All Episodes

July 2, 2023 159 mins

Mike Harmon & Dan Beyer start the morning off talking about the big contracts flying around the NBA this weekend. They give their two thoughts on the Kyrie deal & where they think James Harden will end up. They continue the conversation taking it to the NFL regarding Derek Carr & Travis Kelce saying he doesn't mind being underpaid for the love of the W. Should Bijan Robinson go #1 in your fantasy draft? The guys look back on their rough week in sports-related shame. Plus, it's the latest edition of The Feud!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Please don't listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Greetings and welcome in another beautiful day here in the
tyrac dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios where your rate
is never exceeded ever twenty four seven, three sixty five.
Welcome in another beautiful Fox Sports Sunday. Mike Harmon alongside
Dan Bayer and Dan you know, yesterday was the day

that everybody said, what happened? Is it my device? My devices?
Have I been selected? Have I been pulled out as
the unwashed? As the unworthy? To scroll endlessly? Did someone
decide they wanted to save my thumbs and forced me
to go outside into the beautiful sunshine of southern California?

Will today be another day like that? We shall see
Mike Carbon Dan Byer.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
What's going on?

Speaker 4 (00:57):
If you wanted to keep up with NBA Free Agency?
Twitter was not the place to do it if you
only wanted to do it for a short amount of time,
wreaking havoc everywhere. I was still getting alerts on my phone,
but by about one o'clock local time in southern California,
I was maxed out, And even on my phone I
am still maxed out.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
Yeah, my great limit has been exceeded.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
This is the h This is the phrase that could
also be used with some of the contracts that were
handed out in the NBA over the last day and
a half or so. But it is a crazy time.
I don't know if it was a July first rollout.
I don't know if it was a hey, let's just
screw the sports fans who are trying to follow the
the NBA free agency period, or if it's just maybe,

uh yeah, let's just see how this thing goes.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
What's always curious to me, and this goes to the
larger Twitter verse and its usage, right because a lot
of the you know, was a public good that this guy. No,
it is always a company. Just you're gonna have different
people in charge. They're gonna direct it differently. And remember
that all of the are in our individual silos.

Speaker 4 (02:02):

Speaker 2 (02:02):
If you're a Swiftie, you're over here and you're gonna
bleed into some stuff, but most of your timeline is
going to be music, pop culture. Taylor Swift references to
concerts and bad exchanges and everything else. And then for us,
we are in the echo chamber that is the sports world.
So when all of a sudden, those walls go up
and make it difficult for the information to permeate. We

all kind of lose our minds and we start running
around in a circle or try to jump off a cliff,
like you know, the Lemmings and shiny metal boxes. But
it became a very interesting thing to see what was
going to pop through for me. You know you mentioned
the time, time of day. I was right in the
middle of enjoying a little bit of money in the

bank the WWE event that was coming live from London, right,
big deal. Scena comes back, Roman Reigns gets pinned for
the first time since twenty nineteen, trying.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
To do the live view, live.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Tweet kind of interaction. Get into that hub and get
the great big embrace. Absolutely my fellow nerdy wrestling fans
that can't shake it, right, It's that that addiction where
you tap it like, come on, I need my fix,
I need my instant analysis and replace rate limit exceeded.
No Cina's showed up. I want to see how much

people hate him, how much they love him. Even he
acknowledged it. It's like, come on, I'm used to you
singing John Cena sucks, but here you're excited to see
me I wanted the reaction and I couldn't get.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
A dam bire.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
I think we all tried to refresh our pages, tried
to clear our phone of the apps that we had used,
maybe tried to sign in and sign out to see
if we could trick the algorithm or however it's being
kept track of. But I know as of today my
phone was still where it was as of one o'clock
local time yesterday. The good news is the desktop computer

that we've got in front of us that is still working.
But the Twitter limit issue number one. You know what,
it reminds me of Mike, And I know not everybody travels,
but I also know that not everyone uses Twitter, so
this may not be reaching everybody that is listening, but
it reminds me of when airlines started to charge for

baggage fees, where you're just like, what, wait a second,
I'm just paid then two hundred and fifty dollars for
a plane ticket, and now you want me to pay
forty or thirty dollars twenty five dollars so I can
bring my suitcase. And I think it still ticks people

off to this day that you have to pay for
a bag and not every Airline does it. That is
how I feel. This is right now, I can I
can understand like where it's coming from. Doesn't mean that
I have to like it or have to abide by it,
but at some point maybe I'm just going to have to.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
Well, And that's the larger point right of the internet
use right. We were at Yah. I was at Yahoo
when everything was free, wheel and clicks were everything and
all of that, and then the market started to shift
and all of a sudden it became all right, what
can we monetize putting stuff behind paywalls? Me working in
the sports and fantasy sports phase, CBS, Sports Line, ESPN,

those were all pay for products. Right as you know,
you've been doing this a while. I've been doing this
a while. And for Yahoo were always a free game
that helped us grow to be the number one. We
also built the best product by far that anybody was using.
But that's a whole other thing. And then it became
a all right, let's have a big meeting to figure
out what part of our things we could we could monetize.

We had the stat Tracker, which was the beautiful Java
app that would load and refresh, and now it's ubiquitous,
but at the time you had to go pay big
money to be in a league here or there. Sure,
and for us it was free. But that was the
thing we could get you. So week one, here's the
beautiful app updates in real time. And I was the

one that came up with it. And maybe I'd watch
way too many movies and TV shows. I go, well,
you know they always say the first taste is free, right,
So I don't know that you want to pitch this
to the founders this way, but you know it's always
the guy on the street corner says, no, no, take this
one on me. You'll be back, And so we would
give you it for a week. Week two, you're back

on I need my life stats man, I need my fix,
and you would pay nine to ninety five for the individual,
or we had a price for the league to be
able to access it. All of those things point being,
if you give folks stuff for free and then realize, well,
based on economic necessities or the ability of inelastic demand

to start charging for it, folks are gonna start fighting back.
And Twitter being one of those things, was a nice
free app, free information to flow, et cetera. And then
we start getting into teering and who's better than who,
and what do you pay for and whatever else. This
is just the beginning. I mean for all of these applications.
I would imagine, you know, if the advertising world is slow,

you've got to figure out somewhere. It's like all the
streaming apps as well, Netflix and everything else, trying to
figure out how do we separate individual users as opposed
to one ID, one password being useful to many.

Speaker 4 (07:22):
What I think is interesting is I know Mike and
I and those of us that are here at Fox
Sports Radio come from a different point of where it
is such a daily point of just our jobs in
terms of hearing what other people are talking about with sports,
that makes it almost a necessity for us. But I

just wonder on how many out there we'll make it
a necessity yesterday for the afternoon, and knowing that we
were having a show today. You want to keep alert
and keep up to data what was happening. But I
don't know if my life drastically changed or got worse
because of the couple of times I tried to go

back on Twitter and then couldn't find anything.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
Well, it allowed you to just go on with your
day go hit a website and then you did you
pick your best and I and I think in the end,
if this stays, we'll see because they've made some policy changes,
really realize the bad reaction whatever, or the check clears
from the contractor that was supposed to fix that bug.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
Or whatever the case may be.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
But it's curious again us being in in the business
we are. It's the scroll, all right, this piece of
news came through and like we're not. We're live on
air right you either in the update desk or when
when you're hosting me working with Smith at night while
he's pontificating about the latest Mets loss, I'm trying to
see what else is going on in the sporting universe

to say, hey, we've got a story breaking here because
we want to we want to jump on it first, right,
we don't want it to wait and just date into
the night. I mean some stuff. Yeah, it's like, all right,
it's not big enough to interrupt whatever the flow is.
But first first blush opinions, that's what we're all about.
Tomorrow's takes tonight as the show goes, and Twitter doing

what it did yesterday again, I would check, I go, huh,
still says that. All right, go over to different blogs
and I'm not going to name them out here, but
you probably recognize the lot of them as to where
I might be able to get updated information. Saw the
latest signing, kind of shrugg going, that's a lot of money,

and then moved on.

Speaker 4 (09:34):
My rate limit still has exceeded from eighteen hours ago.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Well, an object in motion tends to stay in motion.
An object at rest can I.

Speaker 4 (09:44):
Say whatever it does refresh? There are also going to
be casualties of if you follow a substantial amount of people,
I would assume that you are being exposed to a
lot of tweets, which therefore would rack your number. We're
up pretty quickly.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
Yeah, I know. I have so many beat writers and
people in our business across. Yeah, and athletes, entertainers, singers, whatever.
I'll be done in a matter of ten minutes.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
Yes, I listened. In promoting our shows, I like to
send out tweets and say hey, we're doing this and that,
and maybe would retweets another tweet that somebody else sent out. Now,
now I'm like, all right, do you want to do that?
Do you want to inundate? Because I came in and
looked at Twitter this morning where it did work on
my computer, and in just thinking of it, you're like,

all right, somebody just retweeted five different things that I
don't care about. Now, am I gonna have to unfollow them?
So I don't get those exposed to those five tweets
that end up taking a part of my maximum like it.
It's it's very minute. But in terms of like how
us and I do think that there is there is
something with sports fans. If you're a fan of the

Philadelphia Egos, you're following the local Philly station, you're following
the blogs that are covering the Philadelphia Eagles, probably covering
all of the NFL insiders. There's and that doesn't just
go for the Egos. It goes for every other fan
of any team in the NFL. And if you're like
you and me, Mike, you have favorite teams in other

leagues or other places where you're following that team and
you're following the insiders for that team and you're following
so like, it does add up. And so I think
as a sports community, I don't know what it's like
in the politics world. I don't know if people who
are following politics that use Twitter for it are up
in arms, but I feel like in the sports world

it has really wreaked havoc over these last twenty four hours.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
If nothing else, my purge is now on, as in,
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this.
Let's bring in our guy, Isaac Loewen Krown, who's frantically
waving past me the.

Speaker 5 (11:53):
Ball as I typically do around here. This is a
really big topic in our world, including for our listeners,
because of the way we do consume sports. And one
thing I could add is that I just noticed on
my feed. Obviously you would think that the main thing
that this affects is people's reading and consumption of tweets

and information, but I've noticed that fewer sports media people
are tweeting period. So for example, when I come in
and wake up like you guys on a Sunday morning,
and I check all the overnight feed, there's a ton
of tweets. I would say there were five times fewer
tweets from people in sports media putting news and information
out there than there usually are.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
Because of this.

Speaker 5 (12:37):
On a personal note, obviously, it limits the time that
we spent on Twitter off hours. Yesterday afternoon, I learned
all this time, I thought we had one kid. It
turns out we have two kids. I thought that kid,
I thought that, I thought, yeah, I thought that other
kid just running around was was my wife's nephew or something.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
It's that we have two kids.

Speaker 4 (13:01):
So frustrating. How frustrated were you that you couldn't tweet
about it because you already reached.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Literally, I just learned something really new at Isaac Low
and Crown where you find them on Twitter at Dan
Byron Fox, find me at Swollen Dome. I will be
judicious and its juice. I will find another way to reach.
You can find me at Harmon rants on TikTok. You
got Dan at Bayer Talk. I mean it's now time
to expand, take these golden wings and learn to fly again.

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We've got ethan, we've got marked. The team is fully assembled,
and sugar is flowing in the building. I stood in

line diligently, and I'm looking at the clock. Owed, you
gotta be fast. Fill these orders. Fill these orders. So
donuts are here. Our guys will be fighting over them,
which is always the good thing, which means our three
and four of the show and of Pep in the
step energy.

Speaker 4 (14:06):
These are the donuts that Ethan last time proclaimed they
are the best donuts ever within an earshot of me,
who brought in different donuts the week prior, which totally
rubbed it in my face that my donuts were not
as good as what Ethan was currently consuming at that time.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
I want to say that was probably more of just
a circumstance of desperation for a sugar fix and to
rise from the high.

Speaker 4 (14:40):
Seven days ago Ethan. I'm sure it wasn't that much better. Like, geez,
what a shot sugar. They are very good. They are
great donuts.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
She cares, they care. It's a good group. The guy
was loading a van full of them. I don't know
what he was doing, But.

Speaker 4 (14:57):
Why didn't you do USA donuts on a Fourth of
July week end? I mean, that's I.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
I just went to the place I've been buying donuts
from for the last how.

Speaker 4 (15:08):
Many years have I been here. That's very inside. The
local donut shop is called USA Donuts Bias, and it's
one of the spots where we.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Give yousa happy Independence Day weekend. Hopefully you get a
little bit of time to separate from Twitter and from
your jobs, having some fun with us. We've got a
lot planned for you today. Some fantasy football chatter. I've
got my summer reading. We'll talk summer reading. We talked

the week that was, but plenty of NBA chatter on
the horizon. Tired of the Lakers. Sorry, it's only like
day three because it's going to be a long run.
With the moves made by Rob Polenka. Suddenly he's a
genius again. We'll tell you why next year on Fox. Hey,
welcome back in Fox Sports Sunday. Here Fox Sports Radio.

We're brought to you by Progressive Currence. Progressive makes buddling
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your protection to one place. Bundle and save at Progressive
dot Com. Mike Carmen and Dan Byer alongside you here.
Thanks for listening wherever you may be out and about
here on a beautiful holiday weekend Sunday morning, to and

from services, taking a hike, walking the dog. Whatever the
case may be, we appreciate you that second morning cup
of coffee. I'm already on my second and the second
one got a lot bigger. Dan Byers time to get
that caffeine flowing here on a beautiful Sunday morning. I
have a restless mind for a million different reasons. I

posted on on Instagram something my ex used to call
the Devil's jukebox. I can't have silence. It's a thing
I'm trying to work through. It's a I don't know
that I should talk this out therapeutically with somebody or whatever.
But it's like, I can't have silence in your home.

Speaker 4 (17:00):
You need the TV on or.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
I need something. But we could be in the middle
of the nature hike, in the middle of the most
beautiful mountains in the world.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
I can't.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
I can't, which meant whatever song would come to mind, boom,
there I am, And you know, so it's that kind
of thing. So relating back to.

Speaker 4 (17:17):
My singing to yourself, like.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
Like a loud enough to where like it it would
drown out the quiet because the silence is deafening. It's
a very weird thing. It's been portrayed in plenty of
movies and TV shows, but it's that.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
Kind of thing.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
And that's where Twitter and the rate limit exceeded kind
of kind of got me a minute. It's like, because
it's noise, it's not audible, but it's still noise as
you flow through.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
That it is. And there's been a lot of noise
of the NBA over the past you know, gosh, I
say day and a half because it didn't really get
going until six o'clock Eastern time on Friday.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
Nothing legitimate, a lot of rumor, conjecture, speculation before, but
until we got to the actual ringing of the bell
like the opening of the stock market, yes, and away
we went.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
But once it did, I mean, it was I mean
we're talking. I saw when Twitter was normal, I saw
a tweet that said it had best remaining free agents
or the names of you know who was still available.
And basically the point was, all right, there's there's maybe

one name out there of great substance that you didn't
know what was going to happen. And this was before
Dame's trade request that came out. But in terms of
free agency, everybody was everyone was pretty much accounted for.
I think it was basically at the point of the
post which has now been settled Brook Lopez, I think

was the name where you're just like, all right, what's
gonna happen? Is he gonna go to Houston? Is he
going to stay in Milwaukee? But that's how rapid fire
things turned out, where everyone was accounted for in that
first twelve hours or so, and it was.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
A curiosity, right, we are a blessed to Jason and I.
In the evenings, we get our Rick Bucker fixed. Rick
Buker over on Speak on FS one.

Speaker 3 (19:07):

Speaker 2 (19:07):
You see him on the couch with with Colin uh
and talking NBA, and and Rick comes on with Jason
and I once a week. Uh, like Jay Glazer, he
calls us, you know, his knuckleheads, the term of affection
of We're probably gonna ask questions that come from angles
and get you into places we're like, do I really
have to answer that kind of I thing? Maybe maybe

maybe cutting through the mess and getting down to brass
tacts as to ask answer. I mean, it's a matter
of relationships and we we pride ourselves on that as
I know you do with the guys you you talked
to on your shows, Dan, but with Ricky, with all
the activity that was going on, he just said, I
don't I don't know that any of it really moves
the needle.

Speaker 6 (19:49):

Speaker 2 (19:49):
It's a lot of money, right, very impactful from a
dollar and cents, But in terms of shuffling up the
pecking order of the n b A, how much did
it really chick And now we're another forty eight hours,
well thirty six hours removed from our conversation with him then,
and you saw some more pieces kind of pushed together,

and I'm sorry, you know. The teas coming into this
discussion was the Lakers did a lot of stuff that
I as much as I don't want it because there's
too many Laker fans around this building, too many people
I know in my life living here in southern California
that are insufferable when they're good. Add the Lebron factor

and it goes to a whole other level of I
can't deal with you anymore. But everything Rob Polinka did,
even to the players that for the casual fan it
doesn't matter. Are all chips that make sense. Now they've
taken all the cast offs that haven't gotten in trouble
or haven't played decided they can't play. From the twenty

nineteen draft, right, Tyler here is probably gonna get traded
as part of this name thing, whether it's a three
team of four team. We'll talk about that coming up
about a half hour. Job Morant is Job Morant, and
obviouslyion Zion Williamson Sunday morning. We really can't get into
all the stuff that he's been up to.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
But he's gonna be again into detail.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
Well, but that's just it. But that's just it. He's
got a lot of stuff going off the court, and
I don't really want to bring in the you know,
think good thoughts all of those stuff. But otherwise you
got Jackson Hayes, pretty good player, not gonna fill the
stat sheet, but defense, rebounding, and the LOB gives them
a cheap reserve as a big. That's where I want

to Brook Lopez. If like, if we're really just going
the wish list of how guys are gonna move around,
it was he either stays in Milwaukee or mid level. Well,
as we recognize pretty fast, big big gap between mid
level and what he ended up getting to stay with Milwaukee,
because that's a bigger question for the Bucks, the two

big moves that they made in turn of their long
term looks and appeal to their superstar to say, hey,
we're committing to keeping you here. But for the Lakers,
Jackson Hayes, you bring back Hatchamura, you re signed DeAngelo Russell.
You bring in Gabe Vincent from the Heat, a guy
who's now been through the grind and gives you a

little bit of toughness in your second unit. Just keep
going on down the line. Austin Reeves comes back. So
some of what you'd already built and now adding a
few extra chips to bring out and round out your rotation.
So at least early in the season in the quote
meaningless time of the NBA, Lebron and Ad don't have

to have the wear and tear and whatever Lebron's got
going that finished his year where we talked about his
foot and how healthier whatever was going on there real imagined,
or just play the violin for me. Michael Malone is
you know she's speaking, I'm you know, half channeling the
Michael Malone talk there is. It's more time for him

to rest up and heal because as we know, the
only meaningful basketball really anymore is the end of February
forward jockeying to make sure you're in the playoffs and
being ready and available in the playoffs.

Speaker 4 (23:12):
Yeah, you do. It's changed. You don't just turn the
switch on in mid April anymore. You actually have to
have some sort of resemblance of a team and how
that team plays over the stretch from the All Star
Game they all start breaking to the end of the season.
I think does weigh into how you're going to perform
in the playoffs. And the Lakers kept the pieces that

they needed to keep. But also you just signed Gabe Vincent,
who's coming off of an NBA playoffs run where there
were knights, where he was the second best player on
the floor for the Miami Heat, And so now you've
added that. And to start off, when you mentioned what
Rick Buker was saying is it doesn't move the needle.

And I think that there's two reasons for that. Number One,
that was the NBA five years ago. That was the
end when you're wondering where's Kevin Durant gonna go, what's
he gonna do, what's Kauhi gonna do? Where's he gonna sign?
Those were the Those were the moves, and we are
talking about at that time, guys who are top five,

top three in the NBA. However you wanted to put it,
that's how much of a monumental move those things were.
Because we're talking about top three and top five guys.
I don't think that the guys that we are talking
about are top three and top five guys. They just aren't.
And so now you don't have that in free agency

moving the needle. But the other thing is, and this
is what ties into the Lakers thing, and it ties
into the Nuggets in a sense, it kind of ties
into the Bucks. As you mentioned, is the movement of
these big names is not reflective of how you're going
to perform and where you are. So right now, has

anybody done anything to knock Denver off of their perch?
And I think if you were to honestly say probably not.
I don't think the addition of Bradley Beal and Phoenix
may threaten it a little bit. But right now, Denver appears,
until we start playing games, appears to not have a

challenger to knock them off. Mike, Now, the Lakers may
be better but is the addition of Gabe Vincent and
Cam Reddish enough to avoid a sweep. No, I don't think.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
Here's the other twenty nineteen edition, Cam Reddish, who's now
becoming the well traveled as yet to achieve his ceiling,
Cam Reddish, can he be unlocked?

Speaker 4 (25:46):
Ear we're the you know, we're the chance to do it.
But what the Lakers have done are trying to do
now are what successful teams in the NBA are now
trying to do. And so you see with Denver, and
it's not a Denver blueprint necessarily, but to have continuity,
to try to carry things over, to try to build

towards something that is more of the world instead of
just adding a superstar which we saw five years ago
or whatever and moving On's let's again another example of
different NBA. And I think it's reflective in free agency
that even the biggest of names that are available, Kyrie Irving,

his signing to the Mavericks was more criticized than anything.
James harden I compared it to the Office the other day,
like the further you got away from Michael Scott, the
less interested I got. The further he gets away from
the Rockets, with another stop and another stop and another stop.
The less interested that I am, and I think that's

the case in the NBA. But I do think it's
the you know, Rob Polinka following maybe a path set
by teams like the Denver Nuggets in terms of building
their squad and doing it maybe within or keeping that
core together. That's why I think that we haven't seen
that needle move as much.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Can I ask you, are you more Robert California guy
or a di'angelo Vickers?

Speaker 4 (27:13):
I am a diam David Brent guy. Yes, the UK version,
the Ricky Gervas.

Speaker 2 (27:20):
So all the way back to Ricky Gervas.

Speaker 4 (27:22):
So maybe maybe it would be James Harden with the
thunder that you could put it that way.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
Take them all the way back to the origin story. No,
it's true. It's it's building blocks and the kyrie thing.
We'll get into as the show develops, but it's just
gonna shrug. Like with some of these names. They're huge names,
and in the annals of history we're gonna do our
top ten lists here there or whatever, a lot of
these guys are gonna be littered in. But do they

move the needle at this point?

Speaker 3 (27:48):

Speaker 2 (27:48):
We saw the odds for the heat shift dramatically with
the idea that Dame Lillard is coming to town. We
have no idea what's going out to be able to
facilitate that and whether you need a third or a
fourth team to help make all that happen. But we
watch their odds go from fourteen to one down to

nine or ten to one, a little bit of hey,
let's limit our exposure here in the event that this
does happen, not leaving a huge two huge a gap.
But like, that's the one move that that was juiced.
Otherwise it was a lot of re signing back where
you were again continuity. We celebrated elsewhere, Like we talk

about it all the time, you and me, Jason and
I like where you hold those organizations that add instead
of just you know, your kid with the blocks sweeping
it all back to the ground. Do where you got
to build back from ground one.

Speaker 4 (28:43):
I think there are This is just off the top
of my head. I don't have a list, so don't
hold me to it. But I would say that there
seems to just be a handful of teams that are
still trying to do it the other way or the
old way. And I look at Mike. I just look
at the MVP voting for this past year, and when
you have Joel Embiid winning the award in Philadelphia. I

know James Harden leaves, but that seems to be a
unique situation and however it's going to work out. It's
going to work out, but Philadelphia will probably get some
pieces to work around him, and maybe they fall backwards
into trying to develop something because you're trading away James Harden.
But Giannis right now entrench to Milwaukee, Jokic obviously entrenched

in Denver. Shay Gildess, Alexander was a guy who got
MVP votes, finished fifth, He's there in OKC. Jason Tatum's
not going anywhere in Boston. Again, different different times in
the NBA. These guys aren't aren't being moved. You're not
wondering where's you know, where's Jason Tatum going next? Like
those conversations just aren't happening right now, and it's not

the way of the NBA. It was different than it
was five years ago. Like we're talking if we did
a ranking, Like for as much as Damian Becau, Damian
Lillard has been the conversation that has not been Kyrie
Irving and it has not been James Harden, but like,
there's ways that you can actually even poke holes and
Dames game to be like, Okay, what does he do defensively?
This and that and so so when we're talking about

the caliber of the NBA players that used to be there,
it's just it's not like it once was, when everything
was really crazy and almost wild wild west ish.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Big wild swings. The addition of that second level of
taxation when it comes to the luxury luxury tax for
lack of a better term, for NBA teams right where
we saw moves being made, it's like, look how much
that'll save them in terms of what this guy twenty
one million dollars. Exercise it this way because it saves

them one hundred million over here. It's it's fuzzy math,
but it's part of the CBA. Hey, at the end
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Seriously see terms. Check it out for yourself. Discover dot com.
Now be kick it over to our guy, Isaac Lowen
kron lots going on we'll see if his limit and

his rate is still exceeded.

Speaker 5 (31:12):
It is exceeded. However, fortunately for certain people, most of
them who are tall, rate limits not being exceeded in
the NBA because Sacramento King center Domontes Sebonis has agreed
to a five year, two hundred and seventeen million dollar extension,
Dylan Brooks, formerly of Memphis, gets a four year, eighty
million dollar deal with the Houston Rockets. In a related story,
Lebron James will now average fifty points a game against

the Rockets next season. Dante de Vincenzo agrees to a
four year, fifty million dollar contract with the New York
knicksty Angelo Russell returns to the Los Angeles Lakers for
two years and thirty seven million. In Major League Baseball,
on Saturday night, at the Kansas City Royals defeated the
Los Angeles Dodgers after a ninety minute rain delay, six
to four, as the Royals scored five in the first

sitting off Dodgers starter Julio Urias at Wrigley, they had
a two hour and forty five minute rain delay. After that,
the Cleveland Guardians blank the Cubs six to nothing. The
Detroit Tigers and ten innings, one at Colorado forty two,
the Tigers Zach McKinstry go ahead three run home run
in the top of the tenth inning, and the Yankees
one at Saint Louis on Saturday night, six to two

to split a double header. Fellas, I've hit my ray
limit back to you.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
Thanks, thanks so much at Isaac Glowingngron where you find
him if you can reach him in the Twitter verse.
Mike Arman, Dan Byer with you here. We are brought
to you by Progressive Insurance, Progressive bankes Bundling easy and affordable.
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ATV and more all your production to one plays Bundle
and save at Progressive dot Com. Coming up next from

the Tirac dot com studios. You mentioned Dylan Brooks, You
mentioned Lebron James. James had some comments about a classic
and I was wondering if Dylan Brooks might be able
to employ this defensive strategy. That's an interesting part of
the criticism. But there's one very glaring thing Lebron missed
when getting into film school. We'll tell you what it

is next on Fox.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
Paulli Foosco here with Tony Fosco. Yo.

Speaker 7 (33:10):
Of course you know us as the host of the
number one rated show and all the sports talks, the
Paully and Tony Fusco Show.

Speaker 2 (33:16):

Speaker 7 (33:16):
Now, the suits at Fox Sports Radio gave us this
ad time because they wanted us to tell you how
great our show is. Why Yeah, Instead of us doing that,
let's just let our millions of fans.

Speaker 3 (33:28):
Do the talker.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Ye ain't play the tape.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
You don't know crap about fool, I own this crap.

Speaker 3 (33:33):
Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. That's the wrong tape, wrong tape.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
Just forget that.

Speaker 7 (33:38):
Look, listen to the Pauly Toni Fusco Show on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
Welcome back in Fox Sports or Radio appropriate time frame
talking mid eighties, as we come back here Fox Sports Radio.
Good one, Mark, Mike Carman, Dan Byer with you and
alluded to it before because we.

Speaker 4 (34:02):
Had of all the eighty songs, Mark's picking legs, Sarah,
there you go.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
It's never a big zz top.

Speaker 2 (34:09):
I once had a uh and Iowa say it will
be in a few minutes. I once had the order
on shows that I did. It's like, there's like three
bands I just don't want to hear because we overused them,
like we would play them incessantly. And zz Top was
one of those bands. What and I don't like I've
done with it really Yeah, this is the first time
we've had it in a while, so I'm good.

Speaker 4 (34:30):
Was that a shot at Mark? Did you just?

Speaker 3 (34:32):

Speaker 2 (34:33):
I just I just threw it on his way out.

Speaker 4 (34:35):
That's cold.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
He's not done yet, he still has more to do.

Speaker 4 (34:39):
Sharp dress Man.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
Just saying I'm not saying there were they were bad songs,
just saying for a while, as bumpers here on Fox
Sports Radio, it's like we didn't have access to other music,
and it was just like why it's like we get
on ty Shirt in in our evening show with Jason
and my elf, like because he loves to torment Jason
by poking the bear with two or three songs that

he will use right now, he's out of tears for
Tears for Fears gick and it drives Jason insane, and
we keep inviting him because Here's for Fears is coming
to Southern California twice in the next four months and
he wants no part of it.

Speaker 4 (35:17):
Oh I saw that when concert years back, so they
over took Colin Oats because they were actually on the
same billiing as Hall and Oates. Yes, for they were great,
they were magnificent.

Speaker 3 (35:29):
I look forward to it.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
But yeah, so that back to the mid eighties, that
was the point of getting a little zz top in there.
Lebron James, Dylan Brooks. You heard Nilo's update, Dylan Brooks
getting his money from Houston part of a huge backcourt
dollar drop in the planet Houston. But in Lebron James,

I'm wondering if he can be defended by Dylan Brooks
this way. Lebron took to Twitter. He's going in it
because you know, sometimes you got to go back in
and take in classics, and in this case, a man
who's been in space Jam two decided I'm gonna go
look at other great examples of basketball in film history,
and he decided to go back to the classic from
nineteen eighty five of Teen Wolf. Quote, sitting here watching

Teen Wolf, the last basketball scene when he didn't go
back to the Wolf is the funniest basketball I've ever seen.
And why how is old buddy standing under the rim
at the end as he wins the game with free throws.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
So Michael J.

Speaker 2 (36:30):
Fox gets fouled and the bully, the nemesis the rival
in a fifty one to fifty one game as the
everything clears out, is standing under the basket. Now, I
think this is the least egregious of things going on

in the movie, in that you have a a guy
who led his team through the title by the premise
of the name of the film, by being able to
turn into a wolf, and instead of all the other
things we normally have with were wolves, his skill and
the thing that gets tight in his ability to leap
and play basketball.

Speaker 4 (37:10):
It's pretty It's pretty amazing. The the amazing part is
that the a half man, half wolf could play basketball
and run the pick and roll as well as he
did in that game. I don't even think to Lebron's
example that he used. It was the most egregious thing
in the clip in the In the last scene where

he's shooting the free throw spoiler alert and the defenders
under the hoop for an obvious lane violation, Michael J.
Fox shot a jump shot at the free throw line.
I do like it is there's I have a big
problem with that. There's nobody does that. Maybe there was

one guy back in the day that was able to
shoot a jump shot at the free throw line. But
when you talk about trying to get everything set, Michael J.
Fox at the free throw line shooting a jumper with
a game on the line in no time left. By
the way, if the guy is under the hoop, shouldn't
he shouldn't everybody be off the line anyway? Like you

have a lane violation. I know he's standing under it,
like directly the ball falls directly, like so you wouldn't
even you wouldn't even line people up if there was
no time left on the clock.

Speaker 2 (38:26):
Yeah, I mean the biggest crime. I mean, and we're
missing the thing. This is where the obvious thing comes in.
The one of the guys had a hairline worse than
anything Lebron or I have before we paint it back in.
These guys are all thirty five years old that are
running around. I mean, this is the next level of
Beverly Hills nine o two oh in terms of age.

Like my guy that sets sets the pick for him.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
It had to be as old as I am now.

Speaker 4 (38:55):
I mean the hair on his chest. Wasn't just props
for a wolf or anything. Was actually there. Yeah, there's
there's a guy that looks like he's forty eight and repairs,
you know, washer and drive.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
But like all of these things, the guy standing under
the basket, it's it's a film.

Speaker 4 (39:14):
I said that a tweet once of a Brady Bunch
clip where Bobby gets mauled in the driveway by Greg
and Peter, and I called it the worst call in
basketball history. Actually occurred in a Brady Bunch episode, and
the tweet took off and Steve Kerr liked it. Oh nice, Yes,
I was sitting there one night. It was.

Speaker 3 (39:36):
It was.

Speaker 4 (39:37):
It was an awful call. Grandma Hutchins called charging when
Bobby was tackled by Greg and Peter. Other people spotted
a double dribble. It's in one of the top five
worst episodes of the Brady Bunch. But still, you gotta
have better art direction in these places where you're gonna

watch over and over and teen will fail like the
Brady Bunch did.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
It's always always one of the classics that we go
back to. But yeah, my guy standing under the basket
the least egregious of all of the things going on.
He's Dan Bayer. I'm by Carmen, Fox Sports Sunday Here.
Fox Sports Radio. Coming up next, we get back into
the NBA and the rumor conjecture speculation.

Speaker 3 (40:21):
He said he wants out.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
Finally, Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup
in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports
Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR
to listen live.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
Greetings and welcome in our two of the program. Limit
rate has not yet exceeded. The caffeine and sugar are
flowing marks tagged out Iowa Sam in instead in his
Sunday Best. We got a collared shirt Iowa Sam. This morning,
as we get ready to take on the day, Mike Carmon,

Dan byer with you. We've got a full in a
Major League baseball We've got racing from Chicago a little
later on today, and we've got.

Speaker 3 (41:09):
On NFL a little bit of a throwback here.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
And if you tuned in, you said, wow, it's halftime,
it's thirty three nothing. Captain Kirk is ready to beat
me down.

Speaker 4 (41:20):
This game was aired yesterday as well. I didn't think
we needed to see it again, but apparently we do.

Speaker 2 (41:25):
It's like the stuff on your timeline in Twitter. You're
not getting new stuff. You're getting this re regurgitated.

Speaker 4 (41:30):
Big day in golf. Mike Harmon. Not only will Ricky
Fowler try to get a victory after a six year
drought one shot lead a lot of guys on his
heels in Detroit twenty under, but also the US Senior
Open wraps up almost in my backyard forty minutes away.

My hometown is from Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Nice. So at
Century World, Barnhard Longer has the lead. Uh, Jerry Kelly
will probably be playing in the final group with him
and Jerry Kelly. Wis Scott's native. Steve Stricker just a
couple of shots back as well. He'll be playing. He
and Jerry Kelly played yesterday together in Steven's Point, So

I will be that. That's the bit of home for
me where I will sit back and take that in
this afternoon.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
Longer and Stricker. I hear those names and they're on
the Senior tour, means I've been doing this a while.
You've got a couple of years before you hit that
age limit. What are you think and you can You're
gonna be able to get your game in shape to.

Speaker 4 (42:33):
Probably jump on. Probably not, it's probably not gonna It's
not gonna happen for me. Uh, it's just it's unfortunately, Mike,
I'm just gonna have to be chopping up the fairways,
taking huge divots, hitting big slices and duck hooks the Uh. Yes,
there will be no there will be no next level

golf for me, none at all. I'll just have to
sit on the sidelines like we did at the US
Open a few weeks ago. That wasn't too shabby though, No,
it was a good time. I wish I was there
this weekend in Wisconsin to check this out. But I'll
be sitting at home Flower Hole, the sixteenth hole. It's
all decked out in flowers. Part three. Played Century World
a bunch, been lucky enough. It's a nice track.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
No, that is pretty nice. That's not a bad way
to go. And so we get into our fun of
what is in playing now. We've got big streaks in
Major League Baseball, some good, some ugly. A week before
the All Star festivities right at Home run Derby on
the tenth and people lamenting who's in who's not participating.

It's player's choice. You can't force them into participating in
these things. I mean, you could try to legislate it.
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And Dan, the number one story that continues to outside

of the Twitter debacle is the fun and exciting world
of NBA free agency. You hear in Isaac's updates. You know,
we're talking about two hundred million dollar extensions and here's
fifty six million dollars for a guy that showed you
over a handful of games that he might be the guy.
And look what the market will bear. Whatever you all

get in your jobs, ask for a dollar more. Keep pushing, right,
that's the that's the thing. Find that other. If you're
not satisfied, well you can move. And that's what we
see in free agency. I like what we're building here,
but we can do something different. And the big thing
that has changed this time around is that Damian Lillard
has now officially asked to be gone from the world

to Portland all the years of I'm loyal, I'm not
doing this, I'm not chasing when all these other stars
are moving around. We talked about it last hour, just
some of these guys. It's it's just hopping, right. It
used to be on your resume in the corporate world,
well why did you only stay at a job for
a year or two? It was seen as a negative.
Now it's I had an opportunity, I can move in

the OA.

Speaker 4 (45:08):
Why did you stay so long? That's right?

Speaker 2 (45:12):
What was it about it that made you stayed? Were
you just not ambitious?

Speaker 3 (45:15):

Speaker 2 (45:15):
Why suddenly?

Speaker 3 (45:16):

Speaker 4 (45:17):

Speaker 2 (45:17):
And And that's one of the things for Damian Lillard
and clearly from the montage of things he started to
respond to in social media. You know, he recognized the
engineer and he had a lot of fans showing love
right here. He is a man of the city and
of the people. And one of the theories has always
been the all right, I'm gonna be different. I like

it here, I'm comfortable here. Pressure here is we either
overachieve or if we fall short, it's not gonna be
on me. And you know, there's a nice thing. And
also I'm not a villain, right because there's always gonna
be some percentage of the fan base, and how loud
that is depends on the player and the person you are, right,

and your own personal lives. Everybody out there listening, wherever
you may be, you get that right, there's that degree
of guilt within the stuff that gets projected on you
and then the larger play. And for Damian Lillard, you know,
for me looking at it, Dan, it's part of it
has been. It's a nice comfortable place to be make

a good living. You're kind of a hero in a
small town and when you perform well, everybody pays attention.
But if you don't, you're Portland.

Speaker 3 (46:30):

Speaker 4 (46:30):
I think that. I think that he had the best
of intentions, and I hope we don't hear any comments.
I know we will, but I hope it's not a
lot of you know, Damian Lillard's jumping ship. Damian Lillard, yep.
Just like all the rest of the NBA players that
want out and don't want to stick around, Damian Lillard's

another one. I hope that's not the case, because it
really isn't. The guy turns thirty three this offseason, and
when you look at where Portland is right now I
get it, like I understand where he's thinking. If you
were to talk peek Damian Lillard, it is probably coming
at some point within the next two or three years,

when he's thirty six, that game will start to diminish. Now,
you can still play at a high level, but it
may not be to where you are currently. And to
look at the makeup of the roster, to see where
they have been, to see what they have tried to do,
I get it. The one thing I don't get Mike, though,

is what changed this week, because on Monday we found
out that Lillard and his reps met with Blazer's GM
Joe Cronin. The message that was put out was let's
see how things go in free agency. Let's see how
it plays out. And then at that point I Mike
thought we would get something this coming week to say like,

hey kind of won out. But what ended up happening
was all of the news started to leak at six
o'clock Eastern three o'clock Pacific on Friday, of all the
players that were signing in free agency, even though they
couldn't be official, we had heard all these deals. One
of the dominoes that we had heard was Damian Lillard

wanted Jeremy Grant to stay in Portland. Guess what, Jeremy
Grant staying in Portland When that signing happened, I think
we thought, Okay, well, maybe there's something here. And then
in the less than twenty four hours, the eighteen hours
that players could sign deals to that point, Damian Lillard

just requested a trade. So did you want them to
go and get James Harden? Did you want them to
sign Kyrie Irving? Who did you want them to sign
that would change your mind from what happened in the
meeting earlier in the week. That's the part that I
don't understand. And I'm not calling Damian Lillard a liar

by any means. I just want to know was he
always did he always want to be traded? Mike? Was
this the point, because I was under the impression that
Portland was going to have free agency, to show Damian
Lillard what he could put together, what they could put together,
and if at that point it wasn't good enough, then
he would choose to move on. Did they not get

a deal done for bam at a Bio, which is
obviously the case that we had heard over the last
couple of weeks at Portland maybe thought they could put
something together. Was that the reason it was just weird
to me from the positioning that we heard on Monday
that happened so quickly, Mike, I thought this week again
that we would get something. Hey, Portland didn't do what

they wanted to do in the last week and a half.
Maybe it's best that day moves on instead. It's just
all right, he wants out now.

Speaker 2 (49:50):
Yeah, the curiosity and I agree with you, it's the
timeline there. It's like, did Lillard in the early week conversations,
did he just orchestrate it to get Jeremy Grant the
biggest bag he could could be?

Speaker 4 (50:06):

Speaker 2 (50:07):
Did a solid for a buddy like, Hey, I'm probably
not gonna be here. I'm gonna try to get myself
out of here, but let's get you as big a
contract as we can. Maybe a little bit of love
that way, and then you still can push your way
and say, hey, this wasn't good enough, because that's the
hard part, even at eleven years. And that's the other thing,

like it always blows my mind. We look at damn Lord,
he's on it's been in eleven years already, and toiling there.
You've got Simons, You've got you bring in Scoot Henderson.
You've got a pretty good base with you. There isn't
enough to leap all the teams in the Western Conference.
I don't know every one of them's fraught with some
sort of question mark. We talked about the Lakers a

little bit last hour. You've got the Nuggets. They lose Brown,
they ran a pretty short rotation. That's actually at least
short term sizeable loss for them as he goes to
Indiana on his deal. But you know, for Portland and
for Damian Lillard, now like bam Adebayo potentially being that guy,

well now he's the teammate, Like what what are we expecting?
And all this because now it's how do you orchestrate
a trade for a player of that magnitude to make
it work? And we've seen Duncan Robinson, Tyler, hero draft picks,
the rumor of a third team or a fourth team,
and it becomes a round robin shifting of players and

draft picks. But for Damian Lillard, like I'm just curious
with the timeline good guy, bad guy. I don't care,
Like if you're gonna be portrayed as the bad guy.
I always say, just embrace it like that was my
big problem with the the Heatles back in the day,
as they're so affectionately known. It's like, you didn't think
this was gonna rankle some feathers, right, Lebron and Dwayne
Wade crying and whatever else. And history's changed on that,

by the way. Some folks like h Wade embraced like, no,
he didn't ick And watch how those guys reacted to
people booing them and the bad press they got. They
all crying about it, Yes, every last one of them.
Yes I didn't expect to, Like, sure you did. You
upset the apple cart and changed the rules of engagement
to which I am like, good, take advantage, take agency

as much as you can. And for Damon Lollard, same
thing here. Just recognize that there are going to be
some questions, particularly as you look at the timeline and
the public comments from the team as well, because they're
not going down without a fight. And that's the thing
I kind of like about it. We have these conversations
best interest, right, goodwill, whatever, we're getting the best deal

we can for ourselves. We want to accommodate him, yes,
but we're not giving him away.

Speaker 4 (52:44):
Yeah, I just I don't think that he I hope
he's not a villain. I always not thought of that
way because they've tried. He's been about as loyal as
you can be. And listen, they didn't make get to
a Western Conference final. They were swept. But there is
a little taste of it Portland. Here's here's another thing.

And actually I feel bad for Portland. I feel bad
for the city and the fans. Hopefully better days are ahead.
I know that they wish things would have been better
for Damian Lillard than they were, but he gave them
some awesome memories. My question is if they would have
won the lottery, does this change? Does they were able

to move up? They were actually one of the teams
that moved up into that those top four picks and
ended up with number three and something got the second
best player in the draft and who some think would
have been the first overall pick. And say next year's draft,
if there was no Victor Webbin Yama in this draft,
there's a lot, there's a lot that actually went Portland's way.

But if they would have won the lottery and got
the ultimate prize, you know, does a Victor Webbin Yama
keep Damian Lillard in Portland? And I think that it
does because I've of all the usual suspects that we
have heard in trade Miami Brooklyn was a team. Ramona

Shelburne of ESPN mentioned San Antonio, which I thought it
was very interesting because saying that Damian Lillard has a
great amount of respect for Greg Popovich. Well, what do
the Spurs have that would make Damian Lillard want to
go play for the San Antonio Spurs? And what would
the Spurs really want to give up this into Portland
for someone like Damian Lillard. That's where I feel bad

for I feel bad for Portland in that aspect of
you know, they did they did get Scoot Henderson and
hopefully it's a long term sort of relationship there. But yeah,
you just lost a superstar and now it's time to
rebuild and to no fault of their own. Not that
I don't feel bad for the Trailblazers organization, although there
is a little sliver of it, Mike, because with the

trade teams that we've been Canne you know, James Harden,
same teams, Knicks, Clippers, there's seven or eight teams that
are just always mentioned. No one's No one's saying I
want to be traded to Portland. Yeah it's and it's
not meant to be a knock of them. There's two
thirds of the league. No one is saying that they
want to be traded to those markets. Sure, Denver just won.

No one's like, you know what, I want to team
up with Jokich, Luka Dantcich could be the best player
of the NBA over the next decade. I don't hear
a lot of get me to Dallas, you know, like
there's there's only six or seven teams that we throw
around all the time. And so for Portland to ever
try to, you know, to try to get someone who,
by the way, would have to be above Lillard's capacity

because they had CJ. McCollum there and he was a
part of that team that made the Western Conference final.
Just tells you what a daunting a daunting position it
is to try to build that that winner in Portland
with their their current makeup.

Speaker 2 (55:54):
I would say this the question I would have for
San Antonio, and this would be the real kick in that. Like,
it's one thing to lose a guy who's been the
identity of your team, right, Daniel Lillard leaving is kicking
the teeth number one. Anything that comes back from san
Antonio just because the salaries matchup is kicking the teeth too,

because there's nobody that can play on this team. Yeah,
that's going to help your team. Yeah, Like literally, you've
got Scoot Henderson there. Great, he slides up. He seems
willing and ready to embrace the All right, if he leaves,
I'm the guy, right, that's already his quote. What from
that San Antonio team are you bringing in? That's gonna

get you to where you're like, all right, we like
at least with Miami, just to use them specifically, because
that's the hottest rumor, and that's where the odds moved. Like,
you may not love Duncan Robinson or Tyler Hero, but
you've seen them make shots that mattered, you've seen them
play important minutes in the game, and you've seen them

have a particular set of skills to steal from Liam
Neeson that could help your team and make it at
least an entertaining, exciting product if they're healthy and ready
to go. San Antonio tanked. San Antonio has a couple
of guys that are like clue guys kind of thing,
but they're not stars. They're guys that are gonna move

cathtle for you just because they get paid commensurately and
you know, just the NBA pay scale, so you match
up salaries based on their idiotic rules.

Speaker 4 (57:28):
Wait helping you, I say, I agree with you, Mike,
and then I'm gonna put a period at the end
of my sentence. And then, in a completely separate, non
related topic that has nothing to do with you, just said,
I do think Malachi Branum first round pick in twenty
twenty two from Ohio state. Of course, I watched a
lot of them in college. I do think that he

could have the ability to develop into a solid NBA player.
Get nothing, nothing, Mike, connected to what you're saying, because
you're absolutely right, that's just a separate it's.

Speaker 2 (58:00):
A developmental keep an eye on this guy. Yes, that's exactly,
But that's exactly what would have to happen here is
you would have to yes to say, Hey, this is
a guy. He's a ten point a game guy for
a really bad team that was trying to tank to
be to get the number one overall pick. That's your

new guy alongside sket Henderson. How do you feel. And
here's a bunch of contracts that are going to expire
before then because we had to make the salaries match.

Speaker 3 (58:30):
He's Dan Byer.

Speaker 2 (58:31):
I'm Mike Harman. We brought to you by Progressive Insurance.
Progressive makes bundling easy and affordable. Get a multi policy
discount by combining your motorcycle, RV, boat, a TV and
more all your protection to one place. Bundle and save
a Progressive dot com Again. It's not a slight at
the abilities of the NBA players. Uh, it's the here's
what do you get in exchange for a player? The

ilk of Damian Lillard. Coming up next, we turn our
attention to the National Football League.

Speaker 3 (59:00):
We had our.

Speaker 2 (59:00):
Gambling decisions come down. I've got some very simple rules
of the road as it flows, and it's something we
should all take into our daily lives. We'll do that
next year on Fox Welcome back in got really mellow.
We went from legs and fired up to slow Sunday

morning coffee. Maybe you're getting a little stretch in stretch
something we all should have been told to do when
we were younger. You have a certain age you got
to practice. You went straight into practice. The stretch time
and warm up time was about three minutes before it
was pad on, pad let's get after it. So as

an old man, I now have the flexibility of a rock.

Speaker 4 (59:47):
I've never been that flexible. Not that you guys need
to know this stuff about me, but yeah. Never never
sit in reach that you had at the test in
high school. You sit down, sit your butt on the
ground on legs extended, and you reach forward. They were
telling me to all right, go and I was going like.

Speaker 3 (01:00:06):
I'm going, yes, got back.

Speaker 2 (01:00:15):
Private went to the Jesuit high school. So I guess
I don't know why the rules would be different, but
it seemed like they were able to put a knee
in your back and say, ah, you look at you.
Look you got so much more. And you're like, and
now you're ripping something in my strem as you go, look,
we're here in the tire rack dot Com studios, my garment.
Dan Bayer with you NFL earlier this week, as we

get ever closer to training camps opening. Yes it's now
July for those that forgot to flip your calendars hoping
you're having a great holiday weekend, but we had the
suspensions come down, long awaited, long rumored, and no names
that really move the needle. But it gets back into

the conversation and the folks doing the finger wagging of see,
this is what happens when you get in bed with
gambling outfits and it's on the pages and you're advertising
and these former players are part of the advertisements and
promotions or whatever. It's a pretty simple, hard and fast rule,

and you go through all sorts of training and things
you should and shouldn't do. The don't bet on the
NFL is simple. Takes two seconds to say, don't bet
in the team facility on anything. Seems like a pretty
easy rule to follow.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
I get it.

Speaker 2 (01:01:36):
You've got folks that are going to push boundaries, and
you got folks that just like with your your kid, right,
you may be going through as little it's like, you
know what, this is really hot, but unfortunately the kid
may have to burn himself to recognize that Mom and
dad aren't saying it just for their their own gigs
here right right, you may have to experience You don't

want them to experience the pain, but until they feel
the heat of the coil or the flame, maybe you
don't feel it. Likewise, here with with the gaming rules,
we had Calvin Ridley and now you add a couple
of couple of players here the colts had to suspend
a couple and then they release guys and all this
other stuff. But you know, the the hard fast rule.

I joked about it the other day. It's like we
used to have smoking areas like this is your designated
smoking area. You're far enough away from the foot traffic
of the building and whatever is this Now at facilities,
the Wi Fi extends here. You can place your bets
from this pen.

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
Well, what team facility doesn't have like some fence or
you know, a gate that lets you in like that.

Speaker 2 (01:02:39):
Get here and then just go across that walkway, yes
the spright go go to the picnic benches we've set
up over here. That's the designated betting area.

Speaker 4 (01:02:47):
That's what you need to do. Simple, just go to
the go to the bus stop that's right down the street.
That little area. You can do it. It's interesting, Mike,
I think that with the NFL's people feel that it's
hypocritical for the NFL to have these deals with these
you know, betting partners. If you will, and then say, hey,

you can't bet on, can't bet on any NFL games,
But I don't. I don't find it hypocritical. I find
it not every state allows you to make bets. First
of all, So there are certain there's certain teams that
I guess are protected in a way because their states
don't allow it. But the states that do allow it,

and teams that are there could be open to this
sort of thing. But to your point of yeah, it's
pretty cut and dried. Just don't do it on the
grounds and don't bet on the NFL. That should be
enough to do it. What I find interesting is in
the Isaiah Rodgers one is the interesting one, especially when
we found out it was an over under on one

hundred yard game. That's the That's the thing that stands out.
And even Friday, Mike I was saying to myself Monte
Millanios and I are sitting in for Doug Gottlieb, and
I was like, well, if you're a Northwestern guy, you
know what's going on in the program. You may know
if a guy's got a bum knee or a bum ankle,

and college you don't give that information out. They do
not tell you about an injury report, but you're connected
to the program, so you may be able to be like,
all right, they're not gonna have this guy this week,
so they're probably gonna lose. I'm gonna put this money
on on the other team because I know this guy's
not going to play. That isn't screwing with the integrity
of Northwestern whoever they played. I feel that screws the

bookie or whatever site that you're with it. You would
have that insider information, and I felt that any NFL
player probably has access to inside information from other teams,
and that really the only person that's being hurt from
it would be the person who's collecting that bet, because
this person may have insider information. But then, you know,
the more I thought about it, and you know, I

moved off of it, and it's like, yeah, it is
pretty simple. Like you can't even if a game's on
a Monday night and then it's not your team doing it,
or if you have a future's bet, Like there's so
many tentacles that end up spawning from this whole thing
that you kind of just need to have it as
you laid out, as basic as it is, don't bet
on the NFL. Don't bet within these walls or this perimeter,

and if you're allowed to win the state, then do
whatever you want. But for some reason, guys just have
a difficult time following it.

Speaker 2 (01:05:25):
Yeah, I mean, and it's a small percentage. So that's
the other thing that needs to be reminded to remind
people of, right, because it looks like a big deal,
and it got covered outside of the sports world and
even inside the sports world, and like, oh, this is
the worst thing in the World's probably more people gambling,
just like we would assume back in the day the
numbers that they would use related to marijuana use or

ped use or whatever probably were higher than anybody was estimating.
But it's all guestimates. Likewise, when we get into who's
getting in trouble, we have those big stories like the
bad Look look at all these guys in the NFL.
I think it's like five to ten guys out of
thousands that have churned through the the NFL. Right, most

of the guys are just going about their lives doing
their things we do, and we maybe they're doing stuff
we don't know about, but whatever. But in terms of
the true quote bad actors, where the headlines are everywhere
they're few. Likewise, here we now have a small sample
size and maybe there's more that come out in the wash.

But the harder the more you work to educate and
show that there are significant punishments, because remember, a lot
of the guys are like we talk about the three
year average in the NFL in terms of career, there's
a lot of guys that are in for a cup
of coffee and gone. And that's that's where you're you're
looking at that table.

Speaker 4 (01:06:49):
Yeah, onto that, And I want to ask you a question.

Speaker 2 (01:06:54):
Because I have to go back to the Northwestern Point
shaving scandal of many years ago.

Speaker 4 (01:06:58):
If you want sure the do you think that the
slippery slope is inevitable? Where yeah, it's only a few guys,
but there's you know, Isaiah Rodgers making a thousand dollars bet.
Do you feel that at some point if the NFL
doesn't act, that there will be say like a six

figure wager that a player will make significant, you know,
enough to affect their play in a game. Do you
think that that slippery slope is inevitable or do you
think that the NFL can avoid it.

Speaker 3 (01:07:35):
I think they can avoid that.

Speaker 2 (01:07:36):
I mean, there's certainly the individuals and tendencies and yeah,
that's hurt and not playing and whatever, like the Galvin
Ridley thing, to where suddenly you may have just a
large number that gets thrown out, kind of like Charles
Barkley used to talk about the amount of money he
would bet at a blackjack table or whatever, to where

maybe that's the only way it's interesting. It's got a
hurt a little bit.

Speaker 4 (01:08:01):
I I and Mike, I don't have an answer for you.
And the reason I don't have an answer is then
to what you said, like when you mentioned Calvin Ridley.
The thing that I think is is troubling with the
Calvin Ridley thing was when he was suspended. He was
not playing when he was a member of the NFL
because when he placed those bets and he was suspended
for an entire season, and in fact, he was indefinitely suspended,

but was immediately then reinstated by Roger Goodell. During his suspension,
was traded to Jacksonville. And now we look at the
Jaguars and we say, man, Calvin Ridley added to that team.
Look out, AFC, here's another we've moved past it. And
that's where like yeah, for the for the players who

had played for the Lions that got their suspension, and
you know the Nicholas Petit Frere who got his six
game ban this week. Maybe it's a deterrent for them.
I just don't know if the one year is a
if you're not good enough, is a banishment from the
game where they're like that is a deterrent enough. But

I actually think that the NFL probably needed to be
harsher if they could, not for the ones who made
the bets on the grounds, but the ones who broke
the rules for actually betting on NFL action, because I
just think that I think that's where you have to
lay down the law and then you avoid that slippery
slope that we think could be on the horizon.

Speaker 2 (01:09:28):
Yeah, because I look at you know, it goes back
to the old Pete Rose example, like why I never
bet against my team. It's like, well, were there days
you didn't bet because that's a bet against your team?

Speaker 4 (01:09:37):

Speaker 1 (01:09:38):

Speaker 2 (01:09:39):
Likewise, here, fifty bucks here, fifty bucks there, it's like
playing blackjack, fifty fifty to fifty. There's one thousand dollars bet.
They're probably counting cards right. Likewise, here he decided to
push in because of the ground game. This is conduce
of what you're planning, what you've got in the playbook,
everything else. It's also Jonathan, but it's it's all of

that that comes into play that that pushes it. And
for the NFL, they're looking to get revenue, and I
think one of the things also, we've we've got to
do all the let's beat up the players to make
sure they understand how grave this is to people and
you know, the sanctity and integrity the game. The other
part is every dollar that comes in from fan duel DraftKings,

when name your partner, fifty percent of it's going to
the players. And they need to remember that that. As
much as people say this is a terrible thing, it's
like no, no, no, it's feeding the beast. They're getting paid
on this. So to say well we shouldn't, you know
how hypocritical is like no, no, no, no, they're they're getting

paid and they should just take it as an endorsement
dollar and just move on.

Speaker 3 (01:10:50):

Speaker 4 (01:10:50):
I don't think anybody's like what we send. We send
a the league's had to deal with fandle. All Right,
I'm gonna start placing bets. There's not that correlation there.
They gave me one hundred dollars credit. Let's go guess
what gambling opened up in our state. We can do it. Hey,
guess what. There are probably bets that are made that
from guys that aren't where isn't legal because they have

their own guys. The NFL just hasn't found out.

Speaker 2 (01:11:15):
Well, that's just it, right. It's like where you can
have the digital stamp.

Speaker 3 (01:11:18):
It's easy.

Speaker 2 (01:11:19):
There's always going to be a percentage of guys going
back to Alex Karis, Paul Horning, so many others where
you go back the old school way. The guy with
the parlay sheets at the back of the bar. Yes,
I'm old enough. Toy may have had family members that
ran book back in the day.

Speaker 3 (01:11:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:11:36):
At the end of your first year, discover credit cards
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everything you earned doubled. Seriously see turns. Check it out
for yourself at discovered dot com slash match. Let's kick
it over to Isaac with what's trending here in our
sporting universe.

Speaker 5 (01:11:51):
Fellas, we've done it. We've broken through our rate limit
because we actually have fresh NBA news this morning, then
let's go hosted through the rate limit. The Athletic reporting
a short time ago. Jordan Clarkson is finalizing a three year,
fifty five million dollar extension with the Utah Jazz Sacramento
King Center. Demonte Sabonis agreed to a five year, two

hundred and seventeen million dollar extension. Dylan Brooks, formerly of
the Grizzlies, gets a four year eighty million dollar deal
with the Houston Rockets. Dante de Vincenzo agreed to a
four year, fifty million dollar contract with the New York Knicks.
De Angelo Russell returning to the Los Angeles Lakers for
two years and thirty seven million. Golf in the final

round of the Rocket Mortgage Classic as we speak, Ricky
Faller as a two shot lead at twenty two under
par overall. Today he is two under through six, including
making a forty six foot putt for birdie on the
fifth hole. Adam Hadwin is in second place, two shots
back at twenty under par overall. If you're wondering who

he is, he is a Canadian from moose Jaw, Saskatchewan,
which I learned a short time ago. Bills itself as
little Chicago. And the reason for that is during Prohibition,
Moose Jaw was used as a hub to smuggle rum
into Chicago. I thought they called themselves that because you

know of a cultural reasons, you know, rum.

Speaker 3 (01:13:24):
It's all because of rum and Prohibition.

Speaker 4 (01:13:26):
I need to add two things. Adam Hadwin is definitely
a solid player. Think he's played on a few President's
Cup teams for the Internationals. He was also the one
that was tackled a few weeks ago at the Canadian Open.
Oh yes, so he's doing alright. And there is a
little Chicago, Wisconsin as well near my hometown. It's just
basically an intersection. It's got a little Chicago and there's

a car dealership in. Yeah, a cheese factory, but I
think that's close down.

Speaker 3 (01:13:52):
But yeah, there's literally a cheese factory.

Speaker 4 (01:13:55):
Yeah little yeah, yeah, yep, that'd be.

Speaker 5 (01:13:58):
Fantastic as opposed to cheese cake factory.

Speaker 2 (01:14:02):
That's true, a little different. Yeah, the menvenue and the menu.

Speaker 3 (01:14:06):
The menu is in fifty seven pages long.

Speaker 5 (01:14:08):
Well, hopefully Adam can come up with a had Win
if he overtakes Ricky Fowler in the final round of
the Rocket Mortgage Classic. Meanwhile, and celebrate with run by
the Way. In Major League Baseball on Saturday night, after
a two hour and forty five minute rain delay, the
Cleveland Guardians beat the Cubs at Rickley Field six to nothing.
They had a ninety minute rain to lay in Kansas City.

The Royals afterwards scored five in the first inning off
Dodgers starter Julio Urias and came away with a six
to four victory.

Speaker 3 (01:14:36):
Fellas back to you.

Speaker 2 (01:14:37):
Megs Ilo, stay close, had Isaac Lohencron if you can
break through on Twitter, because coming up next, how about
some old faces in new places. He's Dan, I'm Mike
and this it's Fox Sports Sunday on Fox Sports Radio.
Welcome back into the tire rac dot Com, Fox Sports
or Radio Studios. Mike Harman, Dan Byer with you here.

Full slate of action ahead all across your different sporting
endeavors and many many A grill is already up and going.
Maybe I'll fire up mine a little bit later. I
smoked some meat the end of last week. It was delicious,
nice brisket.

Speaker 4 (01:15:14):
Good work.

Speaker 2 (01:15:15):
Yeah, it was good. Stuff turned out quite nice and flat.
I'll probably smoked some meat, it's true, So we'll do
that and I don't know. Maybe we'll open the chest
and play some games and pull out the big microphone.

Speaker 4 (01:15:27):
Let's get the Fox family together and play this feud,
shall we? No brisket, no meats. But there are nine
answers on the board, the top nine answers on the board.
Fox Family, Little light today, Mike Harmon, Iowa, Sam and
Isaac Loh Andngron. Just a three member crew this morning.
Three strikes past is still available. The good news is,

I think we could be in line for a perfect game. Really,
I think I think we could top nine answers on
the board. We try to keep these timely. I want
to know the non Texas schools that are currently in
the Big twelve. That is, as of July second, twenty

twenty three. July second, twenty twenty three, the non Texas
schools that make up the rest of the Big Twelve.
There are nine of them. Mike Harmon, you are up first, Kansas, Kansas,
of course, a staple of the Big Twelve. Show me
the Jayhawks. There we are off and running over to Iowa. Sam,

Let's go with Kansas State. Kansas State, great way to piggybacks.
Show me the Wildcats, all right, Kansas out of the way,
right or are they? We'll find Out's over to Isaac.

Speaker 3 (01:16:47):
Lohencron Oklahoma States.

Speaker 4 (01:16:49):
Oklahoma State, show me them Cowboys three for three off
and running way to go guys three for three the
non Texas Goolves currently in the Big twelve. That is
again as of July second, twenty twenty three, which is
today's date. Mike Harmon, over to you, West Virginia, West Virginia.

I didn't think that that would be a tricky one.
I just thought maybe it wouldn't be one that we
would get this early in the round. Show me the
Mountaineers obviously in the news as of late, not for
the greatest of reasons. But West Virginia off the board,
back around to Iowa. Sam.

Speaker 8 (01:17:27):
Seems like a lot of teams and no summer leaving
the Big twelve. I feel like this is the day
where they're adding some teams. Let's go with BYU. Show
me BYU.

Speaker 3 (01:17:40):
There are the.

Speaker 4 (01:17:40):
Cougars a member as of yesterday. As of yesterday, welcome BYU.

Speaker 9 (01:17:47):
Has Sam cracked the code just like one of those
quarter machines where that it's so close to the edge
and then they all fall over to Isaac Loh and Kron.

Speaker 3 (01:17:57):
Missouri is it Missouri? Missouri? Missouri?

Speaker 4 (01:18:05):
The perfect game is gone. Looking for the non Texas
schools currently in the Big twelve, over to Mike Harmon.
We've got BYU, Kansas, Kansas State, Oklahoma State, and West Virginia.

Speaker 3 (01:18:19):
What about the cyclones?

Speaker 4 (01:18:20):
Show me Iowa State. I didn't know if Iowa sam
was gonna take that water.

Speaker 2 (01:18:26):
Well, that's why I needed you to do the list again.
I'm glad you read it. I'm like, did we forget them?

Speaker 4 (01:18:31):
We did not. They are on the list. Back around
to Iowa Sam.

Speaker 8 (01:18:36):
Well, their stud heead coach Luke Fickele has gone to Wisconsin,
but Cincinnati will be joining. Well has joined the Big twelve.
Let's go with the Bearcats.

Speaker 4 (01:18:45):
Show me. Sincey there they are two answers remaining the
non Texas schools. There is a pass available over to
Isaac Loh and Kron.

Speaker 3 (01:18:57):
And we did Oklahoma already. Correct.

Speaker 4 (01:19:00):
The schools on the board are by U, Cincinnati, Iowa State, Kansas,
Kansas State, Oklahoma State, and West Virginia.

Speaker 3 (01:19:07):
That'll do Oklahoma.

Speaker 4 (01:19:08):
Show me the Sooners. They're gonna say see you later
till Big twelve. Next year, but as of right now
they are a member. Mike Harmon one answer remaining pass
is now gone. The one schools non Texas, non Texas School,

non Texas school. There's only one strike on the board.

Speaker 2 (01:19:34):
This is another probably one that's just joined up.

Speaker 5 (01:19:39):
Robert le Brett or Mark himself might not know all these.
I'm gonna say I should probably keep up with all
of these.

Speaker 4 (01:19:45):
That's all right.

Speaker 3 (01:19:45):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:19:46):
Okay, let's ex that as. I don't know, is it, Isaac?
I don't know, Iowa Sam, it's.

Speaker 3 (01:19:52):
Up to you.

Speaker 8 (01:19:52):
Oh boy, because Houston, they're at Texas School, they're in
the conference.

Speaker 4 (01:19:57):
Now I need an answer.

Speaker 8 (01:20:01):
Geez jeez, uh.

Speaker 3 (01:20:04):
Time is up?

Speaker 4 (01:20:05):
Blake? Yes, third strike guys CF oh be cause that
makes sense. I guess that's right.

Speaker 1 (01:20:16):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 3 (01:20:28):
Greetings, Welcome.

Speaker 2 (01:20:29):
In second half of the show begins, We're back at
full force here. Ryan Pershinger has entered the fray alongside
Iowa Sam, our technical producer. We got i Loo on
the updates and of course, Mike armand Dan Byer here
with you.

Speaker 4 (01:20:46):
So Ethan, our original UH producer, was ill this morning,
and so Ryan has come in in a in a
pinch to take hustled in and I just completely realized
I I treated him like absolute dirt about three minutes ago,
did you Well, I didn't mean too. I didn't mean to.
It's it's some It's happens when you just say stuff.

Ryan was called up, probably woken from his sleep, to say, hey,
you got to come in here on a shift that
he doesn't normally work anyway, because he's filling in for
somebody else today. And I go in, I go, yeah,
we could have used you fifteen minutes ago when we
did the feud like like that. I think he took

it in good spirits. Ryan, I realized. I apologize, Ryan Berchingo.
That is not meant to how it how it came off.
That was not we are glad that you are here,
we appreciate your presence.

Speaker 5 (01:21:42):
In Dan's defense, it was because Ryan knew that Central
Florida was in the Big twelve.

Speaker 2 (01:21:47):
Well, I think Ryan, I mean not to speak for you.
I mean there was a little consternation on your part,
and that you were kind of hoping it was at
eight forty five. Yes, so you've got forty five minutes
to build another feud so Ryan can play.

Speaker 6 (01:21:58):
That's exactly begin like, oh, it's at eight forty five.
I'll be a part of the feud. That'll be a
good time. No, so it's okay.

Speaker 4 (01:22:05):
Welcome in Burst, Thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:22:06):
Good to see this.

Speaker 4 (01:22:07):
Eight forty five Mountain the official time zone of Fox Sports.

Speaker 2 (01:22:11):
That is nicely done. See there's a callback. Gotta listen
to the whole show or stick around for a couple
of years wherever you are, however, you go ahead, Dan.

Speaker 4 (01:22:18):
No, we used to do so. Mike and I gotten together.
Mike has been in this spot for what fifteen years?
A long time, Yes, a long time. And Mike and
I we're together for a while. Then we do the
Fantasy show. Prior to the NFL Games, the Mountain time
zone was our show of record.

Speaker 3 (01:22:36):

Speaker 4 (01:22:37):
What else did we had like a theme in this show?
Where was it? Was it like our debate of the day,
Was that what we wanted?

Speaker 3 (01:22:45):
We had those? Yeah, because I actually.

Speaker 4 (01:22:47):
Heard November rain the other day and I remember one
of our debates was was the first part of November
rain better or is it the ending that's better, the
you know, duneon thing that you need zumbady or did
you get that yes, piano or do you appreciate that
like the first part about it? And then obviously hot

takes and Sausage was of what we did.

Speaker 2 (01:23:10):
We should bring that back? He should, We'll see if
that'll just a.

Speaker 4 (01:23:15):
Producer to provide it for us and our hot Our
hot takes and sausage would have been left on the
griddle last hour, but they wouldn't have now because Ryan Berschinger.

Speaker 2 (01:23:26):
Is here here, I come to save the day. As
we're broadcasting live from the Tirac dot com studios Direct
dot com. We'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast,
free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended installers tyrac dot com. The way tire buying should be.
So the NBA free agency world, the trades, the rumor

conjecture speculation has been a fun exercise. The last few days.
We've watched some mega contracts be extended, players signing back
with the teams from whence they came as if, well,
what were you gonna find in the open marketplace? One
guy I think of very specifically, Kyrie Irving going back

because We're gonna stick with the veterans here, because I'm
an old man, so I'm gonna stick with the guys
that are still big names and climbing and scratching and
clawing their way for that next contract. Kyrie Irving goes
back to Dallas and everybody bemoans. It's like, well, that
seems like what was obvious. Does it make them a
much better team?

Speaker 3 (01:24:33):
Maybe? Maybe not?

Speaker 2 (01:24:35):
With a full off season. Is Luca gonna be fully
in shape and committed to being the guy that he
could be? Is there something with Luca himself? Something Smith
that I talked about the other day, just going is
part of it that guys don't actually want to go
play with Luca right as much as look, you've got advantages,

right you go to the Mavericks. Cubans kind of an
odd guy, but he's shown that he'll commit resources to
the squad, both facilities wise, like some of the early
acts that he did, and he's had his transgressions, he's
got some issues in the offices and what have you.
But when it comes to putting money into the team
and trying to produce something, he's done so it's always

the you have the tax advantages that we speak of
so often when we're talking about two hundred million dollar contracts,
significant amount of savings to go play in the state
of Texas. And clearly the guys in Houston are getting
people to take their money, as Fred van Vliet shows up,
But Kyrie going back there to get the contract that
he didn't seem like there was another place that was

going to go three years, one hundred plus million dollars
for what he is at this stage, not to mention
the job hopping that he's done.

Speaker 4 (01:25:48):
I think that the Dallas Mavericks had no choice but
to give Kyrie Irving the contract that they gave him.
And it's two reasons. Number one again you make a trade,
and I commend them for doing so. To your point,
up to that point, for some reason, wasn't like free
agents were knocking down Dallas's door and wanting to go there,

which is surprising because on Shark Tank, everybody wants to
do a deal with Mark Cuban. You could have you
could have four of the Sharks. You could have mister Wonderful,
you could have Lori, you could have Robert Hirschevek you
could have Damon all give the same exact deal as
Mark Cuban and they're like, I'm gonna go with Mark.
You know that, Like for some reason, everybody wants to
do a deal with Mark Cuban when it comes to

Shark Tank, but when it comes to the NBA, not
everybody wants to go to the Mavericks. But you invested,
you made the trade, you brought him in, you tried
to change it up correct deal. I think that that's
one of the reasons why you had to see it through.
The Other part about this, and I've heard Seene clips
and people criticize, and I know Boston fans are mocking

the Mavericks and Kyrie is kind of chirped back. But
you had to give him that deal, like it or not, Mike,
because you have to make him feel wanted. You have
to make him feel you have to do everything that
you can to make the situation work for him. Now,

you could say to yourself, well, just don't give him
a deal at all. I just don't think that that
was part of the plan when you traded for him.
So like they're pot committed in a sense, but are
you gonna lowball him knowing that the rest of the
league isn't gonna pay him. So now what do you do?
You have a disgruntled Kyrie Irving joining your team that
you're now paying, you know, thirty some million dollars. I

know it's not the forty three that you would be paying.
You almost had to pay him like it really was.
And it's funny because I think that was the sentiment
throughout the whole offseason so far, because all we were
talking about was Damian Lillard and maybe on what James
Harden would do, but nobody was like, what's gonna happen

with Kyrie? And this seemed to be the likely outcome,
And even though they were bidding against them, I don't
think Dallas could afford to give Kyrie Irving a cheap contract.

Speaker 2 (01:28:04):
Yeah, I think somebody it goes to. And we were
talking all veterans, Right, what was Chris Paul going to
be if he had been bought out? Well, instead he
gets traded to Golden State, Right, that was a big wrinkle.
I don't think anybody saw it coming, and those that
claim they did, I don't remember seeing it reported anywhere, but.

Speaker 4 (01:28:21):
Especially with Mike Dunleavy, you know, saying what he said
earlier that week.

Speaker 2 (01:28:26):
So excitable about Jordan Poole, and then by the way
you're gone, and then through the back channels, like there
were a lot of inconsistencies in his game. We really
spotlighted this year's like you had him for all those years,
you scouted him for all those years, and you still
gave him the bag. And now on his way out
the door, it's like, yeah, all these things that were

just problems, like why'd you give him the giant bag
that ham strung, in forced and necessinate And maybe Chris
Paul is the answer. They need him and Draymond Green
coming back, whatever the case may be. We know the
Western Conference and that is assumes everything goes smoothly for
Denver again they lose Brown, but the rest of the
West trying to chase. We talked about the Lakers earlier.

We'll talk about the Grizzlies and some of the veteran
that they've added and the moves to that locker room
that you know make you raise the eyebrown and go, hmm,
this is interesting. But you mentioned James Harden and I'll
get to him in a second. Just to close off
the Kyrie I'm always a believer. If you've traded a
bunch of stuff, it's the Trey Lance discussion, Like, at

some point it's sunk costs and if it doesn't work,
it doesn't work. So the fact that they were even
at the table with Kyrie meant that they thought something
was salvageable coming out of the back end of that season.
And I gotta imagine there were a bunch of text
chains once things started happening in the playoffs. Here the
Lakers go on their run. There's the heat on the
other side going, why didn't we try to get in again?

Speaker 3 (01:29:53):
What did we do? We could have gotten in?

Speaker 2 (01:29:55):
And who knows how things break the way the schedule
the playoff series all balloon. But to the point about
the trade, you gutted some of your bench, kind of
like Phoenix had in the Kevin Durant Neil. But like
sometimes you need to pull back, and I referenced the
football side of it is you made the trade. You

can't unring that now. Yeah, so if it isn't working,
then you can just tell them to beat it and
move on. Instead, you structured a deal. It's two years
plus a player option, and you add that third year,
because you know you can at least get one year
of honeymoon theory.

Speaker 3 (01:30:31):

Speaker 4 (01:30:31):
Sure, and Dallas didn't give up tons of draft capital
like Phoenix did and right in their deal for Kevin
Durant last year, so you at least have that going
for you. I just don't think I don't think you
could lowball them. Look at what look at what's happened
to transition to James Harden. Look at what's happened in
Philadelphia where James Harden takes the team friendly deal last

year allows them to have some financial flexibility. Now time
comes aroun On where he has the opportunity to opt
in or opt out, and he's like, I'm not hearing
from Darryl Moury, who's a close friend. And Maury's obviously
got the history of when you're talking about tampering or
having improper conversations with free agents, so he's got to

watch that. But that affected him. That is the effected
James Harden to the essence that he is opting in
and has requested a trade essentially because he didn't like
the way that he was treated. And I know it's
hand handling Kyrie Irving with kid gloves but if you
were to lowball him, I don't think you had to
show the commitment to him. You couldn't. You couldn't play

games with him because in the end you needed it
more than really anybody else in the league, and it
would have hurt you in the long run to play
games with him.

Speaker 3 (01:31:49):
Oh, one hundred percent.

Speaker 2 (01:31:50):
And as we've seen, look with star power in the NBA,
and look, I'm all for player agency. I'm all for
whatever you do, however you do it. If you can
figure out a better situation or talk up and pipe
up to your bosses to get a better situation, you should.
So when people are mad and James Harden, as we
transition into him, people still bring up, well, I don't

like what he did, you know with Houston, I'm like,
I'd rather have a guy do that than have the
anonymous sources about how unhappy guys are behind the scene.
If you're upset and you don't think he can win
and whatever. Yeah, it's kind of like the Don situation
in Colorado. It's brash and a little lot of character,
but you're just you're speaking what your truth is. Now,

once you start moving a few times, I think you're
probably gonna find more teams or gun shy because how
quickly do things turn? What's the phrase? And treating with
kid gloves and all of those that you have to
do to keep that relationship. Right now, with James Harden,
you've got the suitors and it's like, all right, what
does he do to push your team over the top?

And I guess that's the question at this stage of
his career, great player, what does he put you over?
Rockets were the favorite as of Friday. Those odds, I
would imagine have change. Getting all the monies that have
been spent. You've still got the Clippers that are on
the radar in terms of would be suitors. Knicks have
made some move they bring in Devincenzo, So some of

the options that were on the board before the spending
spreeze and the dominoes started to fall maybe off the table.
But I guess with Harden, it's just the right What
am I getting when it matters? I can get numbers
once or twice a week. Maybe he has a great
week where he's killing it all around, But when I

get to the playoffs, once he got left and is
he pushing me over the top? And history to this
point says.

Speaker 4 (01:33:47):
No, did have two forty point games in that Boston series,
but again a series they had a three to two
lead on and couldn't close out the final two games.
The you can't. It's a little like Damian Lillard situation
in Portland. You know, Portland was Portland was never going
to be able to bring in another player that was

better than Damian Lillard. Like Lillard was always going to
have to be the one. And it's similar into the fact,
Mike of James Harden, where I think James Harden is
always considering himself the one. I don't think that we
considered him. I think we considered him the one B
in Philadelphia and be the one A. Then Harden the
one B, and the numbers that Harden puts up shows that, Okay,

yeah he could be a number one, but you can't
have a championship team anymore with him as a number one.
They may have come close in the Western Conference finals,
you know, with challenging the Warriors, and then Chris Paul
ends up getting hurt. That was the opportunity. But he
does have to kind of play the one B or
the second fiddle. He's got to be the number two.

The thing that I would worry about with Harden is
remember when James Harden showed up out of shape in Brooklyn,
you know, a couple of years ago, and that was
at a place that he wanted to be at with
his buddy. Like, if you may not want to do
it for the organization, or you may not want to
do it for the team or the people in the
front office, but you know you're there. You're teaming up

with Kevin Durant or you had a relationship with before.
You guys are gonna get together. This is gonna be
you know, Kevin Durant green lighted you coming over from
Houston as part of that deal, and then you're gonna
show up and you're gonna be out of shape. Yeah,
it works himself back in, But it's just it's not
a great sign that I just the Knicks don't make

a lot of sense. The Clippers have their own problems,
So all that you would have to do is figure out,
all right, how do we manage this problem. But again,
it's the same same six or eight teams that are
all trying to vie for these players. And I'd rather
be in the other two third of the league. Mic
and build like the Nuggets and these other teams than
trying to figure out a way to fit James Harden

into my squad.

Speaker 2 (01:35:57):
Well, the name and the back of the trading card
is one of the uh the phrases that we've started
to run a bus Jason, and I was like, how
much are you hey? Led League in X Y Z right,
you'd have the diamond next to it or the italisized
their bold faced or whatever. But I mean for the Clippers,

I mean, come on, if I can get Kawhi, Paul George,
they just re signed Russell Westbrook and Hardened together, I
mean they can't use the street lights over spotlights at
that point. Oh no, and they shouldn't anyway. But it's like,
come on, those four guys together, come on, tell me
the theater we we can have here in southern Califoria.

Speaker 4 (01:36:40):
It would it would it would be crazy. It would
actually be too much. And you know what would like
for ast dysfunctional as the Lakers have been at times
over the last decade, with some highs and lows, the
Clippers have always just been a problem. They haven't been
as dysfunctional. That would the Lakers would be back to
being the stable organization, which they've shown so far. You

touched on earlier in the show, and the Clippers would
be the ones that are that are up and down.
You know, the other deal about this is there is
zero repercussions for any GM or president of basketball ops
in these deals like that. It's for some reason, it's
okay to give up for first round picks, or it's
okay to just give up all these pick swaps because

that's all you have because you traded your first round picks.
Like there's there is no there is. It's easy for
the GM because guess what if it doesn't work out,
guess who's fault it is, Well, it's the player's fault.
There are these these are the best players on earth,
you know.

Speaker 2 (01:37:38):
The guys that one coach of the year of the
year before is fault too.

Speaker 4 (01:37:41):
The only one, the only one that gets blamed for
it was Rob Polinka and now he's deciding it. You
know what, I'm not gonna do it Lebron's way. I'm
gonna do it my way. And look what's happened in
the last year.

Speaker 2 (01:37:50):
It's a it's a nice, pretty situation they've set up
there in Los Angeles with the Lakers, brought you by
Progressive Insurance. Progressive makes bundlink easy and affordable. Get a
multi policy discount by combinding your motorcycle, RV, boat, ATV
and more. All your production of one place bundle and
save at Progressive dot Com now burshingers In. He rallied

this morning after receiving the call. He is the producer
of your, Your and My podcast, The iwatcher Flex Podcast.
I've got a fantasy conundrum. One week from Monday, a
draft will commence and I've got the number one pick.
Where am I going? We'll talk about it next year
on Fox Welcome back in Fox Sports Sunday. We're live

from the Tyraq dot com studios. Mike Carmen nan Byer
with you. If you want to try to find us
on Twitter at Danbyer on Fox find me over at
Swollen Dome. If your rate limit is exceeded.

Speaker 4 (01:38:48):
Please please tell us everything you have to say in
one tweet.

Speaker 2 (01:38:52):
Yeah, exactly, not in multiple tweets. Use all two hundred
and eighty characters to get your thoughts, advice, criticisms all in.
I accept them all. It's not like I'm trying to hide. Eventually,
I'll just start giving out my phone number like our
guy Petros does on his on AM five seventy.

Speaker 4 (01:39:11):
I'll tell you what I think that everybody has to
start treating Twitter responsibly if we're all going to get
through this together. And this goes out to all the
sports teams out there, Mike Carmen, stop sending tweets wishing
people happy birthday. I'm sorry. That is of the six
hundred tweets that I can see today. I do not

need to know La Dodgers that it's Caleb Ferguson's birthday.

Speaker 3 (01:39:36):
I don't care.

Speaker 4 (01:39:37):
If I wanted to, I would have looked it up myself.
I am now down to five hundred and ninety nine,
and while I do have the knowledge that it's Caleb
Ferguson's birthday, I could have gone without it. I could
have seen another tweet. I could have gone with something else.
Teams in this new day and age of Twitter, please

stop tweeting happy birthday to players unless they're forty years
old or something. That's it.

Speaker 2 (01:40:04):
I would say this Dan, the one thing it does,
and this is the grumpy old man, grumpy old troll.
If you want to go back to the door, the
Explorer days I'm living under the bridge. Yeah, yeah, you
all remember the song is this Twitter thing gets me
closer to becoming the recluse that I want to be
in this world, and I like to disappear at times,

like we talk about, I like noise.

Speaker 3 (01:40:28):
We talked about a little bit earlier. I have this.

Speaker 2 (01:40:32):
Again, trying to come to grips with it. I know
it's been hard for people that have been around me, relationships,
et cetera, like with different levels. It's like I can't
have silence, so I ruined moments. I ruin plenty of things,
great songs and a great song list if you're paying
attention to what I'm doing, or I've probably given you

random theories on the meaning of life. But Twitter noise
and that constant scroll when you're bored, Right, you're in
a doctor's waiting room, your kids in the dentist, what
are you doing? You're scrolling on Twitter, You're scrolling on Instagram.
Taking that away is probably better for my limbs, right,
My finger's probably a little bit better, but also maybe

my mental well being not checking.

Speaker 4 (01:41:17):
I'll be surprised on how that works now. The PGA
tour tweeted a whole in one video of Max Homa
getting an ace. This, yes, that is proper content. But
then I saw a big cat from Barstool Sports retweet it,
and I felt, now I've doubled up in my use.
So now I gotta remember on what exactly I quote

retweet or what I've seen before. Again, I think the
people who retweet a bunch are the ones where you're
gonna have to unfollow because they're just they're deciding what
you're going to see in your six hundred.

Speaker 2 (01:41:52):
Ooh someone else. Yes, now my overlord in the digital world.

Speaker 4 (01:41:57):
And hey, you know how to care about this. You're
gonna leave this format and go out yonder.

Speaker 2 (01:42:03):
Well, I mean, I got a few more years in
me before I get to disappear. But eventually I'm going
Dan Haggerty Beard style. I'm gonna be fishing out on
the old Pond and the Seamen Pond, and then I'm
I will have my porch swing and go hiding. But
until then, we have fantasy football content and we talk
about the Eye Watcher Flex podcast.

Speaker 3 (01:42:24):
This is where Busch.

Speaker 2 (01:42:25):
You get to fire up your headset and this is
good that you ran in while you missed the feud.
You're part of our discussions each and every week on
the podcast that we do.

Speaker 4 (01:42:35):
And because you came in with no prep whatsoever, we're
gonna ask you a lot of fantasy football questions just
off the top of your head.

Speaker 2 (01:42:43):
Are you telling me he's not been doing his due diligence?

Speaker 4 (01:42:47):
Have you started to do any prep for fantasy football? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (01:42:50):
Yeah, I mean in the sense that I'm paying attention.
I haven't done any mocks yet, but I'm starting to.
Now that's July. We're hidden moxies.

Speaker 3 (01:42:57):
So yeah, and that's for me, right.

Speaker 2 (01:42:59):
I Actually, he just was responding as we were coming
back out of yield commercials thanks to the sponsors and
partners here at Fox Sports Radio, to a league commissioner
because we were having trouble linking my franchise. So I've
added another league. So last year some success, some victories,

and now they had an opening for the auction draft.
I said I could get in on that, but we're
having trouble linking my league.

Speaker 3 (01:43:28):
So we did that.

Speaker 2 (01:43:28):
But a week from today, after the random you assignment
of draft positions, I've been lucky or unfortunate enough, I'm
not quite sure yet to garner the number one pick.
So now I've got a week to ponder it.

Speaker 3 (01:43:45):
What do you do.

Speaker 2 (01:43:46):
It's like Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. I got to
keep that bus moving at this rate of speed or
bad things are gonna happen. Dennis Hopper wins. So at
number one, you've got a lot of considerations hot shot. Right,
We've got all our running backs that we love so much.
I've got people clamoring for Travis Kelsey to continue his

fifteen minutes of fame because he is such an outlier
at the position historically, and he, you know, just vanquished
Steph Curry and Klay Thompson and that golf thing that
nobody puld attention to.

Speaker 4 (01:44:22):
Yeah, that got zero pub by the way, like all
of a sudden, it was just on.

Speaker 2 (01:44:26):
I saw a bunch of commercials for it, right, because
some of the shows that I actually watch, when you
get sucked into a bunch of law and Order marathons,
all of a sudden it would show up there in
the right navigation of Hey, don't forget this, but I
never knew what day it was. Yeah, and then all
of a sudden, I like, come in on Thursday, we're
gonna do the showing, eh, that's on TV.

Speaker 3 (01:44:43):
How about that?

Speaker 4 (01:44:44):
Yes, which is okay? I mean, it's fine, it's another event.

Speaker 2 (01:44:48):
It is what it is. You move on, I mean whatever.
Draymond Green walking around and taunting people was the biggest
story to come out of that. But we have all
the running backs depending on your league setting, and and
you know, when you're in dynasty leagues whatever, folks start
trying to push the quarterbacks up in there. But what's
curious to me is when we have the separation, we've

got running backs that may hold out what's real, what's
imagined in that world? Right when you talk about a
Saquon Barkley, when you talk about Josh Jacobs, and not
that you're necessarily looking at him number one, but certainly
in your first round board as you start to mock
it up for yourself, but one name that is cracked

up in the top five. I wanted to get your
guys perspective on this, if you would be so kind.
Amongst your McCaffrey's tailors, Ecklers, the aforementioned Barkley, I've seen
Bijon Robinson argued as either one or two in a
number of spaces as he joins the Fray and becomes
a member of the Atlanta Falcons.

Speaker 4 (01:45:50):
Dan you first, I think that he is one of
only three players that you can consider at number one overall.
He is one of them, Okay, I would put him
in that conversation. I think Atlanta obviously sets up to
run the football a lot. We've seen that, whether it

was Corderoo, Patterson, al Jeer others who have toted the football.
There are opportunities in Atlanta for success. And now you've
used a top ten pick on a guy. Yeah, yeah,
I think that there is some there is some absolute
boom with that, and I think that he is Again

I won't name the other two just yet, but I
think that he is one of three players that you
would have to consider at number one. So I am
with that train.

Speaker 6 (01:46:41):
Bursheger, I think I think definitely in the top half
of the first round.

Speaker 3 (01:46:46):
For sure.

Speaker 6 (01:46:47):
I would be hesitant to go number one overall with
Beijon just because of the fact that he's a rookie.
But I think Dan's one hundred percent right. I think
the investment that Atlanta's put into him, he's he's going
to be used so heavily. Just imagining Arthur Smith using
him as Derrick Henry in that offense, like the fact that, yeah,

Cordero Patterson and Tyler Algier were both strong fantasy options
when they were the main backs in those systems last year.

Speaker 3 (01:47:16):

Speaker 6 (01:47:17):
No, I think if I'm going number one, there's one
person have I would go and feel very confident in.
There's another name that I feel very strong about. I
probably wouldn't go Bejon one. But in that three to
six range. Absolutely.

Speaker 2 (01:47:32):
Yeah, just the curiosity, and I feel bad for all
year because this plays in a little bit to the
Woe is Me Melvin gordonism of a week ago of devaluation.
You come in as a rookie and you have that
kind of year. Guess what, We're drafting another rookie who's
going not only take your job, he's taking all your touches.
Oh and by the way, since you're a running back,

you're kind of screwing.

Speaker 3 (01:47:56):

Speaker 2 (01:47:56):
I mean, you've got nowhere to go because there's ten
other guys that have played in the league and shown
they can do something. They're stuck in their respective spots,
And well, we're not paying you anything yet because you're
a rookie, so so are you. You'll wait your turn
and you'll take the scraps.

Speaker 1 (01:48:12):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:48:13):
The opportunities are there though, like there is something there.
Even when Caleb Huntley had the opportunity to carry the
football a little bit, you know, he got had some success.
I mean there's so they are going to they are
going to run the football. And the reason why Bijon

is I think one of the three and a quick time.
The other two justin Jefferson, and the guy I think
that you should take is Christian McCaffrey. And I think
that's I would assume that you're maybe leaning towards McCaffrey,
but I think those are the only three guys that
you could consider at number one because I think Jefferson

top wide receiver. Now, listen, Minnesota is not gonna win
as many of those crazy games, so it also may
even mean more opportunities for even numbers. Christian mccafrey would
be my number one running back. But you have the
questions about the health, and if you're questioning then about
the health, well then you could question everybody. So that's
what puts Bijon in his own realm of just the

boom as a freshman, that it's kind of the unknown.

Speaker 2 (01:49:22):
Back to you Birsch.

Speaker 6 (01:49:23):
I agree, mystery guys, those are the two that I
was saying, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:49:28):
All right, we're in the group things. Let's go.

Speaker 6 (01:49:30):
I have McCaffrey one and Jefferson two, And I mean
PPR also does matter, but still those two, I think
it would even full PPR, I'd probably still go McCaffrey one.
I'd look at Bijon three, but i'd be between him
and Austin Eckler. And I still think Eckler. Obviously he's
in a better offense there. He feels like he kind

of has something to prove with all contracts stuff, and
he also loves fantasy football, so he's gonna statu pat
his stats like crazy. But yeah, that those are the
two names where I would still it's very safe to
still go either McCaffrey or Jefferson.

Speaker 4 (01:50:06):
That one.

Speaker 2 (01:50:07):
Austin Eckler the opportunity to be that guy for Kellen
Moore and unleash the Justin Herbert everybody has thought he
is but hasn't been just yet.

Speaker 4 (01:50:17):
For as for as bad as the Chargers were and
running the football still got his numbers. Yes, the receptions
of obviously a huge part of his game, but you
would almost have to think that the offense would be better.
And honestly, I know they draft Quinton Johnston from TCU,

but Keenan Allen and Mike Williams are kind of now
you get what you get.

Speaker 2 (01:50:43):
You kind of know if they're healthy. You like Keenan
Allen is always the guy we joke pencil in stats
for days when he plays. But bringing in Johnston, now
you give yourself a bit of fortification. Uh, and you
bought a little bit of insurance as it were. Well,
thank you. And I do lean toward McCaffrey. The last
time I went down that road, he was done very

early and.

Speaker 3 (01:51:05):
So was I quickly.

Speaker 4 (01:51:07):
What I liked about that one Mike's betting. Mike's usually
the one giving us the advice, and we kind of
got to turn the tables house us.

Speaker 2 (01:51:13):
I enjoyed that Immentually, it'll go up in the podcast
forum on the iWatch Reflex forum for those looking there
for off season content and as we get ready to
ramp up for twenty twenty three. Reminder, Fox Sports Sun
is brought to you by in Progressive Insurance. Progressive makes
bundling easy and affordable. Get a multi policy discount by
combonding your motorcycle, RV, boat, ATV and more. Oliver next

to one Place, Bundle and save at Progressive dot Com.
Now let's turn it over to our guy, Isaac Low
and Crown with an update on what we've got in
our day in the sporting universe.

Speaker 5 (01:51:44):
Mike, a lot of money turning over in the NBA.
The Athletic reporting this morning that Jordan Clarkson is finalizing
a three year, fifty five million dollar extension with the
Utah Jazz Sakamno King's Center to Montes Sabonis agreed to
a five year, two hundred seventeen million dollar extension, while
Dylan Brooks has found a new home instead of the

Memphis Grizzlies or overseas his people on social media had suggested.
Boy Today. Ever, he gets a four year, eighty million
dollar deal with the Houston Rockets. So he trash socks Lebron,
It blows up in his face, it helps cause his
previous team to be eliminated from the playoffs, and he
gets eighty million dollars out of it. Dante's second Chances

fresh starts Ilo, I did and I work on my
jump shot more In junior high, Dante de Vincenzo agrees
to a four year, fifty million dollar contract with the
New York Knicks, while DiAngelo Russell returns to the Los
Angeles Lakers for two years and thirty seven million dollars.

Speaker 3 (01:52:41):

Speaker 5 (01:52:42):
As we speak, in the final round of the Rocket
Mortgage Classic, Ricky Fowler's lead over Canada's Adam Hadwin has
gone down to one stroke fwler at twenty three under
par overall today. He is three under through ten. However,
Hadwin is also three under through ten, and he is
now one back at twenty two under par overall. Colin

Morikawa is two shots back at twenty one under. He
is five under today through eleven holes. While the Major
League Baseball Saturday Night, the story was delays two hour,
forty five minute rain delay at Wrigley, after which the
Cleveland Guardians blank the Cubs six to nothing, and after
a ninety minute rain delay in Kansas City, the Royals
scored five in the first sitting off of Dodger starting

pitcher Julio.

Speaker 3 (01:53:29):
Urias and went on to a six to four victory.
And with that fellas it is all.

Speaker 2 (01:53:33):
Yours, Thank you so much, Ilo Ed Isaac Lohan, kron
Try to find him on Twitter. No really, with your
rate limit exceeded.

Speaker 4 (01:53:41):
It's worth one.

Speaker 3 (01:53:43):
He is.

Speaker 2 (01:53:44):
He is a good follow Angel City FC. You can
see hear the play by play part of the iHeartRadio
Network where you can always grab us and take us
with you wherever you may be going. Here on your
holiday holiday holiday, just said it and forget it like
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We hear barnyard animals because you know what, we're chasing
a goat next year. On Fox Sports Radio, Welcome back

in to the Tyrack dot Com, Fox Sports A Radio Studios,
Mike Harmon, a long Side, Dan Buyer, Bye Guy by
partner from the I Watch Your Flex podcast. You hear
on weekdays Doug Gottlieb Show and Cavino and Rich and
then we reconvene here in bright and early on Sunday mornings.

As you know old times. Yes, old times are new again.

Speaker 4 (01:54:52):
Back again, Tag Team, back again, Mike Harmon and myself
there it is next, No, not going to what were
the what were the flavors in the Who cares? I
have no idea in the ice cream in the commercial?
I can't even remember. You know, it doesn't even matter
who cares. It's all good. Yeah, it's great to be

with you. We are now in July, NFL on the horizon. Okay,
we're not gonna have an NFL game this month, but
we are going to have a bevy of training camps
getting ready to open Jets Open Full Team Reports July nineteenth.

Speaker 2 (01:55:31):
Great, my show with Jason Smith then becomes Jets Jets.
Oh wait, it is Jets Jets Jets because he will
be able to fully transition away from the horror show
that has been the Mets.

Speaker 4 (01:55:44):
How is it going to be when the Jets are
on Hard Knocks and you guys are on the air,
because you're on the air not only during the obvious
for US West Coast airing, but you're also on the
air during the East Coast airing.

Speaker 2 (01:55:57):
Oh, it'll be good because we'll be able to and
quotes around right away. Anything that's of any use.

Speaker 4 (01:56:04):
The shows on, so you're not gonna be able to
see it.

Speaker 2 (01:56:06):
I might have my close caption, okay, and then during
commercial breaks we'll have to huddle like it's a fireside
chat and FDR is talking to us or something. But yeah,
I don't know it. It'll be a difficult proposition. I'm
really looking forward to when they stink on a Monday
or Thursday night and we're live and in living color

watching it unfold in front of us, to watch the
meltdowns that that happened.

Speaker 4 (01:56:32):
Then that's gonna be the fun part.

Speaker 2 (01:56:34):
Well, at least that's the way I hope it plays
out in my mind, because if there are any good
I may not make it till uh uh. You know
there was an old country song. If we make it
through December talking about all the craziness of the holidays
and life and whatever, then we're gonna be okay. And
that's kind of where I'm at. I'm gonna take that

because with the Jets season coming, Smith's gonna be insufferable. Now,
if they're terrible, I'll be cackling like Ted DIBIASI you
know Tyrese Haliburton, Yes, when he got his bag in
free agency, posted the montage of the great laugh of
the million Dollar Man of WWEWWF floor. I'll be doing

the same thing if it goes badly, but if it
goes great, it's gonna be a long year for me.
Guy who's trying to get back into the monster season. Now,
he's been great in terms of consistency in thousand yard seasons,
but certainly the Buccaneers looking for more and hoping that
Baker Mayfield will be the man to provide it. Mike
Evans has nine straight thousand yard seasons to start his

NFL career, and he's looking. He's looking to find that
record of eleven held by Jerry Rice.

Speaker 4 (01:57:50):
And it's a record that I'm surprised that Evans is
knocking on the door and that the record is just
a left I don't know why I thought it would
be larger. I don't know if it's because the threshold
of a thousand yard season has gotten less. I know
when you and I were growing up collecting football cards,

the thousand yard club cards.

Speaker 2 (01:58:12):
Those gold ones.

Speaker 4 (01:58:13):
Oh they were great, tough for centering, the tough grades,
but they were great thousand yard club It was quite
quite the deal. Well, Jerry Rice has the record. Jerry
Rice has eleven straight seasons, and it was pointed out
that his rookie year he didn't have a thousand yards,
was just seventy three yards short, so Evans actually holds

the record for the most to start a career where
Rice is started in a second year. But if you remember,
Jerry Rice blew out his knee towards ACL in nineteen
ninety seven in an opener against Tampa Bay, only to
try to return later that season, played in one game
and then busted his kneecap on Monday Night Football. So
yet basically a lost season from Jerry Rice. And then

the next year he came back and it would have
been a thousand So it really probably should have been
a thirteen year. But injury plays a part. I know,
Mike Evans, hey injury can play apart from him. It's
just a different game now, Mike, Now you're playing seventeen games.
I just don't think that the thousand yard streak is
as big of a deal as it maybe once was

because of where we are in the NFL. And no
disrespect to Mike Evans, but you know what Jerry Rice
did over that span needed so many great things. I
just hope that it's not everything should be a record.
Let's just say maybe the first ever do it or whatever.

Speaker 2 (01:59:33):
Much capital R versus lowercase yeh. Rice finished with fourteen
thousand yard seasons for his career. Also different passing games, yep,
much more run game as we talk about the lamentation
of running backs but staying healthy and committing to seventeen
games because we're getting load management. It's coming to the NFL,
and it's coming soon.

Speaker 1 (01:59:54):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Fox Sports
Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR
to listen live time flies when you're in Twitter Hell.

Speaker 2 (02:00:09):
Welcome in the final hour of Fox Sports Sunday with
me Mike Harman alongside my guy Dan Byer here on
weekdays from noon to four, part of the Doug Gottlieb Show,
Cavino and Rich here on Fox Sports Radio, my tag
team partner on the iWatch Reflex podcast, and right now,
a man like me trying to figure out without paying

a dime, how do you find the workaround? Which server
is the magic server to get you past your rate limit?
Exceeded so you can get the Twitter updates you need.

Speaker 4 (02:00:40):
I am comparing it to when they started charging baggage
fees on flights. You're like, no way am I going
to do this? Absolutely, no way. This is a ripoff.
Why am I paying twenty five dollars for a suitcase
or thirty dollars? Do I have to pay another forty?
And it's either a deal with it and get used
to it and pay it or guess what. I've jammed

everything into my carry on. That is where and that's
where I am right now with Twitter. I am putting
everything in my carry on. I am There's no frills, Mike,
nothing frivolous, nothing on the edge. I need. I need
what I need. I have my essentials and that's what

I need from Twitter. So I'm sorry if I'm gonna
unfollow some people. I'm just trying to maximize what I
can get from this platform, because yeah, I just I'm
not ready to pay those baggage fees.

Speaker 2 (02:01:36):
Maybe today is that day that I finally just say
beat it and you can find me over at Harmon
rants once and for all.

Speaker 4 (02:01:43):
And sometimes and anybody does this in their profession, they
kind of feel that the rest of the world sees
it from where they're from. We have more of a
reliance on social media because of the platform that we're
on and the information that we get from it. But
that also doesn't mean that we're different in terms of

being sports fans. And I think sports fans who follow
a bunch of different sites and now are gonna have
to be Okay, if I don't want to add the
extra or pay the extra money, I'm gonna have to
figure out a way to get my sports information in
a certain way. Maybe it's message boards, Maybe it's just
what hanging out on Reddit and getting the information there.

Ig TikTok. Although I love TikTok, can't necessarily believe everything
you see on TikTok, But they're gonna have to be
other avenues where you get your fix.

Speaker 2 (02:02:34):
Well, you can't believe everything you get on Twitter. Skewed
Henderson and where he may or may not have been drafted.
I mean, you never know where that information is gonna
flow and what's real, what's imagined, what might be influenced
by forces unseen. Oh, I got the paranormal in as well,
all right, the invisible hand of economics as well, But

however you're getting us. However you're joining us this morning,
we appreciate you being part of our extended family full
show in effect. Here we've got Sam, We've got Ryan,
and of course our guy Isaac Lohenkron, Dan and I
here in the tyrac dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios.
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recommended installers. Tyrat dot com The way tire buying should be.
In about fifteen minutes, we'll talk about our respective pieces
of shame related to our sports fandom show preparation and
how we interact with the outside world in our own
sporting universe and how we reconcile it in our respective minds.

Dan Byer, but NBA free agency has ruled the roost.
We've talked about a lot of the different avenues, teams,
players involved. If you missed any of it, find it,
find the podcast Fox Sports Weekends, Buyer and Harmon. Wherever
you find your audio downloaded, give it five stars. We'll
love you forever and ever.

Speaker 4 (02:03:59):
As you go.

Speaker 2 (02:04:00):
I'll also go add and follow the i Watcher Flex podcast.
New content coming there as well, but one team that
you had a couple of moves that they made to
try to fort to five things and shore up after
a really curious campaign, a fantastic regular season that went awry,
and that's the Memphis Grizzlies. Talk about John Morant suspended

the first twenty five games of the coming season, obviously
in the crosshairs, in the magnifying glasses on him for
everything he'll say or do going forward, and rightfully, so
right you get a couple of bites at the apple
this time twenty five games. And we won't relitigate the
suspension itself, but one of the big criticisms of the

squad was there's no grown ups in the room. Well,
Memphis said, Memphis heard you maybe on Twitter before it
finally went to its current state, but they heard the
chorus and they saw what transpired and they acted accordingly.

Speaker 4 (02:05:01):
It was funny when the Jahn Morant situation started to
unfold in March, there was a report that a veteran
player spoke up in the locker room saying prior to that, like, hey,
you guys need to take this seriously. You need to
step up. And I remember going to the Grizzlies page
and finding out that Steven Adams was the oldest player

on that team at twenty nine years of age. And
so then everybody's like, oh, Steven Adams, he's the only
guy and he's not even old. But he was the
veteran player that ended up standing up saying OK, hey,
you guys got to be professionals. And then everything had
been unraveling to that point and then completely unraveled, but
Memphis did. Whether it starts from the Shams tweet of

saying Dylan Brooks is not going to return, whether it
be the addition of Marcus Smart or the addition of
Derreck Rose. I mean, you have done everything you can
to make sure that John Morant succeeds. You've also now
given Desmond Baine that mega deal, so you have these
pieces in Mike, You're right to have the adult in

the room, to have someone who plays with an edge
like Marcus Smart does, but doesn't do it in a
way that can hamper your team. That's valuable. Look at
Boston and when Marcus Smart was there, Look at Grant
Williams tried to take on that role. How'd that work
out for him? Not too well? It works for Boston,

it works for Marcus Smart. Plus he's a magnificent defender
and can shoot the ball, so you've got that. Then
you bring in Derrick Rose. And this is why I
think it's so important is Derek John Morant can't be
what Jahn Morant wanted to be around Derek Rose not

going to happen. Derek Rose has street cred. Derek Rose
also knows what it's like to be a top pick
at a young talent with the absolute opposite demeanor of
say it Jahn Morant when it comes to maybe handling yourself,
just like it was the exact opposite of Lebron James
and the guys dancing on the Dwight Howard dancing on

the stage at the All Star Game. Derek Rose is
that guy. John Morant would love to be Derek Rose,
but he's not, and Derek Rose to be in there.
John Morant could be better and better than ever and
move on. But you need Derek Rose in that locker room.
And I listen, I think it's a top a top three.

I was gonna say top five, a top three signing
this offseason just to have Derek Rose in that locker
room because I think Derek Rose can tell Ja Morant
things that nobody else can in the NBA.

Speaker 2 (02:07:42):
See, I took Derrick Rose and as this news was
coming down, and see if you agree with this assessment.
Working with Thibodeau, being alongside Tom Thibodeau, watching the way
he operates, watching the culture they're trying to build in
New York. And I know people hate that word. It's
like when synergy was a big thing and started creeping

out of MBA programs and into the language and into
our discussions here of how you make things work in
sports businesses. When you've got myriad platforms between TV, radio
and all these different podcasts and all that, you have
to make work. Same thing here when you talk about culture,
and people mocked heat culture when they would lose a game,

right or get blown out, Like, doesn't change what they build.
They just ran into a better team. Yes, they're in
a place they shouldn't be because of the culture, because
of the continuity, because of the trust in each other
and all of those things. And yeah that's coach speak,
dad speak and maybe a little too rose colored glasses,

but it's reality.

Speaker 4 (02:08:47):

Speaker 2 (02:08:47):
They overachieved And Derek Rose in New York, a guy who,
as you mentioned, he had it all MVP the All
Star Game. That's still one of the funniest clips you'll
ever see. Yes, but he's a guy that essentially part
time player, but more as a coach and bench guy
for Tom Thibodeaux. Not unlike Eudonis Haslam was down in

the aforementioned heat of was he gonna play a lot
of minutes?

Speaker 6 (02:09:13):

Speaker 2 (02:09:13):
Rose will play more than that. But the point being,
you've got a guy that's there to say, hey, cut
the nonsense, to get back to work, and you gotta
be that bridge between the coaching staff and the rest
of the locker room. And for John Morant that was
something sorely missing. And for Dylan Brooks someone to grab
him by the scruff of the neck and just be like,

come on, man, let's just play basketball.

Speaker 4 (02:09:35):
I also think though, that John Morant tried to portray,
you know, a certain lifestyle, right And Derek Rose, you
know you grew up on the South side of Chicago.
I don't I don't know exactly where you lived, but
I mean south side. It's a tough side.

Speaker 2 (02:09:52):
I've seen some stuff.

Speaker 4 (02:09:53):
Yes, Yes, Derek Rose.

Speaker 2 (02:09:55):
I can count on being shot at as part of
my history.

Speaker 4 (02:09:58):
I don't know the experience ins of Derek Rose, but
I know that Derek Rose, you know, grow up on
the South side of Chicago's probably seen some things that
you know, the the life that John Morant wanted to live. Well,
how about a guy who you know, probably saw some
things that other people haven't seen. Sure, and not as
about that life, but has seen that life. And it's

very very difficult to to fake it around that person.
It's it's just to have Derreck Rose was the number
one overall pick Jaw was to could have been number
one if Zion wasn't in the draft. That is, so
there's there, there's there's similarities, and then there are things
that are different. But just to have Derreck Rose be

who Derek Rose is. Nobody's messing with Derek Rose, No,
no one is. And Jahn Morant doing his waving a
gun on ig going to a strip club like that
stuff is not going to fly. It's not gonna fly
with Marcus Smart and it's definitely not gonna fly with
Derek Rose.

Speaker 2 (02:10:58):
Veteran leadership coming to a lot room near you. Because
you're trying to emulate the winning cultures, the winning programs
and to try to bring some sense of stability. Then
a fantastic season that got turned upside down by what
was going on with Moran. Now, would they have enough
to finish the job? Probably not, didn't have enough bigs

to compete with Denver when it's all said, but would
have liked to see that fight with everybody at full strength,
fully committed, fully in as you go reminder, we're coming
to you live from the tyraq dot com studios as
we flow forward. One of the big things you and
I You fill the sports calendar, and we fill it

with lots of sports things. I sort and buy, sell
a little bit of sports memorabilia and trading cards. Way
too many trading cards. Time to do a big sell
off of that and do a Swedish death cleaning, as
it were. But there are some things that you know
I had spent some time on, and I know you
said you did too. We're gonna talk about things that. Well,

ring the bell of shame is really what it comes
down to. As we continue here next on Fox Sports Radio, Hey,
welcome back in It's Fox Sports our radios. Fox Sports Sunday,
Mike Carmen dan Byer with you here live Fromthtirac dot
com studios. Appreciate y'all being with us and hanging out,
giving us a few minutes for your holiday weekend on
the highways and byways. Be careful, be kind to each other,

be kind to the family, and even when you decide
you need a break, you know, head inside, go find
a little bit of golf that's gonna be on TV.
Maybe a little Major League Baseball men's soccer team plays
a little bit later on. I mean, you got a
lot of opportunities.

Speaker 4 (02:12:40):
US Senior Open. That's where my eyes are fused.

Speaker 2 (02:12:44):
So that's it, right, It's one of the events that
we have and we find our ways to consume it,
and certainly for you and I during the course of
the week. You know, some call it the slow down,
the easy season of vacation time in our business. Oftentimes
for me, this week, I'm gonna miss a few days.
It just happens to coincide with the fact that my

daughter's still alive in a national soccer thing, so I
need to disappear and be dad for a few days.
It's not because there's a dearth of sports topics to
talk about. I mean, NBA free agency we can do
add nauseam. What's a due team to team, player to player. Look,
some teams are more equal than others, right, Because I
see the lamentation from people already, Oh, you're gonna be exhausted,

not just me, but our network about the Lakers, like, yeah,
they move the needle Lebron James. People have made multi
million dollar careers out of really only talking about Lebron
James carrying water for clutch sports in their social media
and on their media jobs what have you. Yes, it works.
And the Lakers when they're good, they're interesting. When they're bad,

they're interesting when they're mediocre. We love to throw slings
and arrows at them just the same. It's what they do.
It's like the Cowboys, like the Yankees whatever. I mean,
part of the lexicon, and it's something that everybody comes together.
You're either a fan or you hate it. Not a
whole lot of indifference when it comes to these big brands,
because you're either tired of hearing people talking about but

you still lean in to hear what people are saying,
or if you're a fan of the squad, you want
to do that as well. So sorry for those fans
of the Toronto Raptors and other things. Now for myself,
you know you sent, as we exchange notes ahead of
the show, you had a number of things this week
in your fandom that you were kind of questioning. It's like,

all right, use of my time and how I did it,
and you know, kind of taking yourself to the carpet.
For me, I spent a lot of time sitting in
a Barnes and Noble looking through preview magazines for stories
that we had covered here on Fox Sports Sunday months ago.
But now they're in print, so they're new and they're
shiny again. And I bought my Phil steelebook We're gonna

work to get fill on the show in a couple
of weeks, three hundred and fifty pages of really small
fonts and an answer key that I showed my daughters.

Speaker 4 (02:15:04):
Readers, Ready, yeah, to read this thing.

Speaker 2 (02:15:07):
There's a grid of acronyms and abbreviations that's even smaller
than the normal font to try to tell you what
you're actually reading on each page.

Speaker 3 (02:15:17):
So I've got to study that.

Speaker 2 (02:15:18):
Memorize that, and then I can start to go to
work on my light Summer Reach.

Speaker 4 (02:15:22):
If I put it any closer, there's no way I'd
see it. I had to keep it far away just
to be able to read some of that. It's a
great time of year, but it is also a top
of year mic where we've got the July fourth holiday
coming up, And while it's not the middle of summer,
because it's actually the beginning of summer, summer just started
a week or so ago, it does feel like it
is a in school's probably in some places probably only

let out three weeks ago, like mid June. Other places
it's been a little bit more and you're going to
maybe be starting in early to mid August. But it's
a good way to kind of take a temperature reading
of where we are, because, honestly, once Damian Lillard gets traded,
we're just gonna have NBA Summer League going on, and

there's going to be the All Star Game next week
in the home Run Derby, and it's still a week
or two out from the NFL training camps opening. We're
kind of getting into that dog days summer sort of feel.
So there have been some things that have gone on lately,
Mike that I'm not necessarily proud of, things that I'm
kind of ashamed of that I've done over these last

couple of days, because it just leads to a sad
existence as a sports fan. So if you would like
any of the others to chime in, Ryan Bursa Iosam
Isaac Lohankron, things I've done this week that I'm kind
of ashamed of. Number one happened on Thursday. I recorded
not one, but two separate airings of the US Senior Open.

They had a window at nine am. There was like
nine thirty to eleven thirty something like nine to eleven,
and then they had one three to five different players.
Wasn't the same one? But even if I had recorded
all four hours, there was no way I was going
to be able to watch all four of those hours
in the time by the the second round started the

next day. So I could have just recorded the three
to five and have been good with it because I
would have known where everybody stood. But no. I recorded
two separate airings of the US Senior Open on Thursday
on the Golf Channel, and they were the first round.

Speaker 2 (02:17:27):
Did you go back and watch them?

Speaker 4 (02:17:29):
I watched the last three to five, okay, So I
did not go and check out the entirety of the
nine o'clock to eleven one.

Speaker 2 (02:17:37):
Okay, but to be fair, you only hit two buttons
to do that, so you're, oh, just.

Speaker 4 (02:17:41):
Took up four hours on the on the DVR. Now
all cleared because we're way past that.

Speaker 3 (02:17:48):

Speaker 4 (02:17:48):
I looked at bracketology last night. Whacketology why for college basketball?
Like for college Buckety Palm had a CBS Sports article
twenty twenty four bracketology, and then Mike I got ticked
because I'm like, Ohio State last one and they're from that,

I ain't gonna be any good. But like, what, oh
you got that playing Memphis in Dayton on Tuesday? Like
what is your problem? And then I looked at it.
I'm like, it's July first. But I looked at bracketology
last night.

Speaker 3 (02:18:21):

Speaker 4 (02:18:23):
I I've made myself three rope beer root beer floats
in the last four days.

Speaker 2 (02:18:28):
There's nothing wrong with that. You find you found the
formula that worked for you. So you went back to
the well, we all need comfort stuff.

Speaker 4 (02:18:35):
Dan, we bought ice cream a couple of weeks ago
and never used it. I was at the grocery store
and a six pack of A and W was on sale. Wow,
And I'm like why not? Yes three? Last night, had one,
didn't have one Friday, had one Thursday as I was
watching the first round of the US Open, and had

one Wednesday. Seventy five percent of my days over the
last week, Mike have consisted of having a root beer float.

Speaker 3 (02:19:06):
I kind of dig that.

Speaker 4 (02:19:08):
And then finally, I also watched the Yankees Cardinals box
score from the third inning on yesterday because of my
survivor pool that I'm in. Thank goodness, it was game
two because that was the one that the Yankees won
and I was able to advance. But it was a
three to one game in the third, and I watched ball,

strike strike, ball, What is taking so long? What is
happening in play? Like? That's what it was. Yankees ended
up winning. But I'm not proud of any of those things.
The Roopper floats, the bracketology, none of that, I'm not

too proud of.

Speaker 2 (02:19:51):
I kind of dig the root beer float one. The bracketology.
That's got me a little worried for both you and
for our buddy Jerry Palm.

Speaker 4 (02:19:59):
Oh, I'll let you know. Northwestern is.

Speaker 2 (02:20:03):
Hey, hey boo booie, Yes, let's make it happen.

Speaker 4 (02:20:08):
Oh man, do you have any Yeah, I'm trying.

Speaker 3 (02:20:10):
To think of the other thing.

Speaker 2 (02:20:11):
I mean, yesterday, right, beautiful day here in southern California.
Everybody knows I'm a big fan of the pop culture world,
but I'm still a huge wrestling fan. I'm still trying
to figure out how to monetize it. Future meetings to
be had, maybe maybe a podcast or random ranting to
come in short order. But Money in the Bank was

live from London, and I have the Peacock subscription. I've
got two kids, I've got subscriptions to everything you need
a subscription. I got a subscription, just like a guy
that used to say, who needs to But this was
going to be available as soon as it's done. As
soon as it's done, and I know this, I've seen
this before. As soon as it's done, pay per view

is going to start over. You can watch it.

Speaker 3 (02:20:54):
Right. What did I do?

Speaker 2 (02:20:56):
Nah, it's nude West Coast day off. I had nowhere,
I had to me, made a cup of coffee and
what did I do? I sat and watched it live.
I could have gone to the beach, I could have
gone for a walk, done all those things, and then
at night sat and watched Money in the Bank you
know what, I said, to hell with it.

Speaker 3 (02:21:14):
I need it live.

Speaker 2 (02:21:15):
And the thing that kills me is that I couldn't
even have it spoiled for me on Twitter because Twitter
was a bucket busted because of my rate limit was exceeded.
So I didn't wouldn't have known John Cena showed up.

Speaker 3 (02:21:28):
I wouldn't have known.

Speaker 2 (02:21:29):
That the USOS took down Roman raids, all of those
things if I'd gone for a walk instead sloth one out.
I eventually got on my stepper and I still got
a workout in, but it was one of those things
where it was like I wasted a beautiful, glorious no
June gloom because we moved to July, so that doesn't
exist anymore, that kind of day.

Speaker 4 (02:21:51):
Well, I've got good news for you, Mike. I've got
really good news for you, Donny, as bad as it
was for you yesterday. Northwestern is projected it as a
nine seed. They will face Mississippi State in first and
in a first round game in Charlotte where the winner
will face the winner of the Duke Howard game. Is

that is what Brackett High I like. So the Western
has made the break.

Speaker 2 (02:22:16):
Let's bring in the crew here for a minute. Before
I do, let me do the bridge. We've got the
music playing underneath us. This won't show up in the podcast,
so I have to explain it a little bit further.
Curb your enthusiasm. Theme song today is Larry David's seventy
sixth birthday. Showed up in my you know, hey, here's
the things you've posted in the past on Facebook. Was

a celebration of Larry David's seventy fifth birthday a year ago.
So happy birthday, Larry David. Now, Ryan Berscheger will go
to you first. Any shame in your sports game this week?

Speaker 6 (02:22:49):
So are you guys familiar with the Immaculate Grid? Have
you heard about this? The Immaculate Grid is like a website.
It kind of like wordle where it's a daily game,
okay on the internet, it's it's for baseball. So it's
a it's a grid. You have nine squares, you have
you have three teams or award designations on one side.

On the other so you have to like, name name
somebody who played for both the Braves and the Royal
Huge on TikTok. Yes, yes, just like that. So not
only do I, of course, being a baseball nerd. I
enjoy this game, but I I want my answers to
be unique, you know, like if it's if it's you know,
Braves three hunderd game winner. I don't want to just

go up Greg Maddox, you know, I want to I
want to try to get to try to fire off.

Speaker 4 (02:23:34):
Some war and spawn or something. Yeah, it's gonna say,
hid support of you. It's tough to find the hidden gem.
Who's won three hundred games exactly.

Speaker 2 (02:23:44):
Yes, not a lot of those in Major League Baseball,
as we've chronicled well with the hit thresholds and stuff reaching.

Speaker 6 (02:23:52):
I also want to hit the immaculate. I want I
want to go nine for nine. You only have nine
guesses and nine spots. You want to hit the immaculate.
The other day it was Raise and and Rookie of
the Year and I'm like, all right, I know Rocoball
Deli won, and so I put Roco ball. Deli was
my first guest. No, No, he finished third that year

on Helboroa won Rookie of the Year that year. And
I got so mad at myself and I'm like, why
does this Why does this matter?

Speaker 2 (02:24:20):
Because you wanted to use the name of Rocky Rocco
ball Deli for greatness.

Speaker 3 (02:24:25):
I love it.

Speaker 6 (02:24:26):
Yeah, so I get I get overly involved and overly
emotional if I don't hit the immaculate.

Speaker 4 (02:24:32):
Did Evan Mongoria win a Rookie.

Speaker 3 (02:24:34):
Of the Year did Yes?

Speaker 6 (02:24:35):
Yes, Jeremy Hellixen would have been if you wanted to. Really,
that's a griddle needle that that would have been your name.

Speaker 3 (02:24:40):
But nicely done.

Speaker 2 (02:24:41):
You talked about your baseball nerd him the podcasting.

Speaker 4 (02:24:45):
Yes, yes, Swing Shift with Ryan and Bo.

Speaker 3 (02:24:48):
There you go.

Speaker 4 (02:24:49):
Did you also change the settings on your fantasy football
site which changed all the work you did that previous
hour like I did, and then I had to do
it all over again. No? No, yes, that was another
one that sucks.

Speaker 2 (02:25:04):
Yes, yeah, that's why I don't run leagues.

Speaker 3 (02:25:07):
Not on me.

Speaker 4 (02:25:09):
Wait, why is the draft door? I just changed it?
Oh that's why.

Speaker 2 (02:25:13):
I'm now number one. It's my payment for running league
Iowa Sam. Any shame this week other than whatever you
looked up in Iowa history?

Speaker 8 (02:25:22):
Honestly, nothing reports this week. I do plenty of shameful
things every week, but nothing sports related.

Speaker 2 (02:25:26):
So on it is Sunday. You got any confessionals you.

Speaker 8 (02:25:29):
Want to know no, I just listen to I don't know.
I'm just kind of biding my time. I guess that's
shameful in its own right now, you're just getting nicely.
That is true, you know, And so I'm just I'm
just biding my time until Iowa football arrives.

Speaker 2 (02:25:43):
Sometimes you need to abide, like you're the dude just
about Isaac Low and Crown over there in between your
Steve Hartman ramblings. Do you do you have any shame
from your sports world of things you spent time or
effort on that now, vex you.

Speaker 5 (02:25:59):
It was actually not just this week, it was this morning. However,
I must blame our beloved colleague Dan Byer, because earlier
today he made reference to a Brady Bunch basketball episode
when they're playing in the driveway, and that reference, over
the last hour or so has forced me down the

Brady Bunch sports rabbit hole looking for all the sports
related horrible scenes in the Brady Bunch, including this one,
also a basketball scene. These are the boys playing in
their room and disaster is about to strike.

Speaker 2 (02:26:38):
Hey, come on, you guys, just play free throws in
the waste basket.

Speaker 3 (02:26:42):
We did are not hung it?

Speaker 5 (02:26:44):
Yeah, I wish you won't.

Speaker 4 (02:26:45):
Nobody's home.

Speaker 3 (02:26:49):
Brady goes for shot Mom's favorite face.

Speaker 4 (02:27:00):
So Mom always says, don't play ball in the house.

Speaker 3 (02:27:04):
It's good advice.

Speaker 4 (02:27:05):
Yeah, the waste paper basket was like thirteen inches in
dire hears. If the basketball was twelve inches.

Speaker 2 (02:27:12):
They were practicing for future Carnie games.

Speaker 4 (02:27:15):
Steph Curry couldn't have made it yet. Peter thinks he's
Kareem and does a sky hook over his head and
the ball goes fly. There's no way that a champion.

Speaker 3 (02:27:28):
And it misses by six feet. I'm not exaggerating, and
missed by six feets.

Speaker 2 (02:27:33):
You've never tried a skyhook and missed terribly.

Speaker 1 (02:27:36):

Speaker 5 (02:27:37):
I haven't missed a five foot hook shot by six
feet like Peter did.

Speaker 4 (02:27:41):
My goodness. How about the time where Bobby jumped thirty
two feet in the air to catch that pass from
Joe Namath. That was part of the joke. Great spin memories.

Speaker 2 (02:27:53):
Yeah, there's there's so many great ones in our we'll
do that maybe as a the summer continues. Some of
the great televison moments related to how they tried to
jam sports and we did the Lebron James Teenwolf breakdown
earlier for those that.

Speaker 4 (02:28:07):
Greg was the starting running back, bruised his ribs and
then became team photographer. Like this was like this.

Speaker 3 (02:28:15):
Was he got the shot though? Was he in bounds
or was he not? Instant recay he did?

Speaker 2 (02:28:21):
I ran this over to the official.

Speaker 4 (02:28:24):
There was a Calvin Benjamin, remember the Calvin Benjamin controversial catch. Sure,
I used the still photo that Greg and Mike blew
up from forty yards away, yet they could get in
great detail if the foot was in bounds, and I
put it up on Twitter, I'm like, yep, Calvin Benjamin's
foot was in and people are like see yeah, see,
like there is.

Speaker 2 (02:28:44):
Well but not everybody in the Twitter verse gets a
your your sense of history in the Brady Bunch.

Speaker 4 (02:28:51):
And in that episode of The Brady Bunch in that picture,
there wasn't a defender within forty yards of this world received.
This is one of the worst throws and so this
goes a lot feel Lebron James free throw.

Speaker 2 (02:29:02):
So many other things going on that it's not really
the thing that you think it is there it is. Yeah,
sports shame all around. Sure, I've got plenty the amount
of time I spent still watching the White Sox. The
amount of time I spent sorting a box of twenty
twenty three tops baseball. There's only five base cards you're

taking out. You're making sure you don't have any of
the variations of the images and the SSP's gold. Other
than that, it's useless. It's all more wood, pulp, plastic.
As it were some great photos, don't get me wrong,
but you know, from evaluation and time perspective. Fortunately, I

coupled that with money in the bank, so I was
wasting time on two fronts and not separate blocks some time.
But it was fun and I found a stack of
stuff that's been sitting for quite a minute. Whenever you
can pull out a stack of basketball cards, and Mark
Eaton is the first name you see in your stack,
You're feeling pretty good about life.

Speaker 4 (02:30:04):
Na too shabby, Mark Eaton, Yeah, you know.

Speaker 2 (02:30:07):
It's the legends all along. He's Dan byer On, Mike
Carman Moore trips down memory Lane all summer long here
Fox Sports or Radio. But in the here and now,
the dollars being transacted and the action.

Speaker 3 (02:30:21):
On the field.

Speaker 2 (02:30:22):
We turned it over to our guy, Isaac Lowancroft for
an update on the Sporting Universe.

Speaker 5 (02:30:26):
Yes, Mike Great. Limits might apply on Twitter these days,
but not in the NBA. The Athletic reporting today, Jordan
Clarkson finalizing a three year, fifty five million dollar extension
with the Utah Jazz Sacramento King Center. Del Montes Sibonis
agreed to a five year, two hundred and seventeen million
dollar extension. Dylan Brooks, formerly of the Memphis Grizzlies, his

new home is Houston. He gets a four year, eighty
million dollar deal from the Rockets, who must not have
been paying attention to the playoffs. Dante deve Vincenzo agreed
to a four year, fifty million dollar contract with the
New York Knicks. Dan's Russell returning to the Lakers for
two years and thirty seven million dollars. Golf in the
final round of the Rocket Mortgage Classic right now, Ricky

Fowler continues to hold a one shot lead over Colin
At Morikawa and Adam Hadwin. Faler at twenty three under
par overall in the final round. He's three under through
thirteen so is Hadwin. Morikawa in the final round is
six under it through thirteen holes. We also have one
Major League Baseball game underway right now at Camden Yarns,

where the Baltimore Orioles and Minnesota Twins are scoreless after
two fellas.

Speaker 2 (02:31:33):
All yours appreciate toa Ilo at Isaac Lohencron where you
find me if you can get him on Twitter, otherwise
you stalk him around the streets of southern California. I
close with the aforementioned Larry David and it being his birthday.
I had summarized his birthday and its celebration by his

portrayal of George Steinbrenner with the famous trade of George Costanza,
and I just have the quote a kind of fermented
chicken drink when George was traded and they converted all
the concessions and the fermented chicken drink the part of
the process. Coming up next year, Fox Sports or radios

Fox Sports Sunday, we have your progressive play of the
day and we close up shop on this edition of
Fox Sports Sunday, Port Chicago.

Speaker 4 (02:32:25):
Swinging a ground ball on the right side, backhead of
the drop Byels, picks it up, throws the first sight
there pracing home.

Speaker 2 (02:32:32):
Exciting Exacly Taylor Way doesn't Taylor Way never stops at
the is when it's seven to six, there's a progressive
play of the day's radio network walking off a win
on the White Sox because my team here loves me.
At Fox Sports Radio, a bunch of jerks, Progressive play

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Speaker 3 (02:33:03):

Speaker 2 (02:33:03):
Tyler Wade starts the inning as the runner on second base.
Here in the extra frame in the error by Andrews
allows the winning run to score.

Speaker 4 (02:33:14):
I love how two teams who combined for fifty nine
wins end up making the play of the day. Just
to pour salt in your wound.

Speaker 3 (02:33:23):
What did I do?

Speaker 2 (02:33:24):
I'm not donuts. The microphones have been cracked. I didn't
send anybody off, even though they're having a conference in there.
Evidently now you think you think thirty seven people in here.

Speaker 4 (02:33:36):
Yeah, you think that's a bad against Super Bowl forty
nine highlights right, smack dab in my face as Russell
Wilson just threw the interception in Malcolm Butler on NFL network,
so Hey, misery loves company.

Speaker 2 (02:33:50):
Yeah, really, It literally was just on one of our
monitors here full day ahead, we see some ridiculous scores
Ricky Fowler at twenty two hundred part.

Speaker 4 (02:34:00):
And they had to, uh, I think there could be
some storms in the area.

Speaker 2 (02:34:04):
A lot of weather today, so be careful.

Speaker 4 (02:34:06):
Of Yeah, they've moved up the tea times and so
that's why you're getting some action now. But Colin Morikawa
has tracked down Ricky Fowler Mari Kawa in the zone.
The question is is on of course where twenty three
under par leads right now? And Fowler birdied eighteen yesterday

is the one whole edge that Ricky Fowler has on
Mori Kawa going to be enough for him to grab
the title. It'll be fun to watch, as I said,
watching that, watching the US Senior Open will be something
I'll be doing today. But yeah, this thing is motoring
along in the Motor City. It'd be a good story
for Ricky Fowler, but it could be a really good
story for Colin Morikawa. Open Championship coming up now in

a couple of weeks, and he's a guy who's already
won one two years ago on at Rolla Saint George's.
So try to do it again at Liverpool.

Speaker 2 (02:35:00):
To get in a little bit of a role as
you get into another big event. We've got auto racing
in Chicago. They've gone to the streets and they had
some roads. Talking with Todd Furman, our guy from the
Bet the Board podcast, asking a little bit about that, right,
he's got Chicago roots, So kind of going through the

particulars of hey, you know you're gonna have streets that
were still going to be open late into Friday that
they were then going to convert to part of the
course which we know potholes and other issues must have
a lot of big filler sections of road ready to
just be laid down.

Speaker 4 (02:35:39):
Do you have an appreciation for that? Like, are you
locked into that because it's your hometown.

Speaker 2 (02:35:44):
We'll check that out. It's also a different type of course, right, Yes.
I had the pleasure many years ago when I worked
at Yahoo. We went up to Sonoma and we got
to watch live now regular NASCAR racing. It's I watch
it and for a while I wrote columns, predictive columns

for fantasy purposes and others based on past performance and
trends and whatever, and I got deep into it for
a while. I don't do those columns anymore, so back
to a more casual observer. But road courses and little
different setups. Yeah, I'm in right, t y f one
races and whatever they hold. There's just a difference. And
then you add the city skyline and again weather or

a factor in Chicago, they've got some big storms as well.
Last story I wanted to get to real quick, Dan
before we get out of here, is one hoping for
good health and a recovery. Deon sanders a lot of
physical things that he's going through, trying to get himself
right and ready for the upcoming season. But the Colorado

Buffalo is one of the great stories, if only in
a lot of interest, right Dion himself as the coach,
the transfers, the Bravado, the videotape of hey, you know,
get yourself into the portal, that kind of stuff. There
was an anonymous Pac twelve coach, So always take it

with the grain of salt. If they won't, you knows,
as our old friend here at Fox Jay Morse would say,
if you don't want to put your name on it,
that you know, I take it with a little bit.
But wondering if twenty twenty three could be a lose
lose for Dion Sanders and Colorado. And it's something I've
kind of raised my hand on through the process of

because if he's really good, how long is he there?
For one, that the immediate effects of that swell of
support and are reviving of a once great, proud program
would not be a huge deal, but one or if
it implodes, does it set it back that much further

because you changed the order of operation.

Speaker 4 (02:37:56):
I'll just say this, I think that that could happen
in any job. I think that the Colorado football is
the number one story entering the college football season. It
is not whether Georgia can go back to back to back.
It is not it can Nick Saban and Alabama go
and get back into the College Football Playoff and win

another national championship. It's not can Michigan win a national title?
It's not can Ohio State meet Michigan again? It is
about Colorado. It is what is about And I would
always I would already say mission accomplished. Anywhere could be lose, lose,
but he's brought what they wanted to right now. Their
schedule is very difficult. The amount of power five. I

think every game but one is a power five conference
matchup your conference in including your non conference obviously, But
I think it's a I think it's a any any
of those gigs. A lot of those gigs are lose lose. Yeah,
if they win, that's all that they wanted.

Speaker 2 (02:38:56):
But an end what what moves the needle anymore?

Speaker 3 (02:39:00):

Speaker 2 (02:39:00):
I mean in a changing college atmosphere for players, this
is the one coaching move that moved the needle. Yes,
because the coaches have had the power forever, right, And
you've got Saban, and you've got Dabbo, and you've got
Riley here at USC. I mean, you've got some power players.
But someone breaking into potentially upset that apple cart and

making them nervous by the way he's doing business. We've
always been looking for something to shake, shake the tree,
and Dion's done that before he's coached a single game there.

Speaker 4 (02:39:30):
You could say, Luke Fickel, same thing with Wisconsin makes
the playoff. Guess what maybe Figgle goes. You know people
are after him, right, same thing. A lot of places don't.
I don't buy it. I think Colorado has already won,
even if they're not gonna win a lot of games.

Speaker 3 (02:39:42):

Speaker 2 (02:39:42):
He wears a pretty good cowboy hat. Steven Rich coming
up next. Thanks for hanging with Dan and me here
on Fox

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