All Episodes

January 19, 2025 119 mins

Mark Willard and Ephraim Salaam react to a nail biter with the Bills outlasting the Ravens within the final minutes of the game. Mark and Ephraim also rant about Patrick Mahomes sliding and flopping in the frustrating playoff game against the Texans. Plus, the guys talk more on the Dodgers taking over the MLB, rest of the Divisional fallout, and more!!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
I'd say there were five teams left. It feels like
four and a half because down double digits on the
road at frigid Buffalo, Lamar Jackson has a challenge in
front of him.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
We're gonna dive in as.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
We picked this up right in the middle of halftime
here on Fox Sports Radio and cover the rest as
well as the rest of Championships. Sunday is all set.
We're broadcasting live from the ti rag dot com studios.
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over ten thousand recommended installers. Tie rag dot com the
way tire buying should be. Hello, Ephim. I always get
just a little bit sad right about this time of year.
We have three and a half football games left.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
That's all right, man, that's it man. That a good year.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Yeah, we had a great year. We had a great
year and it's not done yet. What do you what
do you think You ever watch one of those events
where you kind of have a weird feeling in your gut,
like I don't like what's about to happen, and I
don't really have a rooting interest in this game tonight.
I like both of these teams. I want whoever's going
to beat the Chiefs next weekend to win and so

but I have this feeling in my gut and I
have all week because I like both of these quarterbacks.
I think they were the two best players in the
league this year, and whichever one loses is going to
face what I think is probably an unfair narrative when
this game is over.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Yeah, you're one correct about that, And as it stands now,
it looks like that narrative that's going to be unfair
shifting towards Lamar Jackson. Lamar Jackson again the Baltimore Ravens,
and those are due to his own mistakes. Now, the

drop pass is okay, but what you can't do is
you can't turn the ball over in these games. Correct, correct,
and you personally can't make a bad play worse right,
snap hard to manage. You try to scramble through off
the timing. Okay, sometimes you just got to eat it.

Sometimes you just got to eat it. What you can't
do is then give them the ball big return set
them up to score points. So now you're on the road,
inclement weather and you have, you know, Mount Everest to climb.
You only get so many possessions, and if you gift,

if you gift another team that's comparable to you, two
extra possessions per the game, most likely you're going to
lose unless you can get them back. And that's what
it balls down to in games like this, with this
level of talent, especially a quarterback, it matters about the possessions.

How many possessions can you get, how many can you take?
All of those things? And so it's one of those
situations where one team showed up ready to go. Now
we thought it was gonna be different. At opening drive,
it was amazing, it was brilliant, and then the wheels
fell off. You gotta stay ready. You can come ready,

but you gotta stay ready. It's the playoffs. And now psychologically,
does that old narrative start creeping in? Right, can't win
the big games, can't win the playoffs, so on and
so forth.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
Now you start thinking about all of that.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
It's cold out there, you're on the bench, you got
the jacket on, trying to figure out what's going on?

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Am I pushing? Do I push?

Speaker 1 (03:51):

Speaker 4 (03:51):
Like, all of these things happen that we don't as
as fans. We don't see Lamar Jackson is having a
conversation with himself. M hm. So now do you start
to press do you start to really? I gotta make
up for it. And once you're now in that state

of mind, that mind frame, more mistakes start to happen,
tend to happen. I can tell you that well.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
And I would say that I don't want to lead
like you know, overstate this right now, but Buffalo is
going to get the ball first here in the second half,
and they already lead by eleven points. And so this
drive that, yeah, this drive that's about to come here
for Josh Allen might be one of the largest drives

of Lamar Jackson's career.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
And he has a front row seat to watch it.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
And there's not a damn thing he can do about
it because in this kind of weather, I mean, an
eighteen point deficit right when what you do best is
run ball, and the options between him and Derrick Henry
that have been so unstoppable, and it's off of those
that the great passing downfield sort of comes from that.

Like I just I don't know if I see it.
I mean, there have been eleven completions in this game.
If from eleven there have been eleven completions total in
this game. What kind of ability does a team have
to come back down three scores?

Speaker 4 (05:28):
Very limited unless unless you can do what we just
talked about, and that is get extra possessions. And that
is get extra possessions. That is, you know, find out
a way to get the ball back when you're not

scheduled to right come out the second half and get
a turnover. Quick set your offense up, like that's how
you that's how you got to start thinking. And you know,
Josh Allen, the Buffalo Bills, they're in full control. They're

in full control, yep. And now open up the running game.
Take some of that pressure. You don't have to be spectacular.
She's gotta be good. On the flip side, Lamar has
to be spectacular. It's a lot to ask on the
road in this type of conditions, it's a lot.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Both teams are averaging about four and a half yards
to carry, so they're able to kind of keep the
clock moving and keep the chains moving, and so yeah,
I think this all sets up to be really, really challenging,
and the Ravens defense better have a really good answer
coming out here in the second half to not only

prevent the Bills from at least prevent them from scoring
a touchdown if you keep them to a field goal, maybe,
but all like even better if the Baltimore defense could
force a three and out right here to keep it
an eleven and create good field position for Lamar. I
don't know, man, this feels like one of the bigger
drives of the NFL season that we're about to watch.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
Well, yeah, because these are two MVP candidates, and of
course that that award has already been voted for.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
But I told you last week who everyone is This game,
in my mind is the league MVP.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
Okay, can't argue with it. No, I mean can't argue
with it.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
In quite frankly, whatever answer anybody comes up with is like,
no one's gonna scream or yell or or from the
rooftops about Lamar or Josh. I personally would have voted
for Lamar if I had a vote. I don't have
a vote, so whatever. But you know, like I said
to me, these are the two best players in the
football league this year. How do we get a vote?

That's what I want to know. This is good question.
Probably could call Steve Hartman. He knows all about those
Ar vote. Tell everybody what kind of vote he's got.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
You know this that the other I don't know. I
don't know what would you vote for if you had one?

Speaker 3 (08:06):
I'll tell you after this game.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
Okay, But what if you had to vote last weekend?
What would you have done?

Speaker 4 (08:17):
Just on the sheer nature of the historic passing rating
Lamar Jackson had in the numbers he put up, it
would have I mean, I think he had the third
highest passing rating to finish that a regular season ever
in the history of ever. Yep, and the other two
when they did it won the MVP. I mean, there

you have it.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
Yeah, you have it. So yeah, yeah, and I you know, look,
I get it. Halfway through the year it was definitely Josh,
but Baltimore straightened things out and got better and came
back and won the division. And if you really do
if you care about numbers, and you don't have to,
but if you want to put them next to each other,

there's not a whole lot of an argument for Josh.
If you're just looking at numbers, there's not much of
an argument for Josh.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
But if you watch football.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
You can see, as we've said all year, to me,
there are two NFL teams that would go from elite
to literally just whatever, like just a team. You know,
they call them Jags when it's just a guy. These
would be These would be Jats. They're just a team.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
If you take.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson off of their team. I
don't even feel that way about Patrick Mahomes. Obviously, they
all teams would be lesser if you lose your starting quarterback.
But to me, there's only two teams where the entire
engine is the qbbing.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
We're watching both of them play each other right now.

Speaker 4 (09:53):
Yeah, you know, man, I have something to say and
we talk about on the other side of break. Yeah,
I really want to get into these these games. So
we had two games today and the weather's been, you
know what the weather's been.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
And I don't know, you got something to say about
the weather? I do, Okay, I actually do too, And
I wonder for having the same thought we might have
the same We might be having the exact same thoughts.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
They do.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
And I don't know if I am one but you
we'll find out because you and I based on talking
this out throughout the year, we might be having the
same thought. There's only one way to find out. We'll
do that coming up next. I also want to throw
a question at you, which is, which of these two
teams do you think would have a better shot at
Arrowhead next week? And then also coming up, we have

to speak to what the entire world, at least in
social media circles is talking about right now, which is
those damn Chiefs and those damn refs. Okay, so we're
gonna get to all of it. Good evening, Let's watch
the second half together. Let's have some fun. That's e
from Salama Mark Willard's Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (11:11):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
Okay, these arethe tie rack dot com studios. Baltimore got
just what the doctor ordered out of the gate in
that second half, Like we discussed a three and out,
a good punt return, and now at third and five conversion,
they're already into Buffalo territory.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
So we'll keep an eye on that.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
With that as the backdrop, mister Ephram Salam, what is
your weather related thought.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
You're clearly champion at the bit to say it.

Speaker 3 (11:49):
I don't know. Matter of fact, I do know. I'm not.

Speaker 4 (11:57):
Entertained by these inclement weather games in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Ooh, good thought.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
We were just having this chat around my living room earlier.
It kind of zaps the energy out of the game.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
I agree with you.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
As a fan, yes, yes, the dynamic play is gone.

Speaker 4 (12:13):
As a fan, it now becomes pedestrian. And I get it.
The fans of the winning teams are like yes. But
as a fan visually, when you get to the playoffs,
especially the divisional round, you want all the bells and whistles.

Speaker 3 (12:34):

Speaker 4 (12:34):
You want to be able to turn it up. You
want the greatness of the quarterbacks and the running. You
want all of that on and then receivers all that
on display. And I think we got robbed earlier in
that Philadelphia game. And look, I get it. There are

people out there saying, well, that's the game. That's why
I understand that. I get it. Just visually, i'd love
to see see teams go at it right like that
Detroit Washington game yesterday. Yes, sir, Musty TV, Musty TV.

If that's outside in Detroit. We don't get that game.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
That's not the same.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
You get what I'm saying, right, So don't we don't
get that game.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
I'm with you, But what on earth would be the
fix to this? What are you proposing?

Speaker 4 (13:35):
Oh well, if there's no fix to it, there is
no fix to it. Buffalo's has a new stadium going up,
it's still outside, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
So this is just what it is.

Speaker 4 (13:50):
And the crazy part is they're like, whoa, you know,
it's a home that the home teams don't like to
play in the cole They don't, of course they know
how they don't like to. You think Josh Allen wants
it to be ten degrees and snowing.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
He's from California.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
No, he liked to be inside so he can sling
that thing all over the all over the field.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
And put up these numbers he's been putting up all year.
That's my take on it.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Weather or cold weather, games like this, they leave a
lot to be desired.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
Well, I mean, just from the standpoint. And even though yes,
I'm sure there are plenty of people listening right now
that are thinking to themselves, will hold on them and
this is a soft take.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
No, it's not. I played in these games.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Well, I know it's not.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
I know it's been there take, but let me let
me let me give a fact that I think nobody
could argue with. If the idea, if what you enjoy
doing is sitting down and watching the best athletes in
the world go at it, then why would you have
them in tennis shoes on ice rinks. They're no longer

the best athletes in the world. They're running around trying to.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
Not fall over, and nobody wants to see that.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
No, nobody wants to see them.

Speaker 4 (15:08):
Imagine how good that one score Rams Philly game could
have been. Oh, my goodness, and it just you know,
I've been Look, I've been in these games. I know
what these games are. I've been in them. I've played

in them. The players don't like to play in them.
Whether I was at Denver we had snow flurries all
the time, home team, nobody's excited. Nobody's excited, right, So
that's my take. I think there's especially when you get

to this round and then the NFC Championship, like, no
are in the AFC Championship game, Like what.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
Do we do?

Speaker 4 (15:57):
We really want to do the fans just want to
be out in the snow. And I know they're like, yeah,
that's what we do. They don't, they don't, they really do.
That's three hours and unbearable conditions, and I get it.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
Oh yeah, this is what we do, is it?

Speaker 1 (16:13):

Speaker 3 (16:13):
No, no, no, no, you can say all that you.

Speaker 4 (16:17):
I know, I've been in Green Bay in January and
in December, and I've seen those fans trying to hustle
up out of there and get warm.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
It's tough living.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
It's dude, it's miserable.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
And I say this, and you call me a South
Californian if you want. It's not even snow. But do
you remember the Thursday night game this year between the
Rams and the forty nine ers. Yeah, and nobody used
the end zones. They were pointless. Whoever painted those things
wasted a bunch of stuff because the final score was
twelve to six. It was four field goals to two

field goals, and it was pouring the whole time. And
the quarterback really could not I mean they couldn't. They
couldn't throw the ball the way you like to see
the ball thrown. It was miserable. It was miserable as
the fan experience was awful, So I'm I. Look, I'm

with you. Obviously there's no fix unless we want to
just put a retractable dome on every single stadium in America.
You know we could do that. Don't tell me there
isn't the money to do it. But I get that
some of the romance and the majesty goes away. Here's
what I was thinking. It's an extension. It's not the
same thought, but it's an extension.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Of your thought.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
You and I have talked all year about wide receivers,
and we've talked about how the market, if it hasn't already,
it should have burst. Because early earlier today, who won
the football game? Go ahead, give me the name. Who
won the game earlier today? His name was Say.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
His name was say Kwarnlee Barkley.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
Say be mistaken for Charles Barkley, right, se Kwan Barkley.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
Meantime, the Bills have what is now an eight point
lead in the third quarter. Nice field goal from Justin Tucker,
so we got a one score game. Josh Allen, mister
potential MVP, has attempted count them up nine throws.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
Nobody want to see that nine Nobody wants to see that.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
But here's my point. I hadn't even been thinking about this.
With all of the points you and I made about
wide receivers this year, Look what happens when we get
to January. They're even more yes, useless.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
A J.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
Brown two catches for fourteen yards and a couple drops.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
How you doing?

Speaker 2 (18:46):
Puka Nakua, who I never see do this is having
ball's bounce off of his shoulder pad and his face mask.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Where's Baltimore's leading receiver?

Speaker 2 (18:56):
He not even here? Xavier Worthy five catches forty four yards?
Are you awake? Nico Collins great player? Five for eighty
one whatever? And then who are the only two that
put up numbers? Terry mcclaurin eighty seven yards in a
score I'm on Ross, Saint Brown Buck thirty seven yesterday?

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Why they were inside indoors.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
So when we get to January and you've spent thirty
five million a year on a pointless aspect of your offense,
I ask again, what are you investing in? This is

the rubbers meeting the route it is and Kansas City
will host one of these teams next week.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
Philadelphia will host Washington.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
It is likely to be very cold in both environments,
and right now, I make anyone who want to bet
that next weekend we have zero one hundred yard receivers.

Speaker 3 (20:04):
Not that's a good bet, that's a good bet.

Speaker 2 (20:09):
Yeah, we're not gonna have one. We're not gonna have one.

Speaker 4 (20:13):
And it's easy to be like, well you know that. No, No,
nobody wants to see that. Why you think the Super
Bowls have played. They're not played outside of the door
places where right, Look, if the fans are so into
the weather aspect of it, then cover the field and
let them be outside.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
That's good idea, since that's all part of it.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
Cover the field, put a canopy up, cover.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
The field, let them experience all the elements they want.
But at least, I mean, we couldn't even see the field.
You couldn't even see the field, and it just took
you out of what was a really good game and
could have been un believable as a fan at this level,

I want unbelievable. You've paid for the Sunday ticket, You've
done all of this. You may have gone to some games,
right I want unbelievable. Right now, if you're at the game,
you want to be wold like I want to be like,
oh did you see that?

Speaker 3 (21:25):
Oh man?

Speaker 4 (21:28):
Like for us, if it was just you and I
talking at a certain point, people would be like, where's
the wow factor?

Speaker 3 (21:36):
That's why thirty after every time we do this.

Speaker 4 (21:41):
Show, every hour, we introduce the wow factor, and that
is Stephen Wow this acre.

Speaker 6 (21:51):
Thank you gentlemen, and hello. And I'll go a step
further on the weather, because do you recall a decade
ago when there was a Super Bowl outdoors in New Jersey. Yes,
and of course the owners voted for that, and not
one of them was going to be sitting outdoors during
the game, all clubs and that kind of thing, indoors
watching people in what turned out to be forty nine degrees,

one of the coldest Super Bowls. The massive storm hit
the next day. They dodged it by accident. It would
have been something like we see today, except in a
Super Bowl game a decade ago. No thank you, by
the way. At Kansas City for the AFC Title Game
next weekend, low thirties is the current forecast, and for Philadelphia,

no snow in the coming week. For the NFC Championship
next weekend, forty three degrees and cloudy is the current
forecast for Philly and Yes, the Eagles eliminated the Rams
twenty eight to twenty two in a divisional playoff today
as Saquon Barkley, who ran through and passed the Rams
in their regular season matchup in great conditions in La,
did similar things in the snow today. Twenty six carries,

two hundred five yards, two touchdowns. Those were on runs
of sixty two and seventy eight yards. Jalen Hurts had
an early forty four yard touchdown run. He finished with
seven carries seventy yards. You mentioned aj Brown with only
two catches that was on seven targets and for the
Rams puk Nakua for his six catches today that was
on fourteen targets. Matthew Stafford had over three hundred yards

passing two touchdowns, but was sacked five times. Jalen Hurts,
battling a bad knee during the game, was sacked seven times.
But the Rams are out and we'll have an NFC
championship game on Fox TV of Washington at Philadelphia next Sunday,
three pm Eastern time. They split their two regular season meetings.
Got to mention that the Rams today fumbled on back

to back possessions in the fourth quarter, and Philadelphia turned
them both into field goals and won by six. At Buffalo.
Right now, it is the Bills twenty one to thirteen
over the Baltimore Ravens. Josh Allen with two short touchdown
runs in the second quarter, one of those war yarder
with under twenty seconds left in the first half. Alan

has eighty seven yards passing. He's up to ten of
fourteen through the air. Nobody with even forty yards rushing
on the Buffalo side. Nobody with even forty yards rushing
on the Raven side. Lamar Jackson with one touchdown pass
but one interception and one fumble as well. It's been
mentioned before his playoff career is not dotted with one

moment of glory after another. Until last weekend, his playoff
record was two to five and for Lamar Jackson in
all five of those losses, Baltimore scored seventeen points or less.
They're stuck on thirteen points, trailing twenty one to thirteen
at Buffalo right now, with just over five minutes left
in the third quarter. And by the way, this is

now eight playoffs starts for Lamar Jackson, four times out
of the eight, he has turned the ball over at
least two times to the NBA. The late games in
a half an hour with the Clippers hosting the Lakers
in the Clippers Arena in Inglewood, and the news for
the Lakers is that Anthony Davis is upgraded to available

tonight for this game. They whoa the Heat defeated the
Spurs today. Nuggets got another triple double from Nikola Jokic
and one at Orlando. Jokic finished with twenty points, fourteen rebounds,
tennis sis and only two turnovers in this game. The
thunder are gonna win again. Apparently mid third quarter they're
up seventy eight sixty two on the nets. This would

put Oklahoma City's record at thirty five and seven in
college hoops Top twenty matchup at Michigan State went to
the Spartans over Illinois eighty to seventy eight. Just three
NHL games that included an Ottawa win at the Devils
two to one. Again, Buffalo at home is leading twenty
one to thirteen against the Ravens in the third with
a dusting of snow on the field.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
Back to you, okay, Steve, I'm sorry, Wow, I've never
heard I've never heard the words Anthony Davis in available
in the same same No, that was out, thank you, No,
you're right, the wow factor he said something I've.

Speaker 3 (26:05):
Never heard and missed three games this.

Speaker 6 (26:08):
Year, and Lebron James is available after quote left foot
injury management.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
Oh good, good, he's managed it. Wow speaking.

Speaker 3 (26:17):
But we'll get back to the NFL. But speaking about
the NBA. So I went on Friday. I went to.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
The Brooklyn Laker game, Brooklyn Nets Laker game.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
Oh, the D'Angelo Russell ball.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
You want to talk about the worst basketball I've ever
been in person to see.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Yep, yep.

Speaker 4 (26:40):
Literally, the whole arena was just dead. It was no
energy in it.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
It was no and you.

Speaker 4 (26:50):
I just watched bad shot after bad shot, after turnover
after turnover both ways. Then I was like, end of
the third quarter, I kindly picked myself up, Me and
my one of my closest friends. He's from Brooklyn, so
he loves the Brooklyn Nets. And we both looked at

each other and like, I can't sit here and be
a part of this anymore. Last Yeah, I couldn't. I
couldn't take it. Wow, I couldn't take it. I'd rather
be mad I'd rather be mad at home.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Did not end up being like a one point game
or something.

Speaker 4 (27:27):
Do you know what happened to the Brooklyn Nets four
days ago? They got beat by one thousand points. Literally,
they lost by fifty nine points.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
And here we are.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
Just duking it out with the fourteen win team down
to the last possession. I'm not excited about the one
point win when you're playing against inferior talent. And I
just watched him middling up and down the court, throwing
the ball away, missing open shots, not being aggressive the

whole thing, and I just couldn't sit there and be
a part of it anymore.

Speaker 3 (28:13):
Could do it?

Speaker 2 (28:14):
Quite a statement, and well, listen, the cat is out
of the bag. Adam Silver has gone public with the
whole sort of like we need to do something narrative,
and he spoke openly on the herd yep saw it
about about potentially moving the three point line back. I
assume that means the corner three is now out of bounds.

I like, I don't know, like a human foot is
not going to fit in there anymore. If you move
it back, maybe there isn't going to be a corner
three anymore. Like that's a pretty significant that's a pretty
significant change idea, and I don't think it'll be that simple.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
But to me, it's kind of like, I don't know,
I was liking it to this.

Speaker 2 (28:58):
I hope it doesn't trigger any but when a couple
starts talking about divorce, it means you should get divorced,
Like you can't, you can't talk about it and then
be like, nah, change my mind, We're good. Like once
you start saying it out loud, like we need to
change the game. It's just like what baseball did three
years ago. You're like, oh, you're admitting that this isn't

right and you need to do something, so they got
to do something.

Speaker 4 (29:25):
A lot of it to me is also and I've
stated this, the rules of the game are there for
a reason. Right, case in point, the offensive infractions that
you can have carry double dribble traveling there so you
don't have an unfair advantage against the defense.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Right the defensive calls right.

Speaker 4 (29:53):
Illegal defense can't hand check it's so you don't have
an unfair advantage against the offense. The problem with the
NBA today is most of the rules that are in
place for the sanctity of the game are not upheld
correct when last I checked, and not to get too

deep in the weeds. But last I checked, you are
only allowed two individual steps after the ball is no
longer being dribbled.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
That is not correct. It four and a half, right, No,
I watched. I watched the NBA. It's four and a half.

Speaker 4 (30:39):
And so a triple step back is impossible to guard
because it's traveling.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Because it's illegal.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
Yes, and if you allow everyone who has legs who
plays in the NBA to do it, it disrupts the
flow and the sanctity of the game. Now guys are
shooting triple step back threes, opposed to creating space, legally,

getting downhill or any of those things. Carrying you cannot,
as far as I know, you cannot suspend the ball
or discontinue your dribble for more than a second. You
cannot place your palm on the bottom of the ball

and then continue your dribble. That is called carry. If
you watch any game, it's happening on every single possession.
It's hard to stay in front of somebody and guard
them when you can't touch them, When they can discontinue
their dribble, start it up again, and then take a

triple step back three to gain space. Tell me, how
what can you do? You want to know why people
aren't playing defense? Do you want to know why?

Speaker 1 (32:10):
Because you can't?

Speaker 3 (32:11):
Because you can't. Yeah, that's why.

Speaker 4 (32:15):
So if you really want to fix it, then start
policing it.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
The real way. Start policing it. That's it.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
Start start policing it. That would be a start.

Speaker 4 (32:31):
The game will change because now the actual elements of
basketball that we all know and love will take shape.
Meaning you got to get from point A to point
B without six hundred discontinued dribbles.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
Step back, hesy.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
What yep? Yep.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
You got to go from point A to point B
and you got to get there right now. That's all
I'm saying, Not that apps you know know anything.

Speaker 2 (33:02):
Of course, not speaking of point A to point B.
Point A was somewhere around their own twenty yard line.
Point B was the end zone, and Derrick Henry and
a little bit of Justice Hill just went and took
him there. We got ourselves a ballgain us.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Yes we do. Those of you who are just rooting
for a good game.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
You've had a very good third quarter because it went
from twenty one to ten to twenty one to nineteen.
The two point conversion is no good. But we got
a two point ball game the Bills are about to receive.
It is twenty one to nineteen. We will keep you
up to date on that here in these tire rack
dot com studios, and damn it, we're gonna talk about
the Chiefs and the refs.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
This is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Okay, it's getting good. We got a fourth quarter. We
got a fourth quarter coming up.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Okay, the Bills are facing a third and short. They're
up by two. Hang with us in the tye right
dot com studios with me from salam Mark Willard. I
will ask you this real quick. Do you have an
opinion on who's got a better shot against Kansas City
out of these two next week?

Speaker 3 (34:20):
No, I think both of these teams can be Kansas City.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (34:25):
Like someone asked me, like, you know this week about
the Chiefs chances and I'm like, well, they're the Chiefs
and they're at home. And they're good, and they're experience,
they're all of those things. They absolutely could win. They
could win the whole thing. Again, I do not feel
like they're the best team in the AFC. I feel
like both of these teams are better.

Speaker 4 (34:43):
And what we saw Houston do to them now at
a certain point, something has to give because you know,
these games are being taken away, the competitive edge in
these games being taken away with some of these calls

to extend these drives on these phantom calls. I mean,
even the retired official in the booth is like, ah, yeah, right,
right right. This is not coming from a fan base.

This is coming from a guy whose job it was.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
What's actually happening here though, because this is not a conspiracy.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
To help the chiefs, is it? What's actually going on?

Speaker 4 (35:38):
I don't know what's going on. They're reffed a different
way than everyone else, right, Patrick Mahomes has refed a
different way than Josh Allen, than Lamar Jackson, than any
other person. We saw it with Tom Brady the same way.
And so what happens is you're in these situations, you
galvanize your defense, you get a big stop, and then

it's roughing the passer because I tackled him right, no
force to the head, didn't land on him, and.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
Didn't even all they did was run into him.

Speaker 4 (36:12):
And so it's it's one of these situations where okay, well,
some's gotta give because something's not right. And when you're
on the road and you're in the playoffs and you're
galvanized and you're moving up and down the field with ease,

your defense comes out, plays lights out.

Speaker 3 (36:36):
It's third and long.

Speaker 4 (36:37):
You stop them, phantom flag, they continue, they go on
the score. Most people will stop them again. It doesn't
work like that. Uh huh, that's not how it goes.
You know how deflating it is for a team, a
defense to put everything into this stop someone and then no,

we're just kidding.

Speaker 3 (37:02):
It's hard to recover from that.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
It's de moralizing.

Speaker 4 (37:06):
And then it happens multiple times in a game and
it's like, wait, wait a minute, what is happening.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Well, and I'll tell you this to me. In the
fourth quarter of that football game yesterday.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
Patrick Mahomes told on himself. So one score game, he
told on himself. He told on himself, And so I
know we're all screaming, yelling at the refs for their
Patrick Mahomes favoritism. But to me, he told on himself
and he showed America how to fix this because we've

already watched this in the NBA and you know whops
so well, you tell me what happens now, three point
shooter that kicks his leg out, what happens?

Speaker 1 (37:47):
What happens? Yep, that's a foul on you.

Speaker 2 (37:51):
What happens shooter who pump fakes and then drives his
lead shoulder into the landing area of the defender. What happens?
That is an offensive foul? And what happens if you
are caught flopping? You're fined. Patrick Mahomes ran out of
bounds and tripped over a blade of grass on purpose.

He waited until he had stepped already two feet out
of bounds, and then flew off of his feet into
the sideline area, completely untouched. Patrick, you are part of
the problem, and you can tell me all day long
that that's part of sports, which is getting the refs
to think something happened that didn't happen. But then the

double down is two plays later, sloking around in a
scrambled drill, finds a defender that he can slide under
and then.

Speaker 1 (38:47):
Get a bogus fifteen yard penalty. Crazy.

Speaker 2 (38:50):
No, No, this needs to be reviewable to where the
penalty is called on the offense and as soon as
you it's the only way to legislate take that crap
out of the game. The quarterbacks have to be stopped.
You cannot let them do this.

Speaker 4 (39:05):
You're taking a whole aspect of of of the game away.
You're taking a whole aspect of the game away. You're
absolutely right. Defense, the most important defensive players are now
feeling like, oh, it's it's those those There's nothing we

can do. There's nothing we can do. You can't play
great defense anymore. You can't go on the road and
force a team to punt bye bye by putting pressure
on the on the the opposing team. They're ramifications and

things that are happening that are taking people and teams
completely out of games, and it's out of control. I
can't and I'm an offensive player, yep, yep, And I'm like, bro, that's.

Speaker 2 (40:03):
Co Yeah, they got to do something. And it's not
get mad at the refs. It's changed the way that
the refs are are told to go out there and
do it.

Speaker 1 (40:12):
More on this coming up. Bill just got a field goal.
Stay with us.

Speaker 2 (40:17):
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
Why you can't blame that one on Lamar. More on
that in a second.

Speaker 2 (40:28):
We're broadcasting live from the ti rag dot com studios.
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over ten thousand recommended installers tire rack dot com The
way tire buying should be. You said it earlier. Turnovers
are the entire deal. The Ravens had buttoned it up.

They're playing much better in the second half. They're down five.
They drive the ball into Buffalo territory. Beautiful pass from
Lamar on the rollout to Mark Andrews over the middle,
and then as he makes a move, boom forgot something.
That's a fumble, and that is turnover number three and

the Ravens and Lamar Jackson have about eight and a
half minutes left to figure this out.

Speaker 4 (41:15):
That's tough, living man. It's hard to win games in general,
losing the playoff the turnover battle, but in the playoffs
on the road.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
By three, Ephraim, it's three three to nothing on the
turnovers right now and they're only down by five points.

Speaker 4 (41:33):
Man oh man, look as great as Mark Andrews is
and Lamar Jackson. If you're not buttoned up ready to go,
and people say, well, mistakes happened all that, Well, why
isn't it happening for Buffalo. They have people punching at

the ball. They have people trying to strip the ball.
When von Miller picked up that fumble and back he
secured the ball, they were ripping at it. So it's
not a mistakes happened. No, no, no, no, no. Number one,
you can control certain things. You can't tip ball in

the air. Okay, what are you gonna do? Catching the ball, turning,
securing the ball, that's a you thing. Being tackled, securing
the ball being sacked, that's a you thing. The great teams,
the teams that are able to continue to go, those

things don't happen. Kansas City doesn't do it, Buffalo's not
doing it, The commanders didn't do it. Everybody's got a shot,
everybody's got an opportunity. If you're not locked in and
button up ready to go, things like this happen.

Speaker 1 (42:55):
Who I just saw this pop up on the screen.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
That is Mark Andrews first lost fumble since twenty nineteen, yep,
and only the second of his entire career.

Speaker 3 (43:10):
And when did it happen?

Speaker 1 (43:12):
Like literally the most inopportune time possible. Wow, wow see.

Speaker 2 (43:21):
And that's the context that And I don't know the
way this football game is going to end, but the
context to me that I struggle with with the way
that we sort of process information and the quarterbacks rise
to the center of the conversation. And Lamar had a
rough first half and if they lose this football game,

that's what we'll walk away with, which is Lamar turned
it over twice and Lamar again fell short in the playoffs.
And I'm sitting here going, man, Lamar was on point
in the second half. He is ready to come out
and come back and win this game. And that doesn't
mean like it's not fully wrong. He's accountable for what
but in the first half too, But Lamar has I think,

looked like the person he needs to be in the
second half. And uh ye do overs No, I know,
I know. I'm not saying that he gets a pass
on the first half. It's just hmmm, that one's gonna
get forgotten. I can feel it.

Speaker 4 (44:22):
Oh yeah, got all right? Like the plate has already
been set. So yeah, the dysfunction on the plate going
into halftime is already there.

Speaker 3 (44:37):
It's already there.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
Before we go back to the Chiefs. Also, I am
a little surprised.

Speaker 2 (44:45):
That the Ravens have not, from a purposeful standpoint, gotten
Lamar's legs a little bit more involved in this game.
He only has registered five carries. What what? What?

Speaker 1 (45:00):
What is your thought on why that might be.

Speaker 4 (45:05):
I think they came in and they were going to
be heavy, heavy, Derrick Henry because of the weather, Okay,
and you don't want to open them up to you know,
being stripped dad and slipping in any of those things.

Speaker 3 (45:22):
My whole thing is, hey, man.

Speaker 1 (45:26):
Right, this is it.

Speaker 4 (45:28):
Everything is at our disposal. This is it now you
it's no tomorrow if today don't go well.

Speaker 2 (45:37):
I mean to me, this is like when the baseball
team in Game seven starts pulling their starters out and
pulling them in the bullpen and being like, I know
you pitched yesterday, You're pitching again today.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
We're not worrying about your health today. This is it,
this is it, this is.

Speaker 2 (45:54):
It, And now it might be too late because like,
first of all, they got to hold him to a
field goal here, and even if they do, you know,
you're you're, you're inside of five minutes left to go
in the game and not a lot of game left,
not a lot of game left. And he did not
register a carry in the third quarter. He has not
registered one yet in the second half. Yeah, this may

that's odd to me, that's odd to me.

Speaker 4 (46:19):
This is but this will be on his plate, this
will be ah. He just doesn't, you know, in these
big games he disappears.

Speaker 1 (46:30):

Speaker 4 (46:31):
Yeah, Look, as great as Peyton Manning was, as great
as he was, there was one year where he overcame
his deficiencies in the playoffs with the Colts one year

and they won the Super Bowl. You don't count the
Denver one because he got benched and it wasn't because
of him, although he has two Super Bowls. But as
great as Peyton Manning was going up against Brady in

the playoffs, it just didn't happen. And that's greatness for
my money. Peyton Manning is he changed how quarterback has
been was being played. Sure, so you know, I'm all

time great first ballot. Of course, he's in the Hall
of Fame.

Speaker 3 (47:48):
All of that.

Speaker 4 (47:49):
Lamar Jackson is following suit. Now he still has to
get off the snide and at least get one. It
just so happens. He's in the AFC and arguably the
greatest quarterback to ever play when it's all said and done,

is in his way, much to how Tom Brady was
for Peyton Manning. And oh, by the way, Lamar Jackson,
not to mention the CJ. Striald that's coming up the
Joe Burrow. So this thing can get real ugly for

the greatness of Lamar Jackson. That's a real live take
right there, that's a real take.

Speaker 3 (48:45):
This thing.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
As great as he is, as dynamic a player as
he is, this thing can get real scary.

Speaker 2 (48:54):
I'm with you, man, I like, I'm not sitting here again.
I have no dog in this fight tonight. But he's
twenty eight years old, and I am feeling the stress
of this moment for him because I also know that
while I am someone who appreciates all aspects of Lamar,

I would not dive into this whole law He's a
running back playing corp.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
No he's not. He's phenomenal in every single aspect of
the game.

Speaker 2 (49:22):
However, those legs are a part of what he does,
and you cannot expect that aspect of his game to
stick around for another ten years like you might expect
with a pocket quarterback. Not saying he can't play, but

you're right now that's gonna look like this. How many
more years is it gonna.

Speaker 1 (49:49):
Look like this?

Speaker 2 (49:51):
So the urgency, and I mean to a degree this
is true for Josh too. The urgency for these two
guys to make their way through January could not be higher.

Speaker 4 (50:07):
Yeah, it's you know, you can have the MVPs, you
can do all of that. What Tom Brady has done
is he set the measuring stick at Super Bowls championships,
right Dan Marino. Dan Marino, for the longest time was

considered the greatest quarterback to ever played because at a
time where the league was not a passing league, he
scorched the earth. No Super Bowls. People don't even talk
about him anymore. They don't even talk about him anymore.

So it changes. Patrick Mahomes is on pace to do
something no quarterback has ever done, and that's three p
no team, And all of this is happening while you're playing,

especially if Lamar Jackson ends up next week, are in
two weeks winning the m v P for his third.

Speaker 2 (51:26):
Uh, it's gonna feel like Dirk Novitsky when he got
knocked out right Crown.

Speaker 4 (51:35):
So what what what do you do? You had an
opportunity last year they had the number one seed.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
Yeah, you better start by holding Bills to a field goal.

Speaker 4 (51:45):
Right now, it doesn't look like second inches. Josh Allen
is doing what he's supposed to do.

Speaker 1 (51:52):
Third and goal from the one.

Speaker 2 (51:54):
This is uh, and quite frankly, knowing what we know,
it will leave out.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
This is territory.

Speaker 3 (52:01):
It is Yes, you got two players to get a yard.

Speaker 1 (52:04):
Yep, yep.

Speaker 2 (52:06):
And actually I would like to talk to you for
my weekly update on it from Salam and fourth downs. Yeah,
let's do that, coming up next on on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
these areth tie rag dot com Studios. That's e from
Salama Mark Willard. I just saw something online from the
NFL that makes me nauseous, but I'm gonna put it

aside for a second because we're at that moment. Okay,
first of all, from the Bills kicked the field goal.

Speaker 3 (52:41):
They kicked a field goal.

Speaker 1 (52:43):
They didn't go for it on fourth down?

Speaker 3 (52:44):
We got action.

Speaker 1 (52:46):
What the hell? I didn't even know you were allowed
to do that anymore.

Speaker 3 (52:52):
Didn't feel like it.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
Josh Allen got stuffed at the yard and a half
on the third down, Sean mcder kicked the field goal.

Speaker 1 (53:04):
Okay, let's see.

Speaker 2 (53:07):
I get it. Like, I think that's what I would
have done. Is that what you would have done?

Speaker 3 (53:12):

Speaker 1 (53:13):

Speaker 2 (53:13):
So they're up eight and the Ravens held on the
kickoff return, so they got to start at their own twelve.

Speaker 1 (53:20):
First down play is incomplete.

Speaker 2 (53:21):
There's an injury time out on the field. It's second
and ten Ravens their own twelve yard line. They're down eight,
a little bit over three minutes left to go in
this game.

Speaker 3 (53:31):
Who you want to be great? It's a lot on
the line.

Speaker 1 (53:36):

Speaker 3 (53:37):
You want to be great?

Speaker 1 (53:38):
Here we go.

Speaker 4 (53:39):
This is how you be great. We watched a young
man yesterday. Oh my goodness, we gotta get it. We
watched a young man yesterday become great. We watched a
young man become great.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
This is nineteen football game. Hey man, I have that right? Actually,
did let me look? Did he sit out one this
year in the regular season.

Speaker 4 (54:07):
The other rookies that have done this are I believe,
like Joe Flacco and Mark Sanchez and that was because

of their defenses, not because of them. What we're seeing
from Jaydon Daniels, he is a.

Speaker 3 (54:44):
Superstar, superstar.

Speaker 2 (54:47):
This is the most impressive rookie quarterbacking I've ever seen ever.

Speaker 4 (54:55):
Third and two right here here it is two. Lamar
scrambl for eight.

Speaker 1 (55:01):
He got eight.

Speaker 2 (55:02):
He should have been scrambling a lot more. But yeah, okay,
third and two they're at their own, their own twenty
so many time. We'll keep you up to date. All right,
they're gonna convert there. There's a three yard completion to
Justice Hill. Yes there are. There's plenty of time. Three
minute mark hits right now. First down, Ravens, they've got
they've they've they've got the ball down by eight. Good

for you, NFL. This is good stuff. Man, if only
it weren't snowing.

Speaker 3 (55:31):
Right right, Come on with shot, get up, come on,
get on up.

Speaker 1 (55:41):
By the way, the Ravens do. In addition to the
two minute warning, they do still have.

Speaker 2 (55:44):
One time out as well. We'll let you know that
and and keep you up to date after that. A
three yard game. Uh, while we've got an injury time
out on the field. Can I tell you what I
just saw on social media, and uh, I don't like this.

Speaker 1 (55:58):
I don't like this at all. Please please, If you're
going to.

Speaker 2 (56:06):
Make a mistake, I have no issue with that in life,
my goodness, I make a lot of them. I am
wrong every day. We all are, okay, don't insult my
intelligence and tell me that when you made a mistake

you didn't. NFL officiating rules analysts Walt Anderson appeared on
NFL Game Day today.

Speaker 1 (56:40):
Notice that these.

Speaker 2 (56:41):
Properties are all run by what the NFL, and Walt
was here to tell us in a four minute SoundBite that.

Speaker 1 (56:51):
Everything you know you saw yesterday.

Speaker 2 (56:54):
You didn't see it. You didn't see it. It turns
out that was roughing the passer. And it turns out.

Speaker 1 (57:07):
That that was an illegal.

Speaker 2 (57:14):
Unnecessary roughness play when Patrick Mahomes decided to slide right
underneath two defenders who have absolutely nothing that they can
do with their body running at full speed, he's here
to tell us those were penalties.

Speaker 1 (57:26):
Man, Hey, whoa shut up?

Speaker 4 (57:30):

Speaker 2 (57:32):
And I know you got sent to NFL Game Day
by your boss, so it's not your fault. You're the messenger,
but this is some BS man.

Speaker 3 (57:41):
Don't do it.

Speaker 1 (57:44):
I don't want to hear it. I don't want to
hear it.

Speaker 2 (57:48):
Be like Adam Silver, look in the camera and say,
we're gonna take a look at it. We can see
how our officials on the field yesterday made the calls
they did based on the rules that we've told them.
But we're gonna take a look at it because those
are tough. Because the bottom line is the way I

look at.

Speaker 1 (58:11):
It, e from.

Speaker 2 (58:13):
You can give me rules, Gobbly goook all you want.
You know what you can't answer. What is it you'd
like those defenders to do? That's what you can't answer.
And that's what bothers me. Oh, he made contact with
Patrick mahomes head, Yes, because he's got a face mask
protruding out of his head and so does the defender.

And sometimes in football those two things are gonna touch.
That's not forcible to the head area of Patrick Mahomes.
And when defenders are running around on the field full
speed trying to chase offensive players with the ball and
you slide at their shins, what exactly would you like
their three hundred and twenty pounds to do?

Speaker 1 (59:01):
It's absurd, man, it's absurd.

Speaker 2 (59:04):
They've built rules that call for the human body to
do things that it can't do, especially at three hundred
pounds at full speed. And then they're gonna sit here
and tell us they got it right. Get out of here, man,
I know you didn't.

Speaker 4 (59:18):
It's a human nature not to admit fault. If you've
ever been in a relationship and got into an argument
or disagreements, Yes, even though you know perhaps you may
have been wrong or said something away you probably shouldn't
you double down?

Speaker 1 (59:37):
Yeah, yeah, but the end of the night, to sleep
on it. You're supposed to come back with a cool.

Speaker 2 (59:41):
Head the next day and be like, look, look, let
me meet you halfway. I'm not asking Walt to come
out and be like, so we love Patrick and we're
full of crap.

Speaker 1 (59:51):
I'm not asking for that.

Speaker 3 (59:52):
We need the Chiefs in the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (59:55):
Right, I'm asking for can you meet us.

Speaker 2 (59:58):
Halfway and go We need to look at because we
feel like the defensive players are being put in a little.

Speaker 3 (01:00:03):
Bit of a spot. Here.

Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
Man, this game is shaping up right here. This is
good shaping up. I almost want to just be quiet
and just watch it. But I know I ad work.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
We're at work, and that's okay because our work is
this and so the Ravens do. Now they had a
first down into Bill's territory, got five yards on first down,
clock stop, minute fifty two to go, and they are
just outside the Buffalo forty yard line again, down eight
and you're right, Like I would argue with everything you

and I have done all year long, this is the
moment of the year in the NFL season.

Speaker 1 (01:00:41):
Yeah, this drive right here, this is the stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:00:46):
You want to be the MVP. Go take the MVP.
Go take it.

Speaker 2 (01:00:54):
Well, and don't forget the way Lamar ended his his
first game this year, which was in a similar drive
at Kansas City, tippy toes on the tippy toe all
the way down the field, only to have the tippy
toes bounds. By the way, he just went back to

Mark Andrews the guilty fumble party not too long ago
for a first down. Now we're watching them just outside
the red zone twenty four yard line, first and ten
minute forty four.

Speaker 3 (01:01:28):
Watch out for you tippies.

Speaker 4 (01:01:32):
Speaking of tippy toes, have you ever been in a
relationship where you never want to say the wrong thing?
Like you literally tiptoe around in a relationship.

Speaker 1 (01:01:43):
Too many of them?

Speaker 3 (01:01:44):

Speaker 4 (01:01:45):
Oh, what a beautiful pass touchdown likely Lamar Jackson.

Speaker 2 (01:01:51):
Oh yeah, my goodness, Well, here comes the biggest two
point conversion try in the history of ever.

Speaker 4 (01:01:56):
But sometimes I'm in a relationship right right now, Yes,
yes you are. And so whenever we get to thirty
past the hour and I'm still have a thought in
my head, I begin to tiptoe around the fact that
we got to bring my guy, the Maestro in and
that's one Steven tippy toe this.

Speaker 6 (01:02:17):
Se okay, guys, let's first guess this. Lamar Jackson passed
late third quarter trying for two and that failed, which
is why they were down twenty one to nineteen. They're
going to pass the year, right this big Buffalo twenty seven, Baltimore,
twenty five, a minute thirty three to go, and after
Jackson rolled out.

Speaker 3 (01:02:36):

Speaker 6 (01:02:37):
Completed the goal line intended for Mark Andrews he was
backing up, bobbled it and dropped it too.

Speaker 1 (01:02:45):
Gosh, missed two.

Speaker 6 (01:02:47):
Point passes in the second half, and the Ravens still
trail by two. Bill's twenty seven twenty five with about
a minute and a half to go.

Speaker 1 (01:02:56):
Mark Andrews.

Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
Mark Andrews' entire career just changed in the last twenty
Hi Goodness.

Speaker 6 (01:03:01):
In the other tight end, Isaiah Likely had just scored
what looked like the possible, shall we say, tying touchdown,
but no again at two point pass fails. Andrews was
wide open at the one, was gonna catch it with
his back to the end zone and just back in
for two. Bobbled it, dropped it. Two two point passes.

Speaker 1 (01:03:22):
Nice in the second d I really want it overtime.

Speaker 6 (01:03:27):
Come on, well Boria sack in the end zone like
the Rams got today, We're not getting that.

Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 6 (01:03:33):
At Buffalo with the snow dusted on the field, it's
Bill's twenty seven to twenty five. Late in regulation, Josh
Allen had two touchdown runs in the second quarter. One
of them, a four yarder, came in the final thirty
seconds before the halftime break. Derrick Henry of the Ravens,
on sixteen carries, has eighty four yards rushing in a touchdown.
Lamar Jackson now two td passes. He does have one interception.

He has a fumble as well. Mark Andrews remember, had
to fumble earlier in this game to three turnovers for Baltimore.
I need not say out loud that not only was
the Bills offense good. I'm the highest scoring team in
the AFC thirty one points a game. The Buffalo Bill's
turnover margin was easily the best in the entire NFL

A plus twenty four for the season. There are plus
three on the turnovers today. Buffalo would be going to
Kansas City for next Sunday's AFC title game after the
Chiefs eliminated at Houston yesterday. We mentioned Jaydon Daniels up
stating Detroit last night. More on him in a moment.
We do know the NFC title game will be in Philadelphia,

Washington visiting Philly on Fox TV next summer, next Sunday,
three pm Eastern time next summer. People are expecting the
Dodgers to, let's just say this commonly have a pretty
good season. They've added to the bullpen today, sign lefty
reliever Tanner Scott, reportedly for four years seventy two million
dollars including deferred money. Scott made his first All Star

Game last summer, then he was traded by Miami to
San Diego in the playoffs for the Padres. This left,
he faced Shoho Tani four times and struck him out
four times. So the Dodgers have just signed him. In
the NBA, Milwaukee beats Philadelphia, which is lost six straight.
No Joel Embiid, no Paul George, and a big run

for the Buffalo Bills right after a timeout might be
sewing things up. In the last minute and a half earlier,
Philadelphia beat the Rams twenty eight to twenty two with
Saquon Barkley on twenty six carries, having two hundred five
yards rushing and two touchdowns. Right now with a timeout
a minute eighteen left, that was a seventeen yard game.

My goodness, Ty Johnson. And so that's how that drive starts.
Two point lead and the ball for the Bills and
Baltimore is now out of timeouts. Okay, guys, you were
talking about rookie quarterbacks, and yes, only two other rookie
quarterbacks in the history of the league had won two
road playoff games until last night. It was Joe Flacco
two thousand and eight, Mark Sanchez two thousand and nine.

You can add Jaden Daniels to the list. How about this,
In NFL history history, there have only been three instances
of a team that's starting a rookie quarterback going a
whole game with no punts and no turnovers. All three
are by Jaden Daniels and the Commanders this season. The
playoff win at Tampa Bay last weekend, a couple of
times early this season, and he did that in the

first half at Detroit as well. I'm putting it out there.
No rookie quarterback has ever started in a Super Bowl.
Rookies have made conference title games like Mark Sanchez and
Joe Flacco Brock Purty recently, rookies are zero to five
in conference title games. No rookie QB has ever started
a Super Bowl. Updating, We're about to go back to

the offense of the Bills twenty seven to twenty five,
the lead about forty seconds left in this divisional playoff.
Buffalo is ready to take a knee back to you.

Speaker 1 (01:07:00):
Wow, that's a rap.

Speaker 3 (01:07:03):
That's over.

Speaker 2 (01:07:05):
The Bills are at the Chiefs next Sunday. I'm like,
I don't even know what to do with this. Like
the Bills they're completely deserving as well, you know what
I mean.

Speaker 1 (01:07:20):
But I'm like, I'm stunned.

Speaker 2 (01:07:21):
I can't believe that the only thing that is sort
of a black mark on this game because a two
point game. This is everything that this game was supposed
to be when you look at the final score. But
you'd love for games to be decided by great plays,

not the opposite. And for me, I also hate this.
You've said it earlier. Mark Andrews a really really good
tight end. He just rewrote his story in a really
really bad way. This is the signature night of his career,
and it is for a fourth quarter fumble and a

fourth quarter drop to tie a football game to head
to the overtime that we all wanted.

Speaker 4 (01:08:14):
Everybody wanted it. My god, I I.

Speaker 1 (01:08:18):
Did have a Bills fan just tweet me and say,
my heart can't take ot.

Speaker 2 (01:08:22):
So there was a guy out there who didn't want it,
but everybody else.

Speaker 3 (01:08:26):
You got sucked down up, I know.

Speaker 1 (01:08:30):
I just wow. That was gut wrenching to watch.

Speaker 3 (01:08:34):
Oh my god, he dropped it.

Speaker 2 (01:08:39):
He god, he was standing by himself the goal line
and Lamar just did one of those you know those
passes that have a sound effect, like if you're listening
on the radio right now, this was the sound effect
of Lamar's past, Like it's just like you do in
your living room with your kids when they're on the

couch and you're standing six feet away.

Speaker 1 (01:09:02):
He just threw it right at his chest and it
just didn't catch it. That's horrible.

Speaker 2 (01:09:12):
That's a horrible way for that game to end.

Speaker 1 (01:09:20):
Oh my god, I mean good for good for the Bills.
This is a tortured fan base as well.

Speaker 2 (01:09:34):
I honestly, goodness, I really thought I thought there was
a damn good chance of the tortured fan base super Bowl,
which was Detroit and Buffalo, and so that's not gonna happen.
But it's not like I sit here and look at
this and there's nothing not to like about Josh Allen.

There's nothing not to pull for with regard to the
Buffalo fan base and the four Super Bowls and all
the all the stuff. But this one leaves a little
hole in my heart too. Oh goodness, God, that was absolutely.

Speaker 1 (01:10:11):
Horrible to watch.

Speaker 3 (01:10:16):
That was bad.

Speaker 1 (01:10:18):
That was really bad. That's really bad.

Speaker 4 (01:10:23):
And I'm sorry. I screamed, God, I screamed. He dropped
it during Steve's update, and oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
The only thing that was bad about that is that
my TV is like a second behind yours, So no good.

Speaker 3 (01:10:44):
No good.

Speaker 1 (01:10:45):
Lamar was rolling out and I'm like he did.

Speaker 3 (01:10:48):

Speaker 1 (01:10:51):
Oh that was terrible.

Speaker 2 (01:10:53):
Oh my gosh, I can't watch the highlight.

Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
I can't watch this. It's like, uh, that's like a movie.

Speaker 3 (01:11:04):
Gross. Oh what do they say these days?

Speaker 1 (01:11:09):
The ick?

Speaker 3 (01:11:11):
It gave me the ick right there.

Speaker 2 (01:11:12):
That was a high level ick factor. All right, Look,
let's take a breather. We need to and let's sit
with that for a second. And we do need we
do need to talk about Jaden Daniels, and we do
need to talk about those Detroit Lions and and much
more here in the tirec dot com studios with me
from Salama Mark Whellards five Sports Radio Okay Championship Sunday.

I see you, Tireck dot Com Studios. We're still having
a moment here. I just ran upstairs to chat with
the kids. They're doing the same thing you and I
are doing. Man, They're looking at each other like, what
the hell just happened?

Speaker 3 (01:12:00):
I well, we know our MVP is, do we.

Speaker 1 (01:12:07):

Speaker 2 (01:12:08):
Man? I told you I know, But good lord, second
half Lamar was perfect?

Speaker 4 (01:12:14):
Need that second half, Lamar in the first half. We
know this conversation. I know there is the point he
was perfect. You gotta start perfect and finish perfect.

Speaker 1 (01:12:25):
I hear you, bro, I hear you.

Speaker 2 (01:12:28):
I mean Josh, Josh just hand the ball off all day.

Speaker 3 (01:12:33):
So, I mean, if anybody could do.

Speaker 4 (01:12:35):
That, that would favor Baltimore for sure.

Speaker 1 (01:12:42):
But they got behind.

Speaker 4 (01:12:43):
It, and there is now is the point I understand
when you turn the ball over like that, you now
have to scrap your game plan.

Speaker 2 (01:12:54):
Oh, this is a tough one to unpack. Man Josh
Allen threw for one hundred and twenty seven yards. Lamar
threw for two hundred fifty four. Lamar out rushed him.

Speaker 1 (01:13:07):
Lamar had Mark Andrews ball security problems.

Speaker 4 (01:13:10):
Lamar had himself ball security problems. I'm not talking about
what Mark Andrews did. I'm talking about the turnholder that
led to points and I'm talking about the interception. You
are not wrong, but neither am I right? But I'm
going to be extremely critical of an MVP caliber player. Right,

we can't just gloss over the mistakes because we're talking
about greatness.

Speaker 3 (01:13:42):
We're talking about elite, not good.

Speaker 1 (01:13:48):

Speaker 3 (01:13:48):
If it's.

Speaker 4 (01:13:52):
If we're having this conversation about Matthew Stafford, okay, in
this conversation about who else you know, anybody else outside
of these two individuals.

Speaker 1 (01:14:11):
Justin Herbert, Justin Herbert, Okay, Stroud.

Speaker 2 (01:14:15):
They bounced back Jay Jared Goff, they bounced back the
second half.

Speaker 1 (01:14:19):
No, no, no, no, you're not wrong.

Speaker 4 (01:14:22):
We're talking about the best players in the world. There's
three of them sitting on that mountain right now. There
are two of them, not even two of them. Is
only two left.

Speaker 2 (01:14:38):
But aren't they defined often by what they do in
the end and when the.

Speaker 1 (01:14:44):
Chips are down, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (01:14:46):
The greatest of all time was once down twenty eight
to three at halftime.

Speaker 3 (01:14:50):
But why were they down?

Speaker 1 (01:14:52):
Well, to be honest with you, I don't remember.

Speaker 3 (01:14:54):
Are you talking about Oh you're talking about Brady? Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, of.

Speaker 2 (01:14:57):
Course about Brady against the Falcons. The Falcons offense was
torching their defense. But by the same token, they had
three points at halftime. That means Tom Brady was doing
a big old pile of bumb kiss and then Tom
Brady things started happening.

Speaker 4 (01:15:13):
But the reason we speak about it the way we
speak about it is because they won.

Speaker 3 (01:15:17):
If they didn't win, it'd be a different story.

Speaker 1 (01:15:22):
But his receivers caught the ball.

Speaker 3 (01:15:23):
I understand that.

Speaker 2 (01:15:24):
They caught the ball, and in some cases they caught
the ball in unbelievable ways, Julian Edelman.

Speaker 4 (01:15:31):
So, like you said, two things can be right at
the same time. Because they won, we don't talk about
what it was. We just talk about what it is.

Because Baltimore loss, we talk about what it was. The
first half was awful. Can you be this and you
do that? You put your team in home? All of
that now is the narrative. We didn't create the narrative.
We just talk about it. Because the narrative is Lamar

Jackson dug a hole for his team they couldn't get
out of. Yeah, opposed to Lamar Jackson had an awful
first half and came back like gangbusters in the second
half and led his team to victory. They're on their
way to right. That's how That's how we speak about that.
That Super Bowl with Tom Brady.

Speaker 1 (01:16:40):
I feel you it like, let me ask you this.

Speaker 2 (01:16:44):
This is just for fun. You can answer it however
you wanted. If we were doing that classic question, let's
let's start an NFL team and everybody in the world
is a free agent.

Speaker 1 (01:17:00):
You have the first pick, go.

Speaker 3 (01:17:03):
Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 2 (01:17:04):
Yeah see, I take Lamar And I know that sounds ridiculous,
but I really really do believe that surroundings matter, context matter.

Speaker 1 (01:17:19):
I mean, if we're gonna sit here and spend the first.

Speaker 4 (01:17:21):
Hour we're talking about the first pick, there is no surroundings, so.

Speaker 1 (01:17:28):
Right, like all the more reason to pick Lamar.

Speaker 4 (01:17:30):
No, I'm taking telling you put Patrick Mahomes on any
team on planet Earth. He gonna limp them them to
the playoffs. Yeah, same with Lamar, John limp them to
the the AFC Championship game.

Speaker 1 (01:17:43):
Same with Lamar and Johns.

Speaker 4 (01:17:44):
Well, well, based on what Lamar is a part of
right now, meaning they have the most All Pro players
and Pro Bowl players on of any team on that Baltimore.

Speaker 2 (01:18:03):
Yeah, why is that side of Derrick Henry who is
the weapon Mark Jackson has that's actually a plus player,
all pro they talk about all pro.

Speaker 1 (01:18:17):
That's not an All Pro wide receiver in the AFC.
He's good, he's very good.

Speaker 4 (01:18:22):
No, there's only what Chase, No, there's only three. None
of them are in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (01:18:30):
Well, yes, now we're back to the receiver conversation.

Speaker 2 (01:18:33):

Speaker 4 (01:18:33):
But what I'm saying is, if I'm building something, I'm building,
if it's starting with the guy that I must trust
more than anything, I'm starting with the guy that I
trust more than anything, no matter what. How many times
have we seen Patrick mahomes with no offensive line or

no outside deep threats are no blah blah blah, are
no defense or no blah blah blah.

Speaker 2 (01:19:01):
Yeah, I thought we already established you're not allowed to
touch him.

Speaker 1 (01:19:08):
He's playing by different rules.

Speaker 3 (01:19:09):
Whatever that is. I sign up for it.

Speaker 4 (01:19:11):
If I'm if I look, if I'm an owner of
a team and I'm starting a team, I want that.
Give me whatever that is now at least I get
to benefit from it. And another it's a two for
I pick him so I don't have to be so
I don't have to deal with it.

Speaker 1 (01:19:25):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2 (01:19:26):
I listen, you're not You're not wrong. You're not wrong.
By the way, your second pick.

Speaker 1 (01:19:37):
Well you Patrick, So I'll take Lamar.

Speaker 4 (01:19:40):
No, I'm saying, who's your second pick, Josh. In terms
of starting a team, you can't have both of them
on it. I'm talking about in terms of anybody.

Speaker 1 (01:19:48):
Yeah, what it gets back to me?

Speaker 3 (01:19:50):

Speaker 1 (01:19:50):
Oh, I probably TJ. Watt.

Speaker 2 (01:19:54):
Maybe I'm going for it, Rush, Henry, we got more
to talk about again, D's.

Speaker 1 (01:20:00):
Are out next.

Speaker 2 (01:20:02):
Okay, somehow, some way we are going to make peace.
With the way this game ended a short time ago,
but Championship Sunday is set. We have not talked very
much yet about the best rookie quarterback we've ever seen
and the one and done disappointment for the entire fan.

Speaker 1 (01:20:20):
Base in Detroit.

Speaker 2 (01:20:22):
That's all ahead this hour as we're broadcasting live from
the tirerack dot com studios. Tire rack dot com will
help you get there on on that selection, fast free shipping,
free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers
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Speaker 1 (01:20:39):
All right, you want to have some fun real quick?
Have you looked?

Speaker 2 (01:20:42):
Yeah, have you looked at the spreads that are open
for these games yet? Okay, great, Let's have you guess
Washington commanders at the Philadelphia Eagles.

Speaker 1 (01:20:53):
What do you think the spread is?

Speaker 4 (01:20:54):
I think it's minus minus thirteen.

Speaker 1 (01:21:03):
Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa for Philly. For Philly minus thirteen.

Speaker 2 (01:21:11):
Wait a minute, I mean there's a little more respect.

Speaker 1 (01:21:14):
For Washington than that.

Speaker 3 (01:21:15):
I don't think it is.

Speaker 2 (01:21:17):
Minus Hey, bro, if you find that that any.

Speaker 1 (01:21:24):
Sports book were you were you.

Speaker 3 (01:21:27):
The web address? I got that web address, I got you.

Speaker 1 (01:21:31):
This thing opened at minus four and a half.

Speaker 2 (01:21:34):
It has been quickly bet up to five, which means
early money came in on Philly.

Speaker 1 (01:21:40):
But but right now it's SIT's at five.

Speaker 3 (01:21:43):
It'll get up to i'd say, get up to nine
by time.

Speaker 2 (01:21:46):
Yeah, no, no, no, no no, this is not getting
up to a touchdown, No way.

Speaker 1 (01:21:51):
I watch. I'll bet you on that.

Speaker 2 (01:21:55):
I bet this gets to six, six and a half
at the absolute most, we'll see. But that's where it
sits right now. Five points Eagles favored. What do you
think the spread is in Kansas City? Three in favor
of Kansas City. It actually opened as Kansas City favored

by a point and a half, is all. And by
the way, it's been fluctuating since then, back and forth
between a point and a half and just a point,
which means are the money is coming in on Buffalo
even at well. And it's also saying that on a
neutral field, Buffalo would be favored. Yeah, and Buffalo already

went to Kansas City earlier this year regular season.

Speaker 4 (01:22:45):
I know that's different, but uh, I mean we've done that.
They've done that before. They've done that game before.

Speaker 2 (01:22:51):
Yes, they won by nine points in Actually, I'm sorry
that was not in Kansas City. It was in Buffalo,
but played the Chiefs this year and they want.

Speaker 3 (01:23:01):
Yeah it was there only real loss Kansas.

Speaker 1 (01:23:04):
City's yeah, correct, correct, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:23:14):
It's it's gonna be good. I'm really pulling for Washington.

Speaker 1 (01:23:20):
Everybody is.

Speaker 4 (01:23:21):
I'm really pulling for Washington. I don't want to tap
myself on the back, but.

Speaker 2 (01:23:26):
Go ahead, dude, I'm here. I'll say it for you.
I'll say it for you. The two of us were
both very high on Washington before the year even started,
but you said it further than I did.

Speaker 3 (01:23:39):
Yeah, I had a real feeling about this young man, and.

Speaker 2 (01:23:43):
My thought was good team. That's a year away. I
remember that's what I said. You predicted that they would
win the division. Yeah, which they didn't. But here they
are on championship Sunday. Still got to go play that
other team in their division.

Speaker 3 (01:24:03):
Though, Yeah they do.

Speaker 4 (01:24:07):
I mean they went to Detroit and dismantled them. So
at this point they just out here days out here
playing dyes, out here bowling.

Speaker 2 (01:24:29):
And I really thought I was not terribly surprised by
what they did last Sunday. During our show, we knew
that would be a close game. This one last night woof.
That sucker opened my eyes because I thought, when you
get when you have a rookie QB, you get that

postseason win on the road in Tampa, it's too easy
to go out there the next week at the one
seed and kind of do the well, now we got
we've got nothing to lose.

Speaker 1 (01:25:03):
We've kind of peaked.

Speaker 2 (01:25:05):
They could lose that game, in other words, and everyone
would give them a standing ovation and say what a.

Speaker 1 (01:25:10):
Wonderful season that was.

Speaker 2 (01:25:13):
And instead they went out and scored forty five points, like,
oh they got you guys aren't messing around.

Speaker 4 (01:25:22):
They out Dan Campbell. Dan Campbell sure did. And I
still don't like it.

Speaker 2 (01:25:29):
Yeah, they go for it on fourth down a ton
and it bit them early again.

Speaker 3 (01:25:34):
Yeah, I don't like it.

Speaker 1 (01:25:36):
But then they but then they bounced back.

Speaker 4 (01:25:39):
God, every time they do it, I'm just like, nope,
I'm just gonna look away. I'm just gonna look away.
And we had some correspondence doing that game, like we
did here we go, there we go.

Speaker 3 (01:25:52):
I guess it's the new normal, but I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:25:55):
Man. Well, they went for it four times. They were
three for four and Detroit were two for two for
two mm hmm, but they were four for twelve on
third down. Now you can't. Ugh, that's a tough living.

Speaker 1 (01:26:16):
Man, it is. But that's that's the new normal. And
I'll tell you this.

Speaker 2 (01:26:24):
No one will talk about this because Mark Andrews dropped
a football. But if Mark Andrews doesn't drop that football
and the Ravens win a football game in overtime, what
do you think?

Speaker 1 (01:26:38):
Question number one is for Sean McDermott.

Speaker 3 (01:26:42):
Right now, if they if they would have lost that
one uh.

Speaker 2 (01:26:46):
Huh, Hey, Sean, you've got Josh Allen fourth and one
from the one yard line. Why wouldn't you go for it.
Why wouldn't you go for it and put the game away?
Why wouldn't you do that?

Speaker 4 (01:27:06):
And his answer should be, I think when you get
any situation's points of paramount, that's the right answer.

Speaker 1 (01:27:16):
It worked, they won, They're playing next week.

Speaker 3 (01:27:23):
Gotta take the point.

Speaker 2 (01:27:24):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And and Baltimore not taking the extra point.

Speaker 4 (01:27:31):
Because if right, and if they mightn't take those points,
you lose that ballgame. You lose that ballgame because all
they need is essentially six points to beat you.

Speaker 2 (01:27:45):
Right, except for they would have started their drive at
their own one, but they ended up starting the drive
that they did do at the twelve.

Speaker 4 (01:27:52):
So okay, yeah, but it's a condensed field.

Speaker 1 (01:27:58):
Yeah, who knows what would have happened.

Speaker 4 (01:28:03):
Yeah, I don't want to trade like, I'm never gonna
trade points. I'm gonna take them. I'm gonna take them.
I'm gonna reset the field, give my defense well a
long field, right, Like, that's what I'm doing. I'm doing

that every single time. Freeze that up.

Speaker 1 (01:28:27):
Man, you mentioned that you're pulling for Washington.

Speaker 3 (01:28:32):
I am.

Speaker 2 (01:28:33):
This is a fascinating championship Sunday. I actually think if
you don't live in Kansas City or Philadelphia, everybody's pulling
for the exact same thing.

Speaker 1 (01:28:43):
I believe, so everyone, And I'm.

Speaker 2 (01:28:47):
Sorry if you don't agree, or wherever you're listening or
whoever you're root for, everyone is rooting for Washington to
play Buffalo. That is the game we want to see.
Is like, the quarterbacks are more exciting, the fan bases

are suffering. There's all of the other the factors surrounding
the Kansas City Chiefs. And I know, like I'm a
big believer in Super Bowls that you want a villain,
you want a villain in there. And maybe so that
would be the problem with Buffalo and Washington. I have
no idea who the villain would be, but I already

texted all my people. I said, if Kansas City's playing
Philly in the super Bowl, go ahead, I'll tend bar
at your super Bowl party. I don't even want to
watch that crap. That's just and I'm just being a
dorky fan. But for me, that's yuck versus yuck. I mean,
I like some of the players on those teams, I

really do, but I do not want to see the
Chiefs play the Eagles again.

Speaker 1 (01:29:57):
Right where? I'm good? All set there, But if you
could give.

Speaker 2 (01:30:04):
Me two of the best athletes in the league playing
quarterback against each other, sign me up.

Speaker 3 (01:30:15):
Mmm, sign me up. I can't wait to see Jayden Man.

Speaker 4 (01:30:19):
I can't wait to see like I'm waiting for the
for the games to be to me.

Speaker 1 (01:30:24):
What do you think?

Speaker 2 (01:30:25):
What do you right now? What do you think of
these two games? What's your initial reaction to the matchup,
the situation, the home field, the all of it.

Speaker 3 (01:30:37):
I think.

Speaker 4 (01:30:42):
Washington it's gonna be tough, and it's gonna be tough
for him because of one reason.

Speaker 3 (01:30:51):
Take one. Barkley mm hmm. Take one Barkley, it's now
a j Brown, Now Jalen Hurds.

Speaker 2 (01:31:00):
No, I mean Jamiir Gibbs. Jamiir Gibbs went crazy yesterday. Yeah,
and they withstood it.

Speaker 3 (01:31:06):
But you don't want to make a living like that.

Speaker 4 (01:31:09):
And that was say que Lord sixty eight and seventy
six yard, Yeah, touchdown once today man, No.

Speaker 2 (01:31:16):
And Gibbs went over one hundred rushing and had seventy
yards receiving as well. So Jamiir was fantastic. And that
was only on twenty touches that he had one hundred
and seventy yards and two touchdowns. And you know, Detroit
turned the ball over a ton and uh and and
therefore Washington wins.

Speaker 4 (01:31:40):
When you look at that comparison, Jayden Daniels as a
quarterback had a better year than Jalen Hurts easily.

Speaker 1 (01:31:51):
The thing I don't write it. He is a better player.
He is a better player.

Speaker 3 (01:31:53):
Jadan Daniels is. They're also their leading rusher, right.

Speaker 1 (01:32:00):
Mcla was good though, Yeah, he was, he was.

Speaker 3 (01:32:03):
He was.

Speaker 4 (01:32:05):
McLaurin outdueled AJ Brown by twenty yards, but he had
eighteen more receptions. So it's it's going to be something, say,

Kwon Barkley is a problem. He is a problem. I know,
New York they got it. Oh my god, every single
person should be fired.

Speaker 1 (01:32:45):
What were they doing? What were they doing?

Speaker 3 (01:32:48):
How we saw it?

Speaker 2 (01:32:51):
We saw it, We've always seen it. When does he
not look like that? I mean, I know he's been hurt.
Who hasn't, but like he's fantastic?

Speaker 3 (01:33:03):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (01:33:04):
Yeah, I don't get it either. I don't get it either.

Speaker 2 (01:33:09):
And and by the way, the New York Giants did
that for financial reasons, and I don't even know who
it is they're paying, right, Like the Cowboys were over
here being like, nope, we're not going to do Derrick
Henry because they're like, you know, dak CD, we're doing contracts.
The Giants are like, yeah, let's save two million at

running back and get Devin Singletary. And I'm sorry, why
your best player is a rookie?

Speaker 1 (01:33:39):
Who are you paying?

Speaker 3 (01:33:41):
Nobody? What a weird deal, man, that's a terrible It's
just terrible, Just.

Speaker 1 (01:33:48):
A weird deal.

Speaker 3 (01:33:50):
The guy you're paying is not even on the roster.

Speaker 1 (01:33:54):
Correct, correct, he's gone. All right.

Speaker 2 (01:34:00):
I'd love to get your early handicap of Bills Chiefs
as well. I think we do want to get in
a little bit to fall out in Detroit and off
we go. Oh, I do have one non football question
to ask you to one and so all that's.

Speaker 1 (01:34:21):
Coming up next on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:34:25):
These athtyreck dot Com studios, and shortly after the show,
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your podcasts. The show posted right after we get off
the air, as Plank and Span. You're coming here and
start y about everything that's going on.

Speaker 1 (01:35:03):
I just said.

Speaker 2 (01:35:03):
Another friend text me the exact same thing. If it's
Chiefs Eeagulls, I'm out.

Speaker 3 (01:35:11):
So much.

Speaker 1 (01:35:11):
How to get that going?

Speaker 2 (01:35:12):
Since we know the NFL likes to rig everything, apparently,
let them know if the Chiefs go, we.

Speaker 3 (01:35:20):
Don't, Oh, period, Jeeves are going.

Speaker 1 (01:35:26):
You think they're beating the Bills.

Speaker 3 (01:35:28):
I think.

Speaker 1 (01:35:31):
Talk to me.

Speaker 3 (01:35:31):
I think the NF it behooves the NFL for them
to go.

Speaker 1 (01:35:37):
Why exactly?

Speaker 4 (01:35:38):
No team has ever had a three p okay, But
that's a big no, no, no, no. We've had dynasties and
no one's been able to be that great that long.
And I'll tell you this, if they happen to pull
it off, who's to say they can't do it for

fourth time in a row.

Speaker 2 (01:36:00):
Well, no one would say that. I mean, they're obviously great,
and he's obviously great. I guess I'm wondering why now, Like,
if the NFL is so activated on that idea, why
didn't they do it with Brady? Why why didn't they
do it with Montana. I don't think it's a different
time now.

Speaker 3 (01:36:18):
I think it's I.

Speaker 1 (01:36:18):
Don't know, Like, do you actually think that there's a conspiracy?

Speaker 4 (01:36:22):
No? Absolutely not, Okay, no, nope, nope, No, I played
way too many games.

Speaker 3 (01:36:28):
Yeah, it's not.

Speaker 4 (01:36:30):
But what I will say in terms of what's a
better story.

Speaker 2 (01:36:36):
Ah, I'll buy what you're saying. But but like, does
the NFL.

Speaker 3 (01:36:43):
Need that everybody needs l story?

Speaker 1 (01:36:47):
Josh Allen's not a good story.

Speaker 3 (01:36:49):
Josh Allen's a great story, But does that story move
the needle?

Speaker 1 (01:36:55):
It's the Super Bowl?

Speaker 4 (01:36:56):
Yeah, I think he's the greatest player on the planet.
Earth right now, and sure, Patrick Mahomes, okay, so but like, look, listen, listen,
listen to the listen to the story.

Speaker 1 (01:37:06):
Though go Ahead.

Speaker 4 (01:37:09):
Won more one score games than ever before, didn't make
All Pro, didn't even make the Pro Bowl, but he
wins Super Bowl MVP and his third Super Bowl in
the row. You want to talk about greatness, that's a story.

Speaker 1 (01:37:40):
I don't. I don't argue that. But here's my rebuttal.

Speaker 2 (01:37:45):
My rebuttal is do you remember and I know that
you do Tiger Woods at the top of his game, yes,
and as he would win major and then and what
what's or he started develop the story became you know what,
Tiger needs arrival, like Phil, will you do it? David

Duvall lost weight and he won't do it anymore. Can
someone please check this, dude, so that we can have
what we all show up for? Competition? What did Tom
Brady have his whole career, even though he won almost
every time?

Speaker 3 (01:38:32):
What did he have competition?

Speaker 1 (01:38:34):
He had? Peyton?

Speaker 3 (01:38:35):
Yeah, we have a bit. I don't care. It's competition everywhere.

Speaker 2 (01:38:40):
No, because none of them have broken through the other
Super Bowl champions around the league are all forty years old.
We're looking at Rogers and Russell and Staffers. Yeah, but
he only just got there. We need someone else to
break through so we can let these guys butt heads.

Speaker 1 (01:39:00):
That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (01:39:07):
I mean, there's gonna be a lot of head button.

Speaker 2 (01:39:10):
Well, he needs a Phil Mickelson, he needs a Peyton Manning.

Speaker 1 (01:39:16):
He doesn't have one.

Speaker 2 (01:39:17):
He's got a bunch of dudes scratching around, especially the
young guys who have.

Speaker 1 (01:39:21):
All been to one, but they won't win one.

Speaker 2 (01:39:24):
Jared Goff, Brock Purdy, Jalen Hurts, Joe Burrow, and then
there's these other two guys who we all think are
the best play They.

Speaker 4 (01:39:31):
Can't even get to one because of him, I know.
But man, because of him, I got you. Peyton Manning
couldn't get to him because of Tom Brady.

Speaker 1 (01:39:41):
But then he did.

Speaker 3 (01:39:42):
Yep. But but then the.

Speaker 4 (01:39:44):
Rival doesn't come from the other side, he comes from
within your conference.

Speaker 1 (01:39:53):
Well that's what this is.

Speaker 3 (01:39:56):
Yeah, so you named all of the NF see.

Speaker 1 (01:40:00):
You guys, Well, no, I said Joe Burrow.

Speaker 4 (01:40:04):
That's right, like Joe Burrow, like these are these are
these are quarterbacks who are elite as well. Now this
is also you have to take into account Andy Reid.
It's about a great coach. So it's not only Patrick

Mahomes versus whoever this star quarterback is. It's Andy Reid
versus whatever coach. What coaches are left? Who do you
trust more? It's like Belichick right when it came down
to it, who do you trust over Belichick in a matchup?
It took two miraculous plays by Eli Manning in a

halatious defense, and then it took you know, I don't
know where the universe was when.

Speaker 3 (01:41:05):
Nick Foles, you know, became the lure of Philly.

Speaker 1 (01:41:14):
So that's the kind of story I'm talking about.

Speaker 3 (01:41:17):
Does Jalen Hurts get that story?

Speaker 2 (01:41:20):
No, Josh Allen Wood, I mean no, not the Nick
Foles type of a story. But again, how about this
for a story? What's better next year? Let's say Patrick
wins it again? What's better next year? Patrick going for

four or Patrick becoming the hunter again?

Speaker 3 (01:41:48):
I think I always go in favor of going for four?

Speaker 2 (01:41:56):
Okay, I know, man, that feels like the Chiefs are
boor they are mere, they're boor Yeah, like you cannot
even argue watching Patrick play versus Josh Allen or Lamar.

Speaker 3 (01:42:11):
Come on, man, I get it.

Speaker 2 (01:42:13):
I understand if you're a fan of the Chiefs, good
for you. You're having a great time. But I'm telling
you what those of us out here in I don't
have a dog in the fight land or thinking. I
would like to watch Josh Allen play.

Speaker 4 (01:42:26):
Jaden Daniels, and I would like to listen to Steve
de Seger give the estate.

Speaker 3 (01:42:30):
That's true too.

Speaker 6 (01:42:33):
Hello again, gentlemen. I did hear a stat last night
that since Patrick Mahomes was drafted that was the twenty
seventeen draft, all the quarterbacks, not just in that year's draft,
but all the drafts since twenty seventeen, Mahomes is the
only one that's won a Super Bowl title in that
whole span, because if you go back the last decade,
the only Super Bowl winning quarterbacks are Tom Brady, go

back to Peyton Manning, Nick Foles, and three years ago
Matthew Stafford, and then the rest would be Kansas City wins.
And by the way, I looked up the twenty seventeen
NFL draft, let's recall that the Bears trained up to
get Mitchell Trubisky with Patrick Mahomes still on the board
and available and taken at number ten overall in the

first round by the Chiefs and then Deshaun Watson a
couple picks later by the Texans. Well, we had losses
for the Ravens and the Rams. They're out in the
divisional round of the NFL playoffs, so we know. The
NFC Championship game next Sunday at three pm Eastern Time
on Fox TV is Washington at Philadelphia. They split their
two regular season meetings. No snow in the forecast in

Philly for next weekend unlike today. Then the AFC Championship
game next Sunday will at Buffalo at Kansas City. The
Bills beat them in Buffalo in November. Chiefs had been
nine to oh at the time. Any guess on what
the Baltimore Ravens win loss record in recent years is
when they're down at halftime by double digits, because they

were today. Remember Josh Allen had that touchdown run right
before halftime. It made it twenty one to ten Buffalo.
That kind of turned out to be key. Twenty seven
to twenty five was the final over the Ravens. The
answer is the Ravens haven't won a single game in
recent years. Went down by ten plus points at the half.
Going back to twenty eighteen, there's only one other winless

team in that span, and that's the Raiders in that
stat yes, they've lost plenty more than ZH to ten,
but it's just amazing that not even once since twenty
eighteen have they had those kind of comebacks, which, again,
when you start comparing the modern AFC quarterbacks, again points
to how amazing the career of Patrick Mahomes has been
to this point, because if you look at win loss

records for quarterbacks when they're down double digits at any
point in a game since twenty eighteen, Mahomes is the
only one that has a winning record in those situations.
By comparison, Lamar Jackson down double digits at any point
Lamar Jackson eight and fourteen, Patrick Mahomes nineteen and fourteen.
Kansas City will be hosting Buffalo next weekend. The Bills

went undefeated at home this season, ten a zero. After
Tonight's win against Baltimore twenty seven twenty five, Josh Allen
two short touchdown runs in the second quarter. The Ravens
missed two two point conversion passes in the second half,
including a late drop by Mark Andrews. Who also had
a fumble. Lamar Jackson with two touchdown passes and two

turnovers as well. His fumble led to a touchdown in
the first half. In fact, the comment from Lamar Jackson
at the press conference tonight is turnovers. Can't have that
hold on to the stink and ball. Sorry for my language,
but this is annoying. I am tired of this end quote.
Philadelphia eliminated the Rams earlier today, twenty eight to twenty five.

Saquon Barkley twenty six carries, two hundred five yards rushing
and two scores. The Rams defense had seven sacks today
Eagles had five. Matthew still after two touchdown passes over
three hundred yards through the air, one fumble. As for
Monday night, remember it's the College football National Championship game
in Atlanta, eight seed Ohio State against seven seed Notre

Dame in the NBA, We've got three late games going on.
The Clippers at home are destroying the Lakers eighty six
sixty four. Steve, watch it home in the third, Corter,
it's so well, let's just say they're down double didgets
and leave it at that. Earlier Oklahoma City all over
Brooklyn won twenty seven one oh one shay gil Just
Alexander was questionable with a sprained wrist. He played, he

had twenty seven points and tennis sists. Okase is thirty
five and seven. By the way, Evan Mobley of Cleveland
will be out again Monday with a calf injury. New
York's Karl Anthony Towns questionable for tomorrow with his thumb injury.
He'd missed the last couple of games. Golden State Steph
Curry questionable for Monday with a sprained ankle. Back to you, Hi, wow,

that's a lot. That's a lot to show on. By
the way, Steve, while you're here, I mentioned one non
football question. I have it for both of you. You're
allowed to answer either way. I would just love to
hear what your opinion, your backing of your opinion is.
So today it was Tanner Scott earlier over the weekend,

Dodger pause. Yes, yes, they're the great reliever who's getting
seventy two million much of it deferred?

Speaker 1 (01:47:27):
Yeah, fair, Yeah, exactly exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:47:30):
There's a long list of deferrals obviously started with sho
Heyo Tani.

Speaker 6 (01:47:33):
Which just makes me believe even more that this ownership
group is going to sell the team at some point.
I mean, they have to pay off all of this.

Speaker 2 (01:47:41):
They're they're going to owe more than the thing is worth.
For crying out loud at this right but anyway, and
then of course on Friday, I think it was Friday,
Thursday or Friday, Roki Sasaki is also going to the Dodgers.

Speaker 1 (01:47:53):
Good good, right, right? Good for baseball, yes or no?

Speaker 6 (01:47:58):
Not bad for baseball. And I think the out for
baseball is that, unlike the other sports, they have a
postseason where good teams get eliminated early all the time.
So you get the attention on the team and the
eyeballs with tennant you know race or you know, first
round of the playoffs. But it's not a fade, a
complete of what's going to happen as we saw the

previous two seasons with the Dodgers. Quite for sure, it's
like it's like we just saw football playoffs. It's like
a different quarterback every game. Imagine for a team and
then trying to make a playoff run that way. And
in the Dodgers case this past year, it's still amazing
they won the thing because they didn't have five guys
healthy for a five man rotation in the regular season

or even four in the playoffs. For a four man rotation.
So sign twelve pitchers and see if five are healthy.
That's currently six. Actually they're going to have to go
to a six man rotation to take it easy on
the arms.

Speaker 1 (01:48:52):
How would you answer it, Afram, I think it's good
for baseball.

Speaker 3 (01:48:56):
I think it's great for the Dodgers.

Speaker 2 (01:48:58):
Sure well, hello, yeah, yeah, they're they're i mean pretty
good at baseball.

Speaker 1 (01:49:04):
A lot of those players on.

Speaker 3 (01:49:05):
I think this.

Speaker 4 (01:49:06):
Year was a tremendous year for the Dodgers, not only
because of the World Series, but I think they captivated
a lot of non baseball fans, right and for baseball,
that's what you want. Right outside of even California. I
think show Hay and the duels that were going on,

and that lineup and the bullpen games, I think it
brought a level of excitement to baseball that baseball can
benefit from. That's a big brand that the World Series
with the with the Dodgers and and the Yankees.

Speaker 6 (01:49:45):
And it was Arizona, Texas literally one year ago.

Speaker 3 (01:49:48):
Who's watching that?

Speaker 2 (01:49:49):
Sure, sure, sure, sure, I guess this is for me
my immediate reaction is a little bit less about the
result of the season and more about the interest that's.

Speaker 1 (01:50:01):
Being generated on the way in.

Speaker 2 (01:50:04):
And I guess the debate centers around you know what
we've been talking about in basketball for years, which is
the idea of super teams good or bad? And I
would usually argue that data would show they're good. It's
a good thing.

Speaker 6 (01:50:23):
Well, the two big stories in sports. It was written
one hundred years ago by one of the old sports writers.
The two biggest stories are big Man wins or big
Man loses?

Speaker 1 (01:50:31):
Right too, exactly right, Yes you want that.

Speaker 2 (01:50:34):
I mean we're kind of having this conversation about Mahomes, right,
do you want him in the Super.

Speaker 1 (01:50:38):
Bowl so that you can for him or against him
or not?

Speaker 2 (01:50:42):
I just I wonder if baseball isn't starting to feel
a little bit like college football in many markets.

Speaker 6 (01:50:50):
It would have been better for baseball if Sasaki had
been a Padre, because the Padres have spent a lot
of money, but they don't have a lot left over
to spend, and they could have gotten a guaranteed their
guy at a young age type of starter cheaply, kind
of like when Otani first came over cheaply for the
Angels and then they did nothing with it, right right, yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (01:51:13):
Just you know what I mean, Like, do some baseball
markets feel like, uh, you know when Alabama plays the
Citadel in November.

Speaker 6 (01:51:21):
No, it's not quite that thing.

Speaker 2 (01:51:22):
Well, I don't know if the Pirates can't even seem
to call Paul Schemes to talk about a contract, and
now that's one guy.

Speaker 3 (01:51:33):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:51:35):
I like, I can't speak for all of those markets,
and and and how how the fans feel when it's
just a parade of the top names to the same
city and and and organization.

Speaker 3 (01:51:48):
I don't want.

Speaker 1 (01:51:50):
Yeah, but this is different because.

Speaker 4 (01:51:52):
Because somebody other than the Yankees are doing it, I guess.

Speaker 2 (01:51:55):
But right, so, now, the Yankees never did this. They
never they never deferred that amount of money. He like you,
I don't blame the Dodgers. The rule was set the
way it is. But to me, baseball left a door
unlocked that they that somebody walked through. And so that's
not the Dodger's fault. They walked through an unlocked door,

but somebody should have locked the door.

Speaker 4 (01:52:20):
Yeah, it's that's the way I look, it's why it
opened right now, yeah, and so other teams need to
take heed and also walk through that door, right that
most can't.

Speaker 1 (01:52:32):
Well, but I would argue the onus is.

Speaker 2 (01:52:35):
On that, Like I would love people talk about a
salary cap, which will never happen. I would love to
see if you were going to have that conversation. There
needs to be a salary floor too.

Speaker 4 (01:52:43):
Yes, absolutely, that's the problem. Because there is no floor.
You can just keep going down, down down.

Speaker 6 (01:52:51):
The A's and the Pirates aren't spending anywhere near one
hundred million total for their whole roster, which is absurd,
and the Houston Astros are way over two hundred million,
and Texas Rangers way over two hundred million.

Speaker 4 (01:53:02):
And forget, it wasn't that long ago that the Dodgers
couldn't even make payroll.

Speaker 6 (01:53:10):
That's right before this ownership, right right, Yeah, MLB, don't
the team right exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:53:16):
There's no criticism of the X were being bound at all. Yeah,
this is this is them taking advantage of a situation,
and they have every right to do that. And yes,
other major market teams should be held accountable for not
and the quote unquote smaller market teams should be participating
in the salary floor I completely believe that, but I wonder,

I wonder what the move is, you know, because like
like Tiger Woods was amazing until Augusta was like, eh,
we should probably change the holes, you.

Speaker 1 (01:53:50):
Know what I mean? Like this is that's kind of
what I feel like here with baseball.

Speaker 6 (01:53:54):
I will say with baseball, there are plenty of other
teams that spend about two hundred and fifty million in
salary and don't necessarily win titles. Whether it's Braves, Cubs, Phillies,
I mentioned the Astros Toronto. It's not like these teams
have small payrolls. There was an article this weekend on
MLB dot com, the headline of which was the Dodgers
aren't unstoppable even with Sasaki, and some of the things

we've kicked around just now are things of reasons why
they won't necessarily be winning it all this year, and
one is health injuries. They might still have the pitching
problems that they have. There are other worthy challengers out
there the Dodgers. I mean sure, the Dodgers have an
older roster as well this year. I mean, aside from

that second basement they just got from South Korea, this
is a fairly old team. This is not like the
same group's going to be together for another five years.

Speaker 1 (01:54:44):
No, oh yeah, no it's not.

Speaker 4 (01:54:45):
They're striking while they can strike, which is what you're
supposed to do.

Speaker 2 (01:54:49):
The only thing that's different though, even the Yankees never
deferred like this.

Speaker 1 (01:54:54):
No one's ever done out before.

Speaker 6 (01:54:55):
I'd never heard of it.

Speaker 1 (01:54:57):
No, I didn't know you scale.

Speaker 3 (01:55:00):
Now you can't. Now you do.

Speaker 1 (01:55:02):
Somebody didn't. I didn't know this was allowed.

Speaker 4 (01:55:05):
Somebody was combing that collective bargaining agreement with a fine
tooth comb, and it was like, so, let.

Speaker 3 (01:55:11):
Me ask you this, So if we do this and
this and this, we can do this.

Speaker 6 (01:55:15):
Tom Brady instead of saying I'll take less, should have
been saying I'll defer those years because I don't need
the money now.

Speaker 1 (01:55:23):
Right right by the way, current roster total.

Speaker 2 (01:55:30):
Of deferrals equals over one point two billion dollars.

Speaker 3 (01:55:36):
They win another World Series, it's all worth it.

Speaker 4 (01:55:40):
Oh, sure, just adding value. They just stacking value. That's
all they're doing. The stacking value.

Speaker 6 (01:55:47):
The Mets had the highest payroll last year and then
bought one Soto on top.

Speaker 4 (01:55:51):
Let me ask you this, would New England be worth
what it's worth without the Tom Brady and the titles.

Speaker 2 (01:55:56):
I can't, of course, not of course, not so of
course not no, And that goes that goes around sports.
That's the same for the Warriors and Steph Curry and
like I mean, that goes on and on. All right,
Championship Sunday is set. That's the great Steve de Seger
eat from Salama, Mark Willard. We continue on Fox Sports Radio.

All right, the is the Tyreck dot Com studios.

Speaker 1 (01:56:24):

Speaker 2 (01:56:25):
Twitter can be an unfortunate place. Uh, there is a
tweet that needs to be taken down that is circulating
right now.

Speaker 1 (01:56:36):
I don't know if you've seen this.

Speaker 4 (01:56:37):
No, I don't. I don't go on Twitter or x
or whatever's going occasionally I do.

Speaker 1 (01:56:44):
But yeah, I was gonna say, I'll see you on there,
but I got you.

Speaker 3 (01:56:46):

Speaker 2 (01:56:48):
Six hours ago, the Baltimore Ravens official Twitter account posted
a pregame run from the forty yard line.

Speaker 1 (01:56:59):
To the line. Just a little warm up sprint from
Mark Andrews, who was.

Speaker 2 (01:57:05):
Wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts, shoes and gloves.
Freezing cold out. There's a blizzard coming through and he's
in a shorts and a tank top. So the Ravens
Twitter account showed the video and wrote, a little snow
doesn't bother Mark Andrews.

Speaker 3 (01:57:27):
Okay, yeah, immediately take it down people.

Speaker 1 (01:57:32):
And it is. It has got one point four million impressions.

Speaker 3 (01:57:39):
You know, Philly fans weren't gonna let that go.

Speaker 7 (01:57:44):
Oh my god, that was posted pregame and then what unfolded, unfolded, awful, terrible,
robbed us of a of a tremendous overtime.

Speaker 1 (01:58:02):
The game might still be going, it might be.

Speaker 2 (01:58:10):
Oh so yep, And if you've been cruising around in
life doing something other than either listening to us or
or watching the game. Andrews then fumbled in the fourth
quarter on what had the look of a drive to
potentially take the lead. And then on the game's final drive,

the Ravens down eight, they go down, they score a touchdown,
and on the two point conversion play, Andrews is by
himself at the goal line and Lamar just went and
hit him right there in the belly and.

Speaker 1 (01:58:46):
He dropped it. And so the Bills go to Kansas
City next week.

Speaker 3 (01:58:51):
Digging a hole.

Speaker 1 (01:58:56):
It sounds to.

Speaker 2 (01:58:57):
Me like you think the Chiefs are going to play
the Commanders in the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (01:59:04):
Is that your pick?

Speaker 3 (01:59:05):
I would love to see that.

Speaker 2 (01:59:07):
I know you would, But is that what you're saying
is gonna happen? Yes, Okay, I'll take the bills. I'm
gonna take the bills and uh and and the commanders.

Speaker 3 (01:59:19):
I'm taking the chiefs and the refs.

Speaker 1 (01:59:21):
And that pretty good man.

Speaker 2 (01:59:27):
And one of those you know, one of those games
is gonna is gonna unfold during our show next week,
So my man, I will talk to you then.

Speaker 1 (01:59:36):
Oh yeah for.

Speaker 2 (01:59:38):
You from Salamma. Mark Whelard keep it right here on
Fox Sports Radio

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