All Episodes

May 19, 2024 121 mins

Martin Weiss and Veejay Huskey react to the end of the Mavs vs Thunder Game 6 with the Mavs winning the series. Martin and Veejay also debate whether Jalen Brunson is a real superstar or not. Plus, the guys talk about Caitlin Clarks shaky debut, talk more MLB, and so much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
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listen live.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
That's right, we're broadcasting live from the tire rack dot
com studio tirac dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
What help you get there?

Speaker 2 (00:17):
With unmaxed election fast free shipping freuid has a protection
over ten thousand recommended this dollars tireraq dot com. It's
what tire buying should be. I'm Martin Weiss, joined here
with my co host off the injured list this week,
coming back from a short stay on the il VJ Husky.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
How are you doing, my friend? Hi?

Speaker 4 (00:35):
Man, this is a little still, we're a little raspy,
but the actual sickness which was causing me to really
be down in being a hospital for a day, it's gone.
I got through. A guy got me through an all
to prayers. Thanks everybody praying for me out there. But
I'm good man.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
It's going to be back. I missed you guys. I
know you didn't miss me, but I missed y'all.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
At Old and Polonies filling in last week. He huh,
I said, I heard.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
I'm just mussling.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Let mean, hey, it's not his fault you call, but
sow some real hater stuff, right, yeah, yeah, I know.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Oh whatever he was here, I know.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
I'll tell you what I said if I said it
at the top of the show. That is one of
the biggest people I've ever been in the same room
with that one. No, he's a Yes, he's a he's
a large human being, every inch of that seven foot
you see it. It's like, oh, no, wonder this guy
every seven rebounds for a career. I get it right here,
right now, all right.

Speaker 3 (01:28):
But he was in the lead for ten plus years. Yeah,
very long, like long, twelve thirteen years old. The politices
good run in the breaks.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Who there's like soccer run and he was complaining about
the soccer baseball.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
I was like, man, this guy's true. He know. It's
every little bit about every sports, all right.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
But we do have I guess not quite the best
words in sports because everybody will say those are game seven,
But we do have a game six loading currently as
shake Guilders, Alexander Kyrie, Irving, Luca Dancis and the like
are warming up right now on the court in Dallas.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
No, yes, in Dallas yeah, Aaron Dallas, Darren Dallas for sure.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (02:02):
The polos at the supports they've had on threw me off.
All that kind of is a lighter blue that I
was expecting. But that's another problem.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
NBA. Just uniforms and keep them consistent.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
But we have the MAVs and the thunder right now
Dallas Mavericks Oklahoma shitty thunder right now Dallas with the
lead in the series and the chance to close it
out in this matchup coming up right now. Shake Gildess
Alexander has had four straight playoff games with thirty points,
five rebounds, and five assists, which is pretty impressive. But
to me, the Mavericks have played with their food a

few times.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
In this series.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
It should be over by now, and I think it
ends tonight. Where are you at with this game? I
agree with part of that.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
I think it can end tonight, but I think it
also could be in favor of Oka.

Speaker 3 (02:48):

Speaker 4 (02:48):
I think okay Se has had a few games when
they kind of spit up on themselves and they get
in these they get any stretches where they stop moving
the ball, and if you really watch film and really
watch them.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Play, when they don't care who's scoring.

Speaker 4 (03:01):
When they don't care who's getting the props at that
moment and the ball is flowing, it looks a lot
like Golden State once Mark Jackson got them going before
Kerk came in.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
But then they go through.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
These lows where they don't move the ball. It's way
too much one on one. I give you props because
you number one. You picked Dallas in a serious so
if they close out tonight, you got that one. But
Dallas is defending them a lot better than I thought
Dallas would be able to defend them, and I think
that's a problem they've also had too. If they moved
the ball around, that can get a roll win tonight.

But if they go iso iso stuff and just and
the ball movement stops is when they can't score. And
I think if Dada changed that in two or three
minutes spurts of a few games, it could be three
two their way.

Speaker 3 (03:46):
Remind me, did you pick Oklahoma City? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (03:48):
Of course I got sucked ay because I just towards
the end of the year and then that run against
the Pelicans, albeit Ozion, I was just watching them and
I'm like, man, this team really knows how to play
well together and they can make a little run. But
I mean Dallas has been able to defend what they
do best, and that's hit you with those spurts.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
So I think Oklahoma City had a great opportunity here.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
And don't get me wrong, it's game six, like they
can still come back into in a row and go
ahead and take this series up. And if you if
we learned anything from this NBA playoffs, the series ain't
over until it's oh no, all right, because it was over.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Remember in the Western Conference.

Speaker 4 (04:23):
Series we're talking about this in just a minute, and
the Timberwolves, Oh yeah, that was over after two games,
and then after.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
Two more games it was over again. Oh it was down.

Speaker 4 (04:33):
When when they were down too, it's like, oh, Timberwolves
gonna win this whole thing. It's been over three times, exactly,
I've been over three times.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
You know, I'll wait for the movie to officially end
before I give it my rain tomorrow, right, you know
what I'm saying, before I give it, before I write
up my review. All over the movie to officially end first.
But when it comes to this, when it comes to
this the Oklahoma City team, then you have two things
that are interesting at play the first one is and
it comes they're kind of related. This team, Josh Giddy

has started every single game of his NBA career, now
eighty two games. In the NBA season, he had started
like two hundred, two hundred twenty or so, so about three,
you know, two to three years, have been starting every
single game. With the emergence of Shay Gilders Alexander, there's
not space for Josh Giddy because he's not a good
enough shooter. I benched to justify a spot. No, but

that's the thing. It took too long to bench. If
they had benched him in like game two or game three,
made the adjustment right in game two. What I'm saying
around that time, if they had done it then and
seeing the adjustment and made the adjustment, then.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
Okay, now, now I can see where you're working with.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
This makes a little bit more sense here because offensively
right now they're the Mavericks while they're don't get me wrong,
are playing incredible defense when you consider the way that
this team started the year out. Okay now, but having
Giddy out there allows them to put either Gafford or
Lively on him because they're like.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
Hey, hey, you want to shoot it. Please feel free.
I love it. I love it. In fact, here's another one.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
You know what I'm saying, And very much like in
the Timberwolves and Nuggets series, like Rudy Gobert said, if
Aaron Gordon is gonna play like Kobe Dur Kobe Bryant,
then we're gonna lose.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
Right. If Aaron Awarden's gonna play with Kobe Bryant, then
we're gonna lose.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
If Josh Getty goes seven for ten from three, then yeah,
you tip your cap. You're gonna lose. Like that's not
what you were expecting to happen. And they have to
have a game plan. You have to stick with that
game plan. To that point, Oklahoma City's game plan was
we're not gonna change anything. We're gonna still play all
ten guys that we played all regular seasons. We're not
gonna shorten all rotations. And I think what you see

in this is now that they're finally starting to constrict
it now and I'm not in the Oklahoma City locker room,
but I've been hearing the reports. Is Josh Giddy kind
of like the first guy out of the locker room,
Josh Getty isn't he's not there.

Speaker 4 (06:48):
He hasn't had the best year. Oh he's but yeah
he is. That's part of the thing. Yeah, he had
all that off the court, all that off the court
stuff with the girl in California, and all of that
ended up being, uh, you know, no charges being filed
and kind of went past.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
They said, the Oklahoma City never did anything.

Speaker 4 (07:06):
They kept him, They kept him in the same status
that he had been the entire time. So now is
when they're doing it. You see what I'm saying. If
they had moved it, if they had made a move
at that point in time.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
They might be up in this series, because I think
they would still to finished in the top three seeds
of the Western Conference. Right, they might be up right
now if they had moved Giddy to the bench or
tried to do something to with justice playing time. But
then what you end up happening is now guys like
Isaiah Joe coming off the bench, guys like who are
trying to like stretch the floor. He hits his first
three in Game five, misses the rest of them right

because he's why, partly because.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
He's been a bench player for this entire time. Also,
Dort he takes way too many questionable shots.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
For me.

Speaker 4 (07:47):
He reminds me a lot of Portous from Milwaukee, where
they're good players, but I think sometimes within the midst
of a game, they think they're better than they are,
so they start to do things that are kind of
out of character. Though, those are things that can happen
that start to stunt your offense and ruin flow is
when guys just start jacket shots. And if you look

at the last two games, he's putting up a lot
of questionable threes. It's like, bro, calm, calm down, let
the game come to you, don't try to go get
the games.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
That's something else I've seen.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
But as far as tonight's game goes, I would love
to take the thunder.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
I really would.

Speaker 4 (08:26):
But they don't have an answer for Luca, and Luca's
playing is beat up and hurt as any superstar I've
seen in the postseason since maybe a Kobe Bryant is
the last time I've seen a player of that stature
like have lese legit multiple injuries that they're playing through,
and I just don't think Oka se they have an

answer for Luca. And if you don't have an answer for Luca.
Then you don't have an answer for Kyrie because that
goes hand in hand, and Vegas likes him. At three
and a half, I think most people think they end
this tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if Oklahoma say he won,
but they are a young team. I always say young
teams don't go far and they don't win it. You
gotta go through these bumps in the NBA, especially if

you don't have a super team or you didn't go
grab three and four free agents in one offseason. You
build you bill, but you get to this point where
hey had a great fifty plus one, fifty plus win season,
but you are running into two vets. Kyrie's a champion,
Kyrie's won a gold medal, like, Kyrie's been balling this
is and while thirteen he's a.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
Vet aring point well. Scoring totals have been kind of depressed.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Yeah, this postseason, his defense has been awesome.

Speaker 3 (09:35):
That's what you do as a superstar leadership, that's what
you do.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
Has been You know, it's odd because if you had
asked me just eighteen months ago, do I think Kyrie
Irving could be the veteran leader on a team. I
would have told you there's no chance, right, like nothing,
nothing about his past would have shown that that would
have been the case. But maybe it's interesting. He might
just be and this is a conversation for another day.
He might just be the best robbin of all time.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
Oh, like that is a great if he plays that Batman.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
I'm not sure. I'm not sure if he can be Batman.
We saw him try to be Batman in Boston. Didn't
work so much. Then in Brooklyn, you know, everything came
down and there was a whole bunch of the whole
bunch of mess. But in terms of a second fiddle,
in terms of the backup, right, in terms of.

Speaker 3 (10:20):
The terms of robbin, in terms of I got you? Yeah, wow,
he may be. Yeah, I say this.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
I don't have the list in front of me, but
I be shocked if he's not top five of secondary.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
Well that's easy, that's easy, top five. But you talk
about best all time? Then I go to Okay, Scottie,
Pippen and dude, they have to have won championships because
Stockton him alone are both like upper echelon great Hall
of Fame legends.

Speaker 3 (10:44):
But who is the robin between them two? Who is
the robin?

Speaker 4 (10:48):
Because without without Stockton, there is no Malone. I believe
Stockton though, could have played with ten other uh borderline
Hall of Fame power forwards and make doing like.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
If John Stockton played with Sean Kemp.

Speaker 4 (11:02):
Oh my god, yeah, Sean Chap would have had better numbers, right,
So when they've had to win championships or is he
just the greatest second fiddle ever?

Speaker 3 (11:12):
I think he stocked the Malone's right there. We'll see
if the Mavericks ends up on to the title.

Speaker 4 (11:18):
No, I'm just I mean, if you throw something out
that good mark, you know my brain, I'm gonna go
to it.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
So that was a good one.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
The thing about this series as well is Luca has
been I know, there's some people that make jokes about
it and say, you know, when he actually catches the ball,
all of a sudden, all.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
These problems are healed.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
But we've seen that he has been like a hampered
in this series due to his various injuries. Game five,
to me was the first game of this series where
he really played well.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
He's beginning is know, he hasn't been shooting well at all.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
But that he really like was the Luca that we
are used to seeing in the postseason, because as he
has not necessarily had postseason success in the Capitol s letter,
like you know what I'm saying, he's not you know,
conference finals, has lost a few times, never been in
the final, never been in a championship in this country.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
He's wont his couple back back there across the pond
over in what Spanish league, Spain?

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Right, But this is where we see the Luca that
we were kind of promised. We saw game five. I
think we see it again in game six. But the
other thing about this Oklahoma City thing, they were so
concerned with their continuity, right afraid the bench giddy, right,
and they finally do it feels like it's too much,
too late. What they also could have done is exactly

what the Dallas Mavericks did.

Speaker 3 (12:32):
PJ. Washington is the leading scorer in this series. Damn near.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
If he's not, I don't remember, I didn't take number
the game five, but PJ. Washington had balling. They had
two PJ. Washington games in this ceilings right. Daniel Gafford
has proven to be a major piece for this Dallas run.
Both of those guys were available to trade deadline. One
of those guys played in Charlotte.

Speaker 3 (12:53):
PJ. Washington. You know what the Oklahoma City.

Speaker 4 (12:57):
Thunder traded for for the Charlotte Hornets, Gordon Hayward, who
may not be in the NBA next year. He's a
free ager coming up, and I look, he's getting dmpcds
at thirty four years old.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
In the postseason.

Speaker 4 (13:11):
Somebody will get him a shot. But you see one point, Yeah,
I got PJ. Washington has been the leading score for
Dallas in two wins this series.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
So you got maps closer tonight. I do have the
maps closer, and I also think they cover if that.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
If that fancies you at minus four as a tip off,
and Aaron Wiggins goes ahead and dunksys, that's not Aeron Wiggins,
that's Jamal Williams, Jalen Williams, Santa Clara Jalen Williams.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
I was listening to the Mavericks broadcast.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Yeah, and he kept calling them Arkansas Williams and Santa
Clara Williams because you know they have the other Jalen Williams,
the light skined guy.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Yeah. I just thought that was funny. It just couldn't
take it. Dog.

Speaker 4 (13:45):
When you're calling games man names, colleges man, listen. I've
got text messages before, like hey, VJ. It's pronounced such
as such like oh my bad, I got I'll fix it.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Luca Dodge is getting a shot up, lou dor it
looks like you picked up a foul already.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
We'll be all absolutely did Is Doucu is at the
free throw line right now.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
Just getting started here on Martin and VJ on a
Fox Sports Saturday, just as the Mavericks and Thunder are
just getting started as well.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Tony Brothers on the call. He's had an interesting postseason
so far, to say, the least interesting hairline too. Hey man, hey,
is that is that it bounds? People don't listen here. No,
people don't know because this is radio. But VJ is bald.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
So is it fair for you to be talking about
Tony Brothers hairlines as it is? Because I'm jealous. I'm
in with hair. I've told you all this before. If
you have a lot of hair, I'm jealousy. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
And see Patrick take his hat off and flap his
fingers through it.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
Yeah, I'm jealousy.

Speaker 4 (14:42):
If you fall asleep next to me, I'll shave all
of that off and lay it right next to you,
like and I know what you did last summer.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
I would just love to know the scenario in which
that Patrick, And yeah.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
I know, I know, I know, I know. But that's
a converstion for another day.

Speaker 4 (14:57):
I walked into that one by Night's coming back, guys.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
By coming up next, we got the best two words
in sports game seven. We'll break them down both coming
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Speaker 1 (15:24):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (15:37):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Benmaller.
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Speaker 3 (15:59):
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Speaker 5 (16:01):
Listen to the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller or the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 2 (16:06):
Martin Wis's VJ Husky come into your life at the
tire reckor dot com studio. If you want to join
the conversation, you can hit us up on Twitter slash x.
I'm at Martin Wis VJA at the Big Manlla Funny.
We'll get to your tweets throughout the show, and of
course you get us at Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (16:20):

Speaker 2 (16:21):
You just said something about the challenge here and I
want to talk about this because Tony Brothers, well, I mean,
you couldn't have been standing closer to luke EN's Dort
and Luka Donchez, which is those are two crazy names
back to back, but door shot at three and then
they said that Luca fouled them and they had to
challenge it. If in fact, your challenge is not like
if your challenge is overturned, you should have on limited

challenges like once you lose them all right, I get you.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
Once you lose it, you lose it. But some of
these calls have been so bad, so they should be
able to challenge until they lose one. Got you able
to lose two?

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Right, you should lose two, so like, but until then
you should be like, if you challenge and you get
it right, your challenge is upheld, then you should be
able to keep your challenge. Yeah, of course, it's ridiculous
to me that because the rep like think about it,
like draw it out to the most logical thing, right,
and your apps, and you're right on every challenge. So
because you were right twice about the restless to the

call the third time that this person who you have
deemed to be incorrect twice always wrong again, you have
no recourse.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
It doesn't make any sense to me.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
Yeah, I don't like the fact that you give him
the point, you give him a bucket, but then you
give Dallas the ball. That part doesn't make any any
sense to me because he flopped to get the call.
So I think it should be no points. And I
thought there was technicals for flopping now and I haven't
seen that call, but I keep seeing guys flop throughout
the playoffs. We were just talking off the air doing

commercial break. The officiating through the NBA playoffs has been atrocious.
It's been like, oh, Luca just got fouled, and they
ain't call it right in front of the rep So
it just I don't know what a foul is anymore,
to be honest with you now.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
That and there's no consistency.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
If you remember a game was a Game four of
the Timberwolves and Nuggets series, whereas like you literally had
to commit attempted murder to call to get a foul call. Yeah,
and they say they're letting the players plays playoff basketball.

Speaker 3 (18:16):
All right, that's cool. Stay consistent, like, keep calling it
that way.

Speaker 4 (18:21):
Don't don't change the call the way you're calling the
game for game the game in the playoff series, however,
you start game one, make your adjustments by the third quarter,
and stick with that officiating for the rest.

Speaker 3 (18:34):
Of that series.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Yeah, this officiating has been I mean, swinging and missing
all over the place. I thought last night, for example,
that Jalen Brunton was getting fouled all over the place, but.

Speaker 3 (18:46):
He foul hunts.

Speaker 4 (18:47):
So it's hard for you got to it's hard for
officials because he foul hunts so much now.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
I mean, I'm not saying that he doesn't.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
But if you just look, if you go deer hunting
and you shoot the deer, it's dead right if you
get if you're getting fouled, whether you're hunting for it
or it just happened to you along the way, you're
still getting fouled. Like if you pump fake three times,
got jumps in the air, he lands on you when
you shoot.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
I know you were trying to get him to jump,
but he jumped.

Speaker 4 (19:14):
I know this is probably gonna say. You'll probably say no,
but I'll ask anyway. Do you think there is a
sense of these are human beings too, like the refs
like damn, I missed that one, or man, that was
a bad call on me, like make up calls. Do
you think sometimes refs do that because in your nature
it's like I blew that. Oh, but this one three

possessions later isn't so much of a foul, but it's
enough for me to make this call to make up for.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
The one that I know I missed. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
I don't love the concept of makeup calls, but I
do understand them. My thing is this, you like we
hold players to a crazy standard, right, like we hold
players who are created like a mother's day. Carlton Towns
was one for ten from the field, right, he gets that,
gets talked about that.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
That's on his official that's on your permanent record. You
know what I'm saying, Like when you were in school,
he had a permanent record. It's on his permanent record.
Ref missus ten calls. There seems there's no recall.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Don't know about it.

Speaker 4 (20:14):
There's no but there's no conversation about it. There's no
you know, like Tony Brothers has.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Missed two calls because he called the one on Dort already, right,
and that was on Daunte's when when Luca ran past
him and he had to review that, then missed the
one on Dort just on Dort when not just shot
the three and there's nothing. Just play on deal with it.
It's like there's no recourse for when a ref misses
a call. I wish that that was the case, so

that things like makeup calls didn't have to exist. That's
what I'm That's why I say, like, okay, if you
have unlimited challenges, if they're correct, if you don't not
allow challenges in the first place. If I'm right, I
should be able to continue to challenge that I agree.
Like if I'm in a court of law and I
say objection and then he says sustained or overruled right

of Jesus to staying or over rule. If you'll continue
to object and the reference the judge continues to sustain
your objections, after a while, the judge is gonna tell
the other attorney.

Speaker 3 (21:08):
Stop asking that that on question. Yeah, thank you, stop
asking a question because it's not it's not valid here.
That's my thing. It's not valid here.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
So sometimes every so often you gotta have some level
to be able to object if you're gonna have this
whole system in place, But you should be rewarded for
correct challenges man by that you should be able to
challenge more.

Speaker 4 (21:28):
If you made the mistakes more public from the NBA
officiating office, it would change the way guys officiated gains
if they're new. There were some type of recourse, some
type of repercussions for just making bad calls.

Speaker 3 (21:42):
You can't be this bad at your job at that level.

Speaker 4 (21:47):
Like if you're a pilot for American Airlines, you know
the one thing you can't be bad at landing landing
that you can't be bad at landing. You can't be
bad at flying. That's what you do.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Are to the point if you show that you're having
some trouble with something, it's not like Josh Giddy can't
shoot three?

Speaker 4 (22:10):
What happens because you can't shoot threes? Got put to
the bank. Yeah you know what I'm saying. You don't
get to fly today?

Speaker 3 (22:16):
Yeah, you don't. Man, Maybe we got to I don't know.
Maybe they got to open up the.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
MB We should not let him fly from La Guardia
to London. He doesn't feel confident about this.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Well, I know one person I do feel confident in,
and that is Steve de Seger.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
I know he would make Steve would land the plane.
How you doing? I love that phrase.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
It reminds me if there was an outfielder once for
the Padres. They asked him about his bad defense. He's no, no, no,
I'm doing okay in the outfield. Just fly balls, see
exactly what okay? One seat in the West, Oklahoma City
is leaving at Dallas twenty to seventeen. Was four minutes
to go in the first quarter. Make it twenty to nineteen.
Now is a slow start for the MAVs. They had

two shots three turnovers early on, but Luka Donsich now
has eight points and three turnovers. It's the Mavericks, five
seeds in the West, who lead this series three games
to two. A Game seven would be Monday night in
Oklahoma City. Denver hosts Game seven against Minnesota on Sunday night.
The Western Conference Finals will start Wednesday. In the WNBA,

New York Liberty defeated Indiana today ninety one eighty. Caitlin
Clark did have twenty two points, eight assists, and eight
more turnovers. Her team is zero and three in the
NHL playoffs already. We have goals each side in the
first ten minutes of tonight's game.

Speaker 7 (23:32):

Speaker 6 (23:32):
The Canucks are leading this second round series three games
to two. Vancouver is just tied at one to one
at Edmonton. If there's a game seven, it would be
at Vancouver on Monday. The series winner goes to Dallas
to start the West Final. Xander Schoffley and Colin Morikawa
are tied for the lead at the PGA Championship, up
by one stroke in Louisville. Morikawa birdie the final hole today.

He's also fifteen under par. Thirteen golfers are within five
shots of the lead. There have been so many great
scores this weekend. From the start there after the first
two rounds, there were seventy eight golfers under par, the
most ever in the history of any major, and now
heading into Sunday, fifteen players that are already double digits
under par, over twice as many as there have ever

been at a major. Good score for Shane Lowry today,
he's only two shots back after a third round sixty two.
He also ties the record low for a major. Sees
the Gray won the predest leading Wire to Wired Derby
winner Mystic Dan finished second. Boxing's undisputed heavyweight champion as
Alexander Usik after a split decision over Tyson Fury in

Saudi Arabia. NASCAR's All Star Race is Sunday nights on
FS one eight pm Eastern Time. Today's heats were canceled
due to rain. Joey Logano earned the poll for Sunday.
The rest of today's Truck Series event was postponed tomorrow
morning on FS one, And we've got Major League Baseball
in action now. Today the Yankees won again, or maybe
I should say the White Sox lost again one New

York the final. Not a bad day for Juan Soto
with a pair of four hundred foot homers and the
White Sox. Here we are past mid May. The White
Sox have won four road games this season, four and eighteen.
In the away games, Cubs were scoreless bottom of the
ninth and won one nothing over the Pirates. Cody Bellinger
scored the game winner, barely at the plate. Rays came

back to win at Toronto five to four. Giants were
fourteen to four winners over the Rockies, and the Marlins
came back to win in ten innings ten to nine
against the Mets. There was supposed to be a day
game on FS one. It's now a night game on
FS one after the weather there. Through six innings at Baltimore,
Orioles lead the Mariners two to one, just one hit
for Seattle. The game on Fox TV right now from

Texas's bottom of the fifth Angels won nothing over the Rangers,
padres at Braves still at a delay at the start.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
Back to you, thanks Steve Martin and VJA coming with
you live from the tirerac dot Com Studios VD.

Speaker 3 (25:56):
Let's dive into these game sevens a little bit.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
First, let's go ahead and start with the and the Knicks,
because that's the Game six we saw most recently. That's
seventeen to two run in the second quarter for Indiana.
Had me feeling like, dang, I can't believe New York
is gonna play with its food right here, right now.
But you know, Game seven Madison Square Garden will be
the first one in Madison Square Gardens is nineteen ninety five,
which is a stat that shows more of the New

York Knicks for futility over the last few years than
anything else. But when Josh Hart went down grabbing his stomach, I.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
Was like, honestly, I was sad.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
I felt the level of sad he's well not only that,
because I saw a tweet and said, Josh Hart is
the first No. Three, No D wing to be good
in the NBA because he just plays off ultimate hustle
and part. But to the point if he's out out
there getting all the rebounds and getting all the fifty
to fifty balls, he kind of hurts the team more

than he helps.

Speaker 3 (26:52):
Villanova's that Villanova is that Jay Wright.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
But it just to me, if it it's very shimple
for me for this Game seven. If the Knicks can
get Heart back and he plays at a high level,
If they can get Anonobi back, he plays at a
high level, the Knicks will win this series.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
If they can't, it's a toss up, and I'm gonna
take the Knicks tomorrow. I think Hert's gonna be fine.
I don't think Annobley's playing.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
I saw a report saying he was gonna go through
shoot a rounds, so he's got a shot.

Speaker 3 (27:18):

Speaker 4 (27:19):
And and even if he does, then we're not getting
the best, you know, We're not getting the best of him.

Speaker 3 (27:24):
He's he's gonna be banged up out there.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
But I'm leaning I'm leaning on Jalen Brunson in a
Game seven at home. You know, Tracy Morgan gonna be there.
You know, Chris Rod gonna be there. You know Seinfeld
gonna be there. All all the New York Spike, all
the celet Will Jones, Patrick, all the all the old

Nick players gonna be there. This will be his moment,
a Game seven national TV on a Sunday, with everybody
in May sitting at home watching the Nick Obacas take
this game seven. Indian has been a nice to scoring wise.
This year, Hallibur's had a good, great season. They got
they got a future. I like Rick Carlile. He's a

championship winning head coach. He's coached through USA teams that
have won gold medals. That man's a winner. He played
in the league. I respect what they got going, but
it ends tomorrow. Give me the Knicks, gimme Bruntson with
thirty five plus, and you'll have other guys feeling David
Chenzo Hello, my goodness, Like everybody, everybody remember how people

scoffed at that free agent contract for fifty mil. No,
he's no, that's that's what fifty mil get you guy
that can hit the three, play defense, play with energy,
play within the system, that get outside of himself and
keeps the ball moving.

Speaker 3 (28:42):
That's what he's supposed to do in the offensive end.

Speaker 4 (28:43):
But tomorrow, man, give me Jalen Bruntson and hopefully we
can calm down this superstar non superstar talk too. And
for some reason, all that hits the Knicks are taken.
I'll take the Knicks tomorrow to finish the series off.
Then we'll want to the Eastern Conference finals.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
I just man, they had a great opportunity on Friday
or is that Friday now?

Speaker 3 (29:02):
Yeah, the road games' top on Friday.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
But if any no team needs time off more than
the New York Knicks. No team needs a break more
than the New York that's to sit on the couch
for a day and not do anything than the New
York Knicks. I mean, because their injury report longer than
the CVS re seat.

Speaker 3 (29:20):
It's ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (29:22):
Yeah, but I listen, at this time of the year,
everybody's hurt, everybody's banged up, everybody's got something you got
you Like we were talking about Luca. We're looking at
this game right now, twenty five to twenty one, OKC.
One thirty two left in the first quarter. Luca's got
legitimate like, he's got legitimate injuries at different parts of

his body.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
The trainers just now, we're working on his knee, like yeah,
the NASCAR pitch stock.

Speaker 4 (29:47):
He's got a knee, he's got a quad, he's got
his shoulder, he's got it like he's different parts of
this man. Body is banged up. You gotta just play.
It just is what it is. If you can get
days off, great, but if you don't get them off,
you better have a hell of a training staff, and
you better be disciplined to do your stretching, drink your water,
eat what they tell you, like do, do your job.

This is what you do for a living. You're at
the point of the season where you're chasing the Larry O'Brien.
So this is where you're gonna put This is where
you got to bear down. This is where you got
to get mad disciplined. So yeah, they would love a
day off, but guess what, you got a game seven
at home tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
MSG. Get it done. And I'm and I'm I'm.

Speaker 4 (30:26):
Picking Brunson that have a killer game. He's killing it
the whole playoffs. Yeah, he had a few games, did
shoot well, didn't play well? All right, that happened.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
Well, it took me fair he had he missed eleven
shots in a row at the towards the from uh,
the end of the first half.

Speaker 3 (30:39):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
I think it was something started in the middle of
the second quarter to the end of the first half.
Missed eleven shots in a row. If he makes just
four of them, they win that game.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
But it happened. That's the thing though. It just it's
one of those things that Kobe's at bad shooting Knight,
Jordan's had bad shooting nights. Lebron's had bad shooting. Not
Larry Bird has had.

Speaker 4 (30:57):
Bad playoff I'm not crushing a four to your point,
and you just said you think he goes about thirty
five plus. Oh yeah, let's say he gets forty the
lift of people who have had six or more.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
Forty point playoff games in one year, because that'll be
what it is at five. So far right through there,
what a thirteen or so playoff game, fourteen or so
playoff games?

Speaker 3 (31:18):
So how many guys? How many guys got six?

Speaker 4 (31:20):
Lebron has eight. I gonna try to get it. Oh,
I'm guessing Kobe Lebron. No, Kobe's not on the Kobe's
not really Okay, no Kobe five. The cutoff is five.
Kobe's not here. Okay, Shack is on it.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
But if he gets to six, that will put him
on the list with Alan Iverson, Bernard King, Michael Jordan,
Jerry West, and Lebron James, Bernard King, Albert King's older brother.

Speaker 8 (31:48):
G I wonder who that is?

Speaker 2 (31:51):
America is like, ha ha, that's got people who are
not familiar with what's going on here. They have to
be like, why is that the first thing you say
when you're talking, Not Ernie Gruntfeld, not you know what
I'm saying, not Nicked Legend, Albert.

Speaker 8 (32:06):
It's almost like it's almost like Martin, who you got
Albert King?

Speaker 3 (32:11):
I hate both of you. God, I hate I'm gonnay. Hey,
come on, man, that was timely. That was great. That's great.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
But that's great to your point about the being in
Madison Square Garden, Jalen Brunson, tis Bernard King on the
list of forty point playoff games in one year that
come on the next fans.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
Would be like, coome on, forget about and you know what, Martin,
I'm gonna say, Knicks by ten plus. This game isn't
close tomorrow. The energy in that building, I just think
it'll be too much for Indiana. Well, hell, I'll tell
you it'll shoot great on the road.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
If you're if you're predicting a ten plus point margin
in the NBA playoffs, I tell you what, I think
you're on the right track. Seeing as they're having it
feels like there has been a close game since uh uh.
Murray from the Denver Nuggets was hitting game winners and
against the.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
Lakers, and he and he do it twice.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
He had to do it twice in one, but it
feels like that's the last time we saw a close
one in these plan.

Speaker 3 (33:05):
The alternate spread for ten is tomorrow for the Knicks.
You know, I know somebout he would.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
I don't sure you would mind me saying it cuts
us out my former one of my former bosses, Jimmy
Kimmel's cousin. He for every playoff game bets minus nine
and a half either side for just about every one
of them.

Speaker 3 (33:23):
Makes sense. Yeah, it can't lose. Yeah, I can't lose.

Speaker 4 (33:28):
Coming up next, this team has they've been dominant, but
it feels like something is missing and I figured out
what it is.

Speaker 3 (33:37):
Martin and Vja Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (33:40):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
Martin and Vja coming to your live from retire rec
dot Com studio.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
You can get us on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
I'm at Martin Wisvja at the Big Vanilla Funny, and
of course at five Sports Radio gets it done as well.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
We read your comments throughout the show.

Speaker 4 (34:05):
But VJ, let's let's take a second and talk about
the team that has been the most impressive honestly through
this postseason, but also feel very incomplete. The Boston Celtics,
like because I mean, let's be honest, they've lost what
two games all postseasons so far, and I remember we
tied them in the conversation with Medina, Mark Medina, who if.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
You listen to the station, you're well familiar with his work.
We had the conversation with him. I said, I if
the Celtics lose more than four games on the way
to the NBA Finals, I'm not taking them seriously. Well,
they've lost two and two rounds, okay, But we look
at the matchups and it's like, well, you know, no Butler.
By the end of that series, Miami was playing bench guys.

And then now you got they had Cleveland and half
of Cleveland was out and if you read the expos
that came out, you know as the final horn buzz
on the Cavalier season, things were not happy. And believe
Land it seems. And so now they'll end up with
either the sixth seed Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Corge
Finals or the New York Knicks, who are starting four

bench players in Jalen Brunson.

Speaker 4 (35:09):
When the playoffs started, I tweeted that this was audition
for Donovan Mitchell's next team, that he would not be
playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers in the twenty twenty four
to twenty five season. And he shot out of a
cannon to start these playoffs and played great. I found

it super weird and ironic that out of nowhere there
was this strain somewhere that kept him out of the games.
It was like, yeah, maybe I've done enough, put enough
tape out there. Let's not let's not kill the vibe.
But you know, when you when you look at Boston.

I've been saying this about Boston for the last like
two or three years. There there are a really good team,
they got really good players, but a championship team.

Speaker 3 (36:01):
I just don't see it.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
And unless they're gonna go and just win it, and
then people can say, hey, what do you.

Speaker 3 (36:07):
Got to say now? VJ?

Speaker 4 (36:08):
All right, they want it, So I can't say that
anymore about them because now they won one. But I'm
with you, bro, I just I look at them and
I just go, man.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
It's it's a.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
It's almost just like if they played anybody tougher, would
they even would they be would even be here right now?

Speaker 3 (36:25):
Because I struggle with that convers I struggle with that though.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
They're eight and two in the playoffs, right, which is
dominant by every every sense of the margin.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
But when you just watch them play, it doesn't necessarily
feel like it. And it hit me, you know what.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
It hit me.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
It hit me because the ship like because I was like,
because I feel you.

Speaker 4 (36:43):
I was like, I'm watching this, I'm like, man, whoever
comes up the West is winning the championship.

Speaker 3 (36:46):
That's the way I was just watching the games objectively.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
I've watched every minute of every Celtics game so far
and like every playoff game so far, so whoever comes
up the West is winning, is winning the championship.

Speaker 3 (36:57):
And the reason why is I'm like, why do I
feel this way?

Speaker 4 (37:00):
Like because eight and two mark in the playoffs is
dominant by every set, every mark of the word right.
But then when you actually watch the games, it's like,
I don't know what's going on here? Why do I
feel this way? And I realize at this point, the
Boston Celtics don't believe that this team currently constructed can
win a championship. You know how I know because they took.

Speaker 2 (37:22):
A team that was in the Eastern Conference finals last year,
traded a starter, traded two big bench pieces for Drew
Holliday and Christas Porzingis. They had this damn near this
same lineup, this same starts running like the you know,
the playoffs. Most people constrict their rotations unless you're Oklahoma City, right.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
They had this same damn team, damn near.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
You swap out Drew Holliday from Marcus Smart, that six
and one hand half dozen in the other.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
To me, you know, Marcus Smart's better defender, Drew Holiday
better shooter.

Speaker 4 (37:50):
I was about to say, you're almost getting the same
but it's the same kind of same kind of guy,
the same kind of conceptually, not the amount of major
massive difference between the two and mind opinion, I think
Holliday's a little bit better, but Marcus Smart is still
very serviceable. Right yeah, without the Celtics told us already
that this team couldn't win a championship. That's why they

traded all those picks and three rotation players to get
Holiday and Porzingis in two separate deals. If this team
doesn't get Kristas Porzingis back. The Celtics already told us
they can't win like this. Yeah, but remember last over
the summer, when all these moves were being made, the
phrase I kept using was desperation. It felt like desperation

type moves. You were just in the finals, you were
just up to to one in the finals over the
Golden State Warriors. Steph put on his cap and carried
his team to their fourth championship.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
The rest is history, Andreigs. We haven't seen him play,
and we haven't seen Wiggans since he before nor later.
We ain't seen Wiggans since. But you I thought it
was all desperation moves.

Speaker 4 (39:00):
You made the comment about Porzingis when I said how
much I didn't like that move. It's his Production's fine,
it's just his availability is what's gonna be to tell?
Tell when you go get Porzingis and it's showing now
the guy gets hurt as the year goes on, as
the bumps and bruises get harder and more sore, and
you're playing more games and it's getting more physical, his

body breaks down. So he's hurt already. He already showed
you who he was in Dallas and in New York.
It's not it's not a coincidence that it's happening again.
So when you're gonna do that and then take out
as you say, you move Marcus Smart. That's the heart
of your squad. When you take your toughest guy off

your team, your team will suffer. You may win some games,
you may score a bunch of points, but when it
come down to the nitty gritty like we like that.

Speaker 3 (39:51):
Grant Williams did go face to face with Butler.

Speaker 4 (39:54):
Because somebody needed to, because he was punking the whole
Celtic team by himself. So Grant goes, Okay, I'll go
press nose the nose against this dude since nobody else
does you they don't have that and if they get
it something tough Martin, I question, are they tough enough?
Not basketball wise, but you know, to your with your chest, man,

are you tough enough to go through this squad and
go through this moment to win a championship.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
But that's I think you don't make those moves if
you're happy with the team.

Speaker 3 (40:23):
Yeah, right, you don't. That's just cut your point though,
that's not what you do. Yeah, your point, that's not
what you do. If you're if you're happy with what's.

Speaker 4 (40:29):
Going on here, you're not making those types of moves.
And I tend to agree with you in that, Like
Boston seems like a team that they can win by twenty,
but I don't know if they can win by five.
And I felt that way about the Golden State Warriors
at a certain point time and it didn't damn matter,
right because they won by twenty every time, right, But
when the going gets tough, where are you turning?

Speaker 3 (40:51):
Whose team is and whose ball? Yeah? Yeah, Boston still
hasn't figured that out.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Right, Yeah, But I think I'm just watching Darius Garland.
You know, he was like three for fourteen in that
closeout game, but Jalen Brunson and then gone zoo. We'll
get to that coming up next. Superstar or half a
star through this NBA playoffs, Martin Wis's VJ Husky and
we're broadcasting live from the ti rack dot com studios,

tire rack dot com. We'll help you get there with
an unmaxed election fast free shipping freud as a protection
over ten thousand recommended to star dollars, tire rack dot com.

Speaker 4 (41:26):
It's the way that tire buying should be. As we
see Lou dort elbow, Derek Liveley back of the head
trying to.

Speaker 3 (41:32):
Get through a screen.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
Steve de Sagre just outlined you just under six minutes
left in the second quarter, thirty eight thirty four, Oklahoma
City winning. But as me and VJ were talking after
the end of the break, as Dallas hits a three,
Oklahoma City has been getting walked down by the Mavericks
ten oh runs. As I say this pubsicle screen, ten
oh run in the last three minutes, ten two run now.
But this game, the Oklahoma City's offense comes and goes

in a way that is not going to be able
to be sustainable in my opinion, to last this series.

Speaker 4 (42:02):
It's not just euro opinion, it's anybody that watches ball
and just knows ball and where you've watched enough, Mark, Yeah, Well,
because like real talk, Mark, we're at the age and
we're at the phase of our careers in life where
we've seen enough play action, excuse me, playoff basketball, playoff
NFL football, Like we've seen enough to be able to

see a team and go, okay, yeah they're good. But
if they're going to continue to do it this way,
or have these negatives happen. They can't win a championship
and that's why they're playing tough tonight. But if you
see they just had a twelve point lead and what
did I say doing commercial break?

Speaker 3 (42:38):
Just watch the offense.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
No one moves and it starts to becoming ISO one
on one ball. That's when teams can now they see
what you're doing, they can defend it. If you don't
hit the shot. Now we're off and we're running. We
get a run going, you get momentum, you get the
crowd into it. You blink, and now to one point game.
And they do this too many times.

Speaker 2 (42:57):
It almost reminds me of the most recent example is
the NFC Championship game this year San Francisco Detroit on
San Francisco, where the Lions at a twenty eight nothing
lead at half, and I was like, I don't feel
good about this one bit because it should be forty right.

Speaker 3 (43:13):
Should have been should be just it was thirty five
to nothing.

Speaker 2 (43:16):
It was like, how many points are going to be
scored in the game in general, you know, and so
you kind of just kind of play think about it
in that regard. Uh, but let's go ahead and slide
over to New York Madison Square Garden. We'll do the
scene tomorrow three thirty Eastern, twelve thirty Pacific. So if
you're out here on the West Coast, get a little
brunch in Little Mimosa and get ready to rock out

and watch Madison Square Garden. But we will have the
conversation right now. Jalen Brunson, Uh, go ahead, this is
kind of your thing. This is the second time you've
brought it up. So why don't you go ahead and
play point guard right here? Yeah, because there's.

Speaker 4 (43:51):
A narrative out right now that Jalen Brunson is not
a superstar, and it's been mentioned by multiple people and
then it started to just kind of get doubled down.
Do we have the sound and these are brothers here
at the network, but just and I'm asking for clarification.
Is the reason why I want to talk about this.
I'm trying to figure out if he's not a superstar,
then how does he become a superstar? Good going to

give us that real quick patrick.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
Anything Jalen Brunson can do.

Speaker 4 (44:18):
This season to make you think he's a superstar.

Speaker 9 (44:22):
No, because I know and I'm gonna just say it,
not even win the championship, Chris First, I would take
a look at his path to the championship and how
weak it was. I would look at that and say,
this is an outlier, this is a fluke. I would
And that's no disrespect to what he did, Chris none.
I want people to understand I'm not dissing him, but

I would look at that. Superstar status is more than
just winning a championship.

Speaker 4 (44:51):
And those are those are guys here a couple of Christmas,
Rob Parker and once again it's not Rob Parker. It's
not you know, like like going at him or I'm
as I'm asking for clarification because if he's not a superstar,
then what does he have to do to become a superstar?
If even a championship won't make him a superstar? And

what I did is I wrote down names of guys
Martin that I feel like we call superstars and not
Lebron or ad or Jannis. We know they're superstars, but
I'm talking about guys like Devin Booker, who was famously
touted as the next Kobe Bryant. He's been called a superstar.
He is not doing or done with Jaylen Brunt has done.

Why is he a superstar? Jaylen Brown, Jason Tatum, Donovan Mitchell,
even a Jimmy Butler, who I've great player, but he's
been touted as a superstar. If what Jaylen Brunt is
not doing with the Knicks, with the injuries, with that
city and that franchise, he's carrying them right now and

possibly gonna win a Game seven and get to the
Eastern Conference Finals from a guy who did come up
from not starting and being a role Hey, sometimes it
takes a few guys to get going in pro sports.
Twenty four points last year night, twenty eight points a
night this year, over fifty wins. If he's not a superstar,
my simple question is, what the hell does he have

to do then to become a superstar? If your premise
is not even a championship will make him a superstar?

Speaker 3 (46:23):
That was That was my you know, that was my point.

Speaker 2 (46:25):
And I don't think I would go as hard as
hardcore as Robert Chris would say about like if it
was a super no, if they go ahead and beat Denver,
you know, I'm gonna go the words in the words
of Danny Green, I'm a crowd is that?

Speaker 1 (46:39):

Speaker 3 (46:40):
How is that? But rest in peace?

Speaker 2 (46:43):
But I would say Jalen Brunson is not a superstar
yet how because here's the thing, because because we clipped
a little bit of it, but actually randomly enough flipped
on the couple and heard this conversation live and what
I've realized this is the difference between some of these
guys and what Jalen Brunston is doing now. It's the

continued success. I think he comes out with another playoff
postseason like this. Absolutely, we saw flashes like this in
Dallas those two games against the Utah Jazz when Luca
was out for the first two games in the series,
Jalen Brunscher came out. I don't know his numbers exactly,
but it was twenty five points upwards of seven assists,
like when he was running the show as the primary guy.

Speaker 3 (47:28):
So we saw flashes of what we're seeing now, right.

Speaker 4 (47:31):
We saw flashes of it in the first year with
the Knicks when they won that first series against.

Speaker 2 (47:35):
The Cavaliers upset the Calves. Remember Calves were a higher
seed in that series.

Speaker 4 (47:39):
And then obviously what we see now is Jalen Brunson
being not only the engine but the tires, the rims,
the steering gas tank, everything for the car right now,
for the New York Knicks.

Speaker 3 (47:50):
But when you're talking about Superstar, to me, it's.

Speaker 4 (47:56):
The continued on and on and on against six, Right,
it's the continuation year after year after year.

Speaker 3 (48:05):
I think he's on the cusp. But again, this is.

Speaker 2 (48:09):
Debating ten verse eight and a half, right, Like this
is the like, it's not far.

Speaker 4 (48:15):
Do you know what I'm saying? This is this is
triple scoop first doubles. We didn't do this for other
players though. That's the problem having is this weight. But
I think they're like, like, Booker is one of the
guys I got down.

Speaker 3 (48:24):
I know, I know he already knows that.

Speaker 4 (48:26):
I don't want to cut you off, but like, I
don't think that the rest of America thinks that Devin
Booker is a.

Speaker 3 (48:30):
Is a top of the line of Superstar.

Speaker 2 (48:31):
Oh I do, I I there was a time in
which you could have made the argument I'm a fan
of Devin Bookers now with that, but a lot of
times he disappears.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
There's times where he disappears. Is Donavan Mitchell a superstar?

Speaker 8 (48:44):

Speaker 3 (48:44):
And they think he is. I don't see.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
That's see, that's the so when I'm asking, I don't
want to debate their debate, right, no, no, no, no, no no no,
it's not about all I'm but if Dalen Bruns is
a superstar, not, Davian Mitchell is also not a superstar.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
But to me, like a guy like Kevin Durant for.

Speaker 4 (48:59):
Example, days know their statusphere those guys people, but just
to me, those are who superstars are because the guys
who are in the other stratosphere, that is what makes
you a superstar, is you're in the other stratisy Jah. No,
but he's but he's been Harold. Is he a star
as a superstar, he's a star. He's not a superstar yet.

Do I think he has potential to be there? Absolutely,
especially if he gets a jump shot? Jaylen Brown, No, okay,
I'm seeing and these are and these are guys I
don't view as superstars, but they're talked about, they're they're
paid like they're they're they're talented, ass these are the league.
Faces of the league. Got to be a superstar to
be considered a part of face of the league like paid,

like is different. Then I get that. I think that's
a different conversation. That has a lot to do with
the NBA salary cap and the way the salaries go along.
But like like it, to me, it's about the sustainability
of what we're expecting. Like like I think that a
guy like, for example, Anthony Edwards.

Speaker 3 (49:58):
Is on the cuss. That's where I'm going next. I
got him ran down to go for it. See. To me,
I think he is a superstar right now.

Speaker 4 (50:08):
What we need from Edwards is the results. Outside of
the results, he's got. He's got every single piece of
what it takes between athleticism, uh, just killer instinct, charisma,
I'll see you.

Speaker 3 (50:23):
The way he plays. Absolutely, he's just got to have.

Speaker 2 (50:27):
A little bit of more hardware behind it, a couple
more playoff series behind your belt.

Speaker 3 (50:31):
Like I don't.

Speaker 2 (50:31):
Necessarily think you do you have to win a title
to be viewed as a superstar.

Speaker 3 (50:36):
I don't necessarily think that. It is as cut and
dry as that.

Speaker 2 (50:39):
But you've got to be what I say the other day,
for a proven playoff performer like David Dayalen Brunson has
shown to me that he is a proven playoff performer.

Speaker 3 (50:48):
We just need a little more time. That's it just
a little more time.

Speaker 2 (50:51):
Now, if you're telling me that he goes to the
NBA Finals and has five more games and five more
games of forty or more, which will make the leading
person in NBA history with forty point playoff games. No,
all crowns ass, you know what I'm saying. But I'm right,
and don't I am. You will not find a bigger

Jalen Brunson fan Anthony Edwards and Jalen Brunson are the
two players this postseason. For whatever reason, I feel like
a kid again when I'm watching them play, like I
legitimately feel like a kid.

Speaker 3 (51:21):
And do you watch this?

Speaker 2 (51:22):
And I know it may be hard to understand if
you're not in this business in the way that we are.
When like, I'm not turning the game off it's a
thirty point blowout. I'm watching all four because I'm watching
well none of even just said. I'm watching every every
minute of Celtic's Cavalier Why because who maybe Jason Tatum,
God for knock on Wood goes down and hurts himself

and and and Layton game whatever, and I want to
see it live because what ends up happening in this
environment just to pull the curtain back a little bit
for everybody listening. As a as a host, you gotta
watch it so you can form your own opinion. Otherwise,
by the time the game's over, you will have heard
so many other people's opinions, and some of them who
are gonna have because there's only there's hundreds of takes

out there. But there's only so many, right, There's only
so many that takes that you could possibly have, So
then you end up hearing somebody who has the same
take as you, and they say it a little bit better,
and before you know it, you realize you're repeating what
somebody else said.

Speaker 3 (52:18):

Speaker 2 (52:19):
So that's why you gotta watch these games live if
you're in the position that we're in.

Speaker 4 (52:23):
When I watched these two PIDs Anthony Evergon Dayler Brunton play,
it reminds me of when I was a kid watching
like Dwayne Wade that Marquette and thinking, dude, there's nobody
better than him in the world. But I was a kid,
you know what I'm saying, Like, I'm a big fan
of these guys. That's another name I have is Wade.
Wade was touted as a superstar like after Wade's rookie year.

Speaker 3 (52:43):
It didn't take us long day.

Speaker 4 (52:45):
This is the problem I'm struggling with this narrative that
Jalen Brunson somehow isn't We were touting guys superstars before
that hadn't taken their team to even conference finals or finals, but.

Speaker 3 (52:58):
We could see it. Why is it so hard to see?

Speaker 4 (53:01):
And Jalen Brunton and all he's continuing to do is
to go out and prove it. He's everybody, every superstar, legend, guy, icon, goat,
whatever you want to name. A guy has had bad
shooting nights. I'm old enough to remember Jordan's eight of
thirty two's in seven of twenty six. He's had those
nights in certain games in playoff series, you're always gonna

have that.

Speaker 3 (53:25):
But they have so much greatness.

Speaker 4 (53:27):
Yeah, that gets lost in the shuffle because they do
so much other great stuff.

Speaker 2 (53:31):
But the thing is to me, you had people criticizing
Jordan when he will come up. Course, of course, right,
you have people, we just have social media. But there
was another people criticized absolutely, and I know that you
know it gets warped now because of the Lebron conversation
is on your point, is on your twenty two of it.
So you end up people just gloss over a lot

of the shortcomings that Michael Jordan did have in his
career because he had such success in the finals, but
like Jalen Brunson missed eleven shots and in the second
quarter of game six and in which a game in
which was a close out elimination game, Like, he's not
catching a lot of hell for that because we all
are watching and understand that he's the only hope that

they got. Right, if he was a superstar, we'd be like, well,
Brunching didn't show up. He had thirty one, but he
didn't show up. Do you see what I'm saying that
that's where That's where the conversation shifts now. I don't
feel as strongly.

Speaker 4 (54:25):
But I if you want to have him as a
superstar in.

Speaker 3 (54:29):
Your book, I'm with it.

Speaker 2 (54:30):
I don't care like but to me, when you're talking
about guys who are superstars, we are in an interesting
era right now because we are developing new superstars as
this is happening, We're figuring out who is going to
separate themselves from the rest of the pack. Because our
former superstars Lebron, Steph, Kevin Durant.

Speaker 3 (54:51):
They're not there. They're not here. I even so we're
looking for new people.

Speaker 4 (54:55):
Avidin Gianni's might be he keeps getting hurt like this,
just call it what it is. He keeps getting hurt.
There is some miles on the body.

Speaker 3 (55:03):
It's well hasn't advanced past the first round.

Speaker 4 (55:06):
Since yeah, they're they're I was about to say, they're
trying different things, they're bringing in different players, they fired
their coach. Only so much can happen before you have
to just watch the situation and watch the tape and
just go, Okay, this is how the movie ends. Like
Sam Ragavado, he still rats out Gotti, you know what
I'm saying, Like he's still he still rats him out.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
It doesn't change. Ever since I was a kid, I
knew I wanted to be a guy.

Speaker 4 (55:28):
Oh man, Henry, are you kidding me? Harry Henry not Harry,
excuse me, Henry. Yeah, man, Paul Pauli Cicero, why you
do that? Why you do that to PAULI like that?

Speaker 3 (55:37):

Speaker 4 (55:40):
It doesn't change, man, It's just you know, I'm just
just finished. Just the Superstar thing to me is just
it's weird how we categorize it. Now, and I just
wanted clarity, especially when I heard not even a chance.

Speaker 3 (55:50):
I was like, wow, championship. I thought a championship would,
but you know, for some people, I guess.

Speaker 4 (55:55):
Not Speaking of superstars, we had a potent superstar debut
and we have to also have to give him apology
to one as well.

Speaker 3 (56:06):
That'll be coming up next, Martin VJ. Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (56:08):
Third Berade Racing has a new independent regulator HAISA that
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dot Com. That safety runs first dot Com.

Speaker 3 (56:24):
Martin VJ. Coming to you, liar from the Tirack dot
com studios.

Speaker 4 (56:26):
Martin Weiss VJ Funny Sorry VJ Husky, Who is the
big vanilla funny?

Speaker 3 (56:31):
You can hit us up on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (56:32):
I'm at Martin Weiss VJ is the big vanilla funny
like our boy Tony Calvin said, Martin Weiss is riding
with the Knicks because of his dude that is about
that life. The big rag gou who is I think
that Gus Johnson probably gave him that nickname. I believe
it was Gus Johnathan. I'm sorry who if it's not,
but that was he got. Dante DiVincenzo got that from
Villanova when he was in Villanova called him the Big

rag Goo, the Big Rag and he had a f
is you doing b moment talking to Miles Turner and
then went in the post game, we talk about the
pacers are not are fake tough guys?

Speaker 3 (57:06):
And uh, there's always.

Speaker 4 (57:08):
One of those in the playoffs. Yet there's always one
of those. I was waiting for when it was coming.
I'm waiting for the actual because listen, the trash talk's
been low, the games have been great. Anthony Edwards is
giving us great post game accountability, you know, kind of
you know, bleep these.

Speaker 3 (57:25):
Guys over again. We're just doing it too.

Speaker 4 (57:27):
Yeah, I mean it's it's been kind of I've been
waiting for the Oh they're soft, are there? Week are
they're fake tough? So all right, so here we go.
But I'm all for just hardcore, clean, competitive competition too.
But with the NBA playoffs, it always you know, look,
little trash talk, you know, talk, a little smack talk,

a little trash.

Speaker 3 (57:51):
Yeah, I love it. I love it. Actually, I absolutely do.
But let's go.

Speaker 4 (57:55):
Ahead and talk about Caitlyn Clerk's debut that I know
you were hot on this.

Speaker 3 (58:00):
If you want to play point guard here, feel free
go for it.

Speaker 1 (58:05):

Speaker 3 (58:05):
I thought you were you itching for this one. No,
I was hitching for this one.

Speaker 4 (58:08):
And this is because this is not not Caitlin Clark
segment or opinion. This is just calling out what a
lot of people predicted, what was exactly what was gonna happen,
What is exactly been happening. Do we want to run
that TARROSSI sound now or you want to save it?
Go ahead, go ahead, Pat run into ROSSI sound.

Speaker 3 (58:29):
Look SVP. Reality is coming.

Speaker 8 (58:33):

Speaker 10 (58:34):
You know there's levels to this thing, and that's just life.
We all went through it.

Speaker 8 (58:39):
Oh God.

Speaker 10 (58:39):
Then you see it on the NBA side, and you're
gonna see it on this side where you know you
look superhuman playing against eighteen year olds, but you're gonna
come with some grown women that have been playing professional basket
for a long time.

Speaker 3 (58:50):
Not saying that.

Speaker 10 (58:50):
It's not gonna translate, because when you're great at what
you do, you're just gonna get better. But there is
gonna be a transition period where you're gonna have to
give yourself some grace as a rookie, and you know
it might take a little bit longer for some people.

Speaker 2 (59:02):
So that was Diana Tarazzi talking to Scott Van Pelt
after uh was it after one of the tournament games
this day?

Speaker 4 (59:10):
Just beat Yukon. They just beating Yukon. Yes, just being Yukon.
So there's some backdrop to that. But the point I
want to bring in, which gets me really going on
this topic is a lot of you people out there. Honestly,
you guys sound really foolish, and you have to understand
why Caitlyn Clark's gonna have fans that don't like her.
This is the way sports is, especially when you prop

somebody up and you kind of force feed them down
our throats. And you guys all know exactly what I'm
talking about. And when you're telling me someone is going
to save a league, and someone is going to be
the messiah, and someone is going to be the new
prophet like Lebron was the chosen one, and this is
when you tell me all of that, There is no
warm up to me, There is no getting acclimated to me.

There's no Martin and I both had a pretty you know,
long road to get to where we are. But when
we got where we are, we didn't look at it
each other go okay, we got to get acclimated to
have it. We gotta get ready for that. No, we're
ready now. We're ready now, like you're supposed to be
ready now. And everybody's talking about the viewership and how
much how many people are watching in college and I

was one of the people that stood out of said,
you guys aren't going to keep this up. Let's not
act like you care about the league that's averaging about
seven hundred k a viewership per game.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
You won't.

Speaker 4 (01:00:23):
Her debut was lower than the draft, so it's going backwards.
In game two is lower. In game three that was
on ESPN this morning was lower. It's not that people
don't like her. Sports fans now, I'm Martin, I think
are getting tired of being just force fed something that
most people can look at and go, yeah, she's good
or he's good, but legendary, iconic. The goal when you

start throwing those things around and it doesn't translate to
what's happening on the field of player or the court,
to track whatever, you are going to have a contingency
of fans who are going to point it out and
who are going to fight back. Actually feel a little
sorry for Clayton and Clark honestly, because I don't think
she asks.

Speaker 3 (01:01:04):
For all of this. But this is what it is.

Speaker 4 (01:01:07):
This is where you're at now. Every shot is gonna
be screwtinized. Mark and I saw people breaking down film
of where teammates missed her, which is fine, but I
guarantee those people ain't never.

Speaker 3 (01:01:18):
Broke down the damn w NBA video before.

Speaker 2 (01:01:21):
Now even if we had, even if they had right,
they put it on Twitter.

Speaker 3 (01:01:25):
Well, even if they even if they did right, go on.
It's it's a bit. I'll put it like this.

Speaker 4 (01:01:31):
The most recent hyped NBA prospect was Victor Winbinya.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
When he came.

Speaker 2 (01:01:36):
Into the league, it started to struggle for initially because
everybody's like, well, where is it?

Speaker 3 (01:01:41):
Yeah, where is it? Where is it?

Speaker 2 (01:01:43):
You told me that he's the best prospects in all
of team sports. Adrian Rojeranowski ever ever better than Andrew
Looks other than John Elway, but Lebron James right, But
it's crazious.

Speaker 4 (01:01:54):
I can't even Bo Jackson better than Bo Jackson. Better
than deonce. Yeah, it's like, well, hell on, Like wait
a second, Okay, So I'm gonna lest you just say
your hit his update here, I'm gonna respond, okay, coming
up next, And I tell you it is this is
a topic I am hot on.

Speaker 3 (01:02:15):
Steve's like, oh boy, I.

Speaker 6 (01:02:17):
Was waiting for you to say, I'm just quoting the
Odd Couple show again, because that was the whole Webbin
Yama thing I heard.

Speaker 3 (01:02:23):
He was the great you know, Honor.

Speaker 6 (01:02:26):
Can we just wait till people like play five games
in their whole ten to twenty year career first.

Speaker 3 (01:02:31):
People apparently not Steve. No, no, Steve, you know what, Steve.

Speaker 4 (01:02:35):
Normally I ride with you, but not today writing no
I want it now.

Speaker 6 (01:02:39):
Yeah, that's the problem with today's society and all of
sports radio.

Speaker 3 (01:02:42):
Just for the record, let's get.

Speaker 6 (01:02:44):
To halftime of the NBA playoff game at Dallas tonight.
This is a five seed Dallas that's up three games
to two against the one seed in the West Oklahoma
City second round series could be ending tonight, but a
nice start for the Thunder and they have a halftime
lead thanks to a late run sixty four forty eight
at the break. So Dallas shooting fifty one percent from
the floor, but as eleven turnovers, five by Luka Doncich.

He's five of six shooting, including three threes, fifteen points
for donsig but they're down big at home at the half,
sixty four forty eight OKC A Game seven would be
in Oklahoma City on Monday night. Denver hosts Game seven
against Minnesota on Sunday night. The Western Conference Finals will
start Wednesday Sunday afternoon. Indiana at New York in a

game seven. Series winner goes to Boston to start the
Eastern Conference Finals on Tuesday. In the WNBA, New York
is three and oh after defeating Indiana ninety one eighty
Caitlin Clark twenty two points, eight assists, eight turnovers. Her
team is zero to three. They were down twenty one
in the second quarter, and Las Vegas beat LA eighty

nine eighty two. Sparks rookie first rounder Cameron Brink one
of seven from the floor, eight rebounds and five blocks
in that game. By the way, did you see I
heard this on the telecast today about that the Convention
and Visitors Bureau in Vegas is giving every not just
the star players, every player on the Vegas WNBA roster

one hundred thousand dollars this year and another one hundred
k next year for promoting the city. And now the
WNBA is investigating to see if this is okay to
do in a salary cap league, because obviously they would
have kind of an advantage on future free agents.

Speaker 4 (01:04:26):
Perhaps, so it isn't like their team's already stacked, right, Steve, Yeah,
pretty damn good.

Speaker 3 (01:04:31):
I saw that. But my thought is like, what's the
difference between that and a Nike contract.

Speaker 6 (01:04:35):
Yeah, that's what the coach, for example, after today's game,
is saying, I didn't.

Speaker 3 (01:04:39):
Have anything to do with it.

Speaker 6 (01:04:40):
We didn't have anything to do with it. They talked
to the agents, they talked to the players. It got
nothing new with us. You know, usually they just sign
up the starts, they're signed up everybody. We're not in
on this. So that's already going to be their response
to the WNBA as this investigation goes down, because you're right,
if the team literally has nothing to do with it, why.

Speaker 3 (01:05:01):
Yeah, why do you care? Why do you care? Sorts?

Speaker 6 (01:05:04):
And I don't want to be well, if it's for
competitive imbalance, it means the salary cap would mean less
if you'll automatically be getting an extra hundred k in
a league where a lot of people don't make one
hundred k well.

Speaker 2 (01:05:17):
And partly because of that salary cap to get that
hard cat where they end up cutting players.

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
I mean, if any league needs the luxury attack as
a WNBA, that's go ahead, Steve. I'm sorry you got
to start.

Speaker 6 (01:05:28):
In the NHL playoffs, it's Edmonton two to one over
Vancouver mid second period, trying to force a Game seven,
which would be at Vancouver on Monday. Xander Schaffley and
Colin Moore Kawa are tied for the lead at the
PGA Championship, up by one stroke in Louisville, Seize the
Gray won the Preakedness, leading Wire to Wire Boxing's undisputed
heavyweight champ is Alexander Usik after a split decision over

Tyson Fury in Saudi Arabia. To Major League Baseball, what
was a day game on FS one after a three
hour rain to lay at the start is a night
game on FS one, and the Mariners now lead at
Baltimore four to two in the top of the ninth.
Brewers lead for to two at Houston in the bottom
of the ninth, Angels on Fox TV leading two to
one at Texas in the bottom of the eighth.

Speaker 2 (01:06:12):
Back to you, thanks Steve Martin and Vida. Coming to
you a lot from the Tireck dot Com studio. Shortly
after show our show hour podcasts we'll be going up.
You've missed any today's show, be sure to check out
that podcast. It starts Fox Sports Radio wherever you get
your podcasts. Be sure to also follow, rate and review
the podcast. Okay, just starts Fox Sports Radio wherever you
get your podcast You'll see this show posted right after
we get off of the air.

Speaker 4 (01:06:32):
Real fast, guys, just with the w with the w NBA,
the players coming in, you're talking about the cap, you're
talking about, you know, the sexual money and this this
is what really confuses me about this league. And I
looked this up today at a thirty six players drafted?

Speaker 3 (01:06:46):
Do you know how many made rosters? I absolutely do. Thirteen?
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 9 (01:06:51):

Speaker 4 (01:06:51):
Like like somebody has to really explain this to me?
How you why are you you drafted thirty six girls
ladies in thirteen made rosters?

Speaker 2 (01:07:02):
What? What's happening? How about this of the twelve first
round picks. Two of them didn't report.

Speaker 4 (01:07:07):
Yeah, it's so like then they just they drafted them
and kept them in Europe. So it's not like they
were like, I'm not playing. It's like they yeah, they're
filling the cup. But and I don't want to make
it sound like I'm being insensitive Steve about the salary
cap and one hundred a thousand dollars. I'm just to
the point now where what's the main story about the
league is the women are getting paid and I'm making money.

So either you fix it or let somebody else fix it.
I mean, maybe I'm ignorant to the rules and okay, fine,
but I'm trying to figure out.

Speaker 3 (01:07:39):
Look, the bottom line is this is America.

Speaker 4 (01:07:42):
Couldn't you should sell it and give it to somebody
and give it to somebody who can give it to somebody.
I'm just because you can't tell me that people wouldn't
be buying these teams the same way you keep buying
up basketball NBA teams, selling the ball teams, selling team
you can't afford the luxury tax, you should sell the team.

Speaker 10 (01:08:00):

Speaker 4 (01:08:02):
Like, and I'm not trying to let be captain, you know,
but ads, come on, man, this is crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:08:06):
So this is this is what I want to say.

Speaker 2 (01:08:09):
Because when Diana Tarazzi said that, that was when you
Iowa was advancing from the Final four to the championship game.

Speaker 3 (01:08:16):
All right, people called her, including on this. I had
an argument right here, you and Monsei was doing the
show together.

Speaker 4 (01:08:22):
I wasn't gonna say, but yall say her name, yes,
and I don't. But Diana Tarazi was called all types
of things, from selfish to jealous, to being a.

Speaker 3 (01:08:35):
Hater, all of this.

Speaker 2 (01:08:38):
Maybe, just maybe she knows a little bit more about
women's professional basketball than all of us jack ashes who
sit up here to.

Speaker 3 (01:08:45):
Talk on the radio.

Speaker 2 (01:08:47):
Why because she's been in the mix for the last
twenty dog on years.

Speaker 3 (01:08:50):
Damn near.

Speaker 2 (01:08:51):
Okay, the idea that Caitlin Clark was going to come
into the WNBA, the league in which take the salaries
and put them to this side, because I understand you
can make more as a freaking child lawyer in the
America than you can as a women's professional basketball player.

Speaker 3 (01:09:06):
That's a different conversation that will have at another time.
It absolutely is.

Speaker 4 (01:09:12):
But this is the most competitive professional league in the
United States period.

Speaker 3 (01:09:18):

Speaker 2 (01:09:19):
I know that may sound crazy to some people, but
you have to understand the reality of just the spots available.
There are only one hundred and forty four available spots
every year in the WNBA. Now, as Steve and BT
that we're just talking about a minute ago, the salary
cap constraints in the WNBA are such that you have

some teams that only carry eleven players. Compare that to
the NBA. The ww is twelve teams with twelve roster spots.
The NBA is thirty teams with fifteen roster spots. There
is no such thing as that the nazis onto the
kumpo in the WNBA and never. There is no such
thing as that never will.

Speaker 4 (01:10:02):
There is no such thing as I can't now, I
can't think of some of the other guys at the
very end of the bench. There's no There is no
such things to Donnas Haslam and the WNBA in the
second half of or the later third of his career,
where he's sitting there with gray hair on the bench
for moral support, knowing he's not gonna play, exactly knowing

he's not gonna play. There's no such thing as that
every woman in this league can ball their ass off, otherwise.

Speaker 3 (01:10:32):
They wouldn't be in the league.

Speaker 2 (01:10:34):
It's like if you live in a like I grew
up in New Orleans for example, Okay, one of the
best food cities in America. If you opened up a
bad restaurant, you weren't going to be doing business for
longer than a year because there's too many other good
options six months. There's too many other good options six
months for you to come out and have average food.
Right the same way in the WNBA, if you have

average game, it ain't happen. Kayleb Clark was always complete player.

Speaker 4 (01:11:02):
The idea that she was gonna walk into the league
day one and dominate all like Kansas Parker, the last
rookie of Year in MVP in the same year, was
always foolish.

Speaker 3 (01:11:14):
It never made sense. And when Diana.

Speaker 2 (01:11:16):
Tronzi tried to say it, y'all had everything, y'all called
her everything under the sun. Besides right, y'all calling her
every single name under the sun, besides she's right.

Speaker 4 (01:11:26):
Kenna absolutely was Kennas Parker, by the way, another former
number one overall pick her debut thirty four points at
twenty two years old. All she's done is won two
MVPs and three w NBA Championships. I mean, I got
a list of names here. If you kind of want
to hit Brianna Stort she's another. She was another former

number one overall pick. You know what she's done too.
She's also won multiple MVPs, and she's won multiple WNBA championships,
and her debut Nate she dropped twenty three as a
twenty one year old.

Speaker 3 (01:11:58):
That may be the reality for Caitlyn Clark down the lawne.

Speaker 2 (01:12:00):
She only three games into her professional careersolutely and in
those three games she is per the WNBA Instagram account,
she is telling fifty plus points and fifteen assists in
fifteen plus assists in her first three games. That joins
Kansas Parker, Sue Bird, and Nicki McCrae as the only
So there's only four players who have done that in
their first three WNBA games right now. If she turned

the ball over too much, absolutely right, If she missed
the shots you would thought she would have made absolutely
The problem is not with Caitlyn Clark, who is a
rookie trying to find her way.

Speaker 4 (01:12:33):
Another first round pick. Steve just read it out camp
and break. She was what one for seven from the floor.

Speaker 2 (01:12:38):
It's an adjustment period into every next level of work.
When you graduate from college and get a job, it's
an adjustment period. You get a new job, in a
good promotion, it's an adjustment period. It's gonna be some
growing pains. Okay, the idea that Diana Tarassi could say
that and everybody have a negative opinion.

Speaker 3 (01:12:56):
Of Tarazi exactly, that's what I said. That's what I
said at the moment.

Speaker 2 (01:13:01):
Y'all are wrong for coming at Diana such as this,
calling her a hater, so on and so forth, And
to me, it was infant.

Speaker 3 (01:13:08):
It was honestly, it was sexist. It was honestly sexist,
because you.

Speaker 2 (01:13:12):
Can't just say, hey, she's a competitor, Okay, she's coming
into the league that Diana Toroszi has been in for
over fifteen years, but she just knows a little thing
about it. That's part of the reason why we look
at guys like Anthony Edwards and Taylor Brunton and we
have the argument are they superstars yet?

Speaker 3 (01:13:28):
And you could credibly say no.

Speaker 2 (01:13:30):
You can make an argument for yes, but you could
say no, why Because it takes a time to establish
yourself in the.

Speaker 3 (01:13:36):
League that you're in.

Speaker 4 (01:13:37):
Diana Tarassi also, by the way, three times WNBA Champs,
two guys and an MVP. So it was just amazing
to me how someone so accomplished on the college level
and the pro level couldn't give their opinion about how
a lot of people see the situation for what it is.
If you go back and you watch, tell me the

other dominant female players, women ladies players are dominant teams
were in the Big ten on the women's side in
the last two years. That was mainly her competition. And
when you get to the league, Yeah, there's gonna be
some veterans that want to shove you around. She took
a shove on the baseline and yeah, that girl did
it somebody twety Oh that wasn't on purpose.

Speaker 3 (01:14:17):

Speaker 4 (01:14:17):
Hell yeah, it was on purpose. She's a rookie coming
in for somebody else's spot. And there's there's a couple
of guys sports, a couple guys out there. Jeff Tigue
is one of us all on this podcast. Uh fifth
the Club five twenty, that's a part of Shannon Sharp's
media company. He said, basically, the WNBA is messing this up. Yeah,

stop it stop, okay, stop stop it. Yeah, she will
either sink or she will swim. But the deep end
of the pool is the deep end of the pool here,
and that's where she's at. It is three games in.
We will see what happens, Victor. Wein't ben y'allm in
this first twenty games? What happened Sue's fast last sixty? Okay,
this guy might be Rookie of the year. But you

know what, yah, but first win or so games?

Speaker 3 (01:15:05):
What do you have to do? Figure it out? Okay?

Speaker 4 (01:15:08):
Lebron's first year didn't make the playoffs? Right, it is
two years. There is an adjustment period for every one.
Everyone let her get hers. Coming up next, Big Pat
with who you got? Martin VJ Fox Sports a Saturday
coming to your live from the tire rack dot Com studios.

Speaker 2 (01:15:25):
You can get us on social media, Twitter, x, whichever
you like the better name on where I'm at Martin
wiss Vj's at the Big Vanilla funny uh Sando Gems says.
VJ just asked the same question I have about the
w n B A. So, how do only twelve or
so draft picks actually make teams? You draft the future stars,
then cut them, no wonder. This league has never ever

broken even that's part of the thing.

Speaker 3 (01:15:49):

Speaker 2 (01:15:50):
A Detroit rapper Stretch Money famously said it takes money to.

Speaker 4 (01:15:53):
Make money, and uh, that's part of the problem. The
w NBA has to step into the big leagues financially,
and then I think we will see rosters expand, teams expand.
It's great news that Golden State is getting a team,
the Golden State Dalkyries.

Speaker 3 (01:16:07):
So there you have that.

Speaker 2 (01:16:08):
But now without further ado, Big Pat, you're up.

Speaker 8 (01:16:12):
All right, Martin VJ. It is time for the sensations
move in the nation. It is time for who you Got?
And Martin VJ, we got a good one.

Speaker 3 (01:16:22):

Speaker 8 (01:16:22):
The theme going on is well, what's going on right now? Basketball?
And we're going with the theme of basketball itself right now.
So with that said, Martin VJ, I'm gonna give you
guys a couple hints. We're gonna give you a good too,
maybe even three of them failing it. But let's go
with who you got anyways, Hint number one, this man
was a former first round pick, actually in the lottery,

so we have a lottery first round pick. He was
a former second team All acc And let's go with
number three. The college he played for and I mean
kind of goes with the acc stuff going on. Here's Virginia.
He was playing for Virginia for his collegiate career. So

with that said, Martin and VJ, who you got.

Speaker 3 (01:17:14):
I'll say, uh, DeAndre Hunter, which is not how I
would say Courtney Alexander.

Speaker 8 (01:17:19):
Those are both actually really good guesses.

Speaker 3 (01:17:21):
But no, they both went to Virginia, I know that,
and they both were a lot of repicts.

Speaker 8 (01:17:25):
Both pretty good, both pretty good. All right, cool, we
got there. I'm gonna go with this one. This man
is also a former player from the a b A
also known as the American Basketball Association.

Speaker 1 (01:17:40):
M M.

Speaker 3 (01:17:42):
Did Ralph Sampson play in the a BA, That's all.
I was gonna go to Ralph Sampson, but I don't
think he played.

Speaker 8 (01:17:47):
Well, that's a good poll though.

Speaker 4 (01:17:48):
I know, but I don't think he played in the ABA.
So it's not Ralph Sampson.

Speaker 8 (01:17:52):
I like that though.

Speaker 3 (01:17:53):
It's a good one. You have a guess. This is
a good one that a BA just threw me off.
ABA does is it pushes it back years? So it's
no one I got you. No, I got nothing on
this one.

Speaker 8 (01:18:08):
If you want to just go with Ralph Sampson for
another hand. I can all right, all right, so it's
not Ralph Sampson. All right, thank you, Mary. All Right,
I'm gonna we're gonna go a little bit. We're gonna
go a little bit heavier in this one. This guy
has played for five teams in his NBA career, the
Utah Jazz, the Sacramento Kings, Los Angeles Clippers, Vj's Detroit Pistons,

and one Seattle super Sonics. Shout out to Seattle Martin VJ.

Speaker 3 (01:18:40):
Okay, we feeling who we got?

Speaker 4 (01:18:42):
Okay, this hopes a little more so Utah Kings, Clips,
my beloved Pistons, and the former Okay se Sonics.

Speaker 3 (01:18:54):
Yes, indeed, ABA Lottery UVA.

Speaker 8 (01:19:00):
Then second team all acc.

Speaker 3 (01:19:05):
You're getting better at this. He's getting really good at him.

Speaker 2 (01:19:10):
Some players, though, do you want to you want to
feel free to share with the plas because I'm running
on film for you, Hersey Hawkins.

Speaker 3 (01:19:18):
No, but I like that one. That's a good pool,
all right.

Speaker 8 (01:19:22):
I got I got like two more. I got two
more good ones. But I'll give you this one. Yeah,
for sure. This guy another one. He has played basketball
professionally for twenty years. Oh my god, doesn't he not
a current player, So I'll even throw you a freebeat.
Not clearly not a current player Tree Rollins, No, but
I like it.

Speaker 3 (01:19:42):
Twenty years in the NBA.

Speaker 8 (01:19:43):
He was twenty twenty Yeah, fifteen, fifteen years.

Speaker 3 (01:19:48):
In the NBA. You know how he played for Casey
my Pson man Dave Bing.

Speaker 8 (01:19:56):
No, fifteen years NBA. He's an a mark Ian. No,
I'll throw one in here. He was drafted by the
Chicago Bulls, but he never played for him.

Speaker 3 (01:20:06):
Drafted by the Bulls. It's not Regie right now.

Speaker 4 (01:20:12):
He played for the Bulls. No, he got drafted, but
he did play.

Speaker 8 (01:20:16):
I'll even give you an even more even more like like,
oh like, he didn't play for the Bulls. He was
drafted by them at pick number eight and traded to
the SuperSonics.

Speaker 3 (01:20:27):
The eighth pick in the draft.

Speaker 2 (01:20:28):
It's got to be somewhere around nineteen eighty ish, nineteen
seventy five ish.

Speaker 8 (01:20:34):
You're you're you're getting warm, getting really warm.

Speaker 3 (01:20:37):
I'm not getting warm enough right now?

Speaker 8 (01:20:40):
You want you want me to give it?

Speaker 3 (01:20:41):
Who is Lenny Welkin? No, Olden Polynies. I got you,
I got you, I got you. I sat right next
to themer for that's why I did it. Why are
you Sun? You Sun?

Speaker 6 (01:21:01):
I got him?

Speaker 3 (01:21:02):
Oh, come on for the NFL schedule.

Speaker 2 (01:21:05):
Good job Pat, and we're broadcasting live from the tire
rack dot Com studios. Tire rack dot com. We'll help
you get there with the unmaxed selection, fast free shipping.
Freud has a protection over ten thousand recommending their dollars.
Tire rack dot com the way that tire buying should be.
My apologies to my radio partner from last week, Olden Polonies.

And we sat here. We talked about Uva, We talked
about when he was playing in Seattle. We sat here
because you know, he had this thing in his hand.
He had this thing he's kept squeezing in his hand.
He's like, yeah, you know what I was in Seattle.
I broke my hand and I.

Speaker 3 (01:21:37):
Was doing for there.

Speaker 4 (01:21:38):
I was like, we had a whole conversation about damn
near every single point that you made up and it
was just too close to me.

Speaker 3 (01:21:45):
It's like when something is right in front of your notes,
was too close. That's what it was.

Speaker 11 (01:21:49):
Good job by you, Pat, Old and Polynes, this one's
for you, all right, be doing a second second and
Steve the Sacred just recapped the Mallice, the Malice the
Dallas Mavericks Oklahoma City score, Dallas trailing by thirteen going
into the fourth quarter.

Speaker 4 (01:22:07):
Uh, and we'll see, if you know, I'll be honest.
You know, that's a quicker side. We gotta figure out
what's going on with Kyrie Irving, Like, uh, he's getting
older now, but I mean he's been playing great defense.

Speaker 2 (01:22:18):
But this guy at one point was one of the
best scores in the NBA, and he just is not
doing so anymore. Fourteen points on fourteen shots today.

Speaker 4 (01:22:28):
Yeah, it's uh, sometimes you have nights like this, but
you have to do other things.

Speaker 3 (01:22:33):
You have to do.

Speaker 4 (01:22:34):
You gotta rebound, you that's credit he is. Yeah, exactly,
you gotta rebound. You gotta get other guys involved, get
your assist numbers up. Just don't hang yourhead and score score.
They got to continue to shoot. We know the NBA
is a game of runs.

Speaker 3 (01:22:46):
I hate.

Speaker 4 (01:22:47):
Oh, it's a maker miss league. Well no, you know
what sherlock like. That's you know, like, I agree, you
need points. I agree, it's better to make shots. Yeah,
to miss points, duh. But it is a league where
you have to do other things other than just score.
So when you and when your main guy is not
you know he doesn't have it going like Kyrie doesn't
have it going to night, you gotta do other things.

But we know the league is a game of runs.
It's a eleven point lead. Now they're they're definitely gonna Dallas.
That is, they're gonna make a run. They're at home
where Oklahoma City has to continue to do it. Start
to move the ball. We were doing a commercial break
whire pointing to the screen, I say, just that fast.
Look they smack them with the twelve nothing run because
they start moving the ball and bodies don't stand still

when they're running the office like that. They'll be just fine.
But Dallas is gonna make a run. Ten point game,
forty second left in the third quarter, going into the fourth,
so we know Dallas is gonna pay close.

Speaker 2 (01:23:42):
Lou Dort just picked up his fifth foul. That is
huge for Oklahoma City.

Speaker 3 (01:23:46):

Speaker 4 (01:23:47):
But let's go ahead and dive into the NFL schedule. Yes,
I was about to say v Day's excited. As you saw,
he just clapped his hands like herculate hercules. Yes, so
what you got, Well, I just listen, man, this is
the time of the year where NFL is a It's
a twelve month sport.

Speaker 3 (01:24:03):
I tell people all the time, the NFL, it's the
only league. It's twelve months.

Speaker 4 (01:24:07):
We get the schedule release, you get the draft, Pro Day,
you know, the combine, you get all these things. Oca's
rookie camps for most teams wrapped up last weekend. Then
this schedules drop and I always go to the big
primetime games, you know, start the season off.

Speaker 3 (01:24:21):
We get KC at home. They'll get their ring, well
not get their rings, but they'll hoist their banners ceremony. Yeah,
and they'll get the team that they knocked out to
get to the super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (01:24:32):
The Baltimore Ravens get a chance to go in there.
Open the night too, but a lot of Monday night game.
One game I got on my eye a few teams
I saw. I know that you really like this year.
The Texans are getting a lot of prime time love
two of their games week ten. How about this for
a Sunday night matchup in week ten, your hometown Detroit
Lions travel to Houston. They take on those things, and

by week ten, you know what the league is. You
know what teams are that. It looks like a big game.
Another Texan game Week eleven, they're on Monday Night football
the following week and they just go right up the
highway a little bit and they go play the Cowboys
on the Monday night.

Speaker 3 (01:25:10):
That was another game.

Speaker 4 (01:25:11):
Also Week two, Sunday Night the Bears. How about the
Bears getting all this primetime love? I think we know
how that is. Caleb Williams at the Texans, So your CJ.
Stroud Texas getting a lot of prime time love this year.

Speaker 3 (01:25:26):
My Dolphins are on Thanksgiving nights.

Speaker 4 (01:25:29):
I'll probably be in here as I'm always feeling in
on Thanksgiving Night the last four years. But at Green Bay,
San Francisco Week thirteen matchup I love up at Buffalo
and another Texans primetime Sunday night game are Week sixteen,
a Saturday night Peacock game Texans at Kansas City. So
those were the first couple of games that jumped off.

Texas getting a lot of lot of primetime love.

Speaker 2 (01:25:53):
I'll be honest with you, bro, I don't give a
good God damn who's playing win right now on the
NBA playoffs? You don't, I know, I understand that I'm
supposed to write, We're supposed to just in hell football
seven seven days a week.

Speaker 3 (01:26:10):
But like it drives me nuts the idea that we
already knew who was playing.

Speaker 4 (01:26:16):
Who's like the idea I gotta dive in now in
the middle, in the middle of May and say we
are not gonna there will not be a snap football
for over one hundred days May max a year of
three hundred and sixty five days. That's almost a third
of a year. This is important, man, it's almost a
third of the year.

Speaker 3 (01:26:35):
Don't listen to Uncle Martin so far, like I don't
listen to Uncle Martin on this one.

Speaker 4 (01:26:40):
Listen as to figure out how I'm gonna pay rent
in two weeks.

Speaker 3 (01:26:44):
What I'm gonna be doing in September, Because you know
what I'm gonna do. Watch all the damn games anyway,
I'm gonna watch them all. I'm gonna watch every one
of them, And.

Speaker 4 (01:26:51):
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays, I'm gonna watch the
ones that I missed on Sunday.

Speaker 3 (01:26:56):
This is just the way that I do it. It's
part of the job. I'm gonna watch all of them.
You know what else, you're going to as well. If
you can hear my voice.

Speaker 4 (01:27:02):
You're listening to sports talk radio at ten o'clock on
a Saturday night.

Speaker 3 (01:27:06):
You're locked in to the NFL. Is this important stuff? Guys?

Speaker 4 (01:27:09):
You kind of care when the damn schedule comes out
because it gets your mind ready. Let me get you
may get you ready, man, because now we know, like
the rookies have been right. You get the clips of
the rookies now they now they got on the helmets
and they got on the jerseys and they go, I
know it's just handoff and running over the dummies and
catching in. I know that, guys. But this is the star,
don't you guys? Get this is?

Speaker 3 (01:27:30):
This is where this right now? This right, thank you,
This right now is what's.

Speaker 4 (01:27:35):
Gonna have you either happy or have you pissed off
in January.

Speaker 12 (01:27:39):
You act like they don't like it now, but she'll
be the clown on it so far. All now, my
team didn't do this and didn't do that. This is
where you care. This is where it starts. Now, this schedule.

Speaker 4 (01:27:53):
I got another one from Martin week seventeen, the same
Lions that were kicking you know what to San Francisco
Sunday Night football on Monday night football. Excuse me back
to San Francisco in week seventeen.

Speaker 3 (01:28:07):
You're not excited about that? On May eighteenth. No, we
haven't even gotten the easter yet. What are we doing?
We don't know the roster construction.

Speaker 4 (01:28:19):
I don't we have a general idea, but like I
will start to get the feeling of football as the
weather starts to change.

Speaker 2 (01:28:26):
I will get the feeling of football, like in like
all down September, eat it now?

Speaker 4 (01:28:32):
Right when I'm seeing you know what, call me for
the Hall of Fame game. All right, then I can
get locked in. Then I can see who's doing what.
Like the idea, the NFL is getting too big for
its breitches.

Speaker 2 (01:28:42):
And I know that's sacrilegious to say in America because
everything runs off football in this sport.

Speaker 3 (01:28:47):
And trust me, I'm talking about that. Like people who
get married.

Speaker 2 (01:28:50):
I gotta go to a wedding in September, and I
will give the bride in the groom both the middle
finger for scheduling their wedding in September, because who gets married.

Speaker 3 (01:28:58):
Oh, he's he's solved if he got if he got
talked into a September.

Speaker 2 (01:29:03):
He's one of those he's one of those guys who
just he honestly could not care about sports.

Speaker 3 (01:29:08):
Oh that's different.

Speaker 4 (01:29:09):
I do, damn it, yeah, I do. Oh, you gotta go.
I gotta Is it a Saturday or Sunday? It's gonna
be a Saturday, which is even.

Speaker 2 (01:29:16):
Worse because if it was a Sunday, because here's the thing,
if it was a Sunday, at least you could watch
the game, so you can beat here the whole day.

Speaker 4 (01:29:23):
If it's being on a Saturday. Now I'm at the
fly back from Detroit. That's a five and a half
hour flight. I'm gonna be like unless I fly.

Speaker 3 (01:29:29):
Back a whole overnight.

Speaker 4 (01:29:31):
Exactly for you jerks, do you have to go?

Speaker 3 (01:29:37):
Yeah? Is he that kind of friend? It's gonna be
tough to get out of there. Did he ever jump
in and help you when he's getting jumped?

Speaker 8 (01:29:42):

Speaker 3 (01:29:42):
Is he lies? He got that type of path? No,
it's my girlfriend's brother. Though. Oh yeah, really, God, you
gotta go. Exactly, you gotta go. I have to go.

Speaker 4 (01:29:53):
Not unless you get like a mysterious virus, you know,
a cough you know, then you know what?

Speaker 3 (01:30:00):
All right? Exactly girlfriend's brother, Yeah, call it. You don't
have a shot.

Speaker 4 (01:30:04):
You guys know we record this right, like, we could
just play it back anytime.

Speaker 3 (01:30:07):
You know, it doesn't have He's gotta go. Look, they
might she might be listening. Brother's girl. I'm brother's girlfriend.

Speaker 4 (01:30:15):
He's gotta go. Marian went and pulled that move. That's
a VJ move. Girlfriend's brother, girlfriend's brother. Sorry, ah yeah,
girlfriends brother. Michael would pull a favorite.

Speaker 3 (01:30:22):
That's a VJA.

Speaker 2 (01:30:23):
Brother's girlfriend would meant it was my brother's bddy, in
which I would beat him up.

Speaker 3 (01:30:27):
Who doesn't exist?

Speaker 2 (01:30:28):
But I'll tell you this, he really wouldn't exist after
he did some stuff like this right exactly.

Speaker 3 (01:30:34):
But no, like the day that they reason I did
the draft just three days long for what why? Because
you got to break away guys business meeting.

Speaker 4 (01:30:44):
Okay, it should have been an email like I had
that take last year.

Speaker 3 (01:30:48):
Ever they had about draft should have been an email.

Speaker 4 (01:30:50):
That's why it's a boring TV show because it should
have been an email.

Speaker 3 (01:30:53):
All right.

Speaker 2 (01:30:53):
It should have been something I saw. Actually, I saw
Amy Trask tweet this. She has all her tweets with
high by the way, just case your areas.

Speaker 4 (01:31:00):
It's one of the nice thing I suppose on social media.

Speaker 3 (01:31:04):
But anyway, she answered tweet with a high yes.

Speaker 4 (01:31:06):
So it's like legit if you look it ups every
tweet with hello, I guess it's welcoming like hello.

Speaker 3 (01:31:13):
No, no, no, no, like welcoming other people to interact
with something. Ami Trash. She worked for the Raiders and
the Al Davis there at some point.

Speaker 2 (01:31:20):
I don't have the timeline exactly right, but she tweeted
this in a paraphrasing here, but she said, these NFL
schedule release is funny because the way the schedule used
to get released is I would take take a phone
call from the league office, write all the schedule down,
and then go to the owner's office and give it
to Al and then the players. So that's how you
found out who you were playing went in the past,

that Beto, So September eleventh, you're gonna play the Chiefs
in Oakland, and then September eighteenth, you're gonna play the
Broncos in Denver, and then that's how it used to be.

Speaker 3 (01:31:51):
Okay, like I get it now. It's like I don't.

Speaker 4 (01:31:54):
Necessarily have a big issue with the schedule release games
or the schedule lease, the social media schedule releases, the
Chargers that there is with the Sims. The Saints completely
phone theirs in. They just took pictures of people and
put it in on the list.

Speaker 3 (01:32:08):
But I cannot find.

Speaker 2 (01:32:12):
A way, I say like this, I don't get paid
enough right now to find a way to really care
about who's playing when until at least until at least August.

Speaker 4 (01:32:23):
Noah, I care about it all. You gotta care about
it all, man. I'm that guy that watches the Combine.
I literally DV Are you guys already know I'm the
DVR king of this business.

Speaker 3 (01:32:31):
I watch the con I will go back and I
don't watch it straight through. I'll watch it in chunks.

Speaker 4 (01:32:37):
I'll watch thirty forty five minutes of it and then okay,
that's enough Combine for me today. Let me watch something
else or another game that's on it. I don't know
the score, I don't know the outcome.

Speaker 3 (01:32:45):
I don't but I get excited.

Speaker 4 (01:32:47):
I truly do get excited because even when I go
look at the Thursday night schedule, so I'm like, okay,
some Thursday night games.

Speaker 3 (01:32:53):
I want my Dolphins first one at home against Buffalo.

Speaker 4 (01:32:56):
Get them down here so they can't oh at night,
so they can't complain about the heat and cry and
piss and moan about that. That's the type of stuff
my brain goes through. Week Week four, Giants at home
against the Cowboys.

Speaker 3 (01:33:08):
Games like this that I look forward to.

Speaker 4 (01:33:10):
I know when there happened, I'm like, Okay, cool, you
look at the Thursday Night Slate.

Speaker 3 (01:33:14):
You you want to see.

Speaker 4 (01:33:15):
Okay, my Thursday Night's gonna be booty, am I gonna
have some fun fun Thursday Night. Week ten, Bengels at
the Ravens, Joe Burrow's back can the bang. It just
makes my mind start to go through all of that.
Marn And this is the beginning. I'm just like the beginning.
I'm not saying that you're ridiculous for having this movie.
Sounds like it, No, I look it sounds like you
want to talk about watching the combine. I took my

black ass to Birmingham, Alabama to watch the senior ball. Okay,
I take a connected take note on Birmingham Mobile, Alabama.

Speaker 3 (01:33:46):
I had to connect in Birmingham. Okay. I was on
a plane. Mars Marris. He when he got back, it
was amazing.

Speaker 4 (01:33:56):
It was one of the best football experience that I've
had so Don't get me wrong, I am a stick
though when it comes to this stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:34:03):
All right, paid my own way to go and just
check it all out.

Speaker 2 (01:34:07):
But when I'm watching Game six of Oklahoma City Dallas,
I'm okay with not knowing who's playing Week six in
the NFL.

Speaker 3 (01:34:17):
Well, I tell you, on Thursday night, San Francisco goes.

Speaker 4 (01:34:20):
Up to Seattle, That's who plays on that Thursday night
Week six. It's gonna be Patrick Seattle Seahawks taking on
the runners up this past year in the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (01:34:35):
His nin Patrick? Do you care? Am I the only
one here that cares about the schedule release?

Speaker 8 (01:34:41):
I mean I care from the Viking Seahawks because those
are my team. I care from that, like, oh where
are they going? Are they on any franchime games? And like,
oh that's nice. They're like, oh, is it gonna be rough?

Speaker 3 (01:34:51):

Speaker 8 (01:34:52):
But as far as like as a whole of every
other team, no, not really.

Speaker 4 (01:34:55):
I'm toying with the idea of flying to Seattle for
the Dolphins game. The Dolphins fly out here twice. They
play at the Rams Heat there and then. But I
haven't been to Seattle in about twenty one years, and
I love that city.

Speaker 3 (01:35:09):
I love that sound.

Speaker 8 (01:35:10):
Still on bucket list to go.

Speaker 4 (01:35:11):
Yeah, yeah, I want to go up there and the
Dolphins play up there. I'm toying with the idea of
flying up there for a Sunday night NBC game. So
that's why I do like the fact that they released
it so early, so that way you can't I can play. Yeah,
it's I've looked at Dolphins like, okay, when can I go?
Different cities can plan their takeover of Vegas, you know
what I'm saying, right, you know you can figure that
out and book your travel accordingly. But like, like, I

cannot get worked up that the Lions are playing the
forty nine ers week seventeen four night as might suck,
Lions might suck, who knows, but they won't.

Speaker 3 (01:35:43):
No, that's much talent.

Speaker 2 (01:35:44):
You know what I would have said Week one, the
Bengals weren't gonna suck last year.

Speaker 4 (01:35:49):
If you lose your quarterback, guys, that that takes you, know,
that takes it out of you. If you lose your
number one receiver or you lose your quarterback in the NFL,
you're you're kind of ear five hundred club. You're five
hundred or worse. Right, Like Minnesota. Right, they lose that
quarterback and they lose Justin Jefferson last year where they finish.

Speaker 8 (01:36:06):
Yeah, no, it's true, right right, they finished, they got,
they got, They got crazy with with Josh Dobbs for
like two games. Then all of a sudden just fell.

Speaker 3 (01:36:13):
Martin's favorite line, it's not sustainable? What was also favorite?

Speaker 8 (01:36:19):
I thought his favorite line was not playing with house money?

Speaker 4 (01:36:22):
No, no, no, you go get that on the T
shirt and make him wear it. You know what I've
heard recently I like much better. I think I want
to give credit. I believe it was Richard Jefferson on
a broadcast. Uh huh he said, this is found money.

Speaker 2 (01:36:38):
I like that way better money because found the money
wasn't yours before you found it. When you talk about
this house money, you had to win a bet to
get that, it's mine.

Speaker 8 (01:36:46):
What about struck gold, like, oh, they struck gold.

Speaker 3 (01:36:49):
I could get with that.

Speaker 2 (01:36:50):
I could get with that because you didn't have the
gold prior you were looking for it.

Speaker 3 (01:36:53):
All of a sudden, bam, we struck gold.

Speaker 13 (01:36:56):
I can get with that.

Speaker 8 (01:36:57):
It looks like he's playing house money with some of
these other ones.

Speaker 2 (01:37:00):
Now I'll tell you this and we'll go to break
right after this. Do you watch that Dallas Stars Corbo.

Speaker 3 (01:37:05):
Avalanche game last night?

Speaker 2 (01:37:06):
But yeah, so my buddy's an Avalanche fan. Okay, In
the middle of the second overtime, I said, this is
the longest playoff hockey game ever watched, And immediately after
was a discunning scored for the Stars right and ended
the game, and he was like, wow, why did you
do that? Well, I just said, what's wrong with Kyrie Irving?
Well he scored five points. Yeah, in the last ten
minutes since I said that. Oh sorry, Do you want

to talk about Week seven now?

Speaker 3 (01:37:28):
No, just kidding.

Speaker 2 (01:37:29):
Yeah, Oklahoma City down ninety seven, Dallas ninety five, was
seven twenty two left in the fourth quarter. Well, more
on that game coming up next, as well as a
looking to Major League Baseball Martin Weisse's VJ. Husky Fox
Sports Radio Martin Wis VJ. Husky comes to your Life
on the Tirereck dot Com Studios. You can get us
on Twitter.

Speaker 4 (01:37:49):
I'm at Martin Wise VJ at the Big Vanilla Funny
of course, and you can also get us at Fox
Sports Radio if you'd like to do that as well.

Speaker 3 (01:37:59):

Speaker 4 (01:37:59):
We're talking about this Uh, we're talking about this, uh,
this Dallas Mavericks Oklahoma City game, which is right now
one oh five Oklahoma City one oh one, Dallas four
forty three left in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 3 (01:38:16):
See if the Mavericks can close out this game. And
we'll keep you updated on that. But first, VJA, you
want to talk a little baseball.

Speaker 4 (01:38:23):
Yeah, yeah, I didn't want to talk a little baseball
cause I'm trying to figure out what's going on with
the league. Did the league feel so jumbled right now?
I don't think I've ever seen a year where we
have so many, like right at five hundred teams and
teams below five hundred that you just didn't expect.

Speaker 3 (01:38:42):
And I'll start with my guys. I'll start with my
my squad.

Speaker 4 (01:38:45):
I don't I'm not gonna make any excuses, uh you know,
hangover from the World Series or whatever the case is.
But my begloved Texas Rangers, we're just we're not playing well.
We're making a lot of mistakes, We're facing a lot
of injuries. Twenty three and twenty three. Right now, what
are we eleven, bottom of the eleventh.

Speaker 3 (01:39:03):
Against the Angels? Two on? Is that two long?

Speaker 4 (01:39:05):
And that cheer is on my way. I can't see
but two on one out and nobody excuse me. Nathaniel
low up the bat, hopefully knocks this one in and
get this doe.

Speaker 3 (01:39:14):
We haven't been under five hundred.

Speaker 4 (01:39:16):
But as you go through the standings, like the Reds, right,
the Reds are a team that we talk about a
lot here because DeMar Jay will be coming up and
marn especially last year. We're believers in this young team
and their farm system and some of the young players
they have, and you know, first fifty games, you go,
you clicking, they're nineteen and twenty six.

Speaker 3 (01:39:33):
What's going on?

Speaker 4 (01:39:35):
The Astros have been the outlier, even though now if
think they won five or six in a row, but
the Astros have been an outlier. You look at the
NL West, like we knew the Dodgers would be good, right,
but seven games out in front of everybody already and
we haven't hit Memorial Day weekend. So it just made
me kind of go, you know, what's going what's going
on in the NLAs Phillies Braves look at the next

the Nationals eleven and a half out already in the
third place team, that's that's just unheard of. So it
just made me start to kind of look around, like
what's going on with the league this year?

Speaker 3 (01:40:08):
And wisers sold they will far about the Nationals.

Speaker 2 (01:40:11):
They're eleven and a half games out from the Phillies
and third in the division.

Speaker 3 (01:40:16):
Right, Yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like.

Speaker 4 (01:40:19):
They're not last place, they're third in the division and
they're already eleven and a half out.

Speaker 3 (01:40:23):
Yeah, when you look.

Speaker 2 (01:40:24):
At the halves and the half nots in baseball seem
to be separating more and more and more. Where like
in the NBA, for example, like you there's a couple bad,
really bad teams, but there's like two really bad teams
and a couple teams that will float around twenty twenty
five wins so on. Right, But now you're looking at
like the White Sox, for example. Steve said this earlier.
They've won four games on the road. It's May eighteenth.

They've won four games on the road. As Dallas takes
the lead one oh seven to one oh five, steple
have be all over. This is their first lead since
what looks like the second quarter, and that had at
one point we're down by seventeen. But uh, when it
comes to when it comes to baseball the team. I'm surprised,
honestly right now, I'm kind of upside down because what are.

Speaker 3 (01:41:04):
The Royals doing?

Speaker 2 (01:41:06):
Yeah, at the top of mid only a game and
a half out from first place in the division like that?

Speaker 3 (01:41:12):
That surprises me absolutely, you know, like so you know,
but especially twenty eight to nineteen in that division. The
A the AL is tough. But I'm telling you, it's
really it's weird, Martin.

Speaker 4 (01:41:23):
It's And here's the thing with baseball, and this is
something that I've grown to come back into falling in
love with with the game of baseball, is.

Speaker 3 (01:41:30):
That it is a long season.

Speaker 4 (01:41:34):
We've seen teams come back from being ten games out
nine games out, but the first fifty I do kind
of look at it and go, Okay, where's everybody at?
And I'm seeing just a lot of right around five
hundred and below five hundred, and then you're trying to
question yourself about some of these teams.

Speaker 3 (01:41:51):
Oakland was horrible last year. Did you think the Angels
would be worse this year? Well, guess what they are?

Speaker 4 (01:41:57):
And Oakland was the Oakland was our update joke all
through baseball season with with with Steve they would do
Oakland joke after Oakland joke after But in just a year,
no one thought the Angels would be worse than them.

Speaker 3 (01:42:09):
This year they're worse than them right now.

Speaker 4 (01:42:10):
It just kind of makes me go with the Toronto
what's going Toronto is supposed to be a good team
this year? What's going on at nineteen and twenty five
in last place of the Al East and the Yankees
last team I thought there, I knew that.

Speaker 3 (01:42:22):
I thought they could be good. But they six in
a row right now, they look like the best team
in the majors.

Speaker 2 (01:42:27):
Yeah, well, and we'll you know the thing, Jim Leland,
I'll never forget this.

Speaker 3 (01:42:30):
It was the first baseball game I ever covered. And
Jim Leland said, sitting in his in the.

Speaker 2 (01:42:35):
Tigers manager's office, smoking the Marlboro Read with his feed up,
his baseball pants unbuckled and an undershirt, said, you know,
you gotta judge.

Speaker 3 (01:42:44):
Teams in twenty game clumps in baseball.

Speaker 2 (01:42:47):
So you look at the twenty game clumps, right, you know,
in basketball you look at the last ten, Right, what's
the record.

Speaker 3 (01:42:52):
Of the last team? Seven to three? That's what you're smoking.

Speaker 2 (01:42:54):
You gotta look at the baseball teams in twenty game
clumps and we're really only in the third twenty game
clump so far. Oh, I thought Kyrie's going, Oh my gosh,
I'm sorry, Steve, you got to update this basketball game.

Speaker 3 (01:43:08):
This is insane. What a shot by Kyrie, Irvy.

Speaker 6 (01:43:12):
It wasn't quite the Kawhi Leonard game winner we had
a few years ago, but it was not likely to fall,
and yet it dropped and Dallas is back briefly in
the two point League.

Speaker 4 (01:43:21):
I mean, Steve, it hit the front of the rim
and when I guess high as the shot clocket winning.

Speaker 3 (01:43:26):
This is game.

Speaker 6 (01:43:26):
We're talking about a Game six of the NBA Playoffs,
second round one seed Oklahoma City is facing elimination. They've
retied it at Dallas one ten, one ten with two
and a half minutes to go. Oklahoma City was leading
in this game by five with under five minutes left.
Their season could be ending tonight, a season that where
they went fifty seven and twenty five, a season where tonight,

trying to extend it to a Game seven, they led
by sixteen at the half. A Game seven would be
in Oklahoma City on Monday Night. Luka Donsich Dallas twenty
nine points, nine rebounds, seven turnovers, Dallas still shooting over
fifty percent from the floor as a team. Shay gilgis
Alexander thirty two points in forty one minutes on the court.

The game tied at one ten with two minutes left.
Sunday afternoon, Indiana at New York.

Speaker 3 (01:44:19):
Game seven.

Speaker 6 (01:44:20):
Series winner goes to Boston to start the Eastern Conference
Finals on Tuesday. Denver hosts Game seven against Minnesota on
Sunday night. The Western Conference Finals start Wednesday. By the way,
the NBA Finals start June the sixth, update Dallas with
a three pointer. They have taken the lead at one
thirteen to one ten over OKC under two minutes to go.

As for the NHL Playoffs, it's now Edmonton for to
one over Vancouver with twelve minutes left in the third period,
ready to force a Game seven, which would be at
Vancouver on Monday. This series winner will be going to
Dallas to start the West Final. You mentioned the Stars
late last night won their Game six in double overtime
at Colorado. The New York Rangers will host Game one

of the East Final on Wednesday against Florida Team USA.
We'll have a coach officially Mike Sullivan from the Penguins
for the Olympics of twenty twenty six. Mark Wells from
the nineteen eighty US Olympic hockey team, passed away at
the age.

Speaker 3 (01:45:17):
Of sixty seven.

Speaker 6 (01:45:18):
Xander Schaffley and Colin Marikawa are tied for the lead
at the PGA Championship, up by one stroke. Sees the
Gray won the Preakness leading Wire to Wire. Boxing's undisputed
heavyweight champ is Alexander Usik, although he suffered a broken
jaw in his win over Tyson Fury in Saudi Arabia.
NASCAR's All Star Race is Sunday night on FS one
eight pm Eastern time. Today's heats were canceled due to rain.

Joey Logano earned the poll for Sunday and to Major
League Baseball on Fox TV. It's top of the twelfth inning,
Angels tied at Texas two to two, Dodgers have taken
a three to ninhing lead over Cincinnati in the top
of the sixth, and Detroit leads eight to two at
Arizona top of the eighth. The great start for Jack
Flaherty Detroit Tigers, nine strikeouts in his six innings of

work could actually finally be getting a win. He was
oh and three. San Diego and Atlanta rained out doubleheader
on Monday for them, wins for Saint Louis and Milwaukee,
wins for Seattle and Cleveland. Kansas City sent Oakland to
a seventh straight loss five to three thirty seconds left
in this NBA playoff game, Dallas up one fifteen, one

thirteen on Oklahoma City, okase with the ball down two
back to you.

Speaker 3 (01:46:33):
Thanks Steve Man. This is a hell of a fourth
quarter right here.

Speaker 2 (01:46:36):
This is what we sign up for when we're starting
watching the NBA playoffs.

Speaker 4 (01:46:40):
We'll keep you abreast of everything. Right now, let's go ahead. Hey,
good our guy DeMar Jay Morrison here, DeMars, are.

Speaker 3 (01:46:45):
You watching this at Oklahoma City Dallas game? I feel
like you gotta have this on the TV behind you right.

Speaker 7 (01:46:50):
Oh yeah, I got that game on the laptop and
I'm rewatching Paul Skiing from yesterday.

Speaker 3 (01:46:55):
Hey, Paul Skins put on a show.

Speaker 2 (01:46:58):
My goodness, he's been balling so far in his short
major league career. But I want to change geary to
talk about another guy who's been balling right now in
the al Treek Schooball for the Detroit Tigers. He's been pitching,
not getting a lot of help on the offensive side
of things, but he's been incredible.

Speaker 7 (01:47:14):
On the mound, dominating man In fifty five innings.

Speaker 13 (01:47:17):
Pitch Dude had sixty six k's with a one point
eighty e R.

Speaker 7 (01:47:21):
Definitely top three in the cy Young I also got
another picture who should be in the top.

Speaker 13 (01:47:26):
See for cy Young two. But yeah, man, at least
six k's.

Speaker 7 (01:47:29):
And six of his seven starts. Come on, man, scoot
Ball's ridiculous. Give him its flowers, man, give him his
credit dues to legit.

Speaker 3 (01:47:36):
What's going on tomorrow? How you and little Man doing? Brother?

Speaker 13 (01:47:39):
Oh we good, We're good.

Speaker 1 (01:47:40):

Speaker 13 (01:47:40):
Glad to have you back on the show.

Speaker 4 (01:47:42):
Appreciate you, Man, keep that Thank you very much. Keep
that Ravioli saus coming for a little man. Hey, listen, man,
I was just talking to Martin about the way the
league has kind of jumbled up. Some things we're expected
from some teams weren't expected. I knew the Yankees would
be good because they just have so much talent. I
didn't think they'd be this good. And Aaron Judge, who
I've banged on for the last year and a half
seems like he might be back in his groove a

little bit.

Speaker 3 (01:48:04):
How do you see that?

Speaker 13 (01:48:06):
We knew it was coming, man.

Speaker 7 (01:48:07):
That's why I was saying a couple of weeks ago
for the Yankee fans who boot him, and I know
those aren't the diehard fans, but for the ones who
boot him, should be a shame to yourself.

Speaker 13 (01:48:14):

Speaker 7 (01:48:15):
Like I said, as great as this dude is I
posted on Instagram, there are some players who were just
so great even during their worst slumps, they.

Speaker 13 (01:48:22):
Don't deserve booze. And Judge is one of those. And
we knew it wasn't gonna last.

Speaker 7 (01:48:26):
Come on, you're booing as if he was going to
play like that the rest of the season, Like, come on.

Speaker 3 (01:48:30):
Oh, really, real quick on that, hold on real quick.

Speaker 4 (01:48:33):
You think Judge is done enough that when he's not
producing or he's not swinging a playing world, he doesn't
deserve to get booed by the Yankee faithful base.

Speaker 7 (01:48:43):
Off they thought the other players they've had on that team. Yeah,
he's been carrying that franchise the last couple of years.
Take you take Judge off the lineup. They always struggled,
they're irrelevant when he's not, you know what I'm saying,
when he's not healthy. So if they are going to
contend or have a chance at a championship, you're gonna
need judge.

Speaker 13 (01:48:58):
So like he's the key to everything. So yeah, I
believe so.

Speaker 2 (01:49:03):
So Uh, this is a guy that we've talked about
at length throughout the last year. I haven't mentioned too
much this season, but Ellie de la Cruz every time.

Speaker 3 (01:49:12):
I mean, he is one of the best, mar.

Speaker 2 (01:49:14):
Should say best, one of the most electric players to
watch in the game of baseball. And you think he
might have an opportunity to go ahead and surpass what
Ronald Acuna did last year.

Speaker 3 (01:49:23):
He might get a hundred steals.

Speaker 13 (01:49:26):
Yeah, that's that's crazy.

Speaker 7 (01:49:27):
Oh, I got I got a question for you guys
real quick. And Martin, you should be ashamed of yourself
for not getting old.

Speaker 3 (01:49:33):

Speaker 13 (01:49:35):
Who was the last player to still a basis?

Speaker 3 (01:49:38):
Oh? God, the last player is still one hundred basis Henderson?

Speaker 7 (01:49:41):
Yes, No, it was not Ricky Henderson, Alfonso Soriano. No,
it was Vince Coleman from the Cardinals. He had a
hunt at least one hundred and seven three straight years,
and those were the first three years.

Speaker 13 (01:49:53):
Of his career.

Speaker 7 (01:49:54):
Wow, I think Elliott definitely never got that one.

Speaker 3 (01:49:59):
That's a little harder than older.

Speaker 13 (01:50:01):
He's already the seventy three.

Speaker 3 (01:50:03):
So I mean, what do you what do you think?
Where do you think he ends up?

Speaker 4 (01:50:06):
If you had to say, Okay, so seventy three, let's
call it seventy seven and a half over under, you're
taking the over.

Speaker 13 (01:50:12):
I'm taking over, Barn.

Speaker 7 (01:50:16):
He stays healthy, Barn, he stays healthy.

Speaker 13 (01:50:18):
Yes, I'm taking the over.

Speaker 7 (01:50:20):
I just think with how tall he is man, with
how tall he is his lint, I just feel it's
easier for him to get to that bag when he
slides and stretches out, you know where Koona gets to
it different because he shorter, you know, just quicker speed,
you know.

Speaker 13 (01:50:33):
Is just I just like it's a little easier for
del dela Cruz with his lint, his height.

Speaker 3 (01:50:38):
The Mavericks real quick, DeMar Sorry. PJ.

Speaker 2 (01:50:41):
Washington attempted a three point shot, got fouled by Shake
Gilders Alexander and is now going to be at the
line shooting three. But what the tough part is, I
think that's Kyrie got the rebound, scored the bucket. They
would have had to leave with two and a half
seconds left. Now is being reviewed. There's too many reviews, BJ,
what's way too It's way too many reviews. Hey Tomorroshay,

Let's go to the AO west Man. Both our teams
reside there. As I told Mary and I told you earlier,
the league just feels.

Speaker 3 (01:51:08):
Really jumbled up. It's hard for me to kind of
get a read.

Speaker 4 (01:51:11):
But the Astros are the one team we were questioning
three weeks ago, a month ago, they were the main team.
Most people are like, what the hell is going on
with this squad? But six in a row climbing up
a little bit? Have have they kind of righted this
ship a little bit here?

Speaker 3 (01:51:26):
Or are they just kind of they won some games
and got a little it got a little run going here.

Speaker 13 (01:51:31):
No, I mean we knew they were going to turn
it around eventually.

Speaker 7 (01:51:34):
When I talked about the Astros a couple of weeks,
it was just strange seeing them get off to this
kind of start.

Speaker 13 (01:51:39):
You know, we hadn't seen that with them, so it
was just like, man.

Speaker 7 (01:51:42):
Is this gonna last the season? Like is this that
year where they just have a down year? But you know,
they still got that championship medal, so we knew they
were gonna turn it around. And now you got bregnant
ball in, so that's definitely a help because he's one
of the main pieces of that offense. So yeah, you
can never count the Astros out. And I said that too,
you can never count the Astros out, and you know
they're showing what they're about.

Speaker 3 (01:52:04):
De mars.

Speaker 2 (01:52:05):
I want to ask you one last question here because
I got a buddy of mine who I do the
podcast with, Lemon Pepper Parlay Mark Donalds.

Speaker 3 (01:52:11):
He tweets he text me every time the Royals win.

Speaker 4 (01:52:16):
I mean, I'm not going every damn time now, the
nineteen losses that they have, I just radio silence, of course.

Speaker 3 (01:52:21):
But what do you think?

Speaker 2 (01:52:22):
What's the what is your I asked this before, but
now now a week and a half later, two weeks later,
where are you thinking the Royals end up here?

Speaker 4 (01:52:29):
Do you?

Speaker 3 (01:52:30):
Are they a playoff team in the American League?

Speaker 7 (01:52:32):
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they snag a wildcard spot.
I definitely saw. I thought they had the ability to
do that. They got a nice group of veterans and
that team just has a chip on his shoulder. I
mean a lot of those veterans probably feel like, you know,
they were cast off, like yo, I still got some
gas left in the tank, like you know, a lot
of those guys just got you know, shipped off from
their team. So I think they're playing with a chip
on their shoulder like you got a star in Bobby

Wick junior. So anytime you got to start.

Speaker 13 (01:52:56):
To lead the lead the way, lead the charge, you know,
that's always a plus.

Speaker 7 (01:52:59):
And I'll love with Matt Catarro's doing the manager to
easily be in the running for Manager of the Year.
So I'm not surprised by the Royals because I thought
them and the Tigers would be.

Speaker 13 (01:53:08):
Would be, you know, good competitive teams this year. Fifty teams.

Speaker 2 (01:53:11):
Speaking of the Tigers, about time and they start scoring
some damn runs. Eleven last night, eight tonight to Marj
thank you very much for joining us. Appreciate your insight
and intelligence around the horn.

Speaker 3 (01:53:21):
Thanks for coming on.

Speaker 7 (01:53:22):
I got to talk for one more question.

Speaker 2 (01:53:25):
I'm sorry, man, we just this Dallas game just ended.
I got we gotta get to it.

Speaker 13 (01:53:29):
I got you much love you appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (01:53:30):
Odal appreciated the Dallas Mavericks.

Speaker 3 (01:53:34):
Oh what was a wild a crazy finish.

Speaker 2 (01:53:38):
We will get to that in just a minute after
coming up on the other side of the break. Shortly
after the show hour, we'll be going up. If you
missed any today's show, be sure to check out the podcast.
Search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast, and
be sure to follow, rate and review the podcast.

Speaker 3 (01:53:52):
Sorry for stepping on you there again.

Speaker 4 (01:53:54):
Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your go ahead,
just see this show.

Speaker 2 (01:53:57):
Post it right after we get off the air. Coming
up next, we will have everything. Yeah, the Dallas Mavericks game,
you had, Tony Romo, Mark Cuban, Dirk Dewisky. Y'all sitting
there biting their fingernails. What's gonna happen the Mavericks advance?

Speaker 3 (01:54:10):
We'll tell you how.

Speaker 2 (01:54:11):
Coming up next, I tell you this right here, right now,
Martin and VJ, Fox Sports Saturday. Sam Presty of the
Oklahoma City Thunder gets a ton of credit right gets
a lot of credit for being one of the best
gms in basketball.

Speaker 7 (01:54:25):

Speaker 3 (01:54:27):
He gotta be sick to his stomach right now. Say
do you know why?

Speaker 4 (01:54:32):
Because at the trade dead line, why Martin the Charlotte.

Speaker 2 (01:54:38):
Horne has made two trades at the trade deadline. One
of them was PJ. Washington to Dallas. The other one
was Gordon Hayward to Oklahoma City. Gordon Hayward did not
play a minute of this game.

Speaker 3 (01:54:54):
PJ. Washington made two of the three.

Speaker 2 (01:54:56):
Free throws to give the Mavericks a one point lead
with two point five checks left, Oklahoma said he couldn't
get off a shot down the stretch. Mavericks win four
to two. See you, lady, you're going home, okay.

Speaker 4 (01:55:08):
See yeah, young teams, man, young teams, when you're young,
you gotta go through your bumps in the road. The
regular season is not the postseason. And when you got young,
when you got young guns, and they do. They got
some young boys. Man, they got some young gunners. But
you're going against two veterans. And we were just talking
doing a commercial break, like kyriez a vet that guys
like he's won championships, He's hit game winning shots in

the NBA Finals in a game.

Speaker 2 (01:55:34):
Seven and is now undefeated. Yeah, and in close out games,
O're right close? Is fourteen fourteen now fourteen and oh
and close out games. You got Luca where it's not
a ten year career, but Luca's a certified that like
Luca's been through the wars. Luca's been through the battles.
Luca took took the Clippers to the break in the bubble.

Like Luca, he's been there.

Speaker 4 (01:55:59):
And then you put you surround them with some other
younger guys, middle of the road average as far as
their NBA career goes. And you're coached by a champion,
you're coached by a first ballot Hall of Famer, you're
coached by one of the top ten point guards of
all time. That's gonna be hard for a young team
with a young superstar, with a young coach, with a

young coacher to overcome, even though you overcame him in
the regular season losing in six. I always say I
hate gentlemen sweep. It's like five, I hate gentlemen sweep.
But a team beat you in six, they're better than you.
A seven game series, the ball could just bounce either way.
I don't know who was better, I know who advanced,
but it's five or six. I'm better than you, Like,

there's nothing you were gonna do to make this a
series at all. I couldn't beat you in five, who
couldn't sweep you? But six out of four to six.
We're better than you and that's what the mass I
just told Martin during the break. Hey, I'm a Kyrie guy, right,
I'm kind of pulling.

Speaker 3 (01:56:57):
I'm kind of pulling for Dallas.

Speaker 4 (01:56:59):
I would love this, see after everything he's been doing
his career to end up in a fight.

Speaker 3 (01:57:03):
And the Luca too.

Speaker 4 (01:57:05):
So I need uh the Nuggets to finish off tomorrow
Martin and uh Luca against the Joker.

Speaker 3 (01:57:12):
Two European because the European thing. That's been a topic lately, right.

Speaker 2 (01:57:15):
Two European guys, Hey, just a topic lately. It seems
like the new hotness in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (01:57:20):
Fighting for a spot in the finals.

Speaker 4 (01:57:23):
Yeah, I'm like I said earlier today, Uh, there's two
guys this postseason that have captivated me and have made
me feel young again.

Speaker 2 (01:57:32):
It really made me feel like a fan again. And
it is Anthony Edwards and Jalen Brunson. I I am
hoping against Hope. I know that, I know that's the
champs on that side. I know that all of that,
but I full on flat out I am rooting for
the Minnesota Timberwolves over the Denver Nuggets just because I like, like,
like we said, a minute ago. We are building new superstars.

Yok Jokic superstar. He's there, he's he's cemented, yep. Anthony
Edwards to me, he's got everything but the resume, right,
he's got everything.

Speaker 4 (01:58:04):
You know what's coming if he doesn't face a major injury,
it's coming. You can see it. Yeah, he's got some
bad nights. As we said earlier in the show, you're
gonna have that. But just sometimes and Martin does this
and I do it too. Cut the volume off, guys,
and just watch the games, watch the tape. Watch when
he doesn't have the ball, Watch when a guy doesn't

get thrown the pass. Like you, there's other things to
watch that can tell you about a player and can
tell you what's probably coming for that player if you
just watch and pay.

Speaker 3 (01:58:35):
Attention till they defend.

Speaker 4 (01:58:37):
Yeah, when you watch, when you watch this kid play,
he doesn't take plays off.

Speaker 3 (01:58:42):
He doesn't he doesn't half asset, he doesn't lag around.

Speaker 4 (01:58:45):
He's he's engaged on the defensive end, on the offensive end,
he's talkative, he's positive, he's got positive body language. This
is what you want to see from your young superstar.
In my opinion, he didn't have to add to his resume.
I'm looking looking at the ratings. I'm looking at what
people are saying. Michael Jordan has said, yeah, I see similarities.

And this kid that I saw myself, Why does he
got to prove to us he's a superstar. I look
at him like, no, he's already. It's his franchise, so
he's a superstar. Now he's got to add to the accolades. Yeah,
but I'm I'll take Dinver tomorrow because I just like
the champions at home. He's young and will have his time.
Shae Shall will have his time. It's just not right now,

and give me the Nicobocca's. I'm giving me the nick obocas.

Speaker 2 (01:59:31):
By unless unless the Knicks do with the different game six,
which is all where black to the pregame. I can't
think of a single time in history when the team
kind of coordinated the pregame out and ended up winning.
Most famously, I'll never forget when Lebron came in with
with the suits that had shorts and they got smoked,

and then they do the postgame press conferences.

Speaker 3 (01:59:55):
And suits with shorts pick up his bagging, He picked
up his he put up he picked up his bag
and left. I wish I could remember the better be better.

Speaker 2 (02:00:04):
I forget the question back just rumors he was he
gotta be better tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (02:00:09):
It was given. It was giving.

Speaker 2 (02:00:11):
Viola Davis twice and picks up her friend and walks out.
I know exactly. You all know what I'll talk about.
If not, just open your phone and search Viola Davis
and images, go.

Speaker 4 (02:00:22):
To gifts, go de text somebody, go to gifts and
just put in Viola Davis. She's gonna be into purple.
Look rupper back. Lively had a great fourth quarter. Kyrie
Irving had a great second half. Uh, this Mavericks team,
you know, they are figuring it out along the way,
and it did not look pretty at all this series.
But that Game six ended the way they closed it,

that was impressive. Yeah, impressive. And I'll see who they
play in the next round. But I'm I'm kind of
lean and pulling for them. Man.

Speaker 3 (02:00:49):
I like the squad of always like Mark Cuban, here
we go.

Speaker 2 (02:00:52):
Coming up next on Fox Sports Saturday, it will be
Aaron Torres and Jason Martin keep it locked here as
they done in all of this.

Speaker 3 (02:00:59):
We're out. Have a good one.

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