm gonna take the under just under the I'm kind

of with Jonas. It's there's gonna be a lot said,
but just under that's kind of a lot. Yeah, all right,
there we go. That's that's how that. That was well done, Brady,
well done. And we've got to We've got one more
segment to go, and this is an important one. That
guy's Brady quint I'm Jonas Knocks. Is is Fox Sports
Radio coming up next? Um, We've got an NFL story
for you, alright, an NFL story that involves a broken heart.

Find out what we're talking about next on FS are
is the Stone Tumble pilots. Uh, Jonas knocks Brady Quinn
Fox Sports Radio. Um, all right, so this is Fox
Sports Radio coming up here in just a minute. There's
a story about a broken heart in the NFL, some
very strange behavior. We will have that for you here.

Uh do you want to let you know? Stick around?
Ten minutes from now, Chris Plank Arnie Spaniard will be
on the air. UM. Good news and bad news. Um.
The bad news is Chris Plank and Arnie Spaniard are
not in the same studio. The good news is Chris
Plank is in this studio and Arnie Spaniard is not.

That's that's the good news. So we all win here.
We do not have to be harassed by Arnie Spaniers.
So he can check in forty five minutes before the
show each week and go hey, hey, hey, down the
line and it freaks everybody else behind the scene and
they get mad at you if you don't respond like
he's he will. He's going to be. He's a Hall
of famer. He's been doing this longer than anybody, and

he's fantastic. He's a legitimate Hall of famer. And he's
still forty five minutes before every show. If you do
not say hi within five seconds back, he freaks out.
I don't get it. That's what great. It's a routine,
all right. He understands this process. He knows exactly what
he needs to do to get himself mentally ready. Yeah.
I respect that man. Yeah. And plus I can't wait

to hear Artie Spanier because he has not let the
Arizona loss go. He is on red ass alert folks. Yeah,
apparently a hundred grand doesn't buy it much. Huh. That's
a again, that's a just a reckless attack at the
University of Arizona. Um. No, no, no, no, there was
like to refer to something else. Yeah, you're right, that
is fair enough. Alright, So we do have great news.

There's a quick way. You could say money switched the
guy who go to guy dot com in a fifteen minutes,
you could say fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
What the hell is Richard Sherman doing? Man? Like, now
he's going on talking about Pete Carroll and you know,
the story's got old and and all this other stuff,
like does he just have a broken heart? Is he
just that? Well, come on, can we do the segment
at least? Well, look, there's a lot made of the contract,

So I'll start by just saying this, none of him
matters what people think of his contract. As long as
he's happy with what he has and he's glad he's there. Um,
that's all that matters, because, look, is it a good contract?
In my opinion, no, it's not that. I think he
would have been able to use an agent to negotiate
better for him, and he probably should have been more
patient and try to utilize some of the leverage with

other visits like Detroit. But either way, none of that matters.
In regards to like his comments about Pete Carroll, I
think something maybe true. Man Like, if you think about
the dynamics of the culture in college, it's much easier
to maintain that because you're able to kind of keep

telling the same stories over over in the three or
four year period because you've got that sort of turnover.
Right in the NFL, I mean, there's a lot of
turnover on your roster, but for some of those guys
who end up being there for five, six, seven, eight, nine,
ten years, it gets old after a while. And and
and maybe it's those guys you have to find different,
unique ways of pushing them to get the most out

of it. So maybe he's on a something. Isn't that
normal though? Man like? Like like, isn't that like that happens,
like like you're on a team and you hear some
of the same stories from a coach. Does that mean
you just all of a sudden trash and when you leave.
I don't think he was trashing him. I think when
he was saying, like, look, I think they're having a
harder time evaluating talent and and older players and all that.
I think there there is some degree to that, right,

Like a team like the Bengals can let go of
Andrew Whitworth and then he can go to a team
like the Rams and still play at a really really
high level of mid thirties. I mean, there's no perfect
formula for evaluating how a player responds to an injury
or how he's gonna be when he gets thirty towards
the end of his career. So all those things, I
think it's tough for everyone to figure out. And maybe
that's something that he's trying to point out, is that

they haven't done a good enough job of evaluating some
the younger talent coming behind them. But maybe he was
some of their veteran players too. Alright, So well, listen, whatever, bro, whatever,
I I we get it. Richard, thanks for popping on
the last time. I could have used you earlier in
the show. I know that clearly. All right, Brady, what
what do you got? Lighted up this week? And he

had his special announcements anything coming up, you're gonna be
appearing anywhere, and got any anything happening this week? This
is the downtime. This is the downtime for me. This
time just just some radio here and there, you know,
doing that kind of stuff, but really just trying to
figure out if we can put together a plan for
Live Bead. Jesus, he's he's now lost a couple of
weeks in a row. This guy's struggling. I just want
to make sure he doesn't all of a sudden start

betting the elbow and get into a dark place. One
of these days, he's going to walk in studio and
just to get even, he's going to pull out his

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